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geneisis 7:19

leviticus 11:16
numbers 5:17
duetronomy 14:7
joshua 10:13
1 kings 7:23
job 10:10
isaaih 40:22
jeremiah 31:35
lamentaion 4:3
daniel 4:11
mathew 4:9
mark 4:31

luke 4:5
all high hills was covered by noah flood
ship rested on mount ararat
bow in the cloud is due to diffraction
looking at wood stripes lambs became striped
hare chewed cud non scientific
women gave bith to mal unclean 7 days, female 14 days
cleansing the house of leprosy with bird blood
women having issue it he sits any where it is unclean
bitter water test
hare chewed cud non scientific
sun stood still so that joshua can kill amorities, but it is roation of earth that causes days
dia 10 cubits , 30 cubits circumference , not poosible need pie
humans creaed poured as milk and curdeled as cheese
speak about unicorn
circle of the earth
moon has own light
ostrich is cruel to young one it is false
tree grow large and all in earth could see the tree
devil took jesus to exceeding high mountain and showed all kingdoms ie flat earth
mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds is unscientific
mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds is unscientific

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with
new tongues; {16:18} They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;
they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
devil took jesus to exceeding high mountain and showed all kingdoms ie flat earth
genisis 9:21 noah drinking wine 9:21
16:12 ishmael a wild man 16:12
34:1 Jacobs daughter raped by prince
numbers 25:1 isralites commiteed whoredom with daughters of Moab
deutronomy 21:17 on hated wife and one loved if the firstfborn s of the hated wife doubel portion
21:21 rebelious son stone to death
23:1-2 dickless, bastard no enter congregation
judges 11:1 jepthath son of harlot
judges 19:22 drunk men wanted to have homosexual relationship with old mna
19:25 men rapes concubine all night
2 samuel 11:13 david impergnates baath sheeva
11:15 david betray uraiah
14:10 god will cut o that pisses against the wall
2 kings 18:27 men eat theier shit and drink their piss
1 chonilces 5:1 reuben defiled jacobs bed
song of solom 4:5. breasts are like roes
4:11 mikl and honey under tounge
7:3 breasts are like roes
7:8 take hold of breasts
7:9 roof of the mouth is like wine
8:1 thou are my brother who suked my mothers breast , ifind thee I kiss thee , I should not be despised
8:3 left hand under head, right hand embrace me and done wake us up
8:8 my little sister has no breasts
8:10 I am a wall and my breasts are like towers
isaish 20:2 isaiah walked naked for 3 years
49:23 kings shall be your nurses, queens your nurse, and bow down and lick the feet,
66:3 offering to an idol is abomination
jeremiah 32:35 israelties does child sacrifice to molech
ezekil 4:12 And thou shalt eat it [as] barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in t
4:15 Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow’s dung fo man’s dung, and thou shalt prepare thy br
16:26 thou have commited whoredom with eyptins
16:28,29 whoredom with assyrinas and cannities
16:36 idols are abomintaions and you have givern my children to them means child sacrifice
23:1 to 23: whore doms of ahola , aholibah
23:20 flesh that of asses and issue that of horses
44:9 no one uncircumsided in heart and flesh com ecome near my sacncutary
44:21 don’t drink wine and enter inner chamer , priest
hosea 2:8,13 baal workship
joel 5:26 Butheavy
of ye have borne
hearts. the tabernacle
{31:7} of your
Let him drink, and Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which
forget his
proverbs 31:6 poverty, and remember his misery no more.

bel portion

thee , I should not be despised

ck the feet,

ung that cometh out of man, in their sight.

ng, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith

ans child sacrifice

ages, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves

genesis 17:3 abraham fell on his face
17:10 all man child shall be circumcised
35:14 jacob made a pillar where he spoke with god and pour oil over it calle the place bethel
exodus 3:5 moses remove shoes
20:1 to 12 10 commandments
20:23 no gods of gold & silver
22:21 do not oppress the stanger
22:25 no usury
22:22 do not afflict widows and orphans
22:28 do not revile gods & nor ruler of thy people
22:29 first fruits and first born beasts shall be scarificed
23:9 don’t opress stranger
34:17 no molten gods
leviticus 7:23 do not eat fat
11:7,8 don not eat pig
11:21 flying thing does not have four legs
12:3 8 th day circumcision
18:22 no homseuality before this about nakednes uncovering
19:4 no idols
19:33 don not vex stranger
23:22 charity from the corners of the field
25:36 no usury form borther
26:1 no idols
duetronom14:8 don’t eat pig
23:19 no usury to brothers, stranges ok
24:16 father shall not put to death for child nor child for the sin of the father
27:15 cursed is the man how make graven image
pslam 15:5 do not[is]
Wine take usury strong drink [is] raging: and
a mocker,
proverbs 201:1 whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise
23:20-21 be
his not a winebiber
substance, because
he shall gatherit itwill
forcause you will
him that poverty
pity the
28:8 poor.
song of so 5:16 propeht muhammed
of idols; they worshippbuh nameofistheir
the work mentioned
own hands, that
isaiah 2:8 which their own fingers have made:
2:17-18 onley
[each lord
one]shall be workshipped,
for himself to worship,alltoidols shall utterly
the moles and todemolish
2:20 bats; {2
5:11 Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning,
[that] they may follow strong drink; that continue until
but they[till] wine not
regard inflame them!of the LORD, neither consider
the work
5:12 the operation of his hands
Woe unto [them that are] mighty to drink
5:22 wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink
17:8 And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shallrespect [that] which his finge
28:7 wine makes propehts and priests err
30:22 thou shall cast away ornament and covering of images like menstural cloth
31:7 jews are revolted , turn to him bey leaving idols of gold and sivler which is a sin
37:19 idols are not gods they are work of men therfore they have destroyed them
42:17 those who make idols shall be ashamed
44:9-10 make idlos are profitable for nothing
44:9-20 workship idols it is like falling in front of a tree
45:20 you have escpaed nation who worships graven image
jeremiah 16:11 don’t follow law you shall be punished
21:14 punsihement is according to fruit of the doings
25:14 punsihement is according to fruit of the doings
31:29 father eats sour grape son teeth will not be on edge
ezekiel 8:10,13 idol are adobimantion s
14:4,5 israelites estranged me by the use of idols
18:8 , 7 no usury ,,no idols , cover the naked then he shall live
18:12 who has oppersed raised eyes to idols have commited abomination s
18:13 who has taken usury shall die and blood is upon them
18:14-18 fathers sin is upon father and sons sin is upon the son
18:20 soul that sinned shall die but those who follow my statues shall live and not die , wickedness is upo
18:30 repent transgession shall not be your ruin
20:7 idols are abomination s
20:16 went after idols
20:31 passing children through fire and polluted with idols
20:39 pollution of idols
22:4 defile with idols
22:11 thou has comitted abominaton with, sister , daugter in law , and neighbour
22:12 taken usury and forgotten m e
23:30 pollution of idols
23:37 adultery with idols
37:23 no trangession with using idols
daniel 3:25 nebucannezer told workship golden idol but Shadrach,Meshach, and Abed-nego, did no tthey were
hosea 8:4 since israel has been defiled by idols they may be cut off
11:2 jews called ballim and brun incese to graven images
13:1 eprahim offered in ball he died
13:2 more sins more molten images
micah 1:7 smarains graven image shall be cut into pieces
5:13 god will break idols so don’t workship work of your own hands
nahum 2:15 woe to him who drinks
2:18 images are teacher of lies
mathew 4:10 jesus saying thou shall workship only your god and love him
12:36 words shall be judged on judgement day
12:46 jesus mother and brother came to see him
12:50 those who do will of my father is my brother
19:17 no one good expect lord almighty , wan ot enter heaven keep the commandments
22:37 love thy god with all your heart
24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no [man,] no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
mark 2:14 I came to call sinners to repentence
9:37 one has sent me
10:15 be like children to enter kingdom of god
10:18 no one good expect lord almighty , wan ot enter heaven keep the commandments
11:13 jesus did not know season of figs
luke 2:21 jesus was circumsided on the 8 th day
1:59 john was circumsided on the 8 th day
3:7 jhon calling people generation of vipers
4:8 jesus says you shall workship your god alone
8:45 jesus did not know who touched him
24:19 cleopas saying jesus was a prophet
24:36 jesus address disiples saying peace be on to you
john 4:44 a prophet has no honour in his own country
5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mi
7:16 doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
8:17 if two men bear witness the it is true
20:19, 21,26 jesus said peace be onto you
acts 7:33 remove shoes at holy ground , said to moses
place bethel

ect [that] which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images.
t die , wickedness is upon the wicked and righteous is upon right

-nego, did no tthey were put into fire and then was not harmd due to fire

but my Father only.

st; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me
Gensis 19:30 lot having sex with his two daughters
20:12 abraham marrying his step sister same father not same mother
21:1 lord did onto sarah as he told meaning what
35:22 reuben slept with jacobs wife bilahah
38:18 judah had sex with his daughter in law
exodus 6:20 moses father imran married jochebed , his aunt
2 samuel 13:14 amnon david son had sex with his sister tamar
13:21 david knew about incest
16:22 absalaom went into david his father concubines
genesis 21:21 ishamel in wildreness of paran
NUMBERS 11:28 god spirit is upon the prophets
deutrinomy23:7 do not abhor edomite, he is your brother
34:10 no propehts like moses in israeil up to now
34:5 moses says about his own death
18:18-22 a prophet lie moses from amongst their brethern , he will speak of me, If he prophecise it will happen if
isaiah 42:11 village of kedar , declare his praise
42:21 he shall magnify the law and make it honorurable
mathew 16:14 thou are elaiah , jermiah or one of those prophets
john 1:21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he a
1:25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, n

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for
ever; {14:17} [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not,
14:16 neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost,whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach
14:26 you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,whatsoever I have said unto you.
14:28 because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of
15:26 truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you thatI go away: for if I go not away,
the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. {16:8} And
16:7 when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

I have yet many things to say unto you, but yecannot bear them now. {16:13}Howbeit
when he, the Spiritof truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak
of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things
to come. {16:14} He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto
16:12 you

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we
17:22 are one: {17:23} I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one;

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spiritswhether they are of God: because
1 john 4:1 many false prophets are gone out into the world.
phecise it will happen if not not believe in him

u that prophet? And he answered, No.

that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet? {

ay abide with you for

use it seeth him not,
hall be in you.

name, he shall teach

ve said unto you.
han I

, [even] the Spirit of

gensisi 32:24 jacob westling with God
32:30 jacob saw god face to face
38:9 onan was killed because he spilled the seed
exodus 20:11 God rested on the seventh day
25:18 making cherubims of gold
31:17 God rested on the seventh day
32:4 aron making golden calf
32:20 moes burnt the calf and made jews drink it
32:14 god rependted
32:35 aron making golden calf
32:23 moses sees gods back parts
34:14 god is jealous
numbers 12:25 god came and stood in front of tabernacle
1 samuel 15:35 god rependted
28:12 saul went to wizards to raise samuel from dead
2 samuel 12:11 lord saying that davids wife will sleep ith neghbour as punishment
22:9 god has smoke in nostrils and fire from the mouth
22:11 god rides a cherub
24:16 God repented
1 kings 6:23 solomon building cherubuim
11:5 solowm workship , astharoth, molech, chemosh, milcom
16:31 ahab son ofomri workship ball after marrying daughter of the king of zidonian
pslams 18:8 fire out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth
18:10 god rides a cherub
110:4 god will not repent
isaiah 7:20 In the same day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, [namely,] by them beyond the river, by t
42:14 god will cry like travalining women
jeremiah 20:7 god has decived me says jeremiah
Michah 1:8 Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and m
nahum 3:5 Behold, I [am] against thee, saith the LORD of hosts; and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I w
malachi 2:3 Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, [even] the dung of your solemn feas
mathew 5:35 earth his gods
beginning footnor
of days, stool
end of life; but made like unto the
hebrews 7:3 Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
m beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet and it shall also consume the beard

like the dragons, and mourning as the owls

s upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy shame.
ung of your solemn feasts; and [one] shall take you away with i
gensis 34:25
exodus 21:6
21:26, 27
leviticus 20:27
numbers 15:36
Joshua 6:21
judges 1:4
2 sameul 6:7
1 kings 11:16
2 kings 1:10
1 crhronicle19:18
2 chronicle 14:14
s 20:24
ester 9:5
isaih 37:36
jacob and sons kille dall in the city of hivite for prince raping her daughte
all wives & children spoiled in city for raping jacobs duagther
if slave was given a wife by the master and he says he loves his wife then his ear shall be auled
murder gets put to death
death for hitting parents
steal man and sold put to death
curse parents put to death
no severe punishment for killing servants
eye for an eye
if you blind servants then servant go free
ox killed servants the give 30 sheckels to master
god will kill with swords
break shabbath put to death
moses commanded LEVites to kill all those who workshipped calf
destory images and cut down trees of jebusites canantites
shabath worker shall be put to death
man woemn wizard put to death
daudhter of priest if palys harlot shall be bunt
balsphemer put to death
eye for and eye
enemies hall fall in front you with swords
man stoned to death because of collecting firewood on sabbath
israelites killed the king of bashan sn all his people
moses slayed those who commited adultery with daughteers of moab
jews killing all midiantes , burn thiier cities
kill all men even little ones , women save for yourselfs who has not lied with women
32000 virgins captive
death for murderer
names of people moses killed
all of king of bashan people was killed
utterly destryoed the cities
you kill and show no mercy , and no marriage
destroy others places of workship
workship sun moon etc put to death
kill evertyhting that breather of the cities that god give to yu
death for adultery & rape
thief death
all men women , ass etc put to the sword of jericho
the whole city was burned of jericho
achan was stoned and burnet for hiding spoils of war
12000, men women killed by joshua from city of Ai, king of Ai hanged
israelites slaughtered amorities
joshua put feet on five kings neck , then slew ,and hang them trees
makkedah destroyed king killed like jericho by joshua non remained alive
libnah destroyed king killed like jericho by joshua non remained alive
lachish destroyed king killed like libnah by joshua non remained alive
king of gezer came to help lachish , but was killed completely
Eglon destroyed king killed like lachish by joshua non remained alive
hebron destroyed king killed like eglon by joshua non remained alive
debir destroyed king killed by joshua non remained alive
joshua smote all hills , destroyed all that breathed
all killed none remaining, none remaing which breathed
lebonan againg joshua killing
joshua destroyed anamkins
31 kings killed smoted
judah kills 10000 canannites
judah burned jersalem with fire
judah +simeon desproyed cannanite city of hormah
city of luz was destoryed by tribe of joseph
ehud judge of israel assasinatyed king of moab
israelites killed 10,000 moabities
shamagar killed 600 philitisines with ox goad
killed all men of sisera, assasination of sisera with hammer
midinaites destroyed israelitties
120,000 men slaughtered by jews
men of penuel slughter by jews
abimelech destroyed city of Shechem, slew all people, beat down the city
3000 men and women killed by abimelech , at tower of Shechem
abimelech commited suicide so that propel don’t say that women killed him
70 brothers were slaughter by abimelech was the judge of israel for 23 years
jepthath did great slaughter of 20 citites
42,000 ephramities killed by jeptah
samson killed thiry men after getting anger and asking riddle
samson put fire in the tail of foxes and burned corn of philistines
samson killed 1000 philistines with as jaw bone of ass
samson had sex with harlot in gaza
samson killed more people in death by pulling down pillars of temple
man cuts oncubine into pieces and sends it to all shores of israel
benjamities destroyed gibeah
israeliteis kill benjaminities 25100
18000 bejaminites fell all those who tried to escape was also killed , city burned
Jabesh-gilead men and women all virgins given to benjaminties
daughter of shilock were caught as wife for benjaminties
50, 000 men slaughtered by god because they looke into the ark
jonathan slew in his first slaughter 20 men
saul utterly destroyed amalakities
samuel cut king of amalikities to piecies
david killed 200 philistienes and took foreskins as dowry for saul daught michal
davids kliled lot pf philsitines
saul killed ox women men of city of nob
david agains kills philistines
david kills all in city of geshurities
david killed all in the city of kenities
david burned city an took all captives of amalikites
david killed philistines
saul and his armbearer committed sucidee
god killed uzza for shaking the ark
david killing philistines
david slewing syrians in war
20,000 israelite kille d by daivds troops
every mal ein edom is killed by joab and israeleites
all familyo f jobrohoam killed by asa
all males of house of basha killed by zimri
elijah killed 450 prophets of baal
israelties killed 100,00 syrian foot soldieers
treachorous killing of naboth ,to posses his vineyards , abah king of israel
eijah killed 50 soldiers. 2 times
women eating childeren
king of maob did durned offering of his son
jehu slaugthered all in the house Of AHAb
jehu kills 240men including the brother of ahaziah
rest of ahab house slughtered
jehu killed all baal workshippers by deciet and broke all image and baal was out of israel
god was pleased with the killing s of Jehu
10,000 slewed by jehohaz in valley of salt , edomities
god kills 14500 soldiers of assirya
david slew 7000 chariiots 40,000 foot men
70,000 men killed by god , for taking numbers of israel
after god chasing ethiopians they ie asa smote the cities and spoiled them and camels and sheep were taken to jerusalem
moabties and ammonites completely destroyed by israleities
jehoram killed all his bretherm with sword
Amaziah killed 10,000 children of Sier
10,0000 were killed by throwing them off cliff
at beth horon amaziah solider killed three thousands
pekkah slew 120,000 in judah valiant men in one day for forsaking the god
200,000 women children of judah was caried to samaria by israel
jews slaugtered all enimies of them
jews kills 75,000 foes
18500 assyrians killed by god
15:20 samson was judge on israel for 20 years
exodus 14:28 none of the phorah & egyptins remained
1 kings 17:17-23 elijah brought the dead boy to life
2kings 4:35 elisha brought dead child to life
13:21 elisha bone touched a dead man and he came to life
exodus 21:7 if a mans daughter is sold as a slave she shall not go free
21:8 if she does not appease maste sell her to stange nation
21:10 he can take other wife
22:16 if man entice ans sleep with a women then she becomes his wife, if father resists then dowry of virgins
22:17 kill witch
22:18 death for beastlity
leviticus 19:20 scourge handsmaid if she was bethroed and lied with some other man
21:13 priest only mary virgin no widows
deutronom21:11 beatutifil women captive take her then sex with her , and it no interst let her go
22:13 if husbans does not like the ife should show toekn of virginityin front of city elders if false then stone to
22:28 if one rapes a virgin non bethored , give fifty shcekels to father , she shall be his wife forever
24:1 if husband doesnot like a wife wirte bill of divorce
25:5 levirate marriage, if he refuses women has to spit on the face ,& shoe loosened
25:11 if men fight and wife of a man catch one penis , cut off her hands
judges 11:39 jepthah will give burned offering first thing that comes to him , it was his daughter
1 kings 1:2 for old David young women brought for heat
11:3 soloman loved may women , 700 wifes , 300 concubines
2 chrnicles 11:21 reboham has 18 wives , threescorce ie 60 concubines
13:21 abijah has 14 wives
proverbs 5:3 lips
her; butlke honey
the comb
sinner shalland end isby
be taken sharp sword , her steps take hold of hell
Ecclesiastes7:26 {7:27} Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, thousand have I found; but a woman among all those
7:28 not found.
mathew 5:32 if u divorce not for commiting adultery you commit adultery and marrying divorced women is adultery
19:9 if u divorce not for commiting adultery you commit adultery and marrying divorced women is adultery
mark 10:11 if u divorce not for commiting adultery you commit adultery and marrying divorced women is adultery
luke 16:18 if u divorce
every man isnot for commiting
Christ; adultery
and the head of theyou commit
woman [is] adultery
the and marrying divorced women is adultery
1 cornithian11:3 man; and the head of Christ [is] God. {

Every man praying or prophesying, having [his] head covered, dishonoureth his head. {11:5}But every
woman that
prayeth or prophesieth with [her] head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as
11:4 if she were shaven.

{14:34} Let your women keepsilence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them tospeak; but
[they are commanded] to be under obedience, asalso saith the law. {14:35} And if they will learn any
14:34 wife,thinglet
even asthem
Christask theirhead
is the husbands
of the at home:and
church: for he
it isisathe
shame for women to speak in the church.
5:22 saviour of the body.

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness andsobrie
1 timothy 2:9 or pearls, or costly
Let the woman learn insilence with all subjection. {2:12} But I suffer not a womanto teach, nor to usur
be insilence. {2:13} For Adam was first formed, then Eve.{2:14} And Adam was not deceived, but the w
2:11 transgression.
Drink no longer {2:15}
but use a little she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faithand ch
5:23 wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmiti
ts then dowry of virgins shall be given

ers if false then stone to death

wife forever

take hold of hell

woman among all those have I
ced women is adultery
ced women is adultery
ced women is adultery
ced women is adultery

head. {11:5}But every

that is even all one as

to them tospeak; but

d if they will learn any
peak in the church.

mefacedness andsobriety; not with broided hair, or gold,

manto teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to
not deceived, but the woman beingdeceived was in the
y continue in faithand charity and holiness with sobriety
leviticus 25:45 slaves born within your houses shall not be free
jeremiah 34:14 after 6 years free hebrew slaves
numbers 23:19 god is not a man nor it is son of man that he should repent
duetronomy 5:9 10 commndments
6:4 shemma
29 break covnenat and there is punishment like plagues
1 samuel 7:3-4 israllites used to workship baalim and astharoth
12:10 israllites used to workship baalim and astharoth
1 kinsg 15:12 asa got rid of sodomities and removed idols that his father has made
2 kings 2:11 elisha when up a whirlwind to heaven , chariot and horses of fire
14:6 son shall not be put t death for fathers sins and vice versa
2 chronicles 25:4 son shall not be put t death for fathers sins and vice versa
pslams 115:4-8 idols are mans work , they speak not nor handle , those who make them are unto them
118:17 who trust the god shall not die but live
135:15-18 idols are mans work , they speak not nor handle , those who make them are unto them
proverbs 19:16 those who keep commandments shall keep his soul and that who despises his ways shall die
isaiah 43:10 no god before and after me
44:8 no god beside me
jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and beforethou camest forth out of the womb I sanc
1:16 god will make judgement against those who workship other gods
2:7-8 god says israel have done abominatons and priest who handle laws knew me not
3:1 God says israel have played harlot
5:7 israel commited adultery like troops to harlots house
jer] 8:8 false pen of scribes have changed the laws
8:19 God provoked by graven image
11:10,17 they burned incese unto baal
hem are unto them

hem are unto them

espises his ways shall die

st forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations

knew me not
1 kings 4:26 solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses
mathew 1:16 jacob father of joseph 14 generations
luke 3:23 heli is father of joseph 42 generation
2:23 shall be called as nazarite not in the old testament
16:28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son o
17:12 jesus says elias is john the baptist
24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till allthese things be fulfilled.
27:5 judas hanged himself
acts 1;18 judas bowels burst
mark 13:30 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till allthese things be fulfilled.
luke 9:27 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son o
21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till allthese things be fulfilled.
john 18:37 jesus answered pilate
jesus spoke nothing
acts 9:4,7 saul heard sound , and men around him stood speech less heard voice and see no man
22:9 saul heard sound , and men around him saw light but no voice
26:13,14 saul heard sound and all fell on the ground, light was seen others
f death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

f death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

d see no man
joshua 10:13 book of jasher
24:26 book of law of god
1 kings 11:41 book of acts of solomon
14:19 chronicles of king of israeil
14:29 chronicles of king of judoah
15:31 chrinicles ok kings of israel
16:5 chrinicles ok kings of israel
16:27 chrinicles ok kings of israel
2kings 24:5 chronicles of king of judoah
1 chronicles27:24 chronicles of king david
29:20 book of sameeul , book of gad, book of nathan
2 chronilce 12:15 book of shemaiah
13:22 story of rpohet iddo
mathew 4:23 gospel of kingdom of heaven
9:35 gospel of kingdom of heaven
24:14 gospel of kingdom of heaven preached across the earth
mark 1:14 gospel of kingdom of god
judges 2:11 israeils workship ballim
2:13 israeils workship Baal and Ashtaroth.
10:16 israeils workship Baal and Ashtaroth., zidom, moab , philistine
job 1:6 sons of god came to meet God
2:1 sons of god came to meet God
pslams 2:7 you are my only son I have begotten thee god to david
22:6 Idavid
havesay heYe
said, is [are]
a wormgods; and all of you [are] children of the
82:6 most High
Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all
82:8 nations.
isaih 43:6 bring my song from far ends of the earth
jeremiah 31:20 ephraim my dear son
hosea 11:1 israel called son of god
mathew 5:9 Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
luke 3:38 adam son of god
mathew 3:7 john calling pharises o generation of vipers
7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample t
10:34 I came with a sword
11:11 there is no one who born of women who is greater than john the baptist
12:34 jesus calling pharisies o generation of vipers
12:39 evil and adulterous generation will be given sign of Jonah
13:55 Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and
15:9 jesus saying in vain they workship me , teaching commandments of me
15:14 jesus saying pharises are blind
15:24 I am for the lost sheep of israel
15:26 it is no befetting to give food of the children to dogs
16:3 jesus calling phraisies hyporcrits
16:4 wicked and adulterous generation , + sign of jonah
17:17 jesus calling people faithless and peverse genereation
17:20 tell mountain to move it you have faith as a grain of mustard seed it will move
18:3 be like children to be greatest in the kingdom of heaven
19:14 be like children to be greatest in the kingdom of heaven
21:12 jesus thow money changers out , call it has made den of thieves
22:18 why tempt me hyprocrites jesus calling pharisie
23:4-6 phrairsies like feast and show off
23:13 -33 pharisies are devour widows homes , blind hyprocrite, whitewashed sepulcure, full of dead bodies
you don’t go to haeven and you wont allow anyone else to go
ye serpent generation of vipers
pharises killed abel to zacaraiah
26:67 they spit on his face, and smote him with palm and said tell us who hit thee
27:30 they spit on his face , and mocked him
mark 3:31 jesus's mother and brother came to see him
5:30 jesus did not know who touched his clothes
6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? an
6:4 prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home
7:6 jesus calling pharisises hypocriteis
7:11 commademnet t ohnowur your paretns is broken because

It is Corban. Rather, 'Let it be a corban,' a formula common among the Jews on such occasions; by w
Pharisees released a child from supporting his parents; and even deemed it sacrilege if he afterwa
anything for their use
7:27 not to take food of children and cast into dogs
8:38 in this adulterous and sinful generation
9:1 people wont die until they see kingdom of heaven come with power
9:37 children are sinless no orignal sin
11:15 -19 casting out of money changers
12:36 god will make enimies thy footstool
12:38-40 pharisies are devour widows homes , like salutation and receive greater dammnation
13:32 jesus doest no know the judgement day time
14:65 they spit on him,cover his face and hit him with palm
15:19 they spit on his face , and mocked him , put crwon of reed on him
luke 2:8 shepards were out it was summer when jesus was delivered
4:24 no propeht is accepted in his own country
7:16 that a great prophet has risen from us saigna bout the miracle of dead man rising from the dead
7:28 there is no one who born of women who is greater than john the baptist
7:34 they called son of man gluttunous and winebiber
8:19 jesus's mother and brother came to see him
9:41 jesus calling jews a faithless and perverse generation
9:48 be like children to be greatest in the kingdom of heaven
11:29 jesus saying this is an evil generation
11:39 jesus said to pharises you clean outside but inside is wickedness
11:41-44 pharises are hyprocites, graves , love salutatiions
11:51 blood of abel to zacariah which was slaugtered between altar and temple will be requied of yours
12:49 I have come to send fire on earth
12:51 I have come to spread separation not peace
13:3,5 if you not repent you shall like wise perish
13:15 o hypocrites , you loos eyou rox and water them
15:7, 10 if one sinner repent it is happier in haven than 99 that need no repentence
16:17 it is easy for heaven and earth to fail than one tittle of law to fail
17:6 And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be
18:16,17 be like children to be greatest in the kingdom of heaven
18:18 jesus says im am not good ,only God is good , if u want to enter heaven then keep the commandment
19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay [them]
19:45,46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.
20:46,47 scribes, long robes, love greetings, love feast devour of widows homes , long prayers will suffer greate
22:63,64 jesus was beaten , blindfolded and asked who hit you
23:44 jesus crucified 6 th to 9th hour
john 2:10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well dr
2:15 he overturned the tables and scoruged the people selling oxes etc
8:44 ye are children of devil , pharisies
10:29 father greater than all , I and father are one
10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?{10:35} If he called them gods, u
12:43 pharises loved praising of men than god
12:44 Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. {12:45} A
13:16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant isnot greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater tha
14:20 Atthat day ye shall know that I [am] in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
18:22 officer struck jesus by the palm
19:1 jesus was scourged, beatin put thorm crown , mocked
acts 1:14 mary mother of jesus and their bertherm
2:22 a man approved of god
5:40 apostles were beaten
7:23 you worshipped molech, star of your god remphan
7:58 stephan was stoned to death by saul
8:3 saul persecuted christians
9:1, 2 saul was threating and trying to bound believing men and women to jerusalem
9:14 saul had authority from chief priest o bound believing men and women
9:26 disciple did not believe saul to be a beliver
15:20 JAMES SAYING :But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and [from] for
15:29 SAME as above
16:38 paul
not towas roman
think that ,the
he told to bring
Godhead serjent
is like untoand relase
gold, themorfrom prison And the serjeants told these wo
or silver,
17:29 stone, graven
they ought notbytoart and man’s
circumcise device.
[their] children, neither to walk
21:21 after the customs.
21:25 JAMES SAYING :But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and [from] for
22:20 paul was there when stephan was killed
22:25 paul beingmade
an image a roman
like was not scourged
to corruptible man, and to birds, and
romans1 1:23 fourfooted beasts, and creeping things
1:32 list of crimes
adultery? thoumentioned aboveidols,
that abhorrest worthy ofthou
dost deathcommit
2:22 sacrilege?
11:13 paul says I am
fornicator, apostle toorthe
or covetous, angentiles
idolater, or a railer, or a
1 cornithian5:11 drunkard,
nor covetous, nor drunkards,with
or an extortioner; such an one
nor revilers, no not to e
nor extortioners,
6:9,10 shall
{7:19}inherit the kingdom
Circumcision of God.
is nothing, and uncircumcision is
7:18,19 nothing,
an idol [is] nothing in the world,commandments
but the keeping of the of none
and that [there is] God
8:4 other God but one.
10:7, 14 flee from idolatory

What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing?
{10:20} But [I say,] that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God:
know I would not
that ye that ye should have fellowship with devils. {10:21} Ye cannot drink the cup of the
10:19 Gentiles, carried awayofunto
Lord, and the cup devils: ye cannot
these be partakers
dumb idols, even as of
yethe Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.
12:2 were led.all
hath put { enemies under his feet. {15:26} The last enemy
15:25 [that] shall be destroyed [is] death.

And what concord hathChrist with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth withan infidel? {6:16}
agreement hath the temple ofGod with idols? for ye are the temple of the livingGod; asGod hath said
2 cornithainas in them, and walk in [them;] andI will be their God, and they shall be my people.
galatians 1:19 jamesof
curse jesus's brother
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written,
3:14 Cursed [is] every one man
testify again to every that hangeth on a tree: that he is a
that is circumcised,
5:2, 6. 6:15 debtor to do thewitchcraft,
{5:20} Idolatry, whole law.hatred, variance, emulations,
5:19 wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, {5:21} Envyings, murders
And benotnotinherit
drunkthe kingdom
with wine, of god
ephisians 5:18 wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit

{1:9} Knowing this, that the law is not madefor a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, f
1 timothy 1:9 whosoever shall keep the unholy
wholeand profane,
law, and yetfor murderers
offend in oneof fathers and murderers of mothers, form
james 2:10 [point,]my
profit, hebrethren,
is guilty ofthough
al a man say he hath faith, and
2:14 have not works? can faith save him? {2:1

2:26 Foryourselves
} Littlechildren, keep as the body without the spiritis dead, so faith without works is dead also
1 john 5:21 from
James, idols.
to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and
jude 1:1 preserved in Jesus Christ, [and] called:
was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits
revelation 1:4 which are before his throne;

But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that holdthe doctrine of Balaam
2:14 cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to co

2:16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword o

Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, wh
2:20 prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrifi

And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth t
2:23 and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. {

3:9} Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do
3:9 them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee
s before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

is brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

sepulcure, full of dead bodies

Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.
atives and in his own home

g the Jews on such occasions; by which the

deemed it sacrilege if he afterwards gave

ater dammnation
ad man rising from the dead

mple will be requied of yours

t say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.

ven then keep the commandments

hem, bring hither, and slay [them] before me.
ye have made it a den of thieves.
es , long prayers will suffer greater damnation

wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: [but] thou hast kept the good wine until now

s?{10:35} If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

but on him that sent me. {12:45} And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.
neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.


pollutions of idols, and [from] fornication, and [from] things strangled, and [from] blood.
n And the serjeants told these words unto the magistrates: and they feared, when they heard that they were Romans

pollutions of idols, and [from] fornication, and [from] things strangled, and [from] blood.

in sacrifice to idols is any thing?

sacrifice to devils, and not to God:
} Ye cannot drink the cup of the
able, and of the table of devils.

at believeth withan infidel? {6:16}And what

of the livingGod; asGod hath said, I will dwell
and they shall be my people.

for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for
s and murderers of mothers, formanslayers, {

without works is dead also

m that holdthe doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to
gs sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication

ht against them with the sword of my mouth

sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a

ornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. {

ow that I am he which searcheth the reins v and hearts:

according to your works. {

they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make
nd to know that I have loved thee.
mathew 22:30 resserectued bodies are like angles
26:56 they forsook him and fled
mark 12:25 resserectued bodies are like angles
14:50 they forsook him and fled
15:44 pilate marvelled at the death of jesus
16:1 mary magdlane bought sweet spices to anoint him
luke 20:36 resserectued bodies are like angles , they willnot die anymore
22:36 sell garment and buy sword
22:38 they are two swords he said that is enough
23:44 jesus crucified 6 th to 9th hour
23:53 no man was buried before jesus
24:1 they brought spices on Sunday
24:12 peter saw lines clothes lay there
24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh an
24:42 jesus ate broiled fish and honeycomb
john 11:54 Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to
18:31 It is not lawful for us to put any man to death
19:14 sixth hour jesus was sent to be crucified
19:33 jesus's legs was not broken
19:34 when they peirced it came blood and water
19:41 no man was buried before jesus
20:5 linen cloth lying there
20:14 mary magdalene did not recogonise jesus
20:15 she supposed him to be a gardner , said I will take him away
20:19, 21,26 jesus said peace be onto you
20:27 thomas did touch his hands and side
21:13 jesus
And ifate bread
Christ be and fish then [is] our preaching vain, and
not risen,
15:14 your faith [is] also vain.

15:42} So also [is] the resurrection of the dead. It is sownin corruption; it is raised in incorruptio
{15:43} It is sownin dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; itis raised in power: {15
It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiri
15:24 body
; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have

hence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples

tion; it is raised in incorruption:

kness; itis raised in power: {15:44}
ural body, and there is a spiritual

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