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Module 1

RF Filter Design

Dr Shilpa Kharche

RF Design Course Outcomes

After successful completion of the course student will be able to

1. Design impedance matching networks
2. Design various types of passive RF filters.
3. Design RF amplifiers for given specifications
4. Design one port and two port RF oscillators
5. Analyze EMI and EMC in RF circuits.

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√ √ √ √
CO 1 √ √
√ √
CO 2 √
√ √
CO 3 √ √
√ √
CO 4 √
√ √ √
CO 5
2/15/2021 2
RF Filter Design
• Two-port circuits that exhibit selectivity to frequency: allow some
frequencies to go through while block the remaining
• In receivers, the system filters the incoming signal right after
• Filters which direct the received frequencies to different channels
are called multiplexers
• In many communication systems, the various frequency channels are
very close, thus requiring filters with very narrow bandwidth & high
out-of band rejection
• In some systems, the receive/transmit functions employ different
frequencies to achieve high isolation between the R/T channels.
• In detector, mixer and multiplier applications, the filters are used to
block unwanted high frequency products
• Two techniques for filter design: The image parameter method and
The insertion loss method. The first is the simplest but the second is
the most accurate
Series Resonant Circuit

The Input impedance is

Resonance occurs when the average stored magnetic and electric energies are equal,
or Wm = We. Then the input impedance at resonance is Purely
Wm = We implies that the resonant frequency, ω0,

Another important parameter of a resonant circuit

is its Q, quality factor

• Q is a measure of the loss of a resonant circuit—lower loss implies a higher Q.

• Resonator losses may be due to conductor loss, dielectric loss, or radiation loss,
and are represented by the resistance, R, of the equivalent circuit.
• An external connecting network may introduce additional loss.
• The Q of the resonator itself, disregarding external loading effects, is called the
unloaded Q, denoted as Q0.
At resonance Wm = We implies that

Q0 increases as R decreases
Parallel Resonant Circuit

The Input impedance is

Resonance occurs when the average stored magnetic and electric energies are equal,
or Wm = We. Then the input impedance at resonance is Purely
Wm = We implies that the resonant frequency, ω0,

Another important parameter of a resonant circuit

is its Q, quality factor

• Q is a measure of the loss of a resonant circuit—lower loss implies a higher Q.

• Resonator losses may be due to conductor loss, dielectric loss, or radiation loss,
and are represented by the resistance, R, of the equivalent circuit.
• An external connecting network may introduce additional loss.
• The Q of the resonator itself, disregarding external loading effects, is called the
unloaded Q, denoted as Q0.
At resonance Wm = We implies that

Q0 increases as R increases
Loaded Quality Factor Impedance Response

ABCD (Transmission) Parameters

• The Z, Y , and S parameter

representations can be used to
characterize a microwave network with
an arbitrary number of ports.
• However, in practice many microwave
networks consist of a cascade
connection of two or more two-port
• In this case it is convenient to define a
2 × 2 transmission, or ABCD, matrix, for
each two-port network.
• ABCD matrix of the cascade
connection of two or more two-port
networks can be easily found by
multiplying the ABCD matrices of the
individual two-ports

ABCD (Transmission) Parameters

Periodic Structures
Periodic structures support slow-wave propagation
(slower than the phase velocity of the unloaded line), and
have passband and stopband characteristics similar to
those of filters; they find application in traveling-wave
tubes, masers, phase shifters, and antennas.

since AD − BC = 1

Passband Stopband

Bloch Impedance 11
Terminated Periodic Structures

Symmetrical network

If the unit cell network is symmetric (A = D),


In order to avoid reflections on the terminated periodic structure we must have ZL = Z B,

which is real for a lossless structure operating in a passband 12
Analysis of a Periodic Structure
Consider a periodic capacitively loaded line, as shown below. If Zo=50 Ω, d=1.0 cm,
and Co=2.666 pF, compute the propagation constant, phase velocity, and Bloch
impedance at f=3.0 GHz. Assume k=k0.

Basic Filter Types

2/15/2021 14
Actual Attenuation Profiles for LPF

2/15/2021 15
Generic Attenuation Profiles for BPF and Filter Parameters



Insertion Loss: Quality Factor:

IL = Pin (dB) – PL (dB)

Shape Factor:

2/15/2021 16
Image Parameter Method


AD-BC = 1

= Zi2

Image Parameter Method

Image Parameter Method

Image Parameter Method

Constant K Filter Design for T Network
• T Network

• Image Impedance • Propagation Constant

Constant K Low Pass Filter Design
• T Network

• Image Impedance • Propagation Constant

Constant K Filter Design for π Network
• π Network

• Propagation Constant
• Image Impedance

Constant K Low Pass Filter Design
• π Network

• Image Impedance • Propagation Constant

Constant K Low Pass Filter Design
Constant-k Low Pass Filter

Constant-k High Pass Filter
Limitations of Constant-k Filter Design

• Valid only when filter section is terminated with image

• The signal attenuation rate after the cutoff point is not very
• The image impedance is not a constant when frequency
• Problem of impedance mismatch due to variable image
impedance in pass band.
• ZiT and Ziπ are not same at other frequencies except f=0

m-Derived Filter Design


Let m-Derived Filter Design

For Low Pass Filter
m-Derived Low Pass Filter
For Low Pass Filter

m-Derived Low Pass Filter


Composite Filter

m-Derived Low Pass Filter (π)
• The m-derived T-section was designed so that its image impedance was
identical to that of the constant-k section (independent of m)
• so we still have the problem of a non-constant image impedance.
• However, the image impedance of the π-equivalent will depend on m, and
this extra degree of freedom can be used to design an optimum matching

Since this impedance is a function of m, we

can choose m to minimize the variation of Ziπ
over the passband of the filter.
m-Derived Low Pass Filter (π)
A value of m = 0.6 generally gives the best results

This type of m-derived section can then be used at the input and
output of the filter to provide a nearly constant impedance match to
and from R0.
π/2 section (Bisection)
The image impedance of the constant-k and m-derived T-sections,
ZiT, does not match Ziπ; this problem can be surmounted by bisecting
the π-sections
The image impedances of bisecting PI network
Zi1 = ZiT and Zi2 = Ziπ ,
Composite Filter
Limitation of constant K :
a. Variable image impedance
b. Cutoff is not sharp
c. Impedance Mismatch

M derived Filter (T network)

a. Cutoff is sharper but image impedance
is variable

M derived Filter (𝝅 network)

a. Constant image impedance but
impedance mismatch with constant K

𝝅/2 Sections:
a. Impedance Matching

By combining in cascade the constant-k, m-derived sharp cutoff

and the m-derived matching sections we can realize a filter with
the desired attenuation and matching properties 37
Composite Filter

1. The sharp cutoff section, with m < 0.6, places an attenuation pole
near the cutoff frequency to provide a sharp attenuation response
2. The constant-k section provides high attenuation further into the
3. The bisected-π sections at the ends of the filter match the nominal
source and load impedance, R0, to the internal image
impedances, ZiT , of the constant-k and m-derived sections.
Summary of Composite Filter Design

Summary of Composite Filter Design

Summary of Composite Filter Design

Image Parameter Method

Note that once the cutoff frequency and impedance are

specified, there is only one degree of freedom (the value
of m for the sharp-cutoff section) left to control the filter

Example of Composite Filter Design

Design a low-pass composite filter with a cutoff frequency of

2MHz and impedance of 75 Ω, place the infinite attenuation pole
at 2.05 MHz, and plot the frequency response from 0 to 4 MHz.

Example of Composite Filter Design

Design a low-pass composite filter with a cutoff frequency of

2MHz and impedance of 75 Ω, place the infinite attenuation pole
at 2.05 MHz, and plot the frequency response from 0 to 4 MHz.
Design a low-pass composite filter with a cutoff frequency of 2MHz and impedance of
75 Ω, place the infinite attenuation pole at 2.05 MHz, and plot the frequency response
from 0 to 4 MHz.

Example of Composite Filter Design

Design a composite high-pass filter by the image parameter

method with the following specifications: R0 = 75Ω , fc = 50
MHz, and f∞ = 48 MHz.

Insertion Loss Method
• The image parameter method of the previous section may yield a usable
filter response for some applications, but there is no methodical way of
improving the design.
• The insertion loss method allows a high degree of control over the
passband and stopband amplitude and phase characteristics, with a
systematic way to synthesize a desired response.
• The necessary design trade-offs can be evaluated to best meet the
application requirements.
• If, for example, a minimum insertion loss is most important, a binomial
response could be used
• A Chebyshev response would satisfy a requirement for the sharpest cutoff.
• If it is possible to sacrifice the attenuation rate, a better phase response
can be obtained by using a linear phase filter design.
• In addition, in all cases, the insertion loss method allows filter performance
to be improved in a straightforward manner, at the expense of a higher
order filter.
• For the filter prototypes to be discussed below, the order of the filter is
equal to the number of reactive elements.
Insertion Loss Method
Filter response is characterized by the power loss ratio defined as:

Where Γ(ω) is the reflection coefficient at the input port of

the filter, assuming the output port is matched.

Insertion Loss:

Filter Design Method

• Development of a prototype (low-pass filter with fc=1Hz and is made of

generic lumped elements)
• Specify prototype by choice of the order of the filter N and the type of its
• Same prototype used for any low-pass, band pass or band stop filter of a
given order.
• Use appropriate filter transformations to enter specific characteristics
• Through these transformations prototype changes – low-pass, band-pass
or band-stop
• Filter implementation in a desired from (microstrip or CPW) use
implementation transformations.

Low Pass Prototype

Binomial/Butterworth/ Maximally Flat Filter Design

For ω>ωc, the attenuation increases monotonically with frequency.

For ω > ωc, PLR ~ k2(ω/ωc)2N , which shows that the insertion loss
increases at the rate of 20N dB/decade.

Chebyshev/Equi Ripple Filter Design
Power loss is expressed as Nth order Chebyshev polynomial TN(ω)
where 1 + k^2 is the ripple level in the passband.

Much better out-of-band rejection than maximally flat response of the same
order. Chebyshev filters are preferred a lot of times.
The nth-order Chebyshev
polynomial is a polynomial of
degree n, denoted by Tn(x).

Chebyshev/Equi Ripple Filter Design
1. For −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, |Tn(x)| ≤ 1. In
this range the Chebyshev
polynomials oscillate between
±1. This is the equal-ripple
property, and this region will
be mapped to the passband
of the Filter.
2. For |x| >1, |Tn(x)| >1. This
region will map to the
frequency range outside the
3. For |x| >1, the |Tn(x)|
increases faster with x as n

let x = cos θ for |x| < 1. Then the Chebyshev polynomials can be expressed
as Tn(cos θ) = cos nθ,
or more generally as

Tn(x) = cos(n cos−1 x) for |x| < 1, 53

Tn(x) = cosh(n cosh−1 x) for x > 1
Chebyshev/Equi Ripple Filter Design
Power loss is expressed as Nth order Chebyshev polynomial TN(ω)
where 1 + k^2 is the ripple level in the passband.

PLR = 1 at ω = 0 for N odd,

PLR = 1 + k^2 at ω = 0 for N even.

• For N even, a value of R is not unity, so

there will be an impedance mismatch if
the load has a unity (normalized)
impedance; asymmetric design.
• This can be corrected with a quarter-
wave transformer, or by using an
additional filter element to make N odd.
For odd N, it can be shown that R = 1.
• So, most of the cases, filters are
designed using odd number of reactive
elements (Order of the filter is odd) 54
Find the order of the maximally flat filter

Find the order of the maximally flat filter

Find the order of the Chebyshev filter
PLR = 1 + k^2 Passband

IL=Lr = 10 log (1 + k^2) is the ripple amplitude (IL/Attenuation) in

the passband.


Find the order of the Chebyshev filter

Comparison of Butterworth and Chebyshev filter Responses

Maximally Flat Low-Pass Filter

g0=1,ωc=1, N=1 to 10

Equal-Ripple Low-Pass Filter

g0=1,ωc=1, N=1 to 10

2/15/2021 ELCT564 61
Filter Transformations
• Impedance Scaling

• Frequency Scaling for Low-Pass Filters

• Low-Pass to High-Pass Transformation

Low Pass Prototype to Low Pass Filter
• Frequency Scaling for Low-Pass Filters

• Impedance and frequency scaling

Low Pass Prototype to high Pass Filter
• Frequency Scaling for High-Pass Filters

• Impedance and frequency scaling

Design a maximally flat low pass filter with cutoff frequency of 2GHz,
impedance of 50Ω, and at least 15dB insertion loss at 3GHz.
Compute and plot the amplitude response and group delay for f= 0 to

1. First find the required order of the filter to satisfy the insertion loss
specification at 3GHz.
2. Make a low pass prototype
3. Apply impedance and frequency Scaling
4. Make final filter circuit with element values

Design a maximally flat low pass filter with cutoff frequency of 2GHz,
impedance of 50Ω, and at least 15dB insertion loss at 3GHz.
Compute and plot the amplitude response and group delay for f= 0 to

1. We have |ω/ωc | − 1 = 0.5. Referring to graph of attenuation

for maximally flat low pass filter prototype, we see the value
N = 5.
2. Element Values are g0 = 1, g1 = 0.618, g2 = 1.618, g3 = 2.000,
g4 = 1.618, g5 = 0.618, g6 = 1

3. Apply impedance and frequency Scaling

Design a maximally flat low pass filter with cutoff frequency of 2GHz,
impedance of 50Ω, and at least 15dB insertion loss at 3GHz.
Compute and plot the amplitude response and group delay for f= 0 to
Apply impedance and frequency Scaling

Filter Transformations

Filter Implementation
• Richards’ Transformation

• Kuroda’s Identities
• Physically separate transmission line stubs
• Transform series stubs into shunt stubs, or
vice versa
• Change impractical characteristic
impedances into more realizable ones

2/15/2021 ELCT564 69
Design Steps
• Lumped element low pass prototype (from tables, typically)
• Convert series inductors to series stubs, shunt capacitors to shunt stubs
• Add λ/8 lines of Zo = 1 at input and output
• Apply Kuroda identity for series inductors to obtain equivalent with shunt open
stubs with λ/8 lines between them
• Transform design to 50Ω and fc to obtain physical dimensions (all elements are

2/15/2021 ELCT564 70
Low-pass Filters Using Stubs
Design a low-pass filter for fabrication using microstrip lines. The specifications
include a cutoff frequency of 4GHz, and impedance of 50 Ω, and a third-order 3dB
equal-ripple passband response.

• Distributed elements—sharper cut-off

• Response repeats due to the periodic nature of stubs

2/15/2021 ELCT564 71
Bandpass and Bandstop Filters
A useful form of bandpass and bandstop filter consists of λ/4 stubs connected by λ/4
transmission lines.

Bandpass filter

2/15/2021 ELCT564 72
Stepped Impedance Low-pass Filters

• Use alternating sections of very high and very low characteristics impedances
• Easy to design and takes-up less space than low-pass filters with stubs
• Due to approximations, electrical performance not as good – applications where
sharp cut-off is not required

2/15/2021 ELCT564 73
Stepped Impedance Low-pass Filter Example
Design a stepped-impedance low-pass filter having a maximally flat response and a
cutoff frequency of 2.5 GHz. It is necessary to have more than 20 dB insertion loss at
4 GHz. The filter impedance is 50 Ω; the highest practical line impedance is 120 Ω,
and the lowest is 20 Ω. Consider the effect of losses when this filter is implemented
with a microstrip substrate having d = 0.158 cm, εr =4.2, tanδ=0.02, and copper
conductors of 0.5 mil thickness.

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Coupled Line Theory

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Coupled Line Bandpass Filters
• This filter is made of N resonators and includes N+1coupled line sections

• dn ≈ λg/4 = (λge + λgo)/8

• Find Zoe, Zoo from prototype values and
fractional bandwidth
• From Zoe, Zoo Calculate conductor and
slot width
• N-order coupled resonator filter N+1
coupled line sections
•Use 2 modes to represent line operation

2/15/2021 ELCT564 76
Coupled Line Bandpass Filters
1. Compute Zoe, Zoo of 1st coupled line section from

2. Compute eve/odd impedances of nth coupled line section

3. Compute even/odd impedances of (N+1) coupled line section

4. Use ADS to find coupled line geometry in terms of w, s, & βe, βo or εeff,e , εeff,o

5. Compute

2/15/2021 ELCT564 77
Coupled Line Bandpass Filters Example I
Design a 0.5dB equal ripple coupledline BPF with fo=10GHz, 10%BW & 10-dB
attenuation at 13 GHz. Assume Zo=50Ω.
From atten. Graph N=4 ok But use N=5
to have Zo=50 Ω
go=ge=1, g1=g5=1.7058, g2=g4=1.229, g3=2.5408

2/15/2021 ELCT564 78
Coupled Line Bandpass Filters Example II
Design a coupled line bandpass filter with N=3 and 0.5dB equal ripple response. The
center frequency is 2GHz, 10%BW & Zo=50Ω. What is the attenuation at 1.8 GHz

2/15/2021 ELCT564 79
Capacitively Coupled Resonator Filter
• Convenient for microstrip or stripline fabrication
• Nth order filter uses N resonant sections of transmission line with N+1 capacitive
gaps between then.
• Gaps can be approximated as series capacitors
• Resonators are ~ λg/2 long at the center frequency

2/15/2021 80
Capacitively Coupled Resonator Filter
Design a bandpass filter using capacitive coupled series resonators, with a 0.5 dB
equal-ripple passband characteristic. The center frequency is 2.0 GHz, the bandwidth
is 10%, and the impedance is 50 Ω. At least 20 dB of attenuation is required at 2.2GHz

2/15/2021 81
Bandpass Filters using Capacitively Shunt Resonators

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Bandpass Filters using Capacitively Shunt Resonators
Design a third-order bandpass filter with a 0.5 dB equal-ripple response using
capacitively coupled short-circuited shunt stub resonators. The center frequency
Is 2.5 GHz, and the bandwidth is 10%. The impedance is 50 Ω. What is the resulting
attenuation at 3.0 GHz?

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