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This Drawing Is showing the many problems that arise in sexual crimes.

First looking at the

scale that is held by lady justice it is imbalanced showing that victims get more weight than
criminals meaning that it's easier for them to get away. By victims you can see files with cold
case stamps on them because most cases that are reported go cold. When looking at the cuffs
they are open because many who commit sexual crimes dont get affested and even then there
sentences are short. From RAINN they say that Only 50 out of 100 people’s reports lead to an
arrest (The Criminal Justice System: Statistics | RAINN, n.d.). Another thing is that when you
look at my profile you see a woman with her mouth covered with hands on her body. This is
supposed to represent those you have been harassed and are a victim of and how they don't
report to the police. I know many girls that i've been around and even myself where we were
told by others to not report and if we did justice wasn't served.
An important thing to know is that there are common experiences. When talking to a police
officer; and an anonymous source who had something similar happen where her case went cold
and justice wasn't served. They both talked about the absence of information and how this led to
cold cases happening. The survivor stated, “ When telling the police it felt that there was no
hope and point of telling them because nothing was solved and my case turned cold.” Having
Fewer cases solved creates the stigma that even when going to officials it seems that help really
won’t be provided.
This is a part of the problems with Rape culture when there are fewer people to stand up it
makes the criminal feel as if they can get away with what they did. Going back to officer Zersie,
we talked about how in the eye of society no one thinks rape is right and that there should be
punishments. The problem is that there is a fear that people are not informed and that this
causes people to not report at all or to report too late.
In an article by Amanda Taub, she says “rape culture treats rape as a problem to be solved
through improving the behavior of potential rape victims” (Taub, 2014) Meaning that the victim is
blamed by remarks like what were you wearing, Were you on any drugs or did you drink? When
it needs to be the opposite. In my comic, I used those quotes, and it's something that needs to
change and make it so that the blame is not put on the victim”
The Criminal Justice System: Statistics | RAINN. (n.d.). RAINN. Retrieved February 16, 2022,
from https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system
Taub, A. (2014, December 15). Rape culture isn’t a myth. It’s real, and it’s dangerous.

Vox. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from


Interview with Officer Zersie 2/10/2022

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