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This cartoon is showing to how these ladies

notice and talk about how it’s normalized to

have girls raped if they are out late. Even tho
it shouldn’t be normalized, rape culture
makes things like this acceptable even tho
rape is rape and it shouldn’t be accepted no
matter what. Once you normalize something
it will happen more. This also shows the
stigma around girls and how they have to
protect themselves when they shouldn't need

This image is showing more about rape

culture and how people are blinded and give
into excuses for sexual crimes. Also how they
are quick to judge the victim and blame them
for getting raped. e When looking at rape
culture it’s common to blame those who are
the victim. Also, this causes those who are a
victim to not open up and get help because
they will be harshly judged.

This attacks rape culture in the Hollywood

and celebrity community. They are able to get
away with crime due to their power and status
and are able to pay their way through without
punishment. Other things are how the media
doesn't put blame on them. This also shows
how situations with those that commit the
crimes can easily get away. We really need to
stand up for those that have been victims of
high members of society. This picture is also
taken from a real situation where Weinstein
was able to get away with sexual crimes for
years and had to have multiple people work
against him to get jail time.
This is a situation about those who go to
court for sexuall crimes how they aren't
believed. This brings awareness to the justice
system and how they won’t stand behind you.
Furthermore, showing how they blame the
victims. Even tho rape is rape this shows how
rape culture makes this a normal thing that
shouldn’t be justifiable in court. This cartoon
was inspired by a representative who had a
therory and said that women who are victims
of “Legitimate rape” rarely get pregnant. This
is also a part of the problem to dismiss the
real problems and say it doesn’t happen.

This image is talking about the want for

reform in sexuall assault crimes. This shows
how it is dismissed and people say what we
have now is fine and that the assumption is
made that everyone will follow the no means
no and that this is sufficient to stopping
sexual harassment. Even tho we clearly see
that sexuall assault still happens and still
common due to being apart of the rape
culture and being ignorant to the need for
change. The lady in the cartoon is Kirsten
Gillibrand, a U.S. senator. She is an advocate
and has been pushing for reform to have
sexual harassment acts be treated justly. But
she has been denied and watered down
despite the need.

When talking about rape culture apart of it is

a stigma behind those who are raped and
how society treats them. This shows how the
burden of being raped is big already and
telling your story puts a bigger burden on you
when it should be the opposite. You shouldn’t
have to have society telling you that it's your
fault and whatnot. This is why so many
people don't report because of the peer
pressure and blame they can get for speaking
up. When looking at rape culture there’s a
huge stigma of blaming the victim.
How this ties into rape culture is that when
you try to get someone in jail the justice
system fails you and how they don’t think its a
big enough crime and give the wrong
sentence to the abuser. Which is what
happened and how they play favor to the
abuser instead of being truthful to justice. The
background to this is that Persky gave the
abuser a six-month sentence. This shows
how it should’ve been more and justice
wasn’t served.

Showing how there are assumptions and

remarks made about the clothing of those
who are raped. How the clothes they were
wearing asked for it and shows awareness of
the victim-blaming and how it's been
acceptable. Having the superheroes makes
the person see how they view sexual crimes.
This is something that has always been told
to those who have been assaulted that it was
what they were wearing, or that they were
asking for it. This calls out and shows how
this is wrong in a different light.

Showing the support of abusers is something

common in rape culture. When in a college
setting when a girl goes to report they are
then put to be blamed when it was obviously
the male in the situation and they wrongly
judge the victim. They also give rights to
those in sports because of the bias they have
for athletes.
This clearly just shows how the justice
system is abused and how any sexual
harassment crimes are committed but how
the punishments go without notice or how it is
normalized especially in African affairs and
how justice isn’t served and abused.

This is a series of political cartoons that I found that tie into rape culture and represent it and the
problems. Furthermore, a lot of these political cartoons take from real-life situations and bring
awareness to them and show how wrong they are in a picture. These show rape culture in the
military, work settings, everyday chat, the justice system, and even the media. These cartoons
attack the problem and make light of what they are and show the wrongs of what's happening.
They show victim-blaming, problems of reporting, and our ignorance of others. Looking at these
helps to see the different perspectives of situations. I wanted this to make people think about
how they look at sexual crimes and how they need to see how it happens in a lot of situations
but its dismissed but there needs to be a social change to bring justice and stop the
harmfulness of rape culture and how effective it is. When looking at these it’s supposed to show
what rape culture is and with the examples showing how it’s a real situation that needs to be
taken care of. For this to persuade I decided to use the political cartoons to show many
situations of rape crime and even some are apart of real-life situations. I thought these were
important to include to show how this is a real problem and how normalized it is made and how
ignorant people are when it comes to pointing fingers without knowing the situation or just being
oblivious to what’s happening.

Education, and prevention methods regarding rape culture should be addressed in

school. (n.d.). The Tower Pulse. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from


Z. (2013, May 30). Quick Hit: Terrific rape culture cartoons thanks to students at York

University. Feministing.


Danziger, J. (2017, December 7). Todd Akin and Legitimate Rape. HuffPost.

You are being redirected. . . (2014, April 18). Cartoonist Group.


Miller, Z. (2020, February 28). Political satire has a rape problem. The Conversation.

Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

Analyzing An Editorial Cartoon. (n.d.). Words and Images.

Truthdig. (2017, July 23). Sexual Assault Reform. Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current

News, Provocative Columnists.
Donnelly, L. (2015, April 27). Rape Culture Goes Global. The Nib.

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