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acisi0 TP Rape culture {nhsinfograptic it wilbe giving evidence about the problems ebout ape an now common tis for females vera showing there needs tobea change. This aso is proving society doesnt do enough to prevent sexual crimes eee witch contributes to rape culture. DaTAL Safety Survey found na persone ot rman andaimaot a querer of women Months 2-60 months ED Poenreiforces the tea that lwomenare jis sox objects ‘tobe used and decardea ‘attra bjects cart he fecange or espond-aince ‘they are.bydefnton, bjets Pornhos been shownto uel andlegtimize thekind of wolenes, spectcaly against women, ‘trough the mes of sonualobcefioaton, ee DATAS rund the wort slot) Sone eerie ( nent orisherpart P0428 x i Sources ‘Add a ite bit of body textReter, Amelia Erin. “Thinking Outside the (Wires) Box: integrating Experts into Juries to Minimise the Effect of ape Myths in Sexual Violence Cases” Victoria University af Wellington Law Review, vol. 49, no, 1, May 2018, pp. 157-78. EBSCOhost, hitps/!search-ebscohos comuibprox!-sicceduvlogin aspx? ‘ueBdb=edshol8AN=edsholheinjournalsvumlra9,108sitened slivesscopenste, die McMahon, Sarah, *Rape Myth Beliefs and Bystander attitudes Among Incoming College Students" Journal of American College Health, vol, 59, no. 1, July 2010, pp. 3-1. EBSCOhost, hitps//do Corglipprox1 slec edu/10.1080/07448481,2010.483715, “The Criminal justice System: Statistics | RAIN. RAIN, ‘wr rainn ore/statisticscriminaljustice-system. Accessed 16 Mar. 2022. Drug, Fight The New. "Is Rape Culture Real? Let's Take a Look at the Evidence Fight the New Drug, 5 Nov. 2021, ightthenewdrug orgs: rape culture-rea-letslookat evidence. Vilines, Contributed GaodTherapy By Zawn Correspondent, “Overcoming the Stigma of Sexual Assault: Know the Facts.” GoodTherapy Org Therapy Blog, 22 june 2018, ‘wn goostherapy arg/blog/avercoming stigra-of sexual. assault know the-facs-0622187, “Stop Rape: Response and Prevention. Cal Ply Humbol, stoprape.humbolt edulstatstics. Accessed 16 Mar. 2022. North, (2019, October 4), #MeToo movement: These 7 facts show its impact. Vox. hutps:wemevox.comiidentities/2019/10/4/20852629/me-too ‘movernent-sexual-harassment-aw-2019

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