Business Summary Prime

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[Collection: TopItemDefault]

Type : Vouchers : VoucherType

Child of : $$VchTypeSales
Belongs to : Yes
Fetch : Stock Item Name,PartyLedgerName,BilledQty,Rate,Amount
Source Collection : TopItemDefault
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : IName : $StockItemName
Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty
Sort : Default : $BilledQty
Fetch : PartyLedgerName
Source Collection : TopItemDefault
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : IName : $StockItemName
Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty
Sort : Default : -$BilledQty,$IName
Fetch : PartyLedgerName
Filter : SlowMove Filt
Source Collection : TopItemDefault
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : IName : $StockItemName
Aggr Compute : BilledQty : SUM : $BilledQty
Sort : Default : $BilledQty,$IName
Fetch : PartyLedgerName
Filter : NonMove Filt
[Collection : LearnWellTop 10 Cust]
Type : Ledger
Childof : $$GroupSundryDebtors
BelongsTo : Yes
Sort : Default : $BSDebits
Filter : LearnWellOnly Drs
[Collection : LearnWellTop 10 Supp]
Type : Ledger
Childof : $$GroupSundryCreditors
BelongsTo : Yes
Sort : Default : -$BSCredits
Filter : LearnWellOnly Crs
[Collection: PayableAmtMas]
Type : Bills
Fetch :
Filter : IsPayable, DuebillsFilter
Source Collection : PayableAmtMas
Walk : Ledger Entries
By : PartyLedgerName : $LedgerEntries.PartyLedgerName
Aggr Compute : FinalBalance : Sum : $Amount
Sort : Default : -$FinalBalance
[Collection: ReceivableAmtMas]
Type : Bills
Fetch :
Filter : IsReceivable, DuebillsFilter
Source Collection : ReceivableAmtMas
Walk : Ledger Entries
By : PartyLedgerName : $LedgerEntries.PartyLedgerName
Aggr Compute : FinalBalance : Sum : $Amount
Sort : Default : $FinalBalance
[System : Formula]
LearnWellOnly Drs : $BSDebits>0
LearnWellOnly Crs : $BSCredits>0
SlowMove Filt : $BilledQty>0
NonMove Filt : $BilledQty=0
CashBalance : $$NettAmount:($BSClosing:Group:"Cash-in-Hand"):
BankBalance : $$NettAmount:($BSClosing:Group:"Bank Accounts"):
($ForexClosing:Group:"Bank Accounts")
LoanLiabiltyTot : $$NettAmount:($BSClosing:Group:"Loans (Liability)"):
($ForexClosing:Group:"Loans (Liability)")
LoanAssetTot : $$NettAmount:($BSClosing:Group:"Loans & Advances
(Asset)"):($ForexClosing:Group:"Loans & Advances (Asset)")
CashInFlowTot : $CashInFlow:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
CashOutFlowTot : $CashOutFlow:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
CapitalTotal : $$NettAmount:($BSClosing:Group:"Capital Account"):
($ForexClosing:Group:"Capital Account")
FixedAssTotal : $$NettAmount:($BSClosing:Group:"Fixed Assets"):
($ForexClosing:Group:"Fixed Assets")
SalesTotVal : $ClosingBalance:Group:$$GroupSales
PurchaseTotVal : $ClosingBalance:Group:$$GroupPurchase
GrossProfitTot : $$AsPositive:$$Negative:
NetProfitTot : $$AsPositive:$$Negative:
OutstandingRec : $$CollAmtTotal:NLCompanyReceivables:$ClosingBalance
OutstandingPay : $$CollAmtTotal:NLCompanyPayables:$ClosingBalance

[#Menu:Gateway of Tally]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Exchange Button:Business
[#Menu : Default]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Exchange Button:Business
[#Form : Default]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Exchange Button:Business
[#Menu : Main Menu]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Exchange Button:Business
[#Form : Voucher]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Exchange Button:Business
[Button : Business]
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Business Summary"
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Local : Field : Default : Full Width: Yes
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt,LearnWellAmount Field
Local : Field : Default : Full Width: Yes
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt,LearnWellAmount Field
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Local : Field : LearnWellAmount Field : Set as : If $
$IsDr:@@CashInFlowTot AnD $$IsDr:@@CashOutFlowTot then
@@CashInFlowTot+@@CashOutFlowTot else + @@CashInFlowTot-@@CashOutFlowTot
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$IsDr:@@OutstandingPay AnD $$IsDr:@@OutstandingRec then
@@OutstandingRec+@@OutstandingPay else + @@OutstandingRec-@@OutstandingPay
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt,LearnWellAmount Field
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt,LearnWellAmount Field
Local : Field : Default : Full Width: Yes
Local : Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt : Set as : "Loans &
Local : Field : LearnWellAmount Field : Set as : @@LoanAssetTot
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt,LearnWellAmount Field
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Width: 18% Screen
Use : Empty
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt
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Empty : If $$Line >7 Then Yes Else No
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: $BilledQty
Local : Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt : Set as :
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Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt
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: $BilledQty
Local : Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt : Set as :
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[Line : LearnWellTop 10 Cust Title]
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[Line : LearnWellTop 10 Cust]
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[Part:LearnWellTop 10 Supp]
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[Line : LearnWellTop 10 Supp Title]
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[Line : LearnWellTop 10 Supp]
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[Part:LearnWellTop 10 Receivable]
Use : LearnWellDefault Part
Line : LearnWellTop 10 ReceivableTitle, LearnWellTop 10 Receivable
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[Line : LearnWellTop 10 ReceivableTitle]
Field : LWTtl Field
Local : Field : LWTtl Field : Set as : "Top 10 Receivable"
[Line : LearnWellTop 10 Receivable]
Empty : $$Line >=11
Fields : LearnWellMedium Prompt
RightFields : LearnWellAmt Field
Local : Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt: Setas : $PartyLedgerName+" :"
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[Part:LearnWellTop 10 Payable]
Use : LearnWellDefault Part
Line : LearnWellTop 10 PayableTitle, LearnWellTop 10 Payable
Repeat : LearnWellTop 10 Payable : PayableAmt
[Line : LearnWellTop 10 PayableTitle]
Field : LWTtl Field
Local : Field : LWTtl Field : Set as : "Top 10 Payable"
[Line : LearnWellTop 10 Payable]
Empty : $$Line >=11
Fields : LearnWellMedium Prompt
RightFields : LearnWellAmt Field
Local : Field : LearnWellMedium Prompt: Setas : $PartyLedgerName+" :"
Local : Field : LearnWellAmt Field : Setas : $FinalBalance
[Part:LearnWellDefault Part]
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[Field:LearnWellAmt Field]
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[Field:LWTtl Field]
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[Field: LearnWellQty Field]
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[Field:LearnWellMedium Prompt]
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[Field:LearnWellLong Prompt]
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[Field:LearnWellAmount Field]
Use : Amount Field
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