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03: Eiken Grade 2 Vocabularies

Lesson 3

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. generate  verb    [jen-uh-reyt]
to bring into being; to produce; to make

◼ Example: This machine generates electricity. 

2. hide  verb    [hahyd]
to put or keep out so that no one can see; to keep information so
that no one will know

◼ Example:  She tried to hide the facts about her mother’s death.
3. compare  verb    [kuhm-pair]
to examine in order to note the similarities or differences of

◼ Example:  Please compare your life now and your life a year ago.
Are there lots of differences?
4. decrease verb    [dih-krees;]
to grow or cause to become less or smaller in number, amount,
intensity or quality

◼ Example: Due to its aging population, the Japanese population is

5. delay verb    [dih-ley]
to become later or slower than expected or desired

◼ Example:  My flight to Singapore was delayed due to the bad

weather conditions.
6. describe  verb    [dih-skrahyb]
to tell in words what something or someone is like, to give an idea
or impression of someone or something

◼ Example:  Please describe the most beautiful place you have ever
7. determined  adjective    [dih-tur-mind]
having one's mind made up, fixed or settled

◼ Example:  She is determined to finish all her tasks.

8. discount  verb    (dis-kount , dis-kount)
to deduct or subtract from a cost or price, to sell something at a
reduced price

◼ Example: I bought this dress for only 20 dollars. The salesman

discounted 30 percent for being a loyal customer.
9. fake  adjective    [feyk]
having a false or not real appearance, not true

◼ Example:  This is fake money. The paper is very different from the
real one.
10. feed  verb    [feed]
to give food; supply with nourishment

◼ Example:  She feeds the fish every afternoon.

Part 2: Exercise 1
Give the word being asked for each number.
◼ generate
◼ hide
◼ compare
◼ decrease
◼ delay 
◼ describe
◼ determined
◼ discount
◼ fake 
◼ feed
____________________1. to grow or cause to become less or
smaller in number, amount, intensity or quality

____________________2. to bring into being; to produce; to

____________________3. to become later or slower than
expected or desired

____________________4. to examine in order to note the

similarities or differences of

____________________5. having one's mind made up, fixed or


____________________6. having a false or not real appearance,

not true

____________________7. to give food; supply with nourishment

____________________8. to deduct or subtract from a cost or

price, to sell something at a reduced price

____________________9. to put or keep out so that no one can

see; to keep information so that no one will know

____________________10. to tell in words what something or

someone is like

Part 2: Exercise 2
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Cash payment for purchased products will be _____________ at

a higher rate.

a. discounted

b. appreciated

c. delayed

d. overbilled

2) His rivals are _____________ to destroy his presentation. They

attempted to put a virus on his computer files.

a. determined

b. delayed
c. generated

d. decreased

3) The shoes provided by the officials of the Olympic Games were

________. The athletes were so disappointed because they think
they don’t deserve unauthentic supplies.

a. discount

b. fake

c. delay 

d. overbill

4) To celebrate his 60th birthday, he made his friends contribute

some money to ________ 25 homeless kids.

a. feed

b. ate

c. gave

d. hide

5) She can’t find the words to ___________ how she feels at the
moment. Perhaps, expressing her emotions verbally is impossible
since she’s so overwhelmed.

a. determine

b. compare

c. describe

d. delay

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