History Note

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( ' 1 U) f'I 11 ; III S 'I ()U Y

\ ► '\ ll 'l'I I 1111 11 '1171
1111 11'1 ,.l \l'l /'< \1 11 11'1 \I \10
pf' nth·n <'••
rn) f h e- I 11 , t \\, ., o f ftu lht n l u tfr

1< c,vo1 , o f I H',7

nli c _:1 r11I
<>nh rh t• ,·:11111,•~- l r o li1l,·11l,S11c i11- rt•liL!i1111s,cc11 no
,\f /lira n (':JUSCS(

P o li1 ir11 I ( :ios cA:
e xp an d lhe 1r po litic.i i
I. P 111 ir, nf C''1f111 n ~io n-T l1; ,-B ~i1i slt tri ed ;~
po we r ,n lnd w by od bp ti n'-fo ur w't y~
11 . O ut rig ht ,vu r~

b. S ubi,/d ior~'- ' lll~ c

1 •
c. Do ctrl n c or L np sc -.
d. On the pretext of mi sru le
La ps e introd uced by Lo rd Oo lho us ie declared that if
2. Doctrin e of
l'\.11, d1e d_w i1hou1 an 11t..1r his 1-..rngclorn ,,·ould ~on,c unu..:1
" 1,,u 1u 11 5
pan y'!> Ru ic. Th e kin£S ,vc re no t all o\\ cd to adopt ,vithou1
lhc: Co111
the con!lcnr of the company.
lp ur, jn itp u r, Jh nnsi etc
The ..-;1a1c:s of S ata ra , Na gp ur, sa n1bn
'"'e re an,a:xccJ using thi s Doctrine.
Pr inc es :
3. I I - rrc;11n,e n1 of In di an Ki ng s S,
l E: n1 pc ro r.
.i. IJ1~rc!>pcc1 -.hown 10 Ua h ad u r Sh nh II th e M ui:,hn
an no un ce d lhu t aft er his death his successors
Lurd Dulhou!)ic
c a1111.01 co 111l11uc 10 lltu y 111 the
Rcu Fu 1l.

h. h, 1,H,n'lll Ln, ,, l,;n1odne: nllllUlt Hl L'd 111111 '11(11"."f 1hc. dcalh lfJJr

• r. 11 11nd111• Shntt, Int

f •np~r lnl IIHr:11~
~Ul'C"l '.Hnt~ \WoHhl nnl hr n11tJ,wl'd 10 1Hr. 1hr: ll
• I
c._Nnno Snht?h the ndopll~I ~on nf 1hc rnrmrr Pc,ttwn B•Ji Rao U I
'''n! rcrn,~ d pen,ton by 1fhe Ddlh b.
cl. Rnni tn~n d R11i hccnm c n hincr enemy or 1hc D"ritisl1 bee 111 c
her ndop'l ed sou \\I.()~ nol 11cct'pred n~ Un.:' , •Hhl ful lildr 1h the 1hrnlfle:
l" T~IL" king.Join uf 1\,, nidl'• rllled l,y Nown h \Vm,:h l 1\li Shnh wn~

wa ncxcd by
rh..: llri~i1sh c,ri 1hc rrc~c:, 1 ,,r
i'.\1111-(;n"'l'!mm~n r nr
~_!isn1re or no• mnnn ecrl ,~·ell.
Cons cqu,n crs nf lht" nnne:uicion nf lhe AwruJl1
f. U caused un c1upJoymcn1 ,among nr,blcs. ollicinls anll soldiers•

• or
2. The cstulcs the Za,ninilars \\'ert, cordiscntcd.
.J. h nlso nrrcc1cd the soldie r's financial po~hion. The:,, hod lb pu!t'
highe r !axe.~ 011 lhe l~J: iti
fmnili c! held in Awndll

!Jnpo,pu lut Admi~'n tinn ofiltt· BrrUi.d1.

n. The B,rtlisK officinfs \Vere. no1 ensily npproachable .
b.. fndinn-.s.wen: cxcludi.-d fnun11l1I high o£lic~s.
J'eop, ... found thc1nsch cs ou1 or place ,vi1l
arid the Engf;sh l;,1nguagcs..

.r ..· hie VOJ!l1le ond (h nrlne RHmours:

i •

British rule cannot hist more than I00 y~--ars.

The lndia n~ bclic:vcd dlCH
Tin~ Brdish came 10 po\•lcr in J, 757 ~nuJ Lheir rule would come lo un
end in 1857.



\ tn.c--nrtt- " '' rt

rl a n h \h tt) n f 1h
r O r fr t, h
T h
" ~" "' ff l,, rh:tt

' f ,,._._ ,.,J ~

tn d , 1 ,.._,
lod n •
r,..,..,, .. . u.:1,
,nn' N "n t
, • ~ " '' " " - .,...,
l',r,t-111,t n ,I N :f h n,~ ,."" ' (f u111t, ,. ,1 fo
.nr 1h :, 1, tN f ..... ' ln
'-----C"'~lth "'.... ~ t-r-

io c-do na ~ c re tto l f" lt f l,....•n.: l

1 l1ic- a c- rh ilff"< n r lhc- ( h
ri • rra n m
lf t\l C II rb em 10 (l i1 1, 1 u n11;
lo lf
111,,b " '' ' 11\' IOj!
In d ia n , 1"31 rh<-11
a n d C 11,1n m , r, f rh~
lt 'r ft -r rd •~irh r h
r r r h 1: 1o n
~- L.11 .. s •• •r in
PN>pfr: ..~ • P·r nJ...>J!r l\ Ir c n a b l~
o '-
f lb e ll in d u I. a w
5 0 c h a n :: N
a The 3CI o f 18 o f his f11 1h cr
HrndUJSm 10 d th e a b o hu o n
rh e c on ,·c n from S 6 )! tb e S ;
-a ri A c l an
e \ \l id o " R e m a rr ia g e A c rf c, t8 1 em ed u cauon to ,;.:r.,
b T h e• ~ o C W es
rn fa n r, c ,de n n d th e o p
o f F em :ile
b c u :i .~ rg ro n w a s m danger.
s fc a ~ lh 3 ;\ ing land_.
m a d e th e In d ia n
n rimenrs of the Ind ians w ~ hun by uu
... Religious se
u es.
belonging lo temples :u id m os q .
n h o u t \
, lo d e rn ln no v:i rion s
n s
-'· 1\ p p re h en~ io -4 rr ,• v n ~~- •• ...,.. .. . --
C ,. .. ,,.,.i,e
d tc le g n ip h · "'
T l- e ra ilways a n •
r s1 e ru le s ,
bretJk soc1JI orde
11 nd c3
¢ le d JO ba n!! !'
(\ l] k
th31 te le!!m[!fl..n o le s \\ e re C (5
P e o p le b e li e v e d
S I the: B n u sh
n o f il l( r; i1 I\ \ ~
,v e rc 31 !: II O
who e ,n tr o d u c o o
sr ·, h
h e o rt h o d o x In d inns w e re Jg n in .n Jd c Ip s ,1 side b , ;;1,k
d lo ~ c r c ., ., ~ ~
h ,, d !c r .t n
b..-cJu ,c 1 h c
: T h e E n g h ~ m e n 1n lnd13 could
w..1 io n
Po lic , o f Racia l Oi~ r n n11
11l the: Indians 31 will
ven IC
itbull humiha re and e

' I r~ , • t<".,••'f l lnit I
nc lhh I 1l1t <n llo n
( ' h11 <1t n• 111 ,.., ,
•-• · 'n. ,r, N h-•HI ,...,:1hh 4'1u••1 l nttmtwr
Ihut ft nf ~ hf• ,l m fh th h
Sh101n1t ,,r n111•h • I
n •• ,,,m 011111lnl lnomnn to Wr-·d , '" " "'' '''"
" '" "''1Wt'II ft'\ \I\
• ... I I1\ IIle , .. ,,.,, ••• N t• ·· •~lly ,...
I' ' ,1,, ""' ,,.
\l~ uh •• Th r,• •n"
111 ti , Ill n111·111pl ht1h<t rn11
<111,ftt"< ,,vr I ~" "" 111111111-I,

fn[ :h.<h cd11ca1111n 11111 Lhr ~l n11l vl, nml

l'•n dlh ntt l nr 10h . I hr.
h:.i~h•ni:. I' ( n,Mr ,n I "" '"" •d•c•ol• nl"'°
nffcndcrf di<" l"'h ,n·

Eco no ,nic Ca ,n ": llntll;i.'1: ~ ~ o


•• Th e Ruin or Tr ndc 11nd H:an,.n:rafu r ',
The popularity of Indian tc)(tilcs ala
nned the pohc,, m~l cr r
England. An act was pns~ed which pro
hihilt d the u\C nr lnlli11 n
•il ks an d c:n lic:o, s in England ,
b. The Bnlish rulers deliberately crippled lndi11
n 1rt s and- t nift~.
He.!\' \ duties \VCrt 1mposell on Indian
silk and CQIJ()ll 1c'(j!J_~_!f.
Bnta1n destroved Indian industries.
,.. ;, c:h vnodc: •ve"'rE"'- •rn.-inrt,....t ., . 1,.. . , ' • • ....
- -
policy destroyed ~nd1:in indus tncs
11 :,,, :-. nn"""" ..

Th e oru of spinning and weaving wl11ch

c. for ages h3d !.!" en
employment to an 1s.1ns tx:cnmc ext
In dia n n~ red uced to th e le, cl of :111
:i ric: ultural colo11 1 of tht

8r iti~ h.
.• • , ere ·:qxirt cro p~tn,m R:hJ•
Th e cxpor1 crops 1111c md1go, l-p1um \\ c.
BengaJ and Aw :td h \\ hich \, ,,~ma nagi:d
bv 1hc Bn11sh comp.1010

1:',t I hr

Jlt ll h11h 111111,, n1~ tr 1I t ,,11nn Ntl4 1 ot tl\t Cfl"I l11r the tr t n th1~lrte!I ,
Arlc, inth um,nl u w ol nlum 1', 11,-.h Olfltka .nlH3 "" nn " if,cuhuro\

,,,, I
lt1ll111n1111 11_rn 1111r111 11u•lt1I 11111 II• lh<' It tllJL!! tt1Ul vnl tH' ) by llw
hrltl•h ''"' 1><·n•a111., wen· r11tr ,~, ,,, r uh YftlC lmllV,tl "™'
('I~(' HI lh,· n ,•lcl• "''"~"" hy lht• H1111h• h 1>to.,,~,.
"'~· 4 ' '"'<'ttlcni 11, 1hc pn,vl.•lu n, 11r1he ln•m C um n•J,,lo~ n • ••••k>•
o f ...,.,.n-ec, h1n 1h 1u 11I othe r e• t•tes o r lh J lnn~ ~w'l."'~' could
• 1m1 r mttucc 1h le deeda 1111 nccounl o f the l•«t"'' g~o.(i ,m e "'"' "' <told
10 th e hig hest bidders nnd the (l o ve rnn ,crit c1111~ c111ct',j)l,:i, esta tes .
·~ _,. ~
Unr n11>loyn1<·n1 utt •~••tl h y onn~)(n tlon of O uclh~dcstruc 1io n o f
lnflirtn hnntlkrn n Industry nnd int~oduc 1io 1• oftwes tcrn education
.British econo,nic exploitation, drain or w ca llh, stagnation of
agriculture and exploi1111ion of the poor pco:;anls reduced the Indians
10 ex I rcrnc povcrt y.

6. Druin c, f W e nll'h: The tra ns fe r o f.,w ea llh l'r o n, India 10 Eng.land for
whicb India SQ~ no pr._Ol)Orti o n·ale eco1101.,ic return , is called the
Qrai~ of Wealth. The droil\ [nc lud~d _lhc,sa;ari~l\ ~f En;lishmcn, the
Bru isb expend j tu re in · lndia 0 11 the purchuse o f military goods.
expenditure on:,Lh,i: am,y, e tc.
• •

.. .


T hi· lncli nn stildu'" t!'I w c n"" unh"JlS"Y hc~cnu'l.C nf 1hc1r tow si, \nry
n nd 1, ru~11c,· h o f ,,rn,notinn .

2. A n l ndlnn ., nlcll rr ,a,uhl 11111 he pro mo1cd h cyo nd 1h c le ve l nf

~ uhc·d nr. A II 11! "" htfth tt1nk ; In 1hc n, n1y w c r'C r-c..t:;ervcd fnr \he
f\r,,i:ch nnnv
T hr lrnn11~ wc-1·i, nnl rrnpcrly cll~t rlhnt cd . "l"lfeo k ~, pinc e ~ like
Delhi n nd A llnhnhad h od no Briti ~h nrmics. ,;
4 S,,cinl di stance between Oritish o rnccrs und Indian ~o\diers. ,he
olliccr.; tren tcd thc i,· so ldiers like menial•servants .
5. The Indian sepoys outnum ber ed the British soldiers by a huge
nurnber. This gnve co urage to lndia~soldiers to take up arms
aga ins t the English. ,{_ \>--~
6. L oss o f Prestig e i n A fghnn Wnr:

Th e Britis h troo ps ,ve r c de'fe11ted ~ the Firs t A fg h an ,vnr ,vhich

exposed their weakness. T his in crcinscd th e S elf - confide nce of
the Indian So ldiers, who fell they could challenge the Britisli in India
a lso. · . . - · :
6. The Gener al Service Enlistm ent Act ( 1856) made it
cornpulsory for Indian sepoys in the East India Cornpany to serve
overseas. Th is ,vas againsf1he ·religious custom of the Beng,a\
~ t~ hriii.ns fo r whom crossing Lhe seas was a taboo.
~ ......._,'I
' - ~JI,
A l'I l( C, Y V
f H a1 " fb nt M oh
an B_ ov
C n nr cfh !ff inn , n
R oy fo un de d Br :a
bu 10 S am •J in 18
28 •
R •J• R am i\ l o h• n
igion •
Hi~ ap pr oa rh 10 r el
in Monotheism.
Bra hm o Samaj be lie ve d
sh ip .
2 C ondemned idol wor
er , charity m oral11y .
J Em ph as is on pr ay
.. .. I\;
..:IJohJL. C J, r'
. . ...... .... , ..... ·o £.. ,
' .
II h !>ncia l re.,fo rm ,
em .
o Sa maJ tll lll ck cd th e Cas te svst purd.'l..
d C)l1ld m::i rr,age.
I. Th<: B ra h m
ga m y, dt sc ou rn gc
po ly
2 H c condemned
~y1, 1em.
o f w1ctows 10 ~~mar.y.
3 Advocated 1he nghl
a ca m p:ug n fo , 1h ~ ab o li1 io n ,, f salt
4. He: 1,wncd 1,111,Sl·:J a l:iw in 18.29 ma ki n
a m Oc 11 1i11ck
S /l e alon g wrrh \ \li lli
t's:a l.
th e prn ctir c o f S ar i ill

• ~
I l" •,, nt 'r n nd th
f" ... , ., ,,. .,. , n f hu lln n fC f"n'-'
11 fh
,. ,. " • • , ,, ,,.
tt U, m -
tfi J1t1 Nt t ff n n w ,o nr n rtw- nr h•
Pt'Yl11h("t o f ltt
- I,. ,, .l~ 11j•nu,,
,,, , ..rC"1 t,
1 1h r ftt nc "' r tt f , ,, ny uw

I" r 1'1 r .. .
L ihn IJ.,_IU l:l it. 11111 1 11 th e
R oy pr otc.,tcd ngnln, t (C!ltrtetlO'IIS on
RaJa R,11111110/mn
fret"d111n of Prci;i; Oc m:a ti W ee kl y ca lle d th
n R oy stnrted a --
RnJn R11111111ohn Pcrsmn pa pe r ca lle
d M ir at - 111
1dl nn d :i
·~ nm , M l l,,'.n111n1
,\ kh bn r

cn s :
H i• E c- on o m lc id
to th e ca us e, o f 1he po or peas ants.
I. He was sy m pathet t to be redu ce d, so th at m or
il ita ry B ud ge
2 H e w an te d tJ1e M op le.
n be ut il iz ed fo r th e w el fa re o f th e pe
nd s ca
• •

i •


• ~
C on 1rjb u1l o11 , o{ ,! yul fha l'h uh• ...


SB t'ln l R.- ro r n•s '
I. Uplifring Lo,vcr Cas1es:
;... He esrnblishcd n school for unr ouchnblc
o f Dahrs could be sol ved ,r
► lie srrongly fel l thor all Lhe problems
proper ed uca tio n \VO S pr.oviclcd 10 1he 1'n. . .

d •n lli_'18 on e of1 he Ft1':>t C.1r,

~. Ge nd e r .lu sli cc: li e es wblishc
schools in 1ndia.
.do\vS and their
3. Sta,1ed a private ornhiutal!e for the poor Yti
nd ed 1hc Sn tvn Sh od hn k Su nu ,j. in IR73 ,vith the ol n1 ot'
4 lie fou
g i.oci: il ju1,lic c fo r Dn lils an d ,vo ,nc ,v, vcukcr sec tions
l>Ccu rin
of i.ocic l) .

Rnl r nf prr•• nntl lndl11 n l.ltt r11tnrc:
11 n• 1n the f"' 11 r1c
111t• ,,, 111lln11 ,,n·•, g1 lnv1•1 I n h111111lr in rnrrylnK • r
I ,,
I II u ,h 1hnl ,vri<
RAjn Hnn, /\'l nhnn lt11y' • , 11 mv1u l k1111m 111t Ht rn,.,
1•11t,ltsh1'\I In I /l} I 11111111 11i•11lt111 11111i(l11nh~I • h ,111111rr
Nt"\\ <Jl~JX'• hy fllr)ll' .. ' " " "' h·,f ,,.,. ""II Itl:~ (If '"l.:t(tr,,,ctnrn<"nl111 V..,
lhry k<'J>I '""'''"' i11fn11111•d " ' ,n111tl polillcol 11'l:v('luprn~L< ihc
, "'f' u ntrv.

d. Gn:nt wns the infl11 cncc t•f lhc ncw~pnpcr itt fo~rcring parrlousm ond
idea~ of lihcrty nnd jus1icc in our countric., like Amrit B11inr
Parrlkn. T ht' ll i1u l11,Thr Pncriol, T he T r ih11n c, T h, l nclinn
l\firror c1c ..
Ti lak '~ ,vccklic.~ Kl'~:tri ,~nd Mn h.~ tln o lso instilled prulc amnng
Indians for their coun try. Spret1d,,th~gospcl or freedom :ind n:11ur:il
righ ts. .J:l ...
r. It ,vas 1hrough the pres~ 1bo1 the message of patriotism ;ind modem
liberal ideals . of liberty.' _frceclo111,. cqunl.it y. ho!)1c ruk and
1ndcpcndc.ncc, sprcnd 111nong lhe people. ·
' cri11ci1.cd rhc u11just polirli,;s of the Brlltsh Go\'1:1n111l·n: ·:, !:id::.
h. h made possible the exchange of vic,vs an1ong different social grl,up:-

from different pnrls of I he country .
i :, 1

ttorrrunnr ,·s/ 111·1•r11r.,11• .. r th,• 1111111111 Nntlnnnl ( 'n n~r.,,, or t:1,rly 1

rotltk'nl /\ss111·l11 t ln n~: <ai

FP11111k·tl h v 1)111111 llh nl N,u ,rnjl 111 l.011rlu11 ,111 I • Clctnbcr I !If><, H •
11111u.·1I a t JH,,v ,dl nJ• 1111•111ht•11i 111 thu 1i11 t1sh t•nrha n-w nt , nrnrmou on ~
'"'~fJ.1tnlt u)l 1rnli11n ":-i ,wu uiin• )\I kvmu.,:ft.
2. T he lndh,n N 11 tlo n11I A ~•oclntlo n : Sci u1l In
ln.:.l\.u lkotn by
S u1'l!111l r M1u, th 1l111u,rJ~c. '( "
Short note~ on /\ll1111 ()l'lnvln n 111111,c: , ' +
n. i\ .O tlu1nc ,vns a rc1ircd mc,nbcr or lh c Indian Civil Service.
b. He played an in1por1nu1 role 10 the foundation of India n Na1tonal
Co ngress therefore he is copsil)cred p:;;,th1: rr,, thc r or fo unde r o f
n tion11I Co n"
l ndilln ss. ,.

r. '"' the fo undation of lndtan

In consultn1i o n ,vith ~he ndfansi c laid
Nationa l Union atJ.!!~ugscs!JBJ1 o f Dado Bhai Naoroji. h was

, ... \ ,~
named as lndi:ui'-Nnt£onul Co n gress. (28'" O eccn,bc r 1885).
I' ' s essio n\~ns held nt Mumbni 1885.- P rcsident W .C 13on cr jcc
. . .. .

2"d sessi~ n \Vas held 11 t l(olk11t11 I R8,'l- P rcl-id cnt-Ondllbh ni


.. .
11 1 r., ~'l nnhh.· •u n• n n nl \Vt ukt·, ~ 1, ~uu ,,u p u1111 f ~,, lr•r.h il fh h-..:1,.;nrr,c C
,.,cr:s on n11y k l'l l 'UIH 'I In rnur•· ~IU U t lh t · t .
b.. T o pt-.:ufr'lrU c R r~"'1· Ii Ilg ,,r U,rttinunl unity i rrc.qp erh vc o( C te~religion

c T 1, f-.,nrn,11 In h." 11upt1 lilt tlc 1n 1uuis .1ntl presen t "t!ficm befri're the
G ,'"',·cm n1 c nl.

ii T o rrn in :1nri n rµ nn 1z c puhl ic u r1in ion in tfic Cmultry_ •~·!I!_.~ • ·.!I!.

··~·····················~ --·······~·~·~--- -·~~·········~~·~~···· ·

Flr,.c f'III"•' 111 1h,• t 1ul h , .. Nnl hl•U•I l\'lo V.£! .. ••.. •t IHM5 19(17 1
"' 0"-IIK4 I,, ►.$ AN l't ""' I u nl"l!'l t U' :c r·11 u<un .1t ,,.: ·r uf'. V.AM I. V
N,\TION/\ 1 II' 11'.
I- AN\ ' "I \\i i I l ' I IN I HIIII 11 IC INS nr 11111)11 1111 ,\ I NJ\( tMI I II, S IIH f ,N JIM,\ N...-r 11
h i\N l'lUt'.t '. i\NII I :tll'i\ l . IOCl )'IINJ\ C.lll< IIA l ,f ..

OB..IECTI VES ,, NU ~I t:T II C>I_!,' , 01' Tll f: ►,/\ Ml , Y NA"I IQNA I.I S' I S
Reaso n why 1h"Y a n · k 1111w11 a s the ►:nrly N1•tlo n 11lls 1i.: ,
a. They hntl u n lin1 i1c1I rul lh in th e ll ri t lsh sense of Justice .
T heir dc111:tnds ,vcrc of a 1nod cr11tc ch:iracler:---
Their 1nc 1hods of s tru ggle ,vere a lso quite r_J~ le r '11C.
O bjectives:
I. The 1nodc ra1es wanted to achieve self-gove r n m e nt and they strov e
for autonon1y ,vithin the e1npire . i.e. they wanle<l co\oninl fortn of

Methods: \:,
I. They belicvcd[in · cnnsLituLional And peaceful methods 10 achieve
·heir aims. i;!;-•-
2. The~carci.~d their agitation through: - -
~~e~C>qp?o high Government official-.;.
11,,;,. ~~solutions.
iii~ _Meetings in to,vns, cities and the country side.
iv. Distribution of lea!' lets find pa1nphlets.
v. Preparing men1oranclun, l"or ~J\e.Govcrn,nenl Conin,ittees.
vi. Sending Dclcgalions of leading politic inns lo Eng.land .

.. 1
I -
I• r thf"• • h r1Ut• rl y
F"11rl v N 11llt>n11ll• f r, h, uM'f fn
C ri l k l-.m " ' 1h r '~'"f"n h- .v r f,c"'f"'n
1 he en , h ,•ttnp.t t<"'"
r • " " '' r, t'l ll l11 n •
~ ll k ,cf• " ' r,r11 vr
ng l't '• • lfl c-k r1 f m • •• i, p pr11 I r r , , c.
II. (' (l
ul cl nn l •C 'C' rh ,11 rl rl rl • h 11 n1 I I n1ll nn in l
Il l. TIK' m1, ; lc-m 11·• 1 n
lr r.
rl •• ll rr l w ll ll rncll oll w r ll In do and m11kll
►: n ,:i ll •h r1 l11 r1U td
11 Ir rcprc<rn lrtl 1hr
cla~ c< olonc

ST L l•: A D E R S
E ,\ H L, Y N t\ T I O N ,\ L I
O n d • b h ni N:1 o r oj
~ ') ~

In d ia .
I. G ra n d O ld 1\,f :i n of
ff ic ia l A m b as sa dor in E n g la n d.
2. In d ia 's un o
t l n d in A ss o ci n 1i on in Lo n d o n . lt<:
t h e E as
•- 18 6 6 '1~ ro ul'cled an d \V el fa re o f ln d i: m 's an d to
1~1he in1cres1 s
o b;e c t w as 10 pron10 .
ti s h o f Lh e lr \J e sl at e o f af fa ir s in In d ia
in fo rm th e B ri h ai an d B ra dl au g h th:.i t th e
fo rt s o f D ad ab
4. It wa s d u e 10 th e ef re so lu ti o n rc co mn1 c ndi n g
mons pass ed a
Brirish H ouse o f Corn 1 u lt :i n eo u sl~ b o th in
b e h el d s in
t h :1 1 th e rc·s E x n
m in n tio n

E n~l:rnd a n d in lf!(
Ji.n .
f 1hc In d ian N a tio na l Congress -
found ers o
5. I le \va s o ne o f th e n s o r th e C o ngress. I le
o v e r rhc S es si o
TI1rrcc he p re si d ed o r th e C o n g re ss ,n I 9 0 6 .
lk:i ta S es sio n
p re si d ed o v e r th e Ko
_.~, h,.

I fr fit l,1 ,.,. ,.,. •"' nn nh uu e,n
ut '-w111111"
I 11111• •· 111 C'111m nn n~
~1 1'11-i.1 ln,lonn II• w111 si•n r 111 lt11I"t,
-., 7.
~. lie ~'lfll ctf HN1t ( ;nf tnr und Uh nrm n
l\'lnr11 Ua r1l111k ,
f'1 1vr r11 n n rl ll n llr ltl •h
ku k In lnd in ,
•· c"ln._i,· \\1111~
lrn li" '~ w ruh h w.,~hc 111)!H1 kc n
,t ,•, J•ln i,,. ,J • tlr
nw n,• h• l •1111tn11II
11111 l'lw nr v" h11

R,• ,11hllrfln, ,111 !',I'll i:n v1•r11111t•


111 llny1 ..11 ,S w ,111~ 1 '0~11 Na11n n ,1I

Ill, t,h 1p
C'o u1: 11• •• 1111111 ,r,h l~ l'rc11 ~1
t',111,.111, wt \\ l'l l' l'" "-"<'tl hy 1h,•
t '

t h <:r or l11di11 11 N1 1li o 11 nli sm

S ur en d r11 n11 th 'Bu n er je e- Fn
Du rke •
I I l e 1:1 oll cn cnJl cd the Ind ian

2. f1r s1rnd,on 10 pa ss IC S Exu,n inotio n
.it ion .. 11d rem:un.:d it
. de \Vi l~ elected 10 the Calcutl n Co q ,01
n1embcr for nearly decades.
Iw o
4. J le wa s clcc1ed to the Bengal
Lcg1sl:it ivc Co un cil four ti1nes.
1921 he wa s appo inted as 111in1 stcr of scH'-govern111cnt and
5. In
rn or of Be ngal. I le wa s the lirst Indi an to hold thnt
hea/rh by the go ve
po s,I Io n
the ln di on As so ci ut io n in IR 76 .lt s uitn is to
6. lie founded
op le an d 10 c1 ea 1c s1 I0 111; pu bl ic opinion in the coun try an d
ed uca1c rhc pe
11 urc fo r rhc 11 11 ,oduc tion of po liticul rcro rin s 1n In di a.
ro ag .w hi ch served as a
lll: \vs pa pe r, • R< :11:.:.11 lrc '
7. I l e <..:cJllccl a
bli c op1n1on.
po w crlul 111ed1u111 1'0 1 111obrl1zing pu

~If,< ,ltc-nm, "' .:11c n,,,..,,itlon· .. h.,,.
nfft ••nrf . r n n!Kr11t111 n
"httT l"'"lhlr
0 lk..c.n1tc.!il.1tJ hc ,\1 m• act, \ t rn•.1.t•l•r.Lrt n ,,,.) lctn cc
\rl a n ti tn,vttl n i:, th r ,er r, nm 1 1 111 l'hr• 1n11PJ>(" ,n tht
I( ._ ~ ,,m
',, f Ir h'°\"'lr. 1hr11·,._.t ,n "n,n rn •nr thr fntft-:1n "'-I ,t.,....,"'.ll < nf\frrnr c
1" I ~:i' 11 ,,.,~ lhc It~, ,,, ~ 111111r1111m "' 11 n \\I lr.th-1 rlnr~ '"
II \ finn t-.:loe,cr m hnh:o·• Ktithl tu ~Ir.,., m,~ n1
,: H,~ l~I l.nC1wn t-(1(•1. ,. .. A N,11111n ,n 1he '-I t£n g,•,c< '"
.1,.:,,1101 ,,( h ,, 1'(•1111.:,11 .:,,n,crn .,nd ht~ •• ,cw• 1hn\ll ~,r
t!t'\ C11HIICMI
• I.• He t>d1 c, c..-d m C'tms111u11onal lv1c:ins for the 311:immcn1 01
India· s Gt'als.
IJ He set up his own school which lotcr d eveloped 1ntl' R1?{'n
Co llege.

G . .
• •

.. r t

Gop:11 Krishna Gokh::tle

I. Kno,vn as " Polilicn l Gur u or Gandhi... hec:iu::c, 1(1\cncc had n'-'
place in rus-schcme
. of 1h1ngs. .
He edited ·'Sudhar:ik ... a quarterly joun1n\ ,,f 1hc..• Poon:i Surv:1_ianik
3. He ,vas awarded 1hc 1111c ot C.1.E "t61npani,,n of the Indian E1llpirc.
4. He es tabli~hed rh c Ser vn nts of India Societv 19D5 to rrnin n,en
to devote their lives 10 rhe cause of till' countr\'.
• Its n,e,nhers " ·ere


. lh 11h tn 1t,~• III II I ~ I ' 11 t• I lt' I lt'Yt•d Ill \ nil ih lnht ,n n\ nv,U,tltttn 'l e

t .. \
' • H.- w,• 111 ii' S1,111h 1\ fl il.:n whet u he hcl1..:c l <i11111lh111 in lt11, ' figb1 1• ~\,1111'{1

r:i.: ,:il u i~ri mi11alil11l.(iandh iji ncccrh,'ll <iok halc 11!\ hi$. ' P nlitlt11 \

J\ h · nlor·

' 1 1.;.
·•4'' ....

Eco n o n1ic ! d ens : ' · , '\.

... ' Ii,
l. He pleaded for thu,>:cduction o l'J.:~d revenue.

·2. He was in ~o,~f ~~.te~pr'o_te~tio~ of l~f~~t Ind.ion lndustr_ies.

,. .
3. He called for the e,nploymenl or members of educa\ed ,nidd\e class.

4. He preoded for reduction or suit duty:-

5. The abolition of exdsc duty on cotton goods.

6. His relentless efforts li;d to reduction in toll tax.

.. .


• •111 . ... ,.,

' 1lin1111 , , .. ,, u,, nt I I ,,t
'••• •t1 1f rt, ,,. o f th , l1ul11t1 '-
f \I f Ill I ,t, tt
IIU llt• "-
IUI II I \fl " flH ""J ltl IHI
Ill 1111 Ill ~ Is
I \ft 11, II 11' 11 I 111 1 Ill I

f,\ lllll , l , 1 ► 11 ► lll ► l'lflll

111 \t, 11
fll llll ll\l \1' 11 11\ II lllflll"l
I '-

11\1 1,\ '<f ,\lt ll lfl Ill I►

\\\ 111111111'1111111 1111\, 111
llll 'l \ t 11\ \IIM I I'll 1,1 11
II1 1 1ll '\11 111

• Ill! " ' ' " " 11 11, 11 I " 1111111 I II I

l 'lfl • 1'1 11
1111 I' \IU II Il l ' Ill Ill I'll , \I
', l'f" I 11 \I
ll 111 '11 ,\I 1'11 111 ,', l'll f
• q,1,11 ► 11 11 1'\ l(l lll l"f
ft\ 111 1 \ I TI ii\ II I!- I /•

IU \~O \~ GI VE.' / BY fll E BRITI.S
~ dif lin 1ll lo nd mi ni- 1,·1
I' ;,rl'3 of Ocn;...r/ ,, .. ~ loo l:ir;.:l' and ii \\:1
cfl ici c·n th.

J .or d C111"1011. 1'1111 11101111f fkm :al 11:1:- ,111

Hcm;c 1clo rd1 111 • ,,,

:1dmi111,1r:i1iv1• 111•1'c\ \il1- .


l• 1111 IIIU I,
._ .,
RI- \I ,\ to 11 \t i, , Il , l1 1n <' tn u ,d ;r
jthllhnt 1111• w n•
In c NatK>n4'h.<t lh ou
D iv id e th e lllrw lu-Mu •h tn un it y,
11. m
,1 l1clc o f Na1ionn lis
b To st op rhc ns i nJ flcng;il r. undc{ tw D
,· To cu m lk
n ia h 111flu1'n
admm1sira1tons but
hy ra


r cs
m g
to a , ,i norJly in B
" -
~ , .....,
on g.
d. To cu rb th e po pu
L ra lc th
l:11 ity
e s1
h e C
o f th e British.Raj,
c To d cm o ns ....
- Ii. ~
r~ ti vc N :i tl o n a lh
O h jccrivc.~ a nd m
d h o d s o f ~t ru cg re
'o f rh ~ A ss
, .
. O b je ct iv es :
( ' ..
a s,;;?°nj, (C om p
ll: le m cl ep en de nc e) 3S
o ut o f India .
I. T h e y aimed :I I
ch as e th e B ri ti sh
wanted to
existed In UK . T h ey
~ e
.\ l t tb o ds : ,n et h o d s an d th e y were aggressiv
I. T h e y b el ie v ed in an
'" n ar u re.
e y ca u se d ag natiC Jr.., th ro u g h :
1. R ev iv al is m
u. Swadeshi
111. Boyco11
". Nauonal Educ:111011
\ Passive Res isran cc .. .
\ ,. Pcr~u11dl ~i.:rilit
\ ,i. Mass involvcn1

.. . .
isc :
~n ~g il' lJ hn r Tll nk - E tt rcm
' FA "'J: 1tE R'o F•A SSF:RT I VE NA
I. ""· - .
T111U('s' po li1ical belief - Sw11rpj I• my bir th rJghJ
And l wjJl h•ve
11. Kcsari.
2. He wrote wceklic!i - rhc 1"1nhrn11:i rend
He -;ta rted the fe<;riv;il cclch~r!on or Ga na pat
i in Mah11nistn.
ke the youths amJ1
4. He org anized "J\khara~- anti "La rhi Club" 10 ma
brave to defy the flr111sh R:tJ
He revived the Shiv11ji fes th nl,

thr ,,, rl, hutttf" ~f tti!:,
6 ff<" \\r, ,t, 1hr , ;ff" ""'''' "• th r O tlut1 ,uu f
""" " Kule Mn vrmcn• lh •
1 Mi ; Or• nnt .,1111 1,ln., rno,1111'1 1 1hr ll r w;" ,1lln J
h1111 n h1·111 of Ilk- 11,n ,~r ,
,•w11nf.t1t11•11 111. 111,·
· t o lHtt llll\ n- 1!(1·•1...... ... 1 lty ,1,,. ,.,.,.,,,..,
s l hr ~ ll~•· 1 111111r1 or (''"""''
(,a,wll 1 1.,111 )lt'VII " ' ., n!dn
ll A ll 1111·"1· had bce n pr ;)<IH
pH> h1l11tlo n~""" "" '• hl 111111 ltoy rn
c (in n,lh • 11111-¥' <.,~ h•' ttl•e:11•I
nn,l 1•1, lllll <'if hy I ,In ~ 11111<.h hc lt,; ', Id « • ol{ , var- 1•
dm il.t r In fll uk,
,,1 N ntfllC'I C' loul e pN1 1lr 11c r wn~
\ Rtr tl'h 1••11mnl1SI t!r«•11h ctl
hnn ns the I• •!.!!>r r "!..l!-'-'r I n rr, t

, t\1i li1n111 Na1io1 1111i, 1.

Bipin C handra Pal -
I. He siood for stronger methods of agitation.
2. He wanted e<lucalion 10 be organized on n11lionalistic lines.
3 He did not ~upport lhc 11on-Co-opcm1io11 movement launched b)'
Gandhi 111 1920. .. .
4. He is known as lhl.! • f,u thcr of the Rcvotu1ion:i ry Thought in

-1. IntJia.'
He wns thl.! prophet of u bold s-:1f - reliant na1ion:ilis111 1n India.


• •
• I\$
T ffnnh51 fw wo11c.n l 1
t i bnu n,h'eUnml N rw In II m ll1•n l!11II l'nhlic O p11,1t11, I hS
' n hi 111111ml(ftlc h , 1 1 ,
• II ·
·~ p11hl1<·111tu n • 111"11 I ·., 11 •
I. "~'" '" J\il ll<llllth :trn
.. 1"111• N.,, I• ., ,.,.,,I '.' :, '" ~ ,,t~h •1_! httllnn Nut lnn11l\• m" 11n•I
11 t , .. t•n 1uu· r ut hulln" .

H I.: ht~ft~ "" EC":c,tuunl~ f\ l ntl~r, .
~ •
i,. ••
I. T" cd mtlicnlc
To cvclo t> l dmlin's
.: l'uvcr1
. y.· 11 c propu•c<I 1hc fullow,ni; rcrnclhc'<'
~ 1n us111cs m 1hc counlry. (.
- To 1nxonthe
spent n ch more
cducntion nndh ~;c:'ir.l
•t 1mn lhc poor, so that money can be
3 48 h".urs o f wotk In n week "''-.t¥oni:;_~~c ih,.ih "'" t?
Prnc11cc o f Swodcshl ond bofc'au. -.,;, •._ c l!,C5.


Lala l, 111j p111 R11i :

I. In USA. he s1:1r1cd n mo nrhly m:1g111.mc . "Yqunc hulja" to~

1hr mc~~act or •he rJuh.1 or lf1clin 10 nttnli1~r,oral,

2. Poo11lc c.,/lcd him, ShH-i-Pun lnhl1~. !,JIIO of l>uni;ili,
3. He was the First Prcsidenl '.!E:thc "lt~!!l.!rodc union in 1910.
4 He w.:is c losely ossociorcd wit h"ibe Arya Samaj Movement. He was
g reatly iostn11nental in rh( ex~ r a ,of'D.A.V College at Lahore
5. He founded Punjabi Y.and~ alll£am (urdu Daily}, People (English
weekly) ~ d

6. 'LI .
b,. . c l .. .
1s pu 1ca110.l\ inc u\jc:.. -=-

i. The ca ll to Young ln(lin.

IJ.• England 's Oe-bt to fnoia.
111. Tlic political future o f India.
~ 3 •

7. Jn 1907 be was convicted for Sed itious speeches. He presided over lhe
histpric Kolkara Session of 1he Congress in 1920. It was a l this
Session thal a rcsolurion on Non-co-operation was odopted by \he
Congress. . .
8. I-lt;JOi1,cd the Swaraj Party"to contest·c lcctions 10 the Legislt\tive
Councils in I923 .


I' ti C' s unnn , o nuni,~1nn
\\ l11k h uht1 1!" 111'11rnn,11 n 1lo11 1111n1n" ' , I IA tcr he
I I t hr lln tl• h .111• -
en_l r1 h n 1 c, I 0 1 N, h C' , , 11 " n°'~"" I ft"c >t

\c n ,-;orlnl Rr fori11rr; , v , ,,11,·v.,.

I 111, 1111111,•111111 In 11t,· ,•, 111111• 100 off)
n l I nl11tr1· h< I
) Opt•ttt·d urpltnnr•~:c", ho~pihll, " '' r' ~

. r
l ~CfVIIIIIS o f' l'coplcq s m.icty l
, r the w• lforc o•
ihc downtrodden and 'but~ tcs
\. Sc•rv1u1t s or Pc~,,,
,,c..,, Suc1 cry U JJ U l 'W --

1he , fu \v n l rn d d c
n on d '1utchs11:s.

11c- D!!c c m h c r 3 0 , J9 0 6 ~ .
"[hr;, ,\ J u ~lin:, l:.,c::m
b jc t1 i\,cs o f th e L e ague
t\ im J n n d O
th e B riti sh G o ve rn m ent
" p mn1 o te loy alty tow;.1ids
, aind in te rests o f the !v luslims.
. Tio prorec t the po litical rignts other
2 etw e en M u s Ji m s a n d
ostiJily b
se o f H
3~ T o p r e v e n t the rJ
c o m m u n it ie s . e ·B ri ti s h G
_ o ~ e m ment.
th e ir o e e ds befo1"c rl1 1

4. T o p r e s e n t

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