Rifki Rianda - 2001102010094 - Tugas Pertemuan 12 Metode Kuantitatif

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Nama: Rifki Rianda

NPM: 2001102010094

1. Given the following network with the indicated distances between nodes (in miles), determine the
shortest route from node 1 to each of the other six nodes (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7):

Jarak antar node:
Rute Jarak
1-2 21
1-3 17
1-4 30
2-4 10
2-5 25
3-4 12
3-6 25
4-5 18
4-6 10
4-7 9
5-7 12
6-7 15

 Jarak minimum antara node 1 dan 2 = 21 mil (1-2)

 Jarak minimum antara node 1 dan 3 = 17 mil (1-3)

 Jarak minimum antara node 1 dan 4 = 17+12 = 29 mil (1-3-4) < 30 mil (1-4)

 Jarak minimum antara node 1 dan 5 = 46 mil (1-2-5) < 48 (1-4-5), 47 (1-3-4-5), 49(1-2-4-5)

 Jarak minimum antara node 1 dan 6 = 39 mil (1-3-4-6) < 42 (1-3-6), 41 (1-2-4-6), 40 (1-4-6), 67
(1-4-3-6), 68(1-2-4-3-6)

 Jarak minimum antara node 1 dan 7 = 38 mil (1-3-4-7)

2. Frieda Millstone and her family live in Roanoke,Virginia, and they are planning an auto vacation across
Virginia, their ultimate destination being Washington, DC. The family has developed the following
network of possible routes and cities to visit on their trip:

The time, in hours, between cities (which is affected by the type of road and the number of intermediate
towns) is shown along each branch. Determine the shortest route that the Millstone family can travel
from Roanoke to Washington, DC.
Rumusan LP jalur terpendek adalah sebagai berikut:
Min Z = 2 x12 + 4 x13 + 3 x14 + 1 x23 + 2 x25 + 1 x32 + 2 x34 + 2 x36 + 2 x43 + 3 x46 + 2 x52 + 2 x56

Subject to,
x12 + x13 + x14 = 1
x36 + x46 + x56 = 1
x12 + x32 + x52 - x23 - x25 = 0
x13 + x23 + x43 - x32 - x34 - x36 = 0
x14 + x34 - x43 - x46 = 0
x25 - x52 - x56 = 0

xjk = {0,1} for all the feasible pairs of (j,k)

Formulasi Excel:

From To On Route Distance Nodes Net Flow
1 2 1 2 1 1 = 1
1 3 0 4 2 0 = 0
1 4 0 3 3 0 = 0
2 3 1 1 4 0 = 0
2 5 0 2 5 0 = 0
3 2 0 1 6 -1 = -1
3 4 0 2
3 6 1 2
4 3 0 2
4 6 0 3
5 2 0 2
5 6 0 2
Total time 5

Jadi, rute terpendek adalah 1-2-3-6 dan waktunya 5 jam

3. The Roanoke,Virginia, distributor of Rainwater Beer delivers beer by truck to stores in six other
Virginia cities, as shown in the following network:

The mileage between cities is shown along each branch. Determine the shortest truck route from
Roanoke to each of the other six cities in the network.
1.Roanoke - Danville
1 - 4 = 88
1 -3 - 4= 56 + 65=118
rute truk terpendek dari roanake ke kota danville adalah 88

2.Roanoke - Lynchburg
1 - 3 = 53
1 - 2- 5 - 3 = 85 + 31 + 61 = 177
Rute truk terpendek dari roanoke ke lynchburg adalah 53

3.Roanoke - Staunton
1 - 2 = 85
itu adalah satu-satunya untuk mencapai kota ini yaitu 85

4.Roanoke - Chatlottesville
1 - 2- 5 = 85+31=116
1 - 3 - 5 = 53 +61=114
1-4 - 3 - 5 = 88 + 65+ 61 = 214
Rute truk terpendek dari roanoke ke chatlpttesville adalah 114

5.Roanoke - Petersburg
1 - 4 - 6 = 88 +137 = 225
1 - 3 4 - 6 = 53 + 65 + 137 = 255
1 -2 - 5 - 3- 4 - 6 = 85 + 31 + 61 + 65 + 137 = 379
Rute truk terjauh dari roanoke dari petersburg adalah 225.
6.Roanoke - Richmond
1 - 4 - 6 - 7 = 88 + 137 + 24= 249
1 - 4 - 3 - 7 = 88 + 65+ 117 = 270
1-3 - 7 = 53 + 117 = 170
1 - 2- 5- 7 = 85 + 31 + 72 = 188
1 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 7 = 85 + 31 + 61 + 117 = 294
1 - 3 - 5 - 7 = 53 + 61 + 72 = 186
Rute truk terpendek dari roanoke dari richmond adalah 170.

4. The plant engineer for the Bitco manufacturing plant is designing an overhead conveyor system that
will connect the distribution/inventory center to all areas of the plant. The network of possible conveyor
routes through the plant, with the length (in feet) along each branch, follows:

Determine the shortest conveyor route from the distribution/inventory center at node 1 to each of the
other six areas of the plant
Souce 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 80 130 140 ∞ ∞ ∞
1,2 80 130 140 200 ∞ ∞
1,2,3 80 130 140 200 180 340
1,2,3,4 80 130 140 190 180 340
1,2,3,4,6 80 130 140 190 180 340
1,2,3,4,6,5 80 130 140 190 180 340
1,2,3,4,6,5,7 80 130 140 190 180 340
Jadi, jalur terpendek adalah 1,2,3,4,6,5,7 dan jarak dari node 1 ke nodes lainnya (2,3,4,5,6,7) adalah 80,
130, 140, 190, 180, 340.
5. The Burger Doodle restaurant franchises in Los Angeles are supplied from a central warehouse in
Inglewood. The location of the warehouse and its proximity, in minutes of travel time, to the franchises
are shown in the following network:

Trucks supply each franchise on a daily basis. Determine the shortest route from the warehouse at
Inglewood to each of the nine franchises
Tabel berikut mewakili jaringan dan jarak:
Branch jarak
1-2 25
1-6 50
1-7 32
1-5 48
2-3 35
2-4 18
3-4 28
4-6 25
5-7 20
5-8 27
5-10 24
6-7 45
6-9 36
7-9 29
7-8 40
8-9 41
8-10 17

Rute tersingkat dari gudang di kota 1 ke kota lainnya adalah:

 Network 1 ke 2: 1-2 dengan waktu perjalanan 25 menit
 Network 1 ke 3: 1-2-3 dengan waktu perjalanan 60 menit
 Network 1 ke 4: 1-2-4 dengan waktu perjalanan 43 menit
 Network 1 ke 5: 1-5 dengan waktu perjalan 48 menit
 Network 1 ke 6: 1-6 dengan waktu perjalanan 50 menit
 Network 1 ke 7: 1-7 dengan waktu perjalanan 32 menit
 Network 1 ke 8: 1-7-8 dengan waktu perjalan 72 menit
 Network 1 ke 9: 1-7-9 dengan waktu perjalanan 81 menit
 Network 1 ke 10: 1-5-10 dengan waktu perjalanan 72 menit

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