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© Oxford University Presi 1988 Printed in Great Britain

A healthy city strategy three years on—the case of

Oxford City Council*
Health Liaison Officer, Oxford City Environmental Health Department, Oxford, United Kingdom

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There has been a rapid growth in Healthy Cities people from ethnic minority groups. Each of these
project initiatives in the United Kingdom since 1984. programmes is intersectoral and developed in associ-
In the first instance, local authorities in cities such as ation with local communities and the voluntary sector.
Sheffield, Lambeth, Leeds, and Manchester renewed A network of health groups has been established to
their interest in public health, joined later by a wave of support and develop the work. This article outlines the
activity under the World Health Organization Healthy origins, development, and potential future of the
Cities umbrella. The initiative of Oxford City Council Oxford city health strategy, the difficulties encoun-
dates back to 1984. Since that time the Council has tered, and how problems have been overcome. The
developed and implemented a local authority health philosophy of the initiative to date has been activist
strategy spanning personal, social and environmental rather than theoretical. The aim remains to act now in
health issues. In conjunction with community physi- the interest of the city's health, with local communities,
cians, the Council is undertaking a continuing health the voluntary sector, and the many local groups and
audit of its services. It has launched major initiatives individuals who have enthusiastically risen to the
on the prevention of coronary heart disease, AIDS challenge of health for all.
awareness, heating and home safety, and the health of

A growing band of local authorities—including housing, planning, recreation and environmental
those in Sheffield, Lambeth, Leeds, Manchester, health. The second strand of the strategy is to
Greenwich and Waltham Forest—are talcing develop a radical programme of community
major initiatives in public health. Oxford's involvement in public health stretching across
involvement began in 1984 when the local a wide range of issues including food policies,
Labour Party, dissatisfied with an unresponsive smoking prevention, occupational health, recre-
health authority and yet another round of cuts ation and exercise, AIDS prevention, cervical
and closures, committed itself to advancing the cancer, and health information and research.
city's health in the broadest sense. This initiative The evolution of the health strategy over the
has now taken the form of developing a city past three years has led to a number of reorgan-
health strategy in conjunction with other bodies izations and developments in the city Labour
and the community at large. The primary aim of Party as well as in the local authority. Political
the strategy is to offset health inequalities in commitment to public health is a necessary pre-
Oxford, and the key to the strategy lies in many condition for unlocking funds and officers' time
local authority responsibilities for such things as for a health strategy. The political commitment
of the Oxford Labour Party was secured through
• This article was prepared for the 2nd International a number of factors. First, the health trade
Conference on Health Promotion: Healthy Public unions lobbied the Labour Party from November
Policy, held 5-9 April 1988 in Adelaide, South 1983 until a political commitment to form a
Australia. Health Liaison Committee was extracted in May
214 P. FRYER

1984. Second, activists pushed hard to establish and deaths associated with inadequate heating.
a health working party within the city Labour Most recently a Community Fitness Officer began
Party. This working party acted and continues to work in the Occupational Health Section offering
act as a pressure group for public health within services to employers in the city.
the Party. Among its achievements is the pub- Concomitant with this structural change was a
lication of a policy document on health in the city change of ethos and a new team spirit. Traditional
and the formation of the Health and Environ- environmental health lived in the shadow of med-
mental Control Committee in May 1985 through ical practitioners. The new public health strategy
merging the traditional Environmental Health has provided a vigorous platform fulfilling some
Committee with the new Health Liaison Com- of the frustrated ambitions of the Environmental
mittee (formed in May 1984). The city now has Health Officers to take on new and exciting
a single committee to oversee health matters in work. The recruitment of new officers has aided
the Council. Agenda items range from healthy this process since the new recruits have shown

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eating and community fitness, radiation monit- evidence of experience in community activism
oring and acid rain to cervical cancer and AIDS. and community skills.
Personal, social and environmental health issues
are part and parcel of this Committee's agenda.
Such has been the power of this new agenda for ENLISTING COUNCIL DEPARTMENTS—
public health that all parties' agreement has been FROM INVOLVEMENT TO HEALTH AUDIT
secured for the major initiatives taking place in To secure the change of ethos in the Council as a
the city. whole, the city has set up a network of health
working groups. This began with the formation
of the City Health Working Group in July 1985.
ORGANIZING A STRUCTURE This group is comprised of representatives of
Once the political base was secured, the major each of the Council's Departments: Housing;
protagonists of the city health lobby set about City Engineers and Recreation; Planning, Estates
reorganizing the Environmental Health Depart- and Architecture; Environmental Health; Per-
ment to secure the structure best suited to the sonnel; City Secretaries and Solicitors; and City
new priorities. The new Health and Environ- Treasury. It also includes representatives of both
mental Control Committee required an integra- statutory and voluntary health bodies in Oxford.
tion of the health promotion and liaison role into The first major task of the group was to formu-
traditional environmental health. The liaison late the health strategy that became Council
role began life in the Department of Planning, policy in January 1986. The second task has
Estates and Architecture. The transfer of the role proved to be more difficult. Each Council
to Environmental Health has helped to secure the department was asked to produce health targets.
rapid development of health promotion functions The purpose of the exercise was to direct work
on the foundation of traditional work such as towards the overall goals of the strategy. To
food inspection, pollution control, occupational accomplish this task it has proved necessary to
health and housing. The Health Liaison and Pro- set up an additional group—the local authority
motion Section is part of the Division of Com- health audit group. As a result, over 100 targets
mercial and Industrial Health. It contains a have been developed by the seven departments
Health Liaison Officer, an AIDS Liaison Officer, and work is currently being undertaken with
a Home Safety Officer and two part-time com- community physicians to refine and improve the
munity health workers. The placing of the Section targets before their publication in the near
in the Department has led to a series of bids for future. Such targets focus on the numbers of
new staff that place officers with a health promo- places with a smoke-free atmosphere in the city,
tion role in traditional sections. Hence, a com- the completion of an emissions inventory, safe
munity dietician now works in the Food Hygiene routes to school for children, and the extension
Section. She is building on the food inspection and improvement of health screening at work.
work in developing a healthy eating programme The Planning, Estates and Architecture Depart-
for the city. An Energy and Heating Officer has ment took up the challenge of health data and
been placed in the Housing Section to develop a looked at the feasibility of developing a health
programme to arrest the unnecessary ill health database for the city. A by-product of this work

has been the ranking of neighbourhoods in an AIDS. Progress towards the targets will be
index of deprivation using class indicators such as reviewed every six months.
housing and employment. This ranking directed
the attention of the health strategy to the social INVOLVING THE COMMUNITY-
geography of ill health, which mirrored that of NEIGHBOURHOOD WORK
social class.
The Engineers and Recreation Department has The Healthy Oxford 2000 Campaign was
advanced the health strategy through develop- launched by the city in November 1986, inspired
ing projects for safe routes to school and safe by the World Health Organization (WHO)
cycle routes, and through a rapidly developing Healthy Cities project. The campaign outlines
community fitness programme. With 250 staff 25 target areas for work in the city. A health
engaged in recreation and leisure centres, the newsletter was distributed to every household in
foundation for health initiatives is strong. A the city as a form of public consultation. The

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health and recreation group was set up to newsletter, which will be continued and pub-
examine a number of possible projects. Two lished quarterly, concentrated on eight spearhead
fitness testing systems were purchased and are projects on: heating, home safety, ethnic minor-
now in use in the community, offering a test, a ities, screening for cervical cancer, AIDS pre-
computer read-out on an exercise programme vention, healthy food, community fitness and
geared to an individual's level of fitness, and smoking prevention. Early responses suggest
additional health promotion information on diet widespread interest and a desire on the part of
and smoking prevention. A health training pro- organizations and individuals in the city to
gramme for recreation workers is being put participate in the Campaign. Aid to the value of
together on the basis of the use of the system. £20 000 has been earmarked to encourage com-
Plans exist for a community health bus to be munity participation. This fund is being used
used in the testing programme. to engage voluntary organizations in a joint
The City Council employs 1300 people, which planning exercise around the concerns of the
gives it the opportunity of pioneering a model 25 target areas. The members of the city's health
occupational health policy. Already a smoke-free committee meet with the 30-40 funded groups to
atmosphere has been established in offices and negotiate a health contract—a mutual under-
workplaces. Courses to help people stop smoking standing of how city and voluntary organizations
are planned. The project for the prevention of are going to work together over the coming year.
heart attack and stroke is to advise the city on its The health contract system has greatly improved
health screening programme. The idea is to the performance of both the Council and the
develop the policy and then extend it to trade voluntary sector in focusing on achievable targets
unions and employers in the city. An important in the campaign; good examples of such targeting
by-product of the process is to inform the work- include the setting up of a "cold-line" by Age
force of the aims and objectives of the healthy Concern—a joint measure aimed at reducing
strategy and Healthy Oxford 2000 Campaign. cold-related illnesses—and the financing of a
healthy eating guide prepared by the Oxford
Bit by bit the various parts of the city bureau- Vegetarians.
cracy are being enlisted into the health initiative.
The existence of a Healthy Oxford 2000 Cam- Neighbourhood work has been steadily devel-
paign Fund of £24 000 has aided this develop- oping. The city and the Oxfordshire Health
ment by priming the pump for joint projects. Authority have a joint programme of neighbour-
The Fund can be used by any department or hood health events organized in conjunction with
community group falling within the target areas local schools and community organizations. A
of the Campaign. Most recently the local author- "heart-fit" project is about to be launched. It will
ity health audit group has recommended that all include a basic health check, a fitness test and a
departments of the Council develop their own health knowledge assessment. The follow-up will
health strategies, and that targets be appended to have two parts. First, smoking cessation, weight
these strategies. To provide a focus for the next reduction and other personal services will be
round of target-setting the following "runners" offered. Second, social and environmental
have been identified for the exercise: smoking, services will be offered in the form of a home
alcohol, exercise, healthy eating, stress and safety and home heating visit and a check on
216 P. FRYER

the use of welfare benefits. The integration of and Swindon Co-operative Society and of course
personal and environmental health issues is one the City Council and Oxfordshire Health Au-
of the manifest advantages of advancing health thority. Collectively these companies employ
promotion in the Environmental Health Depart- 41 000 workers in Oxford and its surroundings.
ment. Our latest idea in this regard is to build The health contract stipulates a number of
up a series of self-sufficient health promotion conditions for employers to fulfil in improving
modules that are capable of being offered in the health of their workforces and aiding health
many contexts, either separately or together (see promotion in general. A follow-up "heart-fit"
Fig. 1). Each of these modules is interdisciplin- package is being prepared by the City Council
ary and involves the voluntary sector. Each can and the Oxfordshire Health Authority to help
be offered in a health centre, by a general practi- employers act on their public statements of
tioner or in a community setting. Collectively commitment. The package includes health and
they can be promoted as local or city-wide health fitness testing, health knowledge assessment,

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events. workshops and consultancy on key campaign
issues such as eating, smoking, alcohol, exercise
and stress. It is hoped to integrate the industrial
Hetlthy Oxford 2000 Exhibition with the community side of the health promotion
Neighbourhood health ft
regutention check card package by setting the "magic" target of 2000
Refemjs from
heart-fit tests by April 1989—1000 at work and
prirauy ore, etc 1000 in the community.


The most contentious and yet most influential
initiative the city has yet undertaken was the
appointment of the first AIDS Liaison Officer in
the United Kingdom. This post is jointly funded
by the Council and the Oxfordshire Health Au-
thority, but based in the Environmental Health
Department. The city has developed an AIDS
strategy that includes action on public cam-
Fig. 1: Healthy Oxford 2000—neighbourhood health paigns, the promotion of condom use, and needle
fit check scheme exchange. A mobile exhibition is now in use and
work against AIDS is being spurred on by an
intersectoral strategy encompassing health,
The modules will be integrated into the existing housing, social services, community nursing and
programme of city-wide events that are based the voluntary sector.
around the town hall, the city's open market and The city pioneered the post on the basis of a
its public buildings. Openings f or health pro- projection of premature deaths from AIDS made
motion include the use of stalls and public space as part of a community health profile. Action on
and exhibitions. The idea is to be as opportunistic AIDS became the major priority of the health
as possible in exploring for health the multi- strategy once it was revealed that the disease
faceted setting of a local council. would become the major cause of premature
deaths (those in people under 65 years of age) in
INVOLVING THE COMMUNITY the city within five years. The demand on the
post has been so great that the city has helped to
On 13 October 1987, the city and the Oxfordshire fund, through a health contract, a development
Health Authority, jointly with the health educa- worker for the voluntary group OXAIDS. A
tion authority, facilitated the signing of 13 health third worker has now been appointed by the
contracts with employers in the city. Among the Health Authority to prepare people in primary
companies signing were the following: Austin care and community nursing for the care of
Rover, Unipart, Oxford United Football Club, patients with HIV-related illnesses. The AIDS
British Telecom, Oxford Polytechnic, Oxford initiative has set a pattern emulated by parallel

projects on food, heating and home safety, and

community fitness. The pattern is the following: HEALTHY CITIES—NATIONAL ISSUES
• the joint recognition of a problem by the The vitality of the new public health in the United
Kingdom, centred in local authorities, stems
Council and the Health Authority from the fact that the initiative has developed
• the formation of joint working group(s) outside medical control. It is a municipal and
• the appointment of an officer community model subject to local democratic
• the joint grounding and supervision of related control. Work with the Health Authority and
projects. especially community medicine, however, means
This process of joint work is not without its the lay public health model is supplemented and
fair share of conflict, professional jealousy and supported by skilled physicians and epidemi-
personality difficulties. It has proved, however, ologists. The result is the benefits of a non-
far more advantageous to all parties than each medical and a medical model working hand in

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going off and doing its own thing. Arguments hand; partnership is the key concept. Every day
and criticism are aired to the mutual benefit of the new class of officers dealing with the public
professionals and the community. Only rarely in health in cities, whether in newly founded health
the course of three years has it proved impossible units or in environmental health departments,
for one side or the other to climb out of the meets its medical counterpart as an equal. It is
trench of perceived professional self-interest in hoped that the Acheson Enquiry into the future
the interest of the greater good. of community medicine will glean some insights
into alternative models by looking at the Oxford
THE HEALTH AUTHORITY The city is collating and preparing abstracts of
its health strategies. They are to be presented to
The expansion of interdisciplinary forums, councillors as a city health policy. In the mean-
sponsored by the City Council with the Health time, a two-day training package for other cities
Authority, led inevitably to the formation of a in the United Kingdom has been created with the
strategic planning group, meeting each month, Health Education Council, to spread the Oxford
for healthy city initiatives in Oxford. This group method of work as rapidly as possible.
is comprised of the Assistant General Manager Progress on advancing the strategy is reported
of the Health Authority, the District Medical regularly to the recently formed national organ-
Officer of Health, the Director of the Health ization of health committees. A division of
Unit, the Assistant Director of Nursing Services labour is beginning to emerge between cities
(Oxford area) and the city's Environmental participating in this network. The WHO Healthy
Health Officer and his team. The group's chair Cities project has added a welcome spur to the
changes each year and is shared by the Medical new public health in the United Kingdom, as well
Officer of Health and city Environmental Health as an international dimension.
Officer. Mutual criticism and health advocacy is Although it is recognized that the solutions to
encouraged since both sides fear the cosiness of a major public health problems (such as structural
"bilateral corporatism" could blunt the cutting unemployment, the size and distribution of
edge of public health advocacy. The Mediqal incomes, and agricultural policy) do not lie, for
Officer criticizes housing, recreation and plan- the most part, in the hands of local government,
ning in the interests of public health and is conviction is growing that local authorities can
criticized in turn on improvements in screening play an effective role in advancing public health
services, consumer awareness and, of course, in their localities—a role that they can strengthen
health promotion services. In general, however, by joining together to influence the national and
criticism is a spur towards more systematic international agendas for public health in the late
collaboration on the key issues in the health of 1980s and the 1990s.
the city.
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