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Due to the advancement of the technology, students in different levels (especially high school

and higher education unit) tend to embrace gadgets and tools that are brought by modernization,

specifically smartphones. (Iqbal, S., Khan, M., & Malik, I., 2017; Esmaeili, M., Eydgahi, A.,

&Amanov, I., 2015). In a result of a dynamic change in technology, it opened portals for social

networking sites and allied technology based education (m-learning, e-learning, u-learning) to

intervene. (Vyas, N., &Nirban, V., 2014). However, it also opened problematic issues to students

and school administrations such as internet addiction on high school and college level.

(Carbonell, X., et. Al., 2018). Students get advantages and disadvantages through these, whether

in the field of education, travel, and entertainment. The problem begins when students have a

hard time in dealing with these gadgets with appropriate allocated time. It results to inappropriate

surfing to social media sites and mobile application that sidetracks students from studying.

(Alfawareh, H. M., &Jusoh, S., 2017). As a result, it affects their everyday work, mostly

education. This also cause distraction to the students while inside the classroom and will result to

unfinished works on time. (Carbonell, X., et. Al., 2018)

In a smaller picture, in the classroom of Miriam Adult Education Unit of Miriam College, the

researchers observed that smartphones have influence on Grade 12 students’ behavior inside the

classroom. In a positive side, smartphones enable students to surf the web, to connect in the

internet world to know the recent news and trend, to access educational videos that will help

their students. Smartphones make students plunge in the internet world for educational purposes

and entertainment. They use different search engine in their phone such as Google, Bing, etc.,

social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and many more. However,
due to the improper use of smartphones, students are having a difficult time to discipline

themselves because they are putting so much time in their smartphones. This result to more time

allocated with smartphone and less time allocated with school works. According to the

researchers experience, in relevance to the certain problem, during classes, they get tempted to

use their smartphones to check what is going on in the internet world, to check if there are

incoming messages, emails or trends present in the internet world. Although there may be

instances that they surf the web for definitions of words, check if there are received emails from

their classmates and teachers, etc., they experience temptation to use it for non-academic purpose

instead for academic purpose. And because of these experiences that the researchers undergo

often, these instances urged them to conduct research to know if their schoolmates also

experience this certain situation.

Statement of the Problem

With the current issue students face, the researchers are urge to make a research out of it to

acknowledge and make awareness on everyone. This research aims to answer the following


 What are the perspectives of the students in using smartphones inside the classroom?

 Why do students use smartphones inside the classroom?

The researchers choose the topic to attain the following objectives:

 To know the perspectives of selected Grade 12 students about using smartphones during


 To identify the reasons why students, use smartphones during classes.

Review of Related Literature

Relevant literature from various sources of information were used to provide insight as to why

using smartphones inside the classroom can possibly affect student learning in school. This

chapter discusses the definition of smartphones, how smartphones relating to education and the

negative and positive attributes to using a smartphone inside the classroom.

Definition of Smartphones

Wikipedia (2013) and Charthard (2017) defined smartphones as a personal handheld computer

and can also be defined as mini computers that has small keyboard. Generally, it is built to

process many services that can help people in making their lives easier. It has similarities to

computers in terms of its hardware and software, services and the access to applications.

Smartphones, especially tablets and cell phones, have accomplished huge prevalence in later a

long time in light of their flexibility and multi-usefulness and are normally utilized in the day by

day life of any individual and particularly youths (Carvalho and Ferreira 2010)

Smartphones Relating to Education

Sharna and Barret (2010) stresses on the educational application of smartphones and related

technological tools. They defined M-learning (mobile learning) as a portal in making education

more accessible outside the classroom. M-learning promotes education both inside and outside

the classroom. Teachers often use virtual classroom so the process of learning is continuous

inside and outside the classroom. M-learning or mobile learning have spread widely throughout

the world. The reasons’ behind its peak is because of mobile internet that conveniently access
applications that will help the students to achieve quality education. It is considered as “blended

learning” because of mixing different things to different people.

Also, Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula (2005) clarified the applications of m-learning. M-learning

makes education higher accessible in that it will empower learners to seek to their studies based

to their own calendar or schedule. Also m-learning increases connection for those who cannot

attend learning institutions. In this situation m-learning gives so much benefits to the learners

and it can make learning is much easier using their smart phones.

Rabiu, Muhammed, Umaru and Ahmed (2016) claims that mobile phone usage has a significant

impact on senior high school students’ academic performance both on the positive and negative


According to the article that Sevari (2012) made, the points ‘of interest and limitations of cell

phones and their utilization in educating and learning educational modules content is evaluated.

Research strategy is done scientific. Essential data is gathered from substantial references. Proof

demonstrates that learning via Voice, SMS content, graphical presentations, data extraction,

Internet look, Camera and Video cuts are an assortment of cell phone learning in instruction.

Similar to the concept of Sharna and Barret (2010), Suryanarayana (2015) presented some help

of smartphones inside the classroom such as picture-taking and internet surfing. Also, the

convenience to access technological information through networking sites and educational

databases is an aid to students. However, Suryanarayana (2015) acknowledged the high risk

distraction in using smartphones during discussion such as texting, mobile gaming, chatting, and

Advantage and Disadvantage of using Smartphones

According to Carvalho and Ferreira (2012), the other advantages of using smartphone are

possibility of being used in any location, keyboard or peripherals are not necessary required to

access files over the internet, requires less maintenance than traditional computers and laptops,

encourages the concentration of students, improving the behavior. In contrary. disadvantages are

being Unable to view certain content, insufficient screen size in certain models of tablet, the need

to charge the battery when it is drained, limited storage capacity and processing power, data

connection is required for these devices to access the Internet when the Wi-Fi connection is not


In the other angle, mobile phones give students a temptation to plunge into distractions during

the class. (Gergen, Halpen, and Franzini, 2002; Valley 2017). Chartrand (2013) emphasized that

students do not stay focused on their assignments and tasks, and can easily distracted by their

gadgets. As a result, they are having an issue on their classroom management. Valley (2017)

clarifies that even if smartphones have a big part in our everyday lives, there are still many

schools don’t allow to use mobile technologies inside their classroom.




Selected grade 12 students will be the participants of the study. The research will use non-

probability sampling, which is the purposive sampling, in choosing the grade 12 students that
will participate in the study. The selection of respondents is based from the purpose of the study

which is the students who use smartphones during classes to provide convenient extraction of


The researchers will conduct this study in of Miriam Adult Education Unit (MAE). It was chosen

based on the convenience of the place for the researchers to conduct the study and with the group

of learners present.


The researchers will use structured interview as a means of collecting data from the respondents.

This method was chosen since it is time efficient and convenient to conduct. Moreover, the data

that will be gathered are comparable and can be analyzed thoroughly that will be arranged into

themes of each statement given by the participants.

The data will be collected from the participants of the study, the Grade 12 students coming from

Miriam Adult Education Unit of Miriam College. The participants were chosen using non-

probability which is the purposive.

The researchers formulated interview questions in order to gather data from the participants. The

structured interview will be held at the MAE library. The interview will include 1 or 2

interviewer and 1 interviewee. It will be a one-on-one interview.

Interview Protocol

During the actual process, the interviewer will let the interviewee to read and sign the informed

consent that states the title and the purpose of the study. Next, the interviewer/s will have an

orientation regarding the purpose of the study, as well as the confidentiality of it. After that, the
researchers will have preliminary questions regarding on the position of the interviewee on the

study (if s/he uses smartphones or not). Then, the interview will proceed to the formal interview.

Two (2) main questions will be asked on the interviewee. In the gap of each questions, there may

be some follow-up questions to clarify and broaden the information that can help the study to

grow more. After the formal session, the interviewers will thank the interviewee for participating

in the study. The interviewers will ensure that the data gathered will remain confidential and it

will be used for compliance purpose only. The interviewee will receive tokens (food or candies)

and will share the feedback to the interviewee. After all the participants had been interviewed,

the researchers will proceed in analyzing the data.

Data Analysis

The researchers will use deductive approach in analyzing data. Deductive approach deals with

the arranging and organizing data to formulate common themes observed in the information

shared by the participants. According to the blog made by Onuoha (2018) entitled “How to

Effectively Carry Out a Qualitative Data Analysis”, the first thing to do in analyzing data is to

make a transcript out of audio recordings recorded during the actual interview. The transcript

will contain verbatim conversations between the participants and the researchers. Next, the

transcript will be arranged and organized following the responses that will deal either in research

question number one (1) or two (2). After organizing, the researchers will proceed in reviewing

the whole content of the transcript. They will put markings by highlighting responses that deals

with the different research questions to isolate statements that will either answer the first or

second research question. Once the markings have been done, they will review again the

transcript many times to get the interpretations of the different dialogues of the participants.
Lastly, they will brainstorm and will share their different thoughts about it and will formulate

common themes out of the data.



In the interview conducted, all ten (10) participants shared their thoughts, knowledge, feelings,

experiences and opinions about using smartphones during classes. Majority of them based their

perspectives on their experiences in using smartphones during discussion and some based their

opinion on what they see on their different classes.

Getting into their different perspectives on the use of smartphones during discussion, which seek

answer to the first research question, 6 of them stated the positive side of using smartphones

during classes. To connect with the participants’ responses, Student 3 stated that, “Smartphone

is helpful because I can search the web...”. But mainly, they also considered that smartphone

should be used meaningfully and objectively, this can be reflected to the statement made by

Student 1, saying, “okay lang sa akin … basta alam niya lang kung paano mo siya gagamitin”,

(It is okay for me if we know how to use it properly.). According to them, it helps students in

different ways, but one must consider his/her limitation in using smartphone.

On the other hand, 4 of them stressed smartphone as an agent for distraction and causing the

digression of students from the discussion. Although they considered that smartphone really

helps them to study better, their perspectives on it was commonly negative as if it causes

distractions in many ways. This can be seen in Student 2’s statement by responding, “Pag
nagcecellphone ka, hindi ka makapakinig sa teacher na nagdidiscuss.” (When we are using

smartphones, we cannot give full attention to the teacher who discusses.)

In connection with their perspectives, they also pin-pointed the different ways on how

smartphones help them. They stated reasons commonly for educational purposes (usually for

searching the web using search engines like Google, for calculator in math and related activities,

for capturing the lessons and discussions presented by PowerPoint presentations (PPT) or

writings on the board, for using downloaded applications like dictionary to search for unknown

words or terminologies, for downloading PPT presentations) and non-educational purposes

(including the access from social media applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., for

communicating to family and friends, for online games like Mobile Legends and offline games

like Wordscapes)

With these, the researchers were enabled to identify themes/categories that commonly found in

every response made by the participants that will be interpreted and analyzed critically.



Because of the interview made, the researchers derived these responses into common themes,


 Insight of students in using smartphone during classes (aid or hindrance for education)


 Common uses of smartphone

Insight of students in using smartphones during classes

The students’ responses about their perspectives commonly discusses the helpful use of the

smartphone and the distraction it causes from the students during classes.

An aid for education

6 of the participants responded on the first interview question by stating their thoughts and

opinion about the usage of smartphones during classes. Their perspectives mainly revolve around

the helpful use of smartphone during classes. Most of them expressed the essence of having

smartphone by connecting its uses that helps them. The aid of smartphone during discussion are

mainly for using its build-in applications like calculator, calendar and search engines like

Google, for searching the web to gain access for knowledge, for downloading files to access

documents, also seen in the study made by Carvalho and Ferreira (2012), and for taking pictures,

also evident to the blog made by Suryanarayana (2015).

Although they discussed mainly about the positivity of having smartphone inside the classroom,

in contrary, they also considered that they must also have the responsibility to use it for academic

purposes. They stressed that students must also have their limitations while using smartphone

inside the classroom. “It is useful in terms of learning…” (Student 8) but, “… we must know

how to use it properly. (Student 1) All in all, these responses represent the six (6) of the

perspectives that focuses on smartphone being an aid for smartphone.

Hindrance to participate in the class

Though majority of the participants reported on the positive effects of smartphone, the four (4)

left discussed about the negative impact of smartphone in student during classes. As for them,

having smartphone present gives them the temptation to use it, and by using it, they are being
distracted and digress them into the discussion. These temptation roots from the application of

smartphone inside the classroom because as all people know, smartphones can be used to access

both educational and non-educational activities. Moreover, the distraction caused by smartphone

originated from its non-educational use that sidetracks students to use it instead of giving full-

pledge attention to the discussion that is well-said by Student 2 by responding, “Pag

nagcecellphone ka, hindi ka makapakinig sa teacher na nagdidiscuss… mahahati yung attensyon

mo or minsan buo pa nga yung attensyon mo.” (When we are using smartphones, we cannot give

full attention to the teacher who discusses. You provide more attention in using smartphones,

sometimes you give full attention in using smartphone.) This result can be also seen in the

quantitative study made by Rabiu, Muhammed, Umaru, & Ahmed (2016) that shows the

influence of smartphones to students in high school level.

The use of smartphones such as accessing the internet for social media activities, watching

videos and online games are the common distractions for the participants involved in the study.

Likewise, these reasons can be also seen in Chartrand (2018) qualitative study stated, “watching

videos that are not related to the lesson, playing online games, and using social networks for

connecting with friends… are inappropriate uses of the device during class and may lead to class

disruptions.”, which obviously means that this reasons are also experienced by students in

different contexts.

Common uses of smartphone

The participants revealed the reasons why they use smartphones during discussion, both deals

with significant and insignificant use of it. Often observed, the participants use it for searching,

for making a research, for defining unknown words and for taking pictures and downloading

lectures from the teachers. This can be also seen in research made by Iqbal, Khan, & Malik,
(2017) that focuses on positive attitudes of students towards smartphones. However, insignificant

use of the smartphone to the discussion was also revealed such as the use of it for

communication purposes, for online and offline gaming and for accessing social media

application. These applications of smartphone were also seen to the study made possible by

McCoy (2016) that deals with the quantitative research on digital distractions among students

cause by smartphones that also agrees with the study made by Carbonell, et. Al (2018) that is

generalized as “Internet Addiction” among students because of the disadvantages brought by


These reasons pushed the participants’ positions on the use of smartphone. Nevertheless, these

reasons were not considered as good and bad by the researchers because they do not have the

right to judge these responses.


This study also acknowledges its limitations and restrictions during the process. This study made

encountered some difficulties in selecting the participants, where and when will the interview be

held, also on the scope of the study.

This study was qualitative in nature and set its boundaries by pre-defining the interview

questions made to collect the data from the participants. This research deals only with the

perceptions of the students in using their smartphones during discussions. This study can benefit

future study in to some extent if and only if ; it is related on the topic and title of the study

conducted. It could only provide qualitative data based on experience, ideas, opinions and

feelings of the participants involved.

The researchers had a difficulty in finding time for the interview since there are still classes when

the study was conducted. The participants availability varies from one another, and so, the

researcher had a hard time in making an appointment to them, but fortunately, all participants

involved were interviewed.


This study aims to benefit the following people in different ways:

 Students – The students will have an awareness about the perspectives of their

schoolmates in the issue of the use of smartphones during classes.

 Teachers – The teachers will be informed on the reasons of students why do they use

smartphones during classes.

 School Administration – The school administration will have knowledge about the

reasons of students why they use smartphone inside the classroom and have a better

understanding on this happening inside the classroom particularly during discussions.

 Future research/es – This study is enriched with qualitative data based the experiences of

the participants involved and it can provide ideas and contributions to the future

researches can be done relevant to the scope of this study.


Transcript of Interviews

Student 1

Researcher: For preliminary question, do you use smartphone inside the classroom? Pwedeng

during discussion or what?

Student 1: Yung opinyon ko doon, sa paggamit ng smartphone kase, kung sa classroom man,
example may discussion, nakakaabala yun sayo. Nakakadistorbo yun sayo, parang hindi ka
nakakapagfocus sa discussion ng teacher. Yung opinyon ko, okay lang naming gumamit ng
cellphone (smartphone) basta on break time. Hindi ito pwedeng gamitin natin habang nagtuturo
yung teacher kasi nakakadistorbo yun.

Researcher: Okay. So gumagamit ka ng smartphone? Bakit mo ito ginagamit? For what?

Student 1: Uhm… Gumagamit ako ng cellphone, syempre alam naman natin na yung paggamit
natin ng cellphone ay malaking tulong satin yun, to communicate with friends and family. Ahh…
Hindi lang siya, nakakatulong din siya, uhm… kunwari nagreresearch tayo. Kailangan natin
magresearch gamit ang cellphone, so malaking tulong din yun. Basta alam lang natin yung
limitation natin na gagamitin natin siya (smartphone) sa, hindi siya …, parang ginagamit natin
siya (smartphone) in a good way, hindi siya yung…, parang… ginagamit natin siya
(smartphone), parang …, parang naaapektuhan yung pag-aaral natin. Ayon.

Researcher: So para sayo, naapektuhan ng smartphone ang pag-aaral?

Student 1: Oo, nakakaapekto yung paggamit ng cellphone sa pag-aaaral. Kase andaming uhm…
gamit ng cellphone eh. Online games, in terms of online games, uhm…, magagamit iyon. Gaya
ko, habang nagdidiscuss yung teacher. Pero nakakadistract talaga yung pag-ano… ng cellphone.
Yung paggamit ng cellphone.

Researcher: So ano, pwede mo pa bang, pwede ka pabang magshare ng ibang experience mo?
Kunwari gumagamit ka ng smartphone sa loob ng classroom, ano yung mga experiences mo,
pinapagalitan kaba ng teacher o hindi?

S1: Yes. One time napagalitan ako ng teacher kase gumamit ako ng cellphone. Like, yung
dinidiscuss niya pinicturan ko. Ahh… syempre kailangan ko kasing malaman uhm… yung
lecture niya, kailangan kong masundan kase ang bilis. Pinicturan ko tapos ayun, pinagalitan ako.

Researcher: Ano nararamdaman mo kapag pinayagan ka ng teacher gumamit ng cellphone inside

the classroom or during discussion?

S1: Anong nararamdaman? Nararamdaman ko ay… wala, okay lang sa akin. Parang basta alam
niya lang kung paano mo siya gagamitin (smartphone).
Researcher: Paano naman kapag hindi. Kunwari kailangan na kailangan mo talaga siyang
gamitin (smartphone) pero bawal during discussion. Ano yung nafefeel mo?

S1: Uhm… syempre minsan nafefeel mo masama yung loob mo kase syempre kailangan mo
siyang gamitin (smartphone) tapos parang… hindi ka papayagan.

Researcher: Tapos anong ginagawa mo? Kunwari di ka pinayagan, anong ginagawa mo?
Gumagamit ka parin ba o hindi na?

S1: Oo, natetempt ako na gamitin pero syempre, kailangan natin sumunod kasi syempre, pwede
kang ipatawag sa office. Ganon.

Student 2

Researcher: First of all, gumagamit ka ba ng smartphone during discussion or inside the


Student 2: Yes.

Researcher: Okay. If you say yes, uhm…, ano yung… sa experience mo, ano ang masasabi mo
sa paggamit ng smartphone during discussion?

Student 2: Sa mga ano, kunwari may hindi ako naintindihan na word, na ano…, naiintindihan ko
siya pag gumagamit ako ng smartphone. Para ano… para masearch yung word na yun at

Researcher: Uhm… So yun yung use ng smartphone para sayo?

Student 2: Tsaka ano… para mapadali din yung pakikipagcommunicate sa family. Kunwari,
mayroon emergency, nalalaman ko kaagad.

Researcher: Uhm… for communication purposes. Okay. So ayun, bakit mo siya (smartphone)
ginagamit mainly sa classroom? Bakit mo siya (smartphone) ginagamit? Ba’t mo ginagamit yung
smartphone sa classroom? Kung ano pa yung mga ibang uses ng smartphone para sayo.

Student 2: Yun nga. Kunwari mayroon akong ano… Kunwari sa math, may hindi ako alam na
sagot or di ko masagot yun kase masyadong mataas yung numero, pwede ko siyang gamiting
calculator sa cellphone.
Researcher: So ginagamit mo yung software na calculator for math. Okay. Yun lang ba? Wala na
ba? Naglalaro ka ba ng online games during discussion?

Student 2: Minsan, oo.

Researcher: So anong, pwede ka bang magshare ng ibang experience, I mean mga experience mo
kapag gumagamit ng smartphone? May instances ba na napapagalitan ka ng teacher o wala?

Student 2: Para sa akin wala naman na napagalitan ako, nakumpis lang, de joke lang.

Researcher: Ayun. So nakumpiskahan ka ng smartphone?

Student 2: Junior high school ata.

Researcher: Uhm… Anong nafefeel mo kapag, kunwari nagdidiscuss kayo sa klase. Anong
nafefeel mo kapag pinapayagan kayo ng teacher mo na gamit yung smartphone?

Student 2: Minsan masaya kase ano eh… Meron kang kalayaan gamitin yung cellphone na para
sa ano… Minsan kase kapag yung teacher binigay yung kalayaan na yun, or pinayagan kayo,
minsan may purpose din yun. Kunwari, mayroon siyang powerpoint, mabilis siya magdiscuss. So
minsan pwede mo siyang picturan or mas makakatulong yun para mas ano… makapagreview
pagdating sa bahay or gamitin, i-download yung diniscuss niyang powerpoint para pwedeng

Researcher: Okay. Kapag ano… ano naman yung experience mo kapag hindi ka pinayagan ng
teacher mo na gumamit ng smartphone?

Student 2: Para sa akin, okay lang din naman na di payagan para… Minsan kase hindi ako
makapagfocus kapag may hawak akong cellphone. Syempre nag-aano ka, nagcecellphone ka,
minsan nakakaistorbo. Mahahati yung attensyon mo or minsan buo pa nga yung attensyon mo sa

Researcher: So sa tingin mo, di ka nakakapagfocus kapag gumagamit ka ng smartphone during


Student 2: Para sa akin, oo.

Researcher: So yun lang naman, thank you!

Student 3

The student 3 refused to record the interview session because of his personal issue. In a result,
the research took note for the important details that he gave. He admitted that he uses
smartphones during classroom. He said that smartphone is helpful for him because he can search
the web to find definition of words and to search for easier meaning of the topic discussed by his
teacher. He can also use smartphone for taking pictures of the PowerPoint presentation of his
teacher. On the other hand, he said that he uses smartphone for non-academic purposes like using
Facebook to find for memes, for online games like Mobile Legends and offline games like
Wordscapes. In short, he also uses smartphone for entertainment purposes. In the last question
that the interviewer asked, he shared his own experiences in using smartphones during
discussion. The interviewer asked what would he feel when he barely need the smartphone to
search for something and the teacher prohibited him for using smartphone. These are the
responses he made:

“Nadidismaya kase yun ang makakatulong sakin” (It is frustrating because it is the tool
(smartphone) that can help me)

“Hindi lahat ng studend sakto lahat ang isip”. (Not every student has the adequate knowledge

When the interviewer asked what he would feel if he is allowed to use smartphone, he said that:

“Okay lang kase may time para sa social media, may time na mag-search” (It is okay for me
because I have the time to access social media application/sites and I have the time to search)

After that, the interviewer thanked him for participating in the study and promised that the
information he shared will remain confidential throughout the process.

Student 4

Researcher: So, start na tayo. Una sa lahat, gumagamit ka ba ng smartphone during classes?

Student 4: Oo gumagamit ako.

Researcher: So based on your experience, ano yung masasabi mo kapag gumagamit ka ng

Student 4: Uhm… Parang ano… Kapag … Paano ba sa klase?

Researcher: Oo sa klase.

Student 4: Kapag sa room naman, ginagamit ko kase yun for research or minsan kapag magtetext
or minsan kapag wala naming ginagawa, ginagamit ko to for online games. And then… Yun

Researcher: Anong masasabi mo dito?

Student 4: Helpful din for subjects din. Minsan… minsan nakakadistorbo kasi syempre kapag
once na nagtuturo yung teacher then parang… naboboring ka, syempre iisipin mo na lang yung
cellphone mo, na maglalaro ka nalang kesa making. Kaya parang … minsan, nakakaistorbo siya

Researcher: Okay. Nakakadistorbo siya (smartphone) para sayo?

Student 4: Oo.

Researcher: Pero hindi naman all the time no?

Student 4: Hindi naman.

Researcher: Bukod doon sa mga sinabi mo kanina, ano pa yung gamit ng smartphone para sayo?

Student 4: Like ano… like. Gamit ng smartphone?

Researcher: Sa classroom, for discussion.

Student 4: Like nga yun, for research and yung smartphone pwede mo nalang magamit for taking
a picture sa lesson niyo. Like assignment, mga ganon. Then … yun.

Researcher: Para sa camera? Mga software ano?

Student 4: Pwede niyo ring i-save yung mga documents niyo don.

Researcher: So based on your experiences, anong nararamdaman mo kapag, during discussion,

tapos pinayagan ka ng teacher mag-smartphone?

Student 4: Okay lang naman kase kahit naman di pinapayagan, ginagawa parin naming..
Ginagawa ko parin.
Researcher: Ahh… Gumagamit mo parin?

Student 4: Oo.

Researcher: So okay lang sayo kahit na payagan kayo o hindi?

Student 4: Oo.

Researcher: Paano kapag kailangan na kailangan mo talaga tas pinayagan ka niya? Anong
nararamdaman mo?

Student 4: Ano, parang… syempre sobrang saya kase pinayagan ka eh. Pinayagan ka na gumamit
ng smartphone kahit pinagbabawal.

Researcher: Uhm… Kunwari naman ano, kailangan na kailangan talaga tapos kailangan mong
magsearch tapos di ka niya pinayagan. Ano naman nararamdaman mo?

Student 4: Wala kang choice kasi syempre teacher yun, parang wala kang laban doon. In short,
kailangan mo talaga magpaalam pumunta ng library nalang parang ganon kaysa gumamit ng

Researcher: Uhm… Di ka ba nadidisappoint or nagkakaroon ng sama ng loob o hindi naman?

Student 4: Hindi naman kase syempre rules din ng teacher yun sa kailangan niyong respetuhin.

Researcher: So ayun lang. Thank you for participating. Yung lahat ng data na ito, samin lang to.
Confidential siya tapos uhm… Ang gagawin nalang naming ay di nalang naming gagamitin yung
totoong pangalan mo, instead gagawi kami ng screen name. Tapos uhm… In case naman na
maghanap ka, isheshare naming yung feedback sayo. Tapos yung token, ibibigay naming sa inyo
kapag mayroon na kami. Thank you!

Student 5

Student 5 : Masasabi ko lang na ano.. okay lang naman ang pag gamit ng smartphones inside the
classroom; lalo na kasi diba ngayon modern na, so yung cellphone malaking tulong sya tulad
ditto sa mae, wala naman tayong books, so ang ginagamit natin ay references. Kahit ang
ginagamit natin ngayon as references yung mga power points diba, so pag may smartphones
inside the classroom malaking tulong sya , para makasabay tayo sa mga tinuturo ng teachers
ganyan. Ganon, hindi naman negative yung feedback para sakin ng smartphone. Siguro depende
nalang sa tao. Pero sakin helpful naman sya.

Student 5 : Helpful sya kasi kung titignan mo yung cellphone ko ngayon pag binuksan mo, puro
power point, screenshots ng lesson ganyan, syempre … yung mga teachers wala namang
capability na i-provide tayo ng libro isa isa diba so yung power point nila once na ppicturan
natin ganyan malaking tulong sya sa pag nonote taking sa pag rereview sa mga ganon.

Student 5 : Yun na nga yung experiences ko. Mas napadali yung buhay ko dahil sa smarphone
kasi tulad nung first grading wala akong cellphone para akong taong taga bundok non taong
tabon ang hirap mag lesson yung papasok ako ditong maaga para kumuha ng references unlike
na ano, nung grade 11 nung may cellphone ako kahit sa bahay, kahit mga pumasok na ako ng 1hr
ahead papunta. Kasi meron namanakong phone meron naman kong references na mgagamit
unlike pag wala diba para kang taong tabon kailangan pag pumasok ako ditto mga alasdyis
ganon para makakuha ng reference eh minsan yung dyan sa computer sa library punuan so
malaking tulog talaga yung smartphone.

Student 5 : Malaking ginhawa kung pinagmit sakin ng teacher ko yung smartphone sa loob ng
room kasi sympre diba ‘more references, more learnings’

Student 5: Of course, para sa class, anong silbi ng mga WPS kung di ko gagamitin. Tsaka wala
akong internet, paano ako makikipagchat tsaka wala akong ka chat diba… kaya ang cellphone
pang academic purposes lang talaga. Tapos pag outside naman vloging and facebook langpero
wala talagang pang kalokohan. Kaya para sakin pang academic purposes lang yang mga
cellphone nay an,

Student 5: Burden yun para sa akin, syempre ano… ang hirap pag hindi kayo pinagamit ng
cellphone inside the class lalo na kung halimbawa, meron akong words na hindi alam.. eh hindi
naman kaya isa isahin ng teacher eh na, tanungin ang students na kung anong words ang hindi
mo jan naintindihan diba. Syempre kung may kanya kanya kayong smartphone pwede kayong
mag dictionary nalang
Student 6

Student 6 : Para sakin, useful sya in terms of learning. Kasi diba for example, hmm yung modern
times na ngayon ang mga ginagamit na ay mga power point instead na mag nonotes ka pa or…
hahabulin mo pa yung mga sinasabi ng mga teacher mo. Ahhhm, pwede naman, pwede mo
naman i-go beyond na yung mga lessons dun sa mga binibigay na powerpoint. Tapos, for
example, yung mga devices diba may scientific calculator, dun sa phone meron na ring scientific
calculator na na-dodownload pwede mo ng gamitin yun.

Student 6 : Minsan, parang... naiiisip ko hindi sya.. convenient since napapadali, hindi na
chachallenge yung mga students na mag look for other resources parang inaasa nalang lagi sa
links yung mga kailangan hanapin.

Student 6 : Sakin pabor lang sya kase mas satingin ko yun yung effective way of learning, hindi
naman lahat ng natutunan natin nanggalaging sa phone; kailangan natututo din tayo through,
yung sa tinuturo ng teacher. Hindi lang yung search lang tayo ng search ganon.

Student 6 : Sakin ano… hindi kasi ako sanay na gumagamit ng phone sa klase, except kung
gagamitin sa, kunyare mag sosolve something, mag sesearch something hindi… hindi talaga ako
gumagamit non eh mas gusto ko yung reliable kunyare books, ganyan. Mas applicable siguro
kung gagamitin yung phone through learning sa bahay, kase sa bahay wala naman akong
available resources. Dito sa school marami naman, may library naman jan ganun.

Student 7

Student 7 : Mali yon, Para sakin kung may klase mali yon, pero kung halimbawa wala namang
teacher wala namang nagtuturo walang klase, parang ano ka nakatamabay kalang sa klase pero
wala namang klase pwede naman

gumamit ng smartphone.

Student 7 : Kung may pahintulot ng teacher, edi gagamit ako, halimbawa, gagamitin naman sa
lessons, gagamitin sa activity so… gagamit ako. Pero kung makakasagabal yung cellphone sa
lesson parang mali naman na gumamit non.

Student 7 : Uhmmm, Masaya kasi… syempre may katulong ka, may tools ka na gagamitin, may
technology kang gagamitin na makakatulong. Diba?
Student 7 : Uhmmm, disappointed (medj sad sya) pero, susunod parin ako. Kasi… kasi syempre
may dahilan yung teacher kung bakit pinagbabawal nya yun.

Student 7 : Uhmmm… Merong, meron akong experience na pinagamit kami ng cellphone pero,
may ibang mga studyante na inaabuso yung permiso na binigay ng teacher and then may mga
times din na yung cellphone nakakasagabal dun sa lessons lalo na kapag hindi naka turn off yung
cellphone tas bigla bigla nalang mag riring so, mawawala yung… yung focus nung mga
studyante pati ng teacher maging yung interpreter, nakakadistract sya.

Student 7 : Halimbawa, calculator diba pag math tas minsan google pag mag sesearch, kung may
wifi, kung may data pero kung wala, wala kang access. Pero usually naman talaga calculator

Student 8

Student 8 : During class kasi hindi kami gumagamit ng cellphone kasi ano yan bawal samin yon
pero sa pag may mga activities naman hmm... kaylangan namin ng cellphone kasi ano nag
reresearch kami nag ah... coconduct kami ng study kasi syempre kailangan ng internet kilangan
ng ano mga access sa google ganon ah... parang ano in using smartphone kasi parang nagbibigay
samin yun ng ng tulong din sa pag-aaral ganon

Student 8 : In using smartphone yung experience ko kasi uhm... for ah... for example na lang sa
reporting syempre before reporting yung slides namin i-uhmm... pa-praktisin namin yun yung sa
syempre, syempre gamit yung smartphone namin o minsan din yun nga sa, sa research namin or
sa kahit na wala kaming dalang laptop syempre kaylangan ng cellphone para doon na lang mag
search or mag uhmm... type ng mag type ng about sa research namun sa word sa microsoft word
ganon, so madami kaming experiences in everyday life so ayun nga.

Student 8 : Mafe-feel ko na ano ah... mas mas ok yun, mas ok sa mga studyante yun kasi
syempre uhmm... male-lessen yung paghihirap ng studyante sa pag, pag oo nga importante yung
books or etcetera, pero mas ma-maganda kasi yung access sa internet or sa mabilisan na lang so
uhmm... mas ok yun samin pero syempre dapat may limitasyon sa ano sa sa paggamit ng
cellphone nga so yun pag ina-allow kami ng teacher namin go gamit kami ng cp ganon
Student 8 : Pag hindi pinaygan ah... ok lang din kasi depende naman sa teacher kung, kung
nagtuturo e, pag nagtuturo yun syempre ano malilibang kami ganon ganon pero pag ano pero
pag yung teacher namin nga na hindi, pag hindi kami inaallow ah... ah... syempre sa bahay na
lang kami mag aano mag co-conduct ng study sa internet ganong ganon so yun experiences ko

Student 9

Student 9 : Para saakin ok lang naman yon kung most specially kung in-allow naman ng teacher

kung makakatulong naman sa lesson yun.

Student 9 : Minsan oo gumagamit ako lalo na pag may terminology na hindi namin maintindihan
dib meron namang Merriam Webster sa phone so sine-search ko lang para mas maintindihan ko.

Student 9 : Madalas kong magamit yung, yung sa google document, yung mga slides mga
paggagawa ka ng mga word, powerpoint, internet, dictionary tsaka messenger.

Student 9 : Masaya siya in a way na convenient siya kasi diba kramihn naman sa mg ginagawa
natin na naka base na din sa internet at edmodo, diba kasi may edmodo tayo e online yon so isa
din yung sa mga ngagamit kong app sa cellphone n madalas kasi nga dib doon ytayo kumo-
connect sa mga teachers natin kaya mahalaga talaga yung smartphones

Student 9 : Syemper masaya kasi since malaking tulong nga yung cellphone, masaya kasi
syempre ina-allow ka tapos hindi lang malilimit yung knowledge mo tungkol doon sa inasabi ng
teacher mo tsaka doon sa slides na pine-present, makakapag research ka din sa sarili mo.

Student 9 : Kung hindi man ako pinayagan, ok lang naman lalo na kung matuturo naman ng
maayos ng teacher yung lesson nya pero kapag hindi tapos bawal pa rinmag smartphone edi
parang limited na yung knowledge na nabibigay monsa sarili mo, hindi na nga naituro ng maayos
ng teacher nalilimitahan pa kasi nga pinagbabawal ang cellphone

Student 10

Student 10 : Hindi sya maganda kasi na out of focus kasi wala yung focus mo sa mga lesson na
diniscuss ng teacher and then at the same time parang pumasok ka sa school pero parang hallow
man ka kasi parang pumasok ka pa sa school para mag cellphone lang din naman edi sana hindi
ka na lang pumasok.

Student 10 : Hindi naman ako gumagamit ng cellphone sa loob ng classroom

Student 10 : Kung irerelate ko sya pagdating sa school nag uuse ako ng cellphone inside the
classroom pero hindi during may classs giganagawa ko lang siya kapag may free time and then
ina avoid ko sya pag may nagsasalita sa harapan and dont use any smartphone kasi papagalitan
din ako

Student 10 : Syempre matutuwa, matutuwa rin naman kasi kaya naman hindi ako gumagamit
kasi ipinagbabawal pero kung hahayaan naman pero for educational purposes so why not naman

Student 10 : Ok lang naman din kasi yung nga katulad ng sinabi ko kanina nasa school tayo para
hmm... gamitin yung time para mag aral kasi kapag papagamitin tayo ng smartphone during the
class baka ang gawin lang nila is mag facebook so nonsense lang din naman yung pagpasok.


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