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-shepherd(n): /ˈʃep.əd/:ngườ i chă n cừ u

-dusk(n)/dəsk/:hoà ng hô n
->dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church
-flock(n): /flɒk/:1 đà n độ ng vậ t
->he laid some plank to prevent the flock from wandering away during the
-arise(v): /əˈraɪz/:to get out of bed
->he arose and,taking up his crook,began to awaken the sheep that still
-awaken(v): /əˈweɪ.kən/ :đá nh thứ c
-mutter(v): /ˈmʌt.ər/:lẩ m bẩ m
->”they are used to me that they know my schedule”,he muttered
-prod(v): /prɒd/ to push something or someone
->the boy prodded them,one by one,with his crook,calling each by name
-proprietor:(n): /prəˈpraɪə.tər/:chủ sở hữ u
->the merchant was a proprietor of a dry goods shop,and he always
demanded that the sheep be sheared in his presence,so that he would not
be cheated
-conqueror(v): /ˈkɒŋ.kər.ər/ someone who has conquered a country or its
->the girl was typical of the region,with flowing black hair,and eyes that
vaguely recalled the moorish conquerors
-shear(v):/ʃɪər/ to cut the wool off a sheep:
->But finally the merchant appeared and asked the boy to shear 4 sheeps
-seaman(n): /ˈsiː.mən/:thuỷ thủ

->and he knew that shepherds,like seamen and like traveling
salesman,always found a town where there was someone who could make
them forget the joys of carefree wandering
-content(adj): /kənˈtent/:bằ ng lò ng,mã n nguyện
->they were content with just food and water,and,in exchange,they
generously gave of their wool,their company,and-once in a while-their
-slaughter(v): /ˈslɔː.tər/:to kill an animal for meat
->if i became a monster today,and decided to kill them,one by one,they
would become aware only after most of the flock had been
slaughtered,thought the boy
-zenith(n): /ˈzen.ɪθ/:thiên đỉnh
->he knew that a few hours from now,with the sun at its zenith,the heat
would be so great that he would not be able to lead his flock across the
-burden(n): /ˈbɜː.dən/:gá nh nặ ng
->but when he thought to complain about the burden of its weight,he
remembered that,because he had the jacket,he had withstood the cold of
the dawn
-withstand(v): /wɪðˈstænd/:chịu đự ng dc
-priest(n): /priːst/ :mụ c sư
->his parents had wanted him to become a priest,and thereby a source of
pride for a simple farm family
-thereby(adv): /ˌðeəˈbaɪ/as a result of this action
-pouch(n): /paʊtʃ/
1.cá i tú i nhỏ
->the next day,he gave his son a pouch that held 3 ancient spanish gold

2.a pocket on the lower part of the body of some female animals in which
their young are carried and protected after they are born
-tinged(adj):/tɪndʒd/:nhuố m mà u
->the horizon was tinged with red,and the sun suddenly appeared
-seek sb/sth out:to look for someone or something, 
->whenever he could,he sought out a new road to travel
-inexhaustible(adj): /ˌɪn.ɪɡˈzɔː.stə.bəl/:0 cạ n kiệt,vô tậ n
->the world was huge and inexhaustible;he had only to allow his sheep to
set the route for a while,and he would discover other interesting things.
-muse(v): /mjuːz/ :ngẫ m nghĩ,suy tưở ng
->all the sheeps just think about food and water.maybe we’re all that
way,the boy mused
-“Give me a hand” is“help me”. 
-“Ask for someone’s hand”,means ask someone for marriage.
->he had to prepare himself for his meeting with the girl,and he didn’t want
to think about the possibility that some other shepherd,with a larger flock
of sheep,had arrived there before him and asked for her hand
-pace(n):/peɪs/ :speed
->it’s the possibility of having a dream come true that make life
interesting,he thought,as he looked again at the position of the sun,and
hurried his pace
-sacred(adj): /ˈseɪ.krɪd/:linh thiêng
->the room’s furnishings consisted of a table,an image of the sacred heart of
jesus,and 2 chairs

-pact(n): /pækt/:hiệp ướ c

->it was also said that they had a pact with the devil,and that they
kidnapped children,taking them away to their mysterious camps,made
them their slaves
-recite(v): /rɪˈsaɪt/:đọ c thuộ c lò ng
->he recited Our Father silently
-charge(v):tính giá ,đò i trả
->But,whichever it is,i’m going to charge you for the consultation
-consultation(n): /ˌkɒn.sʌlˈteɪ.ʃən/a meeting to discuss something or to get
-stable(n): /ˈsteɪ.bəl/ :chuồ ng ngự a
->the sheeps were at the gates of the city,in a stable that belonged to a
-strike up the conversation:bắ t đầ u cuộ c trò chuyện
->as he read on,an old man sat down at his side and tried to strike up a
-dryly(adv):khô khan
->”working”,the boy answered dryly,making it look as if he wanted to
concentrate on his reading
-sip(n): /sɪp/ 1 hớ p
->he said that he was tired and thirsty,and asked if he might have a sip of
the boy’s wine
-be tempted to do sth:muố n là m điều j đó
->the boy tempted to be rude,and move to another bench,but his father has
taught him to be respectful of elderly
- with one accord :If people do something with one accord, they do it
together and in complete agreement(thố ng nhấ t)
->so he held out that book to the man-for 2 reasons:first,that he,himself
wasn’t sure how to pronounce the title;and second,that if the old man

didn’t know how to read,he would probably feel ashamed and decide of his
own accord to change benches
-leaf through something:to quickly turn over the pages of a book, etc.
without reading them or looking at them carefully
->the old man,meanwhile,was leafing through the book,without seeming to
want to return it at all
-strait(n): /streɪt/:eo biển
->africa was only a few hours from tarifa;one had only to cross the narrow
straits by boat
-ignorant(adj): /ˈɪɡ.nər.ənt:dố t
->the boy didn’t know where salem was,but he didn’t want to ask,fearing

that he would appear ignorant

-cape(n): /keɪp/
->with a movement that was too quick for someone his age,the man
covered whatever it was with his cape.
-awe(v):  /ɔː/:là m kinh ngạ c,kinh hã i
->”why would a king be talking with a shepherd?”,the boy asked,awed and
-yearn(v): /jɜːn/:khao khá t
->everyone,when they are young,knows what destiny that point in
their lives,everything is clear and possible.They are not afraid to dream,and
to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives
-conspire(v): /kənˈspaɪər/

1.â m mưu vớ i ai đó là m việc j xấ u
2. to make something happen that is difficult to do
->and,when you want sth,all the universe conspires in helping you to
achieve it
-tend(v): /tend/:care
->why do you tend a flock of sheep?
-ewe(n): /juː/:con cừ u cá i
->In 2 years he had learn everything about shepherding:he knew how to
shear sheeps,how to take care for pregnant ewes,and how to protect the
sheep from wolves
-lame(adj): /juː/:bị què
->he knew which ones were lame.
-pick up:to increase
->the wind began to pick up
-omen(n): /ˈəʊ.mən/:điềm bá o
->he said that he had always dreamed of being a shepherd,and that was a
good omen
- the principle of favorability :refers to the fact that each person's legend
starts with a stroke of luck.It's a kind of selection bias, since the people who
weren't lucky never got to become legendary. It's similar to the anthropic
principle, in that your very existence implies that a very specific set of
unlikely circumstances had to conspire. For example, if the physical laws of
the universe were even slightly different there would be no life in the
universe.On a more personal level, out of the approximately 250 million
sperm cells your father released on the day you were conceived, it just
happened to be you in particular who made it to the egg first. The principle
of evolution is similar too, in that extremely unlikely but favorable
circumstances get preserved and duplicated due to survival of the fittest.

An often cited example is that if you want to win a game of poker, you can
memorize all the rules, practice hard and learn how to count cards, but if
you play against a group of beginners you will almost certainly be beaten
by one of them. As Woody Allen says - "80% of success in life is just
showing up."
->“It's called the principle of favorability, beginner's luck. Because life
wants you to achieve your destiny,” the old king had said.When you play
card the first time,you are almost sure to win.Beginner’s luck
- "whet your appetite":là m bạ n rấ t muố n và khao khá t có nó hơn nữ a.
->because there is a force that wants you to realize your destiny;it whets
your appetite  with a taste of success 
-appetite(n): /ˈæp.ə.taɪt/the feeling of wanting or needing something:(sự
thèm muố n)
-inspect(v): /ɪnˈspekt/to look at something or someone carefully
->then the old man begin to inspect the sheep,and he saw that one was
-startled(adj): /ˈstɑː.təld/:giậ t mình
->the boy was startled.the old woman had said the same thing
-thieves:kẻ trộ m,cắ p
-embedded(adj): /ɪmˈbed.ɪd/ :dc gắ n và o
->”take these”,said the old man,holding out a white stone and a black stone
that had been embedded at the center of the breastplate

-breastplate/ˈbrest.pleɪt/ á o giá p
-signify(v):/ˈsɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ/: (MEAN)

->the black signifies “yes”,and the white”no”
-objective(adj):/əbˈdʒek.tɪv/ based on real facts and not influenced by
personal beliefs or feelings(khá ch quan)
->always ask an objective question
-lad(n): /læd/ a boy or young man
->a certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness
from the wisest man in the world.the lad wandered through the desert for
40 dà y,and finally came up upon a beautiful castle,high atop a mountain
“A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness
from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for
forty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It
was there that the wise man lived.
“Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the main
room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people
were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music,
and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food in
that part of the world. The wise man conversed with everyone, and the boy
had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given the man’s
“The wise man listened attentively to the boy’s explanation of why he had
come, but told him that he didn’t have time just then to explain the secret of
happiness. He suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in
two hours.
“‘Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something,’ said the wise man,
handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. ‘As you wander
around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill.’

“The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace,
keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours, he returned to the
room where the wise man was.
“‘Well,’ asked the wise man, ‘did you see the Persian tapestries that are
hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that it took the master
gardener ten years to create? Did you notice the beautiful parchments in my
“The boy was embarrassed, and confessed that he had observed nothing.
His only concern had been not to spill the oil that the wise man had
entrusted to him.
“‘Then go back and observe the marvels of my world,’ said the wise man.
‘You cannot trust a man if you don’t know his house.’
“Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of
the palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceilings and the
walls. He saw the gardens, the mountains all around him, the beauty of the
flowers, and the taste with which everything had been selected. Upon
returning to the wise man, he related in detail everything he had seen.
“‘But where are the drops of oil I entrusted to you?’ asked the wise man.
“Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.
“‘Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,’ said the wisest of
wise men. ‘The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world,
and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.’”
5 Life Lessons Learned from the Secret of Happiness Story in The Alchemist
Short stories are always subjective and open to interpretation. Here are my
personal takeaways:
1. The boy wandered through the desert for 40 days to find the wise man
when the secret of happiness was within him the whole time. This is true of

many things in life. We often search outside ourselves for what has been
inside all along.
2. Instead of being a hermit or saintly man, the wise man lived among a
“hive of activity” and was conversing with everyone. Perhaps this shows
that relationships are a key aspect to happiness (Note: the longest-running
study on happiness from Harvard shows that relationships are #1 for
happiness). Another way to interpret this is that all of these people wanted
the wise man’s wisdom — again showing that the vast majority of people
are on the same external journey without realizing the truth that is within
3. Instead of telling the boy the secret of happiness in their first
conversation, the wise man made the boy experience it for himself. First-
hand experience is always more valuable. Reminds me of, “Give a man a
fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a
4. The boy is taught two extremes: 1) When the boy is too focused on the oil
(himself), he misses the palace (the world). Focused only on yourself, you
miss the natural and man-made marvels of the world. There’s much to be
gained by getting outside of your bubble, setting and resetting perspective,
and experiencing the vast variety of cultures in the world. Get to know the
world. 2) When the boy is too focused on the palace (the world), he misses
the oil (himself). Focused only the external, you lose yourself. You are
entrusted with certain gifts, talents, and natural abilities. While two drops
of oil may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of the world, they are
your two drops of oil.
5. The secret of happiness is that life is a balancing act between the external
and internal worlds. “The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the
world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” After the story is

told in the book, it is followed with, “A shepherd may like to travel, but he
should never forget about his sheep.” There’s much to be gained by
immersing yourself in the awe-inspiring natural world. But, don’t forget
you’ve personally been entrusted with something as well. This is your life
responsibility, your purpose, your reason for being. As much as you get
from the world, remember that you also have something to give the world.

-atop:(prep)/əˈtɒp/ on or at the top of

-saintly(adj):thá nh thiện
-attentively(adv) /əˈten.tɪă m chú
-descend(v): /dɪˈsend/:go down
-tapestry(n)/ˈtæp.ɪ.stri/:thả m thêu
-parchment(n):/ˈpɑːtʃ.mənt/ the thin, dried skin of some animals that was

used in the past for writing on

-entrust(v): /ɪnˈtrʌst/:tin tưở ng
-fort(n): /fɔːt:/phá o đà i
->the king of salem sat on the fort that afternoon.the sheep fidgeted
nearby,uneasy with their new owner and excited by so much change

-fidget(v): /ˈfɪdʒ.ɪt/ to make continuous, small movements that annoy
other people
-infidel(n):/ˈɪn.fɪ.dəl/ someone who does not have the same religious
beliefs as the person speaking
->”a practice of infidels,”he said to himself
-sheathe(v):/ʃiːð/ to put a knife back inside its sheath
->as a child in church,he had always looked at the image of XXX on his
white horse,his sword unsheathed,and figures such as these kneeling at his
-in your favor: gives you an advantage
->but he trusted the old man,ho had said that,when you really want
something,the universe always conspires in your favor
-grab(v):/ɡræb/:Tú m lấ y, vồ lấ y,take with hand
->he got up to pay the bill,but the owner grabbed him and began to speak to
him in an angry stream of words
-retaliate(v): /rɪˈtæl.i.eɪt/:trả đũ a,trả thù
- in the midst of sth:in the middle of 
->suddenly,there in the midst if all that confusion,he saw the most beautiful
sword he had ever seen
-scabbard(n): /ˈskæb.əd/:bao kiếm
->the scabbard was embossed in silver,and the handle was black and
encrusted with precious stones
- summon (up) the courage/strength, etc:to make a great effort to do
something( lấ y hết can đả m để là m gì)
->he continued to look at the beautiful sword for a bit longer,until he
summoned the courage to turn around
-aroma(n): /əˈrəʊ.mə/ a strong, pleasant smell,(usually from food or drink)

->all around him was the market,with people coming and going,shouting
and buying,and the aroma of strange foods…
-lament(v):/ləˈment/ :thương xó t,xó t xa
->he was feeling sorry for himself,and lamenting the fact that his life could
have changed so suddenly and so drastically
-weep(v): /wiːp/:cry
->he had never even wept in front of his own sheep
-mend(v): /mend/:repair
->he didn’t consider mending the hole-the stones could fall through any
time they wanted
-flee(v): /fliː/:chạ y trố n,trố n thoá t
->he had learned that there were certain things one shouldn’t ask about,so
as not to fllee from one’s destiny
-teeming: means completely full( If your grandmother's apartment is
teeming with cats, she sure has a lot of them.)
-.although his new world at the moment was just an empty marketplace,he
had already seen it when it was teeming with life,and he would never forget
-sadden(v): /ˈsæd.ən/:to make s.o sad
->but instead of being saddened,he was happy
-erect(v): /ɪˈrekt/:build
->when he had gone only a short distance,he realized that,while they were
erecting the stall,one of them had spoken arabic and the other spanish
-perceive(v): /pəˈsiːv/ :hiểu dc,nhậ n thứ c dc
->he was learning a lot of new things.some of thems were things that he
had already experienced,and weren’t really new,but that he never
perceived before.And he hadn’t perceived cause he had become
accustomed to them

-hilly(adj): /ˈhɪl.i/ having a lot of hills
->the crystal merchant  had been in the same place for 30
yrs,a shop at the top of a hilly street where few customers
-well heeled /ˌwel ˈhiːld/:rich
->there had been a time many people knew of his
shop:arab merchants,french and english geologists,german soldiers who
were always well heeled
-fall off:giả m sú t
->the nearby city had grown faster ,and business had fallen off
-blankly(adv): /ˈblæŋố ng rỗ ng
->he sat there,staring blankly through the door of the cafe,wishing that he
had died,and that everything would end forever at that moment
-grouch(n): /ɡrɑʊtʃ/:a person who complains a lot
->but he stayed with the job because the merchant,although he was an old
grouch,treated him fairly
-bump into something:to hit something with force
->people will pass and bump into the crystal display case,and pieces will be
-the boy’s very presence in the shop was an omen,and as time passed and
money was pouring into the cash drawer,he has no regret about having
hired the boy
-  charitable(adj):/ˈtʃer.ə.t̬ə.bəl/:giving money, food, or help free to those
who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home
->i am charitable but i have no chance to do the charities
-devout(adj): /dɪˈvaʊt/:sù ng đạ o
->he was a devout man,and even with all his impatience,he wanted to live
his life in accordance with muslim law

-immense(adj):/ɪˈmens/extremely large
->now that i have seen them,and now that i see how immense my
possibilities are,i’m going to feel worse than i did before you arrived,said
the merchant
- refrain(v)/rɪˈfreɪn/:to not let yourself do something
->it’s good i refrained from saying anything to the baker in tarifa,thought
the boy to himself
-aroma(n):/əˈrəʊ.mə/a strong, pleasant smell, usually from food or drink
->the other man remarked that tea was always more delicious when it was
served in crystal,because the aroma was retained
-retain(v): /rɪˈteɪn/:giữ lạ i
-seek sb/sth out: /siːk/to look for someone or something
->he began to import enormous quantities of tea,along with his crystal,and
his shop was sought out by men and women with a thirst for things new
- descend/dɪˈsend/to go down
->wearing the sandals,he descended the stairs silently
-bundle(n):/ˈbʌn.dəl/1 bó
->it was a bundle of money.enough to buy himself a hundred and twenty
-go off:to leave a place and go somewhere else
->then the 2 go off to have some teas
-corral(n):/kəˈrɑːl/:chuồ ng ngự a
->the englishman was sitting on a bench in a structure that smelled of
animals,sweat,and dust;it was part of a warehouse,part corral
-warehouse(n)/ˈweə.haʊs/khoa hà ng hó a
-leaf through sth:đọ c lướ t qua
->i never thought id end up in a place like this,he thought,as he leafed
through the pages of a chemical journal

-unravel(v): /ʌnˈræv.əl/ If you unravel sth, it becomes known or
->he had unravelled the truth behind important questions,but his study had
taken him to a point beyond which he could not seem to go to
-fruitless(adj)/ˈfruːt.ləs/vô ích
->All diplomatic attempts at a peaceful solution to the crisis have been
-fruitlessly(adv): /ˈfruːt.lə
->he had already spent much of the fortune left him by his dad,fruitlessly
seeking the philosopher's stone
-profoundly(adv): /prəˈfaʊ
->We are all profoundly grateful for your help and encouragement.
-oasis(n): /əʊˈeɪ.sɪs/:ố c đả o
-odour(n):/ˈəʊ.dər/:an unpleasant smell
-tolerable(adj):/ˈtɒl.ər.ə.bəl/:có thể chịu đự ng dc
->and the odour of the animals became a bit more tolerable
-divination(n): /ˌdɪv.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/:thuậ t bó i toá n,chiêm đoá n
->these stones were the only forms of divination permitted by god
-bearded(adj):/ˈbɪə.dɪd/with a beard
->”i'm the leader of the caravan”,said a dark-eyed,bearded man
-capricious(adj):/kəˈprɪʃ.əs/:thấ t thườ ng
->the desert is a very capricious lady,and sometimes she drives men crazy
-babble(n)/ˈbæb.əl/ :the sound of several people talking
->there was a babble of noise,and the leader had to repeat himself several
times for everyone to understand what he was saying
-murmur(n):/ˈmɜː.mər/:tiếng thầ m thì
->there was a murmur from the crowd.each was swearing quietly to his or
her own god

-halt(v): /hɒlt/tạ m dừ ng lạ i
->the caravan moved toward the traveled during the morning,halted
when the sun was as its strongest,and resumed late in the afternoon
-resume(v): /rɪˈzjuːm/ starts again after a pause
-eternal(adj): /ɪˈtɜː.nəl/:vĩnh hằ ng
->but,in the desert,there was only the sound of the eternal wind,and of the
hoofbeats of the animals
-detour(n): /ˈdiː.tɔːr/:đườ ng vò ng
->if there was a large rocky area,the had to make a major detour

-hoof(n): /huːf/:mó ng vuố t

-balk at sth: /bɔːk/:be unwilling to do sth
->the animals balked at such places at such places,and the camel drivers
were forced to dismount and unburden their charges
-dismount: /dɪˈsmaʊnt/:to get off a horse
-unburden(v): /ʌnˈbɜː.dən/dỡ (hà ng)
-freight(n): /freɪt/:hà ng hó a
->the drivers carry the freight themselves over such treacherous
footing,and then reloaded the camels
-treacherous(adj): /ˈtretʃ.ər.əs/ If the ground or sea is treacherous, it is
extremely dangerous( of bad weather conditions)
->once obstacles were overcome,it returned to its course,sighting on a star
that indicated the location of the oasis
-sight(v): /saɪt/ to suddenly see something or someone

-superstition(n): /ˌsuː.pəˈstɪʃ.ən/:điều mê tín,mê tín dị đoan
->although the boy had developed a superstition that each time he opened
the book he would learn sth important,he decided it was an unnecessary
-burden(n): /ˈbɜː.dən/:gá nh nặ ng
-bank(n):bờ sô ng
->one day,the earth began to tremble,and the nile overflowed its banks
-surveillance(n):/səˈveɪ.ləns/:sự giá m sá t(liên quan đến crime,drugs,..)
->The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of
suspected illegal drug activity.
-nocturnal(adj): /nɒkˈtɜː.nəl/ :of the night
->the travelers adopted the practice of arranging the animals in a circle at
night,sleeping together in the center as protection against the nocturnal
-post :/pəʊst/(n):to send someone to a particular place to work
->and the leader post armed sentinels at the fringes of the group
-arm(v):/ɑːm/:to provide with weapons
-sentinel(n): /ˈsen.tɪ.nəl/:lính gá c
-fringe:(n) /frɪndʒ/the outside edge of sth
-encampment(n):/ɪnˈkæmp.mənt/ a group of tents or temporary shelters
put in one place
->the englishman called to the boy,and they took a walk along the dunes
surrounding the encampment
-collaborate(v): /kəˈlæb.ə.reɪt/ to work with someone else for a special
->but in the crystal shop you probably realized that even the glasses
collaborate in your success
-manifestation(n): /ˌmæn.ɪ.fesˈteɪ.ʃən/ a sign of something existing

->but there was 1 idea that seemed to repeat itself throughout all the
books:all things are the manifestation of 1 thing only
-inscribe(v): /ɪnˈskraɪb/:ghi lên,khắ c lên
->in 1 of the books he learned that the most important text in the literature
of alchemy contained only a few lines,and had been inscribed on the
surface of an emerald
-mania(n): /ˈmeɪ.ni.ə/:a very strong interest in something
->”u have a mania for simplifying evt,”,answered the englishman,irritated
-irritate(v): /ˈɪr.ɪ.teɪt/to make someone angry or annoyed
-irritated(adj): /ˈɪr.ɪ.teɪ.tɪd/:annoyed
-incredulous(adj): /ɪnˈkredʒ.ə.ləs/ :0 tin
->they traveled,spoke with wise men,performed miracles for the
incredulous,and owned the philosopher’s stone 
opp:credulous(adj): /ɪnˈkredʒ.ə.ləs/ :gullible
-irritable(adj):/ˈɪr.ɪ.tə.bəl/ becoming annoyed very easily
->the boy had noticed that the englishman was irritable,and missed his
-eager(adj): /ˈiː.ɡər/:hă ng há i
->”Did you learn anything?”,the englishman asked,eager 2 hear that it
might be
-contemplate(v):  /ˈkɒn.təm.pleɪt/ :to look at somebody/something in a
careful way for a long time
->the boy went back to contemplating the silence of the desert,and the sand
raised by the animals
-raid(n): /reɪd/ the act of entering a place by force in order to steal from it
->the silence was the worst aspect of the night,when the mere groan of a
camel-which before had been nothing but the groan of a camel-now
frightened evo,’cause it might signal a raid

-refuge(n): /ˈref.juːdʒ/a place that gives protection or shelter 
->although the vision of the date palms would someday be just a
memory,right now it signified shade,water,and a refuge from the war
-signify(v): /ˈsɪɡ.nɪ.faɪ/:biểu thị
-burst(v):to feel a strong emotion
->people were shouting at the new arrivals,dust obscured the desert
sun,and the children of the oasis bursting with excitement at the arrival of
the strangers
-beggar(n): /ˈbeɡ.ər/:ngườ i ă n xin
->he had seen kings and beggars walking the desert sands
-capture(v): describe something using words or images
->It would be impossible to capture her beauty in a painting.
-innumerable(adj): /ɪˈnjuː.mər.ə.bəl/:countless
->there was 300 wells,50000date trees,and innumerable colored tents
spread among them
-hasty(adj):/ˈheɪ.sti/:nó ng vộ i
->in his pursuit of the dream,he was being constantly subjected to his tests
of his persistent and he could not be hasty,nor impatience.if he
pushed forward impulsively,he would fail to see the signs and omens left by
god along his path
-impulsively(adv): /ɪmˈpʌl.sɪấ p tấ p
-impulsive(adj): /ɪmˈpʌl.sɪv/:hấ p tấ p
-indicate(v): /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ :cho hay,biểu thị
->he had never thought of omens in terms of a language used by god to
indicate what he should do
-clamor(v): /ˈklæm.ər/:to make a loud complaint or demand
->they were people of the desert,and clamored to hear his stories about the
great cities

-sadden(v): /ˈsæd.ən/ to make someone sad
->the boy was also saddened;his friend was in pursuit of his destiny
- in pursuit of: in order to achieve (something)
->He would do anything in pursuit of wealth and fame.
-light up: /laɪt/ If your face or eyes light up,you suddenly look happy
->the Englishman's eyes lit up;”that’s it!Maybe no one here knows what an
alchemist is!find out who it is who cures people's illnesses!
-chieftain(n):/ˈtʃiːf.tən/the leader of a tribe
->not even the tribal chieftains are able to see the alchemist when they
want to.only when he consents
-consent(v): /kənˈsent/:bằ ng lò ng
-exultant(adj): /ɪɡˈzʌl.tənt/:very happy
->but the englishman was exultant.they were on the right track
-certainty(n): /ˈsɜː.tən.ti/:sự chắ c chắ n
->there is only that moment,and the incredible certainty that evt under the
sun has been written by 1 hand only.It’s the hand that evokes love.
-evoke(v): /ɪˈvəʊk/ to make someone remember something or feel an
->That smell always evokes memories of my old school.
-avert(v): /əˈvɜːt/to turn away your eyes
->The shy man was standing before me, his eyes averted.
-prod(v):  /prɑːd/:to push something or someone with your finger 
->the englishman prodded him,and the boy asked her about the man who
cured people’s illnesses
-envy(v): /ˈ to wish that you had something that another person has
->and the other women are happy because they believed that their men
may 1 day return,as well.i used to look at those women and envy them thier

-phase(n): /feɪz/ :giai đoạ n
->An initial phase of research has produced some exciting results.
-hypnosis(n): /hɪpˈnəʊ.sɪs/:thô i miên
->Hypnosis does seem to be a useful option, as patients reported an
average of 36% reduction in pain scores after their session.
-hypnotize(v):/ˈhɪp.nə.taɪz/:thô i miên ai
->he sat on a stone,and allow himself to become hypnotized by the horizon
-wary(adj): /ˈweə.ri/:cả nh giá c,đề phò ng
/pickpocket:kẻ mó c tú i/
->Tourists should be wary, as pickpockets are known to operate in this
-consult(v): /kənˈsʌlt/ :tham khả o ý kiến
->If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor
-fated(adj):  /ˈfeɪ.t̬ɪd/:not able to be avoided because planned by a power
that controls events,đã dc định trc
->it would be impossible to be effective in a battle if one knew that he was
fated to die
-emerge(v): /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/to appear by coming out of something
->when he emerged,it was a young arab,dressed in white and gold
-suffuse(v): /səˈfjuːz/ :trà n ngậ p
->the atmosphere was suffused with the sweet scent of smoke
-scent(n): /sent/:a pleasant smell=aroma=fragrance
-fearful(adj): /ˈfɪə.fəl/ :frightened or worried
->the boy became fearful;the omens told him that something was wrong
-imperceptibly(adv):/ˌɪmpərˈseptəbli/:in a very small way that cannot be
seen or felt
->Almost imperceptibly, her questions turned into suggestions.

-imperceptible(adj):/ˌɪm.pəˈsep.tə.bəl/ unable to be noticed or felt
because of being very slight
->She heard a faint, almost imperceptible cry.
-vulnerable(adj):dễ bị tổ n thương 
->Older people are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures even inside
their homes.
-astride(adv): /əˈstraɪd/:ngồ i bỏ châ n qua 2 bên
->astride the animal was a horseman dressed completely in black,with a
falcon perched on his left shoulder.
-perch(v): /pɜːtʃ/:(chim )đậ u trên cá i j đó
-immobile(adj): /ɪˈməʊ.baɪl/ :bấ t độ ng
->the horseman was completely immobile,as was the boy
-occur to sb:If a thought or idea occurs to you, it comes into your mind
->it didn’t even occur to the boy to flee.In his heart,he felt a strange sense of

joy:he was about to die in pursuit of his destiny

-flee(v): /fliː/:chạ y trố n
-whip(n): /wɪp:cá i roi da
->the same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip
-mounted(adj): /ˈmaʊn.tɪd/:cưỡ i ngự a(dù ng trong cả nh sá t/quâ n sự )
->the mounted troops entered the oasis from the top
-troop(n):/truːp/:đoà n quâ n
-dismount(v): /dɪˈsmaʊnt/:xuố ng xe,xuố ng ngự a

->the alchemist dismounted from his horse,and signaled the boy should
enter his tent with him
-daunting(adj): /ˈdɔːn.tɪŋ/:là m nả n chí
->Giving a presentation in front of so many people was a daunting prospect.
-prospect(n):/ˈprospekt/: the possibility that something good might
happen (tiềm nă ng)
->Is there any prospect of the weather improving?
-tratorous(adj): /ˈtreɪ.tər.əs/:phả n bộ i,not loyal
->camels are tratorous:they  walk thousands of paces and never seem to
tire.Then suddenly,they kneel and die
-gallop(v):/ˈɡæl.əp/:phi nướ c đạ i
->At the sound of gunfire the horse suddenly broke into a gallop.
-apparent(adj): /əˈpær.ənt/:clear,rõ rà ng
->suddenly,for no apparent reason,the boy’s horse began to slow
-frantically(adv):/ˈfræn.tɪ.kəl.i/:1 cá ch điên cuồ ng
->the snake fought frantically,making hissing sounds that shattered the
silence of the desert.It was a cobra,whose venom could kill a person in
-venom(n): /ˈvenəm/ :nọ c độ c
-venomous(adj): /ˈven.ə.məs/ :có nọ c độ c
->a venomous snake
-welfare(n): /ˈwel.feər/:Sứ c khỏ e tố t, hạ nh phú c, sự thịnh vượ ng.. củ a mộ t
ngườ i, mộ t nhó m
->you’ll use your knowledge for the welfare of the oasis and its inhabitant
-slither(v): /ˈslɪð.ər/:bò ngoằ n ngoèo
->the alchemist erased the circle in the sand,and the snake slithered away
among the rocks

->she would have to send her kisses on the wind,hoping that the wind
would touch the boy’s face,and would tell him that she was alive.That she
was waiting for him.A woman waiting for her courageous man in search of
his treasure
-immerse yourself in sth: /ɪˈmɜːs/:to become completely involved in
->She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish
history and culture.
-traitor(n):/ˈtreɪ.tər/:kẻ phả n bộ i
->my heart is a doesn’t want me 2 go on
-treason(n):/ˈtriːzn/:tộ i phả n quố c
->They were charged with treason and sentenced to death.
-personable:treasonous:(adj):/ˈtriː.zən.ə.bəl/phả n nướ c
->you mean i should listen to my heart,even if it’s treasonous?
-content(adj):/kənˈtent/: happy and satisfied with what you have
->his heart no longer wanted to know about things of the past or future;it
was content simply to contemplate the desert
-stimulus(n): /ˈstɪm.jə.ləs/:thứ kích thích
->when his heart spoke to him,it was to provide a stimulus to the boy,and
give him strength,because the days of silence there in the desert were
-consequence(n): /ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwəns/:a bad result
->Not making a will can have serious consequences for your children and
other family members.
- the multitude:a large crowd of people
->he had noticed tat,in the midst of the multitude of armed men back at the
encampment,there had been one who stared fixedly at the 2

- gaze/look/stare fixedly:to look continuously at one thing
-impenetrable(adj): /ɪmˈpen.ɪ.trə.bəl/ :impossible to go through
->the desert only moments ago had been endless and free,and now it was
an impenetrable wall
-impassable(adj): /ɪmˈpɑː.sə.bəl/:0 thể vượ t qua
->Many roads were flooded and impassable following the storm.
-nourish(v): /ˈnʌr.ɪʃ/:nuô i dưỡ ng
->to nourish the falcon.and the falcon nourishes man.and,eventually,man
will nourish your sands,where the game will once again flourish
-flourish(v) /ˈflʌr.ɪʃ/ :to develop successfully
-If you do something in defiance of a person, rule, or law, you do it even
though you know that you are not allowed to do it.
->for generations there after,the arabs recounted the legend o a bo who
had turned himself into the wind,almost destroying a military camp,in
defiance of the most powerful chief in the desert
-cease(v):/sis/to stop an action
->when the wind ceased to low,evo looked to the place where the boy had
-sorcery(n):/ˈsɔː.sər.i/:ma thuậ t
->the men were terrified at his sorcery
-disciple(n):/dɪˈsaɪ.pəl/:đệ tử
->But there were 2 people who were smiling:the alchemist,because he had
found his perfect disciple,and the chief,because that disciple has
understood the glory of god
-tenderness(n): /ˈten.də.nəs/ :sự dịu dà ng
->the angel came closer to the man,and,with tenderness,led him to a bench
nearby,where the sat down
-verse(n) /vɜːs/:thơ

->the verses of your son was very popular in rome
-just(n); /dʒʌst/:cô ng bằ ng
->The judge's sentence was perfectly just in the circumstances.
-avidly(adv): /ˈæv.ɪ,1 cách thích thú
->the boy rode along through the desert for several hours,listening avidl to
what his heart has to say
-avid(adj): /ˈæv.ɪd/ extremely  interested
->He took an avid interest in the project.
-"(One's) heart leaps" = Tim nhả y dự ng lên -> Tự nhiên hay độ t ngộ t cả m
thấ y hạ nh phú c và phấ n khở i.
->when he reached the top of the dune,his heart leapt.there,illuminated by
the light of the moon and the brightness of the desert
-illuminate(v): /ɪˈluː.mɪ.neɪt/ to light something
->The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights.
-bruise(n): /bruːz/:vết bầ m tím
->His arms and back were covered in bruises.
-bruised(adj):/bruːzd:bị bầ m tím
->he was bruised and bleeding,his clothing was torn to shreds,and he felt
that death was near
- in shred:very badly torn
->My shirt was in shreds when I took it out of the washer.


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