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Our Company, RTX Cinemas Sdn Bhd is a high-end professional visual computing
platform. It is primarily used for designing complex large-scale models in architecture and
product design, scientific visualization, energy exploration, and film and video production.
RTX facilitates a new development in computer graphics of generating interactive images that
react to lighting, shadows, reflections. RTX runs on Nvidia Ampere- Volta- and Turing-based
GPUs, specifically utilizing the Tensor cores (and new RT cores on Turing) on the
architectures for ray tracing acceleration. RTX Cinemas Sdn.Bhd offer high quality movie
service. We provide a website for customers to book a ticket through our website. This
website will facilitate customers to buy tickets and enjoy the movie they want to watch easier.
In addition, they can also contact us regarding our business and have any problems from the
contact details provided in our RTX Cinemas website.



1. Muhammad Muhaimin Project manager

Bin Mohd Azlimi • Plan all the projects.
• Monitor all the members to do
their task. Give guidelines to all
● Refer to the supervisor for

2. Alia Maisarah Binti Database designer

Abdul Rahman • Design Flowchart and database
diagram on SQL.
• Simplify the diagram for better

3. Nur Arfah Aziera Binti Database designer

Mohamad Arshad • Design Flowchart and database
diagram on SQL.
• Simplify the diagram for better

4. Muhammad Adli Bin Database programmer

Rosman • Construct a physical database.
• Manage database physical
5. Syaqir Arif Bin Shahidan Database programmer
• Construct a physical database.
• Manage database physical

6. Nur Syairah Binti Hanafi Database programmer

• Construct a physical database.
• Manage database physical


i. To ease the process of recording employees and customers' data.

ii. Protect the data from physical harm and unauthorized access.

iii. Making easy access to data for the authorized user.


Project Purpose

● This system will help customers to register for RTX Movies in an easier and
more efficient way. This system will also help administrators to manage
details of members and update payment details of members.
Project Objective

● To analyze and identify the requirements needed for RTX Movie Purchasing
● To design a computerized database and system.

● To develop RTX Movie Database for the end-user.

● To design the RTX Movie Purchasing System.

Project Scope

● This system will cover registration to be a customer or member in the RTX

Movie Purchasing System. At the moment, the limitation of our system is
that we are unable to provide invoices to customers. Furthermore, another
limitation our system is facing is the unavailability of adding new movies.
Administrators are only allowed to enter new movies directly from the


1. There is no proper record to store data for RTX Movie Purchasing. The informations and data

of the customers are not properly organized. This causes difficulty in keeping track of

the customers’ orders as well as causing redundancy in the orders.

2. Second, users will face difficulty keeping track of movies in our business. They might have to

walk or take a drive to our business venue in order to purchase the movie they wanted. This

process isn’t efficient as we are living in a digitalized era.



Many methodology or findings from this field mainly generated into journals for others to
take advantage of and improve as upcoming studies. The method is used to achieve the
objective of the project that will accomplish a perfect result. In order to evaluate this project,
the methodology is based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), generally three
major steps, which is planning, implementing and analysis.

This RTX Movie Purchasing system project used three major steps to implement the project
starting from planning, implementing as well as testing. All the methods used for finding
and analyzing data regarding the project are related.

To identify all the information and requirements such as hardware and software, planning
must be done in the proper manner. The planning phase has two main elements namely data
collection and the requirements of hardware and software.

Data collection

Data collection is a stage in any area of study. At this stage our team plans the project's
resources and requirements, literature studies and schedule to get more information in this
study. All the materials are collected from journals, text books and research papers gathered
from libraries and the Internet.

Within the data collection period, we have found the study about the Online Movie Website
on the Internet and do some research about the project. Once we understood the concept of
Online Movie Website, we took an example from TGV Cinemas Website and Netflix to
create RTX Cinemas Website.

Hardware and Software Requirement

Since websites can be created using any type of PC or Laptop, we do not include the
hardware of the PC’s that is involved in the project. Below is the list of the entire softwares
that we used and the other material that will support to complete this project.

- Visual Studio Code

- Xampp
- PhpMyAdmin

During this phase we have designed the DFD and ERD of the project. We also have plotted
the website pages. Below is the list of RTX Cinemas website pages.

- Login Page

- Main Page

- Movie Page

- Contact Page

- Selecting Movie Page

- Payment Gateway

Testing Point

We frequently test the database connection to a dummy website to avoid errors during RTX
Cinemas Website implementation. As soon as there are no errors in the database coding, the
database can add, delete and retrieve data, we start creating the User Interface of the website
each page.

Maintenance and Support

To make sure the website works properly, we search for every bug and error in the coding
whether it's HTML coding or CSS coding. We also had a hard time during this phase
because there was a time when the database connection was perfect, it can add and delete
the data but we cannot retrieve the data which can be a problem to the website. After a few
weeks checking the Php coding and database that have been created in the PhpMyAdmin,
we have found the errors and the problem has been solved.
As soon as there are no errors, we start to create an analysis for the website.



Since RTX Cinemas SDN.BHD sells various types of movie tickets, our targeted
audience can be any people who wants to watch a movie depending on the story they are
interested in at our cinema. For the smaller scale, our target audience was only focusing on
Malaysian citizens since we can provide the best price for Malaysian citizens and the
process will be much easier compared to foreigners.

Table name CUSTOMER

No Attribute Data Type PK FK Look up

1 customer_id CHAR(5) YES NO

2 customer_name VARCHAR(50) NO NO

3 customer_mobile VARCHAR(11) NO NO

4 customer_email VARCHAR(50) NO NO

Table name ADMIN

No Attribute Data Type PK FK Look up

1 employee_id CHAR(5) YES NO

2 employee_name VARCHAR(50) NO NO
Table name PAYMENT

No Attribute Data Type PK FK Look up

1 payment_id CHAR(5) YES NO

2 customer_id CHAR(5) NO YES CUSTOMER

3 employee_id CHAR(5) NO YES ADMIN

Table name MOVIES

No Attribute Data Type PK FK Look up

1 movie_id CHAR(5) YES NO

2 movie_name VARCHAR(50) NO NO

3 movie_date VARCHAR(50) NO NO

4 movie_time VARCHAR(50) NO NO

5 movie_genre VARCHAR(50) NO NO

6 employee_id CHAR(5) NO YES ADMIN



1- Web

Figure 1: Login Page for Users and Administrators

Figure 2 - Main Page for User

Figure 3 - Main page for user

Figure 4 - Movie Page for user to browse for movies

Figure 5 - Contact page for user to contact and leave feedback to the admins
Figure 6 - Selecting movie to buy
Figure 7 - Payment Gateway
2- Mobile

Figure 1 - Home Screen

Figure 2 - Sign Up page

Figure 3 - IntroSelf Page

Figure 4 - Movie Page

Figure 5 - Buy Movie Page

Figure 6 - Payment Gateway Page

Figure 7 - Closing Screen Page


This system project will make it easier for customers to purchase a movie that they want
to watch . RTX Movie Purchasing System project has achieved its objective. Users of RTX
Movie are able to login into the system while the new ones can register. The data of the
users are stored in the database thus redundancy is reduced. Our system also eases the
process of purchasing movies for the users. The conclusion is that, objective of the system
has been obtained whilst the administrators also are able to handle it as well as improving it.

Source code

1- Web

2- Mobile

Coding for sign up page

Coding for sign in page

Coding for introself page

Coding for movie page

Coding for payment gateway

Coding for buy movie page

3- Project plan
4- Video record link (must be uploaded in the youtube)


Mobile Development
● MIT App Inventor link to MySQL. (2021, June 15). YouTube.

● M.K.I. (n.d.). Mobile App Tutorial. Google Drive. Retrieved July 31, 2021, from

● M.K.I. (n.d.). Mobile App Tutorial. Google Drive. Retrieved July 31, 2021, from


● How to Create Your Own Shopping List App in MIT App Inventor. (2020, April 24).


● How to Create Your Own Shopping List App in MIT App Inventor Part 2. (2020, April 24).


Web Development
● Getting Started With. (n.d.). Swiper. Retrieved July 31, 2021, from

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