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1. What are the different types of Maintenance that a software product might need? Discuss.
2. Explain the following terms:
a) Error b) Test Oracle c) Test cases
d) Test Incidence e) Test Bed f) Failure
3. Consider a program for the determination of the nature of roots of a quadratic equation. Its input is
a triple of positive integers (say a, b and c) and values may be from interval [0,100]. The output may
have one of the following words:
[Not a quadratic equation, Real roots, Imaginary roots, Equal roots]
(i) Design robust test cases.
(ii) Create equivalence class for input and output domain and generate the test cases.
4. Discuss the purpose of integration testing. How is integration testing done?
5. Discuss the concept of faults of omission and faults of commission due to specified, implemented and
tested behavior of software?
6. Admission to a professional course is subject to following conditions:
I. marks in mathematics >=60
II. marks in physics >=50
III. marks in chemistry >=40
IV. total in all three subjects >=200
V. or total in mathematics and physics >=150
If aggregate marks of an eligible candidate are more than 225. He/she will be eligible for honors
course; otherwise he/she will be eligible for pass course. The program reads the marks in the three
subjects and generates the following outputs:
a.Not eligible
b.Eligible to pass course
c. Eligible to honors course
Design test cases using decision table using technique.
7. What do you mean by regression testing? What are the various approaches to perform regression
8. What is Cyclomatic complexity? Consider the following code snippet and calculate the Cyclomatic
complexity by all the three methods?
int main()
    int x, y, m, i;
    printf ("Insert any two numbers: ");
    scanf ("%d%d", &x, &y);
    if (x > y)
         m = y;
         m = x;
    for (i = m; i >= 1; i --)
         If (x % i = = 0 && y % i = =0)
             printf ("\n HCF of two number is : %d", i) ;
    return 0;
9. Write the difference between:
(a) Structural and Functional Testing
(b) Alpha and Beta testing

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