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Savannah ortiz


May 17, 2022

BNW: Ch 7-10 Daily Response


● They take them and put them on a island

● Ejected them from reality ^
● The world state is trying to fit in because he doesn't want to get kicked out
● Doesn't want family involved
● We value knowing our history
● New characters lenina and bernard
● She is a model, but also a air head
● There is a reservation called Savage Reservation
● United States, New Mexico, Native Americans, Reservation
● Bernard and lenina had permission to leave to go to the reservation
● Said was it was a rational place for them to go
● They need to walk everywhere
● No cars and no plane, nothing
● Some people are clothed but not everything is nice
● They send them there to see how they have things better at home and for them never to
leave again.
● The only reason why she liked it there was because of their religion
● John the savage sees them freaking out, and goes up to them and says are you guys
from the world state? They said yes and said he knows everything about it because his
mother lived there and got pregnant with him.
● DHC got her pregnant and left her at the reservation.
● They stay on birth control the women, so they don't have pregnancies
● There not aging in the world state because of the lotion and the medication they are on
so when you get to the savage reservation you don't age
● So linda has turned old and becomes a nobody and addicted whore
● Nobody expects john because he's the son of the tramp
● She's addicted to sex
● The government controls that part of who you are
● John starts telling bernard the story and he asked how were you raised and john said
believing that this was not a perfect world and wanting to go to the world state but he's
never been accepted
● His mom Linda showed him songs he never understood
● They would come down as a boy and come out as a boy
● John ran away, while being injured and was alone, moon was watching him
● John and bernard have a connection because they want what eachother cant have, such
as john wants to live in the world state and bernard want to live in the savage reservation
In what ways are we all a little like John and bernard?

We're all a little like them because everyone wants what they don't have but somebody
else might have it. I know when I was a little girl I went to hangout with a friend and wished I had
the kind of toys she had but didn't have. I always wish I had a close friend that I can just call and
say you want to hangout but I can't because I don't have a friend like that yet and I get jealous
when I see girls with their best friends or my boyfriend with his because I wish I had that.
Loneliness is difficult to eradicate because it's a strong subject. I feel loneliness is important
because you can clear your mind and get the space that you actually need. It's important for
your mental health but not too much of it isn't good. Benefits from having time to yourself and
helping yourself.


● Bernard figures out who john's dad is, which is the director of the DHC and bernard and
the DHC don't get along
● They think he thinks too much, and talks to much
● Bernard is going to humiliate the baby daddy of Linda, while bringing John and Linda to
him back to the World State

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