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Weld Defects in Austenitic Stainless Steel

Sheets—Effect of Welding Parameters

Defects grow in number and size as welding current
increases, and the type of defect is determined by welding speed


ABSTRACT. T w o austenitic stainless steel (Ref. 1-4). T h e assumption of g o o d w e l d - defects in C T A W o n austenitic stainless
sheets w e r e w e l d e d b y t h e a u t o g e n o u s ability is basically t r u e , p r o v i d e d that n o steel sheets. The p u r p o s e here is t o
gas tungsten arc process. D e f e c t s of high p r o d u c t i v i t y or quality r e q u i r e m e n t s d e m o n s t r a t e the i m p o r t a n c e of certain
different kinds w e r e f o u n d t o b e f o r m e d are laid d o w n . H o w e v e r mechanization w e l d i n g parameters. O t h e r parts discus-
d e p e n d i n g o n the w e l d i n g parameters, and automation together with the sing the effects o f w e l d metal c o m p o s i -
i. e., cracks, center cavities, c r a c k e d c e n - increasing d e m a n d f o r higher w e l d i n g t i o n a n d shielding gases o n the defects
ter cavities, ripple cavities, u n d e r c u t s a n d speeds h a v e i n t r o d u c e d a p r o b l e m of are t o be s u b m i t t e d f o r publication at a
humps. d e f e c t f o r m a t i o n in sheet w e l d i n g . later d a t e .
T h e cracks a n d cavities increased in D e f e c t s of different kinds can be cre-
size and n u m b e r w i t h increasing w e l d i n g a t e d d u r i n g the w e l d i n g of austenitic Experimental Procedures
current, w h e r e a s the t y p e of d e f e c t w a s stainless steels, e. g., cracks (Ref. 1-4),
essentially d e p e n d e n t o n the w e l d i n g p o r e s a n d cavities (Ref. 5, 6, 7), u n d e r c u t s Materials
s p e e d . C e n t e r cavities a n d their c r a c k e d a n d h u m p s (Ref. 8, 9) d e p e n d i n g o n the
T w o c o m m e r c i a l sheets o f AISI T y p e
versions, as w e l l as u n d e r c u t s and h u m p s , w e l d i n g conditions. These h a v e b e e n
316 austenitic stainless steel w e r e used.
c o u l d o c c u r at high speeds, w h e r e a s e n c o u n t e r e d using either multiple-elec-
These w e r e selected so that o n e (sheet
cracks and ripple cavities w e r e typical of t r o d e gas tungsten arc w e l d i n g ( C T A W )
A) w o u l d solidify primarily austenitically
l o w speeds. The primary austenitic solidi- m e t h o d s , e. g., in pipe p r o d u c t i o n , or
u p o n w e l d i n g and t h e o t h e r (sheet B)
fication m o d e a u g m e n t e d cracks a n d rip- single e l e c t r o d e C T A W m e t h o d s , e. g., in
primarily terrifically (Ref. 18, 19). The
ple cavities, w h i l e the p r i m a r y ferritic w e l d i n g p i p e bends, flanges o r branches
difference w a s mainly d u e t o differences
solidification m o d e increased center cavi- (Ref. 10). M a n y defects m a y be injurious,
in the c h r o m i u m and nickel c o n t e n t , t h e
ty f o r m a t i o n . especially f r o m a mechanical (Ref. 1 1 - 1 4 )
o t h e r elements being at a p p r o x i m a t e l y
Reasons f o r the effects of the w e l d i n g or corrosive (Ref. 13) standpoint. Also,
t h e same level. The c o m p o s i t i o n s are
parameters are e x p l o r e d in this paper, t h e y may r e d u c e fatigue (Ref. 14, 15) or
listed in Table 1.
t o g e t h e r w i t h the o c c u r r e n c e o f t h e dif- c r e e p (Ref. 12) properties.
T h e materials w e r e 2 m m (0.08 in.)
ferent kinds of defects a n d their f o r m a - This p a p e r f o r m s a part o f a larger thick, a n d the Ferrite N u m b e r s of the
t i o n mechanisms. The practical i m p o r - w o r k dealing w i t h the f o r m a t i o n of w e l d w e l d s v a r i e d f r o m 1.3 t o 3.1 a n d f r o m 4.6
tance of the results is also discussed. t o 7.4 in sheets A a n d B respectively,
d e p e n d i n g o n the w e l d i n g parameters.
Introduction T h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g calculated values are
2.5 a n d 4.0, based o n t h e D e L o n g dia-
Austenitic stainless steel sheets are Table 1—Compositions of the Sheets, wt-%
g r a m (Ref. 17).
extensively used f o r w e l d e d pipes and
tubes in t h e chemical, p e t r o l e u m a n d Sheet Sheet
A B Test Procedure
nuclear industries. They are normally
assumed t o h a v e a g o o d weldability, C 0.025 0.031 M e c h a n i z e d single e l e c t r o d e C T A W
c o n t r a r y t o steels used f o r massive c o n - Si 0.49 0.47 m e t h o d s w e r e used in all t h e test w e l d s .
structions that o f t e n present p r o b l e m s of Mn 1.54 1.80 T h e welds w e r e p r o d u c e d autogenously
solidification cracking and microfissures P 0.034 0.033 o n the sheet w i t h o u t a g r o o v e .
S 0.015 0.017 In the main e x p e r i m e n t s , 2 X 50 X 250
Cr 17.2 16.9
m m (0.08 X 2 X 10 in.) test sheet w a s
Ni 12.9 11.2
Mo 2.70 2.66 w e l d e d t o a rigid jig —Fig. 1. T w o w e l d s
Paper presented at the 63th AWS Annual Cu 0.17 0.18 (A and B in Fig. 1) w e r e m a d e in the sheet
Meeting held in Kansas City, Missouri, during N 0.030 0.044 using the same parameters (i.e., 9 0 A , 200
April 25-30, 1982. Creq/Nie^ 1.49 1.60 m m / m i n or 7.9 i p m , a n d 1 0 - 1 2 V) w i t h
V. P. KUIANPAA is a Research Fellow, Labora- ls
o t h e r conditions as s h o w n in Table 2; this
'Cr, q = '., Cr + .37 • Mo- 1.5 • , Si + 2 • "» Nb +
tory of Physical Metallurgy, University of Oulu, 3 • % Ti. Ni. q = ", Ni H Mn - 22 •"„ C + 14,2 • w a s d o n e in o r d e r t o equalize the
Oulu, Finland. "„ N + % Cu. (Ref. 16.) stresses in the sheet b e f o r e each test.


The test weld proper was made in the Test weld
Table 2—Welding Conditions
middle of the sheet —Fig. 1. The welding
parameters were selected on the basis of
preliminary experiments in which the test Method Single electrode
sheets were welded at variable welding GTAW
speeds and currents in order to deter- Technique Mechanized stringer
mine reasonable values for the main bead
experiments. The other conditions were Groove None
kept constant and are listed in Table 2. Filler metal None
Welding position Flat
Figure 2 shows that the weld metal
Ar (root shield) \Mild steel Polarity DC, straight
could behave in four different ways, Variable, see Table 3.
Welding current
depending on the welding current and Ar (trailing shield) Pole voltage Variable, see Table 3.
speed. If the welding speed was too low Welding torch Welding speed Variable, see Table 3.
compared with the current, the melting Arc length 2 mm (0.08 in)
was unstable and a hole developed in the Sintered bronze Electrode EWTh-2, diam 2.4 mm
sheet; with lower currents or higher (0.094 in.) and cone
speeds, complete penetration or melt- angle 60 deg
\ Test sheet
thru occurred. In addition, when the Arc shielding gas 99.99 % Ar, flow
200 mm (8in) r a t e - 8 L/min (17
welding speed was too high compared
with the current, penetration was incom- Fig. I — The test procedure
Root shielding 99.99 % Ar, flow
plete or no fusion occurred —Fig. 2. gas r a t e - 8 L/min (17
Welding currents and speeds for the cfh)
experiments are depicted in Fig. 2 and in the resolution of the film about ±0.05 Trail shielding gas 99.99 % Ar, flow
Table 3. Other conditions were kept mm ( ± 2 . 0 X 1 0 - 3 in.). The shapes and r a t e - 8 L/min (17
constant and are indicated in Table 2. cfh)
locations of the different kinds of defect
Welding torch Vertical. Orifice
were also examined by scanning electron d i a m - 1 1 mm (0.43
microscope. The microstructure of the in.); distance from
Metallographical Methods welds was also examined by convention- the s h e e t - 10 mm
The test welds were pickled in a solu- al light microscope in the cross section (0.39 in.)
tion of 15% H N 0 3 + 5% HF, and cleaned. and longitudinal section.
They were examined visually, by light Weld Ferrite Numbers were measured
stereo microscope and by x-ray radiogra- using a Magne-Gage calibrated according 4. Ripple cavities.
phy (acceleration voltage 90 kV, current to the procedure AWS A 4.2-74. 5. Undercuts.
5 mA, exposure time 15-21 min). 6. Humps.
The number and length of the defects Results Their macroscopic locations are indi-
were measured by the optical stereo cated in Fig. 3 and their shapes in Fig. 4.
Defect Classification
microscope on the face and root surfaces The occurrence of defects is seen in Figs.
of the welds and in the x-ray film. The Defects of different kinds could be 5-9. The depths of the defects were
depth of the defects was determined by formed depending on the welding used as the criteria for the severity of
the same microscope by focusing sepa- parameters. These defects were classi- defect formation (except for the ripple
rately on the bottom of the defect and fied into six types according to shape and cavities where their number was used).
the weld surface and then measuring the macroscopic location in the weld: Cracks were situated in the middle
level difference with a dial gauge. The 1. Cracks. region of the weld (Fig. 3A). They were
accuracy of the size measurement was 2. Center cavities. generally 0.5-3 mm (0.02-0.1 in.) long,
about ±0.01 mm ( ± 0 . 4 X 10" 3 in.) and 3. Cracked center cavities. and longer than the cavities, but were not

1 10 100
1 10 100
1 1 1 I I I III 1 1 /I 1/ III 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 \\ II 1 1 111
II 1 1

1 300
/ /

X * /
XJ 200
X .X X ,
/ X a* X /
x xy
««• X y /
x — *
X ^ _ _ _ - - ' n N C OM P L E T E x
1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1/
1 1 1 11 1 1 1 A\ 1 1
100 . 1000 1000
[mm/mm] 100
Welding speed
Welding speed (mm/min)
Fig. 2 —Fields of penetration in the welding current — welding speed diagram for sheets A and B. The parameters used are marked

46-s 1 FEBRUARY 1983

Table 3—Welding Currents, Pole Voltages and Welding Speeds Used in the Main Experiments

Sheet A Sheet B
Welding speed. Welding Pole Welding Pole
mm/min (ipm) current, A voltage, V current, A voltage, V

25 (1.0) 70 10.5 75 10
50 (2.0) 40 10 50 9
80 11 90 10
100 (3.9) I ll) 12 110 12
40 9.5
200 (7.9) 70 10 70 10
120 11 120 12
160 13 170 13.5
400 (15.7) 110 12 110 11.5
150 13 150 13
190 14 190 14
600 (23.6) 160 13 170 13
210 15 230 15
800(31.5) 180 14
195 14 200 14
220 14.5 230 16
240 16.5
260 16 260 16.5
1 200 (47.2) 300 17 310 18
330 18

i. e., they reached the surface. However, cracks in the bottom —Fig. 4C.
some internal cavities or pores were also The change from crack to center cavi-
observed. Center cavities were found ty was gradual, and various combinations
approximately to the same extent on the could be found. These defects were
face and root surfaces. similar in number and size to the
Cracked center cavities (Fig. 3B) were uncracked center cavities —Fig. 7.
forms comprising a combination of Ripple cavities were located in rows in
cracks and center cavities. They con- ripple lines —Fig. 3A. These were found,
sisted of low round-edged cavities with in the first place, near the weld interface;

Fig. 3 — Macrographs of welds (sheet A) made

using the following parameters: A — 190 A, 14
V, 400 mm/min (16 ipm); B-330 A, 18 V,
1200 mm/min (47 ipm); C'- 180 A, 14 V, 1200
mm/min (47 ipm)

so numerous (0.01-1.7 per millimeter or

0.25-40 per inch). Their edges were
sharp and easily distinguished from the
surrounding matrix —Fig. 4A).
The cracks were typically deep (Fig. 5),
amounting to 10-25% of the thickness of
the weld; they were mostly found in the
face surface of the weld. In the micro-
structure, they were situated in the last
regions to solidify, i. e., along the grain
boundaries. "Healed cracks"* were also
encountered in the microstructure in con-
tact with the cracks proper.
Center cavities were also located in the
middle region of the weld —Fig. 3B. They
were typically short, 0.03-1 mm (0.001-
0.04 in.) in diameter and numerous, 0.4-4
per millimeter (10-100 per inch). They
were not very deep, and typically cov-
ered 5-15% of the thickness of the
weld —Fig. 6. The edges were round-
ish-Fig. 4B.
Most of the center cavities were open,

*A healed crack is a solidification crack partially
| °^ ij
or totally backfilled by the melt during solidifi- Fig. 4—Types of defects: A —crack; B — center cavities; C —cracked center cavity; D —ripple
cation (Ref. 21). cavities


Welding speed Welding speed
n/min) (in/min)
10 100
400 m—TTT


5 200

100 -
0 0
I I I I I I I I I I I l/f I
100 1000
100 1000 ( m m / min)
(mm/min) Welding speed
Welding speed (m/min)
n/min) 10 100
100 400 I I I I III
i—1/1/ I U I I


0.25 0.21V
ts 200 - 0.12

100 -

I I I I I I I I /i I L
100 1000
1000 Welding speed
Welding speed (mm/ min)
Fig. 5-Maximum depth of cracks (mm) in the welding current-welding Fig. 6- Maximum depth of the center cavities (mm) in the welding
speed diagram, mm/25.4 = in. current welding speed diagram, mm/25.4 = in.

in the worst cases, they also occurred in well rounded and were always broader tion field (Figs. 5-8) when the volume of
the center. They were generally narrow, than they were deep. the weld was high. The lower values of
i. e., 0.02-0.05 mm (0.8-2 X 1 0 - 3 in.) in The humps seemed to be associated the welding current caused the frequen-
diameter and not very deep, typically with a local lack of metal in the middle of cy of defect formation to diminish.
5-10% of the thickness of the weld. the weld and were always surrounded by The effect of welding speed was also
The ripple cavities were very numer- undercuts - Fig. 3C. Other kinds of considerable. Cracks were typically
ous, as many as 20-30 per millimeter defects, such as weld blobs (Ref. 20) or found at low speeds —Fig. 5. When the
(500-750 per inch)-Fig. 8. Their edges heat-affected zone or crater cracks were speed was increased, cracking became
were also roundish - Fig. 4D. The direc- also observed, but are not considered pronounced. At medium welding speeds,
tion of the cavity was parallel to that of here. i. e., ~ 4 0 0 mm/min (15 ipm), the cracks
solidification. In the microstructure they were replaced by center cavities and
were found in the last regions to solidify, their cracked versions —Figs. 6, 7 and 10.
Effect of Welding Parameters At even higher speeds, the cavities were
i. e., along the grain boundaries. These
defects were encountered on both the The effects of the welding parameters further augmented and became mostly
face and the root surfaces of the weld. including current and speed on defect pure center cavities.
Undercuts and humps were large formation can best be shown on welding The formation of ripple cavities was
defects. Undercuts were located near the current-welding speed diagrams —Figs. also pronounced at high welding cur-
weld interface (Fig. 3B), always forming a 5-9. The defect fields in Figs. 5-9 are rents—Fig. 8. Unlike the other types of
continuous groove on both edges of the combined in Fig. 10. It can be seen that defects, they were favored by a low
face surface of the weld. They were the weld was most susceptible to crack welding speed, in which case they also
generally deep, 10-30% of the thickness or cavity formation if the welding param- existed in the middle region of the
of the weld —Fig. 9. The undercuts were eters were chosen near the hole forma- weld.

48-s I FEBRUARY 1983

Undercuts were formed only at high ferritic-austenitic or primary ferritic Figs. 6, 7 and 10. The depths of these
welding speeds, i. e., >500 mm/min modes, respectively. types of defect seemed to be at the same
(>20 ipm) — Fig. 9; also, they were similar- The effect of the solidification mode level in both sheets. Undercuts and
ly accentuated by high welding currents. was evaluated comparing the defect humps seemed not to be influenced by
Humps were also found at high welding fields of sheets A and B on a welding the solidification mode; the fields in the
speeds, i. e., >900 mm/min (>35 ipm) — current-welding speed diagram — Fig. 10. welding current-welding speed diagram
Fig. 9. Characteristically, they were It can be seen that the susceptibility to and the depths of the undercuts were
formed only at low welding currents cracking or cavity formation was strongly approximately the same with both
when penetration was incomplete. These influenced by the solidification mode. modes.
results agree well with those for plate The cracking field was much wider and
Reproducibility of Results
welding (Ref. 22). the cracks much deeper with sheet A,
Effect of Solidification Mode which solidified as primary austenite (Fig. The method based on the use of a rigid
5), than with sheet B which solidified as jig was a suitable and simple test for
According to Suutala, et al. (Ref. 18, primary ferrite; the susceptibility to ripple studying the formation of weld defects
19), the solidification mode of the weld cavity formation seemed to show the under severe conditions. This can be
can be easily determined on the basis of same tendency, although the correlation seen from the results of the reproducibil-
the microstructure and depends basically was not as clear — Fig. 8. ity tests, which were performed in three
on the weld metal composition, i. e., the In contrast to crack formation, the cases —Table 4. For sheet A, cracks and
ratio of chromium and nickel equiva- center cavities and their cracked versions ripple cavities were typically formed
lents-Table 1. The materials used in this formed over a much wider welding cur- under the conditions 110 A and 100
study - sheets A (Cr e q /Ni e q = 1.49) and B rent-welding speed field in the welds mm/min (4 ipm). As can be seen in Table
(Cr e q /Ni e q = 1.60) —solidified in the aus- which solidified as primary ferrite than in 4, the reproducibility is good, the stan-
tenitic-ferritic or primary austenitic and those which gave primary austenite — dard deviation being only 10-15% of the

Welding speed
Welding speed
n/min) ( i n / min)
400 100 100

300 - 300 -

200 200 -

100 - 100 -

100 1000
Welding speed
400 400

300 - 300

= 200 - 200 -

100 - 100 -
I I I I I I J I I I I I /I I L
1000 100 1000
Welding speed Welding speed
(mm/mm) (mm/mm)
Fig. 7 — Maximum depth of cracked center cavities (mm) in the welding Fig. 8-Number of ripple cavities (per millimeter) in the welding
current-welding speed diagram current-welding speed diagram


direction of solidification. Some marks in
Table 4—Reproducibility Results
the microstructure revealed that the
space between the grains had probably
Sheet Sheet Sheet
widened during solidification and had
been partially back-filled by the melt,
Current, A 110 240 260 causing a ripple cavity. The ripple cavities
Speed, m m / m i n (ipm) 100 (4) 800 (31) 800 (31) were, therefore, in a sense "microscopi-
Number of tests 5 5 5 cal cast pipes".
Maximum depth of cracks,
The fact that shrinkage was the main
mm (in.)
reason for the ripple cavities was sup-
- Mean value 0.24 (0.010) - - ported by the effect of the solidification
- S t . dev>) 0.030 (0.0012) - -
Maximum depth of center mode. Segregation is stronger, and the
cavities, mm (in.) mushy zone is wider when a weld solidi-
- M e a n value - 0.18(0.0071) 0.27 (0.011) fies as primary austenite;. this causes the
- S t . dev.<a> - 0.016 (0.00063) 0.037 (0.0015) healing effect to be harder than in prima-
Maximum depth of cracked ry ferritic solidification, as discussed in
center cavities, mm (in.) connection with cracks.
- M e a n value - 0.11 (0.0043) 0.10(0.0039)
Undercuts are caused by the melt flow
- S t . dev.<a» - 0.048 (0.0019) 0.051 (0.0020)
Number of ripple cavities,
of the weld. The arc pressure forces the
per millimeter (per inch) melt to flow backwards over the center
— Mean value 31 (800) of the solidifying weld. The melt cools
— —
- S t . dev.<a) 3.6(91) - - rapidly and its viscosity increases. Thus, it
Depth of undercut, mm (in.) does not have time to become smooth
— Mean value - 0.13 (0.0051) 0.24 (0.0094) before solidification, and an undercut is
- S t . dev.<a> — 0.017 (0.00067) 0.030 (0.0012) formed. The phenomenon may be
Standard deviation using N-1 weighting tor example data.
assisted by the interfacial forces. Humps
were probably formed for interfacial rea-
sons, the weld pool being so small that
interfacial forces could compel the melt
mean values for these defects. tion, they very much resemble solidifica- to form these "weld bead turbulents"
In the other cases tested, sheet A with tion cracks found in thicker plates. Micro- (Ref. 8, 23).
parameters 240 A and 800 mm/min (31 structurally, they occurred in the last
ipm) and sheet B with parameters 260 A regions to solidify and were often partial- Defects and Welding Parameters
and 800 mm/min, center cavities and ly healed or back-filled, evidence that
their cracked versions and undercuts typ- they had been in contact with the melt The volume of the weld pool
ically formed. The reproducibility of cen- during solidification. The formation increased when the welding current was
ter cavities and undercuts was also good, mechanism is thus probably the same as increased; this could have brought about
the standard deviation being 10-15% of in the case of plates (Ref. 21). more severe shrinkage and, therefore,
the mean value. However, in the case of larger stresses. In addition, the melt
In previous studies on solidification
the cracked center cavities it was worse, showed a tendency to sink down at high
cracking (Ref. 21) the Trans-Varestraint
with a standard deviation of about 4 0 - currents and low speeds; this also accen-
test was used whereby the plate is
50% of the mean value of the results. tuated the shrinkage during solidification.
forced to crack by bending. The present
These were probably the main reasons
study shows that the cracks caused by
for the harmful effect of the welding
the rigidity of the weld, itself, show the
current in promoting crack and cavity
same tendency in relation to solidification
Discussion mode as these forced cracks.
When the welding speed is increased,
Defect Formation Mechanisms Pores and cavities are traditionally clas-
the form of the weld puddle changes
sified into those formed through gas
from elliptical to drop-shaped (Ref. 24).
Defect formation mechanisms depend evolution and those formed through
With austenitic stainless steel sheets of
on many variables, among which only the shrinkage. Gas pores are usually smooth,
2 mm (0.08 in.) thickness, this transition
welding parameters are studied here. rounded, and quite large compared with
occurs at a speed of about 200 mm/min
Thus, it will only be possible to reach shrinkage pores which are more irregular
(8 ipm) (Ref. 19). The content of segre-
definite conclusions on the mechanisms in shape.
gated impurities in the last droplets of the
in the later parts of this work after the Center cavities and their cracked ver-
melt was likely greater with drop-formed
effects of impurities and shielding gases sions found in this study had features of
puddles and, therefore, cracking was also
have also been considered. Some infer- both shrinkage and gas pores. Generally,
increased —Fig. 5.
ences, however, can be made on the the pure center cavities resembled gas
basis of the present results. evolution pores more than did the The effect of the welding parameters
cracked center cavities which tended to on the undercut can be explained on the
Cracking in austenitic stainless steels
have features of shrinkage pores —Figs. basis of the above formation mechanism.
has been widely studied before (Ref.
4B and 4C. Matsuda, et al. (Ref. 7) When the current was increased, the arc
1-4). It has been found that a weld is
observed these cavities in welds made power was greater and forced the melt
prone to solidification cracking if it solidi-
under an argon atmosphere in a chamber to flow backwards more easily. The high-
fies with austenite as primary phase and
evacuated to 0.13 Pa ( 1 0 - 3 mm Hg) er welding speed, in turn, made the slope
has a normal impurity content (Ref. 4).
before the test. This shows that shrinkage of the weld pool less steep, and it was
On the other hand, a weld solidifying as
is one reason for the formation of this easier for an undercut to form. At high
primary ferrite or having a very low
kind of defect. speeds the melt also had less time to
phosphorus and sulphur content
become smooth.
(P 4- S < 0.01 wt-%) is not susceptible to The ripple cavities were distinguished
solidification cracking (Ref. 4, 21). from the center cavities on the basis of
Practical Importance of the Results
The cracks found in the sheet welds in size, shape and location in the weld. They
this study show the same tendency occurred in the ripple lines and along the The results of this study show that
regarding the solidification mode. In addi- grain boundaries, and were parallel to the pore-like defects can be reduced, if the

50-s I FEBRUARY 1983

Welding speed Welding speed
(in/min) (in/min)
100 100
400 400

300 300

=> 200 - = 200

100 - 100

1000 1000
mm/mm) mm/min)
Welding speed Welding speed
(in/min) (in/min)
10 100
100 400
400 II I I 1 1 TITM 1 tJ-VA an"
Centre cavities
and cracked
. \nri u
\ j
300 - 300
YH 1'

/OWS 1
^CX/OrO' *
200 200 \ytf$ " W W /
V V A /
Ripple \vy^ ,
cavities ^ A rl
A^— •?' y r
100 - " ^ * y / 1 1_ / X ^5! i i i 1—1- -
-COMPLETE,-^-— ' ^ y dercut!
___—• PENETRA /^NO F U S I O N
riON .
11 I 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1/
100 1000 100 1000
Welding speed
Welding speed
Fig. 9 —Depth of undercuts (mm) in the welding current-welding speed Fig. 10 -Fields of various types of defects combined on one welding
diagram. The field of humps is also shown current •welding speed diagram

w e l d i n g s p e e d is l o w e r e d —Fig. 10. This serve t o describe the w e l d i n g o f a rigid stainless steel sheets w i t h a u t o g e n o u s
agrees w i t h the results of Ekerot a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n . In m a n y cases o f sheet G T A W was investigated. Particular re-
Fredriksson (Ref. 25). T h e present results w e l d i n g , h o w e v e r , the rigidity is l o w e r ; gard w a s paid t o the shape, size, n u m b e r
s h o w , h o w e v e r , that the w e l d i n g current c o n s e q u e n t l y , t h e restrictions u p o n the a n d location o f the defects a n d t o the
also has a m a r k e d influence o n defect w e l d i n g current a n d s p e e d m a y be less effect o f the w e l d i n g parameters. T h e
f o r m a t i o n . N o r m a l l y , o n e tries in sheet severe. results a l l o w the f o l l o w i n g conclusions t o
w e l d i n g t o achieve a d e f e c t - f r e e w e l d T h e results of this study c o n c e r n only be reached:
w i t h single pass a n d c o m p l e t e p e n e t r a - t h e single-electrode G T A W process in 1. Defects of different kinds can b e
tion at the m a x i m u m w e l d i n g s p e e d . This w h i c h the m a x i m u m possible w e l d i n g f o r m e d d u r i n g w e l d i n g : cracks, center
study s h o w s that, in a reasonable w e l d i n g speed is limited b y u n d e r c u t f o r m a t i o n . In cavities, c r a c k e d center cavities, ripple
p a r a m e t e r field (i.e., b e t w e e n h o l e f o r - multi-electrode G T A W methods, under- cavities, u n d e r c u t s a n d h u m p s .
m a t i o n and i n c o m p l e t e p e n e t r a t i o n ) , the cuts can b e a v o i d e d because l o w e r arc 2. W e l d i n g parameters h a v e a m a r k e d
w e l d i n g current should b e k e p t as l o w as pressures are f o r m e d o n the melt a n d influence o n d e f e c t f o r m a t i o n . The size
possible in o r d e r t o get d e f e c t - f r e e higher speeds are used (Ref. 9). T h e a n d n u m b e r of the defects increase
w e l d s . In practice, because of the aim f o r f o r m a t i o n of center cavities, especially o n m a r k e d l y w i t h the w e l d i n g current. T h e
m a x i m u m p r o d u c t i v i t y (i.e., high w e l d i n g t h e r o o t surface, h o w e v e r , m a y be a w e l d i n g speed affects the character of
speeds), c o n t r o l of the w e l d i n g current p r o b l e m ; it is this that sets o n e limit u p o n the defects. Cracks a n d ripple cavities are
p r o v e s t o b e a v e r y i m p o r t a n t consider- the use o f such m e t h o d s at t h e present f o r m e d at l o w speeds, w h i l e center cavi-
ation as seen in Fig. 10. time. ties and their c r a c k e d versions and under-
In this study a rigid test w a s used cuts a n d h u m p s are typical of high
w h e r e i n t h e stresses f o r m e d were speeds.
caused b y the rigidity of t h e jig in w h i c h 3. The solidification m o d e also exerts
the sheet w a s w e l d e d . Thus, it m a y w e l l T h e d e f e c t f o r m a t i o n in t w o austenitic an effect o n defect f o r m a t i o n . W e l d s

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WRC Bulletin 280

August, 1982
The Varestraint Test
by C. D. Lundin, A. C. Lungenfeltet. G. E. Grotke, G. G. Lessmann, and S. J. Matthews

T h e V a r e s t r a i n t T e s t , o r o n e of i t s v a r i o u s m o d i f i c a t i o n s , is t h e m o s t u t i l i z e d w e l d a b i l i t y t e s t f o r
e v a l u a t i o n o f h o t c r a c k i n g s e n s i t i v i t y . T h i s m o n o g r a p h p r e s e n t s t h e e x p e r i e n c e of s e v e r a l r e s e a r c h e r s in
t h e i r u s e o f t h e V a r e s t r a i n t T e s t . It is n o t i n t e n d e d t o b e a s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n d o c u m e n t , b u t a u t i l i z a t i o n

P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s r e p o r t w a s s p o n s o r e d b y t h e S u b c o m m i t t e e o n H e a t R e s i s t a n t A l l o y s of t h e H i g h
A l l o y s C o m m i t t e e of t h e W e l d i n g R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l .

T h e p r i c e o f W R C B u l l e t i n 2 8 0 is $ 1 0 . 0 0 p e r c o p y , p l u s $ 3 . 0 0 f o r p o s t a g e a n d h a n d l i n g ( f o r e i g n —
$ 5 . 0 0 ) . O r d e r s s h o u l d b e s e n t w i t h p a y m e n t t o t h e W e l d i n g R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l , 3 4 5 East 4 7 t h S t . , N e w
Y o r k , NY 1 0 0 1 7 .

52-s | FEBRUARY 1983

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