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MANPOWER RECRUITMENT WORLDWIDE ‘Www i CONTINENTAL MERCANTILE CORPORATION *GLOBAL RECRUITERS * WORLDWIDE STAFFING SOLUTIONS *TRAINING COLLEGES IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT, OIL & GAS * OVERSEAS EDUCATION CONSULTANTS & MIGRATION SERVICES EUROPE | JAPAN | AUSTRALIA | SINGAPORE |INDIA| AFRICA | OMAN | DUBAI | KUWAIT] BAHRAIN | PHILIPPINES | NEPAL Founder’ s Message SAJEEVANT S Founder, Chairman & Managing Director The C t gives me immense pleasure to introduce our group company, the Continental Group, a muit= national company, speared across 15 counties ‘across the globe serving in the field ct GLOBAL RECRUITMENTS, HR SOLUTIONS, WORLD- WIDE STAFFING SOLUTIONS, TRAINING COL- LEGES IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT, OIL & GAS, TECHNICAL & PROFESSIONAL STUDIES. Continental has postioned and geared up to eax ter to the growing demands of Talent Acquistion across the world by knowing the changes in the technology to adapt fo the working enwronment land changing ‘rands in qualifications, technical knowledge, communication & IT ells We are expanding rapidly with the number of of fices in numetous countries across the worl To alain this goal. we have streamlined our IT Nele ‘work and uperaded the scftware's to take the load and security ofthe lage database of manpower Consalidated reporting systems and documenta- tions. Wel crganized, controlled and monitored HR & Administration systems, Accounts & Finance Management fe provides outstanding services In the field of human resources cevelopment, talent acquistion & recrultments and mobilization for Projects worldwide ur pool of manpower avaiable worldwide e very extensive and unique and well updated daly i the fold of cil & gac, enginesting & constructon, maintenance of Refreries & plants, cateing & hospitality, hypermarcsts, education, IT and many other fe, We have spert 35 years in bulding up a strategy continental Group ‘and a reputation as @ world leader In specialized ‘services in recrutments by thding the best alerts, protessonais, engineers and managers you nes to nun your business & projects, Our expattice team can shorten your Fring process and provide youthe righttalerts to boost up your business. (Our extensive database and sourcing methodolo- cles enable us tof Firing requistions with agit ity and qualty, especially fr junior to senior level management rules. What's more is that we delver services to our cient with very high endeavor satisfaction score ‘My team at Continental spends lt of tie in focus- ing on shaping the talents and sk set of te work force needed nthe of & gas dusty, engineering & constructions companies, maintencnca of Retn- ties, petrocremical & Power alants, facilty man- agement hospital, catering support services, hospitals, healthcare, hypermarkets & IT industry The Continental Group as aworawide solution pro- Vern Reeratments, Human Resources, Training of professionals in oll & gas, Hotel Management, ‘and stafing solutions, we can tallor mekethe strat- egies to fulfill the demands of cur clan's whether large or small in numbers according to the chang- Ing economy, technology and market werd. Our ‘tating & recrutment specials take the Tul bur~ don out of you te train hire and fhe tight prefes- ‘Sorels for you in short span oftime, We are fuly geared up and prenared to deliver you the right manpower on the ight tne for your pro fec%s io any part of the world. ® Global Overseas Recruiters Education Consultants Worldwide Training Colleges Staffing ii tae er Soluti lotel Management ay hee Ol & Ges Technical Migration Training Services & Trade Testing Institutes CONTINENTAL INDIAN INFRASTRUCTURE SIRRITOEERATICWOFRCE REGIONAL OFFICES IN INDIA : DELHI, MUMBAI, CHENNAI ‘CONTINENTAL TOWERS’ \ KARIKKAMIUR! CROSS ROAD, KOLKATA, VIZAG & COCHIN KOCHI-41. KERALA, INDIA PROCUREMENT CENTERS BANGALORE, MANGALORE, TRICHY, MADURA, TRIVANDRUM, CALICUT, VARANASI, GORAKHPUR, LUCKNOW, PATNA, JAMSHEDPUR, BHUVANESWAR, SRINAGAR, SILIGURI, ASSAM, DARJEELING, SURAT, BARODA & GOA, @ MIDDLE EAST ASIA FAR EAST AFRICA EUROPE Ee ewe EB es BB ee ed ee WHY conrtIiNneNTAL? * 35 years of long experience ¢ Daily updated large database of manpower ° Extensive experience in sourcing, interviewing and selecting senior and junior professionals - technical and non technical workforce ¢ Working for world class companies across the globe to execute mega projects * Large network of offices across the globe * Highly experienced managers to handle client relations * Highly experienced recruitment team * Speedy mobilisation after receipt of visa as our offices are spreaded across the globe Details about the Project Location of projects. Category in which workers are required Number of workers required in each category The countries from where workers are required Detailed job description for each category Minimum qualification and experience required for each category. Salary, other terms & facilities offered to the employees Duration of the contract INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE EMPLOYER TO START RECRUITMENT PROCESS ‘About food, accommodation and other facilities provided to the workers, The time-frame fixed for mobilizing the workers to the site Confirmation as regards com- pliance of Labour Laws in the country where the workers are to be employed Any other specifications or any other terms offered to the workers. Durations for the visas or entry permit to be processed after selection of workers * Finalization & signing of the reoruitment process agreement * Receipt of manpower requirement order * Vaification of salary & other employment terms offered to the workers * Verification & finalisaton of recruitment fees & terms * Reooipt of power of attorney & demand letter as per embassy rules ete. * Documents required for conducting interviews * Finalization of resrutment procedures & methods * Finalicatoin of locations of interview * Search in the data bank availabilty of sufficient cvs. * Ifnct found suriclent candidates in the data bank job portals, advettise through prozer newspapers & ‘media and head hunt untl sumicient evs are produced * Screening of candidates and lining up of sufficient cancidates ‘as per dent's specification * Prepare for final interview * Client conducts interview or authorise agent to conduct interviews and ‘select workers to conduct tablelor skype interview * required conducts practical trade testing * Signs employment contract, * Candidate undergoes medical examination * Prepares all documents required for visa processing * Reocive visas & completion of visa formalities * Completing insurance formalities * Completing immigration formalities * Completing air ticketing & reservation * Forwarding bills to the client for necessary fees * Pre-departure assistance & orientation to the workers * Depariure of contract workers to the project * Fallow up and monitoring the status & welfare of workers mobilzed HEALTH CARE RECRUITMENTS Continental Mercantile Corporation is recruiting Medical and Para Medical staff to Middlleast forthe last 32 years. And we have been actively supplying especially DOCTORS, NURSES & other paramedical staff to various Ministry Hospitals, Military Hospitals and also for University Hos pitals We have a very extensive database and we can deliver you with the relevant evs within 48 hours, as It le malmained worldwide, With our worldwide network of offices, we can deliver any category of personnel In Healthcare jobs SHUTDOWN MAINTENANCE RECRUITMENTS Considering the value of the refinery and the Importance of maintaining the rafin~ ery, valued in billions of dollars which is ‘the most expensive plant in the globe. We have put all our efforts to create sufficient, Engineers, and Technicians to maintain the refineries, Petrochemical plants, Rigs and power plants. WE have special institute where we give training ‘exchangers, valves, columns, vessels, reactors rigging, scaffolding, refractory, insulation ete. Atany give time, we can produce around 5000 skilled professional for SHUTDOWN WORK and ‘can mobilize them in 3 days time, after the travel documents are released. LARGE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT RECRUITMENTS CMC with its large network of training and testing centers across india and other parts we can supply you the required workers for constructing, SEA PORTS, AIRPORTS, BRIDGES AND LARGE TOWNSHIPS. The required categories like concrete masons, shuttering carpenters, steel fixers, and also the fabrication of large stadium workers, and also MEP contracting workers all available in short duration, ® MEP PROJECTS RECRUITMENTS. MEP PROJECTS, is a part of the main building construction, without aircon, plumbing and electrical works, building is incomplete, and we can supply you around 1000 MEP workers In a limited time, as our offices are situated in dif- ferent parts of India, where the skilled workers, like DUCT FABRICATION, INSULATION, SHEET METAL FABRICATION AND FITTERS are available. Also the INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS AND PLUMBERS AND MEP ENGINEERS AND DRAFTSMAN all available with us on a phone call. As our database is very extensive SECURITY GUARDS & FACILITY MANAGEMENT RECRUITMENTS In the growing world, today security is very important to guard, the Buildings banks and houses, malls and all places, To recruit trained security guards, who are trained in using all the latest equipments in security management, and speaking English and preparing log books and patrolling, all are available from our Indian, Nepal, Srilankha and Philippines African offices. We recruit far the largest security companies in the middleast. HYPERMARKETS/SUPERMARKET RECRUITMENTS = IN today’s world, the trading and consumerism is growing very fast And hence across the globe there are large Hypermarkets and need manning them. We supply the qualified losistic staff managers, cashiers, salesman, stockers, stores management, and material management staff within 48 hours notice. We supply to the largest chain of hypermarkets regularly HOTEL CATERING AND CLEANING STAFF RECRUITMENTS. In today's world, luxurious hotels and large catering Facilities are required to meet the growing damands, Eating outside is a high demanding field and hance demand for propar chefs, cooks. service crew is also growing Continental has training facility for cookery, bakery, confection: ‘ery, butchery, leaning etc. Hence we can supply large number of workers, in this high demand field in short notice and from different parts of the world MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF REFINERIES, GAS PLANTS, AND PETROCHEMICAL PLANTS, STORAGE TANKS Oil and Gas is the mest critical and demand- Ing commodity in the world as on today To process oil and gas, refinery and gas plants are must and hence the construction of these plants and then after this storage (5 also very sensitive We are specialized in supplying workers, from the project Director tll the skilled labour to construct bill refinery, ar a gas plant or a storage tank. All the welders, fabricators, and supervisor, foreman, engineers all available with us to travel in short notices and we have facilities to test them. INSTRUMENTATION AND ELECTRICAL RECRUITMENTS Instrumentation is the backbone of a large plant and today being controlled centrally you need the best Instrumentation and electrical workers, and for this, we need to pick up the bast technical workers from different parts cf the globe, Continental being in the industry, for 35 years, and we source from different parts of the world, all these required categories and mobilize to site, IT INDUSTRY RECRUITMENTS In today’s world, the growing and most demand ing and necessary is the IT NETWORK AND INFRA STRUCUTRE. India, being the 2nd largest IT ser- Vice provider next to US. Continentals, one of the majer operation centre being in India, makes us more competent in getting the right personnel for Your IT needs, the best sofware engineers, hard- 5 ware and networking engineers from India © 1. Welders 3. Fabricators 5.MEP To eCorirlGr con Ph Cece @ eee is Ded Eien oy Geyer Peers 6. Spray Painting 8. Sandblasting (esa YCONTINENTAL 4 ‘cd STUDY ABROAD CONSULTANCY <> ‘CONTINENTAL STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS help the students to make their “Dreams come true’. Continental provides education in countries like US, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, CANADA, EUROPEAN COUNTRIES and PHILIP- PINES. CONTINENTAL'S wide network of offices ‘eanhelp the students t0 get the required as- sistance In the country they travel abroad for studles. Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial expertences for a college stu- ‘dent, By studying abroad, students have the op- Portunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of anew land.See the World-The biggest reason you should consider aa study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world. By studying abroad, you will ‘experience a brand-new country with incred ible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying abroad Include the oppor- tunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation. In addition, when you're abroad, you won't be limited to traveling in just the nation in which you are studying ~ you can see neighboring ‘countries. as well. Educatior-Another reason ‘you might consider studying abroad Is for the ‘chance to experience different styles of educa- tion. By enrolling in a study abroad program, you'll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home. You'll find that completely immers- Ing yourself in the education system of your host country Is a great way to really experience and understand the people, Its traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad tip. program—and choos very important factor. Hone your Language Skils-Chances. are if you're planning an studying abroad, one of the major draws Is the opportunity to study a foreign language. Studying abroad grants you the opportunity to completely immerse your self in anew language, and there is no better way to learn than to dive right in. In addition to the considerable language practice you will ‘get Justin day to day life. your host university will likely offer language courses to provide you with a more formal education, Immerse Yourself in a new culture ané go beyond a purely academic experience have the oppor- tunity to witness a completely new way of life. Career Opportunities:When you finish your study abroad program and retum home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a will- Ingness to learn. Needless to say, all ofthese are very attractive to future employers. Many students find that they love their host country So much that they decide to seek work there. i you can relate, you will find that a local ed- tucation will be very valuable when searching for a potential job in that country. Personal Development-There Is nothing quite ike belng on your own In a foreign country. you might find that studying abroad really brings out your independent nature, Students who study abroad become explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbour. A benefit to studying abroad is the opaortunity to dis- ‘cover yourself while gaining an understanding of adifferent culture. Being in a new place by yourself can be overwhelming at times, and ft tests your ability to adapt to diverse situa- tons while being able to problem salve. EUROPE IRELAND MALTA TRAINING- PROFESSIONAL STUDIES COOKERY, BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY F&B SERVICES COURSES the really pavestheway forthe student fom wea toravetathe carrie easly A Career anaPlacemént Counsellor assets students withplecerentsinhotels ane restaurants 2 nertheirchoice of Loeationallavertna CONTINENTAL ‘= ACADEMY FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT “as ® @&. CONTINENTAL =f“ ACADEMY FOR OIL & GAS ll and gas industry one of the largest industry in the world requires highly competent technical work- force. At the same time, the number of reputed training centers thal provides opportunities ta young- sters to acqure the necessary qualificaion as a technician \who can be engaged In the ail and gas plarts Is very scanty Scenting the need and the vacuum to meet the needs, CAGS has come out with and advanced oll and gas techn cian train- ing programme, which is of intemational standard. During the Ceurse of the study, he stusents undergo rigerous theory and | pracical sessions and only those students who are talented pare able to acquire in ~depth knowledge gat through the course [ successfully. The students who pass out this course secure handsomely paid jobs in the of and cas sectors werldvide in Gil refineries, power plants end gas plants. Oil an gas sector provides employment to thousands of talented technicians every year, especialy in the shuldown ‘maintenance ano also routine maintenance CONTINENTAL 4- REA scapenr For TECHMCAL eTuDES > ACADEMY FOR TECHNICAL STUDIES CATS is an insftution established by the Continartal Group to develop and enhance the tachnical kills of the younger generation by providing world-o'ase technical studies with a perfect synergy be- ‘tween career excellence and commensurately rewarding remuner=- tion. The placement team attached to CATS with its presence at na- tional as wel as international levels, supports the students who roll Ccut of the institution ta secure excellent careers which match to their caliber. The student at CATS also develops employaailty during the course of theit training. The job aspirants with 2 coursa cerfifeate ey from CATS scoure richly paid employment with enormous growth prospects, Continental Group caters ts presence at national and intema- tional levels, supporting the students who roll out of the institution to secure excellent careers which match to the Global standar We offer advanced courses in: ll WELDING TECHNOLOGY Ill FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY IH SCAFOLDING/RIGGING IM INSULATION & SHEET METAL ll SAND BLASTING & PAINTING AVAC& LIFT TECHNOLOGY MILOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Ill HOME ELEVATOR TECHNICIAN CLEANING & HOME TECHNICIANS CONTINENTAL ACADEMY FOR PROFESSIONAL STUDIES We have a clear vision in transforming the youth into technically skilled profes sionals who can take up all the challenges which Ie ahead of us soon. Since we are in regular interaction with the clients in the Intemational merket, we exactly know the immediate & the future demands in overseas as well as Indian job’ mar kel. Our college will be training the students as per thal requirements so that the students. vl have the privlege to get the knowledge in Heath & Safely Environment, English Language, Advanced Software ete, Mainly we willbe focusing on NESOSH mIOSH m IELTS m SAP @ GERMAN m JAPANESE {Al these online courses will become mandatory in nearby future and it will replace the old traditional qualifying examinations. Today's world without qualifying in HACCAP you can't be @ chef in a star hotel. Like in another 5 years, all elds wil introduce the competent online examinations to award the: ‘competing ofthe candidates, olher than his Academic qualifying IMMIGRATION SERVICES CONTINENTAL Groups Migration division helps youto set inthe advance countries ike AUSTRALIA, [NEW ZEALAND and CANADA. We ae commited in providing immigration faites and provide widest range of services to our client pertaining to immigration, Al the procedures stating from ital ‘No obligation free assessment” till obtaining a suitable visa, as the case may be, wetake care of ital. We eap constantly uperading ourselves withthe evitng rules and regulations and extending ou sevice range and consistent introducinginnovations. Weld Class quality par excellence is reflected in ever- thing we do We also specialize in Admissions and Visa counseling for Students bound for various counties ite U.K, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, Our concerted marketing efor and commitment to prov- iting quality services to our cients es placed us among the leader in Immigration, Our primary actty isto provide Total immigration Servic lke Permanent Residence Visa (PR, Spouse & Family Migration Visa, Parent Migration Visit Touris Vis, Busnes Visa, Students Visa to Ausblla, New Zealand and UK, We ae Specialist Migration Consultancy fim that edopts an cveralapprozchand takesint accounts practical knowiedge in the Feld of Business Management, Education, and Migration laws in evaluating ‘cases for the respective countries, 2s * = SS CONTINENTAL MERCANTILE CORPORATION CORPORATE OFFICE - INDIA “Continental Towers” Karikkamuri Cross Road, Ernakulam South, Kochi 682 O11, Kerala, India| Ph: +91 484 486 5151, 486 5252, 486 5454, 414 44444(100 Lines) ® CONTINENTAL Philipines CONTINENTAL ® coxTMrTAL CONTINENTAL s _ oN (CONTINENTAL) ak sha i\CONTINENTAL) "1 S @ CONTINENTAL ea,

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