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VOL. CII NO. 19 MAY 9, 2022 $5.00

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It’s more than Tesla. Our first-ever transportation roundtable
explores what’s next for electric vehicles,
autonomous driving, ride-sharing, and more.

General Motors Battles Toyota

to Stay Relevant Plays Catch-Up
C O N T ENTS 05.09.22 VOL .CI I NO.1 9

Funds: Demand for
P. 12
Brace for More Bumpiness Gold Stays Strong
Up & Down Wall Street: Stocks are likely to suffer more losses before they get so cheap Market perception about the Fed’s
All Roads Lead to that investors have no choice but to buy. By BEN LEVISOHN skill in taming inflation is a critical
Electric Vehicles factor affecting the metal’s price.
Cover Story: Our roundtable P. 28 By DEBBIE CARLSON
panelists discuss robo-taxis, Tesla, The Trader: Investors looking to weather inflation, rising interest rates, and global
the fate of traditional auto makers, tumult should consider stocks such Citigroup and Occidental. By NICHOLAS JASINSKI P. 27
and more—and name nine picks.
By LAUREN R. RUBLIN Dizzying Times Tech Trader: How to
Wall Street's "fear gauge" has shot up as stocks have swung wildly. Avoid Getting Burned
P. 21 The market rout is a reminder of
Cboe Volatility Index the dangers of complacency. Two
GM Stock Won’t Stay picks: Sony and Electronic Arts.
Cheap for Long By TAE KIM
General Motors will soon start
delivering on its electric-vehicle P. 31
promises. Once it does, look for
the stock to start making tracks.
Euro Trader: A Smart
By ANDREW BARY Bet on DNA Testing
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P. 22
P. 31
The Tables Could 25.0
Turn on Toyota Emerging Markets: Dip
The auto maker’s reluctance to go Your Toes Into Debt
all-in on EVs puts it at risk of By RESHMA KAPADIA
losing its dominant market
position to bolder rivals. 20.0 P. 32
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Striking Price: Scared?
17.5 That’s a Signal to Buy.
This edition of Barron’s introduces April May By STEVEN M. SEARS
redesigned market data pages for Source: Bloomberg
the Market Week section. The P. 33
changes, including new typefaces
and more color, make the pages
Commodities: The
more inviting and easier to read. Case for BP and Shell
At the same time, some of the data HOW TO SURVIVE A BEAR MARKET • PAGES 5, 26, 28
have been scaled back. Most
notably, the listings of mutual
VOL. CII NO. 19 MAY 9, 2022 $5.00

These Travel Stocks The Economy: Fed’s P. 54

funds no longer include some of Are Just the Ticket Math Doesn’t Add Up
the smaller funds, and closed-end


A turnaround for travel has failed The Federal Reserve believes it can
Other Voices: Why the
Yen Could Stay Weak
It’s more than Tesla. Our first-ever transportation roundtable

funds have been eliminated. An to generate much enthusiasm for beat inflation and avoid recession.
explores what’s next for electric vehicles,
autonomous driving, ride-sharing, and more.

General Motors Battles Toyota

to Stay Relevant Plays Catchup

online version of the closed-end the industry’s stocks. Names like Quant Solomon Tadesse says that’s
PAGE 21 PAGE 2 2



tables is available at Cover photograph by Booking Holdings now beckon. mathematically impossible. OMKAR GODBOL
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NYSE and Nasdaq stocks, and Barron’s Roundtable
quotes on individual stocks and P. 11 P. 26
funds are available at
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Inc. All Rights Reserved. on Fox Business Please send any Our newspapers are 100% sourced
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Its Cards Right Bonds to Buy Now Saturday or Sunday at 10 a.m. or
1077-8039) Published every
Monday. Editorial and Publication
The home-remodeling products Fed rate hikes make fixed income 11:30 a.m. ET. This week, insights
Index P. 5 13D Filings P. 34 Headquarters: 1211 Avenue of
the Americas, New York, N.Y.
maker is planning a spinoff that more attractive—but investors on what’s next for stocks from
Review & Preview P. 8 Charting the Market P. 35
Mailbag P. 55 Winners and Losers P. 36
10036. Periodicals postage paid at could unlock value, with forecasts need to exercise caution before Cambria Investment’s Meb Faber.
Chicopee, MA and other mailing
Inside Scoop P. 34 Statistics P. 37 offices. Postmaster: Send of 20% upside for the stock. chasing fast-rising bond yields. Plus, Andrew Bary on Warren
address changes to Barron’s, 200
Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020 By AVI SALZMAN By LAWRENCE C. STRAUSS Buffett’s stock-buying spree.
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 3


Sector SPDRs allow you to invest in pieces of the S&P 500. Like Financial. While adding diversification and reducing single stock risk. These ETFs

combine the diversification of a mutual fund and the tracking of an index with transparency and liquidity.
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Company Name

Berkshire Hathaway B


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JP Morgan Chase JPM 9.21%

Bank of America BAC 6.62%
Wells Fargo WFC 4.43%
S&P Global SPGI 3.48%
Morgan Stanley MS 2.98%
American Express AXP 2.81%
Goldman Sachs GS 2.71%
*Components and weightings as
of 4/30/22. Please see website for Charles Schwab SCHW 2.60%
daily updates. Holdings subject
Citigroup C 2.50%
to change.

visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
The S&P 500, SPDRs®, and Select Sector SPDRs® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. and have been licensed for use. The stocks included in each Select Sector Index were selected by the compilation agent.
Their composition and weighting can be expected to differ to that in any similar indexes that are published by S&P. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S.
stock market. The index is heavily weighted toward stocks with large market capitalizations and represents approximately two-thirds of the total market value of all domestic common stocks. Investors cannot invest directly in an index.
The S&P 500 Index figures do not reflect any fees, expenses or taxes. Ordinary brokerage commissions apply. ETFs are considered transparent because their portfolio holdings are disclosed daily. Liquidity is characterized by a high level
of trading activity.
Select Sector SPDRs are subject to risks similar to those of stocks, including those regarding short-selling and margin account maintenance. All ETFs are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Funds focusing on a single sector
generally experience greater volatility. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses.
ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust.
4 BARRON’S May 9, 2022
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Three funds, all in
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three ways to seek growth for your clients.
There are risks involved with investing in ETFs, including possible loss of money. ETFs are subject to risks similar to those of stocks. Investments focused in a particular sector, such as technology, are subject to greater risk, and are more
greatly impacted by market volatility, than more diversified investments. An investment cannot be made directly into any index.
Invesco Distributors, Inc. NA 9,595 To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 5


it seems as if we’re now in an environment where
good news is bad news, and bad news is bad
news, which ultimately could turn into good news.

The News Is Bad, and

of a “soft or softish landing.” sell has sold, and that happens only
DeBusschere’s conclusion: “Nobody when investors have reason to sell.
believes what Powell said Wednesday.” “Bad news induces selling, and getting
That was clear on Thursday, when the selling out of the way is how lows

The Path of Least

the stock market gave back those gains, happen,” Gretz writes.
and then some. It wasn’t all about Sentiment also suggests that we’re
investors reconsidering the central getting closer to that point, says Lori
bank’s monetary-policy stance; though, Calvasina, head of U.S. equity strategy

Resistance Is Down
with the 10-year Treasury bond’s yield at RBC Capital Markets.
rising back above 3%, that was proba- The American Association of Indi-
bly part of the problem. So were eco- vidual Investors sentiment survey had
nomic data that showed worker pro- found the percentage of bullish respon-
ductivity tumbling and unit labor costs dents declining to just 16.4%, before

soaring 11.6%, bad news for an econ- bouncing to 26.9% for the week ended
omy struggling with high inflation. on May 4. But CFTC positioning data
ike Winnie the Pooh by three-quarters of a point that the Even Friday’s mixed payrolls data— had still shown a lack of capitulation
in the Hundred Acre market took off, with the S&P 500 the 428,000 jobs added beat econo- among pros. And the VIX—the mar-
Wood, investors have finishing up 3%, its largest gain since mists’ consensus forecast of 396,000, ket’s fear gauge—though high at 30.19,
lived with the naive May 18, 2020. but the labor-force participation rate is below its peaks of the past decade.
worldview that every- Even then, that felt a bit off. A half- refused to budge—was taken as a sig- For Calvasina, that signals a market
thing will be all right. point is still a half-point, and Powell’s nal to sell both stocks and bonds. “The probably in the throes of a growth
That kind of thinking comments about the “neutral rate”— Fed has more work to do, and the mar- scare, like those of 2015 and 2018, but
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can you get mauled in a bear market. neither low enough to boost the econ- ket knows it,” writes Michael Darda, that still could have more downside,
The Nasdaq Composite is already in omy nor high enough to hurt it—being chief economist at MKM Partners. with the S&P perhaps falling to 3,850.
a bear market, and the S&P 500 is By Ben Levisohn 2% to 3% seemed awfully low, given In fact, it seems as if we’re now in “We think the data continue to paint a
likely to do the same, even if it hasn’t the current pace of inflation. Dennis an environment where good news is picture of extreme fear and a contrar-
met the precise definition of a 20% DeBusschere, founder of 22V Research, bad news, and bad news is bad news, ian opportunity for longer-term inves-
drop just yet. The index, after all, has observes that some macro investors put which ultimately could turn into good tors, even though there is scope for
fallen 14% from its January all-time the neutral rate as high as 4%, and that news. That’s not as crazy as it sounds. further movement/more downside in
high after dropping 0.2% this past most believe it will be very difficult to Frank Gretz, technical analyst at Wel- the very near term on some gauges,”
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

week, while nearly half of the stocks tame inflation without causing an eco- lington Shields, notes that bear mar- she adds.
within it have declined at least 20%, as nomic slowdown, despite Powell’s goal kets end when everyone who needs to Still, bear markets don’t end because
their valuations contract and their we want them to. Usually, something
earnings decelerate. happens to change sentiment, and four
It’s the kind of selloff that, in the things could fit the bill, says Louis-Vin-
past, would have sent investors shuf- cent Gave, CEO at Gavekal Research:
fling into the market to buy their favor- The Fed gets dovish, oil prices collapse,
ite stocks, knowing that no serious the rallying dollar falls, or assets get so
harm would come to them. But “now, cheap they’re irresistible. “If such de-
any strength that transpires in equity velopments do not unfold, there are
markets is being used as an opportu- few reasons to think that this year’s
nity to sell, a clear sign that the path of trends…will change,” Gave writes.
Photo illustration by Barron’s staff; (reference) Dreamstime (5)

least resistance remains to the down- Until they do, it’s better to be an
side, unless proven otherwise,” writes Eeyore than a Pooh.

David Rosenberg, chief economist at
Rosenberg Research. t’s new school versus old school,
Nowhere was that clearer than in and the new school doesn’t stand
the reaction to this past week’s Federal a chance.
Open Market Committee meeting. No, we’re not talking about the
The Federal Reserve didn’t surprise National Basketball Association play-
anyone when it raised interest rates by offs, where the upstart Memphis Griz-
a half-percentage point and announced zlies are battling the resurgent Golden
the details of how it would wind down State Warriors, or this summer’s Bonn-
its balance sheet. And it didn’t get aroo festival in Tennessee, where Japa-
much reaction to the announcement, nese Breakfast will rub shoulders with
either. It was only when Fed Chairman Robert Plant. No, we’re talking about
Jerome Powell said that the central “disrupters,” who are seeing their
bank doesn’t plan to raise interest rates stocks fall apart even as the disrupted
6 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

Up & Down Wall Street (continued)

limit their losses, or even gain. rupted” stocks would seem to have it in

Time for a
The damage to the disrupter—or emerg- spades. That’s because they have high fixed
ing tech, or growth-at-any-price—stocks costs that get spread out more as sales in-
is well-known by now. Carvana (ticker: crease, making them more profitable. It’s
CVNA) was supposed to disrupt how people one reason so many of the disrupted have
buy cars, but its stock has dropped 79% over held up better than their would-be disrupt-
the past 12 months, while its losses keep ers. AutoNation (AN), a purported victim

New Income growing. Robinhood Markets (HOOD)

was supposed to change how people in-
vest—and maybe it did—but its stock has
slid 73% since closing at $38 after its first
of Carvana, gained 16% over the past 12
months; analysts expect its earnings to
grow 25% in 2022. Charles Schwab, one of
Robinhood’s targets, dipped 2.7% in that
day of trading on July 29. Teladoc Health period. HCA Healthcare, which runs hos-

Strategy? (TDOC), which wants to replace a visit to the

doctor with a video screen, has dropped 75%
over the past 12 months. It often feels as if
the more disruptive a company was sup-
posed to be, the further its stock has fallen.
pitals that Teladoc will help you avoid, rose
7%. The S&P 500 fell 1.3% in the same span.
For investors, that means looking for
growth companies that resemble their old-
school competitors. For instance, Wedbush
Many companies that were dubbed dis- analyst Dan Ives recently warned that
rupters were simply beneficiaries of the work-from-home “poster children such as
Covid-19 lockdowns. From Peloton Inter- Netflix [NFLX], Zoom, DocuSign, etc. will
active (PTON), down 80% over the past continue to see multiples compress as re-
Dow 30 year; to Zoom Video Communications sults soften off pandemic highs.” Instead, he
(ZM), off 66%; to DocuSign (DOCU), down favors cybersecurity stocks, such as Palo
Covered Call ETF 59%, these were innovative companies with Alto Networks (PANW), Zscaler (ZS),
products that people used because of the Fortinet (FTNT), and CyberArk Soft-

DJIA coronavirus; they were not truly disruptive. ware (CYBR), with all but the last expected
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“During Covid, a lot of their products were to be profitable in the year ahead. His take-
forced upon us because we were working in away: “A key theme overlooked during tech
isolation,” says Andersen Capital Manage- earnings season has been the strong cyber-
ment’s Peter Andersen. security demand trend.”
Still, with so many would-be disrupters But some former highfliers might be
sitting on big losses, bargains must abound— worth a look. Andersen Capital’s Andersen
except, well, not. In a post on LinkedIn this points to Trade Desk (TTD), which pro-
past week, Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio vides targeted ads, as a true disrupter that
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

noted that “emerging tech stocks no longer has been punished far more than it de-
1 (888) 493-8631 appear to be in a bubble, but neither do they serves. Its stock has fallen 40% this year,
GLOBALXETFS.COM appear to have substantially swung to the but Andersen likes the company for its
opposite extreme, so it’s not necessarily true exposure to advertising on connected TVs,
that now is a good time to buy them.” Bill which could drive the shares going forward.
Gurley, a general partner at venture-capital “It was thrown out with all the other babies
firm Benchmark, went a step further, warn- in the bathwater,” Andersen says.
® ing on Twitter that “previous ‘all-time’ Still, it could take time for those names to
Beyond Ordinary Income highs are completely irrelevant. It’s not start working again. Chris Harvey, U.S.
‘cheap’ because it’s down 70%.” equity strategist at Wells Fargo Securities,
DJIA writes covered call index options on the Dow Jones Industrial Wall Street is coming around to this no- notes that with the focus still on the Fed and
Average. By selling covered call options, the fund limits its opportunity tion. Kirk Materne, who covers software inflation, high-priced growth stocks proba-
to profit from an increase in the price of the underlying index above the stocks for Evercore ISI, notes that investors bly won’t work until inflation expectations
exercise price, but continues to bear the risk of a decline in the index. pushed up the amount they were paying for start falling. He recommends watching the
A liquid market may not exist for options held by the fund. While the revenue growth, relative to profit margins, 10-year Treasury “break-even—the amount
fund receives premiums for writing the call options, the price it realizes by two to three times from where they were of inflation priced into a 10-year Treasury
from the exercise of an option could be substantially below the indices before Covid hit. With the group down so inflation-protected security, or TIPS—for a
current market price. much, that metric is below its pre-Covid clue as to when it’s safe to re-engage with
Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk level, but investors shouldn’t expect stocks those stocks. If they fall to a range of 2.5% to
factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and to rebound to where they were. Growth 2.75% percentage points from the current
additional information can be found in the Fund’s full or “will always be the ‘true north’ for software 2.87%, these beaten-up stocks might rally.
summary prospectus, which are available at investors,” Materne writes. But “demon- “If break-evens come down, it suggests the
Read the prospectus carefully before investing. strating steady operating leverage could be Fed has been able to slow the economy,”
a more important factor in terms of outper- Harvey says. “In that environment, growth
Shares of ETFs are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and forming over the next one to two years.” would come back into favor.”
are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Brokerage commissions The term “operating leverage” used to Enjoy the wait. B
will reduce returns. Distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. describe the amount of profit boost a com-
pany gets as revenue rises, and the “dis- email:
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 7

Our index lists significant companies mentioned in stories and columns, For Customer Service, call 1 (800) 544-0422, or go to
plus Research Reports, and Corrections & Amplifications. The references For reprints of articles,
are to the first page of the item in which the company is mentioned. call 1 (800) 843-0008, or go to

A Activision Blizzard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,9,27 International Flavors & Fragrances . . . . . . . . . 9 Marriott International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Motorola Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Airbnb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Microchip Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Albemarle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 J JetBlue Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Micron Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 N Netflix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Alleghany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Microsoft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nkarta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 K KKR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 MiMedx Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Nokia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Amarin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Moderna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 L Lyft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Mondelez International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
American Airlines Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Monroe Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 O Occidental Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,29
Antares Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 M Marathon Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 O'Reilly Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
APA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Oxford Nanopore Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Apollo Global Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 P Palantir Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Assa Abloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pfizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Ping An Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
B Berkshire Hathaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,9
BioNTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
BlackBerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 R Rivian Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,14
Rupert Murdoch Executive Chairman, News Corp
Booking Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Robert Thomson CEO, News Corp Almar Latour CEO, Dow Jones
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Brookfield Asset Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, BARRON’S GROUP Mae M. Cheng S Samsung Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, BARRON’S GROUP Dan Shar Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Shopify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,35
C Carvana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,35 MANAGING EDITOR, BARRON’S GROUP Dave Pettit
Silicon Motion Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chevron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Simon Property Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
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Citigroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,29 Snap-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Citizens Financial Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 EDITOR IN CHIEF David Cho
Sony Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Clorox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Bob Rose SENIOR MANAGING EDITOR Lauren R. Rublin Spirit Airlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Cloudflare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Starbucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Constellation Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 DEPUTY EDITORS Alex Eule, Ben Levisohn Starship Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Copart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, MAGAZINE Phil Roosevelt Steris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Synchrony Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Sysco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
D Delta Air Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,34 MANAGING EDITOR, NEWS Joe Woelfel
Dentsply Sirona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
DiDi Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS Henry Cutter, Mel Gray, Anita Hamilton, Mary Romano, Robert Sabat
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T Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing . . . . . . 15

DISH Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Andrew Bary, Daren Fonda, Randall W. Forsyth, Jack Hough, Reshma Kapadia, Eric J. Savitz Tapestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
DocuSign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Teladoc Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Duke Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SENIOR WRITERS Bill Alpert, Lisa Beilfuss, Lauren Foster, Tae Kim, Joe Light, Al Root, Tenneco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Avi Salzman, Alexandra Scaggs, Lawrence C. Strauss Tesla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,19,21,22,23,34
Toyota Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,17,22
E EBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,35 REPORTERS Jacob Adelman, Luisa Beltran, Megan Cassella, Janet H. Cho, Jack Denton, Carleton English,
TransDigm Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Electronic Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,27 Sabrina Escobar, Nicholas Jasinski, Callum Keown, Marc Lajoie, Evie Liu, Shaina Mishkin, Josh Nathan-Kazis, Tupperware Brands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Etsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Angela Palumbo, Teresa Rivas, Lina Saigol, Connor Smith, Jacob Sonenshine, Karishma Vanjani Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,9,14
Exelon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tyson Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Expedia Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,10 STORY EDITORS Camilla Imperiali, Ed Lin, Erin McCarthy, Stacy Ozol, Rupert Steiner (London bureau chief)

COPY DESK Michael J. Burlingham, Richard Rescigno, Robert Teitelman

U Uber Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
F Ford Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,17,21,22,34 IDEAS EDITOR Matt Peterson Under Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Fortinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Universal Technical Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Fortune Brands Home & Security . . . . . . . . . . 11 DEPUTY DIGITAL MANAGING EDITOR Zoe Szathmary U.S. Bancorp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Frontier Group Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SENIOR AUDIO MANAGER Mette Lützhøft DIGITAL PRODUCERS Robert Cushing, Clare McKeen, Malak Saleh

DIRECTOR, DESIGN & VISUALS Kristin Lenz DESIGN DIRECTOR Chelsea Schiff V Verizon Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
G Gamco Investors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ART DIRECTORS Robert Connolly, Nick Hallam, Sue Ng Viatris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
General Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,22,34 Volkswagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,22,23
Genuine Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Sarina Finkelstein PHOTO EDITORS Halie Chavez, Nicole Silver
Goodyear Tire & Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 RESEARCH DIRECTOR Pauline Yuelys RESEARCHER Dan Lam
Grab Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 W Walt Disney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
GraniteShares Gold Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 STATISTICS MANAGER Michael T. Kokoszka STATISTICIAN Darren Chima Wayfair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
ADVERTISING SERVICES MANAGERS James H. Balmer, Ward S. McGuiness Welltower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Western Digital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,35
H Halozyme Therapeutics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 NEWS STATISTICS CUSTOMER SERVICE 800-544-0422
WestRock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Hasbro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 GLOBAL HEAD, WEALTH & ASSET MANAGEMENT Jack Otter Wynn Resorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Hilton Worldwide Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
HP Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Barron’s is a trademark of Dow Jones and its affiliates. Barron’s (USPS 044-700) (ISSN 1077-8039) Published every Monday. Editorial and Publication
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8 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

R E VIEW 32,899.37
Dow Industrials: -77.84
Dow Global Index: -8.37
10-year Treasury Note: +0.23

A Very Short Relief Rally SHE SAID:

The week began with a flash crash
in Sweden that spread to European “I do believe we’re
stocks; Citigroup admitted a trading
error. U.S. stocks ticked up. On going to see solid
Wednesday, the Federal Reserve
opted, as expected, for a half-point growth in the
rise in the federal-funds rate, but
Chairman Jerome Powell seemed to
coming year. The
take a future 0.75% hike off the table.
Stocks took off, then, a day later,
Fed will need to be
screeched in reverse, led by tech. April
payrolls rose 438,000, leaving unem-
skillful and also
ployment unchanged. On the week, lucky, but I believe
the Dow industrials fell 0.24%, to
32,899.37; the S&P 500 edged down it’s a combination
0.21%, to 4123.34; and the Nasdaq
Composite lost 1.54%, to 12,144.66. that is possible.”
WHY HE’S THE SAGE OF OMAHA Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
The Earnings Beat

One Stat for THE NUMBERS

Expedia beat as travel revived, and
Clorox pulled back its guidance, blam-
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

ing supply inflation. KKR beat. Star-

Buffett Fans
bucks missed and suspended guid-
ance. Both Pfizer and Moderna beat.
Etsy, Shopify, and EBay all missed.
Yield on 10-year Treasuries at
the end of April, up from 2.32% Targeting Russian Oil
Warren Buffett, at 91, presided last week over Berk- in March, biggest monthly in- A European Commission proposal
shire Hathaway’s annual meeting, a gathering popu- crease in 17 years. The 10-year to ban Russian oil by year end stalled,
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

larly known as “Woodstock for Capitalists.” If you’re breached 3% on Monday. after Hungary pushed back. Western

undecided about whether Buffett deserves his reputa- officials believe that Russia could de-
tion as one of history’s greatest investors, consider this clare war on Ukraine by May 9, Victory
amazing statistic: Given the gains in Berkshire Hatha- Day, commemorating its defeat of Ger- Omaha, Neb., after two years online.
way Class A shares since he took over in 1965, the stock many in World War II. A declaration Berkshire has been busy taking advantage
could drop 99% and still beat the S&P 500 index. Decline in nonfungible tokens would allow mobilization of reserves. of volatility to buy larger stakes in Chev-
Barron’s calculates that Berkshire Class A shares since September 2021, from Russia also appears to be preparing to ron, Activision Blizzard, and HP Inc.
would have had to return 10.3% annually since 1965 220,000 a week to 19,000 annex areas in the southeastern part of Buffett also renewed his criticism of

11.5 M
for a price of $4,968—1% of the stock’s recent close at Ukraine, though its advances in the crypto, citing Peter Thiel’s recent com-
$496,800. That return compares with a 10.2% annual- Donbas have been minimal. Officials ments that he was crypto’s “enemy No. 1.”
ized return for the S&P 500 over the same period. The said the U.S. provided intelligence to
1965 starting price for Berkshire shares was $20. Class Ukraine that contributed to the deaths Annals of Deal Making
A is the original stock; Class B was issued in 1996. Number of seasonally adjusted of Russian generals. Elon Musk said he had $7 billion in com-

Illustration by Elias Stein; Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

Our calculation was inspired by Chris Bloomstran, job openings in March, a record, mitments from friends (Larry Ellison),
chief investment officer of Semper Augustus Investments with 4.5 million workers chang- Roe Leak allies (Binance), and a Saudi prince
Group, who noted that Berkshire could drop 99.3% and ing jobs, another record A rare leaked draft of a majority opinion (Alwaleed) to finance his $44 billion

$110 B
still beat the S&P 500. “I mentioned that to Mr. Buffett indicated the Supreme Court would Twitter buyout. Musk also said he’d
several years ago,” Bloomstran tweeted. “His reply: ‘Ben strike down a half-century of Roe v. take Twitter public again after a few
Graham would be proud. But let’s not test the math.’ ” Wade, the constitutional right to an years…The Wall Street Journal reported
Graham, one of the 20th century’s top value investors, abortion. Chief Justice John Roberts that a second activist, Ancora Holdings,
wrote The Intelligent Investor and was Buffett’s mentor. U.S. trade deficit in goods and ordered a probe of the leak, and fencing has joined Alta Fox Capital Manage-
From 1965 through 2021, Berkshire shares generated services in March, a record went up around the court as protesters ment pressuring for change at toy maker
a compound annual return of 20.1%, against 10.5% for gathered. A decision is expected by July. Hasbro…Spirit Airlines rejected an
the S&P. Most of Berkshire’s outperformance came ear- To get Numbers by Barron’s offer from JetBlue and said it would
lier in Buffett’s tenure, when he racked up huge gains. daily, sign up wherever Buffett Is Back merge with Frontier…Chinese insurer
Over the past 20 years, Berkshire is just a percentage you listen to podcasts or at “It’s good to be back,” said Berkshire Ping An called for a breakup of HSBC
point ahead of the S&P 500, with a 10.3% annualized Hathaway CEO Warren Buffet as the into its Asian and European operations.
return against 9.2% for the index. — Andrew Bary company’s annual meeting began in Ping An is the bank’s largest shareholder.
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 9

P R EV IEW Wednesday Walt Disney reports second-quarter fiscal- Sign up for the Review &
2022 results. Shares of the entertainment
behemoth have been the worst performer Preview daily newsletter at
in the DJIA over the past year over concerns about spending on content.

Monday 5/9 Constellation Energy, Motorola

Solutions, and Tapestry hold confer-
BioNTech, Duke Energy, Exelon, ence calls to discuss earnings.
International Flavors & Fragrances,
Microchip Technology, Palantir Micron Technology and WestRock
Technologies, Simon Property hold their 2022 investor days.
Group, Tyson Foods, and Viatris
report quarterly results. Ford Motor, Intel, and Verizon
Communications host their annual
shareholder meetings.
Tuesday 5/10
The BLS releases the producer price
Dentsply Sirona, Electronic Arts, index for April. Consensus estimate is
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, for a 10.6% year-over-year rise, com-
Occidental Petroleum, Sysco, pared with a 11.2% jump in March,
TransDigm Group, Welltower, which is the highest on record for
and Wynn Resorts announce index since the 12-month data were
earnings. first calculated in late 2010. The core
PROFITS FROM UNCERTAINTIES PPI is expected to increase 8.9%, after
Dish Network, Fortinet, Mondelez a 9.2% gain in March.

Betting On
The Activision Play International, and Western Digital
Berkshire Hathaway’s Activision hold investor meetings. The Department of Labor reports
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

stake is a bet that Microsoft can initial jobless claims for the week end-
buy the videogame maker. The National Federation of Indepen- ing on May 7. In April, jobless claims

Merger Arb Activision Blizzard Stock, Microsoft

Offer, Jan. 18 to May 5, 2022

dent Business releases its Small Busi-
ness Optimism Index for April. Con-
sensus estimate is for a 92.4 reading,
about one point less than in March.
averaged just 184,000. They recently
hit a more-than-five-decade low, de-
spite a workforce that is more than
twice as large now as it was then.
Big merger deals have fallen off in a turbulent first quarter, Microsoft Deal Price: $95 a share The March figure is the lowest for the
but that doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities. Most index since April of 2020, as a labor
Friday 5/13
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

M&A targets quickly see their share price converge with shortage and surging inflation have
the buyer’s offer. For instance, Berkshire Hathaway’s dampened small-business owners’
bid for Alleghany in March has seen the insurer trading enthusiasm. The University of Michigan releases
at $837 a share, 1% off the cash acquisition price of $848. its Consumer Sentiment Index for May.
But sometimes M&A deals are more problematic, and Economists forecast a 63.1 reading,
target shares trade at a meaningful discount to the deal
Wednesday 5/11 about two point less than in April.
price. That usually involves skepticism that the deal will
Feb. March April May
close—and it’s an opportunity for investors. This is a risky, Rivian Automotive, Steris, and Toy-
if venerable, trading strategy known as merger arbitrage. ota Motor release quarterly results.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire is also playing this game.
Coming Earnings
Besides Alleghany, Berkshire has been a big buyer of stocks
The Twitter Trade The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consensus Estimate Year ago

in 2022, including that of videogame developer Activision Twitter shares have hung below releases the consumer price index for
Brighthouse Financial (Q1) $0.18 4.36
Blizzard, whose shares plunged after sexual harassment Elon Musk’s deal price, offering April. Expectations are for a 8.1% year- Duke Energy (Q1) 1.34 $1.26
an arbitrage opportunity.
allegations against the company. It agreed to a $95 a share over-year reading, while the core CPI, T
all-cash bid from Microsoft. With Activision shares trading Twitter Shares and Elon Musk’s which excludes volatile food and en- Electronic Arts (Q4) 1.43 1.23
Fidelity National (Q1) 1.27 1.23
in the high $70s and low $80s, Buffett spent $4.5 billion to Deal Price, April 26 to May 5, 2022 ergy prices, is seen jumping 5.9%. This Occidental Petroleum (Q1) 1.97 -0.15
hike Berkshire’s stake to 9.5%, betting that, despite lawmak- compares with increases of 8.5% and Peloton Interactive (Q3) -0.84 -0.03
ers’ opposition, the deal will close. The potential upside: 20%. 6.5% respectively, in March. Wall Street More Earnings on Page 50.
Elon Musk’s Deal Price: $54.20 a share
In February, auto-parts maker Tenneco accepted is hoping for confirmation that infla-
a take-private offer from funds affiliated with Apollo $54 tion has peaked, even as economists Consensus Estimate
Global. And in late March, Nielsen Holdings agreed to and the Federal Reserve expect infla- Day Consensus Est Last Period
a bid from a private-equity group including Brookfield 52 tion to remain much higher for far lon- M March Wholessale Inventories 2.3% 2.3%
Illustration by Elias Stein

W April CPI 0.22% 1.2%

Asset Management and Elliott Management. Tenneco is ger than they did just six months ago.
50 April Treasury Budget $220.0 bil -$192.7 bil
trading 23% below the $20 a share offer, and Nielsen, with TH April PPI 0.40% 1.4%
a large shareholder resisting the deal, is at a 6% discount.
Thursday 5/12
Unless otherwise indicated, times are Eastern. a-Advanced;
Then there’s Twitter, which Elon Musk is buying at April April May May
f-Final; p-Preliminary; r-Revised Source: FactSet
For more information about coming economic reports
$54.20 per share. Twitter shares were recently at $48.67, 27 29 3 5 - and what they mean - go to Barron’s free Economic
Calendar at
11% below the offer—a Musk discount. — Nicholas Jasinski Source: FactSet Brookfield Asset Management,
10 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

Travel Is Recovering. estimates for revenue and Ebitda, or

earnings before interest, taxes, depreci-
ation, and amortization.
It didn’t help that Thursday was
the worst day for stocks since 2020,
spurred by the Federal Reserve’s deci-

Travel Stocks Aren’t.

“We are particularly encouraged sion to hike rates by half a point—the
about comments around demand post biggest single-meeting increase in 22
the peak summer months,” he wrote. years—fueling fears of a recession.
The results, he said, supported “our Given the macroeconomic issues
view that the post-Covid travel recov- facing the industry, investors may be
ery has legs beyond summer 2022.” shifting their focus toward specific
Even with summer vacations looming, shares of travel agencies and But investors appear unconvinced, companies, wrote J.P. Morgan analyst
hotels are sagging. That could be an opportunity for selective buying. and the stock lost 8.4% on Thursday. Doug Anmuth in a research note
The same fate befell Expedia Thursday. Anmuth, for this part, has
Group (EXPE) when it reported earn- zeroed in one stock in particular:
ings Tuesday. The online travel com- Booking Holdings (BKNG).
pany’s revenue rose more than 80% for The company, parent of online
the first quarter, to about $2.2 billion. travel agency, is a favor-
Management predicted a “robust” sum- ite among analysts and investors,
mer recovery. And yet, the company’s posting a 3.2% gain on Thursday even
shares dipped 0.5% Wednesday, and as the S&P 500 dropped by 3.6%.
have lost 23% over the past five days. Booking handily beat expectations
Investors seem to be siding with for its first quarter, reporting revenue
bearish analysts, who have cautioned of $2.7 billion, more than double the
that the travel resurgence may be year-earlier level. The company could
overstated. Loop Capital Markets’ be on track to post another beat in the
Daniel Adam, for instance, is con- following quarters as management
cerned that the slower pace of eco- executes on Booking’s strategic initia-
nomic growth in markets such as tive of becoming a one-stop shop for
Eastern Europe and Asia will put a travel, analysts say.
strain on the global recovery. At a recent $2,172, the stock trades
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

There may be some truth to that. at 19.3 times estimated earnings for
Hilton Worldwide Holdings (HLT) the next 12 months. Analysts are ex-
is expecting revenue per available pecting adjusted earnings to clock in
room, or RevPAR, growth for 2022 to at $103.49 per share for the fiscal year,
be down as much as 9% from 2019 about even with 2019’s earnings and
levels, with Asia and Europe trailing topping 2021’s by 126%.
North America. Marriott Interna- “We continue to believe Booking
tional (MAR), which reported earn- Holdings is the best-positioned com-
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

ings on Wednesday, is expecting pany in the online travel space,” An-

North American RevPAR to be muth wrote. “We think there is mean-
roughly flat compared with 2019 for ingful room for global share gains.”
the remainder of 2022, and vary He has Overweight rating and a
widely across regions. Both compa- $2,900 price target, up some 33%.
nies reported strong earnings this It could be time for investors to
By SABRINA ESCOBAR But the stocks just keep going down. Traveler’s dream: week, but their shares were down 1% start selectively booking seats on the

The Dow Jones U.S. Travel & Tourism springtime in and 2%, respectively, on Thursday. long-awaited return of travel. B
fter two years of mostly index is down 20.7% year to date, Paris. Business at
staying put, Americans are while the S&P 500 Hotel Resorts & online travel agen-
again planning summer Cruise Lines index is off 7.1%.
cies has soared.
Ticket to Nowhere
vacations, giving a big lift “Someone’s wrong,” Yardeni Re- Despite a sharp rise in the number of travelers over the past year, travel stocks
to the travel industry. So search observed in a note. “Either in- have been weighed down by broad economic questions
why are investors sitting dustry analysts are too optimistic in Number of daily travelers Dow Jones U.S. Travel & Tourism Index
out the trip? their estimates or investors [are] too passing through TSA checkpoints
Airlines hinted at the revival when pessimistic about valuations.”
they posted earnings in April, with Take Airbnb (ABNB). This past 850
Delta Air Lines (ticker: DAL) and week, the short-term rental market-
American Airlines (AAL) predicting place reported a surprisingly strong 1,416,349 800
a return to profitability throughout 70% jump in first-quarter revenue, to
2022. The rest of the industry has fol- $1.5 billion, and guided to second-
lowed suit, with many service provid- quarter sales higher than Wall Street’s 700
ers, from online travel agents to hotels, forecasts. Airbnb narrowed its losses
reporting better-than-expected earn- to three cents a share for the quarter,

AFP/Getty Images
ings for the March quarter, as demand from $1.95 a year earlier.
inches back to prepandemic levels. The results prompted BofA Securi- 4/28-5/4 4/28-5/4 600
Analysts have responded by raising ties analyst Justin Post and Deutsche 2021 2022 Jan. 2022 Feb. March April May
earnings estimates and price targets. Bank’s Lee Horowitz to raise their Source: Bloomberg
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 11

sitting in the same portfolio,” Fink
Based on a sum-of-the-parts analy-
sis and 2023 earnings estimates, Wojs

Polishes Its figures that cabinets would fetch a

multiple of seven times Ebitda, while
the water business would go for 12

Brands With times, and other divisions would re-

ceive elevated multiples. Stitched
back together with more appropriate

A Spinoff
valuations, the company’s parts could
be worth $92 per share, up from a
recent $71, Wojs estimates.

etting to that higher valuation
will mean persevering
The home-remodeling leader is through some tricky times.
splitting off its cabinetry division, Fortune sources materials
in order to upgrade the valuation of from around the world, and has dealt
with some of the same supply-chain
its faster-growing businesses and inflation-related issues that have
hurt other companies. Those prob-
lems caused its operating margin to
fall to 13% in the first quarter, from
By AVI SALZMAN 14.8% a year earlier.

But Fink says those pressures are
ortune Brands Home & starting to wane, and that the com-
Security is a leader in from sales of cabinets. water for a baby’s bottle at the perfect Fortune, which pany has been able to pass along cost
owns brands such
home remodeling, selling The business rationale for the split temperature is worth quite a bit as Moen and Master increases to consumers. In the com-
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

everything from cabinets to is that the capital can be more more. Lock, was born from ing quarter, the bulk of those price
a spinoff a decade
storm doors and plumbing. efficiently allocated if the cabinet Other companies in those faster- ago. It has grown
hikes should hit Fortune’s bottom
Now, it’s remodeling itself division—which has a different growing areas tend to trade at higher earnings per share line just as some of the supply-chain
by spinning off its largest growth trajectory than Fortune’s valuations. Home-security company at a 24% compound problems are diminishing. “We ex-
annual growth rate
division into a stand-alone company other divisions—operates Assa Abloy (ASAZY), for instance, since then. pect operating margin to expand se-
that could draw in new investors and independently. The cabinets business trades at 14 times enterprise value to quentially across the balance of the
make the stock sparkle. is likely to grow in conjunction with Ebitda (earnings before interest, year,” Fink said on Fortune’s latest
Fortune (ticker: FBHS) is no the housing market, giving it a taxes, depreciation, and amortiza- earnings call.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

stranger to spinoffs. The company cyclical trading pattern that’s tion), while water company Xylem The broader housing market has
was born from a spinoff a little over a vulnerable to downturns. In 2021, (XYL) goes for 20 times EV/Ebitda. been slowing as mortgage rates rise
decade ago, when it was part of a cabinets sales grew 16%, slower than Fortune Brands, however, trades for above 5% and some buyers get turned
conglomerate that also sold Jim Beam Fortune’s other divisions. just under 10 times, near a five-year off by high prices. The bigger prob-
liquors and Titleist golf balls. That But the spinoff is also about the low. lem is that there aren’t enough homes
spin was extremely successful, as shareholder base. “Investors have “There’s a tension there in the for sale—a near-term pressure for
Fortune Brands has grown earn- wanted them to spin it off for a portfolio that was maybe preventing Fortune that’s likely to become a lon-
ings per share at a 24% compound while,” says Baird analyst Timothy investors from being able to see that ger-term opportunity.
annual growth rate since then, ver- Wojs. “I think the cabinet business is full potential, when you have some- The housing market is severely
sus 7% for the S&P 500. “Given our a good business, but investors tend to thing that is just a different strategy undersupplied, with only two months
history, we know how to do these spend an inordinate amount of time worth of existing homes for sale, less
and we do them well,” says CEO [evaluating it].” Wojs believes that than half the inventory needed to
Nicholas Fink. the focus on cabinets ends up pulling Fortune Brands Home & Security keep the market in balance. To
Lately, Fortune stock has sold off down the valuation of the rest of the (FBHS / NYSE) achieve that balance, developers will
along with other housing-related company. $120 have to build more units.
names, on fears that interest-rate The company’s other divisions 110
The combination of economics and
hikes will sink its business. Shares have potential for more organic pandemic-related lifestyle changes
are down 32% this year. growth, with or without a major also mean that homeowners have
Fortune now owns well-known boost from housing. In 2021, its 90 greater incentives to renovate. An
home brands like Moen plumbing plumbing brands (now called “water 80 increasing portion of Americans’ net
fixtures, Master Lock, and Omega innovations”) saw 25% sales growth. 70 worth is in their homes, making them
cabinets. The next spinoff, which is Outdoors and security brands in- 60
even more interested in upgrading
likely to happen in 2023, involves creased sales by 44%. Fortune’s prod- than they were before the pandemic.
Courtesy of Shaws

splitting the company’s cabinetry ucts in those areas are innovative and “It’s a place for living and entertain-
division into a publicly traded com- fetch higher prices. A plumbing sys- 40 ing and teaching and working,” Fink
pany owned by Fortune sharehold- tem that’s just pipes isn’t worth a 30 says.
ers. Fortune now gets about 40% of premium. One that can monitor the 2020 2021 2022 As Fortune Brands reorganizes,
its revenue, or about $3 billion a year, entire house for leaks or pump out Source: FactSet it’s also a good place for investing. B
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May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 13


Our panel explores what’s ahead for EVs, autonomous driving,
shared mobility, and more.
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e once thought the future of team at New Street Research; Abhijit Ganguly, billion in revenue, including taxis.
transportation meant George managing director of Goodyear Ventures, the Third, Tesla (TSLA) has developed a
Jetson’s flying car. Instead, venture-capital arm of Goodyear Tire & direct-to-consumer sales model within the
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

we got Elon Musk’s Tesla—the company and Rubber (GT); and A. Carolina Jolly, senior EV industry. It avoids dealerships, and uses
the electric car—whose twin successes jolted research analyst at Gamco Investors (GBL). social media instead of advertising. That’s a
the global automotive industry and are speed- The roundtable took place in mid-April. big trend that we have to pay attention to.
ing the (eventual) demise of the internal com- An edited version of the discussion follows. Fourth, as we take out gas stations and
bustion engine. install EV charging stations, a lot of infra-
One might think, from the stock market or Barron’s: Let’s start with an overview of structure will need to be built. Range anxiety
Twitter, that Tesla and electrification are the this sprawling subject. What are the most is still the No. 1 reason why people don’t buy
only things that matter today in the world of important trends in transportation that EVs. We need much better infrastructure to
transportation. But there’s a lot more to the investors need to follow and understand? enable drivers to go from New York to Cali-
story, including autonomous driving, ride- Gary Black: The No. 1 trend is that EV adop- fornia without worrying about running out
sharing, robotics, and mobility technology, to tion is exploding. Battery-operated EVs were of juice. These are the four big trends we’re
name just a few salient trends. Plus, there are about 6.6% of total industry sales globally last watching.
300 million vehicles already on the road in year. We estimate they were 9% in this year’s Pierre Ferragu: To me, the most important
the U.S. alone that still need care and repair. first quarter, and will be about 30% in 2025, trend is electrification. The first order of
What does all of this mean for investors? rising to 60% by 2030. That is reshaping the transformation is that an oil-consuming, pol-
That’s the subject of Barron’s first-ever trans- competitive landscape, similar to the way Ap- luting powertrain is being replaced by an elec-
portation roundtable, which explores the out- ple [AAPL] reshaped the mobile-phone land- tric powertrain, itself a monster evolution of
look for auto makers old and new, and the scape when it introduced the iPhone in 2007. a $2 trillion industry. Then, there is the spin
technologies shaping the industry’s future. The No. 2 trend is autonomy, and it that Tesla is bringing to it. Tesla is revolution-
Our panelist include Gary Black, managing involves two factors: self-driving cars and izing this market the way Apple revolution-
partner of the Future Fund, whose Future robo-taxis. An industry will develop around ized the $50 billion mobile-phone market. It is
Fund Active exchange-traded fund (ticker: summoning a self-driving car that will take redefining the category and attracting a large
FFND) invests in companies capitalizing on you where you want to go, as you can do to- number of buyers to a significantly more
“secular megatrends”; Pierre Ferragu, head of day in Phoenix and San Francisco. The global expensive, higher-value product.
the global technology infrastructure research ride-hailing industry today is about $300 Second, the gig economy and more auton-

14 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

omous mobility are transforming per- market. Penetration is around 2022 Black: Our target is $1,600 a share. going to be tough. The battery market
sonal transportation. This means de- 10% in Europe, and 15% in China. ROUNDTABLE We estimate total global SAAR [sea- is competitive, and it is difficult to get
livery eventually can become real- How will EV market share evolve? PANELISTS sonally adjusted annual rate of auto the supply chain lined up. It is going
time, and cheap. We will be able to Black: We call it EV adoption. Our sales] of 80 million vehicles a year by to be a fascinating decade.
leverage technology to make customer numbers are a bit different: We esti- 2026. We estimate EV adoption at In the meantime, Tesla is leading
Gary Black
transportation and delivery much mate that EV market share is 4% in Managing Partner,
36% by 2026, and assume that Tesla the charge on the three most impor-
more efficient. the U.S. and 16% in Europe, with the Future Fund will retain 20% of the EV market. tant fronts, which are on the demand
A. Carolina Jolly: I want to talk China in the lead, at 17%. It just feels That means Tesla will deliver about side. Their cars are the most appeal-
about the vehicles we currently have, like it’s a better product. You charge 6.2 million [vehicles] by 2026, versus ing; they have the best charging net-
and how much we rely on them. I am your car at night like you charge your Pierre Ferragu 936,000 last year. We assume the av- work, and the best visibility. On the
focused on logistics: housing and ser- phone. EVs’ cost per mile is a lot Global Team Head erage selling price stays about where it technology front, Tesla innovates at
vicing these vehicles, and warehous- cheaper than internal combustion Technology is, and the company’s auto gross mar- an unheard-of rate. Tesla retooled its
ing parts, and how these segments of engines, and is getting cheaper as gas Infrastructure, gin will grow to about 31.5% from 29% pilot battery-manufacturing line seven
New Street
the auto industry will adapt to trends prices soar. And, as the technology Research
in 2022. We estimate that Tesla will times in two years, which means al-
such as EVs, autonomous vehicles, gets more sophisticated, EVs will drive earn about $55 a share in 2026. most once a quarter. The average man-
and shared mobility. The supply themselves. We assume the stock will trade for ufacturer would do that every two to
chain is also important. As the indus- We are bullish on Tesla because it Abhijit Ganguly about 45 times earnings, versus 75 three years. Tesla is innovating eight
try trends toward EVs, how is it going is the market leader. Tesla has about Managing Director, times earnings today. That gives us a to 12 times faster than anyone else in
to source components and raw mate- a 20% share of the global EV market. Goodyear price of about $2,475. Discounting that the world in terms of manufacturing.
rials? And, how is it going to educate As the TAM [total addressable market] Ventures back at a 12% cost of equity gets us to The last aspect is that Tesla is
technicians in the future? Many auto expands for Tesla—as the company a $1,600 price target today. accumulating scale. Even if some
companies are being driven by great launches its Cybertruck pickup, an other companies manage to move
A. Carolina Jolly
ideas, but for these ideas to fully pen- under-$30,000 EV, cheaper versions Do you see any risk in the CEO faster in the early stages of EV devel-
Senior Research
etrate the market, people need to of its best-selling Model Y—we think it Analyst, Gamco spending more of his time on a opment over the next few years, Tesla
learn to support them. can hold its EV market share. The Investors company called Twitter [TWTR]? will still have a significant advantage
Abhijit Ganguly: We see three big TAM for EVs is growing by about 50% Black: Elon Musk can handle many related to its expenses and scale.
plays from a corporate venture-capi- a year. Competition is coming for Tesla, projects. He’s also founder and CEO
tal-deployment standpoint. Robotics is but even if the company just holds its of SpaceX, and founder of The Boring What is your Tesla price target?
intersecting with mobility, and at that EV market share, it will keep growing Co. I am not a fan of the distraction Ferragu: My price target is $1,580.
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intersection, we find autonomous by about 50% a year. caused by his pursuit of Twitter, but Between now and the end of the de-
driving. Advanced driver-assistance he’s not using Tesla’s capital to do so. cade, Tesla will be a hypergrowth
systems are improving. What are the key constraints to If he acquires Twitter, he could easily business. It can grow its cash flow by
We also see the connected car. faster EV adoption? install another CEO to run it. [Musk 30% a year. I arrive at my price target
More vehicle components are getting Black: Tesla has to build a new man- subsequently agreed to buy Twitter by applying a multiple of 75 times
smarter, which creates opportunities ufacturing plant or two every couple for $44 billion.] forward earnings, and I expect earn-
for the automotive industry to on- of years. It just opened a plant in Ber- ings that are 30% to 50% above the
board value-added products that lin that has the capacity to manufac- Pierre, you’re also a Tesla fan. consensus in the next couple of years.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

improve safety and efficiency. ture 500,000 vehicles. The Austin, Explain your bullish view.
Then, we see contactless digital Texas, plant has the same capacity. Ferragu: Electrification is a dynamic What happens once Tesla can
technologies that were pulled forward Both plants are in the process of system in which the more adoption make two million cars a year, but
by the Covid pandemic. The conve- expanding their initial capacity. you get, the more possibilities there sell only 1.7 million? Also, unlike
nience these technologies can deliver [Tesla Shanghai announced this past are for people to buy new cars. At this Apple, the company manufactures
to end users will become a big deal. In week that it will open a second factory point, demand for Teslas has vastly its own products. Is that an advan-
our world, that plays out in a few dif- with a 450,000-unit capacity.] exceeded existing capacity. I am fo- tage, or a risk?
ferent ways. Mobile car care is one cused on supply growth. Today, Tesla Ferragu: On the first question, I don’t
example: People are choosing to have What is your price target for Tesla? has to increase prices almost every have a strong conviction that will hap-
their cars serviced in their own drive- month to rein in demand and try to pen over the next eight years. Tesla
ways, at the airport, or elsewhere. Also, get away from a nine-to-12-month lead has an immediate addressable market
companies are starting to use sidewalk time. The company is rapidly increas- today of less than 10 million units,
robots to deliver groceries, improving ing the cost efficiency of its manufac- limited by the number of people who
the last-mile delivery space. turing operation, and the cost of as- can afford a car that costs nearly
Last, but not least, sustainability sembling a car is falling fast. The only $40,000, or more. But it has already
is becoming a big factor in mobility. constraint over the next five to 10 demonstrated that its effective ad-
Sustainability at Goodyear means we years will be manufacturing capacity. dressable market is 2 ½ times that,
balance environmental, social, and If Tesla maintains the current pace because for every two drivers coming
financial demands without compro- of growth in its production capacity, it from this premium market, Tesla at-
mising the ability of future genera- should be in a position to sell about 20 tracts three from the non-premium
tions to meet their needs. We are million units in 2030, versus barely market who are trading up to Tesla.

Photograph by Nick Hagen

stressing sustainability in our Good- one million last year. Between now There is so much pent-up demand
year Ventures investments by enabling and 2030, Tesla has what it takes to coming from that trade-up. Tesla will
electrification, accessibility, driving get there. Then there’s the question need two to three years to meet that
safety, and less congestion through of how fast other auto companies demand with cars at today’s price
tire-intelligence collaborations. can ramp up their EV production. points, and will continue to generate
Starship robots are used for meal delivery on the campus of Bowl- Recently, we heard from the CEO of 30% gross margins. In three years,
EVs represent about 5% of the U.S. ing Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Rivian Automotive [RIVN] that it is Tesla will have a car priced at $25,000,
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 15

We are bullish on
Tesla because it is
the market leader.
Tesla has about a
20% share of the
global EV market.”
Gary Black

which will extend its addressable mar-

ket to more than 50 million units per
year. I don’t know when the company
becomes demand-constrained.
As for the comparison with Apple,
the companies are more similar than
you might think. Apple doesn’t manu-
facture its own products—it has a
symbiotic relationship with Taiwan
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Semiconductor Manufacturing
[TSM] and Foxconn Technology
[2354.Taiwan]—but it controls the
product end to end, from the hard-
ware to the software, service fees, and
platform. That is also the Tesla model.
Apple came into a world in which
contract manufacturing was already
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

mature. It didn’t exist in the same way

in the car-manufacturing industry.
Apple had the possibility to leverage
a flexible, efficient, third-party manu-
facturing system, and Tesla didn’t.

Before this becomes the Tesla

roundtable, where do the rest of
you see investment opportunities?
Jolly: We foresee 35% EV penetration
[of new car sales] in the U.S. by 2030.
There are 17 million new cars sold in
the U.S. in a normalized year, but there
are almost 300 million vehicles on the
road already. We focus on the compa-
Gary Black
nies that service and repair those cars.
To Buy: The average age of vehicles on the road
today is 12 years. We like companies
Tesla / TSLA such as Genuine Parts [GPC] and
$952.62 O’Reilly Automotive [ORLY]. They
generate over $1.5 billion in free cash
Uber flow per year from the distribution of
Technologies / aftermarket parts. We also like Monro
UBER [MNRO], which has 50% exposure to
$28.10 tires. Lastly, Universal Technical
Institute [UTI] trains technicians;
Prices as of 5/4/22.
Source: FactSet Photograph by LAWRENCE AGYEI
16 BARRON’S May 9, 2022 May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 17

cle data in a user-friendly way, and stock could be a great value play.
allow users to share data to help get Black: To continue the Apple analogy,
services such as insurance tailored to who were the dominant players in
their driving needs and styles. mobile phones before the iPhone
Tesla is innovating eight to 12 times We are extremely excited about launched? Nokia [NOK], BlackBerry
connectivity—the ability to digitize [BB], Motorola, and Samsung Elec-
faster than anyone else in the world the contact point of the car to the road, tronics [005930.Korea]. Three of the
which happens through the tire. If you four really don’t exist anymore as mo-
in terms of manufacturing.” can do that, you can achieve much bile-phone companies. They couldn’t
greater safety and efficiency. compete with Apple. I put the iPhone
in the same category as Tesla. From a
Pierre Ferragu We’re almost an hour into this technology standpoint, Apple didn’t
discussion, and no one has men- stand still. It kept improving the prod-
tioned Ford Motor [F] or General uct, and that’s what you’re seeing with
automotive is a big part of their busi- and is building it out in other places Motors [GM]. They are spending Tesla. I don’t see GM and Ford out-
ness. The industry is going to need to support its fleet operations, which tens of billions of dollars to de- innovating Tesla. Unless Ford and GM
technicians, especially as Tesla’s Model include 100% electric cars and electric velop EVs—and catch up to Tesla. separate their EV businesses from
S and Model Y come off warranty. mopeds. And, it has opened up the What are their prospects? their ICE businesses and build sepa-
charging infrastructure to third parties. Black: Ford and GM are going to rate EV companies almost from
How will greater EV adoption im- We have also invested in AmpUp, struggle. Ford’s new Mustang Mach-E scratch, they are going to have a hard
pact traditional service providers, which makes charging more conve- [an all-electric Mustang] has gotten time gaining traction in EVs in the
such as Genuine Parts and O’Reilly? nient for users, fleets, and facilities the most traction, but even then, the same way that Motorola, Nokia, and
Jolly: We estimate that EVs will ac- managers. AmpUp’s software allows company can’t produce enough. ICE Blackberry failed to gain traction,
count for about 2% of the U.S. after- for choice and control. For drivers, [internal combustion engine] vehicles even though they had a huge head
market, or vehicles more than six years AmpUp offers a dedicated mobile app still account for 91% of industry sales. start versus the iPhone.
old, by 2030. Those vehicles will re- to locate chargers and schedule charg- Ford and GM have deliberately tried Ferragu: Tesla’s Model 3 and Model Y
quire about 30% less work than tradi- ing. For charging-station owners, it not to cannibalize their base business. are very competitive in price against
tional vehicles. EV adoption will be a helps control who receives access to That’s a mistake. an equivalent ICE Mercedes or BMW.
small drag on aftermarket outfits like charging, provides analytics, and opti- You have to go after the heart of But Tesla has a 30% gross profit mar-
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Genuine Parts and O’Reilly in the next mizes energy usage. For fleets and your business and not be afraid to gin. It costs a traditional auto maker
few years, crimping demand by about utilities, AmpUp can provide energy cannibalize yourself, recognizing that typically $10,000 to electrify a car.
60 basis points [six-tenths of a percent- controls to deliver higher uptime. EVs at some point are going to be This is an enormous challenge for
age point] through 2030. The big four These are two examples of compa- 100% of the market. We are starting them. How can they compete with
aftermarket distributors can double nies facilitating the software/hard- to see that with the introduction of the Tesla if it makes electric cars more
their market share in a bull case, going ware combination required for EV Ford F-150 Lightning and Porsche cheaply than their ICE cars, and they
from 40% to 80%, as they have signifi- charging to work broadly. Taycan. Traditional car makers will be have to spend $10,000 more to make
cant ability to invest in the future. more successful in the EV world if an electric car?
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

Ganguly: From our standpoint as a What is the revenue opportunity, they bring out EV versions of their But Carolina is saying something
tire company, electrification is a tre- or total addressable market, for best-selling brands, rather than trying important: You don’t want to underes-
mendous opportunity. EVs demand EV connectivity? to launch new brands with an EV timate the economic momentum of the
very different performance character- Ganguly: There’s a lot to be done once moniker. legacy auto makers. Also, the U.S. auto
istics. We also recognize the need to you put hardware in the ground. There Jolly: I might take the other side of that industry has enormous political sup-
manage the duality in the near term— are simple things, like remotely man- argument, even though I agree with port. I expect the industry to survive,
namely, the different types of vehicles aging hardware and performing diag- some of Gary’s points. GM generates but the next 10 to 20 years are going to
coexisting in the marketplace. And, nostics. We envision a world of SaaS about $150 billion of revenue annually. be extremely challenging. These com-
we see an opportunity in infrastruc- [software as a service] opportunities It has said it will double that revenue panies will need financial lifelines from
ture, both in the software used in EV based on this installed hardware base. by 2030, including $50 billion in their governments. In some ways, they
chargers and in putting chargers in On the connectivity side, we are still Pierre Ferragu Cruise [autonomous] and $90 billion are too big to fail, or too big to lose sig-
the right places. We are investing in in the process of understanding the in EV. ICE vehicles will account for nificant market share to new entrants.
companies that make charging easier TAM. The connected car allows for To Buy: 65% of sales through 2030, but tradi-
for end-users, whether consumers or new value propositions. Car compo- tional auto makers also have dealership How do non-U.S. auto makers
fleets. We’re studying the vehicle-to- nents can be connected to the internet Tesla / TSLA networks that provide parts and ser- stack up?
grid intersection, and the potential for to provide better safety and efficiency $952.62 vice. Currently, pure-EV manufactur- Black: Volkswagen [VOW3.Germany]
vehicles to return energy to the grid. and predictive maintenance. For exam- ers don’t have this. GM generates sig- has been pretty aggressive about going
These and other areas allow for new ple, an intelligent, connected tire can Uber nificant cash flow, but trades for only a after the EV business. Toyota Motor
software-development opportunities. communicate tire health and, in the Technologies / mid-single-digit earnings multiple. [TM] is still the world’s No. 1 auto
There are also hardware opportunities future, alert road conditions to drivers. UBER From an enterprise-value perspective, maker. It has two best-selling brands:
in the charging-station infrastructure. In addition, we are expecting block-
chain-enabled smart contracts to help
$28.10 once you back out stakes in Cruise, the the Camry and RAV4. Toyota has been
FinCo [finance company] book, and the slow at adapting to the EV world. That
Which start-ups in these areas connected cars with unique VIN num- Grab Holdings / net cash on the balance sheet, GE could hurt them, so I would put them
should investors keep an eye on? bers make payments automatically for GRAB trades for one to two times Ebitda in the loser’s box. The negative argu-
Ganguly: Revel is a Brooklyn, N.Y.– tolls, fuel, and such, and also interact [earnings before interest, taxes, depre- ment for Tesla is: Can they produce 10
based EV-only ride-share company in with city infrastructure and other $3.18 ciation, and amortization]. To me, GM’s million units per year by 2030 with
our portfolio. It has installed its own cars. Web 3.0 start-ups may also help only two models? No auto maker has
Prices as of 5/4/22.
charging infrastructure in Brooklyn, allow connected cars to display vehi- Source: FactSet Photograph by BENEDICT EVANS been able to do more than about a mil-
18 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

GM generates

significant cash flow,
but trades for only a
earnings multiple. To
me, GM’s stock could
be a great value play.”
A. Carolina Jolly
lion per year.

Autonomous driving is an alluring

concept, but it hasn’t yielded
much yet in the way of real-world
applications. What is the outlook?
Ganguly: We have made a few invest-
ments in the autonomous world. We
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are investors in Starship Technolo-

gies, a mobility company whose au-
tonomous robots handle last-mile
delivery of groceries and meals; last
mile is the most expensive part of
delivery. The robots operate on side-
walks, which eliminates many of the
A. Carolina Jolly regulatory hurdles that come
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

with operating on roads. On-demand

To Buy: ordering and contactless delivery saw
explosive growth during the Covid
Parts / GPC
We have also invested in Gatik, an
$135.18 autonomous trucking company
working on middle-mile logistics—
O’Reilly that is, business-to-business logistics
Automotive / ORLY for the retail industry. We are work-
$628.08 ing on connected-tire technology. We
see ourselves playing an important
Monro / MNRO role in making autonomy safe and
efficient. Focusing on point-to-point
$46.17 delivery seems a more solvable prob-
lem than full-scale autonomy. Both of
these companies allow us to work on
Institute / UTI a subset of the autonomy problem,
but there are people looking at this
$10.96 space through a much wider lens.

Copart / CPRT Are there attractive public compa-

$118.83 nies in the autonomy arena?
Jolly: Our focus, again, isn’t on who
Snap-on / SNA is going to win in EVs or autonomous
vehicles, but which companies are
$227.95 going to benefit from these trends.
Prices as of 5/4/22.
Source: FactSet Photograph by BENEDICT EVANS
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 19

Greater penetration of autonomous autonomy?

technology over the next five years Ferragu: None of it. For now, I am
means more-advanced sensors and forecasting 30% gross profit margins
sensor-based parts on vehicles. The for Tesla, in line with their current “History shows that it doesn’t pay to try
addition of this technology means two performance. In the long run, auton-
things: People probably will be able to omous might contribute to that level to time the stock market, but there are
do less work themselves on their cars, of profitability, or add to it. It will
so companies with exposure to repair
will do well. Second, those sensors
depend on how unique their technol-
ogy is.
times when risk levels have increased
likely will require more frequent recali- Black: We put no valuation on
bration, so cars will go in for repairs Tesla’s autonomy offerings, either. to a point where it is wise to have a
more often than in the past. Every innovation you’ve seen in the
In addition to Monro, Genuine automobile in the past 60 years, safety net – like dividends.”
Parts, and O’Reilly, we like Snap-on whether automatic transmission,
[SNA], which sell tools to repair anti-lock brakes, or turbo-charging,
shops. We expect them to make has been copied by all companies. It - Jim Cullen, Chairman & CEO
more-valuable tools as autonomous is hard to say that any one company
technology penetrates the market. We will gain significant market share.
also like Copart [CPRT], which auc- Right now, the take rate on FSD
tions salvaged vehicles. [full self-driving] at Tesla is under
As the market transitions to au- 10% globally, and about 15% in the
High Dividend Equity
tonomous vehicles, new technologies, U.S. People will say that’s because it
especially sensor-based tech, are doesn’t work yet; it’s only a Level 2
driving up the cost and value of re- system [partial automation]. But even Enhanced Equity Income
pair. Increasingly, it is more expen- once Tesla gets to Level 4 or Level 5,
sive for insurance companies to pay other companies will reach the same
for the repair of these vehicles than it point. Value Equity
is to scrap and auction them out. This
creates an opportunity for Copart. Practically speaking, how will
Small Cap Value
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autonomous driving roll out over

Pierre, what are your thoughts the next few years?
on the future of autonomy? Black: Elon has been promising it
Ferragu: We are making good prog-
ress on autonomous cars driving
will be this year for at least five or six
years, and we’re still not there. First,
International High Dividend
safely, but the real challenge is mis- we are several years away from the
sion delivery: making sure the car
does the job in finding the person to
point where regulators will approve
autonomous vehicles that don’t re-
Emerging Markets High Dividend
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

pick up and figuring out where to quire you to sit in the driver’s seat
drop her off, for instance. Autono- and keep both hands on the wheel.
mous technology needs the right en- Second, everybody in the industry is Water Impact
vironments to flourish, meaning an working on this.
existing infrastructure, with an exist- Tesla believes in what it calls a
ing fleet of human drivers already generalized solution, meaning FSD
delivering a service, into which we’ll beta features have all been perfected.
be able to progressively introduce Tesla can push a button and FSD will
driverless vehicles. work everywhere. Other companies
When it comes to assisted driv- are using more of a geofenced frame-
ing—a car driving by itself but with work, whereby they master one mar-
the driver still behind the wheel, ket and then roll it out to additional
ready to take over and able to super- markets. It is hard to see how this For further information, please contact Schafer Cullen Capital Management
vise—we are particularly bullish on scales quickly, so I struggle with it 212.644.1800 • •
Tesla. They have the best technology. from an investment standpoint. More
For driverless services, we are bullish important, regulators aren’t going to
on ride-sharing leaders such as Uber favor one company over another;
Technologies [UBER], Grab Hold- they are going to try to give every- Schafer Cullen Capital Management is an independent investment advisor
ings [GRAB], and DiDi Global body an equal playing field. Hence, registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. This information should
[DIDI], which are best positioned to it is hard to value. not be used as the primary basis for any investment decision nor, should it be
introduce driverless vehicles in their Ganguly: We are watching point-to- construed as advice to meet a particular investment need. It should not be
fleets. We are more prudent on play- point applications, and expect those assumed that any security transaction, holding or sector discussed has been
ers like Waymo [a subsidiary of Al- problems to be solved earlier than or will be profitable, or that future recommendations or decisions we make will
phabet (GOOGL)] and Cruise, which some of the broader, more challenging be profitable or equal the investment performance discussed herein. A list of all
are trying to develop driverless fleets problems the AV industry is pursuing. recommendations made by the Adviser in this strategy is available upon request
by themselves. We expect to see a lot happen on the
for the 12 months prior to the date of this report.
Black: Pierre, how much of your sidewalk, including autonomous de-
$1,580 Tesla price target reflects livery of goods. We are also working
20 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

We are extremely excited
about connectivity—the ability
to digitize the contact point
of the car to the road, which
happens through the tire.”
Abhijit Ganguly

with and watching robo-taxi-type

applications. We see autonomy hap-
pening first in segments where safety
can be assured more quickly.

Pierre mentioned Uber. Do the rest

of you have favorites in the ride-
sharing industry?
Ferragu: In ride-sharing and delivery,
we see a strong network effect. It is a
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competitive market with no barriers to

entry on greenfields. But as competi-
tion intensifies, scale becomes critical
and only the largest two players sur-
vive. We call that natural duopolies,
and natural duopolies usually result
in very strong economics for the mar-
ket leader, whereas the No. 2 will have
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

a harder time. We like Uber and Grab,

and we would like DiDi as much in a
different political setup.
The pinnacle of that world is when
you have the No. 1 food-delivery com-
pany and No. 1 ride-sharing player
combined in one company, and that is
the case with Grab. It is No. 1 in five Abhijit Ganguly
countries in Southeast Asia in both
delivery and ride sharing. Uber is No. Companies
To Watch:
1 in about 40% of the world in ride
sharing, and has exited other markets. Revel
In addition, in most of their markets EV ride-share,
they are a very strong No. 2—and mopeds,
sometimes even No. 1—in food deliv- charging stations
ery, as well.
Black: We like Uber, too, for the rea- AmpUp
sons discussed. Also, it is a reopening
play. Uber is selling for less than two software
times enterprise value to revenue, and
will be profitable in 2023. They have Starship
formed a duopoly with a lot of pricing Technologies
discipline. We own Uber in the Future Autonomous
Fund. robots

Thanks, Gary, and everyone. B
trucks serving
Photograph by ROSS MANTLE B2B customers
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 21

It’s Time for GM

Lightning, have done a lot of delivering. General Motors
But that’s about to change.
Sales of the GMC Hummer electric

To Stomp on pickup have begun. (GM has a com-

bined 65,000 reservations for it and a
companion sport utility vehicle.) On


The E-celerator May 19, Cadillac starts taking orders

for its Lyriq SUV, for deliveries begin-
ning this summer. Recently, Chevrolet

restarted the assembly lines for its Bolt
A slow EV launch pace has hurt the stock. This year and especially 2023 hatchback and a new Bolt SUV; pro-
may show whether the auto maker can stay relevant in the Tesla era. duction had been halted since Novem-
ber for a battery recall. Chevy also has 20
140,000 reservations for its electric
By ANDREW BARY for six times projected earnings of Silverado pickup, though deliveries 10
about $7 a share in both 2022 and won’t start until next year, when GM’s 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

eneral Motors has grand 2023, one of the S&P 500 index’s low- EV launches really ramp up with the Source: FactSet
ambitions and a cheap stock. est price/earnings ratios. Its market cap introduction of electric versions of the
That could be a winning of $60 billion compares with $1 trillion Chevy Equinox crossover, Chevy tion, the ICE business doesn’t get ac-
combination for investors. But to real- for Tesla (TSLA). Blazer SUV, and Hummer SUV. And corded much value by investors.
ize it, the pace of the giant car maker’s “The stock is very attractive. GM BrightDrop, an under-the-radar GM GM’s balance sheet is in great shape,
electric-car launches must catch up to is not getting credit for much of any- electric commercial-van unit, opened with $17.7 billion in cash, excluding its
the speed of its pronouncements thing,” says Joe Pittman, an analyst at its first dealership in December, near finance unit, and about $1 billion of net
about them. Harris Associates, a top 10 holder of Los Angeles, with customers including cash (cash minus debt) as of March 31.
Investors are giving less credit GM through its Oakmark funds. “Its Walmart and FedEx. The company, however, does have
to slide decks and press releases, says core automotive business is performing All but the Bolt models, which use about $10 billion of unfunded pension
Credit Suisse auto analyst Dan Levy,
who has an Outperform rating on
well in a dynamic and complex envi-
ronment, and it’s well positioned in
an older type of battery, feature the
modular Ultium vehicle platform that
“[Investors’] and healthcare obligations.
GM’s stake in Cruise (worth about
message is:
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GM, with a $58 price target, about electric vehicles and autonomous- allows batteries and drive components $15 billion, according to Wall Street
45% above its current price below vehicle technology that will play out to be configured in various ways, with Show us EV analysts), its finance unit, and its inter-
$40. “The message from investors is over time.” the aim of providing the most range, est in a Chinese subsidiary could be
to show us EV volume and a compel- Why, then, does GM trade so power, and reliability for a specific volume and worth 75% of GM’s entire market
ling product that show you can chal- cheaply? For one thing, investors worry application. In line with this, GM is a compelling value, meaning its core auto business
lenge Tesla in an EV world.” that robust conditions in the auto mar- building four U.S. battery plants, with is valued at just one times projected
The company defends its deliberate ket will cool later this year as the Fed- the first opening this summer. product 2022 pretax cash flow.
EV rollout pace, pointing to its lengthy eral Reserve boosts interest rates. GM Funding for all of these projects will that show Cruise is a leader in autonomous-
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development of a fitting vehicle plat- also faces higher costs—$5 billion— be costly. Of the company’s $9 billion vehicle technology and could roll out
form for its innovative Ultium battery tied to commodities and supply issues. to $10 billion in annual capital expen- you can robo-taxis for paying customers in San
system. “We’ve taken the time to do it Affordability is a problem, too, with the diture, 80% is earmarked for EVs and challenge Francisco later this year, marking an
right,” Paul Jacobson, GM’s chief finan- average selling price of a GM vehicle autonomous vehicles. But GM should industry first. A goal of $50 billion in
cial officer, tells Barron’s. “Ultium al- now $50,000, up 25% in the past two be able to handle the tab. Despite chip Tesla in an revenue by 2030 is a huge stretch, but
lows us to have the infrastructure to years. And GM pays no dividend and shortages and other supply issues, EV world.” if GM can demonstrate success in San
support multiple vehicle segments with isn’t buying back stock. General Motors’ first quarter was one Francisco, that could lift the stock.
Credit Suisse auto
the same battery platform. It allows us But the biggest issue is clear: Auto of its best ever, with earnings of $2.09 a analyst Dan Levy The proof of the pudding, however,
to scale with efficiencies that no one makers increasingly are being evalu- share. That topped the consensus esti- will be in the numbers. Hobbled by
else can replicate.” ated by Wall Street on how well they’re mate by about 40 cents, and the com- the halt in Bolt production, GM sold a
Jacobson recently bought $1.4 mil- challenging Tesla and moving to a fu- pany boosted its 2022 profit guidance mere 475 EVs in North America in the
lion GM shares in the open market at ture in which EVs will dominate sales. by 25 cents, to $6.50-$7.50 a share. first quarter, while Tesla delivered over
about $39. “The purchase speaks for On that score, GM has done a lot of But those earnings are almost 300,000 globally.
itself. I think GM is undervalued and talking, while Tesla, with its Model 3 entirely from SUVs and pickups with Investor Ross Margolies of Stelliam
a great investment,” he says. and Model Y, and Ford Motor (F), internal combustion engines. While Investment Management says the GM
By 2030, General Motors aims to with its Mustang Mach-E and F-150 providing funding for GM’s EV transi- story is simple. It depends on “whether
double its annual revenue to about you believe they can execute in EVs.”
$300 billion, with 40% to 50% of its Two Different Worlds He’s optimistic that GM will succeed.
automotive revenue coming from EVs, The latest test of that has started.
While all three stocks have suffered this year, Tesla’s valuation remains far above those
and $50 billion in sales from robo-taxis of Ford and General Motors. In order to close the gap, the two legacy companies will
General Motors aims to sell 400,000
and other ventures inside its Cruise have to show that they can execute on electric-vehicle production and sales. EVs in North America in 2022-23, with
autonomous-vehicle unit. most of the sales weighted toward next
Nothing even close to that is fac- Recent YTD Market 2022E 2022E 2022E 2023E year. And it plans to produce one mil-
Company / Ticker Price Change Value (bil) Sales (bil) EPS P/E P/E
tored into the auto maker’s depressed lion in 2025. Given its electric product
General Motors / GM $39.95 -31.9% $58.2 $152.3 $7.03 5.7 5.7
stock (ticker: GM), which has tumbled pipeline, its chance of hitting these
about 33% this year and isn’t much Ford Motor / F 14.53 -30.0 58.4 145.7 1.96 7.4 6.5 targets seems good. The race, as every
above its $33 postbankruptcy 2010 Tesla / TSLA 873.28 -17.4 1,036.0 87.0 11.90 73.4 55.9 schoolchild knows, sometimes goes to
initial-public-offering price. GM trades Source: Bloomberg E=estimate the tortoise, not the hare. B
22 BARRON’S May 9, 2022
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Will Toyota Catch Up

all the growth is,” says Gary Black,
co-founder of the Future Fund Active
exchange-traded fund. “Losers will

In the Electric Car Race? include the legacy Japanese manufac-

turers like Toyota.”
Toyota management doesn’t see it
that way. With sport utility vehicles
The company’s electrification focus still seems to be on complicated hybrids. That leaves it trailing like the RAV4, popular sedans like the
Tesla, not to mention rivals such as Volkswagen, Ford, and GM, and a host of start-ups. Camry, and even minivans such as the
Sienna, Toyota has been able to be all
things to all people. Many of its cars
By AL ROOT and finally become the top-selling auto by 2030—but it is still hedging its bets are available as both internal-combus-
maker in North America. Along the by focusing on hybrid models that tion-engine vehicles and hybrids, and

oyota Motor became the way, it became the car manufacturer to combine electricity with the conven- “Choosing Toyota is about to start delivering its
world’s most successful car emulate, particularly for Ford Motor tional internal combustion engine. electric bZ4X crossover. It also offers
company through the spirit (F) and General Motors (GM). That choice carries its own risks, to go all-in the hydrogen-powered Mirai.
of kaizen, or continuous improvement. But kaizen is not about revolution and it could mean that Toyota gets on one thing It’s a continuation of a multiple-
Now, with electric vehicles on the rise, and disruptive change—and that’s pushed aside by start-ups and incum- shots-on-goal strategy for the evolu-
would be

Illustration by Steven Wilson

kaizen might prove to be its undoing. just what the auto industry is going bents, just as it did to the traditional tion of the automobile, one that has
Kaizen is all about evolution and through now. Electric vehicles are the players when it burst onto the U.S. a reckless helped Toyota take a 15% share of the
refinement. It helped Toyota (ticker: future; as costs come down, quality scene back in the 1970s. U.S. auto market in 2021 and almost
TM) break into the U.S. market with goes up, and governments push the “Losers will be those slow to canni-
business 12% of global light-vehicle sales.
the Toyopet Crown sedan in the late technology as a way forward. Toyota balize their existing highly profitable decision.” Toyota’s hybrids have been partic-
1950s, take 5% of market share by the isn’t ignoring the EV revolution—it [internal combustion engine] cars Toyota President ularly successful. The company,
1980s with its fuel-efficient Corollas, wants to sell 3.5 million EVs a year with very unprofitable EVs, where Akio Toyoda whose Prius was the category’s first
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 23

big hit, sold almost 584,000 hybrid popular Transit vans. General Motors 10% to 12% share of worldwide new
cars and SUVs in 2021, giving the goal is one million annual EV capacity light-vehicle sales today.
Leader of the Pack?
Japanese auto maker roughly 65% in North America by 2025. GM started Even Toyota’s impressive market Toyota is the world’s leading car maker, and its stock has been
of the U.S. hybrid market, slightly out creating new vehicles like the share in hybrids might not be able to rewarded as a result. But the Japanese auto maker has been
reluctant to go all-in on electric vehicles. That could put its
trailing Tesla’s share of the battery- Cadillac Lyriq and Hummer, and an insulate it from the shift to electric
dominant position—and future share performance—at risk,
electric vehicle market. electric Chevy Silverado truck, Chevy vehicles. especially as competitors like Volkswagen go big.
“I’ve always said that we want to Equinox crossover, and other EVs will In China, where there are far more
provide diverse solutions for a diverse arrive in 2023. Volkswagen plans to battery-powered electric models for Stock Performance, 2013-2022
world,” said Toyota President Akio make more than five million battery- sale than in the U.S., about 2.9 mil-
Toyota Motor General Motors Ford Motor
Toyoda back in December, when his electric cars a year by 2030. Toyota lion battery-electric cars were pur-
company announced its most recent only recently raised its target to 3.5 chased in 2021, up from about 1.1 200%
EV goals. “When it’s hard to predict million from two million—by 2030. million in 2020. Plug-in hybrid sales
the future, choosing to go all-in on one And its current offerings are luke- had a good year, growing to 603,000 150
thing would be a reckless business warm at best. and accounting for about 17% of all
decision.” The hydrogen-powered Mirai was of what China calls new-energy vehi-
Betting on multiple technologies praised by MotorTrend for having cles. A few years back, however,
isn’t cheap. “genuine style,” but with a $50,000 those cars accounted for more than
Toyota spends roughly $10 billion price tag; a very meager refueling 25% of the electric-vehicle total. If the
a year on research and development infrastructure, even compared with same pattern is followed in the U.S.,
annually, second only to Volkswagen EV charging stations; and limited Toyota could end up seeing its domi- 0
(VOW.Germany), though as a percent- availability—in the U.S., it’s sold nant market share erode.
age of sales, it’s in the middle of the only in Hawaii and California—it’s Toyota isn’t unfamiliar with what -50
auto maker pack. That money pays a niche vehicle at best. happens when a major auto maker falls
for more than 1,000 scientists work- The oddly named bZ4X, with a behind. Back in 1976, General Motors, -100
ing on battery technology, including starting price of about $44,000, will which sold about 8.6 million vehicles 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen enter a crowded crossover EV market, that year, was the dominant auto
fuel cells. But if one technology turns competing with the Tesla (TSLA) maker, while Toyota sold just 1.7 mil-
out to be substantially better than Model Y, among others. What’s more, lion cars globally. Then came rising oil Toyota Motor Global Market Share
another, the rest of the R&D dollars Car and Driver magazine noted that the prices and the need for fuel efficiency.
Historical Market Share Estimated Market Share
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essentially go to waste. bZ4X, with a range of up to 250 miles That was all Toyota and other Japanese
Hybrids are particularly compli- on a single charge, doesn’t go as far on auto makers needed to seriously crack 12%
cated, requiring both a traditional a charge as competing cars do, conclud- the U.S. market. By 1996, Toyota was
combustion engine that needs the ing that it’s “more utility player than selling 4.8 million cars a year, to GM’s 10
air, fuel, and exhaust systems of a MVP.” 8.3 million, but it was far more profit-
conventional automobile, and a Toyota’s strategy of focusing on able, earning about $3,700 of gross 8
battery-powered motor that calls hybrids, while thus far making only profit per vehicle to GM’s $2,700. By
for high-voltage electronics and a a halfhearted attempt to enter the 2000, the Camry was the best-selling 6
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heavy battery pack. electric car and truck markets, has car in the U.S., and in 2021 Toyota
This didn’t matter early on be- confounded others in the industry. finally took the crown as the largest 4
cause batteries were very expensive Hybrids “should be a transitory new-car seller in America.
and designing a hybrid that could technology,” says Terrence Curtin, It’s an amazing multidecade run 2
get 40 or 50 miles a gallon was good CEO of auto supplier TE Connectiv- that demonstrates the power of kaizen,
enough to help auto makers meet ity (TEL), while noting that Toyota and Toyota shareholders have been 0
fuel-economy standards and to win will have to “play a little bit of catch rewarded. Toyota stock returned 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030
over some eco-conscious drivers. up.” Ford’s chief executive, Jim Farley, 10.9% annualized over the past 40
But with battery costs falling, all- who worked at Toyota from 1990 to years, slightly ahead of Ford Motor’s
electric vehicles can provide the 2007, helping launch the Toyota Tun- 10.7%. GM went bankrupt, and its Total Vehicle Sales, 2021
range and performance that custom- dra full-size pickup, says simply, “I shares today don’t trade all that much Electric Hybrid Internal Combustion Engine
ers want in their cars and trucks, don’t know what makes them tick.” above what they fetched in its post-
making vehicles with essentially two The go-slow strategy might pose bankruptcy initial public offering. 10 Million
powertrains senseless for most appli- major risks for Toyota in the years Toyota’s success earned it the high-
cations, says Cory Steuben, president ahead. If the other major auto makers est valuation among auto makers not 8
of Munro & Associates, a company are right, EVs will make up roughly named Tesla—its shares recently have
that, among other things, tears down half of all sales by 2030. And while been trading at 9.7 times forward
companies risk eating into their own earnings, well above Ford’s 7.1 times, 6
vehicles to see what they cost to
manufacture. “The statement that sales of traditional vehicles, the alter- GM’s 5.7, and Volkswagen’s 4.6. Toy-
a hybrid is the worst of both worlds native might be worse. ota “offers a solid balance sheet at 4
is correct on many, many levels,” If battery-electric penetration rises a time of persistent macroeconomic
Steuben adds. to 50% by 2030—it’s 6% now— uncertainty and supply-chain disrup-
While Toyota is hedging its bets, its that would imply roughly 50 million tions,” says Pedro Palandrani, Global
competitors aren’t. Ford Motor expects battery-electric cars around the globe. X ETF director of research, which
to have capacity to produce two million If Toyota sells all that it plans to make, owns the stock. 0
EVs annually by 2026. It’s electrifying the company’s battery-electric share Toyota’s lack of action in EVs Volkswagen Toyota*
its most iconic vehicles, including the would be roughly 7%. That’s substan- could put that premium multiple at *Toyota sold 14,407 battery-electric vehicles in 2021.
F-150 pickup truck, Mustang, and tial but lower than the Japanese giant’s risk, however, at a time when profit Sources: FactSet; company reports; Barron’s estimates
24 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

Above, Toyota’s
bZ4X is entering a
crowded crossover
EV market, At left,
the Toyota Mirai
runs on hydrogen,
which means that
it has a very limited
refueling infrastruc-
ture. In the U.S., it’s
sold only in Hawaii
and California.
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The Future Workplace margins are already under pressure. 2024 earnings. But if Toyota’s EV
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The company earned a gross profit of business falls behind, the company
Monday, May 23 | 12PM ET $6,700 per vehicle during its fis- might earn just $15 a share by 2026 on
cal-2022 third quarter, up about a multiple of eight times. At that point,
Business leaders are confronting a tight $1,000 per vehicle, or 17%, from the ADR would be worth about $120.
2019’s level. That increase was driven In other words, the risk is that the
labor market and evolving workforce. by a dearth of semiconductors that stock slowly bleeds lower, similar to
Investors are weighing the opportunities constrained global auto production, the way shares of the U.S.-based auto
created a shortage of cars, makers did for much of the 2000s
and risks. Join as Barron’s journalists and pushed prices higher. Past doesn’t have to be prologue.
But as inventories return to normal Toyota’s manufacturing excellence
explore what’s ahead. and if prices of steel and other raw might save it, or it might be able to
materials keep rising, Toyota’s mar- adjust to trends more rapidly than
gins could be squeezed, and the stock it seems to be doing, preserving its
could remain stuck in place. J.P. Mor- global market share. And just because
Scan to Register gan analyst Akira Kishimoto, who it looks rather passive doesn’t mean rates Toyota shares Neutral, worries that Toyota is avoiding the reality of
about cost inflation, which is one an all-electric future, says Global X’s
reason he has a price target of $180 Palandrani, who notes that it is possi-
a share, just 5% above its recent close. ble to plan for the future without the
Already, Wall Street expects Toy- aggressiveness of its competitors.
ota’s profits to decelerate from the $20 “Not every single car company is
Sponsored by per American depositary receipt the going to be a winner, and not every
company reported over the past 12 single car company is going to be a

Courtesy of Toyota
months, to $17 and $18 in 2022 and loser,” Palandrani says. “The risk is
2023, respectively, before rebounding going to be there, regardless of how
© 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 4E4510 to $19 in 2024. With the average ana- aggressive they’re trying to be.
lyst price target at $190 for Toyota But Ford, GM, and VW are trying
stock, the company trades at 10 times hard. When will Toyota do the same? B
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 25

“The Fed is thinking that inflation is going to be
barely 4% by the end of the year. I think they’re
living in cloud-cuckoo land,” says one gold expert.

Gold Rises, Along

expects that the Federal Reserve will demand, up 269 metric tons versus an
continue to ratchet up rates until fed outflow in 2021’s first quarter. This was
funds reach the 3% to 3.25% target the highest level of quarterly flows
range by March 2023. Even if nominal since 2020’s third quarter.

With Rates. A Key

rates jump to about 3.25%, they’d still Gold faces some headwinds in the
be significantly below the real rate, near term, with the World Gold Coun-
Day says. cil noting that the total supply jumped
“The most aggressive projections in the first quarter. Mine production

Driver: ETF Demand.

of Fed actions over the next 12 months rose 3%, year over year, to a record
will get the Fed to about 3.4%. Infla- level, and supply-recycled gold, which
tion is at 8.5%. At the end of this so- is already-mined metal that’s sold for
called hawkish Fed’s first year of scrap, increased 15%. Jewelry demand
tightening…we will be more deeply fell 7%, as consumers in China and
negative in real terms than we were in India, the two top global purchasers

1975-76, at the beginning of the great of gold earrings, necklaces, and other
old didn’t get By Debbie Carlson slipped modestly then and rebounded inflation of the 1970s,” Day says. baubles, acquired less. Central bank
the message that on Thursday. Gold actually made a new In March, the Fed forecast that purchases were also muted in the
higher interest high for the week on Thursday, rising 2022 median core personal consump- quarter, down 29% versus the total
rates mean lower above $1,900 an ounce. tion expenditures—its go-to inflation a year earlier.
prices for the That’s still about $180 below Feb- measure—would be at 4.1% and saw Both the slump in jewelry demand
yellow metal. ruary’s all-time nominal high around the PCE in 2023 at 2.6%. The latest and increase in supply, especially
The Federal $2,080, spurred by high inflation monthly core PCE reading in March scrap gold, are reactions to the first
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Reserve raised rates by a widely and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. was 5.2%. quarter’s high prices, Rhind says.
expected 50 basis points (a half- Since then, prices have deteriorated. “The Fed is thinking that inflation Persistent high prices could temper
percentage point) on Wednesday, They were about $1,850 as of Tues- is going to be barely 4% by the end jewelry demand, but investment de-
signaling a series of rate hikes this day, as traders removed some of the of the year. I think they’re living in mand is the category to watch. Jewelry
year and a plan to reduce its balance war premium and in anticipation of cloud-cuckoo land,” Day observes. demand and mine supply tend to be
sheet. Although gold slipped immedi- the Fed’s move. correlated to global economic growth,

ately after the Fed’s move, prices re- Fed Chairman Jerome Powell sig- nvestment demand for gold might but investment demand, particularly
sumed their climb on Thursday, and naled that “50 basis-point increases remain strong if real interest rates from ETFs, has more price impact
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gold-market watchers say the metal should be on the table at the next cou- stay negative. That demand rose than these other drivers, he adds.
still has more mettle in it. ple of meetings” of the Federal Open significantly in the first quarter The Fed’s actions and their impact
Normally, gold is less desirable to Market Committee, but that pace of of 2022, versus its level in the same on real interest rates is the overarch-
own when rates rise because it has increases isn’t hawkish enough to period last year, according to the World ing influence on gold prices. But
no yield, making other yield-bearing pressure gold significantly, says Gold Council, an industry group. what’s also critical are market per-
havens like bonds more attractive. Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset In its first-quarter Gold Demand ceptions of how well the Federal Re-
Yet there’s a nuance to this narrative. Management, which specializes in Trends publication, the group said that serve is balancing the battle against
What matters for gold are “real” in- resource investing. In his postmeeting global investment demand, which inflation and whether it’s engineering
terest rates—those calculated by sub- press conference, Powell shot down includes that linked to ETFs, physical a soft economic landing to avoid a
tracting the inflation rate from the the option for 75-basis-point hikes in gold bars, and coins, rose 203% in the recession. Rhind recalls that gold’s
nominal rate. The federal-funds rate the near term. quarter, to 551 metric tons, versus 182 1970s inflation-induced parabolic
is now 0.75% to 1%, but the March Based on the central bank chief’s metric tons during the same period in rally took some time.
consumer price index put inflation post-FOMC comments, TD Securities 2021. The gain was led by ETF “It wasn’t until the last couple of
at 8.5%, so real rates remain well in years that things started to get out of
negative territory. control. I think people felt like the cen-
Will Rhind, chief executive of Inflation Haven tral bank had lost control, and then the
GraniteShares, issuer of the $1 billion Investments flows from exchange-traded gold funds have played a key role in driving up gold prices. gold price really skyrocketed,” he says.
GraniteShares Gold Trust exchange- Total Return Both Day and Rhind suggest that
traded fund (ticker: BAR), says that Fund / Ticker AUM (bil) YTD 1-Yr 3-Yr gold could return to its nominal all-
gold has an advantage over cash and SPDR Gold Trust / GLD $65.2 2.8% 5.5% 13.4%
time high, hit in February. Some fore-
bonds if nominal interest rates are casters look for the metal to reach
iShares Gold Trust / IAU 31.2 2.9 5.7 13.6
positive but the real rates remain $3,000 an ounce in two years. How-
negative, since gold isn’t losing value. SPDR Gold MiniShares Trust / GLDM 5.3 3.0 5.8 13.6 ever, even that lofty price wouldn’t
Just as important as real interest abrdn Physical Gold Shares / SGOL 2.7 3.0 5.8 13.7 top gold’s January 1980 peak of $875,
rates is the trend and pace of the Fed’s iShares Gold Trust Micro / IAUM 1.2 2.8 N/A N/A in inflation-adjusted terms. To do
rate hikes. The gold market had priced GraniteShares Gold Trust / BAR 1.0 3.0 5.8 13.6 that, the metal would have to rise to a
in a 50-basis-point hike on Wednesday, Note: Returns through May 4. Three-year returns are annualized. N/A=not applicable little over $3,200 an ounce, according
Rhind says, which is why prices Source: Morningstar to the CPI inflation calculator. B
26 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


Fed’s Policy Path Doesn’t Bond Yields Gain Appeal,
Add Up, Says This Quant But Caution Still Needed
By Lisa Beilfuss 800 basis points. Two-thirds of that is By Lawrence C. Strauss Fed on Wednesday boosted short-term
about 550 basis points. (A basis point is rates by half a percentage point.)

here’s something standing in one-hundredth of a percentage point.) s bond yields remained ul- Michele believes that short-term rates
the way of what the Federal Now, consider that since June, the shadow tralow for many years, divi- of 3.25% a year from now—or in that
Reserve says it will do and policy rate has climbed about 250 basis dend stocks didn’t have a lot of vicinity—makes sense, and is something
what it actually can do: math. points, or 2.5%. The idea is that while the competition for income inves- that bond investors can live with. “It
That is the takeaway from a discus- Fed’s explicit tightening started in March, tors’ attention. But now, as the Federal feels like we’ve put in a bottom in terms
sion this week with Solomon Tadesse, financial conditions have been tightening Reserve continues to raise interest rates of bond prices for the next six-to-nine
head of quantitative equities strategies in anticipation of Fed moves. and tighten monetary policy to fight months,” he says.
North America at Société Générale. He Now, subtract that shadow tightening raging inflation, the competitive land- Still, the bond market is fraught with
is an outlier. While traders and strate- from the 550 basis points that Tadesse scape has changed dramatically and crosscurrents.
gists are pricing in aggressive policy says is the Fed’s capacity to tighten. Then, swiftly. Tom Tzitzouris, head of fixed-income
tightening as the Fed starts chasing back out this past week’s half-point hike Investors, however, need to use cau- research at Strategas, says that while
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

inflation from a 40-year high, Tadesse and March’s quarter-point hike. That tion before they start chasing fast-rising sophisticated investors can trade in and
says the Fed is already almost finished leaves just 2.25%—and that’s before get- bond yields. The 10-year U.S. Treasury out of Treasuries as yields and prices
lifting interest rates. He sees one more ting to balance-sheet reduction. Tadesse note’s yield was shade below 3% this bounce around, “for the long-term in-
rate hike in June—meaning a maximum says the first $100 billion in so-called week, up from about 1.5% at the end of vestor, I don’t see this as an entry
of 0.5% more in rate increases in this quantitative tightening will be equivalent 2021. Bond yields and prices move in point.”
cycle—despite Fed Chairman Jerome to about 12 basis points in rate increases. opposite directions—in this case, pres-

Powell’s hint on Wednesday that multi- As the balance sheet shrinks, each $100 suring prices in various fixed-income e wants to see the 10-year
ple half-point hikes are coming as well billion translates to progressively more classes such as high yield, investment- Treasury note’s yield to move
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

as subsequent smaller ones. Markets tightening; he doesn’t see the Fed shrink- grade corporates, and municipals ahead up to around 3.25%, or even a
expect the policy rate to hit at least 2.5% ing its portfolio, which doubled over the of what’s expected to be more rate hikes little higher. “I do believe the
by the end of 2022. past two years to about $9 trillion, by and tightening by the Fed. 10s can get up there,” Tzitzouris says. “I
Tadesse says his call is purely quanti- more than $1.8 trillion. Even then, Still, “for the first time in over a year, don’t know if we’re going to get up there
tative. There are two key elements to his Tadesse says, QT will soak up much of we are starting to see interest from our next week or next month or next year.
model. First, he says his research shows the Fed’s remaining tightening capacity. client base in allocating to fixed in- [But] that would be a good point for a
that the maximum amount of tightening come,” says Robert Michele, chief invest- buy-and-hold investor” to jump into

the Fed can conduct is two-thirds of the adesse acknowledges that ment officer at J.P. Morgan Global Fixed bonds.
total easing it did in the cycle leading up math is one thing and human Income, striking a more upbeat view Tzitzouris adds that he doesn’t see
to the tightening. Second, there are decisions—especially given the about bond-investing prospects at cur- much value in the 10-year at its recent
shadow rates, meant to account for large- fraught politics of inflation—are rent levels. yield range because it’s “below even the
scale asset purchases that began in re- another. The point is that if the Fed tight- Institutional investors such as pen- most optimistically low inflation expec-
sponse to the financial crisis of 2008-09 ens more than his models show, a hard sion funds and insurers, he says, have tation over the next decade of 3%.”
and were conducted over the past two landing is guaranteed. Powell says other- shown interest in investment-grade cor- Michele is a little more upbeat about
years. Used to measure the economy wise. For him to be right, Tadesse says the porates yielding in the 4.5% neighbor- fixed-income opportunities, including
when policy rates are at or near zero, Fed can’t go over 1% and tighten its bal- hood and even around 5% with longer investment-grade corporate bonds.
shadow rates attempt to show what the ance sheet at the indicated pace for more maturities, among other assets. “There’s still a high degree of confidence
policy rate would really be when uncon- than a year and a half. But to sufficiently Some individual investors, Michele that the Fed has enough tools in this
ventional measures like quantitative eas- cool inflation, it will have to. adds, have been putting money into mu- cycle to engineer a soft landing,” he says,
ing are figured in. The outcomes are binary. A soft land- nicipal bonds, whose yields have also adding that corporate profitability has
Taking quantitative easing, liquidity ing means the Fed stops as Tadesse’s risen nicely this year, as well as some been strong.
facilities, and fiscal aid into account, models suggest, implying more inflation, taxable bonds. He also likes municipal debt, which
Tadesse says the shadow policy rate probably alongside slowing growth and Michele says that market expecta- “might be the one part of market that’s is
was roughly negative 5% in the spring thus stagflation. If the Fed follows tions for the federal-funds rate—the the most underappreciated.” Ten-year
of 2021. Using that data point together through on its vow to bring prices central bank’s short-term interest rate AAA municipal bonds recently had tax-
with the cycle-peak policy rate of 2.5% down, it will have to tighten more than benchmark—indicate that it will be at able equivalent yields of roughly 4%,
in December 2018, he considers the the economy can handle before contract- roughly 3.25% a year from now, com- well above where they were at the begin-
prior easing cycle to have been almost ing. It can’t have it both ways. B pared with 0.75% to 1% currently. (The ning of the year. B
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 27

With the Nasdaq down 22% in 2022, it’s time to
start looking for bargains. Shares of Sony and
Electronic Arts could be a good place to start.

As Tech Stocks Get

market’s myopic focus on growth. The I’m biased toward companies ex-
videoconferencing company’s price- posed to console videogames. The
to-sales multiple rocketed higher as overall videogame market is in the
quarterly sales growth hit 369% at the middle of a multiyear product cycle,

Crushed, It’s Time

peak of the pandemic. A year later, the which began when Sony and Micro-
company was still posting impressive soft (MSFT) launched their latest
growth of 21%, but it wasn’t enough. consoles in 2020.
The multiple and the stock cratered. While Sony has been plagued by

To Get Back to Basics

The second key factor is a bit more chip shortages in making its PlaySta-
complicated but perhaps even more tion 5, those issues will eventually get
important: understanding how earn- sorted out. Once that happens, Sony
ings are tracking relative to Wall should thrive thanks to strong hard-
Street’s estimates. In a podcast inter- ware sales and rising software royal-
view last month, Dan Benton, who ties for games sold on its platform.
once ran the world’s largest technol- Electronic Arts, meanwhile, should

arren Buffett trends with the same speed as the pan- ogy hedge fund, argued that the big- do well as a leading game maker with
once said, demic before it. Shareholders need to gest driver for stock prices is positive an array of popular sports titles and
“You don’t closely follow business developments or negative earnings surprises. franchises like Apex Legends. Now that
find out at the companies they own—and read- In the case of both Activision Blizzard (ATVI) has
who’s been ing analyst reports is rarely enough. (AMZN) and Netflix (NFLX), multi- agreed to merge with Microsoft
swimming After years of writing about stocks, ple quarters of misses have been re- (MSFT), EA also has scarcity value as
naked until I’ve learned that two things matter sponsible for the stocks’ long slides. one of the few big independent pub-
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the tide goes out.” Well, the tide has most to a stock’s future direction: a The misses don’t have to be on actual lishers remaining. The company could
gone out for technology-focused hedge company’s growth trajectory and the results. Disappointing outlooks are ultimately attract takeover attention
funds. By Tae Kim changes to earnings estimates from even more damaging. Once you see from a larger tech company.
In the first four months of the year, Wall Street. Taking my focus off those one quarter of misses, it’s time to dou- This past week, Advanced Micro
tens of billions of investors’ capital has data points has caused me to make ble down on your research. Devices (AMD), the leading chip sup-
been vaporized in what could be the mistakes in my own stock analysis. “When a company is predicated on plier for the PlayStation and Microsoft
quickest collapse of dollar value in (Just a reminder that as an employee consistent earnings beats, revenue Xbox, said it was seeing strong de-
hedge fund history. of Dow Jones, publisher of Barron’s, I beats, margin expansion, and they mand for its console chips and ex-
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

Tiger Global’s main hedge fund fell don’t buy or sell stocks I write about.) disappoint, there’s an air pocket into pected to see higher sales later this
by more than 40% through the end of In terms of growth, investors that stock,” Benton said, referencing year and in 2023. AMD’s commentary
April, with Bloomberg estimating the should take their cue from venture Netflix. matches the trends I see at retailers.
losses for the firm at roughly $16 bil- capitalist Bill Gurley, who has long Whenever PlayStation 5 consoles be-

lion. Many other large brand-name said that nothing matters more to val- fter tech stocks’ big drop, come available, they sell out in min-
technology funds own the same uation multiples than growth rates. there may now be opportuni- utes.
names as Tiger and are likely to be The market tends to extrapolate rising ties using the same frame- Both Sony and EA are scheduled to
down as much or more. growth far into the future, sending work laid out above. Which report earnings this coming week.
The performance looks even worse multiples higher. The reverse is also companies are best positioned to gen- While I’m not sure about this quar-
upon reflection. Theoretically, hedge true. A slowdown will drive multiple erate strong growth and upside earn- ters’ results given the supply issues,
funds are supposed to preserve capital compression. ings surprises over the next year? I’m confident in both companies’ abil-
in difficult markets. They are rarely Zoom Video Communications I have two suggestions: Sony ity to generate stellar results over the
fully exposed on the long side, and use (ticker: ZM) is a good example of the (SONY) and Electronic Arts (EA). next two years. B
wagers against companies to damp
volatility. But with several funds dou-
bling the Nasdaq Composite’s loss
through April, it means their stock-
picking, or alpha, was incredibly poor.
So, what did the managers get In just four months, tens of billions of
wrong and how can other investors
avoid such pitfalls? investors’ capital has been vaporized inside
The biggest lesson from 2022’s tech
blowup is that no change is perma- top tech hedge funds. It could be the
nent. Complacency is an investor’s
worst trait. Even after a decade of tech quickest collapse of dollar value in hedge

dominance, fundamentals can quickly

shift. And that’s what has happened fund history.
this year, with the reopening sparking
28 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

May 2 through May 6, 2022

Euro Trader P. 31 Power Play P. 34

Emerging Markets P. 31 Charting the Market P. 35
Striking Price P. 32 Winners & Losers P. 36
Commodities P. 33 Statistics P. 37
Inside Scoop P. 34
13D Filings P. 34

11 M A R K E T P E R F O R M A N C E D A S H B O A R D

Dow Jones Industrials S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite ProShares

Guest IndexShort 20+ Year Treasury

52-wk: -5.40% YTD: -9.46% Wkly: -0.24%
52-wk: -2.58% YTD: -13.49% Wkly: -0.21%
52-wk: -11.69% YTD: -22.37% Wkly: -1.54%
52-wk: +16.22% YTD: +27.70% Wkly: +4.66%

Ready, Set, Hike
Roller Coaster The Federal Reserve’s policy
Stocks had a volatile committee approved a half-
Monday. The Dow Jones point interest rate increase
Industrial Average rose in the on Wednesday. Stocks 4

morning, dropped in the rallied through the

Now Hiring
afternoon, then rallied into the afternoon. 3
The U.S. economy added
close to finish up on the day.
428,000 jobs in April, data
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

showed Friday. The Fed can
focus on slowing inflation. Bond
yields rose and stocks fell.

Stocks tumbled on -1
Thursday. The Nasdaq shed
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

5% as the 10-Year Treasury

yield settled above 3% for the
first time since 2018.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Close
Source: Barron’s Statistics

ncertainty on sev- it relates to commodity prices and the rome Powell’s press conference

THE TRADER eral fronts and a

not-preposterous talk of a wider and
potentially disastrous conflict.
And the unknown unknowns are
Wednesday afternoon, a gain attributed
to the chairman taking a 0.75 percent-
age-point rate hike off the table for the
cally, geopolitically, just that: unknown. But the overall time being. He did say that further 0.5
and otherwise— picture is of a market rapidly swinging percentage point hikes would be appro-
yields known from rewarding growth at all costs to priate at the next few meetings.

The Fed knowns, known unknowns, and un-

known unknowns for investors, to cite
valuing profits and cash flow above all.
Winning stocks and sectors of the past
By Thursday, investor enthusiasm
had evaporated. The S&P 500

Hikes and Donald Rumsfeld’s famous truism

during the lead-up to the Iraq war.
The interrelated certainties are that
By Nicholas
decade are out of favor, and the march
higher in bond prices is reversing.
The market reacted violently to the
dropped 3.6%, and the Nasdaq Com-
posite tumbled a whopping 5%. Bond
yields jumped, sending the 10-year
Investors rates are going higher, growth is slow-
ing, and inflation is eating into con-
Federal Open Market Committee,
which hiked the federal-funds rate tar-
Treasury yield to about 3% for the
first time since 2018. That’s investors
Scramble sumer budgets and company margins.
The magnitude of each of the known
get by half a percentage point for only
the second time this century. Officials
pricing in the known known of bench-
mark rates continuing to rise this year.
for Cover knowns is up for debate.
The known unknowns include the
detailed plans to reduce the Federal
Reserve’s bloated balance sheet, a pro-
Friday’s April jobs report confirmed
the Fed’s trajectory, sending stocks still
lingering Covid-19 pandemic and the cess known as quantitative tightening. lower and bond yields higher. With 11.5
outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war—as The S&P 500 jumped 3% after Je- million job openings nationwide and
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 29

In Search of Preferreds
Investors can buy preferred stock from corporate issuers to closed-end funds.


CJPMorgan Chase 4.20% / JPM Pfd MM $17.90 -29.9% 5.85%
Wells Fargo 4.75% / WFC Pfd Z 19.44 -24.8 6.11
AT&T 4.75% / T Pfd C 19.24 -26.7 6.16 The New Standard for
Vornado Realty Trust 4.45% / VNO Pfd O 17.43 -29.4 6.36
Qurate Retail 8% due 2031 / QRTEP 79.35 -23.1 10.09

iShares Preferred & Income Securities / PFF $33.50 -15.0% 4.39% and Financial

Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Securites / FFC $18.12 -16.6% 7.88% Account Consolidation.
Nuveen Preferred Income Opportunities / JPC 7.87 -19.4 8.08
Note: Preferreds have par value of $25 except for Qurate Retail, which. has a par value of $100.
Source: Bloomberg

fewer than six million unemployed, the la- average earnings multiples are in banking
bor market is undeniably tight. and financials, the rare group that should
That’s a recipe for wage growth, which see core earnings power increase as rates
contributes to broad-based inflation. The rise. Cheap relative valuations reflect the
Fed can remain focused on the price stability known unknown of how much the economy
portion of its dual mandate, and not worry will deteriorate this year and next—and
about employment. Interest rates are going whether loan losses will be a result.
to continue rising—a known known. Citigroup (C), Citizens Financial
All that weighs on valuations of growth Group (CFG), Synchrony Financial (SYF),
stocks. And when investors can earn 3% or and U.S. Bancorp (USB) all screen attrac-
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more on a risk-free Treasury note, there’s tively on those metrics. So do some oil-and-
meaningful competition for slow-growth, gas producers, which have bucked the trend
dividend-yielding stocks in sectors such as of contracting profit margins this earnings
utilities and real estate. Higher rates also season, and will continue to benefit from the
mean higher bond yields, especially on the supply shock of the Ukraine war that has
longer-duration end of the spectrum. The sent energy prices soaring. APA (APA),
ProShares Short 20+ Year Treasury Marathon Oil (MRO), and Occidental
exchange-traded fund (TBF) has been a Petroleum (OXY)—a recent Buffett pur-
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

decent hedge so far in 2022, and should chase—are potential names there.
Link accounts across multiple financial institutions for
continue to be so as rates climb further. Volatility has taken the wheel. Investors
So far this earnings season, S&P 500 ought to buckle up for more bumps ahead. consolidated portfolio tracking, analysis, and reporting.
profit margins have contracted by almost 4%
Returns are now Global Investment Performance Standards
year over year, per Credit Suisse. Stocks with A Preferred Opportunity
relatively low valuations and high cash-gen- The preferred stock market has suffered (GIPS®) verified.
erating businesses could be the best place for one of its worst selloffs in decades as yields
Measure time or money-weighted returns against industry
investors to weather the known unknowns. on leading bank preferred issues have risen
Many of the highest free-cash-flow-yielding to about 6% from 4%. But with yields now benchmarks.
stocks in the S&P 500 that trade for below- at their highest levels in five years, the $350
Better understand risks vs. returns with powerful analytics.

Vital Signs
Friday's Week's Week's
Close Change % Chg. Friday's Week's Week's
Close Change % Chg.
DJ Industrials 32899.37 -77.84 -0.24
Barron's Future Focus 867.77 -17.20 -1.94
DJ Transportation 14900.85 +35.79 +0.24
Barron's Next 50 2348.40 -113.34 -4.60
DJ Utilities 1007.16 +7.26 +0.73
Barron's 400 952.74 +8.91 +0.94
DJ 65 Stocks 11299.77 +4.32 +0.04
DJ US Market 1009.27 -5.56 -0.55 Last Week Week Earlier
NYSE Advances 1,235 950
NYSE Comp. 15566.56 -48.70 -0.31
NYSE Amer Comp.
S&P 500
New Highs 112 70
S&P MidCap 2480.95 -19.31 -0.77
New Lows 1,101 989
S&P SmallCap 1208.75 -5.97 -0.49
Av Daily Vol (mil) 5,031.6 4,932.0
Nasdaq 12144.66 -189.98 -1.54
Dollar (Finex spot index) 103.69 102.96 Interactive Brokers LLC - member NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. Any trading symbols displayed are for illustrative
Value Line (arith.) 8764.44 -85.09 -0.96
T-Bond (CBT nearby futures) 136-10 140-22 purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations. GIPS® is a registered trademark
Russell 2000 1839.56 -24.54 -1.32 owned by CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it
Crude Oil (NYM light sweet crude) 109.77 104.69
DJ US TSM Float 41433.22 -245.94 -0.59 warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein 01-IB22-1479
Inflation KR-CRB (Futures Price Index) 311.32 308.27
Gold (CMX nearby futures) 1881.20 1909.30
30 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

Industry Action
Performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Industrials, ranked by weekly percent change.*

Oil & Gas 9.70%

Telecommunications 4.55
Utilities 1.30
–0.42 Industrials
–0.65 Technology
–0.69 Basic Materials
–0.73 Health Care
–0.81 Financials


–1.15 Consumer Goods
–3.78 Consumer Services


Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices

billion market has gotten more attractive. ferred at a sharp discount, there is consider-
Some preferred issues have fallen nearly ably more appreciation potential.
Visit or call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF
30% in price this year—a huge decline for an The largest ETF, the $16 billion iShares
asset class many investors have viewed as Preferred & Income Securities (PFF), is
An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a relatively low risk. The losses reflect the rise off 15% this year to $33.50 and yields 4.5%.
prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF or visit Read the in long-term interest rates and a widening in Closed-end funds yield more, reflecting
prospectus carefully before investing. yield spreads relative to Treasuries. Most the use of leverage. The Flaherty & Crum-
All ETFs are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Sector ETF products are also subject to sector risks and non-diversification risks, which generally preferreds are perpetual, which can make rine Preferred & Income Securities (FFC)
results in greater price fluctuations than the overall stock market. Ordinary brokerage commissions apply. them acutely sensitive to rate changes. Many and Nuveen Preferred & Income Oppor-
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The S&P 500 is an index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market. You cannot invest directly in an index. are down more than long-term Treasury tunities funds (JPC) yield around 8%. The
ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust. bonds, including the iShares 20-Year Nuveen fund trades at a 7% discount to net
Treasury Bond exchange-traded fund asset value; the Flaherty & Crumrine issue
(ticker: TLT), which is off 22% in 2022. fetches a slight premium to NAV.
Frank Sileo, a fixed-income strategist at Preferred stock has long appealed to
UBS, wrote recently that the market has a retail investors because of the relatively
“more favorable outlook,” citing “improved high and secure dividend yields. Preferreds
valuation” and a better backdrop for Treasury with $25 face values are traded like stocks
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

yields after sharp rate increases this year. on exchanges, mostly on the NYSE, giving
“From a credit standpoint, the market is the market more transparency than corpo-
in very good shape,” says Eric Chadwick, rate or municipal bonds. There are also
president of Flaherty & Crumrine, a pre- preferreds with $1,000 face values geared
Discover Polynesian ferred-focused investment firm with $4.5
billion under management. He points out
toward institutional investors that gener-
ally aren’t exchange-traded.
that banks dominate the market and that Chadwick says these issues are often
paradise at The Brando their “balance sheets are strong.”
The biggest losses have come in pre-
more appealing than $25 par preferreds.
One recent issue, he says, is Bank of Amer-
ferreds issued last year that had historically ica’s $2 billion of preferred that carries a
T E T I A R O A , F R E N C H P O LY N E S I A low dividend yields. J.P. Morgan’s 4.2% 6.125% rate for five years, then resets to float
preferred issue (JPM Pr M), a $2 billion at a spread of 3.25% percentage points above
O C TO B E R 2 5 – O C TO B E R 3 0, 2 0 2 2 issue, has dropped almost 30% this year to the five-year Treasury. This issue has similar
$18, lifting its yield to 5.85%. Wells Fargo’s yields to fixed-rate preferreds but less rate
6 4 6 .7 8 0 . 8 3 8 3 | I N D A G A R E .C O M / P E N TA - B R A N D O
4.75% issue (WFC Pr Z) now trades at risk due to the floating-rate feature.
$19.50 for a 6.1% yield and AT&T’s 4.75% Preferreds offer tax advantages. Divi-
issue (T Pr C) is at $19.25, yielding 6.15%. dends normally are taxed favorably like
Vornado Realty Trust’s 4.45% issue (VNO common-stock payouts since preferreds are
Pr O) is at $17.50, yielding 6.35%. a senior form of equity. While preferred
The face value on these issues is $25 a stock is less secure than debt, companies are
share; they all traded around that level at loath to omit preferred dividends in part
year-end 2021. because common dividends can’t be paid
Buying preferreds at discounts to their unless preferred payouts are being met.
face value mitigates one of the problems Barron’s has written periodically on pre-
with the market (for a sample of funds, see ferreds, cautiously in our 2022 income in-
page 29). Preferreds generally can be re- vesting outlook, and favorably in a recent
deemed by issuers in five years, limiting article on bond-market opportunities.
their upside. But if an investor buys a pre- — Andrew Bary
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 31

Oxford Nanopore Sees Bonds May Be Turning a
Growth in DNA Testing Corner After Big Decline
By Rupert Steiner the University of Oxford, has a market By Reshma Kapadia For those not yet invested in emerging
value of £2.6 billion and employs about markets, it’s a good time to step in. One

iotech company Oxford Nano- 850 people. It lost £167.6 million in 2021, ar, inflation, and a default big reason: Funds have already taken the
pore Technologies, which deeper than the £61.2 million deficit in have dealt emerging market brunt of the hit, having sold troubled se-
listed on the London market 2020. Revenue in 2021 was £133.7 mil- bonds an especially hard curities and writing down investments, for
eight months ago, produces lion, better than the £113.9 million blow, and souring senti- example, in Russian and Belarus bonds.
Covid-19 technology to identify new vari- posted in 2020. ment on emerging markets broadly hasn’t That said, this isn’t the time for a pas-
ants, but its expertise in testing DNA and CEO Gordon Sanghera tells Barron’s in helped. But for intrepid investors, this sive approach. Here’s why: Only pockets
analyzing data is where its growth lays. a statement that “we deploy a powerful corner of the bond market is already of emerging markets are attractive. Inves-
Its technology, with more than 2,000 innovation engine in our R&D teams to looking more attractive. tors want to steer toward beneficiaries of
patents, could disrupt the gene sequenc- constantly evolve our technology. This There’s no sugarcoating the pain. The the rise in commodity prices, like Latin
ing market, and is superior to rivals’ be- helps expand our user base. For example, iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging American commodity exporters, and
cause it combines portability, real-time experts in human genetics and cancer are Markets Bond exchange-traded fund steer clear of fuel and food importers
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data processing, and skill in reading ul- increasingly using our sequencing plat- (ticker: EMB) has lost 15% this year, com- whose finances could come under duress.
tralong DNA fragments. Potential appli- form to gain a more comprehensive pic- pared with the 10% loss in the iShares Countries like Mexico and Brazil are
cations stretch far beyond healthcare, ture of those genomes.” Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG). benefiting from the spike in commodity
and span agriculture, epidemiology, in- Oxford Nanopore could be well-placed Contributing to the pain is Russia’s prices, and both are favored areas for
dustry, and education. to benefit from increased spending by invasion of Ukraine, which led to indexes managers. Unlike emerging market equi-
The markets in which its tech can be governments that are conducting projects booting Russia from their benchmarks, ties benchmarks that are tilted toward
used are worth a combined $300 billion, to map the human genome so that Big and to a surge in food and fuel prices that Asia, technology, and trade-oriented
long-term, Odysseas Manesiotis, an ana- Data can be used to analyze trends in exacerbated the bad fiscal health of coun- beneficiaries, the emerging markets debt
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

lyst at Berenberg, wrote in a note. But diseases to plot care and cures. tries like Sri Lanka, which said it would indexes have a heavier helping of com-
the shares (ticker: ONT.UK) of the Ox- Stefan Hamill, an analyst at Numis, default on its foreign debt. modity beneficiaries. That offers another
ford, U.K.–based company have slumped wrote in a client note that governments But the market is primed to turn the avenue for investors looking to tap into
since they debuted at 4.25 pounds ster- are expanding their research-and-devel- corner, says Carlos de Sousa, emerging the commodity boom. But nuance is
ling ($5.55) in September. At a recent opment spending faster than gross do- markets strategist with Vontobel’s fixed-in- necessary, with some countries in better
£3.23, the stock has been dragged down mestic product to build knowledge indus- come group, which oversees $3.7 billion in shape and further away from crises than
with its peers as investors rotated from tries, “despite expected pressure on fiscal emerging markets sovereign debt assets. others.
growth issues to value shares. balance sheets, with many population Driving an inflection point is the Of course, there are pockets of the
Despite posting a loss in 2021, Oxford genomics programs under way.” diverging monetary policy around the market under stress, including frontier
Nanopore has raised revenue guidance Berenberg’s Manesiotis believes that world. Many emerging market central market countries like Tunisia, with shaky
for this year three times, most recently to increased academic and clinical adoption bankers—like those in Brazil and finances under further duress from food
a range of £145 million to £160 million. of Oxford Nanopore’s tech will support Mexico—have been ahead of the Federal shortages.
That’s up from £135 million to £145 mil- about a 30% increase in sales from 2021 Reserve and have already been raising Sri Lanka’s sovereign default raises
lion, and in line with an estimate of £151 to 2026 in terms of a compound annual rates to tackle inflation. warning flags, but its condition is a
million by RBC Capital Markets. growth rate. The crunching of data ex- That’s a change from in the past, when byproduct of years of ill fiscal health.
The dip in the share price means that tends into a raft of areas. emerging markets were often chasing the “It’s not a canary in the coal mine,” says
Oxford Nanopore could be a buying op- Advances in collecting samples from Fed’s interest-rate hikes, putting them in Nick Hardingham, director of emerging
portunity. David Westenberg, an analyst humans, plants, and animals using af- a precarious situation as they grappled markets debt at Franklin Templeton.
at Piper Sandler, estimates that the stock fordable portable and benchtop devices with rising financing costs. He adds that many emerging markets
could rise to £7.50 because of increased that analyze information in real time have Not only have they become more pro- have taken advantage of low rates to im-
adoption of its tech. applications for food safety, animal con- active, but many of the countries are in prove their fiscal positions and aren’t on
“Potential near-term applications servation, and the development of pest- much better fiscal health than in 2016. the cusp of a raft of dollar-denominated
include infectious-disease testing, rare- resistant crops. The technology can also They are less reliant on foreign-denomi- bonds coming due soon.
disease diagnosis, and microbiology,’’ he help with monitoring the impact of cli- nated debt, which should make them For those dipping their toes in, dollar-
says. “We estimate these ‘niche’ markets mate change, as researchers use it to more resilient to the Fed’s tightening denominated debt is the more conserva-
have current addressable markets of characterize microbial diversity and cycle than during the so-called taper tive option. Local debt tends to be more
more than $1 billion.” microbiome samples. Its technology is tantrum that year, when investors fled volatile and could also get hit by the
The company, which was spun out of also used in cancer research. B the asset class. continuing strength of the dollar. B
32 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

The market uncertainties are elevating fear
premiums in the options market, and creating
rarely seen, if intriguing, conditions for investors.

Extreme Market Fear Equity Options

CBOE Volatility Index The Equity-Only Put-Call Ratio

Means It’s Time to Pounce VIX Close VIX Futures

Put-Call Ratio S&P 500 Index


By Steven M. Sears miums in the options market, and creating 120

rarely seen, if intriguing, conditions. The

t’s hard to economically describe the Cboe Volatility Index, or VIX, was recently 20
current market environment and in- above 30. The VIX is so often mentioned 80
vestor sentiment, but horripilation that it might seem like an impotent indica-
comes close. The mid-17th century tor. But readings above 30 are relatively 10 40
word describes hair standing up on the rare—among the top 4% of all readings J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M
skin due to cold, fear, or excitement. historically. In the past five years, the VIX Daily Values Source: CBOE Source: McMillan Analysis Corp.
Many investors are experiencing that has rarely been that high—notably in re-
sensation as it becomes clear that the sponse to 2020’s initial Covid-19 outbreak—
mighty “Fed put” that long supported the and short-lived. SPX Skew NDX Skew
stock market is expiring. The stock market In other words, the stock market may Implied volatility % Implied volatility %
has to stand on its own—and it is having a not be able to handle uncertainty, but the 15% 13%
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

hard time maintaining its equilibrium. options market loves indecision and anxi-
The charts of many stocks reveal that ety. Fear premiums swell as investors ac- 14
trading patterns are spiraling lower. The tively buy puts to hedge stocks and portfo- 13
lofty valuations stocks have long enjoyed lios. The weakness in stocks, coupled with 11
in a low-rate, high economic-growth envi- the demand for calls as stock proxies, 12
ronment are falling back to earth. keeps greed premiums elevated, and 10
It’s hard to identify signals from noise, boosts fear premiums.
but recent comments from two great inves- The world will always need banks, drug 10
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

tors are worth pondering. companies, technological innovation, ma-

Paul Tudor Jones, the macro hedge fund chinery, cars, and so forth. Look around 9 8
manager, told CNBC recently that the fi- your house and office. Compile a shopping J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M
nancial environment was so bad “you don’t list of solid businesses you want to own, or Source: Credit Suisse Equity Derivatives Strategy Source: Credit Suisse Equity Derivatives Strategy

want to own bonds and stocks.” Jones was look to add to your current holdings. Skew indicates whether the options market expects a stock-market advance or decline. It measures the difference between the implied
volatility of puts and calls that are 10% out of the money and expire in three months. Higher readings are bearish.
famously positioned short before the 1987 If you can’t decide on one stock, consider
stock market crash, and he has been much buying the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust
admired ever since. (ticker: SPY) and curating the position with Week’s Most Active
Warren Buffett, one of the most suc- options. When SPY was around $411.36, Company Symbol Tot Vol Calls Puts Avg Tot Vol IV %ile Ratio

cessful investors in history, is actively buy- the June $305 put that expires in 2023 could Better Therapeutics BTTX 21024 15579 5445 328 100 64.1
Innoviz Technologies INVZ 77119 72319 4800 2596 95 29.7
ing stocks—and companies. At 91, an age be sold for about $10. The put sale ex- Sierra Wireless SWIR 16460 15337 1123 620 50 26.5
when most people have long since slowed presses a willingness to buy the S&P 500 at Hilltop HTH 2811 823 1988 140 58 20.1
down, the billionaire remains an apex an effective price of $295, a price last seen in Kyndryl KD 29333 12470 16863 1516 10 19.3
Everquote EVER 6132 5290 842 416 56 14.7
predator when it comes to stocks. “We August 2019. The June $500 call that ex- Satellogic SATL 9531 9013 518 696 100 13.7
depend on mispriced businesses through a pires in 2023 could be sold for about $9, too. Lyft LYFT 1029252 639030 390222 82288 89 12.5
mechanism where we’re not responsible The short strangle—selling a put and Enovix ENVX 50925 46258 4667 4268 100 11.9
2U TWOU 20160 6860 13300 1788 99 11.3
for the mispricing,” he said at the recent call with different strike prices but similar
Zymeworks ZYME 28887 20839 8048 2672 99 10.8
Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. expirations—expresses a willingness to eHealth EHTH 19179 15891 3288 1948 83 9.8
What does this mean for you? If Jones is buy low and sell high. In other words, the Chegg CHGG 122631 74544 48087 13160 83 9.3

getting dour, and Buffett is getting greedy, options market can help investors make Embark Technology EMBK 12953 238 12715 1660 100 7.8
Expedia EXPE 233060 144107 88953 29792 73 7.8
investors should think about getting into disciplined investment decisions while Freshworks FRSH 13396 5807 7589 1792 59 7.5
the act. But when? monetizing investor fear and greed. B Hudson Technologies HDSN 9494 8039 1455 1268 18 7.5
When you are so afraid that it seems as Livent LTHM 59260 54467 4793 7908 36 7.5
Ternium TX 23255 21287 1968 3376 83 6.9
if the stock market is facing impossible Steven M. Sears is the president and chief oper-
DigitalBridge DBRG 18537 18219 318 2716 51 6.8
odds, you have likely identified a market ating officer of Options Solutions, a specialized
bottom—or at least the start of your own asset-management firm. Neither he nor the firm This table of the most active options this week, as compared to average weekly activity – not just raw volume. The idea is that the unusually heavy trading in these options might be a predictor of
corporate activity – takeovers, earnings surprises, earnings pre-announcements, biotech FDA hearings or drug trial result announcements, and so forth. Dividend arbitrage has been eliminated. In
personal bull market. has a position in the options or underlying securi- short, this list attempts to identify where heavy speculation is taking place. These options are likely to be expensive in comparison to their usual pricing levels. Furthermore, many of these
situations may be rumor-driven. Most rumors do not prove to be true, so one should be aware of these increased risks if trading in these names
The uncertainties are elevating fear pre- ties mentioned in this column. Ratio is the Tot Vol divided by Avg Tot Vol. IV %ile is how expensive the options are on a scale from 0 to 100. Source: McMillan Analysis
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 33



To Shun Russian Energy Crypto 101:
By Simon Constable vide major exploration-and-production
The Investment
companies with some hefty profits.
he bold move by the European Brent crude, the international standard,
Union to phase out its Russian climbed 0.9% to $111 a barrel on May 5.
oil and natural-gas use will West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. bench-
likely exacerbate the already low mark, was up 0.3% to $108.10.
levels of inventories, boost oil and gas The U.S. has inventories of about 1.7
Wednesday, May 11 | 3:00 p.m. ET
prices, and accelerate the move to renew- billion barrels of oil and oil products such
able energy. Major energy companies that as gasoline. That’s down from 2.1 billion in
are already making the transition away 2020, according to the Energy Information
from fossil fuels look set to gain. Administration. The lower inventories The popularity of cryptocurrencies reached
“I continue to believe that today’s en- combined with the effect of phasing out an all-time high in 2021. Join us for the first
ergy companies will be the energy compa- Russian energy should keep prices $10 a
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nies of the future,” says Peter Tchir, head barrel higher, experts say. The good news virtual event of our series and step up your
of global macro strategy at Academy Secu- for automobile drivers is that relief is likely
rities. “They will be the ones that drive the on the way. understanding of these digital assets as
sustainable-energy products.” “Oil prices may already reflect a worst-
Investors who don’t mind a risk should case scenario,” says Rob Thummel, a senior
they continue their march from the fring-
consider buying top-quality energy compa- portfolio manager at investment manager es of the retail space into the portfolios of
nies such as BP (ticker: BP) and Shell TortoiseEcofin. “It takes a little time for the
(SHEL.UK). Both are well-run companies U.S. to ramp up production, but I think you more traditional institutional investors.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

that are investing heavily in alternative will see that happen.” In other words, more
energy such as wind, solar, and biomass. supply should arrive to help mitigate the
Over the next year, UBS forecasts double- loss of Russian imports. Hear from top experts on how they impact
digit returns of 13.8% and 12.6%, including Longer term, the outcome of cutting off
dividends, for Shell and BP, respectively, Russian imports will likely be an acceler- your investments or your clients’ portfolios.
according to reports from the bank. ated shift to alternative energy sources and
The decision from Europe is startling, as reduced demand, Adams says. And the
it can’t yet rely solely on renewable energy larger oil conglomerates have the clout and
or go without Russian oil or gas. A stagger- know-how to make that happen. “The
ing 27% of the oil and 41% of the EU’s natu- most powerful companies in the world are
ral gas comes from Russia, government data oil and gas companies,” he says.
show. Europe’s largest economy, Germany, There are some higher-than-usual risks
will have decommissioned its remaining with this trade. The British government
nuclear power plants by year end. said it’s reviewing whether to institute a
“I don’t think turning [Russian energy] windfall tax on energy companies that prof-
off immediately is a viable option,” says ited from the surge in oil and gas prices.
Sam Adams, CEO and portfolio manager Shell on Thursday reported a surge in profit
at Vert Asset Management. About one- for the first quarter. BP on Tuesday re-
third of what Russia provides probably ported earnings that beat Wall Street esti-
can be replaced in the near future. That mates. The tax news came despite Prime
Register Now
portion should grow, with Europe able to Minister Boris Johnson ruling it out earlier.
ditch two-thirds of the Russian imports by Such a move could hurt profits at U.K.- BARRONS.COM/GRAYSCALE2022
next winter, he says. based energy companies.
In the meantime, energy prices in Eu- Other risks could include falling prices
rope will likely stay elevated as the EU if a global recession follows interest-rate
waits for other countries to ramp up pro- hikes in the U.S. and elsewhere. Still, BP
duction and inventories remain low. In and Shell are likely good bets to make, on
turn, the higher oil and gas prices will pro- balance. B
34 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


Inozyme Pharma (INZY)
M&A Deals
Pivotal Partners switched to an
Are Taking a
GM CFO Paul Jacobson
activist stance when it reported a
6.6% stake in the clinical-stage
biopharmaceutical firm. Pivotal,
through an April 19 secondary
offering, purchased 1,070,000
Scooped Up Shares Inozyme shares at a price of $3.69
apiece. As a result, Pivotal boosted
its Inozyme stake by 67%, to

2,661,154 shares. Managing direc- eal making isn’t dead yet.
tor Robert Hopfner serves on Wall Street has seen a
By ED LIN earnings at the end of April. Inozyme’s board. slowdown in merger-and-

Jacobson paid $1.4 million on April acquisition activity this year
eneral Motors stock has 28 for 35,000 GM shares, an average Nkarta (NKTX) following 2021’s surge, but deal
tumbled this year, and price of $38.79 each, according to a RA Capital Management raised making appears to be taking a
Chief Financial Officer form he filed with the Securities and GM stock is its position in the cancer-treatment breather rather than a full stop,
Paul Jacobson scooped up Exchange Commission. He now owns lagging behind biopharmaceutical firm to according to bankers speaking at
shares of the auto giant. 110,000 GM shares. the market so far 7,832,340 shares. RA Capital in- the Milken Institute Global Confer-
GM (ticker: GM) stock “The purchase speaks for itself,” in 2022. Chief creased its Nkarta stake by nearly ence this past week. In fact, as busi-
has lost about a third of Jacobson told Barron’s. “I think GM is Financial Officer 40% by buying 2,200,000 shares nesses are eager to protect their
its value in 2022, about even with rival undervalued, and a great investment.” Paul Jacobson through an April 26 secondary of- supply chains, a ramp up of merg-
Ford Motor (F), and compared with He joined GM in December 2020, bought $1.4 million fering that priced at $15 each. The ers may be on the horizon.
a 13% drop in the S&P 500 index. At and is a former CFO of Delta Air of shares of the exercise of the underwriters’ option “Supply chain is the most impor-
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the end of last year, we named GM as Lines (DAL). auto giant. brought the total number of shares tant topic in companies,” Drew
one of our top stock picks for 2022. GM has stock-ownership require- sold by Nkarta to 15,333,334 shares, Goldman, global head of invest-
We noted that it is “as well positioned ments of its executive officers and and increased the gross proceeds ment banking coverage and advi-
as any of its peers and is valued at less directors, and Jacobson is expected to raised in the offering, before de- sory at Deutsche Bank, said Tues-
than a tenth of Tesla (TSLA).” own four times his annual salary in ducting discounts, commissions, day, remarking on the motivations
But this year has seen the com- stock, according to the company’s lat- and expenses, to $230 million. RA for deals. “Right now it’s more es-
pany idling plants due to the ongoing est proxy. He was paid a $1 million Capital now owns a 16.2% interest sential: What is it I need to secure
chip shortage. The company also base salary in 2021. But GM officers in Nkarta. RA Capital Principal my business?”
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

increased a controlling stake in its and directors have five years to meet Zachery Scheiner serves on Still, it would be hard to deny
Cruise autonomous-driving unit, the ownership requirements, so Jacob- Nkarta’s board. The fresh invest- that the urge to merge has been
which isn’t yet profitable, although son wasn’t obligated to buy this much ment isn’t tied to any plan or tempered. Deal count was down by
GM reported strong first-quarter stock this quickly. B proposal. 10% in the first quarter, according
to Dealogic. Rising interest rates
Antares Pharma (ATRS) make financing deals less attractive,
Magnetar Capital ratcheted while market volatility makes it
up its holding in the biopharma- difficult for buyers and sellers to

Activist Holdings nicated “the immense potential and

promise” of its knee osteoarthritis
treatment Amniofix. As a result,
ceutical firm to 13,191,998 shares.
Nearly all of those shares were
purchased from March 1 through
agree on prices.
But companies don’t want to
wait too long before looking to
MiMedx Group (MDXG) investors have assigned little value April 28 at prices of $3.44 through merge, since supply-chain issues
Prescience Point Capital sold to Amniofix, which Prescience Point $5.57 each. On April 13, Antares and the need to digitize aren’t going
These disclosures are
564,561 shares of the tissue-grafts sees as potentially reaching peak from 13Ds filed with Pharma agreed to be acquired by away regardless of the gyrations in
biotech company from April 8 sales in excess of $15 billion. the Securities and Halozyme Therapeutics (HALO) markets and interest rates. Bankers
Exchange Commission.
through April 13 at per share Although Prescience Point be- 13Ds are filed within
for $960 million in cash, which expect to see a pickup in activity in
prices ranging from $4.19 to lieves that MiMedx will “pursue stra- 10 days of an entity’s breaks down to $5.60 per Antares the back half of the year, when
$4.74. Prescience Point now holds tegic alternatives” for Amniofix later attaining more than share. That represented a 49.7% there’s ideally a little more clarity
5% in any class of a
7,602,577 MiMedx shares, equal this year, it still believes that MiMedx company’s securities. premium to the previous trading around geopolitical issues.
to 6.7% of the outstanding stock. needs to correct “its inability to com- Subsequent changes session’s closing price of $3.74. “Companies don’t want to wait
Prescience Point revealed that it is municate its story,” as well as other in holdings or inten- Magnetar disclosed that it ac- two years to execute on a transac-
tions must be re-
“deeply concerned by [MiMedx’s] issues, before any potential negotia- ported in amended quired Antares Pharma stock tion,” says Steven Geller, managing
operational performance, strategic tions occur. filings. This material is in order to receive the merger director and global co-head of M&A,
from April 28 through
direction, and stock-price perfor- To that end, Prescience Point is May 4, 2022. Source:
consideration. Magnetar currently investment banking, and capital
mance.” It specifically noted that seeking representation on MiMedx’s Verity (verityplat- owns 7.7% of Antares Pharma’s markets at Credit Suisse. “You don’t
MiMedx has ineffectually commu- board. tradable stock. want to be looking into 2025 when
your ecosystems are being disrupted
quickly by technology.” B
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 35


A graphic look at selected stock activity
for the week ended on May 6, 2022
Edited by Bill Alpert

Under Armour Shopify eBay Cloudflare

UAA (NYSE) • $10.89 • -4.47 SHOP (NYSE) • $377.49 • -49.33 EBAY (NASD) • $48.81 • -3.11 NET (NYSE) • $65.61 • -20.53
The athletic-wear maker blamed supply prob- As e-commerce’s Covid booster wanes, the E-commerce stocks like eBay and PayPal fell The web security firm reported a March-quarter
lems and China’s lockdowns for a March-quarter company reported 20 cents a share in March- from favor as consumers shifted their spending loss of a penny a share, and decelerating growth in
loss and reduced earnings guidance. quarter earnings. Wall Street looked for 64 cents. back to bricks-and-mortar retail. its backlog. Sales only just beat forecasts.

Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $

29 1760 85.5 222
25 1474 77.0 189
21 1188 68.5 156
17 902 60.0 123
13 616 51.5 90
9 330 43.0 57

Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions

76 34 62 42
38 17 31 21
0 0 0 0

Lyft Silicon Motion Technology Tupperware Brands Amarin

LYFT (NASD) • $20.51 • -12.09 SIMO (NASD) • $92.68 • 16.75 TUP (NYSE) • $9.93 • -7.65 AMRN (NASD) • $1.34 • -1.35
March-quarter sales rose 44% at the ride-hailing The Taiwan-based chip firm agreed to a $3.8 Sales fell 16% in the March quarter for the Generic competition fed a 33% drop in U.S. sales
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service—and 136% at rival Uber. But neither billion cash and stock buyout by MaxLinear. housewares direct seller, while profits of 12 cents and a March-quarter loss at the seller of fish-oil-
showed net profits. investors are tired of waiting. Combined, they’ll offer complementary products. a share were far below the expected 52 cents. based heart drugs. J.P. Morgan went to a Sell.

Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $

66 104 32 7.5
56 92 27 6.0
46 80 22 4.5
36 68 17 3.0
26 56 12 1.5
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

16 44 7 0.0

Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions

222 14 16 80
111 7 8 40
0 0 0 0

Western Digital Wayfair Carvana Albemarle

WDC (NASD) • $59.45 • 6.38 W (NYSE) • $66.17 • -10.77 CVNA (NYSE) • $46.48 • -11.48 ALB (NYSE) • $242.41 • 49.58
The activists at Elliott Investment Management In another e-commerce reversal, the furniture Wells Fargo cut its rating on the internet used-car As battery demand grows, the lithium producer
called for the company to separate its hard-disk- seller’s sales fell 14% in the March quarter, with a dealer—and rivals Vroom and Shift Technologies— raised 2022 sales guidance to $5.4 billion, from its
drive and flash-memory businesses. loss of $1.96 a share versus a year-ago profit of $1. from Buy to Hold. Gross profit has thinned. prior forecast for $4.4 billion.

Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $

80 344 377 300
72 285 308 264
64 226 239 228
56 167 170 192
48 108 101 156
40 49 32 120

Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions Volume in Millions

46 36 76 14
23 18 38 7
0 0 0 0

The charts record the net change in share price, the high, low and closing trades, and share volume for companies with noteworthy stock activity last week. In addition, the graphs depict last week’s daily price activity in detail. The dotted line on some graphs denotes the stock’s 200-day moving average; lack of a moving average means the shares have traded for less than
that time period. If the close from the current week is lower than a year ago the graph will be presented in red. If the close from the current week is higher than a year ago then the graph will be presented in green.
36 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

W I N N E R S & LO S E R S
Saturday Inbox: Sign up for the
Market Lab Newsletter every Saturday

NYSE Biggest % Movers NYSE Most Active NYSE American Most Active Nasdaq Most Active
Winners Volume Percentage Leaders Volume Percentage Leaders Volume Percentage Leaders
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. Name (Sym) Volume %Chg. Close Change Name (Sym) Volume %Chg. Close Change Name (Sym) Volume %Chg. Close Change
ForgeGlobal(FRGE) 15998 32.58 +13.68 +72.4 M3-BrigadeIII A(MBSC) 1600 1542.2 9.98 +0.00 AdaraAcqnA(ADRA) 271 210.6 9.92 +0.03 AtlCoastal II A(ACAB) 888 3151.1 9.98 +0.03
BlueLinx(BXC) 1595 96.83 +30.16 +45.2 ST Ener I A(STET) 1633 1457.7 9.89 0.00 DeltaApparel(DLA) 222 205.8 29.81 +0.83 McLarenTechA(MLAI) 1543 2606.5 9.99 –0.01
Cooper-Standard(CPS) 5287 6.25 +1.64 +35.6 AfterNextA(AFTR) 2753 1065.2 9.71 +0.00 Ashford(AINC) 111 190.0 13.75 +0.69 DigitalHealth(DHAC) 1651 2484.8 10.01 –0.02
Livent(LTHM) 34605 28.02 +6.66 +31.2 DelwindsInsA(DWIN) 2412 1061.6 9.97 0.00 HNR Acqn(HNRA) 427 178.2 9.99 –0.01 LavaMedtech(LVAC) 1542 2361.0 10.05 +0.01
EPAM Systems(EPAM) 7729 347.00 +82.01 +30.9 ShoulderUpTechA(SUAC) 815 1054.9 9.94 +0.01 EmpirePetrol(EP) 234 153.1 24.70 +0.90 TarsusPharm(TARS) 4397 1982.0 11.08 –7.23
CVR Energy(CVI) 6681 32.71 +7.64 +30.5 SandbridgeX2 A(SBII) 1323 1007.2 9.80 0.00 AltisourceAsset(AAMC) 93 145.2 10.50 +1.40 InvestcorpEur I A(IVCB) 1412 1760.1 10.00 0.00
SequansComms(SQNS) 690 3.11 +0.69 +28.5 BeardEnerA(BRD) 709 1001.9 9.93 –0.04 Envela(ELA) 413 142.6 4.89 –0.54 GesherIAcqnA(GIAC) 1001 1422.9 9.87 –0.02
Albemarle(ALB) 10100 242.41 +49.58 +25.7 KingswoodA(KWAC) 1400 966.1 10.24 +0.01 Cohen(COHN) 117 140.7 13.99 –0.61 GlblTechAcqnI(GTAC) 1459 1287.3 9.96 –0.01
PrimeImpactI A(PIAI) 1453 925.7 9.91 0.00 AcmeUnited(ACU) 69 118.0 34.09 +1.10 ALSPOrchidI A(ALOR) 1781 1133.2 9.96 –0.06
Losers LearnCWInvtA(LCW) 1410 888.7 9.86 0.00 EvansBancorp(EVBN) 84 113.0 37.12 –1.00 Redbox(RDBX) 286152 1030.7 6.14 +0.16
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg.
ColombierAcqnA(CLBR) 1362 729.9 9.74 +0.01 IssuerDirect(ISDR) 67 83.0 24.76 +0.89 ZimmerEnerA(ZT) 1410 989.7 9.73 +0.01
Tupperware(TUP) 14349 9.93 –7.65 –43.5
AvantiAcqnA(AVAN) 5623 709.4 9.89 –0.01 Electromed(ELMD) 77 70.6 12.50 –0.17 GenesisUnicornA(GENQ) 790 715.9 9.95 –0.01
StudioCity(MSC) 94 2.61 –1.20 –31.5
HorizonII A(HZON) 4451 699.0 9.89 –0.01 ImperialOil(IMO) 4199 50.5 52.76 +2.62 IntelligentMedA(IQMD) 1360 710.8 10.01 +0.01
UnderArmour C(UA) 38610 9.85 –4.34 –30.6
TwinRidgeCapA(TRCA) 1005 646.7 9.80 –0.01 EquinoxGold(EQX) 16579 44.7 5.80 –1.33 FocusImpactAcqn(FIAC) 879 614.9 9.96 +0.02
QuadGraphics(QUAD) 4392 4.74 –2.04 –30.1
SocialLvgI A(SLAC) 1545 640.9 9.81 +0.01 EVI Industries(EVI) 191 36.0 12.92 –1.37 FirstGuarBcshs(FGBI) 251 610.5 27.25 +4.25 25035 121.00 –49.71 –29.1
TrepontAcqnI A(TACA) 1596 543.0 10.09 +0.01 NewFoundGold(NFGC) 1054 28.9 6.51 –0.03 Lyft(LYFT) 220819 605.4 20.51 –12.09
UnderArmour A(UAA) 67149 10.89 –4.47 –29.1
Chegg(CHGG) 95070 539.6 18.65 –6.09 MastechDigital(MHH) 100 26.9 18.59 +0.17 FG Merger(FGMC) 349 506.3 9.98 –0.01
LocalBounti(LOCL) 921 5.03 –1.97 –28.1
BlackMountainA(BMAC) 1756 526.0 9.95 –0.01 BlueRidgeBkshs(BRBS) 293 25.7 14.70 +0.13 CactusAcqn1 A(CCTS) 744 503.9 9.98 +0.01
UserTesting(USER) 1527 5.79 –2.02 –25.9
Crawford B(CRD.B) 565 491.4 7.19 –0.18 BarHarborBkshs(BHB) 114 15.9 26.10 –0.01 LogisticsInnovA(LITT) 787 499.0 9.76 +0.04
AmRltyInv(ARL) 152 459.7 20.81 –1.41 CheniereEnergy(LNG) 13679 14.2 147.27 +11.46 SportsMapTech(SMAP) 587 487.9 9.95 0.00

NYSE American Biggest % Movers By Share Volume By Share Volume By Share Volume
Winners Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg.
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. ItauUnibanco(ITUB) 330169 4.65 –0.14 –2.9 BitNile(NILE) 130856 0.32 –0.08 –20.5 AdvMicroDevices(AMD) 747349 95.34 +9.82 +11.5
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DecisionPointSys(DPSI) 152 6.69 +2.79 +71.5 Uber(UBER) 328923 26.07 –5.41 –17.2 ITTechPkg(ITP) 121506 0.40 –0.05 –10.6 Apple(AAPL) 566747 157.28 –0.37 –0.2
ArenaGroup(AREN) 339 15.00 +4.65 +44.9 NIO(NIO) 307178 14.92 –1.78 –10.7 Tellurian(TELL) 112920 4.43 –0.55 –11.0 NVIDIA(NVDA) 295553 186.75 +1.28 +0.7
InfuSystems(INFU) 813 9.33 +1.40 +17.7 FordMotor(F) 304602 14.21 +0.05 +0.4 CamberEnergy(CEI) 110330 0.77 –0.03 –3.3 Redbox(RDBX) 286152 6.14 +0.16 +2.7
AltisourceAsset(AAMC) 93 10.50 +1.40 +15.4 AT&T(T) 297960 20.03 +1.17 +6.2 Zomedica(ZOM) 76550 0.24 –0.01 –2.8 SoFiTech(SOFI) 245277 6.44 +0.32 +5.2
HoustonAmEner(HUSA) 21485 4.08 +0.52 +14.6 BankofAmerica(BAC) 252682 37.45 +1.77 +5.0 B2Gold(BTG) 71467 4.31 +0.06 +1.4 Intel(INTC) 224111 44.30 +0.71 +1.6
InnSuitesHosp(IHT) 77 2.83 +0.30 +11.9 SOS(SOS) 226354 0.45 +0.03 +6.8 UraniumEner(UEC) 66800 4.13 –0.12 –2.8 Lyft(LYFT) 220819 20.51 –12.09 –37.1
AirspanNetworks(MIMO) 245 2.80 +0.29 +11.6 PalantirTech(PLTR) 225533 9.48 –0.92 –8.8 GranTierraEner(GTE) 44511 1.62 0.00 0.0 MetaPlatforms(FB) 208667 203.77 +3.30 +1.6
RingEnergy(REI) 11356 4.96 +0.49 +11.0 Nokia(NOK) 219013 4.96 –0.08 –1.6 DenisonMines(DNN) 44284 1.20 –0.11 –8.4 Microsoft(MSFT) 175694 274.73 –2.79 –1.0
Vale(VALE) 203607 15.72 –1.17 –6.9 Senseonics(SENS) 25727 1.26 –0.14 –10.0 AmerAirlines(AAL) 160080 17.84 –0.93 –5.0
Losers PetroleoBrasil(PBR) 193644 14.08 +0.51 +3.8 NewGold(NGD) 25652 1.35 –0.11 –7.5 Comcast A(CMCSA) 155957 40.00 +0.24 +0.6
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg.
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Carnival(CCL) 188656 15.92 –1.38 –8.0 AustinGold(AUST) 24475 2.96 –1.04 –26.0 DraftKings(DKNG) 138612 13.15 –0.53 –3.9
TakungArt(TKAT) 3209 1.95 –0.58 –22.9
ExxonMobil(XOM) 187040 91.69 +6.44 +7.6 HoustonAmEner(HUSA) 21485 4.08 +0.52 +14.6 OpendoorTech(OPEN) 129018 6.71 –0.28 –4.0
EquinoxGold(EQX) 16579 5.80 –1.33 –18.7
Twitter(TWTR) 169621 49.80 +0.78 +1.6 Globalstar(GSAT) 21076 1.12 –0.04 –3.4 Tesla(TSLA) 128765 865.65 –5.11 –0.6
Stereotaxis(STXS) 2366 2.18 –0.32 –12.8
Ambev(ABEV) 168172 2.62 –0.29 –10.0 EnergyFuels(UUUU) 17522 6.91 –0.60 –8.0 SesenBio(SESN) 113340 0.54 +0.16 +41.5
RegionalHealth(RHE) 132 2.88 –0.36 –11.1
OccidentalPetrol(OXY) 163727 64.94 +9.85 +17.9 EquinoxGold(EQX) 16579 5.80 –1.33 –18.7 TilrayBrands(TLRY) 112856 4.74 –0.24 –4.8
Tellurian(TELL) 112920 4.43 –0.55 –11.0
EnergyTransfer(ET) 149112 11.63 +0.55 +5.0 TasekoMines(TGB) 16485 1.72 –0.21 –10.9 Robinhood(HOOD) 108817 10.12 +0.31 +3.2
FreshVineWine(VINE) 98 3.13 –0.36 –10.3
Pfizer(PFE) 146768 49.04 –0.03 –0.1 AsensusSurg(ASXC) 16449 0.38 –0.07 –15.9 CiscoSystems(CSCO) 108796 49.33 +0.35 +0.7
Envela(ELA) 413 4.89 –0.54 –9.9
SouthwesternEner(SWN) 143248 7.30 –0.20 –2.7 CheniereEnergy(LNG) 13679 147.27 +11.46 +8.4 Zynga(ZNGA) 107016 8.08 –0.19 –2.3
BM Tech(BMTX) 276 6.85 –0.75 –9.9
AMC Ent(AMC) 141962 13.76 –1.54 –10.1 AmpioPharm(AMPE) 12424 0.23 +0.00 +0.4 WarnerBrosA(WBD) 106435 17.75 –0.40 –2.2

Nasdaq Biggest % Movers By Dollar Volume By Dollar Volume

Name (Sym) $ Volume Close Change %Chg.
By Dollar Volume
Name (Sym) $ Volume Close Change %Chg.
Name (Sym) $ Volume Close Change %Chg.
Winners ExxonMobil(XOM) 16662290 91.69 +6.44 +7.6 CheniereEnergy(LNG) 1948031 147.27 +11.46 +8.4 Tesla(TSLA) 114163480 865.65 –5.11 –0.6
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg.
Shopify(SHOP) 13768817 377.49 –49.33 –11.6 Tellurian(TELL) 543103 4.43 –0.55 –11.0 Apple(AAPL) 89596974 157.28 –0.37 –0.2
NexImmune(NEXI) 828 2.96 +0.85 +40.3
Block(SQ) 11048996 96.19 –3.35 –3.4 B2Gold(BTG) 307209 4.31 +0.06 +1.4 72600167 2295.45 –190.18 –7.7
eHealth(EHTH) 13633 11.08 +3.03 +37.6
OccidentalPetrol(OXY) 9900735 64.94 +9.85 +17.9 UraniumEner(UEC) 288405 4.13 –0.12 –2.8 AdvMicroDevices(AMD) 69276917 95.34 +9.82 +11.5
ShoalsTech(SHLS) 14918 13.57 +3.59 +36.0
JPMorganChase(JPM) 9879543 123.72 +4.36 +3.7 ImperialOil(IMO) 216229 52.76 +2.62 +5.2 NVIDIA(NVDA) 56351082 186.75 +1.28 +0.7
ArrayTech(ARRY) 31034 8.87 +2.34 +35.8
BankofAmerica(BAC) 9389208 37.45 +1.77 +5.0 AustinGold(AUST) 187022 2.96 –1.04 –26.0 Microsoft(MSFT) 49046508 274.73 –2.79 –1.0
CPI Card(PMTS) 199 15.39 +3.89 +33.8
Alibaba(BABA) 9239479 90.05 –7.04 –7.3 EnergyFuels(UUUU) 126160 6.91 –0.60 –8.0 MetaPlatforms(FB) 43745346 203.77 +3.30 +1.6
BiomeaFusion(BMEA) 825 4.01 +1.01 +33.7
Uber(UBER) 8885666 26.07 –5.41 –17.2 IndonesiaEnergy(INDO) 113212 18.22 –0.02 –0.1 Alphabet A(GOOGL) 22865551 2314.93 +32.74 +1.4 11020 7.89 +1.90 +31.7
Twitter(TWTR) 8409876 49.80 +0.78 +1.6 EquinoxGold(EQX) 103740 5.80 –1.33 –18.7 Alphabet C(GOOG) 19078880 2313.20 +13.87 +0.6
TransMedics(TMDX) 4469 27.59 +6.63 +31.6
UnitedHealth(UNH) 8245575 499.62 –8.93 –1.8 HoustonAmEner(HUSA) 88261 4.08 +0.52 +14.6 Netflix(NFLX) 13366956 180.97 –9.39 –4.9

Losers Chevron(CVX) 8159044 170.69 +14.02 +8.9 CamberEnergy(CEI) 86665 0.77 –0.03 –3.3 Intel(INTC) 10038438 44.30 +0.71 +1.6
Name (Sym) Volume Close Change %Chg. Visa(V) 8125274 202.82 –10.31 –4.8 GranTierraEner(GTE) 72267 1.62 0.00 0.0 Airbnb(ABNB) 9285744 135.84 –17.37 –11.3

ConnectBiopharma(CNTB) 6906 0.62 –1.41 –69.2 BerkHathwy B(BRK.B) 7775208 318.88 –3.95 –1.2 SkyHarbour(SKYH) 64400 7.31 –0.42 –5.4 PayPal(PYPL) 8359578 81.68 –6.25 –7.1

SperoTherap(SPRO) 25178 2.07 –2.79 –57.4 Boeing(BA) 7158364 148.90 +0.06 +0.0 ITTechPkg(ITP) 55434 0.40 –0.05 –10.6 Costco(COST) 8191763 503.36 –28.36 –5.3

ClovisOncology(CLVS) 66643 0.99 –1.01 –50.4 Pfizer(PFE) 7136781 49.04 –0.03 –0.1 DenisonMines(DNN) 55186 1.20 –0.11 –8.4 BookingHldgs(BKNG) 8167433 2194.23 –16.08 –0.7

Amarin(AMRN) 79956 1.34 –1.35 –50.2 Disney(DIS) 6980823 110.29 –1.34 –1.2 RingEnergy(REI) 54320 4.96 +0.49 +11.0 Qualcomm(QCOM) 8053654 140.58 +0.89 +0.6

KezarLifeSci(KZR) 13198 6.31 –5.57 –46.9 BerkHathwy A(BRK.A) 6931166479500.00 –4840.00 –1.0 NovaGoldRscs(NG) 48507 5.77 –0.45 –7.2 Broadcom(AVGO) 7005947 580.10 +25.71 +4.6

TarsusPharm(TARS) 4397 11.08 –7.23 –39.5 Procter&Gamble(PG) 6875802 156.00 –4.55 –2.8 BitNile(NILE) 47208 0.32 –0.08 –20.5 Starbucks(SBUX) 6784980 76.52 +1.88 +2.5

Eargo(EAR) 6148 2.29 –1.49 –39.4 Coca-Cola(KO) 6743012 64.74 +0.13 +0.2 CheniereEnerPtrs(CQP) 43538 56.58 +2.82 +5.2 Comcast A(CMCSA) 6283945 40.00 +0.24 +0.6

KymeraTherap(KYMR) 8064 19.04 –12.31 –39.3 Citigroup(C) 6545083 51.62 +3.41 +7.1 NewGold(NGD) 35940 1.35 –0.11 –7.5 Adobe(ADBE) 6246677 391.01 –4.94 –1.2

Includes Common shares only. All figures reflect activity for the most-recent five-day trading week. Share volume figures are expressed in thousands. Volume percentage leaders exclude stocks with average daily volume of fewer than 5,000 shares or priced under $5.
Average volume is based on 65 trading days. Volume figures do not reflect extended trading hours. a-Stock has not been in existence or not been traded for 65 consecutive sessions. S-Stock split or stock dividend amounting to 10% or more. X-Ex-dividend
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 37

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Statistics from May 2-6, 2022


–52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
22.60 14.31 AmericaMovil AMX 1.8 11 18.74 –0.69.1964 49.10 21.15 ArcusBiosci RCUS ... 51 21.45 –2.76 ... 13.57 2.63 Bark BARK ... dd 2.80 –0.29 ... 47.50 37.96 BostonSci BSX ... 77 40.85 –1.26 ...
A 22.39 14.36 AmericaMovil A AMOV 2.1 11 18.94 –0.29.1964 12.43 6.44 ArdaghMetalPkg AMBP 5.8 dd 6.91 –0.22 .10 36.52 24.08 B&G Foods BGS 7.8 24 24.37 –2.56 .475 13.09 6.96 Bowlero BOWL ... dd 9.59 –1.30 ...
40.83 33.27 AmericanAssets AAT 3.7 55 34.38 –2.22 .32 7.39 3.07 ArdmoreShipping ASC ... dd 7.00 +0.77 ... 59.34 48.12 BCE BCE 5.4 23 53.91 +0.74.7168 33.04 20.83 Box BOX ... dd 29.51 –1.11 ...
52.00 30.90 AAR AIR ... 25 46.93 –0.05 ... 13.06 6.41 AmericanAxle AXL ... cc 6.95 +0.33 ... 9.90 9.66 AresAcqnA AAC ... 77 9.81 –0.01 ... 2.47 0.38 BEST BEST ... 5 .40 –0.01 ... 17.05 7.94 Boxed BOXD ... dd 10.25 –1.22 ...
39.11 28.72 ABB ABB 2.4 12 29.00 –0.87.7066 65.02 45.03 AmCampus ACC 2.9 cc 64.75 +0.08 .47 16.98 13.48 AresCommRealEst ACRE 8.6 11 15.40 +0.33 .02 15.65 11.45 BGSF BGSF 4.6 5 13.05 +0.84 .15 72.72 50.38 BoydGaming BYD .0 13 58.35 –2.23 .15
54.00 38.44 ABMIndustries ABM 1.7 25 46.19 –2.08 .195 38.99 14.26 AmerEagle AEO 5.0 7 14.43 –0.68 .18 90.08 50.46 AresMgmt ARES 3.6 32 67.89 +1.67 .61 82.07 51.88 BHP Group BHP 10.6 10 65.85 –1.13 3.00 61.76 41.70 Brady BRC 2.0 18 45.54 +0.79 .225
9.77 7.06 ACCO Brands ACCO 4.2 6 7.12 –0.21 .075 44.49 27.12 AmEqtyLf AEL 1.0 8 35.62 –2.10 .34 53.54 35.60 Argan AGX 2.7 15 36.93 +0.15 .25 15.93 1.46 BitMining BTCM ... dd 1.48 –0.19 ... 7.10 4.18 BraemarHtls BHR .7 dd 5.95 –0.11 .01
18.43 10.75 AcresCmclRlty ACR ... 7 11.85 +0.37 ... 199.55 149.89 AmerExpress AXP 1.2 17 167.15 –7.56 .52 61.30 36.37 ArgoGroup ARGO 3.0 dd 41.30 –1.50 .31 74.09 43.08 BJ'sWholesale BJ ... 20 61.68 –2.67 ... 15.17 11.24 BrandywineRealty BDN 6.7 cc 11.41 –0.26 .19
32.00 10.73 ADC Therap ADCT ... dd 10.95 –0.82 ... 152.29 117.57 AmericanFin AFG 1.5 6 149.10 +10.62 8.00 19.68 10.06 ArisWater ARIS 1.9 ... 16.44 –0.50 .09 9.95 9.61 BoaAcqnA BOAS ... 57 9.88 –0.01 ... 9.82 4.26 BrasilAgro LND 12.8 5 6.63 –0.26.4586
11.78 6.65 ADT ADT 2.0 dd 7.00 +0.15 .035 44.07 35.89 AmHomes4Rent AMH 1.9 91 37.41 –2.20 .18 148.57 78.33 AristaNetworks ANET ... 38 110.98 –4.59 ... 34.16 22.64 BP BP 4.0 dd 31.86 +3.14.3276 26.93 15.36 Braskem BAK 20.6 2 15.64 –0.72 .708
10.32 9.69 AEA-BridgesA IMPX ... cc 9.93 +0.01 ... 65.73 44.54 AIG AIG 2.1 5 62.23 +3.72 .32 4.27 3.05 ArlingtonAsset AAIC ... dd 3.10 +0.05 ... 18.39 2.92 BP Prudhoe BPT 4.3 cc 15.72 +2.711.0875 102.23 50.30 BreadFinancial BFH 1.6 3 53.99 –0.81 .21
79.97 58.36 AECOM ACM .8 50 71.17 +0.61 .15 23.02 7.76 AmRltyInv ARL ... cc 20.81 –1.41 ... 11.79 5.48 ArloTech ARLO ... dd 7.25 –0.49 ... 34.00 9.10 BRC BRCC ... 88 11.71 –3.19 ... 25.61 14.05 BridgeInvt BRDG 4.7 11 18.06 –0.72 .21
27.00 19.76 AES AES 3.0 dd 20.94 +0.52 .158 103.77 74.77 AmerStWater AWR 1.9 30 75.89 –2.77 .365 15.80 12.62 ArmadaHoffler AHH 5.1 86 13.34 –0.21 .17 6.08 2.39 BRF BRFS ... 28 2.39 –0.41 ... 28.84 16.51 BrighamMin MNRL 2.2 24 26.36 +1.58 .44
67.20 51.28 Aflac AFL 2.7 10 58.23 +0.95 .40 303.72 220.00 AmerTowerREIT AMT 2.2 42 244.07 +3.05 1.40 12.41 7.14 ArmourRes ARR 15.8 dd 7.61 +0.27 .10 25.31 16.03 BRT Apartments BRT 4.5 13 20.53 –1.36 .23 17.93 1.61 BrightHealth BHG ... dd 2.29 +0.49 ...
155.87 108.56 AGCO AGCO .8 10 123.30 –4.10 4.50 24.25 13.82 AmerVanguard AVD .5 34 20.74 –0.66 .025 6.74 0.27 ArmstrongFlooring AFI ... dd .29 –1.35 ... 66.54 42.58 BWX Tech BWXT 1.7 16 50.33 –1.59 .22 171.91 85.58 BrightHorizons BFAM ... 74 86.21 –28.03 ...
14.85 7.09 AG Mortgage MITT10.6 1 7.96 +0.37 .21 189.65 144.20 AmerWaterWorks AWK 1.8 21 149.01 –5.07 .655 118.14 81.94 ArmstrongWorld AWI 1.1 21 82.87 –1.79 .231 10.37 5.81 Babcock&Wilcox BW ... 35 7.36 –0.15 ... 5.74 0.51 BrightScholarEduc BEDU32.3 dd .65 +0.06 .12
15.23 3.48 a.k.a.Brands AKA ... ... 3.65 +0.12 ... 14.76 2.83 AmericanWell AMWL ... dd 2.95 –0.18 ... 137.95 107.11 ArrowElec ARW ... 8 124.93 +7.07 ... 16.00 1.13 Babylon BBLN ... dd 1.23 –0.25 ... 31.17 19.65 BrightSphere BSIG .2 12 20.25 +0.21 .01
72.62 9.14 AMC Ent AMC ... dd 13.76 –1.54 ... 10.28 9.93 AmericasTechA ATA ... 76 10.27 +0.01 ... 57.21 32.07 ArtisanPtrsAsset APAM11.4 7 33.86 +1.72 .76 112.36 78.40 BadgerMeter BMI 1.0 38 79.57 –1.12 .20 10.68 7.82 BrightSpire BRSP 9.4 dd 8.05 –0.45 .19
129.12 86.96 AMN Healthcare AMN ... 14 92.09 –5.66 ... 40.85 25.09 AmericoldRealty COLD 3.4 dd 26.23 –0.15 .22 32.34 16.56 Artivion AORT ... dd 18.34 –1.95 ... 50.80 3.31 Bakkt BKKT ... dd 3.40 –0.42 ... 19.17 11.70 BrightView BV ... 30 12.58 –0.08 ...
7.91 2.02 AMTD IDEA AMTD ... 3 2.08 –0.22 ... 332.37 236.35 Ameriprise AMP 1.9 10 266.60 +1.11 1.25 145.79 23.54 Asana ASAN ... dd 25.00 –1.80 ... 98.09 70.33 Ball BLL 1.1 21 71.91 –9.25 .20 65.67 30.20 BrinkerIntl EAT ... 11 35.53 –0.80 ...
10.06 9.86 AP Acqn A APCA ... ... 10.01 ... ... 167.19 111.34 AmerisourceBrgn ABC 1.2 19 159.01 +7.72 .46 230.97 146.43 AsburyAutomotive ABG ... 6 191.63 +7.92 ... 59.64 26.11 Bally's BALY ... dd 28.90 –0.94 ... 81.14 54.44 Brink's BCO 1.4 26 55.46 –3.49 .20
4.18 1.95 ARC Document ARC 5.5 17 3.61 –0.19 .05 148.07 118.94 Ametek AME .7 28 123.13 –3.13 .22 10.40 9.80 AscendantDigA ACDI ... dd 10.02 ... ... 22.09 15.40 BancCalifornia BANC 1.3 12 18.09 +0.05 .06 78.17 53.22 BristolMyers BMY 2.8 27 76.67 +1.40 .54
9.62 6.20 ASETech ASX 3.3 6 6.51 +0.07.3017 77.90 6.56 AshfordHosp AHT ... dd 7.03 –0.02 ... 4.98 2.60 BancoBBVA BBAR ... 3 2.97 ... ... 0.39 0.07 BristolMyersRt CELG.RT87.5 ... .12 –0.02.1046
131.89 91.61 ASGN ASGN ... 14 113.81 +0.36 ... 6.21 3.26 AmnealPharm AMRX ... 49 3.40 –0.46 ...
7.52 4.12 Ampco-Pitt AP ... dd 5.50 –0.11 ... 111.05 81.93 AshlandGlobal ASH 1.2 27 101.69 –3.28 .30 7.26 4.76 BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 5.7 6 4.86 –0.33.2493 40.10 24.85 Bristow VTOL ... dd 30.52 +0.70 ...
25.57 16.62 AT&T T 5.5 8 20.03 +1.17.2775 65.99 16.79 AspenAerogels ASPN ... dd 20.66 –0.94 ... 4.42 2.54 BancoBradesco BBDO 4.1 8 2.95 –0.08.0036 47.24 33.62 BritishAmTob BTI 7.0 10 41.15 –0.63.7354
10.44 1.47 ATI PhysTherapy ATIP ... dd 1.61 –0.07 ... 88.45 64.13 Amphenol APH 1.1 26 70.42 –1.08 .20
7.76 2.60 AmplifyEnergy AMPY ... dd 7.51 +0.83 ... 29.54 18.90 AssetMarkFin AMK ... 25 19.40 +0.17 ... 23.77 15.60 BancodeChile BCH 5.1 10 20.11 +0.03 .855 27.19 21.02 BrixmorProp BRX 4.0 24 24.19 –1.19 .24
19.05 8.62 A10Networks ATEN 1.3 13 14.93 +0.65 .05 25.78 18.40 AssociatedBanc ASB 4.0 9 20.07 +0.12 .20 19.33 14.17 Bladex BLX 6.8 8 14.61 +0.12 .25 11.10 7.72 BroadmarkRealty BRMK10.6 13 7.91 +0.10 .07
10.03 9.94 AxiosSustGrwA AXAC ... ... 10.01 ... ... 18.80 9.88 Amrep AXR ... 9 12.49 –0.37 ...
70.25 39.92 Anaplan PLAN ... dd 65.39 +0.40 ... 47.50 34.49 AssocCapital AC .5 14 37.75 –1.85 .10 21.20 12.06 BancoMacro BMA ... 4 14.40 –0.27 ... 185.40 137.58 BroadridgeFinl BR 1.8 31 141.84 –2.29 .64
0.16 0.09 AxiosSustGrwRt AXAC.RT ... ... .10 –0.01 ... 194.12 144.18 Assurant AIZ 1.4 26 188.58 +6.70 .68 9.02 5.19 BancSanBrasil BSBR 9.6 ... 6.47 +0.10.0571 28.00 19.41 Broadstone BNL 5.4 30 20.03 –0.66 .27
61.39 44.49 AXIS Capital AXS 2.9 8 59.98 +2.65 .43 10.31 9.84 AndrettiAcqnA WNNR ... ... 9.96 +0.02 ...
19.00 14.15 AngelOakMtg AOMR 11.5 19 15.72 –0.44 .45 65.68 44.34 AssuredGuaranty AGO 1.7 11 58.11 +2.96 .25 24.29 15.37 BcoSantChile BSAC ... 9 19.50 +0.06 ... 8.95 4.64 BrookdaleSrLiving BKD ... dd 6.08 –0.10 ...
51.32 20.02 AZEK AZEK ... 33 20.69 –0.55 ... 32.00 18.75 Atento ATTO ... dd 24.23 –1.22 ... 6.67 4.86 BcoSantMex BSMX 2.9 7 5.49 +0.09.0675 62.47 44.41 BrookfieldMgt BAM 1.2 20 48.44 –1.42 .14
10.08 9.57 AngelPondA POND ... cc 9.87 –0.11 ...
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58.59 44.34 AZZ AZZ 1.5 14 45.73 +0.09 .17 10.26 9.85 AthenaCnsmrA ACAQ ... ... 10.01 –0.01 ... 4.38 2.77 BancoSantander SAN 2.7 5 2.79 –0.09.0571 85.00 47.98 BrookfieldReins BAMR .0 ... 48.62 –1.54 .14
37.49 18.26 Aaron's AAN 2.2 7 20.26 –0.27.1125 26.96 14.57 AngloGoldAsh AU ... 13 19.22 –1.20 ...
79.67 52.65 AB InBev BUD .7 24 55.00 –2.45.3998 9.97 9.55 AthenaTechII A ATEK ... ... 9.84 –0.04 ... 44.33 27.64 BanColombia CIB 3.0 16 37.55 –1.22 .828 36.79 22.72 BrookfieldBus BBUC ... 42 25.62 –0.92 ...
142.60 105.36 AbbottLabs ABT 1.7 26 112.27 –1.23 .47 119.96 65.80 Atkore ATKR ... 8 115.33 +19.23 ... 50.11 35.40 BankofAmerica BAC 2.2 11 37.45 +1.77 .21 80.60 56.89 BrookfieldInfr BIPC 3.1 dd 70.24 –0.68 .36
175.91 105.56 AbbVie ABBV 3.7 22 152.83 +5.95 1.41 9.64 6.32 AnnalyCap NLY 13.0 4 6.77 +0.35 .22
132.00 9.22 AnnovisBio ANVS ... dd 10.51 +1.07 ... 9.90 9.56 AtlStreetAcqn ASAQ ... 32 9.87 –0.02 ... 41.69 30.95 BankofButterfield NTB 5.5 10 32.20 +0.17 .44 69.01 52.44 BrookfieldInfr BIP 3.5 37 61.22 –1.21 .36
48.97 26.47 Abercrombie&Fitch ANF ... 8 34.23 –0.35 ... 16.49 12.26 Atlas ATCO 3.9 10 12.78 +0.42 .125 95.95 73.88 BankofHawaii BOH 3.7 12 74.82 +0.48 .70 45.43 31.10 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 3.6 14 36.02 +0.12 .32
23.33 18.60 AcadiaRealty AKR 3.6 77 20.06 –0.86 .18 11.71 8.42 AnteroMidstream AM 8.5 16 10.63 +0.36 .225
39.24 10.22 AnteroResources AR ... dd 36.99 +1.79 ... 9.86 9.61 AtlasCrestII A ACII ... 51 9.82 ... ... 122.77 95.37 BankofMontreal BMO 3.2 10 104.62 –1.421.062 74.00 50.78 Brown&Brown BRO .7 27 58.24 –3.74.1025
14.10 10.37 AccelEnt ACEL ... 31 10.45 –1.38 ... 122.96 85.80 AtmosEnergy ATO 2.4 22 114.90 +1.50 .68 64.63 41.77 BankNY Mellon BK 3.1 11 43.76 +1.70 .34 76.15 57.92 Brown-Forman A BF.A 1.2 36 60.67 –1.75.1885
9.96 9.60 AccelerateA AAQC ... cc 9.78 ... ... 533.68 355.43 Anthem ANTM 1.0 20 504.64 +2.71 1.28
26.67 21.00 Atotech ATC ... cc 21.57 +0.27 ... 74.86 59.05 BkNovaScotia BNS 5.0 10 63.72 +0.40.7928 81.57 62.33 Brown-Forman B BF.B 1.2 38 64.62 –2.82.1885
417.37 276.88 Accenture ACN 1.3 30 295.74 –4.62 .97 341.98 223.19 Aon AON .8 45 286.29 –1.70 .56 117.62 72.71 Brunswick BC 1.8 10 79.59 +3.98 .365
55.82 42.96 AptIncmREIT AIRC 4.0 16 44.95 –4.22 .45 18.49 2.25 ATRenew RERE ... dd 2.75 –0.09 ... 49.55 37.08 BankUnited BKU 2.5 9 39.62 +2.08 .25
9.82 9.60 AcropolisInfrA ACRO ... dd 9.71 –0.01 ... 4.71 2.01 Audacy AUD ... dd 2.21 –0.33 ... 57.10 30.30 Buckle BKE 4.4 6 31.63 +0.57 .35
224.59 159.57 AcuityBrands AYI .3 17 166.52 –5.96 .13 8.16 5.84 ApartmtInv AIV ... dd 6.01 –0.29 ... 10.01 9.86 BanyanAcqnA BYN ... ... 9.97 +0.02 ...
10.16 9.69 AusterlitzI A AUS ... 68 9.81 –0.01 ... 12.20 7.19 Barclays BCS 4.2 ... 7.50 +0.05.2174 12.44 6.11 Buenaventura BVN 1.0 6 8.47 –0.97 .073
57.87 39.59 Acushnet GOLF 1.8 17 40.42 –0.32 .18 10.44 9.75 ApeironCapA APN ... cc 9.99 –0.04 ... 9.92 9.63 AusterlitzII A ASZ ... 67 9.82 +0.02 ... 23.50 7.55 Build-A-Bear BBW .0 7 19.51 +0.57 1.25
13.55 6.78 Adecoagro AGRO 2.9 10 10.93 –0.32.1571 26.84 16.68 APi Group APG ... dd 17.14 –1.42 ... 11.55 9.83 BaringsBDC BBDC 8.6 9 10.43 +0.25 .24
94.89 20.49 Autohome ATHM 1.9 10 26.83 –2.24 .53 12.01 2.60 Barnes&NobleEduc BNED ... dd 2.68 –0.36 ... 10.00 9.60 BuildAcqnA BGSX ... dd 9.79 +0.02 ...
53.17 30.53 Adient ADNT ... 4 33.63 –0.51 ... 16.94 11.73 ApolloComRlEst ARI 11.3 11 12.44 +0.40 .35 110.59 69.96 Autoliv ALV 3.5 18 72.35 –1.33 .64 86.48 39.24 BuildersFirst BLDR ... 8 65.09 +3.52 ...
10.24 9.61 AditEdTechA ADEX ... dd 9.90 +0.03 ... 81.07 49.64 ApolloGlbMgmt APO 3.0 7 52.90 +3.14 .40 56.98 32.32 BarnesGroup B 2.0 17 32.73 –0.85 .16
133.48 88.32 AutoNation AN ... 6 123.82 +7.91 ... 26.07 17.27 BarrickGold GOLD 1.8 20 22.42 +0.11 .10 128.40 71.73 Bunge BG 1.8 9 115.23 +2.11 .525
40.23 19.14 AdtalemGlbEduc ATGE ... dd 30.87 +1.56 ... 10.02 9.67 ApolloStratGrA APSG ... cc 9.98 –0.01 ... 2267.40 1367.96 AutoZone AZO ... 18 2000.00 +44.53 ... 13.55 7.73 BurfordCapital BUR 1.6 ... 7.90 –0.56.0625
244.55 187.16 AdvanceAuto AAP 3.0 21 202.86 +3.23 1.50 9.90 9.64 ApolloStratII A APGB ... 75 9.81 +0.01 ... 82.00 44.17 Bath&BodyWks BBWI 1.5 11 52.82 –0.07 .15
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191.67 67.59 Avalara AVLR ... dd 78.42 +2.35 ... 10.18 9.75 BatteryFutureA BFAC ... ... 9.93 +0.02 ... 357.34 171.15 BurlingtonStrs BURL ... 33 196.70 –6.86 ...
138.02 97.61 AdvDrainageSys WMS .4 35 99.34 –3.12 .11 18.69 13.83 AppleHospREIT APLE 3.6 cc 16.85 –0.84 .05 259.05 191.69 Avalonbay AVB 3.0 26 212.43 –15.05 1.59 15.65 2.97 ButterflyNtwk BFLY ... dd 2.99 –0.34 ...
10.00 9.60 AdvMergerPtrsA AMPI ... cc 9.80 –0.02 ... 111.68 80.93 AppliedIndlTechs AIT 1.3 17 105.35 +0.66 .34 20.20 18.00 Bausch+Lomb BLCO ... ... 20.00 ... ...
55.57 42.20 Avangrid AGR 3.9 21 44.65 +0.30 .44 32.54 15.86 BauschHealth BHC ... dd 16.04 –2.97 ... 29.15 21.41 BylineBancorp BY 1.5 10 23.57 +0.11 .09
57.10 27.22 AdvanSix ASIX 1.1 10 46.48 +1.94 .125 158.97 109.55 Aptargroup ATR 1.4 34 111.23 –3.60 .38 45.42 27.54 AvanosMedical AVNS ... cc 27.74 –1.42 ...
6.22 3.89 Aegon AEG 3.3 6 5.08 –0.06.0935 180.81 94.75 Aptiv APTV ... 86 101.84 –4.56 ... 89.70 69.72 BaxterIntl BAX 1.6 35 72.79 +1.73 .29 C
9.97 9.68 AvantiAcqnA AVAN ... 16 9.89 –0.01 ... 13.50 1.51 Beachbody BODY ... dd 1.56 –0.08 ...
2.19 1.14 Aenza AENZ ... ... 1.54 –0.37 ... 39.95 31.22 Aramark ARMK 1.2 cc 35.83 –0.42 .11 44.37 28.64 Avantor AVTR ... 36 31.09 –0.79 ...
71.38 43.75 AerCap AER ... 6 46.26 –0.45 ... 20.74 16.11 ArborRealty ABR 8.2 8 17.35 +0.25 .37 10.30 9.75 BeardEnerA BRD ... dd 9.93 –0.04 ... 313.52 238.29 CACI Intl CACI ... 15 262.70 –2.60 ...
29.55 8.62 Avaya AVYA ... dd 8.74 –0.51 ... 26.12 13.78 BeazerHomes BZH ... 3 14.95 –0.13 ...
49.84 35.47 AerojetRocket AJRD ... 24 40.89 +0.91 ... 37.87 26.59 ArcelorMittal MT 2.1 2 27.87 –1.37 .38 229.24 156.51 AveryDennison AVY 1.7 20 177.34 –3.26 .75 8.41 3.37 CBD Pao CBD 1.5 8 4.12 –0.06.0713
12.47 3.14 AevaTech AEVA ... dd 3.16 –0.12 ... 183.53 49.55 ArchResources ARCH .6 6 174.26 +7.88 7.86 277.29 229.24 BectonDicknsn BDX 1.3 41 257.97 +10.78 .87 44.17 30.68 CBIZ CBZ ... 27 40.67 –1.22 ...
61.46 43.69 Avient AVNT 1.9 19 48.75 –0.49.2375 68.87 45.31 Belden BDC .4 41 55.42 +3.79 .05
191.62 121.33 AffiliatedMgrs AMG .0 10 129.00 +3.43 .01 23.75 13.75 ArchaeaEnergy LFG ... dd 22.26 +0.26 ... 47.90 37.73 Avista AVA 4.2 20 41.71 +1.14 .44 43.50 25.96 CBL Assoc CBL ... dd 27.97 –1.34 ...
9.87 9.48 AfricanGoldA AGAC ... 60 9.80 ... ... 10.72 2.61 ArcherAviation ACHR ... dd 3.82 –0.79 ... 34.19 20.36 BellRing BRBR ... 35 24.42 +2.99 ... 111.00 79.84 CBRE Group CBRE ... 14 81.22 –1.82 ...
34.20 21.67 AxaltaCoating AXTA ... 21 25.95 +0.58 ... 31.55 22.25 BenchmarkElec BHE 2.7 22 24.35 +0.59 .165
9.99 9.57 AfterNextA AFTR ... ... 9.71 ... ... 98.88 56.91 ArcherDaniels ADM 1.8 17 89.73 +0.17 .40 62.44 36.55 AxosFinancial AX ... 10 37.68 –0.20 ... 13.46 8.58 CCC Intelligent CCCS ... 7 9.17 –0.06 ...
179.57 116.49 AgilentTechs A .7 31 121.08 +1.81 .21 9.91 6.99 Archrock AROC 6.5 50 8.92 +0.21 .145 10.30 2.53 BensonHill BHIL ... dd 3.14 –0.48 ... 10.01 9.75 CCNeubergerII PRPB ... dd 9.93 –0.01 ...
29.45 10.41 Azul AZUL ... dd 11.65 –1.73 ... 9.81 9.65 BerensonAcqnI BACA ... ... 9.81 +0.03 ...
26.36 13.56 Agiliti AGTI ... cc 20.02 +0.28 ... 38.49 22.45 Arconic ARNC ... dd 26.25 +1.09 ... 27.37 12.45 AzurePowerGlbl AZRE ... dd 14.23 +0.18 ... 10.00 9.65 CCNeubergerIII A PRPC ... dd 9.83 ... ...
44.83 14.36 agilon health AGL ... dd 17.67 –0.10 ... 8.44 4.33 ArcosDorados ARCO 2.2 32 6.92 –0.33 .03 71.53 47.13 Berkley WRB .5 14 68.78 +2.29.0867 113.49 43.19 CF Industries CF 1.6 13 99.82 +2.99 .40
74.50 45.42 AgnicoEagle AEM 2.8 30 57.38 –0.85 .40 65.78 43.42 Arcosa ACA .4 35 52.40 –1.13 .05 B 544389 407773 BerkHathwy A BRK.A ... 9 479500 –4840.00 ... 10.25 9.87 C5AcqnA CXAC ... ... 9.97 +0.01 ...
75.95 61.62 AgreeRealty ADC 4.2 38 67.58 –0.34 .234 9.99 9.62 ArctosNorthA ANAC ... 54 9.82 –0.01 ... 362.10 270.73 BerkHathwy B BRK.B ... 9 318.88 –3.95 ... 93.93 77.25 CGI GIB ... 17 79.50 –0.23 ...
50.99 33.41 AirLease AL 1.9 11 38.43 –1.85 .185 31.78 23.15 BerkshireHills BHLB 1.9 10 25.39 +0.65 .12 22.50 9.88 CI&T CINT ... ... 13.03 +0.32 ...
316.39 216.24 AirProducts APD 2.7 24 235.82 +1.75 1.62 74.73 52.54 BerryGlobal BERY ... 11 59.27 +2.92 ... 24.52 12.45 CI Financial CIXX 4.5 8 12.49 –0.55.1413
165.98 116.69 AlamoGroup ALG .6 17 116.80 –9.64 .18 141.97 85.58 BestBuy BBY 3.9 9 91.41 +1.48 .88 73.76 57.92 CMS Energy CMS 2.7 15 67.75 –0.94 .46
9.38 6.51 AlamosGold AGI ... dd 7.68 –0.08 ... 73.23 29.73 BigLots BIG 3.9 6 30.99 +0.09 .30 50.33 41.44 CNA Fin CNA 3.5 10 45.52 –1.92 .40
16.12 4.45 BBAI ... dd 10.07 +0.06 ...

Five-Day Dow Composite

72.92 43.46 AlaskaAir ALK ... 14 50.22 –4.17 ... 17.13 13.06 CNH Indl CNHI 1.9 12 14.38 +0.19.3072
93.43 74.17 AlbanyIntl AIN 1.1 22 79.02 +0.80 .21 948.97 553.56 BiglariA BH.A ... 13 715.30 +32.04 ... 27.89 21.06 CNO Financial CNO 2.4 6 21.29 –2.85 .13
291.48 152.58 Albemarle ALB .7 cc 242.41 +49.58 .395 188.50 110.56 BiglariB BH ... 13 145.06 +8.67 ... 23.33 10.41 CNX Resources CNX ... dd 20.29 –0.26 ...
37.99 18.51 Albertsons ACI 1.6 11 30.11 –1.17 .12 348.50 109.09 BILL ... dd 121.00 –49.71 ... 55.26 12.51 CONSOL Energy CEIX ... 55 53.96 +6.41 ...
98.09 31.00 Alcoa AA .7 16 61.04 –6.76 .10 151.51 65.24 BiohavenPharm BHVN ... dd 90.25 +1.08 ... 54.54 37.59 CRH CRH 3.0 12 39.25 –0.33 .98
–2.33 .20 832.70 485.96 Bio-RadLab A BIO ... dd 501.46 –10.60 ...
ALC .3
ALEX 3.6
20.94 –0.26 .20
Sound, Fury: The Dow fell 0.2% this past week, its sixth week of de- 818.60 504.50 Bio-RadLab B BIO.B ... dd 505.00 –12.95 ...
CS Disco
CTO Realty
–3.35 ...
–1.88 .36
–7.02 4.50 11.25 1.43 BirdGlobal BRDS ... dd 1.45 –0.35 ...
ALX 7.5
ARE 2.6 63
9 241.15
176.68 –5.48 1.15
clines, amid Fed meeting volatility. Nike dropped 8% on concerns about 9.90 9.55 BiteAcqn BITE ... dd 9.81 +0.01 ...
+1.24 .04
–0.80 ...
230.89 73.28 Alibaba BABA ... 24 90.05 –7.04 ... 80.95 61.95 BlackHills BKH 3.1 20 75.61 +2.37 .595 20.10 8.85 Curo CURO 4.8 7 9.17 –2.57 .11
13.34 8.06 Alight ALIT ... 25 8.13 –0.46 ... China’s economy, while Chevron rose nearly 9%. 84.27 52.00 BlackKnight BKI ... 21 70.91 +5.12 ... 33.88 11.22 CVR Energy CVI 4.9 cc 32.71 +7.64 .40
862.87 585.10 Alleghany Y ... 11 831.26 –5.24 ... 10.01 9.76 BlackMountainA BMAC ... dd 9.95 –0.01 ... 179.74 50.41 CVR Partners UAN .0 20 148.52 –0.94 2.26
30.74 13.85 AlleghenyTechs ATI ... dd 26.69 –0.49 ... 20.17 5.55 BlackBerry BB ... dd 5.61 –0.11 ... 111.25 79.33 CVS Health CVS 2.2 17 100.69 +4.56 .55
148.70 105.06 Allegion ALLE 1.5 22 112.57 –1.67 .41
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 973.16 610.00 BlackRock BLK 3.1 16 628.62 +3.94 4.88 2136.14 1084.53 CableOne CABO 1.0 24 1127.19 –39.01 2.75
28.44 5.66 Allego ALLG ... dd 10.20 –2.34 ... 13.20 1.34 BlackSkyTech BKSY ... dd 1.37 –0.20 ... 74.87 47.59 Cabot CBT 2.2 39 66.96 +1.11 .37
73.10 56.84 Allete ALE 4.3 19 60.12 +0.78 .65 34,120 149.78 83.76 Blackstone BX 4.0 14 101.49 –0.08 1.32 64.18 31.65 Cactus WHD .9 65 48.99 –0.94 .11
57.54 38.68 AllianceBernstein AB 10.0 10 39.90 +0.09 .90 34.04 29.26 BlackstoneMtg BXMT 8.1 11 30.43 +0.39 .62 34.24 24.77 CadenceBank CADE 3.5 15 25.48 +0.44 .22
46.40 32.55 AllisonTransm ALSN 2.2 9 38.55 +1.11 .21 21.04 3.93 BlendLabs BLND ... dd 3.98 –0.33 ... 26.90 14.16 Cadre CDRE 1.3 68 25.00 –0.38 .08
144.46 106.11 Allstate ALL 2.6 11 130.56 +4.02 .85 28.51 21.08 BlockHR HRB 4.3 7 25.31 –0.76 .27 34.19 22.60 CAE CAE ... 84 23.81 +0.03 ...
56.61 39.62 AllyFinancial ALLY 2.9 5 41.82 +1.86 .30 33,675 289.23 82.72 Block SQ ... cc 96.19 –3.35 ... 29.36 17.82 Caleres CAL 1.2 7 24.15 +1.22 .07
178.70 12.93 AlphaMetal AMR .0 11 172.42 +17.68 .375 37.01 12.55 BloomEnergy BE ... dd 15.13 –3.43 ... 50.44 23.44 CaliforniaRscs CRC 1.6 6 43.21 +3.00 .17
21.07 17.30 AlpineIncmProp PINE 5.7 23 18.48 –0.22 .27 12.76 3.00 BlueApron APRN ... dd 3.25 +0.23 ... 72.08 49.92 CalWtrSvc CWT 2.0 25 50.54 –1.33 .25
17.38 11.13 AltaEquipment ALTG ... dd 11.28 +0.03 ... 17.89 9.35 BlueOwlCapital OWL 3.3 dd 12.26 +0.33 .10 80.95 36.50 Calix CALX ... 11 38.01 –1.90 ...
10.16 9.50 AltC Acqn ALCC ... dd 9.76 +0.02 ... 36.10 15.85 BluegreenVac BVH 2.3 9 26.28 –0.02 .15 37.75 19.46 CallawayGolf ELY ... 8 20.24 –1.70 ...
90.57 49.67 Alteryx AYX ... dd 63.10 –1.10 ... (Previous Friday Close)
33,230 100.01 35.00 BlueLinx BXC ... 3 96.83 +30.16 ... 66.48 25.32 CallonPetrol CPE ... 8 50.04 –1.23 ...
38.19 9.06 AlticeUSA ATUS ... 5 10.22 +0.94 ... 9.84 9.60 BlueRiverA BLUA ... cc 9.83 ... ... 180.37 119.45 CamdenProperty CPT 2.5 44 148.81 –8.08 .94
9.93 9.65 AltimarAcqnIIIA ATAQ ... dd 9.82 +0.01 ... 10.04 9.65 BluescapeOppsAcqn BOAC ... 15 9.88 –0.01 ... 32.49 15.34 Cameco CCJ .4 dd 23.84 –1.97.0625
10.67 9.70 AltimeterGrw2 AGCB ... dd 9.82 ... ... 258.40 143.38 Boeing BA ... dd 148.90 +0.06 ... 50.52 39.76 CampbellSoup CPB 3.0 16 49.67 +2.45 .37
57.05 42.53 Altria MO 6.4 34 56.57 +1.00 .90 32,785 85.17 46.51 BoiseCascade BCC .6 4 76.03 +0.45 .12 47.43 24.58 CampingWorld CWH 8.5 5 29.39 +3.71 .625
11.35 5.58 AltusPower AMPS ... dd 5.84 +0.08 ... 134.50 66.58 BootBarn BOOT ... 17 95.00 +4.94 ... 53.64 19.56 CanadaGoose GOOS ... 25 19.97 –1.80 ...
23.90 9.76 AlumofChina ACH ... 9 9.91 –1.37 ... 91.46 69.68 BoozAllen BAH 2.0 20 84.34 +2.71 .43 132.48 102.97 CIBC CM 4.4 9 108.54 –2.01.6423
17.86 7.42 AmbacFin AMBC ... dd 7.80 +0.07 ... +84.29 +67.29 +932.27 -1063.09 -98.60 6.22 0.29 BoqiiHolding BQ ... dd .31 –0.06 ... 137.19 100.66 CanNtlRlwy CNI 2.0 21 116.34 –1.28.5718
3.95 2.50 Ambev ABEV 3.9 18 2.62 –0.29.0839 32,340 55.55 34.85 BorgWarner BWA 1.8 14 37.97 +1.14 .17 70.60 29.53 CanNaturalRes CNQ 3.7 12 63.71 +1.84.5844
22.87 3.50 AmbrxBio AMAM ... dd 4.01 +0.20 ... 5.07 1.12 BorrDrilling BORR ... dd 4.60 +0.73 ... 84.22 64.37 CanPacRlwy CP .8 23 72.38 –0.84.1483
13.18 10.66 Amcor AMCR 3.7 21 12.81 +0.95 .12 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 1144.62 325.53 BostonBeer SAM ... dd 372.39 –2.61 ... 6.19 1.95 Cango CANG .0 dd 3.02 –0.15 1.00
99.20 79.35 Ameren AEE 2.5 24 92.65 –0.25 .59 44.50 20.67 BostonOmaha BOC ... 11 21.47 +0.63 ... 38.61 21.11 Cannae CNNE ... dd 21.51 –0.89 ...
101.86 42.53 Ameresco AMRC ... 42 56.24 +5.80 ... 133.11 103.20 BostonProps BXP 3.3 38 119.12 +1.52 .98 16.17 4.17 CanoHealth CANO ... dd 4.81 –0.49 ...
38 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


–52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
25.48 21.00 Canon CAJ 3.1 12 23.18 +0.20 .474 261.52 207.35 ConstBrands A STZ 1.3 dd 247.47 +1.38 .80 105.28 62.88 DycomInds DY ... 52 81.43 –3.48 ... 170.31 131.50 FTI Consulting FCN ... 26 165.79 +8.08 ... 18.51 13.15 GlobalMedREIT GMRE 6.3 67 13.37 –1.39 .21
177.95 119.88 CapitalOne COF 1.9 5 127.04 +2.42 .60 300.00 209.90 ConstBrands B STZ.B 1.0 dd 285.67 +16.01 .72 4.40 2.55 DynagasLNG DLNG ... 3 3.65 +0.55 ... 126.28 77.30 Fabrinet FN ... 19 89.36 –8.83 ... 20.11 13.44 GlobalNetLease GNL 11.7 dd 13.69 –0.34 .40
72.37 42.77 Capri CPRI ... 12 44.12 –3.58 ... 21.60 15.26 Constellium CSTM ... 5 16.23 –0.46 ... 80.13 33.77 Dynatrace DT ... cc 35.64 –2.72 ... 495.40 317.55 FactSet FDS .9 35 378.17 –25.32 .89 28.91 19.45 GlobalPtnrs GLP 9.1 20 26.26 –0.09 .595
64.53 45.85 CardinalHealth CAH 3.3 dd 58.27 +0.22.4908 14.25 7.37 ContainerStore TCS ... 4 7.79 +0.14 ... 20.51 14.54 DynexCapital DX 9.4 7 16.68 +0.45 .13 553.97 342.89 FairIsaac FICO ... 23 349.89 –23.62 ... 202.84 116.75 GlobalPayments GPN .8 35 121.00 –15.98 .25
275.13 178.73 Carlisle CSL .8 25 262.90 +3.54 .54 66.86 28.31 ContinentalRscs CLR 1.4 14 62.17 +6.60 .28 12.00 3.38 FangHoldings SFUN ... dd 3.50 –0.02 ... 30.02 14.54 GlobalShipLease GSL 4.3 5 23.05 +0.81 .25
155.98 85.36 CarMax KMX ... 14 94.70 +8.92 ... 23.58 13.47 Volaris VLRS ... dd 14.80 –1.12 ... E 11.30 9.69 FarPeakAcqnA FPAC ... dd 9.85 –0.02 ... 354.62 190.00 Globant GLOB ... 85 194.05 –21.94 ...
31.52 14.94 Carnival CCL ... dd 15.92 –1.38 ... 14.29 4.85 ConveyHealth CNVY ... dd 5.57 +0.48 ... 53.77 9.02 Farfetch FTCH ... 3 9.40 –1.80 ... 108.61 85.25 GlobeLife GL .8 14 100.03 +1.95.2075
27.31 13.89 Carnival CUK ... dd 14.64 –1.15 ... 463.59 334.93 Cooper COO .0 18 337.55 –23.49 .03 9.95 9.59 EG Acqn A EGGF ... cc 9.74 +0.01 ... 16.43 10.62 FarmlandPtrs FPI 1.6 dd 15.19 +0.47 .06 84.23 62.39 GlobusMedical GMED ... 45 65.15 –1.07 ...
49.20 26.84 CarpenterTech CRS 2.3 dd 34.78 –3.40 .20 36.40 4.47 Cooper-Standard CPS ... dd 6.25 +1.64 ... 33.63 22.22 elfBeauty ELF ... 61 22.85 –1.48 ... 64.07 12.64 Fastly FSLY ... dd 13.12 –2.78 ... 90.43 65.70 GoDaddy GDDY ... 43 76.98 –3.83 ...
66.33 34.10 CarriageSvcs CSV 1.1 19 41.30 –1.59.1125 2.29 0.10 CooTekCayman CTK ... dd .11 –0.06 ... 135.98 104.23 EMCOR EME .5 15 106.03 –0.45 .13 11.50 5.04 FathomDigital FATH ... cc 5.95 –0.85 ... 10.62 9.86 GoGreenInvtsA GOGN ... dd 10.02 ... ...
58.89 36.23 CarrierGlobal CARR 1.6 13 37.78 –0.49 .15 97.63 64.47 Copa CPA ... dd 70.96 –4.41 ... 32.56 21.91 ENI E 4.7 7 28.98 +1.17.9356 124.37 85.50 FedAgriMtg A AGM.A 3.9 10 97.86 –1.14 .95 17.20 7.75 GoldFields GFI 2.1 14 12.43 –1.00 .172
19.09 9.72 CARS ... 92 9.94 –1.18 ... 32.54 20.00 Core&Main CNM ... 22 23.48 –0.28 ... 132.35 62.81 EOG Rscs EOG 2.3 17 132.22 +15.46 .75 137.01 94.20 FedAgriMtg C AGM 3.6 11 106.54 +4.11 .95 9.88 9.56 GoldenFalconA GFX ... 22 9.85 +0.01 ...
111.17 78.54 Carter's CRI 3.7 11 80.30 –3.94 .75 49.87 21.08 CoreLabs CLB .1 cc 27.47 +1.47 .01 725.40 168.59 EPAM Systems EPAM ... 44 347.00 +82.01 ... 140.51 109.89 FederalRealty FRT 3.7 36 115.14 –1.92 1.07 20.65 18.22 GoldmanSachsBDC GSBD 9.5 10 18.94 +0.17 .45
376.83 40.76 Carvana CVNA ... dd 46.48 –11.48 ... 49.14 22.23 CoreCard CCRD ... 24 24.68 +1.89 ... 56.38 41.14 EPR Prop EPR 6.3 35 52.57 +0.05 .275 48.88 32.02 FederalSignal FSS 1.1 21 33.82 –0.21 .09 426.16 302.21 GoldmanSachs GS 2.6 6 312.96 +7.47 2.00
10.08 9.80 CascadeAcqnA CAS ... 19 10.06 –0.01 ... 14.24 7.37 CoreCivic CXW ... dd 12.15 –0.28 ... 9.85 9.57 EQ Health A EQHA ... 8 9.82 +0.01 ... 39.82 27.88 FederatedHermes FHI 3.7 11 29.29 +0.81 .27 47.12 30.35 Gorman-Rupp GRC 2.2 27 30.78 –1.08 .17
142.64 86.34 Catalent CTLT ... 36 98.83 +8.27 ... 7.75 2.44 CorEnergyInfr CORR 7.9 dd 2.53 +0.04 .05 45.50 15.71 EQT EQT 1.2 dd 41.05 +1.30 .125 319.90 192.82 FedEx FDX 1.4 14 210.21 +11.47 .75 81.09 59.83 Graco GGG 1.4 24 60.90 –1.12 .21
9.90 9.59 CatchaInvtA CHAA ... ... 9.83 +0.01 ... 24.50 13.49 CornerstoneBldg CNR ... 5 24.44 +0.05 ... 58.08 42.96 ESAB ESAB ... ... 48.25 +1.25 ... 183.67 114.21 Ferguson FERG 2.2 14 115.77 –8.94 .84 14.17 8.41 GrafTechIntl EAF .5 6 8.51 –0.57 .01
12.78 7.19 CatchMarkTimber CTT 3.6 7 8.40 +0.19 .075 46.45 33.21 Corning GLW 2.9 30 36.86 +1.67 .27 111.39 60.80 ESCO Tech ESE .5 26 61.56 –0.89 .08 278.78 178.87 Ferrari RACE ... 36 197.86 –11.88 ... 15.55 7.12 Graham GHM 5.8 dd 7.53 +0.24 .11
246.69 179.67 Caterpillar CAT 2.1 18 214.65 +4.11 1.11 6.79 4.63 CorpAmAirports CAAP ... dd 6.21 –0.23 ... 9.92 9.61 ESM Acqn A ESM ... 75 9.82 +0.02 ... 56.44 39.24 FidNatlFin FNF 4.3 5 40.74 +0.92 .44 685.00 547.75 GrahamHoldings GHC 1.1 8 590.82 –1.55 1.58
19.89 12.45 Cato CATO 5.0 8 13.62 +0.07 .17 30.51 23.89 CorpOfficeProp OFC 4.2 21 26.26 –0.43 .275 28.92 3.65 ESSTech GWH ... dd 5.06 –0.51 ... 153.40 85.00 FidNatlInfo FIS 1.9 67 98.27 –0.88 .47 529.91 391.16 Grainger GWW 1.4 21 477.92 –22.11 1.72
10.13 1.06 Cazoo CZOO ... ... 1.32 –0.37 ... 9.96 9.60 CorsairPtrA CORS ... dd 9.75 –0.01 ... 14.58 7.17 E2open ETWO ... dd 8.51 +0.77 ... 10.17 9.63 FigureAcqnI A FACA ... cc 9.80 +0.01 ... 44.31 27.84 GraniteConstr GVA 1.7 24 31.43 +1.78 .13
62.56 39.15 CedarFairRec FUN ... dd 51.67 –1.77 ... 62.04 40.60 Corteva CTVA 1.0 24 55.74 –1.95 .14 169.15 118.67 EagleMaterials EXP .8 14 126.68 +3.36 .25 11.13 2.23 FinanceofAm FOA ... dd 2.49 +0.23 ... 15.92 9.53 GranitePointMtg GPMT 9.8 9 10.17 +0.44 .25
28.68 13.58 CedarRealty CDR .9 dd 28.17 –0.21 .066 21.30 13.59 Cosan CSAN 4.1 6 14.59 –2.39.2635 17.19 7.01 EarthstoneEner ESTE ... 26 15.18 +1.69 ... 10.29 9.60 FinTechEvolA FTEV ... 75 9.83 +0.03 ... 22.71 16.94 GraphicPkg GPK 1.4 26 21.75 –0.05 .075
176.50 132.26 Celanese CE 1.8 8 148.99 +2.05 .68 18.01 9.64 Costamare CMRE 3.4 4 13.63 +0.22 .50 23.65 18.36 EasterlyGovtProp DEA 5.6 54 18.82 –0.23 .265 10.41 2.68 FinVolution FINV 5.0 3 3.70 –0.06 .205 25.24 18.24 GrayTelevision GTN 1.7 47 18.96 +0.44 .08
13.40 7.01 Celestica CLS ... 11 10.54 –0.69 ... 33.00 14.28 CoterraEnergy CTRA 1.8 19 32.55 +3.76 .45 229.84 148.69 EastGroup EGP 2.6 36 168.44 –19.06 1.10 81.54 57.36 FirstAmerFin FAF 3.3 6 61.22 +2.91 .51 23.75 16.35 GrayTelevision A GTN.A 1.8 44 17.40 +0.27 .08
8.30 5.11 CementosPacasm CPAC17.3 11 5.33 –0.52.9957 11.12 7.07 Coty COTY ... 79 7.28 –0.83 ... 130.47 98.24 EastmanChem EMN 2.9 17 105.89 +3.22 .76 16.62 10.88 FirstBanCorp FBP 3.5 9 13.73 +0.12 .12 14.74 9.06 GreatAjax AJX 11.1 7 9.41 +0.10 .26
9.09 4.13 Cemex CX ... 19 4.19 –0.21 ... 46.00 11.59 Coupang CPNG ... dd 12.04 –0.83 ... 11.26 3.46 EastmanKodak KODK ... 20 5.42 +0.25 ... 17.63 12.36 FirstCmwlthFin FCF 3.5 10 13.56 +0.08 .12 32.25 18.75 GreenBrickPtrs GRBK ... 6 21.57 +1.87 ...
20.47 7.20 CenovusEnergy CVE 1.6 27 20.40 +1.92 .082 46.99 16.32 Coursera COUR ... dd 17.00 –1.81 ... 175.72 139.12 Eaton ETN 2.2 27 147.29 +2.27 .81 8.50 0.81 First HS Educ FHS ... ... .94 –0.13 ... 54.90 23.09 GreenDot GDOT ... 31 26.33 –0.15 ...
89.92 59.67 Centene CNC ... 33 84.03 +3.48 ... 42.41 34.81 CousinsProperties CUZ 3.6 19 35.10 –0.80 .32 238.93 154.85 Ecolab ECL 1.2 43 165.20 –4.14 .51 24.24 14.67 FirstHorizon FHN 2.7 13 22.50 +0.12 .15 53.46 36.19 Greenbrier GBX 2.6 19 42.24 –0.47 .27
33.00 23.58 CenterPointEner CNP 2.2 14 30.73 +0.12 .17 114.87 84.68 Crane CR 2.0 13 96.00 –0.23 .47 19.81 11.52 Ecopetrol EC ... 8 16.25 +0.02 ... 66.74 48.05 FirstIndRlty FR 2.2 28 52.50 –5.50 .295 20.32 11.11 Greenhill GHL 3.2 13 12.37 +0.26 .10
10.57 6.64 CenterraGold CGAU 2.6 dd 8.53 –0.72.0545 11.00 6.96 Crawford A CRD.A 3.1 14 7.67 –0.13 .06 17.29 9.12 Ecovyst ECVT .0 18 9.68 –0.38 3.20 10.28 9.73 FirstLightAcqnA FLAG ... ... 9.91 ... ... 16.50 3.70 GreenTree GHG 14.0 9 3.78 –0.32 .53
112.27 68.19 Centerspace CSR 3.5 dd 82.97 –9.29 .73 10.65 6.72 Crawford B CRD.B 3.3 13 7.19 –0.18 .06 51.86 33.80 EdgewellPersonal EPC 1.6 19 38.30 +0.16 .15 18.93 9.29 FirstMajestic AG .3 dd 9.48 –0.82.0079 72.00 53.65 Greif A GEF 3.1 9 59.81 –0.87 .46
9.61 5.17 CentraisElBras EBR 3.9 11 7.61 –0.68.1306 182.11 88.67 Credicorp BAP .9 12 132.82 –6.071.2198 73.32 54.14 EdisonInt EIX 4.0 35 70.30 +1.51 .70 222.86 142.51 FirstRepBank FRC .7 18 144.91 –4.31 .27 71.30 53.45 Greif B GEF.B 4.9 6 56.88 –1.48 .69
30.97 23.12 CentralPacFin CPF 4.3 8 24.00 –0.18 .26 11.19 6.42 CreditSuisse CS ... dd 6.68 –0.02 ... 131.73 87.32 EdwardsLife EW ... 41 100.52 –5.26 ... 48.85 35.42 FirstEnergy FE 3.7 20 42.68 –0.63 .39 29.42 17.56 Griffon GFF 1.5 11 23.44 +4.73 .09
4.38 1.90 CentralPuerto CEPU ... 28 3.40 –0.26 ... 19.65 11.90 CrescentEnergy CRGY 2.8 ... 16.86 +1.15 .12 30.26 8.51 8x8 EGHT ... dd 8.68 –0.49 ... 23.75 9.61 Fisker FSR ... dd 10.02 –0.04 ... 212.23 143.00 Group1Auto GPI .8 5 182.57 +8.43 .36
86.07 46.63 CenturyComm CCS 1.5 3 54.84 +2.12 .20 7.98 2.75 CrescentPoint CPG 1.9 2 7.39 +0.47.0352 37.49 23.25 ElancoAnimal ELAN ... dd 23.79 –1.52 ... 8.93 5.26 FivePoint FPH ... cc 5.64 –0.21 ... 167.24 103.70 GpoAeroportuar PAC 2.4 25 144.18 –9.611.9241
130.37 52.79 CeridianHCM CDAY ... dd 54.89 –1.24 ... 33.94 23.57 CrestwoodEquity CEQP 8.7 dd 30.00 +0.84 .655 189.84 62.30 Elastic ESTC ... dd 65.18 –10.96 ... 262.90 46.70 FiverrIntl FVRR ... dd 47.05 –6.20 ... 230.80 165.48 GpoAeroportSur ASR ... 21 207.96 –10.26 ...
29.42 12.48 ChannelAdvisor ECOM ... 9 12.80 –1.71 ... 17.52 9.56 CrossTimbers CRT 7.5 14 15.85 +0.87.1569 12.49 7.46 EldoradoGold EGO ... dd 9.02 –0.70 ... 56.77 34.60 Flagstar FBC .7 4 35.51 +0.21 .06 6.17 3.93 GpoAvalAcc AVAL 6.4 5 3.98 –0.20.0212
6.63 3.36 CharahSolutions CHRA ... dd 3.93 +0.05 ... 209.87 157.16 CrownCastle CCI 3.2 54 182.60 –2.61 1.47 26.92 19.29 ElementSolns ESI 1.5 29 20.79 +0.17 .08 10.02 9.57 FlameAcqnA FLME ... 83 9.83 +0.04 ... 2.89 1.61 GpoSupervielle SUPV ... dd 1.73 –0.06 ...
36.86 11.21 ChargePoint CHPT ... dd 12.02 –0.92 ... 130.42 95.27 CrownHoldings CCK .8 dd 105.50 –4.54 .22 4.26 2.54 ElevateCredit ELVT ... dd 2.71 –0.25 ... 290.14 200.78 FleetCorTech FLT ... 22 224.26 –25.26 ... 15.06 8.24 GrupoTelevisa TV .9 20 8.31 –0.92.0881
460.21 230.62 CharlesRiverLabs CRL ... 29 241.96 +0.45 ... 9.99 9.57 CrownPropA CPTK ... 51 9.85 –0.02 ... 19.60 15.68 EllingtonFin EFC 11.3 6 15.86 –0.33 .15 32.77 11.70 FlexLNG FLNG10.6 9 28.41 +0.31 .75 31.12 16.05 Guess GES 4.1 8 21.77 –0.70 .225
206.29 108.29 ChartIndustries GTLS ... cc 169.07 +0.25 ... 9.89 9.63 CrucibleAcqnA CRU ... 42 9.83 +0.01 ... 13.92 8.19 EllingtonResiMtg EARN 11.3 dd 8.51 –0.27 .08 145.89 73.38 Floor&Decor FND ... 28 75.18 –4.54 ... 130.95 76.68 Guidewire GWRE ... dd 77.20 –9.74 ...
15.12 11.00 ChathamLodging CLDT ... dd 12.92 –1.44 ... 57.34 40.69 CubeSmart CUBE 3.9 42 44.14 –3.37 .43 10.11 9.55 ElliottOppIIA EOCW ... cc 9.88 +0.09 ... 2.24 0.53 FlotekIndustries FTK ... dd 1.27 –0.05 ... 16.61 8.36 GuildHldgs GHLD .0 2 9.10 +0.36 1.00
2.90 0.65 CheetahMobile CMCM ... 8 .81 +0.01 ... 147.39 100.35 Cullen/Frost CFR 2.3 20 131.46 –0.83 .75 14.18 9.30 EmbotellAndinaA AKO.A15.0 8 9.40 +0.101.0671 29.73 22.61 FlowersFoods FLO 3.2 27 26.54 +0.02 .21 101.89 58.71 GulfportEnergy GPOR ... 65 95.45 +1.47 ...
90.50 15.66 Chegg CHGG ... 43 18.65 –6.09 ... 17.75 5.75 Culp CULP 7.5 18 6.16 –0.30 .115 14.98 10.45 EmbotellAndinaB AKO.B14.9 9 10.45 –0.261.462 44.39 28.15 Flowserve FLS 2.6 32 31.24 –1.47 .20
539.87 403.00 Chemed CHE .3 29 502.36 +10.97 .36 273.65 187.72 Cummins CMI 2.9 15 201.72 +12.53 1.45 19.40 10.08 Embraer ERJ ... cc 11.28 –0.09 ... 31.32 14.41 Fluor FLR ... dd 26.67 +1.92 ... H
42.00 22.56 Chemours CC 2.5 11 40.06 +6.99 .25 162.98 111.26 CurtissWright CW .5 22 141.51 –1.40 .18 5.99 2.42 EmeraldHldg EEX ... dd 2.54 –0.15 ... 89.59 68.07 FomentoEconMex FMX 2.1 38 68.38 –6.36.5677
23.54 15.97 Cushman&Wkfd CWK ... 17 18.22 +0.32 ... 68.03 29.88 EmergentBiosol EBS ... 11 31.47 –0.91 ... 66.71 26.36 FootLocker FL 5.4 3 29.49 +0.18 .40 279.02 199.76 HCA Healthcare HCA 1.0 11 227.35 +12.80 .56
10.68 6.37 CherryHillMtg CHMI16.0 51 6.75 +0.20 .27
+6.48 .40
146.30 113.49 ChesapeakeUtil CPK 1.7 27 127.56 +2.39 .535 11.36 6.09 CustomTruck CTOS ... dd 6.25 –0.32 ... 105.99 83.42 EmersonElec EMR 2.3 18 88.01 –2.17 .515 25.87 11.28 FordMotor F 2.8 5 14.21 +0.05 .10 139.80 57.51 HCI Group HCI 2.3 cc 70.57
76.13 33.25 CustomersBancorp CUBI ... 4 43.12 +1.05 ... 13.11 8.36 EmpireStateRealty ESRT 1.6 dd 8.59 –0.05 .035 10.16 9.60 ForestRoadII A FRXB ... 55 9.80 ... ... 79.39 51.11 HDFC Bank HDB ... 19 52.04 –3.17 ...
174.76 92.86 Chevron CVX 3.3 16 170.69 +14.02 1.42
97.74 26.34 ChewyA CHWY ... dd 27.40 –1.66 ... 43.82 36.23 EmployersHldgs EIG 2.6 12 39.61 +0.27 1.00 25.45 15.27 Forestar FOR ... 5 15.40 –0.91 ... 43.30 27.17 HF Sinclair DINO ... 13 42.68 +4.66 ...
D 9.95 9.62 Empower&IncA EPWR ... 89 9.82 ... ... 47.50 9.10 ForgeGlobal FRGE ... cc 32.58 +13.68 ... 9.95 9.60 HH&L Acqn HHLA ... dd 9.82 –0.01 ...
7.29 3.41 Chico'sFas CHS ... 14 5.08 –0.22 ... 9.94 9.68 H.I.G.AcqnA HIGA ... 54 9.89 ... ...
16.85 9.73 ChimeraInvt CIM 12.8 4 10.31 +0.29 .33 7.90 3.42 EmpresaDisCom EDN ... dd 5.54 +0.04 ... 48.88 11.94 ForgeRock FORG ... dd 17.86 –2.57 ...
9.85 9.60 D&ZMediaA DNZ ... dd 9.82 +0.01 ... 47.42 36.21 Enbridge ENB 5.9 20 45.43 +1.79.6691 51.66 43.12 Fortis FTS 3.5 23 48.84 +0.19.4227 46.93 33.77 HNI HNI 3.5 27 35.87 +0.23 .31
23.46 15.85 ChinaEastrnAir CEA ... dd 16.25 –0.55 ...
17.68 7.09 ChinaGreenAg CGA ... dd 8.80 –0.08 ...
39.54 23.58 DCP Midstream DCP 4.4 23 35.85 +1.65 .39 88.58 56.31 EncompassHealth EHC 1.7 17 65.81 –3.02 .28 79.87 56.06 Fortive FTV .5 34 60.78 +3.28 .07 41.47 26.11 HP HPQ 2.7 7 37.09 +0.46 .25
6.62 2.76 DHI Group DHX ... cc 6.38 +0.82 ... 172.41 86.57 Endava DAVA ... 66 102.77 +2.17 ... 10.03 9.61 FortressCapA FCAX ... 45 9.85 +0.01 ... 9.96 9.68 HPX A HPX ... 33 9.95 ... ...
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10.79 6.93 ChinaLifeIns LFC 5.9 7 7.18 +0.01.4933 7.19 4.55 DHT DHT 1.8 dd 5.59 –0.03 .02 38.61 24.31 HSBC HSBC 4.0 11 31.25 +0.24 .90
20.40 0.76 ChinaOnlineEduc COE ... 5 1.29 –0.09 ... 35.28 18.59 Endeavor EDR ... dd 19.61 –3.14 ... 10.10 9.65 FortressVal III A FVT ... cc 9.86 +0.02 ...
10.33 9.65 DPCM Cap A XPOA ... 15 9.88 –0.01 ... 7.76 3.35 EndeavourSilver EXK ... 42 3.58 –0.21 ... 10.23 9.50 FortressValueIV A FVIV ... 52 9.79 –0.01 ... 18.13 3.23 HUYA HUYA ... 10 3.66 –0.47 ...
55.77 40.60 ChinaPetrol SNP 13.0 5 50.42 +1.724.8835 13.18 7.30 DRDGOLD DRD ... 10 7.41 –0.59 ... 75.34 43.50 Haemonetic HAE ... cc 51.88 +1.21 ...
36.35 25.01 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH ... dd 25.31 –1.72 ... 7.64 5.14 EnelAmericas ENIA 1.6 14 5.41 +0.09.1583 7.22 2.91 FortunaSilver FSM ... 12 3.27 –0.21 ...
140.23 108.22 DTE Energy DTE 2.7 28 129.68 –1.36 .825 3.79 1.29 EnelChile ENIC 11.7 17 1.40 +0.06.2187 114.01 68.27 FortBrandsHome FBHS 1.6 13 70.91 –0.34 .28 19.97 8.26 Hagerty HGTY ... dd 8.45 –1.06 ...
19.59 10.10 ChinaYuchai CYD 16.8 10 10.10 –0.47 1.70
1958.55 1277.41 Chipotle CMG ... 56 1354.53 –101.08 ...
59.36 38.21 DT Midstream DTM 4.4 18 55.71 +1.96 .64 51.20 29.01 Energizer ENR 4.0 15 29.98 –0.31 .30 28.50 14.71 ForumEnergyTech FET ... dd 21.26 +0.13 ... 42.60 17.82 Halliburton HAL 1.3 22 37.35 +1.73 .12
44.18 28.50 DXC Tech DXC ... dd 29.42 +0.72 ... 12.48 7.96 EnergyTransfer ET 6.9 11 11.63 +0.55 .20 30.13 25.54 FourCornersProp FCPT 5.0 24 26.54 –0.92.3325 26.00 9.20 HamiltonBeach HBB 4.0 7 9.92 +0.56 .10
157.46 110.95 ChoiceHotels CHH .7 25 130.95 –9.51.2375 28.20 13.50 Dana DAN 2.6 16 15.28 +0.47 .10 22.82 12.20 Hanesbrands HBI 4.8 10 12.60 –0.66 .15
218.99 155.78 Chubb CB 1.5 11 209.16 +2.71 .80 22.10 8.88 EnergyVault NRGV ... dd 14.02 +0.13 ... 1.47 0.32 FourSeasonsEduc FEDU ... dd .54 –0.03 ...
333.96 238.32 Danaher DHR .4 29 249.24 –1.89 .25 28.84 16.25 EnerpacTool EPAC .2 36 20.15 +0.07 .04 169.32 124.95 Franco-Nevada FNV .9 39 150.54 –0.62 .32 26.68 15.07 Hanger HNGR ... 14 15.46 –0.98 ...
45.87 39.12 ChunghwaTel CHT 2.8 26 42.52 –1.301.5457 107.47 53.16 Danaos DAC 3.5 2 84.60 +2.86 .75 65.74 34.66 HannonArmstrong HASI 3.8 26 39.37 –0.62 .375
14.59 4.78 Enerplus ERF 1.0 15 13.18 +0.94 .033 17.74 12.45 FrankBSPRealty FBRT 8.9 dd 14.39 +1.13 .355
105.28 80.76 Church&Dwight CHD 1.1 29 95.73 –1.83.2625 29.50 3.09 DanimerScientific DNMR ... dd 4.43 +0.51 ... 155.55 121.69 HanoverIns THG 2.0 13 149.69 +2.87 .75
100.23 63.96 EnerSys ENS 1.1 19 64.98 –0.48 .175 52.52 29.07 FranklinCovey FC ... 27 38.62 –1.45 ...
10.55 9.22 ChurchillCapV A CCV ... cc 9.85 ... ... 90.48 32.20 DaqoNewEnergy DQ ... 3 42.01 +0.44 ... 21.60 4.99 Eneti NETI .6 2 6.26 +0.21 .01 52.06 32.13 HarleyDavidson HOG 1.6 10 38.35 +1.90.1575
10.31 9.70 ChurchillVI A CCVI ... dd 9.82 +0.01 ... 38.27 24.45 FranklinRscs BEN 4.6 7 25.01 +0.42 .29
164.28 116.04 Darden DRI 3.4 16 130.10 –1.63 1.10 23.21 10.29 Enfusion ENFN ... ... 12.33 –0.44 ... 10.30 9.60 FreedomI A FACT ... 83 9.81 ... ... 5.76 3.00 HarmonyGold HMY .9 56 3.93 –0.16 .026
9.89 9.64 ChurchillVII A CVII ... dd 9.79 –0.01 ... 87.44 58.70 DarlingIngred DAR ... 20 76.08 +2.69 ... 38.83 16.77 EngageSmart ESMT ... dd 20.74 –0.14 ... 23.73 6.91 Harsco HSC ... dd 8.39 –1.83 ...
78.28 49.51 Ciena CIEN ... 17 54.25 –0.92 ... 51.99 30.02 FreeportMcM FCX 1.6 11 37.88 –2.67 .075
34.97 20.76 Datto MSP ... cc 34.38 –0.32 ... 21.87 16.94 Ennis EBF 5.8 16 17.34 +0.09 .25 42.45 28.75 FreseniusMed FMS 1.6 16 30.74 –0.19.7093 78.17 59.86 HartfordFinl HIG 2.1 10 72.11 +2.18 .385
272.81 191.74 Cigna CI 1.7 17 266.90 +20.12 1.12 136.48 94.38 DaVita DVA ... 12 102.96 –5.41 ... 52.84 24.35 HavertyFurn HVT 3.7 6 27.20 +2.37 .25
25.20 13.37 Cinemark CNK ... dd 15.18 –0.68 ...
47.88 30.04 EnovaIntl ENVA ... 5 33.65 –3.75 ... 36.57 23.42 FreshDelMonte FDP 2.5 14 24.11 –1.94 .15
451.49 231.88 DeckersOutdoor DECK ... 16 246.65 –19.10 ... 94.03 59.15 Enovis ENOV ... cc 64.94 +0.07 ... 10.43 6.10 Frontline FRO ... dd 8.76 +0.43 ... 51.91 24.68 HavertyFurn A HVT.A 3.3 6 27.54 +1.94 .23
39.48 17.60 CircorIntl CIR ... dd 18.00 –1.65 ...
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446.76 320.50 Deere DE 1.1 21 377.46 –0.09 1.05 10.05 9.57 EnphysAcqnA NFYS ... cc 9.68 –0.01 ... 35.10 2.87 fuboTV FUBO ... dd 3.25 –0.54 ... 45.97 37.94 HawaiianElec HE 3.4 19 41.74 +0.63 .35
80.29 47.78 Citigroup C 4.0 6 51.62 +3.41 .51 54.58 36.56 DelekLogistics DKL 7.8 13 50.12 +0.13 .98 117.63 79.80 EnPro NPO 1.2 11 91.64 –1.57 .28 10.23 9.65 HawksAcqnA HWKZ ... ... 9.76 ... ...
57.00 38.42 CitizensFin CFG 3.9 8 40.01 +0.61 .39 22.80 4.12 FullTruck YMM ... dd 5.93 –0.10 ...
29.27 13.48 DelekUS DK ... dd 27.80 +3.60 ... 126.82 98.50 Entergy ETR 3.4 23 119.27 +0.42 1.01 81.73 59.17 FullerHB FUL 1.1 20 66.59 –0.11 .19 28.65 13.76 Hayward HAYW ... 15 14.29 –1.61 ...
6.99 2.46 Citizens CIA ... 3 2.49 –0.50 ... 61.54 45.36 DellTechC DELL ... 6 45.58 –1.43 ... 27.65 20.42 EnterpriseProd EPD 6.9 13 26.95 +1.04 .465 33.77 25.61 HealthcareRealty HR 4.0 55 30.81 +3.73 .31
21.70 10.48 CityOfficeREIT CIO 5.7 1 14.04 –0.80 .20 9.82 9.60 FusionAcqnIIA FSNB ... 47 9.79 –0.01 ...
48.54 29.75 DeltaAir DAL ... 52 41.00 –2.03 ... 9.34 3.74 Entravision EVC 2.3 13 4.44 –0.73 .025 16.49 6.85 FutureFuel FF 2.4 17 9.99 +0.48 .06 34.83 26.36 HealthcareAmer HTA 4.4 68 29.84 –0.62 .325
30.99 15.25 Civeo CVEO ... 39 27.87 +1.87 ... 48.38 25.75 Deluxe DLX 4.5 18 26.69 –0.39 .30 85.99 64.70 Envestnet ENV ... cc 67.99 –11.65 ... 37.69 30.16 HealthpeakProp PEAK 3.9 33 30.65 –2.16 .30
67.61 31.74 CivitasRsrcs CIVI 2.9 22 63.25 +4.63 .90 9.98 9.65 DelwindsInsA DWIN ... 55 9.97 ... ... 52.03 37.60 Envista NVST ... 24 44.86 +5.24 ... G 9.98 9.78 HeartlandMediaA HMA ... ... 9.98 ... ...
34.79 11.71 Clarivate CLVT ... dd 14.65 –1.03 ... 91.30 50.54 Denbury DEN ... 92 72.56 +8.58 ... 91.06 47.67 Enviva EVA 4.5 dd 77.28 –7.06 .905 9.44 4.50 HeclaMining HL .3 89 4.96 –0.25.0062
19.49 14.96 ClarosMtg CMTG 7.8 15 18.88 +1.61 .37 20.48 11.24 DesignerBrands DBI 1.5 7 13.69 –0.13 .05 4.15 2.36 EnzoBiochem ENZ ... cc 2.49 –0.06 ... 29.94 19.52 GAMCO Investors GBL .8 8 20.85 +0.88 .04 159.29 122.94 Heico HEI .1 59 137.01 –4.22 .09
9.85 9.59 ClassAccelA CLAS ... 66 9.83 +0.02 ... 15.48 3.25 DesktopMetal DM ... dd 3.99 +0.48 ... 300.11 199.63 Equifax EFX .8 33 205.10 +1.58 .39 127.58 84.50 GATX GATX 1.9 21 106.83 +3.44 .52 139.65 105.00 Heico A HEI.A .2 49 113.04 –3.60 .09
118.89 87.11 CleanHarbors CLH ... 23 96.43 –8.50 ... 15.09 7.97 DESP ... dd 9.98 –1.11 ... 39.15 18.45 Equinor EQNR 1.6 10 35.71 +1.63 .40 9.99 9.66 G&P Acqn A GAPA ... 43 9.95 –0.02 ... 16.35 3.12 Heliogen HLGN ... dd 3.46 –0.38 ...
4.10 2.07 ClearChannelOutdr CCO ... dd 2.44 –0.02 ... 16.70 9.46 DeutscheBank DB ... 7 9.84 –0.04 ... 37.13 27.54 Equitable EQH 2.5 dd 29.34 +0.51 .18 32.28 20.76 GCPAppliedTechs GCP ... cc 31.46 +0.09 ... 114.89 66.44 HeliosTech HLIO .5 21 68.68 +1.50 .09
65.70 18.79 ClearSecure YOU ... dd 27.69 –2.73 ... 69.75 24.05 DevonEnergy DVN 5.2 13 69.69 +11.52 1.11 11.52 5.87 EquitransMdstm ETRN 7.8 dd 7.73 –0.13 .15 11.00 4.96 GEO Group GEO ... 13 7.34 +0.81 ... 6.70 2.88 HelixEnergy HLX ... dd 4.34 +0.23 ...
27.68 14.51 ClearwaterAnalytic CWAN ... dd 17.45 –0.09 ... 223.14 175.46 Diageo DEO 2.1 26 188.20 –10.481.5713 28.84 25.00 EquityCommnwlth EQC ... dd 26.12 –0.07 ... 43.71 25.91 GFLEnvironmental GFL .2 dd 29.59 –0.54 .012 50.89 20.93 Helm&Payne HP 2.1 dd 48.73 +2.70 .25
44.73 25.07 ClearwaterPaper CLW ... dd 31.30 –1.81 ... 12.04 6.58 DiamondOffshore DO ... dd 7.79 –0.06 ... 9.99 9.72 EquityDistrA EQD ... 26 9.90 ... ... 61.79 40.03 GMS GMS ... 9 47.75 –0.20 ... 55.78 23.75 Herbalife HLF ... 6 24.41 –2.17 ...
36.56 23.21 ClearwayEnergyA CWEN.A 4.4 cc 29.49 +1.07.3536 11.15 8.04 DiamndrckHspty DRH ... dd 10.28 –0.34 ... 88.70 67.62 EquityLife ELS 2.2 48 73.23 –4.05 .41 9.97 9.70 GoAcqnA GOAC ... 34 9.94 +0.01 ... 203.14 99.35 HercHoldings HRI 2.0 14 117.45 –10.37 .575
39.75 24.93 ClearwayEnergyC CWEN 4.2 cc 31.65 +1.12.3536 5.85 3.31 DianaShipping DSX 11.6 8 5.17 +0.51 .20 94.32 71.62 EquityResdntl EQR 3.3 21 76.47 –5.03 .625 11.43 4.78 GOL Linhas GOL .0 dd 5.33 –0.74.0023 19.09 15.91 HerculesCapital HTGC 7.6 12 17.33 +0.53 .15
34.04 15.81 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF ... 4 24.12 –1.37 ... 147.39 82.81 Dick's DKS 2.1 7 92.46 –3.96.4875 2.91 1.81 EquusTotReturn EQS ... 13 2.49 –0.06 ... 9.95 9.64 GSquaredIIA GSQB ... 50 9.87 +0.04 ... 9.41 3.55 HeritageInsurance HRTG 6.5 dd 3.72 –0.54 .06
10.05 9.63 ClimateReal II A CLIM ... 70 9.82 +0.01 ... 18.01 1.65 DiDiGlobal DIDI ... dd 1.74 –0.14 ... 12.65 8.89 ErmenegildoZegna ZGN ... dd 9.52 –0.31 ... 9.99 9.62 GSquaredI A GSQD ... dd 9.84 +0.01 ... 12.42 7.92 HershaHospitality HT ... dd 10.34 +0.56 ...
10.41 7.15 ClipperRealty CLPR 4.3 dd 8.78 –0.15 .095 15.05 3.79 DieboldNixdorf DBD ... dd 3.95 –0.15 ... 25.99 11.76 EroCopper ERO ... 6 12.72 –1.69 ... 105.92 48.38 GXO Logistics GXO ... 39 60.38 +1.19 ... 231.60 167.10 Hershey HSY 1.6 29 226.05 +0.28 .901
10.59 0.55 CloopenGroup RAAS ... dd .82 +0.08 ... 11.49 2.32 DigitalMedia DMS ... cc 2.56 –0.19 ... 33.60 1.55 ErosSTX ESGC ... ... 1.59 –0.14 ... 187.02 135.50 Gallagher AJG 1.2 36 164.48 –4.01 .51 117.33 61.93 Hess HES 1.3 50 117.25 +14.18 .375
191.75 127.02 Clorox CLX 3.0 42 153.94 +10.47 1.16 178.22 130.10 DigitalRealty DLR 3.5 29 141.08 –5.04 1.22 51.74 39.26 EssentGroup ESNT 1.9 7 42.15 +1.62 .20 344.66 77.58 GameStop GME ... dd 114.70 –10.37 ... 35.71 21.94 HessMidstream HESM 7.1 17 31.14 +1.73.5492
221.64 60.90 Cloudflare NET ... dd 65.61 –20.53 ... 8.70 5.53 DigitalBridge DBRG ... dd 6.27 –0.69 ... 32.92 22.40 EssentialProp EPRT 4.6 26 22.77 –1.23 .26 7.05 3.66 Gannett GCI ... dd 3.83 –0.18 ... 17.76 12.99 HewlettPackard HPE 3.1 6 15.69 +0.28 .12
6.34 2.76 CN Finance CNF ... 18 3.05 –0.01 ... 133.40 33.16 DigitalOcean DOCN ... dd 35.82 –3.61 ... 53.93 44.06 EssentialUtil WTRG 2.4 27 44.61 –0.15.2682 28.19 1.26 GaotuTechedu GOTU ... dd 1.48 –0.11 ... 64.99 46.77 Hexcel HXL .7 cc 57.36 +3.00 .10
67.20 52.28 Coca-Cola KO 2.7 27 64.74 +0.13 .44 416.71 96.22 Dillard's DDS .3 7 309.14 +5.33 .20 363.36 279.63 EssexProp ESS 2.8 42 313.43 –15.84 2.20 37.63 11.07 Gap GPS 4.7 19 12.69 +0.27 .15 10.51 9.31 HighlandTransI HTPA ... dd 9.85 –0.01 ...
59.07 46.81 Coca-Cola Femsa KOF 4.7 15 54.18 –0.421.3528 100.70 61.38 DineBrands DIN 2.5 13 74.25 +2.56 .46 374.20 227.49 EsteeLauder EL 1.0 26 240.30 –23.76 .60 178.81 104.71 Garmin GRMN 2.5 19 106.03 –3.71 .67 48.98 39.29 HighwoodsProp HIW 5.0 14 39.68 –1.16 .50
11.14 3.47 CoeurMining CDE ... dd 3.86 +0.23 ... 46.00 2.51 Dingdong DDL ... dd 3.99 –1.32 ... 32.15 22.02 EthanAllen ETD 5.1 7 25.34 +1.60 .32 369.00 221.50 Gartner IT ... 27 252.81 –37.74 ... 2.82 1.19 HillIntl HIL ... dd 1.31 +0.07 ...
101.22 67.83 Cohen&Steers CNS 2.9 18 76.22 –1.47 .55 10.04 9.78 DirectSellingA DSAQ ... ... 10.03 +0.01 ... 13.24 7.55 Euronav EURN 1.0 dd 11.78 –0.05 .03 18.94 12.37 GatesIndustrial GTES ... 13 12.55 –0.20 ... 54.15 40.03 Hillenbrand HI 2.0 14 42.87 +2.05.2175
10.05 9.68 CohnRobbinsA CRHC ... 29 9.95 +0.03 ... 135.69 100.07 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 2.2 7 111.01 –1.45 .60 10.25 9.70 EVeMobilityA EVE ... ... 9.92 +0.01 ... 20.26 2.68 GatosSilver GATO ... dd 2.98 –0.40 ... 39.14 25.07 Hilltop HTH 2.0 7 30.26 +4.77 .15
85.61 72.20 ColgatePalm CL 2.4 32 76.84 –0.21 .47 187.58 108.30 Disney DIS ... 65 110.29 –1.34 ... 23.23 10.42 Eventbrite EB ... dd 11.19 +0.61 ... 12.23 2.55 Gelesis GLS ... dd 5.03 –0.14 ... 56.33 36.95 HiltonGrandVac HGV ... 28 43.70 –3.13 ...
9.78 9.55 ColombierAcqnA CLBR ... 58 9.74 +0.01 ... 10.45 9.69 dMYTechGroupVI DMYS ... ... 9.79 –0.02 ... 164.63 103.11 EvercoreA EVR 2.6 6 110.56 +4.81 .72 26.00 13.21 GencoShipping GNK 14.0 5 22.57 +0.54 .79 167.99 114.70 Hilton HLT .4 55 143.48 –11.81 .15
9.96 9.61 Colonnade II A CLAA ... cc 9.82 +0.01 ... 104.25 69.18 DolbyLab DLB 1.4 29 71.54 –5.93 .25 10.05 9.80 EverestConsolidA MNTN ... ... 10.05 +0.06 ... 524.31 217.11 Generac GNRC ... 32 241.69 +22.31 ... 15.55 3.86 Hims&HersHealth HIMS ... dd 3.99 –0.22 ...
102.09 63.07 Comerica CMA 3.3 11 81.42 –0.48 .68 17.66 11.55 Dole DOLE 2.7 dd 11.81 –0.10 .08 308.20 234.87 EverestRe RE 2.2 9 287.32 +12.61 1.55 254.99 182.66 GeneralDynamics GD 2.1 21 239.60 +3.07 1.26 10.82 1.58 Hippo HIPO ... dd 1.69 –0.19 ...
103.74 67.91 ComfortSystems FIX .7 15 85.21 +0.79 .14 262.21 185.15 DollarGeneral DG .9 23 233.56 –3.97 .55 73.13 59.46 Evergy EVRG 3.4 18 68.10 +0.25.5725 116.17 72.61 GeneralElec GE .4 dd 78.23 +3.68 .08 19.46 10.66 HireRight HRT ... dd 17.28 –0.01 ...
46.68 28.77 CommercialMetals CMC 1.4 5 39.26 –1.74 .14 10.02 1.56 Doma DOMA ... dd 1.66 –0.20 ... 26.61 16.28 Everi EVRI ... 11 16.74 –0.62 ... 73.80 56.67 GeneralMills GIS 2.9 19 71.40 +0.67 .51 14.68 9.24 Holley HLLY ... dd 9.95 –0.59 ...
82.10 62.46 CommBkSys CBU 2.7 19 64.67 +0.27 .43 88.78 70.37 DominionEner D 3.2 23 84.02 +2.38.6675 94.63 78.44 EversourceEner ES 2.8 26 90.40 +3.00.6375 67.21 37.25 GeneralMotors GM ... 7 39.58 +1.67 ... 23.69 15.61 HollyEnergy HEP 7.7 9 18.24 +1.11 .35
17.04 6.90 CommunityHlthSys CYH ... 3 7.03 –0.64 ... 567.57 335.30 Domino's DPZ 1.3 26 341.79 +3.79 1.10 51.06 37.39 Evertec EVTC .5 17 38.51 –0.89 .05 9.87 9.66 GenAsia I A GAQ ... ... 9.82 ... ... 29.76 20.69 HomeBancShares HOMB 3.1 12 21.42 –0.20 .165
51.53 35.53 CommunityHlthcr CHCT 4.7 42 37.50 +0.68 .44 69.35 48.14 Donaldson DCI 1.8 20 50.26 +1.22 .22 34.60 17.62 EvolentHealth EVH ... dd 28.53 +1.01 ... 73.72 48.18 Genesco GCO ... 8 60.66 –1.37 ... 420.61 289.41 HomeDepot HD 2.6 19 294.31 –6.09 1.90
11.22 5.76 SABESP SBS 2.2 14 8.66 –0.33.2004 52.33 24.67 DonnelleyFin DFIN ... 6 26.35 –2.92 ... 49.38 27.75 EvoquaWater AQUA ... 92 38.67 –3.02 ... 13.48 7.49 GenesisEnergy GEL 4.9 dd 12.36 +1.38 .15 33.42 25.57 HondaMotor HMC 3.1 6 26.68 +0.43.4463
3.87 1.97 EngGr-Cmg C CIG.C ... 8 3.35 +0.23 ... 257.25 63.11 DoorDash DASH ... dd 72.11 –9.32 ... 29.10 22.65 ExcelerateEner EE ... ... 26.90 –0.11 ... 7.22 4.74 GenieEnergy GNE 4.7 6 6.35 –0.14 .075 42.95 36.21 HoraceMannEdu HMN 3.4 11 37.49 –2.36 .32
2.80 1.61 EngGr-Cmg CIG ... 6 2.53 +0.20 ... 17.59 10.77 DorianLPG LPG .0 9 17.32 +2.60 2.50 10.23 9.65 ExecutiveNtwkA ENPC ... 18 9.90 ... ... 25.18 3.52 GeniusSports GENI ... dd 3.54 –0.28 ... 10.15 9.68 HorizonII A HZON ... 32 9.89 –0.01 ...
8.15 5.01 COPEL ELP 16.6 19 6.34 –0.92.5373 48.42 19.95 DoubleVerify DV ... cc 20.85 –0.90 ... 8.67 2.74 Express EXPR ... dd 3.86 +0.42 ... 54.03 37.68 Genpact G 1.2 21 40.54 +0.27 .125 10.14 3.25 HorizonGlobal HZN ... dd 3.25 –0.47 ...
10.33 3.56 CiaSiderurgica SID 9.6 2 4.04 –0.17.2433 45.74 29.97 DouglasDynamics PLOW 3.8 23 30.76 –0.20 .29 24.27 11.74 Expro XPRO ... dd 14.38 –0.90 ... 142.97 115.63 GenuineParts GPC 2.7 20 130.79 +0.74 .895 55.11 40.48 HormelFoods HRL 2.0 31 52.01 –0.38 .26
21.82 12.81 CerveceriasUnid CCU 9.8 9 13.06 –0.28.3084 12.66 5.71 DouglasElliman DOUG 3.4 ... 5.84 –0.22 .05 7.70 2.67 Exterran EXTN ... dd 5.95 –0.84 ... 4.61 3.23 GenworthFin GNW ... 2 4.05 +0.34 ... 110.45 67.85 DR Horton DHI 1.3 5 70.02 +0.43 .225
33.31 20.37 CompassDiversif CODI 4.3 dd 23.11 +1.25 .25 36.97 28.70 DouglasEmmett DEI 3.8 80 29.22 –0.24 .28 228.84 141.67 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 3.3 29 181.66 –8.34 1.50 17.96 9.50 GeoPark GPRK 2.0 17 16.67 +0.95 .082 122.62 65.03 HoulihanLokey HLI 2.0 12 85.00 +1.71 .43
17.70 5.09 Compass COMP ... dd 5.28 –0.15 ... 184.05 131.03 Dover DOV 1.5 17 133.01 –0.29 .50 92.05 52.10 ExxonMobil XOM 3.8 15 91.69 +6.44 .88 7.27 4.19 Gerdau GGB .4 3 5.50 –0.17 .116 146.34 44.41 Hovnanian HOV ... 1 46.45 +0.43 ...
75.44 47.10 CompassMnlInt CMP 1.2 dd 48.11 –11.02 .15 71.86 52.07 Dow DOW 4.1 7 67.93 +1.43 .70 34.21 25.74 GettyRealty GTY 6.2 19 26.28 –0.63 .41 113.20 81.99 HowardHughes HHC ... 86 90.80 –9.49 ...
9.87 9.63 ComputeHlthA CPUH ... cc 9.80 –0.01 ... 107.79 34.60 Doximity DOCS ... 57 34.65 –5.22 ... F 10.09 9.80 GigCapital5 GIA ... ... 9.99 –0.01 ... 37.66 27.41 HowmetAerospace HWM .2 60 35.03 +0.91 .02
19.17 5.05 ComstockRscs CRK ... dd 16.74 –0.29 ... 75.50 47.88 DrReddy'sLab RDY .6 22 50.86 –2.82.3365 43.63 30.17 Gildan GIL 2.2 10 30.92 –2.96 .169 28.77 13.05 HuanengPower HNP 5.2 dd 18.71 –1.151.1071
39.09 30.06 ConagraBrands CAG 3.5 17 35.59 +0.66.3125 41.23 18.17 Dril-Quip DRQ ... dd 30.94 +2.06 ... 14.10 10.02 FastAcqnA FST ... dd 10.08 +0.01 ... 15.86 2.62 GinkgoBioworks DNA ... dd 2.71 –0.19 ... 212.54 170.76 Hubbell HUBB 2.1 21 196.51 +1.15 1.05
13.48 9.74 ConcordAcqnA CND ... dd 9.95 –0.01 ... 4.02 1.12 DriveShack DS ... dd 1.19 –0.04 ... 10.00 9.60 FastAcqnII A FZT ... 78 9.79 +0.01 ... 62.27 45.29 GlacierBancorp GBCI 2.9 17 46.14 +0.38 .33 866.00 325.97 HubSpot HUBS ... dd 356.38 –23.05 ...
10.70 9.60 ConcordAcqnIIA CNDA ... 96 9.71 –0.02 ... 25.25 16.16 DuckhornPtf NAPA ... 40 19.61 +0.19 ... 48.04 34.99 FB Financial FBK 1.3 11 39.04 +0.51 .13 18.74 8.68 Glatfelter GLT 6.3 58 8.86 –2.14 .14 9.60 5.22 HudbayMinerals HBM .3 dd 5.99 –0.41.0079
10.40 9.72 ConcordAcqnIII A CNDB ... 47 9.94 ... ... 58.65 40.82 Ducommun DCO ... 5 50.15 –0.92 ... 17.75 7.48 F45Training FXLV ... dd 7.58 –1.21 ... 87.24 39.35 Glaukos GKOS ... dd 41.35 –5.94 ... 30.35 21.93 HudsonPacProp HPP 4.5 dd 22.14 –1.14 .25
3.64 1.15 ConcordMed CCM ... dd 1.40 –0.09 ... 116.33 95.48 DukeEnergy DUK 3.5 23 111.32 +1.16 .985 50.40 13.04 Figs FIGS ... dd 14.13 –1.53 ... 46.97 37.80 GSK GSK 4.5 16 44.09 –1.19.3496 475.44 351.20 Humana HUM .7 18 430.66 –13.90.7875
159.11 116.01 Conmed CNMD .7 60 116.97 –15.99 .20 66.22 44.13 DukeRealty DRE 2.3 19 49.76 –4.99 .28 140.99 87.27 FMC FMC 1.8 21 119.00 –13.54 .53 11.50 4.71 GlobalBlue GB ... dd 5.24 +0.23 ... 10.43 9.80 HuntCosI A HTAQ ... 25 10.02 –0.01 ...
107.71 51.41 ConocoPhillips COP 1.7 18 107.69 +12.17 .46 23.40 14.83 Dun&Bradstreet DNB ... dd 15.15 –0.64 ... 14.11 10.51 FNB FNB 4.1 11 11.83 +0.31 .12 6.31 2.10 GlobalCordBlood CO ... 4 2.63 –0.80 ... 228.66 175.50 HuntingIngalls HII 2.2 16 216.25 +3.51 1.18
99.22 71.17 ConEd ED 3.4 24 93.98 +1.24 .79 86.28 64.35 DuPont DD 2.0 22 65.42 –0.51 .33 14.37 7.65 FreyrBattery FREY ... dd 8.57 –0.41 ... 31.98 23.97 GlobalIndemnity GBLI 3.8 13 26.00 +0.06 .25 41.65 24.10 Huntsman HUN 2.5 6 34.18 +0.31.2125
10.02 9.61 ConstellationI A CSTA ... 24 9.85 +0.02 ... 81.40 32.42 DutchBros BROS ... ... 45.56 –2.21 ... 23.45 19.71 FS KKR Cap FSK 12.0 2 21.04 +0.09 .63 45.21 28.35 GlobalIndl GIC 2.1 12 33.65 +2.79 .18 108.10 67.70 HyattHotels H ... dd 85.50 –9.46 ...
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 39


–52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
13.58 3.08 Hyliion HYLN ... dd 3.13 –0.08 ... 88.62 60.31 MineralsTechs MTX .3 13 66.11 +2.50 .05 75.07 48.51 ONEOK OKE 5.7 20 65.60 +2.27 .935
79.66 29.95 HysterYaleMatls HY 3.9 dd 33.03 +2.31.3225
NYSE Cumulative Daily Breadth vs DIJA 11.95
–0.75 ...
+0.02 ...
–0.54 ...
OaktreeAcqnII A
ONTF ...
OSH ...
OACB ...
–0.66 ...
–0.74 ...
... ...
11.78 5.54 MistrasGroup MG ... 45 5.57 –0.12 ... 64.98 21.62 OccidentalPetrol OXY .8 42 64.94 +9.85 .13
–1.65 ...
Still No Fun: NYSE Composite breadth fell for a fifth week, as the 6.78
1.9 16
7 5.94
OXY.WT ...
OII ...
+9.29 ...
+0.64 ...
12.96 6.43 ICL Group ICL 1.4 18 10.85 –0.12.1318
118.92 95.26 IDACORP IDA 2.8 22 107.34 +2.16 .75 S&P 500 declined 0.2% amid concerns about the future course of 3.21
... dd
6 2.37
–2.15 ...
OCN ...
OPAD ...
+2.93 ...
+0.51 ...
67.30 22.96 IDT IDT ... 9 28.05 +1.57 ...
18.48 9.21 IHS Holding IHS ... 34 10.93 +0.43 ... monetary policy. Losing NYSE stocks outpaced winners by 2 to 1. 18.54
6.8 dd
7 8.12
+0.22 ...
ODC 4.3
OIS ...
... .27
+0.42 ...
15.97 8.97 ING Groep ING 9.3 ... 9.15 –0.19.4525 Breadth DJIA 77.49 41.81 Moelis MC 5.6 8 42.68 –1.58 .60 27.19 21.50 OldRepublic ORI 4.1 5 22.67 +0.66 .23
4.83 2.80 INNOVATE VATE ... dd 2.91 –0.12 ... 231.80 117.56 MohawkInds MHK ... 10 149.77 +8.71 ... 65.30 39.90 Olin OLN 1.3 7 63.40 +6.00 .20
29.71 18.14 Invesco IVZ 4.1 6 18.46 +0.08.1875 350.19 239.20 MolinaHealthcare MOH ... 26 308.11 –5.34 ... 49.00 9.83 Olo OLO ... dd 10.38 –0.31 ...
10.02 9.64 IonAcqn3 IACC ... dd 9.76 –0.01 ... 609,000 36,500 70.00 51.21 MolsonCoorsA TAP.A 2.6 12 58.60 –0.20 .38 38.20 24.81 OmegaHealthcare OHI 9.5 16 28.35 +2.87 .67
2.67 0.35 IONGeophysical IO ... dd .39 –0.10 ... Breadth 582,130 61.48 42.46 MolsonCoorsB TAP 2.9 11 53.14 –1.00 .38 10.00 9.70 OmnichannelA OCA ... 37 9.99 +0.01 ...
285.61 204.50 IQVIA IQV ... 39 213.82 –4.17 ... 11.34 1.57 MoneyLion ML ... 3 1.60 –0.48 ... 91.61 65.76 Omnicom OMC 3.6 13 77.38 +1.25 .70
5.77 3.56 IRSA IRS ... dd 4.39 –0.13 ... 603,200 35,700 80.42 38.35 MontroseEnvl MEG ... dd 43.61 –1.76 ... 55.87 19.75 OnHolding ONON ... dd 22.53 –2.44 ...
105.54 68.80 ITT ITT 1.5 20 71.68 +1.46 .264 407.94 287.01 Moody's MCO .9 28 300.44 –16.04 .70 36.60 23.80 OneLiberty OLP 6.9 14 26.27 –2.38 .45
3.85 1.96 IamGold IAG ... dd 2.11 –0.71 ... 91.95 67.77 Moog A MOG.A 1.3 17 77.88 –1.99 .26 19.60 0.99 OneConnectFinTech OCFT ... dd 1.35 –0.02 ...
9.95 9.60 IberePharmA IBER ... 91 9.82 ... ... 597,400 34,900 91.82 68.48 Moog B MOG.B 1.4 17 76.84 –5.86 .26 63.19 42.13 OneMain OMF 8.5 5 44.78 –1.15 .95
10.08 9.83 IconicSportsA ICNC ... ... 10.04 –0.04 ... 109.73 80.03 MorganStanley MS 3.3 11 84.23 +3.64 .70 11.71 1.14 OnionGlobal OG ... ... 1.40 +0.02 ...
240.33 181.66 IDEX IEX 1.1 30 188.06 –1.76 .54 79.28 28.26 Mosaic MOS .7 15 64.05 +1.63.1125 106.09 56.56 OntoInnovation ONTO ... 25 71.72 +0.58 ...
11.77 1.10 iHuman IH ... dd 2.90 –0.11 ... 591,600 34,100 10.40 9.75 MotiveCapII A MTVC ... ... 9.93 +0.01 ... 24.89 12.60 Ooma OOMA ... dd 12.75 –0.09 ...
249.81 195.25 IllinoisToolWks ITW 2.3 25 209.27 +12.16 1.22 273.65 189.23 MotorolaSol MSI 1.5 29 206.51 –7.18 .79 55.75 31.67 Oppenheimer A OPY 1.9 3 32.32 +0.10 .15
23.57 13.60 Imax IMAX ... dd 15.83 +0.01 ... 48.66 27.69 Movado MOV 4.0 9 35.16 –0.81 .35 11.40 2.70 OppFi OPFI ... 2 3.15 +0.18 ...
7.40 2.42 IndependenceContr ICD ... dd 4.11 –0.01 ... 585,800 33,300 63.07 39.00 MuellerIndustries MLI 1.8 5 54.06 –0.09 .25 106.34 70.23 Oracle ORCL 1.8 28 72.49 –0.91 .32
28.42 15.62 IndepRealty IRT 2.1 62 23.41 –3.85 .12 17.37 11.56 MuellerWater MWA 1.9 26 12.04 +0.01 .058 13.09 9.85 Orange ORAN ... cc 12.18 +0.43 ...
10.04 9.80 IndlHumanCap AXH ... dd 10.04 +0.02 ... 9.69 3.25 MultiPlan MPLN ... 28 4.45 +0.02 ... 5.86 2.61 OrchidIslandCap ORC 17.9 dd 3.01 +0.23 .045
47.80 36.98 IndustrsBachoco IBA 1.9 9 45.88 +0.101.8966 580,000 32,500 44.63 17.87 MurphyOil MUR 1.8 dd 38.27 +0.19 .175 39.48 27.25 Organon OGN 3.2 7 34.77 +2.44 .28
10.07 9.72 InfiniteAcqnA NFNT ... ... 9.90 +0.04 ... J J A S O N D J F M A M 251.28 126.56 MurphyUSA MUSA .5 16 236.20 +2.60 .29 22.09 14.05 OrionEngCarbons OEC .5 8 16.86 +1.76.0207
10.02 9.83 InFinTAcqnA IFIN ... ... 10.02 +0.01 ... 9.95 9.60 MusicAcqnA TMAC ... 71 9.80 ... ... 6.50 2.10 OrionGroup ORN ... dd 2.67 +0.01 ...
40.13 16.20 Informatica INFA ... dd 19.85 +0.39 ... In generating this chart, we subtract each day's NYSE composite declines from that day's advances. The resultant total is 32.25 12.98 OrionOffice ONL 3.0 ... 13.12 –0.30 .10
23.63 15.82 MyersIndustries MYE 2.3 26 23.53 +1.60 .135
26.39 17.81 Infosys INFY 1.2 28 19.85 –0.02.2012 added to the next day's total, and so on. When all five days' numbers are added together, this produces the weekly figure we 27.43 8.40 MyovantSciences MYOV ... dd 8.68 –0.63 ... 112.91 79.51 Orix IX 3.4 9 91.84 +1.031.4528
62.64 43.09 IngersollRand IR .2 24 43.80 –0.16 .02 plot. Dec. 31, 1985 =1000. 88.52 60.32 OrmatTech ORA .6 71 77.77 +0.07 .12
89.55 56.31 Ingevity NGVT ... 23 67.69 +7.79 ... N 29.70 5.72 OscarHealth OSCR ... dd 7.29 –0.07 ...
101.89 81.25 Ingredion INGR 2.9 52 88.31 +3.20 .65 137.47 90.56 Oshkosh OSK 1.6 16 92.83 +0.39 .37
288.02 132.57 InnovativeIndProp IIPR 5.2 29 134.00 –10.59 1.75 51.20 23.14 NACCO Inds NC 1.6 7 49.46 +3.38.1975 10.00 9.56 OsirisAcqn OSI ... 65 9.74 –0.03 ...
10.05 3.53 Innovid CTV ... dd 4.96 –0.48 ... –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div 16.00 8.70 N-able NABL ... cc 9.77 –0.23 ... 15.12 10.64 OsiskoGoldRoyal OR 1.4 dd 12.18 –0.12.0437
10.00 9.69 InsightAcqnA INAQ ... ... 9.83 ... ... High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. 50.00 28.00 NCR NCR ... cc 34.86 –0.17 ... 92.84 71.07 OtisWorldwide OTIS 1.6 26 74.58 +1.74 .29
129.32 82.82 Insperity NSP 1.8 30 101.36 –4.69 .45 5.80 4.61 KingswayFin KFS ... dd 5.54 –0.09 ... 3.21 1.38 NGL Energy NGL ... dd 2.00 –0.09 ... 14.99 2.85 Ouster OUST ... dd 3.09 –0.22 ...
286.29 159.18 InspireMedical INSP ... dd 173.71 –32.05 ... 10.25 9.77 KingswoodA KWAC ... dd 10.24 +0.01 ... M 55.13 13.01 NIO NIO ... dd 14.92 –1.78 ... 29.36 20.76 OutfrontMedia OUT 5.2 50 23.04 –2.56 .30
141.43 75.95 InstalledBldg IBP 1.4 22 87.74 +7.27 .315 8.34 4.83 KinrossGold KGC 2.4 28 4.92 –0.16 .03 7.98 5.21 NL Industries NL ... 7 7.16 +0.28 ... 3.04 1.64 OverseasShip OSG ... dd 2.17 +0.09 ...
47.70 30.12 InsteelInds IIIN .3 8 44.57 +2.15 .03 245.17 153.12 KinsaleCapital KNSL .2 32 210.74 –10.95 .13 186.95 128.46 M&T Bank MTB 2.8 13 170.48 +3.84 1.20 24.06 11.46 NOV NOV 1.1 dd 18.98 +0.85 .05 57.60 21.92 Ovintiv OVV 1.4 11 55.62 +4.43 .20
29.59 17.02 Instructure INST ... dd 17.68 –0.42 ... 75.08 47.58 Kirby KEX ... dd 65.30 +0.10 ... 17.90 8.53 MBIA MBI ... dd 12.78 +0.74 ... 12.55 6.83 NOW DNOW ... cc 11.00 +0.10 ... 49.16 29.85 Owens&Minor OMI .0 12 37.22 +1.73.0025
101.61 68.58 IntegerHoldings ITGR ... 31 76.64 +1.47 ... 23.35 18.43 KiteRealty KRG 3.5 dd 21.65 –0.65 .20 63.86 34.69 MDC Holdings MDC 5.3 5 38.05 +1.14 .50 46.10 31.94 NRG Energy NRG 3.4 5 41.40 +5.50 .35 109.90 79.35 OwensCorning OC 1.5 9 94.93 +4.00 .35
10.00 9.80 IntegratedRailA IRRX ... dd 9.97 ... ... 62.29 44.22 Knight-Swift KNX 1.0 10 49.44 +1.55 .12 9.93 9.60 MDH Acqn A MDH ... 64 9.82 +0.02 ... 5982.45 4224.65 NVR NVR ... 12 4415.62 +39.41 ... 15.33 13.41 OwlRock ORCC 9.1 9 13.68 –0.63 .31
10.06 9.80 IntegratedWellA WEL ... ... 10.03 ... ... 10.00 9.84 KnightSwanA KNSW ... ... 9.96 –0.02 ... 35.02 25.18 MDU Rscs MDU 3.4 14 25.60 –0.16.2175 10.04 9.86 NaborsEnerA NETC ... ... 10.01 +0.01 ... 11.43 1.59 Owlet OWLT ... dd 4.01 +0.28 ...
139.79 98.67 ICE ICE 1.5 14 99.81 –16.00 .38 20.34 12.34 KnotOffshore KNOP12.3 ... 16.95 +0.63 .52 19.60 13.11 MFA Financial MFA 12.0 6 14.64 +0.39 .44 207.67 65.58 NaborsIndustries NBR ... dd 152.39 –2.23 ... 114.47 76.21 OxfordIndustries OXM 2.6 11 85.05 –4.55 .55
73.79 58.74 InterContinentl IHG 1.4 42 61.68 –3.13 .859 23.81 18.13 Knowles KN ... 12 19.26 +0.74 ... 16.85 12.80 MGIC Investment MTG 2.4 7 13.48 +0.42 .08 37.88 4.74 NamTaiProperty NTP ... 5 5.24 –0.97 ...
37.64 17.67 IntercorpFinSvcs IFS 7.1 6 24.48 –2.85 .65 64.80 43.67 Kohl's KSS 3.6 9 55.73 –2.15 .50 51.17 35.72 MGM Resorts MGM .0 12 38.31 –2.73.0025 48.24 34.11 NatlBankHoldings NBHC 2.4 14 38.02 +1.51 .23 PQ
145.99 114.56 IBM IBM 4.8 23 137.67 +5.46 1.65 58.67 25.48 KoninklijkePhil PHG 3.2 6 25.93 +0.15.9641 74.85 40.30 MI Homes MHO ... 3 46.72 +2.44 ... 74.32 49.16 NationalFuelGas NFG 2.6 15 69.98 –0.15 .455
157.08 113.40 IntlFlavors IFF 2.6 cc 122.15 +0.85 .79 67.39 39.01 KontoorBrands KTB 4.3 12 42.35 +2.62 .46 26.32 6.00 MinisoGroup MNSO ... 21 6.04 –1.31 ... 80.20 59.53 NationalGrid NGG 4.6 25 73.37 –0.791.1573 32.41 7.24 PBF Energy PBF ... 15 31.17 +2.11 ...
32.95 17.27 IntlGameTech IGT 3.9 9 20.67 –1.16 .20 39.44 23.84 Koppers KOP .8 6 24.17 –0.09 .05 21.60 2.33 MOGU MOGU ... dd 2.37 –0.26 ... 72.40 50.22 NatlHealthInv NHI 6.7 22 53.82 +2.29 .90 16.70 10.65 PBF Logistics PBFX 7.6 7 15.76 +0.07 .30
61.80 40.45 IntlPaper IP 3.8 11 48.16 +1.88.5125 12.28 8.20 KoreaElcPwr KEP 4.9 dd 8.90 +0.02.4875 35.49 26.01 MPLX MPLX 8.7 11 32.55 +0.19 .705 107.89 70.60 NatlPrestoInds NPK 1.4 20 72.90 +1.77 3.50 13.19 8.24 PG&E PCG ... dd 12.56 –0.09 ...
22.98 13.05 IntlSeaways INSW 1.1 dd 22.77 +1.64 .06 84.68 59.52 KornFerry KFY .8 11 61.08 –0.36 .12 60.19 23.18 MP Materials MP ... 53 37.69 –0.35 ... 50.33 40.65 NatlRetailProp NNN 4.9 29 43.35 –0.49 .53 28.11 16.26 PGT Innovations PGTI ... 34 17.59 –0.18 ...
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10.00 9.52 InterPrivateII A IPVA ... dd 9.78 –0.02 ... 8.36 1.80 KosmosEnergy KOS ... dd 7.38 +0.62 ... 13.45 6.38 MRC Global MRC ... dd 12.08 +0.09 ... 70.04 41.10 NatlStorage NSA 3.8 55 52.46 –4.14 .50 4.37 2.07 PHX Minerals PHX 1.6 cc 3.85 +0.34 .015
9.97 9.65 InterPrivateII A IPVF ... dd 9.92 +0.01 ... 62.78 35.91 Kroger KR 1.6 25 53.85 –0.11 .21 172.31 115.10 MSA Safety MSA 1.5 cc 122.31 +1.62 .46 23.73 6.40 Natura&Co NTCO .8 23 6.43 –1.09.0492 89.50 54.48 PJT Partners PJT 1.5 17 66.78 +0.79 .25
39.98 30.45 Interpublic IPG 3.5 13 32.78 +0.16 .29 17.76 12.06 KronosWorldwide KRO 5.0 16 15.27 +0.05 .19 679.85 395.01 MSCI MSCI 1.0 45 405.61 –15.64 1.04 14.23 8.91 NaturalGasSvcs NGS ... dd 12.30 +0.02 ... 38.69 23.71 PLDT PHI 3.3 15 36.85 +1.29 .844
121.72 22.82 IntrepidPotash IPI ... 4 67.83 –8.75 ... 7.15 3.01 KukeMusic KUKE ... dd 3.12 –0.28 ... 96.23 74.20 MSC Industrial MSM 3.7 15 81.49 –1.37 .75 24.25 9.88 NaturalGrocers NGVC 2.3 15 17.51 –2.88 .10 9.92 9.65 PMV Consumer PMVC ... 43 9.91 –0.01 ...
8.83 1.38 Invacare IVC ... dd 1.49 –0.17 ... 40.00 10.68 Kyndryl KD ... dd 13.75 +1.86 ... 10.39 9.27 M3-Brigade II A MBAC ... dd 9.82 +0.04 ... 50.82 17.62 NaturalResPtrs NRP 6.0 9 49.72 +2.42 .75 228.14 164.10 PNC Fin PNC 3.6 14 166.62 +0.52 1.50
32.20 1.10 InvenTrust IVT 2.8 dd 29.71 –0.58.2052 10.03 9.65 M3-BrigadeIII A MBSC ... ... 9.99 ... ... 23.11 9.32 Natuzzi NTZ ... ... 11.06 –0.86 ... 50.11 43.84 PNM Resources PNM 3.0 20 46.00 –0.66.3475
4.60 1.66 InvescoMtg IVR 20.9 dd 1.72 –0.02 .09 L 15.14 5.40 MV Oil MVO 13.7 11 10.96 +0.17 .425 7.00 4.99 NatWest NWG ... 7 5.26 –0.16 ... 92.19 54.20 POSCO PKX 4.4 4 55.75 –0.96.9327
35.51 4.63 Invitae NVTA ... dd 5.01 –0.30 ... 32.71 10.58 Mytheresa MYTE ... dd 11.08 –0.86 ... 18.59 2.88 Nautilus NLS ... 4 3.00 –0.01 ... 182.97 111.32 PPG Ind PPG 1.8 29 128.53 +0.54 .59
45.80 34.15 InvitatHomes INVH 2.3 97 37.99 –1.83 .22 10.23 9.80 L&F Acqn A LNFA ... 39 10.13 –0.06 ... 22.88 12.05 Macerich MAC 4.4 dd 13.51 +0.96 .15 14.21 7.84 NavigatorHldgs NVGS ... dd 13.39 +0.37 ... 30.72 25.27 PPL PPL 2.7 cc 29.23 +0.92 .20
35.90 5.66 IonQ IONQ ... dd 5.92 –1.95 ... 163.33 96.32 LCI Inds LCII 3.4 9 107.40 +10.08 .90 40.85 3.53 MacquarieInfr MIC ... dd 3.75 ... ... 10.90 2.85 NaviosMaritime NM ... 1 3.65 +0.02 ... 56.73 24.38 ProgHoldings PRG ... 9 28.14 +1.67 ...
58.61 40.53 IronMountain IRM 4.6 35 54.24 +0.51.6185 11.26 6.29 LG Display LPL 3.0 5 6.65 +0.22.2739 37.95 15.55 Macy's M 2.7 5 23.12 –1.05.1575 57.23 31.46 Neenah NP 5.1 dd 37.37 +1.97 .475 10.05 9.79 ProofAcqnIA PACI ... ... 9.92 ... ...
47.50 2.55 IronNet IRNT ... dd 2.85 +0.17 ... 26.50 12.18 LL Flooring LL ... 9 12.41 –1.40 ... 94.37 60.26 MSG Entertainment MSGE ... dd 69.30 –3.95 ... 99.79 72.00 Nelnet NNI 1.2 8 81.92 –0.15 .24 50.90 23.08 PROS PRO ... dd 28.53 +0.60 ...
13.14 3.57 ironSource IS ... 64 3.74 –0.09 ... 27.45 3.59 LSB Inds LXU ... dd 18.76 –2.65 ... 203.37 152.42 MSG Sports MSGS ... 73 162.77 +0.66 ... 16.14 7.95 NeoPhotonics NPTN ... dd 15.00 –0.14 ... 189.83 147.03 PSBusinessParks PSB 2.3 13 186.45 –0.75 1.05
27.75 16.43 iStar STAR 2.9 13 17.26 +0.42 .125 41.60 31.36 LTC Properties LTC 6.5 25 35.16 +2.16 .19 53.85 43.58 MagellanMid MMP 8.5 11 49.09 +0.641.0375 13.49 3.25 NerdyA NRDY ... 4 3.38 –0.34 ... 17.14 9.29 P10 PX ... cc 12.26 +0.16 ...
5.79 2.64 ItauCorpBanca ITCB 3.8 24 2.96 –0.06 .165 279.71 200.71 L3HarrisTech LHX 1.8 26 243.83 +11.57 1.12 104.28 54.60 MagnaIntl MGA 3.0 14 59.79 –0.48 .45 26.93 20.45 Netstreit NTST 3.8 cc 20.90 –0.72 .20 125.42 64.64 PVH PVH .2 5 67.73 –5.05.0375
5.89 3.60 ItauUnibanco ITUB 2.9 9 4.65 –0.14.0029 16.11 11.56 LXP Industrial LXP 4.1 9 11.67 –0.88 .12 26.90 14.66 Magnachip MX ... 15 17.60 –0.69 ... 182.45 49.74 Nevro NVRO ... dd 50.91 –10.78 ... 168.50 124.78 PackagingCpAm PKG 2.5 17 162.47 +1.30 1.00
26.83 11.38 MagnoliaOil MGY 1.1 11 25.67 +2.43 .20 50.33 24.02 PagerDuty PD ... dd 25.77 –2.80 ...
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46.74 25.24 La-Z-Boy LZB 2.5 9 26.55 +0.27 .165 47.50 34.41 NewJerseyRscs NJR 3.3 29 43.76 +0.60.3625
J 317.17 232.01 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 1.1 12 251.49 +11.21 .72 10.17 9.56 MagnumOpusA OPA ... dd 9.87 ... ... 152.30 8.40 NewOrientalEduc EDU ... ... 12.20 –0.35 ... 61.65 11.76 PagSeguroDig PAGS ... 19 12.33 –2.38 ...
12.70 10.48 LadderCapital LADR 7.0 19 11.44 +0.05 .20 47.13 37.91 MainStreetCap MAIN 6.4 8 40.54 +0.30 .215 129.70 51.52 NewRelic NEWR ... dd 57.35 –5.92 ... 29.29 9.42 PalantirTech PLTR ... dd 9.48 –0.92 ...
10.05 9.70 JattAcqnA JATT ... 26 9.94 –0.02 ... 85.72 49.71 LambWeston LW 1.6 39 63.15 –2.95 .245 20.86 12.04 ManchesterUnited MANU 1.3 dd 13.82 +0.28 .09 11.81 8.98 NewResidInvt NRZ 9.0 7 11.13 +0.73 .25 25.86 13.56 PampaEnergia PAM ... 4 20.47 –1.10 ...
34.98 25.19 JBG SMITH Prop JBGS 3.5 dd 25.45 –0.91 .225 5.82 0.55 Lannett LCI ... dd .56 –0.08 ... 28.33 12.09 Manitowoc MTW ... 40 12.27 –0.97 ... 14.80 5.79 NewYorkCityReit NYC 3.5 dd 11.59 –0.79 .10 18.05 11.66 ParPacific PARR ... dd 14.64 –0.03 ...
31.42 17.84 JELD-WEN JELD ... 13 18.46 –2.33 ... 99.26 35.47 LaredoPetrol LPI ... 15 69.34 –1.87 ... 12.91 7.08 Manning&Napier MN 1.6 11 12.62 –0.15 .05 14.33 9.10 NY CmntyBcp NYCB 7.4 8 9.25 +0.01 .17 79.33 31.42 ParTechnology PAR ... dd 32.39 –0.65 ...
24.50 8.81 J.Jill JILL ... dd 16.00 –0.16 ... 59.84 31.26 LasVegasSands LVS ... dd 34.29 –1.14 ... 125.07 84.32 Manpower MAN 2.8 12 90.42 +0.22 1.26 56.19 33.59 NYTimes A NYT 1.0 32 34.36 –3.96 .09 10.05 9.73 ParabellumAcqn PRBM ... 64 9.85 ... ...
172.96 118.22 JPMorganChase JPM 3.2 9 123.72 +4.36 1.00 53.00 31.64 Lazard LAZ 5.7 7 32.80 +0.03 .47 22.19 17.66 ManulifeFin MFC 4.6 7 19.37 –0.19.0395 378.63 296.05 NewMarket NEU 2.5 20 336.01 +11.40 2.10 25.41 12.84 Paragon28 FNA ... ... 16.40 –1.57 ...
72.11 50.85 Jabil JBL .6 11 58.09 +0.36 .08 204.91 123.28 Lear LEA 1.7 36 130.98 +3.04 .77 29.00 10.41 MarathonOil MRO .9 23 28.15 +3.23 .08 86.37 52.60 Newmont NEM 3.0 55 72.87 +0.02 .55 11.65 7.79 ParamountGroup PGRE 3.3 dd 9.28 –0.23.0775
9.99 9.70 JacksonAcqnA RJAC ... ... 9.88 ... ... 10.18 9.61 LearnCWInvtA LCW ... 30 9.86 ... ... 96.90 50.19 MarathonPetrol MPC 2.4 21 95.92 +8.66 .58 4.81 1.92 NewparkResources NR ... dd 3.70 +0.21 ... 16.20 11.62 ParkAerospace PKE 3.4 32 11.81 +0.11 .10
47.76 22.29 JacksonFinl JXN 5.3 1 41.84 –0.47 .55 59.16 33.80 Leggett&Platt LEG 4.5 13 37.25 +1.62 .42 58.33 34.80 Marcus&Millichap MMI 1.2 12 42.76 –2.03 .25 12.86 6.50 NexaResources NEXA 3.9 7 8.60 –0.76.3775 22.83 15.77 ParkHotels PK .2 dd 19.29 –0.42 .01
150.32 114.11 JacobsEngg J .7 48 137.81 –0.74 .23 111.12 81.07 Leidos LDOS 1.4 20 103.21 –0.30 .36 22.87 14.28 Marcus MCS ... dd 14.59 –1.14 ... 6.56 3.47 NexGenEnergy NXE ... dd 4.45 –0.48 ... 340.00 260.23 ParkerHannifin PH 2.0 21 271.54 +0.72 1.33
41.85 27.23 JamesHardie JHX 1.0 25 27.83 –0.86 .40 2.29 0.36 LejuHoldings LEJU ... dd .44 –0.03 ... 18.74 10.81 MarineProducts MPX 4.1 14 11.67 –0.07 .12 24.33 17.96 NexPointRealEst NREF 8.3 6 24.02 +0.54 .50 43.52 29.25 Parsons PSN ... 65 37.20 +0.27 ...
48.55 26.50 JanusHenderson JHG 5.7 8 27.50 –2.98 .39 115.85 16.69 Lemonade LMND ... dd 21.25 +0.39 ... 70.89 35.60 MarineMax HZO ... 5 43.59 +2.67 ... 95.04 48.27 NexPointResidentl NXRT 2.0 79 76.16 –13.00 .38 11.06 2.97 PartyCity PRTY ... dd 3.06 –0.03 ...
15.94 8.55 JanusInternational JBI ... 31 9.57 +0.11 ... 1519.25 1155.00 Markel MKL ... 10 1329.02 –24.26 ... 18.59 3.71 Nextdoor KIND ... dd 3.74 –0.77 ... 558.97 278.37 PaycomSoftware PAYC ... 77 295.24 +13.77 ...
49.21 11.97 LendingClub LC ... 15 14.95 –0.30 ... 11.00 2.95 Markforged MKFG ... dd 3.22 –0.19 ...
9.95 9.64 JawsMustangA JWSM ... dd 9.84 ... ... 93.73 68.52 NextEraEnergy NEE 2.3 98 72.47 +1.45 .425 39.23 13.88 Paymentus PAY ... cc 14.21 –2.35 ...
117.54 73.01 Lennar A LEN 1.9 6 78.54 +2.05 .375 178.98 133.49 MarriottVacations VAC 1.7 cc 142.72 –6.61 .62 13.95 2.59 Paysafe PSFE ... dd 2.74 –0.04 ...
44.47 28.99 JefferiesFin JEF 3.7 6 32.09 +1.33 .30 96.42 62.58 Lennar B LEN.B 2.3 5 66.00 +0.80 .375 11.83 3.06 NexTierOilfield NEX ... dd 11.11 +0.08 ...
3.31 0.73 JianpuTech JT ... dd 1.13 –0.10 ... 183.14 131.96 Marsh&McLen MMC 1.3 26 161.77 +0.07 .535 28.42 16.02 NielsenHoldings NLSN .9 18 26.64 –0.17 .06 33.29 4.52 PeabodyEnergy BTU ... 10 22.43 –0.21 ...
356.36 206.57 LennoxIntl LII 1.7 17 212.74 –0.45 .92 446.46 329.69 MartinMarietta MLM .7 31 346.00 –8.22 .61 12.39 7.68 Pearson PSO 2.9 33 9.53 –0.16.1894
66.37 28.39 JinkoSolar JKS ... 58 51.65 +0.39 ... 10.00 9.61 LeoHldgsII A LHC ... cc 9.84 –0.01 ... 179.10 110.66 Nike NKE 1.1 30 114.49 –10.21 .305
14.33 3.61 JobyAviation JOBY ... 19 5.33 +0.09 ... 71.06 48.78 Masco MAS 2.1 23 53.06 +0.37 .28 8.10 0.79 NineEnergy NINE ... dd 3.09 +0.44 ... 26.45 19.35 PebblebrookHotel PEB .2 dd 23.46 –0.96 .01
30.73 17.34 LeviStrauss LEVI 2.0 12 17.80 –0.31 .10 9.85 9.41 MasonIndlTechA MIT ... 35 9.81 ... ... 9.95 9.70 PegasusDigA PGSS ... ... 9.95 +0.02 ...
177.56 98.57 JohnBeanTech JBT .3 33 119.99 +2.10 .10 14.28 6.00 Li-Cycle LICY ... dd 8.00 +1.51 ... 32.59 23.65 NiSource NI 3.2 23 29.49 +0.37 .235
186.69 155.72 J&J JNJ 2.6 24 176.37 –4.09 1.13 131.39 72.86 MasoniteIntl DOOR ... 23 85.99 +8.47 ... 49.88 16.56 NoahHoldings NOAH ... 6 16.65 –1.32 ... 41.21 28.89 PembinaPipeline PBA 4.9 25 39.38 +1.53 .168
20.05 8.50 LibertyEnergy LBRT ... dd 16.34 +0.20 ... 122.33 70.72 MasTec MTZ ... 17 77.03 +5.02 ... 8.02 6.17 PennantPark PNNT 7.9 4 7.36 –0.04 .145
81.77 51.80 JohnsonControls JCI 2.6 31 53.26 –6.61 .35 154.45 93.58 LifeStorage LSI 3.3 35 120.72 –11.77 1.00 36.79 20.34 Noble NE ... 5 33.81 +1.88 ...
275.77 184.21 JonesLang JLL ... 11 201.89 –16.84 ... 399.92 305.61 Mastercard MA .6 36 347.12 –16.26 .49 6.40 4.51 Nokia NOK ... 15 4.96 –0.08 ... 3.47 0.44 PA Reit PEI ... dd .46 –0.08 ...
33.87 6.30 JumiaTech JMIA ... dd 6.44 –0.63 ... 23.37 10.53 LifeTime LTH ... dd 13.91 –0.39 ... 59.27 24.76 MatadorRscs MTDR .4 9 52.45 +3.63 .05 71.52 45.90 PennyMacFin PFSI 1.7 3 48.41 –0.15 .20
3.32 0.87 LightInTheBox LITB ... 10 1.19 +0.10 ... 31.85 17.57 NomadFoods NOMD ... 15 17.65 –0.81 ...
10.12 9.72 JuniperII A JUN ... ... 9.94 ... ... 96.00 66.92 Materion MTRN .6 24 79.76 –5.39 .12 10.00 5.56 NomadRoyalty NSR 2.0 dd 7.91 +0.41.0399 21.53 14.61 PennyMacMtg PMT 12.0 62 15.67 +0.33 .47
38.14 25.48 JuniperNetworks JNPR 2.6 31 32.07 +0.55 .21 12.13 3.98 Lightng eMotors ZEV ... dd 4.31 +0.03 ... 125.34 59.65 Matson MATX 1.3 4 90.14 +4.12 .30 114.57 72.35 PenskeAuto PAG 1.6 6 111.78 +6.96 .47
130.02 19.04 Lightspeed LSPD ... dd 19.66 –2.69 ... 5.65 3.68 NomuraHoldings NMR 4.8 9 3.76 –0.02.0865
2.17 0.41 JupaiHoldings JP ... dd .52 –0.04 ... 12.36 9.24 MauiLand MLP ... dd 11.25 –0.24 ... 3.81 1.40 NordicAmTankers NAT 2.0 dd 2.51 –0.05 .01 80.40 49.31 Pentair PNR 1.7 16 50.48 –0.27 .21
314.00 191.75 EliLilly LLY 1.3 44 296.90 +4.77 .98 42.59 22.92 MaxarTech MAXR .1 68 32.20 –0.01 .01 293.20 142.73 Penumbra PEN ... cc 150.07 –22.49 ...
43.80 18.65 Nordstrom JWN 3.1 23 24.18 –1.52 .19
K 77.57 56.39 LincolnNational LNC 3.1 8 57.18 –2.97 .45 94.79 65.94 Maximus MMS 1.7 15 67.46 –5.42 .28 58.13 38.82 PerformanceFood PFGC ... cc 48.65 –0.60 ...
299.20 238.62 NorfolkSouthern NSC 1.8 21 255.74 –2.14 1.24
352.18 267.51 Linde LIN 1.5 40 308.66 –3.30 1.17 22.16 8.04 MayvilleEngg MEC ... dd 8.24 –0.04 ... 17.79 11.77 NorthAmConstr NOA 2.0 11 12.35 –0.27.0623 10.60 9.61 PeridotAcqnIIA PDOT ... dd 9.80 ... ...
22.10 11.76 KAR Auction KAR ... cc 13.23 –1.43 ... 179.27 118.28 Lindsay LNN 1.0 31 128.46 –6.69 .33 107.35 77.85 McCormick MKC 1.5 35 97.54 –3.03 .37 20.72 5.75 NoEuroOil NRT 4.9 28 18.96 –1.04 .38 15.14 8.19 PerimeterSolns PRM ... ... 8.36 –1.80 ...
55.31 42.29 KB Fin KB 4.3 5 46.85 +0.93.6391 23.45 5.83 LionElectric LEV ... dd 5.91 –0.20 ... 107.02 77.05 McCormickVtg MKC.V 1.5 35 96.49 –5.28 .37 10.29 9.51 NorthernGenIII NGC ... 91 9.80 +0.03 ... 24.75 23.75 PeriphasCapA PCPC ... 51 24.57 –0.02 ...
52.48 30.13 KB Home KBH 1.8 5 33.21 +0.78 .15 21.42 11.57 LionsGate A LGF.A ... dd 13.32 –0.17 ... 271.15 217.68 McDonalds MCD 2.2 26 250.78 +1.62 1.38 30.44 14.03 NorthernOil&Gas NOG 2.6 dd 29.23 +4.25 .19 203.16 137.13 PerkinElmer PKI .2 18 147.87 +1.26 .07
56.94 36.71 KBR KBR 1.0 dd 46.42 –2.81 .12 18.77 10.53 LionsGate B LGF.B ... dd 12.42 –0.15 ... 1.71 0.62 McEwenMining MUX ... dd .64 –0.03 ... 10.14 9.38 NorthernStrII A NSTB ... cc 9.81 ... ... 14.69 3.94 PermianBasin PBT 2.0 58 13.43 +0.31.0318
54.49 7.31 KE Holdings BEKE ... dd 12.27 –1.91 ... 387.63 274.03 LithiaMotors LAD .6 7 296.84 +13.71 .42 335.60 184.43 McKesson MCK .6 38 333.99 +24.38 .47 9.91 9.65 NorthernStrIII A NSTC ... cc 9.80 –0.01 ... 3.49 1.56 PermianvilleRT PVL 8.1 36 3.41 +0.21.0315
10.03 9.65 KKRAcqnI A KAHC ... cc 9.79 –0.01 ... 41.56 11.84 LithiumAmericas LAC ... dd 24.55 –0.61 ... 47.00 10.22 MediaAlpha MAX ... dd 12.76 –1.98 ... 10.19 9.64 NorthernStrIV A NSTD ... cc 9.80 +0.01 ... 10.88 5.66 PermRock PRT 8.6 13 8.13 +0.48.0622
83.90 50.01 KKR KKR 1.2 7 53.55 +2.58 .155 127.75 74.01 LiveNationEnt LYV ... dd 92.51 –12.37 ... 24.13 17.58 MedicalProp MPW 6.3 10 18.42 +0.03 .29 490.82 344.89 NorthropGrum NOC 1.3 13 468.70 +29.30 1.57 50.90 31.95 Perrigo PRGO 3.2 dd 32.48 –1.82 .26
23.42 18.58 KKR RealEstFin KREF 8.8 9 19.54 +0.54 .43 10.00 9.55 LiveOakCrestA LOCC ... ... 9.73 –0.02 ... 336.99 161.44 Medifast MED 3.6 13 181.51 +3.15 1.64 57.63 43.07 NorthwestNat NWN 3.9 19 49.34 +1.51.4825 26.07 19.54 PershingSquare PSTH ... 22 19.86 –0.03 ...
11.15 4.30 KoreGroup KORE ... dd 4.34 –1.04 ... 10.30 9.75 LiveOakCrestview LOCC.UT ... ... 9.82 –0.05 ... 35.67 18.36 Mednax MD ... 18 18.71 +0.19 ... 33.95 14.90 NorwegCruise NCLH ... dd 18.27 –1.76 ... 57.87 38.63 PetroChina PTR 6.2 7 50.73 +3.311.5122
15.35 12.33 KT KT 4.6 6 13.90 –0.03.5639 9.87 9.56 LiveOakMobilityA LOKM ... dd 9.80 ... ... 135.89 98.38 Medtronic MDT 2.4 29 103.45 –0.91 .63 16.29 5.07 NouveauMonde NMG ... dd 6.02 –0.08 ... 16.09 8.74 PetroleoBrasil PBR 20.6 5 14.08 +0.51 .381
240.47 163.17 Kadant KAI .6 26 185.29 +0.29 .26 33.04 16.32 Livent LTHM ... dd 28.02 +6.66 ... 14.87 5.96 MemberCollect MCG ... dd 7.16 –0.33 ... 95.17 79.09 Novartis NVS 2.5 8 85.82 –2.212.1823 14.84 8.89 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A22.4 4 12.95 +0.68 .381
14.23 5.23 Kaleyra KLR ... dd 6.59 +0.76 ... 58.74 27.55 LiveRamp RAMP ... dd 27.74 –3.58 ... 91.40 70.89 Merck MRK 3.1 16 88.39 –0.30 .65 122.16 75.04 NovoNordisk NVO 1.0 33 111.35 –2.65.7413 61.71 38.48 Pfizer PFE 3.3 11 49.04 –0.03 .40
57.36 33.93 Kaman KAMN 2.3 22 34.91 –4.10 .20 3.00 2.08 LloydsBanking LYG 5.0 5 2.11 –0.12 .037 67.58 50.23 MercuryGeneral MCY 4.9 12 51.58 +1.15 .635 12.24 5.02 NuHoldings NU ... dd 5.23 –0.78 ... 112.48 85.64 PhilipMorris PM 5.1 17 98.94 –1.06 1.25
73.30 59.54 Kellogg K 3.2 16 72.73 +4.23 .58 17.34 2.66 loanDepot LDI 11.4 3 2.81 –0.24 .08 29.00 15.41 MeridianLink MLNK ... dd 15.94 –0.21 ... 62.70 39.40 NuSkinEnts NUS 3.5 16 44.48 +1.84 .385 96.76 63.19 Phillips66 PSX 3.8 17 96.36 +9.60 .92
80.78 45.64 Kemper KMPR 2.5 dd 48.70 +2.54 .31 12.87 4.40 LocalBounti LOCL ... dd 5.03 –1.97 ... 125.01 75.56 MeritageHomes MTH ... 4 83.01 +0.46 ... 187.90 87.71 Nucor NUE 1.5 5 136.55 –18.23 .50 1.86 0.44 PhoenixNewMedia FENG ... dd .51 –0.02 ...
42.41 25.34 Kennametal KMT 3.1 18 26.07 +0.34 .20 479.99 324.23 LockheedMartin LMT 2.5 20 449.43 +17.31 2.80 36.28 20.50 Meritor MTOR ... 12 36.01 +0.10 ... 11.23 8.56 NuScalePower SMR ... dd 10.61 +1.07 ... 76.10 18.11 Phreesia PHR ... dd 19.17 –3.71 ...
25.30 18.75 KennedyWilson KW 4.5 10 21.45 –1.10 .24 68.20 51.35 Loews L .4 11 64.44 +1.60.0625 16.74 4.16 MesaRoyalty MTR 4.7 38 15.85 +3.85.1015 20.73 13.53 NuSTAREnergy NS 10.6 dd 15.11 –0.16 .40 19.59 16.07 PhysiciansRealty DOC 5.1 47 18.14 +1.00 .23
72.90 30.40 KenonHoldings KEN ... 3 57.98 +0.78 ... 8.26 5.15 LomaNegra LOMA 4.6 10 5.55 –0.07.3895 39.61 20.02 MesabiTrust MSB 18.4 4 23.34 –0.01 1.04 117.25 57.08 Nutrien NTR 1.8 19 103.79 +5.54 .48 20.35 15.34 PiedmontOfficeA PDM 5.4 39 15.55 –0.55 .21
10.97 9.95 KensingtonCapAcqnV KCGI.UT ... ... 10.18 –0.02 ... 10.25 9.68 LongviewII A LGV ... cc 9.79 +0.01 ... 72.50 1.14 MetaData AIU ... ... 1.42 +0.08 ... 15.23 4.41 NuvationBio NUVB ... dd 4.51 –0.15 ... 11.01 9.68 PineIslandA PIPP ... 30 9.86 –0.01 ...
10.38 9.71 KensingtonCapV A KCGI ... dd 9.92 ... ... 79.77 50.12 LouisianaPacific LPX 1.2 4 74.09 +9.57 .22 10.15 9.57 MetalsAcqn MTAL ... 30 9.95 –0.03 ... 39.53 28.27 nVentElectric NVT 2.0 21 34.43 +0.65 .175 30.40 17.60 PingIdentity PING ... dd 23.34 –2.79 ...
27.17 17.90 KeyCorp KEY 4.0 8 19.54 +0.23 .195 263.31 182.08 Lowe's LOW 1.7 16 192.29 –5.44 .80 50.20 40.83 MethodeElec MEI 1.3 14 44.30 –0.31 .14 88.54 62.78 PinnacleWest PNW 4.6 14 74.12 +2.92 .85
209.08 134.65 KeysightTechs KEYS ... 27 138.78 –1.49 ... 5.13 2.08 Luby's LUB .0 dd 2.15 +0.02 .50 73.18 55.21 MetLife MET 3.0 9 67.54 +1.86 .50 O 81.77 18.32 Pinterest PINS ... 47 22.69 +2.17 ...
79.06 60.37 KilroyRealty KRC 3.1 43 66.30 –3.70 .52 13.04 4.09 LufaxHolding LU 6.2 5 5.14 –0.41 .32 115.78 55.95 MetropolitanBk MCB ... 14 90.57 +1.52 ... 272.47 133.73 PioneerNatRscs PXD 6.5 16 270.18 +37.71 6.60
10.76 9.94 KimbellTigerA TGR ... ... 10.05 ... ... 15.45 9.31 LumenTech LUMN 9.2 5 10.91 +0.85 .25 1714.75 1225.56 MettlerToledo MTD ... 40 1315.90 +38.37 ... 30.93 19.78 OFGBancorp OFG 2.2 9 27.25 +0.67 .15 193.60 110.45 PiperSandler PIPR 1.8 8 125.75 +10.77 .60
145.79 117.32 KimberlyClark KMB 3.4 27 137.60 –1.23 1.16 4.48 2.53 LumentFinance LFT 9.1 9 2.65 ... .06 7.59 4.32 MicroFocus MFGP 5.6 dd 4.49 –0.16 .203 42.74 32.49 OGE Energy OGE 4.2 11 39.33 +0.65 .41 9.92 4.30 PitneyBowes PBI 4.2 16 4.80 –0.47 .05
26.57 19.54 KimcoRealty KIM 3.3 14 23.99 –1.34 .20 23.91 15.34 Luxfer LXFR 3.3 19 15.91 –0.23 .13 231.63 154.07 MidAmApt MAA 2.4 36 184.55 –12.131.0875 19.46 10.64 O-I Glass OI ... 7 13.63 +0.15 ... 10.25 9.61 PivotalInvtIII A PICC ... cc 9.81 +0.01 ...
20.19 15.01 KinderMorgan KMI 5.8 43 19.30 +1.15.2775 118.02 84.17 LyondellBasell LYB 4.1 6 110.22 +4.19 1.13 45.22 26.11 MillerIndustries MLR 2.7 18 26.34 –0.47 .18 92.26 62.52 ONE Gas OGS 2.9 22 85.13 +0.76 .62 99.60 67.89 PlanetFitness PLNT ... cc 74.88 –5.15 ...
40 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


–52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div –52-Week– Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
12.15 4.28 PlanetLabs PL ... dd 4.71 –0.32 ... 484.21 337.97 S&P Global SPGI 1.0 25 345.76 –30.74 .85 55.09 39.90 StandardMotor SMP 2.7 10 40.45 –2.23 .27 86.02 62.82 TorontoDomBk TD 3.7 11 72.21 –0.03.6972 28.80 9.59 Vertiv VRT .1 46 12.21 –0.32 .01
43.37 22.69 Plantronics POLY ... 30 39.39 –0.47 ... 9.82 8.74 SDCLEDGEAcqn SEDA ... 42 9.81 ... ... 121.45 86.30 StandexInt SXI 1.1 25 95.15 +1.11 .26 33.19 5.62 Torrid CURV ... dd 6.34 +0.48 ... 52.73 26.06 Viad VVI ... dd 28.87 –3.88 ...
11.32 5.46 PlayAGS AGS ... dd 6.23 –0.37 ... 8.54 3.08 SeacorMarine SMHI ... 7 8.20 +1.00 ... 225.00 118.90 StanleyBlackDck SWK 2.6 14 121.03 +0.88 .79 10.15 9.61 TortoiseEcoIII A TRTL ... 48 9.72 +0.01 ... 15.79 3.98 VicariousSurgical RBOT ... dd 4.03 –0.89 ...
32.37 18.15 PlymouthIndREIT PLYM 3.9 dd 22.37 –1.75 .22 11.47 4.30 SES AI SES ... dd 5.99 –0.45 ... 58.50 43.04 Stantec STN 1.3 32 45.26 –0.63.1416 60.04 40.33 TotalEnergies TTE ... 8 53.74 +5.03 ... 76.00 39.79 Victoria'sSecret VSCO ... 7 49.17 +2.05 ...
145.79 94.24 Polaris PII 2.4 15 104.78 +9.84 .64 10.84 6.67 SFL SFL 7.7 8 10.37 +0.45 .20 13.90 6.26 Starrett A SCX ... 4 6.49 –0.22 ... 15.33 9.78 TownsquareMedia TSQ ... 12 11.06 +0.16 ... 13.51 6.33 VinceHolding VNCE ... dd 8.60 –0.51 ...
9.90 9.61 PontemA PNTM ... 87 9.85 +0.01 ... 10.56 6.65 SignaSports SSU ... dd 7.66 –0.09 ... 10.07 6.14 StarryGroup STRY ... 18 8.70 +0.21 ... 213.74 151.16 ToyotaMotor TM 2.3 9 173.30 +2.301.7622 29.60 5.75 Vipshop VIPS ... 7 7.36 –0.30 ...
57.03 45.40 PortlandGenElec POR 3.9 20 46.94 –0.39.4525 27.94 17.78 SINOPEC SHI 7.6 12 17.99 –0.441.571 8.10 3.59 Startek SRT ... cc 4.02 +0.27 ... 32.59 5.29 Traeger COOK ... dd 5.31 –0.68 ... 57.51 6.35 VirginGalactic SPCE ... dd 6.80 –0.69 ...
81.26 61.67 PostHoldings POST ... 90 80.75 +6.36 ... 17.61 13.90 SITE Centers SITC 3.4 31 15.36 –0.54 .13 27.01 22.37 StarwoodProp STWD 8.1 16 23.57 +0.69 .48 9.99 9.62 TrajectoryAlphaA TCOA ... dd 9.81 –0.02 ... 10.55 9.64 VirginGrpII A VGII ... cc 9.88 –0.04 ...
10.21 9.45 PostHldgsA PSPC ... 58 9.77 –0.04 ... 73.69 57.17 SJW Group SJW 2.5 28 57.99 –1.01 .36 104.87 66.47 StateStreet STT 3.3 10 70.13 +3.16 .57 207.06 131.48 TraneTech TT 2.0 22 134.22 –5.67 .67 5.04 1.27 VirnetX VHC ... dd 1.28 –0.14 ...
21.27 16.21 PostalRealty PSTL 5.6 cc 16.51 –0.32 .23 55.30 24.35 SK Telecom SKM 4.8 8 25.41 +0.39.3867 44.56 18.85 SteelPartners SPLP ... 10 42.46 +0.71 ... 12.13 8.98 Transalta TAC 1.4 dd 11.01 +0.28.0389 252.67 186.67 Visa V .7 33 202.82 –10.31 .375
36.56 12.35 PowerSchool PWSC ... dd 13.87 –1.27 ... 88.27 67.05 SLGreenRealty SLG 5.4 10 68.79 –0.43.3108 15.84 10.66 Steelcase SCS 5.0 cc 11.59 –0.14 .145 45.24 18.61 TrancntlRlty TCI ... 39 42.84 +2.31 ... 24.72 17.57 Vishay VSH 2.1 9 19.02 +0.39 .10
85.29 25.35 PrecisionDrilling PDS ... dd 65.80 –5.99 ... 43.69 14.79 SM Energy SM .1 15 38.93 +3.40 .01 21.99 13.06 Stellantis STLA ... 3 13.93 +0.56 ... 688.03 552.72 TransDigm TDG ... 46 584.12 –10.69 ... 39.71 29.52 VishayPrecision VPG ... 21 31.08 –0.13 ...
25.80 9.13 PrefApartment APTS 2.8 dd 24.85 –0.03 .175 10.31 9.95 SoarTechAcqnA FLYA ... cc 10.15 –0.01 ... 37.79 7.01 Stem STEM ... dd 8.79 +1.62 ... 5.56 2.63 Transocean RIG ... dd 4.12 +0.36 ... 10.06 2.60 VistaEnergy VIST ... 13 8.56 +0.10 ...
63.83 45.93 PrestigeCnsHlth PBH ... 15 54.88 +0.22 ... 4.36 0.39 SOS SOS ... 1 .45 +0.03 ... 139.30 95.28 Stepan SCL 1.3 17 102.97 +0.86 .335 7.65 4.05 TransportadGas TGS ... 5 5.99 –0.42 ... 52.69 31.83 VistaOutdoor VSTO ... 5 39.30 +4.07 ...
10.05 9.56 PrimaveraCapA PV ... 25 9.84 +0.01 ... 68.24 41.66 SPX SPXC ... 34 45.01 +3.11 ... 255.93 188.10 Steris STE .8 77 224.71 +0.66 .43 125.35 83.00 TransUnion TRU .5 50 84.44 –3.08 .095 27.10 15.47 Vistra VST 2.7 dd 26.62 +1.60 .177
9.95 9.65 PrimeImpactI A PIAI ... 25 9.91 ... ... 16.17 2.73 SQZ Biotech SQZ ... dd 3.44 –0.25 ... 29.18 14.38 Stevanato STVN ... 25 15.11 –0.89 ... 66.56 46.10 Travel+Leisure TNL 3.0 14 52.94 –2.54 .40 16.20 5.10 VivintSmartHome VVNT ... dd 6.34 +1.10 ...
179.51 114.40 Primerica PRI 1.9 12 115.93 –13.63 .55 48.27 34.42 STAG Indl STAG 4.2 31 34.93 –2.39.1217 81.00 49.18 StewartInfo STC 2.7 5 56.60 +5.00 .375 187.98 144.44 Travelers TRV 2.2 11 171.64 +0.58 .93 167.83 99.10 VMware VMW ... 23 100.63 –7.41 ...
20.12 13.34 PrimoWater PRMW 2.0 dd 14.27 –0.37 .07 9.98 9.69 ST Ener I A STET ... ... 9.89 ... ... 83.28 60.35 StifelFinancial SF 1.9 9 62.66 +0.81 .30 9.74 7.46 TrecoraRscs TREC ... 41 8.23 –1.51 ... 14.34 2.01 Volta VLTA ... dd 2.13 +0.04 ...
27.55 20.00 ProAssurance PRA .8 9 24.49 –0.08 .05 37.13 26.81 StoreCapital STOR 5.7 27 27.15 –1.28 .385 52.15 34.16 STMicroelec STM .6 14 36.57 –0.05 .06 16.22 10.59 Tredegar TG 4.2 7 11.39 –0.06 .12 37.08 21.95 Vontier VNT .4 11 26.99 +1.37 .025
108.75 47.39 ProcoreTech PCOR ... dd 49.99 –5.48 ... 66.80 34.80 SabineRoyalty SBR 6.3 17 66.05 +2.78.7302 3.09 1.83 StoneMor STON ... dd 2.40 +0.03 ... 52.17 29.47 TreeHouseFoods THS ... dd 30.54 –0.96 ... 50.91 35.90 VornadoRealty VNO 5.8 69 36.27 –2.44 .53
165.35 131.94 Procter&Gamble PG 2.3 27 156.00 –4.55.9133 5.44 2.98 SafeBulkers SB 4.7 3 4.30 +0.19 .05 34.22 13.64 Stoneridge SRI ... cc 18.67 –1.04 ... 10.10 9.68 TrepontAcqnI A TACA ... 22 10.09 +0.01 ... 74.97 58.97 VoyaFinancial VOYA 1.3 4 63.86 +0.72 .20
120.17 89.35 Progressive PGR .4 30 109.46 +2.10 .10 8.98 3.93 SafeguardSci SFE ... 3 4.02 –0.11 ... 41.20 25.55 Stride LRN ... 18 37.51 –1.79 ... 140.98 51.76 Trex TREX ... 31 55.47 –2.72 ... 213.65 163.00 VulcanMatls VMC .9 34 169.88 –2.41 .40
174.54 112.00 Prologis PLD 2.2 28 140.88 –19.41 .79 95.29 41.94 Safehold SAFE 1.5 30 44.09 +1.04 .17 281.16 230.16 Stryker SYK 1.2 46 240.08 –1.18 .695 28.29 18.50 TriPointe TPH ... 5 20.95 +0.28 ... 10.10 9.67 VyGlblGrowthA VYGG ... 39 9.92 –0.03 ...
10.43 6.00 PropertyGuru PGRU ... ... 7.49 –0.22 ... 64.44 34.98 SailPointTechs SAIL ... dd 63.51 –0.32 ... 24.41 2.61 StudioCity MSC ... dd 2.61 –1.20 ... 17.23 5.49 TriconRes TCN 1.8 5 12.85 –1.64 .058
16.93 6.39 ProPetro PUMP ... dd 13.45 –0.69 ... 311.75 165.58 Salesforce CRM ... cc 169.70 –6.24 ... 92.49 62.38 SturmRuger RGR 5.1 7 65.78 –2.37 .68 9.99 9.72 TrineIIAcqnA TRAQ ... cc 9.97 +0.03 ... W
80.46 64.40 ProsperityBcshs PB 3.0 12 68.52 +3.14 .52 25.66 14.28 SallyBeauty SBH ... 7 15.05 –0.07 ... 17.75 13.83 SuburbanPropane SPH 7.4 10 17.52 +0.72 .325 109.40 69.43 TriNet TNET ... 15 84.38 –4.32 ...
104.99 41.73 ProtoLabs PRLB ... 38 45.93 +3.32 ... 31.41 11.05 Samsara IOT ... dd 11.05 –1.29 ... 7.74 5.87 SumitomoMits SMFG 4.9 6 6.02 +0.03.1752 35.35 24.70 TrinityIndustries TRN 3.4 57 26.87 –0.87 .23 6.68 2.64 W&T Offshore WTI ... dd 5.65 +0.89 ...
26.20 20.86 ProvidentFinSvcs PFS 4.3 11 22.45 +0.32 .24 12.39 3.75 SanJuanBasin SJT 7.5 15 11.34 +0.72.0829 10.94 8.22 SummitHotelProp INN ... dd 9.35 –0.52 ... 70.25 43.24 Trinseo TSE 2.8 4 45.84 –1.61 .32 106.82 86.84 WEC Energy WEC 2.9 24 100.66 +0.61.7275
124.22 94.51 PrudentialFin PRU 4.5 9 106.68 –1.83 1.20 10.28 9.84 SandbridgeX2 SBII.UT ... ... 9.91 +0.01 ... 41.46 26.40 SummitMaterials SUM ... 21 27.20 –0.60 ... 19.25 14.11 TriplePtVent TPVG 9.0 6 15.99 +0.24 .36 208.38 123.01 WEX WEX ... 57 156.98 –9.26 ...
43.60 22.81 Prudential PUK 1.5 dd 22.99 –2.11.1074 10.04 9.60 SandbridgeX2 A SBII ... cc 9.80 ... ... 46.64 13.91 SummitMidstream SMLP ... dd 20.94 +3.98 ... 9.89 9.69 TristarAcqnI TRIS ... 47 9.86 ... ... 91.48 67.36 WNS WNS ... 29 76.08 –2.29 ...
75.61 58.96 PublicServiceEnt PEG 3.1 dd 69.43 –0.23 .54 21.26 4.25 SandRidgeEnergy SD ... 6 19.86 +1.29 ... 211.79 160.09 SunComms SUI 2.1 53 165.02 –10.55 .88 72.34 46.75 TritonIntl TRTN 4.2 9 62.65 +1.56 .65 86.48 71.72 W.P.Carey WPC 5.4 28 77.81 –2.961.057
421.76 269.55 PublicStorage PSA 2.4 33 336.88 –34.62 2.00 9.31 5.31 SandstormGold SAND .9 48 6.72 –0.69 .016 58.49 48.69 SunLifeFinancial SLF 4.2 9 49.44 –0.31 .524 27.85 14.12 TriumphGroup TGI ... dd 21.75 –0.79 ... 83.70 58.82 WPP WPP 3.5 16 60.55 –1.351.2505
63.91 39.61 PulteGroup PHM 1.4 5 42.79 +1.03 .15 30.25 23.54 SaratogaInvt SAR 9.3 6 26.37 +0.79 .53 9.82 5.85 SunCokeEnergy SXC 3.0 16 8.07 –0.25 .06 26.33 15.54 Tronox TROX 2.8 10 17.85 +0.65 .125 21.63 12.23 WabashNational WNC 2.3 77 14.09 –0.22 .08
36.71 16.79 PureStorage PSTG ... dd 27.38 –1.92 ... 25.90 12.75 Sasol SSL ... cc 23.78 –0.48 ... 37.93 17.10 SuncorEnergy SU 3.6 17 37.05 +1.11.3405 32.91 24.67 TrueBlue TBI ... 14 25.34 –0.23 ... 100.05 76.30 Wabtec WAB .7 28 89.80 –0.11 .15
33.30 1.13 Puxin NEW ... dd 1.36 +0.14 ... 56.22 41.22 SaulCenters BFS 4.6 32 49.91 –1.70 .57 14.38 2.93 SunlandsTech STG ... 1 3.34 –0.66 ... 68.95 47.98 TruistFinl TFC 3.9 11 49.06 +0.71 .48 156.77 95.51 Walker&Dunlop WD 2.3 13 104.94 –14.82 .60
10.48 9.85 PyrophyteAcqn PHYT ... ... 10.03 +0.03 ... 46.27 25.90 Schlumberger SLB 1.6 29 43.03 +4.02 .175 10.08 2.41 SunlightFinl SUNL ... dd 4.37 +0.22 ... 13.90 6.75 TsakosEnergy TNP 1.5 dd 13.13 +1.08 .10 27.50 7.28 Wallbox WBX ... ... 12.35 +0.47 ...
12.13 6.27 PzenaInvtMgmt PZN 1.9 7 6.40 +0.11 .03 27.50 20.48 SchneiderNatl SNDR 1.3 10 24.42 +0.79 .08 46.40 13.90 SunnovaEnergy NOVA ... dd 18.01 +0.74 ... 13.50 7.50 TufinSoftware TUFN ... dd 12.82 –0.08 ... 160.77 132.01 Walmart WMT 1.5 31 149.56 –3.43 .56
108.89 44.55 Q2Holdings QTWO ... dd 45.37 –6.36 ... 96.24 65.73 SchwabC SCHW 1.2 24 67.42 +1.09 .20 46.95 34.11 Sunoco SUN 7.7 8 42.74 +0.91.8255 29.20 9.82 Tupperware TUP ... 43 9.93 –7.65 ... 11.00 9.66 WarburgPincusI-A WPCA ... ... 9.81 –0.02 ...
58.00 41.32 Qiagen QGEN ... 20 45.78 +0.41 ... 48.98 24.92 SchweitzerMaud SWM 6.8 9 25.93 +0.77 .44 13.91 9.93 SunstoneHotelInv SHO ... cc 11.61 –0.64 ... 5.00 2.85 TurkcellIletism TKC ... 6 3.31 –0.18 ... 10.02 9.63 WarburgPincusI-B A WPCB ... dd 9.80 –0.03 ...
7.55 2.95 QuadGraphics QUAD ... 7 4.74 –2.04 ... 96.50 78.10 ScienceApplicat SAIC 1.8 18 83.60 +0.37 .37 12.48 7.08 SuperGroup SGHC ... dd 9.42 –0.16 ... 54.49 27.91 TurningPoint TPB .8 11 28.24 –3.15 .06 60.30 19.50 WarbyParker WRBY ... dd 21.40 –1.89 ...
276.60 149.85 QuakerHoughton KWR 1.0 24 164.65 +1.94 .415 27.90 11.02 ScorpioTankers STNG 1.5 dd 26.72 +1.99 .10 9.72 3.11 SuperiorIndsIntl SUP ... dd 4.05 +0.82 ... 30.89 9.75 TurquoiseHill TRQ ... 11 27.74 +0.50 ... 42.95 15.07 WarriorMetCoal HCC .7 11 32.01 –2.06 .50
10.10 1.47 QuanergySystems QNGY ... 3 1.49 –0.28 ... 247.84 98.61 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 2.5 15 104.62 +0.69 .66 10.00 9.58 Supernova III A STRE ... dd 9.80 ... ... 17.25 9.06 TutorPerini TPC ... 5 9.75 +0.48 ... 10.00 9.55 WarriorTechA WARR ... 48 9.92 ... ...
29.02 19.01 QuanexBldg NX 1.6 11 19.51 +0.29 .08 15.14 7.57 ScullyRoyalty SRL 11.0 24 9.80 +1.26 .27 13.36 8.37 Suzano SUZ 1.2 8 10.22 +0.12.1306 26.65 1.75 Tuya TUYA ... dd 2.24 –0.24 ... 27.05 22.23 WashingtonREIT WRE 3.0 cc 22.76 –1.33 .17
140.04 84.40 QuantaServices PWR .2 36 117.59 +1.61 .07 10.30 9.80 SculptorAcqnIA SCUA ... ... 9.92 ... ... 56.20 21.18 Sweetgreen SG ... dd 23.81 –3.19 ... 412.68 104.50 Twilio TWLO ... dd 107.38 –4.44 ... 145.62 115.75 WasteConnections WCN .7 54 126.75 –11.22 .23
10.22 9.60 QuantumFin QFTA ... dd 9.88 ... ... 28.90 10.30 SculptorCapMgmt SCU 10.0 dd 12.40 +1.94 .11 32.78 17.72 Switch SWCH .7 cc 30.49 +0.63.0525 9.99 9.62 TwinRidgeCapA TRCA ... 42 9.80 –0.01 ... 170.18 136.97 WasteMgt WM 1.6 36 161.78 –2.66 .65
43.08 13.21 QuantumScape QS ... dd 14.60 –0.34 ... 372.70 74.00 Sea SE ... dd 76.20 –6.56 ... 45.57 23.10 Sylvamo SLVM ... ... 42.16 –2.49 ... 73.34 31.30 Twitter TWTR ... cc 49.80 +0.78 ... 11.77 0.90 Waterdrop WDH ... dd 1.25 –0.28 ...
2.85 0.63 Qudian QD ... 3 .99 –0.09 ... 22.22 14.85 SeabridgeGold SA ... cc 17.07 –0.59 ... 52.49 33.76 SynchronyFin SYF 2.3 5 38.05 +1.24 .22 10.02 9.65 twoA TWOA ... ... 9.80 ... ... 428.22 288.32 Waters WAT ... 29 327.93 +24.91 ...
174.16 125.77 QuestDiag DGX 1.9 9 136.30 +2.46 .66 70.72 53.87 SealedAir SEE 1.2 18 65.60 +1.39 .20 54.40 38.42 SynovusFin SNV 3.3 9 41.39 –0.15 .34 8.15 4.71 TwoHarbors TWO 12.8 16 5.32 +0.51 .17 318.98 252.50 Watsco WSO 3.4 21 256.68 –10.10 2.20
12.99 4.44 QuotientTech QUOT ... dd 4.52 –0.79 ... 76.57 41.94 SeaWorldEnt SEAS ... 19 60.89 –6.55 ... 91.53 68.05 Sysco SYY 2.4 54 82.48 –3.00 .49 557.55 362.45 TylerTech TYL ... 94 363.91 –30.80 ... 314.00 259.38 Watsco B WSO.B 3.3 22 266.31 –22.40 2.20
10.43 4.88 SelectEnergySvcs WTTR ... dd 8.35 +0.59 ... 37.10 7.70 System1 SST ... 38 12.28 –0.36 ... 100.72 69.88 TysonFoods TSN 2.0 9 90.82 –2.34 .46 212.00 124.20 WattsWater WTS .9 27 133.11 +5.65 .30
R 43.60 21.48 SelectMedical SEM 2.1 8 23.36 +0.75 .125 10.00 9.50 WaverleyCap1 A WAVC ... dd 9.72 +0.01 ...
T U 339.56 56.23 Wayfair W ... dd 66.17 –10.77 ...
30.09 1.93 SelectQuote SLQT ... dd 2.58 +0.52 ...
10.31 9.73 RCF Acqn A RCFA ... 21 9.95 +0.01 ... 173.28 119.56 Sempra SRE 2.8 52 164.90 +3.541.145 22.40 4.53 WeaveComms WEAV ... dd 5.43 +0.69 ...
32.71 25.43 RELX RELX 2.4 27 28.53 –0.92.1966 58.50 1.60 TAL Education TAL ... ... 3.65 +0.26 ... 21.49 14.42 UBS Group UBS 2.9 8 17.14 +0.30 .50 20.44 8.50 Weber WEBR 1.9 ... 8.58 –0.20 .04
32.48 9.15 Semrush SEMR ... dd 9.66 –0.10 ...
36.65 23.20 RE/MAX RMAX 3.8 dd 23.95 +0.49 .23 18.55 9.73 SendasDistrib ASAI 1.1 14 14.39 –1.19.1245
59.06 44.77 TC Energy TRP 5.2 21 55.46 +2.56.7011 61.06 44.68 UDR UDR 3.0 cc 50.05 –3.16 .38 65.00 45.60 WebsterFin WBS 3.3 15 48.16 –1.83 .40
21.74 11.20 REV REVG 1.6 18 12.23 +0.31 .05 10.00 9.50 TCW Spac A TSPQ ... 33 9.78 ... ... 48.55 33.05 UGI UGI 3.7 8 37.69 +3.39 .36 13.75 0.91 Weidai WEI ... ... 1.08 ... ...
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65.58 43.61 SensataTechs ST 1.0 22 45.75 +0.34 .11

744.56 286.07 RH RH ... 13 293.31 –42.81 ... 106.32 74.43 SensientTech SXT 2.0 28 82.18 –2.42 .41
30.00 9.63 TDCX TDCX ... 25 12.21 –1.64 ... 27.50 20.29 UMH Prop UMH 3.7 48 21.50 –2.02 .20 86.76 49.66 WeisMarkets WMK 1.6 20 82.08 +2.20 .32
119.74 96.22 RLI RLI .9 21 116.69 +1.91 .26 78.53 25.46 SentinelOne S ... dd 26.11 –7.16 ...
130.93 96.09 TD Synnex SNX 1.2 16 101.27 +1.18 .30 57.99 40.53 Unitil UTL 2.9 23 53.20 +2.20 .39 25.19 19.39 Welbilt WBT ... 48 23.59 –0.03 ...
16.66 11.92 RLJ Lodging RLJ .3 dd 13.48 –0.54 .01 166.44 120.22 TE Connectivity TEL 1.8 17 127.31 +2.53 .56 20.14 14.06 USA Compression USAC 11.9 dd 17.63 –0.09 .525 60.30 41.47 WellsFargo WFC 2.2 9 44.55 +0.92 .25
6.84 2.28 SequansComms SQNS ... ... 3.11 +0.69 ... 23.04 16.42 Tegna TGNA 1.7 10 21.80 –0.25 .095
12.76 1.16 RLX Tech RLX ... 8 1.86 –0.17 ... 20.09 8.12 SeritageGrowth SRG ... dd 9.77 –0.13 ... 39.96 25.44 US Cellular USM ... 17 29.69 +0.91 ... 99.43 70.74 Welltower WELL 2.8 cc 88.43 –2.38 .61
12.91 3.33 RPC RES ... 68 10.11 –0.23 ... 27.50 21.36 Telus TU 4.1 26 25.07 +0.06 .26 40.96 30.02 US Foods USFD ... 68 36.56 –1.06 ... 144.43 93.80 WescoIntl WCC ... 18 140.25 +16.99 ...
72.07 51.51 ServiceCorp SCI 1.4 15 69.40 +3.79 .25 39.91 20.73 TelusIntl TIXT ... 75 21.84 +0.15 ...
101.48 75.11 RPM RPM 1.9 24 84.36 +1.46 .40 707.60 438.12 ServiceNow NOW ... cc 456.74 –21.36 ... 10.94 9.60 USHG Acqn A HUGS ... dd 10.06 –0.06 ... 102.61 64.72 WestFraserTimber WFG 1.1 3 90.97 +3.15 .25
14.99 11.82 RPTRealty RPT 4.1 19 12.73 –0.56 .13 97.25 63.28 ServisFirst SFBS 1.1 20 80.06 –0.26 .23
56.86 32.46 Ternium TX 6.6 2 39.58 –3.32 1.80 123.38 84.43 US PhysTherapy USPH 1.6 42 102.07 –1.70 .41 475.35 300.18 WestPharmSvcs WST .2 34 306.34 –8.72 .18
5.28 0.76 RYBEducation RYB ... 2 .80 –0.06 ... 120.50 77.99 TFI Intl TFII 1.3 12 84.04 +3.56 .27 21.54 7.23 US Silica SLCA ... dd 18.66 +0.08 ... 124.93 73.31 WestAllianceBcp WAL 1.8 9 78.54 +2.43 .35
111.49 52.73 ShakeShack SHAK ... dd 54.70 –3.13 ... 15.61 9.81 TIM TIMB 2.7 12 13.11 –0.53.2035
24.84 19.17 RadianGroup RDN 3.7 7 21.65 +0.26 .20 12.05 2.95 US Xpress USX ... 15 3.08 –0.23 ... 4.19 1.38 WstAstMtgCap WMC 11.5 dd 1.39 –0.04 .04
66.44 1.90 Rafael RFL ... dd 1.94 12.81 1.62 Shapeways SHPW ... dd 1.81 –0.09 ... 77.35 57.92 TJX TJX 2.0 22 60.41 –0.87 .295
–0.21 ... 10.98 3.41 UWM UWMC11.0 5 3.62 –0.09 .10 27.29 17.97 WesternMidstrm WES 7.8 12 25.60 +1.41 .50
142.06 95.78 RalphLauren RL 2.8 15 98.54 –5.80.6875 31.60 27.72 ShawComm B SJR 3.1 18 29.16 –0.62.0791 9.90 9.60 TLGAcqnOneA TLGA ... 27 9.81 ... ... 52.36 24.75 Uber UBER ... dd 26.07 –5.41 ... 25.98 15.69 WesternUnion WU 5.5 7 16.96 +0.20 .235
34.61 10.88 RangeResources RRC ... dd 30.54 +0.60 ... 58.68 36.32 Shell SHEL 2.2 10 57.70 +4.27 .48 15.96 9.80 TPGPaceBenA TPGY ... 1 9.88 –0.02 ... 344.77 225.14 Ubiquiti UI 1.0 27 232.79 –49.46 .60 141.19 78.06 Westlake WLK .9 9 137.40 +10.85.2975
12.35 5.33 RangerEnergySvcs RNGR ... dd 9.69 –0.43 ... 354.15 233.32 SherwinWilliams SHW .9 40 273.38 –1.58 .60 10.20 9.65 TPGPaceBenII YTPG ... dd 9.79 –0.02 ... 90.00 16.10 UiPath PATH ... dd 17.13 –0.70 ... 62.03 40.78 WestRock WRK 1.9 18 53.40 +3.87 .25
42.97 11.60 Ranpak PACK ... dd 12.36 –2.72 ... 103.37 38.88 Shift4Paymts FOUR ... dd 44.09 –8.37 ... 14.55 10.31 TPG RE Fin TRTX 9.0 12 10.62 +0.07 .24 4.34 2.18 UltraparPart UGP 2.6 17 2.42 –0.25.0337 27.01 14.65 Westwood WHG 3.7 22 16.09 –0.04 .15
117.37 81.96 RaymondJames RJF 1.4 14 97.22 –0.24 .34 39.17 29.00 ShinhanFin SHG 3.9 5 33.17 +0.461.1545 10.24 8.68 TailwindAcqnA TWND ... 23 9.91 ... ... 27.28 10.39 UnderArmour A UAA ... 14 10.89 –4.47 ... 14.97 4.50 WeWork WE ... dd 6.67 –0.34 ...
8.89 4.55 RayonierAdvMatls RYAM ... 5 5.12 –0.01 ... 1762.92 355.13 Shopify SHOP ... cc 377.49 –49.33 ... 9.89 9.60 TailwindIntlA TWNI ... 31 9.83 ... ... 23.00 9.66 UnderArmour C UA ... 13 9.85 –4.34 ... 43.04 32.65 Weyerhaeuser WY 1.8 11 40.14 –1.08 .18
10.26 9.80 ShoulderUpTechA SUAC ... ... 9.94 +0.01 ...
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45.87 33.58 Rayonier RYN 2.8 36 39.00 –4.20 .27 145.00 90.22 TaiwanSemi TSM 1.7 20 91.63 –1.30.3897 28.66 13.31 Unifi UFI ... 10 13.53 –1.14 ... 51.91 36.39 WheatonPrecMet WPM 1.3 26 44.15 –0.71 .15
106.02 79.00 RaytheonTech RTX 2.3 34 95.30 +0.39 .55 128.36 65.00 Shutterstock SSTK 1.4 28 66.21 –9.51 .24 17.56 13.17 TakedaPharm TAK 4.8 11 14.64 +0.10.3563 242.80 164.00 Unifirst UNF .7 25 165.95 –6.35 .30 15.00 2.80 WheelsUp UP ... dd 2.91 –0.14 ...
16.78 13.24 ReadyCapital RC 11.0 7 15.25 +0.68 .42 20.64 11.15 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 8.6 4 12.11 –1.63.4936 21.37 8.57 TalosEnergy TALO ... dd 19.85 +1.68 ... 61.81 43.11 Unilever UL 4.1 16 44.48 –1.78.4555 257.68 164.52 Whirlpool WHR 3.7 7 191.09 +9.57 1.75
21.03 10.88 Realogy RLGY ... 4 11.21 +0.25 ... 111.92 55.75 SignetJewelers SIG 1.2 6 68.59 –1.61 .20 22.51 15.45 Tanger SKT 4.7 cc 17.14 +1.01 .20 278.94 195.68 UnionPacific UNP 2.1 22 229.59 –4.70 1.18 1243.00 978.51 WhiteMtnIns WTM .1 dd 1053.46 +5.44 1.00
75.40 62.46 RealtyIncome O 4.5 70 66.12 –3.24 .236 31.91 11.11 SignifyHealth SGFY ... cc 12.42 –1.38 ... 49.67 29.60 Tapestry TPR 3.3 10 30.34 –2.58 .25 28.60 12.13 Unisys UIS ... dd 12.36 –1.85 ... 13.66 7.56 WhitestoneREIT WSR 4.0 55 12.00 –0.15 .04
10.50 9.69 RedBallAcqnA RBAC ... cc 9.95 +0.01 ... 40.50 10.45 SilverBowRscs SBOW ... 7 33.34 –3.26 ... 81.50 36.25 TargaResources TRGP 1.9 dd 75.47 +2.06 .35 12.68 7.49 UnitedMicro UMC 2.7 9 8.08 +0.12.2854 90.89 36.81 WhitingPetrol WLL 1.2 8 80.94 +7.89 .25
16.98 4.25 Redwire RDW ... ... 6.09 +0.07 ... 239.26 80.78 SilvergateCapital SI ... 36 111.51 –5.45 ... 268.98 184.00 Target TGT 1.6 16 225.21 –3.44 .90 57.89 30.61 UnitedNatFoods UNFI ... 11 42.16 –0.77 ... 23.93 14.61 WideOpenWest WOW ... 2 18.83 –1.22 ...
14.17 8.63 RedwoodTrust RWT 8.4 5 10.07 +0.37 .23 25.50 11.19 Similarweb SMWB ... dd 11.58 –1.09 ... 76.04 38.34 TaroPharm TARO ... cc 38.45 –0.80 ... 233.72 175.22 UPS B UPS 3.4 15 179.92 –0.06 1.52 66.04 47.93 Wiley A WLY 2.8 19 49.79 –1.10 .345
176.91 125.26 RegalRexnord RRX 1.1 23 126.66 –0.58 .35 10.02 9.68 SimonPropA SPGS ... 62 9.80 ... ... 35.38 18.48 TataMotors TTM ... dd 26.53 –1.68 ... 414.99 285.59 UnitedRentals URI ... 14 295.46 –21.06 ... 37.05 23.53 Williams WMB 4.6 30 36.67 +2.38 .425
67.60 41.65 RegionalMgmt RM 2.6 6 46.21 +3.16 .30 171.12 113.41 SimonProperty SPG 5.4 19 121.42 +3.42 1.65 35.51 22.64 TaylorMorrison TMHC ... 5 27.72 +1.53 ... 63.57 47.85 US Bancorp USB 3.7 11 49.29 +0.73 .46 10.12 9.80 WilliamsRowland WRAC ... dd 10.00 ... ...
25.57 18.02 RegionsFin RF 3.2 9 21.12 +0.40 .17 141.26 102.20 SimpsonMfg SSD .9 15 105.34 +1.67 .25 9.13 0.52 Team TISI ... dd 1.23 –0.21 ... 39.25 17.98 US Steel X .7 2 27.22 –3.27 .05 223.32 122.36 Williams-Sonoma WSM 2.5 8 123.69 –6.79 .78
10.78 1.18 Regis RGS ... dd 1.22 –0.13 ... 11.13 5.50 SiriusPoint SPNT ... 24 5.91 –0.37 ... 10.70 5.55 TechnipFMC FTI ... dd 7.77 +0.85 ... 553.29 383.12 UnitedHealth UNH 1.2 27 499.62 –8.93 1.45 85.06 51.29 Winnebago WGO 1.3 6 57.31 +4.13 .18
131.66 94.32 ReinsGrp RGA 2.5 13 118.70 +11.38 .73 260.00 125.11 SiteOneLandscape SITE ... 26 132.67 –8.36 ... 44.93 19.32 TeckRscsB TECK 1.0 7 39.94 +0.48.0976 210.00 55.75 UnitySoftware U ... dd 57.34 –9.07 ... 9.96 6.16 Wipro WIT 1.1 21 6.24 –0.20.0585
211.66 135.46 RelianceSteel RS 1.8 8 197.18 –1.07 .875 47.61 33.05 SixFlags SIX ... 23 34.10 –4.17 ... 4.17 2.56 Teekay TK ... 51 3.34 +0.10 ... 34.00 21.56 Univar UNVR ... 11 29.72 +0.60 ... 142.33 75.06 Wolfspeed WOLF ... dd 80.88 –10.83 ...
174.55 134.70 RenaissanceRe RNR 1.0 dd 145.25 +1.73 .37 55.87 33.50 SkechersUSA SKX ... 8 37.23 –1.07 ... 17.63 9.89 TeekayTankers TNK ... dd 16.44 +0.43 ... 61.48 46.24 Universal UVV 5.4 14 57.53 –0.32 .78 44.74 18.40 WolverineWwide WWW 2.1 23 18.69 –1.13 .10
26.30 17.87 RenaissancePfdG RNR.PRG 5.9 ... 17.93 –0.85.2625 13.60 8.47 SkeenaRscs SKE ... dd 8.53 –0.68 ... 21.69 14.79 TejonRanch TRC ... 86 17.30 –1.01 ... 74.00 48.22 UniversalHealth UHT 5.8 6 49.01 –1.18 .705 39.71 26.98 WooriFin WF 5.1 4 35.84 +1.221.8358
10.70 4.43 ReneSola SOL ... 27 4.52 –0.30 ... 12.88 4.71 Skillsoft SKIL ... dd 5.02 –0.33 ... 174.32 28.75 TeladocHealth TDOC ... dd 33.45 –0.31 ... 165.00 116.23 UniversalHealthB UHS .6 11 127.80 +5.27 .20 173.24 77.06 Workiva WK ... dd 77.34 –19.17 ...
29.60 8.56 Renren RENN ... ... 28.35 –0.24 ... 24.88 1.93 Skillz SKLZ ... dd 1.96 –0.09 ... 6.59 4.50 TelecomArgentina TEO 23.8 dd 5.21 –0.26.4025 19.64 11.55 UnivInsurance UVE 5.1 35 12.58 +0.02 .16 35.91 22.22 WorldFuelSvcs INT 2.0 18 23.50 –0.72 .12
145.98 106.46 RepublicSvcs RSG 1.4 33 135.19 +0.92 .46 85.92 38.96 SkylineChamp SKY ... 16 54.50 +3.46 ... 493.97 391.28 TeledyneTech TDY ... 34 407.52 –24.03 ... 11.45 5.34 UnvlTechInst UTI ... 22 8.86 –1.50 ... 10.20 9.76 WorldQuantumA WQGA ... 21 9.92 ... ...
33.25 21.20 ResideoTech REZI ... 15 24.48 +1.99 ... 15.14 4.24 SmartRent SMRT ... dd 4.36 –0.50 ... 428.36 268.29 Teleflex TFX .5 26 269.61 –16.01 .34 36.51 22.25 UnumGroup UNM 3.3 9 36.31 +5.79 .30 70.72 46.81 WW Ent WWE .8 27 58.58 +0.19 .12
301.34 189.83 ResMed RMD .8 38 202.05 +2.08 .42 85.65 41.65 Smartsheet SMAR ... dd 43.66 –4.67 ... 11.78 7.62 TelefonicaBras VIV 6.4 15 10.02 –0.58.0162 10.72 0.71 UpHealth UPH ... dd .73 –0.07 ... 72.39 45.10 WorthingtonInds WOR 2.4 6 45.78 –1.79 .28
17.65 9.84 ResoluteForest RFP .0 4 14.90 +0.96 1.00 86.74 57.67 SmithAO AOS 1.9 19 59.40 +0.97 .28 5.39 4.10 Telefonica TEF 3.4 3 4.93 +0.15 .167 20.33 14.00 UrbanEdgeProp UE 3.4 22 18.89 +0.20 .16 93.86 65.24 WyndhamHtls WH 1.6 24 82.27 –5.69 .32
70.74 52.16 RestaurantBrands QSR 4.1 19 52.51 –4.58 .54 44.47 30.76 Smith&Nephew SNN 2.3 27 32.31 –0.09 .462 33.21 20.44 TelekmIndonesia TLK 4.0 18 31.73 –0.09.2153 19.97 14.58 UrstadtBiddle UBP 5.2 19 16.53 –0.22.2145
17.65 5.20 Revlon REV ... dd 5.31 –0.81 ... 145.82 118.55 Smucker SJM 2.8 27 140.84 +3.91 .99 26.51 15.69 Telephone&Data TDS 3.8 19 18.77 +0.45 .18 21.66 16.95 UrstadtProp A UBA 5.5 20 17.24 –0.11.2375 XYZ
89.60 30.74 Revolve RVLV ... 25 33.06 –9.20 ... 83.34 24.32 Snap SNAP ... dd 24.92 –3.54 ... 50.51 25.56 TempurSealy TPX 1.5 9 27.50 +0.39 .10 107.85 71.19 UsanaHealth USNA ... 14 74.09 –2.57 ...
113.43 72.06 RexAmerRes REX ... 10 85.72 +1.09 ... 259.99 197.75 SnapOn SNA 2.6 14 218.13 +5.64 1.42 10.09 9.87 10XCapIII A VCXB ... ... 9.99 ... ... 15.98 4.50 UserTesting USER ... dd 5.79 –2.02 ... 17.88 1.84 XFinancial XYF ... 1 2.54 –0.41 ...
84.68 52.47 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 1.8 82 71.57 –6.47 .315 405.00 151.21 Snowflake SNOW ... dd 155.27 –16.17 ... 33.28 18.80 Tenaris TS .0 12 30.67 +0.49 .26 29.16 13.12 UtzBrands UTZ 1.6 60 13.38 –0.74 .054 9.64 1.38 XL Fleet XL ... 8 1.38 –0.02 ...
11.12 9.73 RibbitLeapA LEAP ... 3 9.90 ... ... 10.82 9.77 SocialCapHedIV A IPOD ... 25 10.09 –0.06 ... 16.58 2.95 TencentMusic TME ... 14 4.02 –0.23 ... 90.78 51.80 XPO Logistics XPO ... 18 53.65 –0.14 ...
10.75 9.69 RiceAcqnII A RONI ... dd 9.81 –0.01 ... 10.99 9.77 SocialCapHedVI A IPOF ... 31 10.18 –0.06 ... 92.65 59.74 TenetHealthcare THC ... 9 75.00 +2.49 ... V 21.04 15.15 XeniaHotels XHR ... dd 18.53 –0.76 ...
10.46 9.75 RigelResourceA RRAC ... ... 9.97 –0.03 ... 10.00 9.61 SocialLvgI A SLAC ... cc 9.81 +0.01 ... 87.40 59.64 Tennant TNC 1.7 23 60.51 –4.07 .25 3.79 0.54 XinyuanRealEst XIN ... ... 1.14 +0.06 ...
315.00 75.18 RingCentral RNG ... dd 76.41 –8.44 ... 90.87 40.53 SOQUIMICH SQM .5 38 78.87 +5.07 .063 22.75 9.51 Tenneco TEN ... 37 15.67 –1.50 ... 90.48 47.09 VF VFC 4.2 13 47.61 –4.39 .50 56.45 18.01 XPeng XPEV ... dd 22.28 –2.33 ...
95.97 59.58 RioTinto RIO 11.6 5 68.07 –3.05 .62 12.63 6.11 SolarisOilfield SOI 3.4 cc 12.26 +1.01 .105 59.38 34.93 Teradata TDC ... 27 35.84 –5.51 ... 14.47 3.90 ViaOptronics VIAO ... dd 4.06 –0.18 ... 26.90 9.87 XponentialFit XPOF ... dd 17.12 –3.60 ...
40.48 4.62 Riskified RSKD ... ... 4.69 –0.54 ... 23.00 10.76 SolarWinds SWI ... dd 11.30 –1.07 ... 55.60 32.11 Terex TEX 1.5 11 34.32 +0.32 .13 33.35 26.23 VICI Prop VICI 5.0 18 28.92 –0.89 .36 138.78 80.00 Xylem XYL 1.4 37 85.21 +4.71 .30
76.18 48.65 RitchieBros RBA 1.9 38 52.32 –2.77 .25 23.39 5.86 SoloBrands DTC ... ... 6.38 +0.41 ... 53.33 36.30 Terminix TMX ... 47 43.99 –1.90 ... 28.24 6.62 Vizio VZIO ... dd 7.77 +0.53 ... 108.82 45.77 Yeti YETI ... 20 47.25 –1.62 ...
23.02 6.11 RiteAid RAD ... dd 6.46 +0.09 ... 12.24 2.60 Sonendo SONX ... ... 2.80 +0.03 ... 12.69 3.80 TerranOrbital LLAP ... dd 4.93 +0.32 ... 8.18 3.33 VOC Energy VOC 12.8 14 6.95 –0.33 .28 5.86 3.34 YPF YPF ... dd 4.12 –0.12 ...
125.77 83.46 RobertHalf RHI 1.8 16 97.06 –1.25 .43 58.00 38.64 SonicAutomotive SAH 2.2 5 46.33 +3.78 .25 86.00 61.25 TerrenoRealty TRNO 2.0 55 67.11 –5.64 .34 33.36 4.91 VTEX VTEX ... dd 5.20 –0.09 ... 22.10 3.51 Yalla YALA ... 9 3.89 –0.20 ...
141.60 27.33 Roblox RBLX ... dd 27.81 –2.84 ... 55.17 19.73 SonidaSrLiving SNDA ... 1 30.70 +0.69 ... 4.67 2.32 TetraTech TTI ... dd 4.51 +0.83 ... 8.23 2.06 VaalcoEnergy EGY 2.0 5 6.61 +0.07.0325 6.40 3.70 YamanaGold AUY 2.2 35 5.43 –0.08 .03
22.68 8.21 RocketCos. RKT .0 4 8.58 –0.27 1.01 69.83 54.34 SonocoProducts SON 3.2 dd 60.92 –0.99 .49 11.55 7.24 TevaPharm TEVA ... 21 7.84 –0.87 ... 376.24 221.38 VailResorts MTN 3.1 47 248.47 –5.69 1.91 11.64 0.55 YatsenHolding YSG ... dd .57 –0.04 ...
10.70 9.60 RocketInternetA RKTA ... 47 9.80 –0.02 ... 133.75 83.09 Sony SONY .5 13 83.66 –2.39.2441 1773.95 946.29 TexasPacLand TPL .8 41 1423.84 +57.2420.00 61.70 20.56 Valaris VAL ... dd 57.26 +6.51 ... 43.28 30.19 Yelp YELP ... 60 30.84 –1.69 ...
16.99 2.52 RockleyPhotonics RKLY ... dd 3.29 +0.38 ... 35.32 20.75 SoJerseyInd SJI 3.6 21 34.31 +0.12 .31 41.89 24.30 Textainer TGH 3.0 6 33.13 –0.41 .25 23.18 11.16 Vale VALE17.0 4 15.72 –1.17 .718 15.17 4.26 Yext YEXT ... dd 5.46 –0.33 ...
354.99 210.21 Rockwell ROK 2.1 39 214.51 –38.16 1.12 77.24 60.12 Southern SO 3.6 35 74.67 +1.28 .68 79.45 63.28 Textron TXT .1 20 68.54 –0.71 .02 12.19 3.33 ValensSemicon VLN ... dd 3.35 –0.46 ... 6.60 1.73 YirenDigital YRD ... 6 1.73 –0.32 ...
64.55 44.19 RogersComm B RCI 3.0 21 51.98 –2.48.3902 83.29 54.92 SoCopper SCCO 6.8 14 61.41 –0.86 1.25 672.34 438.72 ThermoFisherSci TMO .2 28 546.68 –6.24 .30 129.27 58.85 ValeroEnergy VLO 3.0 21 129.18 +17.70 .98 27.78 5.46 Youdao DAO ... dd 5.98 –1.22 ...
274.51 172.84 Rogers ROG ... 55 272.65 +1.93 ... 10.41 9.76 SouthportAcqnA PORT ... ... 9.92 ... ... 20.35 14.71 Thermon THR ... 42 14.92 –0.08 ... 38.63 21.11 Valhi VHI .9 8 37.43 +5.62 .08 139.85 111.63 YumBrands YUM 2.0 21 115.39 –1.62 .57
40.11 28.51 Rollins ROL 1.2 51 34.03 +0.49 .10 63.68 36.75 SouthwestAir LUV ... 49 46.12 –0.60 ... 123.60 92.22 ThomsonReuters TRI 1.9 8 94.39 –5.57 .445 277.00 203.31 ValmontInds VMI .9 27 252.29 +3.48 .55 69.67 33.55 YumChina YUMC 1.2 20 40.21 –1.59 .12
10.74 1.04 RomeoPower RMO ... 37 1.17 +0.07 ... 90.71 62.54 SouthwestGas SWX 2.8 26 87.66 –0.45 .62 148.00 73.50 ThorIndustries THO 2.1 5 82.36 +5.81 .43 37.97 28.15 Valvoline VVV 1.7 13 29.53 –0.70 .125 91.23 33.30 ZimIntShipping ZIM 58.9 2 66.16 +10.5317.00
505.00 417.54 RoperTech ROP .6 42 439.30 –30.62 .62 8.68 3.81 SouthwesternEner SWN ... dd 7.30 –0.20 ... 41.48 10.92 3D Systems DDD ... 4 11.02 –0.32 ... 31.87 3.61 Vapotherm VAPO ... dd 3.65 –0.79 ... 34.82 19.72 ZTO Express ZTO .0 28 25.53 –1.98 .25
10.57 9.50 RossAcqnIIA ROSS ... 52 9.81 –0.01 ... 107.22 75.66 SpectrumBrands SPB 2.0 27 84.90 –0.17 .42 208.95 139.74 3M MMM 4.0 16 149.53 +5.31 1.49 13.38 8.50 VectorGroup VGR 6.3 9 12.66 –0.06 .20 153.43 87.90 Zendesk ZEN ... dd 113.88 –8.16 ...
119.41 96.85 RoyalBkCanada RY ... 11 100.63 –0.40 ... 19.50 1.54 SpireGlobal SPIR ... dd 1.68 +0.02 ... 23.99 9.75 Tidewater TDW ... dd 21.55 +1.59 ... 55.24 33.65 Vectrus VEC ... 9 34.72 –1.38 ... 12.80 2.25 ZeppHealth ZEPP .0 7 2.34 –0.08 .08
98.27 61.45 RoyalCaribbean RCL ... dd 69.85 –7.88 ... 79.24 59.60 Spire SR 3.7 17 73.95 +1.20 .685 10.30 9.95 TigaAcqnA TINV ... 15 10.25 –0.01 ... 343.96 166.48 VeevaSystems VEEV ... 67 174.86 –7.09 ... 13.46 5.27 ZetaGlobal ZETA ... dd 8.64 –2.19 ...
21.83 6.01 RushStreetInt RSI ... dd 6.23 –0.12 ... 53.31 34.31 SpiritAeroSys SPR .1 dd 35.10 –6.94 .01 17.80 8.33 Tilly's TLYS .0 4 8.52 –0.30 1.00 13.18 3.17 Velo3D VLD ... dd 3.30 –0.20 ... 17.50 3.01 ZeviaPBC ZVIA ... dd 3.03 –0.41 ...
42.43 25.57 RyanSpecialty RYAN ... cc 37.41 +0.42 ... 37.19 18.26 SpiritAirlines SAVE ... dd 19.74 –3.87 ... 92.39 55.32 Timken TKR 2.0 12 59.01 +1.37 .30 14.00 9.03 VelocityFinl VEL ... 16 11.17 +0.47 ... 164.16 0.75 ZhangmenEducation ZME ... dd .79 –0.06 ...
93.05 61.71 RyderSystem R 3.1 6 74.32 +4.42 .58 52.29 40.83 SpiritRealtyCap SRC 6.2 31 41.46 –1.99 .638 24.99 11.68 TimkenSteel TMST ... 6 18.21 –2.46 ... 5.85 1.13 VenatorMaterials VNTR ... dd 1.95 +0.09 ... 13.85 1.39 Zhihu ZH ... dd 1.52 –0.03 ...
44.09 13.39 RyersonHolding RYI 1.5 4 33.92 –2.89 .125 305.60 95.22 Spotify SPOT ... dd 104.68 +3.03 ... 17.60 6.69 TItanIntl TWI ... 20 15.59 +1.73 ... 64.02 45.44 Ventas VTR 3.2 cc 56.97 +1.42 .45 169.62 105.23 ZimmerBiomet ZBH .8 cc 120.33 –0.42 .24
101.19 68.64 RymanHospitality RHP ... dd 92.08 –1.40 ... 10.41 9.65 SpreeAcqn1 A SHAP ... ... 9.97 +0.01 ... 69.93 14.41 Toast TOST ... dd 15.37 –3.26 ... 19.90 14.36 VerisResidential VRE ... dd 14.71 –1.30 ... 32.90 18.03 ZipRecruiter ZIP ... dd 21.85 –0.66 ...
26.50 9.62 Sprinklr CXM ... dd 13.20 –0.45 ... 75.61 44.84 Toll Bros TOL 1.7 7 47.67 +1.30 .20 158.99 43.92 Veritiv VRTV ... 16 145.45 +4.91 ... 249.27 167.46 Zoetis ZTS .8 39 169.21 –8.04 .325
S 57.00 32.57 Sprott SII 2.2 35 45.30 –0.79 .25 38.09 29.01 TootsieRoll TR 1.1 33 32.01 –3.02 .09 59.85 45.55 Verizon VZ 5.3 9 48.27 +1.97 .64 23.25 10.85 Zuora ZUO ... dd 10.98 –1.19 ...
64.71 18.51 Squarespace SQSP ... dd 18.85 –1.12 ... 284.07 165.01 TopBuild BLD ... 20 195.45 +14.31 ... 23.93 5.51 VermilionEnergy VET .9 4 21.30 +1.82 .047 38.32 22.96 ZurnWaterSolns ZWS .4 21 28.86 –2.36 .03
151.48 95.53 SAP SAP 1.6 20 96.14 –4.66 2.66 62.21 39.80 St.Joe JOE .8 35 49.69 –3.52 .10 117.92 78.24 Toro TTC 1.5 23 79.75 –0.38 .30 18.44 6.29 VerticalAerospace EVTL ... dd 7.14 –0.13 ... 39.41 4.56 Zymeworks ZYME ... dd 5.98 –0.13 ...
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 41


52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
35.21 13.59 ArcutisBiotherap ARQT ... dd 19.40 –0.79 ... 21.40 14.51 Blucora BCOR ... 61 17.15 –3.10 ... 2.39 0.63 CidaraTherap CDTX ... dd .77 +0.07 ...

Five-Day Nasdaq Composite 8.25

–0.01 ...
–0.02 ...
–0.14 .03
+29.11 ...
–0.55 ...
–0.28 ...
+0.01 ...
... ...
–3.44 ...
+3.80 .69
–2.06 ...
–0.01 ...
21.00 7.15 ArgoBlockchain ARBK ... 10 7.54 –0.29 ... 0.20 0.12 BlueWorldRt BWAQR ... ... .12 –0.03 ... 461.44 338.00 Cintas CTAS 1.0 34 383.94 –13.32 .95
Offline: E-commerce stocks fell like a ton of bricks, as shoppers re- 10.03
+0.02 ...
+0.23 ...
+0.10 ...
+0.03 ...
–0.10 ...
+3.27 ...
9.88 9.70 AriszAcqnA ARIZ ... ... 9.88 +0.05 ... 117.86 53.26 BlueprintMed BPMC ... dd 56.64 –1.71 ... 64.29 48.85 CiscoSystems CSCO 3.1 18 49.33 +0.35 .38
turned to the mall. The Nasdaq Composite ended Friday at 12,145—after 0.21 0.10 AriszAcqnRt ARIZR ... ... .15 +0.03 ... 24.51 1.40 BoltBiotherap BOLT ... dd 1.41 –0.15 ... 108.90 26.63 CitiTrends CTRN ... 4 28.62 +0.65 ...
9.99 9.34 ArmadaAcqnI AACI ... ... 9.86 ... ... 2715.66 1796.45 BookingHldgs BKNG ... cc 2194.23 –16.08 ... 16.49 12.64 CtznCmntyBcp CZWI 2.0 7 13.03 –0.08 .26
losing 1.5% on the week. 9.99
–0.01 ...
+2.34 ...
–0.04 ...
+0.17 ...
–0.50 .24
+0.90 .37
22.93 1.91 Arrival ARVL ... ... 1.97 +0.04 ... 15.77 4.41 BraggGaming BRAG ... dd 5.30 –0.01 ... 86.30 71.61 CityHolding CHCO 3.0 14 80.20 +2.82 .60
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 38.24 30.50 ArrowFinancial AROW 3.4 10 31.93 +0.63 .27 11.77 6.53 Brainsway BWAY ... dd 7.13 –0.54 ... 32.36 19.08 Clarus CLAR .4 32 22.70 +0.35 .025
93.66 36.48 ArrowheadPharm ARWR ... dd 36.92 –4.19 ... 98.78 30.76 Braze BRZE ... ... 35.98 –4.21 ... 31.24 0.53 ClarusTherap CRXT ... 1 .62 –0.01 ...
10.17 9.80 ArtemisStratInvt ARTE ... cc 10.00 ... ... 65.33 6.44 BridgeBioPharma BBIO ... dd 6.70 –1.32 ... 9.94 9.83 CleanEarthA CLIN ... ... 9.83 –0.03 ...
13,020 27.57 9.49 Arteris AIP ... ... 9.92 –1.87 ... 21.80 10.26 BridgfordFoods BRID ... dd 13.15 +0.53 ... 0.21 0.13 CleanEarthRt CLINR ... ... .20 +0.01 ...
50.88 35.90 ArtesianRscs A ARTNA 2.4 25 45.00 –1.50.2729 15.00 6.52 Brightcove BCOV ... dd 7.00 –0.05 ... 14.50 4.55 CleanEnerFuels CLNE ... dd 5.13 –0.73 ...
108.47 44.96 Arvinas ARVN ... dd 45.68 –9.29 ... 62.33 40.03 BrighthouseFin BHF ... dd 52.11 +0.75 ... 86.71 32.53 Clearfield CLFD ... 23 54.94 –3.29 ...
178.71 82.20 AscendisPharma ASND ... dd 83.08 –8.19 ... 20.39 7.07 BrilliantEarthA BRLT ... 6 7.64 –0.06 ... 7.73 1.31 ClearsideBiomed CLSD ... dd 1.54 +0.01 ...
3.87 0.53 AslanPharm ASLN ... dd .57 –0.11 ... 10.63 9.95 BroadCapital BRACU ... ... 10.00 –0.06 ... 28.85 1.95 CloverHealth CLOV ... dd 2.69 ... ...
12,760 7.49 0.86 AspenGroup ASPU ... dd .87 ... ... 677.76 419.14 Broadcom AVGO 2.8 33 580.10 +25.71 4.10 7.24 0.96 ClovisOncology CLVS ... dd .99 –1.01 ...
170.16 122.29 AspenTech AZPN ... 41 163.25 +4.71 ... 17.74 13.23 BrooklineBcp BRKL 3.6 10 14.63 +0.17 .13 54.41 26.80 CoastalFinl CCB ... 19 40.20 –0.84 ...
4.69 1.40 AssemblyBiosci ASMB ... dd 1.63 –0.13 ... 44.85 0.87 BrooklynImmuno BTX ... dd .93 –0.12 ... 638.00 282.90 CocaColaCon COKE .2 20 483.65 +42.15 .25
75.00 36.31 AstecIndustries ASTE 1.1 54 42.00 +2.90 .12 92.35 56.35 Bruker BRKR .3 34 61.16 +3.67 .05 63.04 42.33 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 4.5 19 48.71 –1.24 .59
16.95 2.87 AstraSpace ASTR ... dd 3.09 –0.11 ... 61.05 15.41 Bumble BMBL ... 8 21.91 –2.08 ... 25.70 3.66 CodexDNA DNAY ... dd 4.04 +0.34 ...
12,500 71.70
–2.04 .985
–0.64 ...
–0.13 ...
–1.26 ...
–0.39 ...
–0.07 ...
20.93 9.24 Astronics ATRO ... dd 10.73 +1.04 ... 9.96 9.80 BurTechAcqnA BRKH ... ... 9.93 –0.01 ... 24.48 18.26 CodorusValleyBncp CVLY 2.6 16 23.19 –0.71 .15
18.52 11.80 AstroNova ALOT ... 15 12.90 –0.57 ... 29.50 21.37 BusFirstBcshs BFST 2.2 9 22.20 +0.04 .12 11.06 5.15 CogentBio COGT ... dd 6.52 +0.10 ...
20.04 6.31 AtaraBiotherap ATRA ... dd 6.92 +0.56 ... 14.77 3.62 BuzzFeed BZFD ... 26 5.21 +0.22 ... 80.50 56.53 CogentComm CCOI 5.6 93 60.07 +1.57 .88
12,240 46.91 5.31 AteaPharm AVIR ... 4 5.52 –0.35 ... 10.59 9.89 byNordicAcqnA BYNO ... ... 9.94 –0.04 ... 92.17 54.30 Cognex CGNX .5 35 54.34 –13.29 .065
(Previous Friday Close) 5.27 0.46 Athenex ATNX ... dd .48 ... ... 13.80 2.31 CognitionTherap CGTX ... dd 3.00 +0.23 ...
23.64 8.51 AthiraPharma ATHA ... dd 9.20 –1.09 ... C 93.47 66.19 CognizantTech CTSH 1.4 18 75.52 –5.38 .27
5.70 2.12 AtlanticAmerican AAME .7 16 2.99 –0.06 .02 28.55 6.66 CognyteSoftware CGNT ... dd 6.81 +0.03 ...
+201.38 +27.74 +401.10 -647.16 -173.03 10.01 9.87 AtlCoastal II A ACAB ... ... 9.98 +0.03 ... 14.69 1.66 Cadiz CDZI ... dd 2.04 +0.06 ... 278.34 222.04 Coherent COHR ... dd 268.94 +1.04 ...
11,980 42.67 32.31 AtlUnionBkshs AUB 3.3 11 34.41 +0.63 .28 55.00 43.52 C&F Fin CFFI 3.1 7 51.47 –0.33 .40 19.32 8.41 CoherusBioSci CHRS ... dd 8.43 –0.61 ...
41.32 29.50 AtlanticaSust AY 5.6 dd 31.08 +0.18 .44 26.80 21.30 CB FinSvcs CBFV 4.3 10 22.55 –0.84 .24 39.86 25.06 Cohu COHU ... 9 28.31 +1.75 ...
10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 10 12 2 4 91.98 28.11 Atlanticus ATLC ... 6 43.46 +0.42 ... 32.38 24.72 CBTX CBTX 1.8 20 28.94 +0.42 .13 368.90 100.25 CoinbaseGlbl COIN ... 7 103.74 –8.97 ...
97.13 62.13 AtlasAir AAWW ... 4 71.03 +2.09 ... 54.95 38.53 CDK Global CDK 1.1 6 54.40 –0.01 .15 25.66 14.59 CollegiumPharm COLL ... 9 14.70 –1.40 ...
15.40 7.50 AtlasTech ATCX ... dd 12.03 –0.07 ... 208.71 159.91 CDW CDW 1.2 24 170.62 +7.44 .50 158.42 104.53 ColliersIntl CIGI .3 dd 109.63 –0.62 .15
483.13 193.61 Atlassian TEAM ... dd 202.26 –22.57 ... 52.81 32.45 CEVA CEVA ... cc 35.99 –0.35 ... 23.49 8.60 Collplant CLGN ... dd 9.01 –0.94 ...
10.73 1.56 Atreca BCEL ... dd 1.88 –0.08 ... 10.00 9.80 CFAcqnVII A CFFS ... ... 9.95 +0.02 ... 19.59 15.95 ColonyBankcorp CBAN 2.6 11 16.64 –0.50.1075
52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 89.18 44.73 AtriCure ATRC ... 42 44.98 –6.95 ... 51.21 7.51 C4 Therap CCCC ... dd 8.43 –0.14 ... 44.75 27.95 ColumbiaBanking COLB 4.2 10 28.90 +0.82 .30
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. 805.62 579.96 Atrion ATRI 1.2 35 635.00 +8.38 1.95 112.15 84.67 CH Robinson CHRW 2.1 15 106.97 +0.82 .55 22.71 16.34 ColumbiaFin CLBK ... 22 19.65 +0.70 ...
737.45 270.37 AlignTech ALGN ... 32 280.41 –9.50 ... 39.61 30.22 AuburnNatlBncp AUBN 3.4 14 31.13 +0.59 .265 10.38 9.75 CIIGCapPtrsII CIIG ... ... 9.94 +0.02 ... 109.41 76.01 ColumbiaSportswr COLM 1.6 14 76.31 –5.85 .30
A 27.92 6.14 AlignmentHlthcr ALHC ... dd 9.68 +0.07 ... 37.35 21.00 AudioCodes AUDC 1.6 23 22.09 –1.44 .18 5.25 1.61 CLPS CLPS ... 4 1.74 –0.05 ... 55.57 34.35 ColumbusMcKinn CMCO .8 35 34.84 –0.61 .07
34.31 1.03 AligosTherap ALGS ... dd 1.04 –0.14 ... 26.16 13.50 AuraBiosciences AURA ... dd 17.90 +0.94 ... 197.00 119.19 CMC Materials CCMP 1.0 47 180.88 +1.97 .46 61.80 39.47 Comcast A CMCSA 2.7 13 40.00 +0.24 .27
83.79 47.50 AAON AAON .7 48 52.11 +3.37 .19 10.50 3.94 AlimeraSciences ALIM ... dd 5.45 –0.18 ... 33.97 9.70 AuriniaPharm AUPH ... dd 10.16 –0.13 ... 256.94 185.79 CME Group CME 1.9 27 210.37 –8.97 1.00 77.32 61.81 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 1.5 17 69.78 +1.41 .265
42.32 10.57 AlkamiTech ALKT ... dd 11.44 –1.66 ... 10.64 2.75 AuroraCannabis ACB ... dd 2.81 –0.22 ... 28.59 22.08 CNB FinPA CCNE 2.8 8 25.29 +0.44 .175 13.61 6.64 CommVehicle CVGI ... 10 7.18 ... ...
28.06 15.68 AcadiaPharm ACAD ... dd 17.88 –0.56 ... 17.77 3.73 AuroraInnov AUR ... dd 4.26 ... ... 49.52 7.94 CompassPath CMPS ... dd 8.30 –0.76 ... 22.18 5.94 CommScope COMM ... dd 7.60 +1.57 ...
40.31 25.93 ACI Worldwide ACIW ... 25 26.93 –0.69 ... 33.00 21.17 Alkermes ALKS ... dd 27.63 –1.22 ... 3.60 0.75 AuroraMobile JG ... dd .82 –0.02 ... 38.92 10.18 CPI Card PMTS ... 11 15.39 +3.89 ... 46.30 38.20 CmntyTrBcp CTBI 4.0 8 40.25 +0.44 .40
12.61 3.17 AC Immune ACIU ... dd 3.33 –0.25 ... 112.87 3.38 Allakos ALLK ... dd 3.40 –0.37 ... 9.93 9.83 AuroraTechA ATAK ... ... 9.90 –0.03 ... 116.71 75.96 CRA Intl CRAI 1.5 15 83.01 +0.64 .31 16.55 11.90 CommWestBcshs CWBC 2.2 9 13.81 –0.48 .075
39.71 14.07 ACM Research ACMR ... 9 14.89 –0.22 ... 18.20 1.40 AllarityTherap ALLR ... ... 1.42 –0.13 ... 0.25 0.11 AuroraTechRt ATAKR ... ... .12 –0.03 ... 169.76 46.58 CRISPR Therap CRSP ... 11 48.01 –1.61 ... 84.22 57.46 CommVaultSys CVLT ... 87 58.35 –2.65 ...
34.99 10.30 ACV Auctions ACVA ... dd 11.12 –2.23 ... 32.44 4.75 Allbirds BIRD ... dd 5.25 +0.17 ... 344.39 180.19 Autodesk ADSK ... 87 193.77 +4.49 ... 65.95 42.58 CSG Systems CSGS 1.8 25 57.54 –3.93 .265 9.74 9.59 CompassDigitalAcqn CDAQ ... ... 9.68 –0.02 ...
2.15 1.01 ADMA Biologics ADMA ... dd 1.79 –0.05 ... 46.00 34.30 AllegianceBcshs ABTX 1.3 10 41.50 +0.64 .14 8.23 2.83 AutolusTherap AUTL ... dd 2.84 –0.28 ... 11.94 6.61 CSP CSPI ... dd 7.22 +0.19 ... 10.69 5.77 CompoSecure CMPO ... 9 7.71 ... ...
25.50 15.72 AFC Gamma AFCG11.8 12 15.81 –0.20 .55 235.08 132.03 AllegiantTravel ALGT ... 18 154.06 –1.13 ... 248.96 187.29 ADP ADP 1.9 32 216.94 –1.24 1.04 145.50 102.66 CSW Industrials CSWI .6 30 105.40 –0.11 .17 9.20 2.03 Compugen CGEN ... dd 2.08 –0.30 ...
18.84 10.86 AGNC Invt AGNC 11.6 10 12.41 +1.43 .12 38.28 22.05 AllegroMicro ALGM ... 47 25.29 +0.98 ... 11.59 4.17 AvadelPharm AVDL ... dd 4.18 –0.82 ... 38.63 29.49 CSX CSX 1.2 20 34.78 +0.44 .10 37.62 26.11 ComputerPrograms CPSI ... 25 32.00 +0.08 ...
9.96 9.77 AIBAcqnA AIB ... ... 9.94 ... ... 19.61 5.67 AllianceResource ARLP 7.3 14 19.15 +1.24 .35 10.01 9.83 AvalonAcqn AVAC ... 68 9.97 –0.04 ... 24.37 18.72 CVB Fin CVBF 3.0 17 23.70 +0.68 .18 10.40 6.77 ComputerTask CTG ... 10 9.08 –0.47 ...
0.26 0.12 AIBAcqnRt AIBBR ... ... .12 –0.01 ... 65.37 54.46 AlliantEnergy LNT 2.9 22 58.74 –0.07.4275 13.00 2.69 AveannaHealth AVAH ... ... 2.88 –0.04 ... 14.95 1.28 CabalettaBio CABA ... dd 1.39 +0.01 ... 5.25 1.86 comScore SCOR ... dd 1.90 –0.12 ...
2.80 0.96 ALJ Regional ALJJ ... dd 2.39 –0.02 ... 44.70 23.15 AlliedMotionTech AMOT .4 15 24.62 +0.28 .025 12.55 4.58 AvePoint AVPT ... dd 4.69 –0.21 ... 10.76 9.81 CactusAcqn1 A CCTS ... ... 9.98 +0.01 ... 27.70 12.19 ComtechTel CMTL 3.3 dd 12.29 –1.31 .10
10.69 9.47 ALSPOrchidI A ALOR ... ... 9.96 –0.06 ... 31.77 7.48 AllogeneTherap ALLO ... dd 9.18 +0.83 ... 42.81 24.26 AviatNetworks AVNW ... 6 30.01 +0.11 ... 192.70 118.11 CadenceDesign CDNS ... 55 146.37 –4.48 ... 208.48 141.38 Concentrix CNXC .7 18 144.36 –13.12 .25
81.19 10.06 AlxOncology ALXO ... dd 10.51 –2.27 ... 21.04 5.42 Allot ALLT ... dd 5.55 –0.14 ... 40.48 23.27 AvidTechnology AVID ... 26 23.43 –8.28 ... 119.81 59.30 CaesarsEnt CZR ... dd 59.95 –6.33 ... 4.62 2.57 ConcertPharm CNCE ... dd 3.20 +0.07 ...
72.80 31.69 AMC Networks AMCX ... 6 32.45 –0.18 ... 26.41 4.26 AlloVir ALVR ... dd 4.97 +0.42 ... 29.59 13.35 AvidityBio RNA ... dd 13.58 –0.72 ... 17.69 8.67 Caesarstone CSTE 4.6 16 8.72 –1.11 .10 8.50 4.12 Conduent CNDT ... dd 4.57 –1.06 ...
+1.89 .31
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67.10 44.06 Amerisafe AMSF 2.6 15 48.24 23.25 13.05 AllscriptsHlthcr MDRX ... 18 18.64 –2.02 ... 27.44 6.50 AvidXchange AVDX ... dd 8.14 –0.05 ... 59.95 33.85 Cal-MaineFoods CALM 1.0 cc 52.15 –1.58 .125 94.97 21.17 Confluent CFLT ... dd 23.73 –7.51 ...
89.19 38.10 A-MarkPrecMet AMRK .0 4 70.32 –8.48 2.00 212.00 125.00 AlnylamPharm ALNY ... dd 134.75 +1.32 ... 545.11 65.87 AvisBudget CAR ... 8 255.86 –11.81 ... 14.51 4.93 CalAmp CAMP ... dd 5.21 –0.26 ... 4.33 2.06 Conifer CNFR ... dd 2.15 –0.12 ...
60.23 24.41 ANI Pham ANIP ... dd 27.42 –2.09 ... 69.99 23.66 Alpha&Omega AOSL ... 2 38.54 –4.36 ... 47.73 35.71 Avnet AVT 2.2 9 47.02 +3.36 .26 79.40 29.94 CalavoGrowers CVGW 3.8 dd 30.42 –5.82 1.15 29.27 0.61 ConnectBiopharma CNTB ... dd .62 –1.41 ...
413.89 258.00 Ansys ANSS ... 51 261.59 –14.10 ... 9.93 9.77 AlphaStarAcqn ALSA ... ... 9.93 ... ... 4.27 2.63 Aware AWRE ... dd 2.67 –0.13 ... 24.00 16.98 CaliforniaBncp CALB ... 12 21.22 –0.53 ... 37.00 24.17 ConnectOneBncp CNOB 2.2 9 27.70 –0.16 .155
19.60 12.59 AN2 Therap ANTX ... ... 18.82 +3.19 ... 0.33 0.14 AlphaStarRt ALSAR ... ... .16 –0.05 ... 83.74 33.36 AxcelisTechs ACLS ... 20 58.20 +3.75 ... 2.59 0.23 CalitheraBiosci CALA ... dd .24 –0.01 ... 31.48 14.54 Conn's CONN ... 4 15.44 –0.21 ...
45.27 15.55 APA APA 1.1 17 44.11 +3.18 .125 30.89 9.88 AlphaTeknova TKNO ... dd 10.00 –1.23 ... 5.90 1.44 AxcellaHealth AXLA ... dd 1.84 +0.12 ... 33.19 13.70 CalliditasTherap CALT ... dd 14.18 –0.53 ... 69.31 34.81 ConsensusCloud CCSI ... ... 52.01 –0.71 ...
22.00 14.39 ARKRestaurants ARKR ... 4 17.62 –0.38 ... 3030.93 2193.62 Alphabet A GOOGL ... 21 2314.93 +32.74 ... 209.00 94.80 AxonEnterprise AXON ... dd 95.99 –16.21 ... 17.43 5.27 CalumetSpecialty CLMT ... dd 14.32 +0.06 ... 10.50 9.69 Consilium I A CSLM ... ... 9.81 –0.02 ...
895.93 544.00 ASML ASML 1.0 37 551.00 –12.772.0843 3042.00 2230.05 Alphabet C GOOG ... 21 2313.20 +13.87 ... 79.81 42.37 Axonics AXNX ... dd 48.02 –3.80 ... 5.42 0.31 Calyxt CLXT ... dd .32 –0.13 ... 0.30 0.15 Consilium I Rt CSLMR ... ... .18 +0.01 ...
15.48 4.84 AST Space ASTS ... dd 8.75 +1.22 ... 16.47 9.06 Alphatec ATEC ... dd 9.41 –1.44 ... 74.10 19.38 AxsomeTherap AXSM ... dd 29.82 –1.93 ... 61.41 13.57 CambiumNtwks CMBM ... 10 13.62 –1.65 ... 9.89 4.51 ConsldComm CNSL ... dd 6.07 +0.12 ...
4.75 1.00 ATA Creativity AACG ... dd 1.14 –0.04 ... 15.14 6.00 AlpineImmune ALPN ... dd 8.49 –0.71 ... 14.95 2.21 AyalaPharm AYLA ... dd 2.25 –0.27 ... 52.16 43.64 CamdenNational CAC 3.6 10 44.62 –0.13 .40 13.20 9.01 ConsldWater CWCO 3.2 cc 10.70 –0.18 .085
22.91 3.67 ATAI Life ATAI ... dd 3.86 –0.43 ... 0.24 0.11 AlsetCapAcqnRt ACAXR ... ... .14 +0.02 ... 124.79 69.52 Azenta AZTA .6 41 71.17 –3.79 .10 49.60 26.03 Camtek CAMT ... 22 29.10 –0.60 ... 68.68 38.00 ConstellationEner CEG .9 ... 60.27 +1.06 .141
49.88 32.07 ATN Intl ATNI 1.7 dd 40.27 +0.77 .17 82.96 50.72 AltairEngg ALTR ... dd 51.57 –2.75 ... 12.92 4.10 AziyoBiologics AZYO ... dd 6.60 –0.31 ... 12.26 3.10 Canaan CAN ... 2 4.10 +0.30 ... 44.99 22.31 ConstructionPtrs ROAD ... 70 24.13 –1.68 ...
7.59 3.06 AveoPharma AVEO ... dd 4.31 –0.77 ... 10.78 3.85 AltEnergyA AEAE ... 25 9.96 +0.01 ... 48.35 23.25 CanadianSolar CSIQ ... 20 28.12 +0.60 ... 14.77 3.85 ConsumerPtfo CPSS ... 6 14.01 +2.61 ...
11.00 0.81 AVROBIO AVRO ... dd .83 –0.09 ... 19.46 4.21 Altimmune ALT ... dd 4.33 –0.19 ... B 14.78 3.48 CandelTherap CADL ... dd 3.72 +0.14 ... 15.18 1.55 ContextLogic WISH ... dd 1.61 –0.09 ...
12.35 5.65 AXT AXTI ... 17 5.73 –0.17 ... 14.58 5.85 AltisourcePortf ASPS ... 8 10.67 –0.17 ... 10.01 9.78 Canna-GlobalA CNGL ... ... 10.00 ... ... 161.12 106.37 Copart CPRT ... 24 109.62 –4.03 ...
24.00 13.76 Abcam ABCM ... cc 13.84 –1.68 ... 68.07 33.63 AltraIndlMotion AIMC .9 78 39.13 +0.13 .09 19.75 10.01 BBQ Holdings BBQ ... 5 13.07 –1.36 ... 13.35 4.26 Canoo GOEV ... dd 4.47 –0.33 ... 14.98 4.83 CoreScientific CORZ ... dd 5.17 –0.74 ...
36.05 7.06 AbCelleraBio ABCL ... 16 7.44 –0.23 ... 20.31 13.48 AmalgamFin AMAL 1.6 11 19.87 +2.28 .08 20.71 12.89 BCB Bancorp BCBP 3.3 9 19.11 +0.27 .16 26.96 5.05 CanopyGrowth CGC ... dd 5.97 +0.26 ... 8.70 3.20 CorMedix CRMD ... dd 3.34 –0.10 ...
379.30 252.06 Abiomed ABMD ... 87 257.54 –29.04 ... 5.97 1.25 Amarin AMRN ... 71 1.34 –1.35 ... 9.84 2.60 BELLUS Health BLU ... dd 7.72 –0.34 ... 13.25 5.08 Cantaloupe CTLP ... dd 5.27 –0.20 ... 42.97 14.12 CorsairGaming CRSR ... 16 15.65 +0.52 ...
31.53 4.62 Absci ABSI ... dd 4.87 –1.04 ... 3773.08 2261.63 AMZN ... 55 2295.45 –190.18 ... 6.52 3.30 BGC Partners BGCP 1.2 10 3.45 –0.18 .01 32.92 13.60 CanterburyPark CPHC .9 12 30.12 –0.78 .07 121.98 3.22 Cortexyme CRTX ... dd 3.53 –0.13 ...
15.50 7.11 AbsoluteSftwr ABST 3.5 dd 7.14 –0.56.0639 227.59 74.35 Ambarella AMBA ... dd 76.99 –5.09 ...
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

62.00 24.02 BJsRestaurants BJRI ... cc 26.93 –0.86 ... 28.16 19.01 CapitalBancorp CBNK 1.2 8 22.14 –0.37 .05 213.38 114.93 Corvel CRVL ... 45 151.94 –3.14 ...
7.54 3.30 AcaciaResearch ACTG ... 3 4.53 –0.16 ... 84.39 68.33 Amdocs DOX 2.0 19 79.08 –0.61 .395 120.20 77.65 BOK Fin BOKF 2.4 11 86.99 +4.06 .53 29.00 22.02 CapitalCityBank CCBG 2.4 13 26.50 +0.89 .16 9.54 1.26 CorvusPharm CRVS ... dd 1.27 –0.04 ...
51.08 29.74 AcademySports ASO .8 5 37.68 +0.32 .075 276.21 115.06 Amedisys AMED ... 20 116.78 –10.87 ... 45.36 21.92 BRP Group BRP ... dd 24.21 +1.09 ... 19.65 10.60 CapitalProduct CPLP 3.8 3 15.70 +0.99 .15 101.05 49.00 CoStar CSGP ... 76 59.11 –4.51 ...
76.69 50.07 AcadiaHealthcare ACHC ... 26 70.45 +2.57 ... 36.72 20.01 AmerantBncpA AMTB 1.3 9 27.75 +1.16 .09 102.96 57.38 BRP DOOO .6 11 80.11 –0.92.1281 28.41 22.20 CapitalSouthwest CSWC 8.0 15 23.52 +0.31 .15 612.27 371.11 Costco COST .7 41 503.36 –28.36 .90
55.47 4.61 Accolade ACCD ... dd 5.84 +0.28 ... 769.90 523.94 Amerco UHAL .0 10 540.42 +4.94 .50 91.24 45.04 B RileyFin RILY 7.8 9 51.02 +5.86 1.00 13.31 9.36 CapitolFedFin CFFN 3.6 16 9.56 –0.07 .085 52.26 14.68 Couchbase BASE ... dd 17.15 +0.15 ...
9.87 9.69 AccretionAcqn ENER ... dd 9.86 ... ... 21.33 16.78 AmerFirstMultifam ATAX 2.5 11 17.76 +0.83 .24 15.90 5.28 BTRS BTRS ... dd 6.05 –0.67 ... 23.00 18.83 CapStarFin CSTR 2.0 9 20.32 +0.17 .10 283.38 64.79 CoupaSoftware COUP ... dd 76.02 –10.28 ...
0.37 0.06 AccretionAcqnRt ENERR ... ... .12 –0.04 ... 26.04 12.44 AmerAirlines AAL ... dd 17.84 –0.93 ... 36.50 7.70 Backblaze BLZE ... dd 7.79 –1.69 ... 18.93 7.96 CaraTherap CARA ... dd 8.04 –0.68 ... 34.75 17.23 CovenantLogist CVLG 1.1 5 22.32 +1.78.0625
5.93 2.29 Accuray ARAY ... dd 2.30 –0.36 ... 104.81 80.22 AEP AEP 3.1 19 99.65 +0.54 .78 209.17 102.18 Baidu BIDU ... 26 116.76 –7.41 ... 44.57 14.70 CardiovascularSys CSII ... dd 15.31 –3.39 ... 30.87 13.39 Covetrus CVET ... dd 15.45 +1.65 ...
1.67 0.20 AcelRxPharm ACRX ... dd .25 ... ... 40.34 29.00 AmNtlBcsh AMNB 3.2 9 35.20 +0.46 .28 39.78 19.23 BakerHughes BKR 2.2 99 32.13 +1.11 .18 134.91 30.46 Cardlytics CDLX ... dd 31.24 –2.89 ... 44.07 21.45 Cowen COWN 2.0 4 24.20 +1.35 .12
10.01 9.82 AchariVenturesI AVHI ... 17 9.96 ... ... 195.89 116.38 AmericanNatl ANAT 1.7 7 189.45 +0.84 .82 174.29 118.00 Balchem BCPC .5 38 119.29 –3.91 .64 9.39 3.70 Carecloud MTBC ... dd 3.90 –0.05 ... 165.21 107.24 CrackerBarrel CBRL 4.4 19 111.91 +0.92 1.30
16.00 2.03 AchillesTherap ACHL ... dd 2.16 –0.06 ... 36.62 11.93 AmOutdoorBrands AOUT ... 13 12.23 –0.37 ... 19.66 7.59 BallardPower BLDP ... dd 7.83 –0.47 ... 96.88 25.14 CareDx CDNA ... dd 25.78 –4.66 ... 12.20 6.50 CreativeMedia CMCT 5.1 dd 6.67 –0.40 .085
24.38 9.26 AclarisTherap ACRS ... dd 11.82 –0.50 ... 31.35 16.97 AmericanPubEdu APEI ... 18 18.30 –1.14 ... 86.82 53.77 BancFirst BANF 1.7 17 83.69 +1.94 .36 16.00 5.29 CareMax CMAX ... 9 5.62 –0.97 ... 703.27 381.93 CreditAcceptance CACC ... 10 599.58 +87.08 ...
6.36 0.94 AcordaTherap ACOR ... dd .97 –0.39 ... 33.27 15.49 AmerSoftware AMSWA 2.8 44 15.84 –1.26 .11 145.97 21.11 Bandwidth BAND ... dd 21.41 –0.71 ... 24.58 16.01 CareTrustREIT CTRE 6.4 23 17.11 +0.90 .275 18.00 10.43 CredoTech CRDO ... dd 10.71 –0.33 ...
99.46 56.40 ActivisionBliz ATVI .6 25 77.84 +2.24 .47 19.43 5.17 AmerSupercond AMSC ... dd 5.33 ... ... 51.39 38.10 BankOZK OZK 3.1 9 39.48 +1.06 .31 50.03 23.86 CarGurus CARG ... dd 31.75 –0.93 ... 21.48 16.58 CrescentCapBDC CCAP 9.3 6 17.69 –0.03 .05
26.98 3.55 AcumenPharm ABOS ... dd 3.64 –0.22 ... 105.21 44.01 AmericanWoodmark AMWD ... dd 48.62 +1.77 ... 32.05 27.65 BankofPrinceton BPRN 3.4 8 29.65 –0.37 .25 32.65 7.04 CaribouBio CRBU ... dd 7.33 –0.07 ... 9.97 9.79 CresceraCapA CREC ... ... 9.92 –0.01 ...
18.00 0.76 AcutusMedical AFIB ... dd 1.05 –0.23 ... 177.45 72.50 AmerCarMart CRMT ... 5 85.10 +4.25 ... 27.28 16.80 Bank7 BSVN 2.0 9 24.35 +0.58 .12 7.78 0.79 CarLotz LOTZ ... dd .82 –0.07 ... 9.80 4.27 Cresud CRESY ... 3 6.67 –1.18 ...
20.98 3.23 Adagene ADAG ... ... 3.23 –0.42 ... 59.85 39.67 AmerisBancorp ABCB 1.4 9 42.88 +1.18 .15 12.79 10.01 BankFinancial BFIN 4.0 19 10.06 –0.15 .10 60.62 36.04 Carlyle CG 3.4 5 37.69 +1.40 .325 47.36 9.61 Cricut CRCT ... 19 12.00 +0.38 ...
78.82 2.70 AdagioTherap ADGI ... dd 2.88 +0.02 ... 4.52 3.68 AmeriServFin ASRV 3.0 9 4.00 +0.03 .03 36.87 26.78 BankwellFin BWFG 2.3 10 35.51 +1.51 .20 14.96 12.76 CarlyleSecured CGBD 8.7 6 14.79 +0.78 .08 28.95 15.57 CrineticsPharm CRNX ... dd 18.03 –2.29 ...
6.86 1.65 AdaptimmuneTher ADAP ... dd 1.71 –0.01 ... 258.81 198.64 Amgen AMGN 3.3 23 236.50 +3.31 1.94 66.79 49.10 Banner BANR 3.2 10 55.47 +1.77 .44 20.74 5.90 PRTS ... dd 7.89 +1.90 ... 46.65 23.72 Criteo CRTO ... 12 25.93 +1.15 ...
43.40 7.95 AdaptiveBiotech ADPT ... dd 8.22 –0.03 ... 12.63 6.24 AmicusTherap FOLD ... dd 6.27 –0.81 ... 38.15 5.41 Baozun BZUN ... dd 7.42 –0.22 ... 6.49 1.50 CarrolsRestr TAST .0 dd 1.64 +0.04 .41 183.88 59.57 Crocs CROX ... 5 60.87 –5.56 ...
108.11 68.57 AddusHomeCare ADUS ... 29 80.29 –3.99 ... 29.50 18.04 AmkorTech AMKR 1.0 7 19.44 +0.63 .05 86.82 57.76 BarrettBus BBSI 1.6 15 76.67 +4.70 .30 17.99 10.02 CarterBkshrs CARE ... 13 15.43 –0.93 ... 9.42 2.84 Cronos CRON ... dd 2.96 –0.06 ...
21.17 6.25 AdicetBio ACET ... dd 15.00 +0.26 ... 44.46 17.56 AmphastarPharm AMPH ... 26 32.71 –2.76 ... 36.74 13.16 BassettFurniture BSET 3.4 8 16.38 –0.18 .14 10.05 9.80 CarticaAcqnA CITE ... ... 10.02 +0.01 ... 30.40 14.23 CrossCtyHlthcr CCRN ... 5 17.21 –1.53 ...
699.54 382.82 Adobe ADBE ... 39 391.01 –4.94 ... 13.45 5.61 AmrytPharma AMYT ... dd 8.39 –0.01 ... 23.52 16.47 BayCom BCML .9 11 22.27 –0.38 .05 9.75 3.68 CasaSystems CASA ... cc 3.99 –0.91 ... 16.50 11.81 CrossFirstBkshs CFB ... 9 12.49 –0.32 ...
24.76 16.30 Adtran ADTN 2.0 dd 18.34 +0.95 .09 15.78 7.81 AmtechSystems ASYS ... 69 8.52 –0.59 ... 64.90 46.62 BeaconRoof BECN ... 21 63.44 +3.81 ... 9.95 9.63 CascadiaAcqnA CCAI ... ... 9.80 –0.01 ... 298.48 150.02 CrowdStrike CRWD ... dd 164.81 –33.95 ...
8.41 4.60 AdvEmissions ADES ... 2 5.83 –0.22 ... 33.41 7.64 AmylyxPharm AMLX ... ... 7.65 –1.35 ... 138.52 33.89 BeamTherap BEAM ... dd 35.68 –1.85 ... 92.75 62.47 CasellaWaste CWST ... 94 74.43 –7.81 ... 11.15 9.91 Crypto1Acqn DAOOU ... ... 10.07 +0.02 ...
114.73 73.26 AdvEnergyInds AEIS .5 22 78.68 +2.16 .10 17.42 3.18 Amyris AMRS ... dd 3.28 –0.15 ... 3.39 1.62 BeasleyBroadcast BBGI ... dd 1.66 –0.03 ... 229.18 170.82 CaseysGenStores CASY .7 23 197.32 –3.98 .35 9.99 9.75 Crypto1AcqnA DAOO ... ... 9.90 –0.01 ...
164.46 72.50 AdvMicroDevices AMD ... 36 95.34 +9.82 ... 191.95 143.81 AnalogDevices ADI 1.9 49 156.13 +1.75 .76 44.51 11.77 BedBath BBBY ... dd 12.07 –1.54 ... 48.21 35.93 CassInfoSys CASS 3.1 17 36.19 –2.52 .28 22.55 5.48 CueHealth HLTH ... 12 6.50 –0.20 ...
13.16 4.97 AdvantageSolns ADV ... 35 5.21 +0.18 ... 37.89 20.56 AnaptysBio ANAB ... dd 22.67 –0.73 ... 426.56 136.09 BeiGene BGNE ... dd 147.29 –12.71 ... 78.92 20.00 CastleBiosci CSTL ... dd 21.15 –1.19 ... 37.66 9.56 CullinanOncology CGEM ... dd 10.31 +0.50 ...
4.01 1.01 AdverumBiotech ADVM ... dd 1.02 –0.05 ... 31.50 8.26 AnavexLifeSci AVXL ... dd 8.35 –0.24 ... 23.95 12.38 BelFuse A BELFA 1.1 10 22.49 +0.65 .06 48.88 35.51 CathayGenBncp CATY 3.4 10 40.10 +0.01 .34 7.51 2.19 CumberlandPharm CPIX ... dd 2.41 +0.06 ...
8.50 1.37 AegleaBioTherap AGLE ... dd 1.39 –0.05 ... 59.00 25.20 Andersons ANDE 1.9 13 38.73 –11.50 .18 20.64 10.58 BelFuse B BELFB 1.6 8 17.43 +1.12 .07 327.24 196.46 CavcoIndustries CVCO ... 13 242.47 +6.22 ... 15.67 9.42 CumulusMedia CMLS ... 19 15.44 +1.67 ...
23.33 7.88 Aemetis AMTX ... dd 9.20 +0.07 ... 33.13 7.10 Anghami ANGH ... dd 7.26 –1.37 ... 15.20 9.18 Benefitfocus BNFT ... dd 9.28 –1.37 ... 9.16 4.25 CECO Env CECE ... cc 4.28 –0.47 ... 125.66 14.20 CureVac CVAC ... ... 15.64 –1.45 ...
19.26 5.46 AeriePharm AERI ... dd 6.25 –0.86 ... 14.92 4.10 Angi ANGI ... dd 4.11 –0.30 ... 71.92 34.45 BentleySystems BSY .3 cc 38.49 –3.90 .03 13.24 4.84 CellebriteDI CLBT ... 22 5.06 –0.29 ... 17.40 0.85 Curis CRIS ... dd .87 –0.04 ...
29.43 7.74 AerovateTherap AVTE ... dd 10.80 –1.95 ... 32.00 19.30 AngioDynamics ANGO ... dd 19.67 –1.38 ... 51.28 4.55 BerkeleyLights BLI ... dd 5.21 +0.24 ... 17.05 3.35 Cellectis CLLS ... dd 3.44 –0.06 ... 74.38 28.67 Cutera CUTR ... cc 59.50 +5.19 ...
115.95 52.03 AeroVironment AVAV ... dd 81.25 +0.93 ... 16.26 1.22 AngionBiomed ANGN ... dd 1.59 +0.34 ... 10.55 2.06 BerkshireGrey BGRY ... dd 2.57 +0.14 ... 6.40 1.67 CelyadOncology CYAD ... dd 1.92 –0.14 ... 10.96 5.58 Cvent CVT ... dd 6.01 –1.03 ...
11.24 1.17 AestheticMed AIH ... dd 1.37 –0.13 ... 48.37 19.95 AnikaTherap ANIK ... 75 21.02 –0.51 ... 2.30 0.25 BerkshireGreyWt BGRYW ... ... .41 +0.10 ... 26.90 7.01 CentessaPharm CNTA ... ... 7.99 –0.73 ... 29.00 4.60 CVRx CVRX ... dd 5.48 –0.75 ...
9.93 9.72 AetheriumAcqnA GMFI ... ... 9.93 +0.02 ... 24.85 2.06 Annexon ANNX ... dd 2.60 +0.05 ... 12.85 4.72 Berry(bry) BRY 2.2 dd 10.99 +0.02 .06 11.95 3.12 Centogene CNTG ... dd 3.41 +0.06 ... 201.68 114.65 CyberArkSoftware CYBR ... dd 126.38 –30.76 ...
10.11 3.39 Affimed AFMD ... dd 3.42 –0.34 ... 10.00 6.97 AnthemisDigA ADAL ... cc 9.95 ... ... 160.28 35.41 BeyondMeat BYND ... dd 35.83 –1.05 ... 61.25 41.96 CentralGarden CENT ... 15 42.69 –1.10 ... 49.95 25.62 CyberOptics CYBE ... 22 42.45 +0.04 ...
176.65 23.42 AffirmHldgs AFRM ... dd 24.95 –3.75 ... 73.00 27.50 ApellisPharm APLS ... dd 40.66 –2.87 ... 62.08 19.99 BicycleTherap BCYC ... dd 20.44 –3.04 ... 55.82 39.30 CentralGardenA CENTA ... 14 40.33 –1.05 ... 4.86 0.59 CyclerionTherap CYCN ... dd .60 –0.14 ...
28.23 11.67 Afya AFYA ... 30 13.29 –1.82 ... 50.45 33.88 ApogeeEnt APOG 2.1 cc 42.57 –1.43 .22 47.65 14.01 Big5SportingGds BGFV 7.0 3 14.23 –0.24 .25 30.36 10.39 CenturyAluminum CENX ... dd 13.77 –3.10 ... 5.06 1.90 CymaBayTherap CBAY ... dd 1.91 –0.36 ...
59.60 33.63 Agilysys AGYS ... dd 34.61 –2.20 ... 10.39 4.52 ApolloEnd APEN ... dd 5.30 –0.13 ... 72.20 16.80 BigCommerce BIGC ... dd 18.72 +0.85 ... 32.90 7.99 CenturyTherap IPSC ... dd 8.57 –3.45 ... 23.10 1.83 CyteirTherap CYT ... dd 1.90 –0.35 ...
62.16 21.72 AgiosPharm AGIO ... dd 22.62 +0.65 ... 15.27 11.75 ApolloInv AINV 9.8 7 12.66 –0.03 .05 129.24 14.93 Bilibili BILI ... dd 20.85 –3.49 ... 4.33 1.76 Ceragon CRNT ... dd 1.89 –0.02 ... 28.70 8.50 CytekBiosci CTKB ... cc 8.79 –0.66 ...
49.32 6.30 Agora API ... dd 6.67 –0.70 ... 150.78 100.70 AppFolio APPF ... cc 104.27 +0.41 ... 543.85 347.88 Bio-Techne TECH .3 73 372.93 –6.76 .32 127.80 27.70 Cerence CRNC ... 26 28.72 –0.78 ... 47.90 17.72 Cytokinetics CYTK ... dd 38.06 –1.81 ...
2.52 1.64 AgroFresh AGFS ... dd 1.82 –0.04 ... 20.22 2.62 AppHarvest APPH ... dd 2.92 –1.19 ... 51.83 2.14 BioAtla BCAB ... dd 2.18 –1.30 ... 94.46 69.08 Cerner CERN 1.1 47 94.00 +0.36 .27 8.95 1.53 CytomXTherap CTMX ... dd 1.62 –0.09 ...
9.98 9.76 AhrenAcqnA AHRN ... ... 9.94 –0.02 ... 149.82 42.18 Appian APPN ... dd 47.52 –0.28 ... 16.43 10.21 BioceresCrop BIOX ... cc 13.47 –1.13 ... 45.48 17.70 Certara CERT ... dd 19.15 +0.80 ... 13.88 7.51 CyxteraTech CYXT ... dd 12.07 +0.04 ...
43.05 16.00 AirT AIRT ... 50 16.00 –1.20 ... 182.94 122.25 Apple AAPL .6 26 157.28 –0.37 .23 19.99 8.96 BioCryst BCRX ... dd 9.09 –0.20 ... 8.06 4.38 Cerus CERS ... dd 5.28 +0.66 ...
34.54 21.42 AirTransport ATSG ... 11 30.36 –0.94 ... 34.20 2.76 AppliedBlockchn APLD ... ... 3.54 +0.18 ... 16.40 1.31 Biodesix BDSX ... dd 2.00 +0.39 ... 10.00 9.81 ChainBridgeIA CBRG ... ... 9.98 –0.02 ... D
212.58 129.71 Airbnb ABNB ... cc 135.84 –17.37 ... 4.65 0.80 AppliedGenetic AGTC ... dd .82 –0.08 ... 468.55 190.65 Biogen BIIB ... 20 193.61 –13.83 ... 30.48 19.00 ChampionX CHX 1.3 32 22.29 +1.19 .075
18.48 9.70 AirSculptTech AIRS ... ... 9.96 –0.51 ... 167.06 107.90 ApplMaterials AMAT .9 16 112.50 +2.15 .26 94.20 71.59 BioMarinPharm BMRN ... cc 79.26 –2.09 ... 23.99 18.97 ChangeHlthcr CHNG ... dd 23.47 –0.09 ... 6.58 1.20 DBV Tech DBVT ... dd 1.37 +0.08 ...
123.25 95.08 AkamaiTech AKAM ... 26 95.37 –16.91 ... 52.71 3.63 AppliedMolecular AMTI ... dd 4.45 +0.16 ... 21.48 2.84 BiomeaFusion BMEA ... dd 4.01 +1.01 ... 8.46 2.51 ChargeEnt CRGE ... dd 5.03 –1.56 ... 40.50 13.39 DiceTherap DICE ... ... 17.56 –2.76 ...
4.33 0.38 AkebiaTherap AKBA ... dd .38 –0.03 ... 9.25 2.42 AppliedOptoelec AAOI ... dd 2.53 –0.04 ... 22.00 5.70 Bionomics BNOX ... dd 8.33 +0.53 ... 825.62 410.33 CharterComms CHTR ... 17 459.77 +31.28 ... 4.95 0.90 DIRTT Envl DRTT ... dd .92 –0.19 ...
30.53 10.05 AkeroTherap AKRO ... dd 11.16 +0.67 ... 25.59 1.45 AppliedTherap APLT ... dd 1.85 –0.12 ... 464.00 121.32 BioNTech BNTX 1.1 3 136.17 –2.611.5342 149.62 107.85 CheckPoint CHKP ... 20 120.19 –6.10 ... 47.05 21.77 DISH Network DISH ... 6 22.22 –6.29 ...
15.26 2.55 Akouos AKUS ... dd 2.83 +0.03 ... 116.09 32.99 Applovin APP ... cc 33.50 –4.65 ... 9.99 9.78 BioPlusAcqnA BIOS ... ... 9.94 –0.03 ... 10.48 2.00 CheckmatePharm CMPI ... dd 10.38 ... ... 63.50 18.74 DMC Global BOOM ... dd 25.41 +5.42 ...
23.44 8.54 Akoya AKYA ... dd 9.73 +0.32 ... 7.80 1.27 ApreaTherap APRE ... dd 1.33 –0.13 ... 6.20 0.66 BioraTherap PROG ... dd .88 +0.05 ... 64.84 31.43 Cheesecake CAKE 3.0 24 36.04 –0.87 .27 15.23 1.53 D-MarketElec HEPS ... dd 1.57 –0.03 ...
22.39 0.84 AksoHealth AHG ... dd .98 +0.02 ... 4.73 0.84 Aptinyx APTX ... dd .92 +0.03 ... 19.94 8.70 Bioventus BVS ... 19 8.73 –3.30 ... 39.03 25.60 ChefsWarehouse CHEF ... 99 35.76 –0.84 ... 10.15 9.73 DPCapAcqnIA DPCS ... ... 9.97 +0.02 ...
94.45 56.32 ALRM ... 57 57.03 –4.05 ... 3.54 0.89 Aptorum APM ... dd .95 –0.09 ... 9.36 2.64 Bitfarms BITF ... 27 2.71 –0.17 ... 42.16 9.53 ChemoCentryx CCXI ... dd 17.38 –1.08 ... 9.94 9.78 DuetAcqnA DUET ... ... 9.93 +0.03 ...
3.73 0.41 AlaunosTherap TCRT ... dd .69 +0.16 ... 10.53 9.80 APxAcqnI A APXI ... ... 10.02 ... ... 28.36 2.06 BlackDiamond BDTX ... dd 2.06 –0.37 ... 49.50 41.42 ChemungFinl CHMG 2.7 8 46.35 –1.13 .31 36.26 22.72 DXP Ents DXPE ... 28 23.05 –0.58 ...
43.32 8.82 Alector ALEC ... dd 8.90 –0.70 ... 17.50 3.39 ApyxMedical APYX ... dd 3.46 –0.31 ... 86.96 51.07 Blackbaud BLKB ... cc 53.36 –4.65 ... 97.61 47.16 ChesapeakeEner CHK 2.1 1 93.15 +11.13 1.84 32.50 5.00 DadaNexus DADA ... dd 6.94 –0.69 ...
13.65 8.00 AlgomaSteel ASTL 2.2 ... 9.12 –0.45.0395 6.40 1.17 AquestiveTherap AQST ... dd 1.21 –0.19 ... 135.00 59.60 BlackLine BL ... dd 60.94 –6.11 ... 20.29 15.50 ChicagoAtlRealEst REFI 8.3 ... 15.84 –1.95 .40 7.23 3.25 Daktronics DAKT ... 76 3.27 –0.08 ...
43.65 30.62 Alico ALCO 5.1 7 39.45 –0.22 .50 6.94 1.29 Aravive ARAV ... dd 1.36 –0.01 ... 4.47 3.75 BlackRockCapInvt BKCC 9.8 7 4.09 ... .10 47.72 6.52 ChickenSoupA CSSE ... dd 9.59 +0.88 ... 8.48 6.26 DallasNews DALN 9.7 dd 6.63 +0.03 .16
10.61 9.84 ArborRaphaCapBioI ARCK ... dd 10.05 ... ... 15.05 12.71 BlkRkTCPCap TCPC 8.6 6 13.93 +0.23 .30 113.50 45.27 Children'sPlace PLCE ... 4 48.24 +1.91 ... 199.68 73.04 Datadog DDOG ... cc 110.00 –10.78 ...
6.50 2.26 ArbutusBiopharma ABUS ... dd 2.53 +0.20 ... 9.80 9.61 bleuacaciaA BLEU ... ... 9.75 +0.01 ... 9.29 3.34 Chimerix CMRX ... dd 4.58 +0.18 ... 52.54 29.83 Dave&Buster's PLAY ... 20 44.84 –0.66 ...
Nasdaq Issues includes stocks traded on the Nasdaq 125.00 52.86 ArcBest ARCB .6 8 79.75 +7.59 .12 0.25 0.09 bleuacaciaRt BLEUR ... ... .13 –0.01 ... 2.14 0.73 ChinaIndex CIH ... ... .91 –0.04 ... 15.35 3.16 Dave DAVE ... dd 3.23 –0.82 ...
19.93 8.13 Arcellx ACLX ... ... 9.20 –1.73 ... 10.58 4.09 BlockchainCoinIA BCSA ... ... 9.96 +0.01 ... 17.18 3.75 Chindata CD ... 46 6.18 –0.06 ... 5.88 2.00 DAVIDsTEA DTEA ... 1 2.28 –0.21 ...
Global Select and Nasdaq Global Market tiers. They are 50.73 36.53 ArchCapital ACGL ... 10 46.54 +0.87 ... 10.40 9.70 BlockchainMoonA BMAQ ... dd 9.88 +0.01 ... 19.85 10.48 ChinookTherap KDNY ... dd 13.64 –1.49 ... 3.00 1.70 DawsonGeophys DWSN ... dd 1.74 –0.10 ...
eligible for inclusion on the basis of SEC-approved 18.77 3.09 Arcimoto FUV ... dd 4.08 +0.72 ... 0.41 0.12 BlockchainMoonRt BMAQR ... ... .16 –0.04 ... 44.72 28.19 ChipMOSTechs IMOS 3.8 7 32.37 +1.201.5679 28.70 8.25 DayOneBiopharm DAWN ... dd 8.40 –0.12 ...
market value of publicly-held shares, trading volume, 34.34 15.90 ArcoPlatform ARCE ... dd 18.09 –1.79 ... 30.75 17.29 BloominBrands BLMN .0 10 22.08 +0.09 .14 262.20 175.01 ChurchillDowns CHDN .3 31 201.00 –1.94 .667 9.75 1.91 DecibelTherap DBTX ... dd 2.07 +0.06 ...
price and number of market-makers. 65.00 16.93 ArcturusTherap ARCT ... dd 18.72 –0.66 ... 49.99 22.60 Chuy's CHUY ... 16 24.35 –0.66 ... 38.91 6.51 DecipheraPharm DCPH ... dd 9.68 –0.44 ...
42 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
11.00 9.70 DeepMedicineAcqn DMAQ ... ... 9.99 +0.02 ... 9.83 9.55 FTACEmeraldA EMLD ... ... 9.81 –0.01 ... 26.13 19.74 GladstoneComm GOOD 7.4 dd 20.44 –0.60.1254 220.51 90.51 IPG Photonics IPGP ... 20 101.00 +6.52 ... 30.61 16.80 KimballElec KE ... 14 18.54 +0.70 ...
0.37 0.15 DeepMedicineAcqnRt DMAQR ... ... .22 +0.05 ... 9.95 9.72 FTACZeusAcqnA ZING ... dd 9.87 –0.08 ... 17.15 12.50 GladstoneInvt GAIN 5.7 5 15.73 +0.19 .075 3.66 2.01 IRSA Prop IRCP ... dd 2.30 –0.13 ... 14.30 7.51 KimballIntl B KBAL 4.1 dd 8.70 +1.02 .09
50.30 18.15 DefinitiveHlthcr DH ... dd 19.91 –3.75 ... 13.98 2.69 FTC Solar FTCI ... dd 3.65 +0.85 ... 42.10 21.38 GladstoneLand LAND 1.6 dd 34.20 –2.20.0454 32.97 17.80 i3Verticals IIIV ... dd 25.75 –1.70 ... 91.00 57.09 Kinetik KNTK 8.3 dd 72.59 +1.44 1.50
79.70 22.52 DenaliTherap DNLI ... dd 23.05 –0.75 ... 5.18 0.23 FangddNetwork DUO ... dd .26 –0.02 ... 41.73 24.61 GlbBloodTherap GBT ... dd 26.87 –3.83 ... 19.35 5.72 IVERICbio ISEE ... dd 12.41 –1.44 ... 42.24 2.50 KingsoftCloud KC ... dd 3.39 –0.23 ...
69.54 39.22 DentsplySirona XRAY 1.2 21 40.59 +0.60 .125 16.00 5.30 Fanhua FANH10.5 8 5.50 –0.58 .15 83.77 20.85 Global-EOnline GLBE ... dd 21.05 –1.49 ... 9.90 9.68 IXAcqnA IXAQ ... 30 9.85 ... ... 16.68 8.77 KiniksaPharm KNSA ... dd 8.77 –0.56 ...
91.39 56.58 Descartes DSGX ... 58 57.85 –4.30 ... 17.48 1.85 FaradayFuture FFIE ... dd 2.37 –0.21 ... 10.30 9.69 GlblTechAcqnI GTAC ... 57 9.96 –0.01 ... 61.03 48.93 IcahnEnterprises IEP 14.6 dd 54.62 +1.98 2.00 27.00 7.29 KinnateBio KNTE ... dd 7.88 +0.41 ...
29.16 10.37 DesignTherap DSGN ... dd 11.20 –0.74 ... 13.08 5.30 FarmerBros FARM ... dd 5.89 –0.39 ... 21.25 13.64 GlobalWaterRscs GWRS 2.1 88 13.92 –0.40.0246 58.75 27.83 Ichor ICHR ... 13 32.20 +3.09 ... 32.93 6.85 Kirkland's KIRK ... 5 7.12 –0.11 ...
8.99 1.14 DestinationXL DXLG ... 5 4.47 –0.48 ... 10.01 0.72 FastRadius FSRD ... 6 .82 –0.03 ... 79.49 43.59 GlobalFoundries GFS ... ... 56.37 +4.08 ... 12.84 0.77 iClickInteract ICLK ... dd .87 –0.16 ... 27.50 3.91 Knightscope KSCP ... ... 4.33 +0.32 ...
5.60 3.40 Deswell DSWL 5.8 5 3.42 –0.12 .10 64.75 48.84 Fastenal FAST 2.3 31 53.16 –2.15 .31 9.96 9.77 GlobalinkInvt GLLI ... ... 9.95 ... ... 313.00 204.80 Icon ICLR ... 90 224.31 –1.90 ... 36.67 16.77 KnowBe4 KNBE ... dd 20.01 –3.79 ...
659.45 318.45 DexCom DXCM ... cc 351.89 –56.69 ... 9.90 9.70 FatProjectsAcqn FATP ... ... 9.89 ... ... 0.31 0.11 GlobalinkInvtRt GLLIR ... ... .17 –0.01 ... 49.99 4.00 Icosavax ICVX ... dd 7.79 +0.54 ... 131.97 5.55 KodiakSciences KOD ... dd 5.72 –0.30 ...
234.84 160.00 DiamondHillInvt DHIL 3.5 8 172.79 +4.41 1.50 97.43 23.89 FateTherap FATE ... dd 24.16 –4.40 ... 2.83 0.66 GlycoMimetics GLYC ... dd .66 –0.06 ... 28.24 13.88 iHeartMedia IHRT ... dd 14.01 –1.98 ... 181.38 63.00 KornitDigital KRNT ... cc 64.19 –2.31 ...
147.99 65.93 DiamondbkEner FANG 2.0 9 142.93 +16.70 2.35 5.33 0.36 FedNat FNHC ... dd .37 –0.16 ... 23.69 9.61 Gogo GOGO ... 18 18.06 –0.35 ... 24.38 2.83 IkenaOncology IKNA ... dd 4.08 +0.20 ... 44.95 32.78 KraftHeinz KHC 3.7 44 43.59 +0.96 .40
25.63 16.86 DigiIntl DGII ... 56 19.29 +0.37 ... 30.12 8.31 FibroGen FGEN ... dd 8.41 –0.89 ... 17.59 5.82 Gogoro GGR ... dd 6.16 +0.06 ... 526.00 239.03 Illumina ILMN ... 49 249.05 –47.60 ... 30.29 13.72 KratosDefense KTOS ... dd 14.01 –1.16 ...
53.74 21.49 Digimarc DMRC ... dd 21.74 –4.13 ... 59.65 36.17 FidelityD&D FDBC 3.6 8 36.54 –0.63 .33 12.21 0.69 GoHealth GOCO ... dd .71 –0.03 ... 35.68 14.61 ImagoBioSci IMGO ... dd 15.31 –1.04 ... 21.69 12.63 KrispyKreme DNUT 1.1 dd 13.12 –0.16 .035
10.51 9.81 DigitalHealth DHAC ... ... 10.01 –0.02 ... 6.74 0.85 FieldTripHealth FTRP ... dd .87 –0.19 ... 26.60 10.01 GolarLNG GLNG ... 6 23.93 +1.61 ... 9.29 0.97 Imara IMRA ... dd 1.29 –0.05 ... 28.42 4.26 KronosBio KRON ... dd 4.38 –0.35 ...
175.00 9.84 DigitalWorldA DWAC ... dd 47.39 –5.00 ... 15.62 6.17 FiestaRestaurant FRGI ... dd 6.25 –0.55 ... 59.96 37.19 GoldenEnt GDEN ... 9 46.10 –1.86 ... 10.48 3.06 iMediaBrands IMBI ... dd 3.06 –0.63 ... 102.99 38.86 KrystalBiotech KRYS ... dd 56.18 –4.43 ...
38.35 29.22 DimeCommBcshs DCOM 3.0 9 32.26 +0.82 .24 50.64 34.35 FifthThirdBncp FITB 3.2 11 37.51 –0.02 .30 14.27 7.59 GoldenOcean GOGL18.1 5 13.83 +1.30 .90 9.78 4.46 Immersion IMMR ... 11 4.54 –0.13 ... 75.29 43.41 Kulicke&Soffa KLIC 1.3 7 51.54 +5.13 .17
113.98 68.01 Diodes DIOD ... 15 75.37 +2.34 ... 79.00 43.19 51job JOBS ... 42 60.90 +0.05 ... 16.23 14.57 GolubCapital GBDC 7.9 8 15.27 +0.35 .30 33.99 4.73 Immuneering IMRX ... dd 4.91 –0.06 ... 26.41 11.49 KuraOncology KURA ... dd 11.77 –2.58 ...
18.61 6.89 Diversey DSEY ... dd 7.77 +0.03 ... 34.43 27.22 FinInstitutions FISI 4.2 6 27.48 –0.36 .29 48.05 12.52 GoodRx GDRX ... dd 12.74 –0.81 ... 15.12 5.88 Immunic IMUX ... dd 5.98 –0.79 ... 85.62 33.05 KuraSushiUSA KRUS ... dd 41.61 –8.57 ...
4.34 2.14 DiversifiedHlthcr DHC 1.8 3 2.18 –0.07 .01 0.28 0.14 FinStrategiesAcqnRt FXCOR ... ... .16 –0.01 ... 24.89 11.64 Goodyear GT ... 5 12.31 –1.01 ... 18.14 3.50 ImmunityBio IBRX ... dd 3.70 +0.07 ... 69.12 18.40 KymeraTherap KYMR ... dd 19.04 –12.31 ...
6.98 2.37 DixieGroup DXYN ... 9 2.51 –0.25 ... 22.10 2.02 FinchTherap FNCH ... dd 2.39 –0.14 ... 181.30 52.00 GooseheadIns GSHD .0 cc 57.60 +0.11 1.63 42.25 18.43 Immunocore IMCR ... dd 32.20 –0.41 ...
73.43 19.69 dLocal DLO ... ... 20.00 –2.67 ... 10.67 9.75 FinnovateAcqnA FNVT ... dd 9.96 –0.01 ... 12.97 6.86 GoPro GPRO ... 3 7.15 –1.77 ... 7.77 3.83 Immunogen IMGN ... dd 4.63 –0.20 ... L
92.75 38.31 Docebo DCBO ... dd 40.37 –2.51 ... 10.00 9.82 FintechEcoA FEXD ... dd 9.97 ... ... 9.90 9.64 GoresIX A GHIX ... ... 9.80 +0.07 ... 16.47 3.51 ImmunoPrecise IPA ... dd 5.04 –0.52 ...
314.76 71.00 DocuSign DOCU ... dd 74.57 –6.43 ... 0.28 0.10 FintechEcoRt FEXDR ... ... .17 +0.02 ... 14.30 6.65 GossamerBio GOSS ... dd 6.90 –0.01 ... 16.95 4.31 Immunovant IMVT ... dd 4.37 –0.24 ... 10.19 9.72 LamfGlbI A LGVC ... ... 9.95 –0.01 ...
8.98 1.30 Dogness DOGZ ... 85 4.66 +0.01 ... 21.86 11.90 FinWiseBancorp FINW ... ... 14.29 –1.08 ... 17.15 2.63 Grab GRAB ... 3 3.01 +0.06 ... 5.44 2.02 Immutep IMMP ... dd 2.43 +0.14 ... 10.05 9.83 LavaMedtech LVAC ... ... 10.05 +0.01 ...
177.19 84.26 DollarTree DLTR ... 28 164.39 +1.94 ... 24.73 14.76 FirstAdvantage FA ... cc 17.21 –0.15 ... 19.74 1.68 GracellBiotech GRCL ... dd 2.73 +0.48 ... 34.75 5.72 ImpelPharm IMPL ... dd 6.76 +0.42 ... 16.20 3.77 LavaTherap LVTX ... ... 3.86 –0.21 ...
98.35 35.77 Domo DOMO ... dd 36.89 –4.53 ... 50.92 36.80 FirstBancorpNC FBNC 2.4 12 37.41 –0.05 .22 102.04 70.00 GrandCanyonEduc LOPE ... 16 94.51 –1.46 ... 94.39 39.69 Impinj PI ... dd 47.95 –1.31 ... 10.02 9.86 LFCapAcqnIIA LFAC ... dd 10.00 –0.01 ...
15.79 13.09 DonegalGroup A DGICA 4.5 16 14.53 +1.00 .165 36.80 26.97 FirstBancorp FNLC 4.5 9 28.74 +0.59 .32 34.00 3.80 GraphiteBio GRPH ... dd 3.91 –0.11 ... 100.66 61.53 InariMedical NARI ... dd 62.57 –18.13 ... 188.00 88.13 LGI Homes LGIH ... 6 97.76 +4.05 ...
16.04 12.00 DonegalGroup B DGICB 4.2 17 14.11 +0.72.1475 42.89 31.97 FirstBancshares FBMS 2.2 11 32.49 +0.30 .18 7.06 0.89 GraybugVision GRAY ... dd .90 –0.17 ... 90.00 6.25 Incannex IXHL ... dd 6.35 –0.35 ... 223.63 108.42 LHC Group LHCG ... 52 166.17 +0.32 ...
27.52 14.58 DorchesterMnls DMLP 7.2 14 26.85 +0.74.7539 15.90 12.47 FirstBank FRBA 1.7 8 14.14 –0.12 .06 23.10 13.57 GreatElmCap GECC16.5 dd 14.51 +0.08 .60 88.26 61.91 Incyte INCY ... 18 75.20 +0.24 ... 10.31 9.85 LIVCapAcqnII A LIVB ... ... 9.98 +0.03 ...
122.96 88.44 DormanProducts DORM ... 23 96.13 –2.59 ... 29.73 21.00 FirstBusey BUSE 4.1 11 22.59 +0.12 .23 2.90 1.40 GreatElm GEG ... dd 1.51 +0.03 ... 93.52 68.14 IndependentBank INDB 2.6 22 77.57 +0.41 .51 60.43 42.36 LKQ LKQ 2.0 14 50.87 +1.24 .25
18.50 10.09 DoubleDown DDI ... 6 10.60 –0.43 ... 35.44 25.70 FirstBusFinSvcs FBIZ 2.3 9 34.95 +0.28.1975 16.27 13.24 GreatLakesDredge GLDD ... 19 14.11 +0.30 ... 26.00 19.22 IndepBankMI IBCP 4.5 7 19.46 –0.28 .22 220.80 127.03 LPL Financial LPLA .6 32 179.19 –8.68 .25
8.90 1.24 DouYuIntl DOYU ... dd 1.56 –0.21 ... 947.71 610.67 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA .3 16 651.60 +12.22 .47 62.70 49.53 GreatSouthernBncp GSBC 2.5 11 58.05 +1.31 .36 80.14 62.82 IndependentBank IBTX 2.2 14 70.25 +2.45 .38 9.81 5.71 LSI Inds LYTS 2.8 19 7.03 –0.16 .05
64.58 12.97 DraftKings DKNG ... dd 13.15 –0.53 ... 36.73 26.51 FstCmntyBcsh FCBC 3.9 10 27.42 +0.79 .27 44.27 25.39 GreenPlains GPRE ... dd 32.13 +4.06 ... 28.66 14.48 IndLogistics ILPT 9.0 10 14.64 –1.52 .33 15.40 14.04 LakeShoreBancorp LSBK 4.3 16 14.95 +0.18 .16
36.60 15.25 DreamFinders DFH ... 14 17.41 +0.08 ... 4.89 3.96 FirstEagleAltCap FCRD10.0 7 3.99 –0.06 .10 16.02 11.24 GreenPlainsPtrs GPP 13.2 8 13.50 –0.95 .445 9.99 9.83 IndlTechII A ITAQ ... ... 9.99 +0.03 ... 20.69 14.79 LakelandBcp LBAI 3.9 9 15.04 +0.01 .145
34.62 25.02 DrivenBrands DRVN ... 73 27.18 –0.71 ... 26.83 20.34 FirstFinBncpOH FFBC 4.4 10 20.70 +0.25 .23 10.04 9.78 GreenVisorI A GVCI ... ... 10.04 +0.01 ... 10.89 5.83 Infinera INFN ... dd 5.92 –1.77 ... 85.71 56.06 LakelandFin LKFN 2.2 19 73.03 +0.21 .40
33.00 19.90 Dropbox DBX ... 25 21.14 –0.61 ... 55.00 39.80 FirstFinBkshs FFIN 1.6 26 41.37 +1.39 .17 519.04 5.95 GreenidgeGen GREE ... dd 6.05 –0.22 ... 3.89 0.70 InfinityPharm INFI ... dd .71 –0.08 ... 27.53 15.37 LakelandInd LAKE ... 11 16.03 –0.15 ...
50.90 14.95 DuckCreekTech DCT ... dd 15.87 –0.06 ... 47.10 37.70 FirstFinIN THFF 2.4 9 43.47 +0.85 .10 5.49 0.33 Greenlane GNLN ... dd .36 +0.01 ... 5.69 1.55 InflaRx IFRX ... dd 1.60 –0.09 ... 9.96 9.91 LakeshoreAcqnII LBBB ... ... 9.95 ... ...
20.78 11.56 DuluthHoldings DLTH ... 14 12.42 +0.17 ... 17.95 13.40 FirstFinNW FFNW 2.9 12 16.63 –0.47 .12 15.80 4.83 GreenLightBio GRNA ... dd 9.05 +0.90 ... 9.70 4.78 InfoSvcsGrp III 2.0 20 5.92 –0.35 .03 0.35 0.12 LakeshoreII Rt LBBBR ... ... .25 +0.06 ...
205.00 64.81 Duolingo DUOL ... dd 80.61 –5.86 ... 29.41 21.25 FirstFoundation FFWM 2.0 9 21.95 –0.27 .11 9.71 6.51 GreenlightCapRe GLRE ... 14 7.15 +0.27 ... 101.98 56.95 InglesMarkets IMKTA .7 7 94.13 +1.01 .165 731.85 449.50 LamResearch LRCX 1.3 15 478.23 +12.47 1.50
22.92 6.39 DyneTherap DYN ... dd 6.67 –1.31 ... 27.44 15.51 FirstGuarBcshs FGBI 2.3 11 27.25 +4.25 .16 19.07 10.10 Grifols GRFS 3.8 11 12.56 +1.83.4562 47.90 14.24 Inhibrx INBX ... dd 15.56 –0.29 ... 124.32 97.81 LamarAdv LAMR 4.2 27 104.35 –6.06 1.10
31.16 23.51 FirstHawaiian FHB 4.2 12 24.89 +1.28 .26 28.93 7.38 GrindrodShipping GRIN 11.1 7 26.06 +0.36 .72 99.27 22.89 InMode INMD ... 12 24.35 –0.76 ... 201.31 131.21 LancasterColony LANC 2.4 29 132.71 –22.47 .80
E 53.56 28.05 FirstInternetBncp INBK .6 8 37.09 –1.40 .06 14.42 2.33 Gritstone GRTS ... dd 2.39 –0.20 ... 11.95 2.66 InnatePharma IPHA ... dd 2.76 –0.11 ... 12.88 7.65 Landec LNDC ... dd 8.84 –1.11 ...
47.87 32.40 FirstInterBanc FIBK 4.7 11 34.73 +2.21 .41 42.29 21.01 GroceryOutlet GO ... 51 32.15 –1.52 ... 11.25 4.57 Innodata INOD ... dd 8.50 +1.21 ... 30.00 22.62 LandmarkBncp LARK 3.3 8 25.50 –0.05 .21
7.88 5.00 EDAP TMS EDAP ... cc 6.24 –0.81 ... 48.59 37.67 FirstMerchants FRME 3.0 10 39.25 +0.06 .29 55.37 16.37 Groupon GRPN ... 4 16.45 –3.06 ... 107.15 81.00 Innospec IOSP 1.2 27 100.91 +5.60 .63 16.17 0.70 LandosBio LABP ... dd .78 –0.18 ...
10.38 9.98 EsgenAcqn ESACU ... ... 10.14 +0.02 ... 45.84 35.65 FirstMidBcshs FMBH 2.4 10 36.09 +0.05 .22 9.89 9.60 GrowthforGoodA GFGD ... ... 9.74 ... ... 26.36 3.46 InnovAge INNV ... cc 5.71 +1.12 ... 188.63 139.12 LandstarSystem LSTR .6 14 155.05 +0.15 .25
10.75 9.85 EsgenAcqnA ESAC ... ... 10.03 –0.01 ... 23.77 16.45 FirstNWBncp FNWB 1.5 11 18.10 –2.87 .07 0.25 0.12 GrowthforGoodRt GFGDR ... ... .14 –0.03 ... 10.06 9.87 InnovativeIntlA IOAC ... ... 10.02 ... ... 69.74 19.30 Lantheus LNTH ... dd 64.20 –2.21 ...
18.75 14.79 ESSA Bancorp ESSA 2.8 10 16.95 –0.25 .12 123.13 61.24 FirstSolar FSLR ... 36 72.14 –0.89 ... 63.06 44.86 GrAeroportuario OMAB 3.0 17 55.90 –0.034.3651 8.50 5.34 InnovSolSuprt ISSC ... 22 7.72 +0.24 ... 18.25 7.39 Largo LGO ... 24 8.23 –0.14 ...
30.46 20.07 EVO Payments EVOP ... dd 22.20 –0.33 ... 52.70 41.19 1stSource SRCE 2.8 9 43.67 +0.40 .31 44.60 31.65 GuarantyBcshrs GNTY 2.5 11 34.93 +0.53 .22 20.71 11.45 Innoviva INVA ... 7 15.42 –1.64 ... 15.49 2.71 LarimarTherap LRMR ... dd 3.45 –0.26 ...
25.56 19.32 EagleBncpMT EBMT 2.5 12 19.99 –0.31 .125 24.50 16.26 FirstUnited FUNC 2.8 6 21.50 –0.91 .15 137.84 36.33 GuardantHealth GH ... dd 39.32 –22.38 ... 82.35 23.04 Inogen INGN ... dd 24.94 –0.34 ... 10.30 9.80 LarkspurHlthA LSPR ... ... 9.95 +0.01 ...
72.24 36.18 EagleBulkShip EGLE12.0 6 68.10 +5.86 2.05 25.46 11.57 FirstWatchRest FWRG ... ... 12.67 –0.33 ... 5.30 3.56 GulfIslandFab GIFI ... dd 3.78 +0.06 ... 10.33 2.64 InovioPharma INO ... dd 2.66 –0.07 ... 14.83 2.98 Latch LTCH ... dd 3.05 –0.24 ...
58.25 36.48 EaglePharm EGRX ... dd 43.25 –0.88 ... 34.20 24.34 FirstWesternFin MYFW ... 14 32.63 –0.19 ... 7.74 3.55 Gulf Resources GURE ... dd 3.72 +0.02 ... 19.58 3.54 InozymePharma INZY ... dd 3.79 –0.16 ... 34.73 11.08 Latham SWIM ... dd 11.57 –0.43 ...
44.56 2.26 Eargo EAR ... dd 2.29 –1.49 ... 97.04 58.30 FirstCash FCFS 1.6 27 74.72 –5.06 .30 10.99 2.15 Inseego INSG ... dd 2.34 –0.51 ... 85.45 42.94 LatticeSemi LSCC ... 71 47.85 –0.19 ...
93.51 65.87 EastWestBncp EWBC 2.2 12 73.16 +1.86 .40 6.67 2.84 FirsthandTechVal SVVC ... dd 2.98 –0.18 ... H 111.02 88.28 InsightEnt NSIT ... 17 102.02 +2.65 ... 19.02 9.41 LaureateEduc LAUR .0 dd 11.69 +0.36 .58
23.03 17.94 EasternBankshares EBC 2.1 21 19.01 –0.15 .10 202.78 118.55 FirstService FSV .7 43 121.90 –2.99.2025 34.44 20.02 Insmed INSM ... dd 20.59 –1.38 ... 62.10 33.92 LawsonProducts LAWS ... 26 40.42 +2.43 ...
33.96 22.50 Eastern EML 2.0 15 22.56 –0.54 .11 119.86 89.91 Fiserv FISV ... 37 95.71 –2.21 ... 50.69 28.28 H&E Equipment HEES 3.1 18 35.73 +0.25 .275 108.00 5.05 Inspirato ISPO ... dd 5.24 –0.84 ... 11.58 5.27 Leafly LFLY ... dd 9.36 –1.95 ...
4.08 0.70 EbangIntl EBON ... ... .86 –0.07 ... 237.86 142.41 FiveBelow FIVE ... 30 146.56 –10.54 ... 19.99 14.19 HBT Finl HBT 3.7 9 17.17 –0.01 .16 23.68 6.31 InstilBio TIL ... dd 6.52 –0.55 ... 4.17 1.17 LeapTherap LPTX ... dd 1.22 –0.07 ...
81.19 47.03 eBay EBAY 1.8 dd 48.81 –3.11 .22 49.50 18.20 5EAdvMatls FEAM ... ... 25.20 –0.34 ... 10.03 9.87 HCM Acqn A HCMA ... ... 10.03 +0.06 ... 324.81 191.26 Insulet PODD ... cc 205.57 –33.42 ... 44.43 18.45 LeeEnterprises LEE ... 6 20.97 –3.14 ...
44.42 24.14 Ebix EBIX 1.0 13 29.48 –0.32 .075 211.68 80.52 Five9 FIVN ... dd 106.23 –3.87 ... 7.78 1.89 HCW Biologics HCWB ... dd 2.06 –0.28 ... 40.91 17.07 Intapp INTA ... dd 25.76 +0.82 ... 28.84 15.28 LegacyHousing LEGH ... 9 17.95 +0.43 ...
30.90 18.63 EchoStar SATS ... 30 21.94 –1.41 ... 33.98 21.91 FiveStarBncp FSBC 2.3 10 25.87 +0.92 .15 25.98 20.21 HMN Fin HMNF 1.0 9 24.05 –0.13 .06 76.70 58.28 IntegraLifeSci IART ... 32 59.12 –2.04 ... 40.94 11.05 LegalZoom LZ ... dd 14.05 –0.30 ...
30.00 7.37 EdgewiseTherap EWTX ... dd 7.62 –0.36 ... 19.50 14.88 Flex FLEX ... 9 16.95 +0.46 ... 20.00 1.25 Hookipa HOOK ... dd 1.46 –0.04 ... 10.77 9.71 IntegralAcqnCorp.1 INTE ... dd 9.88 ... ... 10.01 9.73 LegatoMergerII LGTO ... ... 9.93 ... ...
73.03 12.90 EditasMedicine EDIT ... dd 13.66 +0.42 ... 51.13 18.23 Flexsteel FLXS 2.7 20 21.85 +0.16 .15 43.94 10.15 HUTCHMED(China) HCM ... ... 10.16 –4.93 ... 29.68 11.07 IntegralAd IAS ... dd 11.51 –0.30 ... 58.00 27.98 LegendBiotech LEGN ... dd 36.12 –4.03 ...
17.74 4.38 EducDev EDUC 8.0 4 5.01 –1.54 .10 39.40 8.59 FluenceEnergy FLNC ... ... 10.39 +1.22 ... 24.78 15.89 HackettGroup HCKT 1.8 19 23.86 +0.37 .11 58.42 43.50 Intel INTC 3.3 7 44.30 +0.71 .365 64.50 39.48 LeMaitreVascular LMAT 1.2 34 41.60 –1.61 .125
47.38 7.71 EHang EH ... dd 7.98 –0.43 ... 3.51 1.19 Fluent FLNT ... dd 1.21 –0.13 ... 53.00 9.28 HailiangEduc HLG ... 10 13.24 +0.34 ... 202.73 44.00 IntelliaTherap NTLA ... dd 47.57 –1.46 ... 228.81 70.04 LendingTree TREE ... 14 72.32 –7.10 ...
69.29 7.89 eHealth EHTH ... dd 11.08 +3.03 ... 25.95 19.79 FlushingFin FFIC 4.0 8 21.85 +0.35 .22 48.88 24.85 HainCelestial HAIN ... 21 25.22 –8.32 ... 9.68 1.96 Intellicheck IDN ... dd 2.11 –0.02 ... 31.55 18.07 Leslie's LESL ... 27 19.64 +0.04 ...
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10.02 3.53 EigerBioPharma EIGR ... dd 6.36 –0.51 ... 57.41 22.38 Flywire FLYW ... dd 25.65 –4.86 ... 5.70 3.22 HallmarkFin HALL ... 6 3.27 –0.08 ... 10.93 9.86 IntelligentMedA IQMD ... ... 10.01 +0.01 ... 6.33 1.77 LexiconPharm LXRX ... dd 1.80 –0.01 ...
9.88 9.65 8iAcqn2 LAX ... dd 9.87 –0.01 ... 69.13 36.63 FocusFinPtrs FOCS ... cc 37.26 –2.19 ... 48.86 31.36 HalozymeTherap HALO ... 14 39.24 –0.66 ... 108.35 67.00 InterParfums IPAR 2.5 29 80.41 –1.32 .50 13.62 1.90 LexinFintech LX ... 1 2.55 –0.01 ...
0.46 0.12 8iAcqn2Rt LAXXR ... ... .26 ... ... 10.42 9.68 FocusImpactAcqn FIAC ... 75 9.96 +0.02 ... 116.00 66.81 HamiltonLane HLNE 2.1 15 67.40 –1.18 .35 82.83 54.27 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR .7 19 54.95 –4.61 .10 37.45 15.98 LiAuto LI ... dd 20.92 –1.51 ...
25.67 2.00 89bio ETNB ... dd 2.31 +0.14 ... 25.25 4.49 FocusUniversal FCUV ... dd 13.65 –0.72 ... 59.82 39.07 HancockWhitney HWC 2.3 9 47.13 +0.36 .27 22.36 11.60 InterceptPharm ICPT ... dd 19.27 +3.56 ... 16.37 2.37 LianBio LIAN ... ... 2.46 –1.37 ...
19.25 10.28 ElPolloLoco LOCO ... 13 10.70 +0.05 ... 24.34 8.01 FoghornTherap FHTX ... dd 11.00 –0.59 ... 28.84 16.67 HanmiFinancial HAFC 3.8 7 23.16 +0.01 .22 8.77 4.50 Intercure INCR ... cc 6.03 +0.24 ... 188.76 103.31 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA ... 28 109.75 +2.09 ...
238.97 122.85 ElbitSystems ESLT 1.0 33 205.00 –9.37 .50 10.03 9.86 ForbionEuroA FRBN ... ... 10.01 +0.03 ... 15.49 12.99 HarborOneBncp HONE 2.0 14 13.80 +0.41 .07 85.75 56.13 InterDigital IDCC 2.4 34 59.52 +2.67 .35 194.05 107.40 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK ... 29 114.57 +2.75 ...
12.00 0.80 ElcLastMile ELMS ... dd .81 –0.11 ... 31.39 5.79 FormaTherap FMTX ... dd 6.65 –0.91 ... 12.22 6.69 Harmonic HLIT ... 81 9.16 +0.86 ... 18.03 12.22 Interface TILE .3 14 12.98 +0.29 .01 30.58 22.40 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA ... 1 22.59 –0.17 ...
1.85 0.38 electroCore ECOR ... dd .39 –0.03 ... 47.48 32.69 FormFactor FORM ... 33 39.35 +1.24 ... 54.00 25.09 HarmonyBio HRMY ... 61 35.22 –9.82 ... 50.40 37.72 IntlBcshs IBOC 3.0 10 40.38 +0.59 .60 31.00 22.54 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB ... 1 22.54 –1.00 ...
148.93 114.39 ElectronicArts EA .6 52 115.29 –2.76 .17 142.00 80.98 FormulaSys FORTY 1.2 26 91.03 –5.98.7908 22.94 2.05 HarpoonTherap HARP ... dd 2.10 –0.15 ... 28.17 15.92 IntersectENT XENT ... dd 27.81 +0.44 ... 30.49 23.37 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK ... 1 23.54 –0.16 ...
16.22 2.28 ElevationOnc ELEV ... dd 3.54 +0.47 ... 60.90 39.64 ForresterRes FORR ... 42 53.84 –1.85 ... 12.99 6.25 HarrowHealth HROW ... dd 6.83 +0.06 ... 7.16 3.93 Intevac IVAC ... dd 5.11 +0.02 ... 14.79 8.39 LibertyLatAmA LILA ... dd 8.39 –0.85 ...
29.69 2.61 EliemTherap ELYM ... dd 3.46 +0.30 ... 371.77 195.96 Fortinet FTNT ... 70 266.37 –22.64 ... 8.90 4.31 Harte-Hanks HHS ... 5 7.98 +0.62 ... 66.00 28.40 Intra-Cellular ITCI ... dd 46.20 –4.41 ... 14.96 8.33 LibertyLatAmC LILAK ... dd 8.36 –0.88 ...
2.53 0.29 EloxxPharm ELOX ... dd .33 –0.01 ... 34.79 18.51 FortressTransport FTAI 6.5 dd 20.27 –1.23 .33 8.75 3.70 HarvardBioSci HBIO ... dd 3.76 –1.46 ... 26.08 12.47 Intricon IIN ... dd 24.01 ... ... 64.70 37.80 LibertyFormOne A FWONA ... 93 56.67 –0.75 ...
10.49 3.01 EmbarkTech EMBK ... dd 3.91 –1.58 ... 10.08 9.88 FortuneRiseA FRLA ... dd 10.05 ... ... 105.73 81.16 Hasbro HAS 3.0 34 91.92 +3.86 .70 716.86 385.66 Intuit INTU .7 50 395.71 –23.04 .68 71.17 42.84 LibertyFormOne C FWONK ... cc 61.40 –0.93 ...
63.00 27.20 Embecta EMBC ... ... 30.06 –0.37 ... 125.71 80.56 ForwardAir FWRD 1.0 20 99.47 +2.50 .24 102.95 31.36 HashiCorp HCP ... dd 39.00 –8.08 ... 369.69 221.07 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG ... 50 224.85 –14.45 ... 32.69 24.75 LibertyBraves A BATRA ... dd 26.00 –0.27 ...
10.87 3.04 Emcore EMKR ... 5 3.25 –0.20 ... 31.38 14.62 HawaiianHoldings HA ... dd 16.35 –0.61 ... 16.93 8.65 Inventiva IVA ... dd 9.97 +0.57 ... 31.27 24.17 LibertyBraves C BATRK ... dd 24.70 –0.41 ...
9.97 9.75 EM Horizon A HORI ... ... 9.92 ... ... 20.00 7.83 Fossil FOSL ... 19 9.00 –0.88 ... 48.12 29.93 Hawkins HWKN 1.5 15 36.57 –0.71 .14 23.69 17.08 Investar ISTR 1.7 16 19.98 +0.28 .085 56.26 39.83 LibertySirius A LSXMA ... 23 40.25 –1.58 ...
25.10 18.76 Enact ACT 2.4 ... 23.32 –0.26 .14 19.39 12.62 FosterLB FSTR ... 40 13.55 –0.65 ... 27.46 20.86 HawthornBcsh HWBK 2.6 8 26.56 +0.42 .17 6.58 4.50 InvestcpCredit ICMB12.9 dd 4.66 –0.29 .15 58.13 42.50 LibertySirius B LSXMB ... 24 42.50 –2.10 ...
102.00 40.37 EnantaPharma ENTA ... dd 57.46 –6.94 ... 10.09 9.79 FounderSpacA FOUN ... ... 10.04 –0.01 ... 49.76 30.13 HaynesIntl HAYN 2.3 30 37.48 –1.60 .22 11.02 9.85 InvestcorpEur I A IVCB ... ... 10.00 ... ... 56.19 39.77 LibertySirius C LSXMK ... 23 40.22 –1.66 ...
72.67 40.38 EncoreCapital ECPG ... 5 61.62 +3.81 ... 36.14 10.09 4D Molecular FDMT ... dd 10.53 –1.38 ... 59.50 14.30 HealthCatalyst HCAT ... dd 14.69 –1.95 ... 248.00 165.12 InvestorsTitle ITIC 1.0 5 179.48 –8.17 .46 10.02 9.78 LibertyRscsA LIBY ... ... 10.01 –0.01 ...
151.64 65.98 EncoreWire WIRE .1 5 128.61 +15.80 .02 12.47 2.74 4Dpharma LBPS ... dd 3.58 –0.27 ... 10.02 9.82 HealthcareAI A HAIA ... ... 9.94 –0.01 ... 44.42 25.04 IonisPharma IONS ... dd 36.30 –0.46 ... 36.00 12.30 LibertyTripAdvB LTRPB ... dd 13.36 +1.06 ...
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7.07 1.28 EndoIntl ENDP ... dd 1.42 –0.58 ... 44.95 34.16 FoxA FOXA 1.4 14 34.60 –1.24 .24 32.96 14.75 HealthcareSvcs HCSG 4.8 39 17.02 –0.07.2125 30.82 12.18 IovanceBiotherap IOVA ... dd 14.46 –0.69 ... 5.06 1.38 LibertyTripAdvA LTRPA ... dd 1.41 –0.09 ...
10.04 9.87 EnergemA ENCP ... ... 10.03 +0.01 ... 40.91 31.71 FoxB FOX 1.5 13 32.06 –1.18 .24 84.78 36.81 HealthEquity HQY ... dd 58.80 –3.52 ... 16.13 1.86 iQIYI IQ ... dd 3.21 –0.35 ... 16.28 2.14 LifeMD LFMD ... dd 2.32 +0.09 ...
24.99 16.40 EnergyRecovery ERII ... 75 18.28 –0.24 ... 190.29 77.21 FoxFactory FOXF ... 21 81.29 –0.59 ... 31.11 18.51 HealthStream HSTM ... 93 19.09 –0.01 ... 169.54 41.66 iRhythmTechs IRTC ... dd 124.97 +1.60 ... 29.81 6.31 LifeStanceHealth LFST ... dd 6.76 –0.01 ...
12.16 0.87 EnjoyTech ENJY ... dd .94 –0.13 ... 55.10 32.12 Franchise FRG 6.6 4 38.06 +0.77 .625 19.55 12.78 HeartlandExp HTLD .6 14 14.02 +0.22 .02 9.46 3.38 Iridex IRIX ... dd 3.46 –0.37 ... 19.93 11.15 LifetimeBrands LCUT 1.5 12 11.16 –1.46.0425
39.48 8.76 Enovix ENVX ... dd 10.34 +1.30 ... 96.95 68.27 FranklinElec FELE 1.1 21 70.71 +0.77 .195 54.00 42.84 HeartlandFinUSA HTLF 2.5 9 43.56 –0.21 .27 48.95 31.73 IridiumComm IRDM ... dd 34.94 –0.77 ... 9.00 4.51 LifewayFoods LWAY ... 24 5.50 –0.22 ...
282.46 108.88 EnphaseEnergy ENPH ... cc 165.89 +4.49 ... 15.40 0.75 FreelineTherap FRLN ... dd .80 –0.10 ... 50.03 30.49 Heidrick&Strug HSII 1.8 9 32.44 +0.48 .15 28.25 8.55 IrisEnergy IREN ... ... 9.49 +0.80 ... 169.98 86.77 LigandPharm LGND ... 26 88.48 –4.38 ...
94.25 68.29 EnsignGroup ENSG .3 22 75.98 –4.35 .055 7.69 3.06 FreightCarAmer RAIL ... dd 5.42 +0.27 ... 256.26 189.65 HelenofTroy HELE ... 22 203.75 –10.76 ... 106.65 48.36 iRobot IRBT ... dd 52.00 +1.35 ... 90.20 50.72 Light&Wonder LNW ... 14 52.46 –3.60 ...
286.89 220.00 EnstarGroup ESGR ... 13 237.96 +2.21 ... 11.33 7.60 FrequencyElec FEIM ... dd 7.60 –0.51 ... 16.33 4.14 HelloGroup MOMO .0 dd 5.18 –0.14 .62 14.27 10.13 IronwoodPharm IRWD ... 4 12.03 +0.03 ... 11.66 2.16 Lilium LILM ... ... 2.95 –0.29 ...
3.88 1.40 EntasisTherap ETTX ... dd 1.85 –0.03 ... 10.90 1.17 FrequencyTherap FREQ ... dd 1.24 –0.06 ... 14.04 3.58 HemisphereMedia HMTV ... 14 3.77 –0.12 ... 16.95 1.62 IsoPlexis ISO ... dd 2.21 +0.03 ... 5.55 2.30 LimelightNetworks LLNW ... dd 3.49 –0.08 ...
158.00 101.16 Entegris ENTG .3 35 115.06 +3.67 .10 183.38 63.52 Freshpet FRPT ... dd 64.70 –28.65 ... 11.69 8.87 HennessyAdvsrs HNNA 5.6 9 9.76 –0.19.1375 52.43 17.43 iTeosTherap ITOS ... 5 25.29 –1.40 ... 6.30 0.70 LiminalBioSci LMNL ... dd .71 –0.05 ...
46.48 32.01 EnterpriseBncp EBTC 2.4 10 33.72 –0.23 .205 53.36 14.80 FreshworksA FRSH ... dd 15.77 –2.40 ... 11.03 9.56 HennessyCapInvVI HCVI ... cc 9.72 +0.02 ... 102.32 44.02 Itron ITRI ... dd 50.35 +2.57 ... 20.74 10.52 Limoneira LMNR 2.8 dd 10.66 –1.28 .075
51.50 42.23 EnterpriseFinSvcs EFSC 2.0 10 43.92 –0.25 .22 54.57 24.04 Frontdoor FTDR ... 18 26.84 –4.07 ... 92.68 70.25 HenrySchein HSIC ... 19 85.76 +4.66 ... 29.85 19.73 IturanLocation ITRN 2.5 14 22.65 +0.21 .14 8.20 6.00 LincolnEduc LINC ... 7 6.80 –0.35 ...
10.95 9.80 Ent4.0TechAcqnA ENTF ... ... 9.97 ... ... 35.15 23.24 FrontierComms FYBR ... 1 25.16 –1.23 ... 12.94 10.56 HeritageCommerce HTBK 4.6 14 11.22 –0.01 .13 148.54 121.66 LincolnElectric LECO ... 25 136.12 +1.39 ...
8.42 1.75 EnthusiastGaming EGLX ... dd 1.83 –0.13 ... 22.70 9.42 Frontier ULCC ... dd 9.62 –0.99 ... 36.29 26.01 HeritageCrystal HCCI ... 10 26.85 –0.45 ... J 11.06 9.79 LionheartIII A LION ... dd 9.96 –0.01 ...
36.85 5.55 EntradaTherap TRDA ... ... 5.64 –0.34 ... 12.62 3.40 FuelCell FCEL ... dd 3.92 –0.16 ... 29.81 20.95 HeritageFin HFWA 3.4 10 24.99 +0.77 .21 30.00 12.61 LiquiditySvcs LQDT ... 9 12.84 –1.58 ...
9.86 0.62 Epizyme EPZM ... dd .66 +0.02 ... 33.10 6.85 FulcrumTherap FULC ... dd 8.63 –0.99 ... 46.00 14.15 HertzGlobal HTZ ... dd 20.07 +0.01 ... 16.91 7.50 JakksPacific JAKK ... 22 15.29 +1.64 ... 334.84 223.31 Littelfuse LFUS .8 23 257.07 +27.82 .53
69.74 42.00 ePlus PLUS ... 16 57.38 +0.90 ... 112.00 49.50 FulgentGenetics FLGT ... 3 53.94 –0.94 ... 101.65 40.30 Hibbett HIBB 2.3 4 43.78 +0.60 .25 181.71 122.21 J&JSnackFoods JJSF 2.0 38 123.62 –26.08 .633 93.89 63.36 LivaNova LIVN ... dd 65.50 –11.16 ...
7.99 3.91 EpsilonEnergy EPSN 3.4 15 7.37 –0.03.0625 19.17 14.16 FultonFin FULT 3.9 10 15.40 +0.23 .15 38.21 7.60 HighPeakEner HPK .3 50 29.18 +1.87 .025 92.69 41.56 JD ... dd 55.61 –6.05 ... 99.89 41.73 LiveOakBcshs LOB .3 12 43.88 +1.55 .03
11.10 2.63 EQRx EQRX ... dd 3.72 –1.47 ... 27.20 15.28 Funko FNKO ... 20 21.22 +4.93 ... 20.95 13.22 HilleVax HLVX ... ... 15.47 –3.62 ... 17.50 8.51 Joann JOAN 4.2 8 10.36 –0.08 .11 68.82 16.00 LivePerson LPSN ... dd 18.84 –3.78 ...
7.75 2.44 Equillium EQ ... dd 2.53 +0.09 ... 15.99 4.48 FusionFuelGreen HTOO ... ... 8.04 –0.13 ... 13.46 8.12 HillmanSolns HLMN ... dd 11.87 +0.24 ... 91.28 23.14 Joyy YY 5.5 dd 37.21 –2.36.5075 10.39 2.50 LiveVox LVOX ... dd 2.90 –0.32 ...
885.26 662.26 Equinix EQIX 1.7 cc 713.44 –5.64 3.10 10.40 4.09 FusionPharm FUSN ... dd 4.75 –0.49 ... 17.30 8.53 HimaxTechs HIMX 3.0 4 8.78 –0.21 .262 205.37 147.50 JackHenry JKHY 1.1 40 184.99 –4.59 .49 12.50 4.05 LixiangEduc LXEH ... ... 4.35 –0.28 ...
36.00 28.01 EquityBcshs EQBK 1.0 9 31.55 +1.02 .08 181.44 21.23 Futu FUTU ... 12 29.88 –2.11 ... 432.19 279.56 HinghamSvg HIFS .7 11 314.87 –8.20 .57 124.53 76.50 JackintheBox JACK 2.1 12 81.87 –0.89 .44 8.38 0.87 Lizhi LIZI ... dd 1.10 –0.20 ...
24.47 6.80 Erasca ERAS ... dd 6.97 –0.31 ... 10.02 9.95 FutureTechIIA FTII ... ... 10.00 –0.02 ... 21.24 11.05 HollysysAuto HOLI .0 11 15.30 –0.10 .32 0.23 0.12 JaguarGlbGrwI Rt JGGCR ... ... .15 –0.01 ... 28.90 18.97 LoganRidgeFin LRFC ... dd 19.50 –0.85 ...
234.96 158.46 ErieIndemnity A ERIE 2.6 31 170.18 +9.90 1.11 81.04 60.10 Hologic HOLX ... 12 74.11 +2.12 ... 10.76 10.03 JaguarGlblGrowthI JGGCU ... ... 10.15 +0.04 ... 5.19 0.39 LogicBioTherap LOGC ... dd .50 +0.06 ...
9.50 1.07 ErytechPharma ERYP ... dd 1.38 +0.04 ... G 45.73 35.03 HomeBancorp HBCP 2.6 7 35.24 –3.09 .23 9.94 9.82 JaguarGlbGrwI A JGGC ... ... 9.92 –0.01 ... 9.85 9.33 LogisticsInnovA LITT ... dd 9.76 +0.04 ...
25.72 12.50 Escalade ESCA 4.5 7 13.28 +0.13 .15 7.41 2.47 HomePtCap HMPT 4.7 3 3.44 +0.72 .04 39.69 19.76 JamesRiver JRVR .9 dd 22.59 –1.12 .05 140.17 60.36 LogitechIntl LOGI ... 16 60.94 –4.36 ...
26.77 3.28 EsperionTherap ESPR ... dd 5.51 –0.17 ... 5.11 0.38 GBS GBS ... dd .59 –0.02 ... 57.40 36.20 HomeStreet HMST 3.5 8 39.68 –0.91 .35 49.27 27.11 JamfHolding JAMF ... dd 27.35 –3.45 ... 18.50 3.90 LongboardPharm LBPH ... dd 4.74 –0.09 ...
8.90 3.01 EtonPharm ETON ... dd 3.55 +0.02 ... 13.47 8.05 GCM Grosvenor GCMG 4.4 39 8.45 +0.20 .10 32.60 24.92 HomeTrustBcshs HTBI 1.4 19 26.65 –0.38 .09 37.99 9.45 JanuxTherapeutics JANX ... dd 10.13 +0.29 ... 18.20 5.90 LoopIndustries LOOP ... dd 6.27 –0.23 ...
307.75 81.11 Etsy ETSY ... 29 86.38 –6.81 ... 81.81 19.83 GDS Holdings GDS ... dd 27.74 –3.68 ... 8.90 1.56 HomologyMed FIXX ... dd 1.87 +0.21 ... 189.00 117.64 JazzPharma JAZZ ... dd 152.64 –7.58 ... 15.80 1.89 LordstownMotors RIDE ... dd 1.91 –0.27 ...
159.32 96.30 EuronetWorldwide EEFT ... 70 114.02 –7.63 ... 30.43 10.94 GH Research GHRS ... dd 12.00 –2.56 ... 21.00 3.63 Honest HNST ... dd 3.67 –0.29 ... 20.89 10.47 JetBlue JBLU ... dd 10.62 –0.39 ... 17.50 1.71 LTRY ... dd 1.90 –0.48 ...
34.67 18.55 EuropeanWax EWCZ .0 cc 24.90 –2.55 3.30 24.12 4.91 G1Therapeutics GTHX ... dd 5.06 –0.08 ... 236.86 174.42 Honeywell HON 2.0 26 195.43 +1.92 .98 50.31 20.10 JFrog FROG ... dd 20.18 –0.69 ... 95.51 35.07 Lovesac LOVE ... 15 41.69 –2.15 ...
17.13 2.05 EveloBiosci EVLO ... dd 2.46 –0.01 ... 146.00 41.20 GRAVITY GRVY ... 6 46.07 –1.34 ... 42.90 16.71 HookerFurnishings HOFT 4.7 18 17.01 +0.15 .20 7.27 1.66 Jiayin JFIN ... 1 1.99 ... ... 98.95 9.95 LoyaltyVentures LYLT ... dd 10.45 –2.34 ...
6.22 1.09 Ever-Glory EVK ... dd 1.26 –0.02 ... 6.58 3.48 GSI Tech GSIT ... dd 3.50 –0.18 ... 17.68 12.48 HopeBancorp HOPE 3.9 8 14.35 +0.05 .14 143.02 73.38 JohnsonOutdoors JOUT 1.6 10 75.20 –1.28 .30 13.52 2.00 LucidDiag LUCD ... dd 2.09 –0.02 ...
167.40 27.81 Everbridge EVBG ... dd 39.94 –3.16 ... 10.00 9.86 GSRIIMeteoraA GSRM ... ... 9.87 ... ... 23.80 15.66 HorizonBancorp HBNC 3.4 9 17.65 +0.17 .15 9.81 4.79 JounceTherap JNCE ... dd 5.49 +0.19 ... 57.75 16.12 Lucid LCID ... dd 18.15 +0.07 ...
23.41 10.38 EverCommerce EVCM ... dd 11.10 –1.28 ... 2.95 0.35 GSRIIMeteoraRt GSRMR ... ... 1.49 –0.06 ... 19.08 11.62 HorizonTechFin HRZN 9.6 9 12.55 –0.18 .10 10.00 9.82 JupiterWellnessA JWAC ... ... 9.94 ... ... 11.10 2.54 LuciraHealth LHDX ... dd 2.78 –0.05 ...
10.12 9.97 Evergreen EVGRU ... ... 10.12 +0.06 ... 13.92 4.43 Gaia GAIA ... 29 5.38 +0.44 ... 120.54 83.42 HorizonTherap HZNP ... 39 86.78 –11.78 ... 0.36 0.07 JupiterWellnessRt JWACR ... ... .13 –0.05 ... 15.09 5.10 Lulu'sFashion LVLU ... dd 9.96 +0.32 ...
10.07 9.94 EvergreenA EVGR ... ... 9.98 –0.02 ... 11.12 2.98 GainTherap GANX ... dd 3.43 +0.01 ... 21.63 14.67 HostHotels HST .6 dd 20.24 –0.11 .03 485.83 278.00 lululemon LULU ... 42 317.05 –37.58 ...
35.80 9.38 EverQuote EVER ... dd 12.39 –1.49 ... 81.12 46.41 Galapagos GLPG ... dd 59.66 +1.48 ... 59.86 21.98 Huazhu HTHT .0 dd 26.77 –3.47 .21 K 108.90 65.67 Lumentum LITE ... 36 89.01 +7.80 ...
14.36 4.88 EverspinTech MRAM ... 31 6.82 –0.14 ... 16.41 1.49 Galecto GLTO ... dd 1.51 –0.17 ... 87.21 60.81 HubGroup HUBG ... 11 76.05 +8.89 ... 26.39 10.03 LuminarTech LAZR ... dd 11.12 –1.25 ...
19.59 7.00 EVgo EVGO ... dd 8.83 –0.23 ... 10.79 1.19 GaleraTherap GRTX ... dd 1.45 –0.24 ... 42.09 15.46 HudsonGlobal HSON ... 32 33.70 +0.73 ... 457.12 285.89 KLA KLAC 1.3 16 331.35 +12.09 1.05 11.09 3.89 LumiraDx LMDX ... 14 3.96 –0.82 ...
4.10 1.01 Evogene EVGN ... dd 1.03 –0.03 ... 16.97 6.56 GAMB ... 21 7.96 –0.32 ... 7.19 0.61 HuizeHolding HUIZ ... dd .96 –0.07 ... 15.55 2.94 KLX Energy KLXE ... dd 5.00 +0.07 ... 12.05 6.15 LumosPharma LUMO ... dd 8.34 –0.24 ...
14.30 5.06 Evolus EOLS ... dd 11.00 –0.19 ... 12.73 9.80 Games&EsportsA GEEX ... ... 10.05 +0.03 ... 17.45 4.37 Humacyte HUMA ... dd 6.28 –0.80 ... 14.73 7.75 KVH Inds KVHI ... dd 7.97 ... ... 15.37 11.38 LutherBurbank LBC 3.6 7 13.19 –0.08 .12
26.57 11.38 Evotec EVO ... 6 11.43 –0.57 ... 7.09 2.10 GamidaCell GMDA ... dd 2.51 –0.04 ... 218.18 155.11 JBHunt JBHT .9 22 175.79 +4.94 .40 9.97 9.80 KairousAcqn KACL ... ... 9.95 ... ... 19.84 4.91 LyellImmuno LYEL ... dd 5.31 +0.18 ...
133.99 53.69 ExactSciences EXAS ... dd 55.00 –0.05 ... 51.46 41.81 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 6.2 20 44.40 +0.02 .69 17.79 12.98 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 4.6 18 13.35 +0.20 .155 0.28 0.14 KairousAcqnRt KACLR ... ... .14 –0.06 ... 63.07 19.59 Lyft LYFT ... dd 20.51 –12.09 ...
17.58 5.66 Exagen XGN ... dd 5.91 –0.19 ... 9.95 9.77 GardinerHlthcr GDNR ... ... 9.93 ... ... 38.80 27.80 Hurco HURC 2.1 20 28.75 +0.38 .15 140.33 85.05 KaiserAlum KALU 3.2 dd 95.63 –0.87 .77 9.98 3.30 LyraTherap LYRA ... dd 5.78 +0.13 ...
10.15 9.67 ExcelFinAcqnA XFIN ... ... 9.95 ... ... 8.90 5.60 GarrettMotion GTX ... 2 6.67 ... ... 57.15 42.66 HuronConsulting HURN ... 18 52.85 +1.07 ... 6.77 0.59 KalaPharm KALA ... dd .78 +0.13 ...
25.77 15.50 Exelixis EXEL ... 30 21.49 –0.85 ... 12.95 1.16 GeminiTherap GMTX ... dd 1.49 –0.02 ... 16.57 3.15 Hut8Mining HUT ... dd 3.41 –0.15 ... 14.00 1.37 Kaltura KLTR ... dd 1.39 –0.16 ... M
50.71 30.52 Exelon EXC 2.9 27 47.06 +0.28.3375 13.29 9.66 GencorIndustries GENC ... 36 9.76 –0.26 ... 67.30 8.16 Hydrofarm HYFM ... 28 8.49 –1.06 ... 30.70 10.79 KalVistaPharm KALV ... dd 11.36 –1.37 ...
154.98 93.46 ExlService EXLS ... 39 137.36 +1.21 ... 35.41 3.96 GenerationBio GBIO ... dd 5.69 –0.64 ... 16.61 2.46 Hyperfine HYPR ... dd 3.35 –0.11 ... 6.96 4.86 Kamada KMDA ... dd 4.90 –0.47 ... 80.30 48.68 Macom Tech MTSI ... 19 52.34 +1.39 ...
55.43 13.16 eXpWorld EXPI 1.1 29 14.98 +1.59 .04 10.21 9.86 GenesisGrowthA GGAA ... ... 10.01 +0.01 ... 8.25 5.15 Hywin HYW ... ... 7.02 –0.08 ... 6.68 2.40 KandiTech KNDI ... 8 2.44 –0.11 ... 14.70 10.00 MeliKaszek MEKA ... ... 10.20 ... ...
217.72 131.43 Expedia EXPE ... cc 132.33 –42.42 ... 9.97 9.88 GenesisUnicornA GENQ ... ... 9.95 –0.01 ... 11.37 3.50 HyzonMotors HYZN ... dd 3.70 –0.27 ... 44.96 13.46 Kanzhun BZ ... dd 19.66 –3.87 ... 84.97 69.23 MGE Energy MGEE 2.0 27 79.40 +1.53.3875
137.80 94.95 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 1.2 12 108.05 +8.98 .67 23.76 1.56 Genetron GTH ... dd 1.62 –0.10 ... 25.91 14.70 KaratPkg KRT ... 17 18.00 –0.35 ... 102.88 58.41 MGP Ingredients MGPI .5 22 95.81 +4.48 .12
51.06 14.34 Expensify EXFY ... dd 15.33 +0.30 ... 6.38 3.01 Genfit GNFT ... 2 3.42 –0.18 ... I 161.98 93.77 KarunaTherap KRTX ... dd 106.87 –4.59 ... 2.43 0.92 MINDTechnology MIND ... dd .96 –0.06 ...
127.61 83.49 Exponent EXPO 1.1 47 89.17 –6.64 .24 49.07 30.08 Genmab GMAB ... 43 30.81 –4.37 ... 14.73 4.42 KaryopharmTherap KPTI ... dd 6.08 –0.02 ... 191.85 110.26 MKS Instrum MKSI .7 12 118.75 +4.77 .22
30.38 9.04 Exscientia EXAI ... ... 9.64 –1.12 ... 37.90 27.06 Gentex GNTX 1.6 21 29.28 –0.07 .12 179.12 75.79 IAC/InterActive IAC ... 12 77.16 –5.72 ... 14.98 1.55 Katapult KPLT ... 47 1.62 –0.15 ... 121.22 74.77 MYR Group MYRG ... 17 83.58 +4.49 ...
16.61 9.02 ExtremeNetworks EXTR ... 27 9.84 +0.24 ... 99.00 61.15 Gentherm THRM ... 24 67.27 –0.15 ... 25.00 10.77 IBEX IBEX ... 20 16.00 +0.51 ... 13.89 11.25 KearnyFinancial KRNY 3.7 12 11.96 +0.10 .11 9.92 7.37 Macatawa MCBC 3.6 11 8.85 +0.10 .08
21.50 7.30 EyePointPharm EYPT ... dd 11.13 –0.17 ... 10.94 4.97 GeospaceTech GEOS ... dd 5.69 –0.09 ... 108.23 84.68 ICF Intl ICFI .6 26 98.02 –0.79 .14 26.98 15.89 KellyServices A KELYA 1.0 5 19.05 –0.24 .05 32.81 4.64 Macrogenics MGNX ... dd 4.69 –2.46 ...
8.80 5.50 Ezcorp EZPW ... 28 7.65 +0.65 ... 43.79 34.30 GermanAmerBncp GABC 2.6 13 34.87 –0.23 .23 282.00 183.39 ICU Medical ICUI ... 43 206.25 –7.74 ... 27.15 16.63 KellyServices B KELYB 1.1 5 18.82 –1.24 .05 137.78 52.33 MadrigalPharm MDGL ... dd 64.59 –5.41 ...
2.23 0.99 Geron GERN ... dd 1.30 –0.11 ... 28.00 8.86 IDEAYA Bio IDYA ... dd 9.12 –0.47 ... 15.70 4.10 KemPharm KMPH ... dd 4.26 –0.21 ... 13.22 1.28 MagentaTherap MGTA ... dd 1.30 –0.13 ...
F 10.50 9.70 GesherIAcqnA GIAC ... ... 9.87 –0.02 ... 706.95 358.18 IdexxLab IDXX ... 43 366.64 –63.84 ... 8.00 6.86 KY FirstFedBncp KFFB 5.5 27 7.29 –0.01 .10 25.49 14.87 MagicSoftware MGIC 2.7 31 16.07 –1.20 .216
4.32 1.14 GetnetAdquirencia GET 6.8 ... 1.37 –0.01.0853 56.24 24.94 IES Holdings IESC ... 11 26.98 –2.32 ... 68.29 28.50 KerosTherap KROS ... dd 47.60 –5.42 ... 37.54 9.57 Magnite MGNI ... dd 9.87 +0.22 ...
83.39 32.52 FARO Tech FARO ... dd 35.23 +0.94 ... 85.98 37.57 GibraltarInds ROCK ... 18 42.69 +4.85 ... 99.44 13.11 IGM Biosci IGMS ... dd 17.50 +0.76 ... 39.35 32.44 KeurigDrPepper KDP 2.0 22 36.96 –0.44.1875 12.53 10.15 MagyarBancorp MGYR 1.0 13 11.75 –0.23 .03
249.00 166.02 F5 FFIV ... 30 170.50 +3.09 ... 35.80 22.50 GIIIApparel GIII ... 6 25.55 –0.93 ... 75.23 54.35 II-VI IIVI ... 28 61.86 +0.65 ... 14.99 11.44 KewauneeSci KEQU ... dd 13.86 –0.40 ... 36.28 20.06 MakeMyTrip MMYT ... dd 23.09 –2.38 ...
9.99 2.61 FGFinancial FGF ... dd 3.01 –0.23 ... 11.20 6.58 GilatSatellite GILT ... dd 7.05 –0.30 ... 85.40 11.66 I-Mab IMAB ... ... 12.12 –0.42 ... 7.48 5.26 KeyTronic KTCC ... 25 5.43 +0.06 ... 87.21 48.51 MalibuBoats MBUU ... 9 51.89 +1.60 ...
10.04 9.96 FG Merger FGMC ... ... 9.98 –0.01 ... 74.12 57.19 GileadSciences GILD 4.8 17 61.18 +1.84 .73 82.94 60.77 IndusRealty INDT .9 58 70.03 –1.42 .16 9.82 9.64 KeyarchAcqn KYCH ... ... 9.82 +0.01 ... 19.07 15.12 MalvernBancorp MLVF ... dd 15.88 –0.20 ...
65.00 53.30 FRP Holdings FRPH ... 19 55.95 –0.56 ... 137.00 30.74 GitLab GTLB ... dd 42.37 –5.56 ... 10.32 2.00 IN8bio INAB ... ... 2.61 +0.21 ... 18.55 4.61 KezarLifeSci KZR ... dd 6.31 –5.57 ... 5.08 1.35 MammothEnergy TUSK ... dd 2.27 +0.09 ...
12.78 9.92 GladstoneCap GLAD 6.7 5 12.08 +0.43.0675 17.88 3.56 IO Biotech IOBT ... ... 7.50 +0.25 ... 81.47 55.94 Kforce KFRC 1.7 20 72.28 +2.23 .30 9.93 9.75 ManaCapAcqn MAAQ ... ... 9.92 +0.01 ...
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 43


52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
0.43 0.10 ManaCapAcqnRt MAAQR ... ... .20 –0.03 ... 700.99 175.81 Netflix NFLX ... 16 180.97 –9.39 ... 17.76 5.54 PardesBiosci PRDS ... ... 7.05 –0.38 ... 23.00 5.46 RadiusHealth RDUS ... dd 6.01 –0.83 ... 57.62 44.00 SenecaFoods B SENEB ... 8 53.00 –2.80 ...
23.33 13.76 Mandiant MNDT ... dd 22.04 +0.06 ... 41.96 19.41 Netgear NTGR ... dd 20.10 –1.60 ... 38.50 9.41 Park-Ohio PKOH 5.2 dd 9.68 +0.09 .125 38.84 18.58 RadNet RDNT ... 41 19.00 –0.50 ... 15.12 1.51 SenseiBiotherap SNSE ... dd 1.57 +0.02 ...
188.52 120.79 ManhattanAssoc MANH ... 67 123.84 –6.71 ... 34.87 25.46 NetScout NTCT ... 44 32.42 +1.62 ... 9.27 3.92 PartnerComms PTNR ... 37 7.30 –0.56 ... 42.19 25.25 Radware RDWR ... cc 25.69 –3.22 ... 5.97 2.18 SenstarTech SNT .0 8 2.19 –0.141.725
49.08 19.50 Mannatech MTEX 2.6 7 31.32 –1.80 .20 108.02 71.88 Neurocrine NBIX ... 87 79.55 –10.48 ... 17.89 1.86 PassageBio PASG ... dd 2.23 +0.28 ... 22.22 2.72 RainTherap RAIN ... dd 2.91 –1.06 ... 15.50 1.98 SeraPrognostics SERA ... dd 2.19 –0.11 ...
5.53 2.49 MannKind MNKD ... dd 2.95 –0.18 ... 17.92 2.40 Neuronetics STIM ... dd 2.42 –0.02 ... 19.49 13.90 PatriaInvts PAX 5.4 18 16.01 –0.30 .16 25.78 6.74 Rallybio RLYB ... dd 10.84 +0.88 ... 25.06 4.04 SeresTherap MCRB ... dd 4.05 –0.68 ...
92.00 66.91 ManTechIntl MANT 2.0 25 82.70 +2.36 .41 26.28 6.01 NeuroPace NPCE ... dd 6.63 –1.41 ... 10.35 10.02 PatriaLatAmOppAcqn PLAO ... ... 10.06 ... ... 21.73 4.00 RamacoRscs METC 2.9 17 15.66 –0.23.0567 15.39 6.57 ServiceProperties SVC .6 dd 6.71 –1.41 .01
63.55 23.16 MaravaiLifeSci MRVI ... 21 32.37 +1.64 ... 49.30 19.17 NewFortressEner NFE .9 cc 44.94 +6.16 .10 98.42 54.80 PatrickIndustries PATK 2.0 5 66.29 +4.04 .33 33.75 17.95 Rambus RMBS ... cc 25.78 +0.87 ... 1.63 0.93 ServiceSource SREV ... dd 1.02 –0.07 ...
10.29 9.76 MarblegateAcqn GATE ... ... 9.89 +0.02 ... 14.11 12.51 NewMtnFin NMFC 9.0 7 13.35 +0.05 .30 18.00 7.89 PatriotNatBncp PNBK ... 12 15.88 +0.38 ... 27.40 18.18 RandolphBancorp RNDB 2.3 26 26.38 +0.04 2.00 6.04 0.37 SesenBio SESN ... dd .54 +0.16 ...
3.63 1.65 Marchex MCHX ... dd 1.66 –0.08 ... 10.74 9.55 NewProvidenceII A NPAB ... dd 9.95 ... ... 16.29 7.62 PatriotTransport PATI .0 4 7.85 –0.14 3.75 42.66 14.31 RangerOil ROCC ... 49 37.04 +5.19 ... 10.00 9.80 7AcqnA SVNA ... ... 9.97 +0.02 ...
27.26 1.34 MarinSoftware MRIN ... dd 2.08 –0.21 ... 4.93 3.09 NY Mortgage NYMT12.7 8 3.15 –0.07 .10 37.37 26.51 Patterson PDCO 3.2 19 32.15 +1.38 .26 36.27 9.24 RaniTherap RANI ... dd 11.72 –0.51 ... 23.84 0.88 17Educ&Tech YQ ... dd 1.93 –0.44 ...
19.83 5.73 MarinusPharma MRNS ... dd 5.95 –0.67 ... 10.55 9.87 NewcourtAcqnA NCAC ... 40 10.04 +0.02 ... 18.77 6.44 PattersonUTIEn PTEN 1.0 dd 16.46 +0.02 .04 27.04 4.73 RapidMicro RPID ... dd 5.01 –0.82 ... 10.77 2.17 Sharecare SHCR ... 38 2.58 –0.16 ...
3.65 0.31 MarkerTherap MRKR ... dd .36 +0.02 ... 30.10 20.36 NewellBrands NWL 4.1 13 22.48 –0.67 .23 141.92 96.12 Paychex PAYX 2.5 33 124.16 –2.57 .79 145.00 71.17 Rapid7 RPD ... dd 73.10 –22.42 ... 32.48 3.22 ShattuckLabs STTK ... dd 3.31 –0.53 ...
498.97 256.26 MarketAxess MKTX 1.1 42 265.04 +1.43 .70 9.90 9.70 NewHoldInvtIIA NHIC ... dd 9.86 –0.04 ... 39.71 22.76 PaycorHCM PYCR ... dd 24.40 –0.23 ... 14.99 9.51 RattlerMidstrm RTLR 8.8 16 13.61 +0.16 .30 61.53 17.06 ShenandoahTel SHEN .3 1 21.00 +0.80 .07
16.97 3.52 MarketWise MKTW ... dd 3.70 –0.08 ... 19.10 10.94 Newmark NMRK 1.0 3 12.12 –0.03 .03 314.50 154.26 Paylocity PCTY ... cc 181.58 –8.05 ... 12.75 4.56 RealGoodFood RGF ... ... 6.67 –0.49 ... 37.61 9.58 ShoalsTech SHLS ... cc 13.57 +3.59 ...
37.90 7.75 Marqeta MQ ... dd 7.83 –1.47 ... 27.97 16.54 NewsCorp A NWSA 1.2 21 17.11 –2.75 .10 11.20 3.85 Payoneer PAYO ... dd 4.20 +0.02 ... 2.80 0.46 RealNetworks RNWK ... dd .47 –0.04 ... 249.73 125.00 ShockwaveMed SWAV ... dd 137.30 –13.83 ...
195.90 127.23 Marriott MAR .7 38 172.52 –5.00 .30 26.21 16.57 NewsCorp B NWS 1.2 20 16.91 –3.00 .10 310.16 80.90 PayPal PYPL ... 27 81.68 –6.25 ... 24.22 4.97 RealReal REAL ... dd 5.11 –0.31 ... 46.21 27.59 ShoeCarnival SCVL 1.2 6 31.01 +0.82 .09
19.94 14.72 MartenTransport MRTN 1.3 16 18.25 +0.87 .06 38.78 24.00 NewtekBusSvcs NEWT13.2 ... 25.33 +0.29 .75 38.60 28.89 PeapackGladFinl PGC .6 11 31.20 +0.21 .05 153.41 22.62 ReataPharm RETA ... dd 23.11 –2.27 ... 23.19 16.25 ShoreBancshares SHBI 2.4 16 20.10 –0.03 .12
5.98 2.25 MartinMidstream MMLP .4 21 4.72 +0.27 .005 19.90 1.72 NexImmune NEXI ... dd 2.96 +0.85 ... 10.58 9.75 PearlHldgsAcqnA PRLH ... ... 9.97 +0.04 ... 42.81 5.53 RecursionPharm RXRX ... dd 6.06 –0.14 ... 54.50 23.42 Shyft SHYF .8 16 23.93 –1.54 .05
93.85 40.79 MarvellTech MRVL .4 dd 57.75 –0.33 .06 192.84 135.87 NexstarMedia NXST 2.3 8 158.41 –0.01 .90 143.66 66.45 Pegasystems PEGA .2 dd 68.54 –8.05 .03 57.73 46.93 RedRiverBcshs RRBI .5 12 53.31 –0.94 .07 9.14 1.25 Sientra SIEN ... dd 1.26 –0.16 ...
305.21 112.07 Masimo MASI ... 32 129.23 +16.26 ... 9.18 3.75 NextCure NXTC ... dd 3.80 –0.36 ... 129.70 14.70 Peloton PTON ... dd 15.70 –1.86 ... 38.96 10.52 RedRobin RRGB ... dd 10.65 –2.54 ... 28.92 21.55 SierraBancorp BSRR 4.2 9 21.96 +0.21 .23
33.63 22.08 MasterCraftBoat MCFT ... 7 23.54 –0.53 ... 21.87 13.64 NextGenHlthcr NXGN ... cc 19.76 +0.91 ... 86.98 33.92 PennNational PENN ... 16 34.33 –2.24 ... 58.74 36.54 RedRockResorts RRR 2.5 14 39.44 –4.52 .25 54.97 14.91 SierraOncology SRRA ... dd 54.52 +0.01 ...
182.00 69.28 MatchGroup MTCH ... 83 74.07 –5.08 ... 12.50 9.50 NicholasFin NICK ... 18 10.25 +0.12 ... 44.23 11.38 Pennant PNTG ... cc 13.70 –2.69 ... 27.22 1.61 Redbox RDBX ... 71 6.14 +0.16 ... 20.94 13.10 SierraWireless SWIR ... dd 16.48 +0.77 ...
30.26 15.09 Materialise MTLS ... 46 15.61 +0.01 ... 19.52 6.41 Nikola NKLA ... dd 6.75 –0.43 ... 26.70 22.50 PennsWoodsBncp PWOD 5.6 10 23.05 –0.35 .32 65.41 10.94 Redfin RDFN ... dd 11.73 +0.58 ... 42.57 6.25 SightSciences SGHT ... dd 7.04 +0.06 ...
14.05 6.18 MatrixService MTRX ... dd 6.54 –0.26 ... 3.15 0.70 9F JFU ... dd .86 +0.03 ... 34.63 27.14 PeoplesBncpOH PEBO 5.5 13 27.53 +0.11 .38 11.18 1.45 RedHillBio RDHL ... dd 1.48 –0.21 ... 14.73 1.00 SigilonTherap SGTX ... dd 1.03 –0.02 ...
26.99 17.95 Mattel MAT ... 9 26.12 +1.81 ... 52.29 12.60 908Devices MASS ... dd 17.21 –0.54 ... 30.00 23.05 PeoplesBncpNC PEBK 2.7 11 27.10 –0.19 .18 9.89 9.85 RedwoodsAcqn RWOD ... ... 9.85 –0.04 ... 11.02 9.75 SignalHillA SGHL ... ... 10.00 +0.06 ...
37.60 4.86 Matterport MTTR ... dd 4.98 –0.76 ... 35.49 7.49 NiuTech NIU ... 19 8.28 –1.27 ... 55.00 41.23 PeoplesFinSvcs PFIS 3.2 8 48.89 –0.75 .39 0.15 0.11 RedwoodsAcqnRt RWODR ... ... .12 ... ... 374.76 223.96 SignatureBank SBNY 1.0 14 234.86 –7.39 .56
42.45 29.13 MatthewsIntl MATW 2.9 dd 30.09 +0.28 .22 40.64 7.55 Nkarta NKTX ... dd 15.29 –3.15 ... 16.99 11.50 PepGen PEPG ... ... 12.89 +0.89 ... 78.78 61.48 RegencyCtrs REG 3.6 32 68.58 –0.25 .625 35.00 10.92 SilenceTherap SLN ... dd 12.20 +0.04 ...
17.44 4.94 MaxCyte MXCT ... dd 5.06 –0.48 ... 36.95 12.38 nLIGHT LASR ... dd 13.30 +0.15 ... 15.00 9.60 PepperLimeA PEPL ... ... 9.90 +0.03 ... 747.42 492.13 RegenPharm REGN ... 9 623.05 –36.06 ... 46.98 37.10 SilganHoldings SLGN 1.4 14 45.18 +0.81 .16
25.39 7.48 MaxeonSolar MAXN ... dd 11.95 +0.37 ... 13.55 4.62 Noodles NDLS ... dd 5.55 –0.02 ... 177.62 143.58 PepsiCo PEP 2.7 23 170.41 –1.30 1.15 10.02 9.94 RelativityAcqnA RACY ... ... 10.00 –0.02 ... 52.75 34.14 Silicom SILC ... 24 35.63 +0.45 ...
77.89 31.76 MaxLinear MXL ... 49 43.27 –4.60 ... 272.28 197.20 Nordson NDSN 1.0 25 209.82 –5.87 .51 10.04 9.82 PerceptionCapII PCCT ... dd 10.02 ... ... 38.60 19.05 RelayTherap RLAY ... dd 20.63 –3.20 ... 211.98 120.15 SiliconLab SLAB ... dd 138.90 +3.99 ...
10.38 9.85 MaxproCapA JMAC ... ... 10.04 –0.01 ... 41.05 27.26 NortheastBank NBN .1 5 35.21 –2.21 .01 13.15 9.65 PerdoceoEduc PRDO ... 7 10.42 –0.76 ... 39.66 16.23 RelmadaTherap RLMD ... dd 21.23 –3.88 ... 98.65 58.86 SiliconMotion SIMO 2.0 16 92.68 +16.75 .50
91.37 67.08 McGrathRent MGRC 2.2 22 81.12 –2.34 .455 21.50 10.56 NorthernTechsIntl NTIC 2.5 13 11.15 –0.42 .07 14.75 5.70 PerellaWeinberg PWP 4.4 dd 6.33 –1.38 .07 53.65 7.93 RemitlyGlobal RELY ... dd 8.30 –2.80 ... 67.49 27.21 SilkRoadMed SILK ... dd 32.96 –2.09 ...
10.55 9.80 McLarenTechA MLAI ... ... 9.99 –0.01 ... 135.15 102.28 NorthernTrust NTRS 2.7 15 105.35 +2.30 .70 153.28 66.36 Perficient PRFT ... 52 96.31 –3.10 ... 35.71 4.47 Renalytix RNLX ... dd 4.76 –0.31 ... 15.40 8.74 SilverSpikeInvt SSIC ... dd 9.00 –1.57 ...
10.05 3.50 MedallionFin MFIN 3.9 4 8.14 +0.31 .08 18.41 12.85 NorthfieldBanc NFBK 4.0 9 12.97 –0.12 .13 5.29 1.82 PerformantFin PFMT ... dd 2.23 –0.06 ... 45.59 29.49 Renasant RNST 2.9 11 29.87 +0.08 .22 35.63 3.01 SilverbackTherap SBTX ... dd 3.02 –0.09 ...
5.09 2.09 MediciNova MNOV ... dd 2.51 –0.16 ... 47.34 38.42 NorthrimBanCorp NRIM 3.8 8 40.44 +0.37 .41 33.09 13.75 PerionNetwork PERI ... 16 19.88 –1.20 ... 14.95 2.03 ReneoPharm RPHM ... dd 2.23 –0.09 ... 22.68 13.17 SilvercrestAsset SAMG 3.2 14 21.25 +0.47 .17
6.22 1.25 MediWound MDWD ... dd 1.91 –0.21 ... 9.93 9.69 NorthViewAcqn NVAC ... ... 9.89 –0.02 ... 14.92 5.77 Perma-PipeIntl PPIH ... 20 14.18 +2.02 ... 12.30 5.06 ReNewEnergy RNW ... dd 7.45 –0.53 ... 32.76 22.89 SimmonsFirstNat SFNC 3.0 10 24.94 +1.07 .19
231.00 126.95 Medpace MEDP ... 25 136.11 +2.54 ... 15.15 12.08 NorthwestBcshs NWBI 6.5 11 12.35 –0.33 .20 28.47 5.04 Personalis PSNL ... dd 5.20 –0.40 ... 73.64 32.54 RenewableEnergy REGI ... 16 61.04 –0.02 ... 58.38 35.18 SimulationsPlus SLP .6 77 42.84 –3.82 .06
14.80 6.12 MeihuaIntlMed MHUA ... ... 7.92 –0.38 ... 34.52 23.11 NorthwestPipe NWPX ... 24 28.09 +1.38 ... 28.73 16.22 PetcoHealth WOOF ... 33 20.29 +1.03 ... 67.76 22.70 Rent-A-Center RCII 5.1 13 26.45 +2.33 .34 35.69 22.07 SinclairBroadcast SBGI 4.2 dd 23.98 +1.74 .25
24.89 9.36 MeiraGTx MGTX ... dd 9.61 –0.68 ... 68.94 53.66 Northwestern NWE 4.3 17 58.70 +2.01 .63 44.01 16.90 PetIQ PETQ ... dd 18.00 –1.90 ... 24.77 4.37 RenttheRunway RENT ... dd 6.10 –0.24 ... 33.37 3.69 SingularGenomics OMIC ... dd 3.78 –0.31 ...
18.84 4.83 MelcoResorts MLCO ... dd 5.02 –0.70 ... 30.92 20.88 NortonLifeLock NLOK 2.0 16 24.70 –0.34 .125 46.67 20.48 PetMedExpress PETS 5.8 19 20.79 –1.11 .30 35.75 9.59 RepareTherap RPTX ... dd 10.56 –0.44 ... 2.95 0.27 SioGeneTherap SIOX ... dd .29 +0.01 ...
1970.13 858.99 MercadoLibre MELI ... cc 927.55 –46.08 ... 29.00 24.41 NorwoodFin NWFL 4.0 9 27.86 –0.16 .28 13.50 7.41 Pharming PHAR ... 31 7.88 –0.42 ... 327.32 138.41 Repligen RGEN ... 62 156.97 –0.27 ... 7.29 5.75 SiriusXM SIRI 1.4 18 6.07 +0.07 .022
40.01 28.51 MercantileBank MBWM 4.0 9 30.90 –0.50 .31 149.15 83.46 Nova NVMI ... 31 97.23 –1.38 ... 25.77 13.14 Pharvaris PHVS ... ... 16.81 –0.28 ... 40.22 14.64 Replimune REPL ... dd 14.74 –2.03 ... 341.77 75.81 SiTime SITM ... cc 189.20 +20.63 ...
10.00 9.60 MercatoPtrsA MPRA ... ... 9.96 ... ... 184.44 122.17 Novanta NOVT ... 88 124.13 –4.57 ... 4.24 0.96 PhaseBioPharm PHAS ... dd 1.05 –0.16 ... 57.62 41.41 RepublicBcpKYA RBCAA 3.2 8 42.28 +0.60 .341 10.70 9.75 SizzleAcqn SZZL ... dd 10.02 ... ...
17.17 9.51 MercerIntl MERC 1.9 4 15.81 –0.20 .075 277.80 42.13 Novavax NVAX ... dd 57.30 +12.23 ... 39.02 11.33 PhathomPharm PHAT ... dd 11.51 –1.43 ... 5.67 2.91 RepublicFirstBncp FRBK ... 13 4.05 –0.14 ... 53.05 22.78 SkyWest SKYW ... 15 26.92 –2.23 ...
72.28 44.44 MercurySystems MRCY ... cc 57.54 +1.75 ... 232.76 59.57 Novocure NVCR ... dd 73.17 –3.41 ... 44.00 34.98 Phenixfin PFX ... 8 37.97 –1.14 ... 10.84 5.33 ReservoirMedia RSVR ... 71 8.69 –0.62 ... 197.62 103.13 Skyworks SWKS 2.1 13 105.71 –7.59 .56
3.75 0.56 MereoBioPharma MREO ... 4 .58 –0.04 ... 24.00 12.66 Novonix NVX ... dd 12.80 –2.02 ... 31.00 17.28 PhibroAnimal PAHC 2.6 14 18.73 +0.74 .12 20.16 13.28 ResourcesConnect RGP 3.4 8 16.66 –0.53 .14 121.98 40.38 SleepNumber SNBR ... 11 42.00 +1.44 ...
28.72 17.00 MeridianBiosci VIVO ... 19 26.22 +0.63 ... 10.14 9.98 NubiaBrandA NUBI ... ... 9.99 ... ... 36.35 26.51 PhillipsEdison PECO 3.2 cc 33.51 –0.35 .09 20.09 16.47 RetailOppor ROIC 2.9 38 18.05 –0.58 .13 4.95 1.73 SmartSand SND ... dd 4.08 –0.27 ...
39.78 24.00 Meridian MRBK 2.5 5 31.57 +0.17 .20 3.85 0.61 NuCana NCNA ... dd .66 –0.05 ... 11.76 9.71 PhoenixBiotech PBAX ... ... 10.03 +0.01 ... 33.83 11.65 RevanceTherap RVNC ... dd 16.28 –0.10 ... 7.81 0.88 SmartShareGlbl EM ... dd 1.05 –0.11 ...
73.85 51.66 MeritMedical MMSI ... 75 62.21 +0.20 ... 37.42 9.51 NurixTherap NRIX ... dd 9.56 –1.51 ... 20.30 11.65 Photronics PLAB ... 13 15.29 +0.30 ... 10.10 9.76 RevelstoneCapAcqn RCACU ... ... 9.93 –0.03 ... 11.02 1.67 SmileDirectClub SDC ... dd 1.78 –0.07 ...
7.41 3.66 MerrimackPharm MACK ... dd 5.21 –0.59 ... 44.50 21.99 Nutanix NTNX ... dd 23.53 –1.50 ... 29.70 20.23 PilgrimPride PPC ... 34 29.17 +0.82 ... 10.00 9.70 RevelstoneCapA RCAC ... ... 9.82 –0.01 ... 39.61 13.62 Smith&Wesson SWBI 2.3 3 13.94 +0.21 .08
15.65 3.34 MersanaTherap MRSN ... dd 3.67 +0.19 ... 40.82 9.50 Nuvalent NUVL ... dd 10.48 +0.19 ... 143.11 23.21 Pinduoduo PDD ... 47 38.19 –4.90 ... 35.07 16.90 RevolutionMed RVMD ... dd 17.00 –2.97 ... 24.50 11.41 SnapOne SNPO ... dd 12.12 +0.17 ...
33.09 16.14 Merus MRUS ... dd 17.92 –2.48 ... 71.94 45.45 Nuvasive NUVA ... dd 54.42 +2.98 ... 111.31 76.30 PinnacleFinPtrs PNFP 1.1 11 77.36 –0.19 .22 32.29 26.50 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 3.2 19 28.99 –0.60 .23 11.00 1.19 SoYoungIntl SY ... dd 1.21 –0.15 ...
11.70 3.26 MesaAir MESA ... dd 3.30 –0.10 ... 140.23 43.10 Nuvei NVEI ... 70 49.59 –6.32 ... 1.42 0.40 PintecTech PT ... dd .54 –0.02 ... 23.05 4.27 RhythmPharm RYTM ... dd 4.28 –1.98 ... 24.95 6.01 SoFiTech SOFI ... dd 6.44 +0.32 ...
333.42 210.77 MesaLab MLAB .3 cc 226.75 +13.12 .16 346.47 134.59 NVIDIA NVDA .1 49 186.75 +1.28 .04 7.90 2.05 Pixelworks PXLW ... dd 2.11 ... ... 8.31 2.74 RibbonComms RBBN ... dd 3.24 –0.21 ... 24.99 12.87 SOHU ... 1 14.14 –1.34 ...
8.85 3.53 Mesoblast MESO ... dd 3.57 –0.10 ... 37.00 14.49 Nyxoah NYXH ... ... 15.88 –0.52 ... 12.38 8.64 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 8.0 20 10.92 +0.56.2175 15.76 7.13 RichardsonElec RELL 2.0 14 12.11 +0.13 .06 14.50 6.12 SolGelTech SLGL ... 47 6.28 –0.82 ...
65.96 40.57 MetaFinancial CASH .5 8 41.05 –2.60 .05 51.40 34.71 ODP ODP ... dd 45.05 +2.02 ... 12.96 9.24 PlainsGP PAGP 7.5 37 11.62 +0.45.2175 4.62 2.19 RigelPharm RIGL ... dd 2.22 –0.14 ... 389.71 199.33 SolarEdgeTech SEDG ... 81 251.81 +1.40 ...
384.33 169.00 MetaPlatforms FB ... 15 203.77 +3.30 ... 14.86 9.51 OP Bancorp OPBK 3.2 6 12.44 –0.52 .10 9.81 6.13 PlayaHotels PLYA ... dd 8.85 –0.59 ... 11.52 4.19 RiminiStreet RMNI ... 13 5.95 +0.19 ... 4.92 0.50 SolidBiosci SLDB ... dd .53 –0.03 ...
4.84 0.39 Metacrine MTCR ... dd .45 +0.02 ... 5.25 2.53 OPKO Health OPK ... dd 2.62 –0.08 ... 10.08 3.60 Playstudios MYPS ... 19 4.77 –1.02 ... 8.22 6.44 RiverviewBncp RVSB 3.3 7 6.71 –0.33 .055 14.85 5.61 SolidPower SLDP ... dd 7.46 –0.66 ...
56.79 29.61 Methanex MEOH 1.1 8 52.46 +2.30 .145 9.90 9.70 OPYAcqnIA OHAA ... ... 9.86 +0.01 ... 30.00 14.39 Playtika PLTK ... 19 14.49 –3.09 ... 179.47 28.71 Rivian RIVN ... ... 28.79 –1.45 ... 14.72 5.99 SomaLogic SLGC ... dd 6.21 –0.11 ...
29.82 15.31 MetroCityBkshs MCBS 3.0 8 20.12 –0.26 .15 748.68 519.32 OReillyAuto ORLY ... 19 608.40 +1.85 ... 101.17 72.88 Plexus PLXS ... 21 81.52 +0.38 ... 85.00 9.00 Robinhood HOOD ... dd 10.12 +0.32 ... 10.88 3.14 Sonder SOND ... dd 3.15 –1.34 ...
90.00 63.34 MicrochipTech MCHP 1.5 40 67.56 +2.36 .253 102.24 76.09 OSI Systems OSIS ... 14 80.76 +1.66 ... 33.95 4.92 PliantTherap PLRX ... dd 5.01 –0.85 ... 49.66 9.29 RocketPharm RCKT ... dd 9.45 –0.83 ... 47.49 3.56 Sono SEV ... dd 3.59 –0.36 ...
98.45 65.67 MicronTech MU .6 9 70.35 +2.16 .10 8.04 2.91 O2MicroIntl OIIM ... 8 3.20 –0.08 ... 9.64 3.92 PolyPid PYPD ... dd 5.05 +0.20 ... 66.63 33.59 RockyBrands RCKY 1.7 13 37.03 –1.48 .155 42.57 21.34 Sonos SONO ... 21 21.95 –0.87 ...
349.67 238.07 Microsoft MSFT .9 29 274.73 –2.79 .62 7.81 6.37 OaktreeSpec OCSL 8.6 6 7.28 +0.12 .165 11.29 7.90 PonceFinl PDLB ... 19 9.58 –0.82 ... 10.36 5.48 RockyMtnChoc RMCF ... 27 6.21 –0.40 ... 19.80 5.34 SophiaGenetics SOPH ... dd 5.42 –1.01 ...
891.38 282.55 MicroStrategy MSTR ... dd 294.24 –59.93 ... 158.48 71.24 OasisPetrol OAS 1.6 10 148.19 +15.53 3.00 582.27 380.39 Pool POOL .8 22 394.30 –10.92 .80 16.76 3.59 RoivantSciences ROIV ... dd 3.62 –0.07 ... 27.38 18.31 SoteraHealth SHC ... 49 20.15 –0.23 ...
15.91 4.61 Microvast MVST ... dd 4.73 –0.23 ... 29.00 3.18 Oatly OTLY ... dd 3.32 –0.24 ... 78.00 0.92 PopCulture CPOP ... 5 .92 –0.12 ... 490.76 83.72 Roku ROKU ... 99 96.83 +3.93 ... 4.17 1.84 SotherlyHotels SOHO ... dd 1.93 –0.03 ...
3.58 1.08 ObsEva OBSV ... dd 1.80 +0.30 ... 14.70 1.30 Root ROOT ... dd 1.65 –0.28 ... 10.08 10.02 SoundPointA SPCM ... ... 10.08 +0.03 ...
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24.69 2.61 MicroVision MVIS ... dd 3.57 +0.34 ... 24.25 18.34 OceanFirstFin OCFC 3.6 11 18.91 +0.18 .17 99.49 68.31 Popular BPOP 2.8 7 79.83 +1.84 .55 10.61 9.77 RoseHillAcqn ROSE ... ... 10.05 +0.01 ... 29.89 22.06 SouthPlainsFin SPFI 1.8 8 24.48 +0.33 .11
33.89 25.52 MidPennBancorp MPB 3.1 10 25.63 –0.20 .20 16.87 3.47 OcularTherapeutix OCUL ... dd 3.47 –0.10 ... 57.73 17.71 Portillo's PTLO ... dd 20.79 –0.04 ... 134.22 84.44 RossStores ROST 1.3 20 96.24 –3.53 .31 93.34 62.60 SouthState SSB 2.5 13 79.52 +2.08 .49
201.34 145.31 Middleby MIDD ... 18 156.61 +2.72 ... 31.69 20.18 OfficePropIncm OPI 10.7 dd 20.54 –1.08 .55 25.97 21.80 PortmanRidge PTMN10.8 7 23.33 –0.47 .63 10.64 9.67 RothCHAcqnV ROCL ... ... 9.94 +0.08 ... 65.59 44.70 SouthernFirstBcsh SFST ... 8 44.85 –0.85 ...
121.43 77.31 MiddlesexWater MSEX 1.3 37 88.37 –0.58 .29 32.29 22.72 OhioValleyBanc OVBC 2.7 13 30.75 +0.26 .21 11.10 2.37 PoseidaTherap PSTX ... dd 2.47 –0.62 ... 15.59 4.27 Rover ROVR ... dd 5.89 –0.44 ... 61.93 39.75 SoMO Bancorp SMBC 1.8 8 43.28 +1.08 .20
30.60 22.50 MidlandStBncp MSBI 4.5 7 25.94 –0.42 .29 276.30 100.05 Okta OKTA ... dd 102.45 –16.86 ... 52.39 10.56 Poshmark POSH ... dd 11.19 +0.15 ... 147.70 92.01 RoyalGold RGLD 1.1 31 130.14 –0.34 .35 26.06 18.90 SouthernStBcsh SSBK 1.6 11 22.98 +0.03 .09
34.65 27.08 MidWestOneFin MOFG 3.2 8 29.60 –0.28.2375 30.41 12.82 Olaplex OLPX ... 40 13.39 –1.31 ... 9.07 4.83 Potbelly PBPB ... dd 6.01 –0.43 ... 47.10 34.86 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 1.9 26 39.72 –2.86 .19 45.36 34.52 SouthsideBcshs SBSI 3.4 12 39.55 +0.36 .34
8.24 3.98 MilestonePharm MIST ... dd 5.94 –0.71 ... 373.58 245.56 OldDomFreight ODFL .4 29 280.34 +0.22 .30 65.67 48.82 PotlatchDelt PCH 3.2 8 55.09 –0.30 .44 29.06 1.18 RubiusTherap RUBY ... dd 1.43 –0.23 ... 17.41 9.52 SovosBrands SOVO ... cc 14.37 –0.73 ...
51.25 29.67 MillerKnoll MLKN 2.5 dd 29.99 –1.74.1875 20.81 14.91 OldNatlBncp ONB 3.6 15 15.42 +0.26 .14 37.28 18.81 PowellIndustries POWL 4.5 dd 23.11 +3.81 .26 14.92 11.84 RunwayGrowthFin RWAY 8.5 13 14.19 –0.18 .30 37.48 18.08 SpartanNash SPTN 2.6 16 32.17 –2.11 .21
46.18 19.93 MillicomIntl TIGO ... 4 21.26 –0.56 ... 15.48 11.16 Old2ndBcp OSBC 1.4 24 14.16 +0.39 .05 10.47 9.70 Pwr&Digital II A XPDB ... ... 9.90 +0.07 ... 60.89 40.95 RushEnt A RUSHA 1.5 10 51.25 +0.37 .19 4.54 0.60 SpectrumPharm SPPI ... dd .85 +0.04 ...
85.48 41.89 Mimecast MIME ... cc 79.62 –0.06 ... 32.77 2.23 OlemaPharm OLMA ... dd 2.23 –0.32 ... 110.66 72.50 PowerIntegrations POWI .9 30 83.41 +3.41 .18 58.01 36.20 RushEnt B RUSHB 1.5 10 49.10 +0.65 .19 19.87 1.50 SperoTherap SPRO ... dd 2.07 –2.79 ...
3.80 2.46 Mind CTI MNDO10.4 9 2.50 –0.08 .26 38.78 10.64 OlinkHolding OLK ... dd 12.93 –1.55 ... 7.74 2.53 PowerFleet PWFL ... dd 2.80 +0.16 ... 28.73 16.45 RuthsHospitality RUTH 2.4 16 20.24 –0.73 .12 10.87 9.55 SpindletopHlth SHCA ... 43 10.03 +0.03 ...
3.54 0.47 MinervaNeurosci NERV ... dd .47 –0.04 ... 95.43 37.67 Ollie'sBargain OLLI ... 20 48.14 +0.09 ... 10.50 9.96 PowerUpAcqn PWUP ... ... 9.98 ... ... 19.67 8.80 RxSight RXST ... dd 11.35 –0.92 ... 176.66 102.58 Splunk SPLK ... dd 103.37 –18.65 ...
10.37 2.24 MinervaSurgical UTRS ... ... 2.37 –0.05 ... 43.18 19.92 OlympicSteel ZEUS 1.1 3 33.28 –1.05 .09 28.81 7.48 PraxisPrecision PRAX ... dd 8.08 –0.02 ... 127.25 74.12 Ryanair RYAAY ... dd 85.46 –1.86 ... 11.94 6.66 SpokHoldings SPOK17.5 dd 7.15 +0.27.3125
195.99 56.00 MiratiTherap MRTX ... dd 56.74 –5.05 ... 163.27 105.01 OmegaFlex OFLX 1.1 42 105.24 –5.76 .30 8.72 1.20 Precigen PGEN ... dd 1.25 –0.08 ... 28.22 11.06 Sportradar SRAD ... cc 12.09 –0.45 ...
28.65 12.82 MirumPharm MIRM ... dd 25.26 +1.48 ... 31.41 2.96 OmegaTherap OMGA ... dd 3.57 +0.16 ... 14.38 1.85 PrecisionBio DTIL ... dd 1.94 –0.05 ... S 18.05 9.43 SportsmansWrhs SPWH ... 4 9.62 +0.01 ...
11.00 0.29 Missfresh MF ... dd .30 –0.22 ... 18.86 2.88 Omeros OMER ... dd 2.95 –0.52 ... 81.97 57.27 PreferredBankLA PFBC 2.5 10 67.64 +0.52 .43 10.88 9.79 SportsMapTech SMAP ... ... 9.95 ... ...
22.93 11.04 MissionProduce AVO ... 30 12.42 –0.30 ... 187.29 104.32 Omnicell OMCL ... 77 115.41 +6.24 ... 82.06 54.97 PreformedLine PLPC 1.3 8 60.41 +0.91 .20 34.68 27.02 S&T Bancorp STBA 4.2 10 28.35 +0.09 .30 89.75 38.47 SpringWorks SWTX ... dd 39.30 –3.61 ...
497.49 122.01 Moderna MRNA ... 4 134.40 –0.01 ... 10.03 9.84 OmniLitAcqnA OLIT ... ... 9.99 –0.02 ... 45.33 4.02 PreludeTherap PRLD ... dd 4.28 –0.31 ... 391.15 281.45 SBA Comm SBAC .8 86 342.09 –5.02 .71 35.34 21.18 SproutsFarmers SFM ... 11 23.95 –5.85 ...
211.94 94.03 ModivCare MODV ... dd 101.28 –2.69 ... 71.26 34.01 ON Semi ON ... 17 55.13 +3.02 ... 34.00 25.58 PremierFinl PFC 4.6 9 26.03 –0.51 .30 10.25 2.17 SCYNEXIS SCYX ... dd 2.24 –0.43 ... 16.19 1.57 SpruceBio SPRB ... dd 1.61 –0.15 ...
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32.04 6.76 MolecularPtrs MOLN ... dd 6.84 –1.21 ... 6.25 1.12 Oncocyte OCX ... dd 1.15 –0.01 ... 42.15 32.57 Premier PINC 2.2 15 36.82 +0.61 .20 65.22 54.03 SEI Investments SEIC 1.4 13 55.49 –0.23 .40 163.08 54.29 StaarSurgical STAA ... cc 61.41 +4.32 ...
9.38 1.45 MolecularTemp MTEM ... dd 1.45 –0.25 ... 17.79 1.06 Oncorus ONCR ... dd 1.10 –0.07 ... 95.47 66.77 PriceSmart PSMT 1.1 23 78.09 –1.36 .43 10.05 9.97 ShuaaPtrsI A SHUA ... ... 9.97 –0.01 ... 11.04 4.44 Stagwell STGW ... cc 6.84 +0.06 ...
25.00 13.50 Momentive MNTV ... dd 14.33 –1.49 ... 38.66 9.13 1-800-FLOWERS FLWS ... 12 11.58 +1.38 ... 16.54 12.88 PrimisFinl FRST 3.0 11 13.29 –0.36 .10 34.38 16.90 SI-BONE SIBN ... dd 17.27 –2.71 ... 7.51 2.35 StdBioTools LAB ... dd 2.95 +0.30 ...
14.69 1.85 Momentus MNTS ... dd 2.95 +0.15 ... 8.64 6.32 180DegreeCap TURN ... 5 6.44 –0.16 ... 34.02 21.47 PrimorisSvcs PRIM 1.0 11 23.46 +0.28 .06 9.82 5.66 SIGA Tech SIGA .0 8 7.49 +0.62 .45 32.41 16.56 StarBulkCarriers SBLK14.0 5 30.39 +2.29 2.00
94.26 56.35 MonarchCasino MCRI ... 17 68.67 –1.48 ... 42.97 6.93 1LifeHealthcare ONEM ... dd 7.77 +0.72 ... 80.36 58.66 PrincipalFin PFG 3.6 11 70.26 +2.12 .64 21.40 16.07 SLM SLM 2.6 8 17.00 +0.27 .11 4.67 0.86 StarEquity STRR ... dd .87 –0.07 ...
450.00 113.05 MNDY ... dd 123.55 –5.85 ... 12.03 1.63 111 YI ... dd 1.92 –0.04 ... 50.77 18.93 PriviaHealth PRVA ... dd 21.84 –0.15 ... 20.05 16.02 SLR Invt SLRC 10.1 12 16.24 –0.21.1367 126.32 73.38 Starbucks SBUX 2.6 20 76.52 +1.88 .49
69.47 57.63 Mondelez MDLZ 2.1 22 65.73 +1.25 .35 35.46 6.49 DIBS ... dd 6.88 –0.68 ... 11.98 7.36 Procaps PROC ... dd 7.50 –0.50 ... 37.25 20.30 SMART Global SGH ... dd 23.26 +0.60 ... 2.10 0.17 StealthBioTher MITO ... dd .18 –0.23 ...
12.36 5.06 MoneyGram MGI ... dd 10.01 –0.12 ... 62.79 29.86 OneWaterMarine ONEW .0 5 35.56 +2.87 1.80 24.55 16.90 ProfessionalHldg PFHD ... 17 22.85 +0.47 ... 8.59 1.92 SPI Energy SPI ... dd 2.02 +0.02 ... 2.86 1.91 StealthGas GASS ... dd 2.40 –0.16 ...
590.00 238.01 MongoDB MDB ... dd 299.71 –55.22 ... 41.65 1.16 Ontrak OTRK ... dd 1.43 +0.24 ... 53.99 41.68 ProgressSoftware PRGS 1.5 26 46.76 –1.22 .175 35.99 25.29 SP Plus SP ... 19 28.54 +0.04 ... 100.37 50.54 SteelDynamics STLD 1.7 4 79.66 –6.09 .34
580.00 301.53 MonolithicPower MPWR .7 88 444.94 +52.70 .75 10.50 9.81 OnyxAcqnIA ONYX ... ... 10.02 –0.01 ... 68.32 32.86 Progyny PGNY ... 57 37.27 –1.18 ... 174.42 91.05 SPS Commerce SPSC ... 93 117.66 –1.97 ... 55.19 24.71 StepStone STEP 2.4 6 25.02 –0.60 .15
71.90 42.84 Monro MNRO 2.4 23 43.75 –1.98 .26 44.00 13.39 OpenLending LPRO ... 12 14.11 +0.47 ... 9.95 9.23 ProjectEnReimag PEGR ... 50 9.75 ... ... 7.29 3.53 SRAX SRAX ... dd 3.91 –0.09 ... 79.97 47.26 Stericycle SRCL ... dd 48.46 –1.73 ...
99.89 71.78 MonsterBev MNST ... 34 86.67 +0.99 ... 55.25 37.37 OpenText OTEX 2.3 21 38.32 –1.73.2209 51.96 16.65 PrometheusBio RXDX ... dd 26.43 +0.13 ... 84.85 61.88 SS&C Tech SSNC 1.3 21 62.40 –2.26 .20 28.99 17.27 SterlingCheck STER ... dd 24.65 –1.33 ...
45.56 9.82 MonteRosaTherap GLUE ... dd 11.57 +0.67 ... 25.33 6.16 OpendoorTech OPEN ... dd 6.71 –0.28 ... 9.09 0.64 ProQR Therap PRQR ... dd .64 –0.05 ... 24.58 14.19 SSR Mining SSRM 1.1 19 21.64 –0.37 .07 32.14 20.17 SterlingCnstr STRL ... 11 23.05 +0.16 ...
10.02 9.85 MontereyBioAcqn MTRY ... ... 10.01 –0.01 ... 13.44 4.56 Opera OPRA ... dd 5.57 –0.09 ... 9.25 7.31 ProspectCapital PSEC 9.2 3 7.81 +0.11 .06 763.22 466.56 SVB Fin SIVB ... 17 493.74 +6.10 ... 51.56 36.77 StevenMadden SHOO 2.1 13 40.15 –0.91 .21
350.21 229.33 Morningstar MORN .6 58 246.08 –7.15 .36 27.95 11.26 OportunFin OPRT ... 7 11.63 +0.04 ... 50.54 8.63 ProtagonistTherap PTGX ... dd 9.10 +0.01 ... 19.02 11.44 SabraHealthcare SBRA 9.1 dd 13.21 +1.53 .30 69.20 8.75 StitchFix SFIX ... dd 9.55 +0.05 ...
68.75 28.53 Morphic MORF ... dd 29.45 –0.86 ... 16.23 4.73 OptheaADR OPT ... ... 5.81 +0.04 ... 11.10 3.33 ProtaraTherap TARA ... dd 3.33 –0.33 ... 15.10 7.05 Sabre SABR ... dd 8.67 –1.80 ... 67.40 45.92 StockYardsBncp SYBT 2.1 24 54.13 +1.85 .28
22.54 4.66 MorphoSys MOR ... dd 5.10 –0.18 ... 6.85 3.15 OpticalCable OCC ... 4 4.06 +0.41 ... 20.12 5.74 Proterra PTRA ... dd 5.88 –0.33 ... 93.18 74.45 SafetyInsurance SAFT 4.1 10 86.98 +0.94 .90 41.60 12.97 StokeTherap STOK ... dd 13.46 –0.98 ...
25.68 14.35 MotorcarParts MPAA ... 34 14.57 –0.64 ... 3.85 1.46 Optinose OPTN ... dd 2.16 –0.26 ... 79.75 21.30 Prothena PRTA ... 27 29.79 +0.63 ... 28.58 20.12 SagaComm SGA 2.8 12 22.90 +0.17 .16 71.08 8.05 StoneCo STNE ... dd 8.51 –0.91 ...
10.60 10.04 MountRainierAcqn RNERU ... ... 10.20 –0.01 ... 30.70 16.02 OptionCare OPCH ... 30 28.48 –1.40 ... 11.49 3.40 ProventionBio PRVB ... dd 4.29 –0.20 ... 0.40 0.01 SagaliamAcqnRt SAGAR ... ... .16 –0.03 ... 77.50 52.31 StoneX SNEX ... 11 72.17 +4.39 ...
10.07 9.84 MountRainier RNER ... dd 10.02 ... ... 13.57 5.85 OraSureTechs OSUR ... dd 5.95 –0.19 ... 18.48 14.89 ProvidentFin PROV 3.7 11 15.20 +0.01 .14 79.45 28.17 SageTherap SAGE ... dd 28.61 –2.91 ... 42.83 17.82 Stratasys SSYS ... dd 19.57 +0.18 ...
10.14 9.96 MountainI A MCAA ... ... 10.13 ... ... 5.99 0.42 OrchardTherap ORTX ... dd .46 –0.11 ... 17.43 13.25 PrudentialBncp PBIP 1.8 dd 15.65 +0.13 .07 365.50 187.02 Saia SAIA ... 20 216.93 +10.97 ... 83.34 48.01 StrategicEd STRA 3.8 29 63.51 –1.09 .60
9.95 9.71 MountainCrestAcqnV MCAG ... ... 9.84 –0.04 ... 3.52 1.27 OrganiGram OGI ... dd 1.34 –0.07 ... 45.45 18.30 PubMatic PUBM ... 22 21.63 –0.94 ... 6.82 1.69 SalemMedia SALM ... 2 2.95 +0.04 ... 52.39 31.89 Strattec STRT ... 14 34.35 –1.10 ...
10.10 9.93 MurphyCanyonA MURF ... ... 10.00 ... ... 26.70 2.88 OricPharm ORIC ... dd 2.94 –0.38 ... 45.81 18.49 Pulmonx LUNG ... dd 19.16 –4.94 ... 26.60 5.07 SanaBiotech SANA ... dd 6.38 –1.17 ... 44.25 23.20 StratusProp STRS ... dd 39.59 –2.41 ...
4.06 0.65 MustangBio MBIO ... dd .66 –0.08 ... 47.58 37.31 OriginBancorp OBNK 1.6 9 38.31 +0.63 .15 11.95 1.98 PumaBiotech PBYI ... dd 1.99 –0.38 ... 10.55 9.87 SanabyHlthIA SANB ... ... 10.03 ... ... 35.80 3.04 StrongholdDig SDIG ... dd 3.10 –0.80 ...
22.00 8.00 Mynaric MYNA ... dd 9.15 –1.34 ... 22.99 16.04 OrthoClinical OCDX ... dd 17.36 –0.25 ... 59.92 18.90 PureTechHealth PRTC ... dd 21.49 +0.89 ... 200.00 155.34 SandersonFarms SAFM .9 7 188.50 –0.87 .44 28.00 21.00 SummitFin SMMF 2.7 8 26.92 –0.33 .18
36.95 20.26 MyriadGenetics MYGN ... dd 21.49 +0.99 ... 44.98 27.44 OrthofixIntl OFIX ... dd 28.50 –2.50 ... 33.22 3.62 PurpleInnovation PRPL ... dd 3.74 –0.38 ... 52.04 38.56 SandySpringBncp SASR 3.5 9 39.11 –0.16 .34 20.00 11.83 SummitStateBk SSBI 3.0 7 15.75 –0.14 .12
73.91 41.35 OrthoPediatrics KIDS ... dd 42.95 –2.13 ... 7.80 4.10 Puyi PUYI ... dd 6.12 +0.92 ... 94.97 72.64 Sanfilippo JBSS .9 15 74.21 –3.43 2.30 8.70 1.11 SummitTherap SMMT ... dd 1.12 –0.47 ...
NO 10.05 1.15 OtonomoTech OTMO ... ... 1.31 –0.27 ... 19.00 2.15 PyxisOncology PYXS ... ... 2.27 –0.18 ... 12.83 3.87 SangamoTherap SGMO ... dd 4.14 –0.01 ... 23.48 8.47 SumoLogic SUMO ... dd 8.52 –0.86 ...
2.59 1.14 Otonomy OTIC ... dd 2.22 +0.02 ... 10.50 0.69 Q&K Intl QK ... dd .86 +0.08 ... 25.55 ... SangomaTechs SANG ... dd 10.62 –1.03 ... 42.47 20.55 SunCountryAir SNCY ... 19 25.38 –2.13 ...
26.00 15.33 Napco Security NSSC ... 34 16.55 –0.95 ... 71.89 45.85 OtterTail OTTR 2.6 15 62.32 +4.36.4125 62.34 44.75 QCR Holdings QCRH .5 8 52.58 –1.71 .06 44.26 35.06 Sanmina SANM ... 10 40.79 –0.10 ... 13.72 4.22 SunOpta STKL ... dd 5.52 +0.03 ...
42.33 32.66 NBT Bancorp NBTB 3.1 10 35.93 +0.73 .28 20.99 8.82 Outbrain OB ... cc 8.91 –0.09 ... 4.99 1.49 QilianIntl QLI ... 19 1.68 –0.13 ... 58.10 46.93 Sanofi SNY ... 18 51.40 –0.85 ... 34.61 14.00 SunPower SPWR ... dd 16.90 +0.39 ...
30.13 10.91 NGM Biopharm NGM ... dd 11.29 –1.19 ... 60.33 27.50 OutsetMedical OM ... dd 27.73 –7.15 ... 201.46 104.37 Qorvo QRVO ... 12 107.12 –6.66 ... 38.32 22.16 SapiensInt SPNS 3.9 28 23.89 +0.65 .47 60.60 18.61 SunRun RUN ... dd 23.41 +3.43 ...
319.88 188.03 NICE NICE ... 67 194.29 –12.12 ... 111.28 29.67 Overstock OSTK ... 15 34.95 +1.39 ... 193.58 122.17 Qualcomm QCOM 2.1 14 140.58 +0.89 .75 11.80 4.00 SarcosTech&Robotic STRC ... dd 4.12 –0.58 ... 58.34 32.88 SuperMicroComp SMCI ... 22 51.21 +9.11 ...
27.25 18.15 NMI Holdings NMIH ... 7 18.58 +0.20 ... 4.80 2.60 OvidTherap OVID ... 2 2.82 +0.07 ... 49.03 17.01 QualtricsIntl XM ... dd 17.97 –0.57 ... 101.24 61.31 SareptaTherap SRPT ... dd 70.16 –2.16 ... 27.26 15.06 SuperiorGroup SGC 3.1 8 15.44 –0.46 .12
9.62 2.28 NN NNBR ... dd 3.15 +0.12 ... 8.53 6.49 OxfordLane OXLC 13.1 2 6.85 +0.01 .075 150.10 95.00 Qualys QLYS ... 67 119.32 –16.96 ... 7.48 3.40 SatsumaPharm STSA ... dd 3.66 –0.23 ... 34.50 23.15 SupernusPharms SUPN ... 28 27.48 –0.42 ...
48.80 1.48 NRX Pharm NRXP ... dd 1.51 –0.05 ... 5.22 3.68 OxfordSquare OXSQ10.3 21 4.09 +0.16 .035 69.22 21.13 Quanterix QTRX ... dd 22.55 +0.36 ... 1.91 1.02 Savara SVRA ... dd 1.15 –0.03 ... 9.57 1.93 SurfaceOncol SURF ... dd 2.09 –0.03 ...
239.91 164.75 NXP Semi NXPI 1.9 22 177.58 +6.68 .845 21.01 5.84 OysterPtPharma OYST ... dd 5.92 –0.46 ... 9.38 1.75 Quantum QMCO ... dd 1.77 –0.10 ... 40.83 24.89 ScanSource SCSC ... 11 34.37 +0.13 ... 1.98 0.18 Surgalign SRGA ... dd .18 –0.01 ...
2.32 0.26 NabrivaTherap NBRV ... dd .26 –0.05 ... 14.17 3.72 Quantum-Si QSI ... dd 3.96 –0.42 ... 59.70 35.34 SchnitzerSteel SCHN 1.9 6 39.77 –5.86.1875 69.58 37.63 SurgeryPartners SGRY ... dd 51.62 +0.46 ...
34.50 8.23 NanoXImaging NNOX ... dd 9.21 +0.02 ... PQ 5.11 0.42 Quhuo QH ... dd .44 –0.08 ... 44.95 5.98 ScholarRock SRRK ... dd 6.22 –0.85 ... 62.27 34.28 Surmodics SRDX ... dd 34.89 –3.77 ...
18.00 5.59 Nanobiotix NBTX ... dd 5.81 –0.10 ... 180.06 88.37 Quidel QDEL ... 4 98.29 –2.33 ... 43.71 30.54 Scholastic SCHL 1.7 36 35.17 –1.68 .15 23.70 5.62 SutroBioph STRO ... dd 5.72 –0.29 ...
70.40 16.93 NanoStringTech NSTG ... dd 17.20 –1.58 ... 40.89 12.94 PAM Transport PTSI ... 8 31.13 +0.74 ... 21.00 8.28 QuinStreet QNST ... 86 9.49 –0.02 ... 79.75 22.39 Schrodinger SDGR ... dd 25.03 +0.31 ... 11.37 9.67 SwiftmergeA IVCP ... ... 9.85 +0.01 ...
2.87 0.67 NantHealth NH ... dd .67 –0.03 ... 7.45 5.22 P&FIndustries PFIN ... 8 5.92 +0.12 ... 4.53 0.50 Quotient QTNT ... dd .52 –0.06 ... 16.80 9.67 SchultzeSpecII A SAMA ... dd 9.90 +0.06 ... 11.40 4.17 Swvl SWVL ... dd 7.47 –1.12 ...
214.96 150.57 Nasdaq NDAQ 1.6 22 152.29 –5.08 .60 26.04 15.04 PCB Bancorp PCB 2.9 8 20.99 –0.36 .15 16.00 4.15 QurateRetailB QRTEB .0 6 4.50 –0.50 1.25 15.10 3.41 Science37 SNCE ... dd 3.54 –0.37 ... 19.20 9.15 Synalloy SYNL ... 7 15.50 –0.89 ...
129.09 26.10 Natera NTRA ... dd 36.08 +0.96 ... 54.79 40.08 PCConnection CNXN .0 18 48.13 –1.36 1.00 14.62 2.90 QurateRetailA QRTEA .0 5 3.65 –0.56 1.25 22.29 10.75 SciPlay SCPL ... 16 12.51 –0.85 ... 299.39 114.05 Synaptics SYNA ... 45 159.98 +11.54 ...
78.89 45.50 Nathan's NATH 3.7 15 48.38 +1.01 .45 7.15 4.11 PCTEL PCTI 5.3 cc 4.14 –0.12 .055 22.79 0.88 Qutoutiao QTT ... dd .97 –0.04 ... 19.95 0.46 ScopusBio SCPS ... dd .47 –0.01 ... 3.99 1.15 Synchronoss SNCR ... dd 1.23 –0.05 ...
64.67 38.10 NationalBeverage FIZZ .0 26 45.67 +1.59 3.00 79.39 34.52 PDC Energy PDCE 1.4 14 73.20 +3.46 .25 7.28 3.48 scPharm SCPH ... dd 5.12 +0.15 ... 22.71 13.58 SyndaxPharm SNDX ... 35 16.08 –0.69 ...
5.37 2.06 NatlCineMedia NCMI 9.6 dd 2.08 –0.13 .05 33.78 16.70 PDF Solutions PDFS ... dd 23.59 +0.34 ... R 9.88 9.45 ScreamingEagleA SCRM ... ... 9.72 –0.09 ... 104.18 66.77 SyneosHealth SYNH ... 32 73.79 +0.70 ...
45.98 33.19 NatlInstruments NATI 3.3 42 34.45 –1.69 .28 55.50 8.16 PLBY Group PLBY ... dd 8.51 –0.33 ... 23.61 16.00 ScrippsEW SSP ... 21 16.39 –0.07 ... 4.54 1.38 Synlogic SYBX ... dd 1.40 –0.30 ...
55.67 30.93 NatlResearch NRC 2.9 23 33.32 –0.98 .24 37.32 12.60 PMV Pharm PMVP ... dd 12.76 –1.73 ... 43.26 11.76 RaptTherap RAPT ... dd 11.81 –3.32 ... 3.44 0.66 SeaChange SEAC ... dd .93 –0.16 ... 377.60 225.02 Synopsys SNPS ... 48 274.71 –12.08 ...
16.48 8.91 NatlSecurity NSEC 1.5 71 16.25 –0.10 .06 51.00 36.82 PRA Group PRAA ... 10 41.83 –0.20 ... 29.09 20.68 RBB Bancorp RBB 2.6 7 21.52 +0.13 .14 39.31 29.28 SeacoastBkgFL SBCF 2.0 18 33.91 +1.41 .17 4.37 1.82 SyprisSolutions SYPR ... 19 2.28 +0.14 ...
65.92 34.70 NationalVision EYE ... 26 35.46 –2.19 ... 47.73 15.38 ProceptBio PRCT ... ... 35.31 –0.25 ... 250.52 163.81 RBC Bearings ROLL ... 81 167.19 –1.16 ... 117.67 78.20 Seagate STX 3.4 10 82.62 +0.58 .70 7.03 0.78 SyrosPharm SYRS ... dd 1.01 +0.17 ...
260.00 194.75 NatlWesternLife NWLI .2 4 198.99 +0.23 .36 153.73 96.55 PTC PTC ... 27 110.41 –3.80 ... 94.33 55.33 RCI Hospitality RICK .3 18 62.12 +0.16 .05 192.79 117.46 Seagen SGEN ... dd 123.44 –7.57 ...
19.93 8.42 NaturalAlt NAII ... 6 9.07 –0.72 ... 45.80 32.45 PTC Therap PTCT ... dd 33.34 –1.99 ... 20.48 3.26 RCM Tech RCMT ... 13 19.76 +2.28 ... 10.14 9.72 SeaportCalibreMatl SCMA ... 79 9.96 ... ... T
33.93 20.90 NatusMedical NTUS ... 85 32.95 –0.32 ... 97.56 77.96 Paccar PCAR 1.6 15 84.50 +1.45 .34 11.66 1.66 REE Automotive REE ... dd 1.80 –0.05 ... 10.50 9.90 SeaportGlblAcqnII SGIIU ... ... 10.05 –0.04 ...
12.38 3.36 NautilusBiotech NAUT ... dd 4.21 –0.46 ... 36.36 5.70 PacBiosciCA PACB ... dd 6.12 –0.22 ... 46.46 22.03 REGENXBIO RGNX ... 8 22.23 –5.53 ... 11.00 9.67 SeaportGlblAcqnII SGII ... ... 9.97 +0.03 ... 20.94 2.10 TCR2 Therap TCRR ... dd 2.44 +0.31 ...
23.80 15.61 Navient NAVI 3.9 4 16.22 +0.33 .16 47.46 30.81 PacificPremBncp PPBI 4.1 9 32.22 +0.86 .33 9.89 9.86 RF Acqn A RFAC ... ... 9.87 ... ... 22.24 8.56 SeaSpine SPNE ... dd 8.64 –0.67 ... 16.53 8.82 TelaBio TELA ... dd 9.40 +0.14 ...
22.19 6.65 NavitasSemi NVTS ... dd 6.94 +0.08 ... 82.16 45.05 PaciraBioSci PCRX ... 69 62.99 –11.58 ... 0.20 0.12 RF Acqn Rt RFACR ... ... .12 –0.02 ... 2.63 0.29 SecooHolding SECO ... ... .32 –0.02 ... 12.28 4.37 TFF Pharm TFFP ... dd 4.50 –0.57 ...
79.43 31.01 nCino NCNO ... dd 32.31 –5.18 ... 16.49 8.71 PactivEvergreen PTVE 3.6 85 11.00 +1.14 .10 9.63 6.10 RF Industries RFIL ... 10 6.40 –0.22 ... 26.89 10.05 SecureWorks SCWX ... dd 10.55 –0.49 ... 22.54 13.96 TFS Fin TFSL 8.1 61 14.03 –0.96.2825
9.93 6.83 NecessityRetail RTL 11.7 dd 7.28 –0.19.2125 51.81 31.88 PacWestBancorp PACW 3.1 7 32.36 –0.53 .25 26.02 20.05 RGC Resources RGCO 3.7 19 20.94 +0.20 .195 10.46 7.34 SecurityNatFin SNFCA ... 5 8.74 –1.23 ... 10.42 9.78 TGVentureAcqn TGVC ... dd 9.96 +0.04 ...
20.25 3.78 NektarTherap NKTR ... dd 4.35 +0.22 ... 640.90 322.23 PaloAltoNtwks PANW ... dd 504.87 –56.41 ... 3.84 0.42 RISE Education REDU ... dd 1.14 –0.15 ... 45.85 7.08 Seer SEER ... dd 9.29 +2.01 ... 11.04 9.77 TKBCriticalTech1 USCT ... ... 10.02 ... ...
73.54 10.69 NeoGames NGMS ... 78 13.23 +0.16 ... 97.18 44.01 Palomar PLMR ... 30 52.48 –1.97 ... 10.00 9.82 ROC Energy ROC ... ... 9.96 +0.02 ... 5.28 0.69 SelectaBiosci SELB ... dd .86 +0.09 ... 10.05 9.67 TLGY Acqn A TLGY ... ... 9.98 –0.03 ...
47.91 26.11 Neogen NEOG ... 61 27.80 +1.40 ... 36.14 20.74 PanAmerSilver PAAS 2.0 53 24.34 –0.43 .12 0.35 0.15 ROC Energy Rt ROCAR ... ... .16 –0.05 ... 94.35 73.21 SelectiveIns SIGI 1.4 12 81.11 –1.25 .28 15.39 1.15 TMCthemetals TMC ... 12 1.47 –0.07 ...
11.86 1.17 NeoleukinTherap NLTX ... dd 1.23 +0.01 ... 140.68 86.37 PapaJohn's PZZA 1.6 dd 87.36 –3.69 .35 27.86 18.71 R1RCM RCM ... dd 20.99 –1.53 ... 15.21 2.10 Sema4 SMFR ... dd 2.45 +0.30 ... 150.20 101.51 T-MobileUS TMUS ... 57 126.80 +3.66 ...
34.44 7.63 NerdWallet NRDS ... dd 8.20 –1.70 ... 10.01 9.86 PapayaGrowthI A PPYA ... ... 10.01 +0.05 ... 4.85 0.98 RVL Pharm RVLP ... dd 1.30 –0.07 ... 10.38 9.75 SemperParatusA LGST ... ... 10.03 +0.01 ... 35.40 25.03 TPG TPG ... ... 25.89 +0.49 ...
6.97 3.84 Net1UEPS UEPS ... dd 4.78 –0.16 ... 51.19 29.94 ParamountA PARAA 3.2 5 30.21 –1.34 .24 24.33 7.28 RackspaceTech RXT ... dd 9.79 –0.10 ... 94.92 57.97 Semtech SMTC ... 32 61.51 +1.91 ... 51.79 9.23 TPIComposites TPIC ... dd 12.26 +0.82 ...
96.82 72.04 NetApp NTAP 2.7 17 72.99 –0.26 .50 47.46 27.25 ParamountB PARA 3.4 5 27.91 –1.21 .24 18.79 11.70 RadiusGlbInfr RADI ... dd 14.71 +2.29 ... 56.90 41.54 SenecaFoods A SENEA ... 8 50.95 –3.30 ... 224.56 122.22 TRowePrice TROW 3.8 10 125.83 +2.79 1.20
120.84 68.62 NetEase NTES 1.3 23 88.41 –6.92 .405 11.24 2.03 ParatekPharma PRTK ... dd 2.08 –0.13 ...
44 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


Global Stock Markets

52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
113.37 63.62 TTEC TTEC 1.5 22 64.10 –9.71 .50 17.99 4.47 Vaccitech VACC ... ... 5.07 –0.31 ...
15.89 9.76 TTM Tech TTMI ... 29 14.52 +0.57 ... 10.17 9.85 VahannaTechI A VHNA ... ... 9.99 ... ...
1.48 0.30 T2Biosystems TTOO ... dd .30 –0.07 ... 15.10 11.66 ValleyNatlBncp VLY 3.7 11 11.95 –0.03 .11 In Local Currencies In U.S. Dollars1
11.44 4.15 Taboola TBLA ... dd 4.27 –0.04 ... 67.84 24.12 Valneva VALN ... ... 25.16 –0.87 ...
53.38 2.77 TabulaRasaHlth TRHC ... dd 4.10 +0.73 ... 10.05 10.02 ValuenceI A VMCA ... ... 10.05 ... ... Index % Chg. 5/06 52-wk Range % Chg. 5/06 52-wk Range
58.49 12.64 TactileSystems TCMD ... dd 13.01 –3.87 ... 21.86 9.24 VandaPharm VNDA ... 16 9.60 –0.32 ...
195.83 113.45 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO ... 25 114.27 –5.24 ... 32.65 18.90 VarexImaging VREX ... 36 21.63 +1.78 ...
19.82 6.17 TalarisTherap TALS ... dd 7.10 +0.04 ... 73.46 32.11 VaronisSystems VRNS ... dd 34.50 –8.70 ... The World –1.0 2152.7 2477.0– 2148.1 –1.2 2762.2 3248.1– 2762.2
12.88 0.96 TalisBiomed TLIS ... dd 1.09 +0.04 ... 3.04 1.10 VascularBiogenics VBLT ... dd 1.54 –0.09 ...
10.01 1.20 Talkspace TALK ... dd 1.30 –0.04 ... 9.19 2.20 VastaPlatform VSTA ... dd 4.78 –0.53 ... E.A.F.E.2 –2.5 1247.4 1383.0– 1184.5 –3.0 1972.8 2404.8– 1972.8
10.11 9.87 Talon1AcqnA TOAC ... ... 10.07 +0.01 ... 27.44 15.51 Vaxcyte PCVX ... dd 24.27 +0.06 ...
155.86 74.39 TandemDiabetes TNDM ... cc 76.00 –20.48 ... 22.77 3.04 Vaxxinity VAXX ... dd 5.51 –1.44 ... Australia –2.8 1421.0 1494.6– 1331.5 –2.9 901.2 1005.8– 838.5
18.84 6.06 TangoTherap TNGX ... dd 6.10 –1.26 ... 16.75 2.74 VectivBio VECT ... dd 5.09 +0.59 ... Austria –5.2 557.0 776.9– 507.6 –4.9 1113.7 1683.3– 1043.0
19.20 1.46 TarenaIntl TEDU ... dd 2.28 +0.13 ... 32.40 20.39 VeecoInstr VECO ... 49 23.51 +0.59 ...
10.03 9.73 TargetGlbl I A TGAA ... ... 9.95 +0.03 ... 12.79 1.64 VelodyneLidar VLDR ... dd 1.77 –0.11 ... Belgium –2.5 931.3 1027.7– 848.9 –2.2 1221.6 1543.7– 1144.5
39.08 10.93 TarsusPharm TARS ... dd 11.08 –7.23 ... 26.00 9.50 VentyxBiosciences VTYX ... ... 16.34 +1.81 ...
85.49 24.55 TaskUs TASK ... dd 25.73 –3.16 ... 3.37 0.75 VenusConcept VERO ... dd .78 –0.05 ... Canada –0.3 2593.6 2778.1– 2401.5 –1.1 2177.7 2410.4– 2098.3
10.44 5.00 TatTechnologies TATT ... dd 5.75 –0.21 ... 13.62 5.92 VeraBradley VRA ... 12 6.14 –0.01 ...
26.99 3.57 TayshaGene TSHA ... dd 3.65 –0.01 ... 37.11 11.30 VeraTherap VERA ... dd 18.51 –1.49 ... Denmark –5.2 14328.3 15982.8– 12721.4 –4.9 15287.8 18519.0– 14975.8
10.01 9.89 Tech&TelecomA TETE ... ... 10.01 +0.02 ... 54.13 17.59 Veracyte VCYT ... dd 18.44 –2.03 ...
111.44 60.70 TechTarget TTGT ... dd 62.13 –5.18 ... 4.93 1.04 Verastem VSTM ... dd 1.26 –0.16 ... Finland –2.9 765.3 918.0– 691.8 –2.6 537.3 721.3– 499.1
14.01 7.57 Ericsson ERIC 2.1 10 7.71 –0.25.0894 56.39 41.46 VerintSystems VRNT ... dd 52.60 –1.96 ...
48.35 11.01 Telesat TSAT ... ... 13.10 +1.86 ... 257.03 170.42 VeriSign VRSN ... 24 172.05 –6.64 ... France –4.1 2244.9 2627.0– 2128.9 –3.8 2008.1 2517.2– 1957.3
36.92 7.30 Telos TLS ... dd 7.41 –0.38 ... 231.57 167.37 VeriskAnalytics VRSK .7 30 185.42 –18.63 .31
208.99 45.32 10xGenomics TXG ... dd 51.19 +3.43 ... 45.36 27.28 Veritex VBTX 2.4 12 33.00 +0.15 .20 Germany –4.6 921.4 1160.9– 900.2 –4.3 1824.2 2580.5– 1824.2
63.61 35.93 Tenable TENB ... dd 48.47 –6.76 ... 37.14 8.99 Veritone VERI ... dd 9.06 –1.77 ...
32.00 7.09 TenayaTherap TNYA ... dd 7.27 –1.95 ... 7.87 3.66 VeronaPharma VRNA ... dd 3.95 –0.23 ... Greece –6.2 44.7 50.6– 40.9 –5.9 17.5 21.4– 16.5
168.91 102.51 Teradyne TER .4 20 105.92 +0.46 .11 14.79 6.10 VerricaPharm VRCA ... dd 6.14 –0.43 ... Hong Kong –2.4 14515.9 19113.3– 14237.8 –2.4 10275.2 13676.0– 10106.5
19.97 1.50 TernsPharm TERN ... dd 1.57 –0.03 ... 14.30 9.61 VersaBank VBNK .8 13 9.61 –0.61.0199
26.81 21.52 TerritBanc TBNK 4.2 12 21.74 –0.97 .23 22.88 12.21 Vertex VERX ... dd 13.05 –1.18 ... Ireland –3.7 234.1 310.7– 222.4 –3.4 189.0 280.7– 184.5
1243.49 546.98 Tesla TSLA ... cc 865.65 –5.11 ... 292.75 176.36 VertxPharm VRTX ... 28 253.93 –19.29 ...
8.32 5.08 TesscoTech TESS ... dd 6.20 +0.22 ... 78.00 12.70 VerveTherap VERV ... dd 13.19 –1.73 ... Italy –3.3 740.2 887.5– 700.7 –3.0 252.9 325.1– 246.0
192.91 116.01 TetraTech TTEK .7 28 129.56 –9.72 .23 12.35 7.10 ViaRenewables VIA 9.6 dd 7.53 +0.39.1813
71.68 51.07 TexasCapBcshs TCBI ... 14 53.96 +2.60 ... 36.46 5.17 ViantTech DSP ... dd 5.48 –0.40 ... Japan 0.9 1177.8 1294.8– 1076.6 0.2 3256.9 4257.8– 3213.1
202.26 160.50 TexasInstruments TXN 2.7 19 167.45 –2.80 1.15 68.76 36.20 ViaSat VSAT ... cc 39.14 +2.33 ...
105.43 69.54 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 2.2 24 83.91 +1.58 .46 16.29 9.66 Viatris VTRS 4.8 dd 9.95 –0.38 .12 Netherlands –5.2 2190.3 3087.5– 2151.3 –4.9 3805.9 5880.4– 3805.9
33.36 20.01 TheBancorp TBBK ... 11 20.45 –2.24 ... 18.14 14.02 ViaviSolutions VIAV ... dd 14.42 +0.08 ...
1.39 0.15 TherapeuticsMD TXMD ... dd .15 –0.05 ... 164.76 55.72 Vicor VICR ... 61 63.46 +2.94 ... New Zealand –1.2 143.6 178.7– 142.9 –2.0 140.4 197.4– 139.7
20.00 6.10 TheravanceBio TBPH ... dd 9.32 –0.33 ... 43.09 25.49 VictoryCapital VCTR 2.6 7 26.56 –0.43 .25
24.54 7.21 TheseusPharm THRX ... ... 7.85 –0.32 ... 17.24 9.04 VidlerWater VWTR ... 9 15.68 –0.06 ... Norway –1.2 3601.8 3827.2– 3081.0 –2.4 2728.8 3119.2– 2534.9
30.50 22.01 ThirdCoastBcshs TCBX ... 23 23.21 +0.54 ... 9.89 1.25 View VIEW ... ... 1.56 +0.02 ...
3.07 0.50 36Kr KRKR ... dd .79 –0.11 ... 8.25 2.41 ViewRay VRAY ... dd 2.74 +0.07 ... Portugal3 –2.7 103.9 112.4– 92.0 –2.4 72.0 83.6– 68.2
10.13 4.17 ThorneHealthtech THRN ... cc 6.34 –0.36 ... 18.27 3.03 VigilNeurosci VIGL ... ... 3.10 –0.29 ...
7.20 2.15 VikingTherap VKTX ... dd 2.33 –0.05 ... Singapore –3.0 1407.8 1738.7– 1379.0 –3.2 3138.7 3972.5– 3108.2
34.43 16.95 Thoughtworks TWKS ... dd 17.49 –1.02 ...
31.86 5.75 ThredUp TDUP ... dd 6.26 –0.33 ... 25.79 21.25 VillageSuper A VLGEA 4.4 11 22.75 –0.44 .25 Spain –2.8 825.7 905.5– 756.0 –2.5 367.6 461.9– 345.9
45.00 11.15 360DigiTech QFIN 4.0 2 13.12 –1.31 .26 58.00 9.15 Vimeo VMEO ... dd 10.01 –0.18 ...
12.97 9.83 ThriveAcqnA THAC ... ... 10.03 –0.02 ... 16.00 9.65 VinciPartners VINP 5.6 17 11.84 +0.19 .20 Sweden –5.5 15625.2 20138.9– 15625.2 –6.6 8163.3 11695.4– 8163.3
16.84 9.55 ThunderBridgeIV A THCP ... dd 9.81 –0.06 ... 13.48 7.60 VintageWineEstates VWE ... dd 9.48 –0.85 ...
23.04 4.58 TilrayBrands TLRY ... dd 4.74 –0.24 ... 9.50 1.14 ViomiTech VIOT ... 8 1.51 –0.07 ... Switzerland –3.3 1552.2 1731.5– 1464.9 –4.7 6768.0 8117.6– 6768.0
30.11 25.64 TimberlandBncp TSBK 3.4 9 26.20 –0.21 .22 58.00 19.44 VirBiotech VIR ... 6 21.58 +1.23 ...
38.58 23.08 TitanMachinery TITN ... 8 23.79 +0.21 ... 13.08 2.18 ViractaTherap VIRX ... dd 2.45 –0.10 ... U.K. –1.9 2125.9 2204.5– 1927.6 –3.5 1094.3 1235.7– 1090.8
32.89 21.25 TivityHealth TVTY ... 15 32.00 –0.13 ... 4.17 2.63 VircoMfg VIRC ... dd 2.86 +0.08 ...
2.81 0.53 TizianaLife TLSA ... dd .86 –0.16 ... 11.28 5.00 VirginOrbit VORB ... dd 5.36 –0.74 ... U.S.A. –0.5 3923.9 4621.2– 3923.9 –0.5 3923.9 4621.2– 3923.9
10.93 6.17 Torm TRMD ... dd 10.57 +0.80 ... 38.63 23.19 VirtuFinancial VIRT 3.5 9 27.56 –1.32 .24
49.13 24.81 TowerSemi TSEM ... 35 48.40 +0.10 ... 338.80 170.00 VirtusInvtPtrs VRTS 3.4 7 174.78 –2.38 1.50 Base Jan. 1, 1970=100 1Adjusted for foreign exchange fluctuations relative to the U.S. $. 2Europe, Australasia, Far East Index. 3Base: Jan. 1, 1988=100.
34.79 27.28 TowneBank TOWN 2.8 11 28.18 +0.61 .20 9.95 9.78 ViscogliosiBros VBOC ... ... 9.93 +0.03 ... Source: Morgan Stanley Capital International Perspective, Geneva.
241.54 170.82 TractorSupply TSCO 1.8 23 202.56 +1.11 .92 10.04 9.73 VisionSensingA VSAC ... ... 10.02 +0.01 ...
114.09 46.71 TradeDesk TTD ... 71 48.92 –10.00 ... 134.57 88.82 Visteon VC ... 64 104.84 +0.13 ...
18.61 7.51 VitaCoco COCO ... ... 10.84 –0.02 ...
–7.32 .08
–0.68 ...
–0.38 ...
+0.02 ...
+1.05 ...
–0.73 ...
–0.54 .23
Europe Asia
35.37 10.00 TransMedics TMDX ... dd 27.59 +6.63 ... 20.36 14.53 Vodafone VOD 6.7 dd 15.03 –0.16.5056 Inflated Risks: To fight inflation, the Bank of England raised Booster: Covid wasn’t the only cause of worry for China’s
64.58 24.54 TravelCenters TA ... 9 36.94 –1.07 ... 20.92 12.15 Vonage VG ... dd 19.37 –0.59 ...
18.47 5.20 Travelzoo TZOO ... 18 6.80 –0.10 ... 26.03 5.01 VorBiopharma VOR ... dd 5.07 –0.66 ... rates to a 13-year high. It says recession is a possibility. economy. Beijing vowed to support the country’s stocks.
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31.65 12.75 TravereTherap TVTX ... dd 22.24 –2.89 ... 10.60 2.46 VoyagerTherap VYGR ... dd 6.21 –1.12 ...
37.17 15.00 TreaceMed TMCI ... dd 16.32 –3.28 ... 46.30 1.27 Vroom VRM ... dd 1.35 –0.21 ...
18.23 3.19 TreanInsurance TIG ... 18 6.00 +0.98 ... WXYZ
23.76 10.96 TremorIntl TRMR ... 11 11.23 –0.42 ... -4.53% S&P Europe BMI -1.89% S&P Pan Asia BMI
3.73 0.46 TreviTherap TRVI ... dd 2.32 –0.38 ...
12.45 3.55 Tricida TCDA ... dd 7.99 –1.24 ... 7.55
–0.24 ...
–1.95 .78
-2.02 Norway Japan 0.86
48.96 37.41 TriCoBancshares TCBK 2.5 12 40.27 +2.72 .25
38.72 27.32 TriMas TRS .6 21 27.90 –1.64 .04 56.30 39.17 WSFS Financial WSFS 1.3 9 39.84 –0.23 .13 -2.38 U.K. Philippines 0.43
96.49 59.89 Trimble TRMB ... 33 64.08 –2.62 ... 16.79 15.00 WVS Financial WVFC 2.7 22 14.91 –0.37 .10
3.98 0.86 TrinityBiotech TRIB ... dd 1.27 +0.08 ... 41.13 8.83 WW Intl WW ... 10 9.83 +0.04 ... -2.79 Spain Indonesia 0.01
20.26 14.05 TrinityCapital TRIN 8.4 3 16.42 –0.39 .15 2.51 0.22 Waitr WTRH ... dd .22 –0.05 ...
55.96 41.80 WalgreensBoots WBA 4.3 6 43.99 +1.59.4775
–2.35 ...
–2.80 ... 34.42 11.50 WalkMe WKME ... dd 14.44 –1.43 ... -3.35 Italy -1.02 Taiwan
34.87 18.36 TriStateCapital TSC ... 14 30.15 –0.06 ... 39.70 17.55 WarnerBrosA WBD ... 9 17.75 –0.40 ...
19.75 6.42 TritiumDCFC DCFC ... ... 8.00 –1.09 ... 50.23 27.88 WarnerMusic WMG 2.1 39 29.14 –0.63 .15 -3.41 Finland -1.65 South Korea
136.01 66.69 TriumphBancorp TBK ... 18 71.98 +2.54 ... 38.06 29.01 WashingtonFederal WAFD 3.1 11 31.15 +0.72 .24
4.17 1.76 trivago TRVG ... 54 1.78 –0.33 ... 60.96 46.35 WashTrBcp WASH 4.5 11 47.78 +0.84 .54 -3.46 Switzerland -2.29 Malaysia
6.22 3.00 TrueCar TRUE ... dd 3.69 +0.11 ... 22.74 15.70 WaterstoneFinl WSBF 4.9 7 16.39 +0.33 .20
158.25 61.05 Trupanion TRUP ... dd 63.82 +0.20 ... 36.69 23.76 WaysideTech WSTG 1.9 16 35.15 +0.90 .17 -3.59 Belgium -2.36 Thailand
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

41.47 29.78 TrustcoBank TRST 4.4 9 31.61 +0.46 .35 40.16 11.00 WeatherfordIntl WFRD ... dd 33.56 +1.28 ...
35.30 27.39 Trustmark TRMK 3.3 14 27.74 –0.14 .23 64.70
–2.33 ...
... ...
-4.05 France -2.55 Singapore
14.71 1.65 TScanTherap TCRX ... dd 1.80 –0.35 ... 9.92 9.72 WelsbachTech WTMA ... ... 9.91 ... ...
3.07 0.57 Tuniu TOUR ... dd .58 –0.10 ... 0.30 0.11 WelsbachTechRt WTMAR ... ... .13 –0.06 ...
-4.53 Germany -2.57 Hong Kong
83.06 23.77 TurningPtTherap TPTX ... dd 26.80 –2.64 ... 29.46 18.27 Wendy's WEN 2.5 21 18.43 –1.33 .125
38.70 14.32 TurtleBeach HEAR ... 17 16.62 –0.02 ... 21.67 3.51 WerewolfTherap HOWL ... dd 5.25 +0.80 ...
-4.56 Greece -3.26 New Zealand
79.84 8.41 TuSimple TSP ... dd 9.18 –1.20 ... 49.76 36.29 WernerEnterprises WERN 1.1 11 42.48 +2.85 .12
13.68 2.60 23andMe ME ... dd 2.78 –0.21 ... 39.87 30.21 WesBanco WSBC 4.2 10 32.62 +0.38 .34 -5.07 Netherlands -3.35 Australia
18.20 9.40 TwinDisc TWIN ... dd 13.58 –0.41 ... 34.50 24.33 WestBancorp WTBA 4.0 8 24.82 –0.18 .25
139.99 28.21 TwistBiosci TWST ... dd 31.39 +2.55 ... 64.91 53.24 WestamericaBncp WABC 2.9 18 57.92 –1.00 .42 -5.28 Denmark -4.40 India
64.00 11.43 2seventybio TSVT ... ... 13.10 –0.36 ... 78.19 43.85 WesternDigital WDC ... 10 59.45 +6.38 ...
46.52 8.63 2U TWOU ... dd 10.39 +0.41 ... 9.98 7.72 WestNewEngBncp WNEB 2.9 8 8.30 –0.29 .06 -5.81 Sweden -5.01 China
31.36 6.25 TyraBiosciences TYRA ... dd 8.95 +1.48 ... 6.81 1.13 WestportFuelSys WPRT ... 14 1.19 ... ...
UV 29.24 20.39 WeycoGroup WEYS 3.8 12 25.40 +0.79 .24 Indexes based on S&P Global Broad Market Indices Source: S&P DJ Indices
43.22 25.22 Willdan WLDN ... dd 26.88 ... ...
46.88 30.47 WillisLease WLFC ... dd 31.61 +0.51 ...
94.80 67.50 UFP Inds UFPI 1.3 8 78.49 +1.12 .25 271.87 199.78 WillisTowers WTW 1.5 7 212.50 –2.36 .82
USA Truck
USCB Financial
US Lime&Min

–0.10 ...
–7.74 .17
+3.13 .70
Key Foreign Stock Market Indexes
105.56 65.66 WintrustFin WTFC 1.6 12 86.20 –1.12 .34 Most Recent Week’s Year-to-Date Most Recent Week’s Year-to-Date
10.31 9.72 UTA Acqn A UTAA ... ... 9.96 –0.10 ... 7.38 5.08 WisdomTreeInvs WETF 2.2 47 5.54 –0.29 .03
13.90 0.95 uCloudlink UCL ... dd 1.03 –0.08 ... 9.37 1.61 WISeKey WKEY ... dd 1.70 –0.05 ... Close %Chg. Chg. % Chg. Close %Chg. Chg. % Chg.
32.62 9.66 Udemy UDMY ... ... 12.54 +1.63 ... 309.00 68.36 WIX ... dd 71.95 –3.51 ... Amsterdam AEX 682.19 –4.05 –115.74 –14.50 Milan FTSE All Share 25948 –2.13 –3992.99 –13.34
438.63 299.77 UltaBeauty ULTA ... 22 389.43 –7.37 ... 130.75 100.00 Woodward WWD .7 35 104.25 –6.23 .19
60.84 29.89 UltraClean UCTT ... 12 32.97 +1.80 ... 307.81 185.56 Workday WDAY ... cc 189.46 –17.24 ... Athens General 866.75 –6.04 –26.59 –2.98 Moscow RTS 1088.02 +0.60 –507.74 –31.82
117.50 56.59 UltragenyxPharm RARE ... dd 57.54 –13.15 ... 265.75 131.94 WorldAcceptance WRLD ... 15 176.33 –12.38 ...
11.78 4.24 Ultralife ULBI ... dd 4.77 –0.17 ... 9.91 9.70 WorldwideWebbA WWAC ... dd 9.88 ... ... Bangkok SET 1629.58 –2.27 –28.04 –1.69 Oslo Composite 1374.52 –1.31 +66.83 +5.11
22.06 16.44 Umpqua UMPQ 4.9 9 17.17 +0.63 .21 136.83 65.37 WynnResorts WYNN ... dd 66.30 –4.18 ...
5.17 2.53 UnicoAmerican UNAM ... dd 2.97 +0.18 ... 39.02 17.86 XOMA XOMA ... cc 19.12 –0.11 ... Bombay Sensex 54835 –3.90 –3418.24 –5.87 Paris CAC 6258.36 –4.22 –894.67 –12.51
37.99 28.61 UnionBankshares UNB 4.7 10 29.65 –0.85 .35 53.08 19.20 XP XP ... 17 20.14 –4.47 ...
38.80 14.29 uniQure QURE ... 2 14.64 –0.30 ... 18.46 6.83 XBiotech XBIT .0 dd 6.96 –0.80 2.50 Brussels Bel-20 4021.28 –2.07 –288.87 –6.70 Santiago Selective 3046.56 +1.09 +240.39 +8.57
60.59 30.54 UnitedAirlines UAL ... dd 47.52 –2.98 ... 3.25 0.95 XcelBrands XELB ... dd 1.31 +0.10 ...
37.71 26.00 UnitedBancshares UBOH 2.6 8 32.51 –1.38 .21 76.05 61.16 XcelEnergy XEL 2.7 24 73.08 –0.18.4875 Buenos Aires Merval 86507 –1.98 +3007.11 +3.60 Sao Paulo Bovespa 105134 –2.54 +312.29 +0.30
42.50 31.74 UnitedBkshrsWV UBSI 4.2 13 34.62 +1.36 .36 43.61 24.30 Xencor XNCR ... 19 25.76 +0.78 ...
39.32 27.62 UtdCmtyBks UCBI 2.8 12 30.10 –0.04 .21 36.42 14.65 XenonPharms XENE ... dd 27.23 –1.04 ... Copenhagen OMX 20 1693.29 –5.22 –170.70 –9.16 Seoul Composite 2644.51 –1.88 –333.14 –11.19
33.31 19.85 UnitedFire UFCS 2.0 10 30.30 +1.01 .15 4.98 1.77 XerisBiopharma XERS ... dd 2.09 –0.35 ... Dublin ISEQ 7156.47 –2.33 –1288.05 –15.25 Shanghai Composite 3001.56 –1.49 –638.21 –17.53
26.09 13.68 UnitedGuardian UG 6.6 19 19.63 –1.92 .65 25.53 16.07 Xerox XRX 5.7 dd 17.67 +0.27 .25
8.74 7.64 UnitedSecBcshrs UBFO 5.6 12 7.84 –0.19 .11 27.95 3.30 XilioTherap XLO ... dd 3.63 +0.10 ... EURO STOXX SXXE 407.65 –4.21 –71.19 –14.87 Shenzhen B Share Idx 1031.56 –1.24 –142.24 –12.12
218.38 158.38 UnitedTherap UTHR ... 18 184.09 +6.53 ... 97.57 32.11 Xometry XMTR ... dd 34.77 +1.95 ...
14.60 10.25 Uniti UNIT 5.3 23 11.40 –0.99 .15 10.08 1.92 Xos XOS ... 19 2.63 –0.38 ... EURO STOXX 50 SXSE 3629.17 –4.57 –669.24 –15.57 Singapore FTSE STI 3291.89 –1.94 +168.21 +5.38
31.37 21.32 UnityBancorp UNTY 1.6 8 28.25 –0.60 .11 22.81 15.18 Xperi XPER 1.3 dd 15.84 +0.24 .05
5.09 0.70 UnityBiotech UBX ... dd .85 –0.06 ... 5.58 1.12 Xunlei XNET ... 72 1.29 –0.10 ... Frankfurt DAX 13674 –3.00 –2210.57 –13.92 Stockholm OMXS 793.71 –6.13 –243.42 –23.47
237.00 125.00 UnivDisplay OLED .9 35 134.99 +7.26 .30 39.82 6.50 Y-mAbsTherap YMAB ... dd 8.86 +0.46 ...
57.78 27.01 UnivElectro UEIC ... 83 27.82 –1.68 ... 15.24 4.11 Yellow YELL ... dd 4.24 –0.24 ... Helsinki OMHX 10777 –3.27 –2084.55 –16.21 STOXX Europe 50 SXSP 3574.41 –4.07 –244.05 –6.39
27.04 15.86 UnivLogistics ULH 1.8 9 23.51 +3.23 .105 53.77 38.10 YorkWater YORW 2.0 30 38.98 +0.30.1949
12.47 7.50 UnivStainless USAP ... 36 8.22 –0.48 ... 2.10 0.50 Yunji YJ ... 11 1.06 –0.01 ... Hong Kong Hang Seng 20001 –5.16 –3395.71 –14.51 STOXX Europe 600 SXXP 429.91 –4.55 –57.89 –11.87
5.00 0.98 UniversePharm UPC ... 2 1.13 –0.06 ... 181.92 25.74 ZaiLab ZLAB ... dd 28.55 –11.41 ...
31.93 24.40 UnivestFin UVSP 3.3 9 25.10 –0.10 .21 34.30 10.68 ZealandPharma ZEAL ... dd 11.62 +0.34 ... Istanbul IMKB 2458.72 +1.16 +601.07 +32.36 Sydney S&P/ASX 200 7205.60 –3.09 –239.04 –3.21
29.93 2.68 UpFintech TIGR ... 43 3.68 –0.20 ... 615.00 333.37 ZebraTech ZBRA ... 23 342.59 –27.07 ...
44.33 12.91 UplandSoftware UPLD ... dd 13.84 –1.08 ... 87.19 21.18 ZentalisPharm ZNTL ... dd 22.30 –4.22 ... Jakarta Composite 7228.91 +0.05 +647.43 +9.84 Taipel Weighted 16408 –1.11 –1810.64 –9.94
401.49 71.09 Upstart UPST ... 60 83.89 +8.87 ... 135.00 82.22 ZiffDavis ZD ... 8 83.16 –5.20 ... Johannesburg All Share 67978 –6.16 –5731.25 –7.78 Tel Aviv 125 Index 2021.39 –3.15 –35.12 –1.71
64.49 17.85 Upwork UPWK ... dd 19.94 –1.03 ... 124.90 33.26 Zillow A ZG ... dd 37.37 –1.28 ...
42.10 23.02 UrbanOutfitters URBN ... 7 23.14 –0.66 ... 124.70 34.45 Zillow C Z ... dd 38.05 –1.77 ... Kuala Lumpur Composite 1564.34 –2.26 –3.18 –0.20 Tokyo Nikkei-225 27003 +0.58 –1788.15 –6.21
19.66 5.61 UroGenPharma URGN ... dd 6.21 –0.85 ... 9.90 9.58 ZimmerEnerA ZT ... dd 9.73 +0.01 ...
8.62 2.36 Usio USIO ... dd 2.42 –0.43 ... 50.40 21.19 ZimVie ZIMV ... ... 22.31 –0.19 ... LISBON PSI 4281.20 –2.21 +97.02 +2.32 Toronto S&P/TSX 20633 –0.62 –589.56 –2.78
133.87 81.01 UtahMedProducts UTMD 1.4 20 83.45 –1.14 .29 75.44 47.06 ZionsBancorp ZION 2.7 9 55.91 –0.60 .38
2.00 0.68 UTStarcom UTSI ... dd .71 –0.07 ... 406.48 94.01 ZoomVideo ZM ... 21 96.38 –3.19 ... London FTSE - 100 7387.94 –2.08 +3.40 +0.05 Vienna ATX 3120.26 –5.05 –740.80 –19.19
5.82 0.61 Uxin UXIN ... dd .66 –0.13 ... 79.17 37.86 ZoomInfoTech ZI ... cc 46.75 –0.65 ...
2.38 0.24 VEON VEON ... 3 .57 –0.11 ... 3.60 0.66 Zovio ZVO ... dd .71 –0.02 ... Madrid IBEX 35 8322.00 –3.05 –391.80 –4.50 Wellington S&P/NZX 50 11609 –2.31 –1424.39 –10.93
10.29 9.82 VMGConsumerA VMGA ... ... 9.96 +0.02 ... 376.11 157.03 Zscaler ZS ... dd 172.94 –29.80 ...
26.20 3.51 VNET VNET ... 12 6.20 +0.23 ... 55.10 34.65 Zumiez ZUMZ ... 7 35.56 –1.07 ... Manila Composite 6759.90 +0.43 –362.73 –5.09 Zurich Swiss 11730 –3.28 –1145.24 –8.89
17.76 7.06 VOXX Intl VOXX ... dd 7.12 –0.45 ... 46.05 1.52 Zymergen ZY ... dd 1.62 –0.06 ...
65.42 39.48 VSE VSEC 1.0 56 39.82 –3.49 .10 6.07 1.24 ZynerbaPharma ZYNE ... dd 1.25 –0.16 ... Mexico City IPC 49541 –3.65 –3730.63 –7.00 Indexes are based on local currencies. Because of various holidays and other market closings, the most
4.24 0.39 VyneTherap VYNE ... dd .41 –0.01 ... 16.26 4.97 Zynex ZYXI .0 13 6.24 –0.13 .10 recent close is not necessarily that of the week of publication.
11.00 5.40 Vacasa VCSA ... dd 6.48 –0.82 ... 11.25 5.57 Zynga ZNGA ... dd 8.08 –0.19 ...
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 45


Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
NOTICE TO READERS: Listed are Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
the top 500 ETF’s based on weekly iShGlbCleanEnergy ICLN 1.4 18.57 –0.27 .0123 DirexTechBull3 TECL ... 40.54 –1.34 ... InvscSrLoan BKLN 3.2 21.35 –0.21 .0594 iShMSCISweden EWD 7.5 33.96 –1.95 1.2041 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG .8 57.34 –0.51 .1146
volume. iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 4.8 89.35 –1.53 .364 Direx20+TreaBr3 TMV ... 109.35 +13.96 ... InvscSolar TAN ... 64.77 +0.54 ... iShMSCISwitz EWL 2.1 44.58 –1.82 .9149 SPDRS&P500HiDiv SPYD 3.6 43.83 +1.13 .6527
iShMBSETF MBB 1.0 97.03 –1.07 .1485 Direx20+YrTrBull TMF .3 12.38 –1.98 .0153 InvscTaxMuniBd BAB 3.1 27.68 –0.42 .0713 iShMSCITaiwan EWT 2.5 55.16 –0.75 1.7603 SPDRPtfS&P400MC SPMD 1.5 43.48 –0.31 .1449
Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 2.0 90.63 –1.10 .0713 DoubleLineShill DCPE ... 23.08 –0.51 ... InvscUltShtDur GSY .5 49.72 ... .0292 iShMSCIUSAESGSelct SUSA 1.2 88.31 –0.26 .292 SPDRPtfS&P600SC SPSM 1.5 38.64 –0.16 .0619
iShMSCIACWIxUS ACWX 3.2 47.66 –1.11 .0855 ETFMGPrmJrSilv SILJ .4 11.86 –0.43 .0449 InvscVarRtPfd VRP 4.7 23.38 –0.29 .0975 iShMSCIUSAMulti LRGF 1.3 41.31 –0.05 .1664 SPDRPtfSTCpBd SPSB 1.0 29.86 –0.02 .0339
Bats iShMSCIACxJpn AAXJ 2.7 68.61 –2.31 1.5458 ElemntsRogrAgri RJA ... 10.57 –0.08 ... iPathBloomCommTR DJP ... 39.12 +0.52 ... iShMSCIUK EWU 4.6 31.59 –0.71 .8757 SPDRShtTermTrea SPTS .3 29.48 –0.01 .0141
ARKGenomicRev ARKG .0 32.72 –1.28 .3824 iShMSCIChina MCHI 1.4 47.52 –2.94 .4775 EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 3.0 82.92 +7.77 .70 iPathShillerCape CAPD ... 20.37 –1.08 ... iShMSCIWorldETF URTH 1.7 116.34 –1.08 .0766 SPDR PtfTIPS SPIP 6.2 28.62 –0.74 .2352
AptusDefRisk DRSK .7 26.89 –0.11 .0128 iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 3.6 59.70 –2.00 .0641 FidelityMSCIEn FENY 2.6 22.51 +1.95 .167 iSh0-5YTIPSBd STIP 5.3 103.28 –0.96 .6869 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 1.9 105.80 –0.92 .1723 SPDR S&P400MidVl MDYV 1.8 65.77 +0.11 .2481
BlkRkShMaturityBd NEAR .7 49.45 –0.01 .036 iShMSCIEMxChina EMXC 2.0 53.30 –1.20 .0425 FidelityMSCIIT FTEC .8 107.32 –1.26 .209 iShCalifMuniBd CMF 1.7 55.85 –0.54 .0857 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF .7 239.94 –3.81 .4027 SPDR S&P600SCapVal SLYV 1.8 77.94 –0.12 .0762
BlkRkUltShtBd ICSH .4 50.07 –0.02 .0283 iShMSCIEuropeFinls EUFN 5.0 16.78 –0.47 .4143 FinSelSectorSPDR XLF ... 34.74 +0.23 ... iShChinaLC FXI 2.0 29.07 –1.87 .4343 iShRussell1000Val IWD 1.8 157.56 +1.13 .7024 SPDRS&PBank KBE 2.5 47.77 +0.71 .3453
DimenIntlCore2 DFIC ... 22.96 –0.38 ... iShMSCITurkeyETF TUR 3.5 22.26 –0.03 .0915 FT ConsStaples FXG 1.3 65.02 +0.26 .2001 iShConsAllocat AOK 1.8 35.34 –0.41 .0378 iShRussell2000Gwth IWO .4 218.69 –5.90 .2242 SPDRS&PGlbNatRes GNR 3.1 60.74 +1.06 1.1638
FTCboeVestBf BUFR ... 22.37 +0.01 ... iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 1.6 50.79 –0.12 .0726 FT DJ Internet FDN ... 147.12 –7.69 ... iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 2.1 50.81 +0.22 .262 iShRussell2000 IWM 1.1 182.58 –2.37 .3996 SPDRS&PInsurance KIE 1.9 39.49 +0.54 .1513
FidelityGrwOpps FGRO ... 14.62 –0.33 ... iShPfd&Incm PFF 5.0 33.14 –0.81 .1225 FT EnergyAlpDx FXN .9 16.69 +1.57 .0479 iShCoreHiDividend HDV 3.2 106.25 +2.59 .7698 iShRussell2000Val IWN 1.7 148.69 –0.13 .5188 SPDRS&PRegionalBkg KRE 2.2 62.63 +0.79 .3437
FrankSrLoan FLBL 3.7 24.26 –0.27 .0668 iShGlobalInfra IGF 2.3 49.43 +0.58 .4738 FTInstPfdSecs FPEI 4.8 18.71 –0.15 .0678 iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 3.6 50.58 –1.67 1.3613 iShRussell3000 IWV 1.2 237.38 –1.30 .7661 SchwabEM Equity SCHE 3.3 25.40 –0.89 .6319
GlbXRuss2000Cvr RYLD 13.3 21.91 –0.21 .2345 iShSemiconductor SOXX .9 409.10 +8.32 .8752 FT MatAlpDX FXZ .9 69.57 –0.07 .0931 iShCoreMSCIEurope IEUR 3.5 48.43 –1.54 .0771 iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 1.2 71.26 –0.73 .215 SchwabFundEmgLrg FNDE 5.0 26.98 –0.60 1.1302
GlbXUSInfrDevt PAVE .5 25.92 –0.36 .0992 iShShortTreaBd SHV .0 110.19 –0.01 .0335 FT MngstrDiv FDL 3.5 37.71 +0.27 .2793 iShMSCIIntlDev IDEV 3.6 58.11 –1.22 .081 iShRussellMCValue IWS 1.6 112.62 +0.21 .4531 SchwabFundIntLrgCo FNDF 3.8 30.42 –0.07 .8408
GS PhysGold AAAU ... 18.68 –0.16 ... iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY .3 82.88 –0.02 .0436 FT NaturalGas FCG 1.5 26.11 +0.41 .1211 iShCoreS&P500 IVV 1.4 413.21 –0.35 1.4811 iShRussell1000 IWB 1.3 226.66 –1.25 .7692 SchwabFundUSSmCo FNDA 1.3 49.43 –0.31 .0466
InnovS&P500PwrMay PMAY ... 28.68 –0.06 ... iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 1.1 101.09 –1.72 .1251 FT NA Energy Infra EMLP 2.9 27.38 +0.69 .1833 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 1.4 247.36 –1.91 .8468 iShRussellTop200Gr IWY .6 137.49 –1.64 .2294 SchwabIntmUSTrsr SCHR 1.0 51.31 –0.44 .0403
iPathS&P500VIX VXX ... 27.07 –0.64 ... iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 2.0 113.67 –1.70 .2031 FT PfdSecs FPE 5.0 18.03 –0.20 .0623 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 1.7 99.01 –1.07 .1693 iShS&PMC400Growth IJK .7 70.27 –1.25 .149 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 3.7 33.62 –0.59 .853
iShBrdUSDHYCpBd USHY 5.6 36.62 –0.42 .1683 Nasdaq7HANDL HNDL 8.0 22.04 –0.26 .1366 FT ValDivFd FVD 1.9 40.61 +0.10 .1857 iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 1.4 91.34 –0.49 .3247 iShS&P500Growth IVW .6 66.20 –0.58 .1267 Schwab1000Index SCHK 1.4 39.80 –0.23 .1201
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 3.9 63.37 –1.44 .1097 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ ... 34.61 –1.25 ... FlexGlbUpstmNatRsc GUNR 3.4 45.32 +0.64 .4042 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 1.9 101.57 –1.30 .1813 iShS&P500Value IVE 1.9 148.78 +0.80 .7068 SchwabSrtTRmUSTrsr SCHO .4 49.24 –0.04 .0254
iShIntlSelDividend IDV 5.7 29.95 –0.22 .3649 ProShUltShtQQQ SQQQ ... 49.81 +1.86 ... FlexiBx3YDurTIPS TDTT 6.0 25.40 –0.31 .1858 iShCoreUS REIT USRT 2.5 59.05 –2.81 .2609 iShrsSP GSCI Cmdty GSG ... 24.37 +0.69 ... SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 1.4 48.28 –0.21 .1446
iShUSAerospace&Def ITA .7 103.20 +0.34 .16 TuttleCapSht SARK ... 63.85 +1.05 ... FrankFTSEJapan FLJP 2.8 25.01 +0.04 .3114 iShUSRealEstate IYR 2.4 99.83 –3.92 .4326 iShS&PMC400Value IJJ 1.8 102.41 +0.16 .4067 SchwabUS Div SCHD 2.9 77.03 +1.39 .5176
iShUSHomeConstrn ITB .6 58.81 –0.62 .1479 VanEckGlFallAnglHY ANGL 4.4 28.28 –0.37 .1089 GlbXCopperMiners COPX 1.4 37.98 –2.06 .3852 iShUS Energy IYE 2.5 43.81 +3.88 .3272 iShS&P100 OEF 1.3 187.82 +0.07 .613 SchwabUS LC SCHX 1.4 48.75 –0.25 .1511
iShEdgeMSCIMinVlEM EEMV 2.3 57.43 –1.37 .8192 VanEckSemicon SMH ... 232.67 +2.82 ... GlbXLithium&Batt LIT .3 66.94 +1.48 .1476 iShUS Finls IYF 1.6 76.45 +0.68 .3511 iShShortNatlMuniBd SUB .6 103.58 –0.12 .0686 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG .5 63.63 –1.28 .0638
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 1.4 72.75 –0.68 .2684 VangdEM GovBd VWOB 5.0 64.07 –0.99 .2637 GlbXS&P500Cv XYLD 10.3 46.60 –0.01 .4947 iShUSOilEquip&Svcs IEZ .5 19.09 +1.07 .0262 iShSilver SLV ... 20.66 –0.38 ... SchwabUS LC Val SCHV 2.1 67.95 +0.53 .3162
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM .9 146.65 –0.28 .3774 VangdGlblxUS RE VNQI 7.4 47.06 –1.60 2.8949 GlbXSilverMiners SIL 1.8 31.78 –1.06 .4064 iShUSRegionalBanks IAT 2.3 53.45 +0.47 .2505 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 6.0 118.18 –2.89 .9379 SchwabUS MC SCHM 1.5 69.47 –0.67 .1748
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 1.3 122.32 –1.16 .3816 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 2.6 80.70 –0.87 .1855 GlblXSuperDividend SDIV 11.3 10.35 –0.30 .10 iShUSMedDevices IHI .3 53.76 –1.26 .0051 iShTreaFRBd TFLO .1 50.40 –0.04 .0213 SchwabUS REIT SCHH 1.8 23.07 –0.27 .0344
iShEdgeMSCIUSAVal VLUE 2.7 100.77 +2.21 .728 VangdIntermTrmTrea VGIT 1.2 60.75 –0.54 .0646 GlbX US Pfd PFFD 6.2 21.09 –0.64 .109 iShEuropeETF IEV 3.3 45.99 –1.15 .0643 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP .5 85.92 –3.27 .1137 SchwabUS SC SCHA 1.3 42.51 –0.74 .0676
iShExpTechSftwr IGV ... 285.16 –9.19 ... VangdIntlDivApp VIGI 1.4 72.18 –2.47 .234 GlbX Uranium URA 6.1 21.97 –1.22 1.309 iShGoldTr IAU ... 35.74 –0.30 ... iShUSTech IYW .3 89.11 –0.48 .0386 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 5.9 57.83 –1.29 .3843
iShMtgRealEstCap REM 6.8 30.77 +1.18 .1502 VangdIntlHiDiv VYMI 4.5 63.33 –0.52 .3124 GSTreasury0-1Y GBIL .0 99.93 +0.02 .0224 iShGoldTrMicro IAUM ... 18.80 –0.16 ... iSh0-5YHYCorpBd SHYG 5.0 42.38 –0.33 .1807 SPDR DJREIT RWR 3.0 106.06 –5.63 .5043
iShFloatingRateBd FLOT .4 50.56 +0.07 .0248 VangdLTCorpBd VCLT 4.0 81.66 –2.44 .2762 GSActiveBetaIntlEq GSIE 2.9 29.83 –0.72 .1492 iShiBondsDec2023Cp IBDO 1.7 25.10 –0.05 .0338 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV .1 100.04 –0.02 .0246 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 1.8 329.07 –0.62 .126
iShIntlAggregateBd IAGG .1 50.50 –0.43 .6317 VangdLong-TermTrea VGLT 2.4 69.54 –3.34 .135 GSActiveBetaUSLC GSLC 1.3 81.39 –0.35 .2886 iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 4.6 77.59 –0.94 .305 JPM AlerianMLP AMJ 6.0 21.83 +1.00 .3098 SPDR EurSTOXX FEZ 3.5 37.19 –0.55 .0983
iShMSCIChileCapped ECH 4.9 25.92 +0.53 .0885 VangdMBS VMBS 1.4 47.62 –0.61 .0685 GraniteGold BAR ... 18.64 –0.17 ... iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 2.7 110.81 –0.95 .2536 JanusHendMtg JMBS 1.2 47.79 –0.51 .0732 SPDR MSCI exUS CWI 3.1 25.19 –0.55 .4556
iShMSCIEurozone EZU 3.1 39.28 –0.83 .5996 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG .8 61.70 –1.04 .1148 HartfordMultiDvxUS RODM 4.9 27.12 –0.43 .7274 iShLatinAmerica40 ILF 7.8 25.32 –0.78 1.6089 JanusHenShrtDur VNLA 1.7 48.83 –0.03 .048 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 1.2 452.34 –3.49 1.1515
iShMSCIGlbMet&MnPr PICK 5.7 43.77 –1.70 .0576 VangdRuss1000Val VONV 1.8 69.16 +0.48 .3005 HealthCareSelSect XLV 1.5 129.78 –0.51 .4264 iShMSCIAustralia EWA 5.2 24.09 –0.49 .2194 HancockMC JHMM .8 48.61 –0.14 .2502 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 1.4 411.34 –0.66 1.366
iShMSCIEAFEGrowth EFG 2.0 85.10 –3.14 .1252 VangdRuss2000 VTWO 1.3 73.67 –1.02 .1219 HorizonKinInfltn INFL 1.0 31.64 –0.13 .087 iShMSCIBrazil EWZ 8.8 31.34 –1.43 .1609 JPMEquityPrem JEPI 8.2 57.80 –0.78 .4681 SPDR S&P Biotch XBI ... 70.13 –3.70 ...
VangdSTCpBd VCSH 1.6 76.67 –0.13 .1078 IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 1.4 95.52 +0.38 .3406 iShMSCICanadaETF EWC 1.9 36.82 –0.23 .478 KraneCSIChInt KWEB .0 25.74 –2.53 2.5804 SPDR S&P Home XHB .8 61.36 +0.07 .1573
iShMSCIIndiaETF INDA 7.0 42.10 –1.54 .0301
VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 5.5 50.53 –0.14 .4869 InvscDBComm DBC ... 28.30 +0.77 ... iShMSCI EAFE EFA 3.9 67.27 –1.37 .1631 KraneGlbCarbon KRBN .5 50.30 +2.90 .2478 SPDR S&P MtlMng XME .5 54.16 –2.05 .055
iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 4.3 47.33 –0.27 .1056
VangdShortTermTrea VGSH .4 58.92 –0.03 .0285 InvscDBAgriFd DBA ... 21.84 –0.23 ... iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 2.4 40.93 –1.45 .026 MatlsSelSectorSPDR XLB 1.7 84.53 –0.50 .3225 SPDRS&POilGasExpl XOP 1.2 141.88 +10.07 .4813
iShNorthAmNatRscs IGE 2.2 41.61 +2.49 .2237
VangdTotalBd BND 2.2 75.25 –0.32 .1408 InvscDBBaseMet DBB ... 22.62 –1.15 ... iShMSCIFranceETF EWQ 4.6 32.29 –0.66 1.0371 MicroFang3xLvg BULZ ... 6.82 –0.39 ... SPDR S&P Retail XRT 1.9 69.45 –0.82 .0938
iShCohen&StrsREIT ICF 2.0 65.78 –2.64 .2194
VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 3.3 50.27 –0.56 .0375 InvscDBUSDBull UUP ... 27.71 +0.05 ... iShMSCIGermanyETF EWG 2.5 25.42 –0.59 .0358 MicroFANG-3XInvr FNGD ... 70.20 +2.49 ... SprottUranium URNM 6.9 69.52 –3.62 4.8219
iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 1.1 23.83 –0.32 .0259
VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 3.5 54.59 –1.27 .1004 MicroSectorsFANG3X FNGU ... 10.41 –0.97 ... TechSelectSector XLK .8 140.57 –0.85 .2856
JPMBetaEurope BBEU 3.0 49.96 –1.38 .1601 InvscDynOil&GasSv PXJ .3 4.50 +0.18 .0022 iShMSCIHongKong EWH 3.1 20.91 –0.46 .2541
WisdTrUSQltyDiv DGRW 1.9 61.08 –0.11 .095 MicroSecGold3XLvgd GDXU ... 11.09 –1.11 ... TeucriumCornFd CORN ... 28.93 –1.05 ...
JPMBetaJapan BBJP 3.4 46.77 +0.12 1.5902 InvscEMSovDebt PCY 6.4 20.00 –0.35 .1101 iShMSCIIndonesia EIDO 1.2 25.04 –0.18 .1632
PGIMUltraShBd PULS 1.1 49.16 –0.03 .0483 TeucriumWheatFd WEAT ... 11.00 +0.58 ...
JPM UltShtIncm JPST .6 50.17 –0.05 .0362 InvscFinlPfd PGF 5.7 15.16 –0.40 .0711 iShMSCIIntlQual IQLT 2.7 33.00 –1.10 .403
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JPMUltShMuni JMST .3 50.51 –0.02 .0285 NYSE ARCA InvscFTSERAFIEM PXH 5.5 18.93 –0.59 .047 iShMSCIItaly EWI 3.2 27.00 –0.43 .4518
PimcoActiveBd BOND 2.9 96.45 –1.22 .25 U.S.GlobalJetsETF JETS .0 20.41 –1.05 .1414
PimcoEnhShMat MINT .6 99.67 –0.08 .099 UtilitiesSelSector XLU 2.8 72.21 +0.95 .4695
NuvESGLCValue NULV 1.7 36.22 +0.19 .6282 ARKInnovationETF ARKK .0 45.63 –1.50 .7826 InvscFundHYCpBd PHB 3.5 17.52 –0.09 .0475 iShMSCIJapan EWJ 2.5 56.69 +0.07 .8881
PimcoIntrmMuniBd MUNI 1.7 51.38 –0.33 .08 VanEckBDCIncm BIZD 8.2 16.80 +0.03 .347
-1xShVIXFutures SVIX ... 10.31 –0.23 ... ARK NextGen ARKW .0 60.97 –3.10 3.3143 InvscInvGradeDef IIGD 1.2 24.39 –0.07 .0252 iShMSCIMalaysiaETF EWM 6.7 24.16 –0.65 .782
Pimco1-5USTips STPZ 4.9 53.44 –0.62 .39 VanEckEMHYBd HYEM 6.3 19.13 –0.22 .1031
PacerTrendpilot750 PTLC .8 37.53 +0.03 .3052 abrdnPhysGold SGOL ... 18.04 –0.14 ... InvscPreferred PGX 6.7 12.17 –0.30 .0572 iShMSCIMexico EWW 2.2 48.43 –1.00 .6577
Pimco0-5YHyCpBd HYS 3.7 92.47 –0.99 .33 VanEckGoldMin GDX 1.6 34.24 –0.39 .5348
PacerUSCashCows100 COWZ 1.5 49.00 +1.01 .1469 abrdnPhysSilver SIVR ... 21.54 –0.39 ... InvscS&PEMLowVol EELV 4.3 24.86 –0.40 .1577 iShMSCIPacificxJp EPP 4.9 44.96 –0.98 .2947
PacerTrendUSBd PTBD 3.3 22.97 –0.18 .2125 VanEckInvtGrFR FLTR .6 25.07 ... .0178
ProShShtVIXST SVXY ... 47.45 –0.21 ... AdvShPureUSCan MSOS .0 14.77 –0.58 .07 InvscS&P500EW RSP 1.4 147.25 –0.20 .6542 iShMSCIPeru EPU 3.1 29.85 –2.10 .6661
ProShBitcoin BITO ... 22.39 –0.22 ... VanEckJPMEMLCBd EMLC 5.8 24.94 –0.11 .1128
ProShUltVIXST UVXY ... 17.38 –0.89 ... AGFiQ US NeutAB BTAL ... 20.13 +0.23 ... InvscS&P500HiBeta SPHB 1.1 67.31 +0.07 .1669 iShMSCISaudiArabia KSA 1.3 50.05 –0.62 .0176
ProShShtDow30 DOG ... 34.26 +0.11 ... VanEckJrGoldMin GDXJ 1.8 41.45 –0.65 .7454
ProShsVIXSTFut VIXY ... 20.18 –0.45 ... AlerianMLPETF AMLP 7.1 39.93 +1.86 .71 InvscS&P500HiDiv SPHD 3.3 47.56 +1.05 .1426 iShMSCISingapore EWS 6.7 19.10 –0.43 1.0032
ProShShortQQQ PSQ ... 13.34 +0.15 ... VanEckMerkGoldTr OUNZ ... 18.26 –0.16 ...
2xLongVIXFut UVIX ... 22.54 –1.83 ... AmpCWPEnhDiv DIVO 5.0 35.91 +0.03 .1467 InvscS&P500LowVol SPLV 1.8 65.10 –0.25 .1114 iShMSCISouthAfrica EZA 2.1 44.83 –3.11 .4577
ProShShtRus2000 RWM ... 24.63 +0.39 ... VanEckOilSvcs OIH .7 276.80 +13.04 1.8075
VanEckAMTFrIntMuni ITM 1.8 45.31 –0.23 .0703 ArkFinInnov ARKF ... 19.73 –1.47 ... InvscS&P500Qual SPHQ 1.4 46.32 –0.04 .1728 iShMSCISthKorea EWY 2.5 66.13 –0.51 1.6785
ProShShrtS&P500 SH ... 15.35 +0.08 ... VangdCnsmrStpls VDC 2.1 197.24 –2.87 .7388
VanEckHYMuni HYD 3.9 54.44 –0.52 .174 AvantisEM AVEM 3.0 54.30 –1.57 1.2054 InvscS&PIntDvLoVl IDLV 3.3 29.44 –0.56 .236 iShMSCISpain EWP 3.6 24.31 –0.26 .4353
ProShSh20+Tr TBF ... 20.42 +0.29 ... VangdExtMkt VXF 1.1 144.26 –3.84 .1484
VanEckMstrWdMoat MOAT 1.2 68.50 –0.52 .8227 AvantisUSEquity AVUS 1.3 71.42 +0.41 .2148 ProShUltBlmCrude UCO ... 180.11 +19.94 ... VangdInfoTech VGT .8 362.75 –4.45 .6774
VanEckShHYMuni SHYD 2.6 22.56 –0.09 .05 AvantisUSSCValue AVUV 1.3 76.42 +1.29 .2272 ProshUltBlmNatGas BOIL ... 105.32 –19.14 ... VangdSC Grwth VBK .4 213.82 –6.94 .3727
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VangdESGUSStk ESGV 1.2 72.17 –0.82 .178 BlkRkUSCarbon LCTU 1.3 45.73 –0.25 .1762 ProShUltDow30 DDM .4 65.01 –0.35 .1311 VangdSC Val VBR 1.9 165.24 +0.45 .6256
VangdUltShrtBd VUSB .4 49.29 –0.01 .0285 CabanaTarget10 TDSC 2.7 23.74 –0.19 .0107

Selected ETF Leaders

ProShUltraQQQ QLD ... 51.68 –1.33 ... VangdDivApp VIG 1.9 152.98 –0.88 .6939
CapitalGrpDivVal CGDV .5 24.22 +0.32 .0293 ProShUltraS&P SSO .2 53.89 –0.69 .0402 VangdEnergy VDE 2.9 115.19 +9.94 .8202
NASDAQ ColumbiaDivFixed DIAL 2.9 18.06 –0.25 .0416 ProShUltDow30 UDOW .3 61.05 –0.63 .044 VangdAWxUSSC VSS 3.3 111.59 –3.12 2.5081
CSX-LinksCrudeOil USOI .0 5.70 +0.21 .1963 CommSvsSPDR XLC 1.0 59.37 +0.31 .1727 ProShUltRus2000 URTY ... 51.56 –2.73 ... VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 3.3 43.89 –0.88 .0828
FT CapStrength FTCS 1.1 73.83 –0.22 .1956 CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY .7 158.15 –4.73 .2788 ProShUltS&P500 UPRO .1 46.87 –0.87 .0354 VangdFTSE EM VWO 3.3 41.93 –1.51 .1339
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 2.3 76.72 –0.92 .3349
FT GlTactCommod FTGC 5.7 29.19 ... 1.6622 -0.16% ProShUltShtDow30 SDOW ... 32.04 +0.29 ... VangdFTSE Europe VGK 3.4 56.73 –1.66 .1388
FT LowDurOpp LMBS 2.0 48.62 –0.10 .0775 DimenCoreFixedIncm DFCF 1.3 43.89 –0.41 .0654 Trust (IJR) ProShShtRus2000 SRTY ... 64.38 +3.08 ... VangdFTSE Pac VPL 3.5 68.44 –0.49 .0523
FT NasdCleanEdge QCLN .0 53.25 +1.03 .0069 DimenEmgCore DFAE 2.1 24.07 –0.69 .0576 ProShUltS&P500 SPXU ... 16.97 +0.30 ... VangdFinls VFH 2.2 84.70 +0.77 .4072
FT NasdCybersec CIBR .8 43.10 –3.85 .0204 DimenEMCore2 DFEM ... 24.64 –0.73 ... iShares Core S&P ProShUltBloomCrd SCO ... 4.64 –0.16 ... VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 3.5 52.66 –1.20 .106
FTRisingDivAch RDVY 1.3 46.03 +0.63 .1541 DimenIntlCore DFAI 2.3 25.94 –0.41 .073 -0.41 ProShUltShBlmGas KOLD ... 6.82 +0.90 ... VangdGrowth VUG .6 245.40 –5.17 .3006
FT SrLoanFd FTSL 3.5 46.59 –0.41 .1425 DimenIntlValue DFIV 3.5 31.70 +0.07 .0641
Small Cap (VTI)
ProShUltDow30 DXD ... 47.06 +0.28 ... VangdHlthCr VHT 1.3 237.34 –2.14 .722
FT TCW Opp FIXD 1.6 46.90 –0.67 .075 DimenUSCore DFAU 1.2 28.86 +0.03 .0719 ProShUltShtQQQ QID ... 22.95 +0.57 ... VangdHiDiv VYM 2.8 109.52 +1.99 .6622
GlbXCloudComp CLOU ... 18.24 –1.12 ... DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 1.2 25.46 +0.03 .0615 Vanguard Total Stock ProShrUSRlEst SRS ... 15.09 +0.95 ... VangdIntermBd BIV 2.2 77.59 –0.94 .1379
GlbX Cybersec BUG ... 26.55 –2.57 ... DimenUSEquity DFUS 1.2 44.43 –0.12 .1117 -0.45
Market (VIG) ProShUltShRus2000 TWM ... 17.63 +0.55 ... VangdLC VV 1.4 188.23 –0.84 .6527
GlbXFinTech FINX 8.6 25.04 –1.66 2.1631 DimenUSSCETF DFAS 1.0 51.80 –0.08 .0752 ProShUltShtS&P500 SDS ... 44.21 +0.49 ... VangdLT Bond BLV 3.7 79.70 –2.95 .2359
GlbXNasd100Cv QYLD 11.8 19.13 –0.22 .2051 DimenUSTargVal DFAT 1.3 44.25 +0.52 .089 ProShUltraSh20+ TBT ... 27.21 +0.79 ... VangdMegaGrwth MGK .5 200.69 –3.60 .2383
GlbX Robotics&AI BOTZ .3 23.22 –0.63 .0593 DimenWorldexUS DFAX 2.2 22.99 –0.44 .017 Vanguard Dividend QuadIntRtVol IVOL 4.0 25.82 +0.09 .0774 VangdMegaVal MGV 2.3 103.39 +1.29 .5468
InvscActMgdETC PDBC 37.2 19.21 +0.56 1.7574 DirexAeroBl3 DFEN .0 18.04 +0.09 .0017 Appreciation (GLD) RayliantQuanCn RAYC 1.1 19.11 –0.42 .2134 VangdMC VO 1.4 216.25 –2.51 .7502
InvscBull2025CpBd BSCP 1.8 20.57 +0.01 .0309 DirexCSIChinaInt CWEB ... 4.80 –1.02 ... RealEstSectorSPDR XLRE 2.8 44.83 –1.77 .2685 VangdMCGrowth VOT .5 190.87 –6.59 .3097
InvscBull2024CpBd BSCO 1.8 20.86 +0.02 .03 DirexDJBear3X WEBS ... 41.14 +4.37 ... RoundBallMeta METV ... 9.25 –0.35 ... VangdMC Val VOE 2.0 143.31 +1.02 .6857
InvsBull24HYCpBd BSJO 4.2 22.89 –0.12 .0825 DirexEM Bear3 EDZ ... 13.98 +1.29 ... SPDR Gold Shares
-0.84 SPDRBlackSrLoan SRLN 4.7 43.86 –0.61 .17 VangdRealEst VNQ 3.0 99.90 –4.04 .5767
InvscBull2023CpBd BSCN 1.4 20.99 ... .0228 DirexEnergyBr2 ERY ... 4.38 –1.00 ... (BND) SPDRBlmEMLocBd EBND 4.2 20.94 –0.49 .0381 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 1.5 378.10 –0.60 1.3737
InvscBull2022CpBd BSCM 1.5 21.22 +0.01 .0218 DirexEnergyBl2 ERX 1.4 64.40 +11.19 .3584 SPDR Blm HY Bd JNK 4.8 96.37 –1.24 .4141 VangdS&P500 Grw VOOG .7 238.65 –2.22 .4338
InvsBull22HYCpBd BSJM 2.9 22.53 –0.11 .0446 DirexChinaBr3 YANG ... 19.93 +3.02 ... SPDRBlmIntTrBd BWX 1.1 23.92 –0.28 .022 VangdST Bond BSV 1.2 76.85 –0.18 .0747
Vanguard Total Bond
InvscHYEquDivAch PEY 3.9 21.51 +0.48 .0706 DirexChinaBl3 YINN .6 3.32 –0.33 .0116 -1.23 SPDRBlm1-3MTB BIL ... 91.44 +0.02 ... VangdSC VB 1.4 193.00 –2.05 .5571
InvscIntlDivAch PID 3.4 18.31 –0.07 .1134 DirexFinlBear3 FAZ ... 24.04 –0.98 ... Market (QQQ) SPDRBlmSTHYBd SJNK 4.6 25.31 –0.21 .1066 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 1.8 49.66 –0.42 .0704
InvscKBWBank KBWB 2.6 57.91 +1.33 .3416 DirexFinlBull3 FAS .8 84.97 +1.76 .3575 SPDRDoubleTRTact TOTL 3.6 42.98 –0.35 .1361 VangdTotalStk VTI 1.4 205.95 –0.93 .7082
InvscNasd100 QQQM .5 127.27 –1.67 .1936 DirexGoldMinBr2 DUST ... 14.50 +0.52 ... Invesco QQQ Trust SPDRGoldMini GLDM ... 37.37 +0.07 ... VangdTotlWrld VT 2.1 91.94 –1.15 .2572
InvscQQQI QQQ .6 309.25 –4.00 .4337 DirexGoldMinBl2 NUGT ... 55.72 –1.06 ... -1.28 SPDR Gold GLD ... 175.42 –1.49 ... VangdUtilities VPU 2.7 156.84 +2.11 1.012
DirexHmbldrBull3 NAIL ... 37.68 +1.22 ...
InvscRAFIStDvxUS ISDX 4.1 28.64 –0.23 .2786 SPDR ICE Pfd PSK 6.2 34.94 –1.19 .18 VangdValue VTV 2.3 142.50 +1.80 .7922
InvscS&PSCEner PSCE .4 10.17 +0.38 .0136 DirexJrGoldMinBr2 JDST ... 9.38 +0.55 ... SPDRNuvBBHYMuni HYMB 3.5 52.39 –0.56 .1538 WisdTrUSDBull USDU ... 27.69 +0.16 ...
InvscVarRateInvt VRIG .7 24.92 ... .0198 DirexJrGoldMinBl2 JNUG ... 58.94 –4.71 ... Vanguard FTSE SPDRNuveenMuniBd TFI 1.8 45.71 –0.38 .0677 WisdTrEMxSOE XSOE 1.9 29.20 –1.15 .075
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI .8 118.82 –0.73 .0949 DirexRgBanksBull3X DPST 1.0 31.04 +0.94 .089 Developed Markets SPDRNuveenSTMuni SHM .7 46.61 –0.08 .0256 WisdTrEM HiDiv DEM 6.9 39.92 –0.89 .37
iShBiotech IBB .3 113.17 –3.48 .1176 DirexS&P500Br3 SPXS ... 22.34 –0.19 ... SPDRPtfAggBd SPAB 2.3 26.34 –0.12 .0512 WisdTrFRTrea USFR .1 50.38 +0.01 .021
iShBrdUSDInvCpBd USIG 2.7 51.31 –0.75 .1179 DirexS&P500Bl3 SPXL .2 88.23 –1.11 .1148
SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 3.5 31.29 –0.57 .5981 WisdTrIndiaEarn EPI 1.5 34.60 –0.96 .115
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 3.6 60.69 –1.52 .0856 DirexS&PBiotechBr3 LABD ... 63.70 +6.24 ... iShares Core MSCI SPDRPtfEM SPEM 3.7 35.07 –1.23 .9491 WisdTrJapanHdg DXJ 2.6 64.45 +1.14 1.1098
iShCoreS&PUSGrowth IUSG .8 91.72 –0.90 .1996 DirexS&PBiotechBl3 LABU ... 6.77 –1.37 ... EAFE (VWO) SPDR PtfHYBd SPHY 5.6 23.68 –0.38 .1152 WisdTrUSLCDivFd DLN 2.2 63.49 +0.75 .135
iShCoreS&PUSValue IUSV 2.0 72.42 +0.39 .3701 DirexS&P500Br1 SPDN ... 15.85 –0.03 ... SPDRPtfIntermCpBd SPIB 1.8 32.86 –0.25 .0598 WisdTrUSMCDivFd DON 2.3 42.57 +0.53 .065
iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 2.0 47.03 –0.16 .0902 DirexHiBetaBear3X HIBS ... 10.41 –0.29 ... SPDR PtfIntTrea SPTI .7 29.30 –0.25 .0248 WisdTrYdUSAggBd AGGY 2.2 44.90 –0.59 .08
iShSelectDividend DVY 3.0 126.53 +3.01 .8884 DirexS&POil&GasBr2 DRIP ... 20.55 –0.56 ...
Vanguard FTSE SPDRPtfLTCorpBd SPLB 3.9 24.24 –0.28 .083 XtrkEMCarbonRed EMCR 2.3 27.60 –1.43 .2456
iShESGAwareMSCI ESGD 3.2 67.57 –1.50 .1137 DirexSemiBear3 SOXS ... 50.97 –5.26 ... Emerging Markets SPDRPtfLgTermTrea SPTL 2.2 32.76 –0.48 .0634 XtrkrsHarvCSI300 ASHR 1.2 29.17 –0.81 .3453
iShESGAwareEM ESGE 3.2 33.05 –1.28 .8306 DirexSemiBl3 SOXL .1 23.35 +1.11 .0072 (VWO) SPDRPtfMtgBkdBd SPMB 2.8 22.76 –0.30 .0557 XtrkrsMSCIHiDiv HDEF 4.8 22.62 –0.43 .2307
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 1.3 91.61 –0.40 .3216 DirexScBear3 TZA ... 41.45 +0.97 ... Source: Barron’s Statistics SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 2.1 39.93 +0.23 .1835 XtrkrsMSCIEAFE DBEF 2.5 36.52 –0.49 .239
iSh5-10YIGCorpBd IGIB 2.6 51.53 –0.61 .1216 DirexSCBull3 TNA .1 43.13 –2.13 .0504 SPDRPtfS&P1500 SPTM 1.5 50.67 –0.14 .1745 XtrkS&P500ESG SNPE 1.3 37.13 ... .1106
iShGSCICmDynRoll COMT 12.8 42.81 +1.26 5.4941 DirexTechBear3 TECS ... 42.07 –0.06 ... SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 1.4 48.40 –0.05 .1673 XtrkrsUSDHYCpBd HYLB 5.0 35.51 –0.20 .1551
46 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


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divided by the number of shares Herzfeld chart has moved to the Market Lab Newsletter. To
outstanding) to the National Taking the Exit: Investors continued cashing out of equity funds, swelling their last month’s average
Association of Securities Dealers. sign up for the newsletter, go to weekly outflows to $7.9 billion. Outflows from taxable-bond funds eased to $6.1 billion, while outflows at
Total returns reflect both price
changes and dividends; these muni-bond funds eased to $4.4 billion. Money-market outflows narrowed to $10.4 billion.
figures assume that all distribu- Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
tions are reinvested in the fund. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
Because Lipper is constantly up-
dating its database, these returns
IntlGrIncA p 32.70 -0.73 -16.5 10.2 MCMultiStrM 18.45 -0.41 -15.9 32.6 EmMktCorEq 22.09 -0.62 -11.7 13.5
may differ from those previously
LtdTEBdA 14.99 -0.07 -6.0 0.3 NtlIntmMuni 12.71 -0.07 -8.8 0.0 EmMktSmCp 22.05 -0.55 -11.5 22.0
Equity Funds Municipal Bond Funds
published or calculated by others.
3 year returns are cumulative. The N PerA p 52.30 -1.27 -21.2 36.7 Bridge Builder Trust: Fixd 10.13 0.00 -1.4 0.5 15400 -1000
NAV is the last reported closing NEcoA p 45.97 -0.99 -25.7 18.5 CoreBond 9.27 -0.11 -10.4 1.9 GblAll60 40Inst 19.87 -0.12 -9.8 22.0
price for the week. Footnotes: NA: NwWrldA 68.20 -2.18 -20.7 14.3 GlEqInst 28.55 -0.18 -11.7 34.5 9300 -5700
not available. NE: performance CorePlusBond 9.19 -0.11 -10.3 3.2
excluded by Lipper editor. NN: fund SmCpA p 58.87 -2.18 -26.4 22.1 Intl Eq 11.04 -0.28 -17.5 3.6 GlRESec 11.76 -0.48 -12.6 17.1
not tracked. NS: fund not in STBFA p 9.65 -0.01 -2.9 1.3 LargeCapGrowth 18.43 -0.56 -21.6 45.6 InfProtSec 12.27 -0.20 -6.9 14.7 3200 -10400
existence for whole period. e: ex TECAA p 16.36 -0.15 -9.9 -0.3 LargeCapValue 16.40 0.10 -4.9 44.8 IntGvFxdInc 11.35 -0.13 -10.1 -0.5
capital gains distributions. f:
previous day’s quote. n: no front-
TxExA p 12.22 -0.11 -9.2 0.5 MunicipalBond 9.78 -0.07 -8.4 0.9 IntlCoreEq 14.09 -0.26 -12.4 16.4 -2900 -15100
or back-end sales charge. p: fund WshA p 55.97 0.45 -7.1 42.3 S/MCapGrowth 12.43 -0.45 -25.9 22.1 IntlREst 4.12 -0.18 -13.1 -0.8
assets are used to pay marketing AMG Managers Funds: S/MCapValue 13.64 0.06 -7.5 34.3 IntlSustCore1 10.98 -0.32 -16.8 14.1 -9000 -19800
and distribution costs (12b-1 fees). YachtmanFocFd I 19.53 -0.13 -7.6 36.2 Brown Advisory Funds: IntlVal 18.50 0.01 -3.3 17.3
r: fund levies redemption fee or YacktFocFd N n 19.58 -0.14 -7.7 35.3 IntlVectorEq 12.28 -0.22 -11.7 16.5 Mar Apr May Mar Apr May
back-end load. s: stock dividend or GrwthEquityInst 25.26 -0.96 -27.7 30.3
split of 25% or more. t: fund charges YacktmanFd I 22.80 -0.13 -6.9 37.5 IntSmCo 18.41 -0.49 -15.4 16.8
12b-1 fees (for marketing and Angel Oak Funds Trst: C IntSmVa 19.43 -0.36 -9.1 16.2 Money Market Funds Taxable Bond Funds
distribution) and a back-end load. AglOkMtiStFdClIn 9.74 NA NA NA IntTermMuni 9.84 -0.02 -5.1 0.3 1400 6700
v: capital-gains distribution may be Calamos Funds: IntVaIII 15.95 0.01 -3.3 17.8
a return of capital. x: ex cash AQR Funds:
MktNeutI 13.97 -0.03 -3.8 9.7 ITExQual 9.58 -0.15 -14.2 -0.5
dividend. LgCapDefStyle I 27.99 -0.24 -12.5 36.0
LgCo 29.36 -0.06 -13.1 47.7
-4600 3100
Net YTD 3-Yr. Ariel Investments: Calvert Investments:
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. LgCpIntl 23.90 -0.44 -12.4 15.4
Ariel Inv pn 74.50 0.88 -10.8 31.1 Eq A p 67.44 -2.01 -18.7 47.5
STExQual 10.30 -0.02 -4.8 -0.9 -10600 -500
Artisan Funds: Carillon Scout:
A STGov 9.97 0.00 -4.1 -3.6
GblOppInst 27.89 -0.82 -26.3 32.7 MidCap I r 22.29 -0.13 -8.7 38.7 STMuniBd 10.04 0.00 -1.1 0.6 -16600 -4100
AAM: Intl Inv n 24.15 -0.46 -20.8 5.1 CausewayInst : TMMttVa2 34.54 0.74 -6.3 31.7
B&GIncGroClI 23.00 0.15 -9.4 32.9 IntlInst 24.31 -0.46 -20.7 5.8 CausewayInst 15.48 -0.21 -11.0 9.4 US CoreEq1 32.10 0.04 -11.7 44.1 -22600 -7700
AB Funds: IntlVal Inst 38.48 -0.87 -9.2 26.1 CIBC Atlas: US CoreEq2 29.17 0.03 -11.4 44.0
IntlVal Inv n 38.35 -0.87 -9.3 25.2
Mar Apr May Mar Apr May
CapFdInc.LCapGow 75.03 -2.08 -24.1 49.0 DispEq Inst 26.33 -0.20 -15.0 40.9 US Micro 24.08 -0.05 -12.3 28.8
IntlStraEquPtZ 11.46 -0.23 -13.7 8.8 MidCapInst 36.75 -1.74 -30.8 32.1 ClearBridge: US Small 40.75 -0.10 -13.3 29.3 A red chart indicates a lower value than the starting period. Green means it's higher than the starting period.
MuniIncmShares 11.23 -0.13 -11.7 6.5 MidCapInv n 30.80 -1.45 -30.8 31.2 US SmCpVal 41.33 0.45 -4.8 37.9 The charts above show four-week moving averages of net cash flow in millions of dollars. BARRON'S • Lipper FMI
AggressGrowthA118.87 -4.31 -20.0 10.2
AB Funds - A: AllCapValueA 13.72 0.09 -3.1 25.8 US TgdVal 28.69 0.34 -4.8 40.8
LgCpGrA p 67.01 -1.86 -24.1 47.5 AppreciationA 29.79 0.00 -10.8 41.2 USLCpGr 27.69 -0.34 -15.1 46.3
AB Funds - ADV: Baird Funds: DividendStrat1 n 28.89 0.24 -6.1 43.9 USLgVa 44.00 0.93 -4.1 34.5 Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
DividendStratA 28.86 0.23 -6.2 42.7 USLgVaIII 29.12 0.62 -4.0 34.9 NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
GlbBd 7.48 -0.10 -9.0 -1.6 AggBdInst 10.06 -0.12 -10.9 0.8
LargeCapGrowthA 47.91 -1.81 -26.2 26.4 USSoCoreEq2 21.00 -0.06 -14.1 38.6 FIDSerTresIndxFd 9.99 0.00 0.0 2.5 StkSelAllCap 58.56 -0.73 -14.9 45.4 DivIntl K6 12.12 -0.37 -21.4 20.3 STBF n 8.32 0.00 -3.1 2.2
HiIncmAdv 7.09 -0.11 -8.9 4.9 CorBdInst 10.34 -0.12 -10.7 1.8
LargeCapGrowthI55.02 -2.08 -26.2 27.5 USSustCoreI 31.61 -0.13 -14.8 45.4 FIDZroLgCpIx n 14.49 -0.06 -14.1 47.4 Fidelity Freedom: DivIntlK r 37.87 -1.17 -21.8 19.1 StkSlcACap n 59.00 -0.74 -15.0 45.1
IntlStraEquPtADV 11.45 -0.22 -13.7 8.9 IntBdInst 10.41 -0.05 -7.2 2.5
SmallCapGrowthIS 37.47 -1.56 -28.3 20.8 USVectorEq 22.72 0.19 -8.3 36.3 Flex 500 Index 17.61 -0.03 -13.0 48.0 FF2010 n 14.24 NA NA NA DivStkO n 30.20 -0.13 -13.8 54.5 StratDivInc n 16.37 -0.18 -7.5 33.0
LgCpGrAdv 75.16 -2.09 -24.1 48.6 ShtTBdInst 9.39 0.00 -3.3 3.2
SelectUSLgShrt 13.58 0.04 -6.5 29.7 Cohen & Steers: Dodge & Cox: Freedom2060K 11.85 -1.02 -20.2 20.7 FF2015 n 11.07 -0.69 -15.2 9.6 EmrMkt nr 33.32 -1.36 -23.7 16.3 TaxFrB nr 10.81 -0.11 -10.2 1.0
Baron Funds:
SmMidCpValAdv 22.70 0.01 -12.6 27.1 GlbRltyI 57.65 -2.83 -13.3 17.1 Balanced n 101.67 0.42 -6.1 30.1 GlexUSIdxInstPre n 13.12 -0.32 -14.2 10.6 FF2020 n 13.80 -1.03 -17.1 10.6 Eq Inc n 66.66 0.46 -4.7 40.3 TotalBond n 9.86 -0.13 -10.1 3.5
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Asset n 84.51 -4.57 -28.0 17.4 GrowthCompanyK6 16.98 -0.45 -25.8 NS EqDivIncm n 27.56 0.14 -0.8 36.5 TotalBond K6 9.17 -0.12 -9.9 4.0
Aberdeen Fds: InstlRlty 51.10 -2.26 -13.2 34.6 GblStock n 13.78 -0.05 -4.6 32.3 FF2025 n 12.68 -0.94 -17.6 12.5
Growth n 86.14 -4.73 -25.8 27.9 InflPrBdIndInsPr n 10.41 -0.18 -6.7 14.9 Fidel n 62.77 -0.81 -20.7 52.1 Trend n 125.02 -4.12 -26.7 49.6
EmMktEqty Inst 13.13 -0.47 -23.8 -1.2 PrefSecIncnI 12.56 -0.16 -9.6 8.1 Income n 12.72 -0.11 -9.1 3.8 FF2030 n 15.82 -1.22 -18.2 14.6
Partners n 150.35 -5.33 -24.4 187.8 IntlIdxInstPrem n 42.04 -0.92 -14.7 11.5 FltRateHi nr 9.31 -0.05 -0.6 9.4 Value n 14.05 0.15 -4.4 53.8
Advisers Inv Trst: RltyIncI 18.91 -0.89 -13.9 33.7 Intl Stk n 43.85 -0.74 -7.3 13.9 FF2035 n 13.61 -1.17 -19.7 17.8
SmallCap n 27.83 -1.09 -26.5 23.8 IntlIndex n 10.27 -0.24 -14.3 11.7 FocsdStk n 28.10 -0.41 -19.1 49.8 ValueDisc n 36.61 0.24 -4.4 42.2
RltyShs n 72.05 -3.21 -13.3 34.1 Stock n 230.43 3.34 -5.2 44.9 FF2040 n 9.63 -0.93 -20.9 19.2
Balanced n 82.55 -0.29 -7.7 35.1 Baron Instl Shares: IntrTresBdIxPrem n 9.99 -0.12 -10.0 0.0 FournOne n 50.59 -0.77 -14.6 27.0 Wrldw n 28.79 -0.55 -19.9 36.5
Colorado BondShares: DoubleLine Funds: FF2045 n 11.04 -1.05 -20.9 19.3
Growth n 100.14 -0.05 -8.5 48.6 AssetInst 89.08 -4.82 -28.0 18.3 LgCpGwId InstPre n 23.32 -0.38 -21.3 56.4 FF2050 n 11.16 -1.05 -20.8 19.5 GNMA n 10.55 -0.10 -8.5 -2.9 Fidelity SAI:
Akre Funds: ColoradoBdShs 8.75 -0.05 -5.6 7.6 CoreFxdIncmI 9.86 -0.11 -9.0 0.1
EmergingMktsInst 13.49 -0.59 -23.3 -1.0 LgCpVlIdxIstPrem n 15.40 0.10 -5.8 33.2 Free2055 n 12.91 -1.18 -20.7 19.7 GovtInc n 9.57 -0.11 -9.6 -1.3 FidSAIEmgMktIndx 13.20 -0.43 -15.7 2.4
Columbia Class A: LowDurBdI 9.60 -0.01 -2.3 2.8
AkreFocusInst 53.45 -1.31 -19.2 32.5 GrowthInst 90.30 -4.96 -25.8 28.9 LTTrsBdIdxInstPr n 11.45 -0.53 -21.8 -2.9 Free2060InstPrem 14.67 -0.21 -14.4 26.7 GroCo n 27.09 -0.70 -25.7 70.8 FidSAIIntlIndxFd 12.06 -0.27 -14.8 11.2
BalancedA t 45.21 -0.47 -11.5 30.2 ShillerEnhCAPEI 15.38 -0.38 -13.1 40.1
AkreFocusRtl 51.73 -1.27 -19.3 31.5 PartnersInst 155.74 -5.52 -24.4 190.0 MidCpInxInstPrem n 27.57 -0.28 -13.8 33.9 Freedom2015 K 11.05 -0.70 -15.2 9.8 GroInc n 49.33 0.68 -4.6 43.7 IntlValIdx 8.62 -0.04 -6.9 7.8
ContCoreA p 28.84 -0.31 -12.5 47.8 TotRetBdI 9.43 -0.09 -8.4 -0.9
Alger Funds Inst: SmallCapInst 29.75 -1.17 -26.4 24.7 OTCK6Port 15.70 -0.40 -24.5 NS Freedom2020 K 13.80 -1.03 -17.1 10.9 GrowCoK 27.20 -0.69 -25.7 71.2 LowDurationInc 9.93 0.00 -0.5 NS
DisplCoreA p 12.73 0.01 -12.2 41.7 TotRetBdN n 9.43 -0.09 -8.4 -1.6 GrStrt nr 46.93 -0.91 -26.1 30.6
CapApprI 30.00 -0.79 -27.2 33.2 Bernstein Fds: RealEstIdxInst n 17.49 -0.69 -13.2 14.2 Freedom2020K6 14.66 NA NA NA Muni Inc 9.69 -0.08 -10.3 -0.2
AmanaGrowth n: DivrMuni n 13.70 -0.07 -6.8 1.1 DivIncA t 29.58 0.32 -6.0 41.2 E SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 19.76 -0.04 -13.1 47.8 Freedom2025 K 12.66 -0.94 -17.6 12.7 GwthDiscovery n 45.45 -0.88 -18.5 59.3 SAIEmgMktLoVolIx 10.71 -0.22 -6.5 11.8
IntmDur n 11.82 -0.15 -10.9 -0.8 LgCpGrowA t 47.28 -1.24 -22.7 48.8 SeriesBondFd 9.27 -0.12 -10.5 -0.3 Freedom2025K6 12.63 -0.94 -17.6 13.1 HighInc nr 7.81 -0.10 -8.8 2.5 SAIInflaFocFd 13.04 0.07 29.9 80.8
AmanaGrowth n 59.71 -1.07 -18.8 55.6
NY Mun n 13.22 -0.07 -6.7 0.1 LgCpVl A 16.31 0.17 -4.1 38.7 Eaton Vance Class A: SeriesOverseas 11.15 -0.45 -22.6 NS Freedom2030 K 15.81 -1.22 -18.2 14.9 IntBd n 10.19 -0.06 -7.1 2.5 ShortTermBd 9.60 -0.01 -3.1 NS
Amer Beacon Insti:
IntlDisc n 41.65 -1.14 -21.3 18.9
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

BlackRock Funds: LiGoBalA p 11.02 -0.14 -13.3 18.8 TMG1.1 78.79 -0.71 -16.0 40.6 SerLTTreBdIdx 6.61 -0.31 -21.8 -3.1 Freedom2030K6 15.76 -1.22 -18.2 15.3 TotalBd 9.33 -0.12 -9.9 3.7
SmCpInst 26.45 0.11 -7.8 27.4 SelgComuInfoA 102.57 -0.29 -20.8 87.6 IntlGrRet n 16.27 -0.56 -22.7 19.3
CoreBd Inst 8.63 -0.11 -11.1 0.5 Eaton Vance Class I: SmCpIdxInstPrem n 22.68 -0.30 -17.7 18.4 Freedom2035 K 13.60 -1.17 -19.6 18.1 TxFreeBd 9.76 -0.09 -10.2 -0.6
American Century G: TaxEA 11.97 -0.14 -10.9 -1.5 IntMu n 9.91 -0.05 -7.5 1.1
CreStraInc Inst 9.17 -0.10 -7.4 4.3 STBdIdx InstPrem n 9.65 -0.01 -4.5 1.9 Freedom2035K6 13.56 -1.18 -19.7 18.5 U.S.TreBdIdx 9.06 -0.11 -9.5 -0.2
GlBond 9.36 -0.11 -8.4 0.8 Columbia Class Adv: AtlCpSMID 36.72 -0.39 -11.0 32.8 InvGB n 7.45 -0.09 -10.4 3.1
HiYBlk 7.05 -0.10 -8.5 8.8 STTreIdx InstPre n 10.07 -0.01 -4.3 1.4 Freedom2040 K 9.63 -0.94 -14.7 28.9 USMomentumIdx 14.03 0.04 -16.7 45.8
NTDvBnd 9.96 -0.13 -10.1 2.3 FloatRtHiInc 8.42 -0.07 -2.1 8.1 InvGrBd 10.36 -0.12 -10.1 4.0
HiYldBd Inst 7.04 -0.11 -8.7 8.5 DivIncom 30.16 0.33 -5.9 42.2 TMktIdxInstPrem n 114.34 -0.65 -14.4 43.7 Freedom2040K6 9.59 -0.93 -20.9 20.0 USValueIndex 12.49 0.34 0.8 39.2
Sustain Equity 40.62 -0.44 -16.2 48.5 FltgRt 8.58 -0.06 -1.4 7.5 LargeCap n 39.53 0.54 -6.1 42.9
InflProtBdInst 10.81 -0.21 -6.4 15.9 Columbia Class I: TotalMarketIndex n 14.40 -0.08 -14.2 44.4 Freedom2045 K 11.03 -1.06 -20.9 19.7 Fidelity Selects:
American Century I: GblMacAbR 8.29 0.00 -2.1 11.1 LCapCrEIdx n 19.31 0.06 -10.5 52.1
LowDurI Inst 9.19 -0.01 -4.0 1.7 Acorn I 9.75 -0.33 -31.4 0.0 TtlIntIdxInstPr n 12.28 -0.30 -14.4 11.6 Freedom2045K6 10.99 -1.06 -20.9 20.1 Biotech nr 13.39 -0.57 -30.8 -2.4
EqInc 9.58 0.04 -2.5 26.9 IncBos 5.12 -0.06 -6.9 9.0 LCapGrEIdx n 25.67 -0.28 -18.2 58.9
BlackRock Funds A: Balanced I 45.10 -0.48 -11.4 31.1 USBdIdxInstPrem n 10.65 -0.13 -10.5 -0.1 Freedom2050 K 11.15 -1.05 -20.8 19.8 DfAero nr 14.35 0.06 -1.7 4.1
Growth 41.77 -1.17 -23.2 48.0 NatlMuniInc 9.24 -0.09 -9.8 1.4 LevCoSt n 40.06 -0.11 -15.9 46.8
ContCore I 29.16 -0.31 -12.4 48.9 USSusIdx n 18.10 -0.13 -14.6 49.9 Freedom2050K6 11.13 -1.06 -20.8 20.2 Energy nr 53.81 4.58 52.7 52.9
IntTF 10.81 -0.07 -8.0 2.3 AdvLgCapCore p 17.38 -0.07 -14.8 42.1 Edgewood Growth Instituti: LgCpVHIdx n 15.36 0.14 -4.2 40.1
DivIncom I 29.61 0.32 -5.9 42.2 Fidelity Adv Focus A: Freedom2055 K 12.91 -1.19 -20.6 20.1 Gold nr 26.90 -0.44 3.7 65.4
MdCapVal 16.92 0.32 0.1 36.7 CapAppr 28.00 -1.01 -28.1 31.1 EdgewoodGrInst 39.92 -2.16 -34.0 29.5 LmtTrmMuniIncm n 10.14 -0.03 -5.4 0.4
EqtyDivd p 21.20 0.26 -1.5 36.7 LgCpIdx I 53.68 -0.09 -13.1 47.0 HthCarA r 53.30 -1.44 -19.8 28.9 Freedom2055K6 12.89 -1.19 -20.6 20.6 Health nr 25.41 -0.69 -19.8 35.7
SmCapVal 9.92 0.08 -10.4 44.4 LowP nr 50.37 0.02 -6.4 42.0 ITSvs n 54.55 -2.68 -26.1 10.0
GlblAlloc p 18.36 0.02 -11.9 22.0 MdCpIdx I 14.98 -0.12 -12.3 30.5 F TechA t 75.59 -1.39 -24.9 85.1 Idx2020InsPre 15.15 -0.22 -12.2 15.4
American Century Inv: LowPriStkK r 50.32 0.03 -6.3 42.3 MdTchDevis n 59.94 -2.01 -26.8 37.2
HlthScOp p 66.74 -0.74 -11.3 39.5 SelComunInfo t 117.21 -0.33 -20.7 89.0 Fidelity Advisor: Idx2025InsPre 17.07 -0.26 -12.8 17.3
DiscCoreVal n 33.30 0.22 -6.6 39.2 LowPriStkK6 14.43 0.01 -6.0 42.4 Retail nr 17.11 -0.83 -24.3 35.3
MdCpGrA 27.90 -1.16 -31.7 19.6 SmCpIdx I 25.56 -0.12 -13.5 26.7 Fairholme: SrsAdvIntlCapApp24.05 -1.08 -24.4 16.6 Idx2030InsPre 17.96 -0.27 -13.2 19.6
EqGro n 26.72 -0.20 -14.4 34.7 LtdTmBdFd n 11.03 -0.02 -5.0 1.9 Semiconductors r nr 16.90 0.37 -26.4 104.8
MultiAstIncome 10.20 -0.13 -8.8 9.0 StratInc I 21.82 -0.22 -8.3 4.8 Fairholme n 30.49 -1.67 -2.1 63.4 StragInc n 11.43 -0.14 -9.1 6.3 Idx2035InsPre 19.96 -0.29 -13.9 23.7
EqInc n 9.56 0.04 -2.5 26.1 Magin n 11.45 -0.73 -25.5 34.1 Softwr nr 22.76 -0.83 -21.3 51.5
NatlMuni p 10.16 -0.10 -10.1 -1.8 TotReBd I 32.39 -0.48 -12.3 4.1 TotBdFdClZ 9.85 -0.13 -10.1 3.7 Idx2040InsPre 20.25 -0.30 -14.4 26.7
FAM Value: MAMun n 11.26 -0.08 -9.4 -0.5
Grwth n 40.58 -1.13 -23.2 47.1 ScTechOppA 41.57 -1.19 -30.8 55.0 Columbia Class I2: Fidelity Advisor A: Idx2045InsPre 21.03 -0.30 -14.4 26.7 Tech nr 21.08 -0.41 -25.4 76.1
Heritage n 18.33 -0.98 -27.9 22.7 FAMValue n 85.57 0.20 -14.1 28.0 Manager40 n 12.44 -0.17 -10.8 16.6 Fidelity Series:
StratMuniOpp 10.63 -0.09 -10.7 -3.2 DivIncom 30.13 0.33 -5.9 42.5 BalancA t 24.84 -0.20 -13.1 35.9 Idx2050InsPre 21.06 -0.31 -14.4 26.7
MdCapVal n 16.90 0.32 0.0 35.9 Federated Hermes A: Manager60 n 14.11 -0.23 -12.8 22.7
TotRet 10.45 -0.12 -11.3 0.8 Columbia Class I3: EqGrA p/r t 14.03 -0.28 -18.6 58.2 Idx2055InsPre 17.32 -0.26 -14.4 26.7 Canada 14.39 -0.11 -1.0 44.7
OneChMod n 14.74 -0.20 -13.0 20.9 KaufmannA p 4.91 NA NA NA MidCap n 39.81 0.07 -5.6 46.3
BlackRock Funds III: GrOppA 102.51 -2.23 -28.6 49.2 Idx2020 Premier 15.14 -0.23 -12.3 NS IntMuni Z 9.93 -0.05 -7.5 1.3
Select n 93.62 -2.29 -19.8 51.2 ContCore I3 p 29.86 -0.32 -12.4 49.4 StrValDivA p p 6.20 0.12 6.9 29.8 MidCapEnIdx nr 16.40 -0.06 -11.9 35.1
NwInsghtA p 31.21 -0.27 -21.2 30.4 Idx2025 Premier 17.07 -0.26 -12.8 NS FidelityAdviAsset:
Ultra n 67.05 -1.89 -23.5 56.3 iShS&P500IdxK485.47 -0.88 -13.1 47.8 DivIncom 30.17 0.33 -5.9 42.7 Federated Hermes Int: MuniInc n 12.06 -0.11 -10.4 0.6
StrInA 11.27 -0.14 -9.1 5.5 Idx2030 Premier 17.96 -0.27 -13.2 NS ADVAssetMan60 14.10 -0.23 -12.8 22.9
American Century R6: iShUSAggBdIdxK 9.33 -0.11 -10.5 -0.1 Columbia Funds: NASDAQ nr 153.18 -2.34 -22.2 52.9
InsHiYld r 8.86 -0.13 -9.1 6.5 Fidelity Advisor Fun: Idx2035 Premier 19.96 -0.29 -13.9 NS First Eagle Funds:
BlackRock Funds Inst: UltShortBd Inst3 8.96 0.00 -0.5 3.2 NewInsights Z 32.57 -0.27 -21.1 31.9
MdCapVal 16.92 0.32 0.2 37.3 TtlRtnBdI 9.98 -0.12 -9.7 4.5 Idx2040 Premier20.25 -0.29 -14.4 NS NewMill n 40.92 0.51 -2.3 39.5 GlbA 61.07 -0.19 -5.3 24.4
AdvLgCapCore 18.33 -0.07 -14.7 43.1 Credit Suisse Common: InterDiscZ 41.45 -1.14 -21.3 19.2 Idx2045 Premier 21.02 -0.31 -14.4 NS
SmCpVal 9.92 0.07 -10.4 45.1 Federated Hermes IS: NewMkt nr 12.20 -0.18 -13.1 -7.5 OverseasA 23.54 -0.33 -7.0 13.0
CAInsMun 11.83 -0.10 -9.1 -1.3 Fidelity Advisor I: Idx2050 Premier 21.05 -0.31 -14.4 NS
American Funds Cl A: ComdtyRet r 33.33 NA NA NA KaufmnSCI 44.05 NA NA NA OTC n 14.78 -0.38 -24.6 54.7 FPA Funds:
EmgMkts 23.62 -0.79 -21.3 8.1 BalancI 25.45 -0.21 -13.0 36.9 Income n 10.59 -0.38 -8.5 8.4
2020TarRetA p 12.98 -0.08 -9.0 18.4 EqtyDivd 21.29 0.26 -1.5 37.6 KaufmnLCIS 26.80 NA NA NA OTC K 15.09 -0.39 -24.6 55.1 FPACres n 33.69 -0.04 -9.0 22.2
D ConsvIncmMuni I 9.95 0.00 -0.8 1.4 Fidelity Invest:
2025TarRetA p 14.39 -0.11 -10.6 20.8 FloRateIncPorIns 9.70 -0.06 -1.1 8.8 StraValDivIS 6.24 0.12 7.1 30.8 Ovrse n 51.92 -2.13 -23.3 17.7 NwInc n 9.70 -0.01 -2.3 3.2
FltRatel 9.30 -0.05 -0.7 9.2 AggrInt n 21.46 -0.96 -24.4 16.7
2030TarRetA p 15.66 -0.13 -12.0 23.0 GlblAlloc 18.48 -0.03 -11.9 23.0 UltraShortI 9.03 -0.01 -1.2 3.5 PuritanK 23.73 -0.15 -12.4 36.0 Franklin A1:
Davis Funds A: GrOppI 113.25 -2.45 -28.5 50.3
2035TarRetA p 16.86 -0.16 -13.7 26.7 FedMuniUl A 9.88 -0.01 -1.4 1.2 AilSectEq 9.71 -0.06 -14.0 52.6 Puritn n 23.75 -0.15 -12.5 35.7
HlthScOp 70.92 -0.78 -11.3 40.6 NYVen A 24.84 0.04 -14.0 16.9 HthCarI r 59.04 -1.59 -19.8 29.9 CA TF A1 p 6.85 -0.06 -10.7 0.0
2040TarRetA p 17.54 -0.19 -14.9 28.0 Federated Hermes R: AMgr20% n 13.58 -0.16 -8.2 9.2 RealE n 47.39 -1.91 -12.3 23.3
Interntnl 17.40 -0.77 -21.4 17.1 Davis Funds C & Y: IntlGr 16.22 -0.57 -22.8 19.2 Fed TF A1 p 10.86 -0.11 -10.8 -0.1
2045TarRetA p 17.94 -0.20 -15.4 28.1 KaufmnR r 4.92 NA NA NA AMgr50% n 19.59 -0.29 -11.8 19.7 RealEstInc nr 12.74 -0.18 -7.7 17.0
MdCpGrEq 32.76 -1.36 -31.7 20.5 NwInsghtI 32.43 -0.28 -21.2 31.3 HiInc A1 1.70 -0.02 -8.1 7.4
2050TarRetA p 17.60 -0.21 -16.1 27.6 NYVenY 25.75 0.04 -14.0 17.8 Federated Hermes R6: AMgr70% n 25.04 -0.43 -13.3 26.1 SAIIntlMinVolInd 10.31 -0.22 -11.0 4.0
MultiAstIncome 10.21 -0.13 -8.8 9.8 REIncmInst 12.68 -0.19 -7.8 17.0 HY TF A1 p 9.11 -0.11 -11.9 1.3
AmcpA p 34.54 -0.79 -24.0 24.4 Del Invest Instl: AMgr85% n 22.74 -0.42 -14.8 30.8 SAILTTreBdIdx 8.70 -0.43 -22.9 -3.5
NatlMuni 10.16 -0.09 -10.0 -1.0 FedInstHYBondL 8.86 -0.14 -9.2 6.4 StrInI 11.44 -0.13 -9.0 6.3 IncomeA1 p 2.41 -0.01 -2.5 23.1
AMutlA p 50.90 0.36 -3.9 38.4 Value 20.28 0.24 -3.8 27.9 AstMgr30R n 11.59 -0.15 -9.7 13.0 SAIUSMinVolIndFd 17.55 -0.12 -9.2 35.7
ScTechOppInst 45.64 -1.30 -30.8 56.1 TtlRtnBdL 9.98 -0.11 -9.6 4.6 Total Bd 9.85 -0.13 -10.1 3.3 NY TF A1 p 9.92 -0.11 -11.6 -2.6
BalA p 30.23 -0.02 -9.4 26.5 Deutsche DWS: Balanc n 26.39 -0.21 -12.9 37.4 SAIUSQtyIdx 16.30 -0.16 -14.0 50.7
StratIncOpptyIns 9.71 -0.03 -3.6 8.9 Fidelity: Fidelity Advisor M: US Gov A1 p 5.34 -0.04 -7.5 -3.2
BondA p 11.96 -0.16 -10.0 3.5 CoreEq n 29.75 -0.03 -11.2 42.0 BalancedK 26.39 -0.21 -12.9 37.7 SmCapDisc n 26.96 0.03 -12.0 34.4
StratMuniOppI 10.64 -0.08 -10.5 -2.5 500IdxInstPrem n 143.27 -0.26 -13.1 47.9 Balanced p 25.20 -0.21 -13.2 34.9 Utils A1 p 22.57 0.27 3.1 34.6
CapIBA p 65.50 -0.17 -6.0 20.2 MgdMuniS n 8.15 -0.09 -11.1 -1.2 BluCh n 133.53 -4.12 -27.3 58.2 SmlCapO n 12.33 -0.09 -17.4 28.0
TotRet 10.44 -0.12 -11.2 1.8 Contrafund K6 18.36 -0.21 -21.0 40.0 EqGr p 13.57 -0.27 -18.7 57.1 Franklin Templeton:
CapWA p 16.98 -0.21 -14.4 -6.3 Diamond Hill Funds: BluChpGr K6 20.32 -0.62 -27.1 62.2 SmlCpGrth nr 24.17 -0.73 -23.7 25.5
BNY Mellon Funds: EmgMktIdxInstPre n 10.20 -0.33 -15.6 2.9 GrOppM p 101.08 -2.20 -28.6 48.1 TgtModA p 14.09 NA NA NA
CapWGrA 53.44 -0.49 -15.8 22.0 BluChpGrK 134.04 -4.13 -27.3 58.6 SmlCpGrth Z 24.39 -0.73 -23.7 25.9
EupacA p 50.83 -1.69 -21.5 9.9 Aprec pn 39.82 -0.54 -16.4 48.5 LgCapI 32.27 0.15 -9.6 36.5 ExtMktIdxInstPre n 68.56 -1.83 -21.0 24.0 NwInsghtM p 29.39 -0.25 -21.3 29.4 CAMun n 11.93 -0.10 -9.8 -0.4 FrankTemp/Frank Adv:
SmlCpVal nr 19.75 0.06 -8.6 45.1
FdInvA p 65.37 -0.21 -13.7 34.3 Dr500In tn 51.96 -0.10 -13.2 45.7 LgCapY 32.31 0.15 -9.5 37.0 FidAdAsset 13.58 -0.15 -8.2 9.3 Fidelity Advisor Z: CapAp n 36.84 -0.66 -16.5 53.3 CA TF Adv t 6.84 -0.06 -10.6 0.2
Srs1000ValIndRet 14.58 0.09 -5.7 33.3
GBalA p 33.58 -0.36 -12.4 13.4 Dreyf n 14.23 -0.12 -14.0 51.8 LongShortI 27.64 0.21 -3.6 22.7 FidAdEm 33.30 -1.35 -23.6 NS AssetManager50% 19.53 -0.30 -11.8 19.9 CapDevO n 18.62 0.25 -6.1 42.4 CvtScAdv 20.90 -0.70 -15.8 39.7
SrsBlChGroRetail n 12.03 -0.42 -26.9 60.3
GovtA p 12.95 -0.17 -7.6 3.5 DreyMid r Inv nr 31.24 -0.24 -12.4 29.5 Dimensional Fds: FidSAI 9.04 -0.11 -8.4 NS AsstMngr70 25.01 -0.42 -13.3 26.4 CnvSc n 31.65 -0.77 -13.0 51.0 Dynat Adv 109.75 -3.92 -31.9 30.5
SrsCommStrt 5.36 0.05 31.1 66.0
GwthA p 57.41 -0.97 -22.7 38.4 GlFxIncI 19.89 -0.24 -7.6 2.9 2TGlFxd 9.64 0.00 -2.4 -0.3 FidSAIEmerg 12.23 -0.23 -10.7 NS CorporateBond 10.60 -0.15 -13.8 1.8 Contra n 14.59 -0.18 -21.2 40.7 SrsEmrgMkt 16.56 -0.67 -21.2 5.0 Fed TF Adv 10.87 -0.11 -10.7 0.2
HI TrA p 9.57 -0.10 -7.6 10.0 InstS&PStkIdx I 66.38 -0.36 -13.1 47.1 5GlbFxdInc 10.07 -0.02 -5.9 -3.4 FidSer5 8.96 -0.25 -11.5 NS FloatRateHighInc 9.31 -0.05 -0.6 9.5 ContraK 14.64 -0.18 -21.2 41.2 SrsGlobal 12.93 -0.31 -14.1 10.6 Growth Adv t 118.03 -2.49 -22.0 37.7
HiInMuniA 15.02 -0.15 -10.2 3.6 IntlStkI 21.16 -0.73 -21.5 16.3 DFARlEst 45.28 -1.78 -12.4 28.5 FidSer0-5 9.98 -0.04 -0.7 NS GrOpp 114.62 -2.48 -28.5 50.8 CpInc nr 10.09 -0.08 -8.9 18.6 SrsGroCoRetail 15.25 -0.38 -25.3 77.3 IncomeAdv 2.39 0.00 -2.4 23.8
ICAA p 44.97 0.00 -12.9 36.2 IntlStkY 20.90 -0.73 -21.5 16.4 EmgMkt 27.79 -0.87 -11.9 9.9 FIDSerEmgMkt 8.32 -0.30 -20.8 -9.5 IntCpAp 24.09 -1.08 -24.4 17.0 DisEq n 51.21 -0.56 -21.6 45.4 SrsIntlGrw 14.81 -0.50 -22.5 23.3 RisDv Adv r 85.89 -0.33 -11.1 45.5
IncoA p 24.46 0.00 -4.7 27.6 SmMidCpGrI 23.77 -1.93 -30.2 19.4 EmgMktSoCoEq 13.86 -0.40 -13.1 9.7 FidSerInt 8.97 -0.12 -8.7 NS NewMktsIncFdZ 12.20 -0.18 -13.1 -7.3 DivGth n 32.77 -0.12 -10.5 29.5 SrsIntlSmCp 15.99 -0.54 -25.2 18.3 SmCpValAdv t 55.58 0.27 -9.1 30.9
IntBdA p 12.92 -0.06 -5.4 3.3 BNY Mellon Funds Tru: EmgMktVa 29.02 -0.66 -6.2 11.4 FidSerToMarket 13.61 -0.08 -14.4 43.8 RE Income 12.68 -0.19 -7.7 17.4 DivIntl n 37.94 -1.17 -21.8 18.6 SrsIntlVal 10.28 -0.07 -8.0 21.5 FrankTemp/Franklin A:
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 47


Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
BAL A t 12.60 0.01 -6.0 22.6 GblStrIncmA p 3.15 -0.05 -11.1 -6.8 MtgBckd 10.46 -0.07 NA NA IncomeFd 10.95 NA NA NA Incm 6.16 -0.07 -9.4 0.4 Nasdaq100 n 34.02 NA NA NA SelValu nr 29.14 0.26 -4.9 41.1
DynaTech A p 105.47 -3.77 -32.0 29.5 GlbOppA p 50.00 -1.57 -32.6 0.5 ShtDurBnd 10.65 0.01 NA NA N PIMCO Funds I2: PutLargCap 30.20 0.47 -2.7 47.2 ntTerBd n 9.50 NA NA NA STAR n 27.11 -0.42 -15.1 23.1
EqIn A p 29.61 0.24 -6.6 36.0 GrIncA 23.24 0.30 -4.6 34.1 USRechEnhEq 31.79 -0.12 NA NA CommdtyRR 7.80 NA NA NA StDurInc 10.02 0.00 -0.3 2.8 S&PIdx n 53.70 NA NA NA STIGrade n 10.15 -0.02 -5.2 2.4
FoundFAlA p 13.75 -0.10 -8.0 10.2 HYMuA 9.09 -0.10 -11.3 1.9 JPMorgan R5 Class: Natixis Funds: TarRet2040 n 12.43 NA NA NA StratgcEq n 34.82 -0.05 -10.2 37.2
ComPLUSStrtgyFd 9.69 NA NA NA
GrOp A p 41.08 -2.06 -29.0 30.7 IntTMIA p 10.37 -0.09 -9.2 -0.1 SR2030 R5 17.67 -0.25 NA NA InvGradeBdY 10.13 -0.09 -8.8 7.4 Income 10.95 NA NA NA R StrSmCpEqInv n 34.62 -0.13 -11.3 33.3
Growth A p 117.22 -2.48 -22.1 36.7 InvGloblFdA 89.54 -2.96 -28.0 15.3 LSGrowthY 20.23 -0.49 -22.8 30.3 IntlBdUSH 10.03 NA NA NA V TgtRe2015 n 13.17 -0.15 -9.9 12.1
LwDuToRt A 9.07 -0.02 -3.5 2.2 MnStFndA 47.91 -0.59 -15.8 35.0 L Neuberger Berman Fds: RiverNorth Funds: TgtRe2020 n 27.62 -0.32 -11.0 15.9
InvstGrCrBd 9.17 NA NA NA
RisDv A p 85.98 -0.33 -11.1 44.4 MnStSmCpA p 24.49 -0.40 -13.5 27.0 GenesInst 59.75 -0.81 -20.1 25.0 RNDLIncomeI 9.42 NA NA NA VALIC: TgtRe2025 n 17.86 -0.22 -12.2 17.9
LowDurInc 8.12 NA NA NA
SmMCpGrA p 31.25 -1.83 -29.7 26.8 ModInvA 10.34 -0.15 -14.9 12.9 Laudus Funds: LCVal Inst 44.80 0.24 1.2 65.6 LwDur 9.40 NA NA NA Russell Funds S: IntlEq 6.99 -0.16 -14.9 9.6 TgtRe2030 n 33.50 -0.44 -12.8 20.0
StrInc A p 8.47 -0.08 -8.6 -0.8 MunInA 12.20 -0.14 -10.8 0.8 USLgCpGr nr 22.53 NA NA NA LgShInst 16.66 NA NA NA RealRtn 11.25 NA NA NA StratBd 9.68 NA NA NA MidCpIdx 25.98 -0.20 -12.4 30.0 TgtRe2035 n 20.72 -0.27 -13.1 22.4
TtlRtn A p 8.73 -0.12 -11.2 -1.5 RchHiYldMuniA 7.01 -0.11 -12.8 5.0 Lazard Instl: StrIncInst 10.03 -0.12 -8.4 6.3 ShtTm 9.64 NA NA NA TaxExBd 21.82 NA NA NA SciTech 22.74 -0.92 -28.5 35.7 TgtRe2040 n 36.38 -0.48 -13.4 24.7
FrankTemp/Franklin C: RisingDivA 22.72 -0.16 -11.2 42.0 EmgMktEq 16.18 -0.32 -10.7 1.4 Neuberger Berman Inv: TotRt 9.11 NA NA NA TxMngUSLgCp 60.86 NA NA NA StckIdx 47.32 -0.09 -13.1 46.6 TgtRe2045 n 24.47 -0.33 -13.8 27.2
Income C t 2.45 -0.01 -3.0 21.3 RochAMTFrMuni 6.97 -0.09 -11.0 5.6 GlbLstInfr 16.70 -0.05 2.4 28.6 Genes n 59.68 -0.81 -20.1 24.4 PIMCO Funds Instl: VANGUARD ADMIRAL: TgtRe2050 n 40.40 -0.54 -13.9 27.5
FrankTemp/Franklin R: RoMu A p 15.16 -0.25 -13.6 2.8 IntStrtEq r 13.78 -0.33 -15.8 5.3 Guard n 22.23 -0.37 -17.6 60.2 ComPLUSStrtgyFd 9.81 NA NA NA S 500Adml n 380.99 -0.69 -13.1 47.8 TgtRe2060 n 41.37 -0.57 -13.9 27.4
SenFltRtA 6.99 -0.05 0.2 1.2 USEQ Concen Inst 17.09 -0.46 -13.2 32.3 LCVal n 44.84 0.23 1.2 64.9 DynamicBd 10.05 NA NA NA BalAdml n 42.36 -0.34 -12.9 25.9 TgtRet2055 n 44.97 -0.61 -13.9 27.4
FrkDynTchR6 111.16 -3.97 -31.9 30.8 Schwab Funds:
Invesco Funds P: Legg Mason I: Neuberger Berman Tr: IncomeFd 10.95 NA NA NA CAITAdml n 11.07 -0.07 -8.6 0.1 TgtRetInc n 13.02 -0.14 -9.8 11.0
FrkGrthR6 117.95 -2.49 -22.0 38.1
Summit P pn 20.88 -0.58 -23.1 36.7 InflRespMulAsset 9.03 NA NA NA 1000 Inv nr 89.44 NA NA NA CALTAdml n 11.14 -0.12 -11.4 -0.2 TotIntBdIxInv 10.08 -0.11 -8.4 -2.2
FrkRisDivR6 85.88 -0.33 -11.0 45.8 IntlGrTrI 53.54 -1.92 -22.5 12.6 GenesisFdR6 59.76 -0.81 -20.0 25.3
Invesco Funds Y: Pioneer Funds A: CoreEq n 20.83 NA NA NA CapOpAdml nr 163.90 -1.66 -15.3 38.0 USGro n 44.86 -1.70 -31.0 34.7
FrkSmCpGrR6 20.01 -0.72 -24.6 12.3 Longleaf Partners: Nicholas Group:
DevMktY 34.94 -1.54 -25.7 -12.1 FunUSLgInst nr 22.02 NA NA NA DivAppIdxAdm n 41.52 -0.26 -10.5 42.8 WellsI n 26.51 -0.05 -7.9 17.3
FrankTemp/Mutual A&B: Partners n 22.81 0.01 -8.1 28.9 Nich n 72.17 -1.48 -16.5 40.0 CoreEqA 20.36 -0.09 -13.0 46.0
DiscovY 90.51 -4.33 -29.3 34.5 InflProSel n 11.61 NA NA NA EMAdmr n 34.95 -1.26 -14.5 6.8 Welltn n 42.07 -0.32 -12.9 26.6
Shares A 25.33 0.07 -5.3 16.2 Sm-Cap n 24.27 0.23 -7.7 14.6 Northern Funds: DiscGrA 14.12 -0.29 -18.4 52.4
EqWtdY 72.31 -0.10 -9.2 44.1 IntI Sel nr 20.40 NA NA NA EnergyAd nr 57.56 4.97 49.6 51.3 Wndsr n 23.37 0.11 -3.4 48.9
FrankTemp/Temp A: Loomis Sayles Fds: BdIdx n 9.55 NA NA NA PioFdA 32.66 -0.29 -13.6 54.0
S&P Sel n 63.76 NA NA NA EnergyAdml nr 85.51 4.71 18.1 4.1 WndsrII n 41.43 0.10 -10.2 47.3
Frgn A p 6.67 -0.03 -7.4 0.4 GlblOppY 51.40 -1.62 -32.5 1.2 Pioneer Funds Y:
LSBondI 12.22 -0.12 -9.3 0.5 EmMktsEqIdx nr 11.25 NA NA NA SmCp Sel nr 30.05 NA NA NA EqIncAdml n 90.78 1.43 -1.0 41.4 VANGUARD INDEX FDS:
GlBond A p 8.39 -0.09 -3.4 -14.4 GloblY 90.33 -2.98 -27.9 16.1 BondY 8.58 -0.11 -10.1 3.7
Lord Abbett A: HiYFxInc n 6.10 NA NA NA TSM Sel nr 70.99 NA NA NA EuropeAdml n 70.95 -2.44 -16.9 12.5 500 380.99 -0.70 -13.1 47.3
Growth A p 22.13 -0.04 -9.4 5.5 IntGrowY 33.07 -1.44 -27.2 10.0 StratIncY p p 9.76 -0.12 -8.3 7.4
Affiltd p 16.72 0.16 -9.6 24.3 IntlEqIdx nr 12.50 NA NA NA USSmCoIdx nr 15.77 NA NA NA ExplrAdml n 95.26 -2.46 -20.0 30.2 EmgMktInstPl 88.40 -3.18 -14.5 7.0
World A p 12.51 -0.25 -16.8 -2.4 IntlSmCoY 40.19 -2.28 -29.0 6.6 Price Funds:
BdDeb p 7.50 -0.05 -9.2 6.1 IntTxExpt n 9.79 NA NA NA SEI Portfolios: ExtndAdml n 109.43 -2.92 -21.0 24.1 ExtndIstPl 270.03 -7.22 -21.0 24.2
Ivy Funds:
FrankTemp/Temp Adv: CalibrDivGr 17.85 -0.05 -13.7 38.6 MidCpIdx n 20.93 NA NA NA 2050RetFd n 16.48 -0.22 -15.4 28.2 CoreFxIn F 10.02 -0.12 -11.6 0.1 GNMAAdml n 9.63 -0.08 -8.2 -2.2 FTAIWdInPl 109.90 -2.74 -14.0 12.3
AssetStrA p 21.24 -0.37 -12.9 21.8 SmCapIdx n 13.02 NA NA NA Balnanced n 24.41 -0.27 -13.2 21.7
GlBondAdv p 8.34 -0.10 -3.4 -13.8 FloatRt p 8.23 -0.05 -0.8 4.6 IntlEmg F 10.76 -0.30 -16.6 3.7 GroIncAdml n 92.28 0.17 -11.5 49.3 IdxIntl 17.52 -0.45 -14.2 12.1
CoreEqA t 16.30 -0.15 -15.3 47.4 SmCpVal n 19.69 NA NA NA BlChip n 128.70 -3.46 -27.6 23.7
Frost Family of Fund: HYMuniBd p 11.12 -0.15 -13.4 0.9 IntlEq F 10.28 -0.18 -15.3 12.3 GrwthAdml n 126.30 -2.72 -23.4 53.5 ITTresIdx Inst 25.47 -0.18 -8.2 0.4
HiIncA p 6.34 NA NA NA StkIdx n 45.49 NA NA NA Communica&Tech n 129.24 -3.59 -29.2 27.2
FrTRInst 9.76 -0.06 -4.2 4.9 IntrTxFr 10.12 -0.09 -10.2 -0.9 IntMuni F 10.99 -0.07 -8.8 0.5 HltClxAd nr 118.72 -1.08 -10.6 45.1 LTTresIdx Inst 29.67 -1.34 -21.7 -3.0
LgCpGwthA p 26.61 -0.77 -22.4 49.6 TxExpt n 9.73 NA NA NA DivGro n 66.21 -0.24 -10.4 44.5
MultiAstBalOppty 10.58 -0.07 -12.5 22.1 TaxMgdLC F 32.75 -0.06 -11.3 41.7 HlthCareAdml nr 83.92 -1.62 -9.2 37.0 MdCpGrAdml n 82.19 -2.75 -24.9 31.7
G LgCpGwthl r 28.76 -0.83 -22.2 51.0 Nuveen Cl A: EmMktS n 35.93 -1.50 -20.6 -8.7
ShtDurIncmA p 3.98 0.00 -3.5 3.3 Sequoia: HYCorAdml nr 5.37 -0.06 -8.4 6.3 MdCpVlAdml n 74.20 0.49 -4.2 37.9
MidCapI 31.07 -1.06 -26.6 41.1 EqInc n 35.37 0.54 -1.4 37.9
TaxFr p 10.48 -0.13 -12.9 -1.0 AAMunBd p 10.33 -0.15 -15.1 -3.0 SequoiaFd n 141.75 -0.56 -23.4 25.7 InfProAd n 26.31 -0.44 -6.4 14.9 SmValAdml n 70.99 0.18 -7.3 30.2
GE Elfun/S&S: MdCpGwthA p 27.63 -0.95 -26.7 39.6 EqIndex n 108.57 -0.20 -13.1 47.1
Lord Abbett C: HiYldMuBd p 15.94 NA NA NA SmeadFds: InfTechIdx n 185.69 -2.38 -20.7 75.9 TotBd2 9.80 -0.12 -10.6 -0.6
ScTechA p 54.11 -0.99 -24.1 36.7 GlbStk n 48.76 -1.84 -23.2 41.6
Trusts n 68.23 -0.81 -14.4 51.5 ShtDurIncmC t 4.00 -0.01 -3.7 1.3 LtdMnBd p 10.73 -0.03 -5.3 1.2 IntlGrAdml n 98.72 -4.71 -29.1 23.6 TotIntlInstIdx r 117.19 -3.00 -14.2 12.4
ScTechI r 65.37 -1.21 -24.0 37.4 GlbTech n 12.92 -0.98 -44.6 11.6 SmeadValueInstl 67.54 2.51 -2.4 59.2
GMO Trust Class III: Lord Abbett F: Nuveen Cl I: ITBondAdml n 10.53 -0.11 -10.8 1.4 TotItlInstPlId r 117.22 -3.00 -14.2 12.5
Growth n 74.30 -2.21 -30.1 25.0 SSgA Funds:
Quality 26.34 -0.39 -13.4 47.4 J BdDeb 7.49 -0.04 -9.2 6.4 HYMunBd 15.95 NA NA NA ITIGradeAdml n 8.67 -0.09 -12.1 1.7 TotSt 100.19 -0.59 -14.5 43.4
HelSci n 85.24 -1.75 -18.1 38.5 SP500 n 235.66 -0.43 -13.1 47.7 ITsryAdml n 10.37 -0.08 -7.9 1.8 VANGUARD INSTL FDS:
GMO Trust Class IV: FloatRt p 8.22 -0.05 -0.9 4.9 Nuveen Cl R:
InstFLRfd r 9.55 -0.05 -0.7 9.8 ITTresIdx n 20.52 -0.15 -8.3 0.3
EmgCntrDt 20.25 NA NA NA Janus Henderson: HiYld p 6.63 -0.08 -9.8 5.5 IntDMunBd 8.78 -0.07 -8.4 1.1 BalInst 42.37 -0.34 -12.9 25.9
InstHiYld 7.90 -0.11 -8.9 6.8 T
GMO Trust Class VI: Balanced C 38.86 -0.45 -14.1 23.7 IntrTxFr 10.12 -0.09 -10.2 -0.5 LmtTrmR 10.69 -0.03 -5.2 1.9 LarCapAd n 95.02 -0.48 -14.4 46.7 DevMktsIndInst 14.12 -0.31 -14.1 14.6
LgCapGow I 53.30 -1.55 -27.5 35.5 LTGradeAdml n 8.46 -0.27 -21.6 -0.3
Quality 26.35 -0.39 -13.4 47.8 Balanced T n 39.47 -0.45 -13.9 26.7 ShtDurIncm 3.97 -0.01 -3.5 3.3 TCW Funds: DevMktsInxInst 22.07 -0.48 -14.1 14.7
InstLCCoreGr 51.07 -1.38 -27.5 24.1
Goldman Sachs Inst: Enterprise T n 131.90 -2.08 -15.6 30.5 Lord Abbett I: O LTsryAdml n 9.92 -0.46 -21.8 -2.2 EmMkInst r 26.57 -0.96 -14.5 6.9
LgCpVal 26.95 0.41 -3.0 37.8 EmMktInc n 6.52 -0.10 -14.2 -8.4 LTTresIdx n 23.37 -1.06 -21.8 -3.1
GlTech T nr 38.07 -1.18 -29.4 41.6 BdDebentr 7.46 -0.04 -9.1 6.7 TotRetBondI n 8.90 -0.13 -11.2 -0.4 ExtndInst 109.42 -2.92 -21.0 24.2
EmgMktEq 22.80 NA NA NA Oakmark Funds Invest: InstSmCap 26.19 -0.44 -20.3 27.2 MidCpAdml n 267.76 -3.12 -14.9 36.2
Grw&Inc T n 68.38 -0.46 -12.9 37.2 FloatRt 8.23 -0.05 -0.9 5.1 FTAlWldIst r 103.77 -2.60 -14.0 12.2
HYMuni 9.33 -0.12 -11.7 3.4 IntDis n 60.80 -2.53 -27.7 15.9 Thompson IM Fds,Inc: MuHYAdml n 10.57 -0.12 -11.0 2.2
Resh T n 52.11 -1.21 -23.4 34.8 HiYld 6.67 -0.08 -9.7 5.9 EqtyInc nr 31.11 0.17 -9.2 27.2 FTScinst 27.51 -0.28 -17.5 46.1
Muni 15.13 -0.12 -9.0 1.0 IntlStk n 16.83 -0.49 -15.3 8.7 Bond n 10.52 -0.03 -3.0 3.8 MuIntAdml n 13.38 -0.09 -8.3 1.1
Jensen I : ShtDurInc p 3.97 -0.01 -3.4 3.9 Oakmark n 107.20 1.56 -10.0 45.3 GrwthInst 126.30 -2.73 -23.4 53.6
ShDuTF 10.26 -0.02 -4.4 0.2 MCapVal n 33.10 -0.24 -1.6 43.4 Thornburg Fds: MuLTAdml n 10.71 -0.12 -10.9 1.2
Jensen I 57.55 -0.73 -14.5 48.0 LSVValEq : OakmrkInt n 23.60 -0.50 -16.0 3.7 InPrSeIn 10.72 -0.18 -6.4 15.0
SmCapVa 52.35 0.11 -9.6 21.0 MCEqGr 58.03 -1.35 -21.5 23.1 IncBuildA t 22.54 0.03 -6.4 21.8
Select n 56.05 1.48 -12.8 36.4 MuLtdAdml n 10.64 -0.03 -4.3 1.7 InstIdx 349.66 -0.63 -13.1 47.8
Guggenheim Funds Tru: JensenQualGrJ n: LSVValEq 28.01 0.62 -3.6 32.7 MidCap n 92.85 -2.09 -20.9 23.4
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Old Westbury Fds: IntVal I 22.04 -0.52 -18.5 15.4 MuShtAdml n 15.54 -0.02 -1.9 1.7 InstPlus 349.66 -0.63 -13.1 47.9
MacOppFdClInstl 25.29 NA NA NA JensenQualGrJ n 57.60 -0.73 -14.6 47.0 N Asia n 16.30 -0.69 -22.5 5.6
AlCpCore n 21.63 NA NA NA LtdTIncI 12.85 -0.06 -5.8 3.9 NJLTAdml n 11.18 -0.13 -10.8 2.2 InstTStPlus 72.92 -0.43 -14.5 43.9
TotRtnBdFdClInst25.08 NA NA NA John Hancock: M NAmer n 56.65 -0.85 -17.0 62.7
CreditIncomeFd n 8.92 NA NA NS LtdTMu I 13.52 -0.04 -6.0 -0.8 NYLTAdml n 10.64 -0.12 -11.4 -0.3 ITBdInst 10.53 -0.11 -10.8 1.5
GuideStone Funds: 500Index1 45.53 -0.09 -13.2 46.6 New Era n 42.17 1.14 5.2 34.3
MainStay Fds A: FixInc pn 10.41 NA NA NA Thrivent Funds A: PacifAdml n 84.57 -0.59 -12.5 11.0 ITBdInstPI 10.53 -0.11 -10.8 1.5
BondI 14.17 -0.19 -11.2 2.2 NHoriz n 50.57 -2.95 -34.2 24.8
EqindxGS2 44.02 NA NA NA LrgCpStr n 15.50 NA NA NA LgCpStk 24.68 NA NA NA PALTAdml n 10.74 -0.13 -10.3 1.7 LaCapInst 391.10 -1.96 -14.4 46.8
BondR6 14.20 -0.19 -11.1 2.6 HiYldBdA 5.15 -0.05 -6.9 7.8 OverS SF nr 11.39 -0.21 -14.2 15.1
MedDurGS2 13.27 NA NA NA MuniBd pn 11.35 NA NA NA MidCapStk 27.82 NA NA NA PrmcpAdml nr 149.05 -0.21 -12.0 40.7 MidCpInst 59.15 -0.69 -14.9 36.2
ClassicVal I 39.64 0.87 -1.1 33.3 TxFrBdA 9.43 -0.09 -10.8 0.4 QMUSSmCpGrEq n 36.13 -0.90 -22.0 16.7
Sm&MdCapStrategi n 14.75 NA NA NA Thrivent Funds S: RealEstatAdml n 141.63 -5.56 -13.3 26.8 MidCpIstPl 291.73 -3.38 -14.8 36.3
H DispVal I 22.73 0.44 -3.1 39.7 Mairs&Power: SpectModerGwAllo n 36.10 -0.48 -15.1 22.3
Optimum Funds Inst: LgCpVal n 27.48 NA NA NA S&PSC600Idx 365.70 -1.73 -13.4 27.6 RealEstaInstl 21.92 -0.86 -13.3 26.8
DispValMdCpR626.24 0.18 -5.1 40.1 MairsPwrGr n 135.70 -1.51 -16.5 39.0 R2010 n 15.68 -0.18 -10.6 16.4
MidCapStk n 32.69 NA NA NA SmCapAdml n 92.46 -1.03 -14.5 25.9 Rs1000GrwIdxInst474.32 -7.87 -21.3 56.1
Harbor Funds: DispValR6 22.79 0.45 -3.0 40.3 Mass Mutual: Fixed Inc 8.57 -0.10 -10.8 0.3 R2015 n 13.11 -0.15 -10.8 17.9
TIAA-CREF/Instl Cl: SmGthAdml n 75.19 -2.44 -24.1 15.8 Rs1000Vl IdxInst269.96 1.73 -5.8 33.0
CapApInst 73.26 NA NA NA IntlGrwI 26.97 -0.96 -22.6 15.2 LgCpGrwth 18.52 -0.62 -27.3 24.1 R2020 n 19.71 -0.23 -11.3 19.5
SelBluChipGroClI 21.45 -0.57 NA NA STBondAdml n 10.09 -0.01 -4.4 2.0 Russ1000IdxInst363.34 -1.72 -14.0 46.1
IntlInst r 40.26 -0.95 -14.7 13.2 John Hancock Class 1: LgCpVal 19.72 0.20 -6.6 34.6 R2025 n 17.14 -0.21 -12.2 21.7 CoreBond Inst 9.45 -0.12 -10.6 0.8
MassMutual Select: STCorpIx n 20.87 -0.03 -5.2 2.9 SmCapInst 92.46 -1.02 -14.4 26.0
Osterweis Strat Income: R2030 n 25.54 -0.33 -13.4 23.5 CorePlsBd 9.50 -0.12 -10.4 1.7
SmCpValInst 38.66 0.15 -9.2 24.9 BlueChipGrw 40.88 -1.08 -27.0 23.3 MCGrEqIII 20.61 -0.53 -21.7 23.6 STFedAdml n 10.35 -0.01 -3.8 2.7 SmCapIstPl 266.88 -2.95 -14.4 26.0
OsterweisStrInc n 10.85 -0.09 -4.7 10.3 R2035 n 19.56 -0.26 -14.4 25.2 TIAA-CREF/Retail Cl:
Harding Loevner: LSAggr 14.45 -0.19 -14.4 28.8 Matthews Asian Funds: STIGradeAdml n 10.15 -0.02 -5.2 2.7 SmGthInst 60.22 -1.95 -24.1 15.8
R2040 n 27.82 -0.37 -15.1 26.8 Gro&Inc n 21.83 -0.17 -15.8 38.0
LSBalncd 13.49 -0.18 -12.3 20.5 STIPSIxAdm n 25.31 -0.10 -0.7 12.7 SmValInst 39.68 0.10 -7.3 30.2
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EmgMktsAdv n 44.52 NA NA NA PacTigerInv nr 22.40 -0.79 -18.7 3.9 PQ Ret2045 n 19.48 -0.26 -15.3 28.1
IntlEq 24.21 NA NA NA LSGwth 14.14 -0.19 -13.4 25.2 TIAA/CREF Funds: STsryAdml n 10.24 -0.01 -3.2 2.4 STBdIdxInstPl 10.09 -0.01 -4.4 2.1
Metropolitan West: Ret2055 n 17.06 -0.23 -15.4 28.0
Hartford Funds A: LSModer 12.43 -0.15 -10.5 15.1 Parnassus Fds: BdIdxInst 9.90 -0.12 -10.6 -0.6 STTresIdx n 19.65 0.00 -3.0 1.6 STBDInst 10.09 -0.01 -4.4 2.0
LowDurBdI 8.46 -0.01 -3.7 2.3 RetBal Inc n 13.66 -0.15 -9.7 16.5
BalIncA 14.65 -0.02 -8.1 18.0 John Hancock Funds A: EqIdxInst 29.33 -0.16 -14.2 44.0 TotBdAdml n 9.93 -0.11 -10.6 0.0 STCorpIxInst p 25.55 -0.03 -5.2 3.0
TotRetBd n 9.63 -0.13 -11.2 0.4 ParnEqFd n 53.91 -0.91 -14.9 46.3 SciTec n 30.29 -1.32 -30.2 21.3
CapAppA p 36.26 -0.58 -14.7 28.6 BalA 23.76 -0.12 -12.2 24.6 Sht-Bd n 4.60 0.00 -3.4 3.3 Gr&IncInst 14.48 -0.11 -15.8 39.1 TotIntBdIdxAdm n 20.14 -0.22 -8.4 -2.2 STIGradeInst 10.15 -0.02 -5.2 2.8
TotRetBdI 9.63 -0.12 -11.2 1.2 Pax World Fds:
DiscpEqA p 42.13 -0.18 -14.9 41.2 BondA p 14.17 -0.19 -11.3 1.3 SmCap n 52.98 -0.13 -14.3 27.4 HgYldInst 8.63 -0.11 -8.4 3.6 TotIntlAdmIdx nr 29.30 -0.75 -14.2 12.3 STIPSIxins 25.33 -0.10 -0.7 12.8
TRBdPlan 9.03 -0.12 -11.1 1.4 SustAll Inv n 25.30 -0.36 -12.7 27.8
DivGth A p 31.91 0.04 -6.0 47.9 FunLgCpCorA p 59.70 0.07 -16.6 41.6 SmCapStk n 55.50 -0.94 -20.4 27.2 IntlEqIdxInst 19.52 -0.44 -14.7 11.3 TotStAdml n 100.22 -0.59 -14.5 43.8 TotBdInst 9.93 -0.11 -10.6 0.0
UnconstrBdI 10.86 -0.06 -6.1 2.8 Pear Tree:
EqInc t 22.34 0.30 -1.8 41.3 LifeBal 13.60 -0.19 -12.5 19.2 SpecGr n 23.34 -0.24 -14.9 32.1 IntlEqInst 11.62 -0.19 -17.8 14.6 TxMBal nr 37.60 -0.22 -11.0 22.1 TotBdInst2 9.80 -0.12 -10.6 -0.4
MFS Funds: ForeignVal I r 20.99 -0.43 -12.3 3.8
GrOppty t 33.29 -1.44 -29.9 23.9 LifeGrw 14.21 -0.19 -13.6 23.8 SpecInc n 11.70 -0.12 -8.0 6.0 LC2040Inst 9.95 -0.14 -14.0 24.2 TxMCapAdml n 212.32 -1.07 -14.1 46.6 TotBdInstPl 9.93 -0.11 -10.6 0.0
IIE 28.01 -0.91 -16.3 19.7 Perm Port Funds: LCIdx2020Inst 18.08 -0.21 -11.5 16.9 TxMIn nr 14.10 -0.31 -14.1 14.6 TotIntBdIdxInst 30.22 -0.34 -8.4 -2.1
MidCap A p 26.08 -0.39 -20.5 15.5 John Hancock Instl: SuMuInc n 11.19 -0.11 -10.0 0.9
MFS Funds Class A: Permanent n 47.44 -0.30 -4.9 35.3 LCIdx2025Inst 19.73 -0.23 -12.1 19.1 TxMSC nr 80.69 -0.36 -13.3 28.2 TotStInst 100.23 -0.59 -14.5 43.9
Hartford Funds C: DispValMCI 26.24 0.17 -5.2 39.7 SuMuInt n 11.20 -0.08 -8.4 0.2
CoEqyA 41.05 -0.16 NA NA PGIM Funds Cl A: LCIdx2035Inst 22.87 -0.29 -13.3 23.4 USGroAdml n 116.26 -4.40 -31.0 35.2 TtlWrldIxInst p 187.67 -2.51 -14.3 29.8
Bal IncC 14.40 -0.02 -8.3 15.4 StratIncmOppI 10.09 -0.10 -8.4 5.5 TF Incom n 11.21 -0.13 -10.6 2.6
GrowthA 135.69 -3.39 -24.7 36.7 HighYield 4.90 -0.05 -9.1 8.0 LCIdx2040Inst 24.11 -0.31 -13.7 25.8 UtilIxAd nr 78.66 1.04 0.9 32.8 TxMCaInst r 105.49 -0.53 -14.1 46.7
Hartford Funds I: JPMorgan A Class: TotIndex n 44.27 -0.23 -14.5 41.9
IntlVA 41.46 -1.52 -21.6 12.9 JennGrowth 42.35 -1.62 -28.8 39.9 LCIdx2045Inst 24.94 -0.32 -14.0 28.4 ValAdml n 55.58 0.67 -2.6 39.3 ValueInst 55.57 0.66 -2.6 39.3
BalIncI 14.66 -0.01 -8.0 18.9 CoreBond 10.63 -0.12 NA NA U.S.EqResch n 38.97 -0.14 -13.8 47.5
MCapA 22.78 -0.63 -26.3 24.8 JennUtility 16.01 0.16 0.2 37.0 LrgCpGrIdxInst 45.50 -0.76 -21.3 56.2 WdsrllAdml n 73.51 0.17 -10.2 47.6 Victory Funds:
DivGthI 31.72 0.04 -6.0 49.0 CorePlusBd p 7.53 -0.09 NA NA USLrgCpCore n 30.91 -0.18 -13.8 40.2
MCapValA 29.30 0.29 -7.0 37.8 TotalReturnBond p 12.70 -0.18 -11.8 -0.6 LrgCpGrInst 18.15 -0.52 -24.5 37.0 WellsIAdml n 64.21 -0.14 -7.9 17.5 EstValA 48.43 NA NA NA
EmrgMktEqInv r 15.58 -0.62 -18.3 4.6 EqInc p 22.51 0.31 -3.4 37.8 Value n 43.72 0.25 -8.5 43.3
MIGA 36.12 -0.35 -15.3 49.7 PGIM Funds Cl Z: Price Funds - Adv Cl: LrgCpVl IdxInst 23.17 0.15 -5.7 33.2 WelltnAdml n 72.65 -0.54 -12.9 27.0 EstValI 48.48 NA NA NA
GrowOppI t 36.82 -1.58 -29.8 24.8 GwthAdv p 24.71 -0.67 NA NA MITA 36.06 -0.30 -13.5 39.4 LrgCpVl Inst 20.25 0.23 -6.8 36.5 WndsrAdml n 78.83 0.40 -3.3 49.4 SmCoOppI 48.49 NA NA NA
IntlAlphaInv p 14.76 -0.54 -17.9 26.1 Inv Bal p 15.12 -0.15 NA NA MuHiA 7.65 -0.08 -10.9 1.9 HighYield 4.92 -0.05 -8.8 9.0 BlChip p 125.60 -3.39 -27.7 22.7
QuantSmCpEqInst 16.19 -0.17 -15.1 22.7 VANGUARD FDS: VirtusFunds:
MidCap 27.47 -0.41 -20.4 16.3 InvCon p 12.38 -0.13 NA NA MuInA 8.20 -0.07 -10.1 0.5 JennGrowth 47.68 -1.82 -28.8 41.2 Growth p 72.05 -2.15 -30.2 23.9
InvG&I p 17.76 -0.16 NA NA TotalReturnBond 12.65 -0.19 -11.7 0.2 R2030A p 25.23 -0.32 -13.4 22.6 RealSecInst 20.41 -1.03 -14.2 33.9 CAIT n 11.07 -0.07 -8.6 -0.2 CeredexMdCpVlEqI 11.58 -0.15 -13.6 24.1
StrInc 7.97 -0.11 -10.5 7.0 ResBdA 9.87 -0.12 -10.6 1.4
InvGrwt p 22.12 -0.22 NA NA PIMCO Fds Admin: R2040A p 27.48 -0.37 -15.2 25.8 S&P500IdxInst 45.29 -0.08 -13.1 47.7 DivdGro n 35.68 -0.43 -6.8 46.2 VirtusFunds Cl I:
Hartford HLS Fds IA: TotRA 19.38 0.01 -9.4 22.6
LgCpGwth p 48.03 -0.23 NA NA Price Funds - R Cl: S&P500IdxRet 44.94 -0.08 -13.1 46.6 DivrEq n 43.47 -0.58 -17.4 42.6 EmMktI 8.27 -0.31 -17.8 -7.1
Balanced 31.68 -0.07 -10.7 30.7 UtilA 24.45 0.06 0.3 34.8 TotRtAd p 9.11 NA NA NA
MdCpVal p 38.31 0.08 NA NA SmCpBl IdxInst 21.09 -0.28 -17.7 18.6 Energy nr 45.57 2.50 18.1 3.8 IntSmCapI 15.85 -0.76 -30.4 1.8
CapApp 46.68 -0.77 -14.0 31.6 ValueA 49.77 0.42 -8.1 32.2 PIMCO Fds Instl: R2030R p 24.92 -0.32 -13.5 21.7
USEquity 19.01 -0.07 NA NA SocChEqInst 24.15 -0.20 -14.9 44.8 EqInc n 43.32 0.68 -1.0 41.1 MulSStI 4.49 -0.02 -4.1 3.8
DiscEqui 17.75 -0.08 -14.9 43.1 MFS Funds Class I: AllAsset 11.80 NA NA NA PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds:
JPMorgan Funds: Tortoise Capital: Explr n 102.41 -2.65 -20.0 29.8 SmCapSusI 35.29 -1.78 -27.7 13.9
Div&Grwth 25.91 0.03 -6.1 49.6 GrowthI 146.60 -3.66 -24.6 37.7 AllAssetAuth r 7.48 NA NA NA AggGrowth nr 40.45 -1.30 -23.3 12.7 FTAlWldInAdml n 32.73 -0.82 -14.0 12.1
Fl EmMktEq L 28.62 -1.20 -24.8 0.6 TorMLPPipInsCl 13.84 0.61 24.6 24.2 Voya Fds:
MidCap 32.11 -0.47 -20.3 16.7 MCapI 24.48 -0.67 -26.3 25.7 CommodtyRR 7.85 NA NA NA Growth nr 37.82 -0.52 -14.3 27.5 GlbCapCyl Inv nr 11.56 0.01 4.7 62.2
MdCpVal L 39.60 0.08 NA NA Touchstone Family Fd: InmdBdI 9.09 NA NA NA
TotRetBd 9.98 -0.12 -11.6 1.3 MCapValI 30.15 0.30 -6.9 38.8 DivInc 9.64 NA NA NA Stock nr 36.44 0.21 -9.2 37.2 GlbEq n 31.06 -0.81 -19.3 23.3
USEquity L 19.14 -0.07 -13.3 57.5 EmMktsBd 8.70 NA NA NA Principal Investors: LagCapFoc A p 51.09 -0.45 -13.0 49.7
ResBdI 9.87 -0.12 -10.7 1.8 GloMinVolFdAdm n 28.04 -0.13 -5.1 11.6
I JPMorgan I Class: HiYld 8.10 NA NA NA MdCpY 43.62 0.10 -12.1 28.0 WXYZ
RschI 53.50 -0.15 -14.1 40.2 HiYld IN 8.49 NA NA NA GNMA n 9.63 -0.08 -8.2 -2.5
CoreBond 10.63 -0.11 NA NA IntlBdUSH 10.03 NA NA NA Transamerica A:
ValueI 50.09 0.43 -8.0 33.2 LgIndxI 21.19 NA NA NA GroInc n 56.53 0.11 -11.5 48.8 Wasatch:
IFP US Equity Fund: CorePlusBd 7.53 -0.08 NA NA InvGrdCrBd 9.17 NA NA NA AsAlModGr p 11.60 -0.12 -13.9 19.2
Morgan Stanley Fds A: LT2020 In 12.84 NA NA NA HlthCare nr 199.03 -3.83 -9.2 36.8
IFP US EquityFd 19.51 -0.69 -9.3 NA EmMktEq I 28.39 -1.19 NA NA LgTrmCrdtBd 9.66 NA NA NA Trust for Professional Ma: CoreGr n 69.07 -2.57 -26.6 31.1
InsightA p 33.32 -3.82 -49.4 4.1 LT2030In 14.06 NA NA NA HYCor nr 5.37 -0.06 -8.4 6.0
INVESCO A Shares: EqInc 22.95 0.32 -3.3 38.7 LngDurTotRtrn 8.06 NA NA NA PrfTrtStrtBd Ins20.40 -0.23 -9.5 1.3 UltraGr n 29.87 -1.82 -32.4 33.3
Morgan Stanley Fds I: LT2040I 15.30 NA NA NA InflaPro n 13.40 -0.23 -6.5 14.5
AmValA 37.14 0.75 -5.7 27.6 EqIndx 61.95 -0.12 -13.1 47.1 LowDur 9.40 NA NA NA Tweedy Browne Fds: WCM:
LT2050I 15.89 NA NA NA IntlExplr n 15.91 -0.69 -25.2 1.1
Invesco Fds Investor: GrAdv r 26.08 -0.71 NA NA Insight I 38.71 -4.44 -49.4 4.9 LowDurInc r 8.12 NA NA NA FcusEmgMk Inst 13.53 -0.63 -27.5 10.4
MidCpBldA 32.26 NA NA NA GblValue n 26.99 -0.37 -7.2 9.3 IntlGr n 31.04 -1.48 -29.1 23.2
LgCpGwth 49.32 -0.23 -20.4 64.1 Morgan Stanley Inst: MortgOppBd 10.20 NA NA NA WCM Focus Funds:
DivrsDiv n 19.66 0.19 -1.1 30.4 PreSecI 9.31 NA NA NA IntlVal n 36.50 -0.76 -12.2 11.2
Invesco Funds A: MdCpGrw 39.40 -1.68 -24.7 36.7 CapGrI 37.90 -4.47 -49.0 8.7 RealRtnI 11.25 NA NA NA PtrLGI In 16.46 NA NA NA U WCMFocIntlGrwIns 19.97 -0.67 -27.9 27.6
CapGrP p 34.60 -4.08 -49.0 7.9 ITIGrade n 8.67 -0.09 -12.1 1.4
500InxA p 43.55 -0.08 -13.2 45.6 MdCpVal 38.94 0.09 NA NA ShortT 9.64 NA NA NA PtrLV In 18.70 NA NA NA LifeCon n 20.31 -0.26 -11.7 11.8 Western Asset:
MtgBckd 10.47 -0.06 NA NA GloFranI t 31.31 -0.81 -15.4 29.4 ShtAssetInv 9.86 NA NA NA RealEstSecI 30.80 NA NA NA UM Funds:
ActiveAllA 12.89 -0.19 -16.4 16.7 LifeGro n 38.43 -0.51 -13.5 24.2 CoreBondI 11.28 -0.14 -13.2 -1.7
ShtDurBnd 10.65 0.01 NA NA MorganStanleyPathway: StksPLS 11.16 NA NA NA SAMBalA p 15.34 NA NA NA BehavVal 82.68 0.57 NA NA CoreBondIS 11.30 -0.14 -13.1 -1.6
CapApprA p 54.23 -0.84 -21.9 44.8 LifeInc n 15.09 -0.18 -10.8 5.4
Chart 16.22 -0.20 -15.9 33.3 SmCap 56.60 -0.99 NA NA LgCapEq n 21.63 -0.27 -15.5 36.0 TotRetESG 8.18 NA NA NA SAMGrA p 17.98 NA NA NA USAA Group: LifeMod n 29.32 -0.37 -12.6 18.0 CorePlusBdA 10.03 -0.15 -15.1 -3.1
CmstA 29.94 0.77 1.3 44.0 USEquity 19.10 -0.07 NA NA Munder Funds: TotRt 9.11 NA NA NA Putnam Funds Class A: 500Indx Reward n 53.74 NA NA NA LTIGrade n 8.46 -0.27 -21.6 -0.6 CorePlusBdI 10.04 -0.16 -15.0 -2.0
DevMktA 35.51 -1.56 -25.7 -12.8 ValAdv 39.50 0.48 NA NA MndrIntlSmCpInv r 13.95 NA NA NA TrndsMgdFutStrgy 13.58 NA NA NA DynAAGthA 16.62 -0.17 -13.2 22.9 CrnstModAggr n 25.44 NA NA NA MATxEx n 10.01 -0.10 -11.1 0.6 CorePlusBdIS 10.04 -0.15 -15.0 -1.9
DiscFdA p 73.51 -3.52 -29.4 33.5 JPMorgan Inst Class: Mutual Series: PIMCO Funds A: PutLargCap p 30.18 0.46 -2.8 46.0 Gr&Inc n 22.26 NA NA NA MidCpGro pn 19.96 -0.87 -26.0 13.6 ManagedMuniA 15.01 -0.14 -9.5 0.6
DisMdCpGrA 21.88 -0.60 -27.6 34.5 ValAdv L 39.55 0.48 NA NA BeacnZ 16.34 -0.10 -9.0 21.1 IncomeFd 10.95 NA NA NA GrOpp p 45.37 -1.41 -22.6 46.3 Grwth n 27.47 NA NA NA MuHY n 10.57 -0.12 -11.0 1.9 SMAShCrPlCp n 6.75 -0.23 -23.9 -12.6
DivIncm p 25.70 0.28 1.0 28.9 JPMorgan R Class: GlbDiscA 29.45 0.03 -4.4 18.6 LowDurInc 8.12 NA NA NA StDurInc 10.01 0.00 -0.4 2.5 Inco n 11.80 NA NA NA MuInt n 13.38 -0.09 -8.3 0.9 SmashSerC n 8.86 0.02 -6.5 5.1
DivrsDiv p 19.67 0.20 -1.1 30.1 CoreBond 10.64 -0.12 NA NA GlbDiscz 30.22 0.03 -4.3 19.5 RealRtnA 11.25 NA NA NA SustainLdrsFd p 100.34 -1.74 -19.0 41.1 IncStk n 19.18 NA NA NA OHLTte n 11.60 -0.12 -10.8 1.6 SmashSerM n 8.90 NA NA NA
EqIncA 10.61 0.05 -6.2 29.4 CorePlusBd 7.53 -0.09 NA NA QuestZ 14.40 -0.15 -0.4 10.9 TotRetA 9.11 NA NA NA Putnam Funds Class Y: IntmTerm n 12.58 NA NA NA Primcp nr 143.85 -0.20 -12.1 40.4 Wm Blair Funds Cl I:
EqWtdA p 71.39 -0.11 -9.3 43.0 HighYld r 6.57 -0.09 NA NA SharesZ 25.69 0.08 -5.2 17.1 PIMCO Funds C: GrOpp Y 48.22 -1.50 -22.5 47.4 LgTerm n 12.37 NA NA NA PrmcpCor n 30.28 0.12 -10.0 39.6 SmMidI r 27.45 NA NA NA
48 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


DJ Half-Hourly Averages Trading Diary

The Dow Jones Averages Dow Jones 30 Industrial (divisor: 0.15172752595384)
Open (t)
Open (a)
May 2
Market Advance/Decline Volumes
NY Off
NY Up - Comp.
May 2 3 4
606,554 703,281 971,902 56,538 338,219
488,441 263,471 110,612 1,007,330 724,238
2,931,121 3,323,956 4,529,662 322,698 1,610,770
5 6

NY Off - Comp. 2,184,324 1,255,470 624,446 4,671,667 3,465,672

10:30 33145.03 33094.01 33174.86 33394.26 32719.84 NYSE Amer UP 5,605 9,789 11,492 940 2,154

Industrials 11:00
NYSE Amer Off
11,007 3,042 5,820 14,817 13,733
3,511,456 2,842,160 4,496,245 899,070 1,339,278
37400 12:00 32926.06 33256.50 33113.90 32915.43 32706.23 NASD Off 1,361,786 1,643,120 957,098 4,312,041 3,914,406
12:30 32912.89 33189.24 33229.81 33016.87 32840.38 NYSE Arca UP 236,422 280,038 416,736 65,760 115,694
Week's NYSE Arca Off 253,624 80,931 60,223 434,813 363,717
Components Change 1:00 32756.61 33184.56 33281.91 33066.38 32978.84
1:30 32743.74 33230.90 33234.58 33054.25 32859.29 % (QCHA) –.14 +.50 +1.76 –2.75 –1.07
3M 5.31 % (QACH) –.97 +1.21 +1.22 –2.14 –1.25
2:00 32650.74 33191.29 33263.30 32987.19 32725.55
36600 % (QCHAQ) +.80 +.31 +1.43 –3.16 –1.72
American Express -7.56 2:30 32547.00 33021.18 33376.76 32866.19 32630.75
Amgen 3.31 3:00 32563.92 33198.63 33716.70 32915.76 32679.13 Market Advance/Decline Totals
Apple -0.37 3:30 32956.29 33149.04 33958.95 32723.56 32670.44 NYSE NYSE
Boeing 0.06 Weekly Comp. NYSE Amer Nasdaq Arca
Close 33061.50 33128.79 34061.06 32997.97 32899.37
Caterpillar 4.11 Total Issues 3,647 300 5,529 1,882
35800 High (t) 33399.38 33491.42 34137.51 33943.97 33186.30 Advances 1,235 99 1,784 479
Chevron 14.02 Low (t) 32385.88 32768.28 32891.03 32630.90 32314.80 Declines 2,321 194 3,512 1,392
Cisco Systems 0.35 High (a) 33224.95 33341.58 34117.74 33854.17 33055.84 Unchanged 91 7 233 11
Coca-Cola 0.13 Low (a) 32449.87 32914.75 33021.84 32685.10 32474.69 New Highs 112 6 161 59
Disney -1.34 Change +84.29 +67.29 +932.27 –1063.09 –98.60 New Lows 1,101 90 1,718 969
Dow 1.43 35000 Week ended last Friday compared to previous Friday
Goldman Sachs 7.47 Theoretical (t): High 34137.51 Low 32314.80
Home Depot -6.09 Actual (a): High 34117.74 Low 32449.87 NYSE Composite Daily Breadth
Honeywell Intl 1.92 Daily May 2 3 4 5 6
IBM 5.46 34200 Issues Traded 3,514 3,466 3,461 3,436 3,426
Intel 0.71 Dow Jones 20 Transport (divisor: 0.16343894576034) Advances 1,428 2,084 2,708 395 1,005
Johnson & Johnson -4.09 Declines 1,898 1,235 613 2,933 2,297
Open (t) 14860.11 15051.86 15104.60 15326.21 15018.70 Unchanged 188 147 140 108 124
JPMorgan Chase 4.36 Open (a) 14852.48 14917.68 15091.30 15457.48 15036.26 New Highs 13 27 53 53 28
McDonald's 1.62 10:00 14887.46 14949.46 15272.86 15336.87 14744.34
Merck -0.30 33400 New Lows 628 279 332 379 616
10:30 14880.47 14974.44 15216.29 15314.76 14741.77 Blocks - primary 4,950 4,478 4,947 4,830 4,757
Microsoft -2.79 Total (000) - primary 1,110,683 974,659 1,087,925 1,079,439 1,069,035
11:00 14991.62 14868.36 15215.87 15241.52 14806.22
Nike Cl B -10.21 Total (000) 5,188,658 4,619,538 5,181,553 5,063,514 5,104,748
11:30 14837.80 15003.85 15156.94 15113.34 14937.60
Procter & Gamble -4.55
12:00 14774.51 15041.85 15087.74 15100.34 14863.78 NYSE American Composite
Salesforce -6.24 32600 12:30 14838.72 14984.32 15122.83 15047.17 14844.20 Daily May 2 3 4 5 6
Travelers Cos 0.58
1:00 14842.89 15031.37 15185.21 15031.28 14955.94 Issues Traded 285 282 287 287 289
UnitedHealth Group -8.93
1:30 14782.15 15075.79 15111.06 15132.67 14980.03 Advances 94 177 187 48 94
Verizon Communications 1.97
2:00 14681.69 15089.82 15109.17 15168.77 14944.45 Declines 177 90 91 229 182
Visa Cl A -10.31
Walgreens Boots Alliance 1.59 31800 2:30 14559.16 14976.78 15133.23 15101.98 14895.91 Unchanged 14 15 9 10 13
3:00 14567.55 14978.47 15199.28 15077.63 14817.15 New Highs 1 2 4 2 1
Walmart -3.43 November December January February March April May New Lows 47 16 24 32 43
3:30 14745.26 15091.66 15402.86 15027.46 14799.26
Blocks - primary 186 146 213 157 167
Close 14910.71 15068.62 15533.38 15084.10 14900.85
Total (000) - primary 17,393 13,063 18,706 15,849 16,132
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High (t) 15203.75 15313.98 15620.88 15466.33 15131.71 Total (000) 268,219 221,630 282,003 284,636 247,738
Transportation Low (t)
High (a)
14511.99 14679.89 14946.25 14914.93
15027.86 15107.23 15553.90 15457.48
15057.29 Nasdaq
17250 Low (a) 14540.63 14809.64 15032.06 14940.14 14600.41 Daily May 2 3 4 5 6
Week's Change +45.65 +157.91 +464.76 –449.28 –183.25 Issues Traded 5,100 4,974 5,025 4,939 4,929
Components Change Advances 2,711 2,601 3,395 780 1,177
16925 Theoretical (t): High 15620.88 Low 14511.99 Declines 2,055 2,064 1,375 3,934 3,524
Alaska Air Group -4.17 Actual (a): High 15553.90 Low 14540.63 Unchanged 334 309 255 225 228
American Airlines Group -0.93 16600 New Highs 28 37 39 21 24
Avis Budget Group -11.81 New Lows 734 287 501 640 1,095
CH Robinson Worldwide 0.82 Blocks - primary 21,409 22,299 26,348 24,993 25,636
16275 Dow Jones 15 Utilities (divisor: 1.27924906167720)
Total (000) 4,906,807 4,547,932 5,509,850 5,237,003 5,278,587
CSX 0.44
Open (t) 1004.86 991.68 994.85 1004.79 992.34
Delta Air -2.03 NYSE Arca Composite
Expeditors Intl of Wash 8.98 15950 Open (a) 1003.28 991.22 994.51 1008.09 992.37
Daily May 2 3 4 5 6
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10:00 999.25 995.16 994.90 1008.44 994.88

FedEx 11.47 Issues Traded 1,739 1,716 1,723 1,721 1,731
10:30 999.71 992.69 995.63 1005.04 996.41
JB Hunt Transport 4.94 15625 Advances 868 1,340 1,572 144 302
11:00 1001.97 1000.11 997.35 1003.14 999.27
JetBlue Airways -0.39 Declines 856 360 142 1,569 1,413
Kirby Corp 0.10 11:30 996.66 1004.37 1001.39 998.73 1003.74
15300 Unchanged 15 16 9 8 16
Landstar System 0.15 12:00 994.43 1005.35 1002.71 1002.28 1000.82 New Highs 23 6 24 35 32
Matson 4.12 12:30 987.71 1003.46 1002.64 998.82 1000.80 New Lows 653 54 151 385 692
Norfolk Southern -2.14 14975 1:00 988.39 1000.87 1003.89 998.21 1002.37 Blocks - primary 1,587 1,398 1,399 1,575 1,851
Old Dominion Freight Line 0.22 1:30 988.01 1000.95 1001.80 1004.01 1004.54 Total (000) - primary 493,288 361,794 478,967 501,009 480,748
Ryder System 4.42 14650 2:00 986.64 995.44 999.16 1003.43 1004.15 Total (000) 2,639,012 1,974,986 2,562,345 2,656,486 2,585,593
Southwest Airlines -0.60 2:30 983.73 991.62 1000.48 1000.06 999.21
3:00 977.73 990.22 1003.01 995.13 995.50
Union Pacific
United Airlines
993.82 1007.34
990.31 1011.30
Other Market Indexes
United Parcel Service B -0.06 Daily 5/02 5/03 5/04 5/05 5/06
14000 High (t) 1009.48 1007.85 1013.41 1014.78 1011.39
November December January February March April May Low (t) 976.21 985.20 989.33 989.36 988.88 NYSE Amer Comp 4104.35 4235.96 4323.07 4237.14 4284.11
High (a) 1008.73 1007.61 1012.77 1011.98 1010.87 AmMajorMkt 2935.99 2945.69 3027.79 2948.19 2940.50

Utilities Low (a)

146.63 149.08
138.06 140.11
1100 Latin Am 193.85 197.19 201.64 194.45 192.88
Theoretical (t): High 1014.78 Low 976.21 Asia 174.81 175.40 178.65 171.10 168.89
Change Actual (a): High 1012.77 Low 976.90 Emerg M 296.18 297.47 303.15 289.60 283.47
DJ US TSM Float41955.68 42150.93 43385.86 41776.56 41433.22
AES 0.52 Nasdaq Cmp 12536.02 12563.76 12964.86 12317.69 12144.66
American Elec Power 0.54 1050 100 Index 13075.85 13089.90 13535.71 12850.55 12693.53
Dow Jones 65 Composite (divisor: 0.77130165331605)
American Water Works -5.07 Indus. 9109.17 9114.03 9371.62 8854.06 8709.66
Open (t) 11315.18 11346.08 11377.99 11564.80 11276.28 Insur. 10488.17 10594.63 10930.69 10686.50 10612.71
Atmos Energy 1.50
Open (a) 11298.64 11313.62 11372.72 11607.09 11278.81 Banks 4294.91 4348.09 4470.57 4346.00 4282.89
Consolidated Edison 1.24
10:00 11301.23 11321.77 11409.43 11535.74 11154.07 Computer 9715.11 9734.90 10092.06 9562.18 9469.17
Dominion Energy 2.38
Duke Energy 1.16 1000 10:30 11353.57 11332.48 11399.11 11469.01 11233.06 Telecom 403.56 403.16 418.04 407.04 402.14
11:00 11304.25 11318.33 11411.55 11424.65 11302.83 NYSE Comp.-z 15609.28 15729.53 16119.61 15652.61 15566.56
Edison Intl 1.51
11:30 11235.35 11398.35 11364.16 11366.10 11315.46 Financial-z 9100.64 9205.50 9428.42 9124.12 9039.74
Exelon 0.28 Health Care-z22782.39 22839.68 23300.77 22887.18 22886.07
FirstEnergy -0.63 12:00 11271.17 11386.47 11385.30 11304.38 11233.99
Energy-z 11871.20 12241.04 12685.76 12482.72 12754.16
NextEra Energy 1.45 12:30 11263.52 11363.71 11413.60 11342.99 11284.79
950 1:00 11208.25 11372.76 11429.54 11373.62 11343.27
Russell 1000 2290.90 2301.07 2368.74 2281.85 2265.14
Public Service Enterprise -0.23 2000 1882.91 1898.86 1949.92 1871.15 1839.56
Sempra 3.54 1:30 11188.67 11378.40 11391.16 11373.53 11297.65 3000 2409.35 2420.62 2491.45 2399.50 2380.57
Southern 1.28 2:00 11155.81 11369.19 11402.24 11347.44 11254.52 Value-v 1541.00 1554.39 1595.46 1555.63 1550.58
Xcel Energy -0.18 2:30 11122.36 11307.01 11445.93 11312.44 11215.20 Growth-v 2484.98 2485.20 2565.95 2440.97 2412.64
900 3:00 11124.17 11374.93 11554.41 11327.28 11231.19 MidCap 2895.08 2915.50 2993.16 2887.41 2848.69
3:30 11255.49 11356.93 11630.34 11254.56 11224.55 S&P 100 Index 1895.12 1900.89 1960.14 1885.85 1878.14
Close 11300.60 11352.50 11669.20 11343.25 11299.77 500 4155.38 4175.48 4300.17 4146.87 4123.34
High (t) 11466.15 11504.92 11706.28 11637.72 11412.14 Ind. 5796.97 5817.76 5996.75 5769.08 5735.53
Low (t) 11065.02 11190.73 11278.17 11220.42 11085.84 MidCap 2515.14 2539.21 2610.06 2514.75 2480.95
850 High (a) 11382.73 11423.64 11686.61 11607.09 11351.38 SmallCap 1223.46 1234.43 1267.21 1221.76 1208.75
November December January February March April May Low (a) 11087.44 11280.93 11338.04 11243.19 11138.77 Value Line(A) 8919.61 8981.31 9223.13 8885.89 8764.44
Value Line(G) 589.13 592.99 608.74 586.18 577.87
Note: Theoretical highs and lows are shown. A red chart indicates a lower price than the starting period. Green means it's higher than the starting period. Change +5.15 +51.90 +316.70 –325.95 –43.48
DJ US Small TSM12941.56 13044.29 13387.88 12860.43 12634.58
Theoretical (t): High 11706.28 Low 11065.02 (A)-Arithmetic Index. (G)-Geometric Index.
Actual (a): High 11686.61 Low 11087.44 (v)-Value 1000 and Growth 1000. (y)-Dec. 31,1965=50. (z)-Dec. 31,2002=5000.
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 49


The Week In Stocks For the Major Indexes

12-Month Weekly Friday Weekly 12-Month Change From
Indexes’ P/Es & Yields
DJ latest 52-week earnings and dividends adjusted by Dow Divisors Stock Volume
at Friday's close. S&P Dec. 4-quarter's GAAP earnings as reported
High Low High Low Close Chg. % Chg. Chg. % Chg. 12/31 % Chg. and indicated dividends based on Friday close.S&P 500 P/E ratios
based on GAAP earnings as reported. For additional earnings Last Week Prev. Week Year Ago YOY % Chg
Dow Jones Indexes series, please refer to DJ latest available book
36799.65 32632.64 30 Indus 34061.06 32899.37 32899.37 –77.84 –0.24 –1878.39 –5.40 –3438.93 –9.46 values for FY 2020 and 2019, and S&P latest for 2020 and 2019. r- NYSE(a) 5,321,741 5,477,178 4,642,558 14.63
Revised data 30 Dow Inds (b) 2,096,741 2,215,241 1,586,069 32.20
17039.38 14000.78 20 Transp 15533.38 14900.85 14900.85 35.79 0.24 –1042.45 –6.54 –1577.41 –9.57 20 Dow Trans (b) 548,852 580,851 422,641 29.86
1071.75 869.74 15 Utilities 1011.30 987.17 1007.16 7.26 0.73 97.26 10.69 26.38 2.69 15 Dow Utils (b) 293,902 305,996 247,561 18.72
12360.33 11080.34 65 Comp 11669.20 11299.77 11299.77 4.32 0.04 –431.43 –3.68 –967.08 –7.88 Last Week Prev. Week Last Year 65 Dow Stks (b) 2,939,495 3,102,089 2,256,271 30.28
Dow Jones Indexes NYSE American (a) 81,143 92,339 127,615 -36.42
48918.18 41433.22 US TSM Float 43385.86 41433.22 41433.22 –245.94 –0.59 –2595.45 –5.89 –7201.08 –14.81 DJ Ind Avg 32899.37 32977.21 34777.76 Nasdaq(d) 25,480,179 24,333,134 24,403,184 4.41
1188.95 1009.27 US Market 1056.18 1009.27 1009.27 –5.56 –0.55 –53.37 –5.02 –173.04 –14.64 P/E Ratio 18.84 18.88 29.92
NYSE 15 Most Active
1144.05 669.13 Internet 737.92 669.13 669.13 –34.74 –4.94 –326.64 –32.80 –357.35 –34.81 Earns Yield % 5.31 5.30 3.34 Average Price 21.47 23.88 24.96 -13.98
New York Stock Exchange Earns $ 1746.57 1746.57 1162.34 % Tot Vol 14.32 14.75 15.68 -8.67
Divs Yield % 1.97 1.96 1.72 Stock Offerings $(z,v) 1,284,700 1,034,500 7,030,200 -81.73
17353.76 15566.56 Comp-z 16119.61 15566.56 15566.56 –48.70 –0.31 –1023.88 –6.17 –1597.57 –9.31
Divs $ 647.31 647.07 596.85
10670.71 9039.74 Financial-z 9428.42 9039.74 9039.74 –99.92 –1.09 –980.55 –9.79 –1135.63 –11.16 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6
Mkt to Book 5.03 5.04 5.20 Daily Stock Volume
24968.12 21093.43 Health Care-z 23300.77 22782.39 22886.07 –58.79 –0.26 1329.65 6.17 –1459.58 –6.00
Book Value $ 6543.35 6543.35 6688.86 NYSE(a) 1,110,683 974,659 1,087,925 1,079,439 1,069,035
12754.16 7600.86 Energy-z 12754.16 11871.20 12754.16 962.88 8.17 4086.99 47.15 3607.97 39.45 30 Inds (b) 453,388.6 364,422.8 412,374.2 448,418.9 418,137
DJ Trans Avg 14900.85 14865.06 15943.30
NYSE American Stock Exchange 20 Trans (b) 116,611.5 98,302.5 106,858.5 108,035.4 119,044
P/E Ratio 14.83 16.81 0.00
4330.66 2856.51 NYSE Amer Comp 4323.07 4104.35 4284.11 183.90 4.49 1178.64 37.95 856.88 25.00 15 Utils (b) 60,691.4 54,893.1 61,954.2 56,503.5 59,860
Earns Yield % 6.74 5.95 0.00 65 Stks (b) 630,691.5 517,618.4 581,186.9 612,957.8 597,041
3198.39 2890.43 Major Mkt 3027.79 2935.99 2940.50 8.29 0.28 –140.64 –4.56 –193.45 –6.17 Earns $ 1004.96 884.55 (92.43) NYSE Amer(a) 17,393 13,063 18,706 15,849 16,132
Standard & Poor's Indexes Divs Yield % 1.11 1.10 0.97 Nasd(d) 4,906,807 4,547,932 5,509,850 5,237,003 5,278,587
2219.44 1841.42 100 Index 1960.14 1878.14 1878.14 –1.43 –0.08 –41.14 –2.14 –316.44 –14.42 Divs $ 165.38 163.60 154.74
4796.56 4063.04 500 Index 4300.17 4123.34 4123.34 –8.59 –0.21 –109.26 –2.58 –642.84 –13.49 NYSE 15 Most Active
Mkt to Book 5.04 5.03 4.70 Avg. Price 17.72 24.40 20.04 25.73 19.97
6735.36 5617.00 Indus 5996.75 5735.53 5735.53 –13.53 –0.24 –129.22 –2.20 –905.59 –13.64 Book Value $ 2957.33 2957.33 3389.19 % Tot Vol 16.08 13.94 14.84 15.05 14.62
2910.70 2480.95 MidCap 2610.06 2480.95 2480.95 –19.31 –0.77 –289.32 –10.44 –361.05 –12.70 DJ Utility Avg 1007.16 999.90 909.90
1466.02 1208.75 SmallCap 1267.21 1208.75 1208.75 –5.97 –0.49 –165.51 –12.04 –192.96 –13.77 Numbers in thousands save price and percentages. (a) Primary volume. (b) Composite volume. (d) as of 4:10 pm.
P/E Ratio 29.47 29.16 23.18 (r) Revised. (v) W/E Thursday. (z) Source: Refinitiv.
Nasdaq Stock Market Earns Yield % 3.39 3.43 4.31
16057.44 12144.66 Comp 12964.86 12144.66 12144.66 –189.98 –1.54 –1607.57 –11.69 –3500.31 –22.37 Earns $ 34.17 34.29 39.26
16573.34 12693.53 100 Index 13535.71 12693.53 12693.53 –161.27 –1.25 –1026.10 –7.48 –3626.55 –22.22 Divs Yield % 2.86 2.86 3.03
12147.21 8709.66 Indus 9371.62 8709.66 8709.66 –298.76 –3.32 –1979.76 –18.52 –2603.22 –23.01 Divs $ 28.77 28.64 27.61 NYSE HALF-HOURLY VOLUME
11694.54 10461.98 Insur 10930.69 10488.17 10612.71 150.73 1.44 –865.91 –7.54 –803.69 –7.04 Mkt to Book 2.57 2.55 2.43 Daily 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6
5408.36 4194.66 Banks 4470.57 4282.89 4282.89 32.19 0.76 –533.10 –11.07 –671.77 –13.56 Book Value $ 392.45 392.45 374.40
12408.55 9040.43 Computer 10092.06 9469.17 9469.17 –42.53 –0.45 –144.84 –1.51 –2686.35 –22.10 S&P 500 Index 4123.34 4131.93 4232.60 9:30-10:00 140,237 113,974 113,070 123,829 132,355
560.68 396.55 Telecom 418.04 402.14 402.14 5.59 1.41 –119.13 –22.85 –94.66 –19.05 P/E Ratio 20.84 20.88 44.97 10:00-10:30 62,965 54,715 48,251 57,188 68,307
Russell Indexes Earns Yield % 4.80 4.79 2.22 10:30-11:00 55,812 49,159 44,468 59,607 60,472
2660.78 2265.14 1000 2368.74 2265.14 2265.14 –11.31 –0.50 –111.70 –4.70 –380.77 –14.39 Earns $ 197.87 197.87 94.13 11:00-11:30 51,961 44,871 37,023 54,399 52,038
2442.74 1839.56 2000 1949.92 1839.56 1839.56 –24.54 –1.32 –432.06 –19.02 –405.75 –18.07 Divs Yield % 1.55 1.53 1.39 11:30-12:00 44,597 36,172 34,808 47,557 44,858
2804.93 2380.57 3000 2491.45 2380.57 2380.57 –13.05 –0.55 –143.36 –5.68 –407.56 –14.62 Divs $ 63.91 63.22 58.83 12:00-12:30 40,095 40,453 31,480 43,811 41,451
1680.11 1521.10 Value-v 1595.46 1541.00 1550.58 9.56 0.62 –43.34 –2.72 –105.15 –6.35 Mkt to Book 4.09 4.10 4.56 12:30-1:00 37,700 31,375 29,553 35,785 37,228
3114.73 2412.64 Growth-v 2565.95 2412.64 2412.64 –40.59 –1.65 –171.63 –6.64 –662.35 –21.54 Book Value $ 1008.02 1008.02 927.52
1:00-1:30 39,845 34,582 29,945 37,458 37,675
3406.42 2848.69 MidCap 2993.16 2848.69 2848.69 –29.66 –1.03 –278.15 –8.90 –471.36 –14.20 S&P Ind Index 5735.53 5749.06 5864.75
P/E Ratio 23.87 23.93 51.10
1:30-2:00 39,154 31,209 34,472 35,486 36,579
Others 2:00-2:30 43,754 37,823 50,432 38,936 39,442
10202.83 8764.44 Value Line-a 9223.13 8764.44 8764.44 –85.09 –0.96 –857.48 –8.91 –1156.49 –11.66 Earns Yield % 4.19 4.18 1.96
Earns $ 240.29 240.29 114.77 2:30-3:00 45,128 44,108 94,537 37,301 43,285
696.40 577.87 Value Line-g 608.74 577.87 577.87 –6.81 –1.16 –96.14 –14.26 –94.07 –14.00
Divs Yield % 1.39 1.38 1.26 3:00-3:30 62,193 44,552 75,746 49,944 51,108
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16368.58 12634.58 DJ US Small TSM 13387.88 12634.58 12634.58 –178.23 –1.39 –2623.68 –17.20 –2619.47 –17.17
Divs $ 79.72 79.34 73.90 3:30-4:00 447,243 411,666 464,138 458,139 424,236
1096.30 867.77 Barron's Future Focus 913.39 867.77 867.77 –17.20 –1.94 –149.96 –14.74 –193.10 –18.20
Mkt to Book 5.50 5.52 6.26
1127.20 943.84 Barron's 400 996.59 952.32 952.74 8.91 0.94 –65.51 –6.43 –153.52 –13.88
Book Value $ 1042.07 1042.07 936.72
High/Low's are based upon the daily closing index. a-Arithmetic Index. G-Geometric Index. V-Value 1000 and Growth 1000 y-Dec. 31,1965=50 z-Dec. 31,2002=5000
Selected IPOs
Ticker Initial Offer Price IPO Date Recent Price %Chg

U.S. Dollar Index vs Euro and Yen Per Share Values of Stocks In Bausch + Lomb
High Ground: The dollar continued its climb—lifted by higher U.S. rates and demand for a safe haven in a
roiling world. Measuring the buck against a basket of six other currencies, the ICE’s U.S. Dollar Index added the Dow Jones Averages Edible Garden
Austin Gold
another 0.7% to end the week at 103.66. This is a list of the Dow Jones trailing 52-week diluted share
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

earnings, dividends and book values as reported by the company.

20 Bolded numbers indicate new values. Sources Barron's Stats and
Industrial Stocks

10 Earns
Divs. Value Earns
Divs. Value Investor Sentiment Readings NEW LISTINGS
s Am Exp 9.98 1.81 28.55 Johnson&John 7.42 4.24 24.04 High bullish readings in the Consensus stock index or in the Market
5 Vane stock index usually are signs of Market tops; low ones, market Bausch + Lomb (BLCO)
DXY (103.66) Amgen 10.16 7.22 16.27 JPMorgChase 13.48 3.90 81.75 bottoms.
Apple 6.16 0.88 3.85 McDonalds 9.47 5.34 (10.50) Last Week 2 Weeks Ago 3 Weeks Ago NYSE American
0 Boeing (8.27) Suspended (31.45) Merck Co 5.59 2.68 10.01
Caterpillar 11.93 4.44 28.11 Microsoft 9.58 2.37 18.88 Consensus Index 1847 Holdings (EFSH)
-5 Chevron Corp 8.43 5.44 68.40 Nike Inc 3.79 1.16 8.09 Austin Gold (AUST)
s Cisco Sys 2.80 1.48 8.95 Proc Gam 5.73 3.5227 18.73 Consensus Bullish Sentiment 49% 50% 57% DecisionPoint Systems (DPSI)
-10 Coca Cola 2.38 1.70 4.49 3M Co 9.61 5.93 22.27 Nasdaq
EURO in $ s Disney Walt 1.69 0.00 46.18 1.50 0.00 45.15 AAII Index
-15 Dow 9.17 2.80 16.73 Travelers Cos 15.80 3.52 115.69 Edible Garden (EDBL)
Goldman Sachs 51.52 7.25 246.24 UnitedHealthGrp 18.27 5.80 69.23 Bullish 26.9% 16.4% 18.9% PepGen (PEPG)
YEN in $
-20 Home Depot 15.52 6.85 3.06 Verizon 5.15 2.5475 16.39 Bearish 52.9 59.4 43.9
Honeywell 7.53 3.82 25.19 Visa 6.36 1.39 14.65
6.10 6.56 23.07
6.02 1.4075 19.95
Walgreens 7.25
Wal-mart 4.88
1.90 23.84
2.21 28.69
Neutral 20.3 24.2 37.3
Source: Tullett Prebon Market Vane
Transportation Stocks Bullish Consensus 52% 52% 58%
NYSE & NYSE American
AlaskaAirGroup 3.63 Suspended 24.05 Kirby Corp (3.84) Nil 51.37 TIM Group Market Sentiment None

Distributions & Offerings Coming U.S. Auctions U.S. Treasury Bills Wkly Ask
(3.68) Suspended (11.05)
32.42 Nil -2.21
Landstar Sys
Matson Inc
0.96 18.02
1.13 22.25 Indicator 43.7% 48.6% 42.2%
Golden Nugget Online Gaming
C.H. Robinson 7.11 2.12 14.00 Norf Southern 12.39 4.41 58.67 (GNOG)
Secondary Distributions of common stocks Maturity Bid Asked Chg. Yld. Sources: Consensus Inc.; American Association of Huttig Building Products (HBP)
Yields (%) CSX Corp 1.76 0.379 17.18 Old Dominion 9.79 0.90 44.50
Alkaline Water Co 8,333,334 $0.60 $5,000,000 May 10 0.27 0.26 -0.01 0.27 Individual Investors; Market Vane; TIM Group US Ecology (ECOL)
May 12 0.28 0.27 0.02 0.27 Delta Air Lines 0.79 Suspended 2.40 Ryder Sys 12.05 2.30 41.98
Monday When Issued* Last Auction
Digital Brands Group 37,389,800 $0.25 $9,347,450 May 17 0.27 0.26 .... 0.26 Expeditors Int'l 8.64 1.16 15.71 Southwest Air 0.94 0.00 15.03
Hayward Holdings
$45.0 bil 3-month 0.820 0.910 May 19
May 24
Hunt (JB)
18.97 3.00 90.40
8.06 1.30 24.61
Un Pacific
4.50 25.26
Nil 19.11
$42.0 bil 6-month 1.325 1.420
Tarsus Pharmaceuticals
May 26
May 31
June 02
JetBlue Air (0.59) Nil 12.50 United Airlines 12.25 4.58 0.76
Arms Index CHANGES
June 07 0.45 0.44 .... 0.45 The Arms index, also known as the short term trading index, NYSE
Source: Dealogic LLC, New York City; (212) 577-4400. Utility Stocks is a number derived by dividing one quotient into another
$45.0 bil 3-year 2.882 2.738 June 09 0.48 0.47 0.10 0.48 None
June 14 0.50 0.49 .... 0.49 quotient. The numerator in the index is the number of
advancing stocks divided by the number of declining stocks.
Yearly Hi/Lo Gold Prices Wednesday
June 16
June 21
June 23
AES Corp. (0.65) 0.6095 3.96
Am Elec 5.23 3.04 41.38
Exelon 1.74 1.485 33.39
FirstEnergy 2.24 1.56 13.32
As of 3/14/11, the denominator in the index is now the
composite volume of advancing stocks divided by the
NYSE American
NightHawk Biosciences
composite volume of declining stocks. (NHWK), formerly Heat
The yearly Gold price; with a high/low range based on the daily close. $36.0 bil 10-year 3.083 2.720 June 28 0.65 0.64 .... 0.64 AmericanWaterWorks 7.09 2.41 35.60 NextEra Energy 0.74 1.58 18.63 Biologics (HTBX)
June 30 0.63 0.62 0.16 0.62 Atmos Energy 5.31 2.61 53.95 Xcel Energy 2.99 1.86 27.12 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6
Year High Date Low Date Nasdaq
Thursday July 05 0.69 0.68 .... 0.69 Con Ed 3.86 3.115 55.11 Pub Sv Ent (1.23) 2.07 31.71
July 07 0.71 0.70 0.18 0.71 EBET (EBET), formerly Esports
DominionEnergy 3.98 2.5575 29.44 Sempra Energy 4.11 4.445 70.11 NYSE .56 .64 .61 1.95 .94 Technologies
2022 2039.05 Mar. 08 1789.35 Jan. 06 July 14 0.75 0.74 0.19 0.75
$51.0 bil 30-year 3.179 2.815 July 21 0.74 0.73 0.15 0.74 Duke Energy 4.93 3.92 59.82 Southn Co. 2.16 2.64 25.45 NYSE American 1.33 .64 1.25 1.83 2.21 SAI.TECH Global (SAI),
2021 1943.20 Jan. 04 1683.95 Mar. 30 July 28 0.75 0.74 0.15 0.75 Edison Int'l 1.54 2.725 37.08 formerly TradeUP Global
2020 2067.15 Aug. 06 1474.25 Mar. 19 * As of Friday afternoon. April 20 1.93 1.92 .... 1.98 Nasdaq .51 .73 .53 .95 .98 (TUGC)
50 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


Dow Jones U.S. Total Market Industry Groups CBOE Put / Call Ratio Foreign Exchange
U.S. $ in
U.S. $ in

Net Change % Change and Ranking 52 Week

vs. S&P 100 Country
in U.S.$
in U.S.$
Last Fri.
Last Fri.
Top 20 Weekly Ranked IG-Sym Close Wkly YTD Week Rank Yr Ago Rank YTD Rank 3 Yr High Low Readings in the CBOE equity put-call ratio of 60:100 and in the Argentina (Peso)-y .0086 .0087 116.2500 115.2927
S&P 100 of 125:100 are considered bullish, for instance. Bearish Australia (Dollar) .7077 .7062 1.4130 1.4160
Exploration & Production DJUSOS 1012.74 + 112.33 343.50 +12.48 [1] +74.34 [1] +51.33 [3] +16.06 1,012.74 508.00 signals flash when the equity put-call level reaches the vicinity of Bahrain (Dinar) 2.6522 2.6529 .3771 .3769
Oil & Gas Producers DJUSOG 811.27 + 77.34 275.74 +10.54 [2] +64.59 [2] +51.49 [2] +11.66 811.27 426.69 30:100 and the index ratio hits 75:100. Brazil (Real) .1968 .2011 5.0816 4.9736
Integrated Oil & Gas DJUSOL 703.75 + 57.25 239.64 +8.85 [3] +56.69 [3] +51.63 [1] +8.44 703.75 385.74 Bulgaria (Lev) .5393 .5396 1.8544 1.8532
Oil Equipment & Svcs DJUSOI 264.21 + 17.57 82.07 +7.12 [4] +41.77 [5] +45.06 [4] –.97 285.63 156.51 Canada (Dollar) .7754 .7777 1.2896 1.2859
S&P 100 CBOE Chile (Peso) .001164 .001173 858.99 852.51
Oil Equip, Svcs & Distri DJUSOQ 370.19 + 21.87 91.11 +6.28 [5] +33.16 [6] +32.65 [5] +.34 389.42 248.41
China (Renminbi) .1500 .1513 6.6665 6.6085
Mortgage REITs DJUSMR 37.90 + 2.10 –3.32 +5.86 [6] –16.86 [106] –8.06 [55] –12.04 47.78 35.80 7.80 0.70 Colombia (Peso) .0002469 .0002525 4049.50 3959.67
Fixed Line Telecom DJUSFC 118.38 + 6.47 6.10 +5.78 [7] –19.77 [113] +5.43 [23] –5.27 148.56 101.66 Croatia (Kuna) .1400109 .1394020 7.14 7.17
Pipelines DJUSPL 728.98 + 37.48 131.58 +5.42 [8] +25.30 [8] +22.02 [6] +2.43 756.11 547.15 Czech. Rep. (Koruna) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… ..
Full Line Insurance DJUSIF 59.84 + 2.93 4.28 +5.14 [9] +17.84 [14] +7.71 [16] +10.00 62.00 45.50 Commercial rate .04215 .04284 23.726 23.343
Furnishings DJUSFH 356.37 + 14.83 –116.85 +4.34 [10] –32.94 [132] –24.69 [114] +3.67 540.69 322.32 6.40 0.63 Denmark (Krone) .1418 .1417 7.0546 7.0551
Mobile Telecom DJUSWC 359.22 + 13.50 –11.75 +3.91 [11] –16.14 [102] –3.17 [40] –1.47 427.28 345.72 EcuadorUS Dollar 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Defense DJUSDN 570.04 + 19.73 84.79 +3.58 [12] +16.56 [15] +17.47 [9] +9.01 599.78 449.65 Egypt (Pound)-y .0541 .0541 18.4813 18.4859
Hong Kong (Dollar) .1274 .1274 7.8499 7.8465
Drug Retailers DJUSRD 870.04 + 28.71 –.56 +3.41 [13] –1.21 [54] –.06 [35] +3.53 924.04 743.96
Banks DJUSBK 487.53 + 13.41 –90.94 +2.83 [14] –16.23 [103] –15.72 [82] +1.90 638.54 474.12 5.00 0.56 Hungary (Forint) .002762 .002787 362.04 358.84
Iceland (Krona) .007594 .007652 131.69 130.69
Diversified Industrials DJUSID 517.44 + 13.21 –67.53 +2.62 [15] –15.99 [101] –11.54 [65] +2.65 635.53 504.09 India (Rupee) .01299 .01307 76.954 76.523
Mortgage Finance DJUSMF 7.48 + .17 –1.33 +2.28 [16] –15.14 [99] –15.14 [77] –4.51 9.54 7.27 Indonesia (Rupiah) .0000690 .0000690 14497 14497
Semiconductor DJUSSC 6955.96 + 154.83 –2,366.56 +2.28 [17] +3.27 [46] –25.39 [117] +23.50 9,604.72 6,278.87 Israel (Shekel) .2940 .2992 3.4019 3.3422
3.60 0.49 Japan (Yen) .007661 .007701 130.54 129.85
Electrical Comps & Equip DJUSEC 472.64 + 10.34 –100.24 +2.24 [18] –9.78 [79] –17.50 [91] +8.08 592.27 452.43
Medical Supplies DJUSMS 1277.72 + 27.58 –259.84 +2.21 [19] –5.56 [69] –16.90 [88] +11.23 1,572.38 1,250.13 Kazakhstan (Tenge) .002276 .002248 439.29 444.85
Delivery Svcs DJUSAF 1402.13 + 29.85 –288.95 +2.18 [20] –20.37 [114] –17.09 [89] +14.10 1,784.59 1,363.32 Kuwait (Dinar) 3.2594 3.2610 .3068 .3066
Macau (Pataca) .1236 .1237 8.0910 8.0870
2.20 0.42 Malaysia (Ringgit)-b .2288 .2297 4.3700 4.3535
Net Change % Change and Ranking 52 Week
Mexico (Peso) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… ..
Top 20 Yr Ago Ranked IG-Sym Close Wkly YTD Week Rank Yr Ago Rank YTD Rank 3 Yr High Low Floating rate .0496 .0490 20.1539 20.4246
New Zealand (Dollar) .6407 .6455 1.5608 1.5492
Exploration & Production DJUSOS 1012.74 + 112.33 343.50 +12.48 [1] +74.34 [1] +51.33 [3] +16.06 1,012.74 508.00 0.80 0.35 Norway (Krone) .1054 .1066 9.4846 9.3807
Oil & Gas Producers DJUSOG 811.27 + 77.34 275.74 +10.54 [2] +64.59 [2] +51.49 [2] +11.66 811.27 426.69 Oman (Rial) 2.5971 2.5973 .3850 .3850
Integrated Oil & Gas DJUSOL 703.75 + 57.25 239.64 +8.85 [3] +56.69 [3] +51.63 [1] +8.44 703.75 385.74 M J J A S O N D J F M A Pakistan (Rupee) .00537 .00539 186.360 185.700
Aluminum DJUSAL 208.52 – 23.09 4.99 –9.97 [136] +53.02 [4] +2.45 [30] +36.07 324.74 108.02 Source: CBOE Philippines (Peso) .01908 .01911 52.413 52.340
Oil Equipment & Svcs DJUSOI 264.21 + 17.57 82.07 +7.12 [4] +41.77 [5] +45.06 [4] –.97 285.63 156.51 Poland (Zloty) .2238 .2256 4.4675 4.4335
Oil Equip, Svcs & Distri DJUSOQ 370.19 + 21.87 91.11 +6.28 [5] +33.16 [6] +32.65 [5] +.34 389.42 248.41 Qatar (Rial) .2746 .2747 3.6413 3.6403
Steel DJUSST 478.89 – 43.00 75.91 –8.24 [132] +28.02 [7] +18.84 [7] +26.70 582.15 334.31 Russia (Ruble)-a .01449 .01402 69.000 71.350
Saudi Arabia (Riyal) .2666 .2666 3.7508 3.7508
Food Retailers & Whlslrs
+ 37.48
– 39.58
641.01 Coming Earnings Singapore (Dollar)
South Africa (Rand)
.7230 1.3859 1.3831
.0632 16.0206 15.8146
Computer Hardware DJUSCR 7876.30 – 8.08 –1,022.37 –.10 [59] +19.37 [10] –11.49 [64] +40.89 9,111.11 6,238.26 South Korea (Won) .0007874 .0007914 1270.04 1263.52
Food & Drug Retailers DJUSDR 1042.00 – 34.39 –57.80 –3.20 [105] +18.84 [11] –5.26 [44] +18.26 1,195.19 851.40 Day Consensus Year
Sri Lanka (Rupee) .0028 .0028 360.0000 355.0000
Automobiles DJUSAU 1027.68 – 1.86 –283.35 –.18 [61] +18.75 [12] –21.61 [104] +76.19 1,491.73 757.55 Estimate Ago Sweden (Krona) .1006 .1018 9.9411 9.8238
Hotel & Lodging REITs DJUSHL 105.02 – .57 14.79 –.54 [71] +18.22 [13] +16.39 [10] –5.09 110.21 77.10 Switzerland (Franc) 1.0114 1.0271 .9887 .9736
Full Line Insurance DJUSIF 59.84 + 2.93 4.28 +5.14 [9] +17.84 [14] +7.71 [16] +10.00 62.00 45.50 Continued from page 9
Taiwan (Dollar) .03369 .03395 29.680 29.452
Defense DJUSDN 570.04 + 19.73 84.79 +3.58 [12] +16.56 [15] +17.47 [9] +9.01 599.78 449.65 Thailand (Baht) .02912 .02918 34.340 34.270
Pharmaceuticals DJUSPR 794.16 – 4.93 –5.11 –.62 [73] +16.10 [16] –.64 [36] +11.28 837.64 681.74 Turkey (New Lira)-d .0669 .0673 14.9494 14.8504
W Ukraine (Hryvnia) .0331 .0331 30.2500 30.2500
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

Soft Drinks DJUSSD 931.15 – 2.05 22.92 –.22 [63] +15.06 [17] +2.52 [29] +10.24 959.39 798.49
U.K. (Pound) 1.2340 1.2576 .8104 .7952
Nondurable Hshld Pdts DJUSHN 1208.76 – 29.14 –66.43 –2.35 [98] +12.57 [18] –5.21 [43] +12.50 1,280.75 1,043.58 Sonos (Q2) 0.05 0.12
Uruguay (Peso) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… ..
Automobiles & Parts DJUSAP 1160.18 – 3.37 –332.88 –.29 [65] +12.25 [19] –22.30 [107] +56.41 1,683.79 917.33 Strata Skin Sciences (Q1) -0.06 -0.07 Financial .02405 .02449 41.575 40.830
Hotels DJUSLG 2718.95 – 147.55 –178.70 –5.15 [122] +11.72 [20] –6.17 [46] +9.75 3,024.19 2,271.73 Walt Disney (Q2) 1.19 0.79 Euro 1.0547 1.0549 .9481 .9479
Wendy’s (Q1) 0.18 0.20 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are based on exchange rates for the U.S.,
Groups are weighted by capitalization. 52-week highs and lows are based on daily closes. Dec. 31, 1991=100. In the U.S. listings, % vol chg column shows the change from previous 65-day moving British, and Japanese currencies. Source: International Monetary Fund.
average. Volume figures do not reflect extended trading hours. Yeti (Q1) 0.32 0.38 a-Russian Central Bank rate. b-government rate. d-rebased as of Jan. 1,
2005. y-floating rate.
Motorola Solutions (Q1)
Six Flags Entertainment (Q1)
-1.12 Money Rates
Delta Market Pulse of the Economy
WeWork (Q1) -0.71 ....

Discount Rate (NY)

Latest Week
Prev. Week
Yr Ago
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

Only includes new reports. Latest Latest Preceding Year YroYr Latest Latest Preceding Year YroYr New York City REIT (Q1) -0.08 -0.39
Prime Rate (base) 4.00 3.50 3.25
Economic Growth and Investment Date Data Period Ago % Chg Date Data Period Ago % Chg (Earnings are diluted and report dates are tentative. All fore- Fed Funds Rate
Indicator No Activity for this Week
casts and historical numbers exclude extraordinary items by
accounting definitions.) Avg effective offer 0.83 0.34 0.06
Production Source: FactSet Avg weekly auction-c 0.33 0.33 0.06
The Delta MSI measures the Civil labor force, (thous.) Apr 164,046 164,409 160,978 1.91
position of a representative set
of stocks relative to an
intermediate-term moving
Electric power, (mil. kw hrs) (EEI)
Petroleum, related capacity, %
Apr 30 69,920
Apr 29 88.4
70,971 69,091 1.20
90.3 86.5 2.20
Employed, (thous.)
All non–farm payrolls, (thous.)
Apr 158,105
Apr 151,314
158,458 151,259 4.53
r150,886 144,694 4.58 Conference Call Calendar T-Bills Rate

13 weeks, Coupon Yield 0.925 0.904 0.015

Rotary rigs running, U.S. & Can., (Hughes) May 6 796 793 503 58.25 Government payrolls, (thous.) Apr 22,189 r22,167 21,910 1.27 Earnings-
average crossover (MAC) point. 13 weeks, Auction Rate 0.910 0.890 0.015
When greater than 50% of the Steel, (thous. tons) Apr 30 1,775 1,784 1,788 –0.73 Goods prod payrolls, (thous.) Apr 20,970 r20,904 20,187 3.88 Related
Company Date Time Period 26 weeks, Coupon Yield 1.450 1.399 0.035
stocks followed are above this Steel, rated capacity, % (AISI) Apr 30 81.3 81.7 78.7 3.30 Initial jobless claims (thous.) Apr 30 200 r181 517 –61.32 26 weeks, Auction Rate 1.420 1.370 0.035
MAC point, the market is Consumption and Distribution Continuing claims (mil.) Apr 23 1.384 r1.403 3.767 –63.26 Avg weekly auction-c 0.85 0.82 0.01
bullish. When the indicator is DENTSPLY SIRONA May 10 8:30AM Q1 Broker Call Rate 2.75 2.25 2.00
Factory shipments, (bil. $) Mar 556.35 r543.71 486.04 14.47 Job openings, (thous.) Mar 11,549 r11,344 8,480 36.19
below 50%, risk is elevated and Electronic Arts May 10 5:00PM Q4
stock exposures should be Hires, (thous.) Mar 6,737 r6,832 6,208 8.52 CD's Rate
Instinet Research Redbook Avg. (monthly %) Apr 30 0.30 13.15 –26.26 …. Exelon May 9 10:00AM Q1
reduced. Manager uses Total separations, (thous.) Mar 6,321 r6,082 5,540 14.10
Baltic Dry Index May 6 2,718 2,404 3,183 –14.61 Fox May 10 8:30AM Q3
discretion on asset allocation Service payrolls, (thous.) Apr 130,344 r129,982 124,507 4.69 1 month 0.48 0.48 0.12
Logistics Managers Index Apr 69.7 76.2 74.5 –6.44 International Flavors & Fragrances May 10 9:00AM Q1 2 months 0.91 0.91 0.13
when MSI is at 50% +/- 3%. Unemployment rate, % Apr 3.6 3.6 6.0 –40.00
Inventories Unemployed, (thous.) Apr 5,941 5,952 9,719 –38.87 Microchip Technology May 9 5:00PM Q4 3 months 1.38 1.38 0.15
Motorola Solutions May 12 5:00PM Q1 6 months 2.05 2.05 0.20

Domestic crude oil, (thous. bbls) Comm. (Excl. Lease Stck) Apr 29 415,727 414,424 485,117 –14.30 Avg. wks duration unemploy Apr 25.0 24.2 28.5 –12.28
Factory inventories, (bil. $) Mar 797.56 r787.18 721.17 10.59 U–6 unemployment Apr 7.0 6.9 10.3 –32.04 Simon Property May 9 5:00PM Q1 Libor Interbank Rate
Gasoline, (thous. bbls) Apr 29 228,575 230,805 235,811 –3.07 Civilian Employment Population Ratio Apr 60.0 60.1 57.9 3.63 Tapestry May 12 8:00AM Q3
Orders TransDigm May 10 11:00AM Q2 1 month 0.84 0.80 0.10
Construction Tyson Foods May 9 9:00AM Q2 3 months 1.40 1.33 0.16
Current Sentiment Factory orders, backlog (bil. $) Mar 1,294.79 r1,289.29 1,195.14 8.34 Construction spending, (bil. $) Mar 1,730.5 r1,728.6 1,548.6 11.75 Walt Disney May 11 4:30PM Q2 6 months 1.96 1.91 0.19
New factory orders, (bil. $) Mar 557.32 r545.50 488.07 14.19 Non–residential spending, SA (bil. $) 12 months 2.69 2.63 0.27
Mar 497.6 r503.6 458.7 8.48 Welltower May 11 9:00AM Q1

Nondurable goods orders, (bil. $) Mar 281.55 r272.71 238.61 18.00 Public spending, (bil. $) Mar 350.8 r351.7 344.9 1.71 Wynn Resorts May 10 4:30PM Q1 Foreign Prime Rates
Purchasing management index Apr 55.4 57.1 60.6 –8.58 Residential spending, (bil. $) Mar 891.3 r882.4 754.1 18.19 Source: CCBN,
Trade Canada 3.20 3.20 2.45
Other Indicators Germany 0.00 0.00 0.00
Merchandise trade balance (bil $) Mar –128.14 r–107.78 –92.39 38.69
Last Week
Inflation Citi Research Panic–Euphoria Reading May 6 –0.04 r0.05
a-1997 equals 100. b-1982-84 equals 100. c-1982 equals 100. f-1996 equals 100. h-
0.89 –104.49
Barron's 50-Stock Average Japan

JOC–ECRI Industrial Price Index f May 6 166.13 165.17 148.40 11.95 benchmark revision, 2016 equals 100. r-Revised.
This index is a weighted average of 50 leading issues. Useful in secu-
rity valuation. Source: Barron's Stats
Other Money Rates
May 5 Apr 28 May Yr-to-Yr
2022 2022 2022 % Chg Fannie Mae Home Loan:
2 Weeks ago S&P 500 Index 4146.87 4287.50 4168.53 –0.52

American Debt and Deficits Adjustable Mortgage Rates Barron's 50 Index 11398.8411642.04 11244.16 1.38 30-Year Fixed Conv 4.95 4.67 2.37

Projected quarterly earn 141.40 143.07 109.14 29.56 Bank money market-z 0.07 0.07 0.07
Annualized projected earn 565.60 572.29 436.56 29.56 Interest Checking-z 0.04 0.04 0.04
Latest Preceding Year Ago Yr over Yr May 6 Apr 29 Yr. Ago YOY % Chg 6-Month Certif-z 0.15 0.15 0.13
Annualized projected P/E 20.15 20.34 25.77 –21.79
Report Report Report % Chg 12-Month Certif-z 0.23 0.22 0.18
Five-year average earn 436.68 437.35 380.91 14.64
1 Year Treas Bills 2.03 1.96 0.05 3960.00 30 Month Accounts-z 0.29 0.29 0.18
3 Weeks ago Five-year average P/E 26.10 26.62 29.52 –11.57 5-Year Certificates-z 0.39 0.39 0.32
Federal Budget Deficit (bil. $)-a 1,359FY'24 1,372FY'23 1,837FY'22 …. 2 Year Treas Notes 2.62 2.61 0.17 1441.18
–192.68 –216.59 –659.60 -70.79 Year-end earn 565.71 567.38 314.70 79.76
Budget Surplus/Deficit (bil. $)-b, March 3 Year Treas Notes 2.79 2.81 0.35 697.14
Current Market Exposure: 0% Trade Deficit (bil. $, sa)-c, March –109.80 r-89.80 –71.40 53.78 5 Year Treas Notes 2.84 2.89 0.86 230.23 Year-end P/E 20.15 20.52 35.73 –43.61 U.S. Savings EE Bonds:
Equities, 0% Bonds, 100% Cash Treasury Gross Public Debt. (bil. $)-d 30,410.1 30,416.6 28,177.9 7.92 10 Year Treas Notes 2.83 2.89 1.63 73.62 Year-end earns yield, % 4.96 4.87 2.80 77.32
Treasury Statutory Debt Limit (bil. $)-d 31,381.5 31,381.5 …. …. Best grade bond yields, % 3.68 3.32 1.49 146.98 Long-Term (5yrs+) 0.10 0.10 0.10
Source: Delta Investment 20 Year Treas Bds 3.08 3.13 2.18 41.28
Consumer Installment Debt (bil. $)-e, March 4,539.0 r4,486.6 4,218.9 7.59 11th District % Mar Discontinued .... 0.377 .... Bond yields/stock ylds, % 0.74 0.68 0.53 39.29 c-Annualized yields, adjusted for constant maturity, reported by the Federal
FHFA PMMS+ 3.68 3.68 2.72 35.29 Actual year-end divs 226.76 226.15 212.31 6.81 Reserve on a weekly average basis. Sources: Tullett Prebon information, Ltd., (415) Sources: a-Office of Management and Budget, b-Monthly Treasury Statement, c-Monthly Commerce Dept. Factset.
249-6337 Actual yr-end divs yld, % 1.99 1.94 1.89 5.35
Report, d-Daily Treasury Statement, e-Monthly Federal Reserve Release. Fed annualized yields adjusted for constant maturity.
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 51


Barron's Gold Mining Index

12-Month Year Week %
Weekly Bond Statistics Dividend Payment Boosts Top 5 Insider Purchases by
High Low
1228.34 883.49 Gold mining
New Offerings, (mil $) (v) Last Week Prev. Week Yr Ago
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange)
Yield Period To From
Company in 2022
Corporate (z) 15,628 r9,662 21,391 Number of Number of Avg.
Apple-AAPL (Nasdaq) 0.6 Q .23 .22 4.5 5-09 5-06 5-12 Company Sym Insiders Shares $ Value Price
Municipal (z) 2,911 r12,805 9,789 ArcBest-ARCB (Nasdaq) 0.6 Q .12 .08 50.0 5-11 5-10 5-25
Avery Dennison-AVY (NYSE) 1.7 Q .75 .68 10.3 6-01 5-31 6-15 York Water YORW 16 1,093 45,694 $41.79
Best Grade Bonds-y
Gold & Silver Prices (Barron's index of 10 high-grade corporate bonds.)
Baxter International-BAX (NYSE)
B Riley Financial
MDV 15 20,421
10 228,070 12,807,335
3.68 3.32 1.51 Brigham Minerals-MNRL (NYSE) 2.2 Q .16 .14 14.3 5-20 5-19 5-27 Entera Bio Limited ENTX 9 73,832 199,769 $2.71
Handy & Harman 5/6 4/29 Year Ago
Canadian Natural Res-CNQ (NYSE) 3.7 Q .5844 .462234 26.4 6-17 6-16 7-05 Inotiv NOTV 9 74,374 1,562,288 $21.01
Gold, troy ounce 1882.35 1911.30 1836.55 Interm-Grade Bonds-y Chesapeake Energy-CHK (Nasdaq) 2.2 Q .50 .4375 14.3 5-19 5-18 6-02
Silver, troy ounce 22.47 23.11 27.44
Chesapeake Utilities-CPK (NYSE) 1.7 Q .535 .48 11.5 6-15 6-14 7-05
(Barron's index of 10 medium-grade corporate bonds.) Top 5 Insider Sales by Company in 2022
Base for pricing gold and silver contents of shipments and for making Community West Bancshares-CWBC (Nasdaq) 2.2 Q .075 .07 7.1 5-13 5-12 5-31
4.38 4.14 2.73 Mongodb MDB 21 308,845128,358,572 $415.61
refining settlement. ConnectOne Bancorp-CNOB (Nasdaq) 2.3 Q .155 .13 19.2 5-16 5-13 6-01
Customers Bncp Pfd. E-CUBIpE (NYSE) 6.1 Q .381161 .333922 14.1 5-31 5-27 6-15 Workday WDAY 17 214,741 48,042,742 $223.72
Confidence Index
Coins Price Premium $ Premium % Diamondback Energy-FANG (Nasdaq) 2.0 Q .70 .60 16.7 5-12 5-11 5-23 Hess HES 16 587,569 54,918,567 $93.47
(High-grade index divided by intermediate-grade index; decline in Enviva-EVA (NYSE) 4.5 Q .905 .86 5.2 5-16 5-13 5-27 Cloudflare NET 16 1,086,763118,017,538 $108.60
Krugerrand 1958.53 75.33 4.00 latter vs. former generally indicates rising confidence, pointing to Expeditors Intl of Wash-EXPD (Nasdaq) 1.2 S .67 .58 15.5 6-01 5-31 6-15 Chevron CVX 15 801,950108,308,291 $135.06
Maple Leaf 1977.36 94.16 5.00 higher stocks.)
Mexican Peso 2278.57 8.00 0.35 Falcon Minerals-FLMN (NCM ) 8.6 Q .18 .145 24.1 5-18 5-17 5-31
84.0 80.2 55.5
Austria Crown 1848.91 3.00 0.16 Farmland Partners-FPI (NYSE) 1.6 Q .06 .05 20.0 7-01 6-30 7-15
Austria Phil 1977.36 94.16 5.00 Genco Shipping & Trading-GNK (NYSE) 14.0 Q .79 .67 17.9 5-16 5-13 5-24
U.S. Eagles 1977.36 94.16 5.00 Other Confidence Indicators:
Hawthorn Bancshares-HWBK (Nasdaq) 2.6 Q .17 .144231 17.9 6-15 6-14 7-01
Premium is the amount over the value of the gold content in the coin.
Source Manfra, Tordella & Brookes, Inc. Bullion spot gold price 1883.2 Bloomberg Barclays US Long Treasury* Innospec-IOSP (Nasdaq)
(This index measures the performance of fixed-rate, nominal US
Treasuries with at least 10 years to maturity. Jan. 1, 1973=100.)
Lakeland Bancorp-LBAI (Nasdaq)
Marathon Oil-MRO (NYSE)
Gold Performance Bloomberg Barclays US Credit
3484.14 3647.82 4191.38 MSA Safety-MSA (NYSE)
Natural Resource Partners-NRP (NYSE)
No Interest: Gold gave up another 1.5% on Newmark Group-NMRK (Nasdaq) 1.0 Q .03 .01 200.0 5-16 5-13 5-31
This list includes payouts on This list includes payouts on
(This index includes all publicly issued, fixed-rate, non-convertible, North Eur Oil Royalty Tr-NRT (NYSE) 4.7 Q .38 .25 52.0 5-13 5-12 5-25 common stocks.
the week, to end at $1,882 an ounce. investment-grade, dollar-denominated, SEC-registered corporate Northern Oil & Gas-NOG (NYSE) 2.6 Q .19 .14 35.7 6-29 6-28 7-29
common stocks.
debt. Parker Hannifin-PH (NYSE) 2.0 Q 1.33 1.03 29.1 5-13 5-12 6-03 NYSE NASDAQ
2903.99 2945.02 3282.92 Paychex-PAYX (Nasdaq) 2.6 Q .79 .66 19.7 5-12 5-11 5-26 Monday (May 9)
Monday (May 9)
PennantPark Inv-PNNT (NYSE) 7.9 Q .145 .14 3.6 6-17 6-16 7-01 Old Second Bancorp .05
20 Ryan Labs Treasury Index
PepsiCo-PEP (Nasdaq) 2.7 Q 1.15 1.075 7.0 6-03 6-02 6-30 Air Products & Chemicals 1.62
Runway Growth Finance-RWAY (Nasdaq) 8.5 Q .30 .27 11.1 5-10 5-09 5-24 Banco Bradesco Ord ADR .003 Tuesday (May 10)
(Index of total return from active Treasury notes and bonds. Dec.
Barron's Gold Mining Index (1041.55) 31, 1996=100.) Southern Copper-SCCO (NYSE) 6.8 Q 1.25 1.00 25.0 5-17 5-16 5-31 Blackstone 1.32 Codorus Valley Bancorp .15
281.18 283.01 313.35 Tetra Tech-TTEK (Nasdaq) 0.7 Q .23 .20 15.0 5-13 5-12 5-27 BrasilAgro ADR .424 Concentrix .25
British Amer Tobacco ADR .735 Ohio Valley Banc .21
Watts Water Tech-WTS (NYSE) 0.9 Q .30 .26 15.4 6-01 5-31 6-15
10 Bond Buyer 20 Bond Index Deere 1.05 Wednesday (May 11)
Handy & Harman Gold Price (Index of yields of 20 general obligation municipal bonds.)
3.27 3.21 2.25
Dividend Payment Reductions Adjusted % Record Ex-Div Payment
Hingham Institution Savs .57
Krispy Kreme
Thursday (May 12)

0 Bond Buyer Municipal Bond Index Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Yield Period To From Decrease Date Date Date Tuesday (May 10) Apple .23
AllianceBernstein-AB (NYSE) 10.0 Q .90 1.29 -30.2 % 5-09 5-06 5-26 Albertsons .12 Cal-Maine Foods .125
To reprint or license content, please contact Barron's reprints department at 800-843-0008 or

(Index of 40 actively-traded tax-exempt bonds; component issues

are changed regularly to keep the index a current picture of the Capital Product Partners .15
GlaxoSmithKline ADR-GSK (NYSE) 4.6 Q .349625 .603453 -42.1 % 5-20 5-19 7-01 American Express .52
market. Source: The Bond Buyer Coca-Cola Consolidated .25
Sculptor Capital Mgmt-SCU (NYSE) 10.2 Q .11 .28 -60.7 % 5-18 5-17 5-25 Greenbrier Cos .27 Dorchester Minerals .754
4.34 4.23 3.45 Sisecam Resources-SIRE (NYSE) 10.5 Q .50 .65 -23.1 % 5-10 5-09 5-18 Lennar Cl A .375 Hope Bancorp .14
-10 Sturm Ruger-RGR (NYSE) 5.1 Q .68 .86 -20.9 % 5-16 5-13 5-31 Lennar Cl B .375 Sierra Bancorp .23
Stock/Bond Yield Gap-s TriMas Corp .04
Suburban Propane .325
(Difference between yield on highest-grade corporate bonds and
yield on stocks on the DJIA.) Stock Splits/Dividends Special Dividends Wednesday (May 11) Friday (May 13)
1st Source .31
-1.71 -1.36 0.21 Record Ex-Div Pay Antero Midstream .225
Record Ex-Div Pay Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Amount Date Date Date 360 DigiTech ADR .26
-20 Bk of NY Mellon .34 Alliance Resource Ptrs .35
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Amount Date Date Date
Yield on DJ Equal Weight US Corp Bond Idx: American Financial Group-AFG (NYSE) 8.00 5-20 5-19 5-27 Kadant .26 Banner .44
Brookfield Infrastructure-BIPC (NYSE)3-for-2 6-06 6-13 6-10 Chesapeake Energy-CHK (Nasdaq) 1.84 5-19 5-18 6-02 Nucor .50 Costco Wholesale .90
Corp Bonds, (y) 4.50 4.33 2.33
Diamondback Energy-FANG (Nasdaq) 2.35 5-12 5-11 5-23 Pearson ADR .189 CSW Industrials .17
Brookfield Infrastructure-BIP (NYSE)3-for-2 6-06 6-13 6-10 Green Plains Partners .445
v-Week ended Thursday. y-Yield to maturity, week ended Thursday. z- Dorian LPG-LPG (NYSE) 2.50 5-16 5-13 6-02 Smith & Nephew ADR .462
Kaiser Aluminum .77
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

Source: Refinitiv.*Barclays T-Bond Index discontinued by firm. Texas Pacific Land-TPL (NYSE) 20.00 6-08 6-07 6-15
Maximus .28 Thursday (May 12) Martin Midstream Prters .005
Moog A .26 MetroCity Bankshares .15
Bassett Furniture Inds .14 Braskem ADR .674
1.04 WEEK'S EX- Brookline Bancorp .13
WEEK'S EX- Celanese .68
Pacific Premier Bancorp
Federal Reserve Data Bank Neenah .475 Business First Bancshares .12
Coca-Cola Europacific .59
CRH ADR .98 Plains All Amer Pipeline .218

One week ended May 4:

DIVIDEND Oil-Dri of America
Oppenheimer Holdings A
DIVIDEND Cogent Communications .88
Community West Bancsh.075
DIVIDEND Delek Logistics Partners .98
Enterprise Pdts Partners .465
Plains GP Holdings
Premier Financial
First Republic Bank .27 Signature Bank .56
Member Bank
Reserve Chgs. (Mil. $)
Prev. Week
Year Ago
DATES Parker Hannifin
Provident Finl Svcs
Constellation Energy

Eagle Bancorp Montana .125

.16 DATES Graham Holdings
Knot Offshore Partners
Virtus Invt Partners
Saturday (May 14)

Shaw Comm .079 Eastern Co .11

This list includes payouts on Truist Financial .48 This list includes payouts on This list includes payouts on Synchrony Financial .22 NONE
U.S. Gov't securities: common stocks. Unitil Corp .39 common stocks. Exelon .338 common stocks.
Universal Insurance .16 First Bank .06 Friday (May 13) Sunday (May 15)
Bought outright 8,482,011 -13,405 +1,263,555 NYSE NASDAQ First Northwest Bancorp .07 NYSE American
Visa Cl A .375 NONE
Tuesday (May 10) Warrior Met Coal .50 Fortress Transportation .33 Accenture Cl A .97
Federal agency secur: Tuesday (May 10) Heartland Financial USA .27 Tuesday (May 10) AES .158
Employers Holdings .26 WEC Energy Group .728
Bought outright 2,347 .... .... EQT Corp .125 Western Alliance Banco .35 Amalgamated Financial .08 Honeywell Intl .98 NONE Aon .56
ArcBest .12 JB Hunt Transport .40
Reserve bank credit:
MDC Holdings
RE/MAX Holdings Cl A
Sensata Techs Hldg
Friday (May 13)
AGCO .24
B. Riley Financial
Bloomin' Brands
Middlesex Water
Nexstar Media Cl A
Wednesday (May 11)
Cadre Holdings
1.16 WEEK'S
Primary Credit 3,068 +448 +2,369 St. Joe .10 Allete .65 Coca-Cola Femsa ADR 1.353
Secondary Credit .... .... .... Standex Intl
Wednesday (May 11)
.26 American StatesWater
Applied Indl Techs
CapStar Finl Hldgs
Cheesecake Factory
Enterprise Bancorp
Otter Tail
PCB Bancorp
Primis Financial
Thursday (May 12)
Crestwood Equity Prtnes .655
Seasonal Credit 5 +3 +5 ArcelorMittal ADR .38
Float -328 -130 -23 Affiliated Managers
Berkshire Hills Bancorp
Bank of Butterfield
CF Industries Holdings
Kearny Financial
Landmark Bancorp
Northfield Bancorp
South State
Southern Missouri Banc .20
Friday (May 13) DCP Midstream
Equitrans Midstream
Other F.R. Assets 42,078 +86 +2,359 Crown Holdings .22 SSR Mining .07 NONE
Louisiana-Pacific .22 Church & Dwight .262 Paccar .34 Starbucks .49 Federated Hermes .27 This list includes payouts on
Total Fed Credit # 8,903,770 -14,476 +1,151,462 CNA Financial .40 Saturday (May 14) common stocks.
Matson .30 Resources Connection .14 Timberland Bancorp .22 Genesis Energy .15
Gold stock 11,041 .... .... MGIC Investment .08 Comfort Systems USA .14 Sandy Spring Bancorp .34 Veritex Holdings .20 Global Partners .595
Eli Lilly .98 NONE NYSE American
SDR Certif. Accounts 5,200 .... .... PBF Logistics .30 Univest Financial .21 Hess Midstream .549
ResMed .42 Fresenius Medical ADR .709 West Bancorp .25 Friday (May 13) Sunday (May 15)
Treas. Curr. Outst. 51,065 +14 +506 Tempur Sealy .10 Jabil .08 Hexcel Corp .10 Monday (May 9)
Jefferies Financial Grp .30 Western New England .06 Cintas .95 NONE
Total 8,989,620 -14,751 +1,148,905 TJX Cos .295 Winmark .70 Holly Energy Partners .35
Valero Energy .98 KKR .155 ConnectOne Bancorp .155 NONE
Currency in circ 2,271,074 +1,365 +106,175 Webster Financial .40 MSA Safety .46 WisdomTree Investments .03 FirstCash Holdings .30 Monday (May 16) Magellan Midstream Ptrs 1.038
Treas. Cash Hldgs 80 -5 +34 WestRock .25 Murphy Oil .175 Meridian .20 Bar Harbor Bankshares .26 Marsh & McLennan .535 Tuesday (May 10)
ONE Gas .62 Wednesday (May 11) Newmark Group .03
Treas. Fed Deposits 945,478 +1,150 -8,211 Thursday (May 12) Ormat Technologies .12 Morgan Stanley .70 NONE
Diamondback Energy .70 PacWest Bancorp .25
Foreign Fed Deposits 7,530 -1,378 -20,704 BP ADR .328 Rockwell Automation 1.12 Diamondback Energy 2.35 MPLX .705
Papa John's Intl .35 Wednesday (May 11)
Other Fed Deposits
Other FR liab/cap
Charles Schwab
Coterra Energy
Southwest Gas Holdings
Standard Motor Prod
Heritage Commerce
Macatawa Bank
.08 Saturday (May 14) Yearly Hi/Lo Silver Prices Northwest Natural
NuSTAR Energy
.40 NONE
Teleflex .34 OP Bancorp .10 NONE OneMain Holdings .95
Total factors 5,693,536 +21,147 +1,726,549 Coterra Energy .45 The yearly Handy & Harman Silver price; Thursday (May 12)
CVR Energy .40 Paychex .79 Pembina Pipeline .168
Saturday (May 14) Peapack Gladstone .05 Sunday (May 15) with a high/low range based on the daily
Reserves F.R. banks 3,296,085 -35,897 -577,643 CVR Partners 2.26 PerkinElmer .07 NONE
Eaton Corp. PLC .81 NONE Rush Enterprises A .19 NONE close.
Fgn hold U.S. debt 3,425,483 -36,147 -117,766 PermRock Royalty Trust .062
Equinor ADR .40 Rush Enterprises B .19 Year High Date Low Date Friday (May 13)
Essential Utilities .268 Sunday (May 15) Silicon Motion Tech ADR .50 Monday (May 16) PNM Resources .347
ExxonMobil .88 NONE Summit State Bank .12 Amgen 1.94 Warrior Met Coal .06 Cheniere Energy Ptnr .775
Reserve Aggr (Mil. $) Latest Prev. Month % Year Gorman-Rupp .17 Territorial Bancorp .23 Global Water Resources .025 2022 26.87 Mar08 22.18 Jan06
Monday (May 16) Western Midstream Ptrs .50 Cheniere Energy Ptnr .275
Month Ended March Month Month Chg. Ago Helmerich & Payne .25 Wintrust Financial .34 HMN Financial .06 2021 28.65 Feb 01 21.55 Sept 29
Hilltop Holdings .15 Artisan Ptrs Asset .76 2020 28.99 Aug 10 12.13 Mar 18 Saturday (May 14)
JM Smucker .99 LeMaitre Vascular .125 Saturday (May 14)
Total Reserves: 3,874,700 3,804,500 1.85 3,721,300 BGSF .15 Thursday (May 12)
Koninklijke Philips .964 Fortis .423 Origin Bancorp .15 2019 19.40 Sept04 14.36 May 28
Amerant Bancorp Cl A .09 Reynolds Cnsmr Products .23 NONE NONE
Nonborrowed Res 3,848,500 3,775,800 1.93 3,663,300 Kroger Co .21 HCI Group .40 2018 17.57 Jan 25 14.07 Nov 14
Borrowed Reserves 26,206 28,715 -8.74 57,950 Lithia Motors .42 Industrias Bachoco 1.897 Astec Industries .12 Sapiens Intl .47 Sunday (May 15) Sunday (May 15)
Magna Intl .45 BankFinancial .10 Shyft Group .05 2017 18.52 Apr 17 15.39 July 07
Lindsay .33
Monetary Base 6,134,500 6,040,000 1.56 5,839,000 Southern Copper 1.25 Bankwell Financial Group .20 Woodward .19 2016 20.69 Aug02 13.78 Jan 12 NONE NONE
52 BARRON’S May 9, 2022


GlbSpacSubUn AdvantageSolns AudioEye CentralGarden dLocal Frontier GreenlandTech InvscBS27HYCpBd KismetTwoWt MolecularPtrs ParamountA ResearchSolutions

Week’s GlbXMetaverse
CF Acqn IV Wt
DMC Global
FS Bancorp
KL Acqn Wt
RF Acqn A
RF Acqn Rt

New Highs
GreenVisorI A AdvShDWAlphaEW AvalonAcqnWt CFSB Bancorp DTRTHealthWt FT BICK GroupNineWt InvscBull2029CpBd KronosBio MorphoSys PassageBio RF Acqn Wt
HackettGroup AegleaBioTherap AvaloTherap ChardanNex2 Wt DuckCreekTech FT CA MuniHi GrowGeneration InvscBuyBackAch Kubient MotorcarParts PatriaLatAmOppAcqn RGC Resources
HarborCustom AeroCleanTech AveannaHealth Charles&Colvard DuneAcqnWt FT CloudComp GT Biopharma InvscDWAConsCyc KubientWt MotorsportGames PatriaLatAmOppWt RhinebeckBncp
HaymakerIII AethlonMedical AvePoint CharterComms DuosTechs FT DorseyWright GuardantHealth InvscDWAEMMom KVH Inds MountainCrstIIIRt PayoneerWt RhythmPharm

and Lows HaymakerIII A

HCM Acqn A
HealthcareAI A
HHG Capital
AFC Gamma
Check-Cap WtC
DXP Ents
FT EM EquitySel
FT EM LocalCurr
FT EnhShtMat
FT GerAlpha
Gulf Resources
GX Acqn II Wt
LakeshoreI Wt
MSD Acqn Wt
MyMD Pharm
MYR Group
HilleVax AgileTherap AvitaMedical ChromaDex E.MergeTechWt FT HiIncmStrat HallmarkFin InvscDWATechMom LancasterColony MyriadGenetics PennNational RockyMtnChoc
HostHotels AgiosPharm AVROBIO CIIGCapPtrsIIWt EagleBancorp FT IndxxMeta HallofFameResort InvscElcVehicle LandosBio MySize PennsWoodsBncp RoivantSciences
HudsonTech AGNC Invt AxonEnterprise Cimpress EagleBncpMT FT IPOXEurEq HamiltonLane InvscESGNasd100 Lands'End NabrivaTherap PeoplesBncpOH RoivantSciencesWt

112 1101
IndlTechII A AGNC InvtPfdD AXS2XInnovation CiscoSystems Eargo FT LC CoreAlpha HamiltonLaneI Wt InvscESGNasdNxt Latch NanoStringTech PepGen RothCHAcqnIVWt
IntlMoneyExpress AGNC InvtPfdE AXSShChinaInt CitiusPharm Eastern FT LC GrwthAlpha HancockNts2060 InvscFTSEUS1500SM LatchWt NantHealth Peraso RumbleON
InvestcorpEur I A AGNC InvtPfdF AXT Citizens&Northern EastRscsAcqnWt FT LC US Equity HappinessDevt InvscGlblWater Latham Nasdaq PerceptionCapIIWt RXR Acqn Wt
iShEmergFood AimfinityInvtI AyalaPharm CivistaBcshrs eBay FT LowDurOpp HarpoonTherap InvscHYBd LavaTherap Nasdaq7HANDL PerellaWeinberg S&W Seed
New Highs New Lows
JaguarGlbGrwI A AirSculptTech AytuBioPharma ClarimAcqnWt EBET FT LowDurStrat HarrowHealth InvscIntlBuyBkAch LCNB NatlCineMedia PerellaWeinbergWt SabraHealthcare
JakksPacific AirT Azenta ClarusTherap Ecoark FT MC GrwthAlpha HarvardBioSci InvscIntLowBeta LeapTherap NatlEnerSvs PerformShipping SageTherap
Nasdaq JohnMarshallBncp AkamaiTech B.RileyNts2026 CleanEarthA EdesaBiotech FT MCGrAlpDX HCM Acqn Wt InvscKBWBank LefterisAcqnWt NatlInstruments Personalis Sai.TechGlobal
JPMNasdEqPrem AkariTherap B.RileyPrin250Wt CleanEnerFuels EdgewiseTherap FT MgdMuni HealthAssurWt InvscKBWHiDvYdFn LegatoMergerIIWt NatlResearch PetIQ SalariusPharm
Lantheus AkebiaTherap Backblaze ClearBr AC Grw EdibleGarden FT Nasd100 EW HealthCatalyst InvscNasd100 LeggMasonSCQualVal NatrlOrderAcqnWt PetMedExpress SandySpringBncp

161 1718
New Highs New Lows
CN Energy
EdtechX II Wt
FT Nasd100Tech
FT Nasd100xTech
FT NasdaqBk
FT NasdaqTrans
FT NasdArtlIntel
PHP Ventures Rt
MedallionFin BannerAcqn CntlValCmntyBk EHang FT NasdComBk HeliusMedical InvscRAFIStrUSSm LianBio NeoGenomics PineTechWt Schrodinger
NYSE American MedicusSciA AldeyraTherap BannixAcqnRt Co-Diagnostics eHealth FT NasdLux HemisphereMedia InvscS&PSCFinls LibertyBroadbandA NeoleukinTherap PinnacleFinPtrs Science37
MetalSkyStar Alector BaudaxBio CocrystalPharma EJF Acqn Wt FT NasdTechDiv HennessyCapInvVIWt InvscS&PSCHlthCr LibertyBroadbandC Neovasc Pixelworks Scienjoy
MGP Ingredients AlerisLife BayFirstFinancial CodeChainNew EksoBionics FT RBA AmerInd HepionPharm InvscS&PSCUtil LibertyBroadPfdA Nephros Playtika ScionTechI Wt

New Highs
New Lows
MountainI A
FT S-Network
FT SC CoreAlpha
FT SC GrwthAlpha
FT SC US Equity
IQ Chaikin US SC
LibertyGlobal A
LibertyGlobal B
LibertyGlobal C
PLBY Group
NewcourtAcqn Allakos BellerophonTherap CoffeeHolding EledonPharm FT SMID CapRising HighTide Iridex LibertyLatAmC Neuronetics PMV Pharm SelectaBiosci
NewHoldInvtIIA AllarityTherap Benefitfocus Cognex EloxxPharm FT SSI Strat HighwayHldgs iSh0-5YInvGrdCpBd LibertySirius A NeuroOneMed PolarityTE SelectiveInsPfdB
NorthAtlAcqnA AllenaPharm BenessereCapWt CognyteSoftware ElysGameTech FT SwitzAlpha HilleVax iSh1-3YTreasuryBd LibertySirius B NeuroPace PonoCapitalWt SellasLifeSci
NubiaBrandA AlliedEsports BenitecBiopharm Cohbar Emcore FT TacticalHY HillstreamBio iSh1-5YIGCorpBd LibertySirius C NewAge Pool Sema4
NYSE American Senseonics NubiaBrandWt AlliedHealthcare BetterWorldWt CoherusBioSci EndoIntl FT TCW Opp HireQuest iSh13YearIntlTBd LibertyTripAdvB NewcourtAcqnWt PopCulture Sema4Wt
SifcoInd NuvectisPharma Allot BGC Partners CoinbaseGlbl EnduranceAcqnWt FT UK Alpha Histogen iSh20+YTreasuryBd LifeStanceHealth NewsCorp A PopulationHlthWt SemiLEDS
NEW HIGHS SilvercorpMetals OmniLitAcqnA AlphaHlthIII Wt BicycleTherap Colicity Energous FtacAthenaWt HiveBlockchain iSh3-7YTreasuryBd LifetimeBrands NewsCorp B PorchGroup SemlerScientific
AustinGold Stereotaxis OTRAcquisition AlphaMarkActMgd Big5SportingGds ColicityWt EnergyFocus FtacHeraWt HlthcrSvcsWt iSh5-10YIGCorpBd LigandPharm NexGel PortageFintechWt SenesTech
CheniereEnergy TanzanianGold PapayaGrowthI A AlphaPtrsWt BIMI Intl CollegiumPharm EnjoyTech FTACZeusAcqnWt HomeBancorp iSh7-10YTreasuryBd LightpathTech NextCure Portillo's SeniorConnectI
EmpirePetrol TimberPharm PatriaLatAmOppAcqn AlphaStarRt BioAtla ColliersIntl EnjoyTechWt FTIndxxInnTran Honest iShBiotech LiminalBioSci NextPlat PoseidaTherap SeniorConnectI Wt
HNR Acqn Wt TrinityPlace PatriaLatAmOppWt AlphaTauMed BioCryst ColumbiaSportswr EnlivexTherap FTIndxxNextG HookerFurnishings iShBrdUSDInvCpBd Limoneira NextPlatWt Poshmark SenstarTech
ImperialOil UniqueFabricating PearlHoldingsAcqn AlphaTeknova Biogen ColumbusMcKinn Enovix FTIntlDevCapStr HorizonTechFin iShCore1-5YUSDBd Lipocine NGM Biopharm PowerFleet SeqLL Wt
RingEnergy ViveonHealthWt PepGen Alpine4 BioLifeSols Comcast A EnstarPfdD FTIntlEquOpps HTG Molecular iShCoreMSCITotInt LiqTechIntl NI Precigen SeresTherap
WestwaterRscs Perma-PipeIntl AltairEngg BiomeaFusion CommScope EnsysceBio FTMuniHiIncm HuntingtonBcshs iShCoreS&PUSGrowth LiquiditySvcs NICE Precipio ServiceProperties
NEW LOWS WirelessTel PHPVenturesAcqnUn Altimmune BionanoGenom CommVaultSys Ent4.0TechAcqnWt FTRisingDivAch HuntingtonPfdH iShCoreTotalUSDBd LiquidMedia NightDragonWt PrecisionBio SesenBio
Abrdn AP IncFd Zedge ProgressAcqn AlxOncology BionanoGenomWt CompassDigitalWt EnteraBioWt FultonFinlPfdA HUTCHMED(China) iShEmergFood LivaNova NiSunIntlEntDevt PreludeTherap SharpLink
AberdnEMEquity Zomedica ProShUltShNdBtech Amarin Biophytis CompassPath EnthusiastGaming FuweiFilms Hydrofarm iShESG1-5YCpBd LiveOakBcshs NLS Pharm PremierFinl SharpsCompliance
AdaraAcqnWt RCM Tech BioPlusAcqnWt Compugen EntradaTherap G1Therapeutics HyreCar iShESGAdvHYCorpBd LM Funding NLS Pharm Wt PrincipalHlthInnov SharpsTech
AgEagleAerial Nasdaq RedwoodsAcqn Ambarella Biotricity comScore EnvericBiosci G3VRMAcqnRt HyzonMotors iShESGAdvMSCI LocafyWt NMI Holdings PrincplMillennials ShattuckLabs
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AirIndustries RedwoodsAcqnRt AMC Networks Bioventus ComSovereign EpiphanyTechWt Gaia HyzonMotorsWt iShESGAdvMSCIEM LoganRidgeFin NocturneAcqnRt PrinUSSCMulti ShelterAcqnIWt
AirspanNetworksWt NEW HIGHS SagaliamAcqn Amedisys BitDigital ComSovereignWt Epizyme GalectinTherap I-Mab iShESGAdvUSA LogicMark NorthernLightsWt PriveterraAcqnWt ShenandoahTel
AlexcoRes 8iAcqn2 Sanmina AmerFirstMultifam Bitfarms ComtechTel Erasca Galecto IAC/InterActive iShESGAwareEM LogisticsInnovTech NorthernTrPfdE Pro-Dex ShiftPixy
AllspringIncmOpps AccretionAcqn SatellogicWt AmericanRebel Blackbaud ConcretePumping ErieIndemnity A GalmedPharm iBETSportsBetting iShESGAwareUSA LogitechIntl NorthernTrust ProcessaPharm ShiftTech
AltisourceAsset AchariVenturesI SCP&COHlthcrA AmericanRscs BlackDiamond Confluent EsgenAcqnWt GauchoGroup Ideanomics iShESGEMLdrs LoncarCancerETF NorthfieldBanc ProcureSpace ShuaaPtrsI A
AsensusSurg AckrellSpacUn ShuaaPtrsI Wt AmerSoftware BlackLine Conformis EsportsEnt GCM Grosvenor IDEAYA Bio iShESGMSCIUSAMin LordstownMotors NorthwestBcshs ProQR Therap Shyft
AustinGold AclarionWt SignalHillAcqn AmicusTherap BlinkCharging ConnectBiopharma EssaPharma GencorIndustries Identiv iShESGUSDCorpBd NovaLifestyle ProShNasd100DW SI-BONE
AvinoSilver AequiAcqnA SiliconMotion AmOutdoorBrands BlinkChargingWt ContextLogic Etsy GenerationZETF IdexxLab iShExponentialTech Lottery.comWt Novan ProShUltNasdCloud SidusSpace
BM Tech AhrenAcqnA SizzleAcqn Amplitech BlockchainMoonRt CorazonV838 Wt EverQuote GenesisUnicornWt IES Holdings iShFallAngelsUSDBd LoyaltyVentures NovaVisionWt ProShUltNasdCyber SierraBancorp
BM Tech Wt AimfinityInvtI SoftwareAcqnIII AmVirtualCloud BlueHatInt CorbusPharm EvofemBiosci GeneticTechs IG Acqn Wt iShiBdsDec23Trea LucidDiag NRX Pharm ProShUltNdBio SierraLakeWt
BancroftFund AllianceResource SoundHoundAI AmylyxPharm BlueWaterVac CoreScientific Evotec Genetron iHeartMedia iShiBdsDec24Trea LuminarTech NRX PharmWt ProShUltPrQQQ SifyTech
BancroftFdPfdA AlphaStarAcqn SoundPointA Amyris BlueWorldRt CorMedix ExactSciences GeniusBrands IkenaOncology iShiBdsDec25Trea LumiraDx NSTS Bancorp ProspectorCapWt SigilonTherap
BiomX AlsetCapAcqnRt StratimCloud AnaptysBio BlueWorldWt CornerGrowthWt ExcelFinAcqnWt GenoceaBiosci Illumina iShiBdsDec26Trea LunaInnov NubiaBrandA ProtagenicWt SigmaLabs
BitNile AmalgamFin StratusProp AnavexLifeSci BoltBiotherap CorsairGaming ExelaTech GeoVaxLabs IMAC Wt iShiBdsDec27Trea LuxHlthTechAcqnWt NubiaBrandWt ProtaraTherap SilenceTherap
CloughGlbEqFd AMCIAcqnII SummitHlthcrA Anghami Bonso Cortexyme ExelaTechPfdB GeoVaxLabsWt iMediaBrands iShiBdsDec28Trea Lyft NuCana Proterra Silicom
CloughGlblOpp AMCIAcqnII SuperMicroComp Angi BPP 5.75%Pfd3A CorvusPharm Exicure GH Research ImmixBiopharma iShiBdsDec29Trea MacondrayCapIWt NurixTherap ProvidentFin SilverbackTherap
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ComstockMining AN2 Therap TargetHosp AngioDynamics BrainstormCell Covetrus Expedia GladstonePfdG Immuneering iShiBdsDec30Trea Macrogenics Nuvalent Pulmatrix SilverSpikeInvt
CornstnStrat AntaresPharma TastemakerA AnikaTherap BridgeBioPharma Creatd Expion360 GlassHousesWt Immunic iShiBdsDec31Trea MalaccaStraitsWt Nuwellis PumaBiotech SilverSunTechs
CornerstoneTRFd APA Tech&TelecomA AppFolio BridgelineDigital CreativeRealities eXpWorld GlblConsumerWt Immunovant iShIntlDevRealEst ManhattanAssoc NuZee PureCycle SimplifyNasd100Dw
CS AssetMgmtIncm ArgusCapitalA TenonMedical Appian BridgewaterPfdA CresceraCapWt Exscientia GlbX GreenBldg ImmuronWt iShIntlTreasuryBd MaquiaCapAcqnWt NVE PureTechHealth SimplifyNasd100Pl
CS HY Bond AriszAcqnA TGVentureAcqn AppliedBlockchn BrighthouseFinlPfC Crexendo Eyenovia GlbX Health IN8bio iShJPMUSDEmgBd MarathonDigital Nyxoah PurpleInnovation SimplifyUSEqu
DakotaGold ArrowrootAcqnA TowerSemi AppliedDNA BrighthousePfdA CRISPR Therap EzFill GlbX Robotics&AI InariMedical iShMBSETF MarblegateAcqnWt Oatly PyxisOncology SinclairBroadcast
DE InvNtlMunFd ArtisanAcqn TuttleCapSht AppliedGenetic BrighthousePfdB Crocs F5 GlbX ThemGrwth Incannex iShMSCI ACWI Marchex Oblong Qorvo SingularGenomics
EVI Industries ASPACIIAcqn TZP Strategies A AppliedOptoelec BrighthousePfdD CrownCrafts Fanhua GlbXAI&Tech IndepBankMI iShMSCI EAFE SC MarinusPharma OceanBioChem QSAM Bio SioGeneTherap
EtnVncCA AspenTech ValuenceI A AppliedUV BrightMindsBio CrownElectrokin FaradayFutureWt GlbXBlockchain IndependenceWt iShMSCIACWIxUS Maris-TechWt OcularTherapeutix QualTekSvcs SirenNasdNexGen
EtnVncCA MIT AthlonAcqnA VenusAcqn Applovin BrooklynImmuno Crypto1AcqnWt Farmmi GlbXBlockchain&Bit IndLogistics iShMSCIEMxChina MarkerTherap OfficePropIncm QualtricsIntl SkyWaterTech
EtnVncLtdFd AtlanticusNts26 VickersVantageI ApreaTherap Bsquare CSW Industrials FastRadius GlbXCannabis Infinera iShMSCIGlbSus MarketWise OfficePropNts2050 Quanterix Skyworks
EtnVncMuni Avnet ViscogliosiBros AptevoTherap BurgerFiIntl CSX SilverETN FateTherap GlbXCleanWater InfinityPharm iShMSCINewZealand MarketWiseWt OFSCapNts2028 Quantum SleepNumber
EllsworthGrw&Incm AXS2XInnovation ViscogliosiBros Aptinyx BurgerFiIntlWt CSXLGoldCvETN FatProjectsAcqnWt GlbXCloudComp InflaRx iShParisClimt Marpai OFSCredit QuantumComp SLR Invt
EllsworthPfdA AXSShChinaInt ViscogliosiBrosWt APxAcqnI Wt BurningRockBio CtznCmntyBcp FedNat GlbXConsciousCos InflectionPointUn iShPfd&Incm Marqeta OFSCreditPfdC Quhuo SmartFinancial
eMagin BankwellFin WelsbachTech ApyxMedical BurTechAcqnWt CueBiopharma FibroGen GlbXecomm InMode iShS&PSC600Growth Masimo Okta QuinStreet SmileDirectClub
ExcellonRes BeaconRoof WinVestAcqn AquaBountyTech ByrnaTech CuriosityStream FidelityCrypto GlbXEdu InnatePharma iShShortTreaBd MatchGroup Olaplex Qumu Smith&Wesson
FlexSolInt BiotechAcqnA ZaniteAcqnA AquestiveTherap CaesarsEnt Curis FidelityD&D GlbXFinTech InnovativeIntlWt iShUSDBdFactor Materialise OLB Group QuoinPharm SmithMicro
FranklinLtdDuratn bleuacaciaA Aravive Caesarstone Cvent FidelityMetaverse GlbXGen&Biotech Inogen iShUSDGreenBd Matterport OldNatlBncp Quotient SnowLakeRscs
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GabelliUtilInco BlueknightEnerA 10XCapVentII Wt Arcellx CalamosGlblTot CyclerionTherap FieldTripHealth GlbXMetaverse Inseego iSun mCloudTechnologies OlemaPharm QurateRetailB SocietalCDMO
GalataAcqnWt BlueWorldA 10xGenomics ArchCapitalPfdF CalamosStratTot CycloTherap FiestaRestaurant GlbXMillCnsmr InspiraTech IterumTherap mCloudTechWt OmegaFlex QurateRetailPfd SocietyPass
GalianoGold BlueWorldAcqn 180LifeSci ArchCapitalPfdG CalamsGlblDynInc CymaBayTherap FifthThirdPfdB GlbXNasd100Col InspiraTechWt IvedaSolutions MeaTech3D OmegaTherap RadiusGlbInfr SoFiGigEcon
GeniusGroup BreezeHldgs 1LifeHealthcare ArgoBlockchain CalavoGrowers CyteirTherap FifthThirdPfdI GlbXNasd100Cv Inspirato J&JSnackFoods MedalistDivREIT Omeros RadiusHealth SoFiTech
GoldRoyalty BroadscaleAcqnA 22ndCentury ArgusCapitalWt CalitheraBiosci CytekBiosci FifthThirdPfdK GlbXNasd100Tail InspireMD JackCreekWt Mediaco OnconovaTherap Radware SolenoTherap
GoldRoyaltyWt byNordicAcqnWt 23andMe AriesIAcqnWt CalliditasTherap CytomXTherap FinInstitutions GlbXS&P500Catholic InstilBio JaguarGlbGrwI Rt MedicennaTherap Oncorus RailVision SolidBiosci
GoldStandrdVntr Canna-GlobalA 4D Molecular AriszAcqnWt Calyxt Cytosorbents FinServ II Wt GlbXS&PCathDvxUS Insulet JamfHolding MediWound OncternalTherap RainTherap SomaLogic
HowmetAeroPfd CartesianGrwII 7GC Wt ArogoCapWt CambiumNtwks D-MarketElec FinTechAcqnVWt GlbXTelemed IntegralAcqn1Wt JanusS/MC GrwAlph MeiraGTx OneEquityPtrsIWt Rapid7 SomaLogicWt
iBio CemtrexPfd 89bio ArqitQuantum Canna-GlobalWt Daktronics FintechEcoRt GlbXVideoGames IntegralAd JanusSCGrwAlpha MelcoResorts OneSpan RapidMicro Sonder
IndiaGlblCap Cerner 9MetersBiopharma Arrival Canoo DareBioscience FirstBancorpNC GlbXWindEnergy IntegraLifeSci JanuxTherapeutics MerchantsBncpPfdC OnyxAcqnIWt RaptTherap SonicFoundry
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inTEST ChengheAcqn AAON ArrowMark CapitalSouthwest DataStorage FirstCitizenPfdC Global-EOnline IntelligentMedWt JerashHldgs MereoBioPharma OpGen RBCBearingsPfdA Sonos
InvescoAdvMuniII CHW Acqn Abcam ArrowrootAcqnWt CapitolFedFin DatChatWt FirstCitizensPfdA GlobalinkInvtWt InteractiveBrkrs JetBlue Merlyn.AITactGrw OPKO Health RealNetworks SophiaGenetics
IsoRay CHWAcqn AbCelleraBio Arteris CaraTherap Dave FirstEagleAltCap GlobalWaterRscs IntlMediaAcqnRt JFrog MerlynAIBullBr OptimizeRx RealReal SorrentoTherap
IssuerDirect CleanEarthRt AbeonaTherap ArtWayMfg CardiovascularSys DaveWt FirsthandTechVal GloryStarNewMedia IntlMediaAcqnWt JoffFintechWt MesaAir OramedPharms ReataPharm SotherlyHotels
KelsoTechs ClimateRock Abiomed Arvinas Cardlytics DAVIDsTEA FirstMidBcshs GlucoTrack IntuitiveSurgical JohnsonOutdoors MesaLab OrbitalEnergy SouthernFirstBcsh
Marygold Coherent Absci AscendisPharma Carecloud DawsonGeophys FirstService GlXNasd100CCGrw InvestcorpEur I Wt Joint Mesoblast OrchardTherap Recruiter.comWt SoYoungIntl
MetallaRoyalty CornerGrowthA AbsoluteSftwr AslanPharm CareDx DayOneBiopharm FirstWaveBioPharma GlycoMimetics InvestcpCredit JounceTherap MetaFinancial Organogenesis RecursionPharm SPDRACWILowCarbon
MovingiMage CovaAcqna AC Immune ASPACIAcqnRt CareTrustREIT De-SPAC FiveBelow GMedInnov InvsBull22HYCpBd JourneyMed MetenHolding OricPharm Redfin SPDRMSCIUSAClimtPA
Myomo CresceraCapAcqnUn AccelerateDiag ASPACIIAcqn CarLotz DeepLakeCapWt FlexShCredScoreUS GMedInnovWt InvsBull23HYCpBd JPMNasdEqPrem MetenHoldingWt OriginBancorp RedHillBio SpearAlpha
NewbrgrBrmHY Crypto1AcqnA AccretionAcqnRt AspenGroup CarLotzWt DemLCCore FlexShopper Gogoro InvsBull24HYCpBd JupiterWellnessRt MicroStrategy OrthofixIntl RedRobin SperoTherap
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NeubergerBermanMun CumulusMedia AceConvergence Assure CarlyleNts2061 Denny's ForesightAuto GoldenbridgeWt InvsBull26HYCpBd Kaltura MidatechPharma OstinTech RedwoodsAcqnRt SportsmansWrhs
NeubergerBermanNY DeepLakeCapA AceGlblBusWt AstreaAcqnWt CarneyTechII Wt DermataTherap Forian GoldenMatrix Invsc1-30LadTrea Kamada MidwestHolding OTRAcquisition RedwoodsAcqnWt SpringwaterSpecWt
NovaBayPharm DuneAcqnA AcelRxPharm Astrotech CarrolsRestr DermTech FormaTherap GoldenPathRt InvscBS2023MuniBd KandiTech MillerKnoll Outbrain REE Automotive SpringWorks
NovaGoldRscs E.MergeTechA AchillesTherap ATAI Life CartesianGrwII Descartes ForteBiosci GoldenPathWt InvscBS2024MuniBd Kaspien MiMedx OutsetMedical REEAutoWt SproutSocial
Oragenics EdibleGarden Aclarion AteaPharm CASI Pharm DHB Capital Wt FortistarSustWt GoldenstoneRt InvscBS2024USDEM Katapult Mind CTI OxbridgeAcqnWt Reed's SpruceBio
PG&E6%Cum.Pfd. EdtechX II A AcordaTherap Athenex CassInfoSys DiamondHeadWt FortressBiotech GoldenstoneWt InvscBS2025MuniBd KatapultWt MinervaNeurosci OxfordLane REGENXBIO SS&C Tech
PacGE pfB EpsilonEnergy AcumenPharm AthlonAcqnWt CastleBiosci DigihostTechnology FortressTransport GoodRx InvscBS2026MuniBd KellyCrispr Minim OxfordSquareNt26 RegulusTherap Starbucks
PacGE pfD Evergreen Adagene AtlanticaSust CatalystBiosci Digimarc FoxB GoodTimesRest InvscBS2027MuniBd KernelWt MiNK Therap OxfordSquareNts28 RekorSystems StarEquity
PacGE pfE FatProjectsAcqn AdaptHealth AtlanticusNts26 CatalystPtrsWt DigitalBrands FoxFactory GoPro InvscBS2028HY KimballIntl B MinorityEqualWt OxusAcqnWt RelativityAcqnWt StealthBioTher
PacGE pfG FinnovateAcqnA AdaptimmuneTher Atlassian CDW DigitalBrandsWt FranklinWireless GoresIX Wt InvscBS2028MuniBd Kingstone MiratiTherap OysterEntsWt Remark StepStone
PacGE pfH FirstBusFinSvcs AdaptiveBiotech AtlCoastalWt CECO Env DigitalHlthWt FrazierLifesWt GrabWt InvscBS2029HY KiniksaPharm Missfresh OysterPtPharma Renalytix Stericycle
PacGE pfC FirstGuarBcshs ADDvantage AtlUnionPfdA Celcuity DigitalTurbine FrequencyElec GraphiteBio InvscBS2029MuniBd KinsTechWt MitekSystems PacBiosciCA Renasant StokeTherap
PioneerDivHiIncm FortuneRiseA ADialPharm AtossaTherap Cellectis DimeComPfdA FrequencyTherap GraybugVision InvscBS2030CorpBd KintaraTherap MMTec PacificPremBncp ReneoPharm StrategyHaltClim
PlanetGreen FoxWayneEntsA Adobe AtriCure Cemtrex DIRTT Envl Freshpet GreatElm InvscBS2030MuniBd KioraPharm MobiquityTechs PacWestBancorp RenovareEnvl StrategyNasd5HANDL
PowerREIT GardinerHlthcr ADS-TEC AuburnNatlBncp CemtrexPfd DISH Network FreshworksA GreenbrookTMS InvscBS2031CorpBd Kirkland's ModivCare PalisadeBio Repay StrongholdDig
SachemNts2027 GlblSynergyAcqnA Adtran AudioCodes Centogene DiversifiedHlthcr Frontdoor GreenidgeGen InvscBS2031MuniBd KiromicBiopharma Mogo PapaJohn's Replimune StryveFoods
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 53


SummitTherap VelodyneLidar AppliedIndlTechs AdvMergerPtrsWt BlkRkMuni2030 Cullen/FrostPfdB FirstRepubBkPfdN InvescoInvGradeMun NextEraEnergyUn ParkerHannifin ReadyCapNts2023 ShakeShack Teradata VirtusAllCvPfdA
SumoLogic VelodyneLidarWt ArchResources AegonNts2049 BlkrckMunHlCAQlty Culp FT AberGlbOpp InvescoInvNYMuni NextEra6.219%Un PartnerRePfdJ ReadyCapNts2026 Shapeways TerraIncmVI Nts VirtusAllDivrsIncm
SuperCom VenusConcept ArdmoreShipping AevaTech BlkRkMuniHldgFd Cummins FT HiIncLgShrt IonQ NextEraEnergy PartyCity ReadyCapNts2026 Shopify TerraPropNts2026 VirtusAllEqu&Cv
SuperiorGroup VeraBradley AtlStreetAcqn AffiliatedMgrs BlRkMuHldgNYQlty CustomTruckWt FTHYOpps2027Fd IonQWt NiaMoPwr pfB PaycomSoftware ReadyCapPfdE ShoulderUpTechWt Thermon VirtusDivInt
Surgalign Veracyte AtlasCrestII A AffiliatedMgrDeb BlRkMunHldQltyII CustomersBncpNt34 FT InterDurPfd ironSource NiaMoPwr pfC Paymentus Realogy Shutterstock 3D Systems VirtusGlbMulti
Surmodics Vericel BanyanAcqn AffiliatedNts60 BlkRkMunivestFdII D&ZMediaWt FT MtgIncome iStarPfdG Nike PebblebrookPfdH RegalRexnord SilvergatePfdA TidewaterWtB VirtusStoneEM
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SVB Fin VerraMobility BlkRkEngyResTr AgreeRealtyPfdA BlRkMuyldNYQlty DTE EnergyDeb80 Flagstar JPMorganChase NorthAmConstr PA Reit Pfd B RegionsFinPfdE SiriusPoint Toast VoltaWt
SVB Fin PfdA VerricaPharm BlueLinx AlamoGroup BlkRkMuniyQuII DTE EnergyDebE Flaherty&CrumDyn JamesHardie NorthernGenIII Wt PennREITPfdC Regis SiteOneLandscape Toro VornadoRealty
SVF Invt Wt VersaBank BoiseCascade Alexanders BlRkMunyldQltyIII DTF Tax-Free FlahertyPfdIncm JanusHenderson NorthernStrII Wt Pentair ReinsuranceGrpDeb SixFlags Traeger VornadoPfdL
Synaptogenix VersusSystems CONSOL Energy Alight BlkRkNY MI Tr DWSMuniIncm FlahertyPfdIncOp JapanSmlCap NuHoldings Penumbra RenaissancePfdF SkeenaRscs TrajectoryWt VornadoPfdN
Synlogic VersusSystemsWt CVR Energy AlliaBernGHIncFd BlkRkSci&Tech DXC Tech F&C Pfd&IncmSecs HancockFinlOpp NuvationBio PerimeterSolns RenaissancePfdG Skillsoft TraneTech VornadoPfdO
T2Biosystems VerveTherap Carlisle AllianceBernstein BlkRkSci&TchII DanaherPfdB FlameAcqnWt JohnsonControls NuvAMTFrQualMuni PeriphasCapWt ReneSola SkillsoftWt TransUnion VornadoPfdM
Taboola VeryGoodFood CenovusEnergy AllstatePfdG BlkRkVA Muni DelEnhGlDivInc Floor&Decor JPMorganPfdDD NuvAZ QualMuni Perrigo RestaurantBrands Skillz TrepontAcqnI Wt VoyaEM HiIncm
TabulaRasaHlth ViantTech CenovusEnergyWt AllstatePfdH BlackSkyTech DE InvDivInco FomentoEconMex JPMChasePfdEE NuvCA MuniVal PershingSquWt Revlon SmartRent Trex VoyaFinlPfdB
TactileSystems ViaviSolutions Chemours AllstatePfdI BlackstoneLSCred DelawareIvyHi FordMotor6%Nts JPMorganPfdGG NuvCA QualMuni Phreesia Revolve SmithAO Tri-Cont Pfd VoyaInfrIndls
TakeTwoSoftware VicinityMotor Civeo AllyFinancial BlackstoneSecLend DellTechC Forestar JPMChasePfdJJ NuvCorePlImpact PiedmontOfficeA RexfordIndPfdC Snowflake TritonIntlPfdD VyGlblGrowthWt
Talkspace VicShEMHiDivVol CivitasRsrcs AltaEquipment BlackstoneStrCred Deluxe FortressCapWt JPMChasePfdLL NuvCpIncm2023 PimcoCaMuniIII RiceAcqnII Wt SoloBrands TruistFinl WRBerkleyDeb58
TalkspaceWt VicShESGCpBd EngGr-Cmg C AltimarIIIWt BlendLabs DieboldNixdorf FrankBSP PfdE JPMorganPfdMM NuvCreditOpp2022 PimcoIncmStrat RingCentral Sony TruistFinlPfdO W.R.BerkleyDeb59
TandemDiabetes VicShESGCrPlBd EngGr-Cmg AltusPower Boeing DigitalMedia FranklinRscs JumiaTech NuvDynMuniOpps PimcoMuni III Riskified SouthJerseyNts2079 TruistFinlPfdR WRBerkleyDeb60
TangoTherap VicShIntlVolWtd ComstockRscs AlumofChina BoqiiHolding DigitalMediaWt FranklinUniversal KKR Nts 2061 NuvEnhMuniVlFd PimcoNyMuni RiverNDoubleLine SouthernNts77 Tupperware W.R.BerkleyDeb61
TarsusPharm VicShNasdNext50 ConocoPhillips AmbacFinWt BostonOmaha DigitalRealtyPfJ FreedomI Wt KKR IncomeOpps NuvFRIncmFd PimcoNyMuniII RiverNorthPfdA SouthernNts20 TurningPoint WarburgPinI-A Wt
TaskUs VicShTHBMCESG CornerstoneBldg AmerEagle BrandywineRealty DigitalRealtyPfdL FreshDelMonte KKR RealEstFin NuvFR OppFd PimcoNyMuniIII RiverNorthPfdB SouthernNts2020C Twilio WarburgPincusI-A
TastemakerWt VicShUS500EnhVol CoterraEnergy AmerEqInvLifePfB BrandywnGlbIncm DigitalBrdgPfdJ fuboTV KKRRealEstFinPfdA NuvGA QualMuni PioneerFRFd RiverFlexMunII SpecialOpFd TwoHarborsPfdA WarbyParker
TattooedChef VicShUS500Vol Datto AmFinDeb2059 Braskem DigitalOcean FusionAcqnIIWt KoreGroup NuvGlblHiIncmFd PioneerHiIncmFd RiverNorthFlexMuni SpecialOppsPfdC TwoHarborsPfdB WattsWater
TayshaGene VicShUSDiscEnhVol DelekUS AmerFinDeb2060 BrightHealth Disney GAMCO Investors Kennametal NuvInterDurQual PioneerMuniHiAdv RiverMgdDurII SpireGlobalWt TylerTech Wayfair
TDH VicShUSSCHiDiv DelwindsInsA AIG PfdA BrightHorizons dMYTechGrpVIWt GAMCO PfdA KensingtonV Wt NuvMA QualMuni PioneerMuniHiIncm RiverNthMgdDur SpirePfdA US BancorpPfdA Weber
Tech&EnerWt VicShUSSCVolWtd DevonEnergy AmerStWater BrightSphere Dole GDL Fund KensingtonCapIV NuvMO QualMuni PioneerMunHi RiverNthOppMuni SpiritAeroSys US BancorpPfdK WebsterFinlPfdF
TechTarget VictoryCapital DorianLPG Ametek BrightSpire Doma GabelliDividend KeyCorpPfdE NuvMtg&IncmFd Polaris RivernorthOppsFd SpiritRealtyCap US BancorpPfdL WellsFargoPfdQ
TekkorpDigitalWt ViewRay EOG Rscs AmnealPharm BrightView DomaWt GabelliDivPfdH KeyCorpPfdF NuvMultiMktIncm PontemWt RiverNorthPfdA SpiritRealtyPfdA US BancorpPfdM WellsFargoPfdA
Telesat VigilNeurosci EQ Health A AngelOakFinStr Brink's Domino's GabelliDivPfdK KeyCorpPfdG NuvMuniCredit PostHldgsWt Roblox Squarespace US BancorpPfdO WellsFargoPfdAY
Telos VillageFarms EnergyTransfer AnnovisBio BroadmarkRealty Donaldson GabelliEqPfdG KimcoRealtyPfdL NuvMuniValue PostalRealty RocketCos. StandardMotor USCellularNts2069 WellsFargoPfdAZ
TenayaTherap Vimeo EnLinkMid ApartmtInv Broadstone DoorDash GabelliGlbSmall&MC KimcoRealtyPfdM NuvNY AMTFrMuni Primerica RocketInternetWt StanleyBlackDck USCellularNts2070 WellsFargoPfdAA
TerritBanc VincerxPharma EverestConsolidA APi Group BrookfieldBRP Nts DoubleLineIncm GabelliHlth KingswoodWt NuvNY MuniValue PrincipalRealEst Rockwell StanleyB&D Un USCellular5.5%SrNt WellsFargoPfdACC
TFF Pharm VIQSolutions ExxonMobil ApolloAssetPfdB BrookfldBRP4.875Nt DoubleLineYdOpps GabelliMultiPfdG KinrossGold NuvNY QualMuni PriorityIncmPfdF RoyalBkCanadaPf Starrett A US Xpress WellsFargoPfdADD
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UltragenyxPharm Switch EnelChile Mednax Tyme Technologies TYME 1,811,068 561,431 4/27/22 Hoffman, Steven D
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UplandSoftware 10XCapVentureIII BankofAmPfdGG ChewyA EnphysAcqnWt HancockPfdIncmII MetLifePfdE Marathon Digital MARA 78,599 1,426,925 4/25/22 Thiel, Frederick CEO
WT CybersFd BankofAmPfdHH ChimeraInvPfdA HancockTxAdvGlb
urban-gro WT US Growth 10XCapIII A EntergyBds66 MetLifePfdF Marqeta MQ 73,083 672,539 4/28/22 Kieley, Brian UT
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WVS Financial Pinterest PINS 57,525 1,111,914 4/26/22 Sharp, Evan O
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X4 Pharm EnzoBiochem MisterCarWash
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VangdRuss2000Val ZynerbaPharma AZEK BlkRkDebtStratFd ConcordMed First HS Educ InsightSelIncm Nevro Nextera Energy NEE 1 10,000 702 Liveramp RAMP 1 164,204 5,074
VangdRuss3000 AZZ BlkRkEnhnGovFd Conmed FirstHorizonPfdC Instructure NewAmFd H&E Equipment Services HEES 1 20,042 685 Humana HUM 3 10,644 4,702
VangdShortTermTrea NYSE AberdGlbDynDiv BlackRockFRIncm Constellium FirstHorizonPfdD ICE NewGermanyFd Cullen/Frost Bankers CFR 1 5,000 658 Fiserv FISV 1 43,000 4,485
VangdSTCpBd AberdGlbPremProp BlkRkHlthSciII ConsumersEnerPf FirstHorizonPfdF InterPrivateII Wt NewResidentInvPfdD Stifel Financial SF 1 10,000 619 Upstart UPST 2 53,333 4,216
VangdTotalBd NEW HIGHS AberdeenIncm BlackRock Cooper FirstLightWt InvescoBondFund NY CmntyBcp Zions Bancorporation ZION 1 10,000 570 Stride LRN 1 105,000 4,098
VangdTotalCpBd AdamsNatRscs AberdeenIncmPfdA BlkRkIncmTr CooTekCayman FirstRepBank InvescoCAValueMun NYComBncpPfdA Blackstone BX 1 5,000 548 Mid-America Apartment Communities MAA 1 20,000 4,050
VangdTotIntlBd AlphaMetal AberdTotDynDiv BlkRkIntlGrInco CoreCard FirstRepBkPfdH InvescoHiIncmTrII NY CmtyCap V
VangdTotIntlStk Amcor AccelEnt BlkRkLngTrm Muni Corts PECO KTH FirstRepBkPfdI InvescoMtg NYTimes A An insider is any officer, director or owner of 10% or more of a class of a company's securities. In most cases, an insider must report any trade to the SEC within two
VangdTotWorldBd AmplifyEnergy AccelerateWt BlkRkMuniAssets CostamarePfdE FirstRepBkPfd InvescoMuniOpp Nextdoor business days. The tables highlight companies that filed with the SEC through last Wednesday. The tables do not include pension-plan or employee stock-option activity,
VarexImaging AngelPondA AdamsDivEquityFd BlkRkMuniIncm Coty FirstRepBkPfdK InvescoMuni NextEraEnDebN trades by beneficial owners of 10% or more, trades under $2 per share or trades under 100 shares. The "Purchases" column includes only open-market and private
VBI Vaccines AnteroResources AditEdTechWt BlkRkMuniQual Coupang FirstRepBkPfdL InvscPaValueMun NextEraEnergy purchases; the "Sales" column includes only open-market and private sales, and excludes trades preceded by option exercise in the 12 months prior to the reported event.
VelocityAcqnWt ApolloStratGr AdvDrainageSys BlkRkMuniIncII CrucibleAcqnWt FirstRepBkPfdM InvescoQtyInc NextEraEnergyUn Source: Thomson Reuters
54 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

The Japanese yen is now more undervalued
against the U.S. dollar than at any point in over
30 years. Where will it go from here?

with an average monthly surplus of he divergence of monetary
JPY32 billion in 2020. Japan’s exports policy looks to be more per-
are around 17.5% of its gross domestic sistent. Underlying it are
product, higher than the U.S. at 12%. different inflation experi-
But other advanced economies export a ences. The U.S. consumer price index
much greater share. Canada and the rose 8.5% in its most recent reading,
U.K. export about a quarter of their while Japan’s is still below 2%. U.S.
GDP, while Germany exports 47%. inflation may be near a peak, but it will
And while Japan still runs a current- remain elevated. Data for April show
account surplus, it isn’t driven by trade. Tokyo’s core CPI rose 1.9% over last
Some would argue that the yen’s year. The government pushed through
depreciation would make Japanese a deflationary cut to cellphone charges
goods cheaper in the international in 2021, but that change will drop out
market, thereby lifting its exports. But of the 12-month comparison. Never-
Japanese businesses have responded theless, Bank of Japan Governor Har-
to the chronic pressure to appreciate uhiko Kuroda argues that the increase
the yen by offshoring. That new dy- in inflation won’t be sustainable and
namic helps explain a recent Reuters that the economy still needs extraordi-
survey that found corporate Japan is nary monetary accommodation.
worried that the falling yen would Some think that if the BOJ were to
weaken consumption and capital in- jettison its yield-curve control, the yen
vestments. The rolling 24-month cor- would strengthen. But where would
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relation between the yen’s weakness the yield go? The 30-year Japanese
and the performance of the Nikkei has government bond yields less than

Like It or Not, a Weak

fallen to its lowest level since 2005. 1.0%. The exchange rate is also more
In addition to the yawning diver- correlated to the U.S. 10-year Trea-
gence in monetary policy, Japan is being sury than to the 10-year Japanese gov-
hit with a terms of trade shock. Higher ernment bond.

Yen Is Here to Stay

energy, commodities, and food prices While the BOJ under Kuroda
boost imports faster than the weaker seems to embrace the benefits of a
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

yen boost exports. Moreover, the J- weak yen, the Ministry of Finance is
curve theory suggests that trade deficits more concerned. The rhetoric has
initially worsen with currency depreci- gradually become stronger. First, the
ation, since prices adjust faster than ministry expressed concern about the
quantities. The expected delayed posi- pace of depreciation. Then it threat-
tive impact on exports could be elusive, ened to take appropriate action if

as the ongoing global policy tightening needed. The ministry is climbing an
he Japanese yen has By Marc Chandler sure, the yen is now more underval- will likely cause demand destruction. escalation ladder.
dropped like a rock. and Omkar Godbol ued against the dollar than at any The yen’s depreciation, however, will However, the bar to actual material
The market has point in over 30 years. boost the value of current-account com- intervention seems high. The yen’s
become convinced While the yen is historically under- ponents like investment-related flows weakness reflects fundamentals, the
that—arguably, valued, the forces driving it lower (dividends, coupons), profits, licensing International Monetary Fund’s Asian-
after a late start— aren’t exhausted. The divergence be- fees, and royalties. Pacific department head said recently.
the Federal Reserve tween U.S. and Japanese monetary What’s next for the yen? The Rus- Intervention also seems to work best
has begun the most aggressive tight- policy is stark. The U.S. is tightening sian invasion of Ukraine was under- when it signals an adjustment of un-
ening cycle seen in a generation. monetary policy aggressively, while stood in economic terms as a disrup- derlying policies, but that wouldn’t be
Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan has Japan sits with an open-spigot mone- tion of supply, foodstuffs, energy, and the case now. It’s also unclear that the
signaled its resolve to cap its 10-year tary policy. some metals. We saw appreciation in U.S. would appreciate dollar sales


bond yield at 0.25% indefinitely. There is a long-held belief that the commodity prices and currencies when the Federal Reserve is reducing
The yen depreciated 6% against the world’s third-largest economy is ex- thought to be linked to commodities, monetary accommodation.
U.S. dollar in April, pushing the dollar port-driven. Hence, Japanese policy such as the Australian and Canadian Of course, Japan doesn’t need U.S.
above JPY131 for the first time in two makers should prefer a weak yen. But, dollars, the South African rand, and permission, but its blessing wouldn’t
decades. The demand for dollars has at best, this belief is a distorted echo of many currencies in Latin America. be so bad. B
been so intense that at one point, it the past. At worst, it may be a pro- But China and its Covid strategy is
rose for 13 consecutive trading days. found misunderstanding. producing another wave of disruption Marc Chandler is chief market strategist for
According to the Organization for Last year, Japan ran an average as large parts of its economy are Bannockburn Global Forex, a division of
Economic Cooperation and Develop- monthly trade deficit of JPY139 billion locked down again. The net result has First Financial Bank. Omkar Godbole is an
ment’s purchasing-power parity mea- (approximately $1.2 billion) compared been a demand shock. independent foreign-exchange writer.
May 9, 2022 BARRON’S 55

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publication, correspondence must bear the writer’s name, inside the latest stories, is available
address, and phone number. Letters are subject to editing. wherever you listen to podcasts.

The media and investor sentiment

are overwhelmingly pessimistic. The A Cloud Winner Workers Must Show Up
VIX once again is above 30. Inves-
tors continue to liquidate equity To the Editor: To the Editor:
funds as Barron’s reports average This past week’s issue was replete There’s no question that today’s
weekly outflows of over $5.3 billion with doom and gloom, and for good workers increasingly require im-
in April. The AAII Sentiment Survey reason in light of the market’s dismal proved work-life balance (“What’s
shows bullish sentiment below 20% performance in anticipation of aggres- Really Driving the ‘Great Resigna-
and the spread between bullish and sive Federal Reserve tightening. But tion’ ” (Other Voices April 29). But
bearish sentiment at record highs. is the market now devoid of opportu- threatening to quit, if required to
Bearish sentiment at 59% is the high- nity? The answer lies in Eric J. Savitz’s return to the workplace? That’s
est since 2009. insightful column, “Big Tech Can’t hardly an option for most people and
When was the last time the Easily Fix the Stock Market’s Woes most jobs. Virtually every job in
consensus forecast turned out to be This Time” (Tech Trader, April 29). farming, mining, manufacturing, and
correct? He opines, “Let’s shift to some good distribution cannot be performed
As a contrarian, all of this nega- news. The cloud computing trend remotely. Workers must show up, or
tive sentiment is signaling to me that isn’t just strong—it’s getting stronger.” nothing gets done. I’d say that’s true
the market is at or near the lows. As a small/mid-cap investor, this mis- for the overwhelming majority of
Barry Rabinowitz sive motivated me to discover specific service jobs, too. I estimate that less
Plantation, Fla. opportunities beyond, that 15% of jobs are sustainably do-
Alphabet, and Microsoft. able remotely.
Step 1: Which industries are most With respect to our apparent
Nest-Egg Wagers
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underserved by the investment in shortage of workers, relative to em-

digital transformation to the cloud? ployer demand for labor, something

Free Speech, To the Editor:

While it’s understandable that asset
managers would want to increase
Step 2: Which pure-play companies
are responding to the challenge?
My findings: Of all industries and
clearly happened to a lot of people
during the pandemic, causing them
to leave the labor force. Perhaps

And a Free
their profits by encouraging broad subindustries within the 11 S&P Sec- many took advantage of unemploy-
adoption of Bitcoin through 401(k) tors, I find none more in a catch-up ment compensation. Still, I know of
plans, it would be mind-boggling for mode than property and casualty few working-age adults who can af-
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.

regulators to permit it (“Should Bit- insurance. Its primary function is to ford to simply quit working. Every

coin Be in Your 401(k)? Fidelity Is assess risk and to successfully exe- time we hear people say this we have
Making It Possible—for Better or cute a multifaceted underwriting pro- to ask: “And live how? Generate
Worse,” April 28). cess on behalf on an ever-demanding income how?”
It’s no secret that the U.S. has an customer base. The industry can no Finally, any discussion of employ-
impending retirement crisis on hand. longer wait or afford to maintain leg- ment participation rates has to
To the Editor: Financial-services professionals acy systems built in the 1950s. include the fact that America is
I appreciated the articles about Elon Musk in the most should be focused on how to increase As for pure-play companies, there ravaged with substance abuse, and
recent issue (“How Elon Musk Can Fix Twitter,” “He investors‘ ability to retire and not on are Duck Creek Technologies, Sapi- we have a significant percentage of
Could Even Save Social Media,” and “The Risks to encouraging speculation, which is ens International, and Guidewire our working-age population with
Tesla Are Overblown,” Cover Stories, April 29). The the essence of cryptocurrency. Software. Market caps are $2.1 bil- criminal-justice-system baggage.
stated reason that Musk purchased Twitter was to Most of the recent developments lion, $1.3 billion, and $6.7 billion, Both of these factors are significant
allow free speech. His statement, “You have to allow in the 401(k) space are promising. respectively. My personal favorite is in the labor market, having crept up
someone you do not like, to say things you do not Target-date funds serving as the Duck Creek, a spinout of Accenture. on us over many years.
like,” is admirable in this day and age. Musk went on default investment option, automatic Rob Suthe John R. Rich
to say you cannot have a free society unless you have enrollment, automatic escalation, and Bethesda Md. Greensboro, N.C.
free speech. Right on! fee transparency are all positive
David G. Toussaint trends.
Fishers, Ind. More focus on participant educa-
tion would be another big step

Contrarian Indications
forward in preparing folks for
“All of this negative sentiment is
To the Editor:
One of the tenets of investing is that past performance
Conversely, including the ability
to make concentrated speculative
gambles with one’s nest egg is a step
signaling to me that the market
is no guarantee of future performance (“The Stock
Market Isn’t Falling Like It Did In the 1970s—It’s Even
in the wrong direction.
Jonathan I. Shenkman is at or near the lows.”
Worse,” The Trader, April 29). West Hempstead, N.Y. Barry Rabinowitz, Plantation, Fla.
M W L C 10 11 12 H G R P 4 8 3 F 2 D 6 7 9 0 A I
56 BARRON’S May 9, 2022

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