Ulv Induction Program Contract - Jennifer Stock Idp

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University of La Verne

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Candidate: ____Jennifer Stock___________________________ University Supervisor: ______Valerie Beltran__________

Credential Received: Multiple Subject ____ Single Subject__x__ Education Specialist____

Date Student Teaching was Completed ___5/20/22___ Any Requirements to be Completed in Induction (TPA 1, TPA 2 or RICA): ______
Step 1 Directions: Based on evidence gathered during your teacher preparation program, use the first two columns to describe your strengths and goals in relation to the
Field Experience Strengths Goals
TPE/ CSTP Domain
(Student Teaching or Intern Program) (Started with your University Supervisor and completed with
your Induction Support Provider)

1. Engaging and Supporting All I bring a positive “can do” attitude to the classroom. I I value relationships and often learn best when I feel a
Students in Learning greet students at the door and set the expectation that connection. I want my students to see math in their
they should come in, organize their things, and get started everyday lives. My overarching goal is to connect
right away on the warm-up. I have an outline of the day’s mathematics to my students’ lives. I will accomplish this
activities on the board (as well as their weekly stamp sheet through a “Monday Math Moment” where I will identify
which outlines the learning objectives and homework for and present (via photo, meme, quote, social media post,
the week). I provide images and/or printed text to news article, infographic, etc) a real world example that
accompany verbal instruction. Students engage with the corresponds with the learning objective. After I’ve
learning material in various groupings including teacher modeled this and had discussions with my students my
lead class discussion, partner sharing, independent longer-term goal would be to have the students bring in
practice, and small group work. We complete math on ideas to share during our Monday Math Moment and
paper, on whiteboards, and through technology on sites

Updated 11/2021
like Big Ideas Math (our textbook online resource) and then they could teach each other and share math insights
Desmos.com. they see from their perspective.
2. Creating and Maintaining Effective I enjoy getting to know my students and look for One of the skills I wasn’t able to cultivate much during
Environments for Student Learning
opportunities to connect with them. As a student teacher I student teaching was connecting with students’ families
learned a lot simply from a 10 question survey they and creating an open line of communication with them.
completed via Google Forms. I greet students at the door To initiate this connection, I will write a letter of
and circulate the room throughout the classroom to check introduction and create an “About My Student” Google
in with each of them. I am an approachable educator. I Form Survey to share with families before the first day of
enjoyed meeting with families during Open House and school.
seeing my students interact with them.
Part 1 of my goal is to share the letter of introduction in
multiple ways (post on teacher website, send via e-mail,
distribute printed copy to students to deliver, present at
Back to School Night). Part 2 (end of week 1) of this goal
is to request that families complete a student
questionnaire about their student and enlist their advice
for how I might best help their student. Part 3 of my goal
is to evaluate who has/has not responded to the survey
and select an alternative method and timeline in which I
will reach out to those families (phone call, postcard,
re-send link to the survey, mail printed survey, etc.).
3. Understanding and Organizing I plan warm-ups that support the new content and help A skill that I’d like to develop is differentiating instruction.
Subject Matter for Student students maintain their skills throughout the year. I I’ve observed fast processors finish assigned tasks and
organize my lessons to provide clear strategies to problem have “nothing to do” and other students who need more
solving and teach my students what questions to consider breaks to optimize their focused attention. In addition
when presented with various problems. I post printed there are students with repeated absences that have not
materials in a digital format via Google Classroom so been able to keep up with the class and need
students have ongoing access. I have had students use opportunities to learn the previous content.
Desmos, Kahoot!, Quizizz, Blooket, and Google Classroom
My goal is to expand my personal learning network to
to support learning common core standards in math.
include a blogger or podcaster who is an expert on
differentiating instruction and subscribe to their content

Updated 11/2021
by the end of August. Each month I will record ideas,
suggestions, or insights that stand out to me in my digital
notebook. I will seek the assistance of my district mentor
to connect me with teachers that have exceptional skills
at meeting diverse learning needs.
4. Planning Instruction and I have used multiple means of instruction to support all my Following the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model
Designing Learning students. I use visual supports, printed notes, and graphic I’d like to increase the ways that students can experience
Experiences for All Students
organizers. I also utilize various student groupings within or receive information. I will design one digital choice
the same lesson. I offer direct instruction to the whole board per semester to frontload students with content
class, have students talk using think/pair/share strategies, knowledge before class. (Example choices include:
and have students work independently in class where I can -Edpuzzle - answer questions with video tutorial
answer their questions. I have improved my ability to
-Kahoot! - present info on a slides they read then have
scaffold content and chunk information.
students answer multiple choice questions

-Infographic - students refer to an infographic on a

Google Slide and write an explanation of the content in
3-5 sentences.

-Big Ideas Math - Students view video clips and take

annotated notes.)
5. Assessing Student Learning One of my developing strengths is utilizing technology to Using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model I’d
assess student understanding. I am able to navigate sites like to increase the ways my students can demonstrate
like Kahoot, Quizizz, and Blooket to find activities that align their learning. My goal is to replace one traditional
with my learning objectives. I am able to discern the data pencil/paper end of unit formal assessment with a
reports from these sites and use it to assess student project choice board by the end of my first year teaching.
learning. I incorporate multiple informal assessments into Students will decide the means they will demonstrate
my lessons by having students solve problems on their their knowledge of the unit (ie. create a video tutorial,
whiteboards. They get instant feedback and I gain in the infographic, review game, etc). I will create an
moment data about their understanding. Students benefit accompanying rubric that will outline expectations and
from the practice in a low stakes environment and I am indicate how students will receive their grade. I will seek

Updated 11/2021
able to gauge where we need additional practice and
6. Developing as a Professional Educator I have developed as a professional educator by preparing I have loved using Google Suite for Education. Increased
curriculum materials, planning scaffolded teaching competency in this technology has improved my ability
modules, using the classroom technology, to create, display, and design lessons that connect with
troubleshooting/adapting on my feet, observing other my students. My goal: become a Level 1 Google
math teachers, and by teaching a diverse group of students Certified Educator by December 15, 2022. Google offers
on a regular basis. I have attended staff meetings, a Fundamental Training that is broken into 13 units that
department meeting, an IEP meeting, and a school team would take approximately 1 hour each. I will do this by
meeting to support a common student. I have expanded completing one unit per week from September through
my knowledge of the tools offered on the Desmos website. December.
I have created assessments and assignments using Kuta
After attaining the Level 1 Certification, I will reflect on
Software products. I have managed assignments in Google
the benefits that this training has had in my classroom.
Classroom, created surveys and informal skill assessments
From there I can consider whether or not it would be in
with Google Forms, designed a lesson plan template in
my best interest to pursue the Level 2 Certification.
Google Docs, & organized lesson materials in Google Slides.

Step 2 Directions: Meet with both your University Supervisor and Site_Supervsior to get input on your strengths and goals. Reflect on supervisor feedback and
evidence gathered during your teacher preparation program that identified your areas of strength.

I have received a lot of supportive feedback from both my University Supervisor and my Site Supervisor. Each has acknowledged my knowledge of the subject
material and my willingness to learn by doing. They have noticed that I take their feedback and try to implement it the next time I have the opportunity. I have been
able to create engaging content for my lessons to engage learners. I take an interest in students and communicate well with them. I have managed the classroom
technology well and caught on quickly to different learning programs. I have been willing to ask questions and reflect upon their suggestions. They identified many
emerging skills such as learning to read the room, adapting the lesson plan as needs arise with students, holding students accountable for their learning, chunking
information into manageable pieces, and giving students opportunities to engage with the content in various ways prior to moving on.

Step 3 Directions: Reflect on supervisor feedback and evidence gathered during your teacher preparation program that identified needed growth areas.

My University Supervisor helped me see an area that I can improve is presenting the big picture for students prior to moving into the lesson. The students benefit
from an overview perspective of what we are learning, how it connects to previous lessons, and where we see it in the real world. I understand this in theory but need
to refine this skill in practice. Making a conscious effort to pause and paint this picture with my students at the outset will pay dividends in student engagement. Both
my University Supervisor and Site Supervisor offered advice on being aware of what students are or are not doing. While teaching a lesson there were times that I was
unaware of inappropriate student behaviors. There were other times where I was aware of undesired behavior but felt uncertain what action to take to create the desired

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change. Sometimes my efforts were successful, other times the behaviors returned. My expectations and consequences need to be clear for me and for my students and
I will need to be committed and consistent. They reassured me that they see the skill emerging and some improvement will come with time and with knowing my
students. It’s definitely an area where I want to grow.

Step 4 Directions: Submit a copy to Taskstream and post a copy on your portfolio.

Updated 11/2021
Updated 11/2021

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