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Be [Renu of he Pitaines | CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Par um BAAN Accreditation of L&O Institutions; Number; _ 1600770 ‘Amendments to CSC Resolution No. 1300618 dated April 2, 2013 Promulgated: x 13 JUL 20 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, in July 2011, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) established through CSC Resolution No. 1100903, the Civil Service Institute (CS!) as the central learning institution for the promotion of good governance and the shaping of a world-class public service; WHEREAS, to cope with the demand for training services, ensure the quality of training provided for government personnel and offer an abundance of training service providers that would fill the gap of required expertise in a given field, the Commission re- established the Accreditation of Training Institutions in 2012 through CSC Resolution No. 1200692 promulgated on April 25, 2012 to partner with training institutions that can help capacitate the target population. The accreditation program was meant to complement the ty of CSI to provide learning and development interventions to the bureaucracy; WHEREAS, in CSC Resolution No. 1300618 promulgated on April 2, 2013, the Commission amended and clarified certain provisions of the Accreditation Guidelines to ensure the smooth implementation and success of the Program; WHEREAS, des} been accredited since; the amendment made in 2013, only fifteen (15) institutions have WHEREAS, there is a need to review the Accreditation Policy to identify provisions that need to be further improved, modified or revised in order to encourage prospective institutions to provide learning and development services to a substantial portion of the bureaucracy and create more impact on organizational development; WHEREAS, during the Commission Meeting on March 1, 2016, the Commission deliberated on the proposed Amended Guidelines on the Accreditation of Learning and Development Institutions; a Ceviliagjtess Gant Commission Secefit & Liaison OMfce Ina Raceto Serve: Responsive, Accessible, Courteous and Effective Public Service CSC Building, 19P Road, Constitution His, 1126 Quezon City * #8 931-7935/931-7939/931-8092 «Bl sephil@webmailsc* @ wows. WHEREFORE, the Commission hereby RESOLVES to ADOPT the attached Amended Implementing Guidelines on the Accreditation of Learning and Development Institutions amending CSC Resolution No. 1300618, dated April 2, 2013. All other rules, regulations and issuances which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly. This Resolution shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from its publication in a newspaper of general circulation. Quezon City. Asien ALICIA dela ROSA-BALA Chairperson VACANT Commissioner Attested by: DOLORES. BONIFACIO Director IV Commission Secretariat and Liaison Office Cortifisa Tae Gene ACCREDITATION OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS BACKGROUND The Accreditation of Training Institutions was first established in 1994 through CSC Resolution No. 941039 dated February 22, 1994 to augment the training support system and address the demand for training and development in the civil service. In 2003, the Commission issued the Revised Qualification Standards through CSC Resolution No. 030962 dated October 29, 2003 that considers non-formal human resource development interventions such as coaching, mentoring, job rotation, and others for purposes of meeting the training requirement in the Qualification Standards Manual, provided these are relevant to the position to be filled. The said Resolution also states that the Commission may consider training acquired from non-accredited training institutions under meritorious cases. Likewise, government training institutions need not be accredited by the CSC. These changes led to the termination of the Accreditation Program in 2005 through CSC Resolution No. 051858 dated December 14, 2005 while the accreditation granted to training institutions remained valid until December 31, 2007. However, the Accreditation of Training Institutions was re-established in 2012 through CSC Resolution No. 1200692 promulgated on April 25, 2012 to partner with training institutions that can help capacitate the target population. The guidelines were amended in 2013 through CSC Resolution No. 1300618 promulgated on April 2, 2013 to clarify certain provisions to ensure the smooth implementation and success of the Program. To make the Program more encouraging to prospective institutions, the Accreditation of Training Institutions is hereby further amended, and shall now be called as Accreditation of Learning and Development Institutions. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES General Objective To extend the capacity of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in providing learning and development opportunities that build agency competencies, capabilities and capacities in delivering public service excellence and provide the training hours required in the CSC-approved Qualification Standards. Specific Objectives 1. Identify competent and credible institutions worthy of being accredited to provide learning and development interventions to the bureaucracy for purposes of building competencies, capabilities and capacities of agencies, as well as providing training hours required in the CSC-approved Qualification Standards. PAJARES Specialist 2. Build and maintain a pool of accredited institutions that may directly provide learning and development interventions to agencies and individuals in the government or jointly conduct such learning and development interventions with csc. 3. Support a learning and development community of practice through mutual engagement, joint enterprise and sharing of best practices that will facilitate continual improvements in the practice of workplace learning and performance. lI, SCOPE/COVERAGE 1. This Program covers the accreditation of private and non-government learning and development institutions seeking to provide learning and development interventions to the bureaucracy in the areas of leadership development, human resource management and organization development and personal and professional effectiveness. 2. This Program shall not cover the following: a. Government Training Institutions b. Institutions recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as Center of Excellence (COE) or Center of Development (COD). Private and non-government institutions offering programs and/or courses that are highly technical or specialized in nature. 3. Learning and development interventions received from the institutions mentioned in 1.2 herein shall be recognized provided that the same are relevant to the position for which the Qualification Standard is being satisfied or aligned to the strategies and development goals of the agency. In the case of private and non-government institutions offering highly technical and/or specialized interventions, the Head of ‘Agency is given the discretion to determine the competent and credible institutions. IV, ACCREDITATION CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS [ Criter Requirements 1 _| Lawabiding entity, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines « Articles of Incorporation and By- Laws or Articles of Partnership duly registered with the Securities and | exchange Commission (SEC) or Sole Proprietorship duly registered with the Dept. of Trade and Industry. * Valid and updated business permit © BIR Registration Co comnts cons Criteria Requirements Financial stability and capability to | sustain operations ® Latest Income Tax Return * Latest three (3) year Audited Financial Statements « Latest Tax Clearance ‘© With permanent business address + Office has adequate space, facilities, furniture, and equipment to support operations ‘* Organizational structures indicate | adequate number of administrative | and/or support staff to sust: operations Reputation and Expertise ‘Any proof that the institution has engaged in the delivery and administration of learning and development interventions for at least three (3) years List of Subject Matter Experts with resumés ‘Any recognition such as accreditation, client testimonies, awards, etc Quality of programs, courses and services ‘* Sample program, course and/or service design that has been validated by a Panel of Experts to have a sound balance between concept and practice and design is documented in a way that will ensure consistent delivery Evaluation results indicating satisfaction of participants and learning effectiveness ‘Adheres to generally accepted ethical business standards and professional practices « Affiliation with a recognized professional association No complaints related to unethical practice No derogatory information or incident Certified True Copy ACCREDITATION PROCESS 1. Application a. Any interested institution may apply/request for accreditation through 2 letter addressed to the Civil Service Institute (CS!) Executive Director. b, The requests for accreditation shall be supported by the following documents: vi vii. ix, Valid and Certified true copies of: © SEC Registration © DTI Registration © Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws / Articles of Partnership © Business Permit BIR Registration Income Tax Return © Certificate of Tax Clearance Latest three (3) year Audited Financial Statements Table of Organization and updated list of board members (in the case of a corporation) and officers. Organization Profile and list of training staff List of leadership development, human resource management and organization development, personal and professional effectiveness programs/courses. Documented design of a sample program, course and/or service List of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with resumés and certification that they are willing to be tapped as SMEs for the institution. Report on Training Service Delivery for the past three years Certificate of Membership in Associations (if any) Awards / Recognition of Excellence (if any) c. The letter request and the complete supporting documents shall be submitted to the CSI which shall pre-screen the documents with respect to completeness and authenticity. Accreditation shall be initiated only upon submission of the complete documentary requirements. Incomplete ‘submissions shall be returned to the requesting institution without prejudice to submitting a new request. Osbsined Tree Copy d. A Non-Refundable Accreditation Fee of P10,000 shall be charged upon submission of complete documents to defray the cost of the accreditation process. . CSI shail provide a timeline of sixty (60) days from receipt of a complete submission to process the evaluation of application for accreditation. Attached is a checklist, which may be useful in the evaluation process. Document Evaluation ‘a. CSI shall initially evaluate the submitted documents with respect to the following accreditation criteria: ‘= Legitimacy and compliance to legal and regulatory requirements of the institution © Financial stability and viability Reputation and Expertise Ethical and professional practice b. CSI may request additional data, information or documents from any of the institution's management, subject matter expert and/or staff for purposes of clarifying, verifying and validating data and information already contained in the submitted documents. Ocular Inspection CSI shall conduct an ocular inspection to validate the following: a. Existence of a permanent business address b. Adequate space, facilities, furniture and equipment to support its operations c. Adequate number of support and/or administrative staff to sustain its operations d. Professional image projected through the orderliness, cleanliness and over- all condition of the space, facilities, furniture and equipment. e. Actual run of a program or course. SI may request the appropriate CSC Regional Office to conduct the ocular inspection in case the office of the institution is located outside Metro Manila. ‘Assessment of Sample Program, Course or Service a. CSI shall create a panel composed of three (3) internal and/or external experts on the area of the submitted sample program, course or service. b. The Panel of Experts shall assess the sample program, course and/or service based on the following criteria: © Clear and learner-centered learning objectives ML. © Content directly aligned to and sufficiently covers learning objectives «Methodologies are appropriate to content and target participants ‘® Design is documented in a format and with sufficient detail that will ensure consistent delivery © Content consists of a sound balance between theory and practice ‘© Evaluation instruments for learning effectiveness are specified c. The Panel of Experts, as it may deem necessary, may conduct a purely paper assessment or may require a representative from the institution to be interviewed. 4. Within a week after its meeting, the Panel of Experts shall submit a written report outlining their findings and indicating their recommendation, which may be any of the following: ‘© For endorsement ‘+ For endorsement subject to suggestions for improvements ‘* Not for endorsement fe. Members of the Panel of Experts who are external to CSI shall be given honoraria of P2,500 each per institution assessed. The honoraria for CSC subject matter experts who are not from CSI shall be covered by CSC Resolution No. 1200426 on Human Resource Services of CSC Personnel promulgated on February 29, 2012. 5. Conferment of Accreditation a. CSI shall prepare a comprehensive report indicating the accreditation process applied for, the findings and observations and the final recommendation, which shall be submitted to the Commission. b. For those approved by the Commission, CSI shall prepare a Resolution of Accreditation and a Certificate of Accreditation attesting to the approved accreditation of the institution. The Resolution shall also indicate the areas of expertise of the approved learning and development institution. c. The Certificate shall be conferred to the Accredited Institution in a public ceremony, MAINTENANCE OF ACCREDITATION 1. Nature, Benefits and Responsibilities: ‘a. The accreditation shall be valid for three (3) years from the date the Resolution on Accreditation is promulgated, unless the Commission earlier suspends or revokes such accreditation for any of the reasonable causes 2s specified in V1.3 herein. b. The accreditation shall be non-transferrable. 6 sstinied Fras Capps e SEYMOU che vied Commission Secretafat & Liaison Office . For the duration of the validity of the accreditation, the Accredited Institution shall be entitled to the following benefits: i. Directly, or in partnership with the Civil Service Institute, offer and conduct its programs, courses and services within its area or field of expertise as indicated in its Certification of Accreditation to the bureaucracy from which government employees may earn training hours as required in the approved Qualification Standards. Inclusion of the Accredited Institution’s name in the roster of Active Accredited Learning and Development Institutions. ili, Authority to carry the phrase “CSC Accredited Learning and Development Institution” in its collaterals. iv. Announcement of the institution's special programs and/or events bureaucracy-wide as may be requested by the institution. d. Whenever a government official or employee attends as a participant in any of their intervention, the Accredited Institution shall submit to CSI the names of said official and/or employee, the title of the intervention, the inclusive dates of conduct, the venue and the name of the facilitator within the succeeding month when the intervention was conducted. fe. The Accredited Institution shall use training venues with facilities that are Persons With Disability (PWD) friendly or conducive for PWDs. f. The Accredited Institution shall immediately notify and provide the Commission with copies of the following in case there are any modifications ‘or amendments during the three-year effectivity of its accreditation: i. Constitution / By-Laws; ji, Board membership; iii, Roster of SMEs; and, iv. Business Permit. g The Accredited Institution shall allow CSI to observe the conduct of its programs, courses and/or services at random or at any time the latter may deem it necessary. 2. Renewal 1a, The Commission may accommodate requests for renewal starting three (3) months before the expiration of the existing accreditation upon submission of the following requirements: Written request for renewal; Updated profile consisting of the following: Commission Secretarigh & iison Omice 5. Certified true copies of: ‘a. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and By- Laws, if any. Latest Business Permit Latest BIR Registration Latest Income Tax Return Latest Audited Financial Statement Latest Table of Organization and updated list of board members (in the case of a corporation) and officers. Updated List of leadership development, human resource management and organization development, personal and professional effectiveness programs/courses. Updated List of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with resumes and certification that they are willing to be tapped as SMES for the institution. Updated vicinity map of office if there are any changes ili, Evidence that the institution maintained high participant satisfaction ratings; and iv. Proof of payment of the P10,000 renewal fee, 3, Suspension and Revocation ‘a. The Commission may at any time suspend the accreditation for any of the following causes: i. Significant decrease in satisfaction rating by the participants; and li, For violation of the rules / guidelines on maintenance of accreditation. b. Suspension may be lifted after the cause for suspension has been rectified c. The Commission may at any time revoke the accreditation for any of the following causes: i. After two counts of suspension resulting from provisions under Vi3.; and ji, Unethical business or professional practices as reported by any individual or organization, provided that the institution was given due process and the unethical practice was proven by substantial evidence. d. The accreditation is deemed automatically revoked when the institution ceases to operate. 8 Certified Tyue Copy: Chiet Persgane) Commission Secretaref eh isison Omrice vi. ‘TRANSITORY PROVISIONS 1 ‘This amended Program shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from publication in a newspaper of general circulation. All existing accreditations will remain to be recognized until their expiration as specified in the Resolution on Accreditation. However, the new provisions under the section on Maintenance of Accreditation shall immediately apply to those with existing accreditation. After the existing accreditation expires, the institution may seek renewal under the provisions of this amended policy guidelines. ‘This amended Guidelines supersedes CSC Resolution No. 1300618 promulgated on April 2, 2013. All other previously issued rules, regulations and issuances which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly. kad CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE ACCREDITATION OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTION (ALD!) LIST OF REQUIREMENTS © Letter of Request for Accreditation ‘* Valid and Certified True Copies of: © SEC Registration © DTI Registration © Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws / Articles of Partnership Business Permit BIR Registration Income Tax Return (latest) 20000 Certificate of Tax Clearance © Latest Three-Year Audited Financial Statement © Organization Profile «Table of Organization © List of training staff «Updated list of board members (in the case of a corporation) and officers. © List of leadership development, human resource management and organization development, personal and professional effectiveness programs/courses © Documented design of a sample program, course and/or service ‘¢ List of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with resumés and certification that they are willing to be tapped as SMEs for the institution. ‘* Report on Training Service Delivery (Past 3 years) '* Certificate of Membership in Associations © Awards / Recognition of Excellence Certified Trae’ Copys Cc ronnie anes _ Specialist ommission Secrefaride & Liaison Office Ina RA.C.E. to Serve: Responsive, Accessible, Courteous and Effective Public Service BP Road, Constitution Hills, 1126 Quezon City + 2931 Buildin 1931-79399 8092 + B esephild@webmailes jovph+ @ www.cse.g0ph

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