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4.1 Results
Presented below are the results of the data gathered from 30 valid respondents.
4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis
Level of Service quality of the micro-business.


N Mean Description Interpretation

The business has up-to-date equipment. 30 3.2000 Agree This indicates that tangibility factor
is highly visible in the micro-
Physical facilities (like shelves, fridges) 30 3.0000 Agree This indicates that tangibility factor
are visually appealing. is highly visible in the micro-
Employees are well dressed and appear 30 3.1667 Agree This indicates that tangibility factor
neat. is highly visible in the micro-
The physical environment of the business 30 3.4667 Agree This indicates that tangibility factor
is clean. is highly visible in the micro-
Weighted Mean 3.2083 Agree This indicates that tangibility factor
is highly visible in the micro-

Table 4.1 presents the data as to the tangibility as one of the factor of Service quality. Results

show that the tangibility factor has a weighted mean of 3.2083 with descriptive rating of Agree denoting

that there is a high visible in the micro-business. From the given result, all the statements of tangibility

factor had the same description which was agree. The respondents agreed that the micro-businesses

have up-to-date equipment and having a mean of 3.20. The respondents also agreed that the physical

facilities are visually appealing and having a lowest mean of 3.000. It shows that the respondents agree

when employees in the micro-businesses are well dressed and appear net and having a mean of 3.1667.
It also shows that the respondents agree to have a clean physical environment and having the highest

mean of 3.4667 denoting that there is a high visible in the micro-business. Tangible factors point out the

physical status, decoration, personnel’s appearance, cleanliness of the place wherein the services are

delivered, cleanliness, modernity of facilities (Tohidi, Jabbari, 2012) and equipment (Devicais, 2014).


N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

When they promise to do something by a 30 3.5667 Strongly This indicates that reliability factor
certain time, they do. Agree is very highly visible in the micro-
When a customer has a problem, they show 30 3.5333 Strongly This indicates that reliability factor
a sincere interest in solving it. Agree is very highly visible in the micro-
The business performs the service at the 30 3.7000 Strongly This indicates that reliability factor
right time. Agree is very highly visible in the micro-
The business keeps their records accurately. 30 3.6667 Strongly This indicates that reliability factor
Agree is very highly visible in the micro-
Weighted Mean 3.6167 Strongly This indicates that reliability factor
Agree is very highly visible in the micro-

Table 4.2 revealed that the reliability factor has a weighted mean of 3.6167 with descriptive

rating of strongly agree denoting that there is very high visible in the micro-businesses in Compostela.

Reliability indicates the ability of a service provider to provide the given service in a dependable and

accurate way (Das & Pansa, 2014; Ramya, Kowsalya, & Dharanipriya, 2019). From the given result, all

the statements of reliability factor had the same description which was strongly agree. The respondents

strongly agreed when the employees or managers promise to do something by a certain time, they do

and having a mean of 3.5667. The respondents also strongly agreed that when a customer has a
problem, the manager or employees showed a sincere interest in solving it and it has a lowest mean of

3.5333. It shows that the respondents strongly agree when micro-businesses performs the service at the

right time and having a highest mean of 3.70. It also shows that the respondents strongly agree that a

business keeps their records accurately and having a mean of 3.6667 denoting that there is very high

visible in the micro-businesses in Compostela.


N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

Employees make information easily 30 3.4667 Agree This indicates that responsiveness
obtainable by customers. factor is highly visible in the micro-
Employees give or perform quick services 30 3.6667 Strongly This indicates that responsiveness
and goods to customers. Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Employees are always willing to help 30 3.7667 Strongly This indicates that responsiveness
customers. Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Employees are never too busy to respond to 30 3.6333 Strongly This indicates that responsiveness
customer’s request. Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Weighted Mean 3.6333 Strongly This indicates that responsiveness
Agree factor is very highly visible in the

Table 4.3 showed that responsiveness factor has a weighted mean of 3.6333 with a descriptive

rating of strongly agree denoting that there is very high visible in the micro-business. Responsiveness

refers to the will and the promptness with which a service provider provides the service (Das, S. &

Pansa, T., 2014) or the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service (Devicais, 2014;

Ramya, Kowsalya, & Dharanipriya, 2019). The respondents agreed that employees make information

easily obtainable by the customers and having a lowest mean of 3.4667. The respondents strongly agree
that employees give or perform quick services and goods to customers and having the mean of 3.6667.

The respondents also strongly agree when employees in the micro-businesses are always willing to help

customers and having a highest mean of 3.7667. It shows that the respondents strongly agree when

employees are never too busy to respond to customers request and having a mean of 3.6333 denoting

that there is very high visible in the micro-business.


N Mean Description Interpretation

The behaviors of employees instill 30 3.5667 Strongly This indicates that assurance
confidence in customers. Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Customers feel safe in their transactions 30 3.5667 Strongly This indicates that assurance
with employees in the business. Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Employees are polite with customers. 30 3.7333 Strongly This indicates that assurance
Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Employees of the business have the 30 3.7333 Strongly This indicates that assurance
knowledge to answer customers’ questions. Agree factor is very highly visible in the
Weighted Mean 3.6500 Strongly This indicates that assurance
Agree factor is very highly visible in the

Table 4.4 showed that Assurance factor has a weighted mean of 3.6500 with a descriptive rating

of strongly agree denoting that there is very high visible in the micro-business. Assurance indicates the

ability of the employees to command trust and confidence from the customers based on their knowledge

in the area in which the service is being provided (Das, S. & Pansa, T., 2014) or the knowledge and

courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence ( Ramya, Kowsalya, &

Dharanipriya, 2019). The respondents strongly agreed that the behaviors of employees instill confidence

in customers and customers feel safe in their transactions with employees in the business having a mean

of 3.5667 denoting that there is very high visible in the micro-business. The respondents also strongly

agreed that employees are polite with customers and employees of the business have the knowledge to

answer customers’ questions having a mean of 3.7333 denoting that there is very high visible in the

micro-businesses in the municipality of Compostela.

Table 4.5 EMPATHY

N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

The business give customers individual 30 3.5667 Strongly This indicates that empathy factor is
attention. Agree very highly visible in the micro-
Their operating hours are convenient to 30 3.5333 Strongly This indicates that empathy factor is
all their customers. Agree very highly visible in the micro-
Employees give customers personal 30 3.7667 Strongly This indicates that empathy factor is
service. Agree very highly visible in the micro-
The employees understand the specific 30 3.7000 Strongly This indicates that empathy factor is
need of their customer. Agree very highly visible in the micro-
Weighted Mean 3.6417 Strongly This indicates that empathy factor is
Agree very highly visible in the micro-

Table 4.5 presents the data as to the empathy as one of the factor of Service quality. Results show

that the empathy factor has a weighted mean of 3.647 with descriptive rating of strongly agree denoting

that there is very hfigh visible in the micro-business. From the given results, all the statements of

empathy factor had the same description which was strongly agree. The respondents strongly agreed

that the business give customers individual attention having a mean of 3.5667. The respondents also

strongly agreed that their operating hours are convenient to all their customers having a mean of 3.533.

It shows that the respondents strongly agreed that the employees give customers personal service having

a mean of 3.7667. It shows also that the respondents strongly agreed that the employees understand the

specific need of their customer having a mean of 3.7000 denoting that there is very high visible in the

micro-business in Poblacion, Compostela. Empathy is defined as the caring and loving attitude of the

workers towards the client (Das, S. & Pansa, T., 2014).

Presented below is the summary of results as to the level of service quality of the micro-businesses in
the municipality of Compostela.
Table 4.6 Summary of results on the level of Service Quality of the micro-businesses
Weighted Mean Description Interpretation

This indicates that this Service Quality factor is

highly visible in the micro-business.
Tangibility 3.2083 Agree

This indicates that this Service Quality factor is

Reliability 3.6167 Strongly Agree very highly visible in the micro-business.

This indicates that this Service Quality factor is

Responsiveness 3.6333 Strongly Agree very highly visible in the micro-business.

This indicates that this Service Quality factor is

Assurance 3.6500 Strongly Agree very highly visible in the micro-business.

This indicates that this Service Quality factor is

very highly visible in the micro-business.
Empathy 3.6417 Strongly Agree

Weighted average 3.55 Strongly Agree This indicates that Service Quality is very
highly visible in the micro-businesses in the
Service quality
municipality of Compostela.

Level of Business Longevity of the micro-business.


N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

Continually look for opportunities to learn 30 3.5000 Strongly This indicates that innovative
new trends. Agree capability factor is very highly
visible in the micro-business.
Has formulated and implemented 30 3.4000 Agree This indicates that innovative
innovative ideas. capability factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.
Introduction and improvements of new and 30 3.3667 Agree This indicates that innovative
existing products and services has led to capability factor is highly visible in
increase in sales and profits. the micro-business.
Introduction of new channels of distribution 30 3.3667 Agree This indicates that innovative
for goods and services has increased capability factor is highly visible in
profitability. the micro-business.
Weighted Mean 3.4083 Agree This indicates that innovative
capability factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.

Table 4.7 showed that innovative capability factor has a weighted mean of 3.4083 with a

descriptive rating of agree denoting that there is high visible in the micro-business in Compostela.

Business utilizes their resources and capabilities for the development of innovations, such as new

products, services, or processes to benefits the business (Hill, Brandeau, Truelove & Lineback, 2015).

The respondents strongly agreed that the manager/owner of the business continually look for

opportunities to learn new trends having a mean of 3.5000 denoting that this is very high visible in the

micro-business. The respondents agreed that the manager/owner of the business has formulated and

implemented innovative ideas having a mean of 3.4000. The respondents also agreed that the

manager/owner of the business that introduction and improvements of new and existing products and

services has led to increase in sales and profit and introduction of new channels of distribution for goods
and services has increased profitability having a mean of 3.3667 denoting that this factor is high visible

in the micro-businesses in Compostela.


N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

This indicates that organizational
Organization uses two-way communication 30 3.0333 Agree
system factor is highly visible in the
on a regular basis, such as suggestion micro-business.
systems, electronic bulletin boards, and forum
or meetings.
This indicates that organizational
Organization enables people to get needed 30 3.3000 Agree
system factor is highly visible in the
information at any time quickly and easily. micro-business.
This indicates that organizational
Organization maintains up-to-date employee 30 3.4333 Agree
system factor is highly visible in the
skills. micro-business.
This indicates that organizational
Keeping accounting records contributes in the 30 3.4333 Agree
system factor is highly visible in the
business operation. micro-business.
This indicates that organizational
Weighted Mean 3.300 Agree
system factor is highly visible in the

Table 4.8 shows the average ratings of every question of the organizational system
factor. Organizational Systems is the structure of how an organization is set up. It shows the outlines
how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. The highest rating of
3.4333 mean scores show that both keeping the accounting records and maintaining up-to-date
employee skills highly contributes to the organizational system factor and the use of two-way
communication having the lowest mean score of 3.0333 indicates that it is a significant part of the
organizational system, yet it is of the least practiced in the business. Organizational factor obtained a
weighted mean of 3.3000.

N Mean Descripti Interpretation

This indicates that resources factor
Money is allocated properly and the flow of 30 3.6000 Strongly
is very highly visible in the micro-
money and management of the business is Agree business.
smooth and efficient.
This indicates that resources factor
Allot time in making strategic plans and for 30 3.3667 Agree
is highly visible in the micro-
projects. business.
This indicates that resources factor
Business has enough resources for the 30 3.4667 Agree
is highly visible in the micro-
demands of the customers. business.
This indicates that resources factor
Business has enough employees to cater the 30 3.4667 Agree
is highly visible in the micro-
needs of the customers. business.
This indicates that resources factor
Weighted mean 3.4750 Agree
is highly visible in the micro-

Table 4.9 shows the average ratings of every question of relating to resources as a factor
to business longevity. Human and material resources are number one causes for the longevity of the
business. It is the asset of the business to sustain and operate for a long time. The highest mean score
for this factor is 3.6000 which means that businesses takes time to properly allocate the financial
resources of the business and make efforts for a smooth and efficient management of the business’ cash
flows. The rest obtains the same mean scores of 3.4667 which means that allotting time from
strategizing plans for projects, having enough resources and employees are given equal importance to
the consideration of the resources factor.


N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

This indicates that culture of the
Communication between managers and 30 3.4667 Agree
organization factor is highly visible
employees is very open. in the micro-business.
This indicates that culture of the
The manager/business owner is open to 30 3.3000 Agree
organization factor is highly visible
suggestions. in the micro-business.
This indicates that culture of the
Changes suggested by employees and 30 3.3667 Agree
organization factor is highly visible
customers are usually implemented. in the micro-business.
This indicates that culture of the
Business is compliant to the government 30 3.5000 Strongly
organization factor is very highly
policies and guidelines. Agree visible in the micro-business.
This indicates that culture of the
Weighted Mean 3.4083 Agree
organization factor is highly visible
in the micro-business.

Table 4.10 presents the data as to the culture of the organization as one of the factor of business

longevity. Results show that the culture of the organization factor has a weighted mean of 3.4083 with

descriptive rating of agree denoting that there is high visible in the micro-business in Poblacion,

Compostela. The respondents agreed that the communication between managers and employees is very

open having a weighted mean of 3.4667, the manager/business owner is open to suggestion having a

mean of 3.3000, changes suggested by employees and customers are usually implemented having a

mean of 3.3667 denoting that there is high visible in the micro-business in Poblacion, Compostela. The

respondents strongly agreed that the business is compliant to the government policies and guidelines

having a mean of 3.5000 denoting that there is very high visible in the micro-business in Poblacion,

Compostela. Organizational culture refers to assumptions, values and expectations that describe an

organization(Campbell & Göritz, 2014; Hoga & Coote, 2014).

Table 4.11 STRATEGY

N Mean Descriptio Interpretation

This indicates that strategy factor is
Discount offering for customer. 30 3.4000 Agree
highly visible in the micro-business.
This indicates that strategy factor is
Changing consumer perception towards the 30 3.2667 Agree
highly visible in the micro-business.
goods and services.
This indicates that strategy factor is
Promote fairness in the customer's to build 30 3.5667 Strongly
very highly visible in the micro-
customer relationship. Agree business.
This indicates that strategy factor is
Modifying existing services to fit consumer 30 3.4000 Agree
highly visible in the micro-business.
This indicates that strategy factor is
Weighted Mean 3.4083 Agree
highly visible in the micro-business.

Table 4.11 showed that strategy factor has a weighted mean of 3.4083 with descriptive rating of

agree denoting that there is high visible in the micro-business in Poblacion, Compostela. Business

strategy is a crucial part of sustaining businesses at a certain merit above others (Whittle, & Myrick,

2016). It is the general direction set for the company and its various components to achieve a desired

state in the future. Strategy results from the detailed strategic planning process. The respondents agreed

that the manager/owner of the business offer discounts for customers having a mean of 3.4000. The

respondents also agreed that the manager/owner of the business changing consumer perception towards

the goods and services having a mean of 3.2667. The respondents strongly agreed that the

manager/owner of the business promote fairness in the customer's to build customer relationship having

a mean of 3.5667 denoting that there is very high visible in the micro-business. The respondents agreed

that the manager/owner of the business modifying existing services to fit consumer needs having a

mean of 3.4000 denoting that there is high visible in the micro-business in Poblacion, Compostela.

Presented below is the summary of results as to the level of business longevity of the micro-businesses
in the municipality of Compostela.

Table 4.12 Summary of results on the level of Business longevity of the micro-
Weighted mean Description Interpretation
Innovative capability 3.4083 Agree This indicates that this business
longevity factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.
Organizational system 3.300 Agree This indicates that this business
longevity factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.
Resources 3.4750 Agree This indicates that this business
longevity factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.
Culture of organization 3.4083 Agree This indicates that this business
longevity factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.
Strategy 3.4083 Agree This indicates that this business
longevity factor is highly visible in
the micro-business.
Weighted average 3.4000 Agree This indicates that business longevity
Business longevity is highly visible in the micro-
businesses in the Municipality of

4.1.2 Relationship between Service Quality and Business Longevity

4.13 Correlation between Tangible and Business Longevity


Innovative Organizational Culture of the

Tangible Capability System Resources Organization Strategy

Tangible Pearson 1 -.208 -.097 .048 -.118 .003


Sig. (2-tailed) .270 .611 .802 .536 .989

N 30 30 30 30 30 30

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

In this table, it showed the relationship between the tangible factor of service quality and the

factors of business longevity which are the Innovative Capability, Organizational System, Resources,

Culture of the Organization, and Strategy. Using the Pearson R correlation the null hypothesis was

accepted. Meaning, there was no significant relationship between the tangible factor to innovative

capability because it had a negative correlation which was -.208 and it's p-value (.270) which is more

than .05. There was no significant relationship between the tangible factor to organizational system

because it had a negative correlation which was -.097 and it's p-value (.611) was more than .05. There

was also no significant relationship between the tangible factor to resources because it had a p-value

(.802) which was more than .05. There was no significant relationship between tangible factor to culture

of the organization because it had a negative correlation which was .118 and it's p-value (.536) was

more than .05. There was no significant relationship between tangible factor to strategy because its p-

value (.989) was more than .05 and it has a positive correlation which is .003.

4.14 Correlation between Reliability and Business Longevity


Innovative Organizational Culture of the

Reliability Capability System Resources Organization Strategy

Reliability Pearson Correlation 1 -.115 -.146 -.121 -.204 -.067

Sig. (2-tailed) .545 .443 .525 .279 .723

N 30 30 30 30 30 30

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

In table 4.14, it showed the relationship between the Reliability factor of service quality and the

factors of business longevity. Using the Pearson R correlation the null hypothesis was accepted.

Meaning, there was no significant relationship between reliability factor to innovative capability

because it had a negative correlation which was -.115 and it's p-value (.545) was more than .05. There

was no significant relationship between reliability factor to organizational system because it had a

negative correlation which was -.146 and it's p-value (.443) was more than .05. There was no significant

relationship between reliability factor to resources because it had a negative correlation which was -.121

and it's p-value (.525) was more than .05. There was no significant relationship between reliability

factor to culture of the organization because it had a negative correlation which was -.204 and it's p-

value (.279) was more than .05. There was no significant relationship between reliability factor to

strategy because it had a negative correlation which was -.067 and it's p-value (.723) was more than .05.

4.15 Correlation between Responsiveness and Business Longevity

Responsivene Innovative Organizationa Culture of the

ss Capability l System Resources Organization Strategy

Responsiveness Pearson Correlation 1 -.107 -.149 -.134 -.272 -.148

Sig. (2-tailed) .575 .432 .480 .146 .436

N 30 30 30 30 30 30

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 4.15 showed the relationship between Responsiveness factor of service quality and the

factors of business longevity. Using the Pearson R correlation the null hypothesis was accepted.

Meaning, there was no significant relationship between responsiveness factor to innovative capability

because it had a negative correlation which was -.107 and it's p-value (.575) was more than .05. There

was no significant relationship between responsiveness factor to organizational system because it had a

negative correlation which was -.149 and it's p-value (.432) was more than .05. There was no significant

relationship between responsiveness factor to resources because it had a negative correlation which was

-.134 and it's p-value (.480) was more than .05. There was no significant relationship between

responsiveness factor to culture of the organization because it had a negative correlation which was

-.272 and it's p-value (.146) was more than .05. There was no significant relationship between

responsiveness factor to strategy because it had negative relationship which was -.148 and it's p-value

(.436) was more than .05.

4.16 Correlation between Assurance and Business Longevity Assurance


Innovative Organizationa Culture of the

Assurance Capability l System Resources Organization Strategy

Assurance Pearson Correlation 1 -.148 -.085 -.117 -.126 -.039

Sig. (2-tailed) .435 .655 .537 .508 .839

N 30 30 30 30 30 30

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Result in table 4.16 showed the relationship between the assurance factor of service quality and

the factors of business longevity. Using the Pearson R correlation, the null hypothesis was accepted.

Meaning, there was no significant relationship between assurance factor and innovative capability

because it had negative correlation which was -.148 and its p-value (.435) was more than 0.05. There

was also no significant relationship between assurance and organizational system because it had a

negative correlation which was -.085 and its p-value (.655) was also more than 0.05. There was no

significant relationship between assurance and resources because it had negative correlation which was

-.117 and its p-value (.535) was more than 0.05. There was no significant relationship between

assurance and culture of organization because it had negative correlation which was -.126 and its p-

value (.508) was more than 0.05. There was no significant relationship between assurance and strategy

because it had negative correlation which was -.039. In Sig. (2-tailed), its p-value was .839, which was

more than 0.05.

4.17 Correlation between Empathy and Business Longevity Empathy


Innovative Organizational Culture of the

Empathy Capability System Resources Organization Strategy

Empathy Pearson Correlation 1 -.131 .019 -.016 .110 .133

Sig. (2-tailed) .489 .921 .935 .562 .483

N 30 30 30 30 30 30

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

In this table, it showed the relationship between the empathy factor of service quality and the

factors of business longevity. Using the Pearson R correlation, the null hypothesis was accepted.

Meaning, there was no significant relationship between empathy factor and innovative capability

because it had negative correlation which was -.131 and its p-value (.489) was more than 0.05. There

was also no significant relationship between empathy and organizational system. It had a positive

correlation which was .019 and its p-value (.921) was also more than 0.05. There was no significant

relationship between empathy and resources because it had negative correlation which was -.016 and its

p-value (.935) was more than 0.05. There was no significant relationship between empathy and culture

of organization. It had positive correlation which was .110 and its p-value (.562) was more than 0.05.

There was no significant relationship between empathy and strategy. It had positive correlation which

was .133. In Sig. (2-tailed), its p-value was .483, which was more than 0.05.

4.18 Correlation between Service Quality and Business Longevity

Service Quality Business
Service Quality Pearson Correlation 1 -.144
Sig. (2-tailed) .449
N 30 30
Business Longevity Pearson Correlation -.144 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .449
N 30 30

Table 4.18 showed the relationship between the two variables which was service quality and

business longevity. Using the Pearson R correlation, the null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, there

was no significant relationship between service quality and business longevity in the micro-businesses

in the municipality of Compostela because its Sig. (2-tailed) value is more than 0.05 which was .449

and it has negative correlation which was -.144.

Implications of Theory
The results of Pearson R Correlation revealed that the quality of service do not have a significant
relationship to the business longevity. This implies that service quality offered by micro-businesses in
the municipality of Compostela does not affect the business longevity.
The study does not support the study of Berlianto and Bernarto (2015) about the factors affect
the longevity of business in which service quality was one of the factors.
Implication to Practice

Implications of Research
The study is still significant to business owners, future entrepreneurs and future researchers.
Business managers and future entrepreneurs will see the findings in the study to be relevant in
improving the weakest dimension of service quality and business longevity. Future researchers will find
interest in conducting and exploring more studies with a larger sample size in service quality and
business longevity.

1. This study concluded that

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