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Role of Non- Government Organizations (NGO s) in Disaster Management

Group 2

Aysha Amellia 1511314014

Bobby Dwi Putera 1511314009

Elfadella Miranda 1511314010

Faradilla Lorenza 1511314004

Mutia Ilham 1511314019

Muthiah Tri Zuhriani 1511314019

Nofrianti Riska 1511314022

Ridha Hayati 1511314015





Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

All prays to Allah SWT the lord of universe, only him worship and ask for help.

because his gift and mercy we can develop the technology to create good live. for all those

thing, we should guide our self with enough education and think smart for achieve the good

result, and because of several activity and effort we can finish this disaster nursing paper.

The writing of this paper was obtain from several sources regarding disaster nursing.

we hope this paper can add insight and knowledge to readers and we also hope to get

constructive criticism and suggestion. hopefully this paper can be understood for all the


Padang, September 2018

writer team




1.1 background 1
1.2 formulation of the problem 1
1.3 purpose 2


2.1 What is Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) 3

2.2 the example of NGO 4

2.3 Activity 7

2.4 Flow 8

2.5 Legal Basis 10


3.1 Conclution 11


1.1. background

Disasters such as the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh in 2004, the

earthquake in Padang in 2005, and the eruption of Merapi in 2010 are evidence
that Indonesia is in a disaster-prone area. the higher the threat in area, the higher
the area will be affected by the disaster. the higher the level of vulnerability of the
community, the higher the level of risk, and vice versa.
In disaster management, many elements participate in it, such as
government agencies and non-governmental organizations such as NGOs. NGOs
(Non-Government Organization) are organizations that are voluntary and
independent of government. This organization will formed by individuals or groups
of people who have the same vision and mission, the purpose of performing NGOs
is also unique ,that is to providing assistance to people in need without expecting
The role of the NGOs during a disaster is to have quick response and to try
and save as many lives as it can with the given funds. NGOs have a faster response
to situations because it does not need to clear paperwork. The main role performed
by the NGOs were providing relief materials, organizing health camp, involved in
rescue operation, arranging temporary shelters and so on.

1.2 formulation of the problem

1.2.1 What is an NGO?

1.2.2 What is the example of NGO ?

1.2.3 What are the activities of NGOs?

1.2.4 What is the flow of disaster management in the field?
1.2.5 What is the legal basis for NGOs?
1.3.1 Knowing the intentions of NGOs
1.3.2 Knowing the example of NGO
1.3.3 Knowing the activities of the NGOs
1.3.4Knowing the flow of disaster management in the field
1.3.5 Knowing NGO legal basis


A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group

which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by
people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian
functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and
encourage political particpation through provision of information. Some are organized around
specific issues, such as human rights, environment or health. They provide analysis and
expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms and help monitor and implement international
agreements. A single NGO might combine several of these different elements at any one
time. Morris-Suzuki (2000: 68) notes that ‘‘NGOs may pursue change, but they can equally
work to maintain existing social and political systems.’’ For example, for radicals who seek
to explore alternative visions of development and change, NGOs may be seen as progressive
vehicles for change.

The purpose of NGOs is not to supplant the governmental relief agencies but to
act as a coordinating mechanism between the government apparatus and the affected
populace. The role of NGOs assumes significance in view of their wider engagement in
civic and development initiatives. Factors such as disillusionment with centralized
structures; emphasis on pluralism, expanded civic engagement; and collaboration
amongst multiple actors explain this change in perception. (Behera 2002). NGOs can
work toward reducing vulnerability through training, education and helping to establish a
clear coordination of disaster response responsibilities (UNISDR 2007).

The main focus of NGO involvement in the field of disasters is largely with
respect to relief and development. The NGO played a vital role in relief and rehabilitation
work in the study areas. The NGOs provided food grains to the victims. The food grains
consist of rice, pulse, mustard oil, soybean, baby foods, biscuits, bread etc. The NGOs
provided kitchen sets for cooking food to the victims who have lost all the things.
Clothes, towel, children garments etc. The NGOs organized medical camp for health
facility to the victims. They provided medicines in the medical camp also.

2.2 the example of NGO

1. WWF (World Wide Fund)

giving a fund to the disaster victims. save the children and distributing the crucial
thing as like soap, mosquito nets, sanitary napkins, tarpaulin, bamboo, Candle, matches,
gas cylinder, oven etc to the victims. Also given facility to the villagers in supply of
sufficient drinking water. And also rescue the victims and took care of the affected
people. They arrange the victim’s shelter by providing tarpaulin and bamboo. They
also helped in communication facility and rehabilitation works immediately after the
disaster in the study areas.

the activity that has been carried out by this organization is the post-tsunami disaster
response in 2004, WWF Indonesia for Aceh Program is actively involved in encouraging
regional policies governing the management of sustainable natural resources based on
conservation and society. Not only that, policy advocacy activities were also carried out on
the rehabilitation and reconstruction process that took place after the tsunami to ensure
Aceh's recovery efforts were based on sustainable development.

The activities that they have done are:

After the earthquake and tsunami disaster, WWF-Indonesia conducted a rapid

assessment as a first step in evaluating and adjusting its programs in Aceh to be in line with
the ongoing reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. This study gave birth to a Guide to
Green Reconstruction Guidelines (GRG) for Aceh. The aim is to improve the quality of life
of people and individuals, while minimizing the negative impacts of environmental
reconstruction and maintaining biodiversity and the productivity of natural systems.
Timber For Aceh (TFA) is a form of GRG implementation for Aceh. This activity
was held based on WWF-Indonesia's concern about the need for high legal and sustainable
timber procurement for rehabilitation and reconstruction of Aceh without causing additional
long-term damage to forests in Indonesia, which were heavily exploited, including forests in
Aceh. To overcome this, one alternative is to encourage various parties to bring timber from
forests that are managed sustainably from abroad in the form of donations / grants. As of
2007, TFA brought in more than 46,000 m3 of foreign-owned timber that was used for the
construction of temporary housing under the International Federation Red Cross's temporary
and permanent housing program.

Wild Replacement Monitoring To monitor the practice of illegal logging, WWF

Indonesia plays an active role in forming Aceh Forest Advocacy with several environmental
NGOs such as Flora Fauna International (FFI), Conservation International (CI), PeNA
Foundation (Caring for Nanggroe Aceh), Mapayah (Nature and Environmental Lovers
Society), JAKAD Leuser and Econa.

Humanitarian Partnership Given the magnitude of the impact of the Tsunami on

the lives of people and the environment in Aceh, WWF Indonesia collaborates with American
Red Cross (ARC) to be actively involved in environmental reconstruction efforts and
rehabilitation due to Tsunami through environmental technical assistance, such as
implementing Environmental Stewardship Training, Environmental Education and provision
of environmental aspects to ARC partners. This partnership has also provided a lot of
learning for the Aceh Program to harmonize the interests of the environment and society in

Green coast Through the Green Coast program, WWF Indonesia together with
Wetlands International Indonesia Program rehabilitates coastal ecosystems through a
community economic empowerment approach that not only returns the ecological conditions
of the coastal ecosystem as a natural fortress, but also improves the alternative livelihoods of
people who depend on coastal natural resources.

2.PMI (palang merah indonesia)

as a social institution has a very strategic role in preparing to provide assistance and
disaster management, With the presence of PMI and always synergizing with the Regional
Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), it is very helpful for the local government in
maximizing disaster relief and relief for the victims. The role of PMI is just as important in
anticipating disaster-related matters. and human life, since independence until now. the role
of PMI are based on seven basic principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement,
namely humanity, volunteerism, neutrality, equality, independence, unity and universality.
PMI also act in all the step of disaster, pre- disaster, during disaster, post- disaster. realizes
the importance of community involvement in disaster risk reduction to reduce the impact of
vulnerability to disasters. For this reason, coaching continues, especially in schools with the
(PMR), and conducting education and basic training of the (KSR) (PMR).

3.YTBI (Yayasan Tanggul Bencana Indonesia)

is one of the community social organizations (NGOs) that are engaged in disaster
relief that receive assistance from churches. In the past, YTBI was known as YTB (Yayasan
Tanggul Bencana) which was founded by the Alliance of persekutuan gereja-gereja
indonesia (PGI). However, because they want to stand independently, this institution also
stands with an independent or own organization that is not under the auspices of PGI.

YTBI also has 5 parts of the program, including: emergency assistance,

rehabilitation and development, training, research, and publication, advocacy and networking,
and YTBI strengthening. so we know YTBI will ac as the pre- disaster management. In the
rehabilitation program there is a Community Based Livelihood Initiative (CBLI) program by
conducting embroidering activities and providing cooperative scholarships. There is also a
Community Based House Reconstruction (CBHR) program by giving homes to residents of
the New Village .In addition there is also a Community Based Conflict Management
(CBCM) program by providing training to reduce conflict and design economic recovery. In
the networking program there are activities to build networks at the local level, disaster
education consortiums and YTBI publications. In the Training program, research and
publication have training activities and the creation of modules for training. Whereas in the
YTBI strengthening program there were workshop activities and English speaking at YTBI.

is a social organization that is engaged in the management of natural disasters and
community-based social disasters. The establishment of TAGANA is an effort to empower
and empower young people in various aspects of disaster management, especially
community-based. The existence of TAGANA for about 4 years has done a lot of
humanitarian activities in disasters and social welfare activities which eventually became one
of the organizations accepted by the community. In addition, almost all TAGANA members
have attended training in the field of disaster management and social welfare, causing them to
be able to carry out various roles in the field of disaster management. As an organization,
TAGANA is able to develop its programs and activities on an ongoing basis. VISION
TAGANA: Make TAGANA a community-based disaster management volunteer who is
dignified and reliable in the field of social assistance.

1. Provide sufficient expertise through periodic education and training according to types of
2. Increasing innovation in disaster management by utilizing the potential of the environment.
3. Provide understanding of the main tasks and functions of TAGANA in disaster

The activity of TAGANA

1. Pre-Disaster
Collect data on disaster-prone areas where they are located, Conduct disaster risk
assessment and analysis, Do counseling, Doing training, Gather potential and resources and
equipment, Strengthening information and communication networks, Develop an action plan
supervise, monitor and evaluate.

2. during Disaster
Activate all systems, Collect data and information, Exert all potential, Distributing
assistance, Anticipate the effects of further disasters, Prepare advanced assistance.

3. Post-Disaster
Make a record and selection of disaster impacts, Develop rehabilitation plans,
Conduct a disaster impact study, Make referrals, Evaluate, Compile Reports


Emerging trends in managing natural disaster have highlighted the role of

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as one of the most effective alternative
means of achieving an efficient communication link between the disaster
management agencies and the affective community. Community participation is the
process of involvement of NGOs in the implementation of planned, coordinated, and
comprehensive disaster management in order to provide protection to the community
from the threat of greater risks and impacts of disasters. NGOs are one of the main
elements in disaster management, NGO participation in disaster management includes
o Training and capacity building of NGO staffs and task forces;
o Set up of information channel to the village and district;
o Advocacy and planning;
o Regular contact with block control room.

During disaster
o Activate of channel of warning dissemination to reach the target groups
o Help block administration for wide dissemination of warning
o Immediate rescue and first-aid, including psychological aid, supply of
food, water, medicines, and other immediate need materials
o Ensuring sanitation and hygiene
o Damage assessment.

Post- disaster
o Technical and material aid in reconstruction
o Assistance in seeking financial aid
o Monitoring

2.4. The flow of disaster management in the field

2. Management of health problems
Managing ability to deal with health problems due to disasters in
The field requires activities, including:
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Motivation
d. Control

a. Planning
1) Planning is the process of thinking, guessing and determining Priority determination
must be done rationally before carry out the actual action in order to achieve the goal that
has been set.
2) Planning is also spiritual activities before do physical actions.
3) Planning is very necessary in order to direct the goals and organizational goals and
objectives of a development program, cause there are also described about the need for
labor use, costs, time, equipment and other resources.

b. Organizing
1) Organizing is the process of preparing the division of labor into the work units and
their functions and their determination in ways the right one about the people (fing staff)
who have to occupy these functions and their exact determination of the relationship
authority and responsibility.
2) Organizing is carried out in order to carry out work and execution from planning,
which is important for the sake of the right division of labor exactly.
3) In organizing it is very important to note that the determination of the people must be
done objectively and after first determining the work units and their functions.

c. Motivaing
1) Encouragement is a process of activities that must be carried out for fostering and
encouraging work morale and willingness to work employee (member of the
organization) in order to achieve organizational goals.
2) Encouragement is very important considering the importance of human factors
in the organization and in the production process.
3) This series of encouraging activities includes aspects of encouragement or
spirituality stimulants (such as giving rise rank, education education and career
development, additions experience, proper implementation of human relations, giving
leave and so on), as well as aspects of physical encouragement (such as an exciting
system of wages and salaries, provision of benefits - allowances and distribution of
clothing and food, housing provision, vehicles, health care guarantees and others).

d. Controlling
1) Control or control is a series of activities that must be carried out to conduct
supervision, improvement and evaluation to ensure that the objectives can be achieved as
they have been determined in planning. Control or control is necessary for
find out where the work has been carried out, sources which has been used, obstacles, and
so on.
2) From the results (b), it can be carried out improvements, evaluations and determination
of the need for corrective actions or acts further that must be done so that wastes can
avoided and further developments can improved marketing.

2.5. Legal Basis

The pattern of disaster management gets a new dimension with the issuance of Law
No. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management followed by a number of related
implementing regulations, namely Presidential Regulation No. 08 of 2008 concerning
National Disaster Management Agency, Government Regulation (PP) No. 21 of 2008
concerning Implementation of Disaster Management, PP No. 22 of 2008 concerning
Funding and Management of Disaster Relief, and PP No. 23 of 2008 concerning the Role
of International Institutions and Non-Government Foreign Agencies in Disaster

With the issuance of Law No. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management, there
have been significant changes to disaster management efforts in Indonesia, from national
to regional levels in general, this regulation has been able to provide security for the
people and territory of Indonesia by means of disaster management in terms of
characterization, frequency and understanding of disaster vulnerability and risk. In the
new system regulated by Law No. 24 of 2007 clearly stated about the role of the
community, but has not mentioned and or regulated about NGOs in disaster management.
According to Law No. 24 of 2007 Article 13 that the National Disaster Management
Agency has a function including the formulation and stipulation of disaster management
and refugee handling policies by acting quickly and accurately and effectively and
efficiently; and coordinating the implementation of planned, integrated and
comprehensive disaster management activities. While the social department has the
authority to provide assistance. This is based on (PERPRES N0 83 of 2005) which is
coordinating and controlling Disaster Relief in the Field of Social Assistance. Social
assistance prepared by the social department is divided into three phases, namely Pre-
Disaster / Preparedness, Emergency Response and Post-Disaster / Rehabilitation and
3.1 Conclution

The concept in non-governmental organizations is to provide assistance with rapid

response in case of disaster response that occurs. this activity is carried out on volunteerism
and without expecting compensation. Community organizations have a very important role in
the disaster response process because they are very easy to contact. The NGO program is
participatory and in disaster management they can carry out tasks in pre-disaster, disaster, or

Behera A. 2002. Government - NGO Collaboration for Disaster Reduction and Response:
The India (Orissa) Experience”, paper presented at the Regional Workshop on
Networking and Collaboration among NGOs of Asian Countries in Disaster
Reduction and Response, 20-22 February 2002, Kobe, Japan.

UNISDR. 2007. Disaster Risk Reduction, 2007: Global Review. Geneva: United Nations.

Morris-Suzuki, T. (2000). For and against NGOs. New Left Review, March/April, 63–84.

Lewis, David.2016. Nongovernmental Organizations, Definition and History, 2 January

2016, London,UK.

Mondal, Debabrata. Role of Non Governmental Organization in Disaster Management,

December 2015, west Bengal, India.

Undang-Undang  No 24 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penanggulangan Bencana.

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