Order ID 370530681: General Metrics

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Order ID 370530681

Order ID 370530681
by NCT

General metrics
15,171 2,395 119 9 min 34 sec 18 min 25 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

66 195 53 142
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 66%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

This text hasn’t been checked for plagiarism

Report was generated on Thursday, May 12, 2022, 04:23 PM Page 1 of 25

Report: Order ID 370530681

Writing Issues
82 Correctness
1 Misuse of semicolons, quotation marks, etc.
3 Incorrect noun number
25 Punctuation in compound/complex
6 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
8 Mixed dialects of english
8 Incorrect verb forms
10 Wrong or missing prepositions
2 Faulty subject-verb agreement
4 Misspelled words
2 Closing punctuation
2 Confused words
7 Comma misuse within clauses
1 Misplaced words or phrases
1 Conjunction use
1 Incorrect phrasing
1 Modal verbs

72 Clarity
30 Wordy sentences
24 Passive voice misuse
2 Word choice
3 Hard-to-read text
3 Intricate text
10 Unclear sentences

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Report: Order ID 370530681

40 Engagement
40 Word choice

1 Delivery
1 Inappropriate colloquialisms

Unique Words 35%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 35%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.2

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 20.1

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Order ID 370530681

Order ID 370530681

Tolich, M. "Internal con dentiality: When con dentiality assurances fail

relational informants." Qualitative Sociology 27 (2004): 106.
Taylor, S J.. "Observing abuse: Professional ethics and personal morality in eld
research." Qualitative Sociology 10 (1987): 302.
Wiles, R, G Crow, S Heath and V Charles. "The management of con dentiality
and anonymity in social research." International Journal of Social Research
Methodology 11 (2008): 428.
Wolfgang, M E.. "Con dentiality in criminological research and other ethical."
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 72 (1981):
Wiles, R, V Charles, C Graham and S Heath. "Researching researchers: Lessons
for research ethics." Qualitative Research 6 (2006): 299.
Scarce, R. "(No) trial (but) tribulations." When courts and ethnography con ict.
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 23 (1994):

Title: Ethical Essay

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Report: Order ID 370530681

Student's Name
Institutional Af liation
Course Number: Course Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date

2 3
Not at all like in that frame of mind as the U.S., South Korean regulation and
media showed much of the time safeguard the characters of criminal suspects.
As per the crook code and Korean National Police Agency rules, it is run of the
mill for a suspect's face to be covered and for just their last name to be utilized
when they show up in the media. Uncovering a suspects' character, allies of the
right to namelessness contend, sabotages the rule of being free and clear by

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Report: Order ID 370530681

The show was broken in 2009, nonetheless, when chronic executioner Kang Ho-
before long's face was uncovered by the media, referring to individuals' on the
right track to be aware and setting off a discussion over how to adjust the
privileges of suspects and the overall population. That very year the Korea
News Editors' Association updated its morals rules to permit more prominent
thought for "public interest" with regards to capturing those blamed for
genuine wrongdoings. An alteration set forward by the GNP was spent the next
12 13
year permitting a suspect's name, age and face to be unveiled on the off chance
that the police have acquired an admission or indisputable proof of culpability
and the wrongdoing is adequately not kidding. Yet, while the legitimate reason
for distinguishing suspects presently exists, the training remains somewhat
17,18 19 20
A main contention progressed for naming suspects before charge is that it
21 22
urges different casualties to approach and report wrongdoings. This is much of
23 24 25
the time referred to in sexual offenses since it gives casualties the certainty to
approach feeling that they will be accepted. In any case, is naming a suspect
with the expectation that it might urge others to approach generally an
adequate explanation? Considering that people are named when charged,
29 30 31
casualties can in any case approach by then.
How then, at that point, do we guarantee that the freedoms of suspects are
32 33 34
genuinely offset with the public interest of naming them? One proposition is to
35 36
administer for a total restriction on naming suspects before charge subject to
excellent conditions. In March 2015 the Commons Home Affairs Select
Committee required a legal restriction on delivering the names of suspects
39 40 41 42
blamed for sexual offenses that poor person yet been charged. Nonetheless, is
43 44 45
it reasonable to suspects of different violations that we focus on those blamed
for sexual offenses?

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It appears off-base to sort suspects as indicated by the wrongdoing of which
49,50 51 52,53 5
they are charged. People are wrongly blamed for bunch offenses: the individual
effect can be similarly devastating. Being blamed for an offense like assault
has signi cant repercussions. However, for what reason should a singular
blamed for a genuine non-sexual and possibly vocation nishing wrongdoing
like misrepresentation not get similar assurances?
One thing is sure: the ongoing position is unsuitable. While direction against
naming suspects is trailed by the police and controllers, zero power over
59 60
suspects is being named in the press. A solid contention exists for an
adjustment of the law to boycott the naming of suspects blamed for any
wrongdoing, save in extraordinary conditions.
Contentions concerning what is "uncommon conditions" can then be
progressed under the watchful eye of an appointed authority who can
64 65
appropriately adjust the competing contentions. This would imply that the
naming of pre-charge suspects will be a painstakingly thought of, controlled
choice where the press can be considered responsible assuming an individual
is named without the court's approval.
For criminal legal advisors, this additionally brings up the issue of suspect
namelessness. It has for some time been the law that complainants in sexual
70 71 72
offenses are conceded long lasting obscurity, whether their charges lead to an
arraignment and no matter what the decision. Numerous legitimate
campaigners have contended that suspects ought to partake in a similar right
while assumed guiltless, particularly given the lamentable impact distribution
of sexual claims can have. Given the new exposure about horribly inadequate
CPS arraignments and disappointments in revelation, the contention for
suspect obscurity is presently a well known eeting trend on which to jump.
In any case, on the topic of suspect namelessness, we should ask ourselves:

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1. Is there actually an intelligent string for this change?
2. How might it really function practically speaking?
75 76
Right off the bat, assuming one upholds obscurity for suspects this should
apply to all suspects and not simply 'superstars'. While there is a pragmatic
differentiation between a formerly in the public suspect eye, and a suspect who
was not, such a quali cation is dif cult to perceive in regulation basically on
the grounds that the general reputation of any individual is continuously
Indeed: individuals reserve the option to be aware
Whenever an especially horrendous homicide happens in our general public, a
discussion happens online about whether or not the homicide suspect's very
own data, including name and photograph, ought to be delivered to the general
population. However it is a questionable issue with numerous dif culties, for
83 84
example, the assumption of honesty, I am supportive of delivering such data to
the general population, though restricted to cases that have turned into an
overall population issue and include violations of serious savagery and
Such measures, most importantly, fall inside individuals' on the right track to
be aware. These actions could go quite far in forestalling further wrongdoings.
Clearly, it diminishes the probability of additional violations being perpetrated
by killers as standard residents come out as comfortable with the essences of
such lawbreakers.
That's what it's implied assuming lawbreakers know that their face has been
88 89
delivered to the overall population they will be substantially more hesitant to
attempt to carry out another wrongdoing.
Likewise, delivering pictures of suspects could have a discouragement impact
as potential lawbreakers realize that they are signi cantly more liable to get

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Report: Order ID 370530681

found out. With everything taken into account, it will by and large make
progress toward diminishing the chance of such horrendous violations.
All the more explicitly, studies have shown that individuals with a lawbreaker
record, particularly for violations like homicide, equipped burglary and assault,
94 95
are probably going to carry out such wrongdoings once more ― there is around
a 50 percent possibility.
As per a concentrate by the Korean Police Department, around 50% individuals
98 99
captured in 2008 had a lawbreaker record. Taking into account this reality, it is
sensible to deliver the individual data of homicide suspects to diminish
The principal contention that individuals raise against this arrangement is that
it abuses the fundamental basic freedoms of these hoodlums.
Notwithstanding, we should recall that such freedoms are not outright. Such
privileges, while signi cant, can and ought to be restricted assuming they
102 103 104
con ict with other essential privileges, like opportunity of articulation.
Another huge con contention frequently raised is that under the rule of the
107 106
assumption of guiltlessness, suspects ought not to be dealt with like
lawbreakers. Be that as it may, the genuine reason for this guideline is to build
up and expand the obligation of the administrative position to demonstrate the
108 109
culpability of the individual blamed. Its motivation isn't to treat the charged in
110 111 112
the very same manner as a normal resident. However this is an almost
negligible difference and should not be manhandled, in instances of incredibly
brutal and hazardous suspects, a somewhat unique disposition should be
taken and the data delivered.
114 115
Taking into account that this strategy is restricted to kill suspects of an
incredibly genuine nature, obviously individuals' on the whole correct to be
aware and be educated offsets the potential infringement regarding the

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common freedoms of the suspects. In such cases, the common liberties
119 120
viewpoint is to some degree offset by the advantages that the general public
overall harvests by disregarding it.
Considering the new abrupt expansion in vicious and monstrous violations
committed in Korean culture, it is without a doubt really smart to deliver the
data and photographs of such individuals who are thought to be risky.
123 124 125
No: It implies culpability in court of popular assessment
My dad once told me, the most important resources an individual can have are
his standing and training. These are the contending interests in question in the
discussion about whether an individual's decent name and picture ought to be
announced regarding a simple capture before a conviction is made, for the sole
purpose of illuminating the general population.
Government straightforwardness is signi cant in a vote based system.
Community to government records permits us to screen our administration and
guarantee responsibility. Responsibility guarantees our privileges are
131 132
safeguarded so residents don't baf ingly vanish into a dark opening because
of a one-sided judge or degenerate of cial. Tragically this assurance is a two
133 134
sided deal that can be utilized to rebuff the denounced by freely it is reached to
disgrace him before a conviction. The test we face is to adjust our right to data
with our right to protection.
In the data age, safeguarding security has turned into a unique test with
serious and enduring outcomes assuming that we fall at. As Warren Buffet
likes to say, "It requires 20 years to construct a standing and ve minutes to
destroy it." Make that ve seconds at the present Internet speeds. In the
psyche of the public an allegation might be comparable to a conviction,
especially with no reaction from the denounced (respondents are normally
trained by their lawyers not to discuss their case).

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The media might run the story over and over like a mesmerizing infomercial or
drama. Many will gure they more likely than not accomplished something
wrong no matter what the result of the case: "Where there is smoke, there is
re." This lopsided view might be built up where allegations are much of the
time headline news while the quittances may not make the paper.
All in all, for what reason would it be a good idea for us to think often about the
protection or notoriety of the denounced? We ought to mind since it is truly
about safeguarding our own freedoms and holding society to a norm before we
rebuff an individual for a supposed wrong. The distribution of names regarding
crime in the present media can add up to a lifetime sentence in the court of
popular assessment or the death penalty of an individual's standing.
Some in this discussion would excuse our protection freedoms by it are not
146 147 148
outright to remind us our privileges. According to my point of view, it isn't really
that one right ought to counterbalance another when they converge, rather,
they ought to be painstakingly adjusted, and controlled as little as conceivable
to account for each other. I accept we really want more discourse on the most
153 154 155,156
pro cient method to best adjust security interests instead of lose them in our
chase to catch and disgrace a hunter in the present data age.
157 158
Do we accept that an individual ought not be rebuffed until demonstrated
blameworthy? Improve to safeguard the possibly honest from public
embarrassment and bias regardless of whether that implies our regulations will
unexpectedly bear the cost of the blameworthy these equivalent assurances?
160 161
Or on the other hand improve to forfeit the standing of a blameless group to
cause our prompt social vengeance for the individuals who may be
Some contend distribution could assist with forestalling wrongdoing.
162 163
Regardless of whether the distribution of personalities were deferred until the

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judgment stage for a situation, the general population could get a superior
equilibrium of data on the denounced that would limit the biased impact an
exposed allegation has over the long run, but still disgrace those observed
166 167 168
blameworthy despite everything affect would be crooks .
169 170
Courts in the U.S. have held that biased pre preliminary exposure can risk a
171 172
respondent's on the whole correct to a fair preliminary and have changed the
173 174
preliminary scene to a place where the exposure was probably not going to
have biased the jury. However, South Korea is just somewhat bigger than the
province of Indiana. The scene choices are altogether restricted, and the
exposure is bound to affect the whole country.
Biased exposure before the preliminary might deny a respondent fair
treatment. This has potential risk to the honestly blamed as well as to the
general population assuming such bias later makes a court on offer upset a
conviction of a genuinely blameworthy criminal for absence of fair treatment.
We should be straightforward. Is the arrival of names and faces at this early
181 182
point in the law enforcement process truly to instruct general society about a
hazardous criminal running wild so we can forestall future wrongdoing, or is it
to engage the general population, satisfy interest, and sell a story?
Maybe we could track down the right equilibrium by applying the Golden Rule:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
After this isn't about how we want to treat others ― it is about how we would
have others treat us if we were to imagine being in their position.
How before long do you truly require that name or photograph of the
184 185
denounced? Could it at any point pause or would we say we will imperil the
eventual fate of a possibly guiltless individual to ful ll public interest?
All things considered, the litigant (as they then, at that point, would be) is as
yet assumed guiltless. Those new imperfect assault indictments were far

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190 188 189,190

beyond this stage and either near, or during, the preliminary. Honest men like
191 192,193
Liam Allen, Samson Makele and Isaac Itiary would in any case have confronted
a year or so of their names being distributed as supposed attackers, before
their charges were dropped.

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Report: Order ID 370530681

1. .. Misuse of semicolons, Correctness

quotation marks, etc.

2. Not at all like → Unlike Wordy sentences Clarity

3. regulation → regulations Incorrect noun number Correctness

4. is run Passive voice misuse Clarity

5. be utilized Passive voice misuse Clarity

6. suspects' → suspect's Incorrect noun number Correctness

7. free → accessible Word choice Engagement

8. The show was broken Passive voice misuse Clarity

9. very → same Word choice Engagement

10. with regards to → regarding Wordy sentences Clarity

11. was spent Passive voice misuse Clarity

12. , and Punctuation in Correctness


13. be unveiled Passive voice misuse Clarity

14. culpability → guilt Word choice Clarity

15. An alteration set forward by the GNP was Hard-to-read text Clarity
spent the next year permitting a
suspect's name, age and face to be
unveiled on the off chance that the police
have acquired an admission or
indisputable proof of culpability and the
wrongdoing is adequately not kidding.

16. presently Wordy sentences Clarity

17. A main → The main Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

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18. main → central Word choice Engagement

19. contention Wordy sentences Clarity

20. the charge, or a charge Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

21. different → other Word choice Engagement

22. This Intricate text Clarity

23. much of the time → often Wordy sentences Clarity

24. offenses → offences Mixed dialects of English Correctness

25. casualties → losses, deaths Word choice Engagement

26. they will be accepted Passive voice misuse Clarity

27. approach → come Word choice Engagement

28. named → called Word choice Engagement

29. , in Punctuation in Correctness


30. case, Punctuation in Correctness


31. approach → approached Incorrect verb forms Correctness

32. are genuinely offset Passive voice misuse Clarity

33. with → by Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

34. of → in Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

35. for Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

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36. , subject Punctuation in Correctness


37. 20 5, Punctuation in Correctness


38. restriction → limitation Word choice Engagement

39. offenses → offences Mixed dialects of English Correctness

40. person → persons Incorrect noun number Correctness

41. have yet Incorrect verb forms Correctness

42. with. Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

43. suspects → suspect Incorrect verb forms Correctness

44. of Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

45. blamed → accused Word choice Engagement

46. offenses → crimes Word choice Engagement

47. offenses → offences Mixed dialects of English Correctness

48. of → with Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

49. are charged Passive voice misuse Clarity

50. It appears off-base to sort suspects as Unclear sentences Clarity

indicated by the wrongdoing of which
they are charged.

51. are wrongly blamed Passive voice misuse Clarity

52. of offenses Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

53. offenses → offences Mixed dialects of English Correctness

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54. individual → personal Word choice Engagement

55. an offense → a crime Word choice Engagement

56. offense → offence Mixed dialects of English Correctness

57. for what reason Wordy sentences Clarity

58. is trailed Passive voice misuse Clarity

59. being Wordy sentences Clarity

60. named → called, quoted Word choice Engagement

61. an adjustment of → adjusting Wordy sentences Clarity

62. what is Wordy sentences Clarity

63. is → are Faulty subject-verb Correctness


64. contentions → Word choice Engagement

views, ideas, arguments, opinions

65. This Intricate text Clarity

66. , assuming Punctuation in Correctness


67. is named Passive voice misuse Clarity

68. For criminal legal advisors, this Unclear sentences Clarity

additionally brings up the issue of
suspect namelessness.

69. for some time Wordy sentences Clarity

70. offenses → offences Mixed dialects of English Correctness

71. are conceded Passive voice misuse Clarity

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72. long lasting → long-lasting Misspelled words Correctness

73. actually Wordy sentences Clarity

74. really Wordy sentences Clarity

75. Right off the bat, assuming one upholds Unclear sentences Clarity
obscurity for suspects this should apply
to all suspects and not simply

76. suspects, Punctuation in Correctness


77. eye, Punctuation in Correctness


78. on the grounds that → Wordy sentences Clarity


79. aware. Closing punctuation Correctness

80. happens → occurs Word choice Engagement

81. ought to → should Wordy sentences Clarity

82. However, Punctuation in Correctness


83. , I → ; I, . I Punctuation in Correctness


84. delivering → providing Word choice Engagement

85. serious → severe Word choice Engagement

86. Clearly, it Wordy sentences Clarity

87. it's implied Passive voice misuse Clarity

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88. been delivered Passive voice misuse Clarity

89. population, Punctuation in Correctness


90. discouragement → discouraging Confused words Correctness

91. get → getting Incorrect verb forms Correctness

92. , by and large, Comma misuse within Correctness


93. by and large Wordy sentences Clarity

94. will probably Wordy sentences Clarity

95. ― there → . There Hard-to-read text Clarity

96. percent → per cent Mixed dialects of English Correctness

97. of individuals Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

98. Taking into account → Wordy sentences Clarity


99. Taking into account this reality Misplaced words or phrases Correctness

100. freedoms → liberties Word choice Engagement

101. , assuming Punctuation in Correctness


102. privileges → bene ts, rights, claims Word choice Engagement

103. the opportunity Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

104. of → for Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

105. huge → considerable, colossal, vast Word choice Engagement

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106. be dealt Passive voice misuse Clarity

107. Another huge con contention frequently Unclear sentences Clarity

raised is that under the rule of the
assumption of guiltlessness, suspects
ought not to be dealt with like

108. culpability → guilt Word choice Clarity

109. charged → charge Confused words Correctness

110. very Wordy sentences Clarity

111. a normal → Word choice Engagement

an average, a typical, an ordinary,
a regular

112. However, Comma misuse within Correctness


113. , in → ; in, . In Punctuation in Correctness


114. Taking into account → Wordy sentences Clarity


115. kill → killing Incorrect verb forms Correctness

116. obviously, Comma misuse within Correctness


117. be educated Passive voice misuse Clarity

118. common → everyday Word choice Engagement

119. to some degree Wordy sentences Clarity

120. is to some degree offset Passive voice misuse Clarity

121. really smart → brilliant, genius Word choice Engagement

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122. are thought Passive voice misuse Clarity

123. a court, or the court Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

124. the popular Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

125. assessment. Closing punctuation Correctness

126. that the Conjunction use Correctness

127. decent → proper, respected Word choice Engagement

128. made, Punctuation in Correctness


129. These are the contending interests in Unclear sentences Clarity

question in the discussion about whether
an individual's decent name and picture
ought to be announced regarding a
simple capture before a conviction is
made, for the sole purpose of illuminating
the general population.

130. guarantees → ensures Word choice Engagement

131. are safeguarded Passive voice misuse Clarity

132. , so Punctuation in Correctness


133. two sided → two-sided Misspelled words Correctness

134. can be utilized Passive voice misuse Clarity

135. In the data age, safeguarding security Unclear sentences Clarity

has turned into a unique test with serious
and enduring outcomes assuming that we
fall at.

136. serious → severe Word choice Engagement

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137. public, Comma misuse within Correctness


138. are normally → Word choice Engagement

usually are, are usually, are typically,
are generally

139. over and over → repeatedly Wordy sentences Clarity

140. what Wordy sentences Clarity

141. be built up Passive voice misuse Clarity

142. All in all, for → For Wordy sentences Clarity

143. truly → genuinely Word choice Engagement

144. own Wordy sentences Clarity

145. We ought to mind since it is truly about Unclear sentences Clarity

safeguarding our own freedoms and
holding society to a norm before we
rebuff an individual for a supposed

146. to remind → reminding Incorrect verb forms Correctness

147. of our Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

148. From my point of view, In my view Incorrect phrasing Correctness

149. , rather → ; rather, . Rather Punctuation in Correctness


150. rather → instead Word choice Engagement

151. adjusted, Punctuation in Correctness


152. really Wordy sentences Clarity

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153. adjust → change Word choice Engagement

154. to adjust security interests best Inappropriate colloquialisms Delivery

155. lose → losing Incorrect verb forms Correctness

156. I accept we really want more discourse on Unclear sentences Clarity

the most pro cient method to best adjust
security interests instead of lose them in
our chase to catch and disgrace a hunter
in the present data age.

157. not to Modal verbs Correctness

158. be rebuffed Passive voice misuse Clarity

159. blameworthy → guilty, culpable Word choice Engagement

160. , on Punctuation in Correctness


161. hand, Comma misuse within Correctness


162. were → was Faulty subject-verb Correctness


163. the distribution of personalities were Passive voice misuse Clarity


164. biased → little Word choice Engagement

165. run, Comma misuse within Correctness


166. would be → would-be Misspelled words Correctness

167. be crooks → be crooked Incorrect verb forms Correctness

168. Regardless of whether the distribution of Hard-to-read text Clarity

personalities were deferred until the
judgment stage for a situation, the

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general population could get a superior

equilibrium of data on the denounced
that would limit the biased impact an
exposed allegation has over the long run,
but still disgrace those o…

169. biased → little, limited Word choice Engagement

170. pre preliminary → pre-preliminary Misspelled words Correctness

171. , on the whole, Comma misuse within Correctness


172. preliminary → Word choice Engagement

initial, primary, prior, vague

173. preliminary → Word choice Engagement

initial, introductory, primary, prior

174. exposure → direction Word choice Engagement

175. bigger → Word choice Engagement

more signi cant, more prominent,
more extensive

176. Biased → Little, Limited Word choice Engagement

177. This Intricate text Clarity

178. , assuming Punctuation in Correctness


179. the absence Determiner use Correctness

(a/an/the/this, etc.)

180. This has potential risk to the honestly Unclear sentences Clarity
blamed as well as to the general
population assuming such bias later
makes a court on offer upset a conviction
of a genuinely blameworthy criminal for
absence of fair treatment.

181. truly → indeed Word choice Engagement

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182. to instruct → instructing Wordy sentences Clarity

183. right → proper Word choice Engagement

184. at any point Wordy sentences Clarity

185. , or Punctuation in Correctness


186. ful ll → ful l Mixed dialects of English Correctness

187. All things considered, the Wordy sentences Clarity

188. near, Punctuation in Correctness


189. during, Punctuation in Correctness


190. Those new imperfect assault indictments Unclear sentences Clarity

were far beyond this stage and either
near, or during, the preliminary.

191. , in Punctuation in Correctness


192. in any case Wordy sentences Clarity

193. case, Punctuation in Correctness


194. attackers, Punctuation in Correctness


195. were dropped Passive voice misuse Clarity

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