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Arranged By:

1). Statements / affirmative sentences
Example 1 of 5

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said to me “I will go on vacation to Palm He said to me “That he would go on vacation to
beach Singkawang.” Palm Beach Singkawang”
(Dia berkata kepadaku “saya akan pergi berlibur (Dia berkata kepadaku “Bahwa dia akan pergi
ke pantai pasir panjang Singkawang”) berlibur ke pantai Pasir Panjang Singkawang”)
Aria said, “ I will give you a book nexy week” Aria said that “he would give me a book the
(Aria berkata,”aku akan memberimu sebuah following week”
buku bulan depan”) (Aria mengatakan bahwa “dia akan memberi ku
sebuah buku bulan depan”)
She said, “ I am very happy now” She said that “ she was very happy then”
(dia berkata,”aku sangat Bahagia saat ini”) (dia berkata bahwa “ dia sangat Bahagia saat itu)
He said, “I work in a company” He said “that he worked in a company”
(dia berkata. “saya bekerja di sebuah (dia berkata bahwa dia bekerja di sebuah
perusahaan”) perusahaan”)
They said, “we are going to Bandung city They said “that they were going to Bandug city
tomorrow” the following day”
(mereka berkata, “kami akan pergi ke kota (mereka berkata “bahwa mereka akan pergi ke
Bandung besok”) kota Bandung besok”

2). Interrogative sentences

Example 1 of 5

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Halim asked hani, “why do you come late today?” Halim asked hani “why she came late that day?”
(halim menanyai hani, “kenapa kamu datang (halim menanyai hani “kenapa dia datang
terlambat hari ini?”) terlambat hari itu?”)
Aldi asked kamal, “have you finished the Aldi asked kamal, “if I had finished the
homework?” homework?”
(aldi menanyai kamal, “sudahkah aku (aldi menanyai kamal, “apakah aku
menyelesaikan PR?”) menyelesaikan PR?”)
I asked m brother, “when will you visit us I asked my brother, “when he would visit us
here?” here?”
(aku menanyai saudaraku, “kapan kamu akan Aku menanyai saudaraku, “kapan dia akan
mengunjungi kami disini?”) mengunjungi kami disini?”)
He said, “ are you a table tennis player? He asked, “were me table tennis player?”
(dia berkata, “apakah kamu seorang pemain (dia bertanya, “apakah saya pemain tenis
tenis meja?”) meja?”)
My sister asked me, “where are you last night?” My sister asked me “where was I that night?”
Adikku menanyaiku, “dimana aku berada (adikku menanyaiku, “dimana aku berada
kemarin malam?”) dimalam itu?”)
3). Imperative sentences
Example 1 of 5

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

My mother said to me "Don't play PUBG too My mother advised me not to play PUBG too
much!" much.
(Ibuku berkata padaku "Jangan terlalu banyak (ibuku menasihatiku untuk tidak terlalu banyak
main PUBG!" main PUBG.)
She said to me “please pick me up at my office!” She requested me to pick him up at office.
(Dia berkata padaku "tolong jemput saya di (Dia meminta saya untuk menjemputnya
kantorku!") dikantor.)
She said to me "please turn off the phone!" She requested me to turn off the phone.
(Dia berkata padaku, "tolong matikan (Dia memintaku untuk mematikan teleponnya)
Father said to me, "Please take care of your Father advised me to keep my emotions.
emotions!" (ayah menasihati saya untuk menjaga emosiku.)
(ayah berkata kepadaku "Tolong jaga emosimu!")
He said to me,”don’t leave me alone!” He requested me to not leave him alone.
(dia berkata kepadaku, “jangan tinggalkan aku (dia memintaku untuk tidak meninggalkannya
sendiri!”) sendiri)

4). Exclamatory sentences

Example 1 of 5

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said, “what a beautiful face she has!” He said that she had a beautiful face.
(dia berkata, “betapa indah mukanya dia) (dia mengatakan bahwa dia memiliki muka yang
she said, “what a smart student hamzah is!” She said that hamzah was a smart student
(dia berkata,” betapa pintar hamzah siswa itu!”) (dia berkata bahwa hamzah adalah murid yang
He said me "Wow, your clothes are so cool!” He exclaimed that my clothes here so cool.
(Dia berkata padaku "Wow, baju mu sangat (Dia berseru bahwa baju saya sangat keren.)
Kamal said me “you look so sad!” Kamal exclaimed that I sad.
(kamal berkata kepadaku, “kamu terlihat sangat (kamal berseru bahwa aku sedih)
Umar said me “you are very handsome!” Umar exclaimed that I was very handsome.
(umar berkata kepadaku, “kamu sangat (umar berseru bahwa aku sangat ganteng)

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