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Name: Bond

Subject: English
Rating Information: 3 = Very Good / 2 = Good / 1 = Learning
Learning Attitude/ Characteristics/Performance Rating
Able to focus on a topic for 30 minutes 3
Able to learn autonomously and independently 2
Sustained interest in certain issues or topic 2
Persistent to refuse to give up when facing difficulties or failure 1
Seek the “ How” and “Why” 2
Able to understand pictures, words or diagrams by intuition 2
Able to understand the logical relation between similar diagrams 3
Study and participate in activities in accordance with instructions 2
Show courage to ask question 2
Able to concentrate on his/her study 2
Able to express his emotion effectively 2
Able to listen patiently 2
Accept to do difficult and disagreeable task 2
Quality of Work/Assignment
Achieves satisfactory results for task completed 1
Task done in timely manner 1
Read with fluency and expression 3
Understand and describe key ideas (character, plot, theme and setting) 3
Express opinion, argument and analysis 2
Recognize the organization of text and words 3
Use critical terminology correctly 2
Summarize the key points from a range of different sources 3
Focus on the question asked and integrate carefully selected quotes 3
Link points and develop arguments 3
Content 2
Communicative Achievement 2
Organization 2
Language 2
Apparently focuses attention on the speaker 3
Responds appropriately to the activity 3
Can answer various question such as name of the characters, stated 3
setting and subject of the topic or story
Can ask question pertaining to the story in order to obtain answer and 3
Participates actively and successfully in post-listening discussion 3
Grammatical Resource - Grammar 2
Pronunciation 2
Lexical Resource - Vocabulary 2
Comprehension – Interactive Communication 3
Discourse Management - Fluency 2

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