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Detailed Lesson Plan

In English I
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. Recognize common action words in stories listened to,
b. Give examples of action words
c. And act out the action words given

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: “ Frankie’s Pet” Action words
b. Reference: Daily Lesson Log
c. Materials: Chart of the story, flash cards, box, picture of action words, puzzle
d. Integration Values

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Review
Good morning class!
Good morning ma’am!
Class our last topic was all about
prepositions right?
Yes ma’am!
When do we use the prepositions
in, on and under?

Very Good!

B. Developmental Activity

1. Motivation
Class, do you know the song if
you happy and you know it?
Okay everybody stand and
let’s sing it!

2. Presentation
Now, I’ve prepared a short
story for you.
But before I will read the story
what are the things you
should do while I am reading
Listen carefully ma’am!
the story?

That’s right!
Sit properly ma’am!

(Reading the story)

3. Discussion
What is the title of the story “Frankie’s Pet” ma’am!
What is the name of the boy Frankie ma’am!
in the story?

That’s right! Fin ma’am!

What is the name of his pet?

Very good!
When Frankie feeds his pet, Happy ma’am!
what did the fish feels?

Frankie feeds his fish ma’am!
What is Frankie doing every
He clean the bowl ma’am!
Very good!
What else?

That’s right! He swims in his bowl ma’am!

What is the fish doing in his
He eats his food ma’am!
What else?

Very good!

4. Generalization Action words ma’am!

What do we call the
underlined words?

So, action word tells what the
subject is doing.
Run ma’am!
Can you give some example of
action words aside from those
who posted on the board? Draw ma’am!
Another? Jump ma’am!

Very good!
What else?
Yes ma’am!
5. Integration of Values
Class do you have pet at Yes ma’am!

Do you love your pet? By taking good care of them ma’am!

How do you show your love to

your pet? By feeding them.

What else?


C. Application
Now I will group you into 3 those
who have circle shape nametag
will be group 1, heart will be
group 2 and square will be group
I have here 3 envelops. Inside of
this is cut-out picture. All you
have to do is to fix and act the
action that is given Keep quiet ma’am!
But before you proceed to your
respective group what are the
things to be considered when you Cooperate ma’am!
are doing group activity?



IV. Evaluation

Direction: Underline the

action words in the sentence.

1. I fix my toys.
2. I cook our meals
3. I pray before going to bed.
4. I sweep the floor.
5. I play with my friends.

V. Assignment

“Frankie’s Pet”
Frankie has a pet fish named Fin.

Frankie feeds Fin every day.

He also cleans Fin’s bowl.

Fin swims in his bowl. He eats his food.

He looks happy in his bowl.

Frankie is proud on herself for taking good care of Fin.

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