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Complete the following sentences with appropriate cohesive devices given in the box.
Categorise the devices intor logical, grammatical or lexical. For grammatical devices,
identify if the references are anaphoric or cataphoric references.

- immigrants - such - alike - in other

- they - acute - it words
- Hence - theirs - instead - them
- former - however - latter - the
- mental - that - - his - there
- She - It - though

1. All her children have been imprisoned at least once. Infact, her husband is going __________
next week for the first time. there

2. We heard that the migration went smoothly. The __________ adhered to the instructions and
everyone cooperated. immigrants

3. Several of the conspirators have been arrested __________ their leaders are still unknown.
____________, the police are continuing their investigation. though, However

4. You said you wore her blouse without her permission. __________, you stole it. in other

5. I didn’t ask her to quit. ______________, I asked her to persist. instead

6. Poaching, in law, the illegal shooting, trapping, or taking of game, fish, or plants from private
property or from a place where _________ practices are specially reserved or forbidden.

7. Poaching was once performed by impoverished peasants for subsistence purposes and a
supplement for meager diets. ___________ was set against the hunting privileges of nobility
and territorial rulers. It

8. The teenage years can be difficult for parents and kids _____________. alike

9. The twins stole some snacks from the nearby shop. Their mother told __________ to return
__________ goodies but __________ said it was __________. them, the, they, theirs
10. We shall explore the ___________ health challenges to look out for in teenagers — among
them social anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self-injury, psychosis and suicidal

11. Pesticides can cause short-term adverse health effects, called acute effects, as well as
chronic adverse effects __________ can occur months or years after exposure. that

12. Examples of __________ health effects include stinging eyes, rashes, blisters, blindness,
nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and death. acute

13. They refused to pay the higher rent when an increase was announced. __________, they
were evicted from their house. As a result,

14. City dwellers are able to put up with higher levels of noise than villagers. __________, the
sound of brakes screeching in the night may pass unnoticed by the __________ but not the
____________. Hence, former, latter

15. They stood right in front of the police. __________ was where the view was the greatest. It

16. Dr Shafiqah took the student’s blood pressure that day. __________ also examined
__________ lungs and heart. She, his

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