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Chapter 1.2 The structure and function of the Lalas lel) Understanding the Specification ‘This topic area will teach you the name and + agonist location of the main muscle groups in the antagonist ‘human body and you will be able to apply them to examples from physical activiy? — * fx2tOr ‘sport. You will know the definitions and * antagonistic muscle action. roles ofthe SS es y a ii acl Ne 0s oxi —f | N ns =>, —_ “4 Fave 21Te manmade gagsin te hi ty ableta late exch these mj “Museles are made up of soft muscle tissue and skeletal muscle enables us to move. n spore the sty of muscle and how it works gies us a good Insight into iow we might make ou sports sills and activities even more lective and efficient. 1p showy he postonef eth hoffe gaps by sng an ale “ amsat. se gupsandiel an apopine ego. Ako te maine Sache | hoped Antony nd Pyle Activity Wie the names ofthe major ‘muscle groups on Postits and witha partner place each Post- iton each other's body showing ‘thatyou know th location. Or use a diagram and identiy the ‘major muscle groups. This could bbe made nto gant posters for ‘the classroom walls and help vou to member the lacations ofthosa muscle groups. ‘Thereare three types of muscle voluntary muscle—oF ‘smooth muscle whichis found inthe body’ intemal organs ‘Trists involuntary muscle because isnot under our conscious contol Cardiac muscle= this found inthe heartonyandisalso involuntary. Skeletal or voluntary muscle this isunder our conscious ‘contol and ese primaly formovement eg. the biceps ‘muscle in ou ams The location of major muscle groups ‘The ollowing mscles are named in the specification: {© Deltold- thie is used in all movements ofthe arms, Is most important Jnetion sto ithe arm straight outwards and upwards abduction at shoulder joint).eg to make a block in volleyball with arms straight above the head, ‘© Trapezius - this causes extension atthe neck, eg ragby forward in a scrum willuse the trapeaius to bind into the opponents «© Latissimus dorst- this is the broad back muscle I eatises adduction atthe shoulder joint Iwill swing the arm backvards and rotateit Jnwards For example a tennis player who swings thei arm back to hit the bal when servings using thelatissimie does ‘© Peetorals ~ there are two sets of chest muscles: pectorlis major (greater chest mule) and pectoral minor (lesser chest muscle). This ‘uses adduction and flexion at the shoulder jint inthe horizontal plane, These help to adduct the arm and rotate it inwards as well as Jovering the shoulder blades, ga rughy player making atacle would hold on to their opponent using the pectoral muscles ‘© Bleps bicepsbrach) - this canses Nexon atthe elbows faction isto ‘ing the upper am forward and totum the fear so hate palm of {he hand points upward (supination), 4, biceps cul in weight raining, {© Triceps triceps bach) ~ this causes extension at the elbow. Its function isto straighten the lbow and to swing the arm backwards, leg backhand in table tennis {© Abdominals - these bend the body forwatds a the hips causing flexion of vertebral colin and help to turn the upper body. For ‘example, performing st-up exercise will us the abdominals. ‘© Quudriceps - ths provides stability to the knee joint and extends or straghtens the kee joint. For example, along jumper when driving of the board will straighten th knee joint at take using the quadriceps {© Hamstrings- these muscles wil straighten the hip and cause exion a the knee joint, They wil also ben! the knee and rotate it outwards Forexample,a hockey player running acoss the pitch willbe using hee hamstrings nthe running action ta bend the knees, “A Fine 1228 pera etamcongo beneath Chapter 1.2 The siructure and function of the muscular system ‘+ Gluteals - thes are the muscles n your buttocks. They cause extension atthe hip joint and adduet the hip, rotate the thigh outwards And helps to straighten the knee sprinter willuse the gels in the Jegaction of sprinting down the track {© Gastroenemis~ the calf muscle istsed to bend the knee and to straighten or plantarflex the ankle. For example swimmer doing front «eral will point ther toes in the leg action using the gastrocnemius. The roles of muscles in movement Pairs of muscles “There isa vast range of movements that can be made by the human body. To prodice these movements, misles either shorten, lengthen or remain the same length when they contact. Muscles workin pairs as ane muscle contracts, the other relaces. Muscles that work together ike this ar called “antagonistic pairs. This type of action enables the body to move with stability and conto Examples of antagonistic pats ae: © Biceps and triceps ~ a the elbow joint As the biceps bends oF fees the elbow joint by contracting the wieeps relaxes. As the arm straightens, the opposite occurs (© Mamstrings and quadriceps ~ atthe knee joint. The hamstrings ‘contract and the quadriceps relax and the kncejolnt Nexes. As the knee joint extends, the quadricops (quads) contract and the hamstrings relax Agonist ‘hss the working msl that produces or contol he dei jist ‘overeat. It is also known a8 he prime mover. For example. the biceps Drache the muscle that produces the lexion movement atthe elbow. esa, ete “A Fire 123 sin athe show thagoiilas Section 1 Applied Anotomy and Physiclogy Key terms Origin This is the end of the ‘muscle attached to a bone that is Stabe, eg the scapala. The point of origin remains still when contraction occurs. Insertion ‘This isthe end ofthe ‘muscle attached to the bone that actively moves, eg the biceps insertion is on the radius, Antagonist For movement tobe co orintd. ales wikis pairs that contol sine The movement cased by the agi courted the acon tthe oppostgmuse called th ages For example the exon athe elbow caused the eps shortenng opposed bythe lengthening othe tiep which acts asthe antago which she single Fixator ‘This is a muscle that works with others to stabilise the origin ofthe prime mover og the trapezius contracts to stabils the origin ofthe biceps. ‘Some muscles have two or mor origins. eg the biceps muscle has (WO ‘heads that pall onthe one Insert to ite lower arm, Synergists “These refer to muscles that are actively helping the prime over or agonist to produce the dese movement. They are sometimes called neutrals because they prevent any undasired movements Sometimes the fate and the yneristare the same muscle, ete brachials acts 35a snergst ‘hen the elbow is bent and the orem moves upwards SUMMARY The agonist, leo known as the prime mover, s the working muscle and produces the desired jeint movement, 6.9. the biceps brachi produces flexion atthe elbow © The role ofthe antagonist isto counter or appoce the action of the agorist '¢ The fixator works with others to stabilise the joint. '* Antagonistic muscle action is when muscles workin pairs ‘As one muscle contracts, the other slaves, Practice questions 1. Label adiagram showing the major muscle groups. i marks) 2. Using on example ftom sport, descsbe how the biceps cand iceps work as an antagonstiepoiz. (4 maka) 3. Whatie meant by o fea? (marks) 44 Whatare tho main functions of the ollowing muscle groups? (marks) 0 Quatttcops © Gastrecnemius # Abdominals Rieck

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