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65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

ID Title Presenter Name
Pattern of tobacco use and perceived risk of COVID-19 following tobacco use among the COVID-19
1 patients from a tertiary health care institution in Eastern India Dr. Bijaya Nanda Naik
Association of Maternal Age & Delivery type with Low Birth Weight Newborns: A Hospital-Based
3 Study Dr. Shivangi Saxena
Post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescent girls infected with COVID 19 - A cross sectional
5 study” Dr. Anandu S
Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding covid-19 pandemic among rural residents of
6 puducherry- a cross sectional study. Dr. M.Mercy
Monitoring of antibiotic use in public health facilities of an Indian Union Territory as India started Dr. Dinesh Kumar
7 National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance. Meena
Dr. Priyanka
8 Emotional intelligence and suicidal thoughts – how related are they? – a systematic review Krishnamoorthy
Prevalence and Attributes of Suicidal Ideation and PTSD like Symptoms in Children Living In
9 Orphanages in Kashmir Valley Dr. Sameena Yousuf
11 The impact of covid-19 on injecting drug users : a qualitative study Dr. Shruti Vashisht
12 Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of common masses towards Covid-19 vaccine Dr. Nowsheen Zaffar
16 Hand-hygiene during covid - 19 pandemic Dr. Sajad Hussain Bhat
A comparative study on socio demographic determinants between MBBS students of pre-NEET and
18 NEET era in a government medical college, Tamil Nadu” Dr. Arul Murugan
Dietary behaviour and anthropometric parameters across the spectrum of pregnant and lactating
mother, infant, young children, adolescent girls and reproductive age group females: An assessment
22 of undernutrition among KOL tribe. Dr. Surbhi Yadav
25 A review of propensity score matching and their use in exclusive breastfeeding research Dr. Aravind Dharmaraj
Study on adverse effects and compliance to intravenous iron sucrose (IVIS) therapy from southern
27 Haryana Dr. Abhishek Singh
29 E-learning for Medical students: Way forward or a burden? Dr. Varsha R Mokhasi
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Anthropometric measurements as indicators of nutritional status of the elderly residing in Bhavnagar

30 city, western India Dr. Bansi Trivedi
Association between symptomatology and CT findings of COVID-19 survivors at admission time and
32 during follow-up visit Dr. Nagarajan J
33 Quality of life among middle aged women in a rural area of Haryana Dr.Meenakshi Kalhan
Assessment of nutritional status of anganwadi children in rural area of coastal Karnataka : a cross
35 sectional study Dr. Sumangala
Knowledge, attitude and practice of palliative care among healthcare workers from a commercial
38 hub of Eastern India Kavi Nila David Retina
Prevalence and correlates of anxiety and depression among healthcare staff during COVID-19
39 pandemic at a tertiary level healthcare facility Dr. Manish Kumar Singh
A study to assess the demographic profile and the treatment compliance of patients attending ‘Anti- SUMIT SINGH
41 Rabies Clinic’ by ‘Document Analysis’ in a tertiary care hospital, Gwalior, M.P. BHADORIA
Cross-sectional Study on Covid-19 Vaccination drop-out among Health Care Workers of a Tertiary
43 Care Hospital. Dr. Ripan Saha
A Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge of Diabetes Among Care Givers of Diabetic Patient attending
45 OPD in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Southern Rajasthan, India” Dr. Lakhan Singh
48 Financial Knowledge, Attitude and Investment Practices among Indian Doctors. Dr. Isha Tambolkar
To assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding ART among HIV/AIDS
49 patients in PGIMS Rohtak Neelam Kumar
Occupational Health Hazards among Teaching Community in Nadiad city- a pilot cross sectional
51 study. Dr. Pranav Kshtriya PT
55 A cross sectional study-“ to study the behavioural & psychological impact of movies on youth Dr. Chhaya Bohare
56 A cross-sectional study to reveal with respect to health insurance and its benefits Indore city Dr. Chhaya Bohare
A community based sero prevalence study of Covid 19 antibody among the population in South
58 Andaman district. Dr. Deepak kumar
60 A study on perception of healthcare providers about their profession in post Covid times Dr. Anil Ahuja
Assessment of Hand hygiene practices and barriers to hand hygiene among healthcare workers of
61 Government Medical College Hospital Jammu. Jyoti Bala
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Covid-19 restrictions: Impact on lifestyle and social behavior among adults of 18-40 years in Kurnool
65 town Dr. Kommula Deepthi
68 E-learning: Perception among medical students in Nandyal Dr. Kommula Deepthi
A knowledge, attitude, practices on Covid-19 among health care workers in tertiary care hospital in
69 Nandyal Dr. Afsar Fatima
Patterns and reasons of Junk food consumption among young adults: A mixed methods study from a
71 medical college in South India Dr. Vineetha S
74 Risk factors associated with the Reproductive Tract infection Dr. Aradhana yadav
76 Childhood undernutrition and role of crèche services in tea gardens of Assam Dr. Baidurjya Mahanta
78 Mosquito borne infections: A public Health problem Dr. ANITHA WILSON
Prospective evaluation of glycaemic status on treatment outcomes among tuberculosis patients from
79 coastal Karnataka HITHAISH KUMAR R N
Dr. Nandkumar
80 Clinical and epidemiological profile of the Covid 19 patients admitted at tertiary care hospital. Neharkar
82 To assess the community perception regarding Covid-19 vaccine using health belief model Dr. Khushbu Chauhan
84 Prevalence of anemia in pregnancy in rural Warangal DEVARAKONDA
86 Occupational health problems among fisherwomen in Margao, an urban area of Goa Dr. Rudra Kunkolienkar
87 The spectrum of pediatric dermatoses in a tertiary care center of Pondicherry: a prevalence study Dr. Niji Sara Jacob
Utilisation of Maternal Health Services in Rural Field Practice Area of Kakatiya Medical College,
88 Telangana. Dr. Bhavani R
Treatment Seeking Behaviour For Reproductive Health Problems Among Older Adolescent Girls In A
90 Rural Area Of Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu Dr. Jyothi Vasudevan
Rising pattern , seasonal predisposition and trend analysis of animal bite cases attending the anti-
rabies clinic in J.A. group of hospitals Gwalior during COVID 19 pandemic and before COVID 19
91 pandemic. Priyanka kushwaha
A community based cross sectional study to assess the prevalence and pattern of co- morbidity
92 among known type 2 diabetic patients of urban slum of North Karnataka, India. Dr. Tanuja Pattankar
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

A cross-sectional study to find out the extent of parental pressure for academic success being faced
93 by teenager in Indore Dr. Vijay Verma
95 Peer Pressure: A menace to the school students in Surat Raktim Engti
Comparative assessment of covid appropriate norms for types of public transport in a city of Eastern
96 India during pandemic VARSHA SRIVASTAVA
Satisfaction assessment among recently delivered women in District Woman Hospitals of Uttar
Prevalence and determinants of Anemia before and after intervention among adolescent girls of tea Dr. Padmashri
99 garden population in Dibrugarh, Assam Ronghangpi
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding COVID-19 among undergraduate medical students,
102 Jammu and Kashmir, Northern India Dr. Mohsina Mukhtar
An observational study to assess awareness about homemade ORS in prevention of diarrheal
103 diseases among under 5 accompanying mothers in urban slum of Indore city. Dr. Vijay Verma
105 A Cross-sectional study on COVID 19 vaccine hesitancy at Peri-urban areas in Kanpur,U.P, India . Dr. Ashish Pundhir
106 A study on factors influencing adverse events following COVID 19 vaccination in India Dr. Rachita R
Drug Compliance Among Patient With Hypertension And Type 2 Diabetes In Urban And Rural Health
107 Of A Medical College Dr. Aswin Aravindan
Effect of Physical Health, Nutrition and Hygiene on Body Mass Index of School-going Adolescents
109 near a Tertiary Hospital in Bihar Dr. Ria Roy
Clinico-epidemiological profile of covid-19 positive deaths in second wave of covid-19 pandemic in a
110 tertiary care center of Maharashtra – A record based cross sectional study Dr. Sumit Sable
A study of prevalence of hypertension and risk factors among state road transport corporation
111 workers. Dr. Shridhar Aghav
A study on quality of life among hypertension patients attending rural health training
113 centre,Vayalanallur and urban health training centre , Thiruvanmiyur ” Dr. M.Arunkumar
Strengthening of health workforce towards Covid 19 Pandemic preparedness in Assam Medical
114 College and Hospital, Dibrugarh Gamaleon Murmu
115 A study to assess impact of personal protective kits on working life of nursing staff Dr. Shalini Singh
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Health seeking behaviour for acute health problems during Covid-19 lockdown among the residents
116 of an urban area in Puducherry Dr. P. Stalin
Impact of Covid-19 and lockdown measures on tuberculosis notifications in Aurangabad district: an
119 interrupted time series analysis Dr. Vishal Bendre
Future-proofing India’s Public Health - Forecasting need for public health professionals in India upto
121 2025 Ritika Tiwari
Screening for HIV among presumptive and microbiologically confirmed tuberculosis patients in a
123 tertiary care hospital-Puducherry Dr. K. Pradeep
Vaccine hesitancy in case of under-five vaccination in slums of Burdwan Municipality, West Bengal: A
126 cross sectional study Dr. Sayantani Nayak
Clinical outcome of injection remedesivir in Covid patients admitted to tertiary care hospital,
128 Kakinada. Dr. Swarna Kallepalli
Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Vaccination Among The Beneficiaries Of Sikkim Manipal Dr. Jayden Lhamu
129 University: A Cross Sectional Study Bhutia
An Educational Intervention to assess the knowledge of 200 adolescents regarding sexual education
132 and its relation with perception of sexual assault. PRIYANKA KHATWANI
135 A Cross-Sectional study To Find Effect Of Online Video Games On Adolescents And Their Parents” Sanjay Silawat
136 Cross sectional study to assess of communication gap between parents and children” Sanjay Silawat
A comparative study on oral manifestations due to COVID-19 among diabetic and non-diabetic
138 patients, South India. Dr. Gopika M G
A Holistic Study on Demographic, Sociocultural and Healthcare Seeking Pattern of Irular Community
139 at Pichavaram, Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu. Dr. Dharani priya R
Evaluation of depression, anxiety and stress among nurses working in SVRRGGH Covid hospital
142 Tirupati - a Cross-Sectional study Dr. Ravindra kumar
Proportion and Awareness regarding complications of depression among chronic diabetic patients at
143 tertiary healthcare facility of Northern India Dr. Tamma Raja Rao
Impact of training program in improving knowledge of healthcare personnel regarding Bio-medical
145 waste management in Government medical college and associated hospital. Dr. Uruj Altaf Qureshi
148 Perception of Front-line workers on Covid-19 vaccination: The Effects, Side effects & Acceptance Dr.A.Priya Dharshini
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Quality of Life among elderly at home and at old age homes living in Perambalur, Tamilnadu – A
151 Cross-sectional study. Dr. Nawin jai Vignesh K
152 Anxiety due to COVID-19 and its predictors amongst undergraduate medical students of Kolkata Dr. C. Vanlaldiki
Knowledge and practice of teachers in government high schools during pandemic in Bhubaneswar,
154 Odisha Dr. Ansuman Kar
Awareness and Knowledge of physical exercises and its benefits among young adults of age group of Dr. Arunendra
155 18-25 years’’ Deepankar Nirat
Study of prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and associated risk factors among ASHA workers in
156 rural blocks. Dr. Sachin Shekde
COVID-19 , Lockdown and its impact on the Mental Health of people in Tamil Nadu : A Web-based
157 Cross Sectional Survey. Dr. Karthikeyan P R
Prevalence of Non communicable disease risk factors among nursing staff in a tertiary care hospital
158 in Puducherry, South India Dr. Rajarajan k
161 Is rule of halves in hypertension valid uniformly across India: an analysis of NFHS-4 data? Dr. Mohd Maroof
162 A community based study on helplessness and fatigue among infertility couples, Chennai Indra S
164 An observational study to assess the effects of using loudspeakers on health. PRIYANKA KHATWANI
165 Menstrual health among adolescent school girls in a rural area Dr. Nirmala C J
170 Mucormicosis and COVID-19 in India -A Review Rajeev Rathore
Prevalence and risk factors of diabetic neuropathy in Type 2 diabetic mellitus in Etawah, Uttar
173 Pradesh Dr. Kanchan Soni
Assessment of Utilization of Health Benefits at Health & Wellness Centers Under Ayushman Bharat
174 Mission in Imphal East and Imphal West Districts : A cross-sectional Study Authors Dr. Regina Wahengbam
175 Diagnostic delay in pulmonary tuberculosis- a cross sectional study Fouzia Naz
COVID-19 pandemic: How are medical institutions in India using this opportunity to transform
178 medical education? AMIR MAROOF KHAN
The challenges faced by doctors at work place during Covid-19 pandemic in a city– a cross sectional
179 study. Dr. K. Vijaya
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Morbidity pattern among the farm house residents in Vijayapur district, Karnataka. A cross sectional
The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of telemedicine of patients undertaking it from a speciality
186 hospital in Chengalpattu Dr. Jerry Alfred S
A Study on safety and efficacy of COVISHEILD vaccine in urban field practice areas of Osmania
188 Medical College, Hyderabad Dr. Dharnamoni
189 Application of Safe Systems Approach for Fatal Road Crash Prevention : A Public Health Perspective Dr. Anand N
Prevalence and risk factors for disability and developmental delays in school children of Delhi.
190 Archita Jain (Junior Resident), Nandini Sharma, Amod Borle Community Medicine, MAMC, New Delhi Dr. Archita Jain
COVID-19 related Knowledge Attitude and Practice among adults in a rural area of Hooghly District ,
191 West Bengal , India Dr. Kuntal Pal
A Study on Prevalence and Severity of COVID-19 among Post Graduate Students of a Medical College
196 in Central Karnataka Dr. Vimarsha L
Cross-sectional study to assess awareness about Water Sanitation in urban and rural population of
198 Indore city Dr. Dhirendra Soni
Dr. Subhrajeet
199 Anemia & Its Determinants amongst Peri-Menopausal Women in a Rural Community of West Bengal Chakraborty
Dr. Lalithambigai
200 Perceptions of shopkeepers towards single-use plastics ban in Puducherry: An exploratory study Chellamuthu
201 Post COVID-19 Symptoms Among Patients Recovered From COVID-19 Illness SOORVEER GURJAR
Assessment of health and social factors of adolescents in rural field practice area of a tertiary health
203 care centre PRASAD KENDREKAR
Life is all about how well you bounce”: A study on Resilience among school going adolescents in
204 Puducherry Dr. Sinthu Sarathamani
206 Health care need assessment of pregnant women in a rural area Dr. Potdar swapnali
207 Study on Menstrual Hygiene Practices among adolescent girls in rural field practice area of Katihar Dr. Gulshan Imroz
Dr. Subhradeep
208 Tobacco use pattern among autorickshaw drivers of Jorhat town, Assam Sonowal
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Study to Assess Practices and Perception of General Population of North Karnataka towards COVID
212 19 Prevention. ARATHY V
Pattern of road traffic injuries among individuals attending a rural health training centre in
215 Tamilnadu Dr. Samundeswari G
Self Directed Learning : perspectives of our medical undergraduates after initial exposure:
217 implications for developing strategies Dr. Somdatta Patra
Rapid assessment of HCW: to assess the situation, capacity and psyco-social needs in COVID-19
218 facilities Dr. Mugdha Kamble
Perception and satisfaction of students towards online learning in new normal at medical and health
224 science colleges Dr. Anushtha Singh
A survey about perceptions of e-learning among undergraduate medical students during COVID -19 Dr. Sivadhanam
225 lockdown. Harshitha
A Retrospective Analysis to Assess the Adverse Events Following COVID -19 Vaccination among Final
227 Year Medical Students of GRMC in Gwalior, (M.P.) Rani Verma
229 Awareness, attitudes and utilization of food labels among undergraduate medical students Dr. Sinthiya Annamalai
Health seeking behaviour among Peri-menopausal women in a rural field practice area of a medical
231 college in Pondicherry Dorthy V
A Multidisciplinary Public Health Approach through Community Engagement in COVID-19 Prevention Ruma Chandana
235 and Control – A proposal for Bhadradri Kothagudem District in Telangana State Kamarapu
Impact of community-based intervention on latrine usage in a rural village of Villupuram District,
236 Tamil Nadu Dr. Malar. I
237 Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of e-waste among the urban residents - A Cross Sectional Study Dr. Battina Upasana Raj
241 Vaccine hesitancy among health care workers: A study amidst COVID-19 vaccine drive in India. Dr. Medha Mathur
243 Unmet need of Family Planning in Tribal Rajasthan: An intervention study Dr. Medha Mathur
Dependency on Smartphone Use and its Association with Anxiety, Stress and Depression among
244 Medical students of a university in Northern India Dr. Gaurav Kumar
Assessment of e-Sanjeevani Out Patient Department Teleconsultation services coverage in East
247 Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Sravanthi Ganji
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Health screening of first year nursing students of government nursing college, civil hospital
250 Ahmedabad. Dr. Ripal Panchal
Gender difference in depression: An analytical cross-sectional study among slum dwellers of North
252 India Dr. Neeraj Pawar
254 Anti-rabies Immunization : Urban experiences Dr. Monank Patel
Study on Feeding Practices Responsible for SAM among Children(0-23months) in a Medical College,
255 West Bengal Dr. Upasana Poddar
Dr. Kirshan Hanse
257 Profile of medico-legal cases in post COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary care centre Chinthong
261 Private sector Involvement in Tuberculosis (TB) Control in Surat City – A cross sectional study Dr. Khushboo Hadiya
263 Interchange in dental public health after Covid 19 pandemic Dr. Tampha
264 Internet Addiction and its correlates among youth population Dr. Abhishek Mukherjee
Prevalence study on depression and obesity among adults in Kanyakumari district during Covid19
265 pandemic Dr. Glannie A R
Assessment of knowledge regarding immunization among mothers (<5yr children) attending
271 immunization clinic, KMCH, Katihar PRITHA GANGULY
273 Effect of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on mental health during covid 19 pandemic Rizvana
Birth Preparedness among antenatal women attending an Urban Health Center: Cross Sectional
274 Study Dr. Geeta Patel
Dr. Oliver Vincent
275 Assessment of knowledge of laws pertaining to medical profession, in a Medical Institute DSouza
276 Assessment of Diabetes mellitus risk among Staff Nurses in a Tertiary care Hospital Lily Bhoi
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Telemedicine among Health Care Workers in Northern Uttar
277 Pradesh: A Cross-Sectional Study Dr. Pradip Kumar
Epidemiological Analysis of Variants of Concern COVID-19 cases, Delhi and Punjab, November 2020–
279 April 2021 Bomto Riram
Dr. Attota Ratna
280 A study on post covid sequelae in health care workers Sowryaswi
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

281 Effects of unlimited 4g data and calling on college students Dwivedi
Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on work prospects, healthcare-seeking behaviour of women domestic
283 workers from a Kolkata-slum Dr. Shibaji Gupta
285 Epidemiological Characteristics of COVID-19 in India – A Comparative Analysis of the Two Waves. Mukund Gupta
Non-compliance to COVID 19 vaccination among health care workers of tertiary care center in
286 western Maharashtra. Dr. Akhil Soni
Dr. Swaminathan Manoj
288 Trend of Animal bite cases reported to anti rabies vaccination clinic at a tertiary care hospital Kumar
Socio-demographic profile of patients having HIV/AIDS and their drug adherence attending a Tertiary Dr. Archita
291 Care Centre in Kolkata Bhattacharya
Household out of pocket expenditure on health care in urban field practice area of Mysore medical
292 college – A Cross-Sectional study Dr. Rachana K Nair
An educational intervention to improve the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding sexually
293 transmitted infections/reproductive tract infections and cervical cancer in a rural area of Jodhpur Dr. Tooba Tanvir
A study on knowledge and awareness regarding covid-19 and its associated factors among general
294 population of district Ghaziabad Dr. Neha Jetli
A Study on the Impact of Information Education Communication Activities under RNTCP through
297 Patient Perspective in Thrissur District, Kerala. Dr. Jerry Rachel John
Assessment of Smartphone overuse and its effects on Undergraduate Medical Students, A Cross
299 sectional study Dr. Pratik Parekh
300 Quality of Life in stroke survivors of South Gujarat- A longitudinal Study Dr. Kavita G Bodar
Acceptance to Covid vaccination among pregnant women in an urban health training centre of a
301 tertiary care hospital, Bangalore– A Cross-Sectional study Dr. Kavita G Bodar
Impact of covid-19 on routine immunization program of under-5 children in a tertiary care hospital
306 of Udaipur Rajasthan Dr. Shikha gupta
307 Impact of covid-19 pandemic on Tb case notifications in Aurangabad district: A Descriptive study Dr. Anu Suresh
Knowledge ,Attitude ,Practice regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Among Urban People in Vijayapura -
308 Karnataka. Dr. K.Priyanga
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Profile of COVID positive patients under home isolation and factors determining their treatment Dr. Ayesha Siddiqua
310 Outcomes Nawa
313 A Study on Client Satisfaction in DOTS Centre in a Teaching Hospital of Jharkhand, India. Dr. Mayank Raj
314 Assessing Hand Hygiene Practices Among the Nursing Staff in a Teaching Hospital of Jharkhand, India Dr. Mayank Raj
Contraceptive Usage Pattern in Context of Women Empowerment among Married Women of
316 Reproductive Age Group from Rural Bengal: A Mixed Method Study Dr. Trina Sengupta
A study on gender preference among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinic of a tertiary care
317 hospital, Kolkata Dr. Ria Mukherjee
318 Teenage pregnancy and its out comes in a tertiary care hospital Assam Dr. Madhur Borah
321 Social dimension of palliative care: a qualitative exploratory study Dr. Abhijith Jose
322 Profile of Covid-19 deaths in a tertiary care centre in Kashmir – a descriptive study. Dr Ruqia Quansar
Perceptions of caregivers of malnourished children receiving in-patient care at a tertiary care
325 hospital in Bengaluru Dr. Hema M S
Knowledge Assessmentof Obstetric Danger Signs among Pregnant Women in a Rural area, West
326 Bengal: A community based study ARPAN KUMAR GHORUI
327 Vaccine usage and wastage in a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre in north India Dr Ruqia Quansar
A study on child feeding practices among mothers attending immunization clinic in a medical college,
331 Kolkata. Dr. Rituraj Dey
341 Does Covid19 affect IDSP Trends? An experience from a Primary Health Centre in West Bengal Dr. Mita Basu
Dr. Pradeep Kumar
342 Screening of Maternal Malnutrition in Nutritional Rehabilitation Center at Barai, Gwalior Verma
A Cross sectional study on academic performance and its determinants among adolescents in shelter
343 homes Dr. Meera Varghese
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Diarrhoea among Caregivers of Children under 12
345 years. Dr. Varun J. Wani
A Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and practice towards COVID-19 disease and vaccine among rural
346 elderly in Karnataka, India Dr. Rupayan Kapri
347 A Study on Male Involvement in Family Planning in a Rural Community of West Bengal Dr. Noor Islam Bag
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Spatiotemporal analysis of change in pattern of Measles vaccination coverage and its effect on,
348 deaths and cases of Measles disease in India Dr. Nitesh kumar
Prevalence of medical conditions in pregnancy among pregnant women seeking healthcare from a
349 tertiary care hospital in Srinagar Dr. Syed Najmul Ain
A Study on Mental health status of health care residents working in Gandhi hospital during Covid 19
351 pandemic Dr. A. Snehika
Quality of life of postmenopausal women in Block Hazratbal District Srinagar, Kashmir: A Community
352 based Study Dr. Syed Najmul Ain
A Cross sectional study on COVID19 vaccination status,barriers regarding vaccine and severity of
353 infection among 18 years and above in Covid19 positive patients attending a tertiary care centre D. Aruna Kumari
354 Dietary salt as NCD risk factor: Awareness, practices and associated factors among residents of Kolar Dr. Vishwas
355 Profile of clients attending a Non Communicable Diseases clinic of a tertiary care Institute. DARAKSHAN ALI
356 Study of unmet need for family planning in married women of age group (18-49 years) Dr. Nistha Rutam Dash
COVID-19 and Health: A study of its impact on individuals visiting a vacination centre in Ludhwania
357 District Dr. Heema Kashyap
Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding COVID-19 among residents of a containment zone in
358 rural Karnataka. GOWTHAM KARTHIC R
A study on dietary practices among the type 2 diabetic patients attending rural health training centre
359 of a medical college Dr. Srivaishnavi.K.N
Prevalence of mental illness and its associated factors among rural elderly population of Puducherry:
360 A community based Cross sectional study. Dr. Hariharan G
Predictors of mental health illness in Rohilkhand medical college and hospital, Bareilly: A case control
365 study Dr. Akanksha Sinha
366 Parental perception regarding re-opening of schools during Covid-19 Pandemic – an online survey . Dr. Muzamil Hassan
367 COVID-19 infection among police personnel in Bangalore city TEJASWINI HK
Behavioral changes in children after the covid-19 pandemic outbreak in urban population of district
372 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Dr. Abhishek
374 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice related to COVID 19 among Medical undergraduate students Soumya Agadi
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

375 Hospital based study to assess practice of self-monitoring of blood glucose in Karnataka Dr. Rashmi B.M.
Study of opinion regarding covid vaccination & AEFI of Covishield among beneficiaries vaccinated at
377 BRD MC, Gorakhpur. Dr. Aditya sharma
A cross sectional study on knowledge , attitude and practice regarding the use of iron folic acid
380 supplementation among antenatal women of Surendra nagardistrict Dr. Mital G Goswami
Prevalence of Internet Addiction and its Associated Factors among PG students of a medical college
386 of western Gujarat: Cross-Sectional Study Hardi Lakhtaria
387 Chronic Low back pain and Distress associated with it among adults in an Urban slum of West Bengal Dr. Goutham Mohan.M
388 Lifestyle determinants: An Overview Dr. Muzamil Hassan
Knowledge, attitude and preventive behavior's regarding COVID 19 infection among medical
390 students of Solapur, Maharashtra Dr. Nithes Ram
A study on physical activity among the type 2 diabetic patients attending a Rural health training
391 centre of a medical college Dr. Srivaishnavi.K.N
392 Impact of Social media use on body dissatisfaction among college students in Chennai. Dr. Keertana.M
394 Monthly Variation in Animal Bite cases in Anti Rabies Clinic of SMS Hospital, Jaipur Dr. Somya Grover
Knowledge, Attitude, barriers and facilitators regarding COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination
395 programme among the general population in Thrissur district Dr. Nithya M C
Screening for Hypertension and Diabetes among adults residing at Urban Field Practice Area Of
397 AIIMS, Raipur Dr. Ekta
“Perception of E-learning among medical students of VIMS, Ballari, Karnataka - A Cross Sectional
398 Study” Dr. Anju Mariam Jacob
Dr. Arunendra
399 A Cross- sectional study to assess awareness and utilization of public toilets in Mhow, Indore district Deepankar Nirat
Clinico-epidemiological profile of Mucormycosis patients admitted at Tertiary care hospital –Case
401 series Dr. Pratibharani Reddy
“A study of Internet usage pattern among medical graduates of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in
402 Gangtok, East Sikkim: A Cross-Sectional Study” Dr. Sunita Thapa
Determining the awareness, perception and willingness of using Telemedicine among software
403 professionals Madhavi Paidi
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Perceived myths and misconceptions about COVID 19 among adult population in an urban area in
407 Chennai – a web based cross sectional study Dr. Raghul.S
Prevalence and factors asssociated with depression, anxietyand stress among doctors and nurses of Dr. Venkata Suresh
409 a tertiary care hospital during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic Anga
411 COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in rural Warangal, Telangana Dr. D.Manisha
The role of health education on larval insecticides and fever cases from rural area of Thrissur district,
413 Kerala: A Quasi-Experimental study. Dr. Teenu.S.R
A Study on Performance Evaluation, Roles and Challenges faced by the DOTS Providers in Treatment
414 adherence of TB Patients in Tumkur city an untouched area. Dr. Savitha Rani B
418 The Morbidity pattern in the fishermen community of coastal Andhra Pradesh. Polukal
Assessment of Anxiety disorder among the Covid19 recovered patients in a tertiary care hospital at
419 Chennai - A Cross sectional study. Dr. Thamarai Kannan
421 A study to assess impact of COVID-19 on trends of TB prevalence in TUMKUR district Gopinath S
Vaccine Hesitancy towards COVID vaccine among unvaccinated frontline health care workers
422 working in a designated Covid care center: A cross sectional study Sindhu Shankar
Effect of two additional top up doses and deworming on outcomes of intravenous iron sucrose (IVIS)
424 therapy in the management of anemia in pregnancy Abhishek Singh
Knowledge Attitude and Practice Regarding COVID-19 Among Individuals Living in Rural Part of Bihar:
425 A Cross-Sectional Study Dr. Rituraj Kotoki
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Anaemia in Pregnancy during
427 Pandemic across the Costal District of Southern Part of India Abinav S
430 An ecological study on the factors determing maternal mortality among various states in India KUMAR
432 Job burnout assessment among officer grade bank employees of Meerut distric Dr. Alka Singh
433 Burden of disability in children under five years of age in slums of Pune, Maharashtra Amruta Gujar
Assessment of awareness regarding Covid-19 and associated eye problems in a tertiary care hospital
434 in India Dr. Parag Devkar
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Attitude and perception of medical interns towards rural healthcare services in India: An
435 observational study Bidisa Sarkar
436 Clinico-epideomiological profile of COVID-19 cases – Our experience Gautam Mukherjee
Routine immunisation coverage in children in a developing country : An observational cross sectional
437 study Dr. Esbah lateef
A Cross- Sectional Study of Effects of Increased Digital Device Use in Undergraduate Medical
438 Students during Covid- 19 Pandemic; Dr. Himali Agarwal
439 Socio– demographic correlates of quality of life of patients with Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Praizy Bhandari
A Cross Sectional Study on Period Poverty among adult tribal women in Birbhum district, West
440 Bengal Dr. Nivedita Bharti
Direct costs incurred by patients with diabetes mellitus attending a tertiary care hospital in Southern
441 India: A cross sectional study Dr. Navya Krishna Naidu
Pattern of health seeking behavior for Common Mental Disorders among women in Kamrup district Dr. Parimita
442 ,Assam. Roychoudhury
Mucormycosis during second wave of Covid-19 in India: exploratory analysis from tertiary care
443 centre of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Geetu Singh
Knowledge, Attitude and practice of using various safety measuresand to know about the various Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
444 health problems among in daily domestic waste collectors Dwived
Reflection of NCD burden of India in the indexed public health journals of India : A longitudinal Dr. Venkatesh
447 multiple cross-sectional analysis Karthikeyan
449 Reasons for non compliance to iron sucrose therapy among pregnant women of rural Haryana. Dr. Sonam Aggarwal
450 Rural outreach cancer screening post Covid second wave: experience from a village in North India Dr. Pallavi Shukla
454 A Case Control Study on Mucormycosis in tertiary care hospital, Bhopal Dr. Manju Toppo
455 Profile of morbidities of the elderlies attending various OPD's of a tertiary care hospital in INDIA Dr. Chandana Deka
456 Prevalence of Falls and its Associates among Older-adults and Elderly in a Block, West Bengal Dr. Dipankar Jana
459 Is It Possible to Reduce Cancer Burden in India? Vandana Khargekar
Health seeking behaviour among people exposed to dog bites in rural chengalpattu district A NOOR MOHAMED
460 community based cross sectional study RASIK
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Problems faced by patients with chronic incurable illness in rural field practice area of SRM medical NOOR MOHAMED
461 college Chengalpattu RASIK
Significant HbA1c reduction by BCC intervention on type 2 diabetes patients - RCT study in south
462 Indian population ” Dr. Alber.M.Mathiarasu
463 Mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients- A cross-sectional study of admitted patient at IGIMS. Dr.Vikash Kumar
466 A Study on consumers awareness on food labels. Do People read before they eat? Dr. Manjula S
467 Physical inactivity and its associated factors among adults Deepak Sharma
468 A cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practices of menstruation and menstrual hygiene Dr. Ranjith Vishwanath
Willingness and yield of opportunistic screening for hepatitis B among outpatients of selected Dr. Kavipriya
473 primary health centers, Puducherry Outtamane
Efficacy of nutritional and lifestyle counselling on quality of life of patients visiting Geriatric OPD in a
475 Tertiary care hospital of Western Maharashtra Dr. Nikunj Kumar C
Psychological well-being of rural adolescent girls in a community of North India: A cross -sectional
476 study Dr Muthathal S
Nutritional Status and Intra-household Food Distribution among Reproductive Age-group Women in Dr. Biswadip
477 Hooghly District, West Bengal: A Mixed-Methods Approach Chattopadhya
481 Impact of food insecurity on mental health status of adolescent tribal girls in Kodagu district Dr. Kaveri M
Impact of working from home during COVID-19 pandemic on domestic life and overall well being
482 among professionals. Dr. Asmita Patnaik
To evaluate various factors associated with IFA & calcium supplementation during pregnancy in a
483 rural area of south-east region of rajasthan Dr. Somya Thakan
484 Nightmare of Dark Era: Emotional Trauma of Residents on COVID 19 Duties in India Dr. Aakanksha Verma
Dr. Lata Radhakrishna
487 Covid-19 infection rate among vaccinated health care workers of a Tertiary Care centre,Bangalore. Kollur
490 Patterns of Self-referral to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India: A Cross-sectional Study Dr. Anand Kishore
Assessment of psychosocial impact of Covid-19 among medical interns working in a tertiary care
491 hospital in Chennai district, Tamilnadu- A Cross-sectional study Dr. Surya
496 Influence of packed food labelling on shopping practices: a cross-sectional study PRERNA VERMA
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Post-covid sequelae among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital, manipur: a cross-sectional
497 study Takhellambam Gitanjali
Pattern of substance use among older adults -elderly population:a community based cross sectional
499 study Satyabrata Maity
Relationship between psychological distress and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among
500 adolescents living with HIV attending ART Clinic, in a tertiary care hospital, West Bengal Dr. Anirban Dalui
501 Tackling Adverse Covid 19 Situation in India: A Perspective on Frontline Healthcare Workers Dr. Ankan Bisai
503 Burden of urinary tract infections among older adults and elderly:a community-based study Tanaji Mukherjee
508 A study on burden of falls and associated factors among elderly in a rural block Ranjith Viswanath
Barriers in implementation of national programme for prevention and control of cancer, diabetes,
513 cardiovascular diseases and stroke (NPCDCS) in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Dr. Ashwini Katole
Breast Self-examination practice among female post graduate medical students at M.K.C.G. Medical
518 College, Dr. Priyasha Panda
519 Association of COPD with severity of COVID-19 in tertiary care centre Of Pune city, Maharashtra. Dr. Minal Hatnapure
521 A report on the process of development of Trilingual drug calendar for chronic diseases Dr. Gouri Kumari Padhy
Perception of rural community in Telangana state about medical professionals and assault on
524 doctors Dr. Sucharitha valluri
Health seeking behaviour of pregnant women in the rural areas of Maharashtra: a questionnaire self-
525 reported cross sectional survey. Dr. Sunil Arsude
Perceptions and beliefs regarding social support systems for reproductive and psychosocial health
527 needs during lockdown Anuj Kumar
Assessment of breast self-examination practice and its barriers among rural females of block
528 Hazratbal: A cross sectional study Dr. Iqra Nisar Chowdri
Covid 19 vaccine hesitancy among the tribal population of a Block in Murshidabad District, West
530 Bengal Dr. Arnab Sarkar
Study on COVID-19 patient profile and preventive practices adopted during home isolation in Madhulekha
533 Gurgaon Bhattacharya
Risk Factor Assessment in Stomach cancer among ethnic Kashmiri population: A Hospital Based Case
534 Control Study Tanzeela Bashir Qazi
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

A study on the prevalence of underweight ,stunting and wasting in 0-5 year children in field practice
536 area of kakatiya medical college Dr. Sucharitha valluri
High prevalence of dyslipidemia among type2 DM patients at South India –a community cross Dr. Alber Mariajohn
537 sectional study Mathiarasu
538 Stress levels among adolescent dog bite victims: a Ccross sectional study Sivapria K A
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19 and health seeking behaviour among petrol
542 pump workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Tamilnadu : cross – sectional study Dr Manikandan R
543 Collaborative professional competency development: public health with evidence- based nutrition Anupreet Kaur Sobti
Compliance to lockdown measures and impact of lockdown on public health behaviours in urban
546 slum of Nagpur during the COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Yedhu S
Diarrhoea among under-five children and health seeking behaviour in tea gardens of Jorhat district,
548 Assam Dr.Mohd Asif
Nutritional status of adult persons with self-reported tuberculosis: results from a nationally
552 representative survey from India Madhavi Bhargava
Awareness and acceptance of Post-partum IUCD among antenatal mothers in rural areas of
557 Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu - A cohort study Dr. Rekha Palani
Knowledge, attitude, practices of bio-medical waste disposal among covid-19 patient attenders in
560 GGH, Kakinada Dr.Sai Poorna Patnala
An outbreak of hepatitis-a attributed to consumption of well water, Okkal, Ernakulam district, Kerala,
563 March-April 2021 Nikhilesh Menon
Changing age pattern of dengue – a trend analysis from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 2013 -
570 2019 Mahesh N
Test positivity rate, contact tracing, vaccination status among patients visiting flu corner (fever clinic)
571 of McGann Teaching District Hospital, Shivamogga, Karnataka: a prospective longitudinal study Sijin Wilson
572 COVID-19 in a district prison in Mon, Nagaland, June to July 2021; an outbreak investigation Hoito Sema
575 Closing prevention gaps in hospital settings- emerging frontier for public health professionals Preetam B Mahajan
Burden of care and its determinants among caregivers of children living with HIV and attending ART
576 center of a teaching hospital of Eastern India. Dr. Pushpak Das
580 Pregnancy specific anxiety, depression and cognitive deficits during gestation Dr. Dashleen kaur
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

An epidemiological study to find out the problems faced by general public in three major hospitals of
584 Chandigarh for last six months Dr.Ravneet Kaur
590 Knowledge and practice of ASHA on gaon kalyan samiti in a rural block in Ganjam District of Odisha. Dr. Srikanta Patra
596 Epidemiology of COVID-19 cases in district Agra, Uttar Pradesh, February – November 2019. Dr. Piyush Jain
597 Hesitancy and eagerness of COVID-19 vaccination in Puducherry, India Jeyanthi Anandraj
Burnout syndrome among healthcare providers during covid-19 pandemic in rural Tamilnadu, South
602 India Dr. Pretty Venis
612 Knowledge, attitude and practices on covid vaccine among medical students in Belagavi Dr. S. Hemavathe
A observational study on impact of COVID-19 on mental health condition among general population
614 in Hyderabad, Telangana, Osmania medical college. Dr. B. Pavani
Occupational stress among Anganwadi workers in the urban area of Berhampur- a cross-sectional
616 study Dr. Pallepogu Divya
Change in quality of life, exercise capacity and mental health among a cohort of COVID-19 survivors
617 in Kashmir Valley: an observational follow-up study. Dr. Asif Jeelani
Effect of educational intervention on road safety awareness and practice among medical students in
618 Chennai-a cross-sectional study DR. Swetha N B
A study on Adverse effects following COVID-19 vaccination, Vaccination Awareness and Preference
620 among people visiting vaccination Centre, Shimoga institute of medical sciences, Shivamogga. Dr. Shashi Kiran G M
621 Profile of beneficiaries at yellow fever vaccination clinic in a tertiary care hospital, Sneha Priya S
Population-based screening of diabetes and hypertension at health & wellness centers of Thoubal
622 District, Manipur, India 2019-20 Premchandra Singh Y
A crosssectional study on nutritional status and factors associated with malnutrition among school-
624 age children in Hyderabad Dr. A.Durga
Assesment of mental wellbeing among pregnant women in antenatal clinic at rural training health
626 centre Ilangovan Ravi
A cross sectional study on prevalence of ear nose and throat morbidities among school going
627 children in Hyderabad. Dr. A.Durga
COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the mental health of adults availing services at a private health
628 centre Jaine Rajan George
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Knowledge, attitude, pratices (kap) of final year medical students working during covid 19 pandemic
629 at GGH Kakinada. Dr. T. Smyrna Joy
Morbidity profile of patients attending OPD of UHTC Ankuli during COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive
630 study Jitendra Nath Behera
Challenges faced by the medical field staff working in covid 19 pandemic. a comparative cross-
631 sectional study on anm’s working in both urban and rural areas. Dr. Sreelatha
Dr. Ashish Kumar
633 Assessment of addictions among fishermen in a coastal area of Ganjam District, Southern Odisha. Sadangi
A study on health care utilization and associated out of pocket expenditure on health among elderly
634 population of rural field practice area of Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad Dr.sreelatha
655 Prevalence of violence among school going adolesecnt girls in rural area of district Rohtak Pratibha
Cervical cancer screening results and follow up status of women screened at rural health training
656 centre, Thiruvennainallur, TamilNadu Dr. Subalakshmi.S
Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding nutrition among antenatal mothers visiting ANC OPD of
657 tertiary care hospital, Pune. Dr. Kiran Sangwan
Assessment of knowledge regarding rashtriya kishor swasthya karyakram (RKSK) among adolescents
659 living in Delhi. Archita Jain
Qualitative study on experiences of staff of COVID-19 vaccination sites in tertiary care hospital of
660 Haryana Jitesh Satija
Evaluation of full immunization coverage and its effect on migratory pattern on immunization of
662 children residing among construction site workers in the Rajkot City, Gujarat Dr. Naisargika Jena
663 A Study on utilization of blood and blood Components in a tertiary care hospital in West Bengal Biman Mondal
665 MDD and knowledge of mothers amongst children of 6 - 23 months attending immunization clinic Dr. Kinjal Solanki
Socio-demography & risk factors in Covid and non-Covid mucormycosis patients at tertiary hospital-a
667 comparative study Dr. Vidya Dinakaran
672 Prevalence of pre lacteal feeding among children under two years of age in a rural area of Delhi Pallavi SIngh
673 Study to assess change in weight in hospitalized Covid 19 positive patients admitted in DCH Dr. Geetanjali Ghule
Clinical effectiveness of facility-based interventions to improve modern contraception use among
674 people living with HIV Dr Revathy R
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Seroprevalence of COVID-19 infection in Health care workers in a dedicated COVID tertiary care
675 hospital Dr. Lavanya B
A study to evaluate services provided under Janani Suraksha Yojana in urban health centre,
677 Gokalpuri,Delhi Pallavi SIngh
678 Prevalence of elder abuse in the capital city of Odisha Swayam Pragyan Parida
679 Social media addiction among school students in Surat, Gujarat: a cross sectional study Dr. Raktim Engti
A descriptive study of factors associated with mortality due to SARS COV-2 infection in a dedicated
680 covid hospital Puducherry. Pavithran Murugan
Performance assessment of NCD staff trained in VIA for cervical cancer screening in two districts of Dr. Mohammad Shahid
681 Maharashtra Hasan
Knowledge, attitude and practice on use of contraceptives before & during COVID-19, on-line cross-
682 sectional study Anil Kumar Sahu
A KAP study on breast self-examination among female interns in a tertiary care hospital, Odisha, a
683 facility based cross-sectional study Dr. Chumki Rani Nanda
Leptospirosis, associated acute undifferentiated febrile illness in peri-urban area in Chandigarh,
684 North India” Aditi Sharma
687 Trends in Serosurvey of COVID-19 pandemic in urban settlement Dr. Gracia Sohkhlet
693 Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Pediatric population as a public health burden Dr. Sahjid Mukhida
694 Study on attitude, practice towards covid appropriate behavior Dr. Soumik Roy
Current practice of family planning methods among married females of reproductive age group in
697 urban slums of Berhampur, Odisha: a cross sectional study Dr. Pradhan J.K.
699 Evaluation of services under NPCDCS at rural health training centre (RHTC), Barwala Dr. Rohit Katre
Nutritional status of the beneficiaries aged ≥ 19 years and above attending the 75 telemedicine
700 nodes at Himachal Pradesh: a retrospective cross-sectional study Dr. Vipin.Thampi
Need assessment for education-support in self-management of long-term skin conditions among
702 patients of an urban health center, Chetla, Kolkata. Rahul Das
Lifestyle risk factors and eating disorders among late adolescents (16-19yrs) in Mugalur Subcentre,
703 Anekal Taluk, Karnataka- a cross sectional study Dr. Cincy Varghese
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Association between socio-demographic factors and acceptance of family planning methods among
705 Scheduled caste women, Assam Dr. Anuradha Hazarika
Perception of Covid-19 Vaccination among adults residing in urban slums of Berhampur: A cross-
709 sectional study Dr. Jyotiranjan sahoo
710 Caregiver burden of geriatric population residing In urban area, Karnataka Dr. Sushma Yadav
714 Internet Gaming disorder and its impact on satisfaction in life Dr. Rabbanie Tariq
Treatment outcomes and its correlates among TB patients treated with daily regimen under RNTCP
715 in Puducherry- A sequential explanatory mixed method study Dr. Anugraha J
Impact of COVID-19 on routine healthcare services at primary and secondary level government Dr. Harimadhav
720 healthcare facilities in Jodhpur Viswanathan
An Observational study to determine Prevalence of Vitamin D3 Deficiency and Insufficiency in
721 Pregnant mothers of Rural and Urban Health Centres in Panvel block of Maharashtra Dr. Sonal Raut
Perception of health care providers and patients on digital health intervention for health care
723 delivery in era of Covid 19-A qualitative study in a Dedicated Covid Hospital in Maharashtra Dr. Mahitha M C
Risk perception of contacting SARS2 in migrant workers returning home during lockdown to coal
724 capital Dhanbad. Jharkhand. Dr. Ravi Ranjan Jha
Knowledge, Perceptions, Barriers to Personal Protective Equipment with Remedial Measures among
729 Health-Care Workers during COVID-19. Dr. Prem Vardhan
731 A Study on Risk Perception of Plastic Pollution in an Urban Block of West Bengal Dr Sagnik Chakraborty
Risk factors for mortality of COVID-19 patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital Mysore,
733 Karnataka: A retrospective study Dr. Thulasi M
A study to assess the impact of educational intervention on Knowledge of cervical cancer among
734 Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) of Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh Dr. Shubhra Dubey
736 COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance among Health Care Workers in a Tertaiary Csre Hospital in Kolkata Dr. Bibek Paul
Assessment of life style changes among medical students of a private medical college during COVID-
737 19 pandemic. Dr. Ramya MP
A study on prevalence of anemia among pregnant women registered at Urban health training Centre
740 Polyclinic, Chameli Chowk, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh Dr. Shubhra Dubey
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

AEFI Among Health Care Workers Who Received First Dose Of Covishield Vaccine In Government
744 Medical College Anantnag – An Observational Study Dr. Abdul Hamid
745 Prevalence and Determinants of nonadherence to medication in patients with chronic diseases Dr. Abhisikta Bose
Prevalence of Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Medical Undergraduate Students of
747 Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College Kalaburagi, Karnataka. Dr. Shivanand
Diabetes Self Care Activities among patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at urban field practice
748 area of a medical college. Dr. Roopa R Mendagudli
Dr. Saravanan
750 Understanding the Role of Social Media in COVID-19 Pandemic: Trust and Misperception Chinnaiyan
A Comparative Study on Mental Health Status Among Urban Pet- Owners and Non Pet- Owners
752 against COVID-19 backdrop Dr. Mukta Mondal
Adverse events following Covaxin immunization among vaccine beneficiaries of a tertiary care
755 institution of Eastern India Dr. Dinesh Prasad Sahu
760 Prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus Co-infection in a tertiary care setup Dr. Shalini Bhaumik
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on routine childhood-immunization post lockdown in a tertiary care
761 centre in Kolkata. Dr. Aritraa Hazra
An Epidemiological study on morbidity pattern and quality of life among geriatric patients attending
762 a tertiary care hospital, Kolkata. Dr. Abhishek Reja
Dengue Seroprevalence trends of 2 years in a tertiary care hospital with special attention to COVID
768 pandemic Dr. Sriram Kannuri
Primary Health Care Through COVID-19 Pandemic; The Prospective of Govt. Medical Officers: A
780 Qualitative Study. Dr. Aishwarya Laxmi Das
Awareness regarding Anaemia, Gestational diabetes mellitus and Hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy among antenatal mothers of Rural Pudhucherry”. -A Community based Cross-sectional
786 study Dr. Anbarasu.V
Dr. Vijaylakshmi Rao
789 Assessing the coverage of PM-JAY Scheme and OOPE in Mysuru Urban Slum Dwellers Vadaga
Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Health Care Workers in Calcutta National Medical College and
791 Hospital, Kolkata. Dr. Bibek Paul
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

792 Effectiveness and Role Efficacy of Noncommunicable disease Clinics in Andhra Pradesh Dr. Jyothi Kurapati
Outbreak of Convulsions with Unknown Etiology among residents in West Godavari District, Andhra
794 Pradesh – Profile & Preliminary findings Dr. Sathiyanarayanan S
795 A Cross Sectional Study on Students Outlook on Online Education During Covid 19 Pandemic. Dr. Triveni Gawas
797 Innovative steps for COVID 19 in Kollam ,Kerala _TRIPLE ZERO CAMPAIGN Dr Sandhya
798 Knowledge Assessment of Breast Cancer by Pre- and Post-Test Model in ASHA workers Dr. Shefali Jain
Success story of a coastal community COVID 19 cluster containment-Alappad Panchayath, Kollam- A
799 Qualitative enquiry Dr. Priyanka Sajeev
Dr. Shailesh Ankush
800 Surveillance of covid-19 re-infections in health care workers of dch govt. Medical college aurangabad Kharatmol
Drivers of Hesitancy Towards COVID-19 Vaccine Healthcare Workers in Delhi: Anticipation Before the
801 Vaccine Launch Dr. Anmol Goyal
A Cross- sectional Study to assess the factors causing Non - Compliance of the Iron Supplementation
802 in the Antenatal Women Dr. Shefali Jain
804 Perception of Covid-19 vaccine due to media influence and its impact Dr. Somya Thakan
Dr. Rodney Preetham
807 COVID-19 elimination: is it a possibility? Vaz
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on COVID-19 vaccine among Pregnant and Lactating Mothers in
811 Belgavi Dr. Madhush Kumar
Awareness and coverage of health and social insurance among elderly population of urban and rural
812 areas of Belagavi district - A cross-sectional study DR. Nishtha Malhotra
814 Assessment of NBCC at L1and L2 delivery points of Ganjam district,Odisha Dr. Pradyuspita Sahoo
Community Perception and Risk Reduction Behaviour in Control Of Malaria and Dengue- A Mixed
815 Method Study in The Slums of Bengaluru Dr. Nasreen P M
Chrononutrition and its Association with Body Composition, Midnight Cravings and Sleep among
816 Undergraduate Medical Students Dr. Rathod Neelam
817 Performance of The Health Systems with Respect to Responsiveness in Telangana Dr. Jyothi Kurapati
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Anaemia among adolescent girls of selected areas of Puducherry: A cross-sectional descriptive

818 study” Dr. Vishali
819 Gender inequity among COVID-19 vaccinations in India: Insights from the COWIN vaccination data Dr. Adrija Roy
820 Reporting status of ILI /ARI Cases In District Bageshwar, Uttarakhand Dr. Preeti
Knowledge and Perception of Breastfeeding Among The Antenatal Women Attending Urban Health
822 Training Center, of government Medical College Anantnag , Kashmir –A Cross Sectional Study Dr. Abdul Hamid
826 Control of Zika infection at Kollam district, Kerala- A qualitative enquiry Dr.Priyanka Sajeev
Geriatric Friendly Services in Health Care Facilities of Puducherry - An Explanatory Mixed Method
827 Study Dr. Jasvinder Nain
829 Digital and AI based solutions to maximize healthcare delivery in India Dr. Rakhi Ahuja
830 High Maternal Mortality Rate in India: Time to Re-think Dr. Pradip Kharya
Compassion fatigue, burnout and secondary traumatic stress among nurses in a tertiary care hospital
835 during COVID 19 pandemic Dr. Isha Sinha
836 Addiction to Cigarette smoking among medical professionals using the Cigarette dependence scale Dr. Kouser sideeq Lone
E POSTER : - “Prevalence of Household Level Water Insecurity Experiences in Urban Slums in Field
838 Practice Area of Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute” Dr. Geethu S
839 Bedaquiline for MDR and XDR-Tb – A Retrospective study on Clinical characteristics and Outcome Dr. Arifunhera J
Surveillance strategy in high, medium & low TPR areas during 2nd wave COVID 19 pandemic in
842 Kollam district, Kerala. Dr. R.Sandhya
A Study of Clinical Profile, Sequelae of covid and Satisfaction of Inpatient Care at a government covid
843 care hospital in Karnataka Dr. Harshini Suresh
Assessment of Beneficiary Satisfaction of the Assam Health Information Helpline during the COVID- Dr. Anusha
844 19 pandemic Purushotham
Evaluation of cross-contamination during collection, storage & transportation of samples for Covid-
846 19 in mobile camps, Bengaluru Dr. Shweta Sanadi
849 Hunger due to Covid-19 in India: An Unmitigated Disaster Dr. Kamolini Ghosh
Health Insurance Coverage and Out-Of-Pocket-Expenditure in The Urban Slums of Bhubhaneshwar –
850 Cross Sectional Study Dr. Akshaya R
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

Dr. Vinoth Kumar

852 Anemia in Health Care workers – A neglected health burden Kalidoss
An Observational Study on Internet Addiction among Undergraduate Medical Students of SMS
853 Medical College, Jaipur. Dr. Ajay Gupta
An evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine post introduction in Urban Primary health centres of west zone,
854 Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike- A cross sectional study Dr. Pratap Pawar
When and How do males involve in Maternal and Child Health? A perceptive analysis among women
855 in Puducherry Dr. Angusubalakshmi R
Dr. Surendran
856 Review of the healthcare management models for COVID-19 in India Venkataraman
858 Study on Prevalence and Awareness of Text Neck Syndrome: A Digital Questionnaire-Based Survey Dr. Aprajita Singla
Exposure to Tobacco Advertisements Promotions & Sponsorship (TAPS) and its change with time - a
860 comparative study from the two rounds of Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) – India Dr. Neema Joseph
865 Compliance to Home Quarantine measures during the 1st wave of Covid-19 pandemic Dr. Shilpa Nellikkal
Screening of Random Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index among Gutti Koya Tribal
866 People in Votavagu Village of Khammam District in Telangana State Dr. Kamarapu Ruma
Prevalence of Anemia and knowledge regarding anemia among reproductive age group women of
869 area catered by sub center syedpora block hazratbal srinagar(J&K) Abdul AZIZ
Effect of COVID19 pandemic and national lockdown on persons with diabetes from rural areas
872 availing care in a tertiary care center, South India Jeby Jose Olickal
Dr. Gurmanbir Singh
873 Depression Among College Students in J&K: Prevalence And Associated Risk Factors Dhillon
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of patients visiting Tertiary Care Centre for Anti-
874 Rabies Vaccination Jyotsana Tondwal
Impact of COVID 19 on physical and mental health, among the rural community of Coimbatore: A
878 mixed methods research Dr. Punithakumary P
Burden and predictors of hypertension among the tribal populations of India: Analysis of NFHS-4
Dr. Zahid Ali Khan
879 data
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

A study to assess the attitude and find the effect of an awareness programme on knowledge
regarding Non-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) among male partners in a selected community of West
880 Bengal. Dr. Puja Pati
Screening for hearing impairment among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients and its bearing on
883 Quality of Life - Anukriti Jain Dr. Anukriti Jain
886 Patterns and Usage of tobacco and alcohol among construction workers in Tumkur city, Karnataka. Dr. Bharateesh.J.V
887 Effectiveness of gutkha ban on tobacco users-A cross sectional study Dr. Bharateesh.J.V
888 Importance of PAP Smear in Detection of Cervical Epithelial Abnormalities in Rural Population Dr. Suhrud Bangal
Respiratory Abnormalities among Smoking and Non-Smoking Rural Migrant Brick Kiln Workers from
889 TamilNadu, India Kavitha V
891 Mental Health screening of Adolescents: Essential for sound minds of the future Dr. Priya Kulkarni
A Study on selfcare and treatment compliance among diabetics in field practice area of a
893 Government Medical college, Hyderabad, Telangana Dr. Y Sai Krishna
A Cross Sectional Record Based Study on Pattern of Pulmonary Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Among
895 Patients registered in Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Centre of Jabalpur Division (M.P). Dr. Aditi Bharti
Self Esteem and depression among MBBS Interns of a medical college in Bengaluru: A Cross Sectional
897 Study Dr. Sridevi Kulkarni
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Concerning COVID19 Among People residing at Urban Field
899 Practice Area, Mysuru Dr. Shabeena A
900 Utilization of untied funds of subcenters in Tangi block of Khordha district: A mixed method study Dr. Annu Antony
901 Geographical variations in the prevalence of anaemia among school going children in Tamil Nadu. Dr. Kamakshi Priya.K
Prevalence of hypertension and its risk factors in adults attending OPD at Rural Health Training
902 Centre Dr. Akash Kumar Roy
Competency based approach for enabling medical research among undergraduate medical students
903 in India: a nation-wide online survey Dr. Anushka Joshi
Influencers in adopting terminal methods (both tubectomy and vasectomy) of contraception among
904 target couples of urban and rural areas Dr. Nivedya Krishnan C
905 Impact of COVID 19 on detection of Tuberculosis at a Community level Health Center in Aligarh, India Dr. Simon Jude
65th IPHACON – List of Abstracts selected for e-Poster presentation

906 FOPL and its understanding among consumers Dr. Pradeep Aggarwal
Determinants of Anaemia among Urban and Rural Adolescents of Jabalpur District & Proportion
907 Misclassified Through Point of Care Test Dr. Tej Pratap Singh

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