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Trucks are the biggest consumers of road and highway networks. They are one of the
biggest commercial carriers to operate on national highways and other roadways across
the length and breadth of the country. Naturally, they are experts in carrying huge truck
loads across designated routes to improve operational efficiency. The truck loads have a
big impact on pavement conditions depending on the type of axles used (single or multi-
axles). Our axle load surveys enable determining Vehicle Damage Factors (VDF). It further
drives smart pavement condition management for better servicing to the vehicles plying
the road or highway.

The main purpose of the axle loads for trucks survey is to collect preliminary information
regarding the range of heavy axle loads traversing the nation’s main highways. This is
essential so that for Road Engineers can design a more robust road network, without going
into frequent maintenance due to poorly designed roads and pavements. It also helps them
to boost the performance of routine and periodic maintenance, and to expand its database
of vehicular axle weights. At Solverra we seek to improve the engineering surveys and
investigations for government bodies with the help of cutting edge axle load survey

Using our proven axle load survey method, road maintenance authorities can uphold the
structural integrity of roads and reduce the life cycle costs. We deliver a proven Axle load
survey method. Here, measurements are made for two days over a 24-hour period on
random sampling basis. This data helps to assess the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) as well
as Single Axle Load (SAL) distributions by axle configuration or by type of truck.

With axle load calculation for trucks, road authorities can make better decisions on which
stretch to repair and which part of the road or pavement to prioritize, in order to optimize
traffic flow. The data helps reduce the effects of overloading and prevents accelerated
damage to pavement. With a comprehensive study of axle loads for trucks road planning
departments can ensure that existing roads are appropriately maintained so that they
provide appropriate level of service for road users across a longer durations. These surveys
also assist to improve existing road conditions to meet the necessary standards in order to
enable them to carry prevailing levels of traffic with the desired level of safety. These
surveys also provide new roads to the required geometric, pavement design and safety

The only effective way to compare the damaging effect of traffic on given roads is to
measure the complete spectrum of axle loads and calculate the appropriate equivalence
factors. This paper discusses the equipment, methods, applications, and case studies of axle
load surveys on Indian roads. Axle loads and gross vehicle weights can be measured by
static or dynamic methods. In a static method, vehicles are stopped to measure their axle
loads; the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) portable weighbridqe and the wheel
weighing pad are often used for this purpose. In a dynamic method, axle loads are
measured without stopping the vehicle or diverting it from other traffic; weigh-in-motion
(WIM) technology has many advantages and several types of dynamic weighing equipment
are now available worldwide. The AASHTO Road Test shows that the damaging effect of
axles on both concrete and flexible pavements is approximately proportional to the fourth
power of the axle load, and establishes the relative damage caused by a wide range of axle
loads. Bhalla and Sarin and the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) have both collected
data on the spectrum of axle loads on Indian National Highways. These results are
especially useful, because overloading of lorries is common in almost all countries,
including India.

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