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SW upgrade

Quick Start Guide

1 method
In order to upgrade your projector, please follow the method described below in section 2, 3 & 4.
• You will need a memory/USB stick set up with a FAT-file system to perform this upgrade

2 download
• Access the upgrade software from the
Download and save the file

• Unzip and extract the firmware file to the root of a USB memory stick
PS! Important that USB is safely removed from computer, using the eject function on your PC

3 upg rade
• Set the projector in standby mode
• Insert the memory stick in the projector and wait a few seconds
• The LCD display will indicate that it has detected an upgrade file on the memory stick
• Remove the memory stick when the LCD display instructs you to do so
• Do not remove the power cord while the upgrade is still in progress
• The projector may restart several times during the upgrade

4 finishe d
The upgrade has finished successfully when the ordinary LCD display returns, as shown in picture.

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