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Subject: Science
Chemistry, L-7, Air and Atmosphere

Do the following work in your notebook:

F.Answer the following questions in short-

Q.1. Name the component of air which condense on the cold surface to form drops of a
liquid. what is this liquid?
Ans. water vapour is the component of air which condense on the cold surface to form

Q. 2. Why do, deep sea divers carry oxygen cylinders with them?
Ans. The deep -sea divers carry oxygen cylinders with them because there is dissolved
oxygen in the deep sea which is not breathable by them.

Q. 3. State the importance of carbon dioxide for living things?

Ans. Carbon dioxide is important for living plants for photosynthesis.

Q. 4. What is the importance of water vapour in air?

Ans. Water vapour forms cloud after condensation.

Q. 5. Why do plants need nitrogen?

Ans. The plants use nitrogen gas of the to make proteins. These proteins are used by the
plants for their growth.

Q. 6. From where does dust enter into the air?

Ans. The dust particles enter into the air from blowing wind, traffic on roads, construction
activities, agricultural activities etc.

Q. 7. What deplete the ozone layer in the atmosphere? What are the harmful effects of
the depletion of ozone layer on us?
Ans. Chlorofluorocarbon gas is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the
atmosphere. Due to the depletion of ozone layer UV radiation from sun directly come
on the earth surface which is responsible for the skin cancer in human beings.

Q. 8. Name one source and one harmful effect of each of the following air pollutants:
a. Sulphur dioxide c. Carbon monoxide
b. Nitrogen oxides d. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)

Ans. A. Sulphur dioxide: Sulphur dioxide is produced by the burning of fuels. Sulphur
dioxide gas in the polluted air cause respiratory problems and responsible for acid
B. Nitrogen oxide: Nitrogen oxide are produced by the burning of fuels. nitrogen
oxide attack breathing system and lead to lung congestion.
C. Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion
of fuels like wood coal kerosene. Carbon monoxide is responsible for the reduction of
oxygen carrying capacity in the blood.
D. Chlorofluorocarbons: Chlorofluorocarbons are the chemical compounds made of
fluorine, chlorine, and carbon elements. Chlorofluorocarbon is responsible for the
ozone depletion.

Q. 9. How is oxygen prepared from air?

Ans. 78% of the air is nitrogen and 21% is oxygen. These two gases can be separated by
fractional distillation of liquid air.

Q.10. What happens when sodium nitrate is heated?

Ans. When sodium nitrate is heated it converts into sodium nitrite and oxygen.

Q.11. Give reaction of oxygen with:

a. phosphorus b. potassium
c. calcium d. nitrogen
Ans. A. Phosphorus:
4P + 5O2 2P2O5 (phosphorus pentaoxide)

B. Potassium:
4K + O2 2K2O (potassium oxide)

C. Calcium:
2Ca + O2 2CaO (calcium oxide)

D. Nitrogen:
N2 + O2 2NO (Nitric oxide)

Q.12. Write the similarities between rusting and combustion.

Ans. Oxygen is required in both rusting and combustion. In both the processes oxides
are formed.

Q.13. Write the difference between combustion and respiration.


Q.14. Explain suspended particulate matter.

Ans. The major air pollutants which cause air pollution such as dust, smoke and fly ash
are called suspended particulate matter.

Q.15. Write some ways of controlling air pollution.

Ans. Ways of controlling air pollution:
1. The air pollution can be controlled by using bio- fuels.
2. Renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy etc should be
3. We should be plant more and more trees to reduce pollution.

Q.16. Write some physical properties of oxygen.

Ans. Oxygen gas is heavier air, it is sparingly soluble in water and neutral in nature.

Q.17. What is acid rain? Write some harmful effects of acid rain.
Ans Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds
like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. Acid
rain leaches aluminium from the soil. That aluminium may be harmful to
plants as well as animals. Acid rain also removes minerals and nutrients from
the soil that trees need to grow. It also causes skin diseases in humans.

G- Answer the following questions in detail:

Q.1. Write some uses of following:

a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Carbon dioxide d. Water vapour
e. Inert gases.
Ans. A. Oxygen: 1. It is used by all the living beings for breathing.
2. It is needed for burning.
3. It is used in manufacturing of steel.

B. Nitrogen: 1. Nitrogen dilutes the activity during combustion.

2. Essential in plant growth.
3. It is used in food preservation.

C. Carbon dioxide: 1. It maintains the temperature of the earth by trapping

heat of the sun.
2. Essential for food making process in plants.
3. It is used for extinguishing fire.

D. Water vapour: 1. It plays an important role in maintaining water cycle.

2. Water vapour determine the climate of any place.
3. It maintains the humidity in the air.

E. Inert gases: 1. Helium gas filled in the weather balloons.

2. Argon gas filled in bulbs.
3. Radon gas is used in cancer treatment.

Q.2. Plants do not consume the free nitrogen present in the air then how do plants
get nitrogen for their growth? Explain.

Ans. Plants take up nitrogen from soil in forms of nitrates and nitrites. Plants

cannot take up atmospheric nitrogen directly for use and hence certain

nitrogen fixing bacteria convert the nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites which is

then used by plants for their growth.

Q.3. How oxygen can be prepared from:
a. Catalytic decomposition
b. From potassium chlorate
c. From water

Ans. A. Catalytic Decomposition:

Oxygen can be prepared from hydrogen peroxide solution using manganese
dioxide as a catalyst. This process is called catalytic decomposition of
hydrogen per oxide.
2H2 O2 2H2O + O2
(Hydrogen peroxide) (water) (oxygen)

B. From potassium chlorate:

Potassium chlorate is heated with manganese dioxide. Chemical
decomposition takes place and potassium chloride and oxygen gas are formed.
2KClO3 ---------→ 2KCl + 3O2
(potassium chlorate) (potassium chloride) (oxygen)

C. From water:

Electrolysis of acidified water is done to prepare oxygen.

Electric current
2H2O 2H2 + O2

(Acidified water) (hydrogen) (oxygen)

Q.4. Explain some chemical properties of oxygen.

Ans. Chemical properties of oxygen:

1. Oxygen is non-combustible but supports combustion.
2. Oxygen reacts both with metals and non-metals and forms their oxides.
3. It helps in oxidation of to release energy during the process of respiration.

Q.5. Explain the harmful effects of various air pollutants.

Ans. Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon mono oxide, dust, SPM etc are some
pollutants, which are responsible for various harmful effects on humans as
well as other factors of environment.
A. Sulphur dioxide: Sulphur dioxide is produced by the burning of fuels.
Sulphur dioxide gas in the polluted air cause respiratory problems and also
responsible for acid rain.
B. Nitrogen oxide: Nitrogen oxide are produced by the burning of fuels.
nitrogen oxide attack breathing system and lead to lung congestion.

C. Carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete

combustion of fuels like wood coal kerosene. Carbon monoxide is responsible
for the reduction of oxygen carrying capacity in the blood.
D. Chlorofluorocarbons: Chlorofluorocarbons are the chemical compounds
made of fluorine, chlorine and carbon elements. Chlorofluorocarbon is
responsible for the ozone depletion.

E. Suspended particulate matter: Dust, smoke, ash particles are

responsible for allergic reactions, respiratory diseases, bronchitis, lung cancer
in humans.

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