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The Autonomous Learning Model

for High School Programming

BY GEORGE BETTS with dropouts but with the successful stu- ers were becoming facilitators in the process.
dents. Jolene was an outstanding teacher. The Autonomous Learner Model (ALM)

t was a perfect time and place. In the fall She was also organized and sequential, and was truly developed by and for the gifted.
of 1973, Arvada West High School teach- she appealed to successful gifted students. Betts and Kercher (1999, p. 14) state that
ers and administrators, in Arvada Col- Having two teachers with different content “an autonomous learner, by definition, is
orado, wanted to meet the needs of all areas, learning styles, and experiences proved one who solves problems through a combi-
their students. The principal was the school’s to be one of the major keys to the success of nation of divergent and convergent think-
leader for change. Task forces were formed, this approach. ing, and functions with minimal external
parents and students were consulted, and A new project was developed at Arvada guidance in selected areas of endeavor.”
topics centered around necessary changes West that targeted achieving and non-achiev-
to enhance education. ing students. Jolene and I had a new chal- Standards of the Autonomous Learner
I was hired to teach students who were not Model for the Gifted and Talented
succeeding in school. My background is in The Standards of the Autonomous Learner
psychology and counseling. On my contract Model (Betts & Kercher, 1999) are funda-
it stated that one of my assignments was to mental to the program and underlie the basic
work with “disenchanted students.” I had no principles for optimizing ability. The aim is
idea who they were or where to find them. to:
My task was to locate students who were • develop self-concept and positive self-
dropping out of school, and those who esteem
weren’t passing classes. The main problem • comprehend one’s abilities in relation to
was that the students were not physically at self and society
school, but were either in the park, at home, • develop skills to interact effectively with
or at the local Burger King. peers, siblings, parents, and other adults
After the students returned to school, an • increase knowledge in a variety of areas
alternative program was developed which
was designed to facilitate their total growth,
“Our approach didn’t • develop critical and creative thinking
work at first, and
not just as students but throughout life. The • develop decision-making and problem-
approach worked. Students began in this everyone struggled. The solving skills
two-hour program and then started taking • integrate activities which facilitate the
appropriate classes from selected teachers. students didn’t like the cognitive, emotional, social, and physi-
We learned how to modify our teaching to cal development of the individual
freedom and we didn’t
meet the needs of the students. • develop individual passion area(s) of
We found many different types of non- learning
achieving students. Some were in special
think they were gifted!
” • demonstrate responsibility for self learn-
education and others had developed attitudes ing in and out of the school setting
that did not allow them to be successful. But lenge in teaching, something we had never • ultimately become responsible, creative,
some were especially intriguing. They were encountered before: we were instructed to independent, life-long learners
bright but not achieving. They loved to learn, modify the system, not the students; to
but not what was being taught at school. develop the program with the students, not for Basic Principles of the Autonomous
At the same time the administrative lead- them; and to be facilitators of learning and Learner Model for the Gifted and Talented
ers were now learning about new concepts not dispensers of knowledge. The Autonomous Learner Model (Figure 1)
concerning gifted children and gifted edu- This new style of teaching was foreign to (Betts, 1985; Betts & Kercher, 1999) was
cation. They hired the National/State Lead- both the students and us. Our approach did- developed based on information gathered
ership Training Institute for the Gifted and n’t work at first, and everyone struggled. from many sources. These included consul-
Talented (1976–78) to provide on-going staff The students didn’t like the freedom and we tation with national leaders, reviews of per-
development for school personnel in the dis- didn’t think they were gifted! But the prin- tinent literature, the training of teachers, and
trict who were interested in learning more cipal stated that the program would con- most importantly, the experiences of learn-
about the gifted. tinue, so we all persevered. ers, teachers, administrators, and parents
The principal encouraged participation By the second year, the students and who worked together to build a new approach
of teachers and administrators in this project. teachers had learned to work together. The which would meet the diversified needs of
A mathematics teacher, Jolene Kercher, was students were taking ownership of their learn- learners. The basic principles of the
selected for this project. She worked not ing. As they assumed this new role, the teach- Autonomous Leaner Model include:


• Emphasis is placed on the cognitive, emotional, social, and
physical development of the individual. ORIENTATION
• Self-esteem is encouraged and facilitated. Understanding Giftedness, Talent,

• Social skills are developed and enhanced. Intelligence & Creativity
Group Building Activities


• The regular classroom is the central support of program-

Self/Personal Development


Program & School

• Pull-out and resource programs and special courses are nec- Opportunities &

a Pe hnology r

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Colle lveme
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essary components.

Men rojects

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• Curriculum is differentiated by teachers.


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• Curriculum is differentiated by learners.





• Curriculum is based on the interests and passions of learn-




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• Learners are involved in guided open-ended learning expe- LEARNER



• Responsibility for learning is placed on learners. F ns
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• Experiences which allow students to become life-long learn- Co oble stic r
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• Teachers are facilitators of the learning process, as well as dis- I
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pensers of knowledge.
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• Learning is integrated and cross-disciplinary. A ge Ad IC
• Learners develop a broader foundation of basic skills. RS R
• Higher-level, critical, and creative thinking skills are inte-
grated, reinforced, and demonstrated in the learning process.
• Learners develop appropriate questioning skills.
• Varied and divergent responses are sought from learners. Figure 1. Autonomous Learner Model (1996 by George Betts & Jolene
• Content topics are broad-based, with emphasis on major
themes, problems, issues, ideas, and topics. In 1996, the Autonomous Learner Model (Figure 1) was evaluated
• Time and space restrictions for schools are removed for in- and revised to better meet the diversified needs of the gifted and talented.
depth learning. The model contains five major dimensions:
• Learners develop new and unique products.
• Learners use varied resources in the development of in-depth Dimension One: Orientation
studies. This dimension of the model is crucial to the development of the
• Cultural activities and enrichment provide new and unique autonomous learner because basic information is presented as the foun-
growth experiences. dation for understanding self, the importance of working as a group, the
• Seminars and in-depth studies are essential components of process of lifelong learning and what is available for the development
the learning process. of the total individual. This dimension contains four areas:
• Mentorships provide adult role-modeling, active support,
and individual instruction and facilitation. Understanding giftedness, talent, intelligence, and creativity. Many stu-
• Completions and presentations of in-depth studies are inte- dents, educators, and parents do not fully comprehend the concepts of
gral in the learning process. giftedness, talent, intelligence and creativity. Theories and definitions
• Assessment of self-development and learner-created products of these concepts are presented to the students, followed by discussions
is necessary and worthwhile. and activities.
A major unit in this area is entitled “Night of the Notables.” It is
New principles are added as they are discovered through based on Images of Greatness, by Katha Williams (1989). In this unit
involvement in the program. After studying the basic principles, students select people who they believe are gifted and have become
either alone or in small groups, educators, parents, and learners producers of knowledge. After they make their selections, the students
should review each principle and ask the following questions: Is complete research about their people, develop bio-riddles, construct
this included in our approach for the gifted and talented? Why learning centers, and actually become their people for the “Night of
or why not? Should this principle be included in our approach? the Notables,” complete with costume. Teachers, families, and mem-
Why or why not? How will our approach for gifted education be bers of the community are invited to spend the evening with these
modified to include learning through this principle? esteemed people.
During a recent “Night of the Notables” at Brentwood Middle
The Autonomous Learner Model for the Gifted and Talented School, Greeley, Colorado, students chose an eclectic array of people
Since the first publication of the Autonomous Learner Model by for their projects—from athletes and celebrities to scientists and states-
Betts and Knapp in 1981, the model has been well received. “The men. From Albert Einstein and Mahtma Ghandi, to Sally Ride and
goal of the model is to facilitate the growth of students as inde- Thomas Jefferson, students played their parts demonstrating their
pendent, self-directed learners, with the development of skills, con- research results.
cepts, and positive attitudes within the cognitive, emotional, The students complete a final activity. They present their own def-
social, and physical domains” (Betts & Kercher, 1999, p 43). inition of what it means to be gifted. Their final product may be oral,


visual, written, or kinesthetic. Other class members, INTER/INTRA PERSONAL
educators, and parents are invited to this synthesizing
activity. Profiles of the Learner
Six Selves

Needs Assessment

Group building activities. The ALM is established to fos- Personalized


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ter students in their ability to work together effectively Educational Plan

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as a group. Group process, group roles, and group strate- Interpersonal

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gies are essential in this area of Orientation. According

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to Virginia Satir, a world-renowned family therapist,

(Or Pro akin



“The non-cognitive comes before the cognitive.” The stu-

dents learn group-dynamic skills and how to facilitate

a positive, nurturing environment. INDIVIDUAL

Go hort Term nt
Self-personal development. How do you describe

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yourself? What is your self-concept and self-esteem?

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Do you understand your own gifts and talents or are you



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more in tune with your weaknesses? How will you



develop your abilities in the next few years after school?


These and many others questions are explored and


answered at this point in the model. Understanding of


self may lead to a better development of ability and Participation


Program and school opportunities and responsibili- COLLEGE & CAREER
ties. Time is spent learning and discussing the INVOLVEMENT
Autonomous Learner Model. It is essential that the Figure 3. Individual Development Dimension of the ALM
learners comprehend the model and can provide infor- (1996 George Betts & Jolene Kercher)
mation about the model for their teachers and parents.
Without a clear understanding of the ALM, students do a facilitator of learning. The ideal student is both a student and a learner. The
not understand the direction and the journey of life-long ideal teacher is both a dispenser of knowledge and a facilitator of the learning
learning. process.
There is an important distinction in terminology in Another goal of this area of Orientation is to let students know how they can
the ALM. Students must comprehend the difference be involved in the school and community for the next three years. A Program
between the terms student and learner, and teacher (dis- Search is completed by the staff and formulated for the students. It contains ALM
penser of knowledge) and facilitator (facilitator of the courses, content classes, advanced placement and honors courses, competitions,
learning process). This transition process begins in Ori- special school and community events, and resource people (for possible men-
entation and is not completed until learners are involved torships). At the end of this segment of Orientation, students are responsible for
in the Seminars and In-Depth Study dimensions (Figure developing the first draft of their own three-year personal educational plans. The
2). In the Orientation dimension, the students are students plans are presented to the teacher and a small group of students, and reviewed
and the teachers are dispensers of knowledge. The roles every semester.
change as students progress through the different dimen-
sions until the student becomes a learner and the teacher Dimension Two: Individual Development
The second dimension of the ALM is Individual Development (Figure 3) which
was designed to give students the appropriate skills, concepts, and attitudes nec-
essary for their development as life-long learners. This dimension contains six

specific areas:


Inter/intra personal. This area is an extension of Self/Personal Development


from Orientation. The development of self-concept and self-esteem, as well as

the development of the skills to interact effectively with others is an on-going

pursuit. Therefore, the authors of the ALM include this area in Dimension Two
LE EN as well as in Dimension One.
R A T Learning skills. The learning skills area of Individual Development focuses on
C the skills necessary to function as an autonomous learner. Study skills are
more individualized while specific math skills are content specific. Bloom’s Tax-
onomy (1974) is included as a basis for teaching thinking skills. Additional
Figure 2. Changing Roles Within the ALM approaches include critical and creative thinking, and problem-finding and
(1999 ALPS Publishing) problem-solving.


Technology. For the 1981 ALM model, the Dimension Three: Enrichment is the concept of service. This area provides
of use of computers was included as a mere The purpose of the Enrichment Dimension the learners opportunities to understand
concept. By 1996, it was evident that tech- of the ALM is to introduce learners to the themselves and their relationships with oth-
nology would be a major area for Individual concept of learner-based content—to go ers through service activities. This area was
Development. Today technology includes beyond teacher-based content and teach developed to teach about humanitarianism
computers, computer programs, program- learners to do what teachers do every day— and its impact on society. Activities include
ming, Internet, CD Rom, and distance learn- to develop their own content, processes and working for an agency, raising food and
ing. After information is gathered through the products. Learning to write curriculum is money for the poor, meals for shut-ins, or
use of technology, emphasis should be placed essential for autonomous learning. The spending time with an elderly person.
on the synthesis of information, experience, Enrichment Dimension contains five spe- For closure, the group may have a dinner
and previous knowledge by each learner. cific areas: or party for a certain group of people within
their own community who need special sup-
College and career involvement. In this area Explorations. Explorations are short-term port.
of Individual Development, students seek and on-going. What new ideas do you want
knowledge concerning college and career to pursue? What do your parents (or grand- Adventure trips. “Why don’t we go to the
involvement. Specific activities include a parents) know that they could teach you? Grand Canyon?” Okay, how would we get
directed study with a post-high school plan- What are your librarian’s three favorite there? Why would we go? What do we want
ning questionnaire, attendance at college books? Read them. to learn? What resources are available? How
information fairs, interviews with college much money will we need? Who will be our
representatives, and the completion of a col- Investigations. After successfully complet- chaperons?
lege application and resume. ing several explorations, students are taught Such questions must be asked and
Students also complete a career-planning about the next level of learning, Investiga- answered before the learners embark on an
questionnaire, an interview, participation in tions. An investigation is the next step in adventure trip. It could be for one day, a
career fairs, and completion of a product being able to complete an In-depth Study. week, or longer. The purpose is for learners,
which outlines three to five directions they Students are taught the steps and skills nec- interested parents, and teachers to work
may pursue in their career choices. This may essary for independent inquiry. Forms are together to plan a meaningful trip. The trip
include oral, visual, written, or kinesthetic used that focus on the title and description of is divided into three components. The first is
products. the investigation, specific activities, and preplanning, the second is participating in the
mini-product descriptions. actual trip, and the third is assessment of
Organizational skills. Organizational skills The student receives instruction and direc- the experience.
are an essential component of life-long learn- tion from the teacher in order to develop a
ing. Students learn different methods of orga- successful investigation. Dimension Four: Seminars
nization and develop an approach for Seminars are developed by learners and facil-
themselves. Day-to-day organization is Cultural activities. This area is developed to itated by teachers. Seminars consist of the
important, but so is life management. Daily, provide learners with opportunities to go selection of a topic of importance to the
monthly, and yearly Life-Management beyond the scenes, to learn more than they learners, development of the basic seminar,
Wheels are completed to facilitate self-under- normally would at a museum, play, poetry and assessment of the seminar by learners,
standing as it relates to learning. reading, or dance recital. Learners make the teacher, and other class members. Stu-
arrangements to meet the people involved dents are now operating in the role of learn-
Productivity. Tannenbaum (1983) states that before or after the presentation or tour. They ers and teachers are now facilitators of the
gifted students have the potential to become come prepared with questions which will learning process.
“producers of knowledge.” To become a pro- add to their understanding of the cultural Seminars focus on the following areas :
ducer requires the development of many dif- activity. 1. futuristic
ferent products. Table 1 displays a partial Three activities are completed each 2. problematic
list of the oral, kinesthetic, and written prod- semester, closing with a cultural activity for 3. controversial
ucts available through the ALM. Students the entire class. 4. general interest
are exposed to the different types before the 5. advanced knowledge
products are developed. Service. A major component of Enrichment
The Seminar is designed for students to
Table 1. Examples of oral, verbal, kinesthetic, and written products
demonstrate their abilitoes to be learners
available through the ALM
and to work together in small groups. Two
Editorial Diorama Web Page weeks are used to develop the seminar, while
the actual seminar is 30 minutes to an hour.
Survey Individual Presentation Interview
Topics have included games from other cul-
Recital Power Point Presentation Group Presentation tures, mental disorders, parapsychology,
women in history, impeachment, creativity,
Choreographed Dance Debate Sculpture
man and nature, and conspiracies and theo-
Questionnaire Mime Pottery ries.
Autonomous Learning Model, 60


AUTONOMOUS LEARNING grading period while the final product pre-
MODEL sentation is made at the conclusion of the
study. Erin’s Three Levels
continued from 41
of Learner Differentiated
Dimension Five: In-depth Study Assessment. Am I autonomous? Was I able Curriculum
Dr. E. Paul Torrance (1983) described con- to plan a project, participate in the project,
Erin was a learner at Arvada West High
cepts that most teachers know on some level complete the project, and assess the project?
School when she participated in
but have never been able to systematically Assessment of the learner, the process, and Explorations, Investigations and In-
implement. His beliefs included: the product are integral components of the depth Studies. Here are the strategies
1. Don’t be afraid to fall in love with some- learning process taught through the she developed for herself on all three
thing and pursue it with intensity and Autonomous Learner Model. levels.
depth. Explorations
2. Know, understand, take pride in, practice, The Three Essential Levels of Learner • Brainstorm and make a mind map
develop, use, exploit, and enjoy your Differentiated Curriculum within the of the different topics associated
greatest strengths. Autonomous Learner Model with the moon.
3. Learn to free yourself from the expecta- Most learners are involved in three major lev- • Find three poets who write about
tions of others and to walk away from the els of learning within the Autonomous the moon and share their poetry
games that others try to impose upon Learner Model. Explorations begin the with a friend.
you. Free yourself to “play your own process, Investigations develop a more thor- • Collect information about manned
game in such a way that you make good ough knowledge base, and In-depth Studies flights to the moon.
use of your gifts. Search out and cultivate encourage and facilitate passion learning. • Find three websites about the moon
great teachers or mentors who will help Explorations and Investigations are areas of and synthesize the information
you accomplish these things” (p 78). Dimension Three, Enrichment and In-depth gleaned.
Study is Dimension Five of the ALM. Investigations
The teachings of Torrance are incorpo- Through teacher and mentor relationships, • Write poetry or a short story about
rated into the ALM for students to move in learners develop the skills, passions, content, the man on the moon
the direction of becoming life-long learn- and support that are necessary for success in (verbal/linguistic).
ers. His concepts are discussed with the stu- guided open-ended learning experiences. • Chart the phases of the moon for
dents in the implementation of the The process of transforming a student your location and make a moon
Autonomous Learner Model. into a learner includes three types of activ- watching calendar
ities in the ALM Model: Explorations, Inves-
Individual or group projects. By Dimen- tigations, and In-depth Studies. • Demonstrate a moon dance or walk
sion Five, In-depth Study, the students are (bodily/kinesthetic).
truly learners and possess the skills, con- Explorations • Journal the effects that phases of
cepts, and attitudes necessary to function as • student based the moon have on people from your
observations (interpersonal).
a learner and have been successful in com- • diverse possibilities
pleting Explorations and Investigations. Most • short term • Moodle (intrapersonal).
learners elect to work alone in this dimension • information gathering • Develop a model that portrays
while some groups do form after completion • learning evident (knowledge and com- myths about the moon, using at
of Seminars. For this experience, groups prehension) least five different geometric
shapes (spatial).
should be no larger than three learners, work- • multiple means of reporting
ing directly with the teacher as facilitator of • emphasis on content • Develop a nature walk done by the
light of the moon for your locality
the learning process.
Mentorships. Whenever possible, learners are • student/learner based In-depth Studies
encouraged to work with mentors. The ques- • diverse possibilities • Design a collection of original
poems based on myths about the
tion is, how will teachers find appropriate • longer term
mentors? The answer is that teachers do not • passion discovery
• Create a photographic essay on the
find mentors, the learners do. At the high • multiple means of reporting
thirteen moons of Native American
school level, the learner seeks and develops • emphasis on content and process culture.
a mentorship. Dimension Five is for those
• Create a planetarium show about
who are now autonomous learners. In-depth Study the roles and influences of moons
• learner based in our solar system.
Presentations. It is essential that learners • in-depth possibilities
• Complete an essay (with drawings
include presentations of their In-depth Stud- • long term and diagrams) on the different
ies throughout the study. Some in-depth stud- • passion development knowledge bases concerning the
ies last two or three months while others are • presentation and assessment of learner moon during the past century.
completed after two years of involvement. and product
Short presentations are given throughout a • emphasis on content, process and product


Today’s High School and The Autonomous Learner Model community.
In education today, major emphasis is placed on local and state standards, differentiated cur- • The ALM is the core of education for the
riculum (by teachers), and the use of advanced placement and honors courses for meeting gifted at the high school level.
the diversified needs of the gifted and talented. The following concepts and ideas should be • The ALM is used as an elective course
kept in mind as they relate to high school education and the ALM: and is also integrated into enriched and
• The ALM is a major on-going component of the education of the gifted and talented at accelerated content courses.
the high school level. • Mentorships are essential to promote in-
• The ALM was developed at the high school level by and for the gifted. depth learning.
• The ALM consists of five major dimension which facilitate a student in becoming a • Learners share responsibility with edu-
learner. cators for developing their personal edu-
• The ALM is now used for three to four years in many high schools. If time does not allow cational plans.
such in-depth completion of the model, teachers and learners need to complete the Ori-
entation Dimension and then make decisions together concerning which major dimen- Summary of the Autonomous Learner
sions and areas should be attempted in a limited amount of time. Model
• Advanced placement and honors courses do not meet the diversified cognitive, emo- In conclusion, this is what we know about
tional, social, and physical needs of gifted and talented learners. These courses and pro- life-long learners:
grams are only components of a program search and are still teacher prescribed and A life-long learner is one
developed. who loves the moment,
• Curriculum developed by learners allows for the highest level of learning. seeks truth, friendship,
• A major emphasis of high schools is to develop and facilitate independent, self-directed, knowledge and wisdom.
life-long learners. This person accepts self and others,
• Program Searches in the high school provide learners diverse strategies in which learn- and realizes the chance to make this a
ing opportunities are continuously discovered and developed in the school and the better world.
A lifelong learner discovers new paths
for growth, joy,
Vince Wolfe, A Lifelong Learner knowledge and friendship.
the journey begins today…
Vince Wolfe was a student at Arvada West High School in the late 1970s. After his
identification as a gifted student, it became apparent that he would be successful in a References
program that encouraged autonomous learning. He thrived on discussions about unusual Betts, G. T. & Knapp, J. (1981). Autonomous
and uncommon topics, and never hesitated to go into the unknown. learning and the gifted: A secondary
He had many passion areas, but one was exceptional. Whenever possible he would model. In A. Arnold (Ed), Secondary pro-
explore and investigate the universe. It was a smooth transition for him from teacher-directed grams for the gifted. Ventura, CA: Office
studies to independent learner of the Ventura Superintendent of Schools.
As learners progress through the ALM, it is their responsibility to write and update a Betts, G. T. (1985). The autonomous learner
Transcript Letter (Betts, 1985) to record what they have accomplished. This is a portion model: For the gifted and talented. Gree-
of Vince’s Transcript Letter following completion of major projects. ley, CO: ALPS Publishing.
Vincent received a background in historical and modern-day astronomical knowledge Betts, G.T. & Kercher, J.K. (1999). The
from Mr. Bob Risch and Jim Vickery of the Jefferson County Planetarium. During this autonomous learner model: Optimizing
time he also learned how to run the planetarium projectors and audio equipment. ability. Greeley, CO: ALPS Publishing.
After three months, this knowledge was applied in the production of two shows at Bloom, B. S. (Ed.) (1956). Taxonomy of edu-
the Jefferson County Planetarium. The first show, entitled Motions of the Earth, was cational objectives. New York: McKay
an explanation of the earth’s and other planet’s motions in the sky. The motions Tannenbaum, A. (1983). Gifted children:
explained were diurnal, processional, retrograde, and the effects of moving to Psychological and educational perspec-
different latitudes on the earth. tives. New York: Macmillan.
Torrance, E. P. (1983). The Importance of
When the Jefferson County Planetarium could no longer accommodate his falling in love with “something.” The Cre-
aspirations, he was able to work at the Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado ative Child and Adult Quarterly, Vol. VIII,
in Boulder, Colorado. As a culminating project for his senior year, Vincent participated No. 2, 1983.
in the production of a second show at Fiske entitled Montage. It consisted of poetry Williams, K. (1989). Images of greatness.
and a short story written by Vincent, music, slides, visual effects, and laser- Greeley, CO: ALPS Publishing.
effects. For the show, he was allowed to run Fiske Planetarium’s $2,000,000 Neis
Mark IV star projector. As a result of two years’ work at planetariums, Vincent has Dr. GEORGE BETTS is Professor of the Division of
learned about and been involved in all aspects of show production and presentation, Exceptionalities, Bilingual and ESL Education,
creative, technical (audio and visual) and business and publicity. (p 66) as well as Director of the Center for the Educa-
Today, Vince is the Project Director of Space Odyssey, a permanent display at the tion and Study of the Gifted at the University of
Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, Colorado. Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO. For more infor-
mation see: or call ALPS
Publishing at 800-345-257.


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