Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Dassun, Solana, Cagayan


I - Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:
1. Identify and used properly and accurately the measuring tools and materials in taking
body measurement for ladies trouser
2. Demonstrate and tell the body measurement needed for ladies trouser.
3. Value the importance of taking body measurements correctly.
II - Subject Matter: Taking Body Measurements
Reference: Clothing Technology Made Easy by: Carmelita B. Hilario
Materials: Tape measure Model
Pencil Notebook
String to tie around the waistline
Strategies: Lecture, Discussion and Demonstration Method PowerPoint Presentation
III - Procedure:
A. Preparation
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review of Previous Lesson
* Principles and Elements of Design*
Game: The class will divided into 3 and match the correct word that identify what
principles of design is followed in each of the following statement.
A. Motivation (5 mins.)
Show an actual pants in the class and let the students identify the parts of the
B. Lesson Proper:
“Communicate Learning Objectives”
Teacher will introduce the objectives to the class (Introducing the objectives can
be done using any of the suggested protocols: Verbatim, Own Words, Read-aloud)
1. Activity:
Group Activity:
Divide the class into 3 members each, and let them list down the tools and
materials needed in body measurements for ladies trouser.
Choose a leader to present why the specific tools/materials are necessary to use.
2. Analysis:
(Have the students share their answer with the class with the class. And let them
discover if their respective responses are correct by asking the following questions)
What are you going to measure first using the tape measure in getting the body
measurement for ladies trouser?
What are the body measurement needed for ladies trouser?
How will you identify the exact location of the needed body measurements?
3. Abstraction:
How do you measure the waist, hips, crotch, hip depth and trouser length?
But, before we move-on let us try to enrich your vocabulary (Language
Prominent – means noticeable, conspicuous, standing out
Buttocks – the seat of the body
Waistline – smallest part of the torso
In measuring the waistline, what should you take consideration?

In measuring the hipline, what do you consider need to consider in

What about the pants length, where do you think should to start in measuring?
4. Application:
Let us try to track the pointers stated on the board on the needed steps in ladies
trouser body measurement.
Get a partner and perform each specific body measurement for ladies trouser.
(each group will demonstrate how to do the measurement)
IV - Generalization:
Accurate patterns come from accurate body measurement and proper use of
measuring and drafting tools.
Why is there a need to determine the exact location of the waistline?
“The exact location of the waistline contributes to accurate body measurements
which help in producing a well-fitted garments”
V - Assessment:
Fill in the blanks with the correct word or group of words to complete the
1. The prominent part of the buttocks is about _____ inches from the hips.
2. Waist is located _____ inches from the hip bone.
3. Trouser length is taken from the _____ down to the desired length.
4. Waist measurement should be divided into _____.
5. Insert your _____ fingers when measuring the girth such as waist and hips.

Bring your measuring and drafting tools.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Subject Teacher Head Teacher III Principal I

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