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Fire Protective Service.....




It is the policy of the state to ensure public safety

and promote economic development through the prevention and

suppression of all kinds of destructive fires and promote

the professionalization of the fire service as a profession.

Towards this end, the State shall enforce all laws, rules

and regulations to ensure adherence to standard fire

prevention and safety measures, and promote accountability

for fire safety in the fire protection service and

prevention service. (R.A.9514)

Firefighting and firefighters have become ubiquitous

around the world, from urban areas to wildland areas, and on

board ships. Not all firefighters are paid for their

services. In some countries, including the United States,

Canada, Finland, Australia, and New Zealand, there are often

paid, or "career" firefighters working. Additionally, there

are volunteer and "retained" (firefighters who are paid for

the specific time they are responding to emergencies -

Permanent Part time career firefighters) on call 24/7. In

the United Kingdom and Ireland, the use of retained

firefighters (who are part-time, but are paid when on duty)

rather than volunteers is standard.(Eisenberg, 2006)

Aside from the main task of extinguishing fires, the

three main goals in firefighting are (in order)saving lives,

Fire Protective Service..... 2

saving property and protecting the environment. Firefighting

is an inherently difficult occupation. As such, the skills

required for safe operations are regularly practiced during

training evolutions throughout a firefighters career. In the

United States, the preeminent fire training and standards

organization is the National Fire Protection Association

(NFPA). Often initial firefighting skills are taught during

a local, regional, or state approved fire academy. Depending

on the requirements of a department, additional skills and

certifications such as technical rescue and Para-medicine

may also be taught at this time.

Firefighters work closely with other emergency response

agencies, most particularly local and state police

departments. As every fire scene is technically a crime

scene until deemed otherwise by a qualified investigator,

there is often overlap between the responsibilities of

responding firefighters and police officers such as evidence

and scene protection, initial observations of first

respondents, and chain of evidence issues.[citation needed]

The increasing role of firefighters in providing emergency

medical services also brings firefighters into common

overlap with law enforcement. One example of this is a

common state law requiring all gunshot wounds to be reported

to law enforcement agencies.( DOH/UK, 2006)

Fires are most growing incidents in the country. It

remains the most costly in economic and human terms. Each

Fire Protective Service..... 3

year fires kill innocent people including fire fighters:

cause untold injuries and focus economic losses. This is

shown by the precise data on the number of structural fires,

either incendiary or suspicious in origin recorded during

the past by the fire authorities. An estimated 3 to 6

percent of all fires are incendiary, i.e., intentionally

set or of suspicious origin. Many go undetected of those

recognition as arson, but very few resulted in arrest, and

conviction rate is only minimal. This poor showing is

inevitable, given the limited number of trained fire

fighters and arson investigators (Osterburg & Ward, 1992).

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) shall be

responsible for the prevention and suppression of all

destructive fire on buildings, house, and other structures,

forests, land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships

or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored in major

seaports, petroleum industry installations, planes crashes

and other similar incidents, as well as the enforcement of

the Fire Code, and other related laws. The Bureau of Fire

Protection (BFP) has the power to investigate all cause of

fires, and if necessary, file the proper complaints with the

city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the

case (R.A. 6975).

Fire regardless of the nature, whether intentional or

accidental must be prevented on the first place, and despite

of the effort exerted to prevent, destructive fires still

Fire Protective Service..... 4

exists, it must be suppressed as expeditiously as possible,

and conduct of fire rescues operations should be made

available. Thus after prevention and suppression with

regards delivery of fire protective service have already

been undertaken, thereafter the cause of fire must be

investigated accordingly, to determine capability and

liability of perpetrators in violation of the fire code, and

ther related laws, occurrence of fire if in the first place

were not prevented has to be investigated extensively before

there is a proof that a crime of arson was committed. In

order to effectively implement all efforts to minimize the

occurrences of fire and their destructive effects, full

financial, equipment and personnel support by the

government, and the private sector is necessary. Considering

the fact that fire prevention and suppression carries with

it a lot of potential problems, some of which say largely

affect the performance of the mandated powers and function

of the Bureau of Fire Protective (BFP).Hence, this study

came into being. (Alarcon, 2011)

The enactment of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as

the Department of Interior and Local Government Act of 1990

which took effect on January 1, 1991 paved the way for the

establishment of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Bu-

reau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management

and Penology (BJMP) as separate entities. Specifically, the

Fire Protective Service..... 5

Fire Bureau’s charter was created under Chapter IV (Section

53 to 59) and carried-out through the provisions of Rule VII

(Sections 49 to 58) of the Implementing Rules and Regula-

tions of the said law. The organization was then placed un-

der the direct supervision of the DILG Undersecretary for

Peace and Order. The succeeding approval of the Appropria-

tion Act of 1991 has also caused the inaugural operation of

the Bureau of Fire Protection on August 2, 1991 as a dis-

tinct agency of the government, with its initial preparation

of Operation Plans and Budget (OPB) undertaken by the staff

of the Office of the National Chief Fire Marshal at Camp

Crame, Quezon City headed by then F/Brigadier General

Ernesto Madriaga, INP (1990-1992) that took over from the

long reign of F/Major Primo D Cordeta (Ret.) the first Chief

Fire Marshal (1978-1989). Gen. Madriaga served as the BFP

first Acting Fire Chief/Director from 1991 to 1992. BFP is

responsible for ensuring public safety through prevention

and/or suppression of all destructive fires on buildings,

houses, and other similar structure, forests, and land

transportation vehicles and equipment, ships/vessels docked

at piers, wharves or anchored at major seaports, petroleum

industry installations. It is also responsible for the en-

forcement of the Fire Code of the Philippines (PD 1185) and

other related laws, conduct investigations involving fire

incidents and causes thereof including the filing of appro-

priate complaints/cases.
Fire Protective Service..... 6

R.A. 6975 created the Bureau of Fire Protection with

its primary mission to ensure public safety through

prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires

with the active support of the community. There are also

non-governmental organizations composing of private

individual and private companies that are also equipped with

fire fighting facilities and equipment readily of service

whenever there are outbreaks of fire helping the Bureau of

Fire Protection firefighters. R.A. 6975 created the Bureau

of Fire Protection with its primary mission to ensure public

safety through prevention and suppression of all kinds of

destructive fires with the active support of the community.

There are also non-governmental organizations composing of

private individual and private companies that are also

equipped with fire fighting facilities and equipment readily

of service whenever there are outbreaks of fire helping the

Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters.

The success of fire prevention and suppression will

always depend on the sufficiency of the fire fighting

equipment in every locality. With this, the researchers

focus their study on the Fire Protective Service in the City

of Palayan and the different fire fighting facilities and

equipment available and used during fire outbreak and how it

affects their performance.

The above mentioned discussion and findings, the

researchers motivated to conduct the study to know how

Fire Protective Service..... 7

responsive was the fire protective service of Bureau of Fire

Protection in the City of Palayan since it have 19 barangay

and every year the city experienced grass fires that could

last for days because of it's high elevation terrain.


Foreign Literature

Accordingly, the fire-fighting contingent was perhaps

the most ironically humorous of all the many “racket”

devised by Roman speculators. Five hundred workmen, equipped

with ropes, buckets, ladders, and other implements were held

readiness until one of the roving agents tapped his

widespread communicative system and reported a fire. The

crowded, unsanitary system of ancient cities made fire both

frequent and dangerous. Crassus of Rome, given an alarm to

answer, would rally forth at the head of his salvage corps,

approach the neighbourhood of the fire, see which way the

wind is blowing, and begin interviewing householders whose

property seemed most endangered. He would offer to buy their

houses, as they stood, for an unreasonably low price. If

frightened owner agreed, the fire brigade was hurried into

action and generally managed to save the property. If the

owner kept his head and refused to be taken advantage of,

Crassus troop off with his firemen, leaving the blaze as a

public responsibility. In time, Crassus became master of a

very considerable part of the house property of Rome

(Schults ,2011)
Fire Protective Service..... 8

With rules to provide buckets, hooks ladders, and the

formation of volunteer companies, fire fighting started to

become formalized. The chain of command fell in place as

officers of various levels were established. Firemen devised

new and better ways to accomplish their mission; everything

from helmets to hoses were invented or improved. Firemen in

Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other cities made major

advances in the technology and theory of fire fighting. The

legacy of colonial fire fighters can still be seen in fire

department operations and organizations across the country

to this day. The wooden hydrants are gone but the iron

willed determination of American fire fighters is as strong

as ever (Peterson ,2013).

Brigades also provide specialist fire prevention advice

to local authorities that are responsible for licensing

buildings such as: theatres, cinemas, clubs, and sports

grounds. Hospitals, schools, nursing homes , and many other

institutions also need professional advice regarding fire

safety. Another important area of work is promoting fire

safety through education and publicity to the general

public. Local brigades are often renowned for the enthusiasm

and ingenuity they devote to these education and publicity

initiatives (Haslam, 2008).

Prevention attempts to ensure that no place

simultaneously has sufficient heat, fuel and air to allow

ignition and combustion. Fernando Cardona, the leading

Fire Protective Service..... 9

researcher in fire prevention is accredited with much of the

advancement and improvement to modern fire fighting

technique. Most prevention programs are directed at

controlling the energy of activation (heat).

Fire suppression systems have a proven record for

controlling and extinguishing unwanted fires. Many fire

officials recommend that every building, including

residences, have fire sprinkler systems. Correctly working

sprinklers in a residence greatly reduce the risk of death

from a fire. With the small rooms typical of a residence,

one or two sprinklers can cover most rooms.

In addition, a major duty of fire services is the

regular inspection of buildings to ensure they are up to the

current building fire codes, which are enforced so that a

building can sufficiently resist fire spread, potential

hazards are located, and to ensure that occupants can be

safely evacuated, commensurate with the risks

involved(Miller, 2007)

Other methods of fire prevention are by directing

efforts to reduce known hazardous conditions or by

preventing dangerous acts before tragedy strikes. This is

normally accomplished in many innovative ways such as

conducting presentations, distributing safety brochures,

providing news articles, writing public safety announcements

or establishing meaningful displays in well-visited areas.

Ensuring that each household has working smoke alarms, is

Fire Protective Service..... 10

educated in the proper techniques of fire safety, has an

evacuation route and rendezvous point is of top priority in

public education for most fire prevention teams in almost

all fire department localities. Fire suppression systems

have a proven record for controlling and extinguishing

unwanted fires. Many fire officials recommend that every

building, including residences, have fire sprinkler systems.

Correctly working sprinklers in a residence greatly reduce

the risk of death from a fire. With the small rooms typical

of a residence, one or two sprinklers can cover most rooms.

In addition, a major duty of fire services is the

regular inspection of buildings to ensure they are up to the

current building fire codes, which are enforced so that a

building can sufficiently resist fire spread, potential

hazards are located, and to ensure that occupants can be

safely evacuated, commensurate with the risks

involved(Miller, 2007)

Other methods of fire prevention are by directing

efforts to reduce known hazardous conditions or by

preventing dangerous acts before tragedy strikes. This is

normally accomplished in many innovative ways such as

conducting presentations, distributing safety brochures,

providing news articles, writing public safety announcements

or establishing meaningful displays in well-visited areas.

Ensuring that each household has working smoke alarms, is

educated in the proper techniques of fire safety, has an

Fire Protective Service..... 11

evacuation route and rendezvous point is of top priority in

public education for most fire prevention teams in almost

all fire department localities.

Self-preservation is very critical. The basic technique

firefighters use is to know where they are, and to avoid

hazards. Current standards in the United States recommend

that firefighters work in teams, using a "two-in, two-out"

rule whenever in an Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health


Local Literature

The bureau of fire protection was created by virtue of

R.A. 6975 this bureau is under the Department of Interior

and Local Government. It adheres to the principles of

promoting fire safety, prevention, suppression and the

investigation of fire occurrence, insuring provision of

emergency, medical and rescue services and enhancing the

active participation of the general public.

According to the manual of the BFP fires 2001, the BFP shall

develop efficient and responsive firefighters. With outmost

responsibility, integrity, competence, loyalty and honesty,

respect to human rights and concern to the protection of

lives, property, environment and national heritage. 

Fire accidents always happen with a cause. The common

cause of fire is carelessness, discarded cigarette, careless

disposition of combustible materials, poorly managed or

Fire Protective Service..... 12

defective heating facilities, spontaneous combustion arising

from the storage of articles in poorly ventilated places,

explosion from petroleum products, sun rays focus on glasses

which may serve as a convex lens and lightings spark,

overheating and electrical defects. (Fire Technique and

Arson Investigation)Rule 9 of P.D. 1185 provides the general

guidelines for the organization, equipage, operation and

proficiency training of company and community fire brigades.

Aside from the BFP firefighters, there are private

companies and individuals who voluntarily organize to assist

the department in firefighting prevention and suppression.

It is based in the companies in the localities for immediate

action whenever there are outbreaks of fire. With this, fire

is suppressed immediately if the outbreak is on small scale,

but if the outbreak is large then the BFP is always ready to

perform their duties. Fire brigades are also equipped with

firefighting equipments and fire brigade volunteers who have

undergone rigid trainings in firefighting.

Under Presidential Decree No. 765 dated January 1, 1975,

the Fire Department was integrated with the Philippine Con-

stabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP) until it was

organized as the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) under R.A.

No. 6975, the Department of the Interior and Local Govern-

ment Act, enacted in 1990. The BFP is mandated to ensure

public safety through the prevention and suppression of all

Fire Protective Service..... 13

kinds of destructive fires; enforce the Fire Code of the

Philippines (PD 1185); investigate all causes of fires and

file complaints with the appropriate agencies; and assist

the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) during national


The BFP is required to establish at least one (1) fire

station with adequate fire fighting facilities and equipment

in every province, city and municipality and provide highly

trained officers and staff with capability, initiative and

foresight to effectively implement their fire prevention and

suppression programs and assist during national emergencies.

As of September 2005, out of 1,617 total provinces, cities

and municipalities, only 807 have fire stations and only 747

have been provided with fire station buildings.

Fire of combustion is the process of burning. In essence,

fire is a chemical reaction in which a substance combines

with oxygen, heat is released and the form of the substance

is destroyed, Three things are essential before a fire can

occur: fuel, oxygen, and initial source of heat. Since the

process of burning releases heat at temperatures in the

region of 800c, the fire will them continue, unless

extinguished, until either of the fuel or the oxygen runs

out. In a building fire, the fuel will be present in the

structure or its contents while the oxygen is present in the

Fire Protective Service..... 14

air to extent of about twenty-one percent by volume. In fire

statistics, the initial source of heat is generally termed

the “cause” (IID, 1996).

The United States Philippines Commission organized the

Manila Fire Department. (MFD) that was part of that then

known as the Department of Street, parks, fire, and

Sanitation, later it became an egency. At that time, the

firefighting apparatus was mainly horse drawn, and the MFD

made some remarkable improvements in the fire service such

as the constructions of four stations knows as Fire Station

No. 1=San Nicolas Fire Station; Fire Station No. 2=Sta. Cruz

Fire Station; Fire Station No. 3=Paco Fire Station; and Fire

Station no. 4=Intramuros Fire Station; and the promulgation

of MFD Rules and Regulations was also made possible on

November 5, 1902. In July 1902, eight Gamewell fire alarm

system apparatus were installed to replace the early type

telephones system used to received fire alarms. It was in

this time that the Fire Station NO. 5=Tanduay Fire Station,

was established (Ocampo, 2000).

At present, the Breau of Fire Protection (BFP) had

Formulated its program thrust geared towards improving the

delivery of fire protective service to the citizenry. The

said program thrust has five key result areas: fire

prevention, fire suppression, fire investigation, emergency

medical services and rescue, and general administration.

Each of the key results areas has enumerated and defined its
Fire Protective Service..... 15

respective objectives, projects activities, and progress to

be accomplished which are all geared towards the purpose of

improving the efficiency and confitency of the fire service

(BFP FIRES,2001)


The National Fire Prevention Association (1997)

conducted study as regards Fire; The Great Escape,” revealed

the following findings 1) 53 percent of the respondents said

they had a plan, and 31 percent of those said they

practiced, which meant 16%, 31 or 53% of local households

had practiced an escape plan; and 2)by 1999 61% said they

had a plan, and 42% of those said they practiced, which

meant 26%, 42 or 61% or ¼ of total households had practiced

an escape plan (MCKELVEY,1999)

Koperberg (1997) Conducted case study on the importance

of effective inter agency coordination of the 1994 to 1997

Fires In New South Wales, provided the following summaries

1) the strategic directions of the New South Rural Fire

Service must be given priority for an effective coordination

based on clear command and control arrangements and

appropriate training for all levels or the service; 2) this

will also involve changes to ensure the efficient and

effective use of scare resoureces; 3) significant emphasis

will continue to be given to programs and initiatives that

Fire Protective Service..... 16

focus on preventions; and 4) the service will continue to

hidden its scope to learn from interstate and international

experience .

Kinney and Malm (2002) in their research study

conducted in the British Columbia Fire Service, made the

following significant findings: 1) access issues arose both

surveys and interviews as one of the most important issues

to fire service members; 2) focus on timely, relevant

programming was rated the number three concern surrounding

the Justice Institute and fire Safety Division among survey

respondents; 3) Issues regarding accreditation repeatedly

arose in surveys and interviews; 4) several results from the

surveys and interviews suggest that different avenues of

communication could be used to address certain concerns of

fire service membership; and 5) effective communication

strategies could be used to inform fire service member’s

perceptions surrounding level of input from Fire and Safety

Advisory Committee, access issues from zones outside of

lower mainland, amount of “ Favoritism ” used by the

Justice Institute and Fire Safety Division, among others.

Local Studies

In the study of Gandia(2005), entitled "Fire Prevention

Program of Bureau of Fire Protection in Urena City" he

evaluated the Fire Prevention Program particularly the

Fire Protective Service..... 17

inspection of the BFP in the City of Urdaneta. Based on the

findings of the study, the level of effectiveness by the BFP

and the resident in the implimentation of the prevention

program in Urdaneta manifested a "high" rating. On the

extent of compliance by the city resident to the standard of

the fire code of the Philippines (P.D. 1185) the BFP

personnel gave a rating of "high". On the conduct of fire

safety inspection as a requirement to the grant of permit

and/or licenses for occupancy of the building of

installation of fire protection and fire equipment, the

personnel and the resident have the same descriptive of

rating "high".

The study of CaÑlas, et al., 2006, entitled The

firefighting Capability of Libmanan Fire Station, revealed

that the fire fighting facilities of the fire station was

moderately adequate and some did not conform with the

standard set by the National Fire Protection Association.

Another findings in the study was on the leadership of the

municipal Fire Marshal, community cooperation and manpower

was moderately capable.

The study of Arabia , Jacquiline Joy M, etal in the

Araullo University , Cabanatuan City , SY 2009-2010

entitled” Effectiveness of the Equipment of Cabanatuan City,

Bureau of Fire Protection” revealed that Cabanatuan City

personnel admitted that their equipments is no more

effective and never reached one hundred percent of

Fire Protective Service..... 18

effectiveness especially when responding to the fire

incidence, this is because of lack of budget and lack of

equipments and they resolve it by means of return

demonstration to be able to monitor services best suited to

the community and ask to the local government help that they

can achieved for the better performance of their job.

Conceptual Framework

This research study was anchored on the provision of

Section 34, Chapter IV, Republic Act No. 6975, entitled "As

Act Establishing the Philippine National Police under the

recognized Department of Interior and Local Government and

for other Purposes" which enumerated the mandated powers and

functions of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), as follows

(R.A. No. 6975);

1. Be responsible for the prevention and suppression of

all destructive fire on building, houses and other

structures, forest, land transportation vehicles and

equipment, ship in major seaports, petroleum industry

installations, plane crashes and other similar incident,

2. Be responsible for the enforcement of presidencial

degree 1185 entitled "The Fire Code of the Philippine," and

other related laws.

3. Shall have the power to investigate all causes of fire,

and if necessary, file the proper complaints with the city

Fire Protective Service..... 19

of provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case.

4. In time of national emergency, all elements of the

Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) shall upon direction of

President, assist the Arm Forces of the Philippine (AFP)

5. Shall establish at least one fire reaction with

adequate firefighting facilities and equipment in

everyprovincial capital, city and municipality subject to

standard rules and regulation as maybe promulgated by the

department of the interior and local government (DILG).

To further discuss the conceptual framework of this

study, Figure 1 presents the the paradigm of the study with

the use of dependent and independent variables, where in the

independent variables deal with extent of the

responsiveness of fire protective services and the problems

met in fire protective service while the dependent variable

deals with how the fire protective service become more


Independent Variables

1. extent of the
effectiveness of fire
protective service in
Palayan City

2. Degree of the
Dependent Variables
problems met in the
fire protective
Responsive Fire
protective Service
Fire Protective Service..... 20


Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problems

1. How may the demographic profile of respondents be

describe in terms of ;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational Attainment;

1.4 Years in Service?

2. What is the extent of the effectiveness of fire

protective service in Palayan City in terms of;

2.1. fire prevention;

2.2. fire suppression?

3. What is the degree of the problems met in the fire

protective service?

4. What is the implication of the study to the service of

the Bureau of Fire Protection in the City of Palayan?

Fire Protective Service..... 21

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study determined the Fire Protective Service in

the City of Palayan. The respodents of the study were 15

Barangay Captains in Palayan City, Nueva Ecija. They were

selected through total sampling.

This study used descriptive method of research and the

questionnaire was the main tool in gathering of data. The

study was limited on the extent of effectiveness in fire

prevention and fire suppression and the degree of problems

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection of Palayan City.

The study were conducted for a period of one semester from

June to October 2016.

Significance of the Study

This study on Fire Protective Service in the City of

Palayan will be Significant to the following:

The Bureau of Fire Protection – The results of the

study may benefit the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) owing

to the fact that it can be used as a basis in the

formulation of the organization's performance evaluation in

the responsiveness to fire protective service.

The Palayan City Fire Station – The result of the study

may benefit the Palayan City Fire Station because it might

results towards making the fire protective service within

their area of responsibility more responsive to the needs of

the community.

The Barangays – The result of the study may benefit the

Fire Protective Service..... 22

Barangays by making them more aware whether the Bureau of

Fire Protection (BFP) is responsive in the performance of

the mandated powers and functions.

Other Researchers – The result of the study may also

serve as a reference in the conduct of other research

related to the present study.

Definition of terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study,

the following are hereby defined operationally:

Arson – this refers to the willful, malicious, and

intentional setting of fire, and the preparation of a

building, any other pramises or properties for burning.

Fire – it is defined as the principle of the actual

process of burning, characterized by heat. Oxygen and fuel.

Fire Suppression – this refers to the reactive

activities undertaken by the fire service in order to

minimize great losses of lives and properties during the

occurrence of fires and/or conflagration.

Fire Protective Service – it is an organization

incharge with the mission of fire suppression, fire

prevention, fire protection, fire resque operations, and

fire investigation purposely to protect the lives and

properties of the end users of fire service.

Fire Prevention – This refers to the proactive

activities undertaken by the fire service to prevent the

accurrence of fires and/or conflagrations.

Fire Protective Service..... 23

Problems Met – This refers to the internal and external

problems encountered by the fire service that hamper the

delivery of a more responsive fire protective service in the

research locale of the study

Chapter II


This chapter presents the following: Research design,

Respondents, instrument used, reliability and validity of

instrument, Data gathering procedures, and statical

treatment of data.


The study adopted the descriptive type of research. The

descriptive method is something more and beyond just data

gathering; the latter is not reflective thingking and not

research. The true data collected should be reported from

the point of view of the objectives and the basic

assumptions of the project under way. This follows logically

after careful classification of data. Facts obtained may be

accurate expressions of central tendency, of devotion, or of

Fire Protective Service..... 24

correlation; but the report is not research unless

discussion of those data is carried up into the level of

adequate interpretation. (Aquino)


The participants of the study were 15 Barangay Captains

of different barangays in the City of Palayan; they are

selected using total sampling for the purpose of determining

the responsiveness of Bureau of Fire Protection in its Fire

Protective Service and also the degree of problems they



The researchers used the questionaire method in

collecting data. Questionaire was used where factual

information is desired the researchers personally give the

questionaire to the participants and waited them to finish

filling out the questions provided. The schedule of the

interview were during the participant's free time to avoid

disturbing their activities. Permission to the Chief of

Police will be requested before the survey was done.


The reliability of the instrument was measured by means

of conducting dry-run wherein the researchers distributed

the questionaire-checklist to the 15 Barangay Captains of

different barangays in the City of Palayan. The validity of

Fire Protective Service..... 25

the instrument was measured base on the related literatures

and studies that support the questionaire and with the con-

sultation of the Thesis Professor. Based on the pre-test

that was conducted, For validity purposes, they conducted a

dry run or pre-test on selected twenty (20) people consist

of ten (10) BFP personnel of Aliaga , Nueva Ecija and ten

(10) residents of Brgy. Aduas Centro , Cabanatuan City,

Nueva Ecija. The copies of the survey questionnaire had been

distributed personally by the researchers. Fire Protective

Service of BFP were identified and analyzed by the respon-

dents of the dry run.

The dry run or pre-test result an effective Fire Pro-

tective Service of BFP


The researchers first asked the approval of their

thesis adviser for the preparation of letters and question-

naire. Then ask permission from the Mayor of the Palayan

City to allow them to float the questionnaire, conduct per-

sonal interviews from among the target respondents, and un-

dergo actual observation in the research locale of the

study. After the questionnaire checklist was collected by

the researchers for the tabulation of the responses. The re-

searchers computed the response of the respondents.


Fire Protective Service..... 26

After collecting the data needed, the researchers tabu-

lated and analyzed the gathered data with the help of sta-

tistical tools. The following are the statistical tools that

they used in this study together with their corresponding


1. The profile of the respondents was determined by us-

ing frequency distribution, percentage, ranking and

weighted mean percentage.

Frequency Distribution. It is a statistical procedure that

involves listing all possible measures of variable and

tallied each datum on the listing. This is done by

categorizing and tabulating the frequency of each


Percentage. Utilized by the researchers to get the

proportion of part of the whole.


% =-------- x 100


% = Percent of frequency

f = Frequency

N = Number of respondents

For the description of respondents on the level of

Fire Protective Service..... 27

effectiveness and the degree of problems encountered with

regards to the issues, the following was used:

Weighted Mean. The following nominal equivalences to

coded values are considered:

2. The extent of the effectiveness of fire protective

service in Palayan City and the degree of problems

the following were used

Range Weight Verbal Description

5 4.21 – 5.00 Very Effective/very serious

4 3.41 – 4.20 Effective/serious

3 2.61 - 3.40 Moderately Effective/

Moderately Serious

2 1.81 – 2.60 Less Effective/less serious

1 1.00 – 1.80 Not Effective/Not a Problem at



Ranking was used to determine the order of decreasing

or increasing magnitude of variables. The longest frequency

is ranked 1; the second is ranked 2; and so down to the last

Fire Protective Service..... 28

Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the data , its analysis and

interpretation of data

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents


1.Distribution of Respondents as to their Age


31-35 1 6.67 5
36-40 1 6.67 5
41-45 - - -
46-50 6 40 1
51-55 2 13.33 3
56-60 1 6.67 5
61- above 4 26.66 2
TOTAL 15 100% -

There are 6 Barangay Captains whose ages ranges from

36-40 years old and with 40% of the total population of

Fire Protective Service..... 29

respondents, 4 have ages that ranges from 61-above years old

and with 26.66 %, 2 have ages that ranges from 51-55 years

old and with 13.33% and one( 1) has ages that ranges from

31-35, 36-40 and 56-60 years old and with 6.7%.

Results shows that majority of the Barangay Captains

belong to ages of maturity , they were considered well

educated and experienced enough in their field, thus they

are the most perfect to the study since they are well aware

on what is happening to their area whenever there are fire

that needs the services of the fir protection group.


Distribution of Respondents as to their Gender


MALE 11 73.33% 1
FEMALE 4 26.67% 2
TOTAL 15 100% -

there were 11 or 73.33% of the Barnagay Captains in

Palayan City that were male with 73.33% of the total

population of respondents and 4 were female with 26.67%.

It implies that Barangay Captains in Palayan City is

dominated by male , this is because male leaders are known

to have strong personality and wise decision rather than

females which are affected by their emotions in every

decesions they make.

Fire Protective Service..... 30

Distribution of Respondents as to their Educational Attainment


Elem. 1 6.66 3
Elem. Graduate - -
High School 10 66.66 1
College 4 26.67 2
TOTAL 15 100% -

in terms of their highest educational attainment ,

there were 10 Barangay Capatains of Palayan City who

finished high school with 66.66 % , 4 were college graduate

with 26.67% and 1 or 6.6% is elemenantary undergraduate.

It shows that majority of the respondents have enough

education necessary to lead their community , since being a

captain in the barangay does not required higher educational

qualification in serving their community , the most

important is that the trust that they receive from their

community resident to lead them.


Distribution of Respondents as to their Years in Service


1-3 years 8 53.33 1
4-6 years 3 20 3
7-9 years 4 26.67 2
TOTAL 15 100% -

there were 8 barangay captains who has 1-3 years in

service with 53.33 % , 4 has 7-9 years with 26.67% and 3

Fire Protective Service..... 31

has 4-6 years in service iwtrh 20 %.

findings revealed that majority of the Barangay

Captains were new in leading the community and has the first

terms of service being the Captains.


Distribution of responses in terms of the Extent of the

Effectiveness of Fire Protective Service in Palayan City in
Terms of Fire Prevention


1. Observance of fire 3
prevention month to 4.27 VE
develop awareness from
among the general public.
2. Conduct of 5
Earthquake and Fire 4.00 E
3. Enforcement of the 4.07 4
fire code and other E
related laws, issuances,
and rules and
4. Initiation of public 4.47 2
information through VE
seminar on fire
prevention and control.
5. Conduct of fire 4.8 1
inspection to determine VE
compliance on fire safety
TOTAL 4.32 VE -

The extent of the effectiveness of fire protective

service in Palayan City in terms of fire Prevention is

presented in the table , with an over all weighted mean of

4.32 and interpreted as very effective , the highest mean

assessment was on Conduct of fire inspection to determine

compliance on fire safety regulations with 4.80 and

Fire Protective Service..... 32

interpreted as very effective and thelowest mean assessment

was on Conduct of Earthquake and Fire Drills with 4.00 and

interpreted as effective.

Results shows that the fire protective service in

Palayan City in terms of fire Prevention is very effective ,

they ensure the public that they are safe in the possible

fire that may outburst in the different establishment and in

homes that may omit lives and their belongings , they also

Conduct of fire inspection to determine compliance on fire

safety regulations and Initiation of public information

through seminar on fire prevention and control. It is rele-

vant to the mandate of R.A. No. 6975, the Department of the

Interior and Local Government Act, enacted in 1990. The BFP

is mandated to ensure public safety through the prevention

and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires; enforce

the Fire Code of the Philippines (PD 1185); investigate all

causes of fires and file complaints with the appropriate

agencies; and assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines

(AFP) during national emergencies. The BFP is required to

establish at least one (1) fire station with adequate fire

fighting facilities and equipment in every province, city

and municipality and provide highly trained officers and

staff with capability, initiative and foresight to effec-

tively implement their fire prevention and suppression pro-

grams and assist during national emergencies.

Fire Protective Service..... 33

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) shall be

responsible for the prevention and suppression of all

destructive fire on buildings, house, and other structures,

forests, land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships

or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored in major

seaports, petroleum industry installations, planes crashes

and other similar incidents, as well as the enforcement of

the Fire Code, and other related laws. The Bureau of Fire

Protection (BFP) has the power to investigate all cause of

fires, and if necessary, file the proper complaints with the

city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the



Distribution of responses in terms of the Extent of the

Effectiveness of Fire Protective Service in Palayan City in
Terms of Fire Suppression


1. Observance of faster 4.00 E 2.5
response time during
fires, and other
emergencies needing fire
fighting service.
2. Operational 3.87 E 5
readiness in controlling
fires, and in dealing
with other emergencies.
3. Technical know-how 4.00 E 2.5
of fire personnel in the
operation of fire
fighting equipment and
4. Aggressive attitude 4.00 E 2.5
of fire personnel in
controlling fires and in
dealing with other
Fire Protective Service..... 34

5. Systematic control 4.00 E 2.5

of fires through unified
actions of the fire
fighters, and use of fire
TOTAL 3.97 E -

The Distribution of responses in terms of the Extent of

the Effectiveness of Fire Protective Service in Palayan City

in Terms of Fire Suppression is given in the table with and

over all weighted mean of 3.97and interpreted as effcetive,

the highest mean assessment was on Observance of faster re-

sponse time during fires, and other emergencies needing fire

fighting service, Technical know-how of fire personnel in

the operation of fire fighting equipment and apparatus and

Systematic control of fires through unified actions of the

fire fighters, and use of fire equipment with all have

weighted mean of 4.00 and interpreted as effective and the

lowest mean assessment was on Operational readiness in con-

trolling fires, and in dealing with other emergencies with

3.87 in weighted mean and interpreted as effective.

Findings revealed that the Fire Protective Service in

Palayan City is effective in the sense that the personnel

are equipped with knowledge that can handle difficult

situation when the fire will occur, they Observe faster re-

sponse time during fires, Technical know-how of fire person-

nel in the operation of fire fighting equipment and appara-

tus and Systematic control of fires through unified actions

of the fire fighters.

Fire Protective Service..... 35

At present, the Breau of Fire Protection (BFP) had

Formulated its program thrust geared towards improving the

delivery of fire protective service to the citizenry. The

said program thrust has five key result areas: fire

prevention, fire suppression, fire investigation, emergency

medical services and rescue, and general administration.

Each of the key results areas has enumerated and defined its

respective objectives, projects activities, and progress to

be accomplished which are all geared towards the purpose of

improving the efficiency and confitency of the fire service

(BFP FIRES,2001)

Table 3

Degree of the Problems Met in the Fire Protective Service


1. Lack of equipment to 3.77 S 1
be used in the prevention
and suppression of fire.
2. Insufficienct fire 2.93 S 3
personnel to be assigned
for fire prevention and
3. Non-cooperation from 3.00 S 2
among the general public
in the different programs
of fire protective
4. Lack of support from 2.47 S 5
the local government unit
in discharge of fire
protective service.
5. Non-allocation of 2.53 S 4
miscellaneous operational
expenses for prevention
and suppression
TOTAL 2.94 S -
Fire Protective Service..... 36

The Degree of the Problems Met in the Fire Protective

Service is given in the table with an over all weighted

mean of 2.94 and interpreted as serious, the highest mean

assessment was on rank 1 is “ Lack of equipment to be used

in the prevention and suppression of fire ” with weighted

mean of 3.77 and interpreted as serious and the lowest mean

assessment was on Lack of support from the local government

unit in discharge of fire protective service with 2.47 and

interpreted as serious.

The protective service in Palayan City is very eager in

performingthie assigned task even they met serious problems

among them is the lack of sufficent equipment that are

needed in fire suppression and even they erequested from the

givernment , government are hard to give what they

need . this is relevant to the study of The study of CaÑlas,

et al., 2006, entitled The firefighting Capability of

Libmanan Fire Station, revealed that the fire fighting

facilities of the fire station was moderately adequate and

some did not conform with the standard set by the National

Fire Protection Association. Another findings in the study

was on the leadership of the municipal Fire Marshal,

community cooperation and manpower was moderately capable.

The study of Arabia , Jacquiline Joy M, etal in the

Araullo University , Cabanatuan City , SY 2009-2010

entitled” Effectiveness of the Equipment of Cabanatuan City,

Fire Protective Service..... 37

Bureau of Fire Protection” revealed that Cabanatuan City

personnel admitted that their equipments is no more

effective and never reached one hundred percent of

effectiveness especially when responding to the fire

incidence, this is because of lack of budget and lack of

equipments and they resolve it by means of return

demonstration to be able to monitor services best suited to

the community and ask to the local government help that they

can achieved for the better performance of their job.

4. Implication of the Study to the Service of the Bureau of

Fire Protection in the City of Palayan

The study justified that there is an effirt of the

people who are asigned to safeguard the lives and property

of the people , government created the fire code of the

Philippines and regulation to minimize the occurrence of

fire which brought destructive effects on lives and property

which undermined the economic and social gains of the


The BFP firefighters ensures public safety trough

prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires

with the active support of the community. The BFP envisions

a modernized efficient and responsive national fire

protection agency fully equipped and manned by highly

trained officers and men with the capability to combat the

onslaught of raging fire and other disasters.

Fire Protective Service..... 38

Chapter 4

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter present the summary of findings , its

conclusions and recommendations offered by the researchers


This study determined the Fire Protective Service in

the City of Palayan. The respodents of the study were 15

Barangay Captains in Palayan City, Nueva Ecija. They were

selected through total sampling.

This study used descriptive method of research and the

questionnaire was the main tool in gathering of data. The

study was limited on the extent of effectiveness in fire

prevention and fire suppression and the degree of problems

Fire Protective Service..... 39

encountered by Bureau of Fire Protection of Palayan City.

The study were conducted for a period of one semester from

June to October 2016.

Summary of Findings

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

There are 6 Barangay Captains whose ages ranges from

36-40 years old and with 40% of the total population of

respondents, 4 have ages that ranges from 61-above years old

and with 26.66 %, 2 have ages that ranges from 51-55 years

old and with 13.33% and one( 1) has ages that ranges from

31-35, 36-40 and 56-60 years old and with 6.7%.


There were 11 or 73.33% of the Barangay Captains

in Palayan City that were male with 73.33% of the total

population of respondents and 4 were female with 26.67%.

Educational Attainment

In terms of their highest educational attainment ,

there were 10 Barangay Capatains of Palayan City who

finished high school with 66.66 % , 4 were college graduate

with 26.67% and 1 or 6.6% is elemenantary undergraduate.

Years in Service

there were 8 barangay captains who has 1-3 years in

service with 53.33 % , 4 has 7-9 years with 26.67% and 3

Fire Protective Service..... 40

has 4-6 years in service iwtrh 20 %.

Extent of the Effectiveness of Fire Protective Service in

Palayan City

Fire Prevention

The extent of the effectiveness of fire protective service

in Palayan City in terms of fire Prevention is presented in

the table , with an over all weighted mean of 4.32 and

interpreted as very effective , the highest mean assessment

was on Conduct of fire inspection to determine compliance on

fire safety regulations with 4.80 and interpreted as very

effective and thelowest mean assessment was on Conduct of

Earthquake and Fire Drills with 4.00 and interpreted as


Fire Suppression

The Distribution of responses in terms of the Extent of the

Effectiveness of Fire Protective Service in Palayan City in

Terms of Fire Suppression is given in the table with and

over all weighted mean of 3.97and interpreted as effcetive,

the highest mean assessment was on Observance of faster re-

sponse time during fires, and other emergencies needing fire

fighting service, Technical know-how of fire personnel in

the operation of fire fighting equipment and apparatus and

Systematic control of fires through unified actions of the

fire fighters, and use of fire equipment with all have

weighted mean of 4.00 and interpreted as effective and the

lowest mean assessment was on Operational readiness in con-

Fire Protective Service..... 41

trolling fires, and in dealing with other emergencies with

3.87 in weighted mean and interpreted as effective.

Degree of the Problems Met in the Fire Protective Service

The Degree of the Problems Met in the Fire Protective

Service is given in the table with an over all weighted

mean of 2.94 and interpreted as serious, the highest mean

assessment was on rank 1 is “ Lack of equipment to be used

in the prevention and suppression of fire ” with weighted

mean of 3.77 and interpreted as serious and the lowest mean

assessment was on Lack of support from the local government

unit in discharge of fire protective service with 2.47 and

interpreted as serious.


On the light of the findings of the study ,researchers

concluded the following:

1. Results shows that majority of the Barangay

Captains who participated in the study has an average

age of 36-40 years old , males , high school gradaute

and on their first term of being a public officials.

2. Results shows that the fire protective service in

Palayan City in terms of fire Prevention is very

effective , they ensure the public that they are safe

in the possible fire that may outburst in the different

establishment and in homes that may omit lives and

Fire Protective Service..... 42

their belongings , they also Conduct of fire inspection

to determine compliance on fire safety regulations and

Initiation of public information through seminar on

fire prevention and control.

3. Findings revealed that the Fire Protective Service in

Palayan City is effective in the sense that the

personnel are equipped with knowledge that can handle

difficult situation when the fire will occur, they Ob-

serve faster response time during fires, Technical

know-how of fire personnel in the operation of fire

fighting equipment and apparatus and Systematic control

of fires through unified actions of the fire fighters.

4. The protective service in Palayan City is very eager in

performing thier assigned task even they met serious

problems among them is the lack of sufficent equipment

that are needed in fire suppression and even they

erequested from the givernment , government are hard to

give what they need.


The following are recommended:

1. since there are insufficiency in the equipments of the

firefighters, the local government should find its way

in aiding the department financially, or acquire

necessary equipment necessary for the firefighting of

the department
Fire Protective Service..... 43

2. Firefighters should improve their knowledge by means of

attending different seminars regarding the scientific

way of fire suppression even laxity of equipments

3. Another study should be conducted in order to further

determine the Fire Protective Service and this time to

another area.


1. ^ Merriam-Webster's Online
Dictionary: "firefighter"
2. ^ America on the Move: Locomotive Engineer &
3. ^ {"Retained Firefighters." Fire and Rescue NSW.
Web. 17 Sept. 2011.
4. ^ Federal Highway Administration DOT 23CFR634
Worker Visibility
5. ^ [1],"The New England Journal of Medicine",March
22,2007, Accessed:July, 17, 2011
6. ^ National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health Alert: Preventing Fire Fighter Fatalities Due
to Heart Attacks and Other Sudden Cardiovascular
Events. July 2007.
7. ^ Zephyr Technologies BioHarness BT
Fire Protective Service..... 44

8. ^ OSHA Technical Manual (OTM) - Section III:

Chapter IV: Heat Stress
9. ^ National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health Alert: Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Fire
Fighters due to Structural Collapse. August 1999.
10. ^ National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health Alert: Preventing Injuries and Deaths of Fire
Fighters Due to Truss System Failures. May 2005.
11. ^ Österreichischer Bundesfeuerwehrverband:
Statistik des ÖBFV
12. ^



Fire Protective Service..... 45

DIRECTION: Please check appropriate boxes corresponding to

your answer.

AGE: [ ] 21-25 [ ] 46-50

[ ] 26-30 [ ] 51-55
[ ] 31-35 [ ] 56-60
[ ] 36-40 [ ] 61 years old and above,
[ ] 41-45 please specify

GENDER: [ ] Male [ ] Female

Attainment: [ ] Doctorate [ ] With
Doctorate Units

[ ] Master's Graduate [ ] With

Doctorate Units

[ ] College Graduate [ ] With

College Units
[ ] High School Graduate [ ] Others,

Years in
Service: [ ] 1-3

[ ] 4-6

[ ] 7-9

[ ] Others, please specify

PART II: Extent of effectiveness of the fire protective

service as to Fire Prevention and Fire Suppression.
DIRECTION: The Following are the statements measuring the
extent of the responsiveness of the Bureau of Fire
Protection in the City of Palayan. Feel free to express your
opinion by putting a check (/)mark on the appropriate
columns opposite each item statement.

MODE OF RESPONSE : Very Effective (VE)

Effective (EF)
Moderately Effective (ME)
Ineffective (IE)
Fire Protective Service..... 46

Very ineffective (VI)

2.1 Fire Prevention 5 4 3 2 1

1. Observance of fire prevention month
to develop awareness from among the
general public.

2. Conduct of Earthquake and Fire


3. Enforcement of the fire code and

other related laws, issuances, and rules
and regulations.

4. Initiation of public information

through seminar on fire prevention and

5. Conduct of fire inspection to

determine compliance on fire safety

2.2 Fire Suppression 5 4 3 2 1

1. Observance of faster response time
during fires, and other emergencies
needing fire fighting service.

2. Operational readiness in controlling

fires, and in dealing with other
Fire Protective Service..... 47

3. Technical know-how of fire personnel

in the operation of fire fighting
equipment and apparatus.

4. Aggressive attitude of fire

personnel in controlling fires and in
dealing with other emergencies.

5. Systematic control of fires through

unified actions of the fire fighters, and
use of fire equipment.

PART III: Degree of the problems met in the fire protective

DIRECTION: The Following are the statements measuring the
degree of problems met by the Bureau of Fire Protection in
the City of Palayan. Feel free to express your opinion by
putting a check mark on the appropriate columns opposite
each item statement.

MODE OF RESPONSE : Very Serious (VS)

Serious (SR)
Moderately Serious (LS)
Less Serious (LS)
Not a Problem at All (NP)

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. Lack of equipment to be used in the
prevention and suppression of fire.

2. Insufficienct fire personnel to be

assigned for fire prevention and

3. Non-cooperation from among the general

public in the different programs of fire
Fire Protective Service..... 48

protective service.

4. Lack of support from the local

government unit in discharge of fire
protective service.

5. Non-allocation of miscellaneous
operational expenses for prevention and
suppression activities.
Fire Protective Service..... 49

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