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A thesis s ubmi tte d in partial

fu lfillm en t of the require men ts
for the award of the degree of

B.Ed. Secondary (1.5






I declare that this thesis entitled "BARRIERS IN USING INFORMATION

TECHNOLOGY" is the result of my own research except as cited in the

referenc es. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not

concnrrently submitted in candjdatnre for any other degree. At any time if my

statement is fonnd to be incorrect even after award of B.ED Secondary (1.5)

degree, the nniversity has the right to withdraw my of BED Secondary (1.5)


ame: Rafla Jahangir

Signat nre :

Date : 08-Feb -2022

Chapter No. I


1.1 Introduction:

For a number of different reasons, technological innovation has been dubbed the "gr eat

equa lise r," notably since it allows underdeveloped nations to build their economic

primarily via intellectual resources rather than financial capital. Although, as most

governments have discovered , the budgetary needs for the infrastructure to drive and

execute an IT growth strategy have been obviously overestimated, there is some validity

to the phrase. One may argue th at information technology is an equaliser since affluent

nations have spent billions of dollars on technology without seeing substantial

improvements in production, and have thus grown poorer, narrowing the richest and

poorest states.

The usage of techn ology in the classroom is critical for kids to understand how to

engage in the technology age. Examining the roadblocks to us in g technology in

education might allow instructors solve these roadblocks and become successful

technology adopters in the future. It was shown that instructors have a tremendous

willingness to incorporate technology into their classrooms, but that they face several

obstacles . Lack of self con fide nce, a loss of expertise, and affordability have been

identified as essential factors of school improvement, including Other resources such

as software and hardware, effec ti ve professional development, adequate time, and

technical assistance. There is no one component that is adequate to deliver effective

instruction. The existence of all components, on the other hand, enhances the likelihood

of great IT integration in learning and teaching possibi li ties.

The use of technology in the classroom is critical for children to learn how to function

in the digital world. Examining the challenges to i nstructors' use of technologies in the

classroom may help them improve these difficulties and become successful technology

adopte rs in the future. The goal of thi s research is to illustrate the observed impediments

to ict usage in scientific education using a meta -ana ly sis of the relevant literature. The

verdic ts state that instructors had a tremendous willingness to incorporate techn ology

into their classrooms, but that they faced several obstacles. Lack of confidence,

expertise, and access to information have been the mos t significan t obstacles .Teachers

req uire IT tools, including operatin g systems, appropriate continuing education,

adequate time, and technical advice, becau se confidence, expertise, and affordability

have been identified as suspect components of technology integration in classrooms .

There really is no one ingredient that is adequa te to deliver effective instruction. The

existence of all elements, on the other hand, enhances the likelihood of great IT

incorporation in learning and teaching possibili ties . Tins article, in general , gives

suggestions and comments to people in charge of integrating modern technology into

scientific teaching .

1.2 Barriers to implementing information technology in the classroom:

(Conclusion section,! 4). A barrier is described as "any position that makes advance or

achievement of an aim difficult " (WordNet, 1997). The goal of this project is to examine

how to boost technology utilisation in the classroom. As a result, research into IT usage

obstacles is cri ti c al since this information might lead to new stra te gies to improve

technology in tegra tion. In a prior research, Ertrner (1 999) z' echoed this attitude , adding

that "it is envisaged that instructors would be equipped to both launch and sustain

successful technology involves the recogn i tion" by providing "ins tructors wi th

understanding of hurdles, as well as effective techniques to overcoming them.".

1.3 Common Barriers:

Integrating technology into teaching and educational institutions is a difficult matter

that can be fraught with challenges. Boundaries are the names given to these challenges.

It is vital to explain the recognised set of typical technological incorporation obstacles

in order to provide the groundwork for the rest of this secti on. Although previously

these are often labelled, measured, and rated differently, researchers (Hadley &

Sheingold, 1993; Anderson et al.1998; Jacobsen, 1998; Ertmer, 1999; Ertmer et al.,

1999; Newhouse, 1999; Beggs, 2000; Becker, 2000b; Rogers, 2000; Cuban, 2001; Pajo

& Wallace, 2001; Beaudin, 2002;Snoeyink & Er tme r, 2002; Bariso, 2003have

identified the following or similar variations as common barriers: a lack of computers,

a lack of quality software, a lack of time, technical issue s, teacher attitud es toward

computers, a lack of funding, a lack of teacher confidence, resistance to change, a lack

of organisational support, a lack of computer skill, a lack of fit with the curriculum, a

lack of incentives, scheduling difficulties, poor training opportunities, and a lack of

vision for how to integrate.

Researchers have long attempted to categorise or group obstacles using a factor analysis

was conducted in order to derive results. This is the method used in this research. Hadley

and Sheingold ( I 993) performed a research with recognised technology integrators at

the 4-12 grade level, and their factor analysis discovered the following seven themes

(listed in order of importance) that accoun ted for more th an half of the var iation. The

following were the most often mentioned hurdles to techn ology integration in schools

and other educational institutions:

1. lnadequate administrative support 2.Time, access, space, supervision, and operations

issues 3.Poor software 4.Curriculum influence the performance 5.Teacher attitudes and

understanding about computers 6.Computer restric tion s and insufficient numbers of

laptops 7 Lack of technical assist ance

Jacob sen ( I 998 ) reported comparable findings at the post-secondary level , building on

Hadley and She i ngo ld's (I 993) barrier research. The main difference was that the

majority of professors now believed that technolo gy was a good match for thei.r

programme. This discovery was not a unique occurrence. In fac t, it appears to be the

start of a new trend. Beggs (2000) reported that a lack of relevance to the facul ty

member 's discipline was the second- lo wes t barrier, wi th approx i ma te ly 65 percent


all respondents ev alu atin g it as only somewhat signific an t or not important in ano ther

surve y done at a post-secondary un i vers ity.

Other similarities amongst these studies would be that the top ranked hurdle s to

techn olo gy integration were a lack of ti me , lack of equipment, and a lack of training.

Beaudin (2002) used the Jaco bsen ins trumen t to stud y the effect of obsta cles in

technolo gy adoption in the K- I 2 context. Despite the fact that considerable techn ic al

deve lo pmen ts had occ urred between Beaud in 's st ud y and Had le y and She in gold's

founda tio nal work, the results were strik in gly comparab le . E xternal factors such as time

and inadequate access remained significant.

Ed uc ators were lo west likely to agree with the premise that computer s do not fit wi th

the co urse or the curriculum in th e Jacobsen, Beggs, and Beaudin findings - in stark

con trast to the Hadley and Sheingold find i ngs . Clearly, there has been a movement in

one component, as fewer in s tructor s now see a mis match between co urse con ten t and

tec hnolo gic al in tegrat ion . T he natural conclusion is t hat thi s ide a, when combined with

a techno lo gic all y advanced settin g, will only help teacher s better integrate tec hnolo gy

into e content.

1.4 Barriers Always Present:

It is essential to explore the recent history of technology in the classroom in order to

effectively illustrate the presence of hurd le s to technology integration in educational

establishments regardless of the environment. This demonstrates that, while the

fundamental barrier - a lack of technological access - was lifted, other barrie rs

persisted. Nonetheless, common sense dictates that efficient technology integration

would be a difficult, if not impossible, undertaking at institutions with limited access to

technology. Maddux 's (1998) argument that "i t is necessary that computers be installed

in classrooms" appears to be correct. True integration is unlikely to occur until that

happens " (p. 8) remains true.

Even if access, time, and technical assistance were eliminated, according to Ertmer

(1999), instructors would not automatically inte grate technology into teac hing and

learning. Furthermore, in a study of the frequency of teacher techno logy usage in high

sc hools with ample technology, Cuban, Kirkpatrick, and Peck (2001 ) found that

decision makers assume that providin g ab undant access to technology will lead to

increased technology use in the classroom. While this is unque stionab l y necessary, it is

only the first step. They discovered that having a lot of tec hnology isn 't enough to

gua rantee technological integration.This sug gests that even in schools with better-than

average technology, instructors were not integrating techn ology to a s ignificant degree.

Even the seemingly simple chore of schedul i ng a computer lab looked to be a roadb lock.

Once again, the mo st important aspect of this research is that, as a laptop in stitution,

technology is not a concern. This adds to the analysis of the remaining technological

inte gration roadb locks Jt does not appear that the link between abundant techn ology,

improved technologic al integration, and hurdle s is easy. ewhouse (1999) found that

many of the fundamental hurdles to innovation adoption were sti ll present in a longterm

research centred on a portable computer software. Poor computer proficiency, a lack of

time, a lack of confidence, and hardware problems were all impediments to instructors

incorporating technology .Despite the fact that access has been conquered as a barrier,

others persisted. Cuban (2001), who discovered that lack of time and poor generic

training remained technological integration hurdles in techn ology-r ich high schools,

echoes similar concerns. He also mentioned that at Stanford University, where

technology is abundant, academics continue to cite a lack of time and inadequate

technical assistance as hurdles to technology integration.

1.5 Statement of problem:

The study 's goal is to identify the obstacles to employing information techno logy in


1.6 Researc h Objectives:

I. To determine the impediments to fe ma le students adopting information

technology in schools.

2. To determine the hurdles to male pupils usmg information technology m


3. To figure out how to get th rough these roadblocks when it comes to usin g

infom1ation techno logy.

4. To discover the sorts of impediments that studen ts face in the classroom.

5. To determine the variables that are the most significant impediments to the use

of information technology in schools.

6. To discover the elements that aid stude nts in inc reasing their use of information

techn ology?

7. To determine the impact of impedi me nts on studen ts' careers.

8. To determjne the impact of impediments on studen t achievement at the school


1.7 Research Question:

I . What kinds of obstacles do we face whi le us in g in format ion techno logy?

2. How can we address the educational system's lack of information techn ology


3. How can we overcome the challenges of incorporating information techn ology

into the educational system ?

4. How do infom1ation technologie s affect school pu pils ' grades and performance?

5. Has the inability to use information techn ology had an influence on the

depa rtment's efficiency?

6. What kjnd ofIT hurdle s do school pupils face during class practises?

7. Do information techno logy restrictions have a negative influence on student

succ es s?

8. Isn't a lack of awareness a key impediment to employing information

techn ology?

9. Do obstacles to employing information technology have a detrimental influence

on studen ts' careers?

10. Do restrictions to employing informati on technology have an impact on school

pupil s' efficiency?

11. How do CT restrictions affect both male and female studen ts' efficiency le vel s in

sc hool and higher education?

12. Why do we need to break down the obstacles to information tec hnology use?l .8

Significance of the study:

Researchers focus in this study will be on the effects of obstacles on studen t

performance. It wiU in s truct students on the importance of using information technology

in their studies. It will raise awareness among students about the use of information

technology in the classroom. It will assist teachers in overcoming the information

techn ic al hurdles that pupils confront while study i ng.

1.9Limitation ot' study:

The study 's weakness is that we only collected data from private schools rather than

public institutions. Although public school pupils face challenges in accessing

technology, we collect data in a convenient manner, which is why we chose Sargodha

for data collecting. As a result, only private schools were studied ; public schools were

excluded. This researc h also identifies the hurdles to employing information



I. Only boys and girls from Sargodha's seconda ry school were surve yed.

2. Only a questionnaire was use d to collect data.

3. The scope of this research was confined to "attitudes toward in formation technolo gy."

4. This research was limited to seco ndary school students (8th, 9th& 10th)

Chapter: 2


2.1 Introduction

We wil l cover the many studie s on barriers to adop ting computer technology that have

been conducted in the past, as well as some current research. These stud ies revea le d the

effor ts made by many ed uc ators and academics to integrate in formation sys tems into

primary and secondary schools. The y highlight how difficult it was for in struct ors and

le arners in schools to use information techno logy, regardless of whether it was the

technologic al period.

2.2 Barriers in Using Information Techno logy

In teg rati ng techn ology into instruction is a demanding task that may encounter a var ie ty

of challenges. "Barr ie rs" are the tem1s for the se challenges (Schoepp, 2005). "Any

si tuat ion that makes it very difficult to de velop or to some other categorization

discovered in the research is referred to as a barr ie r," accord ing to the defin ition.

Impediments at the classroom level vs. barrie rs at the primary le vel. Becta (2004)

divided the barrie rs in to two categories: those that in fluence the child (ed uc ator

barriers), such as time constraints, lack of confidence, and fear of change, and those that

affect the institution (academic barriers), suc h as an absence of meaningful tec hnic al

problem-solving education and tool s. Balanskat et al. (2006) classified them as mic ro

le vel hurdle s, suc h as those relating to in struct ors' views and app roaches to technology,

and macro scale barrie rs, such as those relatin g to the insti tuti onal str uc ture. Later

included a third option, macro sca le (sys te m-le vel obstacles), which in cluded those that

were tie d to the larger school curriculum. Ano ther perspective vie ws barriers as having

two types of situations: tang i ble and non-mater ial (Pelgrum, 200 I ) . T he inadequate

quantity of computers or copies of sof tware might be one of the material factors.

Teachers ' lack ofIT intellec tual abili tie s, the complexity of bringing IT into classroom,

and limited teacher time are among the non- materi al barriers.

2.3 Major Barriers:

A few of these researc h focuses at hurdles at the s tage of the in s tructor, the school, or

the process. Yet, because the goal of this article is to ide ntif y ongoing and prospective

difficulties that scientific in s truc tors encounter in their classrooms, this research mainly

focuses on professor and classroom barriers, as described in the attached parts..

2.4 School-level barriers

2.4.1 Lack of time:

Some recent research has suggested that too many instructors are competent and

confident in utilising techn ology in classrooms, ye t they still u tili se them spar in gly due

to a lack of time. A lot of researches identified time constraints and the problem of

schedul i ng adequate computational time for courses as barriers to instructors' use of

techn ology in their classrooms (Al- Alwani, 2005; Becta, 2004; Beggs, 2000; Schoepp,

2005; Sicilia, 2005). According to Sicilia (2005), the most prevalent problem that all of

the instructors mentioned was a li mited time to design tec hnologic al classes, study

numerous Web si tes, or examine various features of software applications.

According to Becta's stud y (2004), teache rs ha ve a shortage of schedul i ng problem in

many elements of their profession, affect in g their capacity to accomplish tasks, wi th

seve ral of the participating instructors notin g explicitly which areas ofIT demand more

time. T hese factors include the time spen t looking for lntemet guidance, preparing

courses, exploring and observing how to use computers, dealing wi th technologic al

issues, and receiving enough training. According to new research, a shortage of time is

a major impediment to the application of modern technology in scie ntific te ac hin g (AI

Alwani, 2005). Due to hectic sched ule s, according to Al- Alwani (2005), a limited time

is an obstacle to the development of IT in Saudi Arabia. He explained that while Saudi

instructors operate from 7 a.m. to 2 pm, and scie nce sc hools know an average of 18

classroom lessons per week, neither teachers and st udent s have a limited amount of time

throughou t the day to focus on incorporating technology into scien tific instruction.

Moreover, Sicilia (2005) found that instructors spend significantly more time designing

programs that use modern techno logy than the y do preparing regular classes in Canada.

"T he restrictions of varied class schedule s led to the shortage of information the y spent

together to prepare student le arni ng ," teacher s questioned by Sicilia (2005) said (p. 41).

Time management was indicated by 86-88 percent of general and specific science

instructors polled by Dillon, Osborne, Fairbrother, and Kurian (2000) as the most major

restraint on ut ilisation (as cited in Osborne & Hennessy, 2003, p. 37). According to

Gomes (2005), one of the principal causes teachin g staff do not use CT in the curriculum

is a shortage of time to complete preparations.

2.4.2 Lack of effective training:

The lack of efficient in structi on is the most commonly mentioned impediment in the

literature (Albir i ni, 2006; Balanskat et al., 2006; Beggs, 2000; Ozden, 2007; Schoepp,

2005; Sicilia, 2005; Toprakci, 2006). Pelgrum 's (2001) study found that there were

insufficient possibilities for instructors to attend classes in the use of technology in

education. Additionally, according to Beggs (2000), one of the top three hurdle s to

instructors using techn ology to teach pupils is a lack of trainin g. According to recent

study in Turkey, the biggest issue with imp le me nting modern IT in scie nce is a lack of in-

service skills trai nin g for scientific instructors (Ozden, 2007), and Toprakci (2006)

stated that inadequate teacher training in the use of IT in Turkish schools is a barrier.

According to Becta (2004), the topic of instruction is tough since it is necessary to

examine numerous facto rs in order to guarantee that the training is succe ssful. These

included time for train in g, training opportun i tie s, skill building, and first training

programs in the use of tech nology. Accorcling to Gomes (2005), impediments to

techn ologic al innovation in classroom practise include a lack of online learning training,

practical instruc tion in how to ut.ili se IT in the curriculum, and instruction in the use of

techn ology in science-specific doma i ns. Some Saudi Arabian research found that the

following factors contributed to educational techn ologybreakdowns: Teac hi ng practice

in the use of computers is lacking, as is the employment of a "delive ry" teach in g style

rather than deve lopmen t in current technology (Alhamd, Alotaibi, Motwaly, & Zyadah,

2003). There is also a paucity of competent instructors who can succe ssfully use

software (Sager, 2002).

2.4.3 Pedagogical training and IT training:

It is critical to provide pract.ical opportunities for staff rather than merely teachin g them

how to utili se IT techno logie s (Becta, 2004). According to Cox et al. (I 999a), if

instructors are to be persuaded of the usefu lness of employing techno logy in their

classrooms, their programs should focus on in struc tional difficulties. Cox et al. ( I 999a)

found that even after attending IT courses and trainin g, instructors still d idn't know how

to use techno logy in the ir classrooms; rather, they just unde rstood how to operate a

computer and arranged a pri nter . This is because the courses focused primarily on

instructors learning fund ame ntal IT skills and did not typically educate teachers how to

expand the pedagogical components of IT, according to them . In keeping with the

findings of Cox et al. (I 999a), Balanskat et al. (2006) found that insufficient teacher

orientation is hindering teachers' use of technology in the classroom and in le ss on

planning. They claim that this is because effective tra inin g focus on the development of

IT skills rather than in structors ' instructional strategie s in respect to CT. Moreover, in

add i tion to teacher methods, Becta (2004) believes that instructors should be trained in

specialised IT abilities. As according Newhouse (2002), instructors require some

training course in order to build suitable skills, understanding, and attitudes towards

using computers to help their studen ts' learning. He claimed that this necessitates

continuous learning to ensure that proper skills and knowledge are maintained.

2.4.4 Using new tools of' technology in Classes:

Basically, when digital skills and teaching methods are introduced, te acher trainin g is

required (Osborne & Hennessy, 2003) if these are to be integrated into the classroom.

As per Balanskat et al. (2006), insufficient or incorrect trainin g causes instructors to be

neither properly prepared nor competent to fully integrate tech nology into the

classroom. "Teacher s must not only be comp uter literate, but also acq uire abilities in

sys tem will ens ure use into their teaching/learn in g programmes, " according to

Newhouse (2002). (P- 45). Teachers, as per Newhouse (2002), require information

education (which focuses on the study of technologies) and educational techn ology

training (support for teac hin g in the classroom). Similar to Sicilia (2005), Sicilia (2005)

discovered that instructors desire to learn how to use new technologies in their

classrooms, but a lack of training and professional development prevents them from

doing so in particular disciplines like science or math . Other concerns with IT

professional development include education courses that are not tailored to match the

individual learning needs of instructors and programs that are not changed on a regular

basis (Balanskat et al. 2006).

2.4.5 Pre-Service training:

Pre -serv ice sc hool curriculum can also help by allowi ng students to practise wi th

techn ology before employing it in the classroom (Albir i ni, 2006). Teac her s' utilisation

of what is accessible in the classroom while teac hing practise is hampered by an

emphas is on CT in early teach e r education (Becta, 2004). Teachers may not have access

to IT resources if training is poor.

2.4.6 Lack of accessibility:

According to many research studie s, a limited resources, es peciall y home access, is

another d iffic u lt obstacle that prevent s in st ructors from implementing innovation int o

education, scien tifica ll y valid education, as seen in the followi ng d iscussion.

According to many research re ports, there are several factors for the lac k of access to

techn ology. Teachers grumbled about how problematic i t was to constantly have access

to tec hnology in S ici li a's stud y (2005). "Computers had to be denied in progress, and

the instructors wou ld remembe r to do so," the author explained, "or they co uldn't book

them for seve ral time s in a success ion when they desired to work on a variety of projects

with the kids" (p. 50). In other words, so most IT service s were spli t wi th other

in s truc tors, a teacher wo uld have no connection to them . Accord in g to Becta (2004),

the segregation of IT tools is not necessarily owing to a lack of hard ware, software, or

other IT assets inside the scho ol.. It might be the consequence of a varie ty of proble ms,

in cl uding in adeq uate resource organ is ation, low-quality techn ology, incorrect software,

or a lack of general connectivity for teacher s (Becta, 2004).

Teachers face a variety of obstacles connected to the usabili ty of modern techno logy,

which vary by nation. According to Empinca's (2006) European s urve y, the most

significant obstacle to us in g IT in ed ucat ion is a barrier, and instr uc tors have cited a

variety of d iffic ulti e s to utili si ng IT in teac hing, i ncl udin g a shortage of computers


insufficient content. Moreover, Korte and Hising (2007, p.4) discovered that various

infrastructural limitations exist in European schools, such as the lack of broadband

connectivity. According to their findings, one-third of European schools still lack

broadband Internet connectivity. Pelgrum (2001) looked at the perspectives of

practitioners from 26 countries on the key barriers to using IT in schools. Four of the

top 10 impediments, he observed, were connected to IT availability. There were enough

computers, attachments, software copies, and parallel Inte rnet connectivity to overcome

these obstacles. Small levels of computers, obsolete or sluggish IT systems, and a lack

of instructional software in the school, according to Toprakci (2006), were hurdles to

the integration of IT into science teaching in Turkish schools. Similarly, AJ-Alwan i

(2005) discovered that in Saudi schools, having no access to the Internet during the

school day and a shortage of hardware hampered technological integration. According

to a recent study of Syrian schools, one of the most significant barriers to technology

integration in the classroom was a lack of system resources (Albirini, 2006). In general,

there are numerous hurdles associated with a lack of IT access. Gomes (2005)

discovered that a lack of sufficient architecture and material resources were

impediments in his investigation. However, overcoming such physical constraints does

not guarantee that IT will be effectively implemented. As per Balanskat et al. (2006),

the convenience of use of IT tools does not correlate with good teaching ability, and

this is due to a variety of factors including a lack of high -qual i ty hardware, appropriate

instructional software, and acce ssible to IT resources, among others.

Many ins tructors, according to Newhouse (2002), have concerns with inadequate

equipment and software selections, as well as a lack of thought on what is appropriate

for classroom teaching. Moreover, Cox et al. (1999a) discovered that the majority of

teachers believed that a lack of CT faci Iities in the school and insufficient time to assess

software prevents instructors from employing tech no lo gy.

2.4.7 Lack of technical support :

Teachers will no t be able to solve the hurd le s to employing techn olo gy witho ut both

competent technic al assistance in the curriculum and whole -sch ool se rvice s (Te wis,

2003). According to Pelgrum (2001), one of the most sign ific an t i mped i men ts to IT

usage in education, according to elementary and secon dar y teachers, is an absence help.

Technical issues were identified as a key impediment for inst ruc to rs in Sicili a's study

(2005). Suffering for webpages to lo ad, having trouble internet connected, printers not

printing, computers that were faulty, and teachers required to work on antiqu ated

sys tems were all examples of techn olo gica l hurd le s . "Techn ic al obstacles obstruct in g

the passing of the lesson or the social na ture of classroom ac tivi ties " (Sicili a, 2005, p.


According to Korte and Hiising (2007), IT s upport or infrastructure or centralized in

sc hoo ls allow instructors to use techno lo gy i n the classroom witho ut spe ndin g time

fixing software and hardware issues. "If there is a sho rtage of techn ic al help accessible

at a school, i t is probable that techno lo gic al prevention will not be carried out on a daily

basis, resulting in a greater risk of techn ic al fail ure," according to the Becta (2004) study

(p. I 6). Many interviewees to Recta 's study (2004) said that technical problems would

deter the m from adopting IT in their classrooms because they are afraid of equipment

shu ttin g down in the middle of a lecture.

Several studi es have found that a lack of techn ic al assistance is a major obstacle to

employing tec hno lo gy in scie ntific ed uca tion. As per Gomes (2005), IT i ncl us ion in

science ed uca tion necessita tes the presence of a profess io nal, and if one is not

accessible, a lack of technical assistance might be a barrier. In Turkey, Toprakci (2006)

discovered that a lack of technical assistance was one of two major impedime nts to

integratin g IT into scientific instruction in schools, and that it was "severe ." Scientific

professors in Saud i Arabia would approve to include comp uters in sc ience classes if

they didn't think the y'd run into issues li ke technical su pport or hardware iss ue s

(Alm ohaissin, 2006). Regard less of the level of technical assistance and access

available to teachers, or if they have 20 years experience or are new to the field,

technological issue s cr ea te impediments to the seam le ss implementation of scienti fic

lecture s by instructors, according to Sicilia (2005). Despite the fact that a level of

techn ologic al supp ort can make it difficult for teacher s to successfully implement

techn ology into the classroom, research shows that in some states (such as the United

Kingdom, the Netherlands, Tatvia, Malta, and the Czech Re public ), schools have made

engineering serv ice s a priority to help teachers us e technology in the classroom ( Kort.e

and Hiising, 2007).So many studies have iden tified a variety of the following or familiar

aspects as prevalent restric tions: a lack of computer s, an absence software, a limited

time, technical i ssues, teachers' attitudes forward into computers, poor budget, a lack of

teacher faith, lack of com mitment , poor governing support, a sudden loss of computer

skills, a lack of curriculum fit, a lack of incen tive s, schedul i ng struggle s, poor training

advantages, and an incapability in how to use computer s. As detailed in the next section,

there are complex interactions amon g these obstacles.

2.5 The relationshi p between the barriers:

As previously stated, the obstacles have a varie ty of connections. Some impediments ,

such as a loss of teacher competency and accessibility, appear to be intertwined with

others. Some hurdle s, such as teac her in security and inflexibility, appear to be more

substantial than others. The following analysis relies on the connections between lack

of availability and lack of com petency , as well as other aspects time, instruct ion,

and technical help.

The i nacce ssibili ty to mater ials as a barrier is linked to a number of other significant

concerns that might be regarded hurd le s to teachers' use of technology. Although the

products are avai lable in schools, instructor s are unable to use them due to a lack of

time. Although equipment and mater ials is accessible, the teacher does not have time to

operate and d iscuss triose procedures. This might be due to the fact that there are too

many classes in one day or that the amount of time allotted even during class le sson is

minimal. Another example of a barrier to availability, as observed in prior research, is

a lack of teacher trai nin g that hinders the incorporation of technology into education.

Teachers may have access to educational techn ology assets, but they are unable to use

them due to a lack of curricular or ski lls-related (practic al) preparation on how to use

these [T ma terials. On the other side, it 's possible that a shortage of resources result s in

a decrea se in training opportunities. It's crucial to note that not only is availability to

materials utilised in the classroom vital for stude nts' learning, but it's also related to self

at home. Teachers may have access to resources, but they are unable to use IT in the

curriculum due to their inability to use IT tools. Since a resul t, in structors will always

want technical aid, as this expertise may offer them with up-to-date equipment in the

modern technologic al environment. Technical assistance is beneficial dur ing training,

which takes time. They work together to provide access to IT resource s, which aids in

the succe ssful implementation of technology into the teaching process.

2.5.1. Lack of' Ability:

One of the most significa nt barriers to te ac hers' use of techn olo gie s in educ ation is a

lack of skill. I t is intertwined with ot he r con ce rns such as training, time , and technical

assistance . The absence of proper train ing is the primary iss ue assoc iated to the ability

barr ie r. Training program in the use of modem technolo gy in the classroom can help

in s tructors become more efficient in their use ofIT in education. Basic abi litie s in using

techno lo gy as we ll as the integration of such tools i nto engaging teachin g are covered

in tr ain in g. Self -trai ni ng is equally vital for i mp rovi ng IT skills and competenc y. It may

be acco mp li s hed by allowing instructors to access self- tra i ning ma te rials s uch as use r

manuals, CDs, and IT tools at home. Teache rs mu s t also have time avai lab le to build

their IT ab ili tie s. T hose with sufficien t time to improve their ab ili tie s can be more

innovative than teachers wi th little time. A teac her need expert techn ic al hel p in order

to get adequate competence in succ ess fu lly us in g IT in education.

As previously stated, there is a challe nging relationship bet wee n access to current

technolo gy tools and ins truc tors' abilit y to use them, therefore this rela tio nship

combines those ele me nts with additional fac to rs such as ti me , instruction, and techn ic al

assis tance. T he re is also a link between the obstacles of inconvenient location and lack

of sk ill. To put it another way, instructors may no t be ready to use IT fundin g unle ss

they are skilled in the transfe r of sk ills and can effectively use it in the ir teac hin g. Access

to IT resources, on the other hand , can help te acher s improve the ir co mpe te nce by

allowing them to self- train via the Internet or commun ic ate wi th experts. By providing

instructors with techn ic al help and adeq uate time, the y will have more opportun ity to

enhance their ab iliti es and have access to IT resources .

2.5.2 Teacher and stude nt confidence Level:

According to past research , another concern that has to be addressed is i ns tructors' trust

in using technology to help them i nstruct more effectively. Lack of trust is a problem

that is connected to the two prior issue s: a lack of reso urces and in str uct or co mpetenc y.

Due to ava il abili ty of IT resource s, teache rs' perceived competence to utilise IT and

possessing the fundamental abili tie s to operate it may boost the ir enjoyment of current

techn ologie s, encouraging the m to inte grate CT into teaching. Howe ver, we mu st not

overlook the need of providing adequate trainin g, time, and technical assistance.

Because, as prev ious l y said, there are i ntr ic ate i nte ractions among the obstacles, it is

impossible to put them in to grou ps and speak abo ut the m in completely differen t

categories. Lack of technical help , time , and trainin g, for example, can resu lt in

technic al issue s, which can the n lead to a lack of exp osure to IT tools and in struct ors'

abili ties . T his migh t le ad to a loss of trust in instructors and have an effec t on

motivation. Understanding the deg ree at which the se hurdle s impede in struct ors from

utilising IT in this stud y may aid educators in determining how these barriers might be

overcome. In other words, in struct ors mus t be persua ded of the value of incorporatin g

techn ology in to the classroom. After that, they should be give n access to resources.

After that, in struct ors must be able to effectively use these tools. Withou t enough time,

competent trainin g, and technica l sup port, access to IT and the capacity to utili se it

would be impossi ble.

2.6 Implementation:

It is clear that addressing and lowering the causes behind the awareness of these

obstacles makes it much sim ple r to remov e them . Ed uc ators, in structors, and sch ool

princi pals mu st colla borate to overcome any challenges and fall to pieces the above

mentioned barriers to i nte grating IT in to education - le arnin g in a meaning fu l way .

Tins has certain consequences for educators in terms of successful IT integration into

education. The purpose of Table I is to demonstrate these implications. Schools must

give instructors with training classes so that they may obtain expertise working with

new equipment, updated technology, and pedagogical techniques. In schools, technical

assistance is required. Teachers must also be provided with the required CT tools, such

as hardware and software, by schools. It is critical for schools to work with teachers by

giving them enough time to adopt new technology in the classroom. the classroom. For

instance, a school might reduce the number of classes taught by a teacher or increase

the length of daily lessons. Teachers must also link with the application of programmes,

which was not addressed here. Teachers should take most of the technology resources

available at their institu tions. Before entering the teaching profession, they must be

adequately prepared. Teachers can equip themselves when training is lacking by

enrolling in individual sessions or self -trai ni ng. They should be open-minded about

innovative teaching methods . They must develop strategies to handle challenges

surrounding their usage of technology in schoo ls when assistance is weak. Finally,

instructors should develop self -organization abilit.ies, which will greatly assist them in

running their lessons when employing technology.

2.7 Limitation:

The goal of Tins research was to determine the current and future limitations that

science instructors face when it comes to integrating technology into their classrooms.

As a result, this study has solely looked at teacher and schoo l-le vel impediments.

(AECT, 2004) It's also worth noting that, while Tin's study focuses on major hurdles

revealed by the published research, there are less immediate impediments to using

technology in the classroom. Lack of classroom management skills, poor managerial

support, poor school funding, and poor curriculum fit are some of the barriers

mentioned in the literat ure (Al - Alwani , 2005; Balanskat et al. 2006; Becta, 2004;

Beggs, 2000; Gomes, 2005; Tazaros & Rogers, 2006; Schoepp), but they are still

significant and need to be investigated. Educat ion sc ie nce is a techno logy of stud y and

practise that foc uses on how to design, manage, and inte gra te technolo gy to enhance

teac hing and le arnin g. Leaming techno lo gy (e- tec hnolo gy) and le arni ng software have

become more significan t in the development of skills across the world. As a result,

educ ation -based technology has a variety of challenges for all parties involved, but if

conq ue red, techn olo gy will have a bigger i nflue nce in th e curriculum than if it were

merely a topic on its own, with no defined ed uc ation al o bjective s and s tude nts having

constan t access to it.

According to Su (2009), techno logy may be utilised for int egration and transformation.

Technolo gy integration guarantees that techno lo gy promotes present le arn i ng, wherea s

change perm i ts techno logy to teach trainees thin gs that were not previously taught due

to the discovery of new tec hno lo gy. The article agrees with Su's view point that

i nnovat ion shou ld be used to revo lu tioni s e education while also retaining the te ache r

student relationship, whic h would benefit everyone. Leaming has changed with time

and no longer carries the same connotation as it once had. Perkins (I 992) de fines

knowledge as the ability to retain i nforma ti on. Le ar ning, accord i ng to the AECT (2004),

comprises the comprehension and retention of know le dge . It is a research that e mp lo ys

different gadgets in education to focus on le arnin g and the faci lit ation of sui table

techn ology to inc rease performance (AECT, 2004).

Standard teac hi ng and le ar nin g occur s whe n a teac her instructs students and stude nts

make comments based on the ins tructor's in s tructi ons; nevertheless, typica l teac hing

and le arnin g may be i nte rac ti ve and engaging. Because the instructor must respond to a

grou p of pu pils, the info rma tion and context provided to studen ts are age-specific .


are no potential obstacles to the information transmission process because the content

is delivered in a direct fashion and studen ts have direct access to the instructor.


Students are more engaged and participate in constructivist learning since the instructor

is merely a guide and the learner is the one who asks the questions. The content and

progression are tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Learners connect across

age grou ps, either through peer le arning or differentiated instruction, and studen ts now

have more interaction and engagement because to technology.

(Koller, Harvey & Magnotta, 200 I )Technology-based le arnin g can take place at any

time and in any location; i t can be self-paced and take place at any time ; it can be content-

centric with some teacher -student contact or le arner- le arner interaction; or it can be le

arner-focused and take place where the learner routes learning. This sort of learning occur

s when technology rep laces conventional face-to-face learning. I t is not message le arnin g,

and the teacher does not need to be present in the same room as the studen t. Computer-based

le arning, which includes channels suc h as E-learning, is one example of this sort of

studyin g.

Both traditional and modernist learning style s clearly have benefits, but direct

instruction is more interactive and involves studen ts in content and peer learning. It is

also app lic ab le to all disciplines of study, and while the conten t may be age-specific,

the ed uca tion moti vates studen ts to work harde r, enco urages them , and is capable of

promptly resolving any problems, givin g them an advantage that technology alone

cannot su ppl y.

2.8 Gender Differences:

A studies that have looked at the relationship between gender and the usage of

technology. Female instructors, on the o th er hand, have low levels of internet browsing

due to their restricted technological access,expertise, and interest, according to research

on teachers ' gender and IT use (Volman & van Eck, 2001). According to research, men

instructors employed more technology in thei.r teac hing process than female teachers

(Kay, 2006; Wozney et al., 2006). Similarly, Markauskaite (2006) looked at gender

inequalities in IT experience and literacy among first-year graduate trainee instructors.

The study discovered considerable disparities in technic al IT capabilities, as well as

situational and longitudinal sus tain abili ty, between males and girls. Males scored higher

than females. Jamieson -Proctor, Burnett, Finger, and Watson (2006) performed a

research in Queensland State on teachers' use of technology in the classroom. The

results of a survey of 929 instructors revealed that female teachers used technology in

their classrooms less than male teachers. In a le go-lo go stud y in mid -western US

elementary schools, howe ver, Breisser (2006) discovered that girls' self-perceptions of

technological compe te nce improved but ma les ' s elf-percep tions of technological

supremacy remained stable. Female instructors used technolo gy more than male

teachers, according to the study (Adams, 2002). This research backs up Yukselturk and

Bulu t's (2009) findings that the gender gap has narrowed in recent years, with more

women th an men now using the net and web 2.0 tec hno lo gies . Ho we ver , several

research found that the gender variable was not a pre-IT or post-IT factor in th e

incorporation of technology into the classroom (Norris, Sullivan, Poirot & Soloway,

2003). In a study done by Kay (2006) , he discovered th at male instructors had greate r

levels of computer nat ure and willingness before to th e deployment of technology, but

there was no disparity in comp ute r nature and ability among males and females once

the technology was implemented. He argues that good technological preparedness can

assist to reduce gender disparity.

2.9 Teaching Experience:

Although some studies found that ins tructors ' teaching experience did not impact their

use of computer tech nology in the classroom (Nie derha user & Stoddart, 2001), the

majority of studies found that teaching experience does influence the successful use of

IT in the classroom (Wong & Li, 2008; Giordano, 2007; Hernandez -Ramos, 2005).

According to Gorder (2008), te ache r experience has little bearing on practical

technology uti li s ation. She discovered that successful computer use was linked to

technical comfort levels and the freedom to tailor lessons to teacher-perce ived studen t

requirements in her research. Furthermore, according to Baek, Jong, and Kim (2008),

experienced instructors are less willing to integrate technology into their classrooms.

Similarly, the (US National Center for Education Statistics, 2000) found that instructors

with less experience in the classroom were more likely to include computers into their

lessons than those with mo re expert.ise. As per the survey, teachers with less than three

years of teaching experience use computers 48 percent of the time, te achers with four

to nine years of teaching experience use computers 45 percent of the time, te ache rs wi th

ten to 19 years of teaching experience use computers 47 percent of the time, and

teac hers with even more th an 20 years of te ach i ng experience use computers 33 percent

of the time. This gap might be due to the fact that new instructors have more expertise

with technology.

Furthermore, Lau and Sim (2008) performed a research in Malaysia with 250 secondary

teachers to determine the amount of IT adop tion. Their findings found that olde r

teachers are more likely than younger teachers to employ computer ict in education.

The main explanation for this might be that senior i ns truct ors who have extensive

expertise in teaching, classroom management, and computer skil ls can read ily integrate

IT into their lessons. Russe ll, Bebell, O'Dwyer, & O'Connor (2003) discovered tha t new

in s tructor s who were more highl y tra i ned with technolo gy than old timer s did not use

IT in to their instruction. Two reasons were gi ven by the researchers: The focus of new

instructors may be on how to utilise techno lo gy rather than ho w to include it into their

lessons .. Second, new teachers may have difficulties in their very first few years of

teac hin g, s ince t hey spend the majorit y of their time le arnin g about the schoo l's

curriculum and teach in g method s. Russe ll, O'Dwyer, Bebe ll, and Tao (2007) sugges ted

that the le vel of IT integration was connected to the duration of teacher tenure in a study

of over 3000 instructors. Granger, Morbey, Lothering ton , Owston, and Wide man

(2002), on the other hand , did a qualitative study in Canada on the e le me nts that

contribute to teachers' good IT perfo rmance . They spoke with 60 people from 12

different schools. The data re vea led no link bet wee n in struc tors' teachin g experience

and their use of technolo gy, meaning that teachers' JT abilities and effective

i mple mentat ion are complicated, and that there is no obv io us pre -IT or post -IT

in tegratio n.

2.10 Teac her workload:

Many studies have found that teacher s' workJoads have an i mpact on their embrace of

techno lo gy in the classroom . Samarawickrema & Stacey (2007), for example, looked

at the factors that influenced the de plo ymen t of a le arnin g platfo rm in a big mu lti

campus metropolitan university in Austra lia. They employed a case study tec hnique and

sam plin g method to choo se 22 part ici pants for the stud y, and they used web-based too ls

to train both on- and off-campu s stude nts. T he study 's findings revealed that an

increased workload combined with techno lo gy-ass isted education was crucial to the

study 's participants. Course maintenance and regular improvements, student emails,

acquiring new skills, and the continual quest for sustainable techniques were all found

to contribute to increasing burden.

Similarly, Neyland (201 I ) investigated the variables impacting the incorporation of

online learning in Sydney high schools using both descriptive and qualitative methods.

There were 26 computer coord i nator s in the research. In an in tervie w, a schoo l's

computer coordinator expressed concern about te achers ' increased workload: "As king

them to take on yet another duty in an already overburdened curriculum and highly

hectic work day is driving many in s tructor s to the edge, and in so me case s beyond "

(p .11). In adclition, Abuhmaid (2011) clid research on the effectiveness and conduct of

IT training courses in Jordan's educational system. A total of I I 5 instructors and 12

school principals were included in the study. Data was gathered through i ntervie ws,

quizzes , direct case studies , and field notes on teaching methods. "Teachers are already

overworked," one principal said in the surve y, "and they co uldn 't handle the workload

and the demand from IT trainin g" (p. 1 2). Furthermore, "teachers are overwhelmed to

study, organise , and practise what they le arn, " accorcling to one instructor (p. 1 2).

According to Fullan (2003), teachers ' workloads mus t be reduced in order for them to

achieve the ed ucati on al s yste m's goals and adop t new ideas .

2.11 Institutional characteristics:

Teachers ' breathing abilities are aided by in stitu tion al factors. According to Vannatta &

Fordham (2004), the quantity of technology training received by teachers and the

amount of time they devote to teaching are dependable variables in classroom

technology utilisa tion. They said that teacher profession al e ducator s should not only

"offer extensive training on educational technolo gy," but also "e nab le a remuneration

for teaching improve ment " (p. 262). Access to techn o lo gy is also i mp ortant, according

to Norris, Poirot, and Soloway (2003). As a result, it's important to understand the

institutional factors that impact te acher s' acceptance and integration of technolog y into

the classroom.

2.12 Professional development:

Professional development for teache rs is critical to the succe ssf ul integration of ict into

classroom i nst ruc tion . Several stud ie s have found that IT-related training programmes

improve teachers' computer skills (Bauer & Kenton, 2005; Franklin, 2007; Wozney et

al., 2006), influence teachers' attitudes to ward computers (Hew and Brush, 2007;

Keengwe and Onchwar i , 2008), and help te acher s reorganise the task of technolo gy and

how new technology tools are essential in studen t learning (Bauer & Kenton, 2005;

Franklin, 2007; Wozney et al., 2006), as (Plair, 2008). Technology training, according

to Muller and his partners (2008), is linked to succe ss fu l technology integration in the

classroom. They found that professional development and systematic su pport of

excellent practise are among the most important drivers of effective IT integration in a

survey of 400 pre-tertiary teachers. Teachers ' tech no lo gic al abilities, according to

Sandholtz & Reilly (2004), are a key determinant of IT integration, but they are not

criteria for efficie nt use of techno lo gy in the classroom. The y sugges t that training

programmes that focus on IT educational tra inin g rather than technical difficulties and

good practical assistance help in str uc tors integrate technolo g y into their classrooms.

According to research, effective professional training programmes assist instructors in

implementing technology and changing in struc tion al approaches

(Brinkerhoff,2006;Diehl,2005). According to Lawless and Pellegrino (2007), if a

training programme is of high quality, the training time lasts lo nger, new teaching and

learning techno lo gie s are given, educators are avidly involved in crucial context

activities, and collegiaJ interaction is imp ro ved . When training programmes focus on

su bject content, values, and technology, teachers may embrace and incorporate IT into

their teac hing. Similarly, rese arc h has shown that in structors require technology experts

to educate them how to incorporate CT into their classrooms so that kids may learn more

easily (Plair, 2008). Teachers' increased expertise, confidence, and attitudes toward

technology are linked to their increased grasp of topic knowledge and how to employ

technology to help students' learning and accomplishment. Educators who combine

technology with innovative teaching technique s learned via profess ion al development

can dr astica lly improve student perfo rmance (Lawless & Pelleg rino , 2007). According

to (Chen, 2008), professional training courses must be desi gned to identify beliefs about

succe ss fu l teaching, policies for enhanced teachin g and learning and Technical training

programmes mus t be created to establish ideas about effective teac hing, policies for

improved teaching and learning, and curriculum design for teaching goals, according to

(Chen, 2008). Teachers that partici pate in professionaJ development events learn how

to integrate technolo gy into the classroom and how to organise it (We pner,

Tao& Zio me k, 2006). Clearly, allowing teacher candidates to utili se CT in their

programmes while still in sc hoo l is criticaJ in order for them to be able to use technology

to support their teac hing activities. When teachers are given time to practise with

technology, learn, share, and interact with peers, they are more inclined to include it

into their le sso ns. Inst ruc to rs' training programmes that incorporate educationaJ

techn ique s and tact ic s to address beliefs, sk ills, and knowledge increase teachers'

awareness and in sig hts about changes in classroom activities ahead of time ( Lev i n &

Wadmany, 2008).

2.13 Accessibility:

(Usl uel , Askar & Bas, 2008)The incorporation ofIT in education necessitates access to

IT interactions and reso urces in schools (Plomp, Anderson, Law, & Quale, 2009). The

si mp lici ty of use and visi bilit y of IT resources such as techno lo gy, sof tware, and other

resources are critical for effective deve lo pment and usa ge ofIT into teac hin g in sc hools.

Te ac hers will obviously no t use 1T resources if they cannot access them . As a result,

hav i ng access to computers, as well as u pdated software and hardware, is cri tic al to

successful techno lo gy ado ptio n and in te gration . According to Yildrim (2007), access to

techn olo gy too ls is one of the most effective strategies to improve teac hers' instructional

use of techn o lo gy in the classroom. Furthe rmore, a survey of 8 14 higher educati on

fac ult y members in T urkey fo un d that the ma jority of respondents said they had access

to computers and the in terne t. 82.5 percent and 81.2 percent of faculty members,

respectively, had access to comp ute rs and the internet

Albirini (2006) also performed a descriptive research to gather data from high school

English in s t ructors ' perspectives on computer qualities, cultural perceptions, computer

competency, computer access, and personal characteristics. The st ud y included 63 male

and 251 female instructors as participants. According to the findings, 57 percent of

respondents had access to computers at home, while 33.4 percent had access to

computers at school. T his is an indicator of i nstructors' lack of computer access .

Fur the rn1ore, according to the Nation al Centre for Higher Education (2000, as quoted

in Afshari, Bakar, Luan, Samah, & Fooi 2009), more than half of the respon de nts

utilised computers in their schoo ls for research and lesson trainin g. Around 78 percent

of those polled said they d id n't have enough access to computers in the classroom.

Al thoug h inadequate computers were no t cited as a major obstacle to IT usag e in thei.r

classrooms by 38 percent of respondents, grea ter si mp lic ity of use and equality of access

to tech no lo gic al reso urc es by te ache rs, stud en ts, and admin is trative staff are critical.

It is no t only vital to have access to hardware and sof tware, bu t it is also importan t to

employ the right tools and programme s to enhance teac hing and learning (Tonde ur ,

Valcke, & van Braak, 2008). "Access to suitable techn olo gy i mp lies tha t when a

techno lo gic al tool is im ple men ted in a lesson, the affor dances and restrictions

(Frie dhoff , 2008, quoted in Chen, 2010, p.3) of th e instrument must be carefully

eva lu ated. " It's also i mp ortant to distinguish betwee n access to IT resources and


to IT reso urce s. In a survey of preservice teachers conducted by Dexter & Reidel (2003),

they discovered th at 37.4 percent of in struct ors had access to comp uters whereas 14.4

percent of pupils had, meaning that teache rs have more access to computers than

students. It appears that in orde r to support student -centered tech nolo gy learning,

learners mus t have access to high-quality techno lo gic al resources.

Chapter 3

Methodology of Study

3.1 Operational definitions:

The goal of this st ud y was to loo k at the obstacles to util isi ng information tec hno lo gy

and discover their affin ities depending on gender, their mothers ' and dads ' educ ationa l

levels, hav i ng a computer at home , having a serv ice at home, In te rnet e duc ation, and

student positions. In this in vestigation , the following secondary and primary data were

use d:

3.2 Independent variable:

T he fol lo win g are the qu alitie s of the students:

I . Gender

2. The pu pils' ages.

3. Grade.

4. The name of the sc hool.

5. The pu pils' final grades.

6. Access to a computer at home.

7. The highest degree of education attained by the pupil s' mothers.

8. The highest degree of education attained by the pupils' fat hers.

9. Mother 's Work.

Father Job is number ten.

Internet use is number eleven.

The use of video games is number twelve .

13. Using a variety of information technology technique s

14 . T ime spent usi ng IT tools

3.3. Dependant variable:

Students ' responses on impediments to u tili sin g information technology were gathered

through a survey, and they were given questionnaires to fill out:

I . Informa tion is dispersed among too many sour ces, makin g it difficult to find

withou t he lp .

2. Inadequa te access to critic al hard ware .

3. Inadequate access to critical software.

4. Internet access in the departments is un ava il able .

5. A lack of knowledge of the mate rial's availability.

6. T here is a scarcit y of recent e-books.

7. Ins ufficie nt training in the use of informat ion technology.

8. Subscriptions to the mos t rece nt e-jouma ls are costly.

9. Inadequate f unds for the development of techn ology-basedactivities.

10 . A lack of techn ic al assistance.

11. A lack of motivation.

12. I'm afraid of making mis takes that l won' t be able to remedy if I util ise

techn ology.

13. Insufficient ti me (Overworked)

14. Emailing instructors takes too much time for student s.

15. Language barrier (most of the online material is in foreign lang ua ge).

16. Internet speed is slow.

17 . Shortage of computers

18. Others (plea se specify)


3.4 Research design:

The researcher adop ted a descri pti ve research design to guar antee a successful stud y.

Descriptive approaches are prone to focusing on behaviour, whereas qualitative

method s are prone to focusin g on meaning (Brym an, 2004). To determine the impact of

barriers to usin g information technology on the ed uca tion of primary kids. Based on the

survey, the descriptive research approach will be the most su i table. For this study, the

researcher emp loyed a descriptive research design. Data was gathered from stude nts in

District Sargodha 's private schools. The main reason for choosing school kids was to

look into the issues the y had with information tec hnology throughout their studie s and

when the y used various IT devices in their daily lives for entertainment,

communication, gaming, searc hi ng, and utili sing computers or lap tops for assignment

purposes. The purpose of the stud y was to see how of ten s tuden ts were more likely to

make adj ustmen ts in the ir studies as a result of the e ffec t of i nformation tec hno logy in

their daily routine. Ad ults' perspectives on how the inte rne t influences the ir ed ucat ion

are best collected throug h surve ys. To inve stigate the difficulties that children confront

when usi ng technology, 19 que stions were devised and gathered through a school

surve y. From the key items, a five-point Like rt sca le was employed wi th s trongly

disagree; disagree; sligh tl y take issue ; neutral; slightl y agree; concur; str ongly agree.

The researc h was carried out in the Pak istan i city of Sargodha. A random sample of 97

fema le s ec ondary school studen ts (N= 97) and 14 3 male secondary school studen ts (N=

14 3 ), rangin g in age from 13 to more than 1 5 years, answered a survey (the

questionnaire was in English language). All participants were required to complete a

surve y that measured student s' attitudes and opi nions about the usage of information

techn ology in various ways.

Participants were given the questionnaire, along with a cover letter, during class. All of

the individuals were asked to complete th e questionnaire, and their answers were kept

secret. A pen and paper survey was used to collect data for this investigation. The

surve y's participants were primary students from various colleges. The questionnaire

was filled out by students from various schools.

3.5 Identification of the Population:

The scope of the research refers to all people or objects that are under the scope of the

research issue to be investigated.

The population under examination was drawn from Sargodha 's private schools, and data

was gathered from both male and female pupils in order to assess the hurdles to adopting

information technology and its many tools. The information was gathered from studen ts

in the 2016-2017 academic year. The responders ranged in age from 13 to even more

than 15.

3.6 Sample:

The sample is a part of the population that is typical of the whole. The respondents for

the research were chosen using practical sampling procedures. Due to a lack of

resources and time, the researcher chose a sample size of 250 students, of which 97 are

female and 14 3 are male. The questionnaire was filled out by students throughout their

class time. The scholar as well as the professors offered proper advice to the pupils in

filling out the que stionn aire. The surveys were filled out with pencils, markers, and


3.7 Sampling technique:

The sample approach employed in this study is convenient sampling, because we chose

the Sargodha area to gather data from our users in an easy manner.

3.8 Instrument for Data Collection:

The tools that will be utilised to gather data in order to test hypotheses or answer

research que stions are referred to as research tools for data collecting. There are two

sorts of da ta utili se d in research . Data from both primary and secondary source s.

However, the data is gathered using a questionnaire. In addition to primary data,

researchers obtained information from secondary so urce s, although their major focus

was on pri mary data. During the litera ture revie w, I looked at books by various authors

who discussed the impact of barriers to students usin g in fom1ation technology during

their studie s, and I used web source s to find different wr iters' perspectives on barriers

to students using information techn ology while studyin g or for entertainment. The

questionnaire for surve y was employed to gather data in this study, and this tool looked

more sui ted because it was sim ple to answer to. A quiz is a type of data collection tool

that asks responde nts to answer basic questions in writing. The decision to employ a

que stionnaire was made for the following reasons.

I t give s greater confidence to the respondents to express themselves freely.

I. Because there is no pressure, queries are answered honestly.

2. It makes data processing easier by allowing for si mple c oding .

The interview was divided into two sections: the first was based on demographic of the

respondents, such as age, gender , and so on; the second portion was based on

demo graphic information of the respondents, such as age, gender, and so on. T he second

section focused on the study's various variables and indicators. The questionnaire had

closed-ended questions, with the Liker t Scale be ing the most common type of closed

ended question. It required responders to choose an answer from a li st of pre-selected

options. There were 33 closed-ended questions in all. The research premise and aims

le d to the crea tion of a questionnaire.

3.9 Data was analysed using SPSS:

A questionnaire was created for this research study to analyse the challenges that

students confront whe n uti li s in g information technology in the classroom. This

instrument had 47 i tems, 14 of which were conne cted to the s tude nts' personal

information and 19 of which were related to the obstacles to utilising information

techn ology and other JT tools to assess their level of convenience and efficiency in

using techno logy.

3.10 Data Collection:

Studen ts' percep tions regard in g the hurdle s they confront in adopting in format ion

techn ologie s were analysed at between 5 and 6 private schools in Sargodha using a

prepared questionnaire. Stude nts' replie s to the questionnaire were statis tic ally

analysed, in cl uding the ir houses, father 's and mother 's jobs and

qualifications,computer ownership, age, school name, video game ownership, time spent

on IT tools, in ternet education, and grade s.

3.11 Data Analysis Procedures:

We appl y descriptive research me thodologie s (frequency, t-tes t) in this work. In order

to explore the research subject of how obstacles affect studen ts' education in uti lising

information techn ologies and othe r IT tools, an-ova) were ut ilise d. The purpose of the

que stionn aire as a surve y was to le arn abo ut stude nts' percep tions of the hu rdles to

adopt i ng information tech nology and its capabilities.

3.12 Method of' Data Presentation and Analysis:

The Statistical Package for the Education Department was used to analyse the data

gathered via the questionnaire (SPSS). Frequency distribution table s and bar charts were

used to ana l yse the study issues, while independe nt sample T-tests and ANOVA were

used to assess the hyp otheses (analysis of variances).

3.13 Percentage:

In the current study, percentages of seve ral categories of data were employed to get the

data into a comparable sha pe.

Percentage i X 100

f = Absolute frequency

N = Total Number of items


Analysis of variances is a s tatis tic al approach for dividing the var iation in a se t of data

into discrete compone nts.

The t-test and the z-te st were routinely employed before ANOVA. The T-te s t, on the

other hand, has the drawb ack of being limited to two group s. Ronald Fis her created the

analysis of variance test in 1918. When there are more than two grou ps, this test is also

known as the Fisher analysis of variance, and it is used to conduct the analysis of

variance between and within them.

Chapter: 4


4.1 Introduction:

The process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of

extracting information, suggesting conclusions, and ass isti ng decision-making is known

as data analysis . The process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical tools

to describe data is known as data analysis. The practise of methodically utili zing

statist ic al and/or logical approaches to explain and demonstrate, compress and recap,

and assess data is known as data analysis. Various analytic processes "offer a way of

deriving inductive inferences from data and differentiating the signal (the event of

interest) from the noise (mean and standard deviation) inherent in the data, " according

to Shamoo and Resnik (2003). While statist ic al procedures can be used in quali tative

research, data analysis is frequently an ongoing iterative process in whic h data is

collected and analysed almost simu l taneous ly. Indeed, throughout the data collec tion

phase, researchers look for patterns in observations (Savenye, Robinson, 2004). The

qualitative technique (field study, ethnographic content analysis, oral history,

biography, unobtrusive research) and the data type decide the shape of the analysis

(field notes, docum en ts, audiotape, and videotape). The precise and proper

interpretation of stud y findings is a critical component of guarantee i ng data inte grity.

Improper statistic al analyses distort scie ntific findings, confuse casual readers (Shepard,

2002), and even harm public perceptions of research. Integrity concerns are just as

important when analysing non-statistical data.

4.1.lConsiderations/issues in data analysis

When it comes to data analysis, there are a fe w things that researchers shoul d be aware

of. These are some of them:

• Having the necessary analytical skills

• Choosing data collection methods and appropriate analysis at the same tim e

• Drawing un biased inferences

• Having the necessary analytical skills

• Adherence to accepted disciplinary rules

• Adherence to accepted disciplinary rules

• Providing accurate and honest analysis

• Data presentation style

• Data presentation style

• Data collection method

• Text partitioning for analysin g qualitative data

• Text partitioning for analysing qualitative data

4.2 Data Coding and Entry:

SPSS version 20 was used to enter the data. A total of 33 questions were included in

the survey. There were two categorie s of variables: depende nt and independent

variables. The initial stage was to establish demographic information. Gender was

coded as I for female and 2 for male. Age was coded as I for 13 -14 years, 2 for 14 -15

years, and 3 for more than 15 years. The variable grades were coded as follows: I =8th,

2=9th, and 3=10th. l = Alta Vista, 2=CGSS (Connoisse ur Grammar School System),

3= Kirana Bar , 4 = Beacon School S ystem, and 5= Dar-e-Arqam were the codes

assigned to the variable school. I = greater than 90 perce nt, 2 = 80 percent -90 pe rcent,

3 = 70 perce nt -79 percent , 4= 60 perce nt -69 percent , 5= 50 perce nt -59 percent , and

6= less than 50 percent were the variable marks earned. I = Yes, 2 = No for the variable

computer at home. The variab le s maternal education was classified as I =primary,

2=secondar y, 3=higher secondary, 4=bachelor, and 5=higher education (higher

Education). l= primary , 2= secondar y, 3= H: sec (higher secondary), 4= Bach

(bachelor), and 5= HE for the varied paterna l ed uc ation (higher educa tion). l denotes a

housewife , 2 denotes a teache r, and 3 de notes a high-profile mother. I= Bus Low, 2=

Bus High , 3= job Lo w, and 4= job High were assigned to the variable father job. The

variable in which the students were asked whethe r they have access to the internet at

home or not was coded as I= Ye s and 2= No. The game- playing variable was coded as

I= Yes and 2= No. The game -playi ng variable was coded as I= Yes and 2= No. I= play

station, 2= mobile, 3= computer, 4= laptop, 5= Xbox, 6= Wii u, and 7= internet were

the variables employed as information technology instruments. 1 =0-9 hour s, 2=10-19

hour s, 3 = 20-29 hours, 4= 30-39 hou rs, and 5= More than 39 hours were use d to code

the variable time spent in IT tools. All of the questions were based on a five-point L ik e rt

scal e. 2 =Disagree I =Str ongly d isagree 3=disa gree some what 4= eutral 5=Slightly

Agree/Agree/Agree/Agree/Agre 6=Agree 7 is the highe st le vel of agreeme nt.

4.3 Demographic Profile of the Respondents

A popula tion's demographics are i ts trait s. Race , ethnicity, gende r, age, position,

education, marks, internet, computer, gaming use, and marital status are all examples

of ch aracter istic s. These are all of the demographic variables that were uti l ise d. Gender,

Grades, and School are the variab le s in Ta ble 4.1, and the frequency of these items are

listed. Gender is divided into two categories: male and female.

Table 4.1

Demographic profile of the respondents:

Variables Frequency Percentage


Male 13 l 58.2

Female 94 41.8


Eighth 52 23.
Nin th 49 l
Te nth 1 24 21.8
Schools 55.1

AltaVista 56 24.9

Kirana Bar 45 20

Dare Arqam 47 20.

Beacon school system 45 19.6

Conasar 38 16.9

Gender is one of the 4.1 variables in this table; grades, schools, frequency, and

percentage of these i tems have all been computed. Male and female pupils are d ivi ded

into two categories. Male stude nts had a freque ncy of 1 31 , while fema le studen ts had a

frequency of 94. Male stude nts made up 58.2 percen t of the total, whi le female s tude nts

made up 41.8 percent. The second variable, Grade, was made up of class names. T he

frequency of eight grades was 52, and the percentages were 23.1. The frequency of
ninth grade was 49, and the percentage was 21,8. The freque ncy of te nth grade was 124,

and the percentage was 55. I. The third variable was made up of the names of the schoo ls

Conesar, Kirana Bar, Bechen House, and Ul ta Vista . The frequency of Alta Vista was

56, and the proportion was 24.9. The frequency was 45 and the percentage was 20% at

Kirana Bar School. [n Dar e Arqam, the school freque ncy was 47 percent and the

proportion was 20%. The frequenc y was 45, and the percentage was 19.6 in the Beacons

House school system. There were 38 frequencies in Conasare, with a proportion of 1 6.6.

As a result, all of the frequencie s and percentages were used to in dic ate how much the

obstacles to adopting i nfor mation techn ology effect pupils. Gender, grade, and schoo l

are the three mos t i mportan t characteristics in this demographic profile of the


Fig 4.1

His tog ram show in g d is tributi on of responde nts i n sa mp le Sc hoo ls


• Ill of ho I

4.4 Parents' demographics:

In the section on parents, two demographic variables were listed: father and
mother, and these variables provided information on the pare nts' education and
employment posi tion. The respondents for data collection also speci fied their parent's
education and work, which we used to examine the results in table 4. 2.The influence
of parents ' demo graphics was investigated to determine the outcomes of their parents'
work and education in order to research ch il dren ' usa ge of technology and attitudes.
Higher education, bachelor's education, and higher secondary education were the three
div isions of first mother education. When the data was analysed, it was shown that the
moms had a high level of educa tion when compared to other groups.

Table 4.2

Education and jobs of Mother and Fa ther of respondent s

Parents' Variab les Frequency Percentage
Mother's Education
Primary 53 23.6
Secondar y 42 18.7
Higher Secondary 49 21.8
Bachelor 45 20
Higher Education 36 16
Father's Education
Primary 40 17.8
Secondary 70 3I. I
Higher Secondary 68 30.2
Bachelor 32 14.2
Higher Education 15 6.7
Mother's Job
Housewife 133 59. I
Te acher 66 29.3
High profile 26 11.6
Father's Job
Bus L 41 18.2
Bus H 55 53.5
JobL 79 35.1
JobH 50 22.2

Tab le 4.2 shows the education and occupation of responde nts' mothers and

fathers, with variables Mothers educa t.ion, Father Education, Mothers occupation,

Father occupation. We compu ted the frequency and percentage s of various levels of

education, such as elementary, secondary , high secondar y, bachelor 's, and higher

education, in Mothers education. There was a frequency of 53 and a percentage of 23.6

at the primar y level. The frequency was 42 and the percenta ge was 18.7 in the secondary

level. The freque ncy was 49 and the percentage was 21.8 in higher secondary. The

frequency of bachelor's degrees was 45, with a percentage of 20; higher education was

36, with a percentage of 16. We estimated the same vaJues at varied frequencies and

percentages for the second variable, Father Education. Freque ncy 40 was found in

elementary school, with a proportion of 17 .8. The freq ue ncy at the secondary level was

70, with a percentage of 3 I. I. Higher secondary school had a frequency of 68 and a

percentage of 30.2; bache lor's level had a frequency of 32 and a percentage of 14.2 . The

frequency was 15 and the percentage was 6.7 in highe r education. The th ird var iable

was Mother's occu pation, for which we es tim ated the freque ncies and percentages of

various women 's occu pations such as homemaker, teac her , and hi gh-profile. T he

frequency of housewives was 133, and the proportion was 59.1. The freque ncy of

teac hers in the second category was 66, wi th a percentage of 29.3. In high-profile cases,

the frequency was 15 and the proportion was 6.7. As a resu l t of the frequencies and

perce ntages , we may deduce that all work in g women have varying le vels of i mpac t on

respondents. We es tima ted the frequencies and percentages of wo rking categories of

Father 's Job usi ng the fourth variable, Fa ther 's Job. Bus L had a frequency of 41 and a

percentage of 18.2, where as Bus H had a frequency of 55 and a percen tage of 53.5. Job

L frequen cy was 79, with a percentage of 35. l , while Job H frequency was 50, with a

percentage of 22.2.

4.5 Computer at Home, Internet usage and playing games online:

We're i nteres ted in knowing how stud ents use compute rs at home, how they use

the internet, and how they play online ga mes during and after school. That is, we should

first determine how many pupils have a computer at home and how much ti me they

spend usi ng i t. Please tell us how many pu pil s use the i nte rnet at home and at school,

as well as how man y stude nts play on lin e games. Second, student s' usage of the in ternet;

many stude nts use the in ternet on a reg ular basis for gami ng, pass i ng the ti me ,

se arching, or completing tasks. T he respondents went to internet cafes or use d the

service at ho me.

Table 43

Computer, Internet usa ge and play in g onli ne games

Variables Frequency Percentage

Computer at home?

Ye s 176 78.2

No 48 21.8

Do you use internet?

Yes 159 70.7

No 66 29.3

Play onHne games?

Yes 185 82.2

No 40 17.8

Tab le 4.5 show s the amo unt of time people spend on their computer s at home,

on the Internet, and playing onli ne games. In this first one, the re were three variables

that were used : is it a computer at home? Do you use the in terne t, for example? And

what abou t the third option, whic h was to play a game on the inte rnet? In firs t computer

at home respondents answer was yes at frequencies 176 and percentage were 78.2. The

percentage of responde rs who rep lie d no was 21.8 and the frequency was 48. T he

second var iable was the proportion of onl i ne responde nts who replie d yes, whic h


70.7 out of I 59. T he number of peo ple who responded no was 66, with a proportion of

29.3%. The next variable was whether or not respo nde nts played online games, with

185 sayin g yes and a percentage of 82.2, and 40 sayin g no and a percentage of 17.8.

henc e all these factors explains that how much respo nde nts utilised these tools during

their education at school level.

4.6 Use of Information Techno lo gy Too ls:

Students employ a variety of digital tools in their everyday li ves for vari ous

objectives. Many of the pupi ls were familiar with these tools and utilised them

on a regular basis. Plays tation, mobile, computer, lapt op, Xbox, and internet

were all employed as variables in this s tudy. When compared to other IT tool

character istic s, computer usage was more prevalent.

Table 4.4

Use of Information technology Tools:

Variable Frequency Percent

Tools of IT
Play Station 17 7 .6
Mobile IOI 44 .9
Computer 47 20.9
Laptop 37 16.4
Xbox 15 6.7
WiiU 8 3.6

We used the variables play station, mob ile , computer, laptop , x-box, and Wii - u to

determine the use of in format ion techno logy tools in the study by responde nts in


4.6. In the first variable, the frequency of play stati ons was 17 and the percentage was

7.6. The second variable had a frequency of I OI and a percentage of 44 .9, while the

thi rd variable had a frequency of 47 and a percentage of 20.9. In the fourth variable, the

frequency of laptop s was 37, with a percentage of I 6.4. The X box frequency was I 5

and the perce ntage was 6.7 in the s ixth variable. Wii -u frequency was 8 and percentage

was 3.6 in the sixth variable.


Histogram oflnformation Technology tools use d by Respondent s:

." ".
.". .
Q .

In ormation ecl mo logy ool u db R es pondent

4.7 Time spends on the Information Techno log y usage in a week:

We calcul ated how much time studen ts spend on information technology usage

in a week for this population. The variables are measured in hours per time. Where we

split time into hours that were spent over the course of a week. We need to know how

much time kids spend using techno logy during their academ ic s and in the ir spare ti me.

Table 4.5

Time spends on the Use of IT in a week:

Variable Frequency Percent

Time Spend in a Week

0-9 hours 76 65.2

10 -19 hour s 82 32.2
20-29 hour s 54 2.6
30-39 hour s 13 5.8

In table 4.7 , we find ou t how much time respondents spend using information

technology in a week. We estimated the variab le s in this table by the number of hour s

in a week. The first varia ble had a freque ncy of 76 and a percen tage of 65.2, while the

second vari able had a freq ue ncy of 82 and a percentage of 32.2, and the third var iable

had a frequency of 54 and a percentage of 2.6. The fourth variable was the freque ncy

of 30-39 hour s, which was 13 and the percentage was 5.8.

4.8 Gender Differences in Factors:

The in dependen t sample t-te s t is part of the t-test family, which incl udes tests that

compare mean va l ue s of normally distributed contin uous -le vel (in terval or ratio data)

dat a. Two mean s are compared usi ng the independent sample t-test. It is predicated on

a model that divides the variables in the analysis i nto i ndepende nt and dependent

variables. The model posits th at the e ffec t of the independent variable causes a

difference in the mean score of the dependent var iable . As a resu l t, the independent

sample t- tes t is a dependency ana l ysis. I t is also known as the in dependent variab le t test

and is one of the most exten si vely used stati stical tests.

The stati stical significance of a t-test indicates whe ther a difference in averages

between two grou ps most likely reflects a "real" difference in the population from which

the groups were samp led . A statis ticall y significant t-tes t result occurs when a

difference betwee n two grou ps is unlikely to have occurred due to an u nus ual sample.

T he extent of the difference between the group ave rages, the sample size, and the

standard deviations of the groups are used to assess statistic al significance . Statistical

significance implies that the two bigger populati ons from whic h we sample are "really "

distinct for practical reasons .

Table 4.6

Gender differences in Shortage of Literature and Machines barr ie rs:

Variable Descriptive Statistics

Gen der N Mean SD T

Shortage of Male 13 1 22.36 5.23 2.396*

Literature and
Fema le 94 20.17 7.69

*p <.05

In table 4.6, the gender dispar itie s of factors in the scarci ty of books and machines

barrier s were determined us ing a descriptive statistic. Fe male stude nts (M=20. l 7,

S D=7.69) outnum ber male pu pil s (M=22.36, SD=S.23 ). (t =2.396*) is the val ue. As a

result, the re is a huge disparity between men and women in terms of the lack of li terature

and mechanical obstacles.

Table 4.7

Gender differences in Shortage time and inc en tiv e s barr ie rs:

Descriptive Statistics

Gender N Mean SD t

Shortage time and Male 13 1 2 1.14 5.329 2.594*

Female 94 18. 97 6.720

*p <.05

The gender disparities in time and incentive constraints were calculated in table 4.7.
Female stude nts (N=94, M=I 8.97, SD=6.720) outnumber male studen ts (N= 13 I ,
M=21.14 , SD=5.329). (t=2.594*) and its value So, when it comes to time constraints
and incentive hurdles, there is a big difference between men and women.

T able 4.8

Group diffe re nces with respect to Gender in Lack of awareness barrie rs:

Descriptive Statistics

Gen der N Mean SD T

Lack of awareness Male 13 1 13.78 5.788 0.762

Female 93 13.08 8.421

The group variations in lack of awareness barriers were determined in table 4.8 based

on gender. Male stude nts (N=l 31 , M=l 3.78, SD=5.788) and female studen ts

(N=93, M= l 3.08, SD=8.421) were both stud ie d usin g descriptive statistic s.

(t=0.762) is the value. As a result of the lac k of aware ness barriers, there are

minor gender disparitie s between male and female grou ps.

4.9 Group Difl'erences w.r.t. having comput er at home:

The majority of studen ts do not have computers at home, while some have all of the

nece ssary equipment. However, there are d ifference s between male and female


Table 4.9

Having co mputer at home and the barriers d iffere nces:

Variab le s Computer Std. t value s

at home? N Mean Deviation
Shortage of Literature Yes 177 20.779 6.719 -3.726***
and Machine s
No 48 23.916 4.666
Shortage time and Yes 177 20.401 6.302 .885
incentives No 48 19. 645 4.918
Lack of awareness Ye s 17 6 1 3.460 7.680 -.144
No 48 1 3.625 3.522

***p <.001

The group differences in terms of owning a computer at home were determined in table

4.8. Although there were three primary factors: lack of books and machine s, lack of

time and ince ntives, and lack of awareness, the standard va lue of the t- test was only

found for the variables scarci ty of l i terature and mac hine s. There were 177 yes

responses (M=20.779, SD=6.7I 9) and 48 no responses (M=23.916, SD=4.666). And

the value oft= -3.726*** in dic ate s that there is a su bstantial difference in owning a

computer at home between men and women.

4.10 Analysis of Variance Results for Age group differences:

The analysis of variance (A OYA) is a statistica l tool for comparing two or more

means. The fact that the approach is labelled "Ana lysi s of Variance " rather than

"Ana lysi s of Means " may appear strange. As you can see, the term is apt since

examining var iance is used to make ass umpt ions abou t means. ANOY A is used to

assess overall differences between mean s rather than particular d iffe rences. The one

way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to see if the mean s of three or more

independent (u nrelated) groups differ signi fican tly. The goal is to see if there are any

significant discrepancies between the mean s of the classes, which is done by assessing

the variances.

Table 4.10

Mean scores and standard de viations of studen ts with respect to age:

13 -14 years 14- 1 5 years Above 15 years
N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD

Shortage of 36 19 8.13 93 22.58 6.77 96 21. 27 5.05

Lite rature

Shortage 36 16.14 6.58 93 20.12 5.44 96 21.89 5.65

time and
ince ntive s

Lack of 36 1 1.13 5.72 93 1 5.02 9.24 96 12.87 3.88


We estimated the summary statistics of students based on their age in table 4.10.

Students aged 13-14 who lacked access to books and machines (N=36,

M=l 9, SD=8.l 3). Wi th regard to age, there is a significant distinction

between a lack of lite rature, a lack of time, and a lack of consciousness .

Literature is scarce (M=l 9, SD=8.13, 13-14 years). (14- 15 years,

M=22.58, SD=6.77) (M=21.27, SD=5.05, more than 15) (M=l 6.1 4,

SD=6.58 Age 13 -1 4 years). (M=20.12, S.0=5.44 Age 14- 1 5 years).

(Above 15 years, M=21.89, SD=5.65) Lack of awarene ss obstacles

(M=l 1.1 3 , SD=5.72 for 13-14 year olds) and (M=l 5.G2, SD=9.24 for

14 -15 year olds). (M= l 2.87, SD=3.88, age more than 15)

Table 4.11

Results of analysis of vanance for groups of students m relation to age


To investigate noteworthy results, a statistical technique known as ANOV A

(analysis of variances) was employed in table 4.11. The analysis of variance (ANOVA)

is a statistical tool for comparing two or more means. The fact that the approach is

labelled "Ana l ysis of Var iance " rather than "Analysis of Means " may appear strange. INT-

IT stands for "i ntere st in information technology"; B-IT represents for "be lief as an

information technology tool" that was more effective in usage; B-N stands for "belie f as

it is required "; and FE -IT stands for "facili tative and effective as information technology"

in ANOV A.

Sum of DF Mean Square F


Shortage of Between Groups 338.059 2 169.029 4.168*

Literature and
Machine s Within Groups 9003.603 222 40.557
Total 9341.662 224

Shortage time and Between Groups 870.077 2

incentives 435.039 13. 27***
Within Groups 7278.963 222
Total 81 4 9.040 224
Lack of awareness Between Groups 459.378 2
229.689 4.86**
Within Groups l0 448.618 221
Total I0907.996 223

*p< .05; ** p<0.01 & ***p<0.001

The study of various indic ate s considerable disparities in terms of outcomes of

groups of studen ts with regard to age grou ps, as shown in table 4.11. We employed

three variables: a lack of books, a lack of machinery, and a lac k of funding. Lack of

time and motivation, as well as a lack of knowledge. The group d ifference s between

groups and within groups (F=4.168*) in the scarcity of literature and machines were

significant, indicating that the shortage of literature and machines was considerably

varied by age grou p. Second, changes in time constraints and incentives across and

within grou ps were shown to be considerably varied by age grou p. Where (F=l 3.37***)

indicates that the variable is very significant. The third component, a lack of awareness

of distinctions between and wi thi n grou ps, differed significantly by age grou p.

(F=4.86**) is the case. It's also a key factor. As a consequence, all of these factors

exhibited a significan t rela tions hip in the examina ti on of various findings of grou ps of

studen ts wi th respec t to age grou p.

Table 4.12

Bonferroni test for Multiple Comparison test:

The Bonferroni technique is a straightforward approach that allows for several

comparisons while maintaining the interval. This strategy is used in ANOV A situations

where the analysis has identified a specific pairwise comparison or contrast. The many

comp arisons , multiplicity, or multiple statistical problem happens in statistics when a

set of making inferences is considered at the same time[!] or when a subset of

parameters is inferred based on observed values. [2] The look-elsewhere effect is

another name for it.

When the set is considered as a whole, errors in inference are more likely to

occur, such as confidence intervals that do not contain their associated characteristics

of the target population or hypothesis tests that mistakenly reject the null hypothesis.

To avoid this, a number of statistical approaches have been developed that allow sample

sizes for single and several evaluations to be equated. To compensate for the amount of

inferences drawn, these strategies often demand a higher significance level for each


Comparisons between two groups, such as a treating group and a control group,

are referred to as "comparisons" in this context. When a statistical study includes a

number of formal analyses, the assumption is that attention will be drawn to the most

significant differences among all of the comparisons undertaken. As the following

examples show, failing to account for numerous comparisons can have serious real

world repercussions.

• Assume the treatment is a novel approach to teaching kids to write, and the

control is the traditional approach. Grammar, spelling, organisation, topic, and other

factors can be compared between the two groups of students. As more qualities are

examined, the intervention and control groups are more likely to seem to vary on at

least one value due to chance alone.

Bonferroni test for Multiple Comparison test:
95% Confidence Interval
De12endent Variable (I) Age (J) Age Mean Difference (1-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound U1212er Bound
Shortage of Literature 1 3 - I 4 yrs 14-15 yrs -3.58065* 1 .25007 .014 -6.5961 -.5652
and Machines More than 15 -2.27083 1.24461 .208 -5.2731 .7315
14 -1 5 yrs 13-14 yrs 3.58065* 1 .25007 .014 .5652 6.5961
More than 15 1.30981 .92659 .477 -.9254 3.5450
More than 15 13-14 yrs 2.27083 1.24461 .208 -.7315 5.2731
14-15 yrs -1.30981 .92659 .477 -3.5450 .9254
Shortage time and 1 3 -14 yrs 14-15 yrs -3.97939* 1.1 2398 .001 -6.6907 -1.2680
incentives More than 15 -5.75694* I.I 1907 .000 -8.4564 -3.0575
14-15 yrs 13-14 yrs _ 3 9793•9 1.12398 .001 1 .2680 6.6907
More than 15 -1.77755 .83313 .10 2 -3.7873 .2322
More than 15 13-14 yrs 5.75694* 1.11 9 07 .000 3.0575 8.4564
14-15 }'.rS 1.77755 .833 13 . 10 2 -.2322 3.7873
Lack of awareness 1 3 -14 yrs 14-15 yrs -3.9041 2* 1 .34969 .013 -7.1600 -.6482
More than 15 -1.73480 1 .34572 .596 -4.9811 1.5115
14 -15 yrs 13-14 yrs 3.9041·2 1 .34969 .013 .6482 7.1 600
More than 15 2.1 6933 1 .003 02 .095 -.2503 4.5889
More than 15 13-14 yrs 1.73480 1 .34572 .596 -1.5115 4.9811
14-15 rs -2.16933 1 .003 02 .095 -4.5889 .2503

Analysis of' Variance Results for Group Differences in Parents'


Analysis of va riances is a statistica.l approach fo r div idin g the variation in a set of data int o

discrete compone nts. The t-test and the z-test were routinely employe d before ANOV A. The

test, on the other hand , has the drawback of being limited to two groups. Rona.Id Fisher created

the anal ysis of vari ance test in I 9 I 8. When there are more than two groups, this test is also

known as the Fisher desc riptive analy sis , and it is used to do the mul ti ple reg ressio n


and within them .

Table 4.13

Mean scores and standard deviations of students w.r.t Father's Educatio n Leve ls

Primary Secondary Higher Sec B

N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N

Shortage of 40 24.62 4.83 70 22.22 6.24 68 19.58 6.41 3:

L i te rature

and Machines

Shortage time and 40 19.75 3.36 70 21.24 5.60 68 20.94 6.09 3:


Lack of awareness 40 14 .80 10.88 70 1 2.55 3.95 68 14.20 7.58 3

We estimated the mean and stand ard deviations of student s based on their

father's educational degree in this table 4. 13. Primary school (M=24.62,SD=4.83) and

hig h sc hool (M=22.22,SD=6.24) education levels have a paucity of books and

machines. A higher secondary level (M=19.58,SD=6.41), a bachelor level

(M=20.87,SD=7 .27), and higher education (M=l 9.00,SD =6.3 I) were all affected by the

factors lack and literature and machines. We estima ted the mean and stand ard

deviations for the second variable, a lack of time and incentives.

Where the father s educa tion was at the elementary level (M= l 9.7 5, SD=3.36),

secondary level (M=2 I .24, SD=5.60), and upper seco ndary level (M=20.94, SD=6.09).

And at bachelor level (M= 19.90,SD=8.02), higher education level (M=18.53,SD=8.l 3),

and lack of awareness at primary level (M=l 4.80,SD=I0 .88), secondary level

(M= l 2.58,SD=3.95), secondary ed (M=l 4.20,SD =7.58), and bachelor level

(M= l 3. 77,SD=5.67), and hig her education level (M= I0.60,SD=2.66). This explained

how the various levels of schoolin g had an impact on the studen ts' education.

4.10 ANOVA Results for Father's Education:

To determine the importance of a fathe r's education and to investigate the impact of
informat ion technology on father s, que stions concerning thei.r
qualifications were asked of the fathers. Qualification aids in
determining the impact of a father 's education on a student's attitude . To
determine the difference betwee n values and thei.r mean , as well as how
the data is grouped around the mean, the mean score and standa.rd
deviation were computed. The ed ucat ion le vels were represented by 4. 13
distinct va.riables in the tab le . B-IT is for "belie f as an in formation
technology tools " that were more effective in use; B-N stands for "belie f
as it is requ ired "; and FE -IT refers for "faci li tative and Effec tive as
information techno logy."

Table 4.14

Analysis of variance results of groups of stude nts regarding father ' s education:

Sum ofDF Mean Square F


Shrt Between 781.974 4 195.493 5.025**

L&M Groups
Within Groups 8559.688 220 38.908
Total 93 4 1 .662 224
Shrt Between 130 .275 4 32.569 .894
T&I Groups
Within Grou ps 801 8.765 220 36.449
Total 814 9.040 224
Lack Between 292.187 4 73.047 1. 507
of Groups
ness Within Grou ps 1061 5.808 219 48.474
Total 10907.996 223

**p< .0 1

We use the three variables sca.rcity of IT &Lack of information in thi s table 4.14 to

analyse the variance findings of group s of pupils abo ut dads ' educations. The mean c ube

of betwee n grou ps and withi n grou ps was computed in the first va.riable, wi th

F=S.025**, indicating that it is significant, but the other two variables were not

significant since their F values were less than the standard value.

There were no noteworthy findings when it came to the mother 's educational level. As

a result , it was discovered that hurdles to adoptin g informat ion technology are

unaffected by the mother 's educational degree.

Table 4.15

Bonferroni te s t for Multiple Comparison test for education


95% Confidence

Mean Interval

Grade Difference Lower Upper

Variable Grade (n (J) (1-J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Bound

Shortage Primary Sec 2.39643 1.23 633 .539 -I.I093 5.9022

of HSC 5.037** 1.24 293 .001 1.5123 8.5612

Literature Bach 3.75000 1.47938 .1 1 9 -.4450 7.9450

and HE 5.62* 1.88853 .032 .2698 10.9802


*. p<().05 & ** p<0.01

ANOVA Results for Usage time of IT tools and barriers:

We will explore how much ti me kids spend using i nformation technology in this art.icle.

The statistical significance is used to calculate it.

Mean scores and standard deviations of student ' s w.r.t usage time

10-19 hours 20-29 hours 30-39 hours More than 39 hours

N Mean SD N Mean SD
Shortage of 76 22.07 6.89 82 21.91 4.82 54 19.98 7.67 13 20.92 7.04
Literature and
Shortage time and 76 19 .0 5 6.09 82 21.51 4.64 54 19.25 6.84 13 23.23 7.79
Lack of 76 13 .7 5 8.77 82 14.36 6.91 6 53 12.41 4.17 13 10.92 3.40

We estimated the mean secure standard deviations of students with respect to information technology usage time in table 4.16. The same three

variables are used in the first variables shortage of machines (M=22.07, SD=6.89). With a usage of IO to 19 hours. And in 20-29 hours of IT use

(M=21.9 I ,S D=4.82), 30-39 hours of IT use (M=l 9.98,SD=7.67), and more than 39 hours of IT use (M=20.92,SD=7 .04) , In the second variab le ,

time incentives, the mean and SD are calculated in hours where (M= I 9 .05 ,SD=6 .09), in 10-19 hours and in 20-29 hours (M=21.55,SD=4.64), in 30-

39 hours (M= l9.2 5,SD=6.84), and in more than 39 hours (M=23.23 ,SD=7.79). In the third var iable , lack of awareness , the same hours calculations

were continued where in 10-19 hours (M=l 3.75 As a resu lt, all of these mean disparities reveal the students ' differences. in terms of IT utilisation


Table 4.17

Analysis of vari ance results of groups of student ' s w.r.t to grades

Sum of
OF Mean Square F

Shrt Between 167.829 3 55.943 1.348

L&M Groups

Within Groups 9173.833 221 41.5 I I

Total 9341.662 224

Shrt Between 408 .085 3 136.028 3.884*

T&I Groups

Within Groups 7740.955 221 35.027

Total 8149.040 224

Lack Between 214.930 3 71.643 1.474

of Groups
Within Grou ps 10693.065 220 48.605
Total 10 907.996 223


We calculated the analysis of variance findings of groups of studen ts with regard to two grades

using the F-test in table 4.17. We used the same three variables: a lack of literature, and a lack

of awareness. We computed the mean square between grou ps and within grou ps in the first

variable. Where the value of F=1.348, the mean square across groups is I 36.028, while the

mean square within the grou ps is 35.02. The third variable has distinct values across the groups

and within the groups, with F=l .474, indicating that the significant val ue of F is solely

contained in the second variable.

Chapter 5



5.1 Summary

The goal of this study was to ide ntify the obstacles to emp loying information tec hnology. After

stud ying the releva nt cu rrent li terature, 1 disc overed how many d iffic ulti e s stude nts had in

us in g informa tion. The goal is also to inve stigate the s ignificant information technology

hurdles . In format ion te chn ology has become an integral part of it s users' every day li ves,

transforming conve ntional roles suc h as in formi ng, ed uca ting, and ente rtaini ng the m. However,

in ou r na tion, studen ts are becoming more co nscious of how to utilise te ch nology. Accordin g

to current figures, more than 85 percent of stud en ts in Sargo dha use a lap top and spend at le

ast I to 4 hour s every day with their famili e s.

The study 's other key goals were to look into how pupils dealt with obstacles when utilising

information technology. Male and female pupils from various schools such as Beacon School

System, Ulta Vista, and others were chosen for this study. As a data collecting instrument, a

self-administered questionnaire was employed; the "data sheet " was created using SPSS

(statistic al package for social sciences), a computer programme for statistical dat a analysis.

For each variable, percentage analysis tables were afterwards created. For the dependent and

independent variables, a consolidated cross tab was created. To determine the significan t

difference between two variables, ANOV A, T-Test, and Bonferroni Test were used.

5.2 Major Findings

• According to the data, the majority of the moms were highly qualified, with a 65

percent rate of highly educated mothers.

• According to the data, the majority of the dads were well educated, with a rate of 67.4%.

• According to the statistic s, there were no dads with a higher secondary education.

• The majority of the moms were working women who were also housewive s, according

to the data, and their share was 44 percent.

• The researc h revealed that the major i ty of dads were running a successfu l business

(business H), with 52.3 percent of them doing so.

• According to the research, the majority of pupils (85.4 percent) have computers in their


• According to the research, the vast majority of pupils (98.7%) have access to the

internet at home.

• According to the researc h, the majori ty of pupils play online games, with 92.6 percent

of those students participating.

According to the research, pupils who were famili ar to utili sin g var ious IT tools had a

higher awareness of mobile phones, with 33.8 percent of studen ts usi ng mobile phones.

Accor d ing to the research, the maj ori ty of studen ts utili se information techn ology for 0-

9 hour s, with 67.2 percen t of them doing so.

• The findings reveale d that grou p d ifference s are quite significant in the lack of machine

litera ture with regard to gender.

• The research revealed that a lack of machine literature differs dramatically from gender

d is paritie s in lack of awareness.

• The resea rch showed that there were su bstantial disparities in degree of awareness

across the groups when it came to gender inequal i tie s.

• Gender inequalities in t.ime incentive s are quite su bstan tial , accordin g to the stud y.

• T he data revealed the pup ils ' mean scores and standard deviations in terms of grades.

• The data revealed that the ANOV A resu l ts of a se t of studen ts differed considerably in

terms of grades.

According to the find in gs, the majority of grade IO studen ts had significantl y higher

average IT scores.

According to the statistic s, the re is a sub stantia l difference across classes in terms of

lite rature and machine shortages.

Accor d ing to the stud y, the moms of stud en ts with HE (higher education) were more

important in te rms of grades .

• The data showed the ch ildre n' mean scores and standar d deviations in relation to their

mother 's schoolin g.

According to the research , there is no substanti al difference between the mother's

occup ations and the ch ildre n' grades. (ANOVA)

• The data indicated that there is no significant difference between the father educations

with respect to the grades of students. (Bonferroni test)

• The data indicated that the in fathers job were significantly different with respect to the

grades of the students. (ANOV A)

• According to the study, fathers who own a business have a higher impact on their

chil 's scores. (Test of Bonferroni)

53 Conclusion

In this study, I looked at the obstacles to employing information technology. The purpose of

this study is to look at the challenges that students from various private schools have when it

comes to using information techn ology. There were gender distinctions in the past, but now

both male and female students are aware of technology and how to utilise it. Technology has

altered how activities are completed, but it has also aided pupils in doing unique and

innovative work. Technology also investigates concepts in many ways in order to make them

more appealing. The outcome demon strates the pu pils' good attitude toward information

technology. The study's conclusion is that information technology is a vital element of

people 's life. ft covers several aspects such as communication, interaction, resource

availability, and so on.

5.4 Discussion

In numer ous subscales, male studen ts had more favourable technology obstacles in utilising

information technology than female students, according to the findings of this study. Although

the operations and characteristics of the Internet varied from those of computers that operate

independently without the use of a network, comparable phenomena happened in terms of

gender differences in barriers to adopting information technology in various media and

technologies. Gender differences in computer -related difficulties have been studied previously.

5.5 Recommendations

According to the findings, stude nts' hurdles to adopting information technology were

more prevalent in schools. It is suggested that you examine the following suggestions.

• Many researchers, it is stated, have done study at a higher level, allowing fresh

researchers to focus on different aspects of information technology at the school level.

• It is proposed that similar studies be carried out on different populations since there are

a number of other topics for future research that might clarify or extend the findings of

this study beyond those stated.

• To minimise negative factors among kids, it is recommended that parents arrange a plan

for their chi ldren's use of various digital tools.

• It is also suggested that websites not forsake morals in the name of business. They are

selling things that are more damaging to school pupils in order to make more money .


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Report 2


















































































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