Diary Entry: English-Cbse Class-Ix

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A Diary entry is a short composition. It is usually an entry of the writer's feelings, activities
or a brief summary of what happens in his/her life. It is introspective in nature and it is
similar to an informal letter in the terms of language. It’s a handwritten reporting of what has
happened over the course of day or other period.

To write a diary entry, a situation will be given on the basis of which your Creativity,
imagination and expression will be tested.


The following steps are to be followed to write an interesting diary entry effortlessly.

1). Make a chronological order of events/incidents, in a logical and coherent order as the
diary is usually written at the end of the day.

2). Mention the current day, date and time at the top-left corner of the page.

3). Express the idea in paragraphs (all the main and important details are the main content).It
gf should be brief and vivid.

4). Lay stress on the emotion, feelings and the reaction of the writer. It should be written in
fdf an informal and personal style, considering the diary to be your best friends.

5). Write the diary entry in past tense as it is a memoir.

6). Keep the word limit up to 100-150 words and conclude by signing the writer's first name.

Solved Examples
1). Imagine you went to a beach in Goa for Vacations. You did a water scooter rider. Write a
. diary entry, in about 100-150 words, sharing your experience.

Thursday, 22nd April, 20XX Day & Date

11:00 a.m. Time

CONTACT NO: +91 9033066633, +91 2717466633
Main Body

Dear Diary,

Here I'm sharing with you how I enjoyed my Vacation in Goa. I had heard a lot about
.it’s lovely beaches, historical churches and all the exciting water sports activities. It

was dream come true when I got to know that our tickets were booked to go to Goa.

On reaching there, I was mesmerised by the beauty of the beaches, the

vast expanse of greenish-blue clear water and the waves that crashed on the sand into
milky white foam. I just couldn't wait to jump into the saline water. We spent endless
hours on the beach.


I went on a water scooter ride with my brother. The experience was exhilarating.
Though I was scared, but it was jaw-dropping experience altogether. We visited all the
churches and tasted the sea food delicacies too. I didn't want the vacation to end, but
we had to return after four days.

Natasha Signature/Name of the writer.

2). Imagine that you are Mr. Brown.You have returned to your town after the war. In your
. diary record how you feel about the changes you see and the events that occur in your
cvc town.You could begin like this.

25 December, 1919

It's Christmas today, but the town looks.......

Ans. Monday, 25 December, 1919


Dear Diary,

It's Christmas today, but the town looks very much different from what I had imagined.
Fgg It has been ravaged by war. Buildings, are in ruins and there is graveyard silence. My
hh own house burnt when it was hit by a bombardment. The events of war have taken a toll
dgd on civilians as well as soldiers. I hate the fighting instinct in us and curse the war fdffhfh
ggj mongers. Can't we live in peace like brothers?

Mr. Brown.
CONTACT NO: +91 9033066633, +91 2717466633

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