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Sailing the Sapphire Isles What here is useful or valuable to us?

1. A map to the fabled Isle of Laarn

A campaign starter for Dungeon World by Jeremy Strandberg
2. A vast treasure, buried somewhere on this island or
(2017 CC BY SA), inspired by Dirk Detweiler Leichty & Brian Holland
lying in a sunken wreck
Before creating characters, roll 8d6 and take turns 3. A fearsome and far-flung reputation
assigning them to the questions below. Set the 4. A compass pointing toward your heart’s desire
remaining 2 dice aside. 5. A favor owed you by a powerful sea witch
6. Your ship, fastest on the Sapphire Seas (+1 Speed)
What happened here recently?
What is about to happen?
1. A storm that’s left you crippled and shorthanded
1. A ship-killing storm bears down
2. A narrow escape from an Imperial man-o-war
2. A bloody mutiny boils, long overdue
3. Open revolt by the Empire’s far-flung provinces
3. Three sails are set to intercept you
4. The Pirate Queen’s capture and the shattering of her
4. An innocent is about to be executed on ship
5. You’ve dropped anchor and your boats approach a
5. A tenuous treaty between Empire and merfolk
mysterious, ruin-dotted isle
6. A successful raid on a fat merchant ship
6. Your quarry’s been spotted, after months in pursuit
What here is not what it seems?
1. There’s a spy for the Empire in your midst When all questions have had a die assigned to them, set
2. The prisoner in the hold keeps a dangerous secret the two remaining dice aside and spend some time to
3. These islands… they aren’t on any of the charts! extrapolate the results and flesh out the world.
4. You joined the crew under false pretense
5. You’re smuggling dangerous, valuable cargo Starting Disposition
6. You’ve been flying a false flag since leaving port Next, create characters and establish Bonds. While or
after Bonds are established, GM, ask any or all of the
Who or what is really in control here? following:
1. A fickle sea god, punishing you for your sleights ☠ Which one of you, if any, is the captain?
2. The curse that was but recently laid upon the crew ☠ Which of you are officers? What is your post?
3. Merfolk (territorial & xenophobic) and their pets ☠ Which one of you was crew long before the rest?
4. The Imperial armada, who dominate these waters ☠ Which of you are clearly still landlubbers?
5. The rebellious Imperial noble funding the voyage ☠ Why did you go to sea? Why did you join this crew?
6. The admiral who sent you on this mission
Starting Disposition
What (else) should we be on the lookout for?
Now, take those 2 remaining dice and total them up:
1. Sea monsters... big ones
2. The Cult of the Shark, hunting what’s rightly theirs 10+ You start play with the initiative—there’s an
3. The Ambrose, which sailed out of Death’s Black Gates opportunity for you to seize, time to make a plan,
4. The captain’s obsession, and its dire repercussions and/or an opening to exploit.
5. Pirates and buccaneers, who prey on these waters 7-9 You start play facing down danger, but things
6. A maze of sandbars & razor-sharp reefs haven’t gone south just yet—it’s tense!
6- You start pinned down, imprisoned, or on the run
The GM will set the scene. What do you do?

When Things Calm Down

Follow the procedure in The Perilous Wilds (“Draw the
Map”) to create the Sapphire Isles together.
Your Ship Wayfind
When you chart a course across the open sea to a known
She’s named the… ☐Peerless ☐Dark Star ☐Sea Fox destination, ask the GM roughly how long the journey
☐Prince’s Pride ☐____________________ should take. Then, roll +INT: on a 10+, you chart a
sound course, though the GM might still pick 1 from
All three start at +1. Add +1 to one of your choice:
the list below; on a 7-9, pick 1 from the list below; the
Speed Hull Crew GM might decide to choose another:
☠ You’ll need to mark Low Stores (or Depleted

☐ ☐☐ Stores) by the journey’s end

☠ The route goes through perilous seas, sholes, etc.
☠ You’ll risk running afoul of ___
Choose 2 advantages:
☐ Increase a second stat by +1 All Hands on Deck
☐ She’s fitted for war (a ram, artillery, arms and armor When the ship and/or crew acts despite an imminent
for the crew); +1 to All Hands on Deck to attack! danger or suffers a calamity, say how you all handle it
☐ Spacious cargo: add an extra ☐ to “Low Stores” and roll…
☐ Unsinkable: add an extra ☐ to both “Crippled” and … +Speed if you try to outrun or outmaneuver it
“Sinking” … +Hull if you hunker down or power through
… +Crew if you rely on the efforts of the crew
Choose 2 disadvantages:
On a 10+, it works as well as can be expected, but the
☐ Reduce one of the ship’s stats by 1
GM might still choose 1 from below; on a 7-9, it works,
☐ Cramped: permanently mark Low Stores
but the GM picks 1 and might ask you to pick another.
☐ Old & falling apart: permanently mark Battered
☠ You’re not quite out of trouble just yet
☐ Bitter crew: permanently mark Grumbling
☠ Individual crew members are endangered
☐ Savage crew: it takes work to keep them in line when
☠ It’s taxing; mark a condition on the ship
they have the opportunity for excess
☐ Distinctive profile: the ship is easily recognized Refit
When you spend days drifting or at anchor to recover,
make repairs, resupply, or modify your ship, roll +Crew:
☐ Low Stores (worrisome, but no effect just yet)
on a 10+, spend 3 on the choices below; on a 7-9, spend
☐ Depleted Stores (cannot Refit at sea)
2; on a 6-, spend 1 but ask the GM what crisis
☐ Battered (mostly cosmetic damage, no effect just yet) interrupts your work.
☐ Crippled (can’t sail) ☠ Remove a condition from the ship
☐ Sinking (taking on water, getting worse) ☠ Work quickly, reducing the time spent refitting
☐ Doomed (it’s going down, quickly) ☠ Trick out the ship for a specific purpose; take +1
forward to All Hands on Deck for that purpose
☐ Grumbling (the crew isn’t happy, but no effect just yet)
If you Refit at open sea, spend 1 less. If you Refit at a
☐ Miserable (need convincing to roll +Crew)
port of call, spend 1 more.
☐ Depleted (-1 ongoing to Crew and Speed)
☐ Mutinous (good luck with that) Hold Your Breath
When you plunge beneath the waves, hold Breath equal
Crew Members: Chayan Shiv, Jem the Tooth, Jezibel Mra,
to CON+1 (minimum 1), or CON+3 (min 2) if you take
Jon “Scurvy” Montalix, Long Nadja, Mosi First-Born,
a deep breath first. Each time you roll 2d6 to make a
Nym Glynlar, Old Geiss, Pitr the Cut, Precious Kito,
move, pick 1 (after you roll):
Rafaal Goldtooth, Rawiri, Tomas Filch, Tue Birch, and
☠ Spend 1 Breath
any unused names from your playbook
☠ Mark a debility (that you haven’t marked yet)
☠ Take your Last Breath
GM Toolkit
Ship Conditions:
Ship names: Agile, Arrowhead, Augustus, Beautiful Boy,
The PC’s ship (and other ships, if you like) can suffer
Bittersweet, Blackwater, Califax, Catspaw, Drakken, Diamon,
conditions. A ship marks a condition when:
Emris Ray, Fisher of Men, Goodwind, Gray Lady,
☠ A move (like All Hands on Deck) says it does
Hammerhead, Magicienne, Manx, Matilda, Mistcutter,
☠ It’s your turn to make a move, and you choose to
Mother’s Love, Orphans’ Hope, Poor Ginny, Rogue, Seadevil,
apply one or more conditions to a ship
St. Tristram, Starlight, Unswerving, White Zephyr, Wyvern ☠ The fiction demands it
Applying a condition to a ship is like dealing damage: it’s
a GM move on its own, but you can also do it as part of
Islands, Features, and Ports of Call: Arzikos Isle, Azur’s Gate,
another GM move when it makes sense. If they run
Bay of Skulls, Bulqetz’s Maw, Cyclops Bay, Forsaken
aground on the sharp corral of Kotri’s Teeth, you’ve put
Reef, Fort Leuthil, the Gauntlet, the Iron Cove, Honor’s
them in a spot but the ship might be Sinking, too.
Landing, Isle of the Troll King, Kotri’s Teeth, Luin Tol,
Pearl’s Sorrow, Oxl Bay, Port Aran, Refuge, Seadevils Ship conditions last until they Refit or take some other
Hole, Silverhaven, Skyheart, Stoneheart Rock, the fictional action to remove it. Conditions often require
Shattered Isle of Ai, Tower Island, Twelve Head Bay, that the PCs make moves to get something done despite
Vaknot Isle, Victors Rest, the Withered Witch that condition, or to keep it from getting worse. But that
won’t remove the condition. Parley might convince a
High Imperial Names: Anfalen, Amkissra, Calarel, Miserable crew to keep going onward to the next
Delshandra, Elisven, Ellarian, Haramara, Llamryl, island—but they’re still Miserable. An All Hands on
Mihangyl, Naevys, Onas, Ornthalas, Quamara, Deck roll might stabilize a Sinking ship, but it’s still got
Rathiain, Ryfon, Selenlar, Shearah, Sundamar, Sylvar, the condition and it’ll take ongoing efforts from the
Vulas Crew to keep it stable.

Setting Sail:
Merfolk Names: Aaz, Aqogzus, Bozdaatus, Braok, Butana,
When the PCs set sail for a location they can see (even if
Didrezo, Drursuqux, Druz, Ekuros, Grougruuxxuask,
it’s simply “we sail west”), make GM moves (change the
Gugo, Huss, Kersho, Ocugit, Orqochozk, Ozorau, Raz,
environment or point to a looming threat or introduce
Sozdoz, Sraexl, Ursesia, Uttiusz, Vizzk, Zothroax
a faction or whatever) to describe what they encounter.

When the PCs Wayfind, note the challenges indicated

Sailor Names: Addonia Lefthand, Akbar ibn Raman, by the roll. Also note any encounters that your prep
Baalat, Belin the Fish, Big Coen, Bitse Firdotter, demands. En route, use your GM moves to introduce
Carolien san Vez, Chavi Two-Punch, Hagen Wyrmson, these encounters in whatever order makes sense.
Hemit dan Hemit, Javiar san Luz, Little Jebel, Jinoquo,
Junia the Snake, Keka Wavedancer, Kesi Venkrisja, Lashe If you’re unsure what they’ll encounter next or on the
Godel, Leoz the Block, Lexia Vash, Nanti Drak, Ninye way, ask them to roll the Die of Fate (d6) and see what
Noee, Oki, Onyesha, Pale Ingfreid, Pashe, Rajabu, Rangi they find:
Wyrmson, Red Bayana, Rinke dan Germ, Rozelle the 1 a Danger
Lute, Slick Sebastan, Sno, Ubaldo, Velerea, Ol’ Wile 2 a Danger that hides or points to a Discovery
3-4 nothing of interest (a small isle, a shoal, etc.)
Useful references: 5 a Discovery, guarded by or harboring a Danger 6 a Discovery
Use the tables in The Perilous Wilds to generate Dangers
or Discoveries on the fly.

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