Understanding The Self Activity and Assessment 5

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Tan, Zandriex Rae V.

GEED 10023 – Understanding the Self

BSCE 2-1

A. A
Western Culture Eastern Culture
The leader is given highest
position in eastern
The principle of equality is civilizations. He has a
taken more seriously in significant influence on the
western societies, and a leader general people. This is due to
The Leaders
is merely one of many. He is the fact that a technically
not seen as superior to the superior individual is
common populace. sometimes raised to God-like
stature in eastern cultures,
regardless of his merit.
In eastern cultures,
connections are centered on
In Western civilization, the
family. Before embarking on
individual takes precedence
something as intimate and
over the family, hence
serious as marriage, couples
Individual Worth judgments about the
must obtain consent from
importance and priority of
their families. This is also one
relationships are made by the
of the reasons why arranged
marriages are still prevalent
in eastern cultures.
Western culture is primarily Eastern culture is founded on
Christian, scientific, logical, Buddhism, Hinduism,
and rational in nature, with a Confucianism, Islam, Taoism,
linear view of the cosmos and Zen, and it has a cyclical
based on the Christian belief perspective of the cosmos
that everything has a beginning based on the belief in endless
and an end. repetition.
Individualism is greater in the
Eastern collectivism believes
West, with people feeling that
that a human being is an
Beliefs a human being is an
inherent element of society as
autonomous aspect of society
well as the universe.
and the cosmos.
Individual performance and the
development of innate ability
Every student in the East is
are highly valued in the West.
treated equally and has the
Students are encouraged to
same opportunity of academic
make their own decisions.
achievement as the next. The
Participation is critical.
path to success is paved with
Students are required to
hard effort. Discipline in
question their professors.
Eastern schools often
Tutors seek to spark their
Education overshadow whatever
students' interest in their topic
academic issues children may
and make them interested
have. A student cannot fail
about it. Students in Western
for any other reason. If they
schools are active participants
do, however, it is not the
in their own education. They
responsibility of the school.
are not simply students
It's more than likely due to
receiving an education. The
the parents or the youngster.
school or institution is held
responsible if a student fails.

To begin with, I feel there are differences between the West and the East since they are
physically separated, meaning that they have different civilizations, societies, individuals, life
priorities, religious systems, educational systems, and so on.
1. Western civilization is characterized by individualism. Westerners are proud of
their individual personalities. They value independence and like to think for

2. Some of the most well-known ideas of the self in Eastern culture include
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Furthermore, according to
Eastern philosophy, the self as an essence does not exist, and that this is due to our
ignorance of the actual nature of the universe.

3. For many East Asians and their children growing up in the West, listening, doing
things the "right" way, fitting in, and keeping calm are not uncommon classroom
habits; they are the road to being a good person—a decent interdependent self,
Eastern style. On the other side, speaking out, going your own way, standing out,
and being enthusiastic are all ways of being a good person for their Western
classmates and teachers—but in this instance, a good autonomous self, Western

4. Because there are civilizations in the East that are likely comparable to the Filipino
culture, such as obeying their family's marital decisions, preferring relationships,
religion, and having restricted career opportunities, I can recognize the Philippines
in both Eastern and Western cultures. Filipino culture, on the other hand,
incorporates Western characteristics such as the belief that one's future is unknown
and determined by God. However, I feel there are differences between Philippine
areas or ethnic groups, such as Eastern and Western nations, because each ethnic
group or region has its own language, culture, tradition, and society/culture.

5. Yes, since it's important to realize that not everyone from a certain culture act,
thinks, or believes in the same manner. People from diverse cultural origins are not
all the same, just as not everyone you know has the same ideas.
A. Katatagang-Loób translates to resilience or, more literally, inner strength in English.
Furthermore, this notion is inextricably linked to the previously mentioned Bahala Na
As a core value, valuing survival or pangangalaga sa sarili influences the secondary
level value of katatagang-loob . Within this context, the meaning of survival changes
from the Darwinian dictum of “survival of the fittest” that denotes strength, virility, and
aggression to katatagang-loob that presents the surface level values of kawalang-
karahasan (non-violence), kahinahunan (prudence), kakalmahan (calmness),
determinasyon (determination), bahala-na attitude (fatalism) and pagsusumikap
(hard work). In a sense, the Filipino has made a rendition of the phrase “survival of the
fittest.” (Tiangco, 2005, p. 70)

B. Pakikipagkapwa-tao (regard for others). Filipinos are friendly and feel at ease with people.
Others are treated with decency and respect, and we treat them as fellow humans.
Pakikipagkapwa-tao manifests itself in a fundamental sense of justice and fairness, as well
as care for others. It may be seen in the Filipino's capacity to sympathize with others, in
their helpfulness and generosity in times of need ( pakikiramay ), in the practice of
bayanihan (mutual aid), and in their well-known hospitality.

C. When there is a lack of discipline, the Filipino "self" may be a negative attribute. The lack
of discipline among Filipinos involves numerous similar aspects. We have a casual and
laid-back attitude toward time and space, which shows up as a lack of accuracy and
compulsiveness, poor time management, and procrastination. We have a dislike for rigidly
following a set of processes, which leads to a lack of standardization and quality control.
We are impatient and unable to wait for fulfillment or reward, which leads to the adoption
of short cuts, skirting the rules (the palusot syndrome), and foolhardiness. We are all guilty
of ningas cogon, when we start tasks with vim and enthusiasm just to lose interest and
abandon them.
D. Filipinos are known for their pakikiramdam (sensitive to others' feelings), pagtitiwala
(trust), and utang-na-loob (thankfulness). Filipinos are particularly sensitive to the quality
of interpersonal connections and are very dependent on them because of pakikipagkapwa-
tao: if our relationships are satisfying, we are happy and secure. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
fosters friendship and a sense of belonging among the participants. It promotes both
solidarity and a feeling of social fairness.

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