Location Recce Complete

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Location recce

Site contact name and contact Availability

Reading railway Station multi storey car park Free/Open access to public 24 hours


Not needed

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Opening shot- lift area

Return to apartment (entrance way external shots)

Return to apartment in illness - staircase

Dialogue with Yana

Final scene

Lighting Information Solutions

Natural light in exterior Bring light bounce

Electric light interior
Sound Information Solutions

Problem with wind and traffic noises on rooftop Stick mainly to montage footage
Overdub dialogue

Power Information Solutions

No sockets extra battery

Hazards Solutions

Personal security if shooting at night Film as much as possible in daytime

running on stairs ensure stairs clear
obstruction of public right of way be aware of passers by
Location recce
Small subway under A33

Site contact name and contact Availability

Not needed Open public access at all times


None needed

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Meeting with criminal gang


Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural light and shadow none needed as suits shots

Sound Information: Solutions:

Traffic noise use montage not dialogue

Power Information Solutions:

No sockets extra batteries

Hazards Solutions:

Personal safety at night shoot in daytime where possible

cyclists and pedestrians using underpass one person on lookout

Location recce
Bingo car park

Site contact name and contact Availability

Not needed Open to public 24 hours


None needed

Suitability / shots for production

Mugging/attempted assassination

Lighting Information Solutions

Electric/neon lighting Not a problem as nighttime scene

Sound Information Solutions

Traffic shoot at night when road and car park empty

public usage
Power Information Solutions

No sockets extra battery

Hazards Solutions

Personal safety at night work with a group

Location recce
Room in my home

Site contact name and contact Availability

Not needed Available at all times


Not needed

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

All shots inside apartment including bed

Lighting Information Solutions

Natural and electric light Use light bounce and extra lights

Sound Information Solutions

Normal household sounds Inform family members of need for silence

during shooting
Power Information Solutions

Several electric sockets Not problems

Hazards Solutions

None identified
Location recce
Local industrial site

Site contact name and contact Availability

Not needed Public right of way


No needed as using only external view

Suitability / shots for production

Arrival at work
Entrance to workplace
Exit from workplace

Lighting Information Solutions

natural light – sunlight with scudding clouds Wait for clouds to cover sun to create image of
polluted atmosphere

Sound Information Solutions

Traffic/public walkway Wait for quite moments
Power Information Solutions

No sockets Extra battery

Hazards Solutions

Obstruction of public walkway Be aware of passers by

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