U1 - Supplementary Materials For COMPACT PET - KEY

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Unit 1: All about me

Exercise 1:
Pronunciation Word Part of speech Meaning
/ˈiː pæl/ e-pal (n) bạn qua mạng
/ˈkʊkəri/ cookery (n) (khóa học) nấu ăn
/ˈwɪndˌsɜːfɪŋ/ windsurfing (n) lướt ván buồm
 /pleɪ/ play (n) vở kịch
/ˈhɪstəri/ history (n) môn lịch sử
/pet/ pet (n) thú cưng
/ˈvɒlibɔːl/ volleyball (n) bóng chuyền
 /ɡɪˈtɑːr/ guitar (n) ghi-ta
/mæθs/ maths (n) môn toán
/rɪˈsepʃən/ reception (n) nơi tiếp đón khách
/ˈɒfɪs/ office (n) văn phòng
/ˈvɪəkəl/ vehicle (n) xe, xe cộ
/ɑːt/ art (n) môn nghệ thuật
/hɔːl/ hall (n) sảnh
/ˈresɪpi/ recipe (n) công thức
/puːl/ pool (n) bể bơi
/kænˈtiːn/ canteen (n) căng tin
/ˈsaɪəns/ science (n) môn khoa học
/ˈlaɪbrəri/ library (n) thư viện
/ˈdrɑːmə/ drama (n) kịch / tuồng
/ˈtenɪs/ tennis (n) quần vợt
/ˌaɪˈtiː/ IT (n) công nghệ thông tin
/dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ geography (n) địa lý
/baɪˈɒlədʒi/ biology (n) sinh học
/ˈtaɪdi/ tidy (adj) gọn gàng, ngăn nắp
/læb/ lab (n) phòng thí nghiệm
/ˈpleɪɡraʊnd/ playground (n) sân chơi
/dʒɪm/ gym (n) phòng tập thể dục
/ˈmjuːzɪkəl/ musical (n) vở nhạc kịch
(adj) thuộc về âm nhạc
/ˈseɪlɪŋ/ sailing (n) bơi thuyền

Exercise 2:

1. office 2. tennis court 3. swimming pool 4. hall

5. reception 6. science lab 7. canteen 8. football pitch
9. library 10. playground 11. gym 12. art room

Exercise 3:
1. canteen 2. science lab 3. office 4. tennis court 5. reception
6. library 7. playground 8. swimming pool 9. art room 10. gym
Exercise 4:
1. attend 2. perform 3. arrives 4. going on 5. eat
6.works/gets 7. hand … in 8. goes to 9. wearing 10. passed

Exercise 5:
1. Every day, Helen gets up at half past seven.
2. She often eats fast food for lunch.
3. She usually meets her friends for coffee in the evening.
4. She watches a film at the cinema once a week.
5. She rarely goes to the gym.
6. She has a driving lesson twice a week.
Exercise 6:
1. sometimes go 2. go 3. usually makes 4. usually get 5. is having
6. are dancing 7. singing 8. are eating 9. drinking 10. is wearing

Exercise 7:
1. works 2. has 3. often eats 4. usually brings
5. usually sits 6. watches 7. watches 8. relaxes

9. am looking 10. isn’t 11. is 12. is sitting
13. is eating 14. is running 15. is sitting 16. is eating
17. is watching 18. always watches 19. are swimming 20. are flying
21. is riding 22. rides 23. is having 24. go

Exercise 8: Follow the example

Example: read a newspaper

Partner A: Is Anna reading a newspaper?
Partner B: Yes, she is.
Partner A: Does she read a newspaper every day?
Partner B: Yes, she does.
Partner A: Your turn now.

Exercise 9:
1. They sometimes visit their aunt on Sunday.
2. Do you often go to the mall with your friends?
3. He hardly ever watches a tennis match.
4. We don’t usually have dinner before seven
5. Does she always read newspaper in the morning?
6. Why are you eating ice-cream?
7. My mum isn’t making a chocolate cake.
8. My brother is riding his new bike.
9. The dogs are barking at the cats.
10. I’m not listening to the teacher.
11. I’m reading a green book.
12. Are your friends drinking lemonade or orange juice?
13. My parents are going shopping for new clothes.
14. Aren’t we eating a ham and cheese sandwich?
15. Is James going to Paris this month?
Exercise 10.1: Students’ own answers

Exercise 10.2: Students’ own answers

Possible answers:
I love playing computer games.
I don’t mind getting up early.
Exercise 11.
1. reading 2. helping 3. working 4. getting up
5. waiting 6. having 8. watching 8. drinking

Exercise 12.
1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. c

Exercise 13: Students’ own answers

Exercise 14.1:
1. What’s your last name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Where do you live?
4. Where do you work?
5. What do you do in your free time?
6. What’s your favourite kind of music?
Exercise 14.1:
1. My last name is Kim.
2. I’m from Toronto.
3. I live in Paris.
4. I work mainly in France.
5. I love to travel and read.
6. I like all kinds of music, but classical music is my favourite.

Exercise 15.1:
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a
Exercise 15.2:
1. Reading doesn’t cost much, but it makes me sleepy.
2. Cooking is creative, but it takes a lot of time.
3. Doing magic tricks is a good way to meet people, but sometimes, it’s boring.
4. Fishing is relaxing, but it’s expensive.
Exercise 16:
1. D 2.D 3. D 4. P 5. P
6. D 7. P 8. P 9. D
Exercise 17.1:
No. Tips
2 Turn off your music.
1 Take away the things that stop you working.
5 Turn off your phone.
4 Have something to eat and drink on your desk.
3 Put your pet outside.
6 Turn off your instant messages.
Exercise 17.2:
1. False 5. True
2. False 6. True
3. True 7. True
4. False 8. True

Exercise 18: Look at the six sentences for this part.

1. NO 2. NO 3. YES 4. YES 5. YES 6. NO

Exercise 19:
Maria Sam
1. This person is a brunette. ✓
2. This person has brown spots on the skin. ✓
3. This person is really outgoing and humorous. ✓
4. This person loves working out. ✓
5. This person loves playing video games. ✓
6. This person wants to fly a plane. ✓
7. This person is not very energetic. ✓
8. This person never wears glasses. ✓

Exercise 20:
1. D 2. B 3. G 4. C 5. F
Exercise 21:
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C
5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A

Exercise 22: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C

Exercise 23:
1. and 2. but 3. or 4. so 5. because
6. although 7. but 8. so 9. or 10. but

Exercise 24:
1. I had a very good time at the party although I didn’t know many people.
2. She passed her exams because she had studied very hard.
3. We live in the same street but we hardly ever see each other.
4. I had an umbrella with me so I didn’t get very wet.
5. If we produce vaccine soon, SARS-CoV-2 will disappear.

Exercise 25: Students’ own answers

Exercise 26: Students’ own answers
Exercise 27: Students’ own answers
Exercise 14.1 + 14.2:
Host: Now it’s time for my guest. It’s Stella, the fashion designer. She has a really new collection and
she’s here with us today. Thanks for coming to the studio, Stella. We’re very happy to see you.
Stella: Oh. it’s my pleasure.
Host: OK, let me ask you some questions. First, we all know you as “Stella.” W-w-what’s your last
name? .
Stella: It’s Kim. My name is Stella Kim.
Host: Hmm. 1 guess just “Stella” is easier to remember! Where are you from?
Stella: Oh...uh..,I'm originally from Toronto.
Host: Oh. Where do you live? Do you still live in Canada?
Stella: No, I live in Paris now. But my family still lives in Toronto.
Host: I see. Well, Stella, where do you work?
Stella: Uh...well, 1 guess I work mainlv in France. My company is in Paris.
Host: And what do you do in your free time?
Stella: Hmm … Well, I love to travel. Oh, and I read a lot.
Host: Interesting. And what’s your favourite kind of music?
Stella: I like all kinds of music, really. But, uh, well, I would say classical music is my favourite.
Host: Really, OK, Stella. Oh! Well, I’m afraid we’re just about out of time. Thanks again for being a
guest on our programme.
Stella: You’re welcome!
Host: And if you want to see Stella’s designs, go to our website. That’s www.radio23...

Exercise 15.1 + 15.2:

One: Claudia
Interviewer: So, do you get much free time, Claudia?
Claudia: Ha! Free time? Not really! But when I do, I really like to read.
Interviewer: Oh. read?
Claudia: Yeah. I like all kinds of books. Um, I read in the evening after dinner and in bed. See,
reading is good because it doesn't cost much, and I can borrow books for free - from
friends or from die library. Or...buy paperbacks, which are, you know - pretty cheap. 1
love reading. But, uh, there’s just one problem.
Interviewer: Uh...what’s that?
Claudia: It makes me sleepy. I sometimes fall asleep while I’m reading! Ha-ha!
Interviewer: Ha-ha! Oh!

Two: Brian.
Interviewer: And...uh...how about you. Brian? Do you have any hobbies?
Brian: Well, ah...in my free time, 1 enjoy cooking.
Interviewer: Ooh, cooking?
Brian: Yeah. I love to spend time in the kitchen preparing meals.
Interviewer: Ah. You know, cooking is pretty creative, isn’t it?
Brian: Creative? Oh, yes. I like to try new ideas when I’m cooking. The only problem is...uh...
time. I hardly ever have enough time.
Interviewer: Oh, does it take a lot of time to cook well?
Brian: Yes, it does. It takes a lot of time to cook a really good meal.
Interviewer: Hmm, I see.

Three: Linda.
Interviewer: OK, Linda. What’s your hobby?
Linda: Oh, well. it’s...uh...pretty unusual.
Interviewer: Oh. well, come one, tell me.
Linda: I like doing magic tricks.
Interviewer: Oh, wow! Really?
Linda: Yes. My grandfather did magic tricks, and I learned a lot of tricks from him. It’s really
fun, and it’s a good way to meet people. On weekends, I often give shows at kids'
birthday parties.
Interviewer: Oh, that’s fantastic. It sounds wonderful.
Linda: Yes. I love it. M-m-most of the time. But., uh...sometimes it’s boring to do the same
tricks over and over. Oh, that’s why I'm always trying to learn new tricks.
Interviewer: Well, I...I’d love to see your show one of these days!

Four: Evan.
Interviewer: So, Evan. Do you have a hobby.'
Evan: Yes, actually, I do. And my hobby is extremely relaxing.
Interviewer: Really? Well, what do you do?
Evan: I like to fish.
Interviewer: Huh. You like lfishing?
Evan: Oh, yeah. On weekends, I go to the river and. well, I try to catch some fish.
Interviewer: You try? Uh...do you catch many?
Evan: Ha-ha. Well, no, not really. But it’s great to sit outdoors, in the fresh air, you know.
Interviewer: Yeah, sounds nice.
Evan: But . . .
Interviewer: But?
Evan: It’s an expensive hobby. I mean, you know, you need good equipment, and good fishing
equipment is, well, expensive.
Interviewer: I see. Well, you know, thanks, Evan.

Exercise 16:
Polly: So – tell me about your interests. What do you like doing in your free time?
David: Well, I’m really interested in history and politics. I like watching the news on TV and I really
love reading history books.
Polly: Oh… That’s nice.
David: Yes… Are you interested in politics?
Polly: Well, no, actually… I’m not really into politics… I mean I watch the news, but… Actually, I
really love music. How about you?
David: Oh, yes. I quite enjoy going to concerts, and the opera…
Polly: Right. Well, me – I really like listening to heavy metal. I like Dogface and the Broken Ankle Band.
David: Oh… really?
Polly: Yes, and I really love playing the drums.
David: Ah, I see… not too loud, I hope. I don’t really like noise.
Polly: Noise?! It’s music, man!

Exercise 17:
Tom: I don't know what to do. I start off studying but I always end up doing something else.
Mum: I’ll help you but please listen to me.
Tom: Of course! Go on!
Mum: Now first, you need to take away all of the things that stop you working.
Tom: What do you mean?
Mum: First, turn off your music. Music doesn’t help you study.
Tom: OK. No music.
Mum: And put the dog outside!
Tom: What?
Mum: Well, every time the dog goes into your room, you stop studying to pat it. Spot stops you
Tom: OK. Bye, Spot!
Mum: Have an apple and a glass of water on your desk before you start. Here you are.
Tom: Why?
Mum: Because then you don’t need to go to the kitchen for something to eat or drink.
Tom: OK.
Mum: Turn off your phone.
Tom: No way!
Mum: Yes. It stops you working. If you turn it off, it’s easier to concentrate. You can read your
messages later.
Tom: OK, but I can’t turn off the internet on my computer. I need it to look up information.
Mum: OK, but you can turn off your instant messages.
Tom: I know! Mum?
Mum: Yes?
Tom: Thanks.

Exercise 18:
Marcus: I feel awful. I’ve got two lots of homework to do today, and all I want to do after school
is relax. It’s not fair.
Catherine: Of course you’ve got a lot. You didn’t do any yesterday, did you?
Marcus: No, I didn’t. I had football practice, and after that I was just too tired for anything else.
Catherine: Well, maybe you could do more homework at the weekends, so you have time for
football and other things during the week.
Marcus: But at the weekend I often go out with my family. On Sunday we went to the Science
Museum. It was great. I wouldn’t want to miss doing things like that just because I’ve got
Catherine: Actually, you’re quite lucky. I never do anything like that. Homework isn’t everything ...
I’m sure you learnt just as much there.
Marcus: Yes, but I don’t suppose the teachers will be interested in that... I’ve got today’s
maths to do, and I expect it’ll take me hours.
Catherine: I tell you what. . . you can come round to my house this afternoon and we’ll work on it
Marcus: I don’t know . . . You’re really good at maths. You’ll just finish it quickly and I can’t do
Catherine: It’s not a competition, is it? It’s more important that we both finish it, and working
together’II be much more fun.
Marcus: But if I don’t do it by myself, I could be in trouble with the teacher.
Catherine: Well, we’ll tell her you’re finding it difficult and so I’m going to try and help you
understand it. I’m sure she won’t mind that.
Marcus: Alright then, thank you. Perhaps I’ll feel better about maths if you help me. At the
moment, I still don’t know where to begin.
Catherine: Don’t worry, we’ll get there.

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