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Laila: Ok, students. Now, we will discuss about the language feature of explanation text.
Language Features of Explanation Text
a. Simple Present Tense
b. Action Verbs
c. Passive Voices
d. Noun Phrases
e. Technical Terms
Because explanation text can be defined as a statement that makes something clear, so it must
tell us a fact. That’s why simple present tense is used here. As we know, a kind of tenses that we
use to express about fact is simple present tense. That's how the explanation text and simple
present tense are related. Am I making sense, students?
Students: Yes, miss.
Laila: The next is action verbs. Action verbs are used here because the verbs are used to describe
actions or activities and they are closely related to explanation text.
Then, passive voices. Can somebody help me to understand how passive voices are used in the
explanation text?
Fadhil: Passive voices are used to emphasize the focus on the event / activity that is taking place
and not the subject.
Laila: Great Fadhil! What is discussed more in the explanation text is the object, that is why
passive voices are used in the explanation text.
Next is noun phrases. Noun phrases here are used as adverbials.
And the last is Technical Terms. The technical terms refer to the terms related to the phenomena
being discussed. The example, when the explanation text discusses about rain, it must use some
terms like precipitation, condensation, evaporation. Do you understand, students?
Students: Yes, miss
That’s all about the language feature of explanation text. Is there any question?
Tita: What the meaning of noun phrases as adverbials, miss?
Laila: Good question! Adverbials here are words, phrases, or clauses that explain the entire
clause by adding information on time, place, condition, way, reason or purpose. This noun
phrase can also answer the questions "when", "where", "why" and "how". Is that answer your
question, tita?
Tita: Yes, miss. Thank you.
Laila: All right, is there any other question?
Laily: I think no ma’am, clear enough.
Laila: Good, so let’s move on to the next topic. Please open your book page 35.

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