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1.1 General

GE Healthcare

Fluorostar 
Service Manual
p/n 00-441165-02

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1.1 General
Revision History
Rev Dash Date Change Description
A 01 10/28/2004 Rear Cover change, Preheating
B 01 04/04/2005 Radiography Setup
C 01 04/18/2005 Add Warning to motorized Mechanical Motion
D 02 07/30/2005 Upgrade to Fluorostar II with Software Rev 2
E 02 09/12/2005 Split document in Normal and Advanced (for GE
employee only)
F 02 09/22/2005 B118F Adjustment and Jumper Settings added,
Table 5.2 reworked,
added picture of labeling Fluoro deactivation key
G 02 10/27/2005 Generator replacement added, DIP switches B 352
touch screen adjustment SW REV2 added
H 02 03/15/2006 Chap1 new pictures from all basic systems,
printer fixing added,
DAP Installation SW REV02.05.07,
Remove Video Filter by Upgrading to 1k
I 02 05/15/2006 VGA Connector description added
J 02 07/06/2006 DAP / AK /AKR adjustment added
changes service menus for SW Rev 02.05.10 added
K 02 10/20/2006 Adjustment description B335 improved
improved leak tightness X-ray generator 6.3.13
new board B455 description added
B118F: calibration description improved
Table of figures added
L 02 04/02/2007 Tip: Collimator preview adjustment, check CCD
position arrows for Dose Rate and Sharpness changed
Info for PC Guard added
New style guides for SM used
M 02 05/11/2007 Installation Kit description for MC5 with printer
UP895/897 added
N 02 16/04/2008 DVD Upgrade kit description added
List of available IPC1000 updated in 7.4
Upgrade 0,5k to 1k description improved
Limits for DAP correction values added
Fuse description detailed
Adjustment LPT62M added, (4.2.3)
O 02 10/03/2009 Generator data updated
IPC 1000 G and internal PC-Guard included
Change procedure for IPC1000 Image G included
Upgrade TSRL added
P 02 07/04/2009 Upgrade Kit CINE/VAS/Fast Pulse/Life Stream added
Fuse description improved
Change main wheels brake and grid added
Minor improvements / corrections

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1.1 General
Rev Dash Date Change Description
Q 02 11/25/2009 Labeling updated, Scatter radiation, SID remark to
OM; AEC renamed to AERC,
1k CCD Adjustment: wording corrected,
DAP Unit RS232 Upgrade
Collimator adjustment improved
HVL test procedure added
TSRL kit installation improved
Minor improvements / corrections
R 02 04/08/2010 Frame grabber, Bios Battery, Power supply change
Chapter Service Information / FE Support added
S 02 17/06/2010 Add pages for Wadi chap 7
T 02 16/12/2010 G11, G10/2-G10/3 Note added
User Interface left new part number added
IPC1000 new part numbers added
IPC1000 HDD part numbers corrected
Constancy and Linearity test added
WADI Tool USB Instruction V1_05 change
Dose Adjustment clarified
U 02 07/04/2011 Monitor Replacement updated in “Component
Pediatric Grid installation added in “Component
Monitor setup updated in “Image System Calibration”

This manual may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of GE OEC
Medical Systems GmbH.
OEC and Fluorostar C-Arm are registered trademarks of GE OEC Medical Systems, Inc.
Other product and company names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
The contents of this document are accurate at the time of publication. However, changes in
design and additional features can, at any time, be incorporated in the hardware and software
and may not be reflected in this version of the document. Contact GE OEC Technical Support for
clarification, if discrepancies arise.

© 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

GE OEC Medical Systems GmbH, a General Electric Company, going to market as GE Healthcare
90530 Wendelstein

All rights reserved

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1.1 General

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1.1 General
警告 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
(ZH-CN) 如果维修服务提供商需要非英文版本,客户需自行提供翻译服务。

VÝSTRAHA Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce.

(CS) V případě, ţe externí sluţba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném
jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem
Nesnaţte se o údrţbu tohoto zařízení, aniţ byste si přečetli tento
provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah.
V případě nedodrţování této výstrahy můţe dojít k poranění
pracovníka prodejního servisu, obsluţného personálu nebo
pacientů vlivem elektrickéhop proudu, respektive vlivem
mechanických či jiných rizik.
warning This Service Manual is available in English only.
(EN) If a customer's service provider requires a language other than
English, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation
do not attempt to service the equipment unless
this service manual has been consulted and is understood.
Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service
provider, operator, or patient from electric shock, or from mechanical
or other hazards.
(ET) KUI KLIENDITEENINDUSE osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest
erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest.
ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt
käesoleva teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist.
käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja,
operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või muu
ohu tagajärjel.

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1.1 General
(FI) jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin englanninkielistä
materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen hankkiminen on asiakkaan
älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja
ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen.
mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla
huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan
vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun
vaaratilanteen vuoksi.
ATTENTION Ce Manuel de service n'est disponible qu'en anglais.
(FR) Si le technicien du client a besoin de ce manuel dans une autre
langue que l'anglais, c'est au client qu'il incombe de le faire
Ne pas tenter d'intervenIR sur les équipements
tant que le manuel Service n'a pas été consulté et compris
Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le
technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des
dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres.
Warnung Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache.
(DE) Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist es
Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu sorgen.
Versuchen Sie nicht diese anlage zu warten,
ohne diese serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben.
Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen des
Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten durch
Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren kommen.



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1.1 General
(IS) Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls en
ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa tungumálaþjónustu.
Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók
hefur verið skoðuð og skilin.
brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á þjónustuveitanda,
stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu eða öðrum áhættum.
Avvertenza Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in inglese.
(IT) Se un addetto alla manutenzione esterno alla GEMS richiede il
manuale in una lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere
direttamente alla traduzione.
Si proceda alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo aver
consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il contenuto
IL NON RISPETTO della presente avvertenza potrebbe far compiere
operazioni da cui derivino lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione,
all'utilizzatore ed al paziente per folgorazione elettrica, per urti
meccanici od altri rischi.
 このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。

(JA)  サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、翻訳
 このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービスを行わ
 この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作
경고 본 서비스 지침서는 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다.
(KO) 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우, 번역
서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다.
본 서비스 지침서를 참고했고 이해하지 않는 한은 해당 장비를
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이 경고에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크, 기계상의 혹은 다른
위험으로부터 서비스 제공자, 운영자 혹은 환자에게 위해를 가할 수

7 of 356
1.1 General
ATENÇÃO Este Manual de AssistÊncia TÉcnica sÓ se encontra disponÍvel em
(PT) InglÊs.
Se qualquer outro serviço de assistÊncia tÉcnica, que nÃo a GEMS,
solicitar estes manuais noutro idioma, É da responsabilidade do
cliente fornecer os serviços de traduçÃo.
NÃo tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e
compreendido este Manual de AssistÉncia Técnica
O nÃo cumprimento deste aviso pode por em perigo a segurança do
técnico, operador ou paciente devido a choques elétricos,
mecÂnicos ou outros.

8 of 356
1.1 General
ОСТОРОЖНО! Данное руководство по обслуживанию предлагается только на
(RU) английском языке.
Если сервисноМУ ПЕРСОНАЛУ клиента необходимо руководство не
на английском, а на каком-то другом языке, клиенту следует
самостоятельно обеспечить перевод.
Несоблюдение требований данного предупреждения может
привести к тому, что специалист по обслуживанию, оператор
или пациент получат удар электрическим током, механическую
травму или другое повреждение.
upozornenie Tento návod na obsluhu je k dispozícii len v ANGLIČTINE.
poskytovateľa sluţieb, OBSLUHUjúcEJ osoby alebo pacienta
elektrickým prúdom, do mechanického alebo iného nebezpečenstva.
ATENCION Este Manual de Servicio sólo existe en inglés.
Si algún proveedor de servicios ajeno a GEMS solicita un idioma que
no sea el inglés, es responsabilidad del cliente ofrecer un servicio de
No se deberá dar servicio técnico al equipo,
sin haber consultado y comprendido este manual de servicio
La no observancia del presente aviso puede dar lugar a que el
proveedor de servicios, el operador o el paciente sufran lesiones
provocadas por causas eléctricas, mecánicas o de otra naturaleza.
servİs kilavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekİpmanlara mÜDAHALE

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1.1 General

Table of content
1. INTRODUCTION FLUOROSTAR ................................................................... 21
1.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 21
1.1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................21
1.1.2 Scope .....................................................................................................................................................21
1.1.3 Target Audience ................................................................................................................................21
1.2 How to Use This Manual .................................................................................................. 23
1.2.1 Sections.................................................................................................................................................23
1.2.2 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ..................................................................................................23
1.3 Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................... 24
1.3.1 Trained Service Personnel ............................................................................................................24
1.3.2 Ingress of Water and Solutions ..................................................................................................24
1.3.3 Electrical Shock .................................................................................................................................24
1.3.4 Explosion Hazards ............................................................................................................................25
1.3.5 X-Radiation Hazard .........................................................................................................................25
1.3.6 Motorized Mechanical Motion Hazard ....................................................................................25
1.3.7 Spare Parts ..........................................................................................................................................25
1.4 Warning Labels ................................................................................................................. 25
1.4.1 X-RAY SAFETY WARNING ...............................................................................................................26
1.4.2 ELECTRICAL SAFETY WARNING ...................................................................................................26
1.5 Warning Symbols.............................................................................................................. 26
1.5.1 DANGEROUS VOLTAGE PRESENT ...............................................................................................26
1.5.2 PROTECTIVE EARTH GROUND ......................................................................................................27
1.5.3 EMITTING X-RAY SOURCE ..............................................................................................................27
1.5.4 LASER RADIATION .............................................................................................................................27
1.5.5 POTENTIAL EQUALIZATION ...........................................................................................................27
1.5.6 NON-ANESTHETIC PROOF .............................................................................................................28
1.6 Conversions ....................................................................................................................... 28
1.7 Unauthorized Modifications ........................................................................................... 28
1.8 Certified Components ...................................................................................................... 29

2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... 30

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1.1 General
2.1 Applications ....................................................................................................................... 30
2.2 Clinical Versatility ............................................................................................................. 30
2.2.1 Selected Special Features ............................................................................................................30

3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................... 32

3.1 Generic................................................................................................................................ 32
3.2 Differences ......................................................................................................................... 32

4. THEORY OF OPERATION .............................................................................. 33

4.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 33
4.1.1 Power ON .............................................................................................................................................33 Power supply ............................................................................................................................................... 33 Boot up sequence between B380 and IPC1000 ........................................................................ 34
4.1.2 User Interface CR/CL boot-up.....................................................................................................39
4.1.3 IPC 1000 boot-up ..............................................................................................................................40
4.1.4 PC Guard boot-up (optional) ........................................................................................................40 External PC-Guard .................................................................................................................................... 44 Internal PC Guard...................................................................................................................................... 46
4.1.5 System boot-up .................................................................................................................................46
4.1.6 Power OFF............................................................................................................................................46
4.1.7 Emergency OFF .................................................................................................................................47
4.2 System Power .................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.1 Fuses ......................................................................................................................................................48
4.2.2 Power Supply LPS 65M 24V..........................................................................................................50
4.2.3 Power Supply LPT 62M 5V/12V/-12V .......................................................................................50
4.2.4 B337 DC Low Voltage Distribution ............................................................................................51
4.2.5 B455 DC Low Voltage Distribution & Video distribution & Buzzer ..............................53
4.2.6 B379 Input current limiter + Generator power....................................................................54 Input current limiter ................................................................................................................................. 54 Generator Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 54 Electrical Ratings ....................................................................................................................................... 55
4.3 Image System .................................................................................................................... 55
4.3.1 Circuit/Mechanical Description ..................................................................................................55 Overview........................................................................................................................................................ 55 Charge Coupled Device (CCD) ............................................................................................................. 56

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1.1 General
__________________________________________________________________________ Analog Front End (AFE) ........................................................................................................................... 56 Digital Timing and Processing Unit (DTPU) ................................................................................... 56 Micro controller .......................................................................................................................................... 57 Automatic Balance Control .................................................................................................................. 57 Power Supply .............................................................................................................................................. 58
4.3.2 Functional Tests ................................................................................................................................58
4.3.3 Tri Mode 9/6/4.5-inch Image Intensifier .................................................................................58
4.3.4 Tri-Mode Power Supply (B335) ....................................................................................................58
4.4 Collimator .......................................................................................................................... 59
4.4.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions ................................................................................................59 Beam Limiting Device DAC-8 .............................................................................................................. 59 B356 Interface for Generator/DAC-Controller ............................................................................ 59 Collimator Control ..................................................................................................................................... 59 Functionality ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Collimator iris control through mode selection ..................................................................... 60
4.4.2 Fault Isolation .....................................................................................................................................61 Symptom with HW failure ..................................................................................................................... 61 Symptom with SW failure ..................................................................................................................... 61
4.5 Communication................................................................................................................. 61
4.5.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions ................................................................................................61 CAN-Bus ........................................................................................................................................................ 61 COM 1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 62 COM 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 62
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000 ................................................................................................ 62
4.6.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions ................................................................................................62 Monoblock Maxiplus 3000 .................................................................................................................... 62 B350, HV Power Supply .......................................................................................................................... 62 B351, Generator Supply ......................................................................................................................... 62 Auxiliary power supply for Maxiplus ................................................................................................ 62 Filament regulator and amplifier ...................................................................................................... 63 B352 / B356, kV Regulation/Monitoring ......................................................................................... 63 B355 Signal distribution and 5KV Isolation .................................................................................. 65
4.6.2 Fault Isolation .....................................................................................................................................66
4.6.3 Adjustment ..........................................................................................................................................66
4.6.4 Miscellaneous.....................................................................................................................................67
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1.1 General
__________________________________________________________________________ Regulatory Compliance.......................................................................................................................... 67 Modifications ............................................................................................................................................... 67 Electromagnetic Compatibility Statement ................................................................................... 67 Non-Anesthetic Proof (Explosion) ...................................................................................................... 67 Safety Notes ................................................................................................................................................ 67 Radiation Safety .................................................................................................................................... 67 Hazardous Temperature .................................................................................................................. 67 Source-to-skin distance .................................................................................................................... 68 Classification Type ............................................................................................................................... 68
4.6.5 Technical Data ...................................................................................................................................68 Generic ........................................................................................................................................................... 68 Fluoroscopy Mode .................................................................................................................................... 69 Pulsed Fluoroscopy Mode ..................................................................................................................... 69 Fast pulsed Fluoroscopy Mode .......................................................................................................... 70 Radiography Mode ................................................................................................................................... 70
4.6.6 Geometry of X-ray beam ..............................................................................................................70
4.6.7 Collimation...........................................................................................................................................70
4.6.8 Film Cassette Holder .......................................................................................................................70
4.6.9 Accuracy ...............................................................................................................................................70
4.6.10 X-Ray Source Assembly .............................................................................................................70 Nago GF 190 DF......................................................................................................................................... 70 Toshiba DF-151R ....................................................................................................................................... 71
4.6.11 Scatter Radiation referring EN 60601-1-3:1994,29.208.6 ..........................................71
4.6.12 Environmental and Transportation Requirements .......................................................71
4.6.13 Service ...............................................................................................................................................71
4.6.14 Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................71
4.6.15 Sterile Covers..................................................................................................................................71
4.6.16 Disposal ............................................................................................................................................72
4.6.17 Labels and Symbols ....................................................................................................................72 Type Label..................................................................................................................................................... 72 Others ............................................................................................................................................................. 73 Position of labels ....................................................................................................................................... 74
4.7 Auto Exposure Rate Control (AERC) ............................................................................... 75
4.7.1 Function ................................................................................................................................................75
4.7.2 Test Auto tracking ............................................................................................................................75

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1.1 General
4.8 Motorized Motions ............................................................................................................ 76
4.8.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions ................................................................................................76 Lift Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 76 Motorized C Rotation (optional): ......................................................................................................... 76
4.9 User Interface .................................................................................................................... 78
4.9.1 User Interface Overview ................................................................................................................78
4.9.2 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions ................................................................................................79
4.9.3 Communication check COM1/COM2 .......................................................................................80
4.10 Laser on Image Intensifier (II) ......................................................................................... 83
4.11 Laser Generator ................................................................................................................ 85
4.12 Dose Area Product (DAP) ................................................................................................. 86
4.13 Dicom (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) ..................................... 87
4.14 Printer ................................................................................................................................. 87
4.15 Software ............................................................................................................................. 88
4.15.1 Software update ...........................................................................................................................88
4.15.2 Software Menu structure ..........................................................................................................89 User Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 89 Service Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 91 Super User Setup level 1 ................................................................................................................ 91 Field Service (FS) Setup Level 2 ................................................................................................... 93 Setup Level 3..................................................................................................................................... 101 User Interface Short Cut ..................................................................................................................... 101

5. IMAGE SYSTEM CALIBRATION .................................................................. 102

5.1 Pre-condition ................................................................................................................... 102
5.2 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 102
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000 .............................................................................................. 103
5.3.1 Tube Setup........................................................................................................................................ 103
5.3.2 kV and mA Calibration................................................................................................................. 105
5.3.3 Half Value layer Measurement Procedure ......................................................................... 109 Tools & Test equipment....................................................................................................................... 109 HVL Setup .................................................................................................................................................. 109 HVL Measurement Procedure.......................................................................................................... 109 HVL Failed test ......................................................................................................................................... 109
5.3.4 Constancy and Linearity ............................................................................................................ 110
14 of 356
1.1 General
__________________________________________________________________________ Tools & Test equipment....................................................................................................................... 110 Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 110 Constancy and Linearity setup ....................................................................................................... 110 Constancy and Linearity procedure ............................................................................................. 111 Constancy and Linearity failed test .............................................................................................. 112
5.4 Image Intensifier............................................................................................................. 113
5.4.1 Locations of Potentiometers for Adjustments .................................................................. 113
5.4.2 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 113
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR ........................................................................................... 115
5.5.1 ½ k Camera System ..................................................................................................................... 115 Installation PC-SW KAPPA AFS Version 1.10 ............................................................................. 115 Recommended test equipment: ..................................................................................................... 118 Preparations ............................................................................................................................................. 119 KAPPA AFS Software ............................................................................................................................. 119 Start.......................................................................................................................................................... 119 Check Communication PC – Camera....................................................................................... 120 Check the Camera Software: ....................................................................................................... 120 Adjust the Gain for normal dose ................................................................................................ 121 Deactivate the AGC .......................................................................................................................... 121 Dose rate pre-adjustment............................................................................................................. 123 Sharpness adjustment: ................................................................................................................... 123 Vignetting adjustment .................................................................................................................... 123 Video adjustment .............................................................................................................................. 126 Dose rate adjustment ................................................................................................................... 129 Control sharpness .......................................................................................................................... 132 Video Signal Output ....................................................................................................................... 133 Permanent storage of the Parameter (EE - Prom) .......................................................... 133 General Information ...................................................................................................................... 134 Manufacturer basic setting ....................................................................................................... 134
5.5.2 1k Camera system ........................................................................................................................ 135 Dose rate adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 136 Control sharpness.................................................................................................................................. 138
5.6 User Interface .................................................................................................................. 139
5.7 Collimator Calibration ................................................................................................... 140
5.7.1 Collimator Iris Calibration .......................................................................................................... 140
5.7.2 Preview Collimator SETUP ......................................................................................................... 149
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1.1 General
5.8 DAP Alignment ................................................................................................................ 153
5.8.1 DAP Unit (measured) Start Calibration ................................................................................. 154
5.8.2 DAP Unit (measured) Check Calibration .............................................................................. 157
5.8.3 DAP Unit (measured Default DAP Value .............................................................................. 158
5.8.4 DAP / AK /AKR (Calc) Start Calibration .................................................................................. 158
5.8.5 Reference Location....................................................................................................................... 158
5.8.6 Show AK / AKR Value ................................................................................................................... 159
5.8.7 Show DAP (measured) ................................................................................................................. 159
5.8.8 Show DAP (calculated)................................................................................................................. 160
5.9 B118F / B455 Video buffer ............................................................................................. 161
5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments ............................................................................... 163
5.10.1 Setup of G12 monitor .............................................................................................................. 163
5.10.2 Setup of G10 monitor .............................................................................................................. 164
5.10.3 Setup of G10/2 – G10/3 monitor ........................................................................................ 165
5.10.4 Setup of G11 monitor .............................................................................................................. 166
5.11 Touch Screen calibration .............................................................................................. 167
5.12 Laser II calibration ......................................................................................................... 170
5.13 B356 170
5.14 IPC1000 ............................................................................................................................. 171
5.14.1 Exchange IPC 1000 for IPC 1000 00-453962-xx (0,5k) or 00-453962-xx (1k) 171
5.14.2 Setup (for User) ........................................................................................................................... 174
5.14.3 Setup (for Super User) .............................................................................................................. 175
5.14.4 Setup (only for Service)............................................................................................................ 175

6. COMPONENT LOCATION ........................................................................... 176

6.1 Cover and Component Removal .................................................................................. 176
6.2 C-Arm Covers .................................................................................................................. 176 Front Cover................................................................................................................................................ 176 Rear Cover ................................................................................................................................................. 176
6.3 Change Components ..................................................................................................... 176
6.3.1 User Interface CR (right) .............................................................................................................. 176
6.3.2 User Interface CL (left) ................................................................................................................. 177
6.3.3 B386 .................................................................................................................................................... 178
6.3.4 B387 .................................................................................................................................................... 178

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1.1 General
6.3.5 Image Processor IPC1000 ......................................................................................................... 179 IPC1000 – change BIOS Battery...................................................................................................... 180 IPC 1000 incl. ASUS P4P 800 SE .................................................................................................. 180 IPC 1000 incl. IBT MB885................................................................................................................ 181 IPC 1000 Radisys Endura JD35Q ................................................................................................ 182 IPC1000 – change frame grabber ................................................................................................. 184 1K – System .......................................................................................................................................... 185 ½ K – System ....................................................................................................................................... 188 IPC1000 – change Hard drive .......................................................................................................... 190 IPC1000 – change power supply .................................................................................................... 193 IPC – change DVD writer .................................................................................................................... 196 B335 II Power supply ............................................................................................................................ 196
6.3.6 CCD ...................................................................................................................................................... 196
6.3.7 Grids .................................................................................................................................................... 198 Standard Grid........................................................................................................................................... 198 Grid for Pediatric Option ..................................................................................................................... 199
6.3.8 Main Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 203
6.3.9 Wheel Cover..................................................................................................................................... 203
6.3.10 Monitor and Cover Removal ................................................................................................. 203
6.3.11 C-Arm and L-Arm / Monitor Cables ................................................................................... 203
6.3.12 End Switch lift motor ................................................................................................................ 208 Change lower end switch .................................................................................................................. 208 Change upper end switch.................................................................................................................. 210 Adjustment ................................................................................................................................................ 210 Lower End switch............................................................................................................................ 210 Upper end switch............................................................................................................................ 213
6.3.13 Main wheel brakes .................................................................................................................... 215
6.3.14 X-ray Generator ......................................................................................................................... 221 Remove old Generator ........................................................................................................................ 221 Mount new generator .......................................................................................................................... 222 Close generator ...................................................................................................................................... 225
6.3.15 Service kit axial fan ................................................................................................................... 226
6.3.16 Monitor replacement ............................................................................................................... 228 Replacing a dual monitor ................................................................................................................... 228 Optional installation of passepartout ................................................................................... 229 Replacing a single monitor ................................................................................................................ 230
17 of 356
1.1 General
__________________________________________________________________________ VGA Connector ........................................................................................................................................ 233
6.3.17 Compact / Compact + Printer installation ..................................................................... 234 Printer Installation for Version 1 Step 1....................................................................................... 234 Printer Installation for Version 2 Step 1....................................................................................... 235 Printer Installation for all Versions Step 2 .................................................................................. 236 Preparation of the printer ........................................................................................................... 236 Connect printer with the necessary connections. .......................................................... 237 Put printer in the printer shelf................................................................................................... 237
6.3.18 Monitor cart MC5 ....................................................................................................................... 238
6.3.19 Fluorostar Monitor cart: Installation of Printer ............................................................. 240 Printer UP 9xx .......................................................................................................................................... 240 Printer UP 895/897 ................................................................................................................................ 244

7. SERVICE INFORMATION/ FE-SUPPORT ................................................... 250

User Interface (right) ................................................................................................................ 251
User Interface (left) ................................................................................................................... 252
Grid 253
Generator Maxiplus 3000 ........................................................................................................ 254
Video Buffer B118/B455 ........................................................................................................... 256
B356 257
Power-Supply (B335) ................................................................................................................. 258
Monitor 259
Image Intensifier (II) .................................................................................................................. 260
DAP 261
CCD-Camera .............................................................................................................................. 262
Collimator DAC 8 ....................................................................................................................... 263
Laser Aimer (Image Intensifier) .............................................................................................. 264
Laser Aimer (X-Ray Generator) ............................................................................................... 265
Upper end Switch ...................................................................................................................... 266
IPC1000 BIOS Battery ............................................................................................................... 267
IPC1000 Frame Grabber........................................................................................................... 268
IPC1000 Power Supply .............................................................................................................. 269
IPC1000 HDD .............................................................................................................................. 270
IPC1000 271
DVD recorder ............................................................................................................................. 272
18 of 356
1.1 General
WADI Tool HDD.......................................................................................................................... 273
WADI Tool USB ........................................................................................................................... 274

8. UPGRADES ................................................................................................... 275

8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser ................................................................................................ 275
8.1.1 Preconditions................................................................................................................................... 275
8.1.2 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................................... 275
8.1.3 Laser X-ray Generator software setup and test .............................................................. 277
8.1.4 System checks ................................................................................................................................ 278
8.1.5 DAP....................................................................................................................................................... 279 Software Setup........................................................................................................................................ 279 Calibration ................................................................................................................................................. 279
8.2 Laser II .............................................................................................................................. 280
8.2.1 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................................... 280
8.2.2 Software Installation .................................................................................................................... 282
8.2.3 Adjustment ....................................................................................................................................... 283
8.2.4 System checks ................................................................................................................................ 285
8.3 Key switch for Fluoro deactivation ............................................................................. 286
8.3.1 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................................... 286
8.3.2 Software Installation .................................................................................................................... 288
8.3.3 Test....................................................................................................................................................... 288
8.4 Upgrade 1/2 k camera -> 1k camera .......................................................................... 290
8.4.1 Pre-condition ................................................................................................................................... 290
8.4.2 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................................... 290
8.4.3 Software Installation .................................................................................................................... 293
8.4.4 Adjustment ....................................................................................................................................... 293
8.5 Compact Plus................................................................................................................... 294
8.5.1 Preconditions................................................................................................................................... 294
8.5.2 Mechanical installation ............................................................................................................... 294
8.5.3 Test....................................................................................................................................................... 297
8.6 Software REV 1.xx -> 2.xx .............................................................................................. 299
8.7 Upgrade Hardware for Software Rev 2 ...................................................................... 300
8.7.1 Upgrade kit content ..................................................................................................................... 300
8.7.2 Upgrade kit installation............................................................................................................... 300
8.7.3 Software Setup and adjustment............................................................................................. 300
19 of 356
1.1 General
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit .............................................................................................. 301
8.8.1 Software ............................................................................................................................................ 301
8.8.2 Bios Settings IPC1000 .................................................................................................................. 301
8.8.3 Mechanic ........................................................................................................................................... 301
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02 ......................................................................................... 307
8.9.1 Mechanical Installation flap ..................................................................................................... 307
8.9.2 Assembly recorder ........................................................................................................................ 311
8.9.3 Software installation .................................................................................................................... 314
8.10 Upgrade Cine / Vas / Fast Pulse Mode / Life stream................................................ 316
8.10.1 New Features .............................................................................................................................. 316
8.10.2 Preconditions .............................................................................................................................. 316
8.10.3 Material .......................................................................................................................................... 316
8.10.4 Implementation.......................................................................................................................... 316
8.10.5 Test .................................................................................................................................................. 318
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL) ........................ 320
8.11.1 Upgrade Mainframe ................................................................................................................. 320 Material ....................................................................................................................................................... 320 Replaced parts ........................................................................................................................................ 321 Steps............................................................................................................................................................. 322 Test................................................................................................................................................................ 329
8.11.2 Monitor cart Upgrade .............................................................................................................. 330 Material ....................................................................................................................................................... 330 Replaced Parts ........................................................................................................................................ 331 Steps............................................................................................................................................................. 331 Test................................................................................................................................................................ 340

9. INDEX ........................................................................................................... 342

10. TABLE OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... 348

20 of 356
1.1 General


1.1 General
1.1.1 Purpose
This manual contains service information that will assist trained service personnel to isolate
failures and initiate repairs on the Fluorostar Digital Mobile C-Arm.

1.1.2 Scope
The information within this manual refers to systems currently being manufactured.

1.1.3 Target Audience

Individuals that benefit the most from the information provided are those service personnel
specifically trained to perform the suggested services. Reading this manual without proper
training does not qualify the reader to service the Fluorostar Digital Mobile C-Arm.

Figure 1
Fluorostar Series with Monitor cart MC5

21 of 356
1.1 General

Figure 2
Fluorostar Compact Single Monitor with separate printer shelf (option)

22 of 356
1.2 How to Use This Manual

Figure 3 Fluorostar Compact Double Monitor

1.2 How to Use This Manual

1.2.1 Sections
The Fluorostar Digital Mobile C-Arm service manual contains sections. An index tab divider
separates the sections. Each section has its own Table of Contents.

1.2.2 Warnings, Cautions and Notes

The following warning, caution and note conventions appear throughout the manual to indicate
where death, serious injury or equipment damage may be possible. Strict attention to the
procedures provided in the warnings and cautions are essential.

WARNING: Warnings indicate the threat of death or serious personal injury.

CAUTION: Cautions indicate the threat of minor personal injury or equipment damage
23 of 356
1.3 Safety Precautions
NOTE: Notes indicate useful information that should be taken into consideration.

1.3 Safety Precautions

1.3.1 Trained Service Personnel
Personal injury or property damage can result from incorrectly performed service procedures.
Observe all operating and safety procedures contained within this manual.

WARNING: Only service personnel specifically trained by GE OEC Medical

Systems, Inc., should perform the procedures to service the
Fluorostar Systems.

CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by, or in the order of, a physician.

1.3.2 Ingress of Water and Solutions

Always unplug the AC power cable from the wall outlet before cleaning the equipment. Do not
allow water, soap or other liquids to drip into the equipment and possibly cause short circuits,
electric shock and fire hazards.
Do not operate or store the system where conductive fluids, like water or saline solutions, might
spill on the equipment unless you drape or bag the system.

1.3.3 Electrical Shock

Electrical circuits inside the equipment use voltages that are capable of causing serious injury or
death from electrical shock.

WARNING: This equipment contains high power electrical components and

should only be serviced by personnel familiar with the circuits and
operation. At certain locations these voltages are present EVEN
Areas where dangerous voltages exist:

To service the equipment with the covers removed acknowledge the following precautions:

WARNING: Observe the two persons rule when working near high voltages. One
person must remain clear of the machine and be prepared to turn it
off in an emergency. Capacitors can retain a charge even when you
remove power from the system. Avoid touching these unless you are
certain the charge was shorted to ground. High-energy capacitors in
the system should be shorted through an adequate resistance to
avoid potential burn hazards

24 of 356
1.4 Warning Labels
1.3.4 Explosion Hazards

WARNING: The system must never be operated in the presence of flammable

anesthetics or other flammable or explosive liquids, vapors or gases.
Vapors and gases can be ignited by electrical arcs that occur during
the normal operation of switches, circuit breakers, push buttons and
other circuit components.
If flammable substances are present before the system is turned on:

If flammable substances are detected after the system has been turned ON:
Do not touch of the controls or switches
Do not turn it OFF; do not unplug it
Evacuate all personnel immediately
Ventilate the room to clear the air of the flammable vapor or gas
Remove any volatile liquids that are producing flammable vapors to a safe storage area.

1.3.5 X-Radiation Hazard

WARNING: The X-Ray tube (Monoblock) assembly produces X-radiation when

energized. Never operate this device without X-ray shielding in place.
Use lead shielding and draping to protect personnel.

1.3.6 Motorized Mechanical Motion Hazard

The vertical column is motorized. Observe it continuously while operating this feature to avoid
collision with people or equipment.
If you remove the covers, use extreme care when operating motorized features. Do not wear
loose clothing that may become tangled in gears and chains. Do not operate motorized features
when fingers and hands are near motorized equipment.

WARNING: The vertical spindle of the worm gear is secured with a self-locking
nut. Do not use this nut a second time when once has been opened.

1.3.7 Spare Parts

As for every Medical device only orginal spare parts are allowed to be used. Otherwise, the system
may operate in an unpredictable way or licenses may be become invalid.

1.4 Warning Labels

The following warning labels are present on the system.

25 of 356
1.5 Warning Symbols

Figure 4 Label X-ray warning



Figure 5 Label Electrical Safety

1.5 Warning Symbols

The following symbols are on the system:



Figure 6 Label High Voltage

26 of 356
1.5 Warning Symbols

Figure 7 Label Protective Earth Ground

|The protective earth ground should be the last electrical connection broken and the first electrical
connection made during servicing procedures.


Figure 8 Label Emitting X-ray source

This symbol indicates the presence or potential of producing ionizing X-radiation. Use appropriate


Figure 9 Label Laser Radiation

This symbol indicates the presence of laser beam radiation. Do not look directly into the laser
beam and use other appropriate precautions.



GRN/YEL wire indicates protective earth conductors, accessible parts connected to earth parts,
and potential equalization conductors.
27 of 356
1.6 Conversions


Figure 11 Label Non-Anesthetic Proof

(part of 1.4.1 X-RAY SAFETY WARNING)

This symbol indicates that equipment in non-anesthetic proof and should not be operated in the
presence of flammable vapors, liquids or other substances.

1.6 Conversions
Degrees C = (degrees F-32) (5/9)
Degrees F = (9/5)(Degrees C) +32
1 Inch = 2.54 cm
1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms
1 gray = 100 Rads

1.7 Unauthorized Modifications

Unauthorized changes or modifications could have hazardous consequences. Do not make
changes or modifications unless specifically authorized by GE OEC.
Obtaining a field modification request form from GE OEC Medical Systems makes modification

NOTE: All GE OEC Fluorostar systems comply with International Electro-technical

Commission safety standard IEC-60601.Do not connect any external device
to the system that does not meet the requirements of IEC-60601. Only
devices provided or approved by GE OEC Medical Systems, Inc. should be
connected to the system. When properly assembled, with a compatible beam
limiting device, this diagnostic source assembly fully meets the Federal
Performance Standards for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their Components
21CFR 1020.30-32) provided no components or parts are removed from the
unit and no unauthorized adjustments are made in the beam limiting device
or tube housing assembly. Never remove any part of the housing or beam-
limiting device. Never adjust any part of the beam limiting device unless
under direction of the manufacturer. All hardware (i.e. screws, nuts, bolts,
etc.) must be re-installed on the equipment. All EMI-RFI shielding
components must be re-installed on the equipment. Replace any damaged
shielding gaskets to assure that the system complies with EMI-RFI

28 of 356
1.8 Certified Components
1.8 Certified Components
The following certified components within the Compact Mobile C-Arm are critical to maintain sys-
tem performance. Modifications (repair/replacement and some adjustments) of these
components require that Form 2579 be completed and filed with GE OEC Medical Systems, Inc.,
the FDA, and the state office.

29 of 356
2 System Overview
2.1 Applications

2. System Overview
This section will familiarize you with the GE OEC Fluorostar Mobile C-Arm.

2.1 Applications
The GE OEC Medical Systems „Fluorostar“ are multi-application systems that provide solutions for
the demanding needs of today’s hospital environment. The systems have the capacity to handle
many challenging procedures

Hand Surgery Automatically limits the x-ray field to the correct size for hand surgery to
protect personnel from unnecessary scatter.

Chest and Thorax Reduces motion lag in applications such as pacemaker implants &

Dense Anatomy Improves dense anatomy images such as the pelvis or spine.

Reduced Dose Reduces dose to minimize radiation exposure.

2.2 Clinical Versatility

ERs and Cast Rooms Manipulate fractures, locate foreign bodies and guide

CCUs and ICUsGuide catheter placements, monitor lysis therapy and perform simple
contrast studies.

Outpatient Surgery Centers

Guide needle placements, identify fractures and guide scope

G.I. Labs Barium studies, colonoscopies and ERCPs.

2.2.1 Selected Special Features

Economical and compact single component design (Compact) requires minimal storage space.
Superb image resolution with low patient dose in pulsed fluoro, low dose and snap shot modes.
Technique parameters continually adjust for optimum image display:
Camera Gain
Simple one button operation.
Rapid hardcopy thermal printer (optional)
9/6/4.5-inch image intensifier
High resolution CCD camera
18.1 inch viewing TFT monitors
Digital image rotation
30 of 356
2 System Overview
2.2 Clinical Versatility
Preview for Iris and Slot Collimation
Cable pushers
Laser Aimer


31 of 356
3 Technical Specifications
3.1 Generic

3. Technical Specifications

3.1 Generic
See Operator Manual

3.2 Differences
Different types of x-ray tubes (Toshiba / NaGo)
Different camera systems (1/2k and 1k)
Different types of CD-RW and DVD-RW
Automatic door for CD-RW (needs SW REV 01.27.04 and higher or SW REV 2)
Software revision 1 & 2
Different types of monitors (G10, G11 & G12)
B080 / B118F / B337 replaced by B455

32 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

4. Theory of Operation

4.1 Definitions
Monitor „A“ = 18.1“ LCD monitor on monitor tray (on C-sledge)
or left monitor on Double Monitor System or Monitorcart
Monitor „B“ = right 18.1“ LCD monitor
UIF CR = User Interface right (10 keys, touch, TFT)
UIF CL = User Interface left (10 keys, touch, TFT
IPC1000 = Image Processing Computer
COM 1 = Interface B380 – IPC (Display) = touch
COM 2 = Interface B380 – IPC (BV) = CCD Image monitor „A“ Boot-up / Shutdown

4.1.1 Power ON Power supply
Press ON Button on UIF CL or UIF CR
ON Button sends signal to B380, then to B111, which turns on the main power supply – all
components get power.
230V AC for IPC1000 / LPT / LPS
150V AC for Generator
LPT –12V + 12V + 5V
LPS + 24 V
Power distribution through B337 (including LED and Fuse for each module)

33 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
__________________________________________________________________________ Boot up sequence between B380 and IPC1000

B380 IPC1000

onerror- Software starts,

If Send Di
Flash-Check is
then Error
message IPC-W
Acknowledge polling
with OK
Send DAP-Factor(DO 057)
AcSend Snapshot-
Send Mode-Table (MO ...)
Send Start-Mode (DO 003)
(DO 054 & DO 055)
Acknowledge Mode change
(SP 064)
knowledge polling
Calculate mA reference and
with OK
send (SP 003)

Send kV-value (SP 002)

Send IPC-ready (DO 030)

Send Version B380 (SP 012)

34 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
B380 IPC1000

Send Version B356

(SP 013)

Send Version Image

(SP 014)

Send B380 A/B active

(SP 030)

Send B356 A/B active

Change mode from boot to
normal Ask LED-Status (SP
Send Boot/Shutdown-Send
(DO 025)

Send Tu
send Turn-Off time

SP 055)

send Turn-Off time
(SP 055)
On error:
Send error mask +
Entry in LOG-File

35 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

B380 IPC1000

Send ready for

Data receiving
(SP 029)

Send Prelive-time
(DO 051)

Send Pulsmode-times (DO 052

& DO 053)

Send Snapshot-times (DO 054

& DO 055)

Send DAP-Factor
(DO 057)

Send Mode-Table
(MO ...)

Send Start-Mode
(DO 003)

Acknowledge Mode change

(SP 064)

Calculate mA reference and

send (SP 003)

36 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
B380 IPC1000

Send IPC-ready
(DO 030)

Pulse-Mode-time = 0
Snapshot-time = 0
then Error message

Hand- or Footswitch is
pressed during boot up
then Error message

Hub-switch is pressed during
boot up
then Error message

37 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

B380 IPC1000

RAM-Check is failed
Then Error message

Flash-Check is failed
then Error message

Change mode from boot up to


Ask LED-Status (SP 065)

Send LED-Status
(DO 025)

Figure 12 Boot up sequence

38 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

4.1.2 User Interface CR/CL boot-up

Module boots up after power input on B380 = 5V
Boot time approx. 10sec (including Self test).
Boot-up indicated by five yellow LEDs running in an upward sequence.
Count down = waiting for IPC boot up and COM1 connection.

Figure 13 Boot screen

Successful boot feedback on LCD screen: GE Logo + OEC Fluorostar

B380A = SW REV (example 7.40)
B380B = SW REV (example 7.65)
B356 A = SW REV (example 5.86)
B356 B = SW REV (example 6.13)
Image = SW REV (example 2.04)
Calibration C / P / T (example 1/1/1)
C = Collimator
P = Preview
T = Touch
(01) = done
(-) = not done
Last X-Ray = Date / Time (from Generator)
DAP = Version (example 13) (if installed)
Working hour = h (from IPC 1000)

Remark : Boot screen from Software Revision 1 not identical

39 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
4.1.3 IPC 1000 boot-up
The IPC boots up after power input = 230 VAC.
Boot time approx. 120 sec.
Successful boot is indicated by monitor „A“ design (CCD circle and text)

4.1.4 PC Guard boot-up (optional)

P/n 00-453860-xx
The PC guard is only active during boot-up and controls if the IPC has started correctly. Otherwise,
it reboots the IPC1000. The user can recognize this only by a longer boot time. If any problem
occurs during start-up, an entry in the logfile (on IPC1000) is created.

Remark: For IPC1000 00-453962-xx (0,5k) or 00-453962-xx (1k) the PC guard is built-in.
The funtionality is equal.
For details see the following flowchart:

40 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

41 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

Figure 14 PC guard bootup

42 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions

Figure 15 PC guard bootup

Figure 16 PC guard bootup

If you demount the cover, you will find different LEDs on the board, which indicate different states
during the boot phase.

43 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
__________________________________________________________________________ External PC-Guard

Figure 17 PC guard LEDs

D1: power LED, must light bright, otherwise only parallel port is connected

Figure 18 LED D1

D2 Software Reset, lights red when PC guard activates software reset

Figure 19 LED D2

D3 Data from parallel port

Figure 20 LED D3-D10

D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3
X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

44 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3
X X 0 0 0 0 0 0
X X X 0 0 0 0 0
X X X X 0 0 0 B
X X X X X 0 0 B
X X X X X X 0 B
X X X X 0 0 0 0
0 = LED off, X= LED on, B = blinking
Meaning of LED

LED Bit Nr. No in Logfile Description

D10 0 6 Checkpoint 1: Check harddrive (checkroot)
D9 1 7 Checkpoint 2: Check harddrive (checkfs)
D8 2 8 Checkpoint 3: Mount paritions
D7 3 9 Checkpoint 4: IPC1000 starts software for checking
parallel port inputs
D6 4 10 Checkpoint 5: Set local settings
D5 5 11 Checkpoint 6: Start X-server (graphic desktop)
D4 6 - Blinking during data transfer
D3 7 - Blinks if checkpoint 4 is successfully reached

D16: Hardware Reset, lights red when PC guard activates a hardware reset

Figure 21 LED D16

45 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.1 Definitions
__________________________________________________________________________ Internal PC Guard

Figure 22 Integrated PCGuard

LED Bit No. No in Logfile description

D7 0 6 Checkpoint 1: Check harddrive (checkroot)
D6 1 7 Checkpoint 2: Check harddrive (checkfs)
D5 2 8 Checkpoint 3: Mount partitions
D4 3 9 Checkpoint 4: IPC1000 starts software for checking
parallel port inputs
D3 4 10 Checkpoint 5: Set local settings
D2 5 11 Checkpoint 6: Start X-server (graphic desktop)
D1 6 - Blinking during data transfer
D0 7 - Blinks if checkpoint 4 is successfully reached

4.1.5 System boot-up

When the UIF CR boot-up and the IPC 1000 boot-up are completed successfully, communication
between IPC 1000 and UIF CR (COM 1) gets established. Successful communication is indicated
when the UIF view switches to a color screen ==> System is ready

4.1.6 Power OFF

To start the Power off procedure press OFF Button on UIF CL or CR.
The following procedure is running now :
IPC RTS signal (CTS signal on B380) of COM-1 is high. B380 is sending the sequence for shut down
via COM1 to IPC. IPC now starts to shut down the Linux system. Communication on COM1 has now
46 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power
ended. B380 switches User Interface to white screen and shows message “Shutdown”. At this
time, two timers start: Shutdown timer and Turn-off timer. The shutdown counter is displayed on
this screen, too.
While timeout is running, B380 checks CTS signal.
CTS signal:
High: IPC1000 is not active
Low: IPC1000 is active

Case 1: CTS signal is low while Shutdown timer > 0:

this is the normal case. When B380 detects a low signal on CTS, the B380 switches off the system
immediately. In the EEPROM it is stored that shutdown was successful.

Case 2: Shutdown-timer=0 and CTS is still high:

this is the error case. The following warning message is displayed on the User Interface :”System
reorganization is running (ca. 3 minutes). Please don’t turn off system” (in 8 languages).

Case 2.1: Turn-off Timer >0 and CTS is low:

after case 2, the IPC shutdown was successful. The system is switched off by the B380. In the
EEPROM it is stored that shutdown after reorganization was successful. On next reboot, there will
be an entry stored in the Log file: „IPC: Reorganization SHUTDOWN OK“.

Case 2.2: Turn-off Timer=0 and CTS is high

After case 2, the IPC1000 shutdown was not successful. The system will be switched off by the
B380. In the EEPROM it is stored that reorganization was not successful. On next reboot, there will
be an entry stored in the Log file: “IPC SHUTDOWN NOT OK“.

1 2 3
|------------ | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|

send Shutdown to IPC

Start both timer (Shutdown- and Turn-Off). Start watching CTS signal
End Shutdown Counter
Message on User Interface
End Turn-Off Counter
Switch off System

4.1.7 Emergency OFF

The Emergency Off switch immediately turns the power off in the entire system. All temporary
data from the IPC will be lost.

4.2 System Power

Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions

47 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power

4.2.1 Fuses
Fuse Where Value Type P/n Voltage
F1 Mainframe 12A 12AT 6.3x32; 326012.HXP 00-906158-01 200-240V
(Mainfuse) 15A Little Fuse 00-903779-01 100-120V
15AT 6.3x32; 326015.HXP
Little Fuse
F2 Mainframe 12A 12AT 6.3x32; 326012.HXP 00-906158-01 200-240V
(Mainfuse) 15A Little Fuse 00-903779-01 100-120V
15AT 6.3x32; 326015.HXP
Little Fuse
F3 Mainframe 2A 2AT 6.3x32; 189 500.2 00-903795-01 100-240V
Main Power
F4 Mainframe 10A 10AT 6.3x32; 189140.10 00-905429-01 24V
Main Power
F5 Mainframe 1.6A 1.6AT 5x20; 179 500.1.6 00-903786-01 230V
Main Power
F1 Mainframe 50mA 50mAT 5x20; 179 120.0.05 00-903794-01 100-240V
F2 Mainframe 50mA 50mAT 5x20; 179 120.0,05 00-903794-01 100-240V
F1 Mainframe 1.6 A 1.6AT 5x20; 179 500.1.6 00-903786-01 +24VDC
F2 Mainframe 5A 5AT 5x20; 179 120.5 00-906130-01 +5.2 VDC
F3 Mainframe 0.5 A 500mAT 5x20; 00-903791-01 -12 VDC
(B337/455) 179 500.0.5
F4 * Mainframe 0.5 A 500mAT 5x20; 00-903791-01 +12 VDC
(B337/455) 179 500.0,5
F4 * Mainframe 1A 1AT/250V 5x20 179 500.1 00-903788-01 +12 VDC
F5 Mainframe 2A 2AT 5x20; 179 500.2 00-903785-01 +12 VDC
F6 Mainframe 4A 4AT 5x20; 179 120.4 00-903781-01 +25 VDC
F2 Mainframe 0.5 A 500mAT 5x20; 00-903791-01 + 12VDC
(B335) 179 500.0.5
F3 Mainframe 1A 1AT/250V 5x20 179 500.1 00-903788-01 + 24 VDC
SI1 Mainframe 2A 2AT 5x20; 179 500.2 00-903785-01 + 24 VDC
F1 MC5 12A 12AT 6.3x32; 326012.HXP 00-906158-01 200-240V
15A Little Fuse 00-903779-01 100-120V
15AT 6.3x32; 326015.HXP
Little Fuse
F2 MC5 12A 12AT 6.3x32; 326012.HXP 00-906158-01 200-240V
15A Little Fuse 00-903779-01 100-120V
15AT 6.3x32; 326015.HXP
48 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power
Fuse Where Value Type P/n Voltage
Little Fuse
F3 MC5 3.15A 3.15AT 5x20; 179 120.3.15 00-903783-01 200-240V
F4 MC5 2A 2AT 5x20; 179 500.2 00-903785-01 100-240V
F5 MC5 6.3A 6.3AT 5x20; 179 120.6.3 00-903919-01 100-120V
Set Mainframe Replaced by 00-450103-xx 00-450100-02 100-120V
Set Mainframe Replaced by 00-450103-xx 00-450101-02 200-240V
Set MC5 Replaced by 00-450103-xx 00-450102-01 100-240V
Set Mainframe + 00-450103-xx all

* F4 was replaced during 2009 from 0.5A to 1A

49 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power

4.2.2 Power Supply LPS 65M 24V

P/n (00-905810-xx)

+24V = min. 0.0A / 2.5A / forced air 3.3A / Peak 3.8A (ASTEC LPS65-M)

AC/DC Voltage Load in stand-by, mA Max-load, mA

AC 115V 1.5A 2.3A max

Remark: There is no adjustment of the supplied voltage. If the voltage is out of the limits, the
power supply must be replaced.

Figure 23 LPS 65M +24V

4.2.3 Power Supply LPT 62M 5V/12V/-12V

P/n (00-905808-xx)

+5,25V = min. 0.7A / 7.0A / forced air 8.0A / Peak 10.0A (ASTEC LPT62-M)
+12V = min. 0.3A / 3.0A / forced air 3.5A / Peak 6.0A (ASTEC LPT62-M)
-12V = min. 0.0A / 0.7A / forced air 1.0A / Peak 1.5A (ASTEC LPT62-M)

AC/DC Voltage Load in stand-by, mA Max-load, mA

AC 115V 1.5A 2.3A max

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4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power

Figure 24 LPT 62M 5V/12V/-12V

If the measurements of powersupply voltages fail on B337/B455, see figure 24 for the adjustment
potentiometer location.
Remark: all suplied voltages can only be regulated via this single potentiometer.

Figure 25 LPT62M - Adjustment

4.2.4 B337 DC Low Voltage Distribution

P/n (00-451149-xx)

The B337 PCB covers the following functions:

Additional protection for low voltages

Display presence of voltages through LEDs

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4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power
3.) Easy measurement of voltages
4.) Service-friendly fuse replacement access

The input voltages are distributed from the connectors directly to the fuses. After the fuses, LEDs
display the presence of the voltages, and from there, the voltages are distributed to the output

Figure 26 B337

Figure 27 B337 Test points

Fuse Value Type P/n Voltage Tolerance Testpo


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4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power
Fuse Value Type P/n Voltage Tolerance Testpo
F1 1.6 A 1.6AT 5x20; 179 500.1.6 00-903786-01 +24VDC +/- 10% TP1
F2 5A 5AT 5x20; 179 120.5 00-906130-01 +5.2 VDC + 2% TP2
F3 0.5 A 500mAT 5x20; 00-903791-01 -12 VDC +/- 10% TP3
179 500.0.5
F4 0.5 A 500mAT 5x20; 00-903791-01 +12 VDC +/- 10% TP4
179 500.0.5
F5 2A 2AT 5x20; 179 500.2 00-903785-01 +12 VDC +/- 10% TP5
F6 / B337 4 A 4AT 5x20; 179 120.4 00-903781-01 +25 VDC +/- 10% TP6
F6 / B455 4 A 4AT 5x20; 179 120.4 00-903781-01 +34 VDC +/- 10% TP6
Remark: the difference between TP6 measurement for B337 and B455 exists because B337
features a simple two way rectifying; so does B455, but with an additional charging condenser.

4.2.5 B455 DC Low Voltage Distribution & Video distribution &

p/n 00-451206-xx
This board replaces B118F Video distribution, B337 DC-Low Voltages distribution and B080 Buzzer.
For measurement and adjustment refer to B337 and B118F.

Figure 28 B455

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4 Theory of Operation
4.2 System Power

Figure 29 B455 Testpoints

Remark Test point numbering, Fuse numbering and Values are equal to B337. Please
refer to the previous chapter.
For Video level adjustment with P1, please refer to B118F. There is no jumper
anymore that must be checked (as was for B118F used in 7700)

4.2.6 B379 Input current limiter + Generator power Input current limiter
When power is first applied, the transformer generates a high inrush current that is limited by this
circuit to avoid damage. A resistor (10 Ohm for 240VAC, 5Ohm for 120VAC) in series to the
transformer limits the inrush current. A R/C timing circuit (R3 and C1) causes a delayed switch of
relay K1 to bypass the current limiter for regular application. K1 and R4 cause a discharge of C1
when the system is turned off. Generator Power Supply

On X3-1 and X3-2, the DC voltage (GL1) is connected that loads the external capacitor C1 (X3-5
and X3-6) through inductor L1 and diode D10. C13 is charged through resistors R10 and R11 until
U1 reaches its trigger point and starts. Q1 charges inductor L1 and the load is discharged through
D10 to capacitor C1. The auxiliary winding on L1 takes over the supply of U1. The output voltage
is regulated through the dividers R19, R18 and R21. The mirrored input voltage is supplied to the
multiplier in U1 through the resistors R16 and R17 to generate a sinusoidal current. When the
system is turned off, capacitor C1 is discharged through R2 and K2B. Thermo switch S1 protects
the resistor R2 from over current in case of failure.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.3 Image System

Figure 30 B379 Electrical Ratings

Supply Frequency 50/60 Hz.


100 5 12 25
110 5 12 25
120 5 12 25
200 2.5 8 17
220 2.5 8 17
230 2.5 8 17
240 2.5 8 17

*Momentary (max.) rating is for maximum radiographic exposure and is limited to 4 seconds.

4.3 Image System

4.3.1 Circuit/Mechanical Description Overview
The CCD Camera Video XR OEC is used to reproduce the image of an image intensifier on a CCD
sensor. With the CCD Camera, the partial components of optics, mechanics and electronics are
combined to form an optimized unit for X-ray diagnostics. The system has a modular design in all
three partial areas so that it is always possible to update the system to the "state of the art" later.
To keep the adjustment work on the image intensifier as low as possible when the CCD Camera is
mounted, the individual components are already configured in the factory. The lens has been
optimized for different reproduction scales, i.e. the CCD Camera can be used on a number of
image intensifier tubes without replacement of the lens. The image quality remains almost
constant in this process. The mechanics offer a series of options such as motor-driven iris and
image rotation specially designed for the demands of X-ray diagnostics. The standard of
mechanical stability over the service life of the camera meets the high expectations made of a
medical engineering product. The camera electronics are based on the use of the most
sophisticated CCD technology. A 112"CCD is used as image detector. The electronics are highly
integrated to allow the possibility of integrating a number of image processing hardware features
in the camera head.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.3 Image System
The Video XR OEC CCD camera can be controlled by external hardware control signals and by its
RS-232 interface.
The external hardware control signals are used for easy interfacing the camera to the radiological
The RS-232 interface provides additional control capabilities.
Any function of the camera is controlled either by an external hardware control signal or by the
RS-232 interface.
All application related functions are controlled by the camera control software AFS.EXE.
This software is runs under WINDOWS 2000 and WINDOWS XP and allows the user an easy in-
the-field set-up of the camera and maintenance.
The AFS covers functions that are necessary to set up the camera in a radiological unit.
A function may have a Set-part and / or a Get-part and one or more parameters.
A Set-part writes a parameter to the camera while a Get-part delivers the actual value for a
parameter from the camera. Charge Coupled Device (CCD)

The incoming light reaches the surface of the CCD (Charge Coupled Device) image sensor. The
CCD image sensor produces an output signal whose level corresponds to the incoming light
intensity (Pre-Video).
The output signal is buffered and sent to the Analog Front End (AFE).
The CCD is operated in frame integration mode to achieve maximum spatial resolution.
Due to this, the integration phases of the odd and even field pixels are overlapping by 50%. Analog Front End (AFE)

The Analog Front End performs the following functions:
Sample / Hold of the Pre-Video-Signal to generate a continuous video signal
Digital Adjustable Amplification (DAA)
The DAA performs variable amplification of the video signal before analog to digital conversion. It
is a part of the Manual or Automatic Gain Control circuitry of the camera.
Dark Signal Stabilization (DSS)
The DDS is related to the so-called dark reference pixel on the CCD. It stabilizes the digital value of
the mentioned pixel at predefined positive value and compensates changes due to temperature,
gain, etc. Therefore, the video signal meets the input range of the ADC. DSS is not related to the
minimum video signal (see also DRE-Function.)
Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
The amplified video signal is transmitted to an analog to digital converter. The digitization is
straightforward binary, 12 Bit; higher values belong to higher light levels. The digital video signal is
than transmitted to the Digital Timing and Process Unit. Digital Timing and Processing Unit (DTPU)

The DTPU generates all timing signals necessary to operate the camera. This includes clocks for
driving the CCD, the AFE, the micro controller, the power supply, digital-analog re-conversion,
different I/O-signals and internal clocks to control the signal processing.

The digital signal processing incorporates the following functions:

Generation of Measurement Window MW

The MW is a part of the whole image. Pixels inside the MW are used to control several functions of
the camera (AGC, etc). The Measurement Window has a circular shape with adjustable diameter
(25% to 100% of image height). The center position of the Circular Blanking and Measurement
Window are identical.
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4 Theory of Operation
4.3 Image System
Measurement Engine ME
The Measurement Engine calculates several parameters from the pixels inside the MW. This is
done for every field. The parameters are fed to the micro controller. These parameters are the
sum, the number of pixels, number of pixels above and below a gray level threshold.
Correction of Pixel Faults
Pixel Faults (Hot Spots) will be replaced by its nearest neighbor.
Offset Correction
Subtraction and Multiplication is applied on the video signal to achieve optimum contrast in the
Highlight Measuring Window
To adjust the diameter, the MW can be highlighted.
Shading Correction
To compensate the image shading due to lens and image intensifier a Shading Correction
Function is implemented. Horizontal and Vertical Shading Correction curves, both tilt and dome
can be applied.
Gamma can be selected to linearize the brightness transfer function including the CRT Monitor.
Digital Sync Mix
A digital Composite Signal is formed.
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
A 10 Bit Digital to Analog Converter Generates a Composite Video Signal. The Video Signal is
output at CN2. Micro controller

After power up, the micro controller initializes all components. To do this, the micro controller
reads all parameters from a memory and sends it to the components. During operation, it handles
the RS-232 communication, controls several automatic functions and performs supervising and
self-test function.
A micro controller with on-board flash-memory is used, so it is possible to flash new software into
the camera. This needs special equipment.
All camera parameters are stored in an EEPROM. Via the RS-232 interface, parameters can be
sent to components (volatile) or to the EEPROM (nonvolatile). Automatic Balance Control

The following digital signals are generated to control the X-Ray Source:

XR high
X-ray dose is too high to get a good image

XR low
X-ray dose is too low to get a good image

Additionally, two analog signals are generated:

XR Control and XR Linear

Description of the signal XR linear

This signal provides information about the actual average saturation of the CCD inside the
Measuring Window. It can be configured by the manufacturer as a voltage source (0V... -10V) or as
a current source (0uA - 10uA).

The standard setting for XR linear is: voltage source

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4 Theory of Operation
4.3 Image System
0V 0 saturation of the CCD (dark Image)
-10V 100%saturation of the CCD

Description of the signal XR control

This signal provides information about the difference between the actual average saturation of
the CCD inside the Measuring Window and a predefined value (Set Point).
In case that these values are equal, the output voltage of the XR Control is 6V.
The total output range of XR controls are from 0V to 12V. Power Supply

A switched mode power supply generates all voltages used inside the camera. The input range is
18V to 32V.

4.3.2 Functional Tests

If a ping is sent to the camera, it echoes with a ping.
It is used for checking the RS-232 communication interface.

Serial Number
This command delivers the Serial Number.

Software Version
This command delivers the Software Version of the MC software.

Pattern Generator
This command activates a test pattern (gray scale and burst)
This command delivers the Test Pattern status.

This command delivers the PCB temperature.

4.3.3 Tri Mode 9/6/4.5-inch Image Intensifier

The System uses a Tri-mode Image Intensifier tube capable of producing 9-inch, 6-inch or 4.5-inch
images. The I.I. power supply allows for Tri-mode operation.

4.3.4 Tri-Mode Power Supply (B335)

The Tri-Mode Power Supply (B335) used on the System has unique camera connectors to prevent
its use on any other system. The single power supply PCB provides all voltages and signals for the
Image Intensifier tube and CCD Camera.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.4 Collimator
4.4 Collimator
4.4.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions Beam Limiting Device DAC-8
DAC-8 is designed to control the geometry of the X-Ray beam (digitally controlled, asymmetric
collimator with 8 leaves) DAC-8 consists of an iris collimator and a slot collimator. The control unit
B356 limits the angle of the X-Ray beam automatically to the field size of the image intensifier,
depending on the selected operating mode of the X-Ray system. The opening size of the iris
collimator can also be adjusted manually as required. The slot collimator consists of two parallel-
assembled blades. The blades can be manually opened, closed and moved asymmetrically in
parallel. The slot collimator can be turned by 180° max. The X-Ray beam angle is limited by a fixed
lead ring to the size of the image intensifier and the SID of the X-Ray system to prevent scatter
radiation. B356 Interface for Generator/DAC-Controller

P/n: 00-451132-xx

This PCB controls the entire generator including the collimator. The B356 is controlled through a
CAN-Bus. The functions are separated into three areas:
- Collimator Control
- Temperature/Voltage control with safety circuit
- Generator control Collimator Control Functionality Slot collimator „Open/Close“

Activation of the slot collimator open/close key on the touch screen causes a data string to be
sent via CAN-Bus to the CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which hands the command to a SW
task. SW then releases data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (1) together with
PWM1/PWM2 (2) (output on X2/19A, 19B) goes to the TTL inputs on IC1/1,2,7,9,10,15. The outputs
IC1/3,6,11,14 drive the motors M1/M2 through St4/4,5,9,10 to open or close the slot collimator.
The actual slot position is determined by potentiometers P1/P2 through ST4/2,7 that provide the
position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/2A, 2B). The actual position is constantly
being compared to the calibrated min/max limits that are stored in the EEPROM and disables
M1/M2 when the limits are reached.

(1) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motors M1/M2.
(2) PWM1/PWM2 controls the motor speed of M1/M2. Slot collimator „Rotation“

Activation of the slot collimator rotation keys on the touch screen causes a data string to be sent
via CAN-Bus to the CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which hands the command to a SW task. SW
then releases data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (3) together with PWM3 (4) (output on
X2/18B) goes to the TTL inputs on IC2/1,2,7. The outputs IC2/3,6 drive the motor M3 through
ST4/14, 15 to rotate the slot collimator.
The actual slot position is determined by potentiometer P3 through ST4/12 that provides
the position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/3A). The actual position is

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4 Theory of Operation
4.4 Collimator
constantly being compared to the calibrated min/max limits that are stored in the EEPROM
and disables M3 when the limits are reached.

(3) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motor M3.
(4) PWM3 controls the motor speed of M3. Iris collimator „Open/Close“

Activation of the iris collimator open/close key on the touch screen causes a data string to be sent
via CAN-Bus to the CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which hands the command to a SW task. SW
then releases data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (5) together with PWM4 (6) (output on
X2/18A) goes to the TTL inputs on IC2/9,10,15. The outputs IC2/11,14 drive the motor M4 through
ST3/4,5 to open or close the collimator iris.
The actual iris position is determined by potentiometers P4 through ST3/2 that provides the
position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/3B). The actual position is constantly being
compared to the calibrated min/max limits that are stored in the EEPROM and disables M4 when
the limits are reached.

(5) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motors M4.
(6) PWM4 controls the motor speed of M4. Collimator iris control through mode selection Zoom „On“

Activation of the zoom key on the touch screen causes a data string to be sent via CAN-Bus to the
CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which provides the actual iris position to SW. SW then releases
data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (5) together with PWM4 (6) (output on X2/18A) goes
to the TTL inputs on IC2/9,10,15. The outputs IC2/11,14 drive the motor M4 through ST3/4,5 to
open or close the collimator iris.
The actual iris position is determined by potentiometers P4 through ST3/2 that provides
the position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/3B). SW compares the actual
value to the desired value and then drives the iris collimator until the actual value =
desired value.

(5) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motors M4.
(6) PWM4 controls the motor speed of M4. Hand mode „On“

Activation of the hand mode key on the touch screen causes a data string to be sent via CAN-Bus
to the CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which provides the actual iris position to SW. SW then
releases data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (5) together with PWM4 (6) (output on
X2/18A) goes to the TTL inputs on IC2/9,10,15. The outputs IC2/11,14 drive the motor M4 through
ST3/4,5 to open or close the collimator iris.
The actual iris position is determined by potentiometers P4 through ST3/2 that provides the
position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/3B). SW compares the actual value to the
desired value and then drives the iris collimator until the actual value = desired value.

(5) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motors M4.
(6) PWM4 controls the motor speed of M4. Film mode „On“

Activation of the film mode key on the touch screen causes a data string to be sent via CAN-Bus
to the CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which provides the actual iris position to SW. SW then
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4 Theory of Operation
4.5 Communication
releases data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (5) together with PWM4 (6) (output on
X2/18A) goes to the TTL inputs on IC2/9,10,15. The outputs IC2/11,14 drive the motor M4 through
ST3/4,5 to open or close the collimator iris.
The actual iris position is determined by potentiometers P4 through ST3/2 that provides the
position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/3B). SW compares the actual value to the
desired value and then drives the iris collimator until the actual value = desired value.

(5) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motors M4.
(6) PWM4 controls the motor speed of M4. Fluoro „On“

Activation of the 3mA one shot key on the touch screen causes a data string to be sent via CAN-
Bus to the CAN input module (X1/11A, 11B), which provides the actual iris position to SW. SW then
releases data to the data latch IC3. The data combination (5) together with PWM4 (6) (output on
X2/18A) goes to the TTL inputs on IC2/9,10,15. The outputs IC2/11,14 drive the motor M4 through
ST3/4,5 to open or close the collimator iris.
The actual iris position is determined by potentiometers P4 through ST3/2 that provides the
position to a SW task via an analog input module (X2/3B). SW compares the actual value to the
desired value and then drives the iris collimator until the actual value = desired value. During each
boot-up, the iris is opened in Fluoro mode by auto-relay (B101).

(5) Data combination controls direction and start/stop of the motors M4.
(6) PWM4 controls the motor speed of M4.

4.4.2 Fault Isolation Symptom with HW failure
In the event that the actual collimator position is not reported to the controller due to a defective
port or cable, the corresponding part will drive to its mechanical limit. Since all motors are current
regulated, there will be no damage to the motors or mechanics. Symptom with SW failure

A possible SW failure could be that SW does not read the actual collimator position and min/max
limits, causing the collimator to drive to the mechanical limits.
In case of a SW crash, the watch-dog-timer activates the safety circuit and turns off all collimator
motors, keeping it in its current position. The trigger pulses on the controller output (X2/22A) cause
the input to the watch-dog-timer to go low. The outputs of the data latch (IC3/12-19) are switched
to high impedance through signal OE (Output Enable) causing all inputs on IC1 and IC2 to go high.
The output of the analog switch interrupts all PWM lines, disabling the drives to motors M1 – M4.

4.5 Communication
4.5.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions CAN-Bus
The CAN-Bus provides communication for the generator control between B356 on the generator
and the B380 central control unit. Its functionality controls and monitors kV, mA, filament,
collimator (iris, slot), and x-ray. The B355 makes the 5kV isolation between B356 and B380.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
__________________________________________________________________________ COM 1
COM 1 is the serial communication between the B380 central control unit and the IPC1000. It
controls the user interface menus and touch screen overlay. COM 2
COM 2 is the serial communication between the B380 central control unit and the IPC 1000. It
controls x-ray and dose.

Note: For checking COM1/COM2 see 4.9.3 Communication Check COM1/COM2


4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000

4.6.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions Monoblock Maxiplus 3000
Maxiplus 3000 is an X Ray source in Monoblock design.
Equipped with a two focus fixed anode X Ray tube for Fluoroscopy and Radiography
As X Ray source for use in mobile X Ray systems for Fluoroscopy and Radiography
Version-1 with controlled via a parallel interface
Version-2 with serial interface is under development. B350, HV Power Supply

P/n (00-451118-xx)

The B350 supplies the HV transformer. The power amplifier consists of five transistors. The
transistors T2 – T5 form the output stage. They generate the AC for the HV transformer. The
transformers TR1 and TR2 drive the transistors with the signals PUSH and PULL. Transistor T1
switches power to the output stage and is driven by the signal BUCK. Transformer TR3 is the
current sensor of the output stage. Its signal is evaluated on B352 for current balancing and
output limiting. B351, Generator Supply

P/n (00-451119-xx)
The B351 provides the Generator auxiliary supply and the filament output. Auxiliary power supply for Maxiplus

The power supply is a half bridge - blocking oscillator type converter. The power amplifier T1, T2,
D4, and D5 is supplied through fuses Si1 and Si1, rectifier GR1, and the capacitors C1, C2. The
capacitor C33 on module B359 is charged through R1 – R3 until the switching power supply IC,
IC1, starts and switching pulses to the power amplifier through TR2 sends. At this point the
transformer TR1 of the power amplifier takes over the supply of C33 through D13. The power
amplifier allows a maximum current of 0.5A with its actual value. The voltage P+ 16V is the
variable for the output voltage. This voltage is supplied to the regulator IC3 through the
connections B10, B11 and switched to the switching power supply IC through optocoupler IC2.
The output voltage P+ 16V can be adjusted with R35.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
__________________________________________________________________________ Filament regulator and amplifier
The signal AUFN/DURCHL switches the output with a relay between the radiographic and Fluoro
filament. The radiographic filament is activated by a H-signal. The signal HZG_EIN activates the
filament regulation with a H-signal. The SOLL signal has two functions, desired filament value for
the filament regulation in controlled state and desired mA value for anode regulation. The signal
ERA is the actual value dependent on the selected mode if filament or anode regulation. B352 / B356, kV Regulation/Monitoring

B352 P/n (00-451120-xx)
B356 P/n (00-451132-xx)

Figure 31 B356, B356 default settings for DIP

The B352 provides regulation and monitoring of the anode voltage regulation. ST4 supplies the
necessary voltages to the board. These voltages are stabilized with the voltage regulators IC7 (+15
V), IC 8 (-15 V), IC 9 (+5,3 V) and IC 18 (+12 V). IC 10 generates a +6V reference voltage out of +12V.
ST1 is the input for all control signals and desired analog values and the output for the actual
values and error signals.

Connector layout B 352 ST 1:

1 STM Reset for error message
2 kV_Soll desired value from µP (0V to 10V)
3 Strahlung_EIN x-ray on command
4 Error interrupt for µP
5 Aufn/Durchl filament switch
6 HZG-EIN Filament on
7 REGELN/STEUERN mA regulation/filament control
8 kV_IST actual kV value for µP
9 ANODENSTROM-REF GND for mA desired
11 ANODENSTROM-IST actual mA value (negative)
12 TEMPERATUR actual value for µP (5V = 50 Grad)
13 P+16V Power 15V
14 kVsoll kV desired value (6V to 12V)
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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
15 KVSTOP x-ray termination
16 VCC power supply for µP +5,3 V
17 VCC power supply for µP +5,3 V
18 GND
19 GND
20 V6V from µP to monitor 6V reference
21 30mA actual mA for µP 30 mA = 7,5 V
22 UBER-MA latch for error > 30 mA
23 HEITZSTROM actual filament value for µP
24 -15 V
25 +15 V
26 UBER-KV latch for error High-kV

kV – Control

The voltage dividers R47, R48 and R46, R49 provide the measured kV value to the amplifier IC11.
IC12 translates the measured value for test purposes to 1V/10kV. This signal can be measured at
The desired value, measured on TP4, is supplied together with the measured kV value to the
regulator IC13 for comparison. The maximum output power can be adjusted with R80. The output
signal of the regulator is provided as a regulation value to the PWR IC17. The power amplifiers
IC14, IC15, and IC16 drive the transistors of the B350 output stage.

kV – Monitor
IC19-A and IC19-B separately monitors the anode and cathode voltages and distributed as an
accumulated error to the monitor logic. The error signal is temporarily stored for processing in the
uP and reset with STM.

mA – Regulation and Filament Regulation

IC22-B is the input differential amplifier for the desire filament value or the desire anode current
value. IC23-A is the first filament amplifier for the filament regulation. IC21-B amplifies the
measure filament value to a signal that can be processed by the uP. The filament regulation itself
is performed on B351. Rel2 switches the measure values from regulation and control. The
negative anode current can be measured on TP6 (1mA=0.5V). IC22-D delivers the measure mA
value for the mA regulation.

mA – Monitor
IC22-A is adjusted to a trip point of 6.6mA. When this trip point is exceeded, the timer IC2 starts.
After 5.6 sec the timer delivers an error signal and turns off the generator. IC23-B has a trip point
of 30mA. If this value is exceeded, the generator immediately turns off immediately. The error
signal is temporarily stored for processing in the uP and reset with STM.

Dip Switches S600

These switches are only necessary for test equipment within production. For usage in Fluorostar
all switches must be set to the "ON" position.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000

Figure 32 B356 DIP switches B355 Signal distribution and 5KV Isolation

P/n (00-451123-xx)

The B355 provides the galvanic isolation of the following interfaces / signals:
 X-Ray On
 Laser activation (Laser_ON)
The galvanic isolation provides a 5KV isolation of the signals to the generator. In addition, the
B355 distributes power to the generator.

X-Ray ON:
The B355 distributes the X-Ray On command to the B356. The galvanic isolation is realized
through an optical isolator (IC4/3 – 6). The following transistors (T1/T2) provide additional
switching security. If one transistor fails, the second transistor can control the X-Ray on command
The signal runs from ST11/5, 6 through the isolator and transistors to ST10/3,4.

The CAN-Bus is also isolated on the B355 and then routed to the B356. The optical isolators IC2,
IC3 realize the isolation. The CAN-Rx signal is sent through IC2/3 >6 to ST10/7,8 and the CAN-TX
signal is received through IC3/3 >6 from ST10/5,6.
The signal runs from ST9/2,3 to the CAN controller (IC1), through the isolators (IC2, IC3), to

Laser ON:
The laser on signal is isolated by IC5. The signal enters at ST11/4, runs through IC5/2 >5 and via T3
to ST12/2.

65 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000

4.6.2 Fault Isolation

Error message CAN-Bus not active, generator not working.

Blinking LED on B356 = B356 working ok

Blinking LED on B380 = B380 working ok
Check cable

LED 1 (red) = Error
LED 2 (red) = Over voltage
LED 3 (green) = Generator OK, if OFF and LED 1 ON indicated generator problem.
LED 4 (red) = high mA

4.6.3 Adjustment
Generator calibration is normally not necessary since systems are pre-calibrated by the factory;
however, it is recommended to verify the calibration through this program.

See Image System Calibration

Calibration Overview
- Tube Setup
- kV and mA Calibration

66 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
4.6.4 Miscellaneous Regulatory Compliance
Maxiplus 3000 including DAC-8 were tested and found to comply with the applicable clauses of
the following standards:

DIN EN 60601-1
IEC 60601-1
IEC 60601-1-2
IEC 60601-1-3
IEC 60601-1-4
IEC 60601-2-7
IEC 60601-2-28
UL 2601
Can CSA C22.2, No. 601-1-M90 Modifications
Unauthorized changes or modifications on the Maxiplus 3000 or on parts of the Maxiplus 3000
may cause hazardous consequences and may cause violation of applicable standards or legal
regulations. Changes or modifications are not permitted by GE OEC Medical Systems. Electromagnetic Compatibility Statement

The Maxiplus 3000 has been tested and found to comply with the electromagnetic compatibility
standard EN 60601-1-2. The Declaration of Conformity can be requested at GE OEC Medical
Systems GmbH. The manufacturer of the X-Ray system, in which the Maxiplus 3000 is used as X-
Ray source, is responsible to guarantee compliance with IEC 60601-1-2 for an integrated (mobile)
X-Ray system. Non-Anesthetic Proof (Explosion)

Maxiplus 3000 is not approved to be operated in the presence of flammable anesthetic or other
flammable or explosive liquids, vapors or gases. Safety Notes Radiation Safety

The Maxiplus 3000 can be hazardous for patients and

personnel. The owner of the X-Ray system, in which
the Maxiplus 3000 is used as X- Ray source, is
responsible to provide safety instructions and
operating instructions for the professional use of the
system. The distance to the X-Ray beam outlet should
be kept as far as possible. Hazardous Temperature
- In continued operation, the housing of the Maxiplus 3000 heats up.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
- A plastic cap and a skin spacer atop of the housing protects the patient from direct contact of
with the housing.
- A maximum temperature of 50°C / 122°F may occur.
- Please take care that patient and personnel have no direct contact to the housing.
- At 45°C / 113°F at the skin spacer, a safety circuit limits the anode current to 0.5mA.
- At 50°C / 122°F at the skin spacer, a safety circuit disables radiation.
- If the temperature control circuitry fails, a bi-metal temperature sensor switch terminates
radiation at 80°C / 176°F to protect the equipment from damage. The bi-metal switch can only be
reset manually by service personnel. Source-to-skin distance

The distance to the X-Ray beam outlet should be kept as far as possible. A skin spacer tube atop
of the housing ensures a minimum distance of 30cm to the focal spot. By removing the skin
spacer tube, the minimum source to skin distance will be decreased from 30cm to 20cm. Removal
of the skin spacer tube should be done only on the instruction of a physician for special
procedures. It must be reassembled immediately following the special procedure.

Two versions of the skin spacer tube are available:

Part Number 00-419078 normal version for Maxiplus 3000
Part Number 00-419101 version for Maxiplus 3000 with DAP / Laser equipment. Classification Type

- Class I Equipment (as defined by IEC 60601-1)
- Type B (X-Ray source)
- Normal protection against ingress of water, IPX0
- Non AP (Non-Anesthetic Proof)
- Continuous operation (refer to operating modes)
- Class IIb (as defined by MDD 93/42)

4.6.5 Technical Data Generic
- 210 VDC +/- 10%
- 15 A max. current consumption (@ 110kV, 20mA for max. 4 Seconds)
- 110kVp max.
- 20mA Anode Current in Radiography Mode
- 8 mA Anode Current in Snap Shot Mode
- 6 mA Anode Current in continuous Fluoroscopy Mode
- Total Filtration > 3mm Al equivalent
- Heat Storage Minimum Anode (see X-Ray tubes data)
- Cooling Minimum Anode (see X-Ray tubes data)
- 1.000 k Joule / 750 kHU max. Heat Storage Housing
- 36W continuous heat dissipation
- Beam angle 14°
- for 1000 mm SID
- Beam axis fixed
Maxiplus3000 including Beam Limiting Device DAC-8 complies with IEC 60601-2-28:1993

Maxiplus 3000 is designed and produced in compliance with IEC 60601-2-7/1998.

The following data comply with these standards.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
Reference: 60601-2-7,cl6.8.2
1. Maxi Anode Current @nominal kV:
Standard fluoro 3.0 mA@110 kV
Dense objects fluoro 4.8 mA@110 kV
5.4 mA@80k V
Pulse fluoro: 3.0 mA@110 kV
Fast Pulse Mode: 8.0 mA@110kV
Snap Shot (fluoro) 8.0 mA@110 kV
Radiography 20.0 mA@110 kV
2. Max. Tube Voltage 110 kV
3. Maximum Power
Snap Shot (fluoro) 0.88 kW@110kV, 8mA
Radiography 2.20 kW@110kV, 20mA
4. Nominal Power for 0,1 seconds in Radiography mode:
Radiography 2.20 kW 110 kV@20 mA
5. mAs @ 50% nominal Power:
Radiography 2.0 mAS@55kV (20mA, 0,1s)
6. shortest Radiography 0.1 Seconds Fluoroscopy Mode

Focal Spot 0.6 mm / 0.5 mm (see X-Ray tube data)
High Voltage Range 36 kV to 110 kV manually selectable
Anode Current Range Normal Fluoro 3 mA max.
Dense objects fluoro 6 mA continuous
Snap Shot 8 mA
Duty Cycle 70kV@2,4 mA
1 pulse / sec : >8h
2 pulses / sec. : >8h
4 pulses / sec. : >8h
8 pulses / sec.: 2 h 20min
continuous / 58 min.

Collimator Nominal iris collimator for image intensifier input field size
Normal: 22 cm normal
Magnification 1: 15 cm Zoom
Magnification 2: 11 cm Hand Mode + Zoom

The Iris Collimator is continuously variable to a minimum opening of 5 cm in diameter

The Slot can be manually opened, closed and moved asymmetrically in parallel. Slot collimator
can be turned at maximum of 180°.

Note: The above-mentioned measurements are valid for a 9“ (23cm) image intensifier and a SID of
1000mm. Pulsed Fluoroscopy Mode

Focal spot 0.6 mm / 0.5mm (see X-Ray tube data)
kV-Range 36 kV – 110 kV
mA-Range 0.2 – 3 mA
Pulse-Frequency 1 Pulse per second

69 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
__________________________________________________________________________ Fast pulsed Fluoroscopy Mode

Note Only available on 1k systems with Maxiplus Index –04 or higher and Software
Rev 02.08.01 or higher
Focal spot 0.6 mm / 0.5mm (see X-Ray tube data)
kV-Range 36 kV – 110 kV
mA-Range 0.2 – 8 mA
Pulse-Frequency 1,2,4,8 Pulses per second Radiography Mode

Focal Spot 1,5 mm
kV-Range 36 kV – 110 kV
mA-Range 20 mA constant
Irradiation Time 0,1 – 4 Seconds
Duty Cycle 110 kV @ 20 mA max. for 4,0 Seconds.

4.6.6 Geometry of X-ray beam

Valid for an SID of 980mm.
For details of geometry refer the Operator Manual

4.6.7 Collimation
Nominal aperture diameter: 24 cm (9.5 inches) at the image receptor.
Continuously variable to a minimum of 5 cm diameter, measured at the image receptor.
The Slot can be manually opened, closed and moved asymmetrically in parallel. Slot collimator
can be turned at maximum of 180°.

4.6.8 Film Cassette Holder

24 cm x 30 cm
10 x 12 x 5/8-inch nominal

4.6.9 Accuracy
kVp: ± 10%
mA: ± 10%
Timer: ± 10%

4.6.10 X-Ray Source Assembly Nago GF 190 DF

Note: out of production

Manufacturer NAGO
Anode Type Fix Anode
Focal Spot 0.6 mm / 1.5 mm
Inherent Filtration 0.6 mm Al equivalent
Heat Capacity 57kJoule / 76 kHU
Cooling Rate 248W

70 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
Nominal Power 110 kVp / 20 mA
Max. High Voltage 125 kVp
Anode Angle 12° Toshiba DF-151R

Manufacturer Toshiba
Anode Type Fix Anode
Focal Spot 0.5 mm / 1.5 mm
Inherent Filtration 0.8 mm Al equivalent
Heat Capacity 34kJoule / 46kHU
Cooling Rate 550W
Nominal Power 110 kVp / 20 mA
Max. High Voltage 110 kVp
Anode Angle 16°

4.6.11 Scatter Radiation referring EN 60601-1-3:1994,29.208.6

Remark: for details refer to Operator manual chapter “Technical Reference”

4.6.12 Environmental and Transportation Requirements

– Operating 10°C to 35°C / 50°F to 95°F
– Extended term storage 0°C to 40°C / 32°F to 104°F and transportation
– Short term storage -10°C to 55°C / 14°F to 131°F and transportation Altitude
– Operating max. 2,400 Meter
– Transport max. 12,200 Meter

– Operating 20 to 80% relative humidity, non condensing
– Transport 10 to 90% relative humidity, non condensing
Shock and Vibration 1G @i 5–200 Hz for 2 hours

4.6.13 Service
The Maxiplus 3000 is maintenance free
Repairs are conducted on module level:
Modul-1: Monoblock (incl. Tank with high voltage generator and control logic)
Modull-2: Beam Limiting Device DAC-8

GE OEC Medical Systems can be reached under the following service numbers:
Europe: 0800-4367722
All others world wide 1 801 536 46 88

4.6.14 Cleaning
Make sure that the X-Ray system is switched off and disconnected from the power supply before
cleaning. Use only mild detergent, if necessary, to remove scuffs and stains. Do not use any
solvents, which may damage or discolor paint finishes or plastic components. Be careful not to
spill liquids where they can enter electronic assemblies through cover seams.

4.6.15 Sterile Covers

GE OEC offers sterile covers for the Maxiplus 3000 (part number 00-900493-xx)
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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
4.6.16 Disposal
The Maxiplus 3000 contains lead, oil, electronic, and electrical components.
It must be disposed in compliance with the legal regulations valid for the site of installation or it
may be returned to the manufacturer.

4.6.17 Labels and Symbols Type Label
This label shows the model name Maxiplus 3000 and the production date and the serial number. It
confirms compliance with the applicable standards and legal regulations at the time of

Figure 33 Label: Type

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4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
__________________________________________________________________________ Others

Figure 34 Labels: others

73 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.6 Generator Maxiplus 3000
__________________________________________________________________________ Position of labels

Figure 35 Label positions 1

Figure 36 Label positions 2

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4 Theory of Operation
4.7 Auto Exposure Rate Control (AERC)
4.7 Auto Exposure Rate Control (AERC)
4.7.1 Function
The following picture describes the auto exposure rate control (AERC). Because all communication
is digital via different bus systems and time shared with other system informations it is only
possible to monitor the different responses of the system with a logic analyzer.

Figure 37 Auto Exposure Control Block diagram

4.7.2 Test Auto tracking

Verify that the kVp tracks up and down during X-Rays as the material thickness increases and
decreases per the ranges below:


1 Copper Filter 57 – 64 kV
2 Copper Filters 67 – 73 kV
3 Copper Filters 75 – 82 kV
Note: Each Copper filter is 1mm Cu

75 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.8 Motorized Motions
4.8 Motorized Motions
4.8.1 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions Lift Operation

C-Arm Lift Up:

When you press the up-switch, you generate a signal LMOTUP. This signal travels to PCB B380
through U901 and exits through X105/5,6 to PCB B105. The signal passes through the upper limit
switch to the normally closed contacts of relay K5 pin 3 on PCB B105. The signal energizes the
current control relay K1, direction control up relay K2 and current enable up relay K4. These three
relays, along with the normally closed contacts of the direction control down relay K3, provide a
path for the +24VDC out of BR1, located in the power plate assembly, to activate the motor.

C-Arm Lift Down:

When you press the down-switch, you generate a signal LMODWN. This signal travels to PCB B380
through U901 and exits through X105/7,8 to PCB B105. The signal passes through the lower limit
switch to the normally closed contacts of relay K4 pin 3 on PCB B105. The signal energizes the
current control relay K1, direction control up relay K3 and current enable up relay K5. These three
relays, along with the normally closed contacts of the direction control down relay K2, provide a
path for the +24VDC out of BR1, located in the power plate assembly, to activate the motor

C-Arm Lift No Movement:

The normally closed contacts of the direction control down relay K3 and the normally closed
contacts of the direction control up relay K2 place a ground potential on both sides of the lift

Attention: If Fuse F4 in the mains power supply is blown due to a defective limit switch and
running the C-Arm into the upper or lower mechanical limitation, the lift spindle and mechanical
limitation must be checked for damage. Motorized C Rotation (optional):

B124 (Motor controller for c-rotation)

P/n: 00-451129-xx

The B124 drives and controls the c-rotation motor. The actual motor current is provided to the
controller in form of a sense voltage to protect the motor from defect from current increase due
to collision. Relays Rel 1 and Rel 2 open by collision to interrupt the current flow. This is only active
on system with anti collision control. On systems without anti collision control Rel 1 and Rel 2 are
always active and have no function.

TTL control inputs to IC1:

The signal BRAKE stops the motor through the SW controller. The signal enters on ST2/5 and goes
to IC1/4.
The signal DIRECTION controls the motor direction. This signal comes from ST2/4 and goes

76 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.8 Motorized Motions
The signal PWM controls the motor speed through pulse width modulation. The signal runs from
ST2/3 to IC1/5.

TTL control outputs on IC1:

The signal THERMAL_FLAG indicates an over temperature fault to the controller. The signal exits
from IC1/9 through ST2/1.

Analog outputs on IC1:

The CURRENT_SENSE signal provides feedback about the current in form of a voltage level to the
controller. 1V equals a current of 1A. The signal runs from IC1/8 to ST2/2.
The signals OUTPUT1 and OUTPUT2 drive the motor. The drive signals exit IC2/2,7 and go through

Power supply for IC1:

IC2 ensures that IC1 is supplied with a constant 24V. The fuse SI1 (2A) limits the current to 2A.

Error indication (external LED):

The signal MERR1 indicates that the controller has turned off the motor. This could be caused by
an over temperature or over current condition. A restart of the motors is only possible when over
temperature or over current parameter is reset.
The signal runs from ST2/8 through resistor R1 to ST3/4. The LED is located inside the housing of
the rotation motor.

77 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.9 User Interface
4.9 User Interface
4.9.1 User Interface Overview

Figure 38 Overview User Interface

78 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.9 User Interface
4.9.2 Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions
User Interface CL:

Figure 39 User Interface Left

Figure 40 User Interface Right

79 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.9 User Interface
4.9.3 Communication check COM1/COM2

Note: This function is only available in Software Revision 2 or later.

To check if communication to IPC1000 via COM1/COM2 works properly, you can run a self test for
B380. Re-assemble User Interface Right. On the right side of the User Interface you can see the
COM ports. Connect a serial x-cross cable (p/n 00-453871-01) to COM1/COM2 (X-V24/2 and X-
V24IPC/1) and turn on the device.
After reboot, press Lift up (4a) / Mode (B) / PP (D) simultaneously. A message on the user interface
asks for reboot. Please turn off and turn on again. Now the B380 makes a self test.

Cable pin assignment:

X-V24/2 X-V24IPC/1
Pin Signal Pin Signal
3 RxD1 5 TxD0
5 TxD1 3 RxD0

Figure 41 Cable to check COM1/COM2 B380


Figure 42 Connection for self test

80 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.9 User Interface

Figure 43 User Interface Boot screen

Permanent Functions Control panel selection

1 OFF A Patient administration
2 ON B Operating Modes
3 Alarm OFF C X-Ray menu
4a Electric height adjustment: Up D Image processing menu
4b Electric height adjustment: Down E DICOM menu

If the self test is not successful, the following screen appears:

81 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.9 User Interface

Figure 44 User interface Self test screen

If this message comes up, it appears that the defect concerns the right user interface (380)
If the self test is successful, the following screen appears :

82 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.10 Laser on Image Intensifier (II)

Figure 45 User Interface self test screen

In both cases shut down the system, remove the test cable and connect the original IPC1000

4.10 Laser on Image Intensifier (II)

The two II lasers only need +5V supply. This supply is switched on/off by B380. This activated
current leaves B380 on X335/3 pin 16, enters B335 on X3 pin 16 and leaves it directly on X6 pin 2
to B336 ST1 pin 2. On B336, the signal is divided for both lasers and leaves on ST2 pin1 for Laser 1
and ST3 pin1 for Laser 2.

To use the II laser, it must be enabled in the software. (Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page /

83 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.10 Laser on Image Intensifier (II)

Figure 46 Laser II setup

Only if the laser is enabled it is possible for the user to activate the laser.

Figure 47 Laser II activate

84 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.11 Laser Generator

Figure 48 Laser II activate

4.11 Laser Generator

This item is available in two versions:
Laser (only)
Laser with DAP Unit
The Laser is connected via a three wire cable to B355. Pin 1 is ground and pin 3 is +5V for the
power supply. Pin 2 provides the LASER_ON signal. If pin 2 is low the laser lights???. The LASER_ON
signal comes from the B380 via ST11 pin 4.
To use the laser, it must be enabled in the software. (Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page /

Figure 49 Laser X-ray setup

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4 Theory of Operation
4.12 Dose Area Product (DAP)

Only if the laser is enabled, it is possible for the user to activate the laser.

Figure 50 Laser X-ray activate

Figure 51 Laser X-ray activate

4.12 Dose Area Product (DAP)

This is an optional part. There are two different versions available :
DAP without Laser
DAP with Laser (see 4.10)

86 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.13 Dicom (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)
An existing machine can also be upgraded to DAP. Please use the Update kits (see spare part list)
to do this.
The DAP unit is connected via a 4-wire connection to the B356 board. Pin 1 is ground and pin 2 is
+15V for the power supply. Pin 3 and 4 are the RS422 interface. This will transfer the measured
value to the microprocessor on the B356 board.
On Pin 15 of the microprocessor, U302A sends a low signal while turning on the item. In this case
CT301 is not active and the internal LED of Q300 is lightning. In this case, the contact of Q300 is
closed and the DAP unit performs a self test. The result from the self test is pulses on the RS422
lines. If the DAP unit is correctly installed software-wise, and the hardware is working properly, you
will get the following message on the user interface while starting the system: “DAP V xx” (next to
the last X-Ray date/time).
If the DAP option is installed, the different DAP functions are available. For example, the dose
accumulated in every picture on the main monitor.

Figure 52 DAP

4.13 Dicom (Digital Imaging and Communications

in Medicine)
Please look for the detailed documentation to the following documents :
Dicom Installation Checklist Fluorostar

4.14 Printer
The Printer gets the necessary video signal from the IPC1000 S-VHS output. This signal enters the
ST1 B118 board. This board boosts and splits the signal.. The printer is connected to ST2.
When you press “print” this will create a signal PRTOUT on B380. This signal leaves B380 on
X386/1 Pin 16 and enters B386 X380/1 pin 16. On B386 it just goes through to X4 pin 5 and from
this point directly to the printer. This printer answers with –BUSY. This signal enters B386 X4 on
pin4 and goes directly through via X380/1 pin 15 to B380 X386/1 pin 15.
87 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
4.15 Software
During every boot-up, the version control module checks the SW revisions for each module.
If a module has a wrong SW REV, a warning message will be displayed and a SW update should
be performed.

4.15.1 Software update

The first step is to select update media, USB, CD ROM, or Network (not installed). The system
searches for updates in folder “janusupdate” on the selected media and copies data to IPC1000.

Figure 53 Software Update

88 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Figure 54 Software Update

The correct SW Version can be selected from the following screen:

Figure 55 Software Update

After selection press OK and confirm update.

The system will start an automatic update for the entire system:
Compare existing SW to requested SW
Update all necessary parts. Depending on that the Update takes 2 .. 15 Minutes.
When the update is completed, the system will automatically reboot all components.

NOTE: There will be no warning messages when the system was successfully

NOTE : If you have DAP installed on the machine, you get an error message after
reboot. Please turn off the machine completely and turn it on again (DAP
check can work only after a cold start, after a warm start you get an error
Remark : In Software Revision 1, the masks are not 100% identical, but function-wise equal.

4.15.2 Software Menu structure User Setup
Fields can be selected with up or down arrow. The setting can be changed with left or right arrow.
A new setting is confirmed with the OK button.

89 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Change language
Select this button to change the user interface language

Password (HIPPA)
Master password = JANUS310767PW
The master password can be used to access the system for service when the user password is not
available. It will not affect the assigned user password.
It can also be used to delete or assign a new password.

System Boot Configuration

- cm/inch/°C/°F/K/°Ra
- cm / Celsius
- cm / Fahrenheit
- inch / Celsius
- inch / Fahrenheit
- cm / Kelvin
- cm / Rankine
-Fluoro Buzzer
- ON
- Mode
- Normal Mode (default)
- Hand Mode
- Fluoro with Reduce Dose Rate
- Hip-Mode
- Thorax Mode
- Crosshair
- ON
- OFF (default)
- Image Mirroring
- off (default)
- up / down
- left / right
- up / down and left / right
- Start mask
- Patient Information (default)
- new Patient
- Image

Preview Setup
Show time limited (0-999s)
Show collimation
- Iris and Slot Collimation
- Used Collimation

Subtraction Values (not installed)

1 SUB-Parameter
2 Peak-Parameter
3 Road-Parameter

Lamp, Sound

90 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Functional test for X-Ray lamp
Functional test for button press signal
Adjustment for “sound level button press” signal (SW REV 2 only)

Service Mode
Entry to Super User and Field Service screens

Please select the second page for the following points:

HDD statistic
Shows used capacity and allows to automatically or manually erase HDD.

Log file
Enable additional information to be saved in error log.
(only in SW Rev 1 available)

Enable debug codes to be displayed live during application on UIF screen.
(only in SW Rev 1 available)

SW Version
Displays installed SW versions.
Attention : Use up/down on touch to scroll

Save Log file

This option is used to save the error log to USB stick or CD.
(only in SW Rev 1 available)

Remark: this function is available from Software Revision 2. onwards.
Here you can start a slide show on the touch screen and on monitor A and B. For details please
see Operator Manual.
It is also possible to create your own slide show (for example for training, presentation etc.). For
details please see Advanced Service manual. Service Menu

There are three levels for service menu. Level 1 (Super User SU) can also be accessed by advanced
users. The Super User password (“SU”) is described also in the operator manual.
Level 2 and Level 3 service menu is for GE employees only. Contact Tech Support if you do not
know the password. Super User Setup level 1

Set Time / Date

System Information
Title Bar „GE-OEC Fluoro Star“
Hospital name Here you can enter the hospital’s/doctor’s name
Ward type department
System Compact / Series (fixed)
System s/n Serial number of the system

91 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Delete Patient data
Delete all patient data

Delete Physician data

delete all physician data

Please select the second page for the following points:

Network Setup
Link speed
auto (default)
10 Mbit / Full Duplex
100 Mbit / Full Duplex
10 Mbit / Half Duplex
100 Mbit / Half Duplex
Subnet Mask
IP Address

For details please refer to "00-441021-01_FluorostarDicomInstallationGuide_050511_en.pdf"

Cross Hair Setup

Line Length (0-1024) default = 120
Line Size (0...32) default = 4
Center Radius (0...1024) default = 48
Points (ON/OFF) default = OFF (only up to SW REV 02.05.09)
Dynamic Size (ON/IOFF) default = OFF (only SW REV 02.05.10 and higher)
Points Size (0...32) default = 16
Points Distance (0...1024) default = 472

To turn off the points in SW REV 02.05.10 and higher set Point Size to 0.
Dynamic Size: when you set it to on, the crosshair is getting bigger in mag1 and even bigger in

Lateral Setup
Adjust limits for motorized rotation

Debug Mode 2
Enables display of additional debug messages on UIF display (text and code)
(only SW REV01)

System configuration
Footswitch type - 00-452366-01 SFS-D Single Footswitch
- 00-
Buzzer Time ON default: 39
Buzzer Time OFF default: 80
System Sound ON (default)

92 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Motorized Sound ON (default)
(only SW REV02)

enters the menu for DICOM
(only SW REV02)
For details please refer to "00-441021-01_FluorostarDicomInstallationGuide_050511_en.pdf"

kV / mA Accuracy
Displays kV and mA desired and measured values.
Shows tube temperature

Figure 56 kV/mA accuracy

Remark: In Software Rev 1, this screen is different

Current operating voltage (5V)

Adjustment for 5V power
(only SW REV02)

Error log file

Save error log
(only SW REV01)
License Management
For details please revere "00-441021-01_FluorostarDicomInstallationGuide_050511_en.pdf" Field Service (FS) Setup Level 2

Collimator „Iris Size“ Setup

Mechanical Calibration

93 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Normal Mode, MAG1, and MAG2 adjustment

Collimator Preview Setup

preview setup

DAP Setup
Start DAP Calibration
Check DAP Calibration
(up to SW REV02.05.09)

DAP / AK /AKR Setup

(up to SW REV02.05.10)

Display / Touch Calibration

starts Calibration for both touch screens

Test Picture
Display SMTPE Test Picture on TFT Monitor

IPC1000 Setup 1
Select Monitor
TFT G10/G11 (fixed)

Select CCD Camera

Up to SW REV01.18.03
CCD video XR CCIR (1/2k) (default)
CCD 1300 QFB (1k)
CCD 1300 FB (1k)
From SW REV01.19.03.or higher
CCD Video XR CCIR (2000) (1/2k)
CCD 1300 QFB (1k)
CCD Video XR CCIR (1600) (1/2k) (default)
From SW REV02 onwards
1k CCD-1300 QFxx (2500)
1/2 k CCD Video XR CCIR (1600)

for all 1/2k Systems produced with SW up to REV01.18.03 select “CCD Video XR CCIR (2000)”
for all 1/2k Systems produced with SW REV01.19.03 or higher select “Video XR CCIR (1600)”
Difference => dose Adjustment
If you change the CCD Video Type from
CCD Video XR CCIR (2000)” to CCD Video XR CCIR (1600)
CCD Video XR CCIR (1600)” to CCD Video XR CCIR (2000)
then Dose Adjustment will be necessary
=> Camera Alignment CCD-Compact-Camera Video XR (00-453850-xx)
=> Dose rate adjustment

Select Video OUT norm

CCIR 50Hz and Monitor 1280 x 1024 (default)
EIA 60Hz and Monitor 1280 x 1024

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4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
CCIR 50Hz and Monitor 640 x 512 (available from SW 02.05.10 onwards)
EIA 60Hz and Monitor 640 x 512 (available from SW 02.05.10 onwards)

Remark : this function is only available from SW REV 2 onwards. For activating, the device must be
Reduced resolution Monitor: only for special purpose necessary (grapping Video signal for Litho
systems). If you select reduced monitor resolution, on monitor A and B the picture is much worse !

Select CD
DVD Dual

IPC 1000 Setup 2 (SW)

Overlay level TEXT (0...255)
color for text on the monitor (0 =black … 255 =white)

Overlay level Cross Hair (0...255)

color for Cross hair on monitor (0 =black … 255 =white)

Image Rotation
rotates the monitor picture. Input in degrees

Blanking (ON/OFF)
disables blanking, automatically turned back ON after reboot

Sampling Window
Makes dose alignment and exposure window visible on monitor/uif
(only for service belongings)

Screensaver 0 ...999min
(no function)

Please select the second page for the following points:

Allows enabling or disabling of options

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4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software

this means

Figure 57 X-ray laser setup (only SW REV02)

Figure 58 X-ray laser setup (SW REV 01)

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4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software

Figure 59 Options (SW REV 02)

Remark : You will find the missing options from SW01 to SW02 directly in the Options menu

- key-switch : enable/disable key switch (see also Upgrade Key switch Fluoro deactivation )

- 1mA active / not active: Switches in all modes to 1mA. This function will be reset to “not active”
after each reboot
- IPC auto switch on enable/disable: B380 restarts IPC1000 automatically in the boot phase, when
IPC booting was not successful. This requires B380 min Index C6, IPC 1000 min. Index 04.
- 5/10 min warning enable/disable: here you can disable the acoustic warning after 5 minutes X-
Ray ON and the automatic stop of X-Ray after 10 minutes. This function will be reset to “ON” after
each reboot.
- Lift motor movement enable/disable
- DAP not installed/installed/calculated/difference (see also Upgrade Dose Area Product )

KV-Range Setup
Select required kV settings according to applicable regulations.

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4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software

Figure 60 kV range setup

Radiography Setup
Select correct mA limit for radiography or disable film mode.

Remark: When Radiography mode was disabled and you enabled it be sure to
perform a 5.3.4 Constancy and Linearity test

Figure 61 radiography setup

System Backup
Remark: these menu items are only available when a USB stick is present !
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4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software

Figure 62 system backup

Store B380 -Data

Re-Store B380-Data

Store IPC 1000 Data

Re-Store IPC 1000 Data

Store DICOM Data

Re-store DICOM Data

Store System Data (cpl.)

Re-Store System Data (cpl)

99 of 356
4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software
Device Update

Tube Setup
This menu is used to calibrate the tube (see chapter Tube Calibration for details)

kV mA Offset
necessary for kV and mA adjustment. See chapter Adjustments for details.

SW Update
Select update media, USB, CD ROM or Network (not installed).
Display available SW revisions on system.

Boot / Shutdown-Time
Set boot and shutdown timer. Default Boot=120, Shutdown=60.
(only SW REV 1 and SW REV 2 up to 2.05.01)

Timing Setup
Boot Time Set Boot up Counter (default 120[seconds])
Shutdown Time Set Shutdown Counter (default 60 [seconds])
Turn OFF Time Set Turn OFF time (default 200 [seconds])
(see for details /theory of operation / Power OFF )

X-ray warning time after this time uninterrupted (default 5 [minutes])

X-ray an acoustic warning appears
X-ray OFF time after this time uninterrupted (default 10 [minutes])
X-ray, X-ray stops
(from SW REV 2.05.02 onwards)

HIP Mode
Set max mA limit

Figure 63 Hip mode setup (till SW REV 02.05.13)

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4 Theory of Operation
4.15 Software

Figure 64 Hip mode setup (from SW REV 02.05.14 onwards) Setup Level 3

Accessible for the manufacturer only User Interface Short Cut

During Boot screen touch GE Logo to switch to Linux boot up screen
Hub up + PI + Dicom Switch between internal (Linux) und external (User) Display
Reset + Mode + PP Screenshot
Reset + PI + Dicom Reboots B380

101 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.1 Pre-condition

5. Image System Calibration

5.1 Pre-condition
The procedures within this section provide guidance in the testing and calibration of the Mobile C-

NOTE: These procedures assume that all parts and subassemblies are fully operational.

5.2 Overview
Overview after replacing parts for which calibration must be performed:
Constancy and Linearity
KV and mA Calibration

Laser II Calibration
CCD Camera ½ K
CCD Camera 1 K

B118F / B455
Tube Setup


Dose ½ K
Dose 1 K
Tri Mode
HVL test


CCD Camera X
Grid X
B335 X
Generator X X X X X X
Maxiplus 3000
B351 X X X X
B352 X X X X
B356 X X X X X
Collimator X X X X
Skin Space X
Monitor X
IPC1000 X
B118F / B455 X
Laser Aimer 9“ X
II Mounting
User Interface X X
User Interface X

102 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
5.3.1 Tube Setup
This section includes the adjustment to the correct tube type to ensure the proper system output
and reduced patient dose. Complete this procedure upon tube replacement

Please select the type of Tube that is used in the System

Note: see Generator Label

Figure 65 Tube type on rating label

Toshiba = DF-151 0.5/1.5mm

Nago = GF-190 0.6/1.5mm

To enter this setup:

Button ”PI” - Setup - Service menu - Enter Service Password – press x-time next page until
Button “Tube Setup”

You can select three different pre-heating modes by pressing the button marked in color.
 fix pre-heating value for Tube Type „DF151R“
Use this as standard
 fix pre-heating value for Tube Type „GF190“
Use this only if your Tube is a NAGO
 automatic PRE-PREHEATING Calib.
DON´T USE this calibration. It’s for factory use only

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000

Example for actual selected Toshiba-TUBE DF 151R

=> fix pre-heating value for Tube Type „DF151R“

Confirm with Button “save and exit”.

104 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
5.3.2 kV and mA Calibration
This section includes the adjustments to ensure the proper system output and reduced patient
dose. Complete this procedure upon tube replacement.
To measure KV connect DVM between MP 3 (+) and GND (-) on B352

Figure 66 kV Test points

Figure 67 kv/mA Offset Setup

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000

Make an X-RAY exposure and adjust with Button - and + to 4.0V (± 0.1V) on DVM

To continue press Button „Next (80kV Offset)“

Figure 68 kV/mA-Offset Setup (80kV)

Make an X-RAY exposure and adjust with Button - and + to 8.0V (± 0.1V) on DVM

To continue press Button „Next (Value)“

Figure 69 kV/mA-Offset Setup (0.2mA)

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000

Figure 70 mA Test points

To measure mA with DVM remove jumper and connect

Figure 71 mA Test points

Make an X-RAY exposure and adjust with Button - and + to 0.2mA (± 0.01mA) on DVM.

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
To complete select Save and Exit or exit without save to discard.

Figure 72 kV/mA Offset Setup

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
5.3.3 Half Value layer Measurement Procedure

Remark: HVL (Half value layer) test must be performed after every replacement of FRU
in the beam

CAUTION: This procedure requires you to make X-Ray exposures. Take proper
precautions to protect yourself and others. Tools & Test equipment

 Standard service tools
 Dosimeter
 Aluminum filters for example p/n 00-480917-01
as specified in 21 CFR 1020.30 (b) (3) HVL Setup

1. Position the C-Arm with the X-Ray Tube up and the Image Intensifier down.
2. Set up the dosimeter to measure dose.
3. Set the system to 110 kV and 3 mA in Manual Technique mode (Normal Fluoro, 110kV)
4. Using the mounting bracket and stand provided with the meter, mount the ion chamber
30 cm +/- 1 cm from the Image Intensifier.
5. Fluoro and center the ion chamber as viewed on the workstation monitor. HVL Measurement Procedure

1. With no aluminum (0mm) filters in the path of the beam, take a shot. Let the dose on the
Dosimeter stabilize for a few seconds.
2. Record the (0mm) dose reading
3. Divide the dose reading by 2 and record the ½ dose
4. Add aluminum filters until the ½ dosage is reached:
a. Add filters, 1.0 mm at a time, into the path of the beam (On the x-ray tube port) After
each filter is added, take a shot, let the dose on the Dosimeter stabilize for a few
seconds, and note the dose.
b. Continue to add filters1.0 mm or 0.1 mm at a time. After each additional filter is added,
take a shot, let the dose on the Dosimeter stabilize for a few seconds, and note the dose.
5. When the dosage reaches the ½ dose value calculated in step 3 record the total
thickness of filters placed in the path of the beam
(This is the systems “Half Value)

Pass / Fail Criteria

US: systems produced before June 2006 3.0mm or higher
Systems produced after June 2006 3.9mm or higher
Rest of world (IEC 60601-1-3:1994 table 204) 3.0mm or higher HVL Failed test

If the HVL test has failed check following hardware:
 Is the pre-filter (aluminum plate) on the collimator installed?
 Is the thickness of the Al filters correctly calculated?

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
5.3.4 Constancy and Linearity

Remark: Constancy and Linearity test must be performed after every replacement of
FRU which can influence Constancy and Linearity to check compliance with
21 CFR 1020.31 and IEC 60601-2-7:1998, cl.50.102.2

Remark: This test is only necessary on systems, where radiography mode is enabled

CAUTION: This procedure requires you to make X-Ray exposures. Take proper
precautions to protect yourself and others. Tools & Test equipment

 Standard service tools
 Dosimeter (must be able to measure exposed time) Foreword
To calculate the necessary values the Excel template
“00-441165-02_Constancy+Linearity1.xls”has to be used. Constancy and Linearity setup

1. Put the probe of your dosemeter 30cm below of II in the center of the beam

Figure 73

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5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
2. Open Monoblock housing
Open measurement mA test bridge on B356
Connect your Ampere meter in between

Figure 74 mA Test points

To measure mA with DVM remove jumper and connect

Figure 75 mA Test points Constancy and Linearity procedure

1. Select radiography mode

2. Select 80kV @ 4,0 sec.
3. Start X-Ray and measure mA
4. Put the result in the Excel spread sheet cell C6
5. Disconnect Ampere meter
6. Select 80kV @ 0,1 sec.
7. Start X-Ray and measure dose and exposed time and fill in the excel spread
sheet column E
8. Select kV to 50 kV during the 1 minute recovery time
9. Repeat steps 6-9 10 times
10. Select 80kV @ 0,2 sec.
111 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000
11. Start X-Ray and measure dose and exposed time and fill in the excel spread sheet
12. Set kV to 50 kV during the 1 minute recovery time
13. Repeat steps 10-12 10 times
14. Select 110kV @ 0.1 sec.
15. Start X-Ray and measure dose and exposed time and fill in the excel spread sheet
16. Set kV to 50 kV during the 1 minute recovery time
17. Repeat steps 14-16 10 times
18. Check the results of the excel spread sheet. There must be 4 times PASS Constancy and Linearity failed test

If the Constancy and Linearity test has failed check following hardware and adjustments
 B356
 B352
 5.3.1 Tube Setup
 5.3.2 kV and mA Calibration

112 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.4 Image Intensifier

5.4 Image Intensifier

Note Image Intensifier adjustment is done on B335 power supply only

5.4.1 Locations of Potentiometers for Adjustments

B335: Locations of potentiometers for adjustment
P1 - Sharpness of Normal 9-inch mode
P2 - Sharpness in 6-inch mode
P3 - Sharpness in 4.5-inch mode
P4 - Diameter in Normal 9-inch mode adjust to max (approx. 21.2cm)
P5 - Diameter in 6-inch mode adjust 15.5cm
P6 - Diameter in 4.5-inch mode adjust 11.0cm

Note For location of pot adjustments, refer to the picture below.

Figure 76 B335 Adjustment locations

5.4.2 Procedure
 Check G4: desired value 2.25 kV +/- 0.05 kV. If necessary adjust with P7
(pre-adjusted by factory)

 Check G1: desired value

- 150 V +/- 2%. for Thales II

113 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.4 Image Intensifier
- 223 V +/- 2%. for Toshiba II
If necessary adjust with P8

 Switch Blanking off

(Service Menu -> IPC Setup 2 -> Blanking)
Preparation: nothing in X-ray beam
Adjust diameter in normal fluoro mode with P4, so that the visible picture is a little bigger
(ca. 1-2mm) than line on screen

 Adjust diameter in mag1 mode with P5 as in normal mode

 Adjust diameter in mag2 mode with P6 as in normal mode

 Preparation: use resolution tool

Adjust sharpness to best fit in normal mode with P1

 Adjust sharpness to best fit in mag1 mode with P2

 Adjust sharpness to best fit in mag2 mode with P3

114 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

5.5.1 ½ k Camera System
P/n (00-453850-xx)

After replacement check direction of camera setting. See following picture.

Figure 77 CCD direction Installation PC-SW KAPPA AFS Version 1.10

This Software is necessary for the camera alignment. Additionally, you need a PC with Windows

115 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Start „AFS_Setup_v_1_1.exe“

Figure 78 Installation Calibration Software 0.5k CCD

Select your language and then press “OK”

Figure 79 Installation Calibration Software 0.5k CCD

Press „Next“

116 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 80 Installation Calibration Software 0.5k CCD

Press „Next“

Figure 81 Installation Calibration Software 0.5k CCD

Press „Next“

117 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 82 Installation Calibration Software 0.5k CCD

Press „Next“

Figure 83 Installation Calibration Software 0.5k CCD

Press „Finish“ to complete installation. Program installed successfully! Recommended test equipment:

Oscilloscope / 1Multimeter / 1Dosimeter
Test tool (25 mm AL/1,5 Cu) / 1 grey scale / 1 fine contrast gray scale
knee phantom / evil 1 hand phantom

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5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
resolution test tool (DIN 6868) / 2x1 mm Cu filters
PC (Laptop) with corresponding software (AFS Version 1.10)
serial communication cable

Attention: All measurements must be made with a 10:1 Probe Head! Preparations
The Camera is mechanically centered.
Establish a serial connection to PC. KAPPA AFS Software Start
Start program "C:\Program Files\Kappa\AFS\afs.exe" or with the icon on the desktop

Figure 84 Start calibration Software

Open file

brown = vert. synch


Figure 85 Start calibration Software

119 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Start “VideoXR_OEC.afs”

Figure 86 Start calibration Software Check Communication PC – Camera

Menu item: „Camera Identification and System Start
Select: „Ping“
Activate: „Set“

Figure 87 Communication Check PC-CCD Check the Camera Software:

Menu item: „Camera Identification“
Select: „Software Version“
Activate: „GET“
120 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Required SW: „VideoXR 01.45“

Figure 88 Check SW Version CCD Adjust the Gain for normal dose

Menu item: „Camera Functions” / “Automatic Balance Control“
Select: „SetPoint1“
Set: 0 (default = 0)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 89 Adjust Gain normal dose Deactivate the AGC

Automatic Gain “Off”
Menu item: „Camera Functions” / “Gain Control”
121 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Select: “AGC”
Set: Off (default = On)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 90 Deactivate AGC

Internal Gain Default

Menu item: „Camera Functions” / “Gain Control”
Select: “AGC off Mode”
Set: Set point Select Gain (default = Variable Gain)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 91 Set internal gain

122 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Gain Default (1=0,28dB)
Menu item: „Camera Functions” / “Gain Control”
Select: “Fixed Gain”
Set: 0 (default = 0)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 92 Set default value for gain Dose rate pre-adjustment

Control mode: Fluoro / KV – Automatic
Put the Test tool (25 mm Al / 1,5mm Cu) on the tube and adjust with the camera iris approx 76 KV
with x-ray. Sharpness adjustment:

Control mode: Fluoro / KV – Automatic
Open the fixing bolt. With the Al-Ring on the optics, adjust sharpness under help from the
resolution test tool (DIN 6868). Afterwards fix the fixing bolt for focus. Vignetting adjustment

Control mode: Fluoro / KV – Automatic
Put 2mm Cu on the tube and make in the KV–Automatic–Mode x-ray.
Attention: Attend to horizontal roof especially in the border area.

Activate Vignetting
Menu item: „Camera Functions“/“Shading Correction”
Select: “Shading Correction”
Set: On (default = OFF)
Activate: „SET“

123 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 93 Activate Vignetting

Adjustment the H- Level

Menu item: „Camera Functions“/“Shading Correction”
Select: „H-Tilt“
Set: HTilt = 0 (default = 0)
Select: „H-Dome“
Set: HDome = 0 (default = 0)
Activate: „SET“

Figure 94 Adjust H-Level

124 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 95 Adjust H-Level

Adjustment the V-Level:

Menu item: „Camera Functions“/“Shading Correction”
Select: „V-Tilt“
Set: VTilt = 0 (default = 0)
Select: „V-Dome“
Set: VDome = 0 (default = 0)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 96 Adjust V-Level

125 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 97 Adjust V-Level Video adjustment

Control mode: Fluoro / KV –Automatic
Put the gray scale centrically on the tube and make an x-ray exposure in the KV-Automatic-Mode.
Adjustment the Video baseline in relation of the black-shoulder:
Menu item: „Camera Functions“/„Video Signal“
Select: „Offset“
Set: 0 (default = 0)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 98 Adjust Video signal

126 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Adjustment from the minimal distance between the brightest image content and the white-
Menu item: „Camera Functions“/„Gain Control“
Select: „Level“
Adjust: 75 mV (±20mV) / Oscilloscope
Activate: “SET”

Figure 99 Adjust distance brightest image to while limitation

Figure 100 Monitor A

127 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 101 Oszillogram

Adjustment from the minimal distance between darkest image content and the black-shoulder

Menu item: „Camera Functions“/„Video Signal“

Select: „Contrast“ Offset
Adjust: 75mV (±20mV) / Oscilloscope
Select: „Contrast“Gain
Set: 32 (default = 32)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 102 Adjustment minimal distance dark image to black shoulder

Now repeat the Adjustment with fine contrast gray scale and knee phantom.

128 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
__________________________________________________________________________ Dose rate adjustment
Control mode: Fluoro / KV-Automatic
- Put the Test tool (25mm AL/1.5mmCu p/n 00-452154-01) on the tube.
- Goto Setup -> Service Menu - > IPC1000 Setup 2
- Set Sampling Window on “BOTH ON”
- Accept with OK

Figure 103 Setup Sampling Window

- Place the dose metering chamber outside the measurement circle. Control it via an X-
Ray image

129 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Dose chamber

Measurement circle

Figure 104: Measurement circle

- Select AUTO Fluoro Mode (Manuel key unlocked)

- Select Standard Fluoroscopy Mode

- Make an X-Ray exposure

130 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
- Adjust with mechanical collimator 0.500µGy/s (+/- 0.02µGy/s).

Figure 105 Dose rate adjustment 0,5k CCD

- Goto Setup -> Service Menu - > IPC1000 Setup 2

- Set Sampling Window to “OFF”
- Accept with OK

131 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
Adjustment ½-Dose
Push ½-Dose button on the System.

Menu item: „Camera Functions“/„Automatic Balance Control”

Select: „Set Point2"
Adjust: 0.250µGy/s (+0.02µGy/s) / Dose measure
Activate: “SET”

Figure 106 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu

The arising numerical value for "Set Point2" should be within the range of 20 to 28! Control sharpness

Control mode: Fluoro / KV-Automatic
If necessary, adjust the sharpness with the aid of resolution test tool (DIN 6868). Do not forget the
fixing bolt!

Fixing Screw


Figure 107 ½ k CCD Sharpness Adkustment

132 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
__________________________________________________________________________ Video Signal Output
With the “Output Level”, you can compensate line losses in the System (Series) without changes to
other parameters. Connect the Oscilloscope to the video input on the IPC 1000 after the TP-Filter.
Control the output level it must be 1V.

If necessary, adjust the output level with the “+” or “-“ button.

Menu item: „Camera Functions“/„Video Signal”

Select: “Output Level”
Adjust: 1V (Oscilloscope)
Activate: “SET”

Figure 108 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu Permanent storage of the Parameter (EE - Prom)

When this storing action does not take place, all adjustments will be lost after switch off!

Menu item: „Camera Identification and System Status“

Select: “Store Actual Settings“
Activate: „Set“

133 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 109 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu General Information

With the command “SET ALL”, all adjusted parameters can be transferred to a camera.
Menu item: „Camera Identification and System Status“
Select: “SET ALL”

Figure 110 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu

Attention: Do not forget permanent storage! (see Point 13) Manufacturer basic setting

Menu item: „Camera Identification and System Status“
Select: „Reset to Factory Defaults“
Activate: „Set”
134 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Figure 111 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu

5.5.2 1k Camera system

After replacement check direction of camera setting. See following picture.

Figure 112 CCD direction

135 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR
__________________________________________________________________________ Dose rate adjustment
- Control mode: Fluoro / KV-Automatic
Put the Test tool (25mm AL/1.5mmCu p/n 00-452154-01) on the tube.
- Goto Setup -> Service Menu - > IPC1000 Setup 2
- Set Sampling Window to “BOTH ON”
- Accept with OK

Figure 113 Setup Sampling Window

- Place the dose metering chamber outside the measurement circle. Control it via an X-
Ray image

136 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR

Dose chamber

Measurement circle

Figure 114: Measurement circle

- Select AUTO Fluoro Mode (Manuel key unlocked)

- Select Standard Fluoroscopy Mode

- Make an X-Ray exposure
- Now adjust with iris 0.500µGy/s (+/- 0.02µGy/s).

137 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.5 Camera Alignment CCD XR


Dose rate

Figure 115 CCD 1k Adjustment

- Goto Setup -> Service Menu - > IPC1000 Setup 2

- Set Sampling Window on “OFF”
- Accept with OK Control sharpness

Control mode: Fluoro / KV-Automatic
If necessary, adjust the sharpness with the aid of resolution test tool (DIN 6868). Do not forget the
fixing bolt!

138 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.6 User Interface

5.6 User Interface

P/n 00-453806-xx

The following Adjustments must be made after replacing this part:

PI - Setup - Service Menu - “enter Service Password”

- Collimator "Iris Size" Setup (only calibrate yes/no)

- Collimator Preview Setup (only calibrate yes/no)
- DAP Calibration

TIP: if possible take note of "Correction Value" of old User Interface and enter this
value in the new User Interface
- Options II Laser installed or II Laser not installed
X-Ray Laser installed or X-Ray Laser not installed
Cine Loop Module not installed
Vascular Module not installed
5/10 min. Warning enable (Note: disable only until next boot)
LIFT-Motor Movement enabled
DAP Available or DAP Not Available

-KV-Range Setup
- 36 – 110 kV (default)
- 40 – 110 kV

- Radiography Setup
- 20mA (default)
- 15mA
- 13mA
- disable

- HIP Mode Setup

- Hip Mode 3.8mA
- Hip Mode 4.8mA (default)

139 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

5.7 Collimator Calibration

5.7.1 Collimator Iris Calibration
This section includes the mechanical adjustment of the Iris and Slot Collimator and the sizing of
the collimator iris in all three Fluoro modes. You need a collimator center tool for
DAC-8 (p/n 00-409516-xx).

1. Remove the cover from the collimator. Refer to the Component Location section for
Removal and Replacement procedures.
Utilize a level and position the C-Arm so that the I.I. is on top and level.
Be sure that crosshair is ON

2. Start Calibration
- Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page 1 / Collimator Iris Size Setup
- IRIS will open automatically

Figure 116 Collimator adjustment menu

2. Mount the „Collimator Center tool“ in the Collimator DAC-8 Unit

140 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 117 Collimator Adjustment

Figure 118 Collimator with adjustment tool

4. Make an X-Ray and check if the Collimator needs mechanical adjustment

5a Select “Not done” if Collimator needs to be adjusted mechanically.
5b Select “Done” to adjust Iris Collimator for Normal Mode, MAG 1 and MAG 2
141 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

6. If “Not done” is selected.

6a Open the 4 lowest screws

Figure 119 screws for centering slot

6b Adjust Slot Collimator to the center so that the middle of the monitor and the point
created by the tools is identical
6c. Fix screws. Remove beam alignment tool.
6d. Now adjust Iris to the center (use Button Iris/- Iris/+). In this case open the 4 above screws

Figure 120 screws for centering iris

142 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 121 circle on main monitor

. Adjust it in such a way that the visible X-Ray image is in the inner circle.
6e Reassemble the Alu plate (pre-filter)

Figure 122 Finished assembled collimator with Alu pre-filter

6f. Press OK to move to the Collimator Setup page

143 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 123 menu collimator setup

“Done” selected or after mechanical adjustment

Figure 124 menu collimator setup

To start calibration, press button „Start Normal Mode“, End = Quit

144 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 125 menu collimator setup

“Please wait” indicates that collimator self-test is running test for min max position for Slot 1, Slot
2, Slot Rotation and Iris. This takes approx. 40 seconds. When the self-test is completed, the next
window appears.

Figure 126 menu collimator setup

145 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 127 result on main monitor

Adjust Iris to the correct size for (23cm / 9 Inch Mode)

Note: Collimator is correct if you can see a minimum of the Iris. When the position
is correct, press button „END NORMAL MODE“ to move to Mag 1 window.

Figure 128 menu collimator setup

146 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration
Press button “Start Lupe1“ to calibrate Mag 1 mode.

Figure 129 menu collimator setup

Adjust Iris to the correct size for (15.5cm / 6 Inch Mode)

Note: Collimator is correct if you can see a minimum of the Iris. When the position
is correct, press button “END LUPE 1 MODE“ to open Mag 2 window.

Figure 130 menu collimator setup

To continue calibration press button “Start Lupe1“

147 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 131 menu collimator setup

Adjust Iris to the correct size for (11cm / 4.5 Inch Mode)

Note: Collimator is correct if you can see a minimum of the Iris. When the position
is correct, press button „END MAG 2 MODE“ to open final window.

Figure 132 menu collimator setup

To finish collimator calibration press button “save and exit“.

Perform HVL test (see

148 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

5.7.2 Preview Collimator SETUP

This section includes all adjustments for the slot collimator (Slot 1, Slot 1 Rotation) and iris
collimator. After calibration, the collimator function during Live and during LIH (Last Image hold)
enables collimator preview.
Precondition: CCD position must be OK (see 1/2 k Camera or 1k Camera system )

Menu: - Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page 1 / Collimator Preview Setup

Figure 133 Preview collimator setup

Start Preview calibration with button “Start: Step 1“

Figure 134 Collimator setup

149 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 135 collimator preview

Adjust Collimation to the preview Line

Note: Start with Slot 1 and Slot 2, then Rotation, then Iris

When Collimator position is ok, press button “End: Step 1“

Figure 136 preview setup

To continue calibration press button “Start Step 2“

150 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 137 preview setup

Figure 138 collimator preview

Adjust Collimator to the preview line

TIP: Start with Slot 1 and Slot 2, then Rotation, then Iris

When Collimator position is ok, press button “End: Step 2“

151 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.7 Collimator Calibration

Figure 139 preview setup

To complete preview calibration press button “save and exit”.

152 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment

5.8 DAP Alignment

Note: Only if a DAP unit is installed, a calibration check is necessary.
For calculated DAP there is no calibration check necessary.
Note: For DAP software rev 02.05.10 or higher must be installed. If not update Software
Note: Necessary equipment: external x-ray measurement, for instance PTW-DIADOS with
Attention: To start with the adjustment there no objects between the x-ray generator and II are

From SW REV02.05.10 onwards a new structure for DAP alignement is built in.

Figure 140 DAP alignment menu from Rev 02.05.10 onwards

153 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
5.8.1 DAP Unit (measured) Start Calibration
Note: This calibration is necessary if a hardware DAP measurement unit is installed.

Place the measurement probe exactly in the middle on II side. Set your equipment to dose (Dosis)

Figure 141 probe placement

Open “Service Menu” -> “DAP/AK/AKR Setup”

Figure 142 DAP alignment menu from Rev 02.05.10 onwards

154 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
Open “DAP Unit (measured) Start calibration” and follow the instructions. Start with 75 kV.

Figure 143 Start DAP Test

Press “DAP-Test Start”. In the next menu, select 75 kV and start x-ray. Stop x-ray when your
external measurement displays 2500 µG +/- 100 µG. Press OK.

Figure 144 Select kV and activate X-ray

155 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
On the next screen, type in the exact value from your external measurement. Press OK

Figure 145 Screen for valuation calculation preparation

System shows the following information on the last screen:

Figure 146 Fluorostar shows valuation DAP and DAP correction values

DAP correction value
for 00-905734-01 1.2 –1.6
for all others 0.5 – 0.9
156 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
Caution If the DAP correction values are not in the above range, repeat the
calibration procedure.
If the values are still outside the limits:
1. check cabeling
2. replace DAP
and repeat calibration procedure

5.8.2 DAP Unit (measured) Check Calibration

The calibration can be checked. Procedure is equal to 5.7.1 , but doesn’t store any new
Check the calibration with 75 kV
The last screen shows following information:

Figure 147 DAP results

Repeat the procedure with 50kV and 110 kV

Valuation: Display Error [%] 75 kV +/- 10 %
50 kV +/- 30 %
110 kV +/- 30 %
DAP correction value
for 00-905734-01 1.2 –1.6
for all others 0.5 – 0.9

Caution If the DAP correction values are not in the above range, repeat the
calibration procedure.
If the values are still outside the limits:
1.. check cabling
2. replace DAP
and repeat calibration procedure

157 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
5.8.3 DAP Unit (measured Default DAP Value
Here you can display and modify the DAP correction value manually. Normally, use the calibration
procedure to set this value

Figure 148 DAP correction value manual input

5.8.4 DAP / AK /AKR (Calc) Start Calibration

This Calibration is necessary if no hardware DAP measurement is installed. Calibration procedure
is equal to 5.7.1

5.8.5 Reference Location

Shows the reference location. Cannot be modified.

Figure 149 reference location for DAP

158 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
5.8.6 Show AK / AKR Value
You can turn on/off the AK/AKR on monitor A. The values are shown when the menu bar is

Figure 150 AK/AKR on/off switch

5.8.7 Show DAP (measured)

You can turn on/off the DAP on monitor A. The values are shown when the menu bar is

Figure 151 DAP(measured) on/off switch

from SW REV 02.05.11 onwards only Measured OR Calculated DAP can be shown. If you turn on
DAP measured, DAP calculated is turned off automatically and vice versa.

159 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.8 DAP Alignment
5.8.8 Show DAP (calculated)
You can turn on/off the DAP on monitor A. The values are shown when the menu bar is

Figure 152 DAP (calculated) on/off switch

from SW REV 02.05.11 onwards only Measured OR Calculated DAP can be shown. If you turn on
DAP measured, DAP calculated is turned off automatically and vice versa.

160 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.9 B118F / B455 Video buffer

5.9 B118F / B455 Video buffer

Remark: After changing IPC1000 or B118F/B455, check Video Output Level on

For Fluorostar, the jumper settings must be J1=ON and J2=OFF (other setting is for 7700, for
example). These is necessary because VGA output level of IPC1000 varies considerably.

J1 J2 Function
OFF ON UE – 1 Vpp (Videonormlevel)
ON OFF UE – 250 mV – 2000 mV
Ua – 1000 mV adjustable with P1

Figure 153 B118F: Dip switches

B455: no jumpers.

Connect Oscilloscope to one of the outputs (which one is not important).

Use a T-connector and terminate another output with a 75 Ohm resistor.
Select test picture: Service Menu / Next Page / Next page / Test picture
Adjust output level with potentiometer P1 to 1.0 +/- 0.1 Vpp

Remark: if you do not have a 75 Ohm to terminate, then adjust without to 2.0 +/- 0.1 Vpp

161 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.9 B118F / B455 Video buffer

Figure 154 B118F: location of potentiometer P1

Figure 155 B455: location of potentiometer P1

Remark: B118F is replaced by B455 in 10/2006. Calibration procedure is identical.

162 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments
5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments
The first section refers to software side of the monitor adjustment and is valid for all types of
monitors, while the following sections continue with the setup of different monitor types.

1. In the startup mask press Setup.

2. In the next mask press Lamps/Sounds/Test Pattern.

3. Press Test pattern ON.

4. Choose SELECT Test pattern > SMTP Picture.
The following Test picture should appear on the monitors:

5.10.1 Setup of G12 monitor

This section refers to the setup of a G12 monitor.
Please also read the sections below if an older
163 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments
monitor remains on the system as well (dual monitor
With the test picture displayed on the monitor(s),
press the AUTO button on the OSD Panel on the back
side of each monitor. See picture below. If the rear
cover is already re-installed, press the button through
the provided hole.
LED Button 1 Button 2
Button 3 Button 4 Button 5

- LED : OK
- Button 3 : On/Off
- Button 1: Auto/Exit
- Button 4: Menu
- Button 2: up
- Button 5 : down

The Phase and Clock settings of the monitor are

automatically adjusted. The settings for Brightness
and Contrast depend on the individual preferences of
the user.
5.10.2 Setup of G10 monitor

This section refers to the setup of a G10 Fluorostar

Compact System: Version 1 Monitor together with
printer shelf:

Note : Below the monitor case, you will find 5 holes,

through which you can access the buttons.

164 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments

Conf Do
irm wn

On/ OSD Up
Figure 156 Monitor G10: adjustment switches

1. Push Button “OSD”. The menu comes up on the monitor.

2. Use „UP“ and „DOWN“ to select the menu item „Adjust“
3. Push „Confirm“ to select Adjustment.
4. Select „Auto Config“ in menu
5. Push „Confirm“ for Auto calibration.
6. Wait until Calibration is ready
7. Now select „SAVE“ and push „Confirm“ to save the new settings.

5.10.3 Setup of G10/2 – G10/3 monitor

This section refers to the setup of a G10/2 - G10/3
Fluorostar Compact System: Version 2 Monitor arm
with separate printer shelf
Note : Below the monitor case, you will find 5 holes,
through which you can access the buttons.

165 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments

Figure 157: Monitor G10/3: adjustment buttons

Figure 158: Description of the adjust buttons

1. Show SMTPE Test picture: Setup > Service Menu > FS Setup Page > Test Picture.
2. Push Button “OSD”. The menu comes up on the monitor.
3. Use „UP“ and „DOWN“ to select the menu item „Adjust“.
4. Push „Confirm“ to select Adjustment.
5. Select „Auto Config“ in menu.
6. Push „Confirm“ for Auto calibration.
7. Wait until Calibration is ready.
8. Select now „SAVE“ and push „Confirm“ to save the new settings.

5.10.4 Setup of G11 monitor

Signal Auto Enter


166 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.11 Touch Screen calibration

Figure 159: Monitor G11: adjustment buttons

Press Auto 2 (2 times)
Press Enter
Adjustments for Monitor EIZO G11
Lock menu function
Turn off Monitor / System
On boot-up of the Monitors / Systems press
and hold the key for
automatic image adjustment (Auto)
To unlock
Turn off Monitor / System
On boot-up of the Monitors / Systems press
and hold the key for
automatic image adjustment (Auto)

5.11 Touch Screen calibration

SW REV 2 and higher
The difference compared to SW REV 1 is that the calibration for left and right touch is
167 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.11 Touch Screen calibration
Call Display Touch Calibration. The following screen appears:

Figure 160 touch calibration menu

Start with the right touch panel (view from standing behind workstation). If you start with the
wrong touch, the following message appears:

Figure 161 touch calibration menu

If necessary switch to the correct touch display.

168 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.11 Touch Screen calibration

Figure 162 touch calibration menu

Touch point 1 and 2 and control calibration by touching point 3. Test point 3 values should be
close to 320/240.

Figure 163 touch calibration menu

Press „Save and exit“. Now the same procedure for left touch appears.

169 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.12 Laser II calibration

Figure 164 touch calibration menu

After calibration, press „Save and Exit“ again

5.12 Laser II calibration

See Upgrades / Laser II calibration

5.13 B356
P/n 00-451132-xx
The following adjustments must be made after replacing this part :
PI - Setup - Service Menu - “enter Service Password”

- Collimator "Iris Size" Setup

- Collimator Preview Setup
- Tube Setup

170 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.14 IPC1000

5.14 IPC1000
P/n IPC1000 1k/0.5k Field action Replaced by
00-453804-01 1k Replace IPC1000 00-453963-03
00-453804-03 1k Replace IPC1000 00-453963-03
00-453804-21 1k Replace IPC1000 00-453963-03
00-453804-22 1k Image update 00-453963-03
00-453804-23 1k Image update 00-453963-03
00-453824-01 0.5k Replace IPC1000 00-453962-02
00-453824-02 0.5k Replace IPC1000 00-453962-02
00-453824-03 0.5k Replace IPC1000 00-453962-02
00-453824-04 0.5k Replace IPC1000 00-453962-02
00-453824-05 0.5k Replace IPC1000 00-453962-02
00-453824-22 0.5k Image update 00-453962-02
00-453824-23 0.5k Image update 00-453962-02
00-453865-01 0.5k Image update 00-453962-02
00-453865-02 0.5k Image update 00-453962-02
00-453865-03 0.5k No action 00-453962-02
00-453865-04 0.5k No action 00-453962-02
00-453872-01 1k Image update 00-453963-03
00-453872-03 1k Image update 00-453963-03
00-453872-04 1k No action 00-453963-03
00-453872-05 1k No action 00-453963-03
00-453962-01 0.5k No action 00-453962-03
00-453962-02 0.5k No action -
00-453963-01 1k Fast Pulse No action 00-453963-02
00-453963-02 1k Fast Pulse / CINE / VAS No action 00-453963-03
00-453963-03 1k Fast Pulse / CINE / VAS No action -

The following Setup procedure must be performed after replacing this part:
PI - Setup - Service Menu - “enter Service Password”
Check each Menu Point and change if necessary

5.14.1 Exchange IPC 1000 for

IPC 1000 00-453962-xx (0,5k) or 00-453962-xx (1k)
1. Remove old IPC 1000 mechanically
2. For both VGA monitor cables, coming out of the monitors: unless they are still guided on
the corresponding side, place them on the left side of the system.
3. If B392 is available, please connect it to B392 (Figure 165 VGA cable with B392), if B392 is
not available, please connect compound to Gender Changer (Figure 166 VGA cable
without B392 and Figure 167 Cabling IPC1000

171 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.14 IPC1000

Figure 165 VGA cable with B392

Figure 166 VGA cable without B392

4. Remove PC Guard, together with all cables.

5. If the monitor connection is carried out via B 392, remove VGA to VGA cables (IPC-B392).
6. Guide two new DVI to VGA cables and place them on the left side of the system for the
connection to Interface B392 (Figure 165 VGA cable with B392) or for the connection to
Gender Changer (Figure 166 VGA cable without B392, Figure 167 Cabling IPC1000)
7. Install the new IPC1000 into the mainframe and connect the new cabling. The new IPC
1000 offers currently two graphics cards G1 and G2, fitted with two DVI-Connectors and

172 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.14 IPC1000
an integrated PC Guard. Connect the respective ports using correct cabling. For this
purpose, please follow the IPC labeling.
8. Fix the new IPC on the mainframe again.

173 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.14 IPC1000

2x DVI No B392 Interface System-Monitor A

to VGA 2x Genderchanger and B


free Interface
2x DVI to VGA

G1 VGA from IPC1000

G2 COM 1/2
Com 1 B380/B388

Com 2

Gender Change VGA to Monitor

Monitor B Monitor A DVI/ DVI Cable


Figure 167 Cabling IPC1000

5.14.2 Setup (for User)

- Select LANGUAGE (select the correct one)
- Password
- System Boot Configuration
- Set Length Unit (Format)
- cm/Celsius (default)
- cm/Fahrenheit
- inch/Celsius
- inch Fahrenheit
-Fluoro Buzzer (ON/OFF)
ON (default)
- Mode
- Normal Mode (default)
- Hand Mode
- Fluoro with Reduce Dose Rate
- Crosshair
- ON/
- OFF (default)
- Image Reversal
Off (default)
Up / down
left / right
up / down and left / right
- Boot up with
Patient Information

174 of 356
5 Image System Calibration
5.14 IPC1000
new Patient
Image (default)

- Preview Setup (nothing to do)

5.14.3 Setup (for Super User)

Access to "SU Setup Page x" with Super user password "SU" (see also Operator manual)

- Set Time Date (Set / check)

- System Information
- Heading Line „GE-OEC Fluoro Star“
- Hospital name _____________ please change
- System Type Compact please change
- System s/n 79-YnxxxxZZZ please add s/n

- Cross Hair Setup


- Lateral Setup
- System Configuration
00-452366-xx SFS-D Single Footswitch „default“
00-453653-xx SFS-D Single Footswitch
00-453366-xx DFS-S Double Footswitch (Standard)
00-453333-xx DFS-V Double Footswitch (Vascular)

5.14.4 Setup (only for Service)

Access to "FS-Setup Page x" with Field Service Password "xxxxxxx" (contact Tech Support if you
don’t know the password. Proprietary to GE employees only!)

IPC 1000 Setup 1

- Monitor
- TFT G11 select this for each System
- CRT VM 3820
- Select CCD Camera
- Up to SW REV01.18.03

175 of 356
6 Component Location
6.1 Cover and Component Removal

6. Component Location

6.1 Cover and Component Removal

WARNING: Electrical circuits inside the equipment use voltages that are capable
of causing serious injury or death from electrical shock.

CAUTION: Voltage and data cables can interfere with cover removal. Take extreme care
when removing and replacing all covers.

6.2 C-Arm Covers Front Cover
Remove rear cover
Remove four screws on the sides (two on each side.)
Remove two screws underneath the top cover (on both sides of the vertical column).
Pull the cover away from the system.
Remove the ground wire. Rear Cover

Unplug the system power cord from the AC power box
Remove the two screws located on the lower front section of the rear cover and the screw located
on each side of the cover
Remove the CD ROM Cover (2 screws) (if installed)
Move the cover straight back from the rear of the machine
Pull the cover away from the system
Remove the ground wire. (Protective earth)

Attention: During reassembly make sure that the protective earth PIN is parallel
to the cover and not bent to the center. Otherwise, the USB connector
maybe be damaged

6.3 Change Components

6.3.1 User Interface CR (right)
Remove two screws below the User Interface (above the connectors)
Disconnect all cables
Remove the frame from the User Interface with four screws

176 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

UIF CL User Interface Right
User Interface Left

Figure 168 Definition of userinterface left and right

Figure 169 User Interface right (complete)

6.3.2 User Interface CL (left)

Remove two screws below the User Interface (left and right of the connectors)
Disconnect all cables

177 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
Note: 00-453807-xx User Interface CL includes the connecting cable
Remove the frame from the User Interface with four screws

6.3.3 B386
Remove two screws below the User Interface CR (left and right of the connectors)
Remove all screws from PCB B386
Disconnect all cables.

6.3.4 B387
Remove two screws below the User Interface CL (left and right of the connectors)
Remove all screws from PCB B387
Disconnect all cables

178 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

6.3.5 Image Processor IPC1000

Note: 1/2k System

Shielded Adapter (for B385) is part of the IPC 1000
VGA Adapter is part of the IPC 1000
Adapter for CCD is not part of the IPC1000

1k Systems
Shielded Adapter (for B385) is part of the IPC 1000
Shielded Adapter (RS 644 (Frame grabber to VGL1000 RX is part of
the IPC 1000
VGA Adapter is part of the IPC 1000

Figure 170 IPC1000: screw locations

Remove rear cover

Remove four screws
And disconnect all cables

ATTENTION: For some versions of the IPC1000, there is a connection (cable) between rear
cover and interior!

Figure 171 Connection between rear cover and interior

179 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ IPC1000 – change BIOS Battery
The procedure of changing the BIOS Battery is the same for all types of IPC. A screw driver can be
useful with removing the battery. To loosen the battery from its casing, the metal clamp must be
pushed down. IPC 1000 incl. ASUS P4P 800 SE

 00-453824-xx (1/2 K-System)
 00-453804-xx (1 K-System)

Notice: After removing the BIOS battery, clear the RTC RAM before inserting a new
battery and starting the BIOS setup

Notice: For details for BIOS settings refer to „00-441127-02: IPC1000 BIOS Setup with
PC-guard support“ (on Service CD)

180 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 172 Location of BIOS battery IPC 1000 incl. ASUS P4P 800 SE IPC 1000 incl. IBT MB885

 00-453865-xx (1/2 K-System)
 00-453872-xx (1 K-System)

Notice: After removing BIOS battery clear RTC RAM before inserting new battery and
setting the BIOS setup

Notice: For details for BIOS settings refer to „00-441128-02 Advanced Service :
IPC1000 BIOS Setup with PC-guard support “ (on Service CD)

181 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 173 Location of BIOS battery IPC 1000 incl. IBT MB885 IPC 1000 Radisys Endura JD35Q

 00-453962-xx (1/2 K-System)
 00-453963-xx (1 K-System)

Notice: After removing the BIOS battery, clear the RTC RAM before inserting a new
battery and starting the BIOS setup

Notice: For details for BIOS settings refer to „00-441130-01 IPC1000 BIOS Setup with
integrated PC-guard support “ (on Service CD)

182 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 174 Location of BIOS battery IPC 1000 Radisys Endura JD35Q

183 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ IPC1000 – change frame grabber

P/n IPC1000 1k/0,5k Frame Grabber

00-453804-01 1k Not available
00-453804-03 1k Not available
00-453804-21 1k Not available
00-453804-22 1k Not available
00-453804-23 1k Not available
00-453824-01 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453824-02 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453824-03 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453824-04 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453824-05 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453824-22 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453824-23 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453865-01 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453865-02 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453865-03 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453865-04 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453872-01 1k 00-906721-01
00-453872-03 1k 00-906721-01
00-453872-04 1k 00-906721-01
00-453872-05 1k 00-906721-01
00-453962-01 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453962-02 0.5k 00-906720-01
00-453963-01 1k 00-906721-01
00-453963-02 1k 00-906721-01
00-453963-03 1k 00-906721-01

184 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ 1K – System
 Disconnect the following cable

Figure 175 Location of cable to be disconnected (Frame grabber, 1K – System)

Figure 176 Disconnected cable (Frame grabber, 1K – System)

185 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 Remove the following screws  the white bracket can be removed

Figure 177 Screws to be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System)

 Remove the following screws

Figure 178 Screws to be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System)

186 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 179 After removing screws  the metal box can be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System)

 Remove the following connector

Figure 180 Removed connector (Frame grabber, 1k – System)

187 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 Remove the following screw

Figure 181 Screw that has to be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System)

 The frame grabber can now be removed

 Assemble the new frame grabber in reverse order ½ K – System
 Remove the following screw

Figure 182 Screw to be removed (Frame grabber, 1/2 K – System)

188 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 Remove the following screws

Figure 183 Screws to be removed (Frame grabber, 1/2 K – System)

 The frame grabber can now be removed.

189 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ IPC1000 – change Hard drive

P/n IPC1000 1k/0,5k Hard drive
00-453804-01 1k Not available
00-453804-03 1k Not available
00-453804-21 1k 00-453845-01
00-453804-22 1k 00-453845-01
00-453804-23 1k 00-453845-01
00-453824-01 0.5k Not available
00-453824-02 0.5k Not available
00-453824-03 0.5k Not available
00-453824-04 0.5k Not available
00-453824-05 0.5k Not available
00-453824-22 0.5k 00-453837-01
00-453824-23 0.5k 00-453837-01
00-453865-01 0.5k 00-453894-01
00-453865-02 0.5k 00-453894-01
00-453865-03 0.5k 00-453894-01
00-453865-04 0.5k 00-453894-01
00-453872-01 1k 00-453896-01
00-453872-03 1k 00-453896-01
00-453872-04 1k 00-453896-01
00-453872-05 1k 00-453896-01
00-453962-01 0.5k 00-453934-01
00-453962-02 0.5k 00-453934-01
00-453963-01 1k 00-453936-01
00-453963-02 1k 00-453936-01
00-453963-03 1k 00-453936-01

 Remove the following screws

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 184 Location of Hard drive and screws to be removed (change Hard drive)

 Remove the metal plate

Figure 185 Hard drive without protective metal plate (change Hard drive)

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 Remove the following connectors

Figure 186 Connectors to be removed (change Hard drive)

 The hard drive can now be removed

 Install the new hard drive in reverse order

Caution: Do not turn off system during next bootup with emergency off or by
unplugging with power cord

192 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ IPC1000 – change power supply
P/n IPC1000 1k/0,5k Power supply
00-453804-01 1k Not available
00-453804-03 1k Not available
00-453804-21 1k Not available
00-453804-22 1k Not available
00-453804-23 1k Not available
00-453824-01 0.5k Not available
00-453824-02 0.5k Not available
00-453824-03 0.5k Not available
00-453824-04 0.5k Not available
00-453824-05 0.5k Not available
00-453824-22 0.5k Not available
00-453824-23 0.5k Not available
00-453865-01 0.5k 00-906731-01
00-453865-02 0.5k 00-906731-01
00-453865-03 0.5k 00-906731-01
00-453865-04 0.5k 00-906731-01
00-453872-01 1k 00-906731-01
00-453872-03 1k 00-906731-01
00-453872-04 1k 00-906731-01
00-453872-05 1k 00-906731-01
00-453962-01 0.5k 00-906731-01
00-453962-02 0.5k 00-906731-01
00-453963-01 1k 00-906731-01
00-453963-02 1k 00-906731-01
00-453963-03 1k 00-906731-01

To change the power supply, the Hard Disk Drive has to be dismounted first:
 Remove the metal plate (3 screws)
 Remove the HDD (2 screws)

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 187 Screws to be removed (change power supply)

 Remove HDD power supply cable and SATA cable

Figure 188 Cables to be disconnected (change power supply)

Now the power supply can be dismounted:

 Remove the 4 external screws

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6 Component Location
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Figure 189 Screws to be removed (change power supply)

 Remove 1 screw (behind the HDD)

Attention: There is a screw nut for fixation!

Figure 190 Screw behind HDD to be removed (change power supply)

 Remove all cables from power supply to internal mother board and/or other boards or
Hint: To make reinstalling the new power supply easier, it is very helpful to mark all cables
including their numbers. This way it is easier to trace where all the cables were connected.
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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 To reinstall the new power supply follow the steps above in reverse order.
 Final verification and test
o Using a voltmeter, check the mother board battery ( if not close to 3V, replace it)
(see also – change BIOS Battery)
o Reinstall IPC cover and reinstall IPC and all its cables
o Start the system and verify it boots and runs correctly IPC – change DVD writer

Read chapter 8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02 B335 II Power supply

Remove II Cover

Figure 191 B335 remove

6.3.6 CCD
Remove II Cover

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 192 ½k camera

Figure 193 1k camera

197 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
6.3.7 Grids
There are two main Grid versions available:
 Standard Grid
 Grid for Pediatric Option Standard Grid

There are two versions of the Standard Grid available:
p/n 00-452003-xx II Grid without Laser
00-453343-xx II Grid for integrated Laser Aimer

Pay attention to install the Grid in the correct position. You will find a marker on the grid. (see
Figure 194)

Figure 194 marker on grid

In Figure 195 you can see the position of the marker on the installed grid. (the marker is on the
bottom side)

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 195 Position of marker on installed grid Grid for Pediatric Option

p/n 00-453032-xx
In oder for the operator to be able to quickly install the Pediatric Option (red cover instead of grid
and red skin spacer instead of regular skin spacer), the standard grid ring must be replaced with
the pediatric option ring.
This ring 4 bolts protruding from it, which enables a rapid replacement for pediatric applications.
The C-Arm must be turned so the II is at the bottom.

1. Unscrew the 4 hexagon socket screws and remove the standard grid.

Figure 196 Standard grid

2. Unscrew the 8 crosshead screws and remove the standard ring.

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 197 Standard ring

3. Insert the pediatric option ring so that the bayonet catch faces away from the C-Arm.

Bayonet catch

Figure 198 Pediatric option ring

4. Screw down the pediatric ring using the (provided) 4 protruding bolts in vertical and horizontal
direction to the C-Arm and the (provided) 4 crosshead screws for the holes in X direction.

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 199 Pediatric option ring – protruding bolts

5. Place the new grid on the ring with the mark facing away from the C-Arm, press the button and
turn it in clockwise direction, until it clicks into place.
The button jumps out and the groove on the button becomes visible.

Figure 200 New grid in place

6. Attach the sticker to the ring is such a way that the drawn left line aligns with the groove on the
7. Now, to test the new installation, press the button gain, turn the cover in anti-clockwise
direction and take it off.
8. Align the groove of the red pediatric cover with the right dotted line on the sticker, press the
button, turn it and let it click into place.
NOTE: The laser aiming device will no longer function if the pediatric option is in place.

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 201 Test of pediatric cover

9. Replace the standard skin spacer with the red pediatric skin spacer.

Figure 202 Test of pediatric skin spacer

9. Replace the pediatric option with the grey grid and standard skin spacer again.

202 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
6.3.8 Main Power Supply
For locations see the following picture B337


LPT 65

LPS 65

Figure 203 Main power supply locations of boards

6.3.9 Wheel Cover

1. Loosen the two screws, located on the rear of the cover, that secure the cover and the
retaining plate to the chassis.
2. Loosen the two screws located underneath the wheel cover near the outer edge of the

6.3.10 Monitor and Cover Removal

1. Remove the four screws from the lower edge of the cover, two screws on each side.
2. Pull the cover away from the monitor far enough to unplug X1 on the Monitor Rotation
3. Lift the cover away from the monitor.
4. Disconnect all the cables and the ground wire extending up through the monitor
support arm.
5. Remove the screws that hold the monitor to the retaining plate.

6.3.11 C-Arm and L-Arm / Monitor Cables

The System uses two cables to connect the Control Logic to the L-Arm and to the C-Arm, and
Image Intensifier/Monoblock. In COMPACT systems, the monitor is also connected via this cable.

Cross-Arm cable S 7900 (L-Arm cable for

SERIES 7900) 00-453170-XX

C-Cable 7900 (C-Arm cable for COMPACT and SERIES 7900) 00-453171-XX
The C-Arm cable is interconnected from the L-Arm by two pairs of 25-pin D-sub connectors.
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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

No special tools are necessary. The cables are pre-wired, with no crimping or soldering necessary.
Cable plugs are inserted into mounted sockets.

Procedure as follows:

Figure 204 C-arm cabling: remove covers

Remove the I.I. power supply and remove the C-Arm cable.

Do not remove the green/yellow ground wire.

Use fish tape, attach the new cable to the fish tape and pull the new cable through the C-Arm.

Reconnect the I.I. connector, Generator and C-Arm connectors, and re-install the covers.

Fluorostar Cross arm Cable

Special tools necessary:
Pin extractor for Harting contacts (Video)
Pin extractor for Mate-N-Lok connector
All cables are ready-made, with no crimping or soldering necessary. Cable plugs are inserted into
mounted sockets (except Mate-N-Lok 2 and 3 pin).
To remove cover:
Open the C-Arm housing
Remove the four Phillips screws and the additional screws securing the cover (see below)
Disconnect the fan
Remove cross arm Cover (see below)
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Figure 205 Cross arm Cover Removal Details

Figure 206 cross arm

Figure 207 cross arm

Remove the press block for cable cover (see above) Exchange the bad cable for new one.

The order of the wires when routed into the inside of the cross arm is:
1. D-Sub connector
2. Video connector (BNC)
3. Rest of cable

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6.3 Change Components

Figure 208 Un mount C-arm cabling

Figure 209 Un mount C-arm cabling

Mounting the cable at the outside and inside of the bracket.

HINT: For easy mounting, de-mount the bracket.
Connect the wires inside C-Arm
Use a pin extractor to remove the Video line and power line at the CCD Camera.

Remove the Monitor support arm (see below) in the following order:
1. Remove monitor
2. Remove printer
3. Remove printer holder
4. Disconnect all cables
5. Remove monitor support arm

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 210 cross arm

1. Route the new cable, then mount the support arm and printer holder
Mount power connector, then the BNC connector for the Monitor and BNC connector for the
Plug wires with Molex contacts in 4-pin Molex housing and solder the 3.5mm audio plug (RCA
phone plug) for printer control
Solder wires for annotation keyboard (mini-alpha) to the female connector B5 pins as shown in the
diagram below, then install the monitor and printer.

Figure 211 Connection diagram for annotation keyboard

207 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
6.3.12 End Switch lift motor
p/n 00-903837-01 Change lower end switch

 Turn system on
 Move system on middle lift up position
 Turn system off
 Open front cover

Upper end switch

Lower end switch

Figure 212 Overview: position upper and lower end switch

 Mark position of metal plate where switch is mounted (left and upper)

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6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 213 marking position of metal plate

 Open two hexagon screws. Use hexagon screwdriver no. 5

Figure 214 open hexagon screws

 Open two screws on the switch

 Remove switch
209 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 Connect cabling to new switch
 Mount switch on metal plate with two screws
 Mount metal plate on original position
 Follow the adjustment procedure (see following chapter) Change upper end switch

Follow the above procedure accordingly Adjustment Lower End switch

 Turn system on
 Bring system in following test position:

Figure 215 Test position 1: II down on worst position

210 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 216 test position 2: horizontal at zero

 Move lift carefully down. Watch the distance between II and footprint.
Stop immediately before II touches footprint
Check the distance between II and footprint when lift motor stops automatically
Distance should be 10mm + 5mm


Figure 217 Distance between II and footprint

 If the distance is OK, the adjustment is finished

211 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 Otherwise open two hexagon screws again, so that you can move the metal plate.

New position

Old position

Figure 218 Lower end switch adjustment

 Move the metal plate along the line up or down

 Fix the hexagon screws
 Start with distance check again.

212 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ Upper end switch

 Turn system on
 Move lift carefully up. Watch the distance between white metal plate and jacket
Stop immediately before white metal plate touches jacket
Check distance between white metal plate and jacket when lift motor stops automatically
Distance should be 10mm + 5mm



White metal plate

Figure 219 Distance check between jacket & white metal plate

 If the distance is OK, the adjustment is finished

 Otherwise open the two hexagon screws again, so that you can move the metal plate.

213 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Marking of position

Figure 220 Upper end switch adjustment

 Move the metal plate along the line up or down

 Fix the hexagon screws
 Start with distance check again.

214 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

6.3.13 Main wheel brakes

00-453928-01 Repair Kit main wheel brakes
(contains 4 brakes, face spanner, adjustment gauge)
00-903057-01 Brake for main wheels (you need 2 for each wheel)

1. Remove front cover, unscrew IPC1000

2. Move IPC1000 as much as possible to front without disconnecting cables

Figure 221 Unscrew IPC1000

215 of 356
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6.3 Change Components

Figure 222 Move IPC1000 to front position

216 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
3. Unscrew wheel cover
4. Remove wheel cover by pressing on both covers

Figure 223 Unscrew wheel cover

5. Turn wheels in outside position

6. Unscrew brake (hexagon screw 10) with fork wench


Figure 224 Unscrew brake

217 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
7. Remove brake

Figure 225 Remove brake

8. Install new brake with slice

Figure 226 Install new brake

218 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
9. Fix hexagon screw 10

Figure 227 Hexagon screw

10. Open metal slice with face spanner

Use face spanner and open-ended spanner (size 17)

Open-ended spanner

Face spanner

Figure 228 metal slice

219 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
11. Adjust space to 2mm. Use adjustment gauge contained in the kit.

Adjustment gauge

Figure 229 Adjustment

12. Fix metal slice with face spanner and glue the screw

Figure 230 fix slice

220 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
6.3.14 X-ray Generator
Remark: The new generator is shipped with an angle. For easier replacement do not
disassemble this angle on the C-arm. It's better to disassemble the angle from the
new generator (no need for mechanical adjustment of generator).
Remark New X-ray Generators are shipped without collimator. Use the complete collimator
from the previous generator

Preparation: look for a box or similar aprox. 25cm high for easier handling of the dismounted

Place this box below the generator.

Drive the C-arm ca. 3cm higher then the box.
Turn off the machine, disconnect from Power.

Warning: By disconnecting connectors from the generator dangerous voltages

are open to the touch, if power is not disconnected.

Lock all brakes!

Warning: Mechanical hazards by dismounting the generator are present if

brakes are not locked. Remove old Generator

 Remove rubber bumper (4 screws).
 Remove upper generator cover (4 screws) and grounding on cover.
 If DAP is installed, remove DAP unit.
 Remove all connectors coming out from C-arm.
 Remove B355/B356 electronic block.

221 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
Figure 231 Maxiplus 3000 removal

 Remove Collimator unit.

 Open two nuts M16 and dismount generator block.

Figure 232 Demounting from C-arm

 You can now place it on the box.

Figure 233 Demounting from C-arm Mount new generator

 New generator: remove metallic angle and dismount electronic block.
 Mount new generator block with two M16 nuts.
 Mount Electronic block. Connect cables from C-arm.

222 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
 Mount Collimator unit.
 If exists: mount DAP Unit
 Check seal of skin spacer holder
If it does not exist or is damaged mount new seal

Figure 234 seal 00-419156-01 for skin spacer holder w/o Laser X-ray

Figure 235 seal 00-419155-01 for skin spacer holder with Laser X-ray

223 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 236 Assembling seal

Connect the power cable and turn the machine on.

If a B356 software error comes up, the B356 software and device software do not match. In this
case, update to the latest software, which is installed on the system. In this case, B356 will be
automatically get the right software version (see also: Software Update ).

Calibrate the collimator unit ( see Collimator adjustment ).


Turn the machine off.

Fix cabling with cable straps.

224 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ Close generator

Mount the top cover of generator and the grounding of the cover.
Guide new seal tape around top cover

Figure 237 seal tape 00-906419-01

Mount rubber bumper.

Monoblock now needs a warm-up procedure:

 Turn System on

 Select Manual Fluoro Mode (Manuel key locked)

 Select 80 kV

 Select Standard Fluoroscopy Mode

 Make an X-ray exposure for 5 minutes
 If there is any arcing, repeat from step 2, if no: proceed
 Select 100 kV
 If there is any arcing, repeat from step 7, if no: proceed
 Select 110 kV
 Make Fluoro until mA drops down to 0,5 mA mode
 If there is any arcing, repeat from step 2, if no: positive generator test result

225 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

6.3.15 Service kit axial fan

 Position of axial fan (fixed on cover)

Figure 238 Position of axial fan

 Fixation of axial fan by 4 screws, to change axial fan the following screws have to be

Figure 239 Location of screws (axial fan)

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6.3 Change Components
 To install the fan correctly the arrows have to be in the right position

Figure 240 Position of arrows (axial fan)

Figure 241 Position of arrows (enlarged version) (axial fan)

Attention: Left arrow hast to point to cover side, right arrow to left hand side
 Power cable to be connected

Figure 242 Power cable connection (axial fan)

227 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
6.3.16 Monitor replacement
This instruction describes the procedure when replacing an older (G10/2, G10/3) or newer (G11,
G12) monitor with a new G12 monitor. It applies to: systems with integrated monitor(s) as well as
compact systems with an additional monitor cart.

Please read:

Replacing a dual monitor

Replacing a single monitor

Setup procedure after the installation Replacing a dual monitor

This instruction refers to replacing either one of the monitors or both.

Figure 243: Rear view of mounted monitor

1. Carefully remove the rear cover after dismounting the six screws as the ground
wire is mounted inside the rear plate.
2. Dismount the ground wire from the rear cover as required.

Figure 244: Image of opened monitor case

228 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
3. Disconnect the signal cord and power plug.
4. After dismounting the four or five screws (depending on the monitor type), the
monitor can be removed.
5. Install the new monitor(s) using all of the screws delivered with the new monitor.


6. Connect the signal cord and the power plug again.
7. Mount the ground wire on the rear cover and re-install the rear cover.

Figure 245: Front view of newly mounted G12 monitor in combination with an older monitor Optional installation of passepartout

A passepartout is included in the delivery of a new G12 monitor to adapt the older monitor
remaining on the system to the new one.
1. Remove the protective foil from the preinstalled adhesive strips on the rear side of
the passepartout (black frame).

Figure 246: Passepartout

229 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
2. Align the passepartout with the edges of the old monitor so that its frame is
completely covered and softly press the adhesive side against the monitor frame.
The installation is now complete. Please perform the setup procedure now. Replacing a single monitor


MONITOR KIT (PART NO. 00-452612-01), AN X-RAY LAMP KIT (PART NO. 00-453726-01)
1. Carefully remove the rear cover after dismounting the four screws as the ground
wire is mounted inside the rear cover.

Figure 247: Image of rear cover

2. Dismount the ground wire from the rear cover as required.

Figure 248: Image of opened monitor case

230 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
3. Disconnect the signal cord and power plug.
4. After dismounting the four or five screws (depending on the monitor type), the
monitor can be removed.
5. Uninstall the old X-RAY Lamp by dismounting the metal ring with the two screws
and disconnecting the wire.
6. Install the new X-Ray Lamp using the existing metal ring.

7. Guide the wire of the new X-RAY

Lamp exactly as shown in Picture 1 Slope up
and 2. The wire must be guided in a
slight slope up to the left upper
corner of the monitor frame and
then in a slight slope down to the
lower left corner. Make sure that the
wire does not run across the ridge.
8. Use the supplied adhesive tape to fix
the wire in place. Take care that the
two wires run exactly in parallel
below the adhesive tape. They must
not be twisted or run above each Picture 1
other, otherwise the wires could be
crushed when the monitor is
inserted. down

Picture 2
9. Take great care when pushing the
monitor into the frame. First push
the top side into the frame and then
the bottom side.

231 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

10. Tighten the new monitor using all of the screws delivered with the new monitor.

11. Connect the signal cord and the power plug again.
12. Mount the ground wire on the rear plate and re-install the rear cover.

Figure 249: Front view of newly mounted G12 monitor

The installation is now complete. Please perform the setup procedure now.

232 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ VGA Connector

Video „hot“ wire

Video ground wire

Brown= vert. Sync. Figure 250 VGA connector assemblyBlue= ground wire synch

White= horz. synch

Sync cable

Video cable

Figure 251 Video cabling Figure 252 VGA cabling

233 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

6.3.17 Compact / Compact + Printer installation

There a are two versions of Compact Systems available, which are different in their printer

Figure 253: Version 1 Monitor together with printer Figure 254: Version 2: Monitor arm with separate
shelf printer shelf printer shelf is optional Printer Installation for Version 1 Step 1

It's not necessary to disassemble the monitor case!
Disassemble the cover for printer cabling. To do this unscrew 3 screws (see picture)

Figure 255 Printer Installation for Version 1

Behind the cover you will find all necessary connection cables for the printer. Pull them out and re-
assemble the cable cover.
234 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 256 Printer cabling

Please proceed with Printer Installation for Version 2 Step 1

Figure 257 Printer Installation for Version 2 Figure 258 Printer Installation for Version 2

In the printer shelf the cover for the cabling must be removed (see figure above). To do this,
unscrew two screws on the bottom of the printer shelf (see next figure). Now, pull out the
connection cables for the printer.

235 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 259 screws Printer Installation for all Versions Step 2 Preparation of the printer

Flip the printer. On the bottom, unscrew the four screws fixing the rubber feet. Fix the rubber feet
with superglue on their original positions.

Figure 260 printer feet’s

Flip printer again.

236 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ Connect printer with the necessary connections.

Figure 261 printer connection Put printer in the printer shelf.

Fix printer with 4 screws. You will find these four screws in a plastic bag enclosed with the
connection cables.

Figure 262 installed printer version2 Figure 263 installed printer version1

4x M3 x 12. P/N 00-903296-01
4x S3 P/N 00-903267-01

Figure 264 screws for fixing printer

237 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
6.3.18 Monitor cart MC5
Remark: To connect MC5 to Fluorostar, the Video-Interface must be installed in the C-arm. See
also Upgrades\ Compact Plus .

Figure 265 MC5

238 of 356
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6.3 Change Components

Figure 266 MC5 schema

239 of 356
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6.3.19 Fluorostar Monitor cart: Installation of Printer Printer UP 9xx
Remove printer shelf cover (2 screws)

Figure 267 printer shelf cover screws

Figure 268 printer shelf cover screws

2. Remove earth cable from printer shelf cover (1 screw)

3. Inside, you will find a plastic bag with 4 screws
Size: M3 x 14. This screws you need for fixing the printer.

240 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 269 Screws for fixing printer

4. Remove 4 screws from printer.

Figure 270 printer feet’s

5. Fix printer feet with superglue

6. Make connections for the printer

Figure 271 printer connection

241 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
7. Bring printer to install position

Figure 272 installed printer on MC5

8. Fix printer with 4 screws

242 of 356
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Figure 273 fixing printer

Figure 274 holes for screws

243 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components
__________________________________________________________________________ Printer UP 895/897
For small printers, an installation Kit is required (p/n: 00-453130-xx)
Remove printer shelf cover (2 screws)

Figure 275 printer shelf cover screws

Figure 276 printer shelf cover screws

2. Remove earth cable from printer shelf cover (1 screw)

3. Inside, you will find a plastic bag with 4 screws. Size: M3 x 14. You need these screws for fixing
the printer.

244 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 277 Screws for fixing printer

4 Remove earth connector

Figure 278 Earth connector

Prepare installation

Figure 279 Preparation of Printer mounting

245 of 356
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6.3 Change Components
Mount Printer on plate with 4 screws (taken from the bag)

Figure 280 Mount Printer

Open sub package for printer and prepare cabling

Figure 281 Cabling

Connect printer

246 of 356
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6.3 Change Components

Figure 282 Printer connections

Re-connect earthing. Connection of existing earthing remove and …

Figure 283 earthing

... connect main earthing from MC5

247 of 356
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Figure 284 earthing

Adjust plate to individual height of different printers

Figure 285 screws for fixing blade

Attention: be careful with cabling. If cables are too long,

248 of 356
6 Component Location
6.3 Change Components

Figure 286 finished printer mounting

Fix printer plate (4 screws)

Figure 287 Fix printer plate

249 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
6.3 Change Components

7. Service Information/ FE-Support

Following documents should be used to support service-personnel changing components.

250 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 User Interface (right)

User Interface (right)

P/N 00-453906-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 6.3.1 User Interface CR (right)

 5.8 DAP Alignment

 5.6 User Interface

 5.7 Collimator Calibration

 5.11 Touch Screen calibration

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

User Interface (right).

Note: Please make a software update if a software conflict appears! For detailed
information to install the software that is needed please read the files in the
folder “Software_docs” on the Service-CD p/n 00-441203-02 before installing.

251 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 User Interface (left)

User Interface (left)

P/N 00-453807-XX
P/N 00-453080-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 6.3.2 User Interface CL (left)

 5.11 Touch Screen calibration

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

User Interface (left).

252 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Grid

P/N 00-452003-xx (Grid without Laser)
P/N 00-453343-xx (Grid for integrated Laser Aimer)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 6.3.7 Grid

 Dose rate adjustment

(1/2 k Camera System)

 Dose rate adjustment

(1 k Camera System)

in the service manual on the CD for installing the


253 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Generator Maxiplus 3000

Generator Maxiplus 3000

P/N 00-453825-XX

Dear FE,
this Maxiplus 3000 Generator spare part is shipped as Part number 00-453825-xx and it does not
include a secondary DAC-8 collimator.

This Maxiplus 3000 Generator is labeled (Subchapter J label) as Part number 00-453810-xx, which
represents a Maxiplus 3000 Generator including a secondary DAC-8 collimator.

The below reference details the reference to the process to re-install the existing DAC-8
secondary collimator from the replaced generator to the shipped spare part generator.

please read chapter

 6.3.14 X-ray Generator

 5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000

And sub-chapters

 Dose rate adjustment

(1 k Camera System)

 Dose rate adjustment

(1/2 k Camera System)

 5.7 Collimator Calibration

 5.8 DAP Alignment

254 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Generator Maxiplus 3000
in the service manual on the CD for installing the
Maxiplus 3000.
Note: Please make a software update if a software conflict appears! For detailed
information to install the software that is needed please read the files in the
folder “Software_docs” on the Service-CD p/n 00-441203-02 before installing.

255 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Video Buffer B118/B455

Video Buffer B118/B455

P/N 00-451206-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.9 B118F / B455 Video buffer

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

B118F / B455.

256 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 B356

P/N 00-451132-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.3 Generator Maxiplus 3000

 5.7 Collimator Calibration

 Close generator

 Dose rate adjustment

(1 k Camera System)

 Dose rate adjustment

(1/2 k Camera System)

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

Note: Please make a software update if a software conflict appears! For detailed
information to install the software that is needed please read the files in the
folder “Software_docs” on the Service-CD p/n 00-441203-02 before installing.

257 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Power-Supply (B335)

Power-Supply (B335)
P/N 00-451147-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 4.3.4 Tri-Mode Power Supply (B335)

 5.4 Image Intensifier

in the service manual on the CD for installing the


258 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Monitor

P/N 00-453861-XX (G10/X)
P/N 00-453822-XX (G11)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 6.3.16 Monitor replacement

where procedures for the replacement of G 10, G 11

and G 12 monitors with new G 12 monitors can be
found. T his refers to both s ingle as well as dual
monitor s ys tems .

 5.10 Monitor Checks and Adjustments

in the service manual on the CD for installing the


259 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Image Intensifier (II)

Image Intensifier (II)

P/N 00-906299-XX
P/N 00-906399-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.4 Image Intensifier

 5.5.1 ½ k Camera

 5.5.2 1k Camera system

in the service manual on the CD for installing the II.

260 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support

P/N 00-453922-XX (DAP)
P/N 00-453931-XX (DAP + Laser)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.3.3 Half Value layer Measurement Procedure

 5.8 DAP Alignment

 8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser

 Dose rate adjustment (0,5k Systems)

 Dose rate adjustment (1k Systems)

 Close generator

in the service manual on the CD for installing the


261 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 CCD-Camera

P/N 00-452829-01 (1 k CCD)
P/N 00-453859-XX (½ k CCD)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.5.1 ½ k Camera System

 5.5.2 1k Camera system

 6.3.6 CCD

in the service manual on the CD for installing the


262 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Collimator DAC 8

Collimator DAC 8
P/N 00-453448-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.7 Collimator Calibration

 5.3.2 kV and mA Calibration

 5.3.3 Half Value layer Measurement Procedure

 Dose rate adjustment (0,5k Systems)

 Dose rate adjustment (1k Systems)

 Close generator

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

Collimator DAC 8.

263 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Laser Aimer (Image Intensifier)

Laser Aimer (Image Intensifier)

P/N 00-906512-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 8.2 Laser II

 4.10 Laser on Image Intensifier (II)

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

Laser Aimer (II).

264 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Laser Aimer (X-Ray Generator)

Laser Aimer (X-Ray Generator)

P/N 00-904660-XX (without DAP)
00-905982-XX (with DAP)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 8.1.3 Laser X-ray Generator software setup and

 4.11 Laser Generator
 Dose rate adjustment (0,5k Systems)
 Dose rate adjustment (1k Systems)
 5.3.3 Half Value layer Measurement Procedure
 Close generator

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

Laser Aimer (X-Ray Generator).

265 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 Upper end Switch

Upper end Switch

P/N 00-903837-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 6.3.12 End Switch lift motor

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

upper end switch.

266 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 IPC1000 BIOS Battery

IPC1000 BIOS Battery

P/N 00-906090-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 IPC1000 – change BIOS Battery

 please refer also to

(Technical Bulletin)

in the service manual on the CD for installing the IPC

BIOS Battery

267 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 IPC1000 Frame Grabber

IPC1000 Frame Grabber

P/N 00-906720-XX (1/2 k System)
00-906721-XX (1 k System)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 IPC1000 – change frame grabber

in the service manual on the CD for installing the IPC

Frame Grabber.

268 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 IPC1000 Power Supply

IPC1000 Power Supply

P/N 00-906731-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 IPC1000 – change power supply

in the service manual on the CD for installing the IPC

power supply.

269 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 IPC1000 HDD

P/N 00-453837-01 (for IPC 00-453824-XX)
00-453845-01 (for IPC 00-453804-XX)
00-453894-01 (for IPC 00-453865-XX)
00-453896-01 (for IPC 00-453872-XX)
00-453934-01 (for IPC 00-453962-XX)
00-453936-01 (for IPC 00-453963-XX)

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 IPC1000 – change Hard drive

 5.14.1 Exchange IPC 1000 for
IPC 1000 00-453962-xx (0,5k) or 00-453962-xx (1k)

in the service manual on the CD for installing the


Note: Please make a software update after installation. For detailed information to
install the software that is needed please read the files in the folder
“Software_docs” on the Service-CD p/n 00-441203-02 before installing.

270 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 IPC1000

P/N 00-453804-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 5.14 IPC1000

in the service manual on the CD for installing the

Note: Please make a software update after installation. For detailed information
to install the software that is needed please read the files in the folder
“Software_docs” on the Service-CD p/n 00-441203-02 before installing.

271 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support
0 DVD recorder

DVD recorder
P/N 00-906416-XX

Dear FE,

please read chapter

 8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02

272 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support


P/N 00-453891-xx

Dear FE,

please see WADI Instructions 00-441283-01 on

Service CD \\service\SM\WADI

273 of 356
7 Service Information/ FE-Support


P/N 00-453937-xx

Dear FE,

please see WADI Instructions

“WADI-USB-Stick_ Instruction_V1_05.pdf “ on
Service CD \\service\SM\WADI

274 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser

8. Upgrades

8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser

There are different upgrade kits available:

Upgrade DAP Fluorostar p/n 00-453772-xx (obsolete)

Upgrade DAP RS232 Fluorostar p/n 00-453926-xx

Upgrade Laser X-ray Fluorostar p/n 00-453776-xx

Upgrade DAP+Laser X-ray Fluorostar p/n 00-453773-xx (obsolete)

Upgrade DAP+Laser X-ray RS232 Fluorostar p/n 00-453927-xx

Mechanical installation procedure is equal (except less connectors).

8.1.1 Preconditions
For DAP, the software version must be REV02.05.18 or higher to support the RS232 Interface of
the DAP Unit.

8.1.2 Mechanical Installation

Remove rubber bumper
Remove generator cover
Mount the electronic block with 2 screws (M3x10) on angle bracket
Mount this on the generator block with 2 screws (M4x10)

Laser connector

angle bracket

Figure 288 DAP/Laser upgrade: mechanical installation

275 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser
Remove round plastic cover from generator cover (4 screws)
Mount DAP / Laser unit with these 4 screws to the generator cover

Figure 289 DAP/laser upgrade: mechanical installation

Figure 290 DAP/Laser upgrade: labeling

Connect Laser unit to the to B356 ST12 (see pic Figure 288 DAP/Laser upgrade: mechanical
installation) (when necessary)

If you have 00-453772-xx or 00-453773-xx:

Connect DAP Unit to B356 ST5

If you have 00-453926-xx or 00-453927-xx (DAP with RS232)

check Index of B356
276 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser

If you have B356 up to Index –03

use attached Y-cable as adapter

To B356 ST7

DAP Unit

To B356 ST5

Figure 291 Y-cable 00-453901-01

If you have B356 Index –04 or higher

connect DAP unit to ST7 on B356

Fix cabling with cable strap

Re-assemble generator cover and rubber bumper
Fix warning label “Laser radiation” (when necessary)

8.1.3 Laser X-ray Generator software setup and test

Enable laser in the software. (Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page / Options)


Figure 292 Laser upgrade: software setup

Now the function is available

277 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser

Figure 293 Laser upgrade: software check

Here you can check X-Ray LASER

8.1.4 System checks

After installing following tests must be done:

 Check dose rate (refer to Dose rate adjustment (0,5k Systems) or Dose rate adjustment (1k Systems)

 Check HVL
(refer to 5.3.3 Half Value layer Measurement Procedure

278 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.1 DAP / DAP-Laser / Laser

8.1.5 DAP Software Setup
Go to Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page / Options / B380 and set “DAP installed”

Figure 294 DAP upgrade: Software setup Calibration
Please refer to chapter 5.8 DAP Alignment

279 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.2 Laser II

8.2 Laser II
There is an upgrade kit available p/n 00-453607-xx.

8.2.1 Mechanical Installation

1. Please do not tighten the screws of the Laser holder now.
2. Disconnect the power cable.
3. Bring the Image Intensifier to its down position.

Figure 295 Laser aimer (II) upgrade: mechanical installation

4. Remove II safety cover (4 screws). Keep the screws, as they are necessary for
installation of the new ring.

280 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.2 Laser II

Figure 296 Laser II upgrade: mechanical installation

5. Remove the ring (8 screws). Keep the screws, as they are necessary for installation of
the laser ring.

Figure 297 Laser II upgrade: mechanic installation

On the inside, you will find a 6-pin connector, covered by a heat shrink tubing.

6. Please remove the heat shrink tubing.

7. Plug the 6-pin connector to the B335 ST1 on the supplied Laser tray.
8. Fix the Laser tray (8 screws)
9. Bring the II to its top position.
10. Connect the power cable and switch on the machine.
11. Add two safety labels to every side of the II including lamination
281 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.2 Laser II

Figure 298 Laser aimer (II) upgrade: labeling

12. Continue with the Software Installation

8.2.2 Software Installation

1. Go to Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page / Options and set Laser II and enable
Laser II ????


Figure 299 Laser aimer (II) upgrade: software setup

282 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.2 Laser II

Figure 300 Laser aimer (II) upgrade: software check

You can activate

Warning : Do not look directly into the Laser light !
2. Activate the Laser aimer (II). You should now see the Laser light.
3. Now start the adjustment procedure.

8.2.3 Adjustment
You need the following tools :
 90 0 angle pattern
 coin, screw or equal with up to 4mm diameter

The angle between both lasers should be exactly 90 0.

1. To adjust it, rotate the laser manually until both lasers have exactly an 90 0 angle.

283 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.2 Laser II

Figure 301 Laser aimer (II) upgrade: adjustment

Caution: this adjustment must be done very carefully, since this has critical influence on
the exactness of the Laser crosshairs in every height.

2. Fix the laser with the outer and the inner screw without using force.
3. Place the coin in the center of the X-ray crosshairs.
4. The height should be chosen to be as close as possible to the generator side (when in
hospital use: patient table).
5. Make an X-ray exposure and position the machine so that the coin is exactly in the
crosshair center on monitor A.
6. Now adjust now the crosshairs of the lasers on the actual coin so that they exactly
match those on the monitor. Use the left and right screws for this adjustment. If
necessary, open one screw and tighten the other until the target is exctly in the center.

284 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.2 Laser II
Figure 302 Laser II upgrade: adjustment

7. Now change the height so that the coin is in the middle between generator and II.
8. Make an X-ray exposure and position the machine so that the coin is exactly in the
crosshair center on monitor A.
9. Check if the laser crosshairs are still on the center of the actual coin. If not, the angle
adjustment was not exact enough. In this case, repeat the angle adjustment
10. Mount the new II safety cover (with two windows for the Laser). Assemble it in such a way that
the windows are exactly above the two lasers.

8.2.4 System checks

After installing following tests must be done:

 Check dose rate (refer to Dose rate adjustment (0,5k Systems) or Dose rate adjustment (1k Systems)

285 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.3 Key switch for Fluoro deactivation

8.3 Key switch for Fluoro deactivation

Pre-condition : B387 min REV C 00-451158-04 and Software min REV 02.xx.xx
Key switch upgrade set : p/n 00-453868-xx

8.3.1 Mechanical Installation

 Disconnect power cable and hand switch
 Remove front cover
 Drill a hole into the left side a (measure see drawing, all measures in mm)

Figure 303 Drill drawing

 Rasp a 2mm indentation with the provided rasp on top of the whole for fixing the switch.
Try if the switch fits.
 Mount the top switch part with plastic screw nut 18mm

286 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.3 Key switch for Fluoro deactivation
 Solder the cable to the lower switch part
 Snap the lower switch part into the top switch part
(for removing turn both parts in different directions)
 Connect the cable to B387 X9

B387 X9

B387 X9

Key switch

Key switch

Figure 304 connectors

 Fix cable with cable strap

 Replace cover front
 Connect power cable and hand switch
 Attach label (see picture)

287 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.3 Key switch for Fluoro deactivation
Figure 305 Key Switch labeling

8.3.2 Software Installation

Go to Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page / Options / B380 and set “key-switch installed”

Figure 306 Key switch setup

8.3.3 Test
Turn the switch in the OFF („0“) position
Try to make an X-Ray exposure.
Error message #10054 should be pop up (in selected language):

Figure 307 Error message Key switch

288 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.3 Key switch for Fluoro deactivation
 Turn switch in ON („I“) position
 Make X-ray. Normal operation mode should be possible

289 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.4 Upgrade 1/2 k camera -> 1k camera

8.4 Upgrade 1/2 k camera -> 1k camera

8.4.1 Pre-condition
For upgrade you can use the upgrade kit 00-453683-xx. It is necessary to update IPC1000,too
(included in the conversion kit).

8.4.2 Mechanical Installation

Replace all parts which are included in the set.
Attention: Remove Video Filter from BNC Connector directly on the IPC1000 connector.
This filter is only necessary for 0,5k CCD.

Figure 308 Remove filter


Figure 309 Filter for 0,5k CCD

The following figure is a labeled overview of the content of the upgrade-kit.

290 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.4 Upgrade 1/2 k camera -> 1k camera

Figure 310 Content upgrade-kit mechanic

Assemble the parts as shown in Figure 311

Figure 311 Assembled mechanic

291 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.4 Upgrade 1/2 k camera -> 1k camera

Lift the mountings of the old camera and remove all connectors to be able to take out all parts
shown in Figure 312.

Figure 312 Di assemble 0,5k CCD

Connect the data cable and the power supply as shown in the following figure.

Figure 313 1k Data and power supply cable

Fit in one of the spacer discs between camera and II and mount the new camera with the three
cylinder head screw M4x12 A2 DIN 912. Reconnect the BNC-connector.

292 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.4 Upgrade 1/2 k camera -> 1k camera

Figure 314 Mounted 1k CCD

8.4.3 Software Installation

Go to Setup / Service Menu / FS Setup Page / IPC1000 Setup1 and set CCD Camera to “1k CCD-
1300 QFxx (2500)”

Figure 315 Setup 1k CCD

8.4.4 Adjustment
See camera alignment / 1k Camera system

293 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.5 Compact Plus

8.5 Compact Plus

These upgrade is necessary, if you want to connect a monitor cart.
For upgrade you can use the upgrade kit 00-453757-xx or #S20291ML

8.5.1 Preconditions
Before upgrade, please check following points:
Software minimal Revision 2 (If you have to update look at upgrades \Software Rev1 -> Rev2 )

B118F 00-451164 minimum Index 05 (REV D) (Before : free Video Port missing)
B386 00-451156 minimum Index 05 (REV D) (Before : connector X4/1 missing)

8.5.2 Mechanical installation

Disconnect power cable
Remove front cover
Unscrew the four inner screws from the Harting connector

4 inner

Figure 316 Upgrade Monitor cart:: Harting Connector

Disconnect the power cable from the Harting cable from the line filter
Disconnect the ground cable from the Harting cable
Remove the complete old Harting Cable
Screw the new Harting cable in the Harting socket (direction see picture)
Connect ground cable
Connect power cable to line filter
Connect printer cable to B118F (free port)

294 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.5 Compact Plus

to Harting Conner

Figure 317 Upgrade Monitor cart:: Harting Connector connections

Mount now B392. Use four screws with flat washer

4 screws

Figure 318 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 mechanic

Connect now the two RJ45 Cables for Monitor A and B to the B392
(For right connections see following drawing)

295 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.5 Compact Plus

Figure 319 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 connections

Connect now the power for B392. Use here the included two wire cable.
Connect this cable to B392 to B337 / Xfree3

Figure 320 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 connections

Connect now the 6-pole cable from the Harting connector to B386 / X4/1
Tipp: if you cannot connect these reassemble User Interface on right side, reassemble B386 (9
screws), connect B386/ X4/1 and assemble B386 and UIF again.

296 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.5 Compact Plus

Figure 321 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 connections

Now un-screw IPC1000 (4 screws)

Remove both VGA connectors from IPC1000
Connect these both to B392 Output A and B (see drawing)
Connect now the two included VGA cables to the IPC1000
Tipp: mark VGA cable for monitor A on both ends for example with a color tape
Connect now the both to B392 graphics card A and B
Tipp: follow by the wiring of IPC1000 the other cables
Fix IPC1000 (4 screws)
Fix all cables and be sure that they are on safe places for mechanical movement.
Reassemble front cover
Connect power cable or monitor cable (p0 cable)
Note: if you are using a monitor cart, the C-arm device gets the power via monitor cart, p0-cable
and Harting connector. There is only one power connector for the complete system necessary.

8.5.3 Test
Turn the machine ON
Check picture on User interfaces
Check picture on Monitor A and B on C-arm (if exist)
Check picture on Monitor A and B on monitor cart (if exist)
Check printer on monitor cart (if exists)
Check X-ray lamp on C-arm and on monitor cart (if exist)

Note : There is no adjustment or software installation necessary

297 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.5 Compact Plus

Figure 322 Upgrade Monitor cart:: Test

Remarks: Because of different monitor manufactures the monitor have different input
connectors : VGA standard (15 pin) or DVI (analog used only). You can use
both monitor types, but may be you need a VGA/DVI adapter
For easy fault searching you can change “VGA in A” with “VGA in B” on B392 or “VGA OUT A” with
“VGA OUT B” or also RJ45 Output/Input on B392/B391.
You can also use a standard VGA cable to connect one monitor direct to the IPC VGA outputs
(example in red).To check C-arm cabling you can use also a standard RJ45 cable (not crossed) to
interconnect B392 with B391 (example in red).

298 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.6 Software REV 1.xx -> 2.xx

8.6 Software REV 1.xx -> 2.xx

Hardware minimum requirements :
(p/n 00-453824-xx Minimum Index 21 for 0,5k x 0,5k systems)
(p/n 00-453804-xx Minimum Index 21 for 1k x 1k systems)
UIF (p/n 00-453806-xx Minimum Index 21)
There is also a complete Kit available, if hardware must be updated
(00-453875-xx for 0,5x0,5 k Systems)

Make then Software update as usual to actual SW REV02.

Remark :
Check after update, if the correct CCD-camera is installed and if doses is correct. If necessary
Enable if installed Laser II and/or Laser X-ray

Remark : all 1k system already have minimum Software Rev 2

299 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.7 Upgrade Hardware for Software Rev 2

8.7 Upgrade Hardware for Software Rev 2

8.7.1 Upgrade kit content
The necessary hardware upgrade kit (00-453875-XX for 0,5x0,5k systems) to install Software Rev 2
contains following:
00-453824-XX IPC 1000 0,5 x 0,5k Systems (Minimum Index 22)
00-453806-XX UIF R (Minimum Index 21)
00-451167-XX PCB B388 (Minimum Index 02) Additional
Connection cable B388 – IPC1000 (VGA-DVI)
00-451162-XX PCB B118F (Minimum Index 05)

Warning: Inform the customer, that by replacing the IPC1000 all stored data's (pictures, patient
list, doctors list) will be lost.

8.7.2 Upgrade kit installation

Check if all necessary parts are included in the upgrade kit
Turn off the machine
Remove front cover
Open 4 screws for unmounting IPC1000
Remove all cables from IPC1000
Dismount IPC1000
Mount all connections to new IPC1000.
Tip: some connectors can be on new places from the IPC1000, because of different hardware
versions. Check location of all connections on white labeling from new IPC1000.
Fix IPC1000 with 4 screws.
Remove 2 screws for unmounting UIF R
Disconnect all cablings from UIF. Remark: the flat-cable to IPC1000 is not applicable anymore
On new UIF PCB B388 is pre-installed. Connect VGA-DVI to B388 on one side and on other side to
IPC1000 DVI output.
Mount all other cables to UIF R
Fix UIF with 2 screws
Disconnect all cables from B118F
Dismount B118F. Tip: if plastic holders are very strong to open, remove them by destroying and
built in 4 new.
Check Jumper setting on new B118F. For Fluorostar the Jumper settings must be J1=ON and
J2=OFF (other setting is for example for 7700).
Mount new B118F.
Connect all cables.

8.7.3 Software Setup and adjustment

B118F: Check output level on one of the Video outputs. Adjust output level with potentiometer P1
to 1,0 Vpp (for details see 5.8 B118F Video buffer

Check the necessary adjustment for UIF (for details see 7.1 User Interface

If DAP, LASER II or Laser X-Ray is installed check, if they are enabled.

Make all adjustments, which are necessary by replacing IPC1000 (for details see 7.4 IPC 1000 )

Check if the correct CCD camera type is installed.

Check doses. If necessary adjust (for details see Dose Alignment

Label SW Revision on unit

300 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

P/n 00-453890-xx

Caution: Follow the steps in this order. Install first software, change BIOS settings of
IPC1000 when necessary and then install hardware

Precondition IPC 1000 (0,5k x 0,5k ) 00-453824-23 and higher or

IPC1000 (1k x 1k) 00-453804-23 and higher or
IPC 1000 (0,5k x 0,5k ) 00-453865-03 and higher or
IPC 1000 (1k x 1k) 00-453872-03 and higher or
IPC 1000 CL 00-453884-xx

8.8.1 Software
Check the Software version, which is installed on the system. Minimum required is SW Rev
02.05.13. Otherwise update the system first to the actual version
see Common Service CD 00-441200-xx in subfolder \fluorostar_SW\SW REV2 or
Advanced Service CD 00-441203-xx in subfolder \fluorostar_SW\SW REV2)
Install the PC guard support software package.
Use for this \Fluorostar_SW\SW REV2\oec_patch_h_pcguardEF_7 on both Service CD´s

8.8.2 Bios Settings IPC1000

IPC 1000 (0,5k x 0,5k ) 00-453824-23 and higher
IPC1000 (1k x 1k) 00-453804-23 and higher
no change is necessary.
For reference see IPC1000 BIOS Setup 00-441127-02

IPC 1000 (0,5k x 0,5k ) 00-453865-03 and higher
IPC 1000 (1k x 1k) 00-453872-03 and higher
IPC 1000 CL 00-453884-01 and higher
no change is necessary
For reference see IPC1000 BIOS Setup 00-441128-02

Remark : IPC 1000 00-453865-02 and 00-453872-02 doesn’t exists.

8.8.3 Mechanic
The PC guard will be mounted behind the IPC1000.
For easier handling unscrew IPC1000 mounting first (4 screws) and move IPC1000 a little bit left
(as far as the cables are)
Release screw from plate

301 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

Figure 323 PC guard cabling

Check if all connection cables for the pc-guard unit are connected
(refer labeling on pc-guard)

Figure 324 PC Guard Connection diagram

302 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

Figure 325 PC guard wiring

Mount pc-guard unit with two screws 114 x 30

Figure 326 PC guard installation

COM and parallel cable is under the top cover

303 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

Figure 327 PC guard wiring

Figure 328 PC guard wiring

rest of cables should be long enough for easy mounting to IPC1000

304 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

Figure 329 PC guard wiring

Connect IPC COM1 and IPC COM2 and IPC LPT1 to the IPC1000. Refer here labeling on IPC1000 for
right positions
Replace old COM1 and COM2 cable from B380 (X-V24 IPC/1 and X-V24/2)
Connect B380 COM1 to X-V24IPC/1 and B380 COM2 to X-V24/2
Power supply for PC guard
cabeling is under the top cover

Figure 330 PC guard connections Com1/Com2

305 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.8 Installation PC-Guard Kit

Figure 331 PC guard: power supply wiring

Connect cable on B455 to X Free 1

Figure 332 PC guard : power supply from B337 / B455

306 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02

8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02

Remark: CD-recorder is not available anymore and replace by DVD recorder. All
formats from CD-recorder are also support from DVD recorder

Precondition System must stand in absolute horizontal position

8.9.1 Mechanical Installation flap

Open front cover.
The Fluorostar is shipped with a shield, which covers the whole for the recorder.
First dismount cap

Figure 333 demount shield

Figure 334 demount situation

307 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
Mount now new loader mechanism

Figure 335 mount place

Check from outside, if distance around mechanism and cover is everywhere equal

Figure 336 check mechanism

308 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
Check if loader opens correct

Figure 337 check mechanism

Mount now with 4x plates, 4x lock washer and 4x nut M4

Figure 338 fix screws

309 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
Clean now from cover outside the area round the flap (aprox 5cm) with alcohol

Figure 339 clean before mounting ornamental frame

Now mount ornamental frame round the flap. Check opening mechanism once again

Figure 340 mounted ornamental frame

310 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
8.9.2 Assembly recorder
Mount recorder with 4 x screws M3x6 on carrier

Figure 341 recorder and carrier

Figure 342 recorder mounted on carrier

311 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
Mount now power cable and IDE interface cable to the recorder. Fix them with cable strap. Now
mount carrier with 3 x screws M4x6

Figure 343 cable fixing

Now mount carrier with 3 x screws M4x6

Figure 344 screws for fixing carrier

Now adjust recorder in absolute horizontal positions. For this open 2 x screws from power plate

312 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02


Figure 345 screws for adjustment horizontal level

Check if recorder is in horizontal position. Use a level to check. Fix screws from power plate

Figure 346 check horizontal level

313 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
Assemble front cover

Figure 347 assembled recorder

8.9.3 Software installation

Restart system. System automatically installs recorder. Check now if installation was successful.
Select menu 1 “CD content/info”. The buttons should be now enabled.

Figure 348 CD content/info menu, open/close button

314 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.9 DVD recorder 00-453933-02
Remark If software hasn’t installed the recorder successful, software version is too
old for the recorder. Please install actual software on the system and restart
Push open/close button to open loader. Check if the mechanical installation is OK.

Figure 349 open loader

315 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.10 Upgrade Cine / Vas / Fast Pulse Mode / Life stream

8.10 Upgrade Cine / Vas / Fast Pulse Mode / Life

P/N 00-453924-01 / S2024GR

Remark: There is only an Upgrade for Cine AND Vascular available

There is no possibility to upgrade Cine or Vascular standalone

8.10.1 New Features

From Software Rev 02.08.01 following new features are available:
 Cine
 Vascular
 Fast Pulse Mode up to 8 pulses /sec.
 HLF pulse with 1, 2, 4 or 8 pps at 8.0mA
 Life Video Output on BNC (instead of Last Image Hold)

8.10.2 Preconditions
 1k system
 Generator Maxiplus 00-453810-03 or higher and SNR > 0760

8.10.3 Material
 IPC1000 Kit Image G 1k
 B352 (for Maxiplus 3000)
 Cine License
 Vas License

8.10.4 Implementation
1. Turn System Off
2. Remove Front Cover
3. Replace IPC1000 with new IPC1000. For detailed description refer 5.14.1 Exchange IPC
1000 for
IPC 1000 00-453962-xx (0,5k) or 00-453962-xx (1k) in this document
4. Open X-ray generator
5. Replace B352
6. Close X-ray generator
Caution: don’t forget to use the seal tape
7. Turn on system
8. Enter Service mode -> License Management

316 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.10 Upgrade Cine / Vas / Fast Pulse Mode / Life stream

Figure 350 License Management

9. Key in both License Keys

Figure 351 License Management

10. If License key was valid, field should display now OK (like in DICOM field see above
Figure 351
11. Press OK

317 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.10 Upgrade Cine / Vas / Fast Pulse Mode / Life stream
12. Activate Fast Pulse mode
Select in Service Mode Options
13. Enable Fast Pulse Mode

Figure 352 Fast Pulse Enabled

14. Leave Service Mode

15. Shut down and restart system

8.10.5 Test
Check if Fast Pulse mode, CINE and VAS is available.
For this go to mode menu and check if buttons are enabled

318 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.10 Upgrade Cine / Vas / Fast Pulse Mode / Life stream

Figure 353 CINE, VAS Pulse Mode enabled

Remark: BNC Video Output must not be checked

319 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer

Switching Relay (TSRL)
P/N 00-453264-01 Upgrade kit TSRL for Mainframe
00-453274-01 Upgrade kit TSRL for Monitor cart

Remark: For Series or Compact+ systems both – mainframe and monitor cart – must
be upgraded to get the full improvements

Remark: The reason for this upgrade is to reduce failure of blowing fuses F1 / F2 of
mainframe and monitor cart and blowing fuse F3 of monitor cart when the
customer has high distortions on power net.
Be aware: for blowing main fuses there are different root causes possible.
- bad contacts P0 cable, connectors etc. on primary side of power supply
- use always only the original fuses for F1/F2 mainframe or F1/F2 and F3
(3,15AT) on monitor cart

Remark The upgrade need 1 person and 1 hour for mainframe upgrade and 1 person
and 1 hour for monitor cart upgrade

8.11.1 Upgrade Mainframe Material
 TSRL premounted with cabling
 12 A Fuses (2 pcs)
 15 A Fuses (2 pcs)
 wire strap, heat shrink tube

320 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

Figure 354 TSRL kit Mainframe Replaced parts

Following parts will be replaced:
 R1 10 Ohm / 65 W
 Relay K2
 Fuse F3 2AT
 metal plate
 Fuse F1/F2 (12A or 15A)

Figure 355 Replaced parts

321 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
__________________________________________________________________________ Steps

Attention: When you open screws, don’t loose the screw nut and washer on the bottom
side! When necessary removal the wire strap.
1. Disconnect power and open mainframe front cover
2. Unscrew IPC1000 (4 screws) and turn it to the right as wide as possible

Figure 356 IPC1000 in prepared position

322 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
3. Unscrew holding angle and Relay (4 screws) and disconnect cables

Figure 357 4 screws for dismounting

4. Remove complete plate with resistor, fuse, relay

Figure 358 Removed parts

323 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
5. Disconnect cabling on Relay and terminal block

Brown Cable

Brown Cable
Relay Conntact 6

Blue Cable
Relay Conntact 2
Disconnect cable

Blue Cable
Figure 359 cabling 0V

6. Save the open cabling with attached heat shrink tube and fix it with attached binder

Figure 360 disconnected cables

324 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

Figure 361 safe and fix open cables

7. Save the open cabling with attached heat shrink tube and fix it with attached tie wrap

Figure 362 Isolate ex-Relay cables (part 1)

325 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

8. TSRL is prepared with cables. Check if bridge is on position.


Figure 363 TSRL pre mounted on plate with cabling and bridge

9. Check the potentiometer adjustment on the TSRL. The potentiometer should be adjusted
on the 8:30 clock position (see the arrow below).

Figure 364 Check position of potentiometer

326 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
10. Mount TSRL on Main power supply chassis with the old screws M4 x8 and spring ring

Figure 365 TSRL position

327 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
11. Route the cabling following the red arrows (see following figure)
Attention: cabling behind the strip terminal (Arrow dashed)
Fix it with tie wraps

Figure 366 TSRL position

328 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
12. Connect four wires (see following figure)

Brown Cable Brown Cable

Relay Conntact 6 100V/110V/120V/230V/240V
Remark: same position as before

Blue Cable
Blue Cable
Relay Conntact 2

Figure 367 Connections

13. Check which fuses F1 and F2 you have to use

F1/F2 200 – 240 V : 12AT
F1/F2 100 – 120 V : 15AT
Replace F1 and F2 with attached new Fuses every time
(old fuses can be pre-damaged) Test
Turn on system and check if the system boots correctly

329 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

8.11.2 Monitor cart Upgrade Material
 TSRL pre mounted with cabling
 12 A Fuses (2 pcs.) for F1/F2
 15 A Fuses (2 pcs) for F1/F2
 3,15 AT Fuse (1 pcs) for F3
 6,3 AT Fuse (1pcs) for F5
 wire strap
 2x Screw M5x12

Figure 368 TSRL kit Monitor Cart

330 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
__________________________________________________________________________ Replaced Parts
Following parts will be replaced:
 R1 10 Ohm / 65 W
 Relay K2 including cable
 Fuse F1/F2 (12 A or 15A)
 Fuse F3 3,15 AT Fuse
 2x Screw M5x10

Figure 369 Replaced parts Relay K2 and Resistor R1 Steps

Attention: When you open screws, don’t loose the screw nut and washer on the bottom
side! When necessary removal the wire strap.
1. Disconnect power and open mainframe
2. Unscrew 2 hexagon socket screws holding rail from terminal strip

2 hexagonal screws

Figure 370 screws

331 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
3. On the downside of the electronic block unscrew two screws to unmount resistor R1

Figure 371 screws resistor holder

4. Disconnect cabling. Remove resistor R1 and Remove Relay K2 complete including all

Figure 372 resistor R1

Figure 373 Relay K2

332 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

Relays K2

Disconnect 3
brown wires

Unscrew 2
hexagon socket

Figure 374 cable removing

5. For this remove two cables from connector TFTG10A on B393

TFTG10A connector on B393 TFTG10A connector on B393

before the rework (see the two after the rework (see the two
wires to be removed : one remaining wires : one black
black wire and one yellow wire) wire and one yellow wire)

Figure 375 Position Connector TFTG10A on B393

333 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
6. Removed resistor

Figure 376 resistor R1

7. Removed relays K2 including cable

Figure 377removed Relays K2

334 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
8. Check if bridge is on position (see following figure).


Figure 378 MC5 pre mounted TSRL

9. Check the potentiometer adjustment on the TSRL. The potentiometer should be

adjusted on the 8:30 clock position (see the arrow below)

Figure 379 Check position of potentiometer

335 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
10. Place the premounted TSRL unit below the top hat rail (cabling looks in direction of
power supply) and fix the top hat rail (2 new screws M5x12).

2 screws

Take the slot nut which is easier to


Figure 380 position of TSRL

336 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

11. Remove complete connection cable:

Remove Blue wire from F3 or F5, remove brown wire from grey connector and
disconnect wires from Relay K3

Remove Blue
cable F3 or F5
Remove Brown
cable from grey

Figure 381 bridge and old cabling

disconnect Blue
and Brown wire
from Relay K3


Figure 382 removing connection cable

337 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
12. Connect the NEW Cable from TSRL to the Relay K3

F3 or F5 sockets

New Cable from TSRL Connect Blue and

Brown cable to
the Relay K3

New Cable from TSRL

Figure 383 New Cable from TSRL to the Relay K3

338 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
13. Connect the NEW two wires from the white cable of the TSRL:
- brown on grey connector left pin
- blue on Fuse F3 or F5
F3: 200 – 240 V
F5: 100 – 120 V

F3 or F5 sockets
The blue wire is
connected to F3 or F5

Grey connector

The brown wire is

connected to grey
connector (left pin)

Figure 384 TSRL connected

339 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
14. Fix the wires and cables with the wire straps and cut the spare end of the wire straps
with a nipper.

Figure 385 Complete overview

15. Replace F1/F2/F3/F5 every time. Old fuses can be pre-damaged

Check which fuses F1 and F2 you have to use

F1/F2 200 – 240 V : 12AT
F1/F2 100 – 120 V : 15AT

Replace F1 and F2
Replace F3 3,15 AT
Replace F5 6,3AT

16. Close mainframe and connect power Test
Turn on system and check if the system boots correctly

340 of 356
8 Upgrades
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

341 of 356
9 Index
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

9. Index
Accuracy ....................................................................................................................................... 70
AERC .............................................................................................................................................. 75
AFE ................................................................................................................................................. 56
AK ........................................................................................................................................ 169, 171
AKR ...................................................................................................................................... 169, 171
Aluminum filters ........................................................................................................................ 112
Applications ................................................................................................................................. 30
Chest and Thorax ................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Dense Anatomy..................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Hand Surgery ......................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Reduced Dose ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Auto Exposure Control ............................................................................................................... 75
Auto tracking ............................................................................................................................... 75
Auxiliary power supply............................................................................................................... 63
B118F .................................................................................................................................. 174, 263
B124 ............................................................................................................................................... 76
B335 .............................................................................................................................. 58, 210, 265
B337 .......................................................................................................................................51, 303
B350 ............................................................................................................................................... 62
B351 ............................................................................................................................................... 62
B352 ............................................................................................................................................... 63
B355 ............................................................................................................................................... 65
B356 ............................................................................................................. 39, 59, 63, 66, 87, 181
B379 ............................................................................................................................................... 54
B380 .................................................................................................................................. 39, 62, 66
B386 .............................................................................................................................. 88, 192, 303
B387 ............................................................................................................................................. 192
B392 ............................................................................................................................................. 302
B455 .............................................................................................................................. 53, 174, 263
BIOS Battery ............................................................................................................................... 194
Boot / Shutdown-Time ............................................................................................................. 100
Boot Time .................................................................................................................................... 100
Calibration.................................................................................................................................... 39
1k Camera system ............................................................................................................................................................ 141
Collimator Iris Calibration .............................................................................................................................................. 147
DAP Alignment .................................................................................................................................................................... 161
Generator .............................................................................................................................................................................. 103
kV and mA............................................................................................................................................................................. 107
Laser II .................................................................................................................................................................................... 181
Monitor Checks and Adjustments ............................................................................................................................. 176
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 102
Pre-condition ....................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Preview Collimator SETUP ............................................................................................................................................. 157
Tube Setup............................................................................................................................................................................ 104
CAN-Bus .................................................................................................................................. 62, 65
CCD ........................................................................................................................................56, 210
Certified Components ................................................................................................................ 29
342 of 356
9 Index
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
Change language ........................................................................................................................ 90
Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................ 71
Clinical Versatilities’ s and Cast Rooms .................................................................................. 30
Clinical Versatility
CCU’ s and ICU’ s. .................................................................................................................................................................. 30
G.I. Labs ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Outpatient Surgery Centers ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Collimation ................................................................................................................................... 70
Collimator „Iris Size“ Setup ....................................................................................................... 94
Collimator center tool .............................................................................................................. 147
Collimator Preview Setup .......................................................................................................... 94
COM 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 62
COM 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 62
caution....................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
notes ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
warning ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Conversions.................................................................................................................................. 28
Cover and Component Removal
C-Arm ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 190
Control Panel Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 190, 191
Cross Hair Setup .......................................................................................................................... 93
CU Tracking .................................................................................................................................. 75
DAC-8 ....................................................................................................................................59, 147
dangerous voltages
image intensifier tube ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
line voltage .............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
monitor ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Monoblock ............................................................................................................................................................................... 24
DAP ................................................................................................................................................ 87
DAP / AK /AKR ............................................................................................................................ 169
DAP Limits .................................................................................................................................. 167
DAP Reference Location .......................................................................................................... 170
DAP Setup ............................................................................................................................... 94, 95
DAP Unit Check Calibration..................................................................................................... 167
Debug ............................................................................................................................................ 92
Default DAP Value ..................................................................................................................... 168
Delete Doctor data ..................................................................................................................... 92
Delete Patient data ..................................................................................................................... 92
Device Update ........................................................................................................................... 100
Dicom ............................................................................................................................................ 88
Display Touch Calibration ......................................................................................................... 95
Dose Area Product ...................................................................................................................... 87
Dose rate adjustment ..................................................................................................... 134, 141
DTPU .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Electrical Ratings ........................................................................................................................ 55
Error log file.................................................................................................................................. 94
Fast pulsed Fluoroscopy Mode ................................................................................................. 70
Film Cassette Holder .................................................................................................................. 70
Fluoroscopy Mode ....................................................................................................................... 69
343 of 356
9 Index

Form 2579 ..................................................................................................................................... 29

Frame grabber ........................................................................................................................... 198
Gender Changer ........................................................................................................................ 184
Generator...................................................................................................................................... 62
Grid .............................................................................................................................................. 212
Half Value layer .......................................................................................112, 268, 270, 272, 285
Hard drive ................................................................................................................................... 204
Hazardous Temperature ........................................................................................................... 67
explosion .................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
motorized mechanical motion....................................................................................................................................... 25
radiation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
HDD statistic ................................................................................................................................ 92
HIP Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 100
Humidity ....................................................................................................................................... 71
HVL ............................................................................................................................................... 112
Image............................................................................................................................................. 39
Image Intensifier ....................................................................................................................... 116
solutions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
water .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 21
How To Use This Manual .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Cautions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Notes ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Sections................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Warnings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Scope.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Target Audience .................................................................................................................................................................... 21
IPC1000 ..................................................................................................................40, 62, 182, 193
IPC1000 Setup .............................................................................................................................. 95
Iris Size .......................................................................................................................................... 94
kV / mA Accuracy ........................................................................................................................ 94
KV-Range Setup ........................................................................................................................... 98
Labels ............................................................................................................................................ 72
Laser Generator .......................................................................................................................... 85
Laser Image Intensifier ......................................................................................................83, 271
Laser ON ....................................................................................................................................... 65
Lateral Setup................................................................................................................................ 93
Lift Operation ............................................................................................................................... 76
Log file ........................................................................................................................................... 92
Main Power Supply ................................................................................................................... 213
Maxiplus 3000 .............................................................................................................................. 62
unauthorized .......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Monoblock .................................................................................................................................... 62
Motorized C Rotation.................................................................................................................. 76
Motorized Motions ...................................................................................................................... 76
Nago GF 190 DF ........................................................................................................................... 70
344 of 356
9 Index
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
Network Setup ............................................................................................................................. 93
Options .......................................................................................................................................... 96
Password ...................................................................................................................................... 90
Power ON ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Power supply.............................................................................................................................. 207
Preview Setup .............................................................................................................................. 91
Printer .......................................................................................................................... 88, 241, 247
Printer UP 895/897 .................................................................................................................... 251
Printer UP 9xx ............................................................................................................................ 247
Pulsed Fluoroscopy Mode .......................................................................................................... 69
Radiation Safety .......................................................................................................................... 67
Radiography Mode...................................................................................................................... 70
Radiography Setup ..................................................................................................................... 98
Re-Store B380-Data .................................................................................................................... 99
Re-store DICOM Data ................................................................................................................. 99
Re-Store IPC 1000 Data .............................................................................................................. 99
Re-Store System Data (cpl) ...................................................................................................... 100
Safety Precautions
Electrical Shock
Image Intensifier Assembly ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Line Voltage ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Monoblock .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Ingress Of Water And Solutions .................................................................................................................................... 24
Motorized Mechanical Motion Hazard ....................................................................................................................... 25
Safety Precautions-Radiation Hazard..................................................................................... 25
Scatter Radiation referring ....................................................................................................... 71
Selected Special Features.......................................................................................................... 30
16-inch viewing monitor ................................................................................................................................................... 30
9/6/4.5-inch image intensifier........................................................................................................................................ 30
Cable pushers ........................................................................................................................................................................ 31
High resolution CCD camera .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Motorized image rotation................................................................................................................................................. 30
parameters continually adjust....................................................................................................................................... 30
single component design ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Superb image resolution .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Service Menu ................................................................................................................................ 92
Service Mode ................................................................................................................................ 91
Set Time / Date ............................................................................................................................ 92
Show AK / AKR Value ................................................................................................................ 171
Show DAP (calculated).............................................................................................................. 173
Shutdown Time .......................................................................................................................... 100
Slideshow ...................................................................................................................................... 92
Software........................................................................................................................................ 88
Software update .......................................................................................................................... 89
Source-to-skin distance ............................................................................................................. 68
Sterile Covers ............................................................................................................................... 72
Store B380 -Data ......................................................................................................................... 99
Store DICOM Data ....................................................................................................................... 99
Store IPC 1000 Data .................................................................................................................... 99
Store System Data (cpl.) ............................................................................................................. 99
345 of 356
9 Index

SW Version ................................................................................................................................... 92
Symbols ......................................................................................................................................... 72
System Backup ............................................................................................................................ 99
System Boot Configuration ....................................................................................................... 91
System Information .................................................................................................................... 92
Temperature ................................................................................................................................ 71
Test Picture .................................................................................................................................. 95
Toshiba DF-151R ......................................................................................................................... 71
Tri-Mode 9/6/4.5-inch Image Intensifier ................................................................................ 58
Tri-Mode Power Supply (B335) .................................................................................................. 58
TSRL ............................................................................................................................................. 328
Tube Setup .................................................................................................................................. 100
Turn OFF Time ............................................................................................................................ 100
1/2 k camera -> 1k camera.......................................................................................................................................... 297
Cine .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 324
DAP ................................................................................................................................................................................. 268, 282
DAP-Laser ................................................................................................................................................................... 268, 282
DVD recorder ...................................................................................................................................................210, 279, 314
Fast Pulse Mode ................................................................................................................................................................. 324
Hardware for Software Rev 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 307
Key switch ............................................................................................................................................................................. 293
Laser II .................................................................................................................................................................................... 287
Laser X-Ray .......................................................................................................................................................................... 282
Life stream ............................................................................................................................................................................ 324
Monitor Card ........................................................................................................................................................................ 301
PC-Guard ............................................................................................................................................................................... 308
Software Rev 1 to Rev 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 306
Transformer Switching Relay ...................................................................................................................................... 328
Vas ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 324
User Interface ........................................................................................................................ 39, 78
User Interface Short Cut .......................................................................................................... 101
User Setup .................................................................................................................................... 90
VGA Connector .......................................................................................................................... 240
Video OUT norm .......................................................................................................................... 95
Warning Labels
electrical safety warning .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Warning Labels-ray safety warning........................................................................................ 26
Warning Symbols
dangerous voltage present ............................................................................................................................................. 26
emitting x-ray source ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
flammable vapors ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Laser Radiation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
liquids ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
on-anesthetic proof ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
other substances .................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Potential Equalization ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
protective earth ground .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Wheel Cover ............................................................................................................................... 213
X-ray OFF time ........................................................................................................................... 100
X-Ray ON ....................................................................................................................................... 65
346 of 356
9 Index
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
X-Ray Source ................................................................................................................................ 70
X-ray warning time ................................................................................................................... 100

347 of 356
10 Table of Figures
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)

10. Table of Figures

Figure 1 Fluorostar Series with Monitor cart MC5 ..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2 Fluorostar Compact Single Monitor with separate printer shelf (option) .................................... 22
Figure 3 Fluorostar Compact Double Monitor ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 4 Label X-ray warning .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 5 Label Electrical Safety........................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 6 Label High Voltage ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 7 Label Protective Earth Ground ......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 8 Label Emitting X-ray source .............................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 9 Label Laser Radiation ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10 Label POTENTIAL EQUALIZATION.................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 11 Label Anesthetic Proof (part of 1.4.1 X-RAY SAFETY WARNING) .................................................... 28
Figure 12 Boot up sequence ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 13 Boot screen ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 14 PC guard bootup .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 15 PC guard bootup .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 16 PC guard bootup .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 17 PC guard LED´s ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 18 LED D1 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 19 LED D2 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 20 LED D3-D10 ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 21 LED D16..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 22 Integrated PC-Guard .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 23 LPS 65M +24V ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 24 LPT 62M 5V/12V/-12V ........................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 25 LPT62M - Adjustment ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 26 B337............................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 27 B337 Test points ................................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 28 B455............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 29 B455 Testpoints .................................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 30 B379............................................................................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 31 B356, B356 default settings for DIP............................................................................................................. 63
Figure 32 B356 DIP switches ............................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 33 Label: Type............................................................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 34 Labels: others ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 35 Label positions 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 36 Label positions 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 37 Auto Exposure Control Block diagram ....................................................................................................... 75
Figure 38 Overview User Interface ................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 39 User Interface Left ............................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 40 User Interface Right ............................................................................................................................................ 79
Figure 41 Cable to check COM1/COM2 B380 .............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 42 Connection for self test ..................................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 43 User Interface Boot screen .............................................................................................................................. 81
Figure 44 User interface Self test screen ....................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 45 User Interface self test screen ....................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 46 Laser II setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 47 Laser II activate ..................................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 48 Laser II activate ..................................................................................................................................................... 85
Figure 49 Laser X-ray setup ................................................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 50 Laser X-ray activate ............................................................................................................................................ 86
348 of 356
10 Table of Figures
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
Figure 51 Laser X-ray activate ............................................................................................................................................ 86
Figure 52 DAP .............................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 53 Software Update .................................................................................................................................................. 88
Figure 54 Software Update .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Figure 55 Software Update .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Figure 56 kV/mA accuracy ................................................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 57 X-ray laser setup (only SW REV02) ............................................................................................................... 96
Figure 58 X-ray laser setup (SW REV 01) ........................................................................................................................ 96
Figure 59 Options (SW REV 02)............................................................................................................................................ 97
Figure 60 kV range setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 61 radiography setup ............................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 62 system backup ...................................................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 63 Hip mode setup (till SW REV 02.05.13)..................................................................................................... 100
Figure 64 Hip mode setup (from SW REV 02.05.14 onwards) ........................................................................... 101
Figure 65 Tube type on rating label .............................................................................................................................. 103
Figure 66 kV Test points ...................................................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 67 kv/mA Offset Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 68 kV/mA-Offset Setup (80kV) ........................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 69 kV/mA-Offset Setup (0,2mA) ........................................................................................................................ 106
Figure 70 mA Test points .................................................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 71 mA Test points .................................................................................................................................................... 107
Figure 72 kV/mA Offset Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 73 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 74 mA Test points .................................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 75 mA Test points .................................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 76 B335 Adjustment locations .......................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 77 CCD direction ...................................................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 78 Installation Calibration Software 0,5k CCD........................................................................................... 116
Figure 79 Installation Calibration Software 0,5k CCD........................................................................................... 116
Figure 80 Installation Calibration Software 0,5k CCD........................................................................................... 117
Figure 81 Installation Calibration Software 0,5k CCD........................................................................................... 117
Figure 82 Installation Calibration Software 0,5k CCD........................................................................................... 118
Figure 83 Installation Calibration Software 0,5k CCD........................................................................................... 118
Figure 84 Start calibration Software ............................................................................................................................. 119
Figure 85 Start calibration Software ............................................................................................................................. 119
Figure 86 Start calibration Software ............................................................................................................................. 120
Figure 87 Communication Check PC-CCD ................................................................................................................. 120
Figure 88 Check SW Version CCD ................................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 89 Adjust Gain normal dose ............................................................................................................................... 121
Figure 90 Deactivate AGC .................................................................................................................................................. 122
Figure 91 Set internal gain ................................................................................................................................................. 122
Figure 92 Set default value for gain .............................................................................................................................. 123
Figure 93 Activate Vignetting ........................................................................................................................................... 124
Figure 94 Adjust H-Level ..................................................................................................................................................... 124
Figure 95 Adjust H-Level ..................................................................................................................................................... 125
Figure 96 Adjust V-Level ..................................................................................................................................................... 125
Figure 97 Adjust V-Level ..................................................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 98 Adjust Video signal ........................................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 99 Adjust distance brightest image to while limitation......................................................................... 127
Figure 100 Monitor A ............................................................................................................................................................ 127
Figure 101 Oszillogram ........................................................................................................................................................ 128
Figure 102 Adjustment minimal distance dark image to black shoulder ................................................... 128
Figure 103 Setup Sampling Window............................................................................................................................. 129

349 of 356
10 Table of Figures

Figure 104: Measurement circle...................................................................................................................................... 130

Figure 105 Dose rate adjustment 0,5k CCD .............................................................................................................. 131
Figure 106 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu ................................................................................................. 132
Figure 107 ½ k CCD Sharpness Adkustment ............................................................................................................ 132
Figure 108 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu ................................................................................................. 133
Figure 109 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu ................................................................................................. 134
Figure 110 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu ................................................................................................. 134
Figure 111 1/2k CCD Adjustment Software menu ................................................................................................. 135
Figure 112 CCD direction .................................................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 113 Setup Sampling Window............................................................................................................................. 136
Figure 114: Measurement circle...................................................................................................................................... 137
Figure 115 CCD 1k Adjustment ........................................................................................................................................ 138
Figure 116 Collimator adjustment menu.................................................................................................................... 140
Figure 117 Collimator Adjustment ................................................................................................................................. 141
Figure 118 Collimator with adjustment tool.............................................................................................................. 141
Figure 119 screws for centering slot ............................................................................................................................ 142
Figure 120 screws for centering iris .............................................................................................................................. 142
Figure 121 circle on main monitor ................................................................................................................................. 143
Figure 122 Finished assembled collimator with Alu pre filter ........................................................................... 143
Figure 123 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 144
Figure 124 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 144
Figure 125 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 145
Figure 126 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 145
Figure 127 result on main monitor ................................................................................................................................ 146
Figure 128 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 146
Figure 129 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 147
Figure 130 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 147
Figure 131 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 148
Figure 132 menu collimator setup ................................................................................................................................. 148
Figure 133 Preview collimator setup ............................................................................................................................ 149
Figure 134 Collimator setup .............................................................................................................................................. 149
Figure 135 collimator preview ......................................................................................................................................... 150
Figure 136 preview setup ................................................................................................................................................... 150
Figure 137 preview setup ................................................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 138 collimator preview ......................................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 139 preview setup ................................................................................................................................................... 152
Figure 140 DAP alignment menu from Rev 02.05.10 onwards ........................................................................ 153
Figure 141 probe placement ............................................................................................................................................ 154
Figure 142 DAP alignment menu from Rev 02.05.10 onwards ........................................................................ 154
Figure 143 Start DAP Test................................................................................................................................................... 155
Figure 144 Select kV and activate X-ray ..................................................................................................................... 155
Figure 145 Screen for valuation calculation preparation................................................................................... 156
Figure 146 Fluorostar shows valuation DAP and DAP corrections values ................................................. 156
Figure 147 DAP results......................................................................................................................................................... 157
Figure 148 DAP correction value manual key in ..................................................................................................... 158
Figure 149 reference location for DAP ......................................................................................................................... 158
Figure 150 AK/AKR on/off switch ................................................................................................................................... 159
Figure 151 DAP(measured) on/off switch ................................................................................................................... 159
Figure 152 DAP (calculated) on/off switch ................................................................................................................. 160
Figure 153 B118F: Dip switches ...................................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 154 B118F: location of potentiometer P1 .................................................................................................... 162
Figure 155 B455: location of potentiometer P1....................................................................................................... 162
Figure 156 Monitor G10: adjustment switches ........................................................................................................ 165
350 of 356
10 Table of Figures
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
Figure 157 Monitor G10/3: adjustment switches.................................................................................................... 166
Figure 158 Description of the adjust switches ......................................................................................................... 166
Figure 159 Monitor G11: adjustment switches ........................................................................................................ 167
Figure 160 touch calibration menu ............................................................................................................................... 168
Figure 161 touch calibration menu ............................................................................................................................... 168
Figure 162 touch calibration menu ............................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 163 touch calibration menu ............................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 164 touch calibration menu ............................................................................................................................... 170
Figure 165 VGA cable with B392..................................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 166 VGA cable without B392 ............................................................................................................................. 172
Figure 167 Cabling IPC1000 .............................................................................................................................................. 174
Figure 168 Definition of userinterface left and right ............................................................................................. 177
Figure 169 User Interface right (complete) ................................................................................................................ 177
Figure 170 IPC1000: screw locations ............................................................................................................................ 179
Figure 171 Connection between rear cover and interiority .............................................................................. 179
Figure 172 Location BIOS battery IPC 1000 incl. ASUS P4P 800 SE ............................................................... 181
Figure 173 Location BIOS battery IPC 1000 incl. IBT MB885 ............................................................................. 182
Figure 174 Location of BIOS battery IPC 1000 Radisys Endura JD35Q..................................................... 183
Figure 175 Location cable to be disconnected (Frame grabber, 1K – System)........................................ 185
Figure 176 Disconnected cable (Frame grabber, 1K – System) ....................................................................... 185
Figure 177 Screws to be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System) .................................................................. 186
Figure 178 Screws to be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System) .................................................................. 186
Figure 179 After removing screws  the metal box can be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System)
............................................................................................................................................................................................... 187
Figure 180 Removed connector (Frame grabber, 1k – System) ...................................................................... 187
Figure 181 Screw that has to be removed (Frame grabber, 1k – System) ................................................. 188
Figure 182 Screw to be removed (Frame grabber, 1/2 K – System) .............................................................. 188
Figure 183 Screws to be removed (Frame grabber, 1/2 K – System)............................................................ 189
Figure 184 Location of Hard drive and screws to be removed (change Hard drive) ............................ 191
Figure 185 Hard drive without protective metal plate (change Hard drive) .............................................. 191
Figure 186 Connectors to be removed (change Harddrive) .............................................................................. 192
Figure 187 Screws to be removed (change power supply) ................................................................................ 194
Figure 188 Cables to be disconnected (change power supply) ....................................................................... 194
Figure 189 Screws to be removed (change power supply) ................................................................................ 195
Figure 190 Screw behind HDD to be removed (change power supply) ....................................................... 195
Figure 191 B335 remove .................................................................................................................................................... 196
Figure 192 ½k camera ........................................................................................................................................................ 197
Figure 193 1k camera .......................................................................................................................................................... 197
Figure 194 marker on grid ................................................................................................................................................. 198
Figure 195 Position of marker on installed grid ....................................................................................................... 199
Figure 196 Main power supply locations of boards .............................................................................................. 203
Figure 197 C-arm cabling: remove covers................................................................................................................. 204
Figure 198 Cross arm Cover Removal Details .......................................................................................................... 205
Figure 199 cross arm............................................................................................................................................................ 205
Figure 200 cross arm............................................................................................................................................................ 205
Figure 201 Un mount C-arm cabling ............................................................................................................................ 206
Figure 202 Un mount C-arm cabling ............................................................................................................................ 206
Figure 203 cross arm............................................................................................................................................................ 207
Figure 204 Connection diagram for annotation keyboard ................................................................................ 207
Figure 205 Overview: position upper and lower end switch ............................................................................. 208
Figure 206 marking position of metal plate .............................................................................................................. 209
Figure 207 open hexagon screws .................................................................................................................................. 209
Figure 208 Test position 1: II down on worst position ......................................................................................... 210

351 of 356
10 Table of Figures

Figure 209 test position 2: horizontal at zero ........................................................................................................... 211

Figure 210 Distance between II and footprint ......................................................................................................... 211
Figure 211 Lower end switch adjustment .................................................................................................................. 212
Figure 212 Distance check between jacket & white metal plate .................................................................... 213
Figure 213 Upper end switch adjustment .................................................................................................................. 214
Figure 214 Unscrew IPC1000 ........................................................................................................................................... 215
Figure 215 Move IPC1000 in front position ................................................................................................................ 216
Figure 216 Unscrew wheel cover ................................................................................................................................... 217
Figure 217 Unscrew brake ................................................................................................................................................. 217
Figure 218 Remove brake .................................................................................................................................................. 218
Figure 219 Install new brake............................................................................................................................................. 218
Figure 220 Hexagon screw................................................................................................................................................ 219
Figure 221 metal slice .......................................................................................................................................................... 219
Figure 222 Adjustment ........................................................................................................................................................ 220
Figure 223 fix slice ................................................................................................................................................................. 220
Figure 224 Maxiplus 3000 removal ............................................................................................................................... 222
Figure 225 Demounting from C-arm ............................................................................................................................ 222
Figure 226 Demounting from C-arm ............................................................................................................................ 222
Figure 227 seal 00-419156-01 for skin space holder w/o Laser X-ray ........................................................ 223
Figure 228 seal 00-419155-01 for skin space holder with Laser X-ray ....................................................... 223
Figure 229 Assembling seal .............................................................................................................................................. 224
Figure 230 seal tape 00-906419-01.............................................................................................................................. 225
Figure 231 Position of axial fan ....................................................................................................................................... 226
Figure 232 Location of screws (axial fan) ................................................................................................................... 226
Figure 233 Position of arrows (axial fan) ..................................................................................................................... 227
Figure 234 Position of arrows (enlarged version) (axial fan) .............................................................................. 227
Figure 235 Power cable connection (axial fan) ........................................................................................................ 227
Figure 236 rear view of mounted G11 ....................................................... ................................................................ 228
Figure 237 opened monitor case ................................................................................................................................ 228
Figure 238 rear view of mounted monitor ............................................... ................................................................ 229
Figure 239 opened monitor case ................................................................................................................................ 229
Figure 240 VGA connector assembly ........................................................................................................................... 233
Figure 241 Video cabling .................................................................................................................................................... 233
Figure 242 VGA cabling ....................................................................................................................................................... 233
Figure 243: Version 1 Monitor together with printer shelf.................................................................................. 234
Figure 244: Version 2: Monitor arm with separate printer shelf printer shelf is optional .................... 234
Figure 245 Printer Installation for Version 1 .............................................................................................................. 234
Figure 246 Printer cabling .................................................................................................................................................. 235
Figure 247 Printer Installation for Version 2 .............................................................................................................. 235
Figure 248 Printer Installation for Version 2 .............................................................................................................. 235
Figure 249 screws .................................................................................................................................................................. 236
Figure 250 printer feet’s ...................................................................................................................................................... 236
Figure 251 printer connection.......................................................................................................................................... 237
Figure 252 installed printer version2 ............................................................................................................................ 237
Figure 253 installed printer version1 ............................................................................................................................ 237
Figure 254 screws for fixing printer............................................................................................................................... 237
Figure 255 MC5 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Figure 256 MC5 schema ..................................................................................................................................................... 239
Figure 257 printer shelf cover screws .......................................................................................................................... 240
Figure 258 printer shelf cover screws .......................................................................................................................... 240
Figure 259 Screws for fixing printer .............................................................................................................................. 241
Figure 260 printer feet’s ...................................................................................................................................................... 241
Figure 261 printer connection.......................................................................................................................................... 241
352 of 356
10 Table of Figures
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
Figure 262 installed printer on MC5 ............................................................................................................................. 242
Figure 263 fixing printer ...................................................................................................................................................... 243
Figure 264 holes for screws .............................................................................................................................................. 243
Figure 265 printer shelf cover screws .......................................................................................................................... 244
Figure 266 printer shelf cover screws .......................................................................................................................... 244
Figure 267 Screws for fixing printer .............................................................................................................................. 245
Figure 268 Earth connector .............................................................................................................................................. 245
Figure 269 Preparation of Printer mounting ............................................................................................................. 245
Figure 270 Mount Printer .................................................................................................................................................... 246
Figure 271 Cabling ................................................................................................................................................................. 246
Figure 272 Printer connections ....................................................................................................................................... 247
Figure 273 earthing ............................................................................................................................................................... 247
Figure 274 earthing ............................................................................................................................................................... 248
Figure 275 screws for fixing blade ................................................................................................................................. 248
Figure 276 finished printer mounting ........................................................................................................................... 249
Figure 277 Fix printer plate................................................................................................................................................ 249
Figure 278 DAP/Laser upgrade: mechanical installation ................................................................................... 275
Figure 279 DAP/laser upgrade: mechanical installation..................................................................................... 276
Figure 280 DAP/Laser upgrade: labeling .................................................................................................................... 276
Figure 281 Y-cable 00-453901-01 ................................................................................................................................. 277
Figure 282 Laser upgrade: software setup................................................................................................................ 277
Figure 283 Laser upgrade: software check ............................................................................................................... 278
Figure 284 DAP upgrade: Software setup .................................................................................................................. 279
Figure 285 Laser II upgrade: mechanic installation .............................................................................................. 280
Figure 286 Laser II upgrade: mechanic installation .............................................................................................. 281
Figure 287 Laser II upgrade: mechanic installation .............................................................................................. 281
Figure 288 Laser II upgrade: labeling ........................................................................................................................... 282
Figure 289 Laser II upgrade: software setup ............................................................................................................ 282
Figure 290 Laser II upgrade: software check ........................................................................................................... 283
Figure 291 Laser II upgrade: adjustment.................................................................................................................... 284
Figure 292 Laser II upgrade: adjustment.................................................................................................................... 285
Figure 293 Drill drawing ...................................................................................................................................................... 286
Figure 294 connectors ......................................................................................................................................................... 287
Figure 295 Key Switch labeling........................................................................................................................................ 288
Figure 296 Key switch setup ............................................................................................................................................. 288
Figure 297 Error message Key switch.......................................................................................................................... 288
Figure 298 Remove filter ..................................................................................................................................................... 290
Figure 299 Filter for 0,5k CCD ........................................................................................................................................... 290
Figure 300 Content upgrade-kit mechanic ............................................................................................................... 291
Figure 301 Assembled mechanic ................................................................................................................................... 291
Figure 302 Di assemble 0,5k CCD................................................................................................................................... 292
Figure 303 1k Data and power supply cable ............................................................................................................ 292
Figure 304 Mounted 1k CCD ............................................................................................................................................. 293
Figure 305 Setup 1k CCD .................................................................................................................................................... 293
Figure 306 Upgrade Monitor cart:: Harting Connector ........................................................................................ 294
Figure 307 Upgrade Monitor cart:: Harting Connector connections............................................................. 295
Figure 308 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 mechanic .............................................................................................. 295
Figure 309 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 connections ......................................................................................... 296
Figure 310 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 connections ......................................................................................... 296
Figure 311 Upgrade Monitor cart:: B392 connections ......................................................................................... 297
Figure 312 Upgrade Monitor cart:: Test ....................................................................................................................... 298
Figure 313 PC guard cabling ............................................................................................................................................ 302
Figure 314 PC Guard Connection diagram ................................................................................................................ 302

353 of 356
10 Table of Figures

Figure 315 PC guard wiring ............................................................................................................................................... 303

Figure 316 PC guard installation..................................................................................................................................... 303
Figure 317 PC guard wiring ............................................................................................................................................... 304
Figure 318 PC guard wiring ............................................................................................................................................... 304
Figure 319 PC guard wiring ............................................................................................................................................... 305
Figure 320 PC guard connections Com1/Com2...................................................................................................... 305
Figure 321 PC guard: power supply wiring ................................................................................................................ 306
Figure 322 PC guard : power supply from B337 / B455 ...................................................................................... 306
Figure 323 demount shield ................................................................................................................................................ 307
Figure 324 demount situation.......................................................................................................................................... 307
Figure 325 mount place ...................................................................................................................................................... 308
Figure 326 check mechanism .......................................................................................................................................... 308
Figure 327 check mechanism .......................................................................................................................................... 309
Figure 328 fix screws ............................................................................................................................................................ 309
Figure 329 clean before mounting ornamental frame ........................................................................................ 310
Figure 330 mounted ornamental frame ..................................................................................................................... 310
Figure 331 recorder and carrier ...................................................................................................................................... 311
Figure 332 recorder mounted on carrier .................................................................................................................... 311
Figure 333 cable fixing......................................................................................................................................................... 312
Figure 334 screws for fixing carrier ............................................................................................................................... 312
Figure 335 screws for adjustment horizontal level................................................................................................ 313
Figure 336 check horizontal level ................................................................................................................................... 313
Figure 337 assembled recorder ...................................................................................................................................... 314
Figure 338 CD content/info menu, open/close button ........................................................................................ 314
Figure 339 open loader ....................................................................................................................................................... 315
Figure 340 License Management ................................................................................................................................... 317
Figure 341 License Management ................................................................................................................................... 317
Figure 342 Fast Pulse Enabled ......................................................................................................................................... 318
Figure 343 CINE, VAS Pulse Mode enabled ................................................................................................................ 319
Figure 344 TSRL kit Mainframe ........................................................................................................................................ 321
Figure 345 Replaced parts ................................................................................................................................................. 321
Figure 346 IPC1000 in prepared position ................................................................................................................... 322
Figure 347 4 screws for dismounting ........................................................................................................................... 323
Figure 348 Removed parts ................................................................................................................................................ 323
Figure 349 cabling ................................................................................................................................................................. 324
Figure 350 disconnected cables ..................................................................................................................................... 324
Figure 351 safe and fix open cables ............................................................................................................................. 325
Figure 352 Isolate ex-Relay cables (part 1) ................................................................................................................ 325
Figure 353 TSRL pre mounted on plate with cabling and bridge ................................................................... 326
Figure 354 Check position of potentiometer ............................................................................................................ 326
Figure 355 TSRL position..................................................................................................................................................... 327
Figure 356 TSRL position..................................................................................................................................................... 328
Figure 357 Connections ...................................................................................................................................................... 329
Figure 358 TSRL kit Monitor Cart..................................................................................................................................... 330
Figure 359 Replaced parts Relay K2 and Resistor R1 ........................................................................................... 331
Figure 360 screws .................................................................................................................................................................. 331
Figure 361 screws resistor holder .................................................................................................................................. 332
Figure 362 resistor R1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 332
Figure 363 Relay K2............................................................................................................................................................... 332
Figure 364 cable removing ................................................................................................................................................ 333
Figure 365 Position Connector TFTG10A on B393.................................................................................................. 333
Figure 366 resistor R1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 334
Figure 367removed Relays K2 ......................................................................................................................................... 334
354 of 356
10 Table of Figures
8.11 Upgrade Power Supply with Transformer Switching Relay (TSRL)
Figure 368 MC5 pre mounted TSRL ............................................................................................................................... 335
Figure 369 Check position of potentiometer ............................................................................................................ 335
Figure 370 position of TSRL ............................................................................................................................................... 336
Figure 371 bridge and old cabling ................................................................................................................................. 337
Figure 372 removing connection cable....................................................................................................................... 337
Figure 373 New Cable from TSRL to the Relay K3 .................................................................................................. 338
Figure 374 TSRL connected ............................................................................................................................................... 339
Figure 375 Complete overview ........................................................................................................................................ 340

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