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Anderson Robbins Research (D) / Shaw & Company Research (R) N= 912 registered voters (708 landline, 204

cell phone)

Interviews Conducted: June 5-7, 2011

For Release 6PM ET Thursday, June 9, 2011

Methodology The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The poll is based on live telephone interviews with a national sample of 912 registered voters, and was conducted June 5-7, 2011 in the evenings. Landline and cell phone telephone numbers were randomly selected for inclusion in the survey using a probability proportionate to size method, which means that phone numbers for each state are proportional to the number of voters in each state. Results based on the full sample have a margin of error of 3%. Results among subgroups have larger sampling errors, including: Democrats (n = 402) 5% Republicans (n = 333) 5.5% Independents (n = 154) 8% GOP Primary Voters (n = 338) 5.5% LV = likely voters Results from Fox News polls before February 2011 were conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corp.

Questions 1 11 released separately On another topic 12. Do you think Barack Obama should ask Congress for its consent for the U.S. mission in Libya, or not? Yes, he should No, he shouldnt (Dont know) 59% 28 13

For reference: Do you think it is okay that President Obama didnt consult Congress before authorizing the U.S. military intervention in Libya, or was it wrong for the president to authorize such action without consulting Congress first? 3-5 Apr 11 Okay 37 % Wrong 58 (Dont know) 5 13. Do you favor or oppose the U.S. military involvement in Libya? Favor 30% 30% 25% Oppose 58 62 65 (Dont know) 12 8 9

5-7 Jun 11 3-5 Apr 11* 14-16 Mar 11* 14.

*Wording: getting involved with the situation in Libya?

Do you think the Obama administration has clearly explained what the United States is trying to achieve in Libya? Yes it has 27% 35% No it hasnt (Dont know) 67 7 61 4

5-7 Jun 11 3-5 Apr 11

For comparison: Do you think the Obama administration has clearly explained what the United States is trying to achieve in Afghanistan? Yes 41% 26% No 53 67 (Dont know) 6 7

8-9 Dec 09 13-14 Oct 09 15.

Do you favor or oppose the U.S. and NATO military forces making it a priority to immediately remove Muammar al-Qaddafi from power? Favor Oppose (Dont know) 53% 31 16

12. Do you think Barack Obama should ask Congress for its consent for the U.S. mission in Libya, or not? Tea Party 70% 20% 9% Nonwhite 58% 27% 15% College Degree 59% 28% 13% No College 59% 28% 13%

Yes, he should No, he shouldn't (Don't know)

Total 59% 28% 13%

Dem 53% 32% 15%

Rep 68% 22% 11%

Ind 57% 31% 12%

Men 62% 29% 8%

Women 56% 27% 17%

White 59% 28% 12%

Yes, he should No, he shouldn't (Don't know)

Total 59% 28% 13%

Under Age 35 63% 21% 15%

35-54 59% 30% 11%

55+ 56% 31% 13%

65+ 58% 26% 16%

Under $50k 57% 30% 13%

$50k + 61% 27% 12%

Lib 55% 34% 12%

Mod 43% 44% 13%

Cons 67% 20% 13%

13. Do you favor or oppose the U.S. military involvement in Libya? Tea Party 25% 62% 13% Nonwhite 28% 57% 14% College Degree 31% 58% 11% No College 29% 57% 14%

Favor Oppose (Don't know)

Total 30% 58% 12%

Dem 32% 58% 10%

Rep 29% 57% 14%

Ind 28% 57% 15%

Men 31% 58% 11%

Women 29% 58% 14%

White 30% 58% 12%

Favor Oppose (Don't know)

Total 30% 58% 12%

Under Age 35 36% 51% 14%

35-54 33% 54% 13%

55+ 22% 66% 11%

65+ 19% 69% 12%

Under $50k 30% 59% 11%

$50k + 31% 57% 12%

Lib 32% 60% 7%

Mod 34% 53% 14%

Cons 28% 57% 15%

14. Do you think the Obama administration has clearly explained what the United States is trying to achieve in Libya? Tea Party 10% 87% 3% Nonwhite 37% 55% 8% College Degree 26% 69% 5% No College 28% 65% 7%

Yes it has No it hasn't (Don't know)

Total 27% 67% 7%

Dem 45% 48% 7%

Rep 7% 87% 6%

Ind 22% 71% 7%

Men 25% 69% 6%

Women 28% 64% 8%

White 23% 71% 6%

Yes it has No it hasn't (Don't know)

Total 27% 67% 7%

Under Age 35 27% 65% 8%

35-54 28% 65% 6%

55+ 24% 69% 7%

65+ 24% 67% 9%

Under $50k 32% 61% 7%

$50k + 24% 70% 5%

Lib 42% 51% 7%

Mod 32% 58% 11%

Cons 15% 79% 5%

15. Do you favor or oppose the U.S. and NATO military forces making it a priority to immediately remove Muammar al-Qaddafi from power? Tea Party 53% 36% 11% Nonwhite 50% 32% 18% College Degree 51% 36% 13% No College 55% 27% 18%

Favor Oppose (Don't know)

Total 53% 31% 16%

Dem 57% 27% 17%

Rep 51% 35% 15%

Ind 48% 34% 18%

Men 51% 37% 12%

Women 54% 26% 20%

White 54% 31% 15%

Favor Oppose (Don't know)

Total 53% 31% 16%

Under Age 35 50% 30% 19%

35-54 53% 34% 13%

55+ 54% 29% 16%

65+ 51% 28% 21%

Under $50k 54% 28% 18%

$50k + 54% 33% 13%

Lib 60% 26% 14%

Mod 53% 29% 17%

Cons 49% 35% 16%

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