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The quadrilateral analysis: A differential

diagnosis for surgical orthodontics Dr. Di Paolo

Rocco J. Di Paolo, D.D.S.,* Chris Philip, D.D.S.,**

Anthony L. Maganzini, D.D.S., M.S.D.,** and John D. Hirce, D.M.D.,
Hackensack. N. J.

The integration of the diagnostic and treatment skills of both the orthodontist and the maxillofacial surgeon has
become a standard procedure in the treatment of severe dentofacial dysplasias. Orthognathic surgery, surgery
without prior tooth movement, is being replaced by an interdisciplinary approach as the treatment of choice.
When a proper tooth-to-denture-base relationship is obtained, an ideal maxillomandibular relationship can be
achieved surgically. The quadrilateral analysis enables the practitioner to obtain an individualized skeletal, dental,
and soft-tissue assessment of each patient requiring treatment. It determines the direction and extent of the
skeletal dysplasia in millimeter measurements and allows the clinician to outline the appropriate surgical
orthodontic procedures. The quadrilateral analysis indicates that in a balanced facial pattern a 1 : 1 ratio exists
between the maxillary bony base length (Max.Lth.) and the mandibular bony base length (Mand.Lth.); also that
the average of the anterior lower facial height (ALFH) and the posterior lower facial height (PLFH) equals these
bony base lengths. Simply stated, the Max.Lth. = Mand.Lth. = An accurate diagnosis locates the
area and quantifies the magnitude of skeletal dysplasia. Then the correct placement of a dentition within the
denture bases and the appropriate surgery in the area of dysplasia can produce an individualized, balanced facial

Key words: Balanced facial pattern, individualized skeletal assessment, incisor position, angle of
facial convexity, sagittal ratio

c ephalometric analysis is the common lan- cephalometric measurements that are commonly uti-
guage of the maxillofacial surgeon and the orthodon- lized are not as accurate or reliable as we would like
tist. It is used in the diagnosis of skeletal and soft-tissue them to be. For example, in a retrognathic or prog-
problems, in establishing proper tooth-jaw relations, nathic jaw relationship, measurements such as SNA,
and in determining the method and magnitude of surgi- SNB, Y axis, and mandibular plane angle do not differ-
cal correction. Unfortunately, cephalometric analysis is entiate as to whether the dysplasia is due to size, posi-
not interpreted uniformly by all practitioners. Some tion, or a combination of both.
rely solely upon model surgery, while others rely on a Some practitioners believe that certain standard-
visual profile assessment. This practice may lead to a ized, normal measurements should be applied to all
less than optimum result. patients. Other clinicians dispute the usefulness of any
Model surgery gives the clinician only an approxi- cephalometric analysis that compares patients to stan-
mate, dimensional, and visual rendition of what the dardized norms. This poses a dilemma. Should the sur-
jaw-to-jaw relationship would look like after surgery. It geon use cephalometric measurements which contradict
does not locate or indicate the extent of the skeletal visual experience? The answer is obvious. If a cepha-
dysplasia; nor does it permit the surgeon to position the lometric analysis is not a diagnostic guide, it should not
incisors accurately as related to the soft-tissue profile of be used.
the patient. In surgical orthodontics, the combination of vari-
At present, many cephalometric analyses are used ables in dentofacial deformities is so complex that
in surgical orthodontic diagnosis.‘, 2 Some of the it becomes questionable whether all cases should be
treated to a standard norm. 3, 4 The clinician, therefore,
From Fairleigh Dickinson University.
must seek a more individualized cephalometric analysis
*Rofessor and Chairman of Orthodontics that clearly determines the amount and the location of
**Associate Professor of Orthodontics. the dysplasia. In this way, the appropriate surgical pro-
Volume 86 Quadrilateral analysis 471
Number 6

Table I. Comparison of skeletal patterns, adolescents (9 to 15 yr)

Normal Hypodivergent Hyperdivergent
measured N X SD N X SD N X SD

Maxillary length 245 50.9 2.0 64 52.1 2.4 64 49.1 2.5

Mandibular length 245 50.0 2.5 64 51.4 2.6 64 49.6 2.2
Difference 245 .9 N/M 64 1.3 N/M 64 .5 N/M
ALFH 245 60.0 3.5 64 55.3 3.4 64 70.3 3.7
PLFH 245 39.4 2.2 64 37.8 2.1 64 42.3 2.3
LFH (average) 245 49.1 2.8 64 46.6 3.1 64 56.3 2.9
AUFH 245 49.2 2.3 64 51.5 2.5 64 52.4 2.6
Posterior LEG (max) 245 101.4 N/M 64 118.1 N/M 64 72.2 N/M
Total length (max) 245 152.3 N/M 64 170.8 N/M 64 121.3 N/M
PP-GoCn angle 245 23.1” 1.7” 64 19.8” 1.5” 64 31.6” 2.2”
Facial convex angle 245 169.5” 3.2” 64 172.8” 3.6” 64 163.8” 2.9”

N = Sample size.
X = Mean.
SD = Standard deviation.
N/M = Not meaningful.

Table II. Comparison of skeletal patterns, adolescents (9 to 15 yr)

Normal Hypodivergent Hyperdivergent
established N X N X N X

Maxillary length/mandibular length 245 1: .99* 64 1: .98* 64 1 : 1.01*

Maxillary length/LFH (average) 245 1: .99* 64 I:.88 64 1: 1.15
ALFHiAUFH 245 1: 1.21 64 1: 1.07 64 1:1.34
Posterior LEG (max)itotal length (max) 245 1: 1.50 64 I : 1.41 64 1:1.61
(sagittal ratio)
PLFHiALFH (vertical ratio) 245 1: 1.52 64 1:1.46 64 1:1.66

N = Sample size.
X = Mean.
SD = Standard deviation ~0.05
*Denotes equal counterparts.

cedure can be selected to restore a harmonious relation- as hyperdivergent. The proportional relationship be-
ship of the jaws to the rest of the face. tween various segments of the facial complex appears
In 1962 the quadrilateral analysis was formulated in Table II.
by Di Pao1o.j It attempts to identify skeletal devia-
tions, in size and position, in both the horizontal and
the vertical dimensions, regardless of dentoalveolar re-
lationships. It provides an individualized skeletal as- The maxillary base length is measured, in milli-
sessment of each patient. 6-g A statistical summary meters, horizontally between two points projected onto
comparing normal, hypodivergent, and hyperdivergent the palatal plane. The anterior limit of maxillary base
adolescent skeletal patterns appears in Table I. length is determined by projecting a perpendicular from
The mean age of these equally divided male and subspinale (PtA) upward to the palatal plane (ANS-
female patients was 12.6 years. When no sex-related PNS), while the posterior limit of maxillary base length
differences were observed, the statistical data were is determined by projecting a perpendicular from the
pooled. In order to group the patients into the different most inferior portion of the pterygomaxillary fissure
skeletal patterns, the palatal plane angle was used. (PTM) downward to the palatal plane.
Therefore, patients with a palatal plane angle of 22” to The mandibular base length is measured, in milli-
25” were considered normal, while those below 21” meters, horizontally between two points projected onto
were classified as hypodivergent, and those above 29” the mandibular plane (GoGn). The anterior limit of the
Am. .I. Orthod.
472 Di Paolo et ul. December 1984

Fig. 3. Variation of facial convexity due to relative size of the

maxilla and mandible.

Fig. 1. Dental assessment.

The angle formed is then bisected, and point J is lo-
cated where this line crosses the inner curvature of the
Anterior lower facial height (ALFH) is measured,
in millimeters, from the projection of point A onto the
palatal plane to the projection of point B onto the
gonion-gnathion plane. Posterior lower facial height
(PLFH) is measured, in millimeters, from the projec-
tion of PTM onto the palatal plane to the projection of
point J onto the gonion-gnathion plane. These four
measures (maxillary bony base length, mandibular
bony base length, anterior lower facial height, and
posterior lower facial height) form the basis for the
Fig. 2. Sagittal ratio. quadrilateral analysis of the lower face.
Anterior upper facial height (AUFH) is measured,
in millimeters, from the projection of point A onto the
mandibular base length is determined by projecting a palatal plane to nasion on the cranial base plane (S-N).
perpendicular from supramentale (PtB) downward to In reviewing Table II, the basic concept of lower
the mandibular plane (GoGn), while the posterior limit facial proportionality is illustrated. The quadrilateral
of the mandibular base length is determined by project- analysis indicates that in a balanced facial pattern
ing a perpendicular from point J downward to the a 1: 1 ratio exists between the maxillary bony base length
mandibular plane (GoGn). (Max.Lth.) and the mandibular bony base length
Point J is located at the deepest point of the curva- (Mand.Lth.); also, that the average of the anterior lower
ture formed at the junction of the anterior portion of the facial height (ALFH) and posterior lower facial height
ramus and the corpus of the mandible. Point J is the (PLFH) equals these bony base lengths. Simply stated,
cephalometric representation of the posterior limit of
the Max.Lth. = Man.Lth. = ALFH k PLFI-I’O
the denture base. 2 .
A line is drawn from articulare tangent to the most Enlow” has described a similar dimensional bal-
posterior point on the ramus. A parallel line is then ance that exists between the various parts and counter-
drawn through the innermost point on the curvature of parts of the face. He indicates that the counterpart
the anterior aspect of the ramus. At a point where principle is “ . . . the actual design basis upon which
the remaining alveolar crest contacts the last molar, the face is constructed and which underlies the plan of
a line is drawn parallel to the gonion-gnathion plane. its intrinsic growth process. ”
Volumv 86 Quadrilateral analysis 473
Number 6

Fig. 4. Variation of facial convexity due to relative position of the

maxilla and mandible.

Fig. 5. Variation of facial convexity due to increased lower facial
Variations in the cant of the cranial base make the height.
use of SNA and SNB angles unreliable; the greater the
degree of dysplasia, the less the reliability of these
measurements.12 The positioning of the incisor teeth in
relation to the nasion-point A line and the nasion-
point B line, therefore, also becomes questionable.13
The musculoskeletal pattern present, the relation of the
bony bases, and the convexity of the face are factors
that influence incisal positioning. It is essential that an
individualized balanced relationship exist between inci-
sal position, angle of facial convexity, and size of the
chin.14 This interdependence becomes very important
in surgical orthodontics. The malposition of the maxil-
lary and mandibular incisors can result in a surgical
malalignment of the maxillary and mandibular bony
base lengths. Although an acceptable dental occlusion
may be obtained, a Class II or Class III facial pattern
may result. l5 In order to determine proper maxillary
and mandibular incisor position, it is important first to Fig. 6. Variation of facial convexity due to spatial rotation (cant)
obtain normal denture base relationships cephalometri- of the lower face.
tally in the quadrilateral, in this way achieving a pro-
portionally balanced lower facial pattern.
to the most anterior point of the lower incisor is 2
Dental analysis (quadrilateral) mm 2 1 mm. The pogonion line is constructed by
Maxillary incisor position can be determined by drawing a line tangent to pogonion, parallel to anterior
drawing a line through point A parallel to the anterior lower facial height (ALFH). The most anterior point of
lower facial height (ALFH). A perpendicular from this the mandibular incisor should be + 2 mm to this line.
line to the most anterior point on the maxillary incisor This measurement will indicate if the chin is excessive
should result in a measurement of 5 mm -+ 1 mm. This or deficient in size (Fig. 1).
was derived from the same normal study of 245 patients
Sagittal ratio
previously stated. This analysis has an advantage be-
cause it relates the teeth to the lower facial convexity The sag&al ratio is important in assessing the rela-
rather than to a cranial base measure outside the lower tive anteroposterior position of the maxillary and man-
face. The same procedure is used for the mandibular dibular bony bases. Skeletal malformations of the jaws.
incisor by drawing the line through point B parallel to may be either in the bony bases or located posteriorly.
anterior lower facial height (ALFH). The perpendicular Therefore, pinpointing the area of the deformity will
474 Di Paolo et ul Am. J. Orthod.
December 1984

Fig. 7. Presurgical diagnostic records of Class III skeletal malocclusion

have a significant impact on whether or not certain lengths of the posterior legs (lines A and C). In bal-
surgical procedures are indicated. For example, if anced skeletal patterns the sagittal ratio in adolescents
we are to perform a surgical correction of a mandibular is 1.0: 1.50 -C 0.05;inadultsitis 1.0: 1.45 ? 0.05and
prognathism, it would be necessary to determine the sagittal angle is 23” ? 1”.
whether we should reduce the bony base lengths (body
ostectomy or sagittal split setback) or whether we Angle of facial convexity
should perform mandibular surgery posterior to the The angle of facial convexity is a measurement of
bony base area (vertical osteotomy, etc.).“j, l7 the skeletal profile. This angle is formed by the inter-
To determine differences in the sagittal relation of section of anterior lower facial height with anterior
the maxillary and mandibular bony base lengths, the upper facial height and relates the quadrilateral to the
lines that are used to measure the bony base lengths in upper face.
the quadrilateral pattern are extended posteriorly to It shows possible areas of skeletal discrepancies,
point x, which is the sagittal angle (Fig. 2). When the such as posture of the lower facial complex, cranial
anterior and posterior lower face heights are parallel base deflections, and bony base discrepancies. The
and the maxillary and mandibular bony bases are equal, degree of facial convexity will vary, depending upon
a proportional relation exists with sides A, B, C, and D the skeletal type and the position of the quadrilateral
of the similar isosceles triangles. The ratio of A to B pattern as it relates to the upper face. However, this
and C to D is called the sagittal ratio. Any forward angle of facial convexity may be the same with differ-
or retroposition of the bony base will cause unequal ent skeletal patterns. r8 (Various rotations of the lower
Volume 86 Quadrilateral analysis 475
Number 6

Fig. 8. Postsurgical diagnostic records (sagittal split set-back)

Fig. 9. Quadrilateral analysis indicates both anteroposterior and Fig. 10. Prediction tracing indicates that mandibular set-back
vertical skeletal discrepancies. alone would result in an anterior open bite.
Am. J. Orthod.
476 Di Paolo et al. Lkmzbw 1984

Fig. 11. Presurgical diagnostic records of a Class III open-bite skeletal malocclusion

facial complex result in different profiles yet lower 4. The spatial rotation of the lower face (quad-
“balanced” relationship of the dental arches.) This is rilateral) to the upper anterior face height. This is de-
the result of: termined by the cant of the palatal plane to anterior
1. Relative size differences of the maxillary and upper facial height (Fig. 6).
mandibular bony bases. This is determined by mea- In examining Figs. 3 to 6, each patient has approx-
suring the point A-PTM and point B-point J lengths imately the same angle of facial convexity but exhibits
(Fig. 3). different skeletal problems.
2. Relative position of the maxillary and mandibu- Hard- and soft-tissue profile analyses are important
lar bony bases. This is determined by examining the in assessing the role of surgical procedures necessary for
sagittal ratio of the anterior and posterior legs (Fig. 4). patients with skeletal dysplasias.lg Surgery, however,
3. Vertical dysplasia of the lower face. This is de- based only on a profile assessment, arbitrarily adjusting
termined by examining the average of the anterior and cranial base, visual treatment objectives, or template
posterior lower facial heights as they relate to the bony analysis, may not result in an acceptable result.
bases and further by examining the ALFH to PLFH Enlow has demonstrated that there is a wide variety of
ratio (Fig. 5). skeletal compensations that can exist within similar
Volume 86 Quadrilateral analysis 477
Number 6

Fig. 12. Postsurgical diagnostic records (mandibular subapical set-back).

overall skeletal patterns. 2oBecause ofthe multiple sites of

facial growth and the compensatory variations that can
occurineach area, it would bemisleadingtocategorizeall
anteroposterior skeletal dysplasias as having small or
large bony bases or that all high mandibular plane angles
have open-bite skeletal patterns. Consequently, prog-
nathic, retrognathic, or vertically aberrant skeletal pat-
terns are difficult to differentiate with most of the cepha- Fig. 13. Diagrammatic depiction of surgical shortening of man-
lometric standards and norms that are presently being dibular posterior leg.
used. We are giving a cephalometric means of analyzing
wherever these growth compensations are occurring. ment planning of skeletal malocclusions. The first three
cases present an interesting diagnostic problem. They
DISCUSSION all have crossbite relations of the maxillary and man-
The following cases are presented to illustrate the dibular incisors, concave facial profiles, and negative
use of the quadrilateral analysis in diagnosis and treat- ANB angles. However, the quadrilateral analysis indi-
478 Di Paolo et al.

Fig. 14. Presurgical diagnostic records of a Class Ill skeletal malocclusion.

cates that we are treating very different problems, each GoGn-SN angle was 41”. If surgery were performed on the
requiring a different surgical approach.21a 22 basis of this diagnostic information, the procedure would
most likely be a combination of maxillary advancement and
impaction. However, these cephalometric measurements did
A 1&year-old white girl presented clinically with a Class not indicate the location of the deformity and the amount of
III malocclusion and a complete anterior crossbite. There was surgical correction needed.
minimal vertical overbite of the central incisors with an open With the severe lingualization of the mandibular incisors
bite extending bilaterally from the lateral incisors to the sec- and the excessive curve of Spee, it would be difficult to create
ond premolars. Cephalometrically, the patient had an angle of an acceptable occlusion without some preoperative orthodon-
facial convexity of 183” with a concave profile. tic treatment to establish proper incisal positioning.
This skeletal malocclusion could be classified as a Class Examination of the quadrilateral analysis indicated that
III maxillary retrusion with vertical excess. The SNA was 74” the maxillary bony base length was 50 mm and the mandibu-
and the SNB was 70”. The ANB difference was -4”, and the lar bony base length was 59 mm. There was a 9 mm discrep-
Volume 86 Quadrilateral analysis 479
Number 6

Fig. 15. Postsurgical diagnostic records (vertical osteotomy)

ancy anteroposteriorly between maxillary and mandibular

bony base lengths. If the mandibular bony base length were
reduced 9 mm, the average of the ALFH and PLFH would be
proportional (? 1.S mm) to the maxillary bony base length

(50 mm = 59 - 9 mm = v mm). In examining the

posterior legs of the quadrilateral, we see a harmony of maxil-

lary and mandibular bony base positioning (71 mm = 71
mm), indicating that the skeletal dysplasia was within the Fig. 16. Diagrammatic depiction of surgical shortenil of man-
bony base length and not located posteriorly (ramus, gonial dibular posterior leg.
angle, etc.).
The plan of treatment consisted of 18 months of presurgi-
cal orthodontic correction to align the maxillary and mandibu-
lar teeth within each jaw. A sagittal split procedure resulted in A 16%-year-old white girl presented clinical 1Y with a
a mandibular reduction of 7 mm. The angle of facial convex- Class III malocclusion, a complete anterior crossh bitt:, and a
ity was improved to 171” (Figs. 7 and 8). minimal vertical overbite. There were congenital1 Y missing
Am. .I. Orthod.
December 1984

Fig. 17. Presurgical diagnostic records of a Class II skeletal malocclusion.

maxillary lateral incisors with slight lower incisor crowding. angles, an anteroposterior reduction would be achieved but an
Cephalometrically, the maxillary and mandibular incisors anterior open bite would occur (Fig. 10).
were well positioned to the individual bony bases; the The plan of treatment consisted of presurgical orthodontic
posterior legs were in harmony; and the angle of facial con- correction. Mandibular first premolars were removed and a 7
vexity was 175”. mm subapical reduction was performed. This developed an
The quadrilateral analysis indicated a 7 mm discrepancy anteroposterior bony arch balance and created a chin that was
of the maxillary and mandibular bony base lengths (47 in balance with the lower incisor position. The angle of facial
mm = 54 mm). If the mandibular bony base length were convexity was improved to 169” (Figs. 11 and 12).
reduced 7 mm, the average of the ALFH and PLFH would
be not proportional but excessive (47 mm = 54 mm - 7 CASE 3
46 + 68
mm = p). This indicated that we were dealing with an A 17.year-old white girl presented clinically with a Class
2 Ill malocclusion, a complete anterior crossbite, and 3 to 4
anteroposterior and vertical skeletal discrepancy (Fig. 9). mm of vertical overbite. The maxillary first premolars were
These findings should significantly influence our surgi- missing and the mandibular first premolars were malformed.
cal approach. If we were to perform a vertical ostectomy or The maxillary arch was constricted, and there was moderate
sagittal split and maintain the occlusal and mandibular plane lower incisor crowding.
Volume 86 Quadrilateral analysis 481
,Yumbrr 6

Fig. 18. Postsurgical diagnostic records (mandibular advancement)

Cephalometrically, the maxillary and mandibular incisors
were well positioned to the individual bony bases. The angle A 19.year-old white woman presented clinically with a
of facial convexity was 179’ with a concave profile. Class II malocclusion, a 10 mm horizontal overjet, and a deep
The quadrilateral analysis indicated that the maxillary vertical overbite. All teeth were present, and there was minimal
bony base and mandibular bony base lengths were 51 mm. lower incisor crowding. Maxillary width was constricted in the
There was no anteroposterior discrepancy in these lengths, canine region with 3 to 4 mm of maxillary incisor spacing.
and yet a skeletal Class III malocclusion did exist! In ex- Cephalometrically, the mandibular incisors were well
amining the posterior legs, we see a disharmony between positioned to the mandibular bony base while the maxillary
skeletal positioning of the maxilla and mandible (128 mm = incisors were 10 mm anterior to the maxillary bony base. The
136 mm). This indicates that the skeletal dysplasia was angle of facial convexity was 164” with a convex profile and
posterior to the mandibular bony length. retruded chin prominence.
The plan of treatment consisted of removal of the man- The quadrilateral analysis indicated that there was no an-
dibular first premolars and 14 months of presurgical ortho- teroposterior discrepancy in the bony base lengths (49 mm =
dontic correction. A vertical osteotomy was performed, re- 49 mm). However, there was a severe Class II skeletal
sulting in an 8 mm reduction pnsrerior to the bony base malocclusion! In examining the posterior legs, we see that a
lengths (Fig. 13). The angle of facial convexity was improved skeletal disharmony posterior to the denture base is evident
to 168” (Figs. 14 and 15). (125 mm = 118 mm).
482 Di Pa010 et al. Am J Orthod.
Drwmher 19x4

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