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Half Yearly Examination (First Term) -2021-22

Class – X
Maximum Mark: 40 Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for the questions are given in brackets [ ]
Select the correct option for each of the following questions.

SECTION I (15 Marks)

Question 1
Name the following by choosing the correct option: [5]
(a) A leaf with sunken stomata.
1. Hybiscus 2. Nerium 3.Coleus 4.Palm
(b) The number of daughter cells produced during mitosis.
1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 8
(c) The smallest unit of light energy.
1. Micron 2. Axon 3. Photon 4. Cyton
(d) The solution in which the cell shrinks in size and loses shape.
1. Hypertonic 2. Isotonic 3. Hypotonic 4. Distilled water
(e) The alternative form of a gene.
1. Trait 2. Character 3. Allele 4. Gametes

Question 2
Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate option for each blank: [5]
(a) Wooden doors swell up during rainy season due to ………………………..
1. Osmosis 2. Diffusion 3. Imbibition 4. Transpiration
(b) Cobalt chloride paper is an indicator of moisture which turns --------
1. Blue when exposed to moisture. 2. Pink in dry condition
3. Pink when exposed to moisture 4. Green in dry condition
(c) The rapid drooping of the leaves of the sensitive plant is an outstanding example of………….
1. Guttation 2. Bleeding 3. Imbibition 4. Turgor movement
(d) …………………….. is an X-linked inheritance.
1. Night blindness 2. Color-blindness 3. Xerophthalmia 4. Ulceration
(e) The external factor that reduce the rate of transpiration is ………………..
1. Light 2. High temperature 3. Dry Wind 4. Humidity

Question 3.
Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below: [5]
(a) Which one of the following is called the genetic disorder?
1. Typhoid 2. Cholera 3. Polio 4. Haemophilia
(b) Which apparatus is used for measuring the rate of transpiration
1. Potometer 2. Manometer 3. Barometer 4. Hygrometer
(c) The site for light reaction
1. Stroma 2. Thylakoid 3. Cuticle 4. Xylem
(d) A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same size and shape, one from each parent.
1. Karyotype 2. Homologous chromosomes 3. Heterosomes 4. Allosomes
(e) The process by which water enters root hairs from the soil
1. Osmosis 2. Guttation 3. Transpiration 4. Active transport
SECTION II (15 marks)
Question 4
Explain the following terms: [5]
(a) Photolysis
1. Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the presence of light in grana.
2. Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the presence of light in the stroma.
3. Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the absence of light in grana.
4. Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen in the absence of light in stoma.

(b) Active transport

1. Passage of water from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane without any
expenditure of energy.
2. Passage of ions from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane without any
expenditure of energy.
3. Passage of water from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane using energy from
the cell.
4. Passage of ions from its lower to higher concentration through a cell membrane using energy from the
(c) Polymerisation
1. Several glucose molecules are transformed to produce one molecule of starch.
2. The process of conversion of ADP into ATP by adding one inorganic phosphate.
3. The process of preparation of food by green plants.
4. The process of removal of water vapour from the aerial parts of the plants.
(d) Phenotype
1. The set of genes present in the cells of an organism.
2. The observable characteristic which is genetically controlled
3. Similar pair of genes
4. Dissimilar pair of genes
(e) Mutation
1. It is a sudden change in one or more genes
2. Alternative form of a gene
3. Specific part of a chromosome
4. Alternative form of a character

Question 5.
State the location of the following: [5]
(a) Stomata
1. More the upper surface of dorsiventral leaves
2. More on the lower surface of dorsiventral leaves
3. Both upper and lower surface of the dorsiventral leaves
4. None of the above
(b) Genes
1. Chromosome
2. Centrosome
3. Centriole
4. Centromere
(c) Spongy parenchyma
1. Between the upper and lower epidermis of dicot leaves
2. Between the lower epidermis and palisade parenchyma of dicot leaves
3. Between the upper epidermis and palisade parenchyma of dicot leaves
4. Between the upper and lower epidermis of monocot leaves
(d) Guard cells
1. Parenchyma of root
2. Epidermis of leaf
3. Collenchyma of stem
4. Sclerenchyma of stem
(e) Cell membrane
1. Inside nucleus
2. Outermost layer of Plant cell
3. Outermost layer of Animal cell
4. Around cell wall
Question 6
State the function of the following: [5]
(a) Hydathode
1. Helps in transpiration
2. Helps in guttation
3. Helps in imbibition
4. Helps in transportation of water
(b) Phloem
1. Conduction of food
2. Conduction of water and food
3. Conduction of water and minerals from the root to the other parts of the plant
4. None of these
(c) Cuticle
1. For exchange of gases
2. For rapid transport of water
3. To reduce the distance between the cells
4. To allow light to enter freely on leaves
(d) Methylated Spirit
1. To test the leaf for starch
2. To remove chlorophyll from leaves
3. To kill the cells
4. To soften the leaves
(e) Root hair
1. To remove excess water from roots
2. To conduct water molecules upto Xylem cells
3. To absorb water and minerals from the soil
4. To prepare food for the plants

SECTION III (10 marks)

Question 7
Given below is a diagram representing a stage during mitotic cell division. Answer the questions that
follow. [5]

(a) Identify the stage

1. Telophase
2. Prophase
3. Metaphase
4. Anaphase
(b) Identify the correct order of labeling in the diagram
1. (i) Chromatid (ii) Aster (iii) Spindle fibre
2. (i) Spindle fibre (ii) Aster (iii) Chromatid
3. (i) Spindle fibre (ii) Chromatid (iii) Aster
4. (i) Aster (ii) Chromatid (iii) Spindle fibre
(c) Name the stage prior to the one shown here
1. Telophase
2. Prophase
3. Metaphase
4. Anaphase
(d) Mention one important feature of this stage
1. Nucleolus reappears
2. Nuclear membrane reappears
3. Nuclear membrane disappears
4. Separation of sister chromatids towards opposite poles
(e) Identify the part where this type of cell division occurs
1. Testes
2. Ovary
3. Pollen
4. Root
Question 8
Given below is an experiment related to photosynthesis. Study the same and answer the questions that
follow. [5]

(a) Name the aspect of photosynthesis studied through this experiment.

1. CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis
2. O2 is necessary for photosynthesis
3. O2 is given out during photosynthesis
4. CO2 is given out during photosynthesis
(b) Name the chemical represented as X in the figure
1. NaCl
2. H20
3. KOH
4. KMnO4
(c) State the balanced chemical equation of photosynthesis

1. 4CO2 + 8H2O C4H22O6 + 6H2O

2. 5CO2 + 10H2O C6H12O6 +5H2O + 6O2

3. 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 +6H20 + 6O2

4. 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 12H2O

(d) State the process which has been performed before the experiment to de-starch the leaf
1. The plant should be kept in dark room from 24-48 hours
2. The plant should be kept in sunlight for 24-48 hours
3. The plant should be immersed in water for 24-48 hours
4. The plant should be kept in sunlight for 1 hour
(e) State the colour of the part of the leaf which is placed inside the bottle after performing starch test.
1. Blue-black
2. Brown
3. Only blue
4. Only black


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