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Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

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A novel solar photovoltaic system with pumped-water storage for T

continuous power at constant voltage
Bahadur Singh Pali , Shelly Vadhera

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India


Keywords: A novel off-grid small power generation system using locally available sources is proposed in this paper for the
Constant voltage areas, where the open-wells or the permanent sources of water are available. Although, the system can be
Continuous power installed anywhere, but its installation in remote and rural areas, where there is no access of electricity, can be an
Energy storage interesting application. The proposed system comprises of a solar photovoltaic (SPV) system, solar water pump,
Solar photovoltaic system
pico-hydro turbine-generator and pumped-hydro energy storage system. Its operation is quite different from all
Sustainable energy
other existing SPV power generating systems. In this paper, an innovative power generation technique is de-
veloped, due to which the output power of the proposed system is absolutely unaffected by the changes that
occur in solar irradiation. The proposed system does not require the use of batteries, inverter, transformer, and
charging or controlling circuits at all. The attractive features of the system are simplicity, reliability and ability
to generate continuous power at constant voltage irrespective of variations or absence of solar irradiation. The
mathematical model of the proposed system has been developed in the paper. The simulation is carried out using
real solar irradiation for performance evaluation of the proposed model.

1. Introduction instead of conventional systems like diesel engine driven power sys-
tems, the installation of small off-grid renewable energy (RE) power
Among all the renewable energy sources (RESs), the wind and solar generation system, may be an interesting application of RES.
are the most widely used energies for sustainable power generation [1], Therefore, in view of providing clean energy excess, an isolated
because of their free and easy availability in abundance on the earth solar photovoltaic (SPV) power generation system suitable for the
[2]. Despite the continuous and tremendous development in their people of these remote and rural areas is proposed in this paper. The
power generation technologies, the present renewable power genera- proposed system is entirely different from all existing solar power
tion systems are still not reliable and adequate to fulfil the global de- generation systems. The electric power, in the proposed system, is
mand of clean energy. Many issues, challenges and problems such as generated by the hydro-power which is stored by the solar water pump
grid integration, power quality, cost, plant failures [1,3,4] are still the (SWS) in the form of potential energy of water in a reservoir. However,
matter of concern. A large number of people still live without electricity the hydro-power is used to generate electric power in previous research
access. Even in China, the country having the highest wind power in- [9] also, but the proposed system is fundamentally quite different from
stalled capacity in the world [5], 2.4 million households do not have the previous research and has many major benefits over the previous
electricity access as per Small Wind World Report 2016 presented by one [9]. The primary source of energy in the proposed system is sun,
World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) [6]. According to United while in the previous system it is wind and not the sun, because of
Nations and The Secretary General’s Advisory Group Report 2010, which the previous systems cannot be installed in the areas where the
worldwide about 1.5 billion people have no electricity access and up to daily average wind speed is too low or the wind variations are quick,
one billion more people have not connections from reliable electricity frequent, sharp and large. In such places, the present system can be
networks [7]. There is still no hope of electricity access in many of such installed without any operational problems. Moreover, the wind system
remote and rural areas, because the installation of new power sub- produces the noise pollution, which is undesirable in residential lo-
stations and transmission lines is not economically feasible due to the calities. While, the SPV power system operates silently without un-
geographical constraints in these localities. The off-grid power gen- desirable noise. Not only this, but also in a study conducted in [10], it is
eration systems are the only option to electrify these areas [8], but observed that the solar energy is the best option for future energy

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B.S. Pali).
Received 21 October 2018; Accepted 3 December 2018
Available online 14 December 2018
0196-8904/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

Nomenclature PPV power output from the SPV

PSP power input to the SWP
APV area of solar array, m2 PHES pumped-hydro energy storage
AUR area of upper reservoir, m2 PHT pico-hydro turbine
AC alternating current PSC perovskite solar cell
DC direct current PV photovoltaic
EES electrical energy storage QHT water discharge rate of hydro turbine, m3/s
G solar irradiance, W/m2 QSP water discharge rate of SWP, m3/s
GSTC solar irradiance at standard test conditions, W/m2 RE renewable energy
g acceleration due to gravity, m/s2 RES renewable energy source
HHT water head of pico-hydro turbine, m RL load resistance, Ω
Hin initial PHT head at the start of a time interval, m W water density, kg/m3
Hmax maximum water head of PHT, m SPV solar photovoltaic
Mmin minimum water head of PHT, m SPVWPS solar photovoltaic water pumping system
HSP water head of solar water pump, m STC standard test conditions
Imp current at maximum power, A SWP solar water pump
Isc short circuit current, A T time after beginning of a time interval, sec
MPPT maximum power point tracker UP Uttar Pradesh
efficiency of the SPV system UR upper reservoir
Vmp voltage at maximum power, V
overall efficiency of solar water pump
Vo system output voltage, V
TG overall efficiency of pico-hydro turbine-generator Voc open circuit voltage, V
Pmax maximum power, W WES wind energy system
Po system output power, W

requirement and is superior as compared to other renewable energies maximum power points of both PV and wind energy systems (WES) and
because of its availability, capacity, accessibility, cost effectiveness and is implemented in a wind-solar hybrid system, which uses a fuel cell for
efficiency. The rapid annual growth rate of 35–40%, the PV production power back-up. In another study carried out in [19], an MPPT system
about 10.66 GW in 2009 and the record efficiency of thin film solar under overcast and cloudy conditions is optimized and it is observed
cells from 16.5 to 20%, have made the SPV systems to be considered as that the daily increments in solar irradiation were registered up to
one of the best choices for the world energy requirement for sustainable 19.91% in the plane of array. A clear and comprehensive study of the
future [11]. important existing EES technologies along with their principles of op-
The installation cost of SPV systems has also come down due to the eration, economic and technical performance features is conducted in
remarkable improvements in solar cells efficiencies. In a study con- [20], which suggests their suitable integration into power generation
ducted in [12] to review the past, present and future of thin films solar systems. In spite of the fact that the hybrid systems of solar and wind
cells, it is found that the efficiency of thin films solar cells reaches close energies improve the system efficiency, power reliability and are be-
to 22%. Another study [13] reports that the fast development of halide coming more and more popular [2], these systems still need a con-
perovskite solar cells (PSC) has enhanced their power conversion effi- tinuous research for the development in their power generation tech-
ciency even over to 22%. A new design of PSC using kesterite mesos- nology to improve the system reliability, performance and power
tructure presented in [14] demonstrates an amazing enhancement in quality [2,16].
the efficiency up to 29%. Further research is still being continued on In developing countries, the batteries are largely used for EES in SPV
PSC. The recent enhancements at such a high rate in power conversion off-grid systems, but the frequent charging and discharging of batteries
efficiency may put the PSC at the best place among new generation for longer period create problems and give rise to system failure. In a
solar cells replacing the traditional Silicon solar cell [15]. study [21] conducted in Ethiopia for monitoring of 31 off-grid solar
Despite of the fact that the solar energy alike wind energy is also power systems starting from installation to system failure, it is found
omnipresent and environmental friendly [2,16], it has a major draw- that the main cause of the systems failure is the failure of batteries.
back, that is its variable and intermittent nature, because of which the In addition to batteries, another very popular EES, which is used all
power output from SPV systems is not continuous and constant. In view over the world for a long time is the pumped-hydro energy storage
of variable characteristics of solar irradiation, the SPV power systems (PHES) system. The PHES system for energy storage in isolated re-
are required to have the capability to handle the fluctuations and un- newable energy (RE) power systems is a promising and efficient solu-
certainty of power output [17]. Therefore, in order to avail the con- tion in view of continuous and reliable power supply for electrification
tinuous power, the hybrid system of solar and other energies is an in- in remote and rural areas [22]. The other studies conducted in [23–26],
dispensable requirement. The hybrid combination of RESs such as solar explore that the PHES is a commercially acceptable and well-estab-
and wind also needs some electrical energy storage (EES) devices for lished technology for EES, which is suitable for off-grid as well as grid-
stand-alone applications. A lot of research work has been done in this connected RE power generation systems and is being used all over the
direction and several studies and research papers on the hybrid systems world since as early as 1890s. This technology is capable to store energy
of solar energy with renewable or non-renewable energy systems along in bulk as well as at a very small scale also.
with various types of EES schemes are available in the literature. An In all existing solar power systems that have PHES for energy sto-
overview of the current state of the optimization, simulation and con- rage, the power generated from the SPV system is directly supplied to
trol technologies for the isolated hybrid system of solar and wind en- the load through converters/inverters and controlling circuits. When
ergies using batteries for EES is presented in [2]. In order to handle the the power generated is in excess or in surplus, it is stored in the PHES
power fluctuations, a suitable maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system in the form of potential energy of water. The energy thus stored
system is required to be used with the SPV system. A fast and very is used latter to generate power, when needed. A grid-connected SPV
accurate unified MPPT system is presented in [18] for tracking the power generation system with pico-hydro turbine, hydraulic pump and

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

PHES with open well for minimization of residential electricity bill is the maximum solar irradiation from the available one, an appropriate
described in [27], in which, the pump gets power when the energy MPPT can also be used with SPV system.
generated is in excess, surplus or from the grid at night when the energy A suitable open-well is utilized as the lower reservoir of the PHES
is cheaper and sucks water from the open well for storing it into the system. The SWP and PHT-generator are mounted separately on two
upper reservoir. During the day when the electricity prices are higher, suitable foundations having supports of sufficient strength inside the
the electric power is generated using the water thus stored and is sold at open-well just above the water level. If submersible type of SWP is used,
high rates. An off-grid solar-wind hybrid power generation system it remains inside the water. The UR is constructed on the ground in such
comprising of a PHES, pico-hydro turbine, open-well and submersible a way so that the head available due to the distance between the centre
pump is presented in [28], which also supplies power to the water of the PHT impeller and the upper inside surface of the UR is equal to
pump to store water when the energy generated is in excess or surplus. the maximum water head required for the PHT used. The head of the
The water thus stored is used to generate power when needed. SWP is equal to the distance between the water level in the well and the
In addition to hydro power generation, the other part of the meth- upper surface of UR. The penstock through a water controlling valve is
odology adopted in the proposed system is the direct supply of the connected between the UR and the PHT. Another pipe is connected
power generated by the SPV to the SWP throughout the day instead of between the SWP and the UR for storing water in the UR. An overflow
consumer load, which is a new concept in SPV power generation. pipe is also connected in the UR, in view of discharging the extra water
However, the solar photovoltaic water pumping system (SPVWPS), again into the well from the UR, if it is over filled. In order to supply the
which comprises of a mechanical pump directly powered by SPV system electric power generated by the SPV system to SWP, an electric cable is
is being used for a long past in other applications like irrigation and carefully installed in between the two.
water supplies.
The first direct coupled SPVWPS using DC motor was introduced in
2.2. System operation
late 1970s [29]. The SPVWPS is the promising substitute to the con-
ventional pumping system and is the sustainable and cost-effective
Unlike all other existing SPV power systems, the SPV power gen-
approach [30–32]. It has been broadly used in the remote and rural
erated in the proposed system is directly and solely supplied to the SWP
areas of developing countries for the irrigation of agricultural crops and
all the time throughout its operation instead of the load. The SWP sucks
fulfilling the water need of industrial as well as domestic sectors
water from the open well and stores it into the UR. The water thus
[31,33]. The SPVWPS is economically viable in comparison to diesel
stored in the UR falls on the PHT impeller blades through the penstock.
and electricity based pumping systems and its investment package is
The potential energy of water is now converted into the kinetic energy
found to be 4–6 years [29]. These pumping systems are capable to lift
and produces rotational motion in the PHT impeller, which rotates the
water ranging from 5 m to more than 200 m with the daily outputs of
generator coupled with it. The generator thus generates electric power
water volume up to 250 m3 [29].
and supplies the same to the consumer load. The water, after imparting
A detailed design of a standalone SPVWPS for pumping under-
its energy to the PHT impeller, is discharged into the well from where it
ground water from a well having static water level of 147.3 m with
is again stored in the UR by the SWP and then again falls on the PHT
288 m3/h flow rate of water, is presented in [34]. A case study con-
impeller through the penstock. This cycle, using the same quantity of
ducted in [35] for comparative performance of 4 small SPVWPS at
water is repeated again and again and the continuous power supply is
Madinah, Soudi Arabia, claims that at 80 m of water head, the average
maintained throughout the system operation.
daily water volume from solar water pumping systems at maximum
The capacities of SPV system, SWP and UR, in the proposed system,
power of 0.7, 0.75, 0.9 and 1.0 kW is 15, 20.9 21.8 and 22 m3 respec-
tively. Another study [36] conducted at Northern Tunisia for a
SPVWPS, which uses a 101.5 m2 of PV module’s surface, claims that the
daily water volume vary as 274, 281.6, 291, 321 and 321 m3 during
March to July respectively.
Despite so many attractive features, the main drawbacks of the solar
energy, due to which all the solar energy based systems suffer, are its
variable nature and its absence in night, but the proposed system takes
due care of these issues and generates continuous power at the constant
voltage nearly equal to the rated one, irrespective of variations and
absence of solar irradiance in night. In view of the systematic study of
the proposed system, this paper is organized as follows: the Section 2 of
the paper presents the proposed system description; Section 3 provides
the technical features; Section 4 describes the system modelling; the
component selection and design procedure are described in Section 5;
the Section 6 presents the simulation results and discussion; the Section
7 gives the conclusions; and the references are listed in the last.

2. Proposed system description

In order to describe the proposed SPV-PHES power generation

system in a clear and systematic way, all its aspects are described in
following sub-sections:

2.1. System configuration

The main constituents of the present power generation system are

SPV system, SWP, pico-hydro turbine (PHT)-generator, penstock, water
controlling valves, floating valve and PHES system which includes an
open-well and upper reservoir (UR) as depicted in Fig. 1. For extracting Fig. 1. Proposed solar-PHES power system.

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

are designed in such a way so that, during the day time, the proposed 3.2. Cost and robustness
system is capable to store the adequate quantity of the water that is
needed to run the system for power generation throughout the whole In the proposed system, the water is stored by the SWP, which gets
day and night continuously under the specified daily solar irradiation. electric power supplied by the SPV system. The hydropower thus stored
Thus, if the UR is fully filled with water before starting the system generates power using a PHT-generator.
operation, the proposed system runs continuously throughout the day While, in all the existing SPV-PHES power systems, the converters,
and night giving the power generated independent of solar irradiation inverters and controlling circuits are necessarily required [27,28].
at all. In fact, the power output from the proposed system depends on Moreover, the batteries and their charging circuits are also not com-
the PHT water discharge rate and the water head available due to the pletely eliminated in the existing isolated SPV-PHES systems [26,28].
distance between the PHT impeller and the maximum water level inside Therefore, the existing systems involve more installation cost and are
the UR, which is constant and is fixed equal to the maximum water more complicated and prone to failure in comparison to the proposed
head needed for the PHT used in the system. Therefore, if the PHT system. Secondly, because of the frequent maintenance and repairing
water discharge rate is once adjusted to generate voltage equal to the charges of above accessories plus replacement cost of batteries after
rated one, the proposed system generates continuous power at constant every 3–4 years, the power generation cost of the existing off-grid SPV-
voltage nearly equal to the rated one irrespective of solar irradiation PHES systems is also more than that of the proposed system. Moreover,
changes or its absence in night. The solar irradiation changes, in the in most of the cases, the main cause of the failure of existing SPV sys-
proposed system, affect the water discharge rate of the SWP only, due to tems is the batteries failure [21].
which the filling rate of water to be stored in the UR is affected, but not On the other hand, due to the complete elimination of the above
the power generated. Hence, the power output of the proposed system accessories, the proposed system is quite simple, more reliable and
is absolutely unaffected by the changes or even by the absence of solar robust in comparison to existing ones.
However, when the solar irradiation is poor in the day or zero at 3.3. Stability
night, the SWP discharge and hence the water filling rate in UR is either
less than the PHT discharge rate or zero, due to which the water level of Alike wind, the solar energy is also of variable and intermittent
the UR begins to fall. In such situations, the PHT water head starts to nature, because of which the power available from the existing SPV
decrease due to the fall in water level inside the UR from its maximum systems is not stable, but in the proposed system, the power generation
point. Therefore, in order to maintain the PHT water head almost is continuous and stable having output voltage almost constant without
constant, a very simple, easy and novel technique is proposed in this affecting by the changes in solar irradiation as discussed in Section 2.2
paper, which does not allow the variation in the PHT head beyond a above.
specified limit. Thus, the PHT water head is achieved almost constant in
the proposed system by way of the proposed technique, according to 3.4. Novel features
which, the inside height of the UR is designed sufficiently less than the
difference between the maximum and minimum specified water head Although, the use of MPPT allows continuous power at constant
limits of the PHT used. In doing so, the maximum change in PHT water voltage in many previous researches, but the MPPT is useful in the
head is limited up to the inside height of UR only, which is small in the presence of solar irradiance only. Therefore, the existing SPV systems
proposed system and so the variation in PHT water head is negligible. cannot supply power in night even with MPPT. If the batteries are used
Hence, the proposed system is self-sufficient to maintain the PHT head for continuous supply, the SPV systems suffer from the drawbacks as-
almost constant, which is a necessary requirement for power generation sociated with the use of batteries as discussed above in Section 3.2, but,
at constant voltage. the proposed system continuously operates in the day as well as in night
In order to make the system unaffected by the load variations, the equally with stable power output as described in Section 2.2. Hence, the
power balance in the proposed system can easily be maintained simply continuous power generation throughout the day and night at constant
by the resistive dummy loads, each of which is separately connected in voltage equal to rated one irrespective of solar irradiance changes or its
parallel with each actual load through a two-way switch. When the absence in night and without using batteries, converters, inverters,
actual load is switched off through the two-way switch, the dummy charging and controlling circuits etc. is the novelty of the present
load is automatically switched on and vice-versa. system in addition to simplicity and reliability.
One important aspect to be noted is that during the proposed system
operation, there is some probability of getting the well water to be con-
4. System modelling
taminated. Therefore, in view of avoiding even the least chances of impurity
in drinking water, any one of the cost effective and efficient methods de-
The main constituents of the present SPV-PHES system are the SPV
scribed in [37,38] can be incorporated with the present system.
array, SWP, PHT open well and the UR. Therefore, the complete model
of the proposed system comprises of its constituents modelling as de-
3. Technical features
scribed below:
The prominent and necessary features of the methodology adopted
in the proposed system are briefly and precisely described below: 4.1. Solar photovoltaic array

3.1. Feasibility and reliability The typical I-V and P-V characteristics of the SPV panel can be
plotted using the single-diode Rp- model [39] as given below:
In the proposed system, the power is generated from the hydro q (V + IRs ) V + IRs
power stored in the PHES system, which is already a matured, estab- I = Iph I0 exp 1
akT Rp (1)
lished and commercially proven technology [23–26]. The other part of
the system is the direct use of SPV power to the SWP, which is a new where I is the output current; Iph is the photocurrent, the magnitude of
concept in SPV power generation, but is a viable, reliable, commercially which depends on the flux of incident irradiation and the absorption
proven, sustainable and cost effective approach [29–32]. capacity of the semiconductor material; I0 is the saturation current; q is
Hence, the methodology proposed in the present system is feasible, the absolute value of the charge of electron; V is the output voltage; a is
reliable and practically viable. the ideality (quality) factor; k is the Boltzmann’s constant; T is the

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

temperature of the junction (K), Rs and Rp are the series and shunt re- (9)
W gHSP QSP = SP (PSP ) = SP [PPV ]
sistances. The ratio, kT/q is known as the thermal voltage, Vt.
Further, at standard test conditions (STC), Iph is equal to the short- where W is the water density in kg/m , g acceleration due to gravity in
circuit current, Isc [40] and is directly proportional to the solar irra- m/s2, HSP effective water head of the SWP in m, QSP is the water dis-
diance, G [41]. Hence, charge rate of the SWP in m3/s and ήSP is the overall efficiency of the
Iph (STC ) = Isc (STC ) (2)
From (9), the sucking rate of the water from the well is equal to the
and discharge rate of the water into the UR and can be expressed as:
Isc (G) = Isc (STC ) SP (PPV )
G(STC ) (3) QSP =
W gHSP (10)
where Iph(STC), Isc(STC) and G(STC) are the photo current, short circuit
current and solar irradiance under STC.
4.3. Pico-hydro turbine-generator
Also, the power output, P of a PV cell can be expressed as:
P = VI (4) The output power of the proposed system is equal to the power
The magnitude of the voltage and current of the solar panel is equal generated by the PHT-generator, which can be expressed as:
to the sum of voltages and currents generated by the number of solar
PO = TG W gHHT QHT (11)
cells connected in series and parallel respectively. Hence, the power of
the SPV system depends largely on the solar irradiance. However, the where PO is the system output power in W, TG is the overall efficiency
ambient temperature, wind speed and the SPV panel characteristics also of the PHT-generator set, HHT is the PHT water head in m and QHT is the
affect the SPV power. water discharge rate of the PHT in m3/s.
In the proposed system, the SPV power generated is imparted to the If the load is assumed to be resistive, the system output voltage is
SWP, which sucks water from the open well and stores it in the UR. given by:
Thus, the system output power, which is generated by hydro power, is
entirely unaffected by the SPV power. Therefore, if the factors other VO = [PO × RL] (12)
than the solar irradiance are ignored in computation of SPV output
where VO is the system output voltage in V and RL is the load resistance
power from available irradiance, there will be no mistake or wrong
in Ω.
consequences on the part of the system output power. However, the
SWP power may be affected a little. Hence from (3) and (4), the SPV
4.4. Upper reservoir
output power, PPV(G) at any available solar irradiance, G can be ex-
pressed as:
The rates of incoming water into the UR and that of outgoing water
G from it are equal to the discharge rates of the SWP and the PHT re-
PPV (G) = PPV (STC )
GSTC (5) spectively. Therefore, the both UR water level and the PHT water head
are constant, if
where PPV(STC) is the maximum power available from a SPV panel
having its surface perpendicular to the solar irradiance falling on it QSP = QHT (13)
under STC. The SWP discharge rate depends on the solar irradiation. Therefore,
Each solar panel has its own efficiency of converting the solar ir- it is variable and there may be two probabilities as given below:
radiance into electrical power. Hence, the output power of the SPV
system, PPV(G), which is practically equivalent to (5), can also be ex- QSP < QHT (14)
pressed as: and

PPV (G) = PV APV G (6) QSP > QHT (15)

Hence if QSP < QHT, then the water level in UR begins to fall. If this
where PV and APV are the overall efficiency and the area in m2 of the
situation persists for longer period and the whole water is exhausted,
SPV panel respectively and G is the available solar irradiance in W/m2
then the system will stop and no power would be generated. On the
at any time.
other hand, if QSP > QHT, the water starts accumulating in the UR. If
the SWP discharge is still more than that of PHT and the UR is com-
4.2. Solar water pump
pletely filled with water, then the water begins flowing back into the
well through the overflow pipe.
In the present system, whatever power is generated by the SPV is
The UR capacity of storing water is designed in such a way so that the
totally supplied to the SWP for storing water. Thus, the power output
water stored in it does not finish even after the system operates for the
from the SPV system is the power input to the SWP. Hence,
whole day and night in normal conditions. During this operation the PHT
PSP = PPV (7) head is almost constant and always observed within its prescribed limit.
However, using (13), (14) and (15), the exact PHT head, HHT at any
and from (6), the power input to the SWP can be expressed as:
time, T seconds after the beginning of any time interval can be ex-
pressed as:
PSP = PV APV G (8)
where PSP is power input the SWP. HHT = Hin + [QSP QHT ]
AUR (16)
The power available to the SWP from the SPV as given by (8) is
utilized to suck water from the well and to store it in the UR, but the where Hin is the initial water head in m at the beginning of the time
power used to suck the water is less than the power received by the interval and AUR is the UR area in m2. Here, it is assumed that during a
SWP from the SPV due to the losses that occurs in SWP. Therefore, using time interval of one hour, the solar irradiance remains constant and is
(8) and (7), the potential energy of water stored per second in the UR is equal to the average value of the solar irradiance during the time in-
given by: terval.

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

Fig. 3. Hourly average solar irradiance during December 28–30 at Agra, India.

The proper selection and appropriate design of system components

are very essential for the continuous operation of the present system. In
this system, the solar energy supplied by the SPV during the bright
period of the day, is utilized for smooth running of the system con-
tinuously for the whole day and night by way of storing adequate
quantity of water in the UR in the form of potential energy of water. In
Agra, the shortest days of the year are in the month of December. The
poorest solar irradiation at Agra is also in this month as observed from
Fig. 4, showing the month wise daily average solar irradiation in a year
at Agra taken from Weather Spark, USA [42]. Therefore, in view of
assured, reliable and continuous power supply for the whole year, this
month is preferred for performance evaluation of the proposed system.
In view of reliable and assured operation of the system, the bright
period in the month of December is assumed to be of 8 h and the dark
period of 16 h every day. The weather conditions like cloudy and foggy
days are neglected.

Fig. 2. Operation of the proposed system.

5.1. Pico-hydro turbine-generator

The PHT-generator choice depends on the power generation capa-

city opted according to the power requirement. Once the power gen-
The working operation and the control algorithm of the proposed eration capacity is decided, a suitable PHT-generator can be availed,
system are shown in Fig. 2, which 2 reads the system data, gets the whose specifications are utilized for deciding the selection of other
input power from the solar irradiance, which generates power to op- system component. The specifications of commercially available single
erate the SWP during the day for storing the adequate quantity of water nozzle turgo turbine-generators are shown in Table 1. The column third
needed for 24 h. The system starts when the UR is initially fully filled of this table has the specifications of the PHT-generator of 0.3 kW
with water. As the system starts operating, the water quantity inside the power. The overall efficiency of the PHT-generator is 70% and its
UR also starts changing due to variable solar irradiance, because of maximum head is 14 m. Using these data, the PHT water discharge rate,
which, the PHT water head also varies, but this variation cannot be computed from (11) to generate 0.3 kW power, is 0.00313 m3/s (3.13 l/
allowed beyond the internal height of the UR and thus, the PHT head s).
always remains in between Hmax and Hmin. Hence, both QHT and HHT are
almost constant, as a consequence of which, the system supplies con- 5.2. Solar water pump
tinuous power at constant voltage till water remains in UR.
The SWP selection is made on the basis of its capacity to store
5. Component selection and design sufficient quantity of water during the bright period of 8 h in the day for
running the system for 24 h. The water quantity required for running
In order to illustrate the process of component selection and design the system for 24 h at the rated PHT water discharge of 0.00313 m3/s is
of the proposed SPV-PHES power generation system, a real problem to 270 m3. This quantity of water is to be stored by the SWP in 8 h. Hence,
generate 0.3 kW at 230 V, single-phase, 50 Hz is considered in the from here, the water discharge rate of the suitable SWP is found to be
paper. If any parameter such as efficiency of any system component is 0.0094 m3/s. For calculation point of view of the SWP power, the total
not available, its normal average value is assumed for computation and dynamic head (TDH) of the SWP can be determined from the water
simulation purpose. The real hourly average solar irradiation data of level depth in the well and the PHT head. In this study, the TDH of the
Agra, Uttar Pradesh (UP) in India taken from Weather Spark, USA [42] SWP is calculated to be 17 m, which includes the suction and elevation
as presented in Fig. 3 is used for system design and for carrying out the heads that are equal to 1.0 m and 14.5 m respectively plus head losses
simulation. assuming to be 10% of these heads (1.55 m, say 1.5 m). The elevation

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

head of SWP is taken 0.5 m more than the PHT head, which is equal to 5.4.2. Upper reservoir
14 m. In most of the cases, the water level depth in the well is not equal The main consideration of UR design is that it should have capacity
to the PHT head. In such cases, the elevation head for the SWP is equal of storing adequate quantity of water to run the system continuously
to the distance between the SWP and the upper surface of the UR and throughout the day and night without appreciable variation in PHT
the suction head is equal to the distance between water level and SWP. head. As explained in Section 5, the system needs to store water for 16 h
Now, assuming 60% as the overall efficiency of SWP, the input power for its continuous operation. Taking the PHT discharge rate equal to
required by the SWP for satisfactory operation of the proposed system, 0.00313 m3/s, the water quantity required for this period is equal to
computed from (9), is 2.5 kW. 180 m3. Therefore, the UR capacity of storing water should not be less
The varieties of SWPs are available in the market in different AC and than 180 m3.
DC voltage ranges with or without SPV system. Some manufacturers In view of maintaining the PHT head almost constant, the UR inside
claim that their DC motors can directly be powered from the solar panel height is taken to be 1 m, which is far lesser than the difference in
and are suitable for low power when the sun rises or increases during maximum and minimum water head of the PHT used. Hence, the UR
the day or drops to zero at evening. Moreover, their performance par- having area equal to 180 m2 and inside height of 1 m, is constructed at
allels to changing voltages and currents. Although, the positive dis- the ground in such away so that it creates the maximum water head
placement pumps generally require low SPV input, low capital cost and required for the PHT equal to 14 m. Hence, the minimum PHT head
has high hydraulic efficiency even up to 70% [29], but the direct cannot be less than13 m.
coupled centrifugal pumps have proven long term reliability [43].
Therefore, in the proposed system, from reliability point of view, the
5.5. Component specifications
centrifugal pump with direct SPV powered DC motor is preferred.
The component specifications as computed above in Section 5, are
5.3. Solar photovoltaic system given below:

In the proposed system, the electric power generated by the SPV

system from the solar energy is directly supplied to the SWP. Hence, the The coefficient values used:
Acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s2
average power generated by the SPV system should match the SWP Water density, W 1000 kg/m3
power required for filling water in UR at the rated discharge. Therefore, Solar Irradiance, G(STC) 1000 W/m2
SPV system should generate output power equal to 2.5 kWp at the Pico-hydro turbine:
average solar irradiation in order to supply the required input power to Type Single Nozzle Turgo Turbine
SWP. The technical specifications of the SPV module given in second Output power 0.3 kW
Water head (14 ≥ HHT ≥ 13) m
column of Table 2 are used in the proposed case study. Water discharge rate 0.00313 m3/s
The SPV module delivers 250 Wp power under STC and the overall Rated speed 1500 RPM
efficiency of the SPV array is 15.3%. Therefore, in order to generate the Pipe diameter 50 mm
required power output, the SPV system is designed at the average daily Turbine runner Turgo
Generator coupled with PHT:
irradiance. As observed from Fig. 3, the average irradiance of three
Type Permanent magnet generator
months November, December and January, which have the lowest ir- Rated power 0.3 kW
radiation, is 420 W/m2. According to this average irradiance, the SPV Rated voltage 230 V
system should be of 6.0 kWp. The power of this magnitude is delivered Phase Single
by 24 numbers of SPV panels of 250 Wp, which are arranged in suitable Frequency 50 Hz
Power factor 1
parallel and series combination to deliver the voltage as required by the Rated speed 1500 RPM
SWP. Overall efficiency(including PHT) 70%
Solar water pump:
Type Centrifugal pump
5.4. PHES system Total dynamic head 17 m
Rated discharge rate 0.0094 m3/s
The PHES in the proposed system comprises of an open well, UR, Power input 2.5 kW
and SWP. The SWP is already described in Section 5.2. The open well Overall efficiency 60%
Solar photovoltaic system:
and UR descriptions are given below:
Maximum power of each module 250 WP
Number of solar modules 24
5.4.1. Open-well Maximum power of solar array 6.0 kWP
Efficiency of solar array 15.3%
The open well selected should have the capability to supply the Area of solar array 39 m2
sufficient quantity of water, for which there should be a proper boring Upper reservoir:
in the well. Another requirement is the distance between its water level Inside area 180 m2
and the inside upper surface of UR, which should match with the PHT Inside height 1m
Open well:
head required. If, the depth of water level of the well is outside of the
Water level depth 14 m
range of specified PHT head, the PHT-generator is mounted inside the Load:
well at such a place so that the distance between the PHT and the upper Resistance 176 Ω
level of water in the UR is equal to the PHT head desired. In the present
system, the PHT head is 14 m. Therefore, the depth of the preferred
water level is 12–20 m, which can be suitable for the PHT used in the 6. Simulation results and discussion
proposed system. In this study, the water level depth is assumed to be
14 m. The open well should also have minimum seasonal variation in Using real solar irradiation data of Agra, UP, India for three con-
water level. If the water level variation is appreciable, it should be secutive days from December 28–30 as presented in Fig. 3, the simu-
considered in the head calculation of the SWP. For UR construction and lation is carried out on the proposed SPV-PHES system in Matlab for
SPV installation point of view, the surrounding area of the open well evaluation of the system performance continuously for 72 h. The de-
should be open and free from any obstacles to sun. signed values of system components taken from Section 5 with a

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

Fig. 5. System output power along with solar irradiance and SWP power.
Fig. 4. Month wise daily average solar irradiation in a year at Agra, India.

Table 1
Specifications of few commercially available single-nozzle turgo turbine-gen-
Water turbine

Model XJ14- XJ14- XJ18- XJ18- XJ22-

0.2DCT4- 0.3DCT4- 0.5DCT4- 0.75DCT4- 1.1DCT4-

Rated head, m 10–14 12–14 12–18 14–18 16–22

Rated flow, l/s 3–4 3–5 5–7 5–8 8–10
Output power, W 200 300 500 750 1100
Efficiency, % 60 70 70 70 70
Pipe diameter, mm 50 50 50–75 75 100
Turbine runner Turgo Turgo Turgo Turgo Turgo


Model SF0.2-4 SF0.3-4 SF0.5-4 SF0.75-4 SF1.1-4

Power, kW 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1.1

Voltage, V 230 230 230 230 230 Fig. 6. System output voltage.
Phase Single Single Single Single Single
Frequency, Hz 50 50 50 50 50
Current, A 0.87 1.30 2.17 3.26 4.78
Speed, rpm 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500

Table 2
Specifications of SPV panel.
Model JP250W24V JP300W24V JP325W24V

No. of cells 72 72 72
Maximum power, Pmax, Wp 250 300 325
Voltage at maximum power, Vmp, V 35.9 36.6 38.4
Current at maximum power, Imp, A 6.97 8.2 8.47
Open circuit voltage, Voc, V 44.5 44.8 46.3
Short circuit current, Isc, A 7.45 8.6 8.97
Dimensions, mm 1640 × 990 1960 × 990 1960 × 990
Weight, kg 18.3 22 22

resistive load of 176 Ω resistance are used for carrying out simulation.
Initially the UR is fully filled with water and the system starts at 00:00
Fig. 7. UR capacity for running the system for short periods after sun set.
in night. The system output power and voltage obtained from the si-
mulation results are shown in Fig. 5 and in Fig. 6 respectively. Available
solar irradiance and the power supplied by the SPV system to SWP are
also presented in Fig. 5 along with system output power. The results 230 V respectively. However, the SWP power varies with the solar ir-
show that despite the variations in solar irradiance during day and radiance variations.
without any irradiance in night, both output power and voltage are The maximum fall in output voltage, as shown in Fig. 6 is in be-
almost constant and nearly equal to the designed values of 300 W and tween 7 and 8 AM daily. In this period, the voltage gradually falls from

B.S. Pali, S. Vadhera Energy Conversion and Management 181 (2019) 133–142

Table 3 without using any electronic circuits or controlling devices. The sim-
Power consumption of home appliances. plicity, reliability and quality power generation are the attractive fea-
S. no. Appliances Power required in Watts tures of the present system. The system can be installed anywhere, but
its best use is in the remote and rural areas of developing countries,
1 LED light bulbs 7–10 where no electricity access is there. The mathematical model of the
2 Smart phone charger 4–7
system is developed in the paper. The simulation is carried out in
3 Tablet computer 5–10
4 CFL: equivalent to 40 W 11
Matlab using real solar irradiation data. The proposed model was run
5 CFL: equivalent to 60 W 18 continuously for 72 h for evaluation of the system performance. The
6 Tablet charger 10–15 simulated results were observed in excellent close affirmation with ones
7 Table fan 10–20 for which the system was designed.

Conflict of interest
230 V at 5 PM to 226.8, 222.6 and 222.6 V up to 7 AM daily on next 3
consecutive days i.e. at 7, 31 and 55 h, each of which is the 7 AM of
The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
first, second and third day respectively. Thus, the daily maximum fall in
voltage during the period of 14 h (5 PM to 7 AM) is 1.4%, 3.2% and
3.2% for 3 consecutive days respectively. Here, it is observed that the
voltage fall on second day is equal to that of third day, which shows
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