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1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?

1. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress
out of my life and makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
3. I.

What kind of work would you like to do in the future?

1. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress
out of my life and makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
3. I.

1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?

4. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very
5. 2. What is your favourite season?
6. My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk
among the colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of
autumn, the temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is
another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves
of autumn bring a smile to my face.
7. good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress out of my life and
makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
9. I.
10. 1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
11. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very
12. 2. What is your favourite season?
13. My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk
among the colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of
autumn, the temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is
another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves
of autumn bring a smile to my face.
14. good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress out of my life and
makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
16. I.
17. 1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
18. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very
19. 2. What is your favourite season?
20. My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk
among the colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of
autumn, the temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is
another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves
of autumn bring a smile to my face.

, and I can go out into the wild. This is another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot
for kind of work would you like to do in the future?

In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very responsible. I
love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very profitable.

2. What is your favourite season?

My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk among the
colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of autumn, the
temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is another reason why I love
autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves of autumn bring a smile to my

3. What is your favourite sport?

My favorite sport is running. I like to run, because it keeps me in shape and makes me feel good.
Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress out of my life and makes me happy.
Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


22. I.
23. 1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
24. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very
25. 2. What is your favourite season?
26. My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk
among the colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of
autumn, the temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is
another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves
of autumn bring a smile to my face.
27. 3. What is your favourite sport?
28. My favorite sport is running. I like to run, because it keeps me in shape and makes me feel
good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress out of my life and
makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
30. I.
31. 1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
32. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very
33. 2. What is your favourite season?
34. My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk
among the colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of
autumn, the temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is
another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves
of autumn bring a smile to my face.
35. 3. What is your favourite sport?
36. My favorite sport is running. I like to run, because it keeps me in shape and makes me feel
good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress out of my life and
makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
38. I.
39. 1. What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
40. In the future, I would like to work as a professional driver. I like to travel and I am very
responsible. I love long trips and are resistant to effort. On the other hand, this job is very
41. 2. What is your favourite season?
42. My favorite season is autumn. Autumn is a symbol of abundance and color. I like to walk
among the colorful leaves. I also really like the fruits I can eat in the fall. At the beginning of
autumn, the temperature starts to drop gradually, and I can go out into the wild. This is
another reason why I love autumn, because summer is too hot for me. The first yellow leaves
of autumn bring a smile to my face.
43. 3. What is your favourite sport?
44. My favorite sport is running. I like to run, because it keeps me in shape and makes me feel
good. Every time I'm stressed I go out running. Running takes the stress out of my life and
makes me happy. Thus, I keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
45. Describe a funny moment in your life.

One of the funniest moments of my life was working as a security guard. I was guarding a fish
farm. I ran all night with my team after some thieves. In the end, we found that what we were
looking for were two rabbits. I stayed awake for twelve hours to chase those rabbits.


1. Do you agree with the idea that children should be raised by their grandparents?

I don't think children should grow up with their grandparents for the first three years of their
lives. A baby cannot understand that those strangers are his relatives. He needs his mother's love
and attention.

After this age, the time and dedication of the grandparents is very beneficial for the
grandchildren. However, when grandparents pamper their grandchildren too much, they can
become scornful.

2. Which place do you prefer to live in: a small town or a big city?
I would prefer to live in a small town. I've reached an age where I don't want to worry anymore. I
also want to become a professional driver in the future. So, when I get home, I want to rest.
Another important aspect is the financial one. Life in small towns is cheaper.

3. Are you against or for capital punishment?

I am against capital punishment. I believe that everyone has the right to life. I agree with life
imprisonment. Some people who commit very bad deeds need to be imprisoned for life. In any
case, I don't think one person can decide on another person's life.

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