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Annie Wang
Professor. Adam Romero
BIS 304 A
Nov 16, 2021
Imagining the Future: The World in 2075

From where I stand, fifty years later of the Republic of China, also known as Taiwan, all

issues and topics would be advanced or regressed based on the relationship between the People’s

Republic of China and the United States. According to the current international relations

situation, I believe that fifty years later while Taiwan maintains positive but not active

communication with the Communist Party of China, Taiwan has also kept a good interactive

relationship with the United States. Under the assumption of such a political situation, I will

discuss the future of Taiwan under various issues and topics fifty years from now. First of all, the

foundries of electronic parts in Taiwan are prosperous in science and technology fields, and more

than half of the chips manufactured by a semiconductor manufacturing company are sold and

traded worldwide. This means that if there is any "situation" in Taiwan that may affect the

shutdown of the foundries, it would directly affect the electronics industry in worldwide.

Because of this situation, I think Taiwan would rely much on the United States and People’s

Republic of China's foundry factories in science and technology after fifty years. Among them,

the United States would have more branches factories than China because of its status in the

world. Furthermore, I would say that the issue of climate change would cause very negative

changes because of the failure to improve pollution. Taiwan has already gradually evolved from

a subtropical climate to a tropical climate under the influence of climate change. For many years,

the summer is prone to rainy days, typhoons, and earthquakes. These phenomena would become

more serious after fifty years. I first set the time back to thirty years later. The people of Taiwan

would feel that climate change becomes a visible problem, so the government begins to face and

try to solve this problem squarely and act instead of calling for it. Until fifty years, these

problems might be slightly improved, but the damage to the environment becomes an irreversible

fact. Moreover, the government of Taiwan is more flexible in the issue of corporate supervision

and social justice maintenance right now because its government’s governance philosophy is

people-oriented. Even though the law is rational and not emotional, its government still

maintains various regulations and justice by emotions. In many judgments, more perceptual

judgments would be made based on people's life experiences such as their family and financial

situations. This is my own opinion, and I do not think there will be any changes after fifty years.

For example, a citizen of Taiwan due to arrears in tax payment caused his property to be

auctioned by the government unless he pays off the arrears. The government would stick a real

estate seizure sticker at his home and then not be seen by neighbors because the government

wants to maintain his dignity. He can continue to live there but cannot sell his home until he pays

off arrears. Taiwan had been experienced a long period of authoritarian rule under the

governance of Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-Kuo, so I think that after Taiwan has

transformed into a democratic and free place due to the resistance and appeals of the people, its

ruling party would not be easy to compulsory supervision of companies and individuals. In

Taiwan's education 50 years later, our descendants would use digital displays to replace paper

books and wooden pencils, but they would more care about various topics in society and be more

courageous to express their emotions. The issue of inequality is the same no matter in the past,

present, or future. It is just that people know better how to speak out in inequality, but the effect

may not be visible in the speak. Just as the previous U.S. government knew that exclusion of

Chinese from staying in the U.S. was wrong and lacked human rights policy, but even so, it had

been implemented for sixty years. Fifty years from now, some people of Taiwan's inequality

ideas would be hidden in their hearts because of the human equality promoted by society, but

their knowledge of many things has long been rooted in the long river of history and culture.

Finally, the improvement of efficient thinking would bring about creative destruction, and people

would eventually become exhausted under the brainwashing of efficiency and initiate rights

protection movements. Fifty years later, people in Taiwan no longer regard work as the most

important thing because housing prices are going to be too high, and salaries are not enough for

daily use. People would begin to do what they want to do, express anger about the overwork.

Fifty years later, this situation has made the people know how to enjoy life and prevent

capitalism from developing crazily. Instead, people have gained stable social states. These

phenomena would definitely affect my thinking and behaviors in the future world. As I see it, I

will become an elderly person who cares more about social issues, especially climate and

environmental issues.

I think the Republic of China comes from my in-depth understanding of this place as I

described it. In addition to the reasons that I grew up in Taiwan’s educational environment, my

interest in international relations and history has influenced my approaches and positions on

various issues in Taiwan. I believe that the existence of capitalism itself is one of the reasons for

being environmentally unsustainable, and I do not have too positive thoughts on both issues of

capitalism and sustainability. As I mentioned in my previous reading response, the articles we

read told us that the essence of capitalism is to squeeze laborers and get the highest profit at the

lowest cost. On this basis, I would give a guess that the future of capitalism would come up with

voices against capitalism due to the exhaustion of people's labor force and the long-term

inequality between enterprises and employees. Also, as we mentioned in BISSTS 355 class this

morning, the truck drivers became numb in their job after a long period of fatigue, and one of the

classmates drove a car for 15 hours without knowing what he was doing. Human beings are not

robots, so under long-term labor, there are bound to be negative situations both physically and

mentally. However, capitalism has long been ubiquitous, so I think there will be a phenomenon

in which capitalism tries to coexist with sustainability in the future. For example, selling more

items that can be recycled or reused in the grocery stores and developing more electric vehicles

to replace the fuel vehicles on the markets. Moreover, I believe that Malthus states that human

beings still follow the laws of nature, so when the weather changes are perceived by people, we

know that we need to make changes to continue to survive in nature. Furthermore, the reason

why I have no confidence in sustainability is that we have learned that despite our efforts,

sustainable problems cannot be improved. Due to unsustainable problems are naturally occurring

problems, and there are so many resources in the world, no matter how they are used that they

will be exhausted. Finally, I am contradictory on this issue. I have no confidence in

sustainability, but I also think that maybe humans can change this issue. Just as women in the

past never thought of being able to get out of their houses and work with men in society. The

current president of Taiwan is also a woman, but this was completely impossible and

unimaginable in the previous society. Also, if even capitalism can start to approach sustainability

in order to adapt to the mainstream of society, is it possible that sustainability can be possible? I

would like to believe that it is possible. My conclusion is, I believe that if people are willing to

change the negative things happening in society, it could definitely change our future. We have

already changed a lot of things that we thought could not be shaken and replaced from the past.

We do not fight for power and land, and we begin to emphasize the meaning and value of

diversity. In the future to come, there are many issues that we have to face. If we have

pessimistic thoughts, then we will not even have the possibility of change. As I see it, actively

creating a link between capitalism and sustainability, these topics and things could be changed.

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