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Research Reflection

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Research Reflection

I belive my project research was productive because I could develop and approve a

particular viewpoint on my topic Educators’ Perspectives on Inclusive and Segregated Special

Education. Before the research I never imagined there is there are barriers which prohibit

inclusive learning environments. I had less experience with the inclusive learning that made

getting through the literature review to be costly and time-consuming. Literature review was in

quest of a profession for which I was currently spending a lot of expense especially on buying

the scholarly materials. Some online materials I used for research literature review are

commercial which made the study to be costly.

I never expected the research findings aspects to surprised and came easily to me. Being

sincere, I was expecting all aspect to face challenges same as the background review making me

to think in all concept of the research with a aim of achieving clear results. The study result

showed significant findings I did not believe would be essential educator’s perspectives on

inclusive and segregated special education classrooms. I conducted a considerable investigation

over a few days to ensure that the material was accurate. In addition, I realisedd there is a

correlation beteen teachers and inclusion which a connected to success of students. The article

by Mc-Ghie- Richmond et al. (2015), Teacher perspectives on inclusive education in rural

Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Education was very helpful to check how the educators

attitude reflects the learners performance.

Based on my thinking, working with the group benefits projects and may help me acquire

various abilities that are becoming progressively relevant in the class. Working cooperatively

and comprehending other people's requirements and limitations in group projects is highly useful

to my future work or job prospects. The communications business is being pushed by

technologies and is transitioning from a discrete leadership strategy to an integrative

one. Furthermore, positive team interactions have improved my learning outcomes, skills,

persistence, and performance grade point averages.

If I could start the course and do something differently, I would focus more on the

research topic and methodology. The research topic carries the weight of the output research

based on the process, literature review, and methodology carries the research findings. I believe

the research topic determines the methods and evaluation procedures employed in the study. On

the other hand, working in a group may have challenges like coordination costs. The

coordination cost indicates the time and effort that group activity requires that individuals do not,

such as the time necessary to control order, plan meetings, formulate group choices, integrate

team members' efforts, and many others. Spending time on all the activities might not be

necessary for and of itself, but they add up. In conclusion, coordination expenses cannot and

should not be avoided, and integrating the activities of numerous teammates is a vital skill.

Nevertheless, if organization costs are high or not included in the design of study groups, teams

miss constraints, their activity is poorly connected, morale decreases, and innovation suffers.

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